Restoration of motor functions after stroke. Speech restoration measures. Mental disorders after stroke

One of the most pressing, actively developed problems of modern medicine is the rehabilitation of patients who have suffered stroke. The main principles of rehabilitation used by the Center are: early start of rehabilitation activities, systematicity and duration, which is possible with a well-organized step-by-step construction of rehabilitation. In solving the problem, medical measures aimed at restoring impaired functions, developing compensatory mechanisms of motor activity, and adapting the patient to self-care and work activity are of primary importance. Most intense restoration of impaired functions after a stroke occurs during the first six months to a year, after the acute period. The objectives of medical rehabilitation come down to: first of all, influencing the inhibited elements of nervous structures (“silent neurons”, “ischemic penumbra”) and returning them to functional activity, and secondly, achieving compensatory restructuring of the function.

Medical rehabilitation after stroke should begin immediately after stabilization of the vital functions of the body (primarily hemodynamic parameters) and neurological status (i.e. only with a completed stroke), be aimed at restoring motor, sensory, coordination, speech disorders, higher mental functions(memory, attention, thinking).

Rehabilitation methods after stroke.

In our center the process rehabilitation after stroke carried out by a group of specialists (rehabilitation team). This team approach makes it easier to coordinate care while addressing motor, cognitive, speech disorders in combination with measures aimed at improving the somatic condition of patients. The team is led by a neurologist with special knowledge in the field of stroke rehabilitation, who is the central figure of the team and is responsible for coordinating all its activities, as well as developing the most effective individual program rehabilitation and explaining it to all team members, the patient himself, and his family members. The team includes specialists in physical therapy, physiotherapy, and, if necessary, a speech therapist, a neuropsychologist, a psychotherapist, a psychoanalyst, and an orthosis specialist.

The most acute problem in patients who have undergone stroke. is a violation of motor activity. Physical therapy is aimed at restoring motor functions. rehabilitation after stroke in our branch

Our center uses the following advanced techniques for treating stroke and other diseases:

  • Kinesitherapy for rehabilitation after stroke— this technique includes three main areas: treatment of stroke by positioning, massage and active-passive gymnastics.
  • Locomat training complex(robotic gait) is a technique that allows patients to get back on their feet even after a spinal injury!
  • Massage using the “Hivamat” device And different kinds manual massage helping to improve the motor functions of the body
  • Physiotherapy under the guidance of a personal instructor
  • Various types of electrical neuromyostimulation— a technique that restores the motor function of patients
  • Dynamic propriocorrection- wearing special reflex-loading suits, used to restore motor functions in patients who have suffered a stroke
  • Laboratory for the diagnosis and treatment of dizziness- a diagnostic technique that allows a differential diagnosis between various diseases of the nervous system.
  • Balneotherapy— methods of treatment, prevention and restoration of impaired body functions with mineral waters
  • Myostimulation (electroneuromyostimulation)— a technique effective for restoring spinal functions
  • Psychocorrection- a technique aimed at restoring normal psychostatus for patients who have suffered a stroke
  • Stabilometry— method of recovery for patients with vestibular disorders
  • Balance therapy after stroke— motor training for voluntary control of vertical posture using biofeedback
  • Selective vibration stimulation— multi-point stimulation vibration impact on the supporting areas of the feet in normal walking mode in the absence or limitation of motor function (modeling the sensory image of walking). It is effectively used starting from the acute period of stroke and heart attack to prevent thrombosis.
  • Clinical analysis of gait using the Biomechanics complex— technique for restoring movements after a stroke
  • Speech therapy classes— various techniques aimed at restoring speech functions
  • Complex "Nicolet"— diagnostic technique for patients with various neurological disorders
  • Electromyography- a method for studying bioelectric potentials that arise in the skeletal muscles of animals and humans when muscle fibers are excited. This technique allows us to judge the state and activity of not only the muscles, but also the nerve centers involved in the implementation of movements.
  • Bemer therapy— treatment with an ultra-low intensity electromagnetic field for arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, spinal osteochondrosis, degenerative-inflammatory diseases of the joints, as well as for stress and sleep disorders
  • Cryotherapy- cold treatment
  • Polyreceptor therapy— a method of therapeutic and rehabilitation effects on various receptors
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation— techniques for stimulating peripheral nerves and spinal roots in order to restore nerve functions
  • Darsonvalization- a method of treatment with pulsed current of high frequency, high voltage and low strength.
  • Hydromassage- massage in aquatic environment
  • Sympathetic correction- a technique for applying a rotating electric field to the nerve plexuses located near the cervical vertebrae. As a result, the regulatory system is normalized cerebral circulation.
  • Mesodiencephalic modulation- a method in which, with the help of low-frequency pulsed currents, the functional state of various organs and systems is changed, which leads to significant positive changes, obtaining one or another effect (pain relief, stimulation, regeneration, increased blood circulation), increasing therapeutic effectiveness and reducing treatment time
  • Color therapy- color treatment
  • Audiovisual stimulation- special effect on auditory and visual analyzers, for the treatment of neurological disorders
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures— immersion baths, dry carbon dioxide, Zalman, contrast, ozonated vortex, mineral, “Biolong” baths, turpentine; acupuncture, helium-oxygen inhalations, iontophoresis, etc.
  • Multimaster training complex— a technique for restoring motor function in neurological patients.


Center for Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Medical and Rehabilitation Center of ROSZDRAV equipped with modern physiotherapy equipment. To mobilize all adaptive systems of the body, the following are carried out: mesodiencephalic modulation, electrophoresis of medicinal substances. To reduce increased muscle tone, heat therapy (ozokerite, paraffin, mud applications), magnetic therapy, laser therapy, and reflexology are used.

One of the most effective new developments in domestic medicine is multi-channel programmable electrical muscle stimulation. This is a method for correcting a person’s pathological motor stereotype and serves to consolidate the physiological images of movements that are modeled during sessions of programmed stimulation. The clinical and neurophysiological essence of artificial movement correction lies in the exact temporal correspondence of the programs of artificial and natural muscle excitation in human motor acts.

Electrical stimulation of muscle groups carried out in various phases of walking. The procedure can be performed in a stationary mode, when the patient is in a passive state; in this case, the portable built-in computer, according to the program specified by the doctor, sends impulses one by one to each muscle group, simulating and reproducing the entire walking cycle. When this device operates autonomously, electrical stimulation is more physiological, because carried out while walking. The phasic sending of electrical impulses to the muscles occurs in exact accordance with the patient’s walking rhythm, which is provided by a touch sensor attached to the patient.

Vibration stimulation of the foot support points is also used. Alternating phase vibration effects on the points of the foot occur in cyclic walking mode. The device is equipped with headphones that imitate the sounds of footsteps. Local vibration impact on the support zones of the sole in the rhythm of walking is carried out at a speed of 15 to 80 steps per minute. During a vibration stimulation session, the sensory image of walking is recreated.

Using the hardware and software complex " Neuroergometer", you can quickly assess the energy state of the brain and the body's adaptive systems. This objective method of dynamic observation of the functional activity of the brain, both as a whole and in its individual parts, serves as a reliable indicator of the effectiveness of the treatment process.

To conduct biomechanical studies, a computer complex for movement analysis is used “ Biomechanics" A study of human gait is carried out using all classical methods simultaneously: three-dimensional registration of spatial movements in various joints and segments of the body; recording the distribution of load on the supporting areas of the foot; functional myography; statokinesiogram - the trajectory of the center of pressure exerted by a person on the plane of support; dynamic stabilometry – study of the support reaction in walking (based on the biofeedback method). The process of collecting and processing information is automated, which allows you to receive a full report on the study immediately after registering the parameters.

Methods of recovery after a stroke

Typically, a stroke is an acute circulatory disorder in a part of the brain, and hemorrhage occurs, and it manifests itself with a sharp increase in blood pressure, which can be the cause of vascular atherosclerosis, kidney pathology, vasculitis, disease of the endocrine organs and other reasons.

Currently, stroke has begun to affect older people, and middle-aged and even young people are also often affected by stroke, so mortality from cerebrovascular accidents ranks third, second only to tumors and heart diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to apply all methods of recovery after a stroke.

Stroke especially often affects people with fat metabolism disorders, as well as people who drink alcohol, smokers, those who lead a passive lifestyle, are exposed to prolonged neuropsychic stress, and people with a genetic predisposition are also at risk of stroke.

In this regard, it has been found that people who have the three above-mentioned unfavorable factors are more often susceptible to this disease, therefore they should know all the methods of recovery after a stroke

Stroke is divided into 2 groups, hemorrhagic and ischemic, and hemorrhagic is characterized by hemorrhage into the substance of the brain or under its membranes. Hemorrhage begins due to the rupture of a cerebral vessel, especially this phenomenon occurs when blood pressure increases, so the main method of recovery after this type of stroke is to immediately lower blood pressure.

An ischemic stroke can occur when there is insufficient blood flow to various parts of the brain due to blockage of the supply vessels. Sometimes there are cases when both types of stroke can appear simultaneously, in which case it is very difficult to save the patient.

Hemorrhagic stroke very often develops in people of any age, both men and women, and it appears suddenly during the day after overwork, physical stress or excitement.

Typically, a stroke is preceded by facial flushing, headache, and also the appearance of various objects in red shades, and the initial symptoms of a hemorrhagic stroke are manifested by vomiting, disturbance of consciousness, such as stunning, and there may also be a complete loss of consciousness.

The nature of the attack, especially at first, is almost impossible to establish, so therapy should be aimed at the process of normalizing cardiovascular activity, homeostasis, breathing, and especially at the prevention of pneumonia, thromboembolism and bedsores, and apply methods of recovery after a stroke.

It is especially important to observe bed rest for at least three weeks in case of hemorrhagic stroke, and drug stimulation of breathing in case of cerebral stroke should not be carried out. Ischemic stroke very often occurs in middle-aged and elderly people, and such phenomena occur after taking a hot bath, physical exertion, emotional factors, and after drinking alcohol and smoking.

An ischemic stroke begins at any time of the day, but especially often such phenomena occur at night or in the morning, and the precursors of a stroke can be dizziness, confusion, darkening of the eyes, and the patient’s condition can only be predicted by identifying the affected areas of the brain.

This type of stroke develops in just a few hours and at the same time the level of numbness and weakness in the lower extremities and arms on one side of the body begins to increase, and speech impairment also occurs; if the left hemisphere is affected, half of the face becomes numb, headaches and dizziness appear.

For any type of stroke, the patient should be hospitalized in the neurological department in the intensive care unit, and the patient should receive medications that improve cerebral circulation, in addition, medications that normalize blood pressure should be given.

After the patient’s condition improves, he is prescribed physical therapy, and systematic monitoring of his condition is carried out, especially for patients with vascular disease; they monitor nutrition, sleep and daily life, especially blood pressure.

From the very first day, the patient is prescribed antibiotics to prevent pneumonia, and during hypertension they use cold water or an ice pack. In case of severe psychomotor agitation, the patient is prescribed parenteral diazepam or GHB, and various antihistamines are given to relieve hiccups and vomiting.

During a stroke, it is very important to turn the patient over every two hours to avoid pneumonia and bedsores, as well as to care for the mouth and skin and feed the patient with easily digestible and high-calorie foods.

If a patient retains stool, laxatives should be prescribed, and if there is urinary retention, a catheter should be inserted.

Drugs that are capable of dilating blood vessels in the brain do not always lead to a positive result, due to the pathological reaction of the vessels of the affected area, which can lead to worsening ischemia in the affected areas, the so-called “steal” syndrome, but, nevertheless, it is necessary give parentarally papaverine, no-shpu, xanthinol.

It must be remembered that an ischemic stroke is an acute disorder of cerebral circulation with severe damage to brain tissue, and as a result, its functions are disrupted, which leads to cerebral infarction, which often ends in disability and even death.

Every person should know the reasons that cause brain damage: a sedentary lifestyle, stress, smoking, drinking alcohol in large quantities. Recovery methods after a stroke will help you regain lost health faster.

Recovery after a stroke

  1. Speech defects;
  2. Movement disorders;
  3. Memory loss;
  4. Loss of visual function;
  5. Loss of hearing function;
  6. General disorders of autonomic regulation;
  7. Cardiac disorders.

The tactics of their treatment and correction involve long-term rehabilitation carried out in various ways. All work to restore function is aimed at their compensation or partial rehabilitation, since there can be no talk of a complete return of lost capabilities. This is explained by damage at the brain level. Therefore, with such a pathology as a stroke, recovery is an extremely difficult problem that cannot always be solved.

Ways to recover after a stroke

A patient who has suffered a stroke cannot perform even simple self-care manipulations for a long period. The important thing here is that he needs to provide care after a stroke, the essence of which boils down to providing assistance with washing, eating and fulfilling physiological needs. While the patient is undergoing hospital treatment in an acute period, all this is performed by junior medical staff, but after discharge this task falls on the shoulders of relatives. If it is impossible to obtain care, you should use the services of rehabilitation centers.

Any rehabilitation center after a stroke is a more acceptable option for both relatives and the patient. This is explained by the fact that care will also be provided by junior staff, and the patient himself will be observed by doctors. At the same time, it is possible to approach the issue of rehabilitation professionally, prescribing specialized procedures. For a pathology such as a stroke, recovery is carried out in the following ways:

  • Massage and manual therapy
  • Occupational therapy;
  • Igloreflexotherapy;
  • Classes with a psychologist;
  • Classes with a speech therapist;
  • Exercises and physical therapy;
  • Physiotherapy.

These procedures have a beneficial effect on the patient’s body and allow them to relax after a hospital stay. At the same time, the importance of restoring functions in a professional rehabilitation center is also due to the fact that at some point a repeated stroke may occur in the brain. In a rehabilitation center, this pathology will be correctly diagnosed, and the patient will quickly be sent to hospital treatment. At home, it is not always possible to correctly recognize the disease and quickly transport the patient to the intensive care unit.

Restoring motor function

Movement disorders are among the most common and difficult to recover. However, despite this, the importance of applying the procedures is very great. For this purpose, activities such as massage and manual therapy, physiotherapy, and acupuncture are often carried out. All these methods are aimed at the reflex path of influence. In this case, the probability of compensation of motor functions is quite high. In humans, the entire part of the motor cortex is not always affected, but only a certain area of ​​it. And the lesion also does not always affect both sides and halves of the body.

With such a pathology as right-sided stroke left-hand side body suffers from neurological symptoms. The descending influence of the cortex weakens or completely stops temporarily or permanently, which is why the muscles cannot receive impulses from the brain. Paresis develops, which leads to the inability to perform motor acts. Paresis can affect half the body, the whole body, or one limb. There is also the possibility of developing paresis of the nerves innervating the muscles and skin of the face. Because of this, the motor functions of facial muscles are subject to correction. In this case, lagophothalmos, which is a sign of facial nerve paresis, can be treated surgically.

The main work on recovery is performed by chiropractors and exercise therapy instructors. Exercises after a stroke are effective sets of motor acts that allow you to use many muscle groups. In this case, damage to the motor cortex leads to central paralysis. It is manifested by muscle hypertonicity. and therefore massage is an integral component of this complex.

Restoration and correction of speech function

With a pathology such as a stroke, speech restoration is of great importance due to the fact that it is practically the only means of transmitting information to other people. Loss of this function is provoked by damage to either the auditory lobe, or speech centers, or areas innervating the muscles of the larynx and pharynx. The last type of aphasia is motor, and the patient cannot speak clearly and expressively. As a result of trying to say something, patients produce inarticulate sounds that have nothing to do with words. Then the main task of the speech therapist is to focus the patient on gestures and symbols. This type of speech is called audiological and is also used for those people who have not been able to speak since childhood or due to impaired motor function of the muscles of the pharynx and larynx.

With partial damage to the motor speech center, disorders occur that are associated with forgetting words and the algorithm for their pronunciation. Speech restoration in in this case requires the speech therapist to use large quantity techniques. All of them can be carried out in rehabilitation centers. At the same time, the process of speech restoration in a post-stroke patient can take a long time, from approximately 3 months to several years, which depends on the extent of the lesion. In some patients, it is impossible to completely restore speech function, and therefore audiological language training is also necessary.

Loss of vision due to stroke is not the most common consequence, although its importance is very great. And here it is worth turning to specialists who can correctly diagnose the extent of the damage. For example, it can be localized at the level of the optic nerve or tract, or it can also appear in the cortex. The latter localization is the most common and irreversibly leads to vision loss.

Loss of visual function due to stroke is often either unilateral or bilateral. Vision during a stroke is lost due to ischemia or hematoma, and since the cortical areas on different hemispheres are very close, the hemorrhagic form of stroke can lead to bilateral vision loss. The essence of rehabilitation in this case comes down to training tactile perception information. As a result, all senses lower the threshold of perception and become valuable sources of information. It is noteworthy that thanks to tactile sensation it is possible to read books, as well as recognize banknotes.

General restorative therapy and psychotherapy

As a result of a stroke, the patient is not always different good mood and cheerfulness. Most of them, realizing the presence of defects, have a tendency towards suicide. Therefore, the importance of the participation of a psychotherapist in treatment is inestimable. The tactics of his work are based on various teachings that can eliminate the symptoms of depression and correct disorders in the field of mental functions. This is important in several aspects, and in particular in stopping suicide attempts.

This type of therapy includes adjustments and restorative treatment. Its principles are based on the fact that most procedures allow you to feel muscle strength, and also allow you to solve problems with self-realization. Exercise therapy, ergotherapy, and massage after a stroke should be included in the category of general restorative procedures. acupuncture. These manipulations can help the patient open reflex pathways to restore motor function. In this case, the best therapy is positive dynamics in treatment: if the patient notices that he is able to perform more manipulations, muscle strength becomes greater, and his health improves, then there can be no depression or suicidal thoughts. This is the basis for all tactics of working with patients in need of rehabilitation due to various diseases. Therefore, patients in rehabilitation centers, due to an integrated approach, restore functions much faster than with home treatment.

A stroke is a dangerous disruption of the blood supply to the brain, which often leads to irreversible consequences or even death. If the victim survives the injury, his relatives will have to work hard to restore their former simple functions.

Rehabilitation after stroke directly depends on the type of brain damage, as well as its degree. Recovery often takes from several months to several years. In most cases, previous skills are not restored to their original state.

Main stages of recovery

Stroke - the process of disrupting the blood supply to the brain through blockage or rupture of a vessel.

As a result of impaired blood circulation, cell damage occurs in the form of lack of nutrition, which causes partial death of parts of the brain due to lack of oxygen supply. Such dying off leads to malfunctions internal organs person, loss of important functions and long-term rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation after cerebral stroke includes the following steps:

  • drug treatment and restoration of previous motor functions;
  • psychotherapeutic assistance– it is important for a person to explain what happened to him, to show his concern and to prepare for the restoration of lost functions;
  • if necessary, socialization of the patient is carried out– placement in a special center or preparation at home ( It’s better when the patient is with his family and extended family);
  • restoration of previous skills.

As follows from the above, restoration of previous skills in the form of motor functions should come last. This requires a lot of work and effort from the patient himself, who must be mentally and physically prepared to “work on himself.”

The rehabilitation period after a stroke

Few relatives, having taken a relative who has recently suffered a terrible brain attack from the clinic, know how to recover from a stroke, and most importantly, how long the whole process will last.

As a result, after just a month of persistent struggle and painstaking work, all processes abruptly stop and stop altogether - people simply lose hope. Everyone close to you should be patient, because recovery may take several months with minor brain damage.

Rehabilitation at home after ischemic stroke

Blockage or rupture of a blood vessel in the brain leads to diagnosis ischemic stroke. Here the consequences can be very different, so the technique and procedure for recovery are compiled individually depending on the case.

Rehabilitation is also divided into 4 time intervals:

  1. first month – rehabilitation measures of the acute period take place ( relieving swelling, restoring the functioning of internal organs, preventing recurrent damage);
  2. first six months – recovery is aimed at psychological adaptation sick;
  3. the second six months – speech and previous motor activity are restored;
  4. further recovery– rehabilitation during the period of residuality, which implies a complete return to the previous life, depending on the lesions and retained abilities.

It is important to remember that only with the correct technique and high-quality actions taken, recovery is possible within a year after the tragedy occurred. Otherwise, the return of your former abilities may take several years.

Rehabilitation at home after hemorrhagic stroke

When a burst vessel provokes the formation of a hematoma ( penetration of a blood clot into the upper layers of the brain membrane), the patient is diagnosed with a hemorrhagic stroke, which often leads to death.

If a person survives, comes out of a coma and his family begins to recover, then considerable patience will be required, because such rehabilitation takes several years.

Despite optimistic forecasts, a patient who has survived a hemorrhagic stroke will never regain their previous functions and will not lead their previous lifestyle. In most cases, people with hematomas simply do not come out of a coma, and if they do, they remain disabled with loss of physical abilities.

Rehabilitation after a stroke, video:

Treatment after a stroke at home

Many people wonder if how to treat a stroke, if restoration is impossible to the full extent?

Firstly, drug treatment is used here, ethnoscience, performing gymnastics and other methods.

Secondly, only when the right approach you can cope with the restoration of all lost functions.

Third, After several months or years, many sick people experience complete restoration of all important functions.

Basic principles of stroke treatment

Treatment for stroke begins in the hospital. Here is the sequence:

The presented recovery time for a patient after a stroke is quite relative, because the severity of the attack directly affects the duration of further rehabilitation.

As a rule, severe brain damage can “confine” the patient to bed for several months, especially if his entire central nervous system is affected and the functions of the musculoskeletal system are lost.

Use of medications

Rehabilitation after a stroke at home and in a hospital requires the use of medicines, which directly affect general work the patient’s body and act as treatment and prevention.

The following are used here groups of drugs:

  • To improve blood supply to the brain - Cavinton, Pentoxifyline and other aspirin-based products.
  • To improve metabolic processes in the brain - Actovegin, Cortexin, Cinnarizine and others.
  • Nootropics – Noofen, Piracetam.
  • Drugs with combined effects – Thiocetam, Phezam.
  • Other auxiliary means - Glycine is prescribed to eliminate nervous excitability, and Sirdalut is used to eliminate muscle spasm.

Listed medications for cerebral stroke are used throughout rehabilitation, and some of them act as prophylaxis for a new ischemic attack, which makes them necessary for use throughout life.

The exact dosage and regimen of medication use is prescribed only by the attending physician.

Caring for a bedridden patient, video

Recovery in rehabilitation centers

After a hospital stay, the patient is sent home for recovery if all the specifics require only training in previous skills. Also important here is the issue of finding relatives nearby who will themselves carry out the required gymnastics and procedures.

If the patient needs recovery using special techniques, he may be sent to rehabilitation center after stroke for bedridden patients. The task of the center staff is to possibly “get the patient out of bed.”

The following procedures are used here:

  • motor regimen and expansion of exercise therapy exercises;
  • mud therapy and baths with bioactive substances;
  • classes with a speech therapist;
  • psychological trainings.

If the patient gets back on his feet while still in the hospital, he can also be sent to a sanatorium, where they restore previous functions so that the person can take care of himself.

Recovery after a stroke at home

To the question how long do you live after a stroke?, we can answer that it all depends on the severity of the attack suffered and the quality of care and recovery of the patient.

Experts say that the faster a patient is taught to walk, talk and take care of himself, the longer he will live. To do this, a lot of work needs to be done.

Massage at home

Massage after a stroke at home directly depends on the patient’s condition and his newly acquired skills in a hospital or rehabilitation center. Thus, a specialist who will regularly conduct massage sessions will determine the appropriate technique, and as the patient develops, he can change the technique.

The patient’s relatives can learn the massage technique and perform it at home on their own. It is also useful to simply massage weakened limbs.

Exercise therapy after a stroke at home

A set of exercise therapy exercises for stroke is also compiled by a doctor depending on the physical condition of the patient. Here, relatives should begin movements by slowly bending the limbs and turning the head to the sides.

Subsequently, the patient is subjected to regular gymnastic exercises and a specially designed complex is used.

If possible, you can give preference to purchasing a special device that performs massage movements and allows you to practice independently.

Speech restoration at home

As a rule, speech restoration after a stroke is carried out by a speech therapist. But self-study with the patient is also important.

Here you should talk more with the patient. Ask him to answer you with simple “yes” and “no” whenever possible. Perform exercises in the form of a pulling sound “I”.

Memory recovery

At home, you can easily restore the patient’s memory, but, of course, when he learns to speak. Solve crossword puzzles with him, learn the alphabet, learn poetry. You need to start with ordinary phrases or short proverbs, gradually complicating the process.

Restoring fine motor skills

In order for a patient after a stroke to begin to care for himself again, he needs to restore fine motor skills. To do this, you should use simple exercises for children under one year old.

Nutrition after a stroke at home

Nutrition during a stroke in the first days is significantly different from subsequent days. Since it is difficult for a person to swallow independently in the first days, it means that soups and cereals need to be strained through a sieve. Feed the patient with a small spoon. You should drink using a special children's sippy cup.

There must also be strict diet after stroke. There are several basic rules here:

The diet must be followed if the cause of the stroke is overweight sick. The main task in nutrition is to lose excess weight, which can provoke a new ischemic attack.

Recovery after ischemic stroke, video:

Treatment of stroke with folk remedies and methods

Recovery folk remedies after a stroke is not the main one, but as an auxiliary effect it will be very effective.

Here you can use the following methods for resuming metabolic processes in the brain:

  1. Mix in equal quantities pea flour and honey. Take a teaspoon each time before meals.
  2. Also, a teaspoon a day, the patient can be given a composition of wormwood juice and honey, mixed in equal quantities.
  3. Offer to the patient to restore weak limbs baths with rosehip roots. 5 tablespoons of crushed raw materials are poured with two glasses of boiling water. The limbs are lowered into the cooled bath for several minutes.

Has excellent medicinal and restorative effects tincture of pine cones after a stroke. To prepare it, take 5 medium cones and rinse them with boiling water. The resulting component is poured with a glass of alcohol and left to infuse for 10 days.

After time, filter the tincture and add a teaspoon to the contents apple cider vinegar. The tincture should be taken once a day, a teaspoon after meals.

An important issue in the presented preparation is the rule for collecting pine cones. When to collect Pine cones from a stroke?

Cones should be collected from the beginning of July until mid-September - at this time they are already ripe. But it is better to use green cones - they contain more useful microelements.

Questions without an exact answer

Most relatives who are planning to independently care for a patient are interested in the following questions, which even the most experienced and competent specialist cannot answer exactly. Among them are:

1. How long does a coma last after a stroke?? In most cases, coma lasts from 2 hours to 10 days. But often the period of coma drags on for several months or even years.

This often happens with a hemorrhagic stroke, from which a person does not fully recover. In each case, the given period should not be “trusted”; everything is purely individual and depends on the factors that led to the stroke itself, the speed of emergency services medical care, correctly formulated treatment.

2. What are the consequences of stroke in old age?? Firstly, A stroke in old age leads to more severe consequences in the form of the same disturbances in physiological activity, but in a much worsened state.

3. Are the effects of stroke different in men than in women? There will be no specifics on this issue, because both sexes of humanity are not immune from the occurrence of a stroke and its consequences.

The only difference in the consequences may be the relatively easier recovery from a critical state for men than for women.

But recovery itself and further life after a stroke do not differ by gender.

Of course, a stroke is a tragedy both for the patient himself and for his relatives. It will take a lot of effort to return a person to his former life.

However, only love, respect, compassion and careful care will help cope with the problem.

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Patients after a stroke lose their ability to work and the ability to care for themselves. Responsibility for their health falls on the shoulders of relatives. Below we will discuss how the time and speed of recovery depends on various factors.

Duration and stages of rehabilitation

The recovery period after a stroke can last from 2 months to 2 years and is individual for each patient. Here are the main factors that influence it:

After suffering a cerebrovascular accident, maintenance treatment is prescribed for a period of up to three months. Failure to comply with doctor's orders and lack of blood pressure control leads to worsening general condition and neurological deficits.


The rehabilitation course after a stroke has the following stages:

All of them must continuously follow each other.

In general, the rehabilitation process is long and labor-intensive. Depending on the patient’s condition, recovery begins in a neurological hospital and continues at home, rehabilitation centers, and sanatorium-resort institutions.

The most important stage is stationary, because the maximum possible restoration of brain function is possible in the first 10 days.

After discharge, the objectives of rehabilitation are:

The recovery period must meet the following requirements:

  • gradual increase in loads on the limbs;
  • start classes only if your general condition is satisfactory;
  • The timing and difficulty of training should depend on the severity of the stroke.

Rehabilitation methods

The complex of rehabilitation measures includes: physical therapy, massage, electrical stimulation, classes with a speech therapist, psychologist, the use of exercise equipment, massage beds. An individual training plan is selected for each patient, which will take into account the time and timing after the stroke.

Excessive physical and mental stress can worsen the condition. Three sessions a day lasting 15-20 minutes are optimal.

The recovery period is significantly reduced when all procedures are carried out in a rehabilitation center.

The advantage of such rehabilitation is the daily observation of rehabilitation doctors, stimulation to improve performance through group exercises, and the possibility of using medical equipment.

Therapeutic exercise includes relaxing exercises to eliminate spastic phenomena, strengthening exercises for flaccid paresis. The physical therapy complex necessarily includes training in fine motor skills of the hands. On early stages exercises are carried out only in a lying position, after 2-3 weeks they add exercises in sitting positions, or even standing.

To improve speech function, the patient must hear spoken speech and try to pronounce sounds himself. Good effect They give singing lessons, repetition of tongue twisters, poems.

Relatives and medical personnel play an important role in all recovery efforts. Through joint efforts, good results can be achieved when suffered a stroke can only be determined after a neurological examination.


Remedial measures should be postponed for a certain period if:

  • convulsive syndrome is present;
  • severe concomitant pathology was identified - diabetes mellitus;
  • mental disorders appeared;
  • A crisis course of hypertension developed.

Prevention of recurrent attack

Drug and psychological prevention of recurrent cerebrovascular accident is the key to the return of all brain functions. After a stroke, you should not eat salty foods or coffee, as they increase blood pressure.

Be sure to exclude fatty foods that contribute to the deposition of cholesterol in the blood vessels of the brain.

The recovery period lasts throughout life and includes annual spa treatment.

Drug therapy includes:

  • taking antiplatelet agents (Aspecard, Magnicor, Cardiomagnil in standard doses);
  • antihypertensive drugs (ACE inhibitors, diuretics, ARB-II);
  • statins (Atorvastatin, Rozurvastatin);
  • neuroprotectors (Actovegin, Solcoseryl), etc.

Psychological assistance in the early stages after a stroke is needed to support young patients who want to resume labor activity, and also for social adaptation elderly people.

In conclusion, it must be said that the rehabilitation course lasts several years. Regular daily exercise and work on yourself can give results even with the most disappointing forecasts.

A stroke at any age requires recovery, much depends on its type, extent and location.

After a stroke, the patient often experiences memory problems. His vision deteriorates, his ability to navigate in space and move is lost.

Here is an article about the timing and measures for recovery after a stroke, how rehabilitation proceeds in a hospital and at home, and how much time it takes.

Recovery can proceed in different ways, the main secret lies in the regularity of recovery activities. In this case, the supervision of a doctor is mandatory; only he can prescribe medications, regulate the level of physical activity and change the rehabilitation program.

IN big cities There are departments at hospitals, special rehabilitation centers, cardiological or neurological sanatoriums.

How long does it take, how long does it take?

How long does rehabilitation take after a stroke? Recovery can occur in different ways, some patients need a couple of months, but in most cases the process takes much longer, sometimes lasting several years. A person must be result-oriented It is recommended to start restoration measures as early as possible.

The maximum effect is observed in the first three months; daily exercise will help avoid another stroke.

Rehabilitation - what is included in it

Restoration requires the involvement of a large number of specialists and the use of a variety of means. This is due to the fact that it can affect any part of the brain, as a result the person loses important functions. The patient may lose memory, hearing, vision, he may be struck by complete or partial paralysis, and there is a high probability of developing dementia.
The restoration process requires the participation of the following specialists:

  • physiotherapist- helps to regain movement skills;
  • occupational therapist- Helps with eating, dressing, bathing and other daily activities;
  • speech therapist- responsible for restoring speech and swallowing function.

If necessary, other specialists can be involved; regular communication with the doctor will ensure that the rehabilitation plan after a stroke is adjusted.

After a stroke, such important skills as swallowing, speech, vision, movement, etc. are lost. It is very important not to despair, but to regularly follow the doctor’s instructions.

Resumption of swallowing

After a circulatory disorder, problems with chewing, saliva production, and swallowing may occur. As part of rehabilitation therapy, special exercises are used that involve special muscles. To simplify the process, you should select foods that are easy to chew and swallow.. All dishes must be at normal temperature, not too hot/cold.


The larger the area of ​​the brain that is affected, the more difficult it is for speech to be restored. Throughout the year, positive results are still achievable, but over time the processes slow down.

Relatives should treat the patient with maximum attention, he should not be left to his own devices, communication is very important.

Speech restoration classes should begin as early as 1-2 weeks, when the patient is able to withstand emotional and physical stress.

During classes, the specialist works with cards and a primer, the patient re-learns to pronounce letters and words.


As part of recovery, special gymnastics are widely used; special medications will also help restore vision.


Memory restoration It is recommended to exercise after the likelihood of a recurrent stroke has been eliminated. In addition to taking medications (nootropics), functional-restorative treatment is indicated, within the framework of which memory skills are constantly trained.

The patient can memorize poems, phone numbers, high efficiency is also shown Board games like puzzles.

Motor functions

As part of the recovery, methods such as electrophoresis, massage and other procedures are used to prevent stagnation of blood circulation and muscle atrophy. Physical therapy plays an important role, The patient can do many exercises even while lying down. First he, with the help medical workers learns to turn from side to side, lower and raise his arms, and perform other manipulations.

Watch a video about the resumption of motor functions after illness:

Fine motor skills

With high mobility, it is recommended to develop fine motor skills, for this it is necessary to turn over cards, write, draw, solve puzzles, play the piano, collect small change, fasten buttons, play checkers, wring out washcloths, type texts, etc.


After the loss of basic skills, the patient often becomes depressed, especially if this happened during working age. Support from loved ones is often not enough; help from a psychologist or psychiatrist is required.

Physical activity, doing household chores, communicating with grandchildren and children will help improve your mood. The patient should not feel like a burden; a hobby is a good motivation.


Taking medications plays an important role; the following medications help restore the body:

  • improving cerebral blood flow- Cerebrolysin, Cavinton, pentoxifylline;
  • affecting metabolic processes in the brain- cortexin, ginkgo-fort, cinnarizine, solcoseryl, actovigen, ceraxon;
  • nootropics- Lucetam, Noofen, Piracetam;
  • combined- thiocetam, neuro-norm, fezam;
  • other- antidepressants, herbal teas, medicinal plants, sirdalud, glycine.

Home improvement

It is necessary to make changes in the apartment that will help improve safety and comfort; there should be no carpets or high thresholds in the room. It is recommended to purchase a special bed with sides to avoid falls. Handrails and railings are necessary so that the patient can move around, important role good lighting plays.

Description of all stages

Recovery consists of three stages

Reanimation period

In the first few days after a stroke, the patient should be in intensive care until the threat to life disappears. During this period, bed rest is indicated, any physical activity is prohibited..

The menu should include dairy products, vegetables and fruits. The patient must be under constant supervision.


Inpatient treatment is recommended for the first month; rehabilitation is aimed at returning to activity. The patient must take medications indicated physical exercise, massage. During this period, the patient must begin to realize that scientific methods will help him recover. At this stage, you have to relearn how to smile, nod, move your leg and arm.

After discharge

The patient begins to recover according to the method developed for him; at this stage, the help of loved ones is indispensable. They must monitor the correctness and regularity of the exercises performed and provide psychological support.

, indications, contraindications and rules for preparing for the procedure. All details are in a separate article.

Did you know? What does magnetic resonance angiography of the brain make it possible to learn about the state of the vascular ring of the cerebral hemispheres, regional arteries in the cerebral cortex, cranial sinuses and veins? About it - .

And what is coronary angiography of the heart - you will find out by clicking.

After a second attack

In case of recurrent stroke, medical practice is no different; the patient is admitted to the hospital, and, if necessary, antihypertensive drugs are administered intramuscularly or intravenously.

Repeated hemorrhagic stroke requires stopping bleeding, the patient is administered ethamsilate, vikasol, aminocaproic acid.

In case of relapse of ischemic stroke, vasodilator drugs (complamin, papaverine, aminophylline) are prescribed.

Recovery from a recurrent stroke takes longer; after discharge, observation by a neurologist is required.

A psychotherapist should participate in rehabilitation, since patients often fall into depressive states.

A patient who has suffered a recurrent stroke should be taught relaxation techniques. Special classes are aimed at restoring the psycho-emotional state, which helps speed up recovery.

Otherwise, the recovery period is practically the same; breathing exercises play an important role; their implementation helps reduce blood pressure and treat hypertension. Simple exercise will also help restore the body, Special attention should be given to nutrition. Pepper, salty and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet, if you have a stroke, it is recommended to steam it.

In conclusion, here is an interview with a rehabilitation doctor:

Must follow in a timely manner. And you should not delay the start of classes - in this case time is against you. Rehabilitation is structured in such a way as to restore motor skills, speech abilities and normalize brain function.

Constant work on yourself, observation by a doctor and loved ones will make recovery possible. An important point will be your personal mindset for success. The choice of place for recovery is also of great importance. Thus, a sanatorium after a stroke will be a very suitable place that will help to avoid many risk factors, nervousness and other problems.

Treatment problems

Paralysis often results from a stroke. With this course of the disease, the patient will subsequently need the help of relatives or a caregiver. Proper care should be carried out in a timely and complete manner, so they will need to increase their experience and develop their ability to diagnose the condition of an immobilized person.

People who are bedridden after a stroke often cannot not only speak, but also eat food on their own. But if the brain is affected within the limits of recovery, then with the help of doctors and special exercises can significantly alleviate the patient's condition.

Having a seriously ill person in the house will require some redevelopment. After all, even the simplest actions now become a test - going to the toilet, taking a bath. Specially equipped handrails and steps can make it easier for the patient to perform daily tasks.

People after a stroke perceive their surroundings especially acutely. Experiences have a negative impact at all stages of treatment. Relatives will help reduce emotional stress by being in constant contact with the patient. The main tool is basic communication on positive topics. You need to encourage your relative, avoiding any criticism of him.

Duration of treatment

Experts note that the maximum possible recovery of patients after a stroke occurs in the first months. Therefore, recovery therapy begins the next day after resuscitation.

It is most advisable to take measures to regain lost opportunities throughout the year. In an integrated approach, mandatory factors are identified that lead to a speedy cure:

  1. Compliance with the rules of patient care.
  2. Timely diagnosis of consequences after resuscitation actions.
  3. Combination of various rehabilitation techniques.

In modern medicine, there are several areas that can defeat stroke. Stroke recovery aims to restore:

  • capabilities of hearing, speech and facial expressions;
  • ability to think and solve problems;
  • restore swallowing functions, psycho-emotional control and the ability to independently perform hygienic measures.

This pathology is a consequence of impaired blood flow to brain cells. The part of the body for which the affected area is responsible suffers. Types of stroke include:

  1. Ischemic - blockage of blood vessels, impairing blood circulation in the brain.
  2. Hemorrhagic - a cerebral hemorrhage caused by a ruptured vessel (the most dangerous stroke).
  3. Microstroke - the lesions occupy small volumes of the brain.

The latter type of disease often occurs unnoticed, due to inflammatory processes, alcohol intake or stress. Most of these victims end up in intensive care with several lesions, caused by the fact that the patient has already suffered micro-strokes and did not attach any importance to them.

With proper diagnosis and timely treatment, a severe blow can be avoided.

Start of treatment

As a rule, an initial diagnosis precedes restoration measures. As a result of the research, the most complete information about the patient’s condition is collected. A conclusion is made based on expert assessments and a stroke prognosis is constructed. The latter provides probabilistic conclusions about the possibilities of restoring lost abilities and indicates the timing of treatment for the patient. For this:

  • collect current patient complaints;
  • study medical history;
  • instrumental studies are used.

The ability to independently care for oneself is also analyzed. This takes into account the possibility of social adaptability in a new state and the fulfillment of professional duties.

The location, method and means for rehabilitation are selected. After resuscitation, the patient needs constant monitoring to identify repeated signs stroke. Help for severe conditions should follow no later than 3 hours after the onset of the attack. This is the time during which it is possible to return all functions without rehabilitation.

Main signs of stroke

To be able to quickly respond to a pathological process, you should be aware of the first signs of a stroke:

  • the patient has a severe headache;
  • there is confusion of consciousness;
  • possible increase in temperature, blood pressure and vomiting;
  • disturbances in facial expressions are detected (facial distortion);
  • speech becomes slurred;
  • eyes roll, a sidelong glance appears;
  • numbness increases in the upper and lower limbs on one side of the body.

After detecting the listed symptoms, urgent hospitalization is required.

Types of events

So, the patient has an incident, as we have already mentioned, they start immediately in the hospital. The patient stays in the ward for up to 2 months, depending on the severity of the disease.

From the first day, health-improving exercises begin. Even in bed, you need to constantly move actively to restore normal blood circulation. After discharge from the hospital, treatment is carried out in a day hospital. A patient comes to the clinic for procedures.

At the recovery stage, outpatient measures are prescribed. Undergoing medical procedures at a local clinic. In the later stages of recovery, all health programs are performed independently at home.

Rehabilitation centers and specialized sanatoriums have become widespread among stroke survivors. Classes there, due to their narrow focus, are most effective. So modern sanatorium offers a range of measures after a stroke. Several doctors work with the patient at once:

  1. The reflexologist provides three types of healing: acupuncture, electropuncture and laser puncture.
  2. The physiotherapist provides electromyostimulation, magnetic therapy and therapy with Darsonval devices.
  3. A nutritionist helps you choose a therapeutic diet.
  4. The psychologist works to adapt the patient to a new unusual state.
  5. Massages are also carried out under the supervision of specialists.

To this should be added clean air, individual care for the sick, assistance with household needs, as well as educational programs about the basics of stroke prevention. It is also important to have your own intensive care unit for timely assistance in case of repeated attacks.

Regaining the ability to communicate

If the patient cannot speak and the cause is a stroke, recovery after a stroke begins with the help of measures to adjust breathing functions and passive exercises are carried out with the help of a nurse or loved ones.

The recovery period at home is accompanied by lung exercises up to 10 times a day. Rubber balls, deep breaths and exercises that help fill the patient’s body with oxygen are suitable for this purpose. And the restoration of speech after a stroke is based on the type of lesion:

  1. Disorders associated with problems perceiving the interlocutor auditorily and visually.
  2. There is a problem with the motor skills of the tongue, but the environment is clear and transparent.

The following measures are recognized as positive aspects in which restoration of speech after a stroke becomes possible:

  • it is necessary to be in continuous verbal contact with the patient, not to leave him alone;
  • if language motor skills are impaired, it is difficult to pronounce words, so considerable patience will be required to listen to the patient to the end;
  • use other types of communication: using drawings, writing, gestures;
  • do gymnastics for the face and tongue - it should be done several times a day;
  • discuss only topics of interest to the patient;
  • develop thinking with the help of riddles, recalculation of numbers, restoration of known dates in memory.

Consultation with a speech therapist-aphasiologist will also help with all exercises. And memory restoration at all stages will be monitored by a neuropsychologist. As a rule, the time frame for speech restoration is about 3 months, and memory begins to fully function six months later.

Hemorrhagic stroke will require a longer period of treatment and, unfortunately, not always successful.

Return of memory and emotion functions

To defeat a stroke, brain recovery begins with continuous contact with the outside world. It is important not to let the patient remain in a confined space and withdraw into himself. It is necessary to continue communication with the patient by all available means. At this difficult stage, loved ones actively help.

After a stroke, depressive moods often develop, a feeling of regret does not leave the patient, and fear of the future does not leave him. Constant communication is designed to reduce negative emotions and set you up for successful healing.

Social programs help to overcome the psychological barrier and the course of treatment is tailored for each individual patient. Adaptation of professional skills in a new and unusual environment physical condition. To enhance the effect, conditions have been created for living together in the sanatorium with loved ones.

The patient is subjected to constant exercises in the form of a game: verbal communications are accompanied by physical action. When counting, bend your fingers; when you need to indicate the direction, raise your hand; rubbing your palms or clapping will be useful.

It is important to develop the ability to focus attention on a specific thing. To do this, you can suggest remembering where some item was placed before the illness. It will be useful to memorize simple sentences or poems. The conversation should be conducted in a friendly tone; it would be useful to jointly discuss pleasant moments from the past.

Return of hand motor skills

One of the main symptoms of stroke is impaired functioning of one of the upper limbs. The patient practically does not feel his hands, and from prolonged lying the muscles weaken. At the recovery stage, efforts are made to restore motor functions.

If the cause of paralysis of the limbs is a stroke, restoring the hand has some difficulties: the hands perform very precise movements and the patient understands that he can no longer do this. Stiff movements need to be broken up with health-improving gymnastics. Classes are aimed at stretching and developing joints.

In this case, you need to monitor proper breathing - lift weights while inhaling. At the initial stage, all movements are carried out by a health worker: he bends the arm at the elbow, shoulder and develops the hand. The patient moves his fingers independently, carrying out mental orders to the muscles.

A successful result is the ability to fully feel the hand and the ability to jerk it a little. Did you manage to make a fist? This is already a clear indicator on the path to recovery. Constant attempts are required to remember the feeling of the state of a healthy limb.

Accurate reflexes are restored when trying to write. Exercises are carried out as in first grade: at the table, starting with individual letters and simple words. Therapy is started no earlier than a month after a severe stroke.

First, the patient writes according to a template lying in front of his eyes. After successful texts, he transfers words from memory or from dictation. They finish the treatment with an essay. It is important that classes are held regularly.

Health-improving gymnastics

For a stroke survivor, exercises to restore the body include massage and special gymnastics. So, before a health training session, a bedridden patient is prescribed a massage. The patient is warmed up by rubbing the skin in a circular motion. The limbs are massaged from bottom to top. The purpose of preparation is to ensure normal blood flow.

Then they move on to exercises. When performing them, it is necessary to develop muscle memory, impaired by the consequences of a stroke. An attitude is created through thoughts and voice. The patient convinces himself that he can move his paralyzed body.

Exercises in a lying position include working with the arms and legs. All flexor muscles are developed. The brush is kneaded with a special stick or expander. Develop the work of the muscles of the face and neck. If one limb was paralyzed, then perform movements symmetrically with the second. Perform grasping movements with the hand.

Standing perform full-fledged gymnastics:

  • rises while inhaling;
  • lowering the arms and legs as you exhale;
  • body turns and slow bends;
  • squats;
  • swings;
  • bringing your hands into a lock behind your back.

Fresh air has a positive effect on the nervous system. Combine walks with running, brisk walking and other athletics. IN winter time it could be skis.

On later rehabilitation begins full-fledged sports activities. Healthy image life is needed not only to exclude stroke, but also other serious diseases.

A few final words

Rehabilitation centers have programs for restoring all body functions after a stroke. Each problem is given special attention using the latest developments in the field of restoration of human neurophysiology.

After treatment in a hospital, patients who have suffered a stroke must continue recovery at home. The program necessarily includes a set of health-improving exercises and massages. The participation of the patient's relatives is very important.

But keep in mind that a full return of all abilities does not always occur. Treatment can be considered completed no earlier than a year after the attack, but for the rest of your life every effort will need to be made to prevent relapses of the disease.