Severe degree of adaptation. Three degrees of adaptation to kindergarten. How to make addiction easier

Classification of adaptation by severity.

The nature and features of the course made it possible to classify adaptation according to severity: light, medium and heavy. At the same time, for children of early and preschool age The main parameters for establishing the severity of the adaptation period are the timing of normalization of behavior, the frequency and duration of acute diseases, and the manifestation of neurotic reactions.

At easy adaptation The behavior of young children returns to normal within a month, for preschoolers it takes 10–15 days. There is a slight decrease in appetite: within 10 days the amount of food eaten reaches the age norm, sleep improves within 20 - 30 days (sometimes earlier). Relationships with adults are almost not disturbed, motor activity does not decrease, functional changes are barely pronounced and normalize within 2–4 weeks. During the period of easy adaptation, diseases do not occur. Children younger than 8–9 months or older than one and a half years old with a good medical history, good health and an age-appropriate level of socialization easily adapt.

At moderate adaptations all violations in the child’s behavior are more pronounced and lasting. Sleep and appetite disturbances return to normal no earlier than after 20 to 30 days. The period of suppression of indicative activity lasts on average 20 days, speech activity is restored on days 30–40, the emotional state is unstable for a month, and there is a slight decrease in motor activity over 30–35 days. At this time, relationships with adults are not disrupted. All functional changes are clearly expressed, especially in the days preceding the disease, which with this form of adaptation occurs in the form of an acute respiratory infection that occurs without complications. This course of adaptation occurs in children placed in a changed social environment: from 9 months to one and a half years, or in school-age children who have health or pedagogical deviations (from 2 to 6 or more months) and the severity of its manifestations. The number of such neglected children. their signs.

At first option the child begins to get sick again, which is unfavorable

Difficult adaptation characterized by a significant duration is relatively small (8 - 9%), and they require special attention. This form of adaptation can occur in two versions, each of which is reflected in the state of reactivity of his body, general somatic status, indicators of physical and neuropsychic development. This type of severe adaptation is more common in children 1.5 - 2 years of age who have a history of health deviations due to toxicosis of pregnancy in the mother, complications during childbirth, diseases of the newborn period, etc.

Second option severe adaptation is characterized by the duration and severity of manifestations of inappropriate behavior bordering on neurotic states. There is a long-term decrease in appetite (its recovery begins no earlier than in the third week, sometimes later). In some cases, persistent anorexia or even neurotic vomiting occurs when eating. Sleep is disturbed for a long time (for 30–40 days) (sensitive, shortened). The child slowly falls asleep and wakes up crying. Reduced orientation activity.

Children, as a rule, stubbornly avoid contact with peers, show aggression towards them, or strive for solitude. The attitude towards adults is selective. The emotional state has been disturbed for a long time. This is expressed either in crying while awake, or crying and whimpering are replaced by passivity and indifference. Motor and speech activity sharply decreases, play activity becomes primitive.

The child is capricious, requires increased attention from an adult, screams in his sleep, and is afraid of strangers. Positive dynamics in behavioral indicators is growing slowly. Improvement in this condition is unstable, and relapses of crying and passivity are possible.

With severe adaptation, the pace of the child’s neuropsychic development slows down. Speech development and play activity compared to age norm lagging behind by 1 - 2 quarters.

Severe adaptation, manifested in a child by behavioral disorders, is more often observed in children from 3 years of age, i.e., during the period when the formation of personal qualities; the psyche is characterized by rapid development and becomes especially vulnerable and sensitive to circumstances aggravating development. In the anamnesis of such children, unfavorable factors are recorded: biological – pathology of pregnancy and childbirth in the mother, leading to hypoxia of the brain of the fetus and newborn, and social – disruption of age-related sleep patterns, leading to slow falling asleep, lack of daytime sleep and shortened nighttime sleep, violation of feeding methods, resulting in regurgitation and vomiting after eating, improper organization of wakefulness, etc.

Severe adaptation, due to the reasons that determine it, adversely affects the development of the child and his state of health, which later normalize very slowly, sometimes over a number of years.

Easy for a child to get used to new things social conditions largely depends on his emotional state. On this basis, more high level his cognitive activity in new conditions.

The adaptation period is completed on average within 3 months. There are children for whom adaptation is delayed. If the child's condition has not stabilized after 6 months, there is a threat to his health. In this case, another form of assistance to the child’s development is indicated.

In general terms, this process is understood as the individual’s adaptation to a new environment and conditions. Such changes have an impact on the psyche of any person, including children who are forced to adapt to the garden.

It is necessary to understand in more detail what constitutes adaptation to kindergarten. First of all, it requires enormous energy expenditure from the child, as a result of which the child’s body is overstrained. In addition, one cannot discount the changed living conditions, namely:

  • Moms and dads and other relatives are absent nearby;
  • it is necessary to maintain a clear daily routine;
  • need to interact with other children;
  • the amount of time spent decreases specific child(the teacher communicates with 15 - 20 kids at the same time);
  • the baby is forced to obey the demands of other people's adults.

So, the baby’s life changes radically. In addition, the adaptation process is often fraught with undesirable changes in the child’s body, which are expressed externally in the form of violated behavioral norms and “bad” actions.

The stressful state in which the child is trying to adapt to changed conditions is expressed by the following states:

  • disturbed sleep– the child wakes up with tears and refuses to fall asleep;
  • decreased appetite (or complete absence)– the child does not want to try unfamiliar dishes;
  • regression of psychological skills– a child who previously spoke, knew how to dress, use cutlery, and go to the potty, “loses” such skills;
  • decreased cognitive interest– kids are not interested in new play equipment and peers;
  • aggression or apathy– active children suddenly reduce their activity, and previously calm children show aggressiveness;
  • decreased immunity– during the period of adaptation of a small child to kindergarten Resistance to infectious diseases decreases.

Thus, the adaptation process is a complex phenomenon, during which the child’s behavior can change dramatically. As you get used to the kindergarten, such problems disappear or are significantly smoothed out.

Degrees of adaptation

The process of adaptation of a child in kindergarten can proceed in different ways. Some children quickly get used to the changed environment, while others worry their parents for a long time with negative behavioral reactions. It is by the severity and duration of the above problems that the success of the adaptation process is judged.

Psychologists distinguish several degrees of the adaptation process that are characteristic of preschool-aged children.

In this case, the baby joins the children's team in 2 - 4 weeks. This type of adaptation is typical for most children and differs accelerated disappearance negative behavioral reactions. You can judge that a child easily gets used to kindergarten by the following features:

  • he comes and stays in the group room without tears;
  • when speaking, looks teachers in the eye;
  • able to voice a request for help;
  • is the first to make contact with peers;
  • able to occupy himself for a short period of time;
  • easily adapts to daily routine;
  • responds adequately to educational approval or disapproval remarks;
  • tells parents how classes went in the garden.

How long does the adaptation period last in kindergarten? in this case? At least 1.5 months. At the same time, the child often gets sick and demonstrates pronounced negative reactions, but it is impossible to talk about his maladaptation and inability to join the team.

When observing a child, it can be noted that he:

  • has difficulty parting with his mother, cries a little after separation;
  • when distracted, forgets about the separation and joins the game;
  • communicates with peers and teacher;
  • adheres to the stated rules and routines;
  • responds adequately to comments;
  • rarely becomes the instigator of conflict situations.

Difficult adaptation

Children with a severe type of adaptation process are quite rare, but they can easily be found in a children's group. Some of them show open aggression when visiting kindergarten, while others withdraw into themselves, demonstrating complete detachment from what is happening. The duration of addiction can range from 2 months to several years. In especially severe cases, they talk about complete maladjustment and the impossibility of visiting preschool.

The main characteristics of a child with a severe degree of adaptation:

  • reluctance to communicate with peers and adults;
  • tears, hysterics, stupor when parting with parents for a long time;
  • refusal to enter the playing area from the locker room;
  • reluctance to play, eat, or go to bed;
  • aggressiveness or isolation;
  • inadequate response to the teacher’s address to him (tears or fear).

It should be understood that absolute inability to fit into kindergarten is an extremely rare phenomenon, so it is necessary to contact specialists (psychologist, neurologist, pediatrician) and jointly develop an action plan. In some cases, doctors may advise you to postpone visiting a preschool educational institution.

What influences a child’s adaptation?

So, the period of adaptation of children in kindergarten always proceeds differently. But what influences its success? Experts consider the most important factors to be age characteristics, children's health, degree of socialization, level cognitive development etc.

Often parents, trying to go out early workplace, they send the baby to kindergarten at two years old, or even earlier. However, most often such a step does not bring much benefit, since a young child is not yet able to interact with peers.

Of course, every child is a bright individual, however, according to many psychologists, it is possible to identify an optimal age period that is most suitable for getting used to kindergarten - and this is 3 years.

It's all about the so-called crisis period of three years. As soon as the baby passes this stage, his level of independence increases, his psychological dependence on his mother decreases, therefore, it is much easier for him to part with her for a few hours.

Why shouldn’t you rush to send your child to preschool? At the age of 1 - 3 years, formation occurs child-parent relationships and attachment to mother. That is why prolonged separation from the latter causes a nervous breakdown in the baby and violates basic trust in the world.

In addition, one cannot help but note the greater independence of three-year-olds: they, as a rule, have potty etiquette, know how to drink from a cup, and some children are already trying to dress themselves. Such skills make it much easier to get used to the garden.

Health status

Children with serious chronic diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.) quite often experience difficulty adjusting due to the characteristics of the body and the increased psychological connection with their parents.

The same applies to children who are often sick for a long time. These kids need special conditions, reduced workload and supervision of medical personnel. That’s why experts recommend sending them to kindergarten later, especially since the pain will disrupt their preschool attendance schedule.

The main problems of adaptation of sick children in a nursery group:

  • an even greater decrease in immunity;
  • increased susceptibility to infections;
  • increased emotional lability (periods of tearfulness, exhaustion);
  • the occurrence of unusual aggressiveness, increased activity or, conversely, slowness.

Before entering a preschool institution, children are required to undergo a medical examination. There is no need to be afraid of this; on the contrary, parents will have the opportunity to once again consult with doctors about how to survive the adaptation with minimal losses.

Degree of psychological development

Another point that can prevent successful adaptation to preschool education is a deviation from the average indicators of cognitive development. Moreover, both delayed mental development and giftedness can lead to maladjustment.

In case of delayed mental development, special correctional programs are used to help fill gaps in knowledge and increase the cognitive activity of children. Under favorable conditions, such children school age catching up with their peers.

A gifted child, surprisingly, also falls into the risk group, since his cognitive abilities are higher than those of his peers, and he may also experience difficulties with socialization and communication with classmates.

Level of socialization

A child’s adaptation to kindergarten involves increased contacts with peers and with unfamiliar adults. At the same time, there is a certain pattern - those kids whose social circle was not limited to their parents and grandmothers are more likely to get used to the new society.

Those children who rarely interacted with other children, on the contrary, find it difficult to adapt to changed conditions. Poor communication skills and the inability to resolve conflict situations cause an increase in anxiety and lead to reluctance to attend kindergarten.

Of course, this factor largely depends on the teachers. If the teacher gets along well with the child, adaptation will noticeably speed up. That is why, if possible, you should enroll in a group with the teacher whose reviews are most often positive.

Stages of adaptation of a small child to kindergarten

Adaptation of children is a heterogeneous process, so experts identify several periods characterized by severity negative reactions. Of course, such a division is rather arbitrary, but it helps to understand how successful the addiction will be.

The first stage is also acute. Its main feature is maximum mobilization child's body. The child is constantly excited and tense; it is not surprising that parents and teachers note tearfulness, nervousness, capriciousness and even hysteria.

In addition to psychological changes, physiological changes can also be detected. In some cases, there is an increase or decrease in heart rate and blood pressure. Increased susceptibility to infections.

The second phase is called moderately acute, since the severity of negative reactions decreases, and the child adapts to the changed conditions. There is a decrease in the baby’s excitability and nervousness, improved appetite, sleep, and normalization of the psycho-emotional sphere.

However, it is not yet possible to talk about complete stabilization of the condition. Throughout this period, negative emotions may return, and undesirable reactions may appear in the form of hysterics, tearfulness, or reluctance to part with parents.

The third stage is compensated – stabilizes the child’s condition. In the final adaptation period, complete restoration of psychophysiological reactions occurs, and the child successfully joins the team. Moreover, he may acquire new skills, such as using a potty or dressing himself.

How to adapt a child to kindergarten? 6 useful skills for a kindergartener

In order for the process of adaptation to be as successful as possible, quickly and painlessly, experts advise instilling in the future preschooler the most important skills in advance. That is why parents should know what it is advisable to teach a child going to a preschool educational institution.

  1. Dress and undress independently. Ideally, three-year-olds should already take off their swimming trunks, socks, tights, and put on a T-shirt and blouse or jacket. There may be difficulties with fasteners, but you should still get used to them. To do this, you can buy lacing toys. In addition, hang pictures in the room with the dressing sequence (they can be downloaded for free on the Internet).
  2. Use a spoon/fork. The ability to use cutlery makes it easier to get used to. To do this, you need to give up sippy cups, bottles, sippy cups, which do not contribute to rapid growth.
  3. Ask and go to the potty. You should get rid of diapers already at the age of one and a half years, especially since the ability to ask and go to bed will significantly simplify adaptation, since the child will feel more confident among skilled peers.
  4. Accept different foods. Many three-year-olds are characterized by selectivity in food. Ideally, parents should bring the home menu closer to the kindergarten menu. Then breakfasts and lunches at preschool educational institutions will not resemble a war between children and teachers.
  5. Communicate with adults. Quite often you can hear a child’s peculiar speech, which only the mother can understand. Some kids generally communicate with gestures, rightly believing that their parents will understand everything. Before kindergarten, you should monitor the decrease in babbling words and gestures.
  6. Play with children. To improve a child’s communication skills, it is necessary to include him in the children’s group more often. Psychologists advise regularly visiting families with small children, walking on playgrounds, and playing in the sandbox.

In nurseries and kindergartens there are special adaptation groups for future preschoolers. Be sure to find out if such a service is available at your preschool educational institution. Visiting such groups will allow your child to become acquainted with the teachers, the building itself, and new rules of behavior.

Recommendations for parents on how to adapt their children often include advice to talk more with their child about preschool. But how to do this correctly and what should you talk about with your baby to make future adaptation easier?

  1. Explain in as simple a language as possible what a kindergarten is, why children go there, and why it is so important to attend it. The simplest example: “A kindergarten is a big house for kids who eat, play and walk together while their parents work.”
  2. Tell your child that kindergarten is a kind of work for children. That is, mom works as a teacher, doctor, manager, dad works as a military man, programmer, etc., and the baby will “work” as a preschooler, because he has become quite an adult.
  3. Every time you pass by a kindergarten, do not forget to remind that after a while the child will also be able to come here and play with other children. In his presence, you can also tell your interlocutors how proud you are of your newly-made preschooler.
  4. Talk about the daycare routine to relieve fears and uncertainty. The child may not remember everything due to his age, but he will know that after breakfast there will be games, then walks and a short nap.
  5. Don’t forget to talk about who your child can turn to if he suddenly needs water or needs to go to the toilet. In addition, gently clarify that not all requests will be fulfilled instantly, since it is important for educators to keep track of all children at once.
  6. Share your story of attending preschool. Surely you have photographs from matinees, where you recite poems, play with dolls, go home from kindergarten with your parents, etc. Parent example allows the baby to quickly get used to kindergarten.

There is no need to over-praise kindergarten, painting it in completely rosy colors, otherwise the child will be disappointed in the teacher and classmates. At the same time, you cannot scare him with a preschool institution and a teacher who will “show him how to behave well!” Try to maintain a golden mean.

Classes for children to prepare for kindergarten

Role-playing games and listening to fairy tales are favorite pastimes for young children. Therefore, advice from a psychologist often includes items such as activities and fairy tales for successful adaptation to kindergarten. The purpose of such games is to familiarize the child with the regime and rules of kindergarten in a relaxed manner.

Enlist the “support” of children’s toys – dolls, teddy bears. Let your favorite plastic friend become a teacher, and the teddy bear and robot become kindergarteners who are just attending preschool.

Moreover, classes should be repeated almost the entire day of the future preschooler. That is, the teddy bear came to the kindergarten, said hello to the aunt-teacher, kissed mommy goodbye and began to play with the other children. Then he had breakfast and began to study.

If a child has difficulty parting with his mother, special emphasis should be placed on at this moment. To do this, it is better to use special fairy tales for quick adaptation in kindergarten, in which, for example, a kitten stops crying after the mother leaves and begins to play happily with other animals.

Another opportunity to make adaptation to kindergarten easier is to use available tools: presentations, cartoons and a collection of poems about kindergarten. Such useful innovative materials adapt children no worse, and sometimes better, than ordinary stories.

Usually to three years old kids quite easily let go of their mothers and other significant adults, because, as we have already noted, at this stage there is a natural desire to be independent, independent of their parents.

And yet there are situations when the baby and mother turn into almost a single organism. Because of this, a child’s adaptation in kindergarten can become significantly more difficult, and the likelihood of complete maladaptation also increases.

Ideally, it is necessary to accustom the baby to parental absence consistently and in advance. And yet it is possible to short term reduce the psycho-emotional dependence of children on their mother. Let's consider basic advice to parents from experienced specialists.

Necessary actions

  1. Try to involve the father and other close relatives in interaction with the child. The more the baby has contact with other adults (and not just the mother), the easier it will be for him to get used to the teacher.
  2. After this, introduce your child to your friends. At first, they play with the baby in the presence of his parents, so that he can feel calm around unfamiliar adults. With an adapted child, it will be easier to leave.
  3. The next stage is going outside. You need to explain to the baby that mom will go to the store while grandma or an aunt she knows tells an interesting fairy tale. In this case, you do not need to ask the child for time off, just let him know.
  4. Consistently teach your child the idea that he needs to be alone in the room. You can prepare lunch while your child plays in the nursery. These rules can then be applied during exercise in the sandbox or on a walk.
  5. Do not call your child shy, beech, roaring, crybaby, ponytail and other unpleasant words. On the contrary, tell him and others as often as possible how communicative, sociable and cheerful he is.

Unnecessary actions

  1. You cannot run away from your child in secret, even if at that moment he is sitting with his grandmother. Having discovered that his mother is missing, he, firstly, will be seriously frightened, and secondly, he will begin to cry and scream the next time his parents try to leave.
  2. It is not recommended to leave a child alone in an apartment, especially if he is characterized by increased anxiety and restlessness. In addition, even in a few minutes, small children are able to find “adventures” even in the safest home.
  3. You should not reward your child with treats and toys because he allows you to go away. If this is practiced, then the child will demand financial rewards literally every day even in kindergarten.

You can come up with some rituals that make breaking up easier. Just don’t turn them into a full-fledged ritual, more reminiscent of a celebration or holiday. This could be a regular kiss, a mutual smile or a handshake.

Attending a preschool institution is the most important condition for the full development of a child. How to make this period easier? You can listen to the opinions of famous experts - teachers, psychologists and pediatricians. Komarovsky talks a lot and often about the features of successful adaptation to kindergarten. Let's find out the main recommendations of the popular TV doctor:

  • start visiting kindergarten at a time when the mother has not yet gone to work. If a child suddenly catches a cold, the parent will be able to pick him up from the preschool educational institution and stay at home with him for one or two weeks;
  • It is best to adapt children to kindergarten in certain seasons - summer and winter time. But the off-season is not the best period to start visiting kindergarten, since the likelihood of catching a cold increases;
  • Information about how adaptation takes place in a particular kindergarten will not be superfluous. Perhaps caregivers practice force-feeding or over-bundle babies on walks.

In order for accelerated adaptation to occur in kindergarten, Komarovsky advises adhering to some important recommendations:

  • reduce the requirements for the child in the initial stages of getting used to the preschool institution. Even if he behaves badly, you need to show leniency;
  • Be sure to prepare your child to expand social contacts through more frequent and longer walks and games in the sandbox.
  • Be sure to improve your immunity. If the body’s defense system improves, the child will get sick less, therefore, the addiction will go much faster.

The teledoctor does not exclude the occurrence of certain problems in the process of adaptation, however, one should not refuse the opportunity to accustom a child to kindergarten at 4 years old. It is best to take a responsible approach to the adaptation period and support the baby in every possible way.

So, the baby has already started going to preschool, but you simply shouldn’t wait for the end of the habituation. Successful adaptation of a child in kindergarten, advice on which is given by psychologists and doctors, lies in the active position of parents. How can you help your child?

  1. You should not immediately send your child away for the whole day. It is best to make a gradual transition from the usual regime to changed conditions, that is, send the baby first for a couple of hours, and only then increase the length of stay in kindergarten.
  2. Be sure to show sincere interest in what your child did at the preschool. If he has molded, drawn, or glued something, you should praise him and put the craft on the shelf.
  3. Study any information provided by the teacher or psychologist of the preschool institution. Usually the group sets up a folder called “Child Adaptation in Kindergarten.”
  4. You should also communicate more often with teachers who regularly fill out an adaptation sheet, a special kindergarten visit form, and a psychologist fills out a card for each child in the nursery group.
  5. Don’t worry too much if your child seems tired or haggard after kindergarten. Of course, strangers and new acquaintances are a serious stress for a child’s body. Let the baby rest and get some sleep.
  6. In order for children to adapt quickly, it is necessary to limit increased emotional stress. Psychologists advise against attending mass entertainment; cartoons and viewing of various images, videos should also be limited.
  7. If the baby has certain psycho-emotional or physiological characteristics(hyperactive behavior, health problems), this must be reported to the teaching and medical team.
  8. Tears and hysterics are a “presentation” designed for mom. This is why experts advise fathers to accompany their child to kindergarten, since the stronger sex usually reacts more strictly to such manipulative behavior.

Provide your child with a calm family environment during the adaptation process. Express your affection to your new preschooler in every possible way: kiss, hug, etc.

Memo for parents: child adaptation in kindergarten and basic mistakes

So, the basic rules for improving children’s adaptation to preschool have been described. However, none of the parents is immune from erroneous actions. That is why it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the most common misconceptions:

  • comparison with other kids. We all adapt differently. That’s why you shouldn’t compare your child with his peers, who get used to the children’s team and teacher much faster;
  • deception. There is no need to promise your child that you will pick him up in an hour if you plan to return only in the evening. Such parental promises will lead to the baby feeling betrayed;
  • punishment by kindergarten. You should not punish a child with a longer stay in a preschool institution if he is used to being in a preschool institution for only a few hours. This will only lead to increased dislike for the kindergarten;
  • “bribe” with sweets and toys. Some mothers and fathers bribe their children to behave well in preschool. As a result, the child will further blackmail adults, demanding gifts from them every day;
  • sending a sick child to kindergarten. During the adaptation period, any cold can unsettle a child for a long time, so if you feel unwell, you should not take your preschooler to kindergarten, otherwise there is a risk of increasing the symptoms of the disease.

Another common parental mistake is the disappearance of the mother, who does not want to distract the child from toys or children. Such behavior, as we have already said, will only lead to increased anxiety in the baby and numerous fears. Increased hysterics are possible.

As a conclusion

Kindergarten and adaptation are often inseparable concepts, so one should not perceive adaptation to a preschool educational institution as some kind of absolute evil and negative. On the contrary, such a process is quite useful for the child, since it prepares him for future changes in life - school, college, family relationships.

Usually the baby gets used to kindergarten in a couple of months. But if the child’s condition does not stabilize over time and new ones arise psychological problems(aggression, anxiety, hyperactivity), you should definitely talk to a psychologist about maladjustment.

If the problem is not resolved, it may be worth considering visiting kindergarten later. Can a grandmother babysit for a few months? This will probably be the best way out of this situation. Good luck adapting to kindergarten!

A child who violently expresses his protest against new conditions by screaming, loud crying, whims, clinging to his mother, falling to the floor in tears, is uncomfortable and alarming for parents and educators. But this behavior of a child causes less concern among child psychologists and psychiatrists than a child falling into a stupor, indifferent to what is happening to him, to food, to wet pants, even to the cold; such apathy is a typical manifestation of childhood depression




Teacher-psychologist: Belyalova Ya. A.


Adaptation is the adaptation of the body to new or changed living conditions or environmental conditions.

Changes in the social environment affect both the mental and physical health children. From this point of view, special attention is required at an early age (1-3 years), at which many children first move from a rather closed family circle into the world of wide social contacts. If a three-year-old child preparing for kindergarten already has speech, self-care skills, and feels the need for children's company, then a child of infancy (up to 1 year) and early age is less adapted to being separated from his family, is weaker and more vulnerable. It has been established that it is at this age that adaptation to a child care institution takes longer and is more difficult, and is more often accompanied by illness. During this period, intensive physical development occurs, the maturation of all mental processes. Being at the stage of formation, they are most susceptible to fluctuations and even breakdowns. Changing environmental conditions and the need to develop new forms of behavior require effort from the child and cause the emergence of a stage of intense adaptation. How prepared the child in the family is for the transition to childcare facility, depend on the course of the adaptation period, the duration of which can reach six months, and the further development of the baby.

Changing lifestyle leads primarily to disruption of the emotional state.The adaptation period is characterized by emotional tension, anxiety or inhibition. The child cries a lot, strives for contact with adults or, conversely, irritably refuses it and shuns his peers. So it's social connections turn out to be broken. Emotional distress affects sleep and appetite. Separation and meeting with relatives are sometimes very stormy and exalted: the baby does not let his parents go, cries for a long time after their departure, and greets their arrival again with tears. His activity in relation to the objective world also changes: toys leave him indifferent, interest in the environment decreases. The level of speech activity drops, vocabulary is reduced, and new words are difficult to learn. A general depressed state, coupled with the fact that the child is surrounded by peers and is at risk of infection with foreign viral flora, disrupts the body’s reactivity and leads to frequent illnesses.


Doctors and psychologists distinguish three degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe. The main indicators of severity are the timing of normalization of behavior, the frequency and duration of acute diseases, and the manifestation of neurotic reactions.

At easy adaptation (favorable)Within a month, the child’s behavior normalizes, and he begins to relate calmly or joyfully to the children’s group. Appetite decreases, but not by much, and by the end of the first week it reaches its normal level, sleep improves within one to two weeks. By the end of the month, the baby regains speech, interest in the world around him, and the desire to play returns. With easy adaptation, the child’s relationships with loved ones are not disturbed; he is quite active, but not agitated. The decrease in the body's defenses is slight, and by the end of the 2-3rd week they are restored. Acute diseases does not arise.

During adaptation of moderate severity (conditionally favorable)Violations in the behavior and general condition of the child are more pronounced and last longer. Sleep and appetite are restored after 20–40 days, mood is unstable for a month, activity decreases significantly: the baby becomes whiny, inactive, does not strive to explore a new environment, and does not use previously acquired speech skills. All these changes last up to one and a half months. Changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system are clearly expressed: this may be a functional disorder of the stool, pallor, sweating, “shadows” under the eyes, “flaming” cheeks, and manifestations of exudative diathesis may intensify. These manifestations are especially pronounced before the onset of the disease, which, as a rule, occurs in the form of an acute respiratory infection.

Of particular concern is the conditionsevere adaptation (unfavorable).The child begins to be seriously ill for a long time, one disease replaces another almost without a break, the body’s defenses are undermined and no longer fulfill their role - they do not protect the body from the numerous infectious agents that it constantly has to deal with. This has an adverse effect on the physical and mental development baby. Another variant of the course of severe adaptation: the child’s inappropriate behavior is so severe that it borders on a neurotic state. Appetite decreases greatly and for a long time; the child may experience persistent refusal to eat or neurotic vomiting when trying to feed him. The baby has trouble falling asleep, screams and cries in his sleep, and wakes up with tears. Light sleep, short. While awake, the child is depressed, uninterested in others, avoids other children or is aggressive towards them; constantly crying or indifferent, uninterested in anything, frantically clenching his favorite home toy or handkerchief in his fist.

It is difficult for us adults to comprehend the extent of his suffering. General condition of the body: there is weight loss, vulnerability to infections, signs of childhood eczema or neurodermatitis appear. The pace of development slows down, a lag in speech appears, and there is a lack of interest in play and communication. Improvement occurs extremely slowly, over several months. Sometimes it takes several years to restore the health of such a child. When sending our child to kindergarten, we, adults, should think: is addiction necessary at such a price?

A child who violently expresses his protest against new conditions by screaming, loud crying, whims, clinging to his mother, falling to the floor in tears, is uncomfortable and alarming for parents and educators. But this behavior of a child causes less concern among child psychologists and psychiatrists than a child who falls into a stupor, indifferent to what is happening to him, to food, to wet pants, even to the cold; such apathy is a typical manifestation of childhood depression.

Factors that determine the success of rapid adaptation to kindergarten.

A number of factors have been established that determine how successfully a baby will cope with the upcoming changes in life. in the usual way life. These factors are associated with both the physical and psychological state of the child; they are closely intertwined and mutually determined.

Firstly, this state of health and level of development of the child.A healthy, mature baby has greater ability to adapt and copes better with difficulties. The lack of a proper routine and sufficient sleep leads to chronic fatigue and exhaustion of the nervous system. Such a child copes worse with the difficulties of the adaptation period, he develops a stressful state and, as a result, gets sick.

The second factor is age , in which the baby enters a child care institution.With the growth and development of a child, the degree and form of his attachment to a permanent adult changes.In the first half of life, the baby gets used to the one who feeds him, puts him to bed, and takes care of him; secondly, the need for active knowledge of the world around him increases, his capabilities expand - he can already move independently in space, he can use his hands more freely. But the child is still very dependent on the adult who cares for him; the baby develops a strong emotional attachment to the person who is constantly nearby, usually to the mother. At the age of 9-10 months to one and a half years, this attachment is most strongly expressed. Afterwards, the child has the opportunity for verbal communication, free movement in space, he actively strives for everything new, and dependence on the adult is gradually weakened. But the baby still urgently needs the security and support that gives him close person. A small child's need for safety is as great as food, sleep, and warm clothing.

Third is a purely psychological factorthe degree of development of the child’s objective activity and ability to communicate with others.IN early age Situational-personal communication is being replaced by situational-business communication, in the center of which is the child’s mastery, together with adults, of the world of objects, the purpose of which the child himself is not able to discover. An adult becomes a role model for him, a person who can evaluate his actions and come to the rescue.

Emotional relationships are selective relationships. They are built on the basis of the experience of personal communication with the closest people. If a baby in the first months of life is equally friendly towards any adult, the simplest signs of attention from the latter are enough for him to respond to them with a joyful smile, humming, stretching out his arms, then already from the second half of his life the baby begins to clearly distinguish between his own and strangers. At about eight months, all children experience fear or discomfort when they see strangers. The child avoids them, clings to the mother, and sometimes cries. Parting with the mother, which until this age could have happened painlessly, suddenly begins to lead the baby into despair, he refuses to communicate with other people, from toys, loses appetite, and sleep. Adults should take these symptoms seriously. If a child becomes fixated on personal communication with his mother alone, this will create difficulties in establishing contacts with other people.

The transition to a new form of communication is necessary. Only this can be the key to a child’s successful entry into a broader social context and well-being within it. This path is not always easy and requires some time and attention from adults. Among these children, many are spoiled and caressed. In kindergarten, where teachers cannot give them the same attention as in the family, they feel uncomfortable and lonely. They have a reduced level play activity: She is at the stage of primarily manipulating toys.

The lack of skills to enter into practical interaction with adults, reduced play initiative with an increased need for communication lead to difficulties in the child’s relationships with different adults. The accumulation of failures of this kind causes constant timidity and apprehension in children. Thus, the reason for the difficulty of getting used to kindergarten may be a mismatch between the child’s too prolonged emotional form of communication with an adult and the establishment of a new leading activity with objects that requires a different form of communication - cooperation with an adult.

Psychologists have identified a clear pattern between the development of a child’s objective activity and his adaptation to kindergarten. Adaptation occurs most easily in children who can act with toys for a long time, in a variety of ways, and with concentration. When they first enter a preschool institution, they quickly respond to the teacher’s invitation to play and explore new toys with interest. For them this is a habitual activity. In case of difficulty, such children persistently look for a way out of the situation and do not hesitate to turn to an adult for help. They love to solve subject problems together with an adult: assembling a pyramid, constructor. It is not difficult for a child who knows how to play well to make contact with any adult, since he has the means necessary for this.

A characteristic feature of children who have great difficulty getting used to kindergarten is that they are poorly formed in their actions with objects, they do not know how to concentrate on the game, have little initiative in choosing toys, and are not inquisitive. Any difficulty upsets their activity, causes their whims and tears. Such children do not know how to establish contacts with adults and prefer emotional communication.

The course of adaptation is also greatly influenced byrelationship with peers.If we return to the symptoms of dysfunctional behavior in children described above, we remember that in this area too, children behave differently. Some avoid their peers, cry when they approach, others happily play nearby, share toys, and strive for contacts. The inability to communicate with other children, combined with difficulties in establishing contacts with adults, further aggravates the difficulty of the adaptation period.


Speaking about a child’s adaptation to kindergarten, we must not forget that without collaboration parents and educators are indispensable here. One of the basic needs of children is the need for consistency in their environment. Abrupt change The environment, routine, and surrounding people are difficult for any child.

Educators who want to facilitate a child’s transition to new living conditions, as well as their work with a group of children, should get to know their future pupil in advance: find out the characteristics of his development, home routine, methods of feeding, putting him to bed, his favorite toys and activities. It is advisable that in the first days the baby takes his favorite toy to the group.

The number of hours a child spends in a preschool educational institution should be increased gradually, during the first week - no more than three hours a day. If a child reacts painfully to parting with his mother, it is advisable for her to be present in the group during the first days. It is possible to increase the time a child stays in a new team only if he is in a good emotional state.

When observing a child Special attention need to pay attention to his health. Even slight redness of the pharynx and a slight runny nose are a contraindication to him visiting the nursery; he should be kept at home on a gentle regimen for 3-4 days. As a rule, all children entering kindergarten for the first time become ill with an acute respiratory infection on the 5th-7th day. Therefore, it is advisable to take a break from the child visiting the institution from the 4th to the 9th-10th day. It is better to prevent the disease, since it is quite difficult to predict its severity and possible deviations. Children who exhibit manifestations of emotional stress need to consult a neuropsychiatrist.

When it comes to adapting a child to kindergarten, a lot is said about how difficult it is for the baby and what help he needs. But “behind the scenes” there remains one very important person– a mother who is in no less stress and worry. She also desperately needs help and almost never receives it. Often mothers do not understand what is happening to them and try to ignore their emotions. Entering kindergarten is the moment when mother and child separate, and this is a test for both. The mother’s heart also “breaks” when she sees how the baby is worried, but at first he may cry only at the mere mention that tomorrow he will have to go to the garden.


  1. Create conditions for your child to rest peacefully at home.At this time, you should not take him to visit noisy companies associated with returning home late, and hosting too many friends. During this period, the baby is too overloaded with impressions; one should not overload his nervous system even more.
  2. In the presence of your child, always speak positively about the teachers and the kindergarten.Even if you didn't like something. If a child has to go to this kindergarten and this group, it will be easier for him to do this, respecting the teachers.
  3. On weekends, do not change your child's daily routine.You can let him sleep a little longer, but you shouldn’t let him sleep for too long, which can significantly shift his daily routine. If your child needs to sleep, it means that your sleep schedule is not organized correctly, and perhaps your child goes to bed too late in the evening.
  4. Don't wean your child off bad habits(for example, from a pacifier) ​​during the adaptation period, so as not to overload the child’s nervous system. There are too many changes in his life now, and there is no need for unnecessary stress.
  5. Try to ensure that your baby is surrounded by a calm and conflict-free atmosphere at home.Hug your child more often, pat him on the head, talk sweet words. Celebrate his successes, praise him more than scold him. Now he needs your support!
  6. Be more tolerant of whims.They arise due to overload of the nervous system. Hug your child, help him calm down and switch him to another activity (game). Don't scold him because he cries and doesn't want to go to kindergarten.
  7. Give the garden a small toy (preferably a soft one; it can also be any safe item that belongs to mom, etc.).Babies of this age may need a toy - a substitute for their mother. By holding something soft to yourself, which is a part of home, the child will calm down much faster.
  8. Call on a fairy tale or game to help.You can come up with your own fairy tale about how a little bear went to kindergarten for the first time, and how at first he was uncomfortable and a little scared, and how then he made friends with the children and teachers. You can “play out” this fairy tale with toys. Both in the fairy tale and in the game, the key moment is the return of the mother for the child, so under no circumstances interrupt the story until this moment comes. Actually, all this is started so that the baby understands: his mother will definitely come back for him!
  9. Organize your morning so that both you and your baby have a calm day.Parents and children are most upset when they separate. The main rule is this: if the mother is calm, the baby is calm. He “reads” your uncertainty and gets even more upset.
  10. At home and in the garden, talk to your baby calmly and confidently.Show benevolent persistence when waking up, getting dressed, and undressing in the garden. Talk to your child in a not too loud but confident voice, verbalizing everything you do. Sometimes a good helper when waking up and getting ready is the same toy that the child takes with him to kindergarten.
  11. Let the child be taken to kindergarten by the parent or relative (if possible) with whom it is easier for him to separate.Educators have long noticed that a child breaks up with one of the parents relatively calmly, but cannot let go of the other, continuing to worry after his departure.
  12. Be sure to say that you will come and indicate when(after a walk, or after lunch, or after he sleeps and eats). It’s easier for a child to know that they will come for him after some event than to wait every minute. Don't be late, keep your promises! You cannot deceive your child by saying that you will come very soon, even if the baby, for example, has to stay in kindergarten for half a day.
  13. Come up with your own farewell ritual.For example, kiss, wave, say “bye!” After that, immediately leave: confidently and without looking back. The longer you stagnate in indecision, the stronger child worries.


  1. Be sure that visiting kindergarten is really what the family needs.For example, when a mother simply needs to work in order to make her contribution (sometimes the only one) to the family income. Sometimes mothers send their children to kindergarten before they go to work to help them adapt. The fewer doubts a mother has about the advisability of attending kindergarten, the more confidence that the child will sooner or later cope. And the child, reacting precisely to this confident position of the mother, adapts much faster.
  1. Believe me, the child is in fact not a “weak” creature at all.The child’s adaptive system is strong enough to withstand this test. Believe me, he is in real grief, because he is parting with the most dear person - with you! He doesn’t yet know that you will definitely come; a routine has not yet been established. But YOU know! It is worse when the child is so caught in the grip of stress that he cannot cry. Crying is an assistant to the nervous system; it prevents it from being overloaded. Therefore, do not be afraid of the child’s crying, do not be angry with the child for “whining.”
  1. Get help.If there is a psychologist in the kindergarten, then this specialist can help not only (and not so much!) the child, but you, by talking about how adaptation is going and assuring that people who are attentive to children really work in the kindergarten. Sometimes a mother really needs to know that her child quickly calms down after she leaves, and a psychologist who monitors children in the process of adaptation can provide such information.
  1. Get support.There are other mothers around you who are experiencing the same feelings during this period as you. Support each other, find out what “know-how” each of you has. Celebrate and enjoy the successes of your children and yourself together!

Adaptation of a young child to conditions of the preschool educational institution

Kindergarten is a new period in a child’s life. For him, this is, first of all, the first experience of collective communication. Not all children accept a new environment or unfamiliar people immediately and without problems. Most of them react to kindergarten by crying. Some easily enter the group, but cry at home in the evening, others agree to go to kindergarten in the morning, but before entering the group they begin to be capricious and cry.

From the moment a child enters kindergarten, he begins the process of adaptation to new conditions. What is adaptation? Adaptation is the process of a child entering a new environment for him and adapting to the conditions of this environment (social environment, daily routine, norms and rules of behavior, etc.)

Adaptation is a rather difficult period, both for the child and for his parents.During this period, children may have disturbances in their appetite, sleep, and emotional state. Some children experience a loss of established positive habits and skills. For example, at home he asked to use the potty, but in kindergarten he doesn’t do this; at home he ate on his own, but in kindergarten he refuses. Decreased appetite, sleep, emotional state leads to decreased immunity and worsening physical development, weight loss, sometimes to illness.

There are 3 stages of the adaptation process:

    Acute phase - accompanied by various fluctuations in the somatic state and mental status (weight loss, illness, loss of appetite, poor sleep, regression in speech development, resentment towards parents...) - 1 month

    Subacute phase - characterized by adequate behavior of the child, all changes decrease, all mental and physical processes return to normal - 2-3 months.

    The compensation phase is characterized by an acceleration of the pace of development.

The adaptation period to new conditions proceeds differently for each child. On average, this period takes from 2 to 5 weeks. There are three degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe.

With easy adaptation The child's behavior returns to normal within two weeks. Appetite is restored by the end of the first week, and sleep improves after 1-2 weeks. The mood is cheerful, interested, combined with morning crying. Relationships with close adults are not disrupted, the child succumbs to farewell rituals, is quickly distracted, and is interested in other adults. The attitude towards children can be either indifferent or interested. Interest in the environment is restored within two weeks with the participation of an adult. Speech is inhibited, but the child can respond and follow the adult’s instructions. By the end of the first month, active speech is restored. The incidence is no more than once, for a period of no more than ten days, without complications. Weight unchanged. There are no signs of neurotic reactions or changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system.

Average degree of adaptation. Violations in the general condition are more pronounced and last longer. Sleep is restored only after 20 - 40 days, the quality of sleep also suffers. Appetite is restored after 20 - 40 days. Unstable mood for a month, tearfulness throughout the day. Behavioral reactions are restored by the 30th day of stay in the preschool educational institution. His attitude towards loved ones is emotionally excited (crying, screaming when parting and meeting). The attitude towards children is usually indifferent, but can also be interested. Speech is either not used or speech activity slows down. In the game, the child does not use the acquired skills; the game is situational. Attitude towards adults is selective. The incidence is up to two times, for a period of no more than ten days, without complications. Weight does not change or decreases slightly. Signs of neurotic reactions appear: selectivity in relationships with adults and children, communication only in certain conditions. Changes in the autonomic nervous system: pallor, sweating, shadows under the eyes, burning cheeks, peeling skin (diathesis) - for one and a half to two weeks.

Severe degree of adaptation. The child falls asleep poorly, sleeps short, screams, cries in his sleep, wakes up with tears; appetite decreases greatly and for a long time, persistent refusal to eat, neurotic vomiting, functional disorders of the stool, and uncontrolled stool may occur. The mood is indifferent, the child cries a lot and for a long time, behavioral reactions are normalized by the 60th day of stay in the preschool educational institution. The attitude towards loved ones is emotionally excited, devoid of practical interaction. Attitude towards children: avoids, withdraws or shows aggression. Refuses to participate in activities. Speech is not used or there is a delay speech development for 2 - 3 periods. The game is situational, short-term.

The duration of the adaptation period depends on the individual typological characteristics of each child. One is active, sociable, inquisitive. His adaptation period will pass quite easily and quickly. The other is slow, calm, loves to be alone with toys. Noise and loud conversations of peers irritate him. Even if he knows how to eat and dress himself, he does it slowly and lags behind everyone else. These difficulties leave their mark on relationships with others. Such a child needs more time to get used to the new environment.

Research by teachers and doctors shows that the nature of adaptation depends onthe following factors:

    child's age. It is more difficult for children under 2 years of age to adapt to new conditions. After 2 years, children can adapt to new living conditions much easier. This is explained by the fact that by this age they become more inquisitive, understand adult speech well, and have richer experience of behavior in different conditions.

    state of health and level of development of the child. Healthy, good developed child tolerates difficulties of social adaptation more easily.

    formation of objective activity. Such a child can be interested in a new toy or activity.

    individual characteristics. Children of the same age behave differently in the first days of kindergarten. Some children cry, refuse to eat or sleep, and react to every suggestion from an adult with violent protest. But several days pass, and the child’s behavior changes: appetite and sleep are restored, the child watches his friends’ play with interest. Others, on the contrary, are outwardly calm on the first day. They fulfill the teacher’s demands without objection, and in the following days they part with their parents crying, eat poorly, sleep poorly, and do not take part in games. This behavior may continue for several weeks.

    family living conditions. This is the creation of a daily routine in accordance with age and individual characteristics, the formation of children's skills and abilities, as well as personal qualities (the ability to play with toys, communicate with adults and children, take care of themselves, etc.). If a child comes from a family where conditions for his proper development have not been created, then, naturally, it will be very difficult for him to get used to the conditions of a preschool institution.

    level of training of adaptation mechanisms, experience of communication with peers and adults. Training mechanisms does not happen on its own. It is necessary to create conditions that require new forms of behavior from the child. Children who, before entering kindergarten, were repeatedly exposed to different conditions (visiting relatives, acquaintances, going to the country, etc.) get used to preschool more easily. It is important that the child develops trusting relationships with adults in the family and has the ability to respond positively to the demands of adults.

Reasons for difficult adaptation to preschool conditions

When entering kindergarten, the child experiences stress. Any stress, especially long-term, leads to a decrease in the body’s immune reserves, increasing susceptibility to various diseases. It is also important that the child’s body in the children’s group encounters microflora that is alien to it; it has no immunity to most. This is precisely what is associated with the increase in cases of illness in the first year a child attends kindergarten. Used to enhance immunity medicines, consult your doctor.

The child also needs measures to prevent disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, primarily intestinal dysbiosis. Dysbacteriosis is qualitative and quantitative changes in the species composition of microorganisms that normally populate the intestines. Violation of the normal composition of the intestinal microflora leads not only to incomplete absorption of nutrients, but also to various disruptions in the normal functioning of the body. Prevention of dysbiosis in children must be carried out not only after acute intestinal infections, but also during sudden changes in living conditions, upon admission to kindergarten. Usually such drugs need to be given for a long time, and parents always want to give a magic pill, after which the child will never get sick. Such miracles do not happen. Every parent should remember that maintaining health at a good level is painstaking, intense and necessarily regular work.

It must be remembered that food in kindergarten may differ from the child’s preferences and he will also have to get used to this. It is better for parents to adjust their diet before their child enters kindergarten.

Tips to improve your child's health:

    adherence to a strict regime;

    healthy, balanced diet;

    stay outside for at least 2-3 hours daily;

    playing sports in accordance with the child’s age capabilities;

    a favorable microclimate in the family - the love of both parents.

First of all, the child needs to create a regime and living conditions at home that would be as close as possible to the regime and conditions of the kindergarten.

Approximate daily routine for children under 3 years old:

7.00 – 7.30 – rise, morning toilet.

until 8.00 – admission of children to kindergarten.

8.00 – 9.00 – morning exercises, washing, preparing for breakfast, breakfast.

9.00 – 9.20 – games, organization of educational activities.

9.45 – 11.00 – walk.

11.00 – 11.20 – return from a walk, game.

11.20 – 12.00 – lunch.

12.00 – 15.00 – afternoon nap.

15.00 – 15.25 – gradual rise, afternoon snack.

15.25 – 15.45 - independent play activity.

15.45 – 16.00 – organization of educational activities.

16.00 – 17.00 – walk.

17:00 – 17.20 – return from a walk, game.

17.20 – 17.50 – preparation for dinner, dinner.

17.50 – 19.30 – independent activity, going home.

19.00 – 20.00 – walk after kindergarten.

20.00 – 20.30 – return from a walk, hygiene procedures, quiet games.

20.30 – 7.00 – getting ready for bed, night sleep

If children in a family sleep, eat, and walk at different times, they have difficulty getting used to the daily routine in kindergarten. The discrepancy between the home regime and the preschool regime negatively affects the child’s condition; he becomes lethargic, capricious, and indifferent to what is happening.

When bringing your child to kindergarten for the first time, it is not recommended to leave him immediately for the whole day. The most gentle option is if the child stays in the group for 2-3 hours in the first days, and has lunch and sleep at home, in a familiar environment. It is better to coordinate the time with the teacher and come with the child during walking hours. Letting you gradually get used to it, you can leave your child for a nap during the day, picking him up immediately after waking up. When you see that your appetite and sleep have returned to normal, you can leave it for the whole day. But don’t force things, you need to go to work faster, you want your child to start going to kindergarten all day, you insist, but the child has not yet adapted, and psychosomatic illnesses begin. All children are individual and adjust to kindergarten differently.

On the first day of visiting kindergarten, do not immediately leave your child alone; it is best to come for a walk and spend it together, you will have the opportunity to get to know the teacher, observe the child’s behavior, and set the child up for a positive attitude towards the kindergarten. When you break up, leaving your child in kindergarten, part with your child easily and quickly. Of course, you are worried about how your child will be in kindergarten, but long goodbyes with a worried expression on his face will cause anxiety in the child, and he will not let you go for a long time.

Don't forget to reassure your child that you will definitely come back for him.
If a child has difficulty separating from his mother, let his father take him to kindergarten for the first few weeks.

Give your child his favorite toy in kindergarten, let the toy go with him every day and meet other children there, in the evening you can ask him what happened to the toy in kindergarten. This way you will find out how your baby manages to get used to kindergarten. Play with your child with homemade toys in kindergarten, where some of them will be the child himself. Observe what this toy does, what it says, help you and your child find friends for it and solve your child’s problems through it, focusing the game on a positive result.

Many children in the first days of kindergarten get very tired from new impressions, new friends, new activities, large quantity people. If a child comes home tired and nervous, this does not mean that he is unable to get used to kindergarten. It is necessary to take such a child home earlier. During the adjustment period, eliminate unnecessary irritants - TV, loud music (at least, do not turn it on very loud), loud conversations, large crowds of people.

It is now important for the child to be with you as much as possible, to be sure that you love him. Practice quiet games at home, reading, looking at pictures, drawing, modeling, walking before bed. Do not go on holidays with him, as this creates additional stress on the nervous system. Don’t receive guests for now, you’ll make up for everything later when the child gets used to it. Be sure to tell your child that you love him and that you will definitely come for him. When you take your child home, talk to the teacher and find out how the child ate and slept. If necessary, compensate for malnutrition or lack of sleep at home.

Of no small importance during the period of a child’s adaptation to the conditions of preschool educational institution has the necessary cultural and hygienic skills and self-service skills. Often children, when they come to kindergarten, do not know how to feed themselves, do not ask to go to the potty, do not know how to dress and undress, or use a handkerchief. The child must be taught to: wash his hands, use a spoon, eat independently, eat soup with bread, chew food well, keep the table clean while eating, use a napkin, participate in undressing, remove clothes and shoes unbuttoned and untied by adults, take off tights, know your clothes, be able to ask an adult for help.

To develop these skills, appropriate conditions are necessary: ​​uniform, deliberate requirements for children from all adults in the family, consistency of requirements, specificity of rules and a gradual increase in their volume. When developing skills, exercises in action and encouragement for completed actions in the form of praise and approval are of great importance.

Sometimes, upon entering kindergarten, there is a temporary loss of already acquired skills and habits. To prevent this from happening, it is important not only to train children in using the skills they have developed, but also to monitor their implementation in different situations and explain their meaning. Children who have developed the necessary skills related to eating, washing, dressing, undressing, and lying down feel calmer and more confident in a group.

So, a child’s admission to kindergarten can be painless for him if he prepares the child for this in advance. To do this you need:

    timely expand his circle of communication with adults and peers and thereby contribute to the formation of the need for communication and development;

    build the entire system correctly family education so that the child has a positive communication experience and develops the skills and abilities necessary for this age;

    the child must be sure that he is loved by his parents, that he is sent to kindergarten not as a punishment, but because he has grown up and the parents are proud that their child has become big, can do a lot on his own and can go to kindergarten.

And no matter how good the kindergarten is, do not make an irreparable mistake - do not consider that it replaces the family!

Games during the child’s adaptation to kindergarten

To reduce stress, it is necessary to switch the child’s attention to activities that bring him pleasure. This is, first and foremost, a game.

Game “Pour, Pour, Compare”

Toys, foam sponges, tubes, and bottles with holes are lowered into a basin of water. You can fill a bowl of water with buttons, small cubes, etc. and play with them:

· take as many objects as possible in one hand and pour them into the other;

· collect, for example, beads with one hand and pebbles with the other;

· lift as many objects as possible on your palms.

After completing each task, the child relaxes his hands by holding them in the water. The duration of the exercise is about five minutes, until the water cools down. At the end of the game, the child’s hands should be rubbed with a towel for one minute.

Game "Sand Drawings"

Scatter the semolina on a tray. You can pour it in a slide or smooth it out. Bunnies will jump along the tray, elephants will stomp, and rain will fall. The sun's rays will warm it, and a pattern will appear on it. And what kind of drawing will be told to you by a child who will be happy to join this game. It is useful to perform movements with both hands.

Game "Conversation with a toy"

Place the glove toy on your hand. There is also a glove toy on the child’s hand. You touch it, you can stroke it and tickle it, while asking: “Why is my... sad, his eyes are wet; who he became friends with in kindergarten, what are the names of his friends, what games did they play,” etc. Talk to each other, say hello with your fingers. Using the image of a toy, transferring his experiences and moods onto it, the child will tell you what worries him and share what is difficult to express.

Why can it be difficult for children to get used to kindergarten and how can parents help them?

The question of kindergarten - to give or not to give, when is it better to give, how to help with adaptation - arises at some point in every family. Typically, parents in such matters rely on personal experience, or examples of relatives and friends. Undoubtedly, attending a kindergarten has its pros and cons, but due to the busyness of parents and the inability to devote all the time to the child, most families are still inclined to the option of “sending them to kindergarten.” Perhaps the mother needs to go to work, but there is no one to sit with the baby. Or parents simply want to socialize their baby as early as possible, teach him to communicate with other adults and children, in addition to his family. Be that as it may, the reasons may be different, but as a result, the baby is still brought to kindergarten.

And this is where the fun begins. Your baby, so obedient and good before, suddenly begins to throw tantrums, be capricious, and refuse to fall asleep on his own. Or, on the contrary, he withdraws into himself, cries quietly, and ceases to be interested in his previously favorite toys and fairy tales. What is happening to your child? Will all this go away, or do we still need to take him out of the garden? When will the baby get used to kindergarten? And, most importantly, how to help him?

We will try to find answers to all these questions in our article.

Adaptation is getting used to, adapting the body to external changing conditions, that is, to a new environment. Such changes do not go unnoticed both for the psyche and for an adult, what can we say about a small child. After all, no one will argue that for a child, kindergarten is a completely new, unfamiliar space in which new people and new relationships await him.

Let's try to understand in more detail the adaptation process itself. Firstly, it requires a considerable expenditure of mental energy, therefore it often provokes tension and even overstrain of the physical and mental forces of the body. Secondly, new conditions “burst” into the child’s previously stable and measured life:

  • the absence of those closest to you - mom, dad, grandparents;
  • the need to maintain a clear daily routine;
  • constant contact with a large number of peers previously unknown to the baby;
  • a sudden decrease in the amount of personal attention to the baby - now he is no longer the “center of the universe”, as he used to be for the mother, and even the most humane and loving teacher is unlikely to be able to pay a ton of attention to each child;
  • the need for submission and obedience to a previously unfamiliar adult - educator.

These few factors alone are enough to confirm that the child’s life is changing dramatically. And, in addition to external changes in living conditions, the adaptation process entails a large number of predominantly negative changes in the baby’s body. These changes occur at all levels and in all systems. We usually notice only the tip of the iceberg - behavioral disturbances in the child. But in fact, radical changes occur in the soul and body of the baby during this period - the baby is constantly under strong nervous tension, he feels severe stress or on the verge of stress. In addition, the following violations are often observed:

  1. Sleep disorders. The baby may refuse to fall asleep alone or wake up at night.
  2. Decreased or loss of appetite.
  3. Speech regression - sometimes a baby, already perfectly able to speak in complex sentences, suddenly plunges back into infancy and begins to use simplified words and monosyllabic sentences.
  4. Loss of self-care skills. It also suddenly turns out that the baby “doesn’t know how” to dress, undress, wash, eat, or use a handkerchief on his own. And this despite the fact that previously he could easily cope with all this.
  5. Change in motor activity. Previously cheerful and active baby suddenly he may become “inhibited,” slow, and unsure of himself. Or, on the contrary, the child becomes uncontrollable, hyperactive, which was not observed in him before.
  6. Loss of interest in new things. You may observe that your previously curious “why” ceases to be interested in new toys and does not want to meet other children. It's as if he's hibernating, and cognitive activity fades away.
  7. Decreased social activity. The child may refuse to make contact with peers and the teacher. Even optimistic and sociable children become withdrawn, tense, uncommunicative, and restless.
  8. Change of emotional background. In the first days of visiting kindergarten, the child usually has more pronounced negative emotions: whining, crying - both “for company” and paroxysmal, fear (going to kindergarten, fear of the teacher, worries that his mother will not come for him), anger, aggression. It may seem that the child has no emotions at all. But you can hardly expect anything positive from the baby: a smile can only appear in response to a new bright stimulus (a non-standard toy, a fun game).
  9. Decreased immunity. During the adaptation period, the body's resistance to infections decreases, as a result of which the baby may get sick in the first weeks and even days of visiting kindergarten.

Parents must understand that all these changes are not the whim of the child, but completely objective reactions to the changing environment, independent of the will of the child. And, as soon as the adaptation is over, all these negative changes will go away. Many mothers wait for this to happen in the first days of kindergarten, and may feel disappointed or even angry with the baby when it does not happen. But, according to experts, the average duration of adaptation to kindergarten is at least 3-4 weeks, and sometimes it can last for 2-4 months. Remember that your child is an individual, and don’t rush things!

Now we know what happens to the baby when we send him to kindergarten. But, nevertheless, there are children who get used to new conditions relatively quickly, there are those who need more time, and, finally, those for whom it is virtually impossible to do this. Such differences indicate different types adaptation. So, psychologists distinguish:

1. Easy adaptation– is 3-4 weeks. Almost half of children experience this type of adaptation. The kids visit the garden without much loss, and there is even a desire to go there. All the changes we described earlier are usually short-term, pass quickly and do not cause illness.

This child:

  • enters the group calmly, looks around carefully;
  • looks the teacher in the eye when he addresses him;
  • can ask for help if necessary;
  • able to make contacts himself;
  • can keep himself busy, uses substitute objects in the game, that is, plays “for fun”;
  • is in a stable calm or cheerful mood;
  • moderately emotional, his emotions are easy to recognize;
  • accepts established rules of conduct;
  • reacts normally to approval or remark, and then independently changes his behavior;
  • knows how to treat other children kindly and play next to them.

2. Moderate adaptation. Children in this group begin to get sick often, but it does not lead to nervous disorders. Such a reaction of the baby’s body is quite understandable: in kindergarten, children begin to actively “exchange” various infections, which for some can be completely harmless, but for others – dangerous. Therefore, during the period of adaptation to kindergarten, many children develop various acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. In this case, a doctor can help the baby - timely measures taken will reduce the risk of the baby getting sick, and his adaptation will be closer to favorable.

A baby experiencing moderate adaptation:

  • agrees to communicate when he likes the teacher’s actions;
  • after the first minutes of tension, he is gradually ready to come into contact with other children and can expand the game;
  • responds adequately to encouragement and comments addressed to him;
  • can conduct a kind of experiment, violating the norms and rules of behavior.

Adaptation of this type takes an average of a month and a half, sometimes during the process of adaptation the child gets sick. But, as a rule, the disease does not cause any complications.

3. Difficult adaptation. In such cases, the baby tends to react to a change in environment not only with colds, but also with a nervous breakdown. This option is, naturally, the most unfavorable.

With this type of adaptation, the baby:

  • does not make contact, or agrees to communicate only with the help of parents;
  • anxious, withdrawn;
  • does not hold attention to toys, moves from one to another;
  • cannot deploy the game;
  • gets scared in response to a teacher’s remark or encouragement, seeks mom’s support, or does not react at all.

A pediatrician can help a baby experiencing difficult adaptation. child psychologist, in some cases - a neurologist. And, of course, we should not forget about important role parents in this difficult process of adaptation.

Of course, all these types of adaptation are very conditional. After all, each child gets used to his new life in kindergarten in his own way. Some people only need a week to adapt, some – a month, and some, maybe even six months. The length of the habituation period depends on many factors, including:

  • baby's temperament. Usually choleric and melancholic people adapt to new conditions worse and longer than sanguine people;
  • health status of the baby;
  • family situation;
  • level of readiness of parents (yes, that’s right!) for this important event little things in life.

To help your child successfully adapt to kindergarten, listen to the simple recommendations of experts:

1. Before visiting kindergarten, prepare thoroughly by teaching your child independence skills. The child should be able to:

  • eat independently using a spoon, fork, or mug;
  • wash;
  • dress and undress;
  • use the potty;
  • use a handkerchief.

When the baby masters all these intricacies, his adaptation process will be much easier.

To make it easier for your baby to undress and dress himself, buy him comfortable and practical things without unnecessary fasteners and zippers. It is better if they are fastened with buttons rather than with buttons. Then the child will be able to easily cope with changing clothes himself, without once again involving a teacher.

The same comfort requirements apply to shoes. It should stick well to the leg, not put pressure, not fly off, and be secured with Velcro. Then the baby will be able to change his shoes alone. Before you take your clothes to kindergarten, practice getting dressed and putting on your shoes at home with your little one. If the baby already gets used to this outfit, it will be easier and faster for him to change clothes in the garden.

2. Set your baby in a positive mood. Tell him how great it is that he has already become so big and has grown to kindergarten. Explain to the baby where he will have to go, what he will do there, read fairy tales about visiting kindergarten, play “kindergarten” with toys, take a walk in the garden. If there is such an opportunity, introduce the child to the teacher in advance - then when he enters kindergarten, she will no longer be a “stranger’s aunt” for him.

3. Try to maintain a clear daily routine, as close as possible to the “Sadovian” routine. It is advisable to begin such preparation at least a month before visiting the garden. That is, approximately your daily routine should be like this:

  • 7-30 – get up, wash, brush teeth, get dressed;
  • 8-30 – time of arrival at kindergarten;
  • 8-40 – breakfast;
  • 10-30 –12-00 – walk;
  • 12-15 – 12-45 – lunch;
  • 13-00 – 15-00 – afternoon nap,
  • 15-30 – afternoon snack.

Of course, this schedule is approximate, and it is better to clarify exactly “your” regime in the garden.

To get up easily in the morning, it is best to go to bed in the evening no later than half past nine or nine. This way you can prepare your baby for the regime, and when he enters kindergarten it will no longer be stressful for him. By the way, even later, when the baby starts going to kindergarten, do not change his routine on weekends. Of course, you can let him sleep a little longer, but you shouldn’t significantly change the daily routine.

4. In the evening after kindergarten, share your impressions of the day with your little one. Ask him how his day was, what he did in kindergarten, who he played with, what he liked most. Tell him about your day, what made you happy. And be sure to pay attention to your child’s complaints. If a child complains about the teacher and doesn’t want to go to kindergarten because of her, carefully ask the child what exactly he doesn’t like. It is possible that the baby fantasizes a little; this is quite typical of the child’s psyche at an early age. Try talking to the teacher - discuss with her the upbringing and behavior of your baby. In most cases, you can fix the situation together. In addition, no one forbids you to take a closer look at the teacher, for example, by picking up your baby a little earlier than usual. Notice how she interacts with children. If something worries you, you can always transfer the baby to another group in the garden.

If your child seems tired and nervous, don't panic ahead of time. This reaction is quite natural for the first days of adaptation. After all, the baby is not yet ready for so much new information and emotions. Give him time to get used to it without scolding him for bad behavior, ignorance of the rules or unwillingness to follow them. Not all at once. Give the baby the opportunity to “unwind” at home - play around, make a little noise and run around.

5. In the presence of your child, always speak positively about the teachers and the kindergarten. Even if you don’t really like something, don’t say it out loud in front of your child. Your assessment is very important for your child, and it will be much easier for him to go to kindergarten, respecting the teachers. You can tell your friends what a good kindergarten you have chosen for your little one and what wonderful people work there.

6. Tell your baby when you are taking him home and be sure to keep your promises. If the baby knows that mom will come after lunch or after a walk, he will be calmer and more confident. But don’t betray your child’s trust - don’t be late, don’t come later than you promised.

7. Do not overload the baby’s nervous system during the adaptation period. There is no need to wean him from “bad” habits at this time, for example, from the pacifier. He already has a lot of changes now, and there is no need to add more tension. It is also worth temporarily stopping visiting people, going to the theater, or going to the circus, rescheduling vaccinations, and reducing your TV viewing.

8. Create a conflict-free and calm atmosphere at home for your child. Do not forget about constant manifestations of love: hug the baby more often, say tender words, stroke the head. Be sure to celebrate his successes and praise him. After all, the baby now most of all needs your support and warm participation!

9. When leaving, part with the baby quickly and easily. Long goodbyes will cause additional tears, and your worried face will instill anxiety in your baby that something might happen to him in kindergarten.

10. Come up with your own farewell ritual - kiss, say “bye-bye,” wave. Such consistency will help the baby quickly get used to new conditions.

11. If it is very difficult for the baby to part with his mother, make sure that for the first few weeks the baby is taken to kindergarten by his father or grandparents.

12. Bring your baby to kindergarten a little earlier or a little later than other parents. In this way, you can avoid unnecessary tears “for company.”

13. Give your little one to kindergarten his favorite toy. By cuddling something soft that reminds him of home, the baby will become much calmer.

14. Get ready for kindergarten in the evening. Talk about what toy the baby will take with him, what he will wear, put everything in a bag and put it in the corridor.

15. Be tolerant of your baby's whims. Remember, they appear from overload of the nervous system. Better hug the child, calm him down, play together.

16. Talk to your baby confidently and calmly both in kindergarten and at home. Be friendly and persistent when changing clothes and waking up for kindergarten. Voice all your actions. Such simple recommendations They will help the baby believe that everything is fine and nothing will happen to him in kindergarten.

17. Dress your child appropriately for the temperature in the group. Excessive wrapping up is not good for your health.
18. If you notice strong deviations from the baby’s usual behavior, seek help from a doctor or child psychologist.

19. Accustom your child to kindergarten gradually. At first, it is enough to leave it in the garden for 1-2 hours. After a week or two, the time spent in the group can be increased. After another two to three weeks, you can leave the baby in the kindergarten until bedtime. And only after all this, try leaving him in kindergarten for the whole day.

20. If you notice the first signs of infection in your baby - sneezing, runny nose, cough - immediately take him home and call a doctor. This way you can avoid possible complications.

21. Consult your doctor about what measures can be used to prevent acute respiratory infections. Perhaps these will be sprays based sea ​​water, or other drugs.

22. If possible, strengthen your baby's immune system through exercise and walks. Ventilate the rooms regularly, leave the window open at night.

23. Remember: the cause of constant colds most often lies in the psyche. Experts call this phenomenon “flight into illness.” This does not mean that the baby is catching a cold on purpose. No, the baby is not aware of this, but the body begins to weaken and easily succumbs to negative influences. Therefore, it is important not only to take physical measures to improve the baby’s health, but also to help him restore spiritual harmony.

List of taboos for parents

  1. You cannot punish, scold, or shame a child because he cries and does not want to go to kindergarten.
  2. You cannot compare the baby’s behavior with the behavior of other children. Better show him how much you love him!
  3. You can’t scare your child at kindergarten. After all, a place that is scary is unlikely to ever become safe, much less loved.
  4. You cannot cajole your baby with promises of gifts if he agrees to go to kindergarten.
  5. You cannot speak negatively about the kindergarten and the teachers in front of your child. This will only increase his anxiety, and he will begin to think that the kindergarten is a bad place with bad people.
  6. You cannot deceive your child by promising him that you will come very soon and leaving him in kindergarten for the whole day. Let him know better that he will have to wait a long time for his mother than to lose trust in you forever.
  7. You cannot take a sick child to kindergarten.

And most importantly, remember: It may take a long time before going to kindergarten becomes a joyful and familiar experience for your little one. Undoubtedly, the period of adaptation to kindergarten is not easy not only for the baby, but also for the mother, because it is not very easy to immediately entrust the upbringing of your child to strangers. Don't expect the addiction to go away very quickly. It is quite possible that the baby will need a certain amount of time to get used to the absence of his mother nearby and the need to contact a large number of peers. Give him this time!

Anna Kutyavina