Standard child weight. We calculate the formula for ideal growth of newborns by month. From two years

Greetings, dear readers! All parents strive for their children to grow up healthy and develop normally. But how can you tell if everything is okay with your baby? Doctors recommend focusing on such important indicators as the child’s weight and height by month. Compliance with the standards proposed by WHO on the basis of research, doctors determine the degree of full term of the baby and the quality of its further development.

Where do the norms come from?

World Health Organization, or WHO in the period 1997-2003. conducted a number of studies on the development of children under one year old, as well as a parallel analysis of the height and weight of children aged 1.5 to 6 years. The focus of the world organization was not only on indicators, but also on their ratios and monthly increases.

Why was such a global study needed? The latest data on indicators of physical development of children were recorded back in the 70s. 20th century. Since then, not only the rhythm and lifestyle of people has changed, but also the nature of infant feeding.

If during the Soviet period most babies were on artificial feeding, then with the improvement of working conditions for breastfeeding women and the opportunity to receive paid leave after childbirth for 1.5 years, it has led to the fact that now more and more babies are on breastfeeding, which is otherwise reflected in the increase in weight and body length.

Data collection was carried out in different countries and ethnic groups: European countries, USA, India, Brazil, Oman, etc. The study showed that each nation has its own parameters, so it is impossible to derive the average value of length and weight, for example, for European and Indian children.

What do the values ​​depend on?

Mothers who have at least once had a monthly check-up with their babies at the clinic know that the nurse not only measures and records indicators, but also pays attention to associated development factors:

  • past viral and infectious diseases;
  • presence of dehydration;
  • teething;
  • presence of appetite;
  • conditions of education.

They have a temporary effect on physical development, which can be adjusted in the future.

However, there are other factors that the mother or doctors cannot or can hardly influence:

  • gender of the child;
  • genetic features (if dad and mom are tall, the baby will also be tall);
  • degree of term, as well as initial height and weight at birth;
  • nature of nutrition (natural or artificial);
  • presence of congenital diseases;
  • mobility;
  • ecological situation;
  • the nature of the pregnancy (did the mother smoke, drink alcohol, etc.);
  • the amount of somatotropic hormone produced, which is responsible for the growth of tubular bones (since most of the hormone is released at night, sleep disturbances in a child can cause growth retardation).

Good care, regular breastfeeding, adequate sleep, physical activity and walks fresh air accelerate the growth of children. In turn, insufficient care and poor environmental conditions do not in the best possible way affect physical development.

To check whether your baby is developing normally, you do not have to rush to the clinic. Parents can take measurements themselves, based on generally accepted development standards and calculation formulas.

Child growth by months

Child growth standards depend, first of all, on the child’s gender, so WHO has created separate tables with average indicators for girls and boys. Depending on the age of the baby, the ratio of length and weight of the body, as well as the increase, will also differ.

First year

The table shows approximate growth indicators for babies at birth and up to one year; you can also track how many centimeters the child will grow within a month.

Children under one year old are characterized by a special change in indicators, and every month of life during this period is significant. But before you take measurements and count, you should make sure that your baby meets the indicators of a full-term baby:

  • The birth took place at 38-40 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Height is at least 45 cm with a weight of 2.5 kg.
  • Head circumference – from 34 to 36 cm.
  • Body parts are proportional.
  • The skin is smooth and delicate.
  • Hair length from 1 cm.
  • Clear rhythmic pulse.
  • Developed sucking reflex (you can read in my article).

If a baby was born premature, there are separate height and weight indicators for him depending on what week of pregnancy he was born. Here is a table of the height and weight of a premature baby:

Features of growth increase in the first year of life are as follows:

  • On average, the baby gains 3 cm over a monthly period.
  • The total increase in the first year of life should be at least 25 cm. Thus, the normal figure for a one-year-old baby is from 74 to 76 cm.
  • Children grow more rapidly in the first months after birth, after which this process slows down. So, in the first 3 months the increase will be 3.5 cm per month, from 3 to six months - 3-2.5 cm, from 7 to 9 - about 1.5 cm, from 9 to one year - 1 cm.
  • It is not only the overall increase in height that is important, but also its relationship to the weight and proportionality of body parts.

For doctors an indicator normal development The size of a baby is not so much his height as his head circumference. If the head is large and disproportionate to the body, doctors may suspect a disease such as hydrocephalus, an accumulation of fluid in the brain.

From 2 to 17 years

When a baby turns one year old, parents, as a rule, pay little attention to how much his growth is within normal limits. However, before the onset of puberty, this indicator is no less important than in the first months of life.

After a year, children's growth begins to slow down. Up to 2 years of age, the baby grows by an average of 9-12 cm, depending on gender and other factors. Until the age of 5 years, his height will increase by only 20-22 cm.

By the age of 10, the average height of a boy is 138-139 cm. From 11 to 17 years, during puberty, the growth of girls slows down, and in boys, on the contrary, it increases after 12-13 years. By the age of 17 average for a girl it will be 155-160 cm, for a boy – 166-171 cm.

How to determine a child's height?

To determine how tall your baby is under one year old, you will need a measuring tape or meter ruler:

  1. Place the baby on the crib so that the back of his head rests on a hard surface.
  2. Extend your legs and place your feet at a 90-degree angle.
  3. Mark where the heels end.
  4. Raise the child and measure the distance from the mark to a hard surface.

If the child can already stand, to measure his height, place him near the wall so that his heels touch a hard surface. Then take a hard ruler and place it on the child's head so that it forms a right angle with the wall. Make a mark where they touch and measure the distance from the floor to the mark.

After measuring your child's height, be sure to pay attention to his weight.

Baby's weight by month

WHO strongly recommends that parents pay attention not only to the height and proportionality of body parts, but also to weight gain. Many parents believe that the more a baby weighs before one year, the better. But this statement is fundamentally wrong. Unhealthy obesity can affect both teenagers and infants, especially those who are formula-fed.

Up to a year

For children under one year old, the weight norm is determined by month, and it should be taken into account that bottle-fed children gain weight much faster:

  • 1 month. During this time, the child gains on average about 0.6 kg. To maintain normal developmental indicators, it is ideal if the mother feeds the baby every 3 hours. The volume of mixture consumed ranges from 80 to 120 ml per feeding.
  • 2 month. During this period, the increase will be about 0.7-0.8 kg. The intervals between feedings can be increased to 3.5 hours. If in the future you decide to wean your baby from feeding at night, keep in mind that his weight will begin to decrease.
  • 3 month. An increase of 0.8 kg is maintained. The intervals between feedings remain, but it is worth considering that up to 3 months the baby is bothered by intestinal colic, so appetite may decrease.
  • 4 month. The child gains an average of 0.75 kg, and further indicators will decrease.
  • 5 month. By the end of the fifth month, the baby already weighs 0.7 kg more.
  • 6 month. In six months, Baby gains 0.65 kg. During this period, complementary foods begin to be introduced in the form of vegetable purees, which can replace one feeding.
  • 7 month. Body weight increases by 0.6 kg. At seven months of age, babies can be given gluten-free porridge in the morning.
  • 8 months. Weight gain is about 0.55 kg. The baby's menu includes a variety of vegetables, lean meat, cereals, and egg yolk.
  • 9 months . The weight gain is half a kilogram. Purees from several components and fermented milk products appear on the menu.
  • 10 months . The baby weighs 0.4 kg more than last month. He already tolerates fresh fruit well. You can add butter or vegetable oil to porridge.
  • 11 months. Weight increases by 0.4 kg. You can include low-fat fish in the menu.
  • 12 months . The weight increase occurs by 0.35-0.4 kg.

The following chart will help you determine if your baby is developing normally:

  • For the first half of the year. Multiply 800 by the number of months for the calculation period and add the weight of the baby at the time of birth.
  • In the second half of the year. M+800×6+400x(N-6), where M is the birth weight, N is the number of months.

After a year

In the future, not only the indicators prescribed by WHO will be important for girls and boys, but also the body mass index, which shows whether the weight is insufficient, normal or excessive. To determine your mass index, you need to divide your body weight by your height.

For boys and girls, the range of permissible body weight may differ, but on average the indicators are summarized in the following table:

Based on the indicators proposed by WHO, one must take into account that they are averaged, and minor fluctuations in one direction or another are acceptable. Parents need to sound the alarm if weight values ​​are significantly underestimated or overestimated.

If the levels are low, it is recommended to reconsider your diet and daily activity. For example, if until the age of 5 the child steadily gained weight, and by the age of 6 he began to lose weight sharply, the changes may be associated with preparation for school and a stressful state, a violation of the usual daily routine.

For infants up to one year old, vomiting, leading to dehydration, can be a dangerous phenomenon. The problem may arise due to improper nutrition, gastrointestinal diseases, nervous system. In this case, you should definitely see a doctor.

IN adolescence Boys, as a rule, have pronounced thinness associated with intensive growth. Girls should eat more plant foods, since during the period of hormonal maturation there is a high probability of becoming obese.

Deviations from normal body weight at any age in a child should be a signal for parents that it is time to sound the alarm and seek help from doctors if you cannot help the baby on your own.

The height and weight of the child are the parameters that worry parents more than others. What are the normal height and weight standards for children? different ages? We invite you to familiarize yourself with the data World Organization healthcare. Based on extensive research, scientists have established normal parameters for child development that can be relied upon.

The height and weight of a child is the most exciting topic for parents

One of the most common questions that all mothers have is the normal height and weight of the child in the first months of the baby’s life. Based on the recommended standards, you can understand whether your child is developing correctly and whether he should be shown to a doctor. A child's height and weight are important parameters by which parents can assess the child's health.

Often, parents are faced with quite conflicting information regarding what weight and height of a child is normal. Moreover, different doctors may interpret the child’s current indicators differently. We hasten to inform you that the World Health Organization has established height and weight standards for boys and girls. This is the most up-to-date data on which you can rely when interpreting the height and weight parameters of children.

The standards of child weight and height that are widely used today do not actually reflect the real state of affairs - exactly how a child should grow and develop in order for his health to be in the best possible condition. Such data simply shows how the average child grows.

As for the standards developed by WHO, these data represent something more than just reference parameters for height and weight. WHO tables on height and weight standards for children enable parents to determine the optimal values ​​for the physical development of children, taking into account the weight and height of children of different ages.

Child height and weight: how standards were established

According to UNICEF and WHO standards adopted in 2002, it is stated that breastfeeding is the best form of feeding for babies. Mother's milk is an ideal food for the healthy growth and development of children. During the first six months, WHO and UNICEF experts recommend feeding children exclusively breast milk. After this period, children must receive adequate complementary feeding for adequate growth and development. In this case, breastfeeding should continue for up to two years or more (at the mother’s request).

One of distinctive features modern standards for the development and growth of children is the understanding of breastfeeding as a certain biological norm. Taken as a standard healthy child not overweight and breastfeeding. In this regard, the new standards for the height and weight of babies differ from those that were adopted based on an analysis of the parameters of all children (who were both breastfed and bottle-fed).

To establish new standards for the development and growth of children, experts studied about 9 thousand children who were raised in a favorable environment, including breastfeeding, a healthy diet, and the prevention of infectious diseases and other negative manifestations. Moreover, the mothers of these children refrained from bad habits during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It was a large-scale project supervised by the World Health Organization and a number of non-governmental organizations under the UN. As a result of the data obtained, weight and height charts were compiled for boys and girls aged 0 to 10 years. It is noteworthy that these graphs show not only the absolute values ​​of height and weight, but also the relationship with each other, and this relationship is very important for understanding how harmoniously the child is developing. WHO tables will help you calculate the normal weight and height of a child.

WHO table No. 1: Height (in cm) and weight (in kg) of boys in the first year of life

By three months, boys grow to 61.4 cm and weigh 6,400 grams. Low indicators will be parameters below 59.4 cm 5.700 g, and high indicators will be indicators above 63.5 cm and 7.200 g.

WHO table No. 2: Height (in cm) and weight (in kg) of girls in the first year of life

The age of 6 months is considered an important milestone for a child's development. A six-month-old girl should grow to 65.7 cm and weigh 7,300 g.

WHO table No. 3: Height of a boy (in cm) under the age of 10 years

WHO table No. 4: Weight of a boy (in kg) under the age of 10 years

At the age of 10, boys should normally reach 137.8 cm 31,200 g. Figures less than 131.4 cm and 26,700 g are assessed as low, and figures above 144.2 cm and 37,000 g are considered high.

WHO table No. 5: Girl’s height (in cm) under the age of 10 years

WHO table No. 6: Weight of a girl (in kg) under the age of 10 years

A ten-year-old girl on average should have a height of 138.55 cm and a weight of 31.900 g. Data less than 132.2 cm 27.100 g are assessed as low, and values ​​above 145 cm 38.200 g are considered high.

How to correctly determine the height and weight of a child

At home, you can use a home stadiometer or a measuring tape to change a child’s height. Place the child barefoot on the floor with his back to the ruler. Make sure that your baby's body is straight, his arms are at his sides, his feet are tightly together, and his knees are straightened. The child's head must be positioned so that the edge of the lower eyelid and the upper edge of the hearing aid are located on the same horizontal plane. When measuring height, the child should touch the wall with his shoulder blades, buttocks and heels. Place a flat object perpendicular to the height meter and mark the height reading on the scale.

As for the child’s body weight, it is determined on scales. Most often these are electronic scales. Make sure your child is in the center of the scale. Depending on the age of the child, you need to weigh him in a lying, sitting or standing position. If you weigh a small child in a diaper, then subtract the weight of the diaper from the total mass. Weigh the child in the morning, before feeding, when the child urinates and defecates.

Child’s weight: reasons for deviations from the norm

In some cases, a child may develop weight problems. Too much or too little weight may indicate certain problems or specific conditions. In particular, deviations from the norm are possible for the following reasons:

Energy imbalance. The most common reason is getting more calories than necessary. This leads to excess weight gain. And when a child receives fewer calories than he needs to maintain normal functioning, this, on the contrary, leads to weight loss. Children who eat food that is equivalent in energy balance to their lifestyle do not have weight problems. Thus, the main reasons for deviations from normal body weight are: increased food consumption, insufficient nutrition or low physical activity.

Diseases. In some cases, weight problems are possible due to the development of certain diseases and disorders, for example, when hormonal levels change and metabolism is disrupted.

The most common problem for parents is excessive feeding of the child, when he does not want to eat, but is forced to. Here, pediatricians are unanimous: the child should be given the opportunity to hear the needs of his body. Children eat the amount of food they need to maintain their current level of development. Adults are obliged to provide the child with favorable conditions for acquiring healthy habits. The child must independently hear signals of hunger and satiety, and parents must satisfy these needs in a timely manner.

How is my baby developing? Does everything comply with the standards, are there any deviations? I think that I will not be mistaken if I say that these questions are now worrying you too.

You go through this with every child: where can you find out the norms of baby development? Growth of newborns by month? Child weight gain? Number of first teeth? In order to have as few reasons for worry as possible, today let’s look at the growth of a newborn month by month.

Parameters of the child at birth

After the baby is born, the first thing that awaits him is getting to know you, being put to the breast for the first time, and measuring his weight and height. The optimal weight is 2500-3800 g, and height should “fit” into the parameters of 48-55 cm.

Once the baby is measured, the result is compared with the table newborn growth, and also calculate the so-called Quetelet I index.

Despite the complex name, it is calculated quite simply:

  1. take the weight of the newborn (for example, 3600 g);
  2. divide it by height (say, 52 cm), we get 69.23;
  3. we compare it with the average value of the Quetelet I index (60-70) and understand that the newborn “fits” into the WHO standards that are established for healthy children.

Important! The Quetelet I index is calculated only for children who were born at term. If your baby was born a little earlier than expected, then the indicators will differ from the norm.

The average height for girls is 49 cm, for boys – 50 cm.

Baby's growth: what affects it

Growth is one of the indicators good health child, its proper development. But why is it higher for some children than for others, even if they were born at the same time? There are different reasons for this:

  • hereditary factor: a child of tall parents is more likely to be taller than his peers;
  • proper nutrition, balanced in vitamins and microelements, is the key to ensuring that the baby’s body receives everything that is most important for growth;
  • absence of congenital diseases of the newborn that may interfere with normal development.

According to WHO experts, in the first year of life a baby should “grow” by about 25 cm, while he develops well physically and mentally. You can read about other parameters of the development of a child up to one year in the article: Child development by month up to one year >>>

What is his ideal height?

Of course, you want your baby to grow “correctly”: all the parameters are “by the book”, but there are exceptions to the rules. So , The WHO table on the growth of a newborn child indicates that if the height of a girl at birth is less than 43.6 cm, and a boy is 44.2 cm, then these are very low figures. Too “tall” girls are born at least 54.7 cm, and boys - 55.6 cm. There is no need to panic. There are objective reasons for such exceptions.

Know! As a rule, situations that require increased attention are taken under the control of medical specialists who independently monitor the dynamics of the “non-standard” child’s centimeters.

Yes, and you yourself can observe your child at monthly appointments with the pediatrician, when the children are weighed and measured. To do this, you can simply take a ready-made table that shows the baby’s growth by month and compare it with the indicators of your child.

How to measure a child's height yourself?

In order to find out the growth dynamics of a newborn in the first year of life, it is not necessary to wait for the next trip to the clinic. At home, you can also measure the child (which is not at all difficult), and then look at the growth chart of the newborn by month to find out if everything is in order. So, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. We place the child on any hard, flat surface, for example, a table;
  2. Make sure that the newborn's head rests against the wall;
  3. Straighten one leg, foot at an angle of 90° to the surface;
  4. We put a mark with chalk or a pencil, and then measure the length from it to the wall.

Let's look at the table and compare the results:

Height and weight chart*

Months Weight, kg Height, cm Head circumference, cm
At birth 3,1-3,4 50-51 33,0-37,5
1 month 3,7-4,1 54-55 35,0-39,5
2 months 4,5-4,9 57-59 37,5-41,5
3 months 5,2-5,6 60-62 39,0-43,0
4 months 5,9-6,3 62-65 40,0-44,0
5 months 6,5-6,8 64-68 41,0-45,0
6 months 7,1-7,4 66-70 42,0-46,0
7 months 7,6-8,1 68-72 43,0-46,5
8 months 8,1-8,5 69-74 43,5-47,0
9 months 8,6-9,0 70-75 44,0-47,5
10 months 9,1-9,5 71-76 44,5-48,0
11 months 9,5-10,0 72-78 44,5-48,5
12 months 10,0-10,8 74-80 45,0-49,0

* - Data are presented according to the charts of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Every mother knows that after birth in a children's clinic, doctors measure the height and weight of her baby every month. The indicators must be recorded in the medical record and analyzed. Thus, doctors have clear dynamics of the baby’s development in two main parameters. What's the point of these measurements? Anthropometric data of children helps to diagnose various diseases and pathologies at the early stages of their development.

From birth, it is important to monitor the dynamics of the baby’s height and weight.

Height and weight indicators for children - why are they needed?

There are generally accepted standards for height and weight for each age. Any deviation from these standards becomes the first alarm bell, signaling that something is wrong with the baby. Doctors determine a failure if, despite good nutrition, the baby does not gain weight well. This can be a signal of developing anemia, rickets, diseases of the endocrine system and immunodeficiency. Too little height can be a consequence of a lack of growth hormone in children's body. Overweight with a moderate diet, it will be a reason to check the functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.

Each child develops individually, so small deviations from the norm are acceptable. Significant changes in these two indicators that are uncharacteristic for children will help doctors not only know that there is a problem, but also indicate where to look for it. Timely diagnosis helps to prescribe therapy on time and avoid consequences.

Which tables should we refer to – domestic pediatrics or WHO?

Until the early 90s, when measuring indicators, doctors relied on the old standards that had previously been adopted by the WHO. At this time, the World Health Organization carefully studied outdated standards and came to disappointing conclusions.

It turned out that many anthropometric standards were greatly overestimated. Based on these data, medical specialists in many countries could draw incorrect conclusions about developmental delays in children. The consequence of this was the supplementary feeding of children with formula, which as a result could provoke obesity.

In parallel with WHO standards, Russia practiced the use of domestic charts, which were compiled on the basis of statistical data in our country. The data in them turned out to be more accurate and helped to make fewer mistakes. In 1993, WHO conducted a series of statistical analyzes and updated anthropometric data for children. They set new standards that remain relevant to this day.

Features of the first year of a boy's life

Everyone knows that the first years of life are the most important for a baby. They are the ones who predetermine its further development. In the period up to one year, the child grows at an incredible speed at which the human body never develops again (see also:). It is extremely important for parents to take responsibility for the baby’s health during this period – both physical and emotional. Experts divide the age of a baby up to 1 year into two periods:

  • neonatal period;
  • infant period.

The first lasts exactly 28 days from the date of birth, and the second replaces it and ends exactly at one year old. The most difficult period is considered to be the newborn period, because babies are born with not yet fully formed internal organs and fabrics.

In the first days after birth, pediatricians pay attention not only to weight and height, but also general condition baby's health

These 28 days will be spent by the little life adapting to big world and the final formation of his fragile organism. Pediatricians during the neonatal period pay Special attention not only height and weight, but also coordination, motor functions, fine motor skills, skin condition, and social activity.

Weight standards for boys up to one year old

Age, monthsBody weight, kg
Very lowShortNormHighVery tall
Newborn2,1 2,5 3,4 4,4 5
1 2,9 3,4 4,1 5,8 6,6
2 3,8 4,3 4,9 7 8
3 4,4 5 5,6 8 9
4 4,9 5,6 6,3 8,7 9,7
5 5,3 6 6,8 9,3 10,4
6 5,7 6,4 7,4 9,8 10,9
7 5,9 6,7 8,1 10,3 11,4
8 6,2 6,9 8,5 10,7 11,9
9 6,4 7,1 8,9 11 12,3
10 6,6 7,4 9,5 11,4 12,7
11 6,8 7,6 10,1 11,7 13
12 6,9 7,7 10,6 12 13,3

How smaller child, the faster he gains weight (as a percentage), and by the first year of life a boy can weigh from 8 to 13 kilograms (see also:)

The table shows the average values. Low and high body weight is not critical, since it depends on many factors, among which a special place is given to living conditions, genetic predisposition and type of diet. When coefficients deviate greatly from normal, specialists may order studies to exclude developmental pathologies.

Baby growth up to one year

According to experts, the baby should grow by 25 cm in the first year, but this figure is highly averaged. It is influenced by a combination of the following factors:

  • Nutrition. If the baby receives required amount nutrients and microelements, it will grow in accordance with generally accepted standards.
  • Heredity. Naturally, tall and large parents also have slightly larger children, and they can gain more in height than their peers.
  • Pathologies and diseases. This factor can slow down growth. As we mentioned above, a lack of growth hormone, rickets or anemia can slow down the baby’s development.

If the child has full and balanced diet, it grows and develops in accordance with generally accepted norms

Normal height for a male child under 12 months of age is presented in the table:

Age, monthsHeight, indicators in cm
Very lowShortNormHighVery tall
Newborn44,2 46,1 49,9 53,7 55,6
1 48,9 50,8 54,7 58,6 60,6
2 52,4 54,4 58,4 62,4 64,4
3 55,3 57,3 61,4 65,5 67,6
4 57,6 59,7 63,9 68 70,1
5 59,6 61,7 65,9 70,1 72,2
6 61,2 63,3 67,6 71,9 74
7 62,6 64,8 69,3 73,5 75,7
8 64 66,2 70,6 75 77,2
9 65,2 67,5 72 76,5 78,7
10 66,4 68,7 73,3 77,9 80,1
11 67,6 69,9 74,5 79,2 81,5
12 68,6 71 75,7 80,5 82,9

Child development from 1 to 10 years

Over the course of ten years, a child's body undergoes amazing changes. He switches to a full-fledged adult diet, his body begins to prepare for the difficult adolescence period and hormonal explosions.

How older child, the less stringent the standards for its anthropometric parameters become. During this period, genetics begins to strongly manifest itself, which causes deviations from the norm.

Weight indicators

A boy’s body weight is a labile indicator that quickly responds to changes: nutrition, physical exercise, diseases accompanied by weight gain or weight loss. WHO has created special child development charts up to the age of 10, according to which children must fall into the so-called “corridor” of indicators - in this case, the baby develops correctly.

Weight table for boys under 10 years of age:

AgeBody weight, kg
Very lowShortNormHighVery tall
1 year6,9 7,7 9,6 12 13,3
1 year 3 months7,4 8,3 10,3 12,8 14,3
1.5 years7,8 8,8 10,9 13,7 15,3
1 year 9 months8,2 9,2 11,5 14,5 16,2
2 years8,6 9,7 12,2 15,3 17,1
2 years 3 months9 10,1 12,7 16,1 18,1
2.5 years9,4 10,5 13,3 16,9 19
2 years 9 months9,7 10,9 13,8 17,6 19,9
3 years10 11,3 14,3 18,3 20,7
3 years 3 months10,3 11,6 14,8 19 21,6
3.5 years10,6 12 15,3 19,7 22,4
3 years 9 months10,9 12,4 15,8 20,5 23,3
4 years11,2 12,7 16,3 21,2 24,2
4 years 3 months11,5 13,1 16,8 21,9 25,1
4.5 years11,8 13,4 17,3 22,7 26
4 years 9 months12,1 13,7 17,8 23,4 26,9
5 years12,4 14,1 18,3 24,2 27,9
5.5 years13,3 15 19,4 25,5 29,4
6 years14,1 15,9 20,5 27,1 31,5
6.5 years14,9 16,8 21,7 28,9 33,7
7 years15,7 17,7 22,9 30,7 36,1
8 years17,3 19,5 25,4 34,7 41,5
9 years18,8 21,3 28,1 39,4 48,2
10 years20,4 23,2 31,2 45 56,4

Children of the same age cannot have the same weight (everyone has different genetics, nutrition, physical activity, health), but there is a weight table in which everyone should fall into the “corridor”

Growth indicators

A stable parameter of a child's development is height. It determines both the length of the body and the formation of systems and functions of the body, the increase in size of organs. This indicator is considered the best criterion to determine the child's health status. A slow increase in the length of the skeleton contributes to a decrease in the rate of development of the brain, muscles, etc.

Indicators for a child aged 1 to 10 years are presented in the table:

AgeHeight, indicators in cm
Very lowShortAverageHighVery tall
1 year68,6 71 75,7 80,5 82,9
1 year 3 months71,6 74,1 79,1 84,2 86,7
1.5 years74,2 76,9 82,3 87,7 90,4
1 year 9 months76,5 79,4 85,1 90,9 93,8
2 years78,7 81,7 87,8 93,9 97
2 years 3 months79,9 83,1 89,6 96,1 99,3
2.5 years81,7 85,1 91,9 98,7 102,1
2 years 9 months83,4 86,9 94,1 101,2 104,8
3 years85 88,7 96,1 103,5 107,2
3 years 3 months86,5 90,3 98 105,7 109,5
3.5 years88 91,9 99,9 107,8 111,7
3 years 9 months89,4 93,5 101,6 109,8 113,9
4 years90,7 94,9 103,3 111,7 115,9
4 years 3 months92,1 96,4 105 113,6 117,9
4.5 years93,4 97,8 106,7 115,5 119,9
4 years 9 months94,7 99,3 108,3 117,4 121,9
5 years96,1 100,7 110 119,2 123,9
5.5 years98,7 103,4 112,9 122,4 127,1
6 years101,2 106,1 116 125,8 130,7
6.5 years103,6 108,7 118,9 129,1 134,2
7 years105,9 111,2 121,7 132,3 137,6
8 years110,3 116 127,3 138,6 144,2
9 years114,5 120,5 132,6 144,6 150,6
10 years118,7 125 137,8 150,5 156,9

By observing the dynamics of a child’s growth, it is possible to provide adequate criteria for assessing his health.

How does a boy develop from 11 to 18 years old?

The period of puberty for children is difficult: secondary sexual characteristics develop, hormones are actively produced, voice changes, bones stretch, enlargement of the penis and scrotum. Boys gain weight more rapidly due to increased muscle mass.

Under the influence of hormones, the child does not control his mood. Between 11 and 12 the first changes in the body begin. At 13, 14, 15, teenagers are at the peak of a hormonal explosion. By the age of 16-17, and for some only by the age of 18, the situation gradually stabilizes.

Teenage weight dynamics

A teenager's body weight should be monitored in the same way as the average weight of a small child. Nutrition during this period should be as varied and nutritious as possible. The child’s body is being rebuilt, which means it needs more “bricks” for such construction.

At 11-13 years old, adolescents' metabolic process accelerates; at 14-16 years old, changes in weight are possible due to hormonal changes. By the age of 17-18, body weight remains at a set level and can increase/decrease depending on physical condition, nutrition and exercise.

The weight parameters are shown below:

AgeBody weight, kg
Very lowShortAverageHighVery tall
11 years26 28 34,9 44,9 51,5
12 years28,2 30,7 38,8 50,6 58,7
13 years30,9 33,8 43,4 56,8 66
14 years34,3 38 48,8 63,4 73,2
15 years38,7 43 54,8 70 80,1
16 years44 48,3 61 76,5 84,7
17-18 years old49,3 54,6 66,3 80,1 87,8

It is worth remembering that under the influence of hormones during this period, sudden changes in weight are possible, up to exhaustion or obesity. Such problems should be addressed to specialists, because regular diets or overfeeding will not help.

The weight of a schoolchild depends on many factors; it is important for parents to monitor the development of the child so that there is neither thinness nor obesity

Growth dynamics of a teenager

By the age of 12-14, adolescent growth gradually reaches its maximum. By the age of 17-18, boys reach 170-180 cm in height - they become young men. The growth process ends at approximately 18-22 years.

Normal height in adolescents and young men aged 11 to 18 years:

To determine the development of the baby (normal height and average weight relative to age), special centile graphs are used.

At an appointment with a pediatrician, you can hear the doctor assessing the indicators, citing a number from 1 to 8. There are several tables for calculating the height indicators of boys and their body weight:

  • centile graphs of average height;
  • head circumference charts;
  • body weight centile tables;
  • Chest volume charts.

The result of calculating the ratio of weight and height is called the Quetelet index. This figure will help determine whether your child is suffering from obesity or anorexia. The Quetelet index is calculated using a simple formula: weight divided by height raised to the second power. Use a special calculator, of which there are plenty on the Internet. A special index table for children of different ages will help determine whether there are deviations from the norm and how strong they are.

AgeHeight, indicators in cm
Very lowShortAverageHighVery tall
11 years131,3 134,5 143,2 152,9 156,2
12 years

At every pediatric appointment infant Height and weight must be measured. These indicators, within the established norms, indicate the normal development of the baby physically, which can be tracked using specially developed age tables of weight and height from the World Health Organization, which are used by pediatricians in many countries around the world.

From the history of establishing norms

According to UNICEF and WHO standards, which were adopted in 2002, the optimal form of feeding newborns is breast milk. Breastfeeding provides the baby with healthy growth and timely development. During the first 6 months of life, WHO experts do not recommend supplementing breast milk with any other products. After the first six months of life, in order to ensure the normal development and health of the child, doctors recommend starting to introduce complementary foods that are adequate for the age and needs of the baby, without stopping breastfeeding until at least two years of age. In this context, breastfeeding is considered not only as the best biological food for a newborn, but also as the only possible one. Therefore, such standards required revision in order to take into account when calculating ideal weight and the growth of a small child and those children who initially had non-standard parameters, and were also fed not only by breastfeeding, but also by artificial or mixed type of feeding at an early age.

In order to establish new, more adapted for various types For a long time, experts studied about 9 thousand children raised in conditions favorable for development. Moreover, their diet included both mother's milk and other healthy foods appropriate to the age of the particular child, all children were vaccinated and protected from other adverse effects. The mothers of such babies led healthy image life throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding. This large-scale project under the auspices of the World Health Organization and under the supervision of non-governmental organizations at the United Nations made it possible to develop new, highly adapted standards for infant height and weight that can be applied in most standard cases of infant development.

A multicenter study of child development indicators made it possible to establish the optimal parameters of weight and height, their ratio, as well as the size of their monthly increases, which would correspond to the modern rhythm of life, environmental living conditions, and nutritional patterns. At the same time, in order to increase objectivity, studies were conducted in various ethnic groups of people in Europe, the USA, India, Oman, Brazil and other countries.

Why measure a child's height and weight

Even minor deviations in the established parameters of a child’s development can cause severe panic in caring mothers. However, it is important to understand in this case that there cannot be a single correct norm for all children without exception, deviation in any direction is considered normal, because pediatricians talk about normal dialing weight and height gain, based solely on the individual input parameters of a particular person.

The World Health Organization, however, recommends monitoring the weight and height of a child up to one year without fail on a monthly basis. Too large discrepancies with generally accepted norms are a reason to apply for medical care. At the same time, in order to reduce possible errors to a minimum, individual standards were developed for children of different sexes.

Established standards allow parents to roughly navigate the situation when they can calmly observe the baby’s development, and when it is still worth paying close attention to his health and providing timely qualified assistance. At the same time, these standards do not talk about specific problems in the child’s health; they only demonstrate the dynamics of the body’s growth that should be observed during normal development.

Regulatory tables

As a result of the research, special normative tables and graphs of the height and weight of children aged from birth to 10 years were compiled. It is important that these graphs display not only the normative values ​​of height and weight, but also their interdependence for understanding the harmonious development of a person.

Babies under one year old

From birth to one year of age, experts recommend monitoring height and weight parameters on a monthly basis. WHO recommends tracking the main indicators of normal child development using a special table (Table 1):

Standard indicators of weight and height of children under 1 year of age by month
Child's age, months Weight norm, kilograms Height norm, centimeters
Girls Boys Girls Boys
1 3,6-4,8 3,9-5,1 51,7-55,6 52,8-56,7
2 4,5-5,8 4,9-6,3 55,0-59,1 56,4-60,4
3 5,2-6,6 5,7-7,2 57,7-61,9 59,4-63,5
4 5,7-7,3 6,3-7,8 59,9-64,3 61,8-66
5 6,1-7,8 6,7-8,4 61,8-66,3 63,8-68
6 6,5-8,3 7,1-8,9 63,5-68,0 65,5-69,8
7 6,8-8,6 7,4-9,3 65,0-69,6 67,0-71,3
8 7,0-9,0 7,7-9,6 66,4-71,1 68,4-72,8
9 7,3-9,3 8,0-9,9 67,7-72,6 69,7-74,2
10 7,5-9,6 8,2-10,2 69,0-74,0 71,0-75,6
11 7,7-9,9 8,4-10,5 70,3-75,3 72,2-76,9
12 7,9-10,1 8,7-10,8 71,4-76,6 73,4-78,1

Children over one year old

At the age of 1 to 3 years, WHO experts recommend monitoring the height and weight parameters of children on a quarterly basis, from 3 to 7 years - every six months, and from 7 to 10 years - annually. By the age of 10, if a boy’s parameters are less than 131.4 centimeters and less than 26.7 kilograms, doctors conclude that the child’s growth is insufficient, and with height parameters above 144.2 centimeters and a weight of more than 37 kilograms, they conclude that physical development is exceeded (Table 2). In girls, insufficient physical development at the age of ten is recorded at parameters less than 132.2 centimeters and 27.1 kilograms, and excessive – at 145 centimeters and 38.2 kilograms of height and weight, respectively (Table 3).

Gender standards for weight and height up to 10 years for boys
Age Boy's height, centimeters Boy's weight, kilograms
Lower limit of normal Norm Upper limit of normal Lower limit of normal Norm Upper limit of normal
15 months 76,6 79,2 81,7 9,2 10,3 11,5
18 months 79,6 82,3 85,0 9,8 10,9 12,2
21 months 82,3 85,1 88,0 10,3 11,5 12,9
2 years 84,4 87,5 90,5 10,8 12,2 13,6
27 months 86,4 89,6 92,9 11,3 12,7 14,3
30 months 88,5 91,9 95,3 11,8 13,3 15,0
33 months 90,5 94,1 97,6 12,3 13,8 15,6
3 years 92,4 96,1 99,8 12,7 14,3 16,2
3.5 years 95,9 99,9 103,8 13,6 15,3 17,4
4 years 99,1 103,3 107,5 14,4 16,3 18,6
4.5 years 102,3 106,7 111,1 15,2 17,3 19,8
5 years 105,3 110,0 114,6 16,0 18,3 21,0
5.5 years 108,2 112,9 117,7 17,0 19,4 22,2
6 years 111,0 116,0 120,9 18,0 20,5 23,5
6.5 years 113,8 118,9 124,0 19,0 21,7 24,9
7 years 116,4 121,7 127,0 20,0 22,9 26,4
8 years 121,6 127,3 132,9 22,1 25,4 29,5
9 years 126,6 132,6 138,6 24,3 28,1 33,0
10 years 131,4 137,8 144,2 26,7 31,2 37,0
Gender standards for weight and height up to 10 years for girls
Age Girl's height, centimeters Girl's weight, kilograms
Lower limit of normal Norm Upper limit of normal Lower limit of normal Norm Upper limit of normal
15 months 74,8 77,5 80,2 8,5 9,6 10,9
18 months 77,8 80,7 83,6 9,1 10,2 11,6
21 months 80,6 83,7 86,7 9,6 10,9 12,3
2 years 83,2 86,4 89,6 10,2 11,5 13,0
27 months 84,9 88,3 91,7 10,7 12,1 13,7
30 months 87,1 90,7 94,2 11,2 12,7 14,4
33 months 89,3 92,9 96,6 11,7 13,3 15,1
3 years 91,2 95,1 98,9 12,2 13,9 15,8
3.5 years 95,0 99,0 103,1 13,1 15,0 17,2
4 years 98,4 102,7 107,0 14,0 16,1 18,5
4.5 years 101,6 106,2 110,7 14,9 17,2 19,9
5 years 104,7 109,4 114,2 15,8 18,2 21,2
5.5 years 107,2 112,2 117,1 16,6 19,1 22,2
6 years 110,0 115,1 120,2 17,5 20,2 23,5
6.5 years 112,7 118,0 123,3 18,3 21,2 24,9
7 years 115,3 120,8 126,3 19,3 22,4 26,3
8 years 120,8 126,6 132,4 21,4 25,0 29,7
9 years 126,4 132,5 138,6 24,0 28,2 33,6
10 years 132,2 138,6 145,0 27,0 31,9 38,2

Norms of growth increase

The first 6 months of a child’s life are characterized by the most active dynamics of his growth. Growth at this time occurs in leaps and bounds, and in the warm season such leaps can be many times larger than in winter, since human growth is significantly accelerated under the influence of vitamin D. There is also an opinion that during the process of sleep, small children grow faster, and they sleep a lot in the first six months of their life.

It is customary to link the general assessment of a child’s height to his weight. The normal limits for the first year of life are considered to be the following indicators of growth:

  • an increase of 3-4 centimeters in the first 3 months of life;
  • an increase to the previous height of another plus 2-3 centimeters in 4-6 months;
  • an increase in height in six months of 4-6 centimeters by the age of nine months;
  • an increase of 3 centimeters to the previous height for 10-12 months.

Thus, a child’s height in the first year of life should, on average, increase by 20 centimeters.

Norms for weight gain

The normal body weight of a newborn should be from 2500 to 4500 grams. The World Health Organization has established that normal monthly weight gain in the first six months of life is 400 grams, and by 6 months of life a person’s birth weight should double. From 6 to 12 months, a baby should normally gain at least 150 grams of weight monthly.

However, if the newborn had a high birth weight (4000 grams or more), then his monthly weight gain should be less than that established for children with a standard weight. And vice versa - low birth weight babies with a birth weight of less than 2500 grams should normally gain weight more rapidly and their monthly gain should be more than 400 grams in the first 6 months of life.

Boys height and weight chart

Since the beginning of the new millennium, specialists dealing with issues of proper baby food, insist that exclusively breast milk can serve as the norm for such nutrition. Since 2005, new World Health Organization charts have been adopted worldwide, characterizing the relationship between age and the height or weight of a child who eats a healthy diet.

Girls height and weight chart

WHO height and weight charts should be different for boys and girls. Below are the reference growth charts for girls aged from birth to 2 years (graph 3 and 4).

Development during puberty

Indicators of weight and height in children aged 11 to 17 years are characterized by a wide range of normative values. These indicators during puberty are influenced by: individual characteristics each individual child, as well as genetic predisposition and heredity.

On average, girls during puberty grow up to 17-19 years old, and boys - up to 19-22 years old. At the same time, the growth of girls increases most rapidly at the age of 10-12, while the growth of boys occurs in a later period - from 13 to 16 years. Growth spurts in teenagers are explained by hormonal surges. At the same time, teenagers react very painfully to their physical parameters - small boys or girls with early rounded shapes begin to develop severe complexes. It is important to prepare the child psychologically in a timely manner for the changes that will occur in his body and explain their nature. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to allow teenagers to follow diets that, in their opinion, will bring them closer to some desired parameters. If a teenager is underweight or overweight for unknown reasons, it is necessary to analyze his lifestyle, nutrition system and undergo a complete medical examination to identify any pathologies.

Child's future growth

Experts believe that it is possible to approximately calculate the future height of a child in adulthood using a certain formula. These calculations can demonstrate the basic weight of a person according to genetic predisposition, as well as its possible average value adjusted for gender.

The formula for the future growth of a child assumes that the height base will first be calculated by adding the height of mom and dad in centimeters and dividing the resulting value by 2. For example, the mother’s height is 170 centimeters, the father’s height is 180 centimeters, so the child’s height base will be (170 + 180 )/2= 175 centimeters. Gender adjustment assumes that a girl’s height in adulthood will be 5 centimeters below the base height, that is, in our example, it will be 170 centimeters, and a boy’s height will exceed the base height by 5 centimeters, that is, in the example, 180 centimeters .

These calculations are approximate, but in many cases the actual height of an adult differs from such calculations by only a couple of centimeters in both directions.

We correctly determine the weight and height of the baby

To determine your baby's height at home, you can use a stadiometer or a measuring tape. To correctly measure height, the child must stand barefoot on the floor, touching his back to the ruler. The torso should be straight, feet together, arms down along the body, knees fully extended. The child’s head should be positioned so that the edge of the lower eyelid and the upper edge of the ear are located on the same horizontal line. When measuring height, it is important to touch the ruler with your shoulder blades, heels and buttocks. At the level of the end of the head, a perpendicular is applied to the vertical, at the location of which on the ruler the child’s height is determined.

Scales are used to measure the baby's weight. IN modern conditions The weight of children is most often measured on electronic scales, on which it is important to ensure that the child’s body is in the center of the bowl or plane of the scale. Small children should be weighed lying down or sitting; children who can stand should be weighed standing. When checking weight infant wrapped in a diaper, you need to subtract the weight of the diaper itself. Weight checks should be carried out in the morning before feeding and after emptying the bladder and bowels.

Factors influencing deviations

Sometimes young children have weight problems. They can occur due to energy imbalance, various diseases or overfeeding. Energy imbalance occurs in the body due to excessive intake of calories, which provokes excess weight, or due to their shortage, which, accordingly, entails a lack of weight. Weight problems, as a rule, affect growth in children. To avoid such a situation, it is recommended to feed children the food that will correspond to their lifestyle in terms of energy balance, and also constantly monitor the level of physical activity, which is inherent specific child with a certain diet.

All sorts of medical conditions can also lead to problems with height and weight. In addition to pathologies of an infectious nature, congenital diseases, various hormonal changes can occur in the child’s body, which will provoke problems with weight and height.

Many adults try to forcefully overfeed their child, fearing that he will not receive some important nutrients. Pediatricians strongly recommend listening to children's biological needs for nutrition, not force-feeding children, teaching them to independently determine the occurrence of attacks of hunger and satiety and satisfy them in a timely manner. Only then will the body be able to fully develop and strengthen, based on existing age person and the quality of food he eats.