Feet nail pus and how it treats. Emptiness under the nail: the causes of its appearance and how to treat it. Surgical intervention and possible complications

The fact that the nails on our hands act as a kind of status indicators human body, many words have been said. And yet, when people are faced with such a phenomenon as emptiness under the nail, they do not know what to do. Such "internal" cavities can appear on any finger of both the hand and the foot. No one is able to protect themselves from them - neither men nor women, who monitor the state of beauty on their hands much more attentively than men. Why are such voids formed and how can they be treated? These are the main questions that most patients are interested in.

Reasons for the appearance

Hollows under the nails not only spoil the attractive appearance of the hand, but are also symptoms of rather complex diseases. That is why, having found cavities under the stratum corneum on your finger, it is necessary not to mask it with varnishes, but to look for methods by which the treatment is performed.

The main reason that the nail begins to lag behind the bed, a cavity forms under it, is insufficient blood supply to the fingertip. Such a negative phenomenon may appear:

  1. If a strong compressive effect has recently been exerted on the nail - blow, squeezing - which has led to damage to the vessels and the formation of a bruise.
  2. If the stratum corneum has been exposed to prolonged exposure chemicals- detergents, low-quality gel polishes and other chemicals.
  3. If the body is struck by a serious illness, or a specific set of drugs has been prescribed.
  4. If your nail has been affected by fungal spores, this is the most common cause that is very difficult to cure.

In addition, do not forget that a void in the nail can appear after an illiterate manicure in the salon or on your own. This very often happens when the instruments are not rendered harmless after the next patient, which is why a variety of pathogens, including fungus, appear on them.

First steps

As soon as you notice that voids are formed on your fingers under the nails, you should immediately consult a doctor - a dermatologist or at least a therapist. If it is not possible to visit the doctor's office in the near future, then you need to make sure that the infection does not get under the nail. For this, it is worth using special means - antiseptic oils, drops or coatings.

Turning to a specialist, you must establish what caused such unpleasant manifestations.

We'll have to donate blood for analysis in order to exclude complex pathological diseases from the “list of suspects”. Also, the doctor must scrape off the nail - take a sample for testing for the presence of the fungus.

And finally, after identifying the cause, it is necessary to begin treatment. It will be compiled based on the main culprit of the unhealthy manifestation under the nail plate. Assign medications only the doctor should, and the patient should strictly follow the instructions.

Treatment methods

The methods by which the treatment will be carried out depend on the established cause of the formation of a void under the nail. So, if the detachment of the nail was caused by taking specific antibiotics, then it is necessary to stop taking them. After that, the process of destruction will stop, and the nail will independently return to its normal state.

When voids under the thumbnail appear under the influence of chemically aggressive media, you must stop using them - use protective gloves when working with chemical components... But the elimination of the influencing factor does not always lead to the desired results: the emptiness can continue to grow. In this case, you can rely on proper and thorough care.

In the cases considered, in order to speed up the treatment, you can resort to taking a variety of vitamin complexes. With such means, it will be possible to normalize the composition of micro and macroelements in the structure of the nail, which will contribute to its healing.

Elimination of fungal infection

With nail fungus, a small cavity first appears under the nail, in which it settles fungal infection... Over time, it spreads, because of which the voids grow and very soon it can cause the nail to peel off. In this case, the first thing to do is to establish the type of fungal infection.

The fact is that the treatment of a certain type of fungus requires the selection of appropriate drugs.

As soon as they are prescribed by a doctor, they must be taken in strict accordance with the instructions. Taking breaks in taking medicinal components is most often not recommended, because during this time spores can adapt to the drug.

At the same time, in order to be more successful, you need to carefully monitor hand hygiene. First, it will slow the infection down and spread to other parts of the body. Secondly, it will help protect your family members from being affected by the same disease.


Along with taking medications, you can use the methods traditional medicine... Such treatment will be much more successful and effective. But do not forget that the treatment folk remedies should only be an aid in the fight against the existing ailment.

The recipes of traditional healers have been accumulating for generations, therefore there are innumerable numbers of them. We will try to provide the most effective, affordable and simple ways fight against a fungal infection that leads to the appearance of a void under the nail:

  • treat the affected areas with the usual 5% iodinol solution twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Iodine has antiseptic and disinfectant properties, which help to destroy the fungus;
  • treat your hands with tar-based products - soap, special ointments and a pure substance, because, among other properties, it also has an anti-fungal effect;
  • rub lemon juice into the affected plates. It eliminates fungal infection, dries integuments, simultaneously creating an unfavorable environment for the development of fungal spores.

No less effective treatment can be compiled with folk remedies:

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of sea salt with half a liter of warm water and immerse the affected areas for a quarter of an hour, then wipe dry.
  2. Dissolve a few grams of potassium permanganate, syntamycin or heliomycin ointment in warm water. The duration of the water procedure is no more than 15 minutes.

All presented treatments folk methods can severely dry the skin. To avoid excessive dryness, use a special ointment used for fungus. Once a month, you can do baths based on vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar by mixing a tablespoon of each substance in half a liter of warm water. But the main thing is not to back down, try more and more new methods, and you will find a way to recovery.

At least once in their life, almost everyone has encountered a problem when pus forms under the fingernail or toenail.

However, not everyone knows the cause of this disease, what it is called and how to act in such cases.

As a rule, most of us, having discovered pus under the nail, decide what to do on their own, without seeking help from doctors and only in case of serious complications, when it is sometimes quite difficult to change the situation even for qualified specialists, “sound the alarm”. However, all this can be avoided if you have certain knowledge and know how to behave in each specific case.

It is worth noting

Purulent inflammation of the skin under or near the nail plate on the fingers or toes is called felon. Often the cause of its development is the infection of wounds of various origins with pathogenic microbes.

In addition, panaritium can develop independently, without any previous injuries, especially if certain conditions contribute to this, among which:

  • diabetes;
  • impaired blood circulation in the limbs;
  • fungal diseases;
  • lack of proper hygienic care.

Also, similar suppurations are often noted in children, especially those who bite nails and cut off barbs and adults of certain professions - carpenters, joiners, agricultural workers, etc.

In addition to the main symptom of panaritium, purulent formation, this disease is accompanied by other signs, among which are most often noted:

  • Constant severe pain in the area of ​​inflammation, which can also be pulsating.
  • Severe redness and swelling of soft tissues.
  • Painful sensations and the impossibility of full flexion and extension of the inflamed finger.
  • Increased human body temperature.

Of course, having found symptoms of panaritium in yourself, you should consult a doctor, especially if your finger hurts badly, the temperature has risen, and pus has accumulated under the nail. He will determine what to do, assessing the real clinical picture, and prescribe the appropriate conservative treatment.

However, there are times when it is not possible to get to the doctor for some reason and you have to act on your own. In such situations, it should be remembered that the affected finger must first of all be provided with complete care. In addition, you should make warm disinfecting baths from a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furacilin 2-3 times a day, as well as apply special applications with Levomekol ointment to the affected area and fix them with tight gauze bandages.

It's important to know

Self-medication of such a disease can only be carried out on early stages inflammation. With advanced forms, accompanied by pronounced symptoms, you should definitely seek qualified assistance to a surgeon in order to avoid possible serious complications.

Among the serious complications, there are three main ones:

  • Sepsis or blood poisoning that can be fatal if left untreated.
  • Phlegmon extremities, characterized by the spread of purulent inflammation in the area of ​​adipose tissue.
  • Tenosynovitis leading to necrosis of the tendons and impaired mobility of the fingers.

An abscess under the nail - the main methods of treatment and preventive measures

As noted above, purulent inflammation under the nail on the hand or foot in the early stages is treated exclusively with conservative methods.

The patient is prescribed daily warm baths with a solution of salt, soda, potassium permanganate or furacilin, as well as dressings with antiseptic or antibiotic ointments.

In addition, local therapy can be supplemented with a complex one and consists in taking appropriate antibiotics in this case.

Provided that conservative treatment did not work, and the abscess under the nail increases, the doctor resorts to surgical intervention, as a result of which the formed purulent sacs are carefully opened, all the pus is removed from them, and the affected areas of the epidermis are also removed. If it is not possible to leave the nail, then the nail plate is removed first.

This procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia. After removing the infected area, a bandage with antibacterial agents is applied to the wound. The postoperative healing period usually lasts 5-7 days. All this time, the bandage is changed daily to the patient with the use of wound-healing and antiseptic agents.

It's important to know

In order to prevent the moment when pus is already coming from under the nail, it is important to carry out preventive actions, namely, thoroughly treat the damaged areas of the skin around the nail plates with any antiseptic agent - iodine, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, etc.

If a splinter gets under the nail, it must be removed as soon as possible, on your own. Then, in the appropriate way, treat the wound or with the help of a qualified doctor, because the elimination of such a problem will take much less time than further treatment of an inflamed and festering nail.

An abscess under the fingernail or toenail - treatment with alternative methods

In addition to traditional therapy, panaritium treatment can also be carried out with the help of traditional medicine, but it is better to do this under the supervision of a doctor or by correctly comparing traditional medicine and folk medicine. Below we bring to your attention several effective and proven recipes.

Recipe number 1.
To eliminate an abscess under a fingernail on an arm or toe, it is necessary to take in equal proportions dried flowers of medicinal chamomile and sage, as well as leaves of St. John's wort, plantain, lilac, pour it all with 1 liter cold water, put on fire and bring to a boil.

After that, let the broth boil for another 3-5 minutes, remove it from the heat, add a teaspoon of baking soda there, cool a little so that the bath is not hot, but pleasantly warm, and immerse an inflamed finger in it.

The procedure in the bath must be carried out for 15-20 minutes, and then, carefully pretreated with alcohol or any other antiseptic with a small spatula, lift the nail plate itself and alternately press several times either on the nail or on the pad of the finger, thus releasing all contents from the purulent pocket.

It's important to know

It is strictly forbidden to carry out such a procedure in non-sterile conditions and without preliminary steaming, this can lead to serious complications and the most unpredictable consequences.

Recipe number 2. To remove only the pus that has formed under the toenail or hand, you must first prepare a warm bath of light pink potassium permanganate solution and hold the inflamed finger in it for at least 15 minutes. Then you should gently press several times on the nail plate, trying to remove the accumulated pus from under it.

After such a procedure, the finger and nail should be treated with an iodine solution or any other antiseptic and applied with a gruel of finely grated raw beets. The compress must be fixed with a tight gauze bandage and left for 4-5 hours.

Recipe number 3. An abscess under a toenail or toenail can be treated with propolis. To do this, you need to take a propolis tincture and warm water in a ratio of one to five and make a bath for a sore finger on the basis of this solution, immersing it 3-4 times a day for 15-20 minutes. Within 3 days, all the pus from under the nail will come out and begin fast process healing.

Recipe number 4. In the initial stages of the disease, when pus under the nail on the arm or leg is just beginning to accumulate, you can try to provide first aid as follows. It is necessary to take a glass of hot water, dissolve 2 tablespoons of ordinary kitchen salt in it and dip the inflamed finger in the solution for several minutes for an hour. When the water has cooled down and the temperature is acceptable, you need to hold your finger constantly. Upon completion of the procedure, you need to well lubricate the nail and the skin of the finger around it with iodine solution. Such emergency treatment should be carried out at least 3 times a day, thanks to which the problem will be successfully resolved. In addition, propolis helps well against nail fungus and many other unpleasant diseases.

Nail care should not be limited to manicure and pedicure. Fingers will be beautiful provided they are healthy. The “reference” nail is even, smooth, with a pure pinkish shade. Any other color effects: grooves, white spots, etc. - all these are deviations from the norm, they are not cosmetic defects, but belong to the category of diseases.

Sore nails have an unsightly appearance

Among other problems on the fingers and toes, one can distinguish voids under the nail plate. They are either fragmentary (small in size), or the nail completely exfoliates from its bed. In this case, the color of the plate changes - it usually acquires an unpleasant yellowish tint. In the neglected version, the exfoliated plate may be cyanotic or brownish.

Toenails are most often susceptible to this problem, because these limbs are in more "extreme" situations than the hands. Toes experience more physical exertion, suffer from uncomfortable shoes, and are more often affected by fungal infections.

Fragmented voids under the nails

Reasons for emptiness

Detachment from a finger nail plate has a scientific name - onycholysis. From the point of view of doctors, it is a dystrophy of the nail. There is a void due to circulatory disorders. The nail becomes thinner and begins to "lose touch" with the body.

But unexpectedly, such a defect cannot form. The main reason for the appearance can be considered the defeat of the legs and arms by fungal spores. The infection very quickly penetrates the structure of the nail, gradually destroying it. Confirmation that fungi are to blame for the appearance of emptiness will be the lesion of the skin around the sore nail and between the fingers.

Nail fungus as a cause of detachment

In the appearance of free spaces under the plates, the "culprits" are also non-infectious factors:

  • Most often, blood circulation can be disrupted due to trauma to the nail. And the stronger the mechanical effect, the greater the detachment of the plate on the finger will be.
  • The influence of chemicals is also possible: work during harmful conditions, substandard washing powders, pesticides, varnishes, gels, solvents.
  • Some medications (especially antibiotics), while affecting a number of diseases, can ultimately cause destruction or detachment of the nail plate. This usually occurs when the body is oversaturated with medications.

In oriental medicine, each finger on the hand (or foot) is associated with a specific organ. For example, modifications to thumb will tell you about problems with the head, on the nameless - with the heart. Using this factor, Tibetan physicians can easily diagnose before the disease develops.

Identifying the cause

It is possible to disguise a dystrophic nail with varnishes, but this will not solve the problem. Even with minor voids, you should immediately worry, because the disease will develop further. Ultimately, you can completely lose your nail.

For the treatment to be effective, you should first establish the reason why the void appeared under the nail. Indeed, without eliminating it, it will be impossible to restore the beauty and health of the nail plate. To do this, you will have to go to a medical institution and be examined by a podologist.

Examination by a podiatrist

It is very likely that it will be possible to identify some kind of internal disease. Then, first of all, you need to start with its treatment. If fungi are to blame, you should aim to fight them. The effect of medications on nail problems will have to be neutralized with other medications.

You should also avoid direct contact with harmful chemicals. To preserve the beauty of the nails on the hands, it is necessary to work with chemistry only with gloves. In parallel with the elimination of the cause, one should deal with the cure of onycholysis itself.


Having determined the cause of the formation of a void under the nail, the doctor will prescribe the correct treatment. To achieve greater results, therapy must be comprehensive. Medicines are prescribed internally - to eliminate the main factor and maintain the body as a whole. This is especially important for fungal diseases, when spores enter the bloodstream.

When the void under the nail is the result of an oversaturation of the body with antibiotics, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines. For this, drugs are prescribed for dysbiosis. If this factor is not eliminated, all attempts to tidy up the nails will be in vain.

The most "harmless" cause of onycholysis can be considered trauma - they have only a local effect and do not affect the body as a whole. Therefore, the treatment will be exclusively external (in the form of ointments). If the nail detachment is significant, it is recommended to trim it as much as possible. Sometimes it is rational to carry out an operation to remove the nail plate completely, so that it is easier to grow a new one.

Surgery to remove the nail plate due to illness

Despite the reason for the detachment of the nail, external therapy is required. The doctor prescribes various ointments, creams, special compresses, as well as medicinal baths. You can refer to cosmetic products in the form of special varnishes and liquids to strengthen the nail plate.

We treat the fungus

The most serious factor causing voids to form is fungal diseases. The spores are so active that they defeat quickly enough. If you do not pay attention to this in time, then it will be difficult to restore damaged nails. Having gained patience, you will have to go through the painstaking path of antifungal therapy:

  1. Drugs of systemic action, taken orally - antimycotics, should become mandatory. Among the recommended ones, one can single out "Fluconazole", "Ketoconazole", "Griseofulvin" and others like them. Despite their effectiveness, treatment (depending on the degree of damage) can take from 3 months to a year. Moreover, taking these drugs should be strictly supervised by a mycologist, since these medicines have side effects.
  2. Locally prescribed creams with antifungal effects ("Clotrimazole", "Miconazole", "Econazole", etc.). The composition is applied to sore fingers before going to bed in the form of compresses (with mandatory wrapping). Daily use of antimycotic creams for 2 weeks will help soften the nail plate. After such procedures, the damaged nail can be easily filed.

Clotrimazole for the treatment of nail fungus

  1. Antifungal varnishes have a good effect:
  • "Lorecil" is useful where the nail is severely affected. The iodine contained in the preparation not only helps to disinfect, but also helps to strengthen the plate.
  • Belvedere is enough powerful tool which gives good effect even in overly advanced stages.
  • "Batrafen" will not only help to kill fungus on the hands and feet, but, having a cooling effect, will also reduce pain and eliminate itching.

By traditional treatment for a void under the nail , you can add recipes of folk healers (but not instead of medical therapy).


To treat diseased nails, restore their beauty, you can use the gifts of nature at home, which have healing properties:

  • Within 2-3 weeks, you can make lotions on sore nails from herbal infusions: an aqueous mixture of meadowsweet and celandine or birch buds on vodka.
  • It will help strengthen and heal the nail plate with golden mustache juice.
  • A piece of fresh kombucha should be applied every day to a sore nail, and the plate will recover very quickly.
  • The juice of the garlic mixed with butter will help the new nail grow back.

You can make vinegar baths (wine or apple composition) or soda baths, rub propolis tincture, lemon juice into problem nails - all this will help restore the health of nails.

We make baths for diseased nails

Extension of the nail. Video

Instead of a peeled nail plate, you can build up a new one. The features of the procedure are described in the video below.

Whatever treatment is carried out, it should be borne in mind that voids under the nail are evidence of a weakened body. Therefore, you need to pay attention to your diet. Fruits, vegetables, juices, alkaline foods - all of this should be present in the daily diet.

So that sore nails on the hand are not a reason for complexes, you can resort to prosthetics, which is also one of the sides of therapeutic therapy.

Prosthetics of the nail plate

Emptiness under the nail plate is a fairly common and very significant cosmetic defect. However, if such a void is formed on a toe, a serious cosmetic problem may not arise. But it should be understood that such defects are dangerous not only for the beauty of the legs. They are often symptoms of serious ailments. True, voids are just a consequence of the disease, and not a cause. And to get rid of such a visual flaw, indicating a serious illness, patients strive first of all.

Reasons for the formation of voids

The cavity under the big toe has received its own medical name onycholysis. It means a set of degenerative processes that occur in the tissues of the finger at each of the stages of defect formation. Their activation can be caused by two main reasons that directly affect the choice of treatment options for the disease. It can be either an injury to the finger or a reaction to a disease. The formation of a void under the nail is often the result of:

  • taking antibacterial agents;
  • infectious skin diseases - psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis;
  • fungal lesions that directly affect the nail or soft tissues next to it;
  • mechanical or chemical injury to the toe;
  • long-term use of medications.

The chemical attack of an acid or alkali on a finger can cause a void to appear under the nail. Regularly repetitive stress to which the tissues are exposed when a poor-quality varnish or solvent is applied to the nail plate may well cause the development of the disease. The same is true for the use of gels, washing powder and other types of household chemicals, which, due to their low quality or individual intolerance to individual components, can negatively affect the soft tissues of the fingers.

The principle of onycholysis treatment

Treatment of onycholysis consists in restoring the natural state of the tissues of the finger and nail plate. The most harmless cases that cause the need to see a doctor are finger injuries. Depending on the degree of their mechanical damage, the nail plate is cut to the required state - up to complete removal. Subsequently, the body restores the nail plate, but without the voids that have appeared under it due to injury.

The treatment process is much more complicated when the cause of onycholysis is a disease. In this case, the first mandatory task is to make the correct diagnosis. Otherwise, local therapy of a toe or hand will not bring the desired effect, and the ailment itself will either periodically remind of itself, or gradually lead to a complete loss of the nail.

If it is not possible to immediately identify the cause of the disease, the patient will need to undergo a serious diagnosis for the presence of systemic diseases in the body. At certain stages of development, they can signal themselves with nail detachment. A correct diagnosis is very important, as certain drugs can cause onycholysis when taken regularly. Having eliminated the cause, you can continue to take such medications to fight the consequences of taking them.

Emptiness under the toenails caused by exposure to chemical elements should first of all begin to be treated by eliminating contact of the toes with irritants. Further, local therapy of the selected degree of intensity is carried out, depending on the violations of the nail plate and soft tissues under it. The rule "eliminate the irritating factor" is also relevant for cases when the disease develops as a result of taking antibiotics or other similar drugs.

Most often, the main reason due to which a cavity is formed under the nail is dysbiosis. But it can be correctly diagnosed and eliminated only in a hospital.

Danger of fungal infection

The greatest percentage of visits to the clinic with the subsequent diagnosis of "onycholysis" is due to two reasons - due to mechanical damage to the finger and its defeat by a fungal infection. If many have heard about the dangers of the first, then few know about the destructive effect of the fungus on the toes. Most often, this problem is viewed as a kind of discomfort, cosmetic plan that can be endured.

The result of this attitude is a serious lesion of the soft tissues and the nail plate with a fungal infection. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene can slow down the development of the disease. But if he is already "hooked" on soft tissues, simple daily cleansing procedures are not able to have a healing effect. Treating a fungal infection often takes weeks or months, even with the use of special medical supplies. After all, fungal spores are able to penetrate not only the nail plate or soft finger tanks, but also the circulatory system. And it, in turn, is a "door" that opens access to any point in the body.

Therefore, in order to completely heal and eliminate the likelihood of relapse, the treatment of a fungal infection should be carried out as early as possible, consistently and regularly. It is recommended to seek help from a specialist and carry out the necessary procedures under his guidance.

Remember that by brushing aside a seemingly harmless fungus on the feet, you can thereby allow a serious infection to gain a foothold in the body. To heal from which, in far from the most neglected cases, sometimes, at least a year of complex systematic treatment is required.

Prevention methods

Any disease is always much easier to prevent than to fight it. In the case of onycholysis, this rule is also relevant. Mechanical damage to the fingers that cause voids under the nail can also be minimized if you carefully consider this issue.

As for the rest of the rules that can keep your toes healthy, they are formed in a few easy-to-follow guidelines. The table below shows the optimal rules for the prevention of voids under the nails.

Recommendations can be supplemented with one more equally important advice - seek qualified help at the first signs of onycholysis development. This will allow you to start medical and preventive medical measures on time, as well as stop the disease at the initial stage.

Hollows under the nails appear for a reason, but for certain reasons. They should be clearly known, as well as competently apply various methods of treating this unpleasant ailment.

Women care about their hands and nails as much as about their faces. However, even with this approach, it is not always possible to avoid problems with nails and related diseases, which often result from infection or injury. One of these diseases of the nail plate is onycholysis. What is this disease, what is its cause and what methods of its treatment are there? It is worth finding out first of all, from what the emptiness appears under the nails.

Onycholysis or onychodystrophy is a widespread form of nail plate dystrophy. With this form of the disease, the integrity of the connections of the nail plate with soft tissues, this leads to the formation of voids, above which the nail plate changes its color and can turn from bluish yellow to brown. It is worth looking closely at the nails in order to determine in time when not everything is in order with them.

At the beginning of the disease, the detachment is insignificant, but with the progression of the disease, the rejection affects the entire nail bed, and it will not work to mask the problem. If you do not start treatment on time, then in the future you can lose the entire nail. Onycholosis affects not only fingernails, but also fingernails. It may be that the disease affects only the nails on the hands or feet, or maybe both at once and there and there.

Onycholysis most often occurs as a result of damage to the nail plate by fungal infections. Therefore, competent treatment is possible only after consulting a dermatologist-mycologist, who will prescribe the appropriate tests and select the right treatment.

The disease spreads very quickly, and fungal infections can also affect the space between the fingers and toes. Treatment should be started as soon as the first signs appear.

Onycholysis can also have a non-infectious nature, most often it occurs after taking antibiotics, various injuries, under the influence of chemicals and other substances, such as washing powders and detergents. Effective treatment emptiness under the nail depends primarily on determining the cause of the disease.

In the treatment of onycholysis, general strengthening therapy has proven itself well. Usually prescribed iron preparations, vitamins A and B, calcium, gelatin. In addition, it is necessary to apply local treatment: make hot baths for hands and feet using calcium permanganate, syntamycin or heliomycin emulsion. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe a solution of chrysarobin in chloroform and a solution of tinol. During treatment, it is necessary to observe hygiene of hands and feet, to keep it clean so that dirt does not accumulate under the nails. Limit contact with chemicals, use gloves when using detergents or detergents.

Treatment with folk remedies, especially procedures with olive oil, have proven themselves very well in the treatment of onycholysis. For treatment, you need to mix olive oil with lemon juice, rub into the nail plate, put on cotton gloves and leave overnight. You need to do this procedure 2-3 times a week. Firming compresses also help. To do this, mix 70g. water, 20g. glycerin and 5g. alum. This composition is applied to the nails and kept for 10-15 minutes. Three times a week it is necessary to do baths using sea salt, 1 hour. l. sea ​​salt for 500g. water, soak your hands in such a bath for 10-15 minutes. After treatment, for prevention purposes, such baths should be done weekly. It will also help to strengthen and improve appearance marigold.

During treatment, you need to regularly do manicure and pedicure, this will help prevent the accumulation of infected dead tissue from under the nail plate.

Like any disease, onycholysis is easier to prevent, simply by observing hygiene standards and preventing injury to the nail plate. Everyone should know about them.

Of course, the treatment of this disease is a complex and rather lengthy process, therefore, timely diagnosis is the key to successful treatment and, ultimately, the final result.

It is very important, at the moment when a void has formed under the nail, to pay attention to this deficiency. If you give up and hope that everything will go away by itself, then as a result, the disease will begin to develop further and the situation will greatly worsen. That is why it is so important to treat yourself and your state of health responsibly and not think that everything is happening just like that.

Knowing how to treat a void under a nail can come in handy, because no one knows what may happen to him tomorrow. If, at the time of the development of the disease, one begins to carry out useful procedures, then this will lead to a quick result.