The level of development of the higher mental functions of a younger preschooler. The development of higher mental functions in preschool children consultation (middle group) on the topic. The art of communicating with parents

I.V. Baghramyan, Moscow

The path of growing up is a rather thorny one. For a child, the first school of life is his family, which is the whole world. In the family, the child learns to love, endure, rejoice, sympathize and many other important feelings. In the conditions of a family, an emotional and moral experience inherent only in it develops: beliefs and ideals, assessments and value orientations, attitudes towards people around them and activities. The priority in raising a child belongs to the family (M.I. Rosenova, 2011, 2015).

Get cluttered

Much has been written about how important it is to be able to let go, to complete the old-obsolete. Otherwise, they say, the new will not come (the place is occupied), and there will be no energy. Why do we nod, reading such motivating articles for cleaning, but still everything remains in place? We find thousands of reasons to postpone the deferred for release. Or do not start parsing rubble and storerooms at all. And we are accustomed to scolding ourselves: "I have been completely overwhelmed, we need to pull ourselves together."
To be able to easily and confidently throw away unnecessary things becomes an obligatory program of a “good housewife”. And often - a source of yet another neurosis for those who for some reason cannot do this. After all, the less we do "right" - and the better we can hear ourselves, the happier we live. And this is all the more correct for us. So, let's figure it out, is it really necessary for you to declutter yourself.

The art of communicating with parents

Parents often love to teach their children, even when they are old enough. They interfere in their personal life, advise, condemn ... It comes to the point that children do not want to see their parents, because they are tired of their moralizing.

What to do?

Acceptance of disadvantages. Children must understand that parents cannot be re-educated, they will not change, no matter how much you want it. When you accept their shortcomings, it will be easier for you to communicate with them. You just stop waiting for a different attitude than before.

How to prevent cheating

When people start a family, no one, with rare exceptions, even thinks about starting a relationship on the side. And yet, according to statistics, families most often break up precisely because of betrayal. About half of men and women cheat on their partners in a legal relationship. In a word, the number of faithful and unfaithful people is distributed 50 to 50.

Before talking about how to protect a marriage from cheating, it is important to understand

1. Proceeding from the fact that in children with OHP, visual perception is characterized by insufficient formation of the integral image of objects, it is necessary to carry out correctional work. This work should be structured in such a way that at the beginning the child creates or refines a sensory image of objects, which would later be mediated by the word, that is, in the process of speech therapy lessons with children, the development of visual perception would become the basis for the formation of speech. The introduction of elements of manual activity into the speech therapy program will make it possible to implement this direction correctional work... Taking into account the special difficulties of children in organizing their activities, it is necessary to teach them productive ways of acting and the transfer of formed skills to similar activities.

This path involves the formation of holistic visual images and skills to actively act with objects. The formation of speech in children with speech pathology should be combined with the development visual memory and accuracy of perception.

For the development of visual perception, you can offer games:

"What is this?", Where children are shown a contour image of any objects, or, conversely, only some details from them, and children must find out what these objects are.

"Drawing up figures from scattered parts" (cut pictures), where children are offered individual details of an object, children must connect them so that they turn out to be a whole object.

"Learn by the contour." Children are shown confused contour images of objects (superimposed on each other), it is necessary to recognize all objects along the contour. For example, a child is asked to find all the cars in the garage.

"What did the artist hide?", Where the child is invited to paint all the triangles in green and the quads are yellow and find the hidden shape.

"Find the same letters", where the children are shown the letters "scattered" on the sheet, it is necessary to connect the same letters with lines.

"Look at the picture and find where the mice are hiding?"

For the development of auditory perception, you can offer games:

“Noises”, where the child is invited to listen to a tape recording with different, real sounds, while he must identify the pictures in front of him with the noises that he will hear: the cry of the child, the sounds of dripping water, the croaking of a frog, etc.

"Learn a musical instrument", children (behind the screen) play on various acquaintances musical instruments and offer to name them.

2. Proceeding from the fact that the attention of children with OHD is characterized by a number of features: instability, low indicators of the distribution and selectivity of voluntary attention, low volume and a large number of distractions, insufficient focus on analyzing the conditions of tasks and control over activities, it is necessary in each speech therapy session include games and exercises for the development of voluntary attention, which are widely represented in the correctional and pedagogical literature.

So for the development of sensory attention, you can use games such as: "Find two identical objects", "Eliminate unnecessary", "Find the differences", "Tangram", "Magic square", "Mongolian game", "Columbus egg", "Vietnamese game "," The Magic Circle ". Tasks: laying out patterns or silhouettes from sticks and mosaics according to a pattern, stringing beads or large beads according to a pattern, sketching in cells.

To develop auditory attention, you can use games such as: "What is heard?", "Listen to the sounds!"

For the development of motor-motor attention, you can use games such as: "Who flies?" Scouts "," Edible - inedible. "

To develop stability of attention, it is necessary to include in the work with children tasks that require rather long concentration: build a complex bridge, draw a city, design a car, etc.

You can offer children, especially those with a low indicator of the development of voluntary attention, the following exercise: in a newspaper, in an old book on one of the pages, cross out all the letters "a" with a pencil, trying not to skip them, the task can be gradually complicated by asking the child to cross out all the letters "a" ", Circle all the letters" k ", underline all the letters" o ".

It is necessary to train children in retelling stories, fairy tales according to a schematic plan drawn up by a teacher.

You can offer children: repeat words, numbers, sentences spoken by an adult; unfinished phrases to be completed; questions to be answered. Encourage those children who try to answer them more often.

When working with children, you must use didactic games with clearly expressed rules, as well as regularly include children in the performance of tasks according to a pre-developed action plan: to carry out constructions from constructors, ornaments, crafts, the form of which must be given verbally or using a diagram.

It is necessary to compare, analyze the sample and the results of one's own or someone else's work, find and correct errors.

In the classroom at school, children will need to quickly switch their attention from one activity to another. This property of attention can be formed with the help of motor exercises. The child should begin, perform and finish his actions at the command of an adult, quickly moving from one type of movement to another. For example: jump, stop, walk at the command of an adult.

Periodic switching from one type of work to another, a multifaceted task structure, active cognitive activity, the formation of control and self-control operations - this approach will make the lesson interesting for children, which in itself will help to organize their attention.

3. Proceeding from the fact that children with OHP have insufficient formation of memory processes, a low level of speech and auditory memory is necessary when explaining new material to children and when repeating what is already familiar to combine a verbal explanation with a visual demonstration of those objects and phenomena in question, to widely use visual material: pictures, tables, diagrams.

Children with insufficiently developed auditory memory need an individual approach: relying not only on hearing, but also on other senses (sight, smell, touch).

To improve the memory process, it is necessary to educate children in the methods of meaningful memorization and recollection, the ability to: analyze, highlight certain connections, signs in objects, compare objects and phenomena with each other, find similarities and differences in them, carry out generalizations, combine various objects in some way. common features, to classify objects and phenomena on the basis of generalization, to establish semantic connections between the presented objects and surrounding objects.

Each lesson should include games and exercises to develop memory.

For the development of memory, you can offer games: "What's gone?", "What has changed?" For these games, you can use both toys and any objects, pictures, gradually increasing their number. It should be borne in mind that it is easier and more interesting for preschoolers with OHP to work with toys, since toys contribute to a higher emotional mood.

You can invite children to lay out figures, objects from sticks, simple patterns from a mosaic from memory, that is, first the child examines the sample, then the sample is removed and the child needs to complete the presentation task. This task contributes to the development of visual attention and memory in children, visual-figurative thinking.

In working with children, you can use such tasks as: "Memorizing words", "Memorizing numbers", "Remember the table", "Remember and lay out the track" (from geometric shapes), as well as tasks on mnemonics. However, it should be remembered that all tasks must be feasible and appropriate to the individual abilities of each child.

4. Proceeding from the fact that the thinking of children with OHP is characterized by a number of features, so with the relative formation of visual-effective thinking, figurative-logical thinking is significantly reduced. Low indicators of mental operations are noted: analysis, synthesis of comparison, formation of concepts and especially generalization and classification.

It is important to remember that when organizing activities with children aimed at developing the prerequisites logical thinking and the ability to generalize, it is necessary to create conditions for children to learn to generalize not only practically, laying out pictures in a group, but also in the mind, in the form of an internal mental action.

Domestic psychologists (L.S.Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, P.Ya. Galperin and others) have shown that thought processes go through a long path of development. At first, they are formed as external, practical actions with objects or their images, then these actions are transferred to the speech plane, carried out in the form of external speech, and only on this basis, they undergo changes and contractions. They turn into mental actions, improve in the form of inner speech. Therefore, it is necessary to stage-by-stage formation of mental actions in children, including classification and generalization.

There are 4 stages in the formation of mental actions of classification and generalization in children.

For training, use a set of cards with the image of objects familiar to the child, birds, animals. Initially, the child learns to carry out classification as a practical action. Then, at the stage of speech action, he is already able to talk about which pictures can be attributed to one group, which to another. And only after that, the child can proceed to the implementation of the classification in the mind using visual material.

The first stage is preliminary orientation. Its purpose is to teach the child to alternately highlight and designate each object, object, picture, that is, each element of a whole and its properties.

At first, children do not know how to carry out such an orientation: they randomly shift their gaze from picture to picture and also call them randomly. It is necessary to constantly encourage them to pursue purposeful activity, asking the questions: “What is this?”, “Who is this?”. It is necessary to encourage the child not only to name the object, but also its signs.

Isolation of the elements of the whole on the basis of their features contributes to the development of the mental operation of analysis.

The second stage is the classification of objects according to a given criterion. At this stage, the ability to simply synthesize objects develops according to some criterion given by an adult. The main thing at this stage is for the child to understand that objects not only differ from each other, but also have similar signs, can be combined into groups.

After the child has mastered the method of grouping according to a given criterion, you can begin to teach classification by genus.

The third stage is the classification of objects on the basis of ascertaining verbal generalization. An adult invites the child to assemble suitable friend to a friend's card. At this stage, children still find it difficult to independently use generic words - group names. Children can change the names of groups to indicate an action that an object can produce or that can be performed with this object, sometimes the material from which the objects are made is used as the name of the groups.

Thus, at this stage, the general is expressed through an indication of the specific. At the same time, the word-name is used by the child on the basis of an independently made generalization.

The fourth stage is the classification of objects based on anticipatory verbal generalization. At this stage, the child names the group, and then selects the necessary pictures. First, it is necessary for the children to explain in detail why they choose this or that picture, and then during the exercises there is no need for this, the children confidently use generalizing word names, correctly assemble groups of objects.

The knowledge and skills acquired in the exercises are consolidated in the games: "Name three objects", "What is not suitable?", "Hunter", etc.

In order for the child to actively master mental operations in classes with children, it is necessary to include tasks for:

Comparison of a pair of objects or phenomena - finding similarities and differences between them;

Finding an "extra" word or image that is not associated with a common feature with the rest;

Folding a whole from parts (cut pictures);

Sequential unfolding of pictures and drawing up a story based on them;

Awareness of patterns (consider an ornament, a pattern, continue it);

Tasks for quick wits, logical reasoning.

Tasks in drawing, modeling, making various crafts should include not only copying a sample and practicing individual graphic skills, but also developing the ability to systematically explore objects, fantasize, and imagine.

It is necessary to broaden the horizons of children, ideas about natural and social phenomena, to accumulate knowledge and impressions in children, to discuss the books they have read with them, and to analyze people's behavior.

Data guidelines are aimed at developing in older preschoolers with OHP the prerequisites for the formation of significant school skills: intellectual skills, higher mental functions, efficiency, which will prepare them for successful learning at school and avoid school difficulties associated with the assimilation of educational material.

School age "
Higher mental functions (HPF) are specific mental functions of a person. These include: memory, attention, thinking, perception, imagination and speech. The well-known Russian psychologist, Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky, wrote: “The higher mental function appears on the stage twice: once as an external, interpsychic (that is, a function divided between a child and an adult), and the second as an internal, intrapsychic (i.e. . a function belonging to the child himself) ". Small child is not yet able to focus attention for a long time, remember and correctly pronounce the names of some objects, etc., therefore, the role of an adult in this period is to be an intermediary between the baby and the world around him. So, an adult acts as the main mental functions of a child, reminding him of the names of phenomena and objects, concentrating his attention, developing thinking and speech. Then, in the process of growing up, the child gradually inherits social experience and becomes able to use it on his own. Thus, from the point of view of Vygotsky, the development process is a process of transition from the social to the individual.

It should be noted that the process of development of higher mental functions begins long before the child arrives at school, even during infancy... Small children learn constantly: in the game, on a walk, watching their parents, etc.

However, there are certain phases in a child's development when he is particularly receptive to learning and creativity. Such periods in a baby's life are called sensitive (literally "sensitive"). Traditionally, these periods include the developmental process of a child from 0 to 7 years old. In domestic psychology and pedagogy, this period is considered the most productive in terms of the child's assimilation of social experience and the acquisition of new knowledge. At this stage, the foundation is laid not only for the behavioral and emotional-volitional, but also for the cognitive sphere of a person's personality.

So, now let's talk about the basic exercises and technologies used by teachers in the development of higher mental functions in preschool and younger children. school age... Here are short examples from daily practice.


Thought operations include the processes of generalization, analysis, synthesis and abstraction. Accordingly, various techniques are used to develop each of the operations.


Purpose: to teach the kid to find common signs of an object.

A number of cards are laid out in front of the child, which depict objects united by one common feature (for example, a series: "apple, banana, pear, plum"). The kid is asked to name all these items in one word (in in this case it is "fruit") and explain your answer.

Analysis and synthesis.

Purpose: to teach the child to exclude unnecessary things and combine objects according to the criterion.

Option 1. The student is asked to find an image of an extra object among the offered cards and explain his choice (for example, a series: "skirt, boots, trousers, coat"; extra - "boots", because these are shoes, and everything else is clothes).

It should be emphasized that the child's answer must be complete and detailed. The child should not guess, but reasonably make his choice and be able to justify it.

Option 2. A form with the image of different animals is presented to the student. The child is explained that if the animal is shod in boots, then this is 1, if not, then it is 0 (for example, puss in boots = 1, and puss without boots = 0, etc.). Further, the teacher in turn points to each picture and asks the child to name only a number (1 or 0).


Purpose: to teach the kid to find indirect signs.

The child is presented with a form with the image of animals: “cow, elephant, fox, bear, tiger”. Then the baby is asked to combine them with other animals, the names of which begin with the same letter: "rat, dog, lion, mouse, seal" (the correct answer in this case is the following: "cow-rat, elephant-dog, fox-lion, bear-mouse, tiger-seal "). The student is required to be asked to give reasons for his choice, because children often ignore instructions and associate pictures for some other reason (for example, big-small, good-evil, wild animal-pet, etc.). If the child does not understand the instruction, it should be repeated again and an example should be given.


Memory is divided into short-term and long-term memory. To train short-term memory, a student, for example, is presented orally with a series of words (usually 10 words), which he must remember and reproduce immediately after presentation in random order.

To train long-term memory, you can, for example, read a series of words several times (so that the child remembers them properly) and ask him to reproduce all the words after 15-40 minutes. The task can be complicated by asking the child to reproduce all the words in order.

Norms for junior student reproduction of 10 words is considered. For a preschooler - 7-8 words.

Reading literature has been and remains an excellent exercise for developing memory. After reading, you need to discuss with the child the plot of a fairy tale or story, ask for an assessment of the characters' characters, ask questions about the test, etc. You can also ask your child to draw a favorite episode from a book, sculpt the main characters from plasticine, etc.


A large printed text (not very long) is presented in front of the child. Then the kid is asked to circle all the letters "A" in the text with a red pencil in a circle, all the letters "B" - with a blue pencil in a square, all letters "C" - with a green pencil in a triangle. You can also present a form with letters printed in random order and ask to cross out certain of them (you need to note the time - 3 minutes).

You can also ask the child to continue the pattern in the squared notebook (or draw the exact same pattern next to it). After the pattern is finished, you can ask the child to color each cell in the drawing with a different color, etc.


Unfortunately, today more and more children come to school with serious speech and writing disorders.

First of all, it should be understood that for the harmonious development of speech with the child it is necessary to communicate. When talking with a child, try to use the full name of phenomena and objects: do not abbreviate them, do not use “slang” in your own speech, do not distort sounds (for example, not “camera”, but “camera”; not “shop”, but “ shop ", etc.). Pronouncing words clearly and completely, you enrich the child's vocabulary, correctly form sound pronunciation.

Reading together is a great exercise for developing speech (especially older folk tales), reciting poems, sayings, tongue twisters.

Perception and imagination.

The best exercise for developing these mental functions is reading. fiction and creative and aesthetic activities. Attending children's performances, exhibitions, concerts, home crafts, modeling, crafts, drawing - all this perfectly develops the child's perception and imagination.

Report on the topic:

"Development of speech and higher mental functions in children preschool age».

Teacher-speech therapist, secondary school №22 SUIOP Rodina L.S.

What is the function of a speech therapist teacher?

A speech therapist teacher is engaged in the development of speech, correction of sound pronunciation, as well as development of HMF: memory, attention, thinking, perception.

Today we will talk about speech development children.

Our children are sometimes called inquisitive explorers. They begin to receive information immediately after their birth. The child masters speech with the help of hearing. First, he understands the speech addressed to him, and then he begins to speak himself. That is, speech appears through self-study, not imitation.

At the age of 2 to 6 years, the process of cognition and learning proceeds rapidly. Watching your child, you see that he is interested in absolutely everything in the world: what the cup is made of, how the light bulb is arranged (this is especially typical for boys), why the water freezes in winter and not in summer. The child constantly asks us questions: “Why ?,“ Why? ”,“ Why? ”, Thus, he learns the world around him.

By the time a child is about to go to school, his brain is already assimilating so much information about himself, his family, the world around him, which we, adults, do not even suspect.

When talking with a child, you need to pay attention to your own speech: it should be clear and intelligible. According to the outstanding psychologist Anatoly Aleksandrovich Leontiev, the vocabulary is 6 year old child reaches 7000 words. In a conversation, the child should use complex sentences that include more than 5 words.

At the age of six, children basically complete the stage of mastering the grammatical system of the language.

What should a child at the age of 6 know?

  • The child must correctly answer the questions: "What is this?", "Who is this?",
  • form a plural of nouns: "berry-berry"; " sock - socks"," Mouth-mouths "," ear-ears ";
  • generalizing concepts. For example, "giraffe, lion, camel, zebra are wild animals";
  • the formation of new words using diminutive suffixes: "table-table", "chair-chair";
  • the formation of new words with the help of magnifying suffixes: "hand-hand", "wolf-wolf";
  • the formation of new words with the help of affectionate suffixes: "cat-kitty", "hare-zainka";
  • the name of the young animals: "in a pig-pig, in a frog-frog, in an owl-owl, in an eagle-eaglet", in a horse-foal;
  • education name of objects: "Bread is in a bread basket, sugar - in a sugar bowl, sweets - in a candy bowl";
  • the formation of related words: "goat - goat - goat";
  • coordination of nouns with nouns: "1 bird, 2 birds, 5 birds";
  • the ratio of the whole and its parts: "kettle: spout, handle, lid, bottom";
  • knowledge of prepositions (the pen is on the notebook, under, above, on the right, on the left, in);
  • choose the right verbs (for example, shout, speak, whisper, sing);
  • onomatopoeic verbs (mosquito - squeals, frog - croaks, cow - moan, chicken - cluck, goat - bleat, horse - laugh, goose - cackle);
  • the formation of relative adjectives: wool jacket - woolen jacket, leather boots - leather boots;
  • the shape of the object: "the watermelon is round, and the egg is oval, the cube is square, and the roof is triangular";
  • the taste of the subject: "the lemon is sour and the cake is sweet";
  • object size: “the tree is tall and the bush is low. The giraffe has a long neck, and the dog has a short one ”;
  • object speed: "the hare runs fast, and the turtle runs slowly";
  • characteristic features of the subject: "the lion is brave and the hare is cowardly";
  • item weight: "the suitcase is heavy and the ball is light";
  • the formation of possessive adjectives: "a cat has a cat's tail, a goat has a goat's hair";
  • coordination of adjectives with nouns: "green crocodile, tree, bucket, cucumbers";
  • selection of words with the opposite meaning (antonyms): "To be sad - to rejoice, slow - fast";
  • selection of words close in meaning (synonyms): "blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard";
  • the ambiguity of words: "a needle can be a sewing one, a hedgehog, a spruce, a syringe";
  • figurative meaning of the words: “golden hands - a skillful, hard-working person. Talkative, like a magpie - a talkative woman, many-speaking ";
  • the origin of the words: "snowdrop is the first spring Flower that appears from under the snow. Boletus is a mushroom growing under a birch tree. "

With this knowledge, the child will give excellent results and help prevent problems with school performance.

In order to prevent difficulties during learning in primary grades, it is necessary to develop the child's speech in preschool age.

  1. Galina Petrovna Shalaeva "Native Speech", "Entertaining grammar", "Entertaining arithmetic".
  2. Irina Viktorovna Skvortsova "Speech therapy games".
  3. Victoria Semyonovna "Album for the development of speech."

In parallel with the development of speech, the child develops HMF: memory, thinking, perception, attention - these are the foundations on which speech is built.

Thinking subdivided into:

  • Visual-figurative,
  • Clearly effective,
  • Verbal-logical.

For check visual-figurative thinkingthe child is offered to collect puzzles.

Visual-Action Thinkingcharacterized by the assembly of the pyramid.

Verbal-logical thinking... Pictures of one story are laid out in front of the child, but not sequentially. The child's task: to spread out consistently and compose a story (cards number 5).

Perception subdivided into:

  • Visual,
  • Auditory,
  • Spatial,
  • Temporary.

By examining visual perceptionthe child is asked to correct the mistake made by the artist ("Occupation. Grammar", p. 11).

Auditory perceptionchecked by a rhythmic pattern: / // ///.

Spatial- draw a circle, and invite the child to finish drawing something to get a picture.

Temporary checked by questions such as: "What happened before winter?", "What comes after the night?" "Name the neighbors Thursday."

In order for the child to remember the days of the week, I advise you to purchase a wall calendar.

Memory subdivided into:

  • Hearing speech,
  • Visual,
  • Tactile and motor.

Auditory-verbal memory.The child is asked to listen to 10 one-two-syllable words, and then play them in any order.

Visual memory... 6 numbers (letters) are laid out in front of the child. After 15s, the numbers (letters) are removed, and the child writes the numbers (letters) in order.

Tactile and motorcheck by playing the Magic Bag game.

To test your child's attention and memory, ask questions such as:

State your name.

What is your last name?

State your first and last name.

State your first and last name.

And in conclusion, I want to recall the well-known words to everyone: "We all come from childhood" and wish you, parents, patience in joint painstaking work with a specialist to overcome certain problems in a child for the benefit of his future life.

The child has a passion for the game

and it must be satisfied.

We must not only let him play on time,

but also impregnate his whole life with the game.

A. Makarenko

Development of higher mental functions in preschool children

Higher mental functions (HPF) are specific mental functions of a person. These include:memory, attention, thinking, perception, imagination and speech... The development of the human psyche occurs due to all these functions. Speech is one of the most important roles... She is a psychological tool. With the help of speech, we are free to express ourselves, we are aware of our actions. If a person suffers from speech disorders, then he becomes a "slave of the visual field." Unfortunately, today more and more children come to school with serious speech and writing disorders.

A well-known Russian psychologist, L.S. Vygotsky wrote: “The higher mental function appears on the stage twice: once as an external, interpsychic function (that is, a function shared between a child and an adult), and the second as an internal, intrapsychic function (that is, a function belonging to the child himself). ) ". A small child is not yet able to focus attention for a long time, remember and correctly pronounce the names of some objects, etc., therefore, the role of an adult in this period isto be a mediator between the baby and the outside world... So, an adult acts as the main mental functions of a child, reminding him of the names of phenomena and objects, concentrating his attention, developing thinking and speech.

Then, in the process of growing up, the child gradually inherits social experience and becomes able to use it on his own. Thus, from the point of view of Vygotsky, the development process is a process of transition from the social to the individual.

It should be noted that the process of development of higher mental functions begins long before the child comes to school, even in infancy. Small children learn constantly: in the game, on a walk, watching their parents, etc.

However, there are certain phases in a child's development when he is particularly receptive to learning and creativity. Such periods in a baby's life are called sensitive (literally "sensitive").Traditionally, these periods include the development of a child from 0 to 7 years old.... In domestic psychology and pedagogy, this period is considered the most productive in terms of the child's assimilation of social experience and the acquisition of new knowledge.At this stage, the foundation is being laidnot only the behavioral and emotional-volitional, but also the cognitive sphere of the human personality.

So, now let's talk about the basic exercises and technologies that can be used in the development of higher mental functions in preschool children. age.

Before moving on to the main exercises, I want to note that it should be understood that for the harmonious development of speech with the child it is necessary to communicate. When talking with a child, try to use the full name of phenomena and objects: do not abbreviate them, do not use “slang” in your own speech, do not distort sounds (for example, not “camera”, but “camera”; not “shop”, but “ shop ", etc.). Pronouncing words clearly and completely, you enrich the child's vocabulary, form sound pronunciation correctly. An excellent exercise for developing speech will be reading together (especially old folk tales), telling poems, sayings, tongue twisters.

Attention happensinvoluntary and arbitrary... Man is born with involuntary attention. Voluntary attention is formed from all other mental functions. It is associated with speech function.

Many parents are familiar with the concept of hyperactivity (it consists of such components as: inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity).


  • Making mistakes in the task caused by the inability to concentrate on the details;
  • Inability to listen to speech being addressed;
  • Organize your activities;
  • Avoiding unloved work that requires perseverance;
  • Loss of items needed to complete assignments;
  • Forgetfulness in daily activities;
  • Distraction for extraneous stimuli.

(of the following signs, at least 6 must persist for at least 6 months.)


  • He is fussy, cannot sit still;
  • Jumps up without permission;
  • Runs aimlessly, fidgets, climbs in inappropriate situations;
  • Cannot play quiet games, rest.

(of the following signs, at least 4 must persist for at least 6 months.)


  • Shouts out the answer without hearing the question;
  • Can't wait for his turn in the classroom, in the games.

An important role in the success of the intellectual and psychophysical development of the child isformed small motrica.

Fine motor skills of the hands interact with such higher mental functions and properties of consciousness as attention, thinking, optical-spatial perception (coordination), imagination, observation, visual and motor memory, speech. Skills development fine motor skills it is also important because the child's entire future life will require the use of precise, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers, which are necessary to dress, draw and write, as well as perform a variety of different household and educational activities.

A child's thinking is at his fingertips. What does it mean? Studies have shown that the development of speech and thinking is closely related to the development of fine motor skills. The child's hands are his eyes. After all, a child thinks with feelings - what he feels is what he imagines. You can do a lot with your hands - play, draw, examine, sculpt, build, hug, etc. And the better developed motor skills, the faster a 3-4-year-old child adapts to the world around him!

Scientists who study the activity of the child's brain, the psyche of children, note that the level of speech development in children is in direct proportion to the degree of development of fine movements of the fingers.

For the development of fine motor skills of the hands, you can use different games and exercise.

  1. Finger games- it unique remedy for the development of fine motor skills and speech of the child in their unity and interconnection. Learning texts using finger gymnastics stimulates the development of speech, spatial thinking, attention, imagination, fosters quick reaction and emotional expressiveness. The child remembers poetic texts better; his speech becomes more expressive.
  1. Origami - paper construction -this is another way of developing fine motor skills of the hands in a child, which, moreover, can also become a truly interesting family hobby.
  1. Lacing - This is the next type of toys that develop hand motor skills in children.

4. Games with sand, cereals, beads and other bulk materials- they can be strung on a thin cord or fishing line (pasta, beads), sprinkled with palms or shifted with fingers from one container to another, pour into plastic bottle With narrow neck etc.

In addition, to develop fine motor skills of the hands, you can use:

  • · Playing with clay, plasticine or dough. Children's pens work hard with such materials, performing various manipulations with them - rolling, crushing, pinching, smearing, etc.
  • · Drawing with pencils. It is pencils, and not paints or felt-tip pens, that "force" the muscles of the hand to strain, to make efforts to leave a mark on the paper - the child learns to regulate the force of pressure in order to draw a line, of one thickness or another, for coloring.
  • mosaic, puzzles, constructor - the educational effect of these toys cannot be underestimated either.
  • button fastening, "Magic locks" - play an important role for the fingers.

Systematic work in this direction allows you to achieve the following positive results: the hand acquires good mobility, flexibility, stiffness of movements disappears, pressure changes, which further helps children to easily master the skill of writing.