Health according to fingernails. Strong and healthy nails at home. The relationship between human health and nails

Many years of research have proven that it is the nails that reflect the early appearance of any disease. They carry information about future diseases long before symptoms appear.

According to Ayurveda, nails are a by-product of bones. Look at the size, shape, surface and outline of your nails. Also see if they are flexible, soft, tender or brittle and break easily.

Nail structure

The basis of the nail plate is keratin- a protein that is also present in the skin. Hair is also formed from it. The density of keratin in nails and hair is due to the fact that this protein contains a significant number of sulfur atoms. The bonds formed between molecules strengthen the protein, making it solid. In many ways, the amount of sulfur (or more precisely, cysteine, an amino acid that includes sulfur) is not determined

only by its content in the body, but also by hereditary characteristics. So, some people have higher concentrations of cysteine, which makes their nails hard.

Between the layers of keratin are thin layers of fat and water. It is these layers that give the nail plate elasticity and shine. The nail can absorb water, thereby increasing its thickness. Therefore, people frequently in contact with water, nails become soft and thick.

In addition to sulfur, the nail contains other trace elements - calcium, chromium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. Their presence makes the nail healthy.

Communication with authorities

Each finger has a connection with a specific organ. The first mention refers to the Canons of traditional Chinese acupuncture of the 2nd-4th centuries AD. The meridian of a certain organ (or rather system) runs through each finger. The meredians are paired, that is, identical on the right and left hands.

Thumb associated with the lungs (also the brain and skull),

pointing- with the large intestine,

Middle finger connected to the pericardium (heart sac),

nameless- endocrine system, metabolism, lymphatic system,

little finger- with the heart and small intestine.

You yourself can diagnose yourself and your loved ones and identify emerging disorders in the body.

Look closely at your nails. You will see that the holes have become much thinner than before or even disappeared completely. Only on the thumbs the holes are still large and light.

Heavy smokers or people who have lung problems will have small and thin sockets. Eastern medicine, by the way, believes that if a person does not have a hole on his thumb, it means that his lungs are not all right.

It is believed that the index finger reflects the condition of the large intestine. If the hole on it has significantly decreased or is even absent, you need to pay special attention to the condition of the intestines, liver and pancreas. Inflammatory processes and gynecological diseases are also reflected in the nail holes index fingers.

The nails of the middle finger are responsible for the circulatory and vascular systems. If there is no hole on the nail of the middle finger, the person has problems with blood pressure, veins and capillaries.

The hole on the nail of the ring finger reflects the functioning of the endocrine system. The absence of a hole on the nail of this finger indicates metabolic disorders and problems with the lymphatic system.

Holes on the nails small finger responsible for the condition of the heart and small intestine. That is why, with age, it is the little finger hole that disappears first. The small intestine becomes clogged and as a result the hole disappears. All this leads to disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system (the socket of the ring finger becomes thinner), the heart cannot withstand negative changes (the socket on the nail of the middle finger disappears), and the last to give up is the large intestine.

Nail color

Diagnostic signs based on nail color:

Pink nail- y healthy person.

Yellow color- a sign of liver pathology.

Bright red- about erythremia. Excessive redness of the nails also indicates an excess of red blood cells.

bluish purple occurs with congenital heart defects.

White spots on nails, then perhaps a disruption of the central nervous system (in other sources, a lack of zinc or calcium).

And yellowish spots on the nails may be signs of brain dysfunction.

cyanotic- cardiovascular pathology.

Pale nails, flat or curved, with longitudinal grooves- a sign of anemia - anemia, lack of iron and vitamins.

White may occur with damage to the adrenal cortex (Addison's disease).

Pale pink, transparent- changes in the blood, anemia.

Milky white- with cirrhosis of the liver,

Black- with thrombosis of the brachial artery and diabetic gangrene.

Gray during an attack of malaria.

Bluish-white color- You need to see a neurologist and gastroenterologist.

Bluish (cyanotic) nails is one of the symptoms of heart or pulmonary failure that occurs due to a lack of oxygen in the blood. Often accompanied by shortness of breath and weakness.

Changing nail color can be caused by nicotine, liver and gallbladder problems, and infectious diseases.

Bluish or greenish skin color at the base thumb - digestive problems

Nails don't grow well- You need to contact an endocrinologist. Such changes occur with thyroid disease.

Fragility and brittleness of nails- a lack of minerals such as iron, calcium, as well as vitamins A, B and D, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, kidneys and poor blood supply. This is precisely the signal from the body that requires short-term use of special medications to prevent more serious diseases.

Growths at the end of the nails- chronic lung infection.

Peeling nails- signal of energy depletion digestive system, about disorders in the blood circulation, reproductive and nervous systems.

The color of the holes at the base of the nail

If the hole is a crescent at the base of the nail:

blue- a sign of liver dysfunction;

red - indicates heart failure, cardiovascular, autoimmune or endocrine problems, rheumatic diseases;

absence of holes- heart neurosis, insufficiency and circulatory disorders.

Nail shape

If your nails are dry, hooked, rough, or break easily, which means Vata (wind) predominates in the body.

When the nails are soft, pink, tender, easily bendable and slightly shiny, then Pitta (bile) predominates in the body.

If the nails are thick, strong, soft, very shiny, with the same contour, then Kapha (mucus) predominates.

Long lines on nails indicate poor absorption of food in the digestive system. Transverse grooves on the nails indicate poor nutrition or advanced diseases.

Sometimes the nails are protruding, convex, bulbous, like drumsticks. This condition of the nails indicates weakness of the heart and lungs.

When the nail is spoon-shaped and concave so that it can hold a drop of water, this indicates iron deficiency.

White specks on the ring finger indicate a lack of calcium in the kidneys. If there are white specks on index finger, this indicates a lack of calcium in the lungs.

Nail shape and structure

Fig. 1 Enlarged, convex nails (like a watch glass) - may be a sign of a respiratory, cardiac or liver chronic disease.

Fig. 2 Nails are brittle and thin, concave, reminiscent of a spoon (koilonychias) - a sign of a violation of mineral metabolism, skin problems, anemia, thyroid diseases, this also indicates a lack of iron.

Fig. 3 Transverse deepened stripes (Beau’s line) - with a temporary slowdown in the growth rate of the nail. And transverse grooves on the nails indicate a poor, unbalanced diet or advanced diseases.

Fig.4 Longitudinal grooves - predisposition to rheumatism, intestinal problems, poor digestion, lack of vitamin B12 and iron, leading to the formation of gases, poor digestion of food, a feeling of general fatigue, irregular menstruation, sexual weakness, depression, nervousness, insomnia, etc.

Fig. 5 Absence of a hole on all fingernails - possible lack of vitamin B-12, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, neurosis.

Fig. 6 A greatly enlarged hole on all fingernails is a sign of cardiac weakness.

Fig. 7 A holey nail is a malfunction of the spleen or pancreas.

Fig. 8 The nail is flat, split at the end - characteristic of the presence of worms. In medical terms, this is “helminthic infestation”, “enterobiasis” and so on.

Fig. 9 White transverse strokes - lack of zinc or calcium.

Fig. 10 Red hole - indicates cardiovascular, autoimmune or endocrine problems, rheumatic diseases.

Many diseases can be identified by the nails. Remember that you cannot use only one diagnostic method; you need to compare three or four methods, and only after that, draw conclusions.

By the way, if we look at the nails of our grandparents, we will be very surprised - the condition of their holes may be better than those of children or even grandchildren. It's about today's lifestyle, poor nutrition and poor environment. Our situation is unenviable, but there is still good news - if we follow the principles healthy image life, all the holes will gradually return to their rightful place.

Start with the simplest cleansing of the body and maintaining the organ system that is most vulnerable to you.

Usually, when you see changes on your fingernails or toenails, your first instinct is to run to the pharmacy for antifungal ointment. However, the reasons for such changes can be completely different; moreover, non-fungal diseases of the fingernails or toenails sometimes act only as a symptom of other destructive processes in the body.

Causes of unhealthy nails

Normally, the nail should be smooth, non-compacted and pink in color. If it changes color, shape, becomes brittle and fragile, the nail plate partially or completely moves away from the phalanx of the finger, this may indicate the presence of the following problems:

In addition, nails are also subject to age-related changes. As they age, they may turn yellow and become hard or brittle.

Descriptions of diseases

Simultaneous diseases of the fingernails and toenails are quite rare; usually the nails of the upper extremities are affected.

Hippocrates nails

The extreme phalanges of the fingers thicken, the nails become convex and round. Hippocrates was the first to describe this phenomenon affecting the hands, which is why it got its name. It is not an independent disease, but may appear as a symptom when:

Sometimes Hippocratic nails can be a hereditary or congenital pathology. In cancer, it develops rapidly over months or weeks; in other cases, the process of change can last for years.


Hypertrophic changes occur in both the arms and legs. Nails harden, become transparent, taking on a yellowish-gray tint, and over time may separate from the nail bed. This is considered a manifestation of endocrine diseases, although the main causes of scleronychia are still not known.


Another name is “bird's claw”. It can develop as a result of frostbite or severe bruising.

The nail becomes dense and uneven, taking on an unnatural color from gray-yellow and brown to almost black. In addition, its free edge is bent, like a bird's, or twisted into a spiral.

Treatment consists of softening the surface of the nail with a salicylic patch or ointment; in advanced cases, it can be scraped off or surgically removed.


Overgrowth of the subungual cornea, which is accompanied by darkening of the nail and inflammation of the nail fold. It affects 1-2 fingers; in rare advanced cases, it can be observed on all fingers and toes. Usually manifests itself as a consequence of insufficient nutrition of the nail in diseases such as:

  • elephant disease.

It can also be caused by injury or poor-quality manicure; sometimes onychauxis warns of a lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the body. For correction, medications that thin and activate blood circulation are prescribed; in case of vitamin deficiency, the menu is enriched with essential nutrients and multivitamins.


Onychauxis of the thumbnail

Sometimes accompanies fungal or bacterial diseases of the fingernails and toenails, often resulting from mechanical damage or regular nail biting (onychophagia). The nail bed becomes inflamed, the nail matrix itself darkens and after a short time comes off the finger completely. This happens both from the free edge and from the internal one, depending on the cause of the disease.

Treatment is aimed at improving blood circulation in the sore finger through massage, vitamins and medications. If onychomadesis is of infectious origin, the disease that caused it is treated accordingly. In addition, they try to protect the exposed nail and bacteria, otherwise the affected nail will never grow back.

Transverse furrows of Beau (lines of Beau-Reil)

Appear due to inhibition of the growth zone of the nail due to metabolic disorders, injury or unsuccessful manicure, quite often appears in children as a reaction to viral infection. Depending on the course of the disease, there may be one or several, which makes the nail look wavy (see photo above).

Bo's line looks like an arc extending across the entire surface of the nail from one side roller to the other. Its depth can reach 1 mm and directly depends on the severity of the disease. In difficult cases, the groove can tighten the nail so much that its free edge ceases to receive enough nutrition, gradually atrophies and comes off the finger.

After eliminating the factor that provoked the appearance of Bo's line, the defects on the nails go away on their own over time.

Longitudinal furrows

They are also called vertical. Possible reasons their appearance:

  • age-related changes;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • spinal cord damage;
  • defects in the functioning of the intestines or pancreas;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • damage to the root of the nail plate;
  • lack of iron and.

After eliminating the cause, the nails themselves return to their original appearance. During treatment or when age-related changes, to improve the appearance, longitudinal grooves can be hidden under a layer of special varnish.


White spots appear on the nails. Their shape, quantity and location vary with different dysfunctions of the body. The appearance of spots on the nails indicates the presence of the following problems:

  • protein deficiency;
  • deficiency of vitamins (especially C, E, A) and microelements (calcium, zinc, iron);
  • fungus;
  • disorders of metabolic processes in the body;
  • heavy load on nervous system: stress, anxiety;
  • bowel problems;
  • frequent contact with household chemicals, low-quality varnishes;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • kidney disease;

If there is no suspicion of disease, then this defect can be corrected independently. It will be enough to establish a rest and work schedule, supplement the diet with foods with essential nutrients, and wear gloves when coming into contact with household chemicals.


Changes occur in the periungual fold, nail plate and bed. The nail becomes less transparent, its thickness changes, and growth slows down. It is also possible that longitudinal furrows may appear and the color may change to greyish-yellow. The causes of this fingernail disease may be:

  • mycoses;
  • injuries;
  • ( , );
  • avitaminosis;
  • chronic diseases of the endocrine system;
  • problems with the heart and lungs;
  • interaction with alkalis, acids, chemicals with unprotected hands.


Refers to onychodystrophy. With onycholysis, a change in the color of the nail plate from yellow to brown is observed. The nail becomes brittle and moves away partially or completely from its bed. Possible reasons:

  • fungal and bacterial infections;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • injuries;
  • contact with allergens;
  • some chronic diseases.

Ingrown nail

This type of toenail disease occurs, since the main causes are too tight shoes and improper cutting. The nail grows into the side cushion, which causes swelling of the finger, pain when walking, and inflammation of the soft tissues.

In mild cases, you can get by with foot baths and softening compresses; in advanced cases, only a surgeon can correct an ingrown toenail.


Brittleness and fragility of nails, which leads to their separation. Usually accompanies diseases and conditions that cause impaired microcirculation in the fingers. A harsh diet, frequent contact with alkaline environment. Onychorrhexis is extremely rare on the legs.


Lack of nail plate. It can be either congenital or acquired after injury, diseases of the nervous system of an organic nature, or some dermatoses.


The nail becomes thinner and becomes concave like a spoon. Possible reasons:

  • heredity;
  • constant destructive effect of acetone or household chemicals;
  • some infections;
  • incorrectly done manicure.


Pathologically small, shortened nails. It may be congenital or develop as a result of nail biting. Micronychia also sometimes manifests itself as a symptom in diseases such as:

  • progressive scleroderma;
  • Trenaunay syndrome;
  • flat angioma;
  • Genuine epilepsy;
  • brushes


Transverse separation of the nail plate. Often occurs due to the aggressive influence of substances in household chemicals and decorative means for nails. It often occurs in representatives of professions with increased mechanical stress on the fingers: musicians, printers. Onychoschisis also appears with vitamin deficiency.


Most often you can find them on the legs and there are quite a lot of their varieties, so for more effective treatment It's better to consult a dermatologist.

You can get the fungus anywhere, but it requires a warm, moist, dark environment to thrive, which is why it mainly affects the feet. The disease takes a long time to develop, the first symptoms may appear only after several months.

First, itching is felt in the infected area, the skin begins to dry and peel. Next, the nail itself is affected, its color changes, cracks appear on the surface and a putrid odor appears. If left untreated, over time the mycosis will spread throughout the body and cause various kinds of complications.


The nail plates become soft, break and split. It occurs due to diseases of the endocrine system, metabolic disorders in the body, and regular exposure to aggressive chemicals.


The surface of the nail is completely flat (see photo). It can be congenital or acquired as a result of professional activity. Also, some chronic inflammatory processes can provoke this defect.


The following list of simple rules will help you prevent many possible diseases nails on toes and hands.

  • You can't bite your nails.
  • File your nails with a glass or cardboard file.
  • Manicure should be done on steamed hands, this reduces the risk of microtrauma and, as a result, infection of the wound.
  • If you use the services of a salon to care for your nails, make sure that the technician disinfects the tools before use.
  • Dry your hands and feet.
  • Your diet should include enough foods containing vitamins and minerals.

And most importantly, do not be lazy to contact doctors and undergo additional examinations by specialists. The earlier the disease is detected, the greater the chances of defeating it.

Videos on the topic


Neat and well-groomed nails are an essential component of a successful image in modern world. There are banners everywhere beautiful manicures, inviting you to go to the nearest salon and emphasize your individuality. But what if one day you notice that your nails don’t look the same as before? What if the nail plate changes color, cracks, or even starts to hurt?

Structure of nails

Nails are derivatives of the skin, which in the process of evolution have turned into a dense material that protects nerve endings arms and legs. The hard and at the same time flexible plate provides not only protection, but also sensitivity to the fingertips. A healthy nail consists of:

  • cuticles;
  • nail root (it is hidden under the skin at the back of the nail);
  • holes;
  • nail plate (nail body);
  • free edge.

The nail is hard due to the fact that it contains a protein called keratin.

From birth, the nail matrix (the main part of the nail growth zone) contains the main characteristics of the nail: its color, density, length and thickness. Modern cosmetology, thanks to an integrated approach, has learned to correct these features of the human body. So, even if you have thin and brittle nails, it is possible to strengthen them and saturate them with nutrients.

The condition of the nail is influenced by many factors:

  • genetic characteristics of the organism;
  • nutrition;
  • general state health;
  • environmental influences;
  • mechanical damage;
  • fungi and so on.

With the development of cosmetology, caring for nails has become much easier, because it does not take much time and does not require special expenses. You can always contact a specialist who will make your nails beautiful. But sometimes complications arise after a manicure:

  • inflammation;
  • cracks;
  • detachment of the nail plate.

Video: nail structure

Types of nail diseases

Nails can tell a lot about the state of health of the entire body as a whole, because changes in their consistency, character, size and shade are an important diagnostic criterion. It’s not for nothing that when you come to see a therapist, the doctor examines not only the organ you complained about, but also the entire body. Special attention is given to the skin and nails.

By the color, shape and nature of the nail plate, diseases of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, the presence of anemia or insufficient amounts of calcium, phosphorus, etc. can be identified.

Classification of nail diseases.

  • infectious:
    • paronychia - inflammation of the periungual fold due to the addition of a bacterial agent;
    • paranicium is an inflammation of the nail fold caused by anaerobic bacteria. This type of inflammation requires surgical intervention;
  • non-infectious:
    • Anonychia is a genetic disease based on the absence of the nail plate of one or more fingers;
    • nail dystrophy - nails take on a flat or concave shape, grooves appear on the nail surface. Most often, the cause of dystrophy is endocrine disorders or an insufficiently balanced diet;
  • fungal - occur in patients with rubromycosis or microsporia. The nail plates change color from light yellow to gray, their surface becomes uneven, and nail “waves” appear;
  • traumatic:
    • melanonychia - blackening of the nail plate due to injury and hemorrhage into the surrounding tissue;
    • onycholysis - separation of the nail plate from the soft tissues of the finger. Can be partial or complete;
  • others - changes in the nail plate due to thyroid insufficiency (thinness, fragility, delamination of the nail edge); nails in the form of “drum sticks” for pulmonary (chronic pulmonary obstruction, lung cancer, tuberculosis, etc.), cardiovascular (congenital heart defects, infective endocarditis) and other diseases (cystic fibrosis, toxic goiter, HIV infections).

Features of the course of various nail pathologies and methods of their treatment

Therapy for any disease must begin with an understanding of the cause of its occurrence. Self-medication can be dangerous to your health. If the first symptoms of pathology occur, contact a doctor who can provide you with timely medical assistance.


Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nail, which is most often caused by fungi of the genus Candida or Trichophyton rubrum. Symptoms appear gradually: first, white or yellowish cloudy spots form, then they merge and the entire nail plate changes color. The nail begins to crumble and may take on the shape of a bird's claw (onychogryphosis).

Nail destruction can be basal, distal (when the nail is affected at the free edge) or can occupy the entire nail surface. When you press on your finger, pain may occur. In addition to the nail plate itself, the soft tissues that surround the nail are also affected: they become dry, itching, cracking and peeling appear.

The fungus can affect one or several fingers at the same time

Onychomycosis has 3 forms:

  • hypertrophic;
  • normotrophic;
  • atrophic.

Depending on the form of the disease, the symptoms will differ from each other:

  • with normotrophic, spots and lines of cloudy white, yellow, brown or orange appear, but the shape and thickness of the nail remain normal;
  • with hypertrophy, the nail plate becomes dull, loses its shine, and may acquire yellow. Over time, the nail crumbles and becomes deformed;
  • with atrophic, most of the nail plate is destroyed, the nail becomes dark in color, and its complete detachment is possible (onycholysis).

Treatment of pathology

Treatment of the disease depends on the degree of damage to the nail and the severity of symptoms. The specialist prescribes complex or local therapy aimed at destroying the fungal outbreak and accelerating the healing of the nail plate. Only a doctor can choose the correct treatment tactics after performing cultures on nutrient media and assessing the results obtained.

Local therapy is used for superficial damage to the nail and includes the use of antimycotic varnishes, ointments and gels. For more serious lesions, complex therapy is used with the prescription of systemic antimicrobial drugs, such as:

  • Exoderil;
  • Itraconazole;
  • Nitrofungin, etc.

Fluconazole inhibits the activity of fungal enzymes, disrupts their growth and reproduction

I applied Nitrofungin for five weeks just to prevent the fungus from returning. The downside is that Nitrofungin contains a high concentration of alcohol, which makes the skin look like tanned. But this disadvantage is offset by high efficiency. Already from the third day of use, the itching disappears and the skin begins to slowly recover. A huge advantage is that you do not need to apply ointment, cream or gel, but simply wipe the skin with a moistened cotton swab.

In advanced stages, when the nail plate is deeply damaged, it is necessary to perform an operation to remove the nail with further antiseptic and antimycotic dressings.

Video: dermatologist about onychomycosis

Nail psoriasis

Nail psoriasis occurs against the background of psoriasis and occurs in 80–90% of patients. The cause of its occurrence has not yet been fully studied, but there are versions that the disease is based on an immune disorder and a genetic predisposition.

Psoriasis can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of pinpoint dents on the nail plate, as if it had been pricked with a thin needle (the “thimble” symptom);
  • loosening of the nail plate;
  • painless detachment of the nail from the finger.

Often, hemorrhages and stains of dirty dirt are observed under the nail plate. yellow tint. Soft fabrics surrounding the nail also suffer - peeling and severe itching appear.

When the nail plate separates, a secondary infection, bacterial or fungal, may occur

Treatment of the disease

Psoriasis requires professional comprehensive treatment. In order to correctly diagnose, the doctor needs to collect a history of the disease and take a scraping scraper from the affected area. This study will help distinguish psoriasis from fungus or other nail pathologies. Treatment is prescribed comprehensively, taking into account individual characteristics every patient. For external therapy, hormonal and antimicrobial ointments and special healing varnishes are used. Among medications, antihistamines and mineral complexes enriched with zinc and calcium come first. It is recommended to follow a diet high in protein, vitamins A, D, E, C, P and group B (B1, B2, B6, B12, B13, B15). Drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited; it is advisable to limit the amount of salt, fats and carbohydrates consumed.

  • fruits (except black currants, prunes, blueberries, cranberries);
  • vegetables (except for legumes, sorrel, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and eggplants);
  • freshly squeezed fruit juices (especially pear, apricot, pineapple);
  • freshly squeezed vegetable juices (from carrots, spinach, parsley, onions).

Products to exclude:

  • berries and fruits:
    • strawberry;
    • strawberries;
    • currant;
    • prunes;
    • cranberry;
  • all nightshade vegetables:
    • tomatoes;
    • paprika;
    • potato;
    • pepper;
  • cereals: white bread and its derivatives;
  • Fish and seafood:
    • anchovies;
    • herring;
    • salmon;
    • caviar;
    • crabs;
    • lobsters;
    • shrimps;
    • shellfish;
  • poultry: fatty, any fried or smoked;
  • all fried, smoked and spicy foods;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee.

In the treatment of nail psoriasis important role the psycho-emotional state plays a role: try not to be nervous, tune in to a positive mood.

From medications Losterin cream has proven itself well.

Losterin is a non-hormonal drug intended for daily care for skin

During all this time, I probably tried everything possible. I saw Losterin at the pharmacy by accident. It's obvious that it's non-hormonal. In general, now the hands are certainly not quite ideal, and not like they were before. Although there are no cracks or bubbles and the skin does not peel off. Dry and slightly red, but just a little.



Onychoschisis is a transverse separation of the nail. The nail plate becomes significantly thinner and is divided into several sheets. The disease is dystrophic in nature and can be caused by a number of factors, such as:

  • poor nutrition;
  • nervous overstrain;
  • injuries;
  • insufficient iron and calcium levels in the blood;
  • use of low-quality varnishes;
  • injuries;
  • systemic diseases (psoriasis, eczema, diabetes);
  • fungus and so on.

Onychoschisis can occur in both men and women

Visually, the nail does not change color and retains a healthy shine. It grows normally until the middle, after which it splits into two plates. Today, onychoschisis occurs in people who play keyboard instruments, work with the keyboard for a long time, and keep their hands in alcohol cleaning solutions for a long time. If before common cause The disease was found in old age, but now it also occurs in young people.

This type of dystrophy is observed mainly in women who often use manicures using varnishes, acetone, as well as in frequent contact with synthetic products. detergents.

Doctor Khoroshev

How to treat the disease

Treatment of onychoschisis begins with eliminating the factor that led to the disease. For example, if the lesion is of a mycotic nature, antifungal drugs are prescribed, and if the cause lies in mechanical damage, then it is necessary to limit the impact of this factor. For rapid regeneration of the nail plate, use vitamin complexes with retinol and cyanocobalamin, edible gelatin solution, massages and physiotherapy. On average, treatment lasts from 4 to 8 weeks.


Panaritium is a purulent inflammation of the soft tissues of the fingers, which is most often found on the palmar surface of the hand. The main cause of the disease is the entry of pyogenic bacteria through cuts and abrasions. Usually felon develops quite quickly, and it is almost impossible not to notice this disease, since it is accompanied by local swelling, redness and severe throbbing pain.

The danger of panaritium is that, due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the finger, purulent inflammation can spread deeper, touching the tendons, joints and bone

Depending on the location and degree of tissue damage, the following forms of panaritium are distinguished:

  • cutaneous;
  • periungual;
  • subungual;
  • subcutaneous;
  • bone;
  • articular;
  • osteoarticular;
  • tendinous.

How to get rid of pathology

If panaritium occurs, you must immediately contact a specialist! Using a button probe and x-ray, the doctor will determine the extent of the damage to the finger. Depending on the severity of the disease, conservative or surgical treatment is used. In light currents early stages Antibiotic therapy, UHF, and thermal procedures are prescribed. On late stages the purulent focus is dissected with its further drainage.

Video: suppuration on the finger - felon


Onychocryptosis, also known as ingrown toenail, is a fairly common problem with which doctors are consulted. There are several reasons for this disease:

  • wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes;
  • injury;
  • presence of fungus;
  • heredity;
  • improper manicure (too short, arched nails) and so on.

Onychocryptosis is accompanied by redness of the tissues into which the nail has grown, their swelling, and pain when pressed and touched. With a long course of the disease, the periungual fold can thicken due to the proliferation of connective tissue against the background of chronic inflammation.

When an infection occurs, purulent inflammation of the periungual fold may develop.

Treatment methods

If the nail has grown slightly, then conservative therapy can be used. In the early stages, baths with soda and potassium permanganate are used, and with the help of cotton pads they try to correct the angle of the nail. It is not advisable to cut off the edge of the nail plate; it is best to correct the shape by filing it down. A specialist will be able to install special plates that will change the shape of the nail. At later stages, such therapy will be ineffective and will only help surgery. The essence of the method will be resection or complete removal of the nail plate.

Nail plate installation is a modern alternative to surgery

Photo gallery: types of nail deformities

Two-colored nails occur in 10% of patients with renal failure Blue color of nails may indicate Wilson's disease or alkaptonuria This type of deformation (Koenen's tumor) occurs in Bourneville's disease, a hereditary disease that affects the nervous system and skin. Onycholysis occurs with onychomycosis, nail injuries, after exposure chemicals, for psoriasis The concave (spoon-shaped) shape of the nail may indicate chronic iron deficiency anemia or Plummer-Vinson syndrome Nails in the form of drumsticks are found in diseases of the cardiovascular system (congenital heart defects) and pulmonary pathologies (bronchiectasis, malignant neoplasms)

A little about traditional methods of treatment

At home, you can treat only mild nail diseases in the early stages.

Regular onions cope well with onychomycosis. To treat fungus, you need to lubricate the nail plates with its juice 3 times a day.

Bow has healing properties and has long been used by our ancestors to treat fungal diseases

You can also make vinegar baths and lotions - mushrooms cannot reproduce in an acidic environment. With daily use of this method, the effect will not be long in coming. Add 1 glass (300 ml) of 9% vinegar to a bowl of warm water. The duration of the bath is 15–20 minutes, after which the feet are wiped dry and the procedure is repeated after a couple of days. A positive result will be visible within a week.

A cotton swab moistened with 9% vinegar can be applied to the affected area for 10–15 minutes

Oil is no less effective for onychomycosis tea tree. Make baths with it (10–20 drops) and steam your hands for 15–20 minutes. It is possible to have an allergic reaction to tea tree oil, so do a sensitivity test before doing this procedure. To do this, drop a couple of drops of oil onto the skin of the inner surface of the shoulder or wrist and observe the reaction for half a day. If there is no redness, itching or rash, then there is no adverse reaction to the drug and it can be used in treatment.

Tea tree oil can be rubbed into areas of damaged nail plate

With onychoschisis, in addition to the basic treatment prescribed by the doctor, you can help your nails heal faster at home. For this, salt baths are used at the rate of one tablespoon of salt (can be sea salt) per 500 ml of warm water. After the procedure, hands are thoroughly dried and lubricated with rich cream. Rubbing also gives a very positive result. sea ​​buckthorn oil into damaged nail plates 2 times a day.

Sea buckthorn contains many vitamins and microelements that provide rapid regenerative properties.

Treatment of felon at home is aimed at accelerating the maturation of the purulent focus. To do this, use a baked onion - it is applied to the affected area and firmly fixed. The bandage needs to be changed every 2 hours. Compresses made from raw potatoes are also used: they are rubbed and applied to the panaritium for 4–5 hours.

Aloe leaves will help reduce pain and slightly relieve inflammation of surrounding tissues. It is necessary to clean the leaf of the plant and apply it to the abscess. Change such compresses 2-3 times a day.

Video: treatment of onychomycosis at home using traditional methods


In order to minimize the possibility of nail diseases, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • eat a balanced diet - food should be rich in protein, vitamins, macro- and microelements;
  • don't use by common means hygiene and clothing - you should always have your own towel, linen, gloves, etc.;
  • When washing dishes and coming into contact with cleaning solutions, wear rubber gloves - they will protect your skin and nails from the action of chemicals;
  • use only high-quality varnishes to create a manicure, if possible, use liquids without acetone;
  • keep your hands dry - then you won’t be afraid of any fungi.

Nails are one of the most vulnerable parts of our body. They are the very first to signal the onset of the disease. If you notice a change in the color or structure of your nails, do not self-medicate, contact a specialist. Being healthy is easy if you take good care of yourself and your body.

How to find out everything about your health from your nails and hair. Diagnostics and recovery Konstantin Grigoriev

Nail diagnostics

Nail diagnostics

A healthy person's nails are pink, shiny, smooth and fully consistent with the shape of the finger.

However, any changes in the structure, shape, or color of nails are the first signals of disorders in the body. You probably yourself have noticed that strange white spots appear on your nails, your nails change color, etc., but you just couldn’t explain these phenomena. In traditional medicine, there is also no exact answer yet as to why such changes occur and how they are related to the functioning of the body.

The only explanation today is provided by alternative oriental medicine.

The human body is permeated with energy channels that cannot be seen even with the help of complex instruments. Energy comes to us from the outside, is distributed throughout the body, filling every cell.

In Eastern medicine, it is believed that a person has 12 main channels. Energy moves through them throughout the body. In addition to the channels, there are 8 more vessels that serve as reservoirs that regulate the distribution of energy in the human body. If these reservoirs are filled and in good shape, then energy can circulate properly throughout the body. If stagnation occurs in the meridians and channels, then the distribution of energy is disrupted, which can lead to the development of the disease. What does filling the body with energy depend on?

The answer is simple and complex at the same time: the energy of our body depends on all factors together. Consciousness, mood, weather, time of day, food - all this inevitably affects how harmoniously the channels and meridians of the body will work.

For example, when a person is angry, the flow of energy through the liver begins to move incorrectly and unevenly.

If a person experiences sudden fear, the flow of energy in the bladder channel sharply weakens. IN in this case The body’s defense mechanism begins to work, bringing the energy balance back to normal. If its resources are insufficient, contraction of the bladder leads to involuntary urination.

During the day, the nature of the movement of flows changes depending on the work of the channels, since they work differently at different times: for example, in the heart channel the flow of energy is strongest between 11 and 13 hours.

As you can see, all phenomena are easily explained.

What do nails have to do with this energy system?

The fact is that energy does not arise in the human body on its own. It must be obtained from outside. So, it comes through special points that are located at the tips of the fingers. Each channel (that is, organ or system) has its own “supplier” of energy. For example, the thumb is connected to the endocrine system (as well as the eyes and spleen); index - with the digestive tract (large and small intestine); medium - with the immune system, heart; the ring finger is with the respiratory system, liver and lungs, and the little finger is with the excretory system (kidneys, bladder and genitals).

Therefore, changes in the movement of energy in the channel are immediately reflected on the nails. And when a person copes with the disease, they become even and smooth again.

The nail reflects illnesses almost instantly. Some nail diseases can be seen 2-3 years before they manifest - the onset of pain or discomfort that forces you to see a doctor.

One of the authorities in the field of nail diagnostics today is considered to be the South Korean professor, the founder of Su Jok therapy (acupuncture), Park Jae Woo. Let's try to diagnose our body, based on the relationship it has identified between nails and internal organs and systems.

The connection between fingernails and toenails, internal organs and endocrine glands according to Park Jae-woo

The connection between the organs and the fingers and toes is as follows.



* Yin sense organs provide taste, tactile and tendon-muscular sensitivity. Yang sense organs are the organs of vision, hearing, and smell.

Let's draw our first conclusions

Now we will carefully consider the general condition of the nails on each finger and draw the first conclusions.

Thumb Let's start the description with the thumb. It is closely connected to the brain. Therefore, spots, thickenings, and changes in the shape of the hole in the thumbnail may indicate pathology of the blood vessels of the brain. This is especially noticeable in long-term smokers.

Forefinger The index finger is responsible for the lungs and large intestine. The reduction or disappearance of the nail hole of this finger indicates serious disturbances in the functioning of the relevant organs. The appearance of white specks on the index finger is a signal of calcium accumulation in the lungs.

Middle finger The middle finger reflects the state of the vascular system and small intestine. Therefore, a decrease in the hole on it is an indicator of corresponding violations. White specks on the nail indicate poor absorption of calcium in the intestines. In addition, pathologies of the middle finger nail can be associated with inflammatory processes in the organs of hearing, vision, smell, as well as with some gynecological diseases.

Ring finger The disappearance of the hole at the base of the nail of the ring finger indicates a malfunction in the endocrine and lymphatic systems, insufficient function of the thyroid gland, kidneys, bladder, and possibly some other endocrine glands.

Little finger

The little finger gives information about the most important organ - the heart, as well as the state of the female reproductive organs and the stomach. Nail disorders are associated here with hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart rhythm disturbances, gastritis, stomach ulcers, etc. A large lunula of the little finger may indicate a predisposition to tachycardia, and its absence may indicate cardiac neurosis.

Nail diagnostics according to the canons of oriental practices is today recognized even traditional medicine as the most reliable and safe. Of course, in order to make a more accurate diagnosis yourself, a number of additional characteristics should be taken into account.

We clarify the diagnosis

How to find out about disorders in the body by the color of your nails A change in nail color is the first signal that you need to worry about your health. The appearance of yellow or blue spots, black veins or white lines on the nails instead of the normal pink hue indicates certain malfunctions in the body.

Colorless nails

Discoloration of nails is usually observed when:



General deterioration of health (for example, a cold);



Using low-quality varnish.

Yellow nails

Yellow spots or complete yellowing of the nail is a consequence of smoking, and also indicates a violation of fat metabolism. A yellowish tint to the nails may indicate:

Respiratory tract diseases;

Poor blood circulation;

Liver disease;

Fungal infection;

Age-related changes;

Taking certain medications.

Green nails A greenish tint is a signal of a possible infection in the nail plate and in the body as a whole, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

Blue nail shade A blue tint to the nail plate indicates possible problems with the respiratory organs, more precisely, with the lungs. If blue lines appear on your nails, you should be examined for skin cancer.

Black veins and red-brown spots on the nails

If you find small black veins on your nails, then most likely this is due to a disturbance in the functioning of the heart, so do not delay visiting a cardiologist.

The appearance of red-brown spots on the nail plate indicates a lack of certain substances in the body:

Folic acid;

Vitamin C.

White spots on nails and white lines

According to ancient legends, white spots on nail plates ah serve as a sign of happiness and good luck. However, from a medical point of view, their appearance most likely indicates a lack of zinc and iron in the body. The presence of white marks on the nails may also indicate problems with such organs as:

The cardiovascular system;

Nervous system.

However, it should be taken into account that white spots may just be a sign of injury to the base of the nail. The nail holes become whitish if the skin does not receive enough nutrition.

How to find out about problems in the body by the shape and texture of nails

The processes occurring in our body leave their mark on the texture of the nails. As a result of many years of research, Dr. G. Schinner appearance More than forty nail diseases were identified. Here are the most common ones.

If the ends of your nails naturally curl, that is, the likelihood of you having problems with the heart and respiratory tract. In this case, you should not put off visiting a doctor, since only he will be able to make an accurate diagnosis.

Concave nails (spoon-shaped) indicate anemia caused by a lack of iron in the body. Concave nails also warn that alcohol is definitely contraindicated for you.

Nails in the form of hemispheres indicate a tendency to pulmonary diseases. By the way, this observation was made by Hippocrates, which is where the name “Hippocratic nail” comes from.

If the shape of your nails resembles squares, then you most likely have a genetic predisposition to hormonal disorders.

Convex, onion-like nails may indicate weakness of the heart and lungs. Quite often, this shape of nails can be found in patients with tuberculosis.

Flat and thin nails- This is a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency.

Flattened and crushed nails warn that worms most likely have appeared in the body.

Triangular shaped nails as a rule, characteristic of those suffering from diseases of the spine and spinal cord.

Taking a close look at your nail texture should also give you some ideas about your health.

“Hole nails” - nails whose surface appears to be riddled with indentations - indicate problems with the spleen.

Horizontal dents may remain after a diet that has had an adverse effect on the body.

Layers on the nail resembling salt deposits indicate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and an unbalanced diet.

Almond-shaped veins on nails warn about the danger of rheumatism.

Appearances bulges in the form of balls on the surface of the nail - a sign of a protracted viral disease.

The presence of grooves on the nail speaks of lime deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Pronounced vertical stripes indicate poor digestion or a predisposition to arthritis. Horizontal grooves are an indicator of stress or an infectious disease.

And here thickening of the nail plate, or hypertrophy, usually occurs as a result of internal disorders of the body (for example, infections).

The reverse process occurs when nails suddenly become thinner and bendier(nail plate atrophy) most likely indicates that you have chronic diseases.

Brittle, brittle nails they talk about a malfunction of the ovaries, as well as a deficiency of vitamins B and D, iron and calcium.

This text is an introductory fragment.