What parents expecting a baby should know. Prenatal education. What parents-to-be should know. Adolescence isn't so bad

Standing in front of the cradle, dying of fatigue and anxiety? This is fine. In most cases, the first months of your baby's life is another test for mom and dad. It turns out that having a child means forgetting about peace. Often the child has to be carried in his arms for hours and sing until he becomes hoarse, but little sense! The baby still screams - why ?!

  • Discomfort from being cold or cold;
  • Fatigue, psychological stress.

And a dozen more reasons. Love, attention, experience in a few weeks after birth will teach parents to feel and understand the baby.

Crazy nights, sleepless nights

For the first three months, the baby sleeps 18 hours a day, of which 10 at night. But it is extremely rare that he sleeps for more than 3-4 hours in a row. This is if the textbook. In reality, night screams from a crib can be heard much more often.

What will help:

  • Patiently teach your child healthy sleep skills;
  • Install and try not to deviate from it;
  • Honestly share the nightly worries about the baby with your husband, get up in turn;
  • Bring in relatives to help: let them take care of the child for an hour or two during the day, giving you time to rest.

Much will become intuitively clear: why sleep problems, and what is needed to avoid them ... There is no need to panic.

Does a baby need a wardrobe

It's hard to look at adorable suits, ball gowns, and tiny blouses without buying them. Still - do not buy! The pointlessness of these outfits is obvious, but they are expensive.

Too many things are unnecessary because babies are growing fast.

There is a selected practice basic wardrobe baby:

  • Three slips with buttons, with "arms and legs", with "mittens" on the sleeves so that the child does not scratch his face;
  • Two bodysuits with sleeves, but without "legs", with a fastener at the bottom, where the diaper is located;
  • Two pairs of sliders;
  • Several blouses;
  • Several hats for different seasons;
  • "Scratches", socks, booties - several pairs;
  • Two overalls - light and warm;
  • Several cloth diapers;
  • Diapers.

Enough for a start. The child needs to be comfortable, comfortable, hygienic. Before you look back, you will have to update your wardrobe. But, nevertheless, this question is at the personal discretion of the parents.

You can't do without a stroller. More precisely, without two. The first "crew" will be a cradle stroller for babies up to 6-8 months. She must be

  • Made from ecological material;
  • Comfortable and safe;
  • Deep and spacious;
  • With a flat and firm bottom;
  • With an apron that will warm and protect from rain (snow);
  • Maneuverable, with good shock absorbers and braking function;
  • Equipped with accessories for mom's convenience.

After six months it will be needed. For walks with a child who already knows how to sit, you need transport that is not only light and mobile, but also, necessarily, stable.

  • A handy piece for an active mother - a kangaroo bag. Doctors recommend using the bag no earlier than 3-4 months, otherwise you can seriously harm your posture.
  • To walk normally with a toddler who is eager to walk, or other devices to help keep upright.
  • Farther - . Are needed not only for entertainment. Toys develop a baby, help to learn about the world.
  • Juices, fruits and vegetables, feeding when mother's milk is not enough.

Expenses and income

Modern technologies allow mom to work on maternity leave. But the first months of a child's life are not the most the right time for labor exploits.

Not worth arranging workplace at home, when the baby is developing the gastrointestinal tract, teeth are being cut, he learns to walk.

In quiet periods, it is quite possible to work remotely. What can you do? Copyright, scripting, web design, translations, sewing, knitting, cutting, making up at home. Perhaps you will like it, and after the decree, you will change qualifications.

It seems that something is wrong with him.

Young parents tend to panic with or without. Do not forget that together with you, a pediatrician monitors the physical and neuropsychic development of the child. If the baby really does not reach the norm in something, the doctor will notice it.

Do you have doubts? Discuss with your pediatrician, visit specialized specialists for his referral. Never diagnose your child yourself. And don't compare with other kids. Each has an individual pace of development.

Analyzes, registration with a gynecologist, trimesters of pregnancy - it seems so difficult, but in fact ...

With the appearance of two strips on the pharmacy test, the girl's life changes. Some are not happy with such a gift, but for the rest it is happiness. It is easier for women who already have a child. They know how the pregnancy goes, what happens to her body and baby, when to visit the gynecologist, etc.

It is more difficult for girls who will give birth for the first time. But even here you shouldn't get lost. Not everything is as bad as it seems.

Go to the doctor as soon as you see two strips. The period from the 6th to the 12th week is optimal for registration, since during this period it is safe to say that pregnancy has come.

The doctor starts an exchange card, in which he will sign the pregnancy, right up to the birth. After that, he will conduct a general examination, prescribe tests, send him to pass the commission.

You need to visit a gynecologist before 20 weeks once a month, up to 32 - once every 2 weeks, and after 32 weeks - once every 7 days. If you have health problems, pathologies, then make visits more often.

Trimesters of pregnancy

As a mother-to-be, it is advisable for you to know what changes are taking place in the body and what is happening to the baby.

I trimester (1-12 weeks)

In your body, hormonal changes occur, the mammary glands swell, the areolae of the nipples change color, toxicosis and heartburn appear. Constipation may appear. Daily nausea affects the general condition, use.

The kid grows and develops rapidly at this time. It turns from an embryo to a fetus. His body parts are forming, he begins to move them slowly. The movements are slow so you can't hear them yet. The genitals are also formed.

IІ trimester (13-27 weeks)

By this time, the malaise passes, and pains in the back and lower back come to replace. The belly grows, it becomes difficult for you to do the usual things. Posture suffers. Around the 20th week, you will begin to feel your baby's movements. At this time, his physical activity increases.

The baby's organs continue to form, the skeleton hardens. The kidneys are already working, the first urine is being excreted. The kid hears you, you can talk to him. With the help of ultrasound, the sex of the child is determined. If suddenly at the end of the second trimester they begin premature birth, the baby can survive, but only with the help of intensive care.

III trimester (28-40 weeks)

Your tummy grows, your chest grows. You put on weight, because of this, stiffness in movements appears. It is difficult to climb the stairs, to walk for a long time. By the end of week 37, false contractions appear. They are irregular, so you should not sound the alarm, but you need to tell the doctor about them.

The baby's organs and systems are finally being formed. He makes the first breathing movements. Nails, hair, teeth grow.

Subjective symptoms of pregnancy (fetal movement, delayed menstruation, nausea) appear especially for each woman individually.

How everyday life is changing

You, as a future mother, take care of your health, take care of it. External factors affect you and your baby.

Bad habits

Give up alcohol, smoking and even more drugs, if you want to have healthy child... These are the causes of congenital deformities and diseases.


Everything you eat goes to the baby. Nothing needs to be radically changed. It is worth excluding junk food, fast food. The daily diet should contain all trace elements. Add natural vitamins. If out of season, consult your doctor and buy them at the pharmacy.

Sleep and wakefulness

You mustn't overexert yourself. This does not mean that everything is prohibited. Alternate rest with light exercise. And not do more than what you are capable of. Do not lift weights, this can cause placental abruption, miscarriage, premature birth.

Preparing for childbirth

Get ready physically for childbirth. There are exercises to help you make labor easier and keep fit. Sign up for a childbirth preparation course. They will tell and show you how to relieve pain during contractions, how to behave correctly.

It will not be superfluous to discuss the issue of wearing a bandage and compression underwear. You may not need it, but you can ask one more time.

On the last weeks pregnancy, do not do something that can cause premature birth. These factors include sex, intense physical activity, stress.

Prepare a bag of things for the hospital in advance. Take a list of documents, things that you need in antenatal clinic... Prepare it 2-3 weeks before childbirth, so as not to forget anything, and you never know what.

You read on the forums on the Internet a lot of advice and information about the upcoming birth - to your health. It is useful for broadening one's horizons. But listen and do what the doctors and midwives say in the hospital.

Delivery is considered normal between 38 and 40 weeks. Each woman's due date is different. The main thing is to know exactly when to go to the hospital.

The date of birth will be calculated by the obstetrician-gynecologist. For 1-2 weeks of the onset of labor, precursors of childbirth appear. They prepare the mother-to-be for regular contractions.

Harbingers of childbirth:

  • It becomes easier to breathe as the fetal head is inserted into the small pelvis.
  • The uterus is almost ready for labor, so it becomes more excitable.
  • There is a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, in the lower back.
  • A couple of days before the birth itself, a mucous plug comes out of the genital tract.
  • Colostrum is excreted from the nipples.
  • The appearance of regular contractions.

Contractions begin for a few seconds with a long break. Gradually, the rest time is reduced, and the time of contractions increases. When they become regular, 1 time in 5-7 minutes, go to the hospital. Provided that you live not far from it. If you need to travel for a long time, go as soon as the first contractions appear.

If this is your second child, do not delay. Go right away, the second birth is easier and faster than the first time.

Often before the onset of labor or with it, amniotic fluid is poured out. If this happens, go to the hospital. After the water has passed, you must give birth within 12 hours.

There are situations from which neither you nor anyone else is immune. And you need to act immediately, because you are already responsible for two lives, yours and the baby's.

Emergency conditions:

  • Pain in the abdomen appears.
  • Blood discharge appears or amniotic fluid is admixed with blood.
  • The child stopped moving or, conversely, the movements intensified.
  • The contractions are too painful or the uterus does not relax during the rest period.
  • Deterioration in general well-being: dizziness, changes in blood pressure, etc.

Now you know everything a mother-to-be needs to know. Pregnancy is important for a woman. You are carrying a little man in you. In fact, this is a wonderful condition. You are special, you glow with happiness, everyone helps you in everything. You will always remember this state, tell the baby how you carried it in your tummy. So let it pass easily for you, only with a positive attitude. Being a mom is happiness.


The foundations of the normal neuropsychic and speech development of the child are laid during the period of intrauterine development.

Positive emotions received future mother can become the foundation normal development child in the future.

Chat with your unborn baby.

You are preparing to become a mother, and you probably already know that your son or daughter will appear in a few months. There is no doubt that you properly prepared for pregnancy, planned this event, were examined by specialists, registered with the antenatal clinic on time and followed all the recommendations of your obstetrician-gynecologist. You eat right and rationally, go for walks every day, observe the regime. You certainly don't have bad habits, like the future dad, who is as serious as you are preparing for the baby.

Did you know that already during pregnancy you can communicate with your unborn baby, thereby contributing to his normal neuropsychic and speech development? After all, the foundations of the normal neuropsychic and speech development of the child are laid precisely during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus. Scientists say that the fetus already in the fifth month of development hears and recognizes the mother's voice. Therefore, communicate with your unborn baby, tell him short nursery rhymes, sing lullabies:


Sleep baby go to sleep

A moon shines in the dark sky,

The children went to bed.

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word!

I'll sing a song to my daughter.

Byu-bye! Byu-bye!

Close your eyes tightly.

Bayu-bayu, across the river

The sun disappeared to rest.

At the Alyosha Gate

Bunnies lead a round dance.

Zainki, zainki,

Isn't it time to bainki?

To you - under the aspen,

Lesha - to the perinka.

Bayu-bayu, Leshenka,

Fall asleep quickly.

Bayu-bye, byu-bye,

Katya, close your eyes!

The cat went to the market,

I bought Katya a pie.

The cat went under the bridge,

I caught a fish by the tail.

The cat will come to Katya,

Tells Katya spatenki.

There are studies that prove that a newborn falls asleep better precisely to those melodies that he heard during fetal development. Listen to classical music, visit museums, admire paintings famous artists... Try to constantly get positive emotions, they are so necessary for both you and the baby and can become the foundation of his normal nervous mental development.

My family members were surprised when I talked to my unborn sons, but their speech development, which proceeded like a textbook, and how they reacted to songs and poems that they heard during fetal development, prove that active communication with the born baby stimulates its development. My eldest son had a revitalization complex at the very moment when he heard the melodies of the Pesnyary group, whose concert I attended just before his birth.

So communicate with your baby even before his birth, tell him how you love and expect him. Stroke your rounded tummy, speak as much as possible tender words to your future son or daughter. Let the future dad take part in this process.

Of the month

Already in two months the child responds with a smile to your appeal, looks for the source of the sound, turning his head in his direction.

Of the month

V three months the baby looks for you. He needs to communicate with you. Remember this and talk to your baby constantly when you feed or bathe him, give him a massage or dress him for a walk. My sons never cried while getting ready for a walk, as often happens with babies, because the dressing process was accompanied by funny songs and poems.

Matreshina's sister

In the village of fables:

A duck walks in a skirt

In a warm sheepskin coat,

The chicken is in a vest,

Cockerel - in a beret,

Goat - in a sundress,

Zainka - in a caftan,

And all of them are worthy

A cow in a mat.

If you actively communicate with a baby, then at three months primitive sounds disappear from him, lingering melodious vowels and sound combinations appear: uh huh huh huh etc. By the end of the third month, the baby has the first laugh, which is one of the indicators of normal neuropsychic development.

Of the month

V four months the baby clearly localizes the sound source in space, turns its head towards your voice, music, knocking, continues to melodiously walk, which contributes to the development speech breathing, laughs long and loudly. The child has a complex of revitalization with laughter - he twists his legs, waves his arms and laughs cheerfully precisely when emotionally communicating with you. At this time, for playing with your baby, you will need sounding toys: rattles, bells, bells. With the help of these toys, you can not only play with your baby, but also check if his hearing is in order. If the child does not respond to sounding toys, does not turn his head towards your voice or towards a working TV, there is a reason to contact an otorhinolaryngologist and check the child's hearing. By the way, the fact that the child stops walking, but does not begin to babble, also speaks of the need to study the state of hearing.


So, by the end of the humming period, that is by the end of the fifth month, the child is dominated by guttural sounds similar to sounds [k], [z], [x], then sounds similar to [n], [m], [b], [t], [n]. The articulation (correct position of the organs of speech) of these sounds is similar to the act of sucking, so they are most easily mastered by the baby. Then sounds like [c], [f], [c], [h]. The baby begins to pronounce syllables with these sounds. This is the beginning of the babbling period. And if babies of all peoples of the world are walking in the same way, then in babbling the syllables characteristic of words are already clearly caught native child language. At this time, the baby develops attention to the speaker's articulation. The kid gazes intently at his mother's face, at her lips, as if asking: "How do you do this?"

Children begin to reproduce more often those syllables that are reinforced by adults, that is, they are repeated after the child. You heard that the kid has a syllable "Ma". Repeat it several times, clearly pronouncing the sounds, then sing to different melodies: “Ma-ma-ma! Mom mom!"


V six months the child pronounces well individual syllables and even chains of syllables: “Ba-ba-ba! Ma-ma-ma! Pa-pa-pa! Ty-cha! Nanny!" Some parents insist that it was at this time that the child first said his first words "dad" and "mom". Do not flatter yourself! These are just strings of the same and simplest to pronounce syllables "pa" and "ma".

It is interesting that during the babbling period, the child pronounces the most diverse and complex sounds, and then slowly and with the greatest difficulty learns to articulate them in words. It is noted that even the most difficult sound in Russian is present in the babbling of many Russian-speaking babies. [R]. There is nothing surprising here. The fact is that spontaneity reigns in babbling. The child does not yet need to reproduce certain sounds at a certain moment, in certain combinations, in specific words.


TO seven months babbling takes on a socialized character. The baby grabs your attention with vocal responses. If he does not see you, he demanding and displeased shouts: "Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma!" If he doesn't want to eat, he turns away from the spoon and shouts again: "Boo-boo-boo-boo-boo!" The syllables uttered by the child still do not have a semantic meaning for him, but they are a kind of independent activity. In the babbling of a seven- to eight-month-old baby, one can already notice a certain semblance of intonation. This is a manifestation of an unconscious imitation of the speech of others. That is why the speech of mother and other loved ones should be very emotional, richly intoned, expressive. Keep singing to the baby. When washing and bathing, sing:

Water, water,

Wash my face

To make your eyes shine

To make your cheeks burn

So that the mouth laughs,

To bite a tooth.

When doing your morning toilet, tell your daughter a nursery rhyme:

Grow, braid, to the waist,

Don't drop a hair

Grow, skew, to toes,

All hairs in a row.

Grow, braid, don't get confused.

Mom, daughter, obey.

I will comb my son


These are the curls

The curls are like shavings.

When feeding, tell your daughter a funny rhyme:

Cooked porridge

Little Dunyasha.

That's porridge! Noble

And it tastes good!

And for the son, such a nursery rhyme is suitable:

Eat porridge, my son,

You will be as strong as an oak tree.

That's porridge! Noble

And it tastes good!


V nine month the child has a so-called modulated babbling, or babbling recitation. The child pronounces syllables and strings of syllables with different intonations. Sitting in the arena or crib and playing with his toys, the baby babbles with pleasure, sometimes it seems that he is uttering whole phrases. He enjoys playing well-known games with you. folk games"Ladushki" and "Magpie cooked porridge."

Okay, okay,

Where were you?

By Grandma.

What did you eat?

Sour milk.

Shoot, shove, flew,

They sat on the head.

Magpie cooked porridge,

The children were fed:

I gave this,

I gave this,

I gave this,

I gave this,

But she didn’t give it to him.

I didn't tear the bark,

I didn't carry water,

I didn't cook porridge.

I won't give you porridge!

It is no coincidence that our great-great-grandfathers played finger games with children. The development of fine digital motor skills is directly related to the development of speech. Stretch your baby's fingers and pronounce the texts of the simplest exercises for the fingers.

One, two, three, four, five, This finger wants to sleep, This finger just took a nap, This finger has already fallen asleep, The smallest is fast asleep, Doesn't say anything.
* * *
One, two, three, four, five, Let's go for a walk. This finger was digging sand, This one was making a bun, This one was rolling down a hill, This one was lying in the grass. This clever was, He spoke well. Press gently on the tip of each of your toddler's left fingers, starting with the thumb. Bend your toes one at a time, starting with the thumb. Squeezing all your fingers together, gently squeeze your fist. Repeat the exercise for the fingers of the right hand.


WITH ten months a period of voluntary imitation begins, the child tries to repeat individual syllables and even words after adults. Some children actually have their first independent words in speech. How well your little one does it depends a lot on you. When talking with him, do not lisp, do not break your language, speak beautifully and correctly, try to make your speech expressive, melodious.


V eleven months the child has words no yes with appropriate gestures.


TO twelve months the weight of the baby's brain doubles, and there is a leap in the development of the baby's speech. In the speech of a normally developing child, there are 10-15 consciously pronounced words: mom, dad, woman, uncle, grandfather, aunt, give, on etc. Words can be babbling ( bye-bye, bbc, doo-doo), polysemous, when one word will mean several objects and actions at once. For example, the word pi will denote tea, juice, a cup, desire to drink, desire to sit on a pot. The kid makes extensive use of onomatopoeia: aw, mu, ha-ha, pee-pee. He begins to walk on his own, becomes more mobile and active. He is interested in all objects in the field of view. You had to take care of the safety of the baby, remove all unnecessary things, close electrical outlets and sharp corners of furniture. You play a lot with your child, teach him to build a tower of bricks, disassemble and assemble a pyramid, throw and catch a medium-sized ball, show pictures in toy books, read simple quatrains, for example, from the book “Toys” by Agniya Lvovna Barto, tell Russians folk tales"Ryaba Chicken", "Turnip", "Kolobok". Showing the child bright pictures with images of animals, you read couplets to him:


V fourteen months the child shows the first elementary manifestations of initiative in the use of the word. For example, seeing a horse, the child says "no-no", and pointing to the car, says "BBC".

Of the year

V one and half year a normally developing child has 50-60 words in the dictionary; monosyllabic demand-sentences appear: "Fuck!" ("Sleep!"), "Guyat!" ("Take a walk!") A child of this age rearranges, lowers, replaces many sounds in words with simpler ones in articulation. This is due to the age-related imperfection of the articulatory apparatus, the insufficient level of development of phonemic perception. But characteristic of this period under normal speech development is a persistent reproduction of the melodic contours of words. For instance: itotki - flowers, bibibiska - a sparrow, ibuyaska - Cheburashka etc. After a year and a half the child first has two-syllable words from open syllables (water, leg, go, want) then - three-syllable (bananas, I say, I walk). As the child assimilates three-syllable words, he moves on to building sentences. Plural forms of nouns and verbs appear (legs, go).

Of the year

TO two years a normally developing baby has more than two hundred words and short phrases in everyday life (Mom, go. Do not drink. Aunt, lyalu. Mom, Vova, sleep. Katya, sit here.)

Many researchers call this age the period of "telegraphic speech", when the child mainly uses only nouns and verbs and builds phrases of two or three words that convey a certain meaning and therefore perform the role of sentences. As a rule, the speech of a child of this age is situational and can be correctly understood in a certain situation.

At this time, the baby begins to use not only nouns and verbs, but also other parts of speech: personal pronouns (me, he, she), adverbs (there, over there, where, well, still), adjectives (red, big, small, good, bad). Simple prepositions appear (on, in, y, under, behind), there are connecting unions.

Of the year

Already in two and a half years a child whose speech is developing normally uses complex sentences (We walked with Tobik in the park, and he barked at a squirrel.) asks questions with words where? when? (Where is my car? When are we going for a walk?)

3 years

TO three years old there are more than a thousand words in the child's dictionary, in speech there are complex sentences of various designs (Dad will give me a new bike when I grow up. Sasha will get a candy if he washes his hands.) It is at this age that the softening of almost all consonants disappears, which until that moment could be considered a physiological norm.

In the speech of a three-year-old baby, grammatical errors are still encountered, the pronunciation of whistling sounds may be impaired [s], [s], [s "],[h "] hissing [w], [w], [u], affricate [c], [h] and sonorous sounds [R]. [p "], [l], [l"].

If your baby in the third year of life still does not want to talk or speaks very little and badly, actively uses gestures, do not waste time and immediately go to the specialists: speech therapist, psychologist, neuropathologist, insist on an in-depth examination. Unfortunately, some pediatricians often reassure parents of non-speaking or poorly speaking children and insist that they must wait for the child to speak. But the period from one to three years, experts call a sensitive period of speech development, therefore, the lag in speech development at this age will be very difficult, and sometimes impossible to fully compensate. Don't calm yourself down, don't bury your head in the sand. Of course, the child can really speak a little later than his peers. There are a number of reasons for this. It is well known that in the same family, children begin to speak at different times. As a rule, older children learn to speak faster than theirs. younger brothers and sisters. The intensity and quality of your activities with your child is also a significant factor affecting the dynamics of speech development, including the onset of active independent speech. The state of health of the child influences this process. If a child is somatically weakened, is often sick for a long time, then he begins to speak later, and in neuropsychic development as a whole lags behind his peers. There is a belief that girls start speaking earlier and their speech develops faster. This is due to differences in the structure of the brain of girls and boys, in the functions of its departments. Research by scientists convinces of the great role of the genotype in the dynamics and success of speech development. In some families, from generation to generation, children begin to speak not in a year, but in one and a half to two years. And nevertheless, if your child's speech develops slowly and unevenly, if the child has a history of complications, damaging effects were noted during childbirth or in the first months of life, it is worth the diagnosis of PEP (perinatal encephalopathy), it is better to consult a specialist, identify the cause of the problem, immediately start complex treatment.

Of the year

TO four years your child's dictionary should have about two thousand words, much fewer grammatical errors, but a violation of the pronunciation of sounds is still possible [w], [w], [u], [q], [h], [p], [p "], [l], [l"], but the sounds [s], [s], [s "], [s"] the child already pronounces correctly and speaks cleanly: "juice", "sock", "teeth", "goat", "autumn", "winter", etc. various forms communication (dialogical and monologue, situational and contextual speech). He answers your questions about what he saw on the walk, what he did in kindergarten, easy to remember and tell short rhymes, and looking at familiar books, he retells the fairy tales that you have repeatedly read to him. You, of course, continue to communicate a lot with the child, play with him, watch and discuss cartoons, go to the theater for children's performances. If the child has a desire to get acquainted with the letters, start work on preparing the baby for learning to read and write. Just do not rush, choose the technique that you will use, study it well, and only then start classes with the baby. For classes, you will need cards and cubes with letters, an alphabet or a primer for preschoolers, bright object pictures, sticks and strings for laying out and plasticine for sculpting letters. It is good to purchase a magnetic board with a set of letters. The author can recommend you his kit for teaching preschoolers to read and write, which has been used by specialists working with preschoolers for ten years. These are books "My ABC book", "Play-literate" - manuals, which describe in detail the methodology of teaching children to read and write preschool age, as well as workbooks and recipes for preschoolers.

You teach your child to be polite, to say hello and to say goodbye to others, to say the "magic" words "thank you" and "please." You watch your speech and do not allow your loved ones to use abusive and dirty words in the presence of a child. Remember, your child's speech will be a reflection of your speech.

By the age of five already and sounds [w], [w], [u] pronounced correctly. Your son or your daughter already utters the words "fur coat", "mouse", "beetle", "skin", "brush", etc. absolutely cleanly, do not confuse the sounds [With] - [w] and [h] - [f] in speech. For example, a five-year-old will easily repeat the following pairs of words after you:

Bowl - Bear;

Mask - Masha;

Helmet - porridge;

Pacifier - checker;

Pass - I am writing;

Goat - leather;

Rose - erysipelas;

Lick - lie down.

The developing skill of auditory perception helps the child to control his own pronunciation and even hear mistakes in the speech of others. During this period, a linguistic flair is formed, which ensures the confident use of almost all grammatical categories in independent statements. The child does not confuse the cases of nouns and does not say: "I draw with a pencil and a pen." He will say correctly: "I draw with a pencil and a pen." He will not say "Five pencils", but use the correct form: "Five pencils." He already knows how to use prepositions correctly and does not say: "The cup fell off the table," but correctly says: "The cup fell off the table." A child of this age can easily compose a story from a series of pictures.


Winter came. A lot of snow fell. The children dressed warmly and went for a walk. The girl was rolling a bear on a sled. The boy was skiing down the hill.

Here the boy moved down the hill and saw a bear in the snow. And the girl was driving an empty sled.

The boy caught up with the girl and handed her the bear. The girl was delighted and said: "Thank you!"

He will just as easily retell the content of the watched cartoon or play, read by the teacher in the kindergarten of the story. Onuzhe knows and remembers many poems, knows how to guess riddles and, most importantly, explains what helped him to guess the riddle. For example, a child can easily guess the riddle:

A bump ran

Near the stump.

And the bump has a black nose

And the back is in thorns.

On the thorns of leaves a cart

From oak and aspen.

The kid, of course, will say that this is a hedgehog, and easily explain that the hedgehog really looks like a bump, his back is in thorns and he drags leaves on the thorns.

If the child has difficulty in guessing riddles, first use riddles - exercises such as "Give me a word":

Striped red back,

Flapping, rubbing against boots,

Waving the tip of the tail.

I'm talking about ... (cat).

Crochet piglet and tail.

You, of course, know him.

He's a big pig baby

And it is called - ... (piglet).

Briskly gallops across the lawn.

Who is he? Guess quickly.

The legs are thin, and the mane

Develops playfully.

At the stable without diapers

Grew up red ... (foal).

On the walkway, resting their foreheads,

They stand for an hour, on the mountain to mom.

Here are the stubborn guys!

What are their names?

(Little kids.)

Teach your child to explain how he solved the riddle, which helped him find the answer. This develops not only speech, but also the thinking of the child.

TO six years the process of phoneme formation in a normal developing child ends, he correctly pronounces in free speech absolutely all the sounds of his native language, does not confuse them with each other in the speech stream. But in any case, on the eve of entering school, the child must be shown to a speech therapist. The story of the type "To my own speech therapist" is akin to the story "To my own surgeon." Unfortunately, parents do not always hear defective pronunciation in their child. Check yourself and the state of the child's sound pronunciation yourself, suggest repeating the following chains of words and sentences after you.

Owl, scythe, dog. An owl on a bitch. There is a dog under the bench.

Hay, autumn, elk. Leaves turn red in autumn.

An umbrella, a goat, a splinter. Zoe has a new umbrella.

Winter, basket, rubber. Zina has strawberries in her basket.

Chains, sheep, finger. The heron has a short tail.

Hat, cat, baby. A hat and a fur coat - that's all Mishutka.

Beetle, knives. The beetle buzzes. Toad in a puddle.

Puppy, things, bream. The puppy pulls the brush.

Tea, barrel, night. A barrel by the stove. Brick stove.

Pit, T-shirt, barking. Mikey has a new watering can.

Paw, bun, floor. There's a puddle on the floor. Volodya has a shovel.

Forest, glade, salt. There is a fox in the forest. Lena ate raspberries.

Fish, brand, fence. Roma is painting the fence. Tomatoes by the fence.

River, sailor, primer. Irina has tangerines. Grisha will pick mushrooms under the birch.

Even if it seems to you that your child speaks absolutely purely, contact a speech therapist and check if this is really so. Soon your child will be heading to school, and a violation of the pronunciation of sounds can become an obstacle to the child's mastery of reading and writing.

By the age of six, the child must master a detailed phrasal speech, phonetically, lexically and grammatically correct. He easily retells the stories and fairy tales read to him, composes stories not only from a series of pictures, but also from a plot picture. For example, he can easily compose a story based on a picture, especially if you first ask him questions:

Who do you see in the picture?

Where did the children go with the teacher?

Whom did they see on the mountain ash?

What were the bullfinches?

How did the children look at them?

Winter morning

Under blue skies

Great carpets

Glittering in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river shines under the ice.

A. Pushkin

In the meadow

A path runs through the meadow,

Dives left, right.

Everywhere you look, flowers around

Yes knee-deep grass.

Green meadow, like a wonderful garden,

Fragrant and fresh in the hours of dawn.

Beautiful, rainbow colors

Bouquets are scattered on it.

I. Surikov

It's me

These are the eyes. Here. Here. These are ears. Here. Here. This is the nose. This is the mouth. There is a back. There is a stomach. These are pens. Clap clap. These are the legs. Top, top. Oh, tired. Wipe your forehead. We show first the left, then the right eye. We take first the left, then the right ear. Show your mouth with your left hand, and your nose with your right. We put the left palm on the back, the right palm on the stomach. We stretch out both hands, clap twice. We put our palms on the hips, stomp twice. Draw spelled with the right palm.
We'll soap our pens, One, two, three. One two Three. And above the handles, like clouds, Bubbles, bubbles. In a circular motion, three palms on the other. We perform three rhythmic claps twice. We throw our hands up. Four rhythmic jumps, hands on the belt.


This brush is for Andreika, Brush your teeth quickly. One two Three. One two Three. That's the teeth! Look! Two movements forefinger right hand along the left, then the right cheek. Four movements of the horizontally located index finger of the right hand up and down. Move the index finger of the right hand along the lips. Exercise "Smile" (part lips and show clenched teeth).
This is a ball, a round ball, a red ball, a smooth ball. Likes the ball to jump at a gallop. That's a ball, a round ball. Draw a semicircle two times. Four rhythmic jumps on both legs, hands on the belt. We "draw" a large circle with our hands.


The dress





"Moo-moo-moo! the cow hums. - I gore Katya and Vova. Don't you drink milk? Run far away! " We go in a circle, making "horns" from the index fingers. We turn to face each other, make two turns left and right. We put our hands on the belt, make an angry face. We scatter in different directions.
Horned goat
There is a horned goat, There is a tailed goat. Who does not eat, who does not sleep, Gore, gore, gore. We go in a circle, making "horns" from the fingers. We stop, turn to face each other, “butt”.
Russian folk pestushka



You know me closely. I'm a friendly pussy. Top - tassels on the ears, Claws are hidden in the pillows. In the dark, I can see clearly, I won’t hurt you in vain. But teasing me is dangerous - I scratch badly. V. Stoyanov We walk in a circle on tiptoes, stealthily, holding our bent arms in front of our chest. We stop, face in a circle, make "ears" from palms, and "claws" from fingers. Again we sneak in a circle. Again we stop, stand facing each other and show "claws".
Here's a cat, Round face, And on each paw Scratching claws. All his toys are the Cube and the coils. The cat, like a ball, gallops around the apartment. O. Vysotskaya We creep in a circle one after another on toes. We stop, show our face with both hands, shake our head. Rhythmically, we stretch forward either the left or the right hand. We jump on our toes. We keep our hands on the belt. Performing hops, we move in a circle.


Funny animals

Watering machine

There is a wealth of parenting information out there, so you might feel like you know a lot about children before they are born. Nevertheless, all parents discover a lot of new things. Here are some facts you should know before you have children.

Hugs don't disturb sleep

Some people think that it is impossible to hold the child for too long in his arms, otherwise he will not be able to fall asleep on his own. In fact, this does not prevent the child from sleeping at all - you can hold the child in your arms as much as you like. Children sleep well, even if they spend a lot of time with their parents, so do not try to refuse contact with the baby.

Adolescence isn't so bad

When young children are naughty, others often say that this is a trifle, because in adolescence everything will be much worse. Well, it is not uncommon for adult children to have serious problems, but spending time with teenagers can be very exciting. When your child is thirteen or sixteen, you will be able to do a lot together and will not miss his early childhood at all.

Vaccinations are not dangerous

Many people will assure you that vaccinations are extremely dangerous, but you shouldn't believe them. Try to approach the information rationally - all scientific sources will convince you that it is completely safe. You will not find any reliable evidence that vaccines are harmful. You can also consult a doctor who can help you get rid of your last doubts. Remember that ignorance can cost your child's life. Vaccinations are an easy and safe way to protect your health.

You cannot spoil a child with love

Some parents worry that the child will be spoiled because of excessive love for him. Nevertheless, you should not be afraid of this, allow your baby to spend more time with you and feel free to share your emotions. You will soon realize that this moment can and should be enjoyed!

Your child's childhood may not seem like the best moment in your life.

Some people claim that infancy is a unique period that must be enjoyed every second. Nevertheless, it is often accompanied by problems, so that parents begin to feel guilty if they do not enjoy raising a baby. This is actually normal. Raising a child is not always a complete pleasure, there is nothing shameful about it.

Don't be afraid to expect more from children.

People often underestimate children and do for them what the child himself can do. Be calm, let your baby handle it on his own. Many children do a great job of getting dressed and cleaning up after themselves. It may take longer, but the child will learn a lot.

There is no right time to stop feeding

Some believe that breastfeeding should be stopped before a year, otherwise the child will be too moody and clingy. In fact, in early age all children tend to cling to their mother. Feeding is an individual matter; only the mother should determine the timing. The opinion of others does not play a role in this.

Saying no is okay.

Sometimes people assure that a child should never be refused, because this will destroy his self-esteem, and that it is necessary to approach education in a more creative way so that the child himself learns the negative consequences. This is absurd. Children sometimes need to hear a firm rejection, this allows them to understand the exact boundaries and be more confident.

Trust your instincts

Be prepared to ignore ninety percent of the advice you receive. No one else knows your child as well as you do. Yes, sometimes the moment can be quite difficult, but you can handle it. Just believe in yourself!

Children need to be taught to sleep

It turns out that the habit of sleeping on a normal schedule is far from what naturally occurs in a child. You need to establish a daily routine fairly firmly if you want your child to learn to fall asleep on their own. However, it should be borne in mind that some children succeed from the first day, while others cannot get used to sleeping without their parents for a long time.

The swing is for the playground, not the bedroom

Some claim that the child falls asleep faster in the swing, sometimes this is true, nevertheless, this can negatively affect the development of the baby, so it is better to use a traditional crib.

You Can't Make Your Baby Eat Right

Before you have children, you will probably have an idea of ​​how to deal with whims. However, once you have a baby, you will realize that things are not so simple. Some toddlers are actually better off starving than eating broccoli. Of course, you still have to offer your child a wide range of products, but he will make the choice himself, and you cannot influence it in any way. Perhaps sooner or later your baby will simply outgrow his preferences and begin to eat more varied.

Think up your own schedule

You will surely come across detailed schedules and daily routines. If you follow such a plan, it will be quite difficult for you. Try to plan your day yourself the way you need it. This will allow you to lead a comfortable lifestyle for all family members.

Monitor your child's readiness

If you decide to give up diapers just because others are advised to do so, the process can be difficult. It is better to monitor the readiness of the baby himself, believe me, you will understand when he will be able to refuse diapers!

Parenting is costly

You may realize that raising a child is not cheap, but you can hardly imagine how high the costs are. Your bank account will shrink before our eyes! However, it should be understood that all these expenses are completely justified!

Don't forget about your relationship

After the birth of children, spouses often focus all their energy on them, which makes the relationship worse. If everything is connected only with the children and not with you, it is difficult to maintain feelings. Fortunately, you can prevent this by making a conscious effort.

Nothing will be the same, but that's okay

Of course, raising a child is not an easy task. But do not create additional stress for yourself, thinking that everything, sooner or later, will return to normal. Nothing in life will be the same, but this is completely normal.

You can handle anything

Parents have to do nasty things like changing diapers. Nevertheless, it is easy to get used to it, believe me.

Children help to relive their own childhood

Through your child, you are guaranteed to relive your own childhood memories, both good and bad. This can be tricky, so prepare yourself emotionally.

Mom knows best

You will probably be constantly advised. Do not be afraid to try and listen to your own opinion, because this is the only way you will be really happy. Always try to do exactly what works for you.

Children are very funny

You've probably heard about how hard and difficult it is to raise children. However, it's also fun. You will laugh every day like never before. You will love it!