Age and individual characteristics of young children. Pedagogical conditions for the adaptation of young children What is the adaptation of young children to the conditions of preschool

The kid is growing up, and there comes a time when it's time to send him to kindergarten. Many parents are faced with the difficulties that a child creates for them, who cries, screams and does not want to stay in preschool. Is it really now not to move away from the child until he gets used to the new conditions? Parents should be given advice on how to contribute to their children's well-being early age.

An online magazine site refers to the early age of toddlers, who must quickly adjust from their usual surroundings to a new one. Life is constantly flowing and changing, which parents understand, but which children are completely unfamiliar with. Explaining to the kid why he should go to kindergarten sometimes becomes a meaningless task, because he is driven by only one desire - not to change anything in life.

A child who first comes to preschool is faced with a large number of innovations in his life:

  1. The new daily routine, which he must obey and treat him normally.
  2. New children with whom he is completely unfamiliar, so he may be afraid of them or simply not know how to behave.
  3. New adult aunts who begin to command him, force him to do something, which is different from the behavior of his mother.
  4. New walls, a different bed, an unusual table and chair - everything is so unusual that the child does not know how to react to it.

Due to the fact that the child does not understand the need for a kindergarten in his life, as well as the emergence of a large number of new factors, he is confused. From not knowing what to do and how to react to new phenomena, the child simply begins to cry and want to return home. It is easier for him to return to a familiar environment than to be in the confusion in which he found himself.

Although adults are perplexed why the child behaves this way, they should pay attention to their own experience. How did they behave when they were little? How do they feel now, in adulthood, when they have to change their way of life, move to a new job, get to know each other and establish mutual language with the people with whom they are forced to communicate? Even an adult does not always manage to calmly endure any new phenomena in his life. The child feels exactly the same.

It is noted that a child who is familiar with another child in a new team or even is a brother/sister is much easier to tolerate the new conditions of preschool than a child who is alone in his situation. Often, younger brothers and sisters are easier to endure going to kindergarten if they periodically see their older relatives.

What is the adaptation of young children to the conditions of preschool?

The adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution is a complex and difficult process when a child is placed in new conditions for himself and begins to get used to them. A nursery or kindergarten is a new institution in which the baby has not been before. He was not used to his conditions, daily routine, nutrition, educators and their orders, new children. In other words, the baby is placed in conditions that are completely unfamiliar to him. At the same time, he is left alone with his problems. There is no father or mother around. He does not see them for half a day. All this is quite stressful for a child who has not previously been forced to change his life so drastically.

Parents' explanations that they are leaving for a while, they will definitely come for him, so that he suffers, etc., do not work. And this is understandable: try to listen to the wise advice of other people when, and the only thing you want is to run away from a frightening and unpleasant situation.

Adaptation of children to preschool- a rather complicated process, since for the child this becomes the first experience of adaptation to the social environment. At home, everyone loves and pities him. He can act up, eat at any time, sleep whenever he wants, watch cartoons and just "hang on the neck of his parents." But in kindergarten, it's different. No one will feel sorry for the child, they will begin to accustom him to an independent life, which begins with the fact that the baby finds himself in conditions that are aggressive and ruthless.

Kindergarten is the first social institution in which the baby learns to communicate with other people. Here the rules of the game, that is, the interaction between people, are completely different. No one will regret, will not give a pacifier in her mouth when it is bad, will not give in on demand. You can call preschool - an army, when the child first begins to adapt to real life, comes out from under the "mother's skirt" or "dad's shoulder".

The adaptation of the baby depends on many factors:

  1. His personal qualities.
  2. His physiology.
  3. His relationship with his parents.
  4. His preparation for DOW.

Since for each child kindergarten at first becomes a place where you don’t want to go, parents should actively interact with educators. Educators have experience in effectively helping children to become addicted. However, parents must also support this process for their part, treat the preschool educational institution correctly, guide the child and create favorable conditions at home.

The adaptation process is always difficult. At first, parents are faced with crying, poor sleep and appetite, the capriciousness of the child, even the occurrence of various somatic diseases in him. Therefore, there are three phases of adaptation:

  1. The first phase is called easy and lasts up to 16 days. The baby can get sick once a month for up to 8 days without complications.
  2. The second is called the middle and lasts 16-32 days. The child adapts more slowly, the mood is constantly changing, often whiny and indifferent. In this case, the baby adapts only after a month. The kid painfully and with tears in his eyes leaves his parents in the morning, is absolutely indifferent to teachers and children, does not show his desire to play. Speech is slow and inactive. Diathesis, "bags" under the eyes, red cheeks, sweating may appear, which disappears after 2.5 weeks.
  3. The third phase is considered the most difficult and lasts from a month to 2 months. Here the appetite is often lost, and sleep, both day and night, becomes restless and intermittent. The mood is aggressive, whining and indifferent. The morning begins with crying and screaming when parting with parents. The mood is normalized only after 3 weeks of stay in preschool.

After a week, the child returns to his appetite and normal sleep. His mood is depressed in the morning, then rises after an hour, remains good until the evening, and then changes again. It is quite difficult for a child to part with his parents in the morning. However, then the child is distracted with toys or games, after which everything returns to normal. With other children, the baby either does not communicate at all, or shows only a slight interest.

Interest in the child begins to arise at the end of the second week. Speech gradually resumes as you get used to it. After a week, it becomes active, that is, habitual, and until that time it can be a little slow.

How to promote adaptation to preschool children of early age - advice to parents

First you need to collect information about the kindergarten and the teaching staff with whom the child will constantly encounter. All this needs to be told to the baby even before he goes to kindergarten for the first time. It is very important in the adaptation of young children to the preschool educational institution that parents conduct preliminary preparation, which will be carried out even before the child enters kindergarten for the first time.

  1. Gradually change the baby's daily routine at home. Find out what daily routine is observed in the kindergarten to which you send the baby, and then gradually accustom the child to it even before entering the preschool educational institution. It assumes the time of awakening, daytime falling asleep, the time of games and even feeding, which should be the same at home as in kindergarten.
  2. Explain to the child why he will go to preschool. It is not necessary to describe to him possible dangers, but one should not draw utopian pictures of how everything will be fine.
  3. Encourage your child to eat whole foods without snacks. It is better to make the diet the same as in kindergarten.
  4. Teach your baby to go to the toilet before important things: before walking outside, before falling asleep, before eating, etc.
  5. Start to harden the baby. Understand that caregivers will not be able to keep an eye on all the little ones so that they have all the buttons fastened and do not get caught in drafts. Teach your baby to walk barefoot on the grass, wash with cold water, etc.

How parents prepare a baby for a preschool educational institution, it is better to ask the teachers who will work with him. Each baby is individual, so the adaptation process takes its own time. If necessary, parents may be asked to stay with the child together in the group for the first time, if he is categorically unable to adapt on his own. Here, parents stay only for the first few days, so that the baby feels supported and feels a little more relaxed.

Then parents are invited not to stay, so that the baby will further adapt on its own.

Not every kid will be able to easily adapt to preschool. Much depends on his personal characteristics, as well as on the situation that prevails within the family. Psychologists distinguish the problems of child adaptation in the following:

  • When the baby's day regimen at home is significantly different from the regimen offered in the preschool.
  • When the baby does not have self-service skills or has, but does everything very slowly. This will cause him some discomfort when the baby sees that he is lagging behind other children.
  • Lack of communication skills with other children.
  • Inability to play with children or alone.

Parents should be prepared for the fact that at first the child's behavior will change, he will become withdrawn, whiny, irritable or aggressive. Also, at the level of physiology, various unpleasant signs will begin to appear - somatic diseases associated with psychological stress.


Parents should treat the baby with patience and understanding, which will show unpleasant behavior patterns in many ways, until it adapts to the preschool educational institution. At first, the baby will become simply unbearable and capricious, which is natural, because he is simply afraid. The kid will do everything so that his parents do not take him to kindergarten. And how quickly the adaptation process will pass depends on the willingness of the parents to go through all the cries and tears of the baby.

It should be understood that kindergarten is the first place where the baby goes, adapts to the social order and learns to contact the real world. Then school, institute, work will go. It is in kindergarten that the baby learns to follow someone else's rules, to have the skills to communicate with various categories of people. Parents should be patient with the kid and not punish him for simply not knowing how to behave in kindergarten until he gets used to it.


1 Adaptation of the child to the conditions of kindergarten

2 Dynamics of adaptation

3 Working with the family to organize the admission of children to preschool

2 Features of the educational process in the group of young children in the adaptation period to the kindergarten "Firefly" of the 1st junior group

3 Comparative analysis of work experience results







The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the fact that it is very difficult for children of any age to start attending kindergarten. There are also worries and anxieties among parents - How will the child be received in the children's team? What kind of relationship does he have with his teacher? Will the baby get sick often? How quickly will he get used to, adapt to the new environment?

The same problems arise before the educator who accepts newcomers into his group. And they are quite justified, because it is known that changes in the social environment affect both the mental and physical health of children. From this point of view, babies of 2 years of age require special attention, since at this age adaptation takes longer and is more difficult, often accompanied by diseases.

The purpose of the study is to investigate the process of adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool institution.

Research objectives:

Study the literature on the topic;

To analyze the state of the problem of adaptation of preschoolers to preschool educational institutions and their emotional states during this period in psychology and pedagogy;

Reveal the role of the family in adaptation;

Determine the psychological and pedagogical conditions under which the process of adaptation to the preschool educational institution is successfully taking place;

Conduct a diagnostic study of the adaptation of young children to the conditions of the kindergarten;

The study involved 14 children aged 2.5-3 years who recently entered the first 2 junior groups of the kindergarten "Firefly" in the village of Priargunsk, Transbaikal Territory

The object of the study: the process of adaptation of young children

The subject of the study is the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the adaptation of young children in the MBDOU kindergarten "Firefly" in the village of Priargunsk, Transbaikal Territory.

Theoretical and methodological basis were:

research on the adaptation of young children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution A.I. Zhukova, N.I. Dobreitser, R.V. Tonkova-Yampolskaya, N.D. Vatutina and others.

research on the interaction between kindergarten and family (E.P. Arnautova, T.A. Danilina, O.L. Zvereva, T.V. Krotova, T.A. Kulikova, etc.);

research in the field of diagnostics of young children (N.M. Aksarina, K.D. Hubert, G.V. Pantyukhina, K.L. Pechora).

When conducting the study, we proceeded from the hypothesis that the intensity and duration of adaptation of a young child depends on the specifics of the psychological and pedagogical impact.

When writing the thesis, the following research methods and techniques were used:

theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature;

conversation with educators;

supervision of children;

survey of parents;

study and analysis of documents on the adaptation of young children;


The practical significance of the study lies in the development of guidelines for parents and educators on the adaptation of young children to the conditions of preschool educational institutions, in the development of a long-term plan for the work of educators with children with different levels of adaptation

The structure of the thesis: the thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of sources used.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the problem of adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool institution

1.1 Adaptation of the child to the conditions of kindergarten

At whatever age a child comes to kindergarten for the first time, for him this is a strong stressful experience that needs to be mitigated. This is not difficult to understand - after all, the usual stereotype of life is breaking down, in which the child felt calm and confident, as he managed to adapt to it and already knew approximately what would follow during the day and how it would happen.

The second extreme psychotraumatic fact is separation from the mother and other close adults who took care of the child from birth. This gives rise to a feeling of anxiety, insecurity, insecurity, which is often mixed with a feeling of abandonment, abandonment. It should be noted that in most cases, neither teachers nor parents are aware of how responsible the moment the child enters kindergarten, how serious the consequences it can have.

It is very important that parents during this period treat the child very carefully and carefully seek to help him survive this difficult moment of life, and not persist in their educational plans, do not fight whims.

The nature of the adaptation period also depends on the previous experience of the baby, that is, on the presence or absence of training of his nervous system in adapting to changing living conditions. Children who live in families with many children, in families with numerous relatives, get used to new conditions much faster than children whose life proceeded in a monotonous environment was limited to a small circle of adults.

Under adaptation (from Latin adaptatio - adaptation, adjustment) it is customary to understand the body's ability to adapt to different conditions external environment. Social adaptation - the adaptation of a person to the conditions of a new social environment; one of the socio-psychological mechanisms of personality socialization.

The problem of adaptation of a young child remains practically undeveloped. Until now, it has not been specifically studied how a small child is included in a new reality, what psychological difficulties he experiences in the process of adaptation, how to assess his emotional state during this period, what are the psychological criteria for the adaptive capabilities of a young child and what are the ways to establish contact with adults.

In order to truly manage the behavior of children (and not just guide them) during the period of adaptation, a system of work thought out in all details is needed, built on the knowledge of the child in the process of getting used to the conditions of public education.

It has been established that at an early age, adaptation takes longer and is more difficult, often accompanied by diseases. The fact is that during this period the body develops intensively physically, mental processes mature. And at the stage of formation, children are most susceptible to fluctuations and even breakdowns. New conditions and, as a response, new forms of behavior require certain efforts and skills on the part of the child.

The course of the adaptation period (which can sometimes last six months, and its further development) also depends on how the baby is prepared in the family for the transition to a children's institution.

During the adaptation period, it is especially important to create an atmosphere of friendly interaction that enriches the sensual sphere, to provide each child with emotional comfort.

Considering that during the adaptation period of a child in a preschool educational institution, communication with adults and peers is a necessary condition for emotional and social development, educators try to enrich the child's positive experience of communicating with other people so that the child strives for communication, play, acquires flexibility and plasticity in social behavior and development.

Object-playing activity of children develops approximately in the following stages: manipulation with objects; individual subject actions and observation of the actions of others; inclusion in role-playing games. In the process of cooperation with adults, the child first masters individual actions with objects, and later, with repeated exercise in them under the guidance of an adult, an independent objective activity is formed. Mastering objective activity contributes to the development of an extra-situational-speech form of communication, the development of a special experience of the environment.

Almost all children who come to kindergarten for the first time come to the early age group. Working educators in the early age group, like none of the teachers, know what an adaptation period is for a child, because for a newly enrolled baby, a kindergarten is undoubtedly a new, still unknown space, with a new environment and new relationships.

However, in the process of adaptation, some regularities can be noted.

Firstly, until the age of 2-3 years, the child does not feel the need to communicate with peers, it has not yet formed. At this age, an adult acts for the child as a partner in the game, a role model and satisfies the child's need for benevolent attention and cooperation.

Peers cannot give this, because they themselves need the same. Therefore, a normal child cannot quickly adapt to preschool, because he is strongly attached to his mother, and her disappearance causes a violent protest of the child, especially if he is impressionable and emotionally sensitive. Children 2-3 years old experience fears of strangers and new situations of communication, which is exactly what is fully manifested in the preschool educational institution.

These fears are one of the reasons for the difficult adaptation of the child to the preschool educational institution. Often, the fear of new people and situations in the nursery leads to the fact that the child becomes more excitable, vulnerable, touchy, tearful, he gets sick more often, because stress depletes the body's defenses.

The analysis shows that already at an early age (the second or third years of life), the level of socialization, in particular, the presence or absence of a child's communication with peers, is of the greatest importance during the period of adaptation. An important role is played by the formation of such personality traits as initiative, independence, the ability to solve "problems" in the game.

By the way, boys of 3-5 years old are more vulnerable in terms of adaptation than girls, since during this period they are more attached to their mother and react more painfully to separation from her. For emotionally undeveloped children, adaptation, on the contrary, is easy - they do not have a formed attachment to their mother.

Psychologists (R. Kalinina, L. Semenova, G. Yakovleva) point to the following paradox: the sooner the child is sent to a preschool institution (for example, up to 1 year), the easier his relationship with the team will develop in the future. Such a child will establish primary emotional contact not with his mother, but with his peers, which is not in the best way will affect the development of his emotional sphere - in the future, such a child may not experience a deep feeling of love, affection, compassion.

Thus, the more developed the emotional connection with the mother, the more difficult it will be for adaptation. But, on the other hand, the lack of an emotional connection with the mother can adversely affect the further development of the child.

The crisis of three years can also be added to the process of adaptation of the child. This is the period when the baby first feels like a person and wants others to see it. And adults do not see this, or at least do not want to see it, because it is easier for everything to be the same as before. Therefore, the baby is at the limit, defending his personality in front of us, and his psyche becomes more vulnerable than before to the effects of various environmental circumstances, which negatively affects adaptation, as evidenced by visible changes in the child’s usual behavior.

At three years old, the baby usually already likes to contact people. He can even choose the occasion for contact. The sociability of the child is a blessing for the successful outcome of the adaptation process. However, in the first days of being in a preschool institution, some kids lose this property.

Such children are closed and unsociable, spending all the time only in “proud loneliness”. This “proud non-contact” is being replaced by “compromising contact”, which means that the child suddenly began to take the initiative to make contact with adults. However, this initiative is imaginary. The child needs it only as a way out of the current situation and is not aimed at improving communication with people, especially with peers. At such a moment, the baby usually, crying, runs up to the teacher, grabs her by the hand, tries to pull her to the front door and begs her to take him home. As soon as the baby is able to finally establish the necessary contacts in the group, all the shifts in the adaptation period will subside - and this will important step to the completion of the entire process of adaptation in the child.

At the age of three, cognitive activity is closely connected with the game. Therefore, the baby, when he first came to kindergarten, is often not interested in toys and does not want to be interested in them. He does not want to get acquainted with peers, to understand what is happening next to him. His cognitive activity is inhibited. But, as soon as interest in the new awakens, stress activity will become minimal and will soon disappear forever.

Under the pressure of stress, the child usually changes so much that he can forget almost all the self-care skills that he has long learned and successfully used at home. He has to be spoon-fed and washed like a baby. He "does not know how" to dress, undress and use a handkerchief. Doesn't know when to say thank you. However, as the child adapts to the conditions organized team, he “remembers” the skills he suddenly forgot, additionally easily acquiring new ones.

In some babies, against the background of stress, with a severe degree of adaptation, speech also changes, regressing. The baby's vocabulary is depleted, and he suddenly sinks a few steps, using infantile or lightened words when talking. Sentences become monosyllabic, and consist mainly of verbs. With a mild degree of adaptation, speech either does not change at all, or the described changes concern it a little.

However, at this time, in any case, the replenishment of his active vocabulary, necessary for the age of the child, is difficult.

During the adaptation process, it rarely remains within the normal range. The child is severely retarded or uncontrollably hyperactive.

At first, there is no sleep at all, and at a quiet hour, the baby constantly jumps up on the bed. As you get used to kindergarten, the child begins to fall asleep. But this sleep is restless, interrupted by sobbing or sudden awakening.

And only when the child adapts to the garden, he, in fact, will be able to quietly spend his quiet time and sleep peacefully.

The less favorably the child adapts, the worse his appetite, sometimes completely absent, as if the child were on a hunger strike. Much less often, the baby suddenly falls into the other extreme, and eats a lot.

Normalization of reduced or increased appetite, as a rule, signals to all of us that the negative shifts in the adaptation process are not increasing, but are declining, and all other indicators of the emotional portrait described above will soon normalize. Against the background of stress, your child may lose weight, but, having adapted, he will easily and quickly not only restore his original weight, but also begin to recover in the future.

In the course of research carried out by scientists R. Kalinina, L. Semenova, G. Yakovleva, three phases of the adaptation process were identified:

) an acute phase, which is accompanied by various fluctuations in the somatic state and mental status, which leads to weight loss, frequent respiratory diseases, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, regression in speech development (lasts an average of one month);

) the subacute phase is characterized by adequate behavior of the child, i.e. all shifts decrease and are registered only for individual parameters against the background of a slow pace of development, especially mental, compared to the average age norms(lasts 3-5 months);

) the compensation phase is characterized by an acceleration in the rate of development; as a result, by the end of the school year, children overcome the above-mentioned delay in the rate of development.

Most often, the period of adaptation is called the acute phase of the general adaptation process. According to the observations of psychologists, the average period of this period is normally:

In the nursery - 7-10 days

In kindergarten at 3 years - 2-3 weeks

At senior preschool age - 1 month

According to how children adapt to the kindergarten, what is the severity of the passage of the acute phase of the adaptation period, they can be divided into three main groups.

The first group is children who react to a change in the situation with a nervous breakdown, and colds are also added to this. This is the most unfavorable option. But gradually everything can be settled, and this largely depends on the situation at home.

Children without nervous disorders fall into the second group - they “just” start to get sick often in kindergarten. Still, there is an "exchange" of all kinds of infections. Far from all children can withstand such a “vaccination” - many develop acute respiratory infections and other troubles.

Finally, almost half of the children make up the most prosperous group - they attend the kindergarten without much loss, more or less with desire. If more than a month has passed, and the child is not used to kindergarten, then you need to think and take a closer look at what worries him, why he is so capricious and irritable.

Of course, each child reacts differently to a new situation, however, there are common features. It is always difficult for the only children in the family to get used to kindergarten or nursery, especially those who are overprotected, dependent on their mother, accustomed to exclusive attention, and unsure of themselves.

Children with a phlegmatic temperament feel worse than others in preschool institutions. They do not keep up with the pace of kindergarten life: they cannot quickly get dressed, get ready for a walk, eat. And if the teacher does not understand the problems of such a child, then he begins to spur him on even more, while emotional stress acts in such a way that the child slows down even more, becomes even more lethargic, indifferent.

Many psychologists, for example, A.I. Barkan, B.S. Volkova, N.V. Volkova offer certain indicators, they are also called indicators that allow you to predict the severity of the adaptation period in advance.

This enables the staff of the preschool institution to take appropriate measures in a timely manner. Such indicators are anamnesis data, that is, the history of the development of the child, indicating all the diseases he has suffered and pronounced developmental deviations. At the same time, special attention should be paid to perinatal factors, in other words, to the course of the prenatal, birth and postpartum periods. In addition, social risk factors (family composition, the nature and characteristics of family upbringing) are of great prognostic value.

There is a huge amount of reliable data confirming the fact that children of the second and third health groups adapt worse to new living conditions than practically healthy children with the first health group. In this regard, it is necessary to take into account what diseases the child had before entering kindergarten, how often and how long, on average, these diseases lasted.

An important indicator that allows you to make a correct prediction is the nature and severity of this child's adaptation in the past, for example, when entering a nursery or during any other changes in the child's life.

For the correct construction of the prognosis, it should be taken into account whether the parents have alcohol dependence, hereditary diseases, whether the mother had toxicosis of pregnancy, birth trauma in the child, diseases of the neonatal period and the first three months of life.

Very often, the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as the condition of the child in the first months of life, are reflected in his physical condition, slowing down the rate of development of the functional activity of all systems. It should be clarified whether there was a delay in locomotor reactions when the child began to sit, stand, crawl, walk independently.

When studying social factors, one should take into account the living conditions of the child, the composition of his family - full, incomplete, large, and so on, as well as the features of educational influences: the style and nature of communication with the child, compliance with the daily routine and feeding, the organization of wakefulness, that is, the main points on which the development of the functional activity of the child's brain depends. After all, it is well known that children with biological and social problems are most difficult to adapt.

In order to identify all risk factors and build a correct prognosis for the further stay of a child in a preschool institution, upon enrollment, parents are usually surveyed and also talk with them about their child.

Today, a large number of variants of questionnaires for parents have been developed, with the help of which you can get the necessary information about the characteristics of the early development of the child, his habits and inclinations. This information can help the medical and pedagogical team to properly organize the life of a child in a kindergarten group, to find an individual approach to him.

There are factors that no one can change. For example, everything that was connected with pregnancy or childbirth. However, among the many problems affecting the adaptation of the child and identified after childbirth, there is a group of factors (social) that can be eliminated and even necessary, such as passive smoking, the lack of hardening measures, the inconsistency of the home regime with the regime in a new preschool institution for the child, deprivation of communication with peers and strangers, conflict relationships in the family, improper upbringing of the child, etc.

In order for the child to adapt to the garden faster and easier than he should adapt according to the forecast, it is necessary to eliminate as soon as possible everything that can be eliminated from this set of troubles of various factors in the child's history.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: ... I am firmly convinced that there are qualities of the soul, without which a person cannot become a real educator, and among these qualities in the first place is the ability to penetrate the child's spiritual world "

In order to manage the adaptation process, the educator needs to know the age characteristics of children well and take them into account in their work. Caring for the health of children, its strengthening is one of the main tasks of the children's institution.

A prerequisite for effective management of the process of children getting used to the childcare facility is a well-thought-out system pedagogical influences in which the main place is occupied by the organization of the child's activities that meets the needs that determine his behavior.

2 Dynamics of adaptation

Adaptation of the body to the new conditions of social existence, to the new regime is accompanied by changes in the child's behavioral reactions, sleep disorders, and appetite. The most complex restructuring of the body occurs in the initial period of adaptation, which can drag on and turn into disadaptation, which will lead to a violation of the health, behavior, and psyche of the child.

The process of a child getting used to kindergarten is quite long and is associated with a significant stress on all physiological systems of the child's body. In some children, adaptation is mild, while other children suffer a crisis of severe adaptation, which leads to long-term and severe illness. Educators working in early age groups try to help children, facilitate and make this process of adaptation more painless.

Adaptation can proceed both with a predominance of functional disorders of the central and autonomic nervous systems (in the form of deviations in behavior), and with predominant manifestations of a decrease in resistance (repeated acute diseases). There is also a mixed type of adaptation that combines all types of disorders.

Easy adaptation is characterized by minor deviations in behavior, the absence or rare acute diseases that occur without complications. In this case, the child enters new team painless (this happens for about a month), he is comfortable there, he does not make scandals when his mother takes him to kindergarten.

Such children, as a rule, get sick infrequently, although during the period of adaptation, "breakdowns" are still possible.

With a moderate course, deviations in behavior become pronounced, but do not yet require serious medical correction. Acute infectious diseases are common, but proceed without complications. On average, this period lasts up to two to three months. Most often, diseases cannot be avoided at this time.

In severe cases, all changes in behavior require serious medical correction and observation by specialists (pediatrician, neurologist, psychoneurologist). Frequent respiratory infections are accompanied by severe complications and require immunocorrective support.

During this period, the child has a deterioration in appetite, up to a complete refusal to eat, disturbed sleep and urination, on the face - sudden mood swings, frequent breakdowns and whims. In addition, the baby is very often sick - (in this case the disease is often associated with the unwillingness of the child to go to kindergarten). Such children in the team feel insecure, practically do not play with anyone.

There are several periods of adaptation: In an acute period of addiction or a period of maladaptation, when there is a more or less pronounced mismatch between habitual behavioral stereotypes and the requirements of a new microsocial environment, the child experiences shifts in behavior - in relationships with adults and children, in speech activity, play .

Then the actual adaptation takes place, when the child actively masters the new environment, developing forms of behavior corresponding to it. At this time, deviations in various body systems gradually decrease.

And finally, during the period of compensation, the vital activity of the organism normalizes, i.e. reaches the initial level, and sometimes even exceeds it.

Children of two years old, as a rule, experience moderate or severe adaptation. It is expressed in the form of frequent acute diseases, which in severe cases occur with complications (otitis media, bronchitis) and can lead to chronicity of a particular pathology.

Children of three years are usually more resistant to stress factors. They have more independence in behavior, experience of communication with adults and peers. Therefore, for the age of three, an easy adaptation is characteristic, but a severe one often has a pronounced neurological character.

At four or five years old, children already attend preschool with interest, especially if their stay in it does not exceed 5-6 hours.

Clinical symptoms of adaptation

For the period of children getting used to the conditions of the preschool educational institution, certain clinical symptoms are characteristic. The main symptoms are associated with a decrease in the body's resistance to respiratory viruses, accompany the entire period of increased morbidity, some indicate a severe course of the adaptation syndrome.

Let us consider the listed and other clinical symptoms of children's adaptation to preschool conditions in more detail.

A decrease in resistance (i.e., an increase in acute morbidity) is observed in the vast majority of children in the acute period of adaptation. And during the first four months children can carry from one to seven respiratory diseases.

Catarrhal phenomena (discharge from the nose, succulence and hyperemia of the posterior pharyngeal wall) are detected from the second day of stay in the preschool educational institution, increasing by the eighth day, and can end with a disease in the first 10 days of the child's stay in the preschool institution. As a rule, on the 32nd and 64th days, the symptoms recur, both at the onset of the disease and during the period of convalescence.

Enlargement and juiciness of regional lymph nodes are combined with an increase in catarrhal phenomena. If the child does not get sick, then usually by the 16th day they gradually decrease. By the 128th day, in children who have had several acute diseases by this time with a multiple nature of enlarged peripheral lymph nodes, their dense consistency is noted, which persists throughout the entire period of frequent morbidity.

A small group of children from the second or fourth day may experience a decrease in muscle tone throughout the entire period of adaptation.

Changes in the cardiovascular system (muffled heart sounds, respiratory arrhythmia, increase or decrease in pulse rate) accompany the course of acute diseases and indicate the severity of the adaptation syndrome.

Exacerbation of atopic dermatitis can begin both in the first week of stay in kindergarten, and accompany all episodes of acute diseases during the adaptation period, indicating its severe course.

Vegetative-vascular disorders:

pallor and blueness under the eyes, as a rule, are a sure sign of the onset of the disease and can accompany the entire period of adaptation of children who attend kindergarten for a long time and have exhausted their reserve capabilities due to adaptation difficulties;

the symptom of cold extremities is noted from the second day in children with a severe course of adaptation and severe behavioral disorders. The reappearance of this symptom is one of the most common signs of a deterioration in the child's condition.

Analyzing the manifestations of clinical symptoms, it can be noted that the 8th, 64th and 128th days of the child's stay in preschool are the peaks in the growth of negative symptoms. These days are considered critical, and the child requires close attention from medical professionals and parents.

Behavioral disturbances during the adjustment period

Behavioral disturbances may occur against the background of a decrease in resistance or come to the fore. They appear in kindergarten and at home.

First of all, sleep is disturbed (prolonged falling asleep, shortened, restless, superficial).

There is also a violation of appetite (selectivity, refusal to eat, anorexia up to neurotic vomiting).

The child's mood and character may change. Indifference, negativism, instability and passivity of behavior, a painful need for protection in any adult are manifested, motor activity decreases, contact with both adults and children is disturbed.

In addition, there may be internal tension, stiffness, tremor of the chin and hands when crying, a suffering facial expression, an excessively violent or, on the contrary, indifferent reaction to parting with parents, constant tears and whimpering.

Activities that facilitate the course of adaptation

It is necessary to prepare a child for visiting a preschool educational institution in advance (at least a year before admission). Preparatory activities include:

complex medical-psychological-speech therapy examination;

conducting laboratory tests (blood and urine tests, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys, ECG);

if necessary, an additional examination (echoencephalography, examination of the immune status, intestinal microbiocenosis, fecal analysis, etc.);

complex health-improving and rehabilitation effects aimed at increasing resistance, correcting the identified deviations in the state of health and development of children, reducing the severity of the adaptation syndrome.

Children who have suffered a perinatal lesion of the central nervous system need to consult a neurologist about the need for medical support during the period of getting used to the preschool educational institution. Often ill children undergo immunorehabilitation using drugs and agents with nonspecific immunostimulating properties (phytotherapy, aromatherapy, vitamin therapy, etc.), and if they are ineffective, immunotropic drugs (IRS-19, Imudon, Bronchomunal, Ribomunil).

1.3 Working with the family to organize the admission of children to preschool

Being parents is an art. However, if artists are born, then they become parents. The main thing in this process is to show sensitivity, to understand the experiences of your child, to be able to take his place, especially in critical periods for him, one of which, undoubtedly, is the period of the child getting used to the children's institution.

The first thing parents should be able to do is to be calm in their relationship with the baby, balanced and friendly towards the kindergarten and its teachers. The child will certainly pass on these feelings. Masha's mother, a very insecure woman who has suffered psychological trauma, as a result of which she often yells at the girl, she does not have enough patience in resolving everyday conflicts with her child.

Masha does not adapt well to kindergarten, is naughty, and gets sick. Improvement occurred when dad, more balanced and calm, began to bring the girl to kindergarten.

Your lifestyle - family atmosphere, attitudes, values ​​and relationships in the family are the main factors in the development of the child's personality. Children perceive the norms of behavior in society, assimilating those in the family; by its example, they learn how to interact with people. A child's bad behavior most often indicates that he does not feel protected.

Nadia's family lives apart, there are no guests here, the parents are closed and unsociable. Nadia does not go to playgrounds, does not play with other children. In kindergarten, she adapts poorly, does not communicate with children, does not eat, is always tense. It was a lot of work for educators and psychologists to “stir up” the girl, to make her more contact.

Boys are especially sensitive to family problems. Discord in the family, and even more so the divorce of parents, has a bad effect on the well-being of children. Children become anxious, anxiety manifests itself in the form of aggression and bad behavior, as a result of which the child's adaptation to kindergarten takes place with great difficulty.

Maintain a tension-free atmosphere in the house, sort things out with your spouse in the absence of children. Let your child understand that he occupies a very important place in the family, that he is loved, that his interests are your interests. Do not be afraid to admit that you were wrong if you really were wrong: you broke loose, undeservedly scolded the baby.

Each parent should avoid directives contrary to the opinion of the other parent; this confuses the child and creates anxiety in him. Therefore, seek consistency in your actions.

Clearly express your requirements to the child, gently and clearly explain what you want from him. For example, it is not enough to say "be good" if you want silence and the child is naughty. Ask him not to make noise (calmly and kindly, without irritation). Show your thoughts and feelings without aggression, listen carefully to the child.

Do not forget to leave time for yourself: read, relax. Your calmness is necessary, first of all, to your kid. Know that difficulties and experiences like yours are experienced by all parents who send their children to children's institutions.

And one more piece of advice that will help both you and your child survive the difficult period of getting used to new living conditions: find a quiet, secluded place and 5 minutes of free time. Inhale air through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Close your eyes. Breathing is calm. Imagine your child, his face, his clothes, imagine him playing in a band. Mentally convey to him your love, the power emanating from you ... Open your eyes, smile.

Parents should be advised to visit a kindergarten with their child 4-6 months before entering a kindergarten, get acquainted with regime moments and requirements, receive qualified recommendations on raising and improving the baby during the period of preparation and getting used to a children's institution. The acquaintance of educators and medical workers of preschool educational institutions with children will help them predict (based on the characteristics of the somatic and neuropsychic health of the child) the course of adaptation and formulate an individual approach to each child.

Consider a list of activities that it is advisable to recommend to parents to carry out even during the period of preparing children for admission to preschool educational institutions and continue during the period of adaptation.

Measures aimed at reducing contact with pathogens of infectious diseases:

ensure sufficient time for children to be outdoors;

reduce the time spent by children in preschool;

prepare a rinse or irrigate the throat for children 2-3 times a day with warm boiled, slightly salted water, herbal infusions with bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties;

Do frequent wet cleaning.

Activities that have an anti-stress, sedative effect:

carry out daily water procedures (water temperature 36-37 C)

use herbal infusions (chamomile, mint, valerian, etc.) during water procedures;

give children a general relaxing massage;

maintain a calm and friendly atmosphere in the family;

exclude force-feeding, coercion, traumatic procedures;

carry out herbal medicine using herbs with sedative properties. A list of herbs that have sedative properties and soften the adaptation syndrome is given in the appendix.

Measures aimed at increasing resistance:

give children acupressure according to the method of Umanskaya;

prepare herbal teas with immunostimulating properties;

carry out vitamin therapy;

provide a course of probiotics and prebiotics;

to carry out a complex metabolic correction in combination with antioxidants during the period of preparing children for admission to the preschool educational institution and adaptation to it.

In addition, it is necessary to conduct individual and group consultations, during which parents are informed of the daily regimen corresponding to the age of the child. Explain what habits are bad and why, how they affect the nature of children's behavior.

They tell what skills a child of this age should have in accordance with the Kindergarten Education Program. You can give memos that contain recommendations “how to behave with a child” during the adaptation period (see Appendix 1)

Before you go to the group, organize a “tour” for the baby to the kindergarten. Walk on the playgrounds. Tell us how fun and interesting it is for the children to play together, read books, draw, sculpt, dance, sing. Usually children in kindergarten are happy to communicate with guests, so take advantage of this. Pay attention to the child's cheerful mood of girls and boys. It’s good if a brother, sister or just a familiar kid visits the kindergarten. Communication with them will positively affect the mood of the future kindergartener. Enough to direct the conversation in the right direction.

Never speak ill of the kindergarten and caregivers in front of the child. In addition, kids feel the mood of adults and, accordingly, relate to this or that fact. Therefore, the psychological preparation for the kindergarten of the parents themselves is important. Calm, friendly, confident behavior of the mother is simply necessary. No need to look into the windows, peep from around the corner for a walking baby. The child must realize that parents trust his life to educators, which means that there is nothing to be afraid of.

The kid will get used to kindergarten more easily if he has basic self-service skills. And in this sense, the role of parents is undeniable. Eat independently, use cutlery and napkins correctly, dress and undress (the ability to put on and take off socks, tights, a blouse, a hat, a jacket, shoes and boots without complex fasteners), wash hands, go to the pot - this is what the child needs to learn Houses. Elementary skills and abilities will allow him to feel more comfortable with strangers so far.

For the time of adaptation to the kindergarten, refuse the visits of guests, spend time in a calm and friendly home environment. During this period, you should not start attending any circles, sections. It is in the power of parents to protect the baby from any stress. After kindergarten, take a walk, take an interest in the problems of the child, rejoice at his success. Be sure to pay attention.

Parent-child relationships are essential to understanding the factors that determine child development. The attitude of parents to the child, to each other, mode and wakefulness, feeding, games affect the baby, leave traces in his awakening consciousness.

At the end of the infancy stage, parents support and approve of the child's attempts to move independently. At first, these are difficult, exciting, not always successful actions for the child, and he simply needs emotional support.

The most important achievements in mental development in early childhood are associated with the development of social functions and methods of action with objects. An adult acts as a subject of situational business communication, cooperation; as a role model, leader, controller, and also as a source of emotional support.

During this period, parents should carefully look at which hand - right or left - the child prefers when eating, manipulating objects, drawing, and delicately suggesting (but not forcing!) to use his right hand.

At the age of 2-3, new types of child activities appear - playful, productive. Parents can help start the game: pick up toys and suitable objects, show game actions, show keen interest, participation; advise how to complicate, diversify the game.

Object actions that perform the function of external orientation (selection and connection of objects according to shape, size, color, location in space, etc.) develop the perception of the child and can also become the subject of cooperation between the baby and mother (dad).

The second - third years of life - a sensitive period for the speech development of the child. It is important to create favorable conditions for understanding someone else's speech and the formation of the child's own active speech: speak clearly and clearly, verbally comment on everyday situations, consider and name real objects and their images, address the child with requests, questions that require a verbal answer. It is necessary to encourage the activity, independence of the child as a subject of communication and cognition, his tendency to a volitional form of behavior (“I myself”).

Already in the first years of a child's life, parents face a lot of problems in feeding, accustoming to neatness, putting to bed, learning acceptable ways of behavior and discipline.

Approaching the preschool age, the family (including parents who raise the child with the help of a nanny) is increasingly convinced that the child needs a children's society. A kindergarten helps a child open a window into the unique world of children's relationships. Here's what parents say about it.

"Kindergarten is the first step in raising a child in society, his communication with other children and the first steps to get an education at school"

Ahead are new tasks that the family is called upon to solve: strengthening health, improving cultural and hygienic skills, developing the child's speech; acquaintance with the natural world, development of relationships with adults and children, etc.

Researchers studying family dynamics note that at the stage of development of interactions with a preschool child, the functions of the family and parents are:

development of the interests and needs of the child;

distribution of duties and responsibilities between parents in constantly changing situations;

family lifestyle development;

the formation of family traditions;

discussion of the problems of raising children, the development of relationships between adults in connection with the upbringing of the child.

Communication of specialists with parents of preschoolers shows that most of them believe that the main thing is to prepare the child for school, and for this you need to start teaching him to read, write, and count as early as possible. Such a narrow understanding of school maturity has long been rejected in psychology and pedagogy.

Even if the goal is to achieve school readiness, then it can be realized only by creating conditions for the full-fledged living of preschool childhood, the development of its unique potential. Parents should understand that during this period it is necessary to expand children's development - to enrich the content of specific children's forms of play, artistic and productive activities, the experience of communicating with adults and peers.

What can be done to help a child to ease addiction? It is necessary from a very early age to train the adaptive mechanism in the baby, to prepare him for the fact that one day he will have to change the behavioral model. It is necessary to consult with the local doctor in advance how difficult the adaptation of the child is expected, and begin preparation.

Refrain from making unflattering remarks about the kindergarten or teachers in the presence of the child. Eliminate, as far as possible, risk factors that increase the likelihood of a difficult adjustment period. Carry out wellness activities prescribed by your doctor. Send your child to kindergarten only if he is healthy. During the crisis of three years, try not to start attending kindergarten.

Do not be too lazy to find out in advance the schedule of the daily routine in kindergarten in order to provide the child with the same ahead of time. Be sure to do hardening procedures. Choose a kindergarten at the place of residence so as not to carry the child far and so that he can meet the guys he knows on the playground there. In advance, introduce the child to the teachers and children from the kindergarten where he is going to go.

Create positive expectations in your child from a kindergarten that is still unfamiliar to him. Tell in advance how to treat him and talk to caregivers, how to communicate with children in difficult situations, what to do if he is beaten or offended, and so on. In no case do not scare the baby with a kindergarten, it is impossible for him to consider attending a kindergarten as a punishment. Tell your beloved child why he needs to attend kindergarten, be sure to note that he is already old enough for such a serious matter. Tell him about the upcoming temporary separation, prepare it so that later it does not become shocking news.

Tell the child what kindergarten is, why children go there, why you want the baby to go to kindergarten. (for example: a kindergarten is such a beautiful house where moms and dads bring their children. I want you to make friends with other children and adults. In the garden, children eat, play, walk. In the morning I will take you to kindergarten, and in the evening I will pick you up. You tell me what you had interesting in the garden).

Passing by the kindergarten, with joy to remind the child how lucky he is - he can go here. Tell relatives and friends in the presence of the baby about your luck that the child was accepted into kindergarten.

Tell the child in detail about the kindergarten mode: what, how and in what sequence he will do. Ask the baby if he remembered what he would do in kindergarten after a walk, where to put his things, who would help him undress, and what he would do after dinner.

Babies are afraid of the unknown. When the child sees that the expected event is happening as promised, he feels more confident. It is necessary to talk with the child about possible difficulties, to whom he can turn for help. For example: “If you want to drink, go to the teacher and say:“ I’m thirsty, ”and Galina Nikolaevna will pour water for you.”

Prepare a “happy bag” with your child by putting inexpensive things in it. These can be small toys that your baby loves. With this, it will be easier to send the child to the garden.

Teach the baby to get acquainted with other children, to address shm by name, to ask, and not to take away toys.

Develop with your child a simple system of parting signs of attention, and it will be easier for him to let you go.

It must be remembered that it may take up to six months for a child to get used to kindergarten. In this case, you need to calculate your strengths, capabilities and plans. It is better if for this period the family will have the opportunity to adapt to the peculiarities of the adaptation of their baby.

Thus, the state of mental and physical health of the child, his communication skills with adults and peers, active subject and game activities are the main criteria by which one can judge the degree of his readiness to enter children's institutions and a safe stay in them.

Adaptation is the adaptation of the body to a new environment, and for a child, a kindergarten is undoubtedly a new, still unknown space, with a new environment and new relationships.

The course of the adaptation period, which can sometimes last for six months, as well as the further development of the baby, depends on how well the child in the family is prepared for the transition to a children's institution. A change in lifestyle leads primarily to a violation of his emotional state.

A necessary condition for successful adaptation is the coordination of actions of parents and educators. Even before the baby enters the group, caregivers should establish contact with the family.

Chapter 2

2.1 Description of the preschool educational institution MBDOU kindergarten "Svetlyachok" p. Priargunsk, Trans-Baikal Territory

To optimize the process of adaptation to the conditions of a preschool institution, clear and consistent work of all employees of the educational institution with the involvement of the parents of their pupils is necessary.

The study of the conditions for organizing adaptation to a preschool institution was carried out on the basis of the MDOU kindergarten "Svetlyachok" in the village of Priargunsk, Transbaikal Territory

The main areas of research were:

Acquaintance and successful adaptation to kindergarten of a team of children and their parents;

involvement of parents in joint creative activities with children and teachers;

the formation of communication skills of the child with peers and adults.

Expected results of the project implementation:

painless adaptation of the child to the preschool educational institution, maintaining a sense of security and trust, reducing the period of adaptation to the conditions of the preschool educational institution;

positive development of relations in the children's team;

increasing the competence of teachers and parents on the issues of adaptation, upbringing and development of children;

decrease in the level of morbidity in children during the adaptation period;

involvement of parents in the life of the preschool educational institution and the establishment of partnerships with the families of pupils;

active participation of parents in the design creative activities of children and parents;

the formation of positive associations among pupils associated with preschool education.

The experimental group included 20 children aged 2 to 3 years, 20 children of the control group

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Svetlyachok" p. Priargunsk, (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) is a non-profit institution that implements general educational programs of preschool education of various directions. In particular, the program "Childhood" and other additional programs.

Full name of the institution: Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Svetlyachok" p. Priargunsk. Legal address: 674310, Trans-Baikal Territory, Priargunsky district, Priargunsk settlement, street Warriors of Internationalists, 1-B.

The founder of the institution is the municipal district "Priargunsky district". The functions and powers of the Founder are performed by the Administration of the municipal district "Priargunsky district".

The institution in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation. Decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulations of local authorities of the municipal district "Priargunsky district", orders of bodies exercising management in the field of education, Model Regulations "On a preschool educational institution", the Charter, an agreement concluded between the institution and parents (legitimate representatives) of children.

The activities of the institution are aimed at implementing the main tasks of preschool education, at preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of the child, the intellectual and personal development of each child, taking into account his individual characteristics, and assisting the family in education, guaranteed by the state.

About 140 children visit the kindergarten every year. The preschool accepts children from 2-2.5 years old. Occupancy in groups from 24 to 27 people.

MBDOU is accessible to all social groups of the population. The institution works according to the schedule of a five-day working week with two days off. The office hours are 10.5 hours. Reception of children from 7 o'clock. 30 min. until 18 o'clock. 00 min. Directions to kindergarten are issued on the basis of priority by the Commission for the Distribution of Places under the management of the Education Committee. Currently, 138 pupils attend kindergarten.

There are 16 teachers working in the preschool educational institution: head teacher, senior teacher, educators, physical education teacher, speech therapist teacher, choreographer. 2 teachers - with the highest qualification category, 5 teachers - with the first, 3 teachers - with the second qualification category. Three teachers have higher education, the rest have specialized secondary education.

The preschool educational institution implements the main program "Childhood", authored by V.I. Loginova. Partial programs: "SA-FI-DANCE", "Rhythmic Mosaic", "Human Rights", "ABC of Health".

The implementation of the goals and objectives of the Program is ensured in the course of integrated complex-thematic educational projects of cognitive-speech, social-personal (cognitive-research) and health-saving orientation, including content corresponding to various educational areas, interests and educational needs of children in age-appropriate forms.

In MBDOU kindergarten "Firefly" there is a sports ground, complexes of sports and play equipment, each group has corners for physical activity. The kindergarten is equipped with 5 computers and multimedia equipment. Has Internet access. Your site is open. Medical care is provided by the Central Regional Hospital. The material and technical base of MBDOU complies with regulatory documents and modern requirements. Groups are located in separate blocks, which includes:


bedroom (there are bedrooms of the I junior group, preparatory, senior, II junior groups, 2 groups have roll-out beds, which are located in the game rooms and are located along the wall).

Room for hygiene procedures,



In addition, the kindergarten has a music room, a study room with a speech therapist is connected to the nurse's office. All premises meet the requirements for the organization of work with children of preschool age. Teachers use technical teaching aids in everyday life. educational work(computers, tape recorders, video recorders, cameras, camcorders, multimedia).

The organizational admission of children to the DU begins with the issuance of a referral for the recruitment of groups, compliance with recruitment standards, thoughtful placement of personnel, drawing up a flexible schedule for the admission of children to the group, collecting data about the child, and working with the family.

Acquisition of groups to be made in the fall. The head of the kindergarten, together with the head teacher and the medical worker, teaches how to organize recruitment: in a group way, when the group is already completed and only the transfer of all children to another, more senior group to another teacher.

It is important to observe the norms of staffing groups in size (15 people) and in time. Based on practice, it is desirable that there be the following rhythm of filling the group: the first child enters on Monday, the second - on Wednesday, the third - on Friday, the fourth - on Friday of the next week, then no more than one or two children a week. To visit children who have just come to the kindergarten, we recommend the hours allotted for walks, games, when the teacher can pay more attention to them, we offer a flexible schedule for entering the group of children with a difficult adaptation group.

To determine the level of adaptation, the following methods were used: studying the source documents, observing children, talking with preschoolers, parents, doctors, studying the results of children's creative activity.

We use observation as the main method of pedagogical assessment of the emotional well-being of children in a group. Educators see the child every day, have the opportunity to observe his behavior in real life circumstances, regime moments, in organizational activities and free, play in the process of interaction with surrounding adults and peers.

The observation takes place in accordance with the daily routine of the children in the group and does not imply the creation of any special experimental situations. Kindergarten teachers have the opportunity to observe the life of the child at any time during the adaptation period.

When conducting observations of children in independent activities (playing, manipulating objects, self-service), they rely on the following indicators:

emotional state of the child (tears, smile);

the nature of the activity (imitation, game actions);

attitude towards surrounding adults and peers (negative, positive);

features of speech;

In their work, educators use questionnaires, visits to the child at home, sliding folders, visual forms of pedagogical propaganda (stands), consultations for parents, conversations with parents, parent meetings, where they give recommendations to parents on how to prepare the child for visiting a preschool institution (see .Appendix 2)

In the adaptation period, the emotional well-being of children of early preschool age as a whole depends on the development of their personality and is largely determined by their relationships with peers and adults. In the minutes of the evening, in the individual work of pedagogy, they are interested in how the child feels at home, in the family. For this, a series of games is used, the attractiveness of which lies in creating conditions for touching with universal human values ​​and emotional comfort.

The teacher conducts games aimed at bringing children closer to each other: “Find a friend”, “My friend, who are you?”, “Let's get to know each other”, “Come visit me, I will treat you”.

The cycle of classes of the teacher with children also includes games for cognitive development, relaxation exercises, finger and breathing exercises, games with cereals, water and sand.

To maintain and develop a favorable atmosphere in the adaptation group, develop social behavior skills and self-confidence, teachers use rituals: a solemn meeting of children every Monday called “Morning of Joyful Meetings”, daily “Morning Greeting” with the inclusion of psycho-corrective exercises (“Tenderness”, “Palm to palm”, “I am the most - the most”).

By creating a positive attitude in the child to various types of activities, developing various skills corresponding to age capabilities, forming the need to communicate with adults and children, we provide the solution of educational and educational tasks already in the period of the child's getting used to new conditions and thereby speed up and facilitate the course of the adaptation process .

Working under the program "Childhood", kindergarten teachers are trying to create conditions for the protection and promotion of children's health. As a result of the implementation of this program, educators strive to ensure that the child copes with the difficulties of getting used to the new environment of the kindergarten at the level of easy adaptation, and in every possible way warns and does not allow manifestations of severe adaptation.

Various seminars and trainings are held for kindergarten teachers, where various situations and issues of adaptation of young children are considered in detail, namely, what is needed

love children and treat them like their own;

remember about the individual psychological characteristics of the development of each child;

introduce the child in an accessible form to social and moral norms;

establish contact with parents of children entering preschool;

conduct consultations and conversations with parents, get acquainted with the daily routine of the kindergarten, with the requirements for the child;

if possible, visit the child's family, learn about the habits and interests of children;

hold parent-teacher meetings before children enter kindergarten.

2.2 The system of measures for the adaptation of young children to the conditions of the MDOU kindergarten "Firefly" of the 1st junior group

The currently existing methods of psychodiagnostics make it possible to identify the degree of readiness of the child to attend kindergarten.

The study of the adaptation of young children to the conditions of the kindergarten took place in several stages. The stage of work is aimed at studying the characteristics of each child. It consists in identifying the level of intellectual, physical, social development, the main characteristics of memory, attention, characteristics of behavioral reactions, I study the level of the cognitive sphere, the formation of self-service skills, the level of anxiety.

Individual psychophysical characteristics are recorded in the child's individual development chart, in which, daily, from the moment the child enters kindergarten, the results of observation according to the selected criteria are noted.

Even before the baby entered the group, contact was established with the family. It is difficult to immediately find out all the habits and characteristics of the child, but in an introductory conversation with parents, it will be found out what are the characteristic features of his behavior, interests and inclinations.

In the process of communication, parents are offered a questionnaire (Appendix 3), where they must answer the proposed questions about their child.

After analyzing the data of the materials, conclusions are drawn about the characteristics of the child's behavior, the formation of his skills, about interests, etc. This helps to communicate correctly with children during the adaptation period, to help children get used to new conditions more easily.

From a conversation with parents, the social situation of the family is clarified. An analysis of the package of documents filled out when a child enters kindergarten showed about 80-90% of children will successfully pass the adaptation period.

According to the results of the survey of parents, families of pupils with increased anxiety are determined. In the future, the survey data allow you to competently build preventive and advisory work with parents.

The main task is not only to inform parents about the peculiarities of their child's adaptation period, but also to give recommendations on how to communicate with him during this period.

The most effective, and sometimes the only method of corrective work with young children is play therapy, carried out both in individual and in group form.

From the first stage, we smoothly move into the second stage, which develops. Based on observations that help to build a development perspective for each child, through a system of games, entertainment, creating an emotionally favorable atmosphere in the group.

For pupils, it is necessary to create an optimal developmental environment that provides maximum psychological comfort for each child, so that his creative initiative, co-creation and cooperation of all subjects of the educational process develop. It is necessary to design the group so that the children who first came to kindergarten are attracted by beautiful, bright, colorful design and toys. All components of the developing environment must be linked to each other in terms of content, scale, and artistic solution.

To ensure that the process of getting used to kindergarten is not delayed, the following conditions are observed in our kindergarten:

Creating an emotionally favorable atmosphere in the group. In order to form a positive attitude in the child, the desire to go to kindergarten, the teachers created an atmosphere of warmth, comfort and benevolence in the group. The furniture was placed in such a way that it formed small "rooms" in which the children felt comfortable.

A sports corner has also been created to meet the needs of children in the group. The corner is designed so that the child has a desire to study in it.

Young children love to play with toys and household items. During the game, they acquire new knowledge and skills, learn about the world around them, learn to communicate.

The most effective, and sometimes the only method of corrective work with young children is play therapy, carried out both in individual and in group form. Young children love to play with toys and household items. During the game, they acquire new knowledge and skills, learn about the world around them, learn to communicate. adaptation child kindergarten family

Therefore, in choosing games for young children, we focus on sensory and motor games. Sensory games give the child the experience of working with a wide variety of materials: sand, clay, paper. They contribute to the development of the sensory system: vision, taste, smell, hearing, temperature sensitivity.

All organs given to us by nature must work, and for this they need "food". The sensorimotor level is the base for the further development of higher mental functions: perception, memory, attention, thinking, speech.

Sensorimotor development is possible only when a child interacts with an adult who teaches him to see, feel, listen and hear, i.e. perceive the world around. No less fun for young children brings drawing. It is liked by all kids without exception. Perhaps that is why, until the parents decide to buy paints for the child, he has to do the first picturesque sketches with improvised means - semolina in the kitchen or soap suds in the bathroom. You can teach your child to draw with wet palms or with dad's shaving cream, which is applied to the palms.

When conducting classes, the specifics of working with young children are taken into account: a young child is not able to independently declare his problems, so they often manifest themselves indirectly, through developmental delays, capriciousness, aggressiveness, etc. This necessitates activity on the part of the psychologist himself to identify psychological problems in children, incl. and during the period of adaptation.

The lack of reflection in young children, on the one hand, facilitates, and on the other hand, complicates the diagnostic work and the formulation of the child's general problem. Corrective work related to the child's experiences is carried out according to the "here and now" principle, with an emphasis on the immediate consolidation of those positive processes that manifest themselves in the course of the correctional process.

An art corner with free access for children to pencils and paper helped to solve this problem at any time, as soon as the baby had a need to express himself. Children especially enjoy drawing with felt-tip markers that leave thick lines on a sheet of paper attached to the wall. Games with sand and water have a calming effect on children. Such games have great developmental opportunities, but during the adaptation period, their calming and relaxing effect is the main thing.

In summer, such games are organized on the street. In the autumn-winter time, a corner of sand and water was organized indoors. Unbreakable vessels of different configurations and volumes, spoons, sieves, funnels, molds, rubber tubes are used for various and exciting games. Children can bathe rubber dolls in water, fill rubber toys with water and push it out with a jet, launch boats on the water. As children get used to new conditions, their appetite is first restored, sleep is more difficult to normalize (from 2 weeks to 2-3 months).

Sleep problems are caused not only by internal stress, but also by the environment, which is different from home. The child feels uncomfortable in a large room. Such simple thing, like a bedside curtain, helped to solve a number of problems: to create a feeling of psychological comfort, security, to give the bedroom a more comfortable look, and most importantly, this curtain, which was sewn and hung by his mother, becomes for him a symbol and a part of the house, like his favorite toy with which he goes to bed.

It is necessary in every possible way to satisfy the extremely acute need of children in emotional contact with an adult during the period of adaptation. Affectionate treatment of the child, the periodic stay of the baby in the arms of an adult give him a sense of security, help to adapt faster.

In addition to the traditional ones, new forms of organization of children's sleep are used. What could be better than a good fairy tale, calm quiet music, a pleasant atmosphere in the bedroom for the coming sleep? They can relieve the stress of a day full of various activities in kids, and during the adaptation period, they can quickly get involved in regime moments.

How to make the process of falling asleep and then waking up pleasant and painless? In this we are helped by "live pictures" on a flannelograph - funny acquaintances in the plot, characters of poems and fairy tales. The essence of "live pictures" is that before going to bed, the children and I lay out the plot of the work on the flannelograph and tell fairy tales or poems that correspond to the content of the "live pictures".

In addition, in order to reduce anxiety and create positive motivation for the regimen of sleep, teachers use soft toys, explaining the presence of these toys in the bedroom by the fact that they are "Sleepy toys", they really want to sleep, but they cannot fall asleep without your help. Calm music sounds not loudly for 2-3 minutes. Children put the toy next to them, stroking it, fall asleep. The use of such "Sleep Toys" allows educators to improve the emotional background of sleep as a routine moment, relieve anxiety, and reduce the number of children who are difficult to fall asleep. And when the kids wake up, their favorite characters wake up with them (accompanying texts in the application).

Young children are very attached to their mother. The child wants his mother to be with him all the time. Therefore, the group has family an album with photos of all the children of the group and parents. In this case, the baby at any time will be able to see his loved ones and no longer yearn so far from home.

The employees of the kindergarten are trying to make the kindergarten a place for the child where he is comfortable, good, fun: for this, a calm environment is created, individual work is carried out with each child, showing trust, love and respect, so that each child thinks: “I am in the group they are waiting impatiently, which means I am good, they love me.

With the admission of a child to kindergarten, many changes occur in his life: daily routine, the absence of parents during the day, constant contact with peers, a new room, and other requirements for behavior. All these changes hit the child at the same time, creating a stressful situation for him, which, without special organization, can lead to neurotic reactions, such as frequent illnesses, fears, whims, and others.

Working with parents is a necessary condition for successful adaptation. In the kindergarten "Firefly", registration of the child begins with a meeting of parents with the head, methodologist and nurse. They are told about the educators and assistant educators who work in the group where the child will go, a tour of the kindergarten is given: they show what it is equipped with, what rooms and classrooms there are. Parents are introduced to directions pedagogical activity educational institution, answer questions from parents.

Then a consultation is held for educators, at which they are advised, when the mother comes to the group for the first acquaintance, go out to meet her, say hello, address by name, patronymic, give her name. They emphasize that when a mother and a baby come, the teacher needs to go out to meet them, smile, greet them affectionately, sit down so that her eyes are on the same level with the eyes of the child.

It is proposed to choose a locker with a picture you like and tries to interest him in something. As needed, help is given to the child to undress: the baby must understand that the teacher, like a mother, will always protect and help him. The educator must understand that the first contacts with the child are contacts of help and care.

The educator finds out and discusses the issues that arose when getting acquainted with the questionnaire and the child's medical record. Giving the child to kindergarten, parents are worried about his fate. Sensitively capturing the state and mood of his loved ones, especially his mother, the child is also worried. Therefore, the first task is to calm, first of all, adults, invite them:

come to a children's party;

attend classes;

take a tour of the preschool educational institution;

attend an open day.

get acquainted with the daily routine;

Educators give advice to parents to spend more time with the child in the fresh air, which would ensure a long sleep.

Shows mom a group, toys, benefits that are necessary for the development of the child. Tells that the DOW works on innovation program"Childhood", that with a baby they will read here, sing, play, sculpt ... . Introduces the day regimen in kindergarten and tries to convince that it is necessary to adhere to this regimen at home on weekends. Shows the bedroom - where a crib is assigned to each child (offers to choose where it is better to put the baby); toilet room - where each child has his own towel, pot.

The teacher tells parents how to facilitate the adaptation period. Finds out what habits the child has, how his relatives call him at home, what toys the child likes to play with, how he falls asleep, etc.

The main condition for a good emotional state of the child during the adaptation period is the presence of the mother. Observing the children, we saw that this is the most important factor for the painless adaptation of the child to kindergarten. The presence of a mother helps to remove negative emotions, allows the child to perceive the world around him correctly, without distortion.

The role of the mother is that she must relieve the emotional stress of the child, help establish emotional contact with the caregiver, introduce the baby to others so that he ceases to be afraid of a new environment, children, adults. The educator explains to the mother that she must evoke a positive attitude towards the educator in the child so that he feels respectful attitude towards the adult on the part of relatives.

Parallel influence on the part of the educator and mother is necessary so that the child does not develop the habit of always being in a group with his mother. The presence of the mother should be aimed at establishing, first, the emotional contact of her child with the educator, and then at establishing cooperation with him.

In the very first weeks of children's stay in kindergarten, it is necessary to gradually increase the duration of the child's stay in the group from 1.5-2 hours to half a day. We advise parents during this period to bring their child to kindergarten by the end of breakfast, already full, or during a walk.

If possible, the mother leaves for 10-15 minutes on her own business, telling the child that she will come for him after the walk. Within 2 weeks, the teacher is increasingly involved in dressing and undressing the child, offering him toys and various games.

If the child adapts easily, expresses a desire to have lunch or sleep with other children, the adaptation cycle will end faster. Within 3 weeks, the child is taught to eat in kindergarten. And never force feed him. Here, the presence of the mother is also desirable, she can come to the end of the walk and feed the child for 2-3 days. Then the teacher tries to help feed the baby as calmly and affectionately as the mother. After dinner, the mother takes the child home.

Educators advise parents that vegetables, fruits, and vitamins predominate in the child's menu during the adaptation period. At week 4, the baby is invited to sleep with other children. Many children love to sleep with their favorite toys. Educators are advised to bring them from home to kindergarten. This will help the baby feel more confident in a team of peers who are not yet completely familiar. Be sure to sit near the child, stroke him gently, say something in a whisper or sing a lullaby.

Build a child's sense of confidence. One of the tasks of the adaptation period is to help the child get used to the new situation as quickly and painlessly as possible, to feel more confident, the master of the situation. And the kid will be confident if he finds out and understands what kind of people surround him; in what room does he live, etc. The solution of this problem, starting from the first day of being in the garden, is devoted to the entire first half of the year (until January).

To develop a sense of confidence in the environment, it is necessary:

acquaintance, rapprochement of children among themselves;

acquaintance with educators, establishing open, trusting relationships between educators and children;

acquaintance with the group (game, bedroom, etc. rooms); - acquaintance with the kindergarten (music room, medical room, etc.);

getting to know kindergarten teachers and staff.

For educators and PEI specialists rules have been developed that help the baby gain a sense of confidence.

Rule 1. The first and most important rule is that participation in the game is voluntary. It is necessary to ensure that the child wants to take part in the proposed game. By forcing, you can evoke a feeling of protest, negativism in the baby, and in this case, the effect of the game should not be expected. On the contrary, when he sees how others play, being carried away, the child himself joins the game. In order for the game to really captivate children and personally affect each of them, it is necessary to perform

Rule 2. An adult must become a direct participant in the game. By his actions, emotional communication with children, he involves them in play activities, makes it important and meaningful for them. It becomes, as it were, the center of attraction in the game. This is especially important in the early stages of getting to know a new game. At the same time, the adult organizes and directs the play. Thus, the second rule is that an adult combines two roles - a participant and an organizer. Moreover, an adult should combine these roles in the future.

Rule 3. Multiple repetition of games, which is a necessary condition for the developmental effect. Pupils accept and learn new things in different ways and at different paces. By systematically participating in a particular game, children begin to understand its content, better fulfill the conditions that games create for mastering and applying new experience.

And so that the game does not get tired when repeated, it is necessary to follow Rule 4. Visual material (certain toys, various objects, etc.) must be protected, it cannot be turned into ordinary, always available. Firstly, this way it will last longer, and secondly, this material will remain unusual for children for a long time.

Rule 5. An adult should not evaluate the actions of the child: words like “Wrong, wrong” or “Well done, right” are not used in this case. Give the child the opportunity to show, express himself, do not drive him into your own, even the best, framework. He sees the world in his own way, he has his own view of things, help him express all this! At what age the child does not come to kindergarten for the first time, for him this is a strong stressful experience that needs to be mitigated.

In turn, parents should carefully listen to the advice of the teacher, take into account his advice, observations and wishes. If a child sees good, friendly relations between his parents and caregivers, he will adapt much faster to a new environment.

At stage III, the final diagnostics is carried out to identify the level of adaptation of pupils.

From the day the child enters the group, educators fill out adaptation sheets (see Appendix 4), in which they note the child's condition and his relationship with peers, with adults.

At the end of the adaptation period (when the sign "+" marks 3 days), the sheet is pasted into the history of the child's development and the doctor makes a note in the sheet of clarified diagnoses about the nature of adaptation.

The same mark is fixed on the map of neuro- mental development. The "+" sign indicates good appetite, calm sleep, balanced emotional state, interest in the environment, contacts with adults and peers, good mood. Sign "-" - refusal to eat, restless falling asleep, bad mood. Sign "±" or "±" - transitional state, improvement or deterioration of the state of behavior.

The data is again recorded in individual child development charts. At the end of the adaptation period, the adaptation sheet is attached to the child's development monitoring card.

Maintaining an adaptation sheet allows you to track the peculiarities of the child's getting used to the conditions of the kindergarten, to identify children who do not adapt well to the conditions of the kindergarten (often get sick, have difficulty communicating with both peers and adults, have a high level of anxiety, outline a number of preventive and, if necessary, corrective measures to alleviate the adaptation syndrome.

Adaptation is considered favorable in the following cases:

if emotional-behavioral reactions were mild and normalized within 30 days in toddlers;

neurotic reactions were not observed or they were mild and disappeared within 1-2 weeks without special correction;

no body weight loss was observed;

during the adaptation period, a young child suffered no more than one cold in a mild form.

3 Analysis of diagnostic test results

The means of preventing a child's successful adaptation to the conditions of a preschool institution are the developmental function in the process of individual and group lessons with a teacher and the developmental interaction of parents with a child.

Successful adaptation is helped by a specially organized object-spatial environment in a group, developmental interaction, cooperation between adults and a child in various activities, individual and group developmental classes with a teacher (taking into account the recommendations of a teacher-psychologist), psychoprophylactic classes

At the end of the experimental period of adaptation in a preschool institution, a medical-psychological-pedagogical council with an expanded membership was created. It included the head teacher, senior educator, nurse, educators of early age groups and educators of other groups (by invitation).

After the psychodiagnostics, the results of the experimental work of studying the adaptation of children to attending a preschool institution in the experimental and control groups were analyzed.

According to the results of the experiment for 1.5 months, it was noticed that the adaptation in children of the experimental group is less painful, the time for the transition of children from one adaptation group to another decreases, and the incidence decreases than in the control group. This is due to the created diverse and meaningful developmental environment, which are created by the teachers of the kindergarten "Firefly".

As a result, the children have become active, sociable, they go to kindergarten with pleasure, where they feel cozy and comfortable. Kindergarten has become for them a cheerful kind home, from which they do not want to leave.

Parents, leaving the child in kindergarten, feel calm and confident that their baby is doing well here. when children entered the group, that is, at the beginning of the adaptation process, the emotional well-being of children was low - 11 people (55%) showed exactly this level, only 2 children (10%) had a high level of emotional well-being, that is, adaptation proceeded easily.

At the end of the adaptation period, studying the emotional well-being of children, we observe a completely different picture. By the end of the experimental period, none of the children experienced emotional discomfort from being in a group, in a preschool educational institution; for the most part, 12 children (60%) feel comfortable in a group, in a preschool educational institution. 8 children (40%) have a high level of emotional well-being, which means that they have passed the adaptation period to the preschool educational institution, and attending kindergarten is no longer stressful for them.

The data obtained indicate that children differ from each other in their emotional state, temperament, health status, physical development - in key characteristics that affect the process of children's adaptation to preschool. And this is normal, because all people have individuality.

The analysis showed that the level of socialization, the presence or absence of communication skills with peers, plays the greatest role in the period of adaptation. Equally important is the formation of such personality traits as initiative, independence, the ability to solve problems in the game.

It was found that it is very important to identify problems that may arise during the adaptation period and advise parents on how to prepare the child for kindergarten.

Thanks to this method of work, the teacher can find out in advance about the features of the development and behavior of the baby - his future pupil. When children enter the group, the teacher monitors their behavior and reflects it on the adaptation sheet until it returns to normal. If the child falls ill, this is specially noted in the sheet, and upon the return of the baby after the illness, careful observation continues for at least three days. Based on these observations, a psychologist, a teacher can offer individual appointments that facilitate the process of adaptation.

For further work with young children, it is important to know how the adaptation of the entire group as a whole proceeds. The initial data in the analysis of the process are information about the readiness of the kids to enter the preschool educational institution and what are the results of the adaptation period under the supervision of educators, a psychologist, a doctor.

As a result of the analysis, it was found that for the successful adaptation of a child to attending a kindergarten, it is necessary to simultaneously carry out adaptation activities with the child in the family and in kindergarten

In the middle of the year, experts will assess the indicators of children's development. First of all, the state, physical and mental development, the level of formation of cultural and hygienic skills are assessed.

Thus, the successful adaptation of the child to the conditions of the kindergarten largely depends on the mutual attitudes of the family and the kindergarten. They develop most optimally if both parties are aware of the need for a targeted impact on the child and trust each other.

It is important that parents are confident in the good attitude of the teacher to the child; felt the competence of the teacher in matters of education; but most importantly, they appreciated his personal qualities (caring, attention to people, kindness). (Table 1)

EventIn the familyIn kindergartenKeeping adaptation Admission of children in accordance with the schedule for receiving children Shortened time spent in kindergarten. Compliance with adaptation recommendationsMaintaining adaptation sheets. Daily supervision of a teacher-psychologist. Regime According to the age of the child, as close as possible to kindergarten. Compliance with a flexible regime Nutrition Balanced and rational nutrition. Instilling skills of independenceInstilling skills of independent eating. If you refuse to eat, do not force-feed. Gymnastics and massageAccording to age. Parents mastering elementary techniques of massage, exercise therapy, gymnastics. Age-appropriate classes. Hardening Hardening by any method Hardening according to a gentle scheme in an institution Educational impact Classes by age, Special attention devote to the development of gaming skills and the ability to occupy oneself. For the period of adaptation - gaming activities with elements of the lesson At the same time, special attention must be paid to the coordination of the actions of parents and educators, the observance of a common approach to the child in the family and kindergarten. Parents should not be left behind.

Even before entering kindergarten, you can make a forecast of the child's adaptation to it. Make a decision about the possibility of visiting the kindergarten for the child.

Here, work is needed on the psychological education of adults, in the process of which, educators and parents receive knowledge about the symptoms of difficult adaptation, recommendations for improving the adaptation to the general conditions of a preschool institution for each specific child with his pronounced personality.

Only joint actions of parents and teachers aimed at adapting the child to the conditions of detention in kindergarten can smooth out the negative manifestations in the behavior, psychological and emotional state of the child.

Factors that determine the success of a child's adaptation to kindergarten are related to the mental and physical state of his health.

First, it is the state of health and the level of development. Healthy, developed by age, the baby has the best capabilities of the system of adaptive mechanisms, he copes better with difficulties. Toxicosis, diseases of the mother during pregnancy cause an unfavorable maturation of the complex systems of the child's body, which are in charge of adapting to changing environmental conditions.

Subsequent diseases adversely affect the immune system, can slow down mental development. Lack of proper regimen, sufficient sleep leads to chronic fatigue, exhaustion of the nervous system. Such a child copes worse with the difficulties of the adaptation period, he develops a stressful state, and as a result, a disease.

The second factor is the age at which the baby enters the child care facility. With the growth and development of the child, the degree and form of his attachment to a permanent adult changes. The kid is in dire need of a sense of security and support that a loved one gives him. The need for safety in a small child is as great as for food, sleep, warm clothes.

The third factor, purely psychological, is the degree of development of the child's experience of communication with others and objective activity. At an early age, situational-personal communication is replaced by situational-business communication, in the center of which becomes the mastery of the child together with the adult world of objects, the purpose of which the baby himself is not able to discover. An adult becomes a role model for him, a person who can evaluate his actions and come to the rescue.

In order for a child to get used to kindergarten as painlessly as possible, it is necessary phased work all participants (parents, pupils and teachers).

The first stage includes information support.

The purpose of the first stage is to interest parents with young children in preschool services.

At the next stage, information for parents about the need to comply with the daily routine is especially important. For the successful adaptation of a child to the conditions of a children's institution, it is necessary to develop the subject activity of the child and create a separate play corner in the house for him with a set of toys.

Thus, when the processes of socialization in the family are successful, the child first adapts to the cultural norms surrounding him, then perceives them in such a way that the approved norms and values ​​of the group around him become his emotional need, and the prohibitions of behavior become part of his consciousness. He perceives norms in such a way that he automatically acts in the expected manner most of the time.

During the control stage of the analysis, the results are compared according to the "Observation Maps" at the beginning of the adaptation period and after a month of visiting the kindergarten by the children.

Based on the primary diagnosis, a conclusion is drawn up, which gives a preliminary assessment of the adaptation period of each child. Based on the results of the conclusion and the observations of the psychologist and educators, the circle of children in need of assistance in adapting is determined.

Conclusion to the second chapter. The adaptation of a young child to the conditions of a preschool educational institution involves the mobilization of the professional forces of the entire teaching staff. And also, strategies for cooperation, partnership and co-creation of all specialists, and not just educators age groups. The head of the preschool ensures that kindergarten teachers improve their communication skills in order to establish contact with families.

The staff of a children's institution can contribute to the successful adaptation of children to the conditions of a kindergarten, having the necessary methodological equipment for developing technologies for communicating with parents and conducting the necessary diagnostic procedures at a professional level.


Based on the study and the sources studied, the following conclusion can be drawn: the process of a child's transition from a family to a preschool institution is difficult for both the child and the parents. The child will have to adapt to completely different conditions than those to which he is accustomed in the family.

In this qualifying work, we examined theoretical and practical issues related to social adaptation in early childhood to preschool educational institutions, studied the psychological and pedagogical features of the adaptation of young children to a preschool institution.

In the course of the work, the features of the adaptation of young children to the conditions of the kindergarten of the MDOU "Firefly" in the village of Priargunsk, Transbaikal Territory were studied. The study includes various methods: observation, questionnaires, questionnaires, conversations, etc.

The results of the initial stage, a diagnostic study of the adaptation of children to the conditions of the kindergarten, showed that when they enter the kindergarten, some children show signs of trouble in the emotional sphere, psychological discomfort. Kids refuse to communicate with other people, from toys, react painfully to parting with their parents, behave restlessly in a group, often act up, cry, constantly ask to go home. Peers and educators are treated with indifference or shunned.

As a result of the preventive work of the educator, the children begin to respond to his call by name, to respond to affection and offers to play, to turn to him for help and support if there are difficulties in observing regime procedures and if something does not work out.

The kids try to find solace in their caregiver in their homesickness and separation from their mother. Gradually, children begin to actively use the toys that are in the group, explore unfamiliar objects and the environment of the group.

Control diagnostics a month after visiting the kindergarten showed that the kids develop an interest in other children, there is a need to communicate with them. Children seek to attract the attention of a friend, smile, laugh when meeting with a peer, look into the eyes, offer toys in an effort to keep his attention. Children begin to be interested in joint games with peers, selective sympathies for some children appear.

Thus, the hypothesis of our study was confirmed that the intensity and duration of adaptation of a young child depends on the specifics of the psychological and pedagogical impact.

Admission to kindergarten changes almost all the conditions of a small child's life. It is the kindergarten staff and parents who, by combining their efforts, provide the baby with emotional comfort. Successful adaptation is the key to physical and psychological well-being child, as shown by the results of the experiment.

At the same time, special attention should be paid to the coordination of actions of parents and educators, compliance with the general approach to the child in the family and kindergarten. Here, work is needed on the psychological education of adults, where educators and parents receive knowledge about the symptoms of difficult adaptation, recommendations for improving the adaptation to the general conditions of a preschool institution for each specific child with his pronounced personality.

Criteria for the effectiveness of this work: socialization of children of primary preschool age; increasing the level of emotional well-being; development of physical and psychological culture of children. Therefore, today the topic of adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution is relevant.

Considered aspects that prove that there are many conditions that influence the adaptation of a young child to a preschool institution.

An important factor influencing the nature of the child's behavior in the process of addiction is the personality of the educator himself, who must love children, be attentive and responsive to each child, and be able to attract his attention. The teacher must be able to observe and analyze the level of development of children and take it into account when organizing pedagogical influences, must be able to control the behavior of children in a difficult period for them to get used to the conditions of a children's institution.

The adaptation period is a difficult time for the baby. But at this time it is difficult not only for children, but also for their parents. Therefore, the collaboration between the teacher and parents is very important.

That is why such an organization of a child's life in a preschool institution is necessary, which would lead to the most adequate, almost painless adaptation to new conditions, would allow the formation of a positive attitude towards kindergarten, communication skills, especially with peers. It is important to note that the adaptation process is manageable and gives its positive results.

This thesis has practical and theoretical significance for kindergarten teachers.

Thus, we can say that the purpose of the study: - to explore the process of adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool institution, has been achieved, the tasks have been implemented.


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Pechora K.L., Pantyukhina G.V. Young children in preschool institutions - M .: Vlados, 2007, - 176 p.

Ronzhina A.S. Psychologist's classes with children 2-4 years old during the period of adaptation to a preschool institution - M .: Knigolyub, 2000. - 72 p.

Smirnova E.O. The first steps. The program of education and development of children of early age. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 1996. - 160 p.

Stages of communication: from one to seven years / Edited by L.N. Galiguzova, E.O. Smirnova.- M., 1992.

Sukhomlinsky V.A. I give my heart to children / V.A. Sukhomlinsky - Kiev - 2968, p. 7

Smirnova E.O. Diagnostics of the mental development of children from birth to 3 years / E.O. Smirnova. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo press, 2005.

Smirnova E.O. Features of communication with preschoolers / E.O. Smirnova. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000. - 160 p.

Sokhin F.A. Psychological and pedagogical foundations for the development of speech of preschoolers - M., 2002. - 224 p.

Strebeleva E.A. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children of early and preschool age. - M.: Education, 2007.

Ushakova O.S. The development of speech of preschoolers / O.S. Ushakov. - M., 2001. - 240s.

Tseluiko, V. M. You and your children. Family psychology [Text] / V.M. Tseluiko. - Rostov n / a, 2004.

C) Scientific articles

49. Adaptation groups in the preschool educational institution: Methodological guide / / Appendix to the journal "Management of the preschool educational institution" .- M .: TC Sphere, 2005. - 128 p.

Zadrovskaya I.A. Socio-psychological service of a preschool educational institution in preparing a child for kindergarten // Scientific and practical journal "Management of a preschool educational institution" - 2005. - No. 8. - pp. 46-49.

Pavlova L. The second year of life: Mom's school // Preschool education. - 2004. - No. 8. - with. 104-110

Kharitonova N. Prevention of psycho-emotional stress in children of early age // Preschool education. - 2006. - No. 6. - with. 3-12

Internet resources

53. Adaptation of young children to the conditions of preschool educational institutions [Electron. resource] // URL (December 28, 2013)

Venger L.A., Agaeva E.L. , Bardina R.I. etc. Psychologist in kindergarten. [Electron. resource] // (2013. December 15)


Memo to parents on the adaptation of the child

How to behave with a child:

show the child his new status (he has become big);

do not leave him in kindergarten for long periods;

pay attention to the positive climate in the family;

it is necessary to reduce the neuropsychic load;

in case of pronounced neurotic reactions, do not visit the institution for several days.

How not to:

speak negatively about the institution, its specialists;

pay attention to visible deviations in the behavior of the child;

prevent contact with other children;

increase the load on the nervous system;

dress the child out of season;

conflict at home

punish a child for whims;

During the adaptation period:

At any time, parents and close relatives of the child can come to the group and stay there for the time they need. Parents can bring and pick up the child at any time convenient for them.

1.Tell your child what kindergarten is, why children go there, why you want the child to go to kindergarten. For example: a kindergarten is such a beautiful house where moms and dads bring their children. I want you to make friends with other children and adults. In the garden, children eat, play, walk. In the morning I will take you to kindergarten, and in the evening I will pick you up. You tell me what you had interesting in the garden.

2.Passing by the kindergarten, happily remind the child how lucky he is - he can go here. Tell relatives and friends in the presence of the baby about your luck that the child was accepted into kindergarten.

3.Tell your child in detail about the kindergarten mode: what, how and in what sequence he will do. Ask the baby if he remembers what he will do in kindergarten after a walk, where to put his things, who will help him undress, and what he will do after dinner. Babies are afraid of the unknown. When the child sees that the expected event is happening as promised, he feels more confident.

4.Talk to your child about possible difficulties, to whom he can turn for help. For example: “If you want to drink, go to the teacher and say:“ I’m thirsty, ”and Galina Nikolaevna will pour water for you.”

5.Prepare a “happy bag” with your child by putting inexpensive things in it. These can be small toys that your baby loves. With this, it will be easier to send the child to the garden.

6.Teach your baby to get to know other children, address them by name, ask, and not take away toys.

7.Develop a simple system of parting signs of attention with your child, and it will be easier for him to let you go.

8.Remember that it may take up to six months for a child to get used to kindergarten. Calculate your strengths, capabilities and plans. It is better if for this period the family will have the opportunity to adapt to the peculiarities of the adaptation of their baby.

9.Make sure that your family needs a kindergarten right now. The child feels great when parents doubt the appropriateness of kindergarten education. The child uses any of your hesitation in order to resist parting with his parents. It is easier and faster to get used to children whose parents have no alternative to kindergarten.

10.The child will get used to it the faster, the more children and adults he can build relationships with. Help your child with this. Get to know other parents and their children. Call other children by their first names in front of your child. Ask your baby at home about Lena, Sasha, Seryozha. Encourage your child to seek help and support from other people in your presence.

The better your relationship with caregivers, with other parents and their children, the easier it will be for your child to get used to it.

11.There are no perfect people. Be forgiving and tolerant of others. Nevertheless, it is necessary to clarify the situation that worries you. Do it in a soft way or through specialists.

12.In the presence of the child, avoid critical remarks about the kindergarten and its staff. Never scare your child with kindergarten.

13.During the adjustment period, emotionally support the baby. Now you spend less time with him. Compensate for this with the quality of communication. Hug your child more often. Tell your baby: “I know that you miss me, that you are scared. When something new is always scary at first, and then you get used to it and it becomes interesting. You are great, you are brave, I am proud of you. You will succeed!”

14.If after a month your child is still not used to kindergarten, check the list of recommendations and try to follow the recommendations that you forgot about.

15.If you need help, kindergarten psychologists are waiting for you!


Questioning about the behavioral and personality characteristics of children

Behavior features:

Your child's predominant mood:

vigorous - 10 people. -62.5%;

balanced - 5 people. - 31%;

irritable - 1 person. - 6.5%.

Sleep pattern:

within 10 min. - 13 people - 81%;

slow - 3 pers. -nineteen%.

Sleep pattern:

calm - 15 people - 93.5%;

in different ways - 1 person. - 6.5%.

Your child's appetite:

good - 9 pers. - 56.5%;

electoral - 6 people. - 37%;

unstable - 1 pers. - 6.5%.

The attitude of the child to planting on the potty:

positive - 15 people. - 93.5%;

negative - 1 person. - 6.5%.

Neatness Skills:

asks for a potty - 13 people. - 81%;

does not ask for a potty - 3 people. -nineteen%.

Undesirable habits for this age:

thumb sucking - 5 pers. - 31%.

Personal features of the manifestation of cognitive needs in everyday life and in learning:

1.Does the child show interest in toys, objects at home and in a new, unfamiliar environment?

Yes - 16 people - 100%.

Is he interested in the actions of adults?

Yes - 14 people - 87.5%;

In different ways - 12.5%.

Is it attentive, active, assiduous?

Yes - 9 pers. - 56%;

Not always - 7 people. - 44%.

Can or cannot find a job without outside help?

Yes - 11 people - 68%;

Not always - 5 people. - 32%.

Are you proactive in dealing with adults?

Yes - 12 people - 75%;

Electoral - 4 people. - 25%.

Does he come into contact with children?

Yes - 11 people - 68%;

Not always - 5 people. - 32%.

Autonomy in the game:

Knows how to play independently - 12 people. - 75%;

Does not know how to play independently - 4 people. - 25%.

A conversation with parents, the results of the questionnaire helped to conclude that 80-90% of children will successfully pass the adaptation period.


Adaptation sheet

F.I. child

Date of admission to preschool

№Date Parameters 1. Sleep: superficial deep 2. Appetite: good poor selective 3. Wakefulness: cheerful passive 4. Mood: cheerful depressed unstable irritable 5. Individual characteristics: Social communication: contact friendly aggressive Cognitive needs: inquisitive Individual manifestations: shy touchy affectionate 6. Disease


positive +

unstable + -

Analysis of the adaptation of all admitted children

negative -

Easy adaptation was sick - b .; (from 8 to 16 days) (number, %)

at home - e. Adaptation of moderate severity (up to 30 days) (number, %)

Adaptation is severe (over 30 days) (number, %)

Tags: Adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool institution Diploma in Psychology

“Childhood is the most important period of human life, not a preparation for a future life, but a real, bright, original, unique life. And from the one who led the child by the hand in his childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him, it decisively depends on what kind of person today's baby will become.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

The problem of a kindergarten - whether it is good or bad, to give a child or not - sooner or later arises in every family. The urgency of the problem almost does not depend on the level of well-being of the family and on the employment of parents, each of whom has his own experience and his personal opinion about the advantages and disadvantages of preschool institutions.

Adaptation- this is an adaptation of the body to a new environment, and for a child, a kindergarten is undoubtedly a new, still unknown space, with a new environment and new relationships. The relevance is due because adaptation period- a serious test for young children: from a familiar family environment, he finds himself in new conditions for him, which inevitably leads to a change in the child's behavioral reactions, sleep and appetite disorders.

The topic of adaptation of young children to preschool education is relevant, since the problem of adaptation of children of 2-3 years of age to the conditions of kindergarten is of great importance. When children enter a preschool institution, stereotypes are broken: from a familiar home environment, the child enters the unusual environment of a kindergarten. Compliance with the daily routine, new requirements, constant contact with peers, a completely different environment, communication style - become a source of stressful situations for the baby.

The problem of adaptation of a young child remains practically undeveloped. Until now, it has not been specifically studied how a small child is included in a new reality, what psychological difficulties he experiences in the process of adaptation, how to assess his emotional state during this period, what are the psychological criteria for the adaptive capabilities of a young child and what are the ways to establish adult contact . Today, the number of children with behavioral deviations (aggressiveness, anxiety, hyperactivity, etc.), neurotic disorders continues to grow. It is more difficult for such children to adapt to new social conditions.

The task of the educator is to create maximum conditions for the child to painlessly go through all the stages of getting used to terms of the DOW. In order for the process of getting used to kindergarten not delayed, the following is necessary.

1.Creating an emotionally favorable atmosphere in the group.

It is important to form a positive attitude in the child, the desire to go to kindergarten. It depends primarily on the skill and efforts of the educator. If a child feels this warmth from the first days, his worries and fears will disappear, adaptation will be much easier. To make it pleasant for the child to come to kindergarten, you need to “domesticate” the group. It is necessary in every possible way to satisfy the extremely acute need of children in emotional contact with an adult during the period of adaptation.

Affectionate treatment of the child, the periodic stay of the baby in the arms of an adult give him a sense of security, help to adapt faster.

2. Formation of a child's sense of confidence.

One of the tasks of the adaptation period is to help the child get used to the new situation as quickly and painlessly as possible, to feel more confident, the master of the situation. To develop a sense of confidence in the environment, it is necessary:

acquaintance, rapprochement of children among themselves;

Acquaintance with educators, establishing open, trusting relationships between educators and children;

Acquaintance with the group (game, bedroom, etc. rooms);

acquaintance with the kindergarten (music room, medical room, etc.);

Getting to know kindergarten teachers and staff.

3. Proper organization during the adaptation period of game activity.

Game activity is aimed at the formation of emotional contacts "child - adult" and "child - child" and necessarily includes games and exercises. The main task of the games during this period - the formation of emotional contact, children's trust in the teacher. The child should see in the teacher a kind, always ready to help person (like a mother) and an interesting partner in the game. Emotional communication arises on the basis of joint actions, accompanied by a smile, affectionate intonation, and a manifestation of care for each baby. The first games should be frontal so that no child feels left out. The initiator of games is always an adult. Games are selected taking into account the capabilities of children, the venue.

4.Working with parents.

Interaction with parents is desirable to begin even before the child enters kindergarten. A necessary condition for successful adaptation is the coordination of the actions of parents and educators, the convergence of approaches to the individual characteristics of the child in the family and kindergarten.

It is advisable to recommend to parents in the early days to bring the child only for a walk - this way it is easier for him to get to know the teachers and other children. In the early days, it is worth bringing the child to the group later than 8 o'clock so that he does not witness the tears and negative emotions of other children when parting with their mothers. The task of the educator is to calm adults first of all: invite them to inspect the group rooms, show the locker, bed, toys, tell what the child will do, what to play, introduce the daily routine, and discuss together how to facilitate the adaptation period. In turn, parents should carefully listen to the advice of the teacher, take into account his advice, observations and wishes. If a child sees good, friendly relations between his parents and caregivers, he will adapt much faster to a new environment. The work with parents was structured as follows: :

parent meetings,




visits to families of students

individual consultations (according to the results of diagnostics and requests of parents),

Designing information boards for parents

The adaptation period is considered completed, if the child eats with appetite, quickly falls asleep and wakes up in a cheerful mood, plays with peers. The duration of adaptation depends on the level of development of the child.

Very important, so that parents during this period treat the child very carefully and attentively, strive to help him survive this difficult moment of life, and not persist in their educational plans, do not fight whims. The period of adaptation of young children is conditionally divided into three levels:

1 level- the period of adaptation to a preschool institution, children show anxiety, anxiety. At home, they have a pronounced negative, negative attitude towards the educator and peers, they have little experience of communication, they are in the care of all their relatives in turn, so they are not used to occupying themselves for a minute on their own. They require constant attention from the educator, do not notice their peers, besides, due to their age, peers cannot clearly demonstrate their positive attitude towards them, the level of playing skills is not high, the level of self-development is low. During the day, the emotional state practically does not change (inactivity, crying, require consolation, sit indifferently, do not come into contact with children ). Severe level of adaptation (from 2 to 6 months).

2 level- children of this level are characterized by getting used to kindergarten, adequate behavior: they observe the actions of adults and peers, avoid them, subsequently imitate them, cry in the first days, remember their parents after they leave, and during the day they play with peers, communicate with adults. Such children have developed self-service skills, they are looking for contacts with peers, they are calm, they play actively. Average level of adaptation (20-40 days).

3 level- when getting acquainted with the environment, it is easily included in the subject, independent activity or game. The game can be played both independently and with peers. Quickly establish contact with adults. They can occupy themselves with a meaningful game without feeling helpless, as they are independent, self-service skills are formed. During the day they laugh, rejoice, sing, joyfully run towards their peers, educators. Easy adaptation level (10-15 days).

Indicators of the end of the adaptation period:

calm, cheerful, cheerful mood of the child at the time of separation and meetings with parents;

Balanced mood throughout the day

Adequate attitude to the proposals of adults;

communication with them on their own initiative;

the ability to communicate with peers, not to conflict;

The desire to eat on their own, eat up the prescribed norm to the end;

Quiet daytime sleep in the group before the appointed time.



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Topic: "KINDERGARTEN FOR CHILDREN" (adaptation of young children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution)

“Childhood is the most important period of human life, not a preparation for a future life, but a real, bright, original, unique life. And from the one who led the child by the hand in his childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him, it decisively depends on what kind of person today's baby will become. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

The relevance is due to the fact that the adaptation period is a serious test for young children: from a familiar family environment, he finds himself in new conditions for him, which inevitably leads to a change in the child's behavioral reactions, sleep and appetite disorders. Today, the number of children with behavioral deviations (aggressiveness, anxiety, hyperactivity, etc.) continues to grow. It is more difficult for such children to adapt to new social conditions. Children with different degrees of social readiness when entering kindergarten initially have different starting opportunities. Therefore, it is the adaptation period that allows to eliminate this problem.

Adaptation is the process of developing adaptive reactions of the body in response to new conditions for it. Adaptation should be based on knowledge of the mental, age and individual characteristics of the child. The task of the educator is to create maximum conditions for the child to painlessly go through all the stages of getting used to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

The process of a child's transition from a family to a preschool institution is difficult for both the child and the parents. There is a need to overcome psychological barriers. Three most significant problems have been identified. The first problem is that children entering kindergarten have a rather low level of neuropsychic development. This is due both to the peculiarities of upbringing in the family, and to biological factors (the course of pregnancy, childbirth). The greatest delay is manifested in the skills of active speech, in sensory development, which negatively affects the further development of a small person. The second problem is related to various deviations in the behavior of children. It concerns sleep, appetite of babies, hyperexcitable or low-emotional, non-contact children, children with manifestations of fears, enuresis, tics, etc. Therefore, it is important to get to know each child, to find out his developmental and behavioral features.

The correct organization of a child's life in a preschool institution allows him to form a positive attitude towards kindergarten. To organize the successful adaptation of young children, it is necessary to properly organize the educational process, where, along with playing sessions and entertaining activities, various other forms of work are used: entertainment, didactic and outdoor games that are interesting for children, acquaintance with fiction.

Factors determining the success of adaptation of young children to preschool education: the state of health and the level of development of the child; the age at which the baby enters the child care facility; the degree of formation of the child's communication with others and subject-play activity.

frequent illnesses of the mother during pregnancy; inconsistency of the home mode with the preschool mode; low cultural and educational level of the family; parental alcohol abuse conflict relations between parents; child's lag in neuropsychic development; the presence of chronic diseases. Adaptation Difficulty Factors

Organization of conditions for the adaptation of young children. 1. Creating an emotionally favorable atmosphere in the group. 3. Formation of a child's sense of confidence. 4. Working with parents. 2. Proper organization during the adaptation period of game activity.

Preliminary familiarization of parents with the working conditions of the preschool educational institution. Individual approach to the child Flexible mode Singing lullabies when putting children to bed Creating a subject-developing environment Encouraging the child to communicate with adults and peers Games with the teacher and peers Monitoring the physical condition of the child Preservation (in the first 2-3 weeks) habits Elements of bodily therapy Fairytale catarapy

For emotionally tense children, it is good to use games and exercises aimed at emotional relaxation. They contribute to a closer acquaintance of children and an adult with each other, the emergence of positive emotions in children and unity of the group.

And games should be frontal, so that not one child feels deprived of attention. They should not be too long (it is better to play with children several times a day, but little by little). Games should use copies of real objects, not their substitutes. In seven children are offered the same items. The initiator of the game is always an adult. Game Requirements

The main task of games during this period is the formation of emotional contact, children's trust in the teacher. The child should see in the educator a kind, always ready to help person (like a mother) and an interesting partner in the game. Emotional communication arises on the basis of joint actions, accompanied by a smile, affectionate intonation, a manifestation of care and attention to each baby.

Five rules for mitigating the stressful state of the child Rule 1. The first, and most important, rule is the voluntariness of participation in the game. Rule 2. An adult must become a direct participant in the game. Rule 3. Multiple repetition of games, which is a necessary condition for the developmental effect. Rule 4. Visual material (certain toys, various objects, etc.) must be protected, it cannot be turned into ordinary, always available. Rule 5. An adult should not evaluate the actions of a child. Give the child the opportunity to show, express himself, do not drive him into your own, even the best, framework.

Desktop-printed (“Whose house”, “Who hid”, “Collect a picture”, “From what fairy tale”, etc.) Role-playing (“Hospital”, “Let's take my daughter to kindergarten”, etc.) Adaptive (“Look to my window”, “We walked, walked, walked and found something”, etc.) Musical (“Guess what’s ringing”,.) Outdoor games (“Sun and rain”, “Clumsy bear”, “I’ll catch up you ", etc.) Round dance ("Bubble", "Loaf", "Carousel", etc.) Finger ("This finger", "Magpie - white-sided", etc.) Verbal ("Who has what kind of mother-pets" , “What do we do in the morning, afternoon and evening in kindergarten”, etc.) Game activities: children's games

It is very important that parents during the adaptation period treat the child very carefully and attentively, strive to help him survive this difficult moment of life, and not persist in their educational plans, do not fight whims. The most important thing is a positive attitude towards kindergarten, if parents believe that a kindergarten is the best place on earth for a child, the child will also think the same, albeit at the level of internal sensations.

The work with parents was structured as follows: Parent meetings Consultations and conversations Questionnaires and tests Visiting families of pupils Individual consultations (at the request of parents), Formation of information boards ; 2. determination of the main content of work with parents; 3. informing parents about the successes and achievements of the child; 4. finding ways to solve problems. Purposeful preparation of parents gives positive results in adaptation and makes it easier for the child to get used to new conditions.

Adaptation levels

During the period of adaptation to a preschool institution, children show anxiety and anxiety. At home, they have a pronounced negative, negative attitude towards the teacher and peers. They require constant attention from the educator, do not notice their peers, the level of playing skills is not high, the level of self-development is low. During the day, the emotional state practically does not change (inactivity, crying, require consolation, sit indifferently, do not come into contact with children). First level: Severe (from 2 to 6 months)

Children of this level are characterized by getting used to kindergarten, adequate behavior: they observe the actions of adults and peers, avoid them, subsequently imitate them, cry in the first days, remember their parents after they leave, and during the day they play with peers, communicate with adults. Such children have developed self-service skills, they are looking for contacts with peers, they are calm, they play actively. Second level: Medium (20-40 days)

When getting acquainted with the environment, it is easily included in the objective, independent activity or game. The game can be played both independently and with peers. Quickly establish contact with adults. They can occupy themselves with a meaningful game without feeling helpless, as they are independent, self-service skills are formed. During the day they laugh, rejoice, sing, joyfully run towards their peers, educators. Third level: Easy (10-15 days)

calm, cheerful, cheerful mood of the child at the time of separation and meetings with parents; balanced mood during the day; the ability to communicate with peers, not to conflict; the desire to eat on their own, to eat up the prescribed norm to the end; calm daytime sleep in the group before the appointed time according to the regimen; good appetite, desire to eat food on their own, adequate attitude towards adults, communication with them on their own initiative. Indicators of the end of the adaptation period were

If the kid is happy and talks a lot about kindergarten, if he is in a hurry to go there, if he has friends there and a bunch of urgent things, we can assume that the adaptation period is over. Purposeful training of parents and educators gives its positive results, even with severe adaptation, it facilitates the child's getting used to new conditions.

Pedagogical conditions are an environment created purposefully, in which they are presented in close interaction in the totality of psychological and pedagogical factors that allow the teacher to carry out educational or educational work.

The process of introducing a child to kindergarten is carried out in stages. At the preparatory stage, the efforts of the pediatric service, preschool workers and parents are aimed at facilitating biological adaptation, preparing the body for life in new conditions:

the regime of the child's day as close as possible to the regime of the day of the children's institution;

accustoming him to active participation in regime processes;

use of a complex of hardening procedures;

necessary to improve the performance of the child's body, increase physical activity;

At the same time, the condition for the implementation of these requirements is the pedagogical education of parents and the establishment of their contacts with educators. Through individual conversations, memos to parents on organizing the life of a child in the preparatory period. Through the memos, they get acquainted with the methods of feeding, sleep, receive advice on the formation of self-service skills, the development of subject and game actions, and the expansion of communication experience.

In turn, educators visit the child at home, get acquainted with the conditions of his life, learn about the habits, favorite toys of the baby, establish the first emotional contact with the child in his usual environment.

Introducing the child to the requirements of the new environment in a children's institution is carried out consistently. During the first week, a child stays in kindergarten for no more than 2-3 hours. Gradually, this time increases depending on his emotional state.

One of the leading pedagogical conditions for the adaptation of young children to a preschool institution is the organization of play activities, especially if it is organized together with the mother. From the position of E.O. Smirnova and V.G. Womb play is the natural life of children, life refracted through the psyche of the child. According to D.B. Elkonin, in the game the child learns the meaning of human activity, begins to understand and navigate the causes of certain actions of people. Knowing the system of human relations, he begins to realize his place in it.

From the first days of acquaintance with a preschool educational institution, the child must observe how adults and children play. He should have the impression that this unfamiliar house was created for play and toys, which helps to establish an individual emotional contact of the child with adults and peers in the group. When playing with young children, it is necessary to set only simple game goals familiar to children that do not cause any particular difficulties in achieving them. At the moment, it is important not to perform the correct game action by them, but to establish a benevolent, trusting relationship with educators and children.

For a child to successfully adapt to the conditions of a preschool institution, it is necessary to form a positive attitude towards kindergarten, a positive attitude towards him. It depends, first of all, on the educators, their ability and desire to create an atmosphere of warmth, kindness, attention in the group. Therefore, the organization by adults of the developing environment in which the child lives is one of the leading pedagogical conditions for the successful adaptation of the child to a preschool institution. According to T.V. Lavrentieva, the child's environment should contain stimulating materials used in the process of specially organized learning, and the so-called "free", i.e. providing an opportunity to apply the acquired means and methods of knowledge in other circumstances. The environment in the kindergarten is, first of all, a social environment with its own requirements and varieties of relationships between an adult and children, between a child and other children. Therefore, adaptation to kindergarten is, first of all, the process of assimilation of this social experience.

The teacher must help the children in the new environment. At the same time, one should not be annoyed about their slowness. It is necessary to persistently and calmly teach children actions with objects and toys, patiently consolidate acquired skills and form new ones. For the first time, it is not recommended to involve slow children in communication with peers, as they need a long time to learn new things, to get to know others. The impatient approach of the educator can lead to complications in his behavior, to difficulties in adaptation.

The main reason that complicates and delays social adaptation in many children is separation from loved ones, little experience of communicating with other people (N.D. Vatutina). Therefore, for the first time during the child's stay in the institution, the presence of the mother in the group is acceptable, which helps to get used to an unfamiliar environment, establish contact with the caregiver and then cooperate. Attention, affectionate treatment, periodic stay in the arms, praise from the educator create trust and a positive attitude towards him, serve as the basis for establishing contacts with other children and adults. Thanks to this, the child develops interest, and the desire to communicate with peers.

In the period of preparation for entering kindergarten, it is advisable to psychologically set up the baby himself, to interest him in visiting a children's institution, getting to know children and toys. In no case do not scare kindergarten.

During the period of getting used to kindergarten, you need to limit new impressions, reduce the load on the child's nervous system, not receive guests and not go to visit yourself, stop visiting theaters, circuses, and cinema. The situation in the family should be calm, the treatment of adults with the baby is affectionate and sympathetic. It is necessary to prevent the appearance of negative emotions in him.

The kid can be allowed to bring his favorite toys, books or items with him to the group with him at home. This will also help the child to get used to preschool more easily and painlessly.

An effective factor in the successful adaptation of a child to the conditions of a preschool educational institution is a visit to a profile group or a short stay. The adaptation group allows the child to get used to the new environment, new people, new requirements in the most gentle way. The presence of a mother or other close adults in the group helps the child overcome the fear of kindergarten, and contributes to a smooth separation from the parents.

The purpose of the group's work is to form the child's readiness to enter society, further development of culture, the ability to smoothly separate from the mother.

Conclusions on the first chapter

Adaptation is the adaptation of the body to a new environment, and for a child, a kindergarten is undoubtedly a new, still unknown space, with a new environment and new relationships.

The course of the adaptation period, which can sometimes last for six months, as well as the further development of the baby, depends on how well the child in the family is prepared for the transition to a children's institution. A change in lifestyle leads primarily to a violation of his emotional state.

A necessary condition for successful adaptation is the coordination of actions of parents and educators. Even before the baby enters the group, caregivers should establish contact with the family.

The task of the educator is to reassure adults: invite them to inspect the group rooms, show the locker, bed, toys, tell what the child will do, what to play, introduce the daily routine, and discuss together how to facilitate the adaptation period.

In turn, parents should carefully listen to the advice of the teacher, take into account his advice, observations and wishes. If a child sees good, friendly relations between his parents and caregivers, he will adapt much faster to a new environment.

Department of Philosophy


discipline: Social Pedagogy

on the topic: Adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution

Completed by a student of the SGF, group 06-ZG-STs1

Kraysvitnaya Yana Alexandrovna

Admitted to the defense "______" __________________ 2008.

Supervisor of the course work ___________ Ph.D., Assoc. Kabanova S.V.

Comptroller _______________ Ph.D., Assoc. Kornilova L.A.

Protection "______" ________________ 2008 Evaluation ________________

Commission members: ________________ Ph.D. n., prof. Khakuz P.M.

PhD, Assoc. Kornilova L.A.

PhD, Assoc. Kabanova S.V.

State educational institution

higher professional education

Kuban State Technological University

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Department of Philosophy


Head philosophy department

D. f. n., prof. Khakuz P.M.

"_____" __________________ 2008


for term paper

SGF student, group 06-ZG-STs1

Kraysvitney Yana Alexandrovna

Theme of the course work: Adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution


a) Introduction page 3

b) Main part 25 p.

1) Theoretical 17 pages

2) Practical 8 pages

c) Conclusion 2 p.

d) Appendix 5 pcs.

Term of protection: "_____" ____________ 2008

Date of delivery of work: "_____" ____________ 2008

Supervisor of the course work ______________ Ph.D., Assoc. Kabanova S.V.

Coursework 41 pages, 14 sources of literature, 5 applications


The purpose of the course work: psychological and pedagogical optimization of the successful adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution.

The results of the study showed that if:

Favorable conditions will be created for a comfortable stay of the child in the children's soda, then the successful adaptation of young children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution will take place. This confirms the hypothesis of our study.

Practical significance: the results obtained during the study have practical significance for kindergarten teachers.

Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1 Adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eight

1.1 Characteristics of the concept of "adaptation" and factors influencing it. . . . . . eight

1.2 Features of the behavior of children in the period of adaptation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fourteen

1.3 Forms of work to organize the process of adaptation of the child to new conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nineteen

2 Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the organization of successful adaptation of children to a preschool educational institution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

2.1 Description of the preschool educational institution MDOU "TsRR - kindergarten No. 221". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

2.2 Characteristics of adaptation to preschool children MDOU "TsRR - Kindergarten No. 221" 1st ml. gr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.3 Directions of psychological and pedagogical activities to optimize the process of successful adaptation of children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

List of used sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Annex A Questionnaire for parents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36

Appendix B Map of the neuropsychic development of a child of the second and third years of life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Appendix B The results of the adaptation groups of children of the MDOU “TsRR - Kindergarten No. 221” 1st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Appendix D Plan of educational activities. . . . . . . 39

Appendix E Tips for parents during the adaptation period. . . . . . . . . . . . . 41


Early age is a period of rapid formation of all psychophysiological processes characteristic of a person. Modernly begun and correctly carried out education of children of early age is an important condition for their full development. Development at an early age occurs against such an unfavorable background as an increased vulnerability of the body, its low resistance to diseases. Each disease suffered negatively affects the overall development of children. Therefore, during the period of adaptation to kindergarten, it is important to create favorable conditions for a comfortable stay of the child in kindergarten.

Admission of a child to a nursery causes, as a rule, serious anxiety in adults. A child in the family gets used to a certain regimen, to the way of feeding, laying down, he forms certain relationships with his parents, attachment to them.

The further development of the baby and a prosperous existence in kindergarten and in the family depend on how the child gets used to the new daily routine, to unfamiliar adults and peers.

And therefore, the topic of cooperation between educators and parents during the period of adaptation of the child to a preschool institution is so relevant today. If educators and parents join their efforts and provide the baby with protection, emotional comfort, an interesting and meaningful life in kindergarten and at home, then this will be the key to the optimal course of adaptation of young children to kindergarten.

A great contribution to the study of the problems of adaptation of young children to the conditions of preschool educational institutions has been made in the domestic literature. In recent years, issues of social adaptation have been more and more actively considered in the pedagogical works of Sh.A. Amonashvili, G.F. Kumarina, A.V. Mudrik, etc.

N.D. Vatutina in her manual considers the optimization of conditions for the successful adaptation of children in kindergarten, reveals the characteristics of children's behavior and, accordingly, the methods of pedagogical influence on them during this period, the requirements for preparing children in the family for kindergarten.

T.V. The backbone considers the features of the psychological adaptation of young children to kindergarten, as well as the factors of the psychological well-being of the child and the main patterns of his mental development in preschool age.

An analysis of the pedagogical literature and the needs of practice allowed us to formulate the problem of our study as follows: what are the psychological and pedagogical optimizations for the successful adaptation of young children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution?

Its solution was the goal of our work. The object of the study is the process of adaptation of young children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution. The subject of the study is the preschool educational institution and the psychological and pedagogical conditions for optimizing the process of adaptation of young children to it.

The problem, purpose and subject of the study predetermined the following tasks:

To study the theoretical foundations of the adaptation of children to a preschool educational institution.

Characteristics of a preschool educational institution

To analyze the directions of joint activities of educators and parents to optimize the process of adaptation of children of early school age.

To identify the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the successful adaptation of young children to a preschool educational institution.

The tasks that we solved in the course of the study required the use of appropriate methods. It was an analysis of theoretical and factual material (analysis of adaptation sheets), questioning, observation and conversation.

The analysis of the collected materials allowed us to formulate a general hypothesis of the study: successful adaptation of young children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution will be in the event that:

A conversation will be held with the parents of future kindergarten students;

A map of the neuropsychic development of the child will be drawn up, in which the answers of the parents during the conversation are recorded;

The mental and physical characteristics of the child will be taken into account, taking into account the emotional mood and state of his health;

Favorable conditions will be created for a comfortable stay of the child in the nursery.

The novelty of the course work lies in the fact that the study was conducted on the basis of the MDOU "TsRR - Kindergarten No. 221" of the city of Krasnodar in the 1st junior group.

The results obtained in the course of the study are of practical importance for kindergarten teachers.

Structure of the work: the work consists of title page, assignment, abstract, content, introduction, two sections (the first section contains 4 subsections, the second section contains 3 subsections), conclusions, a list of sources used, 5 applications.

The study was conducted on the basis of the MDOU "TsRR - Kindergarten No. 221" of the city of Krasnodar in the 1st junior group.

1 Adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution

1.1 Characteristics of the concept of "adaptation" and factors influencing it

With the admission of a child of three or four years of age to a preschool institution, many changes take place in his life: a strict daily routine, the absence of parents for nine or more hours, new requirements for behavior, constant contact with peers, a new room, fraught with a lot of unknown, and therefore dangerous, a different style of communication. All these changes hit the child at the same time, creating a stressful situation for him, which, without special organization, can lead to neurotic reactions, such as whims, fears, refusal to eat, frequent illnesses, etc. These difficulties arise due to the fact that the baby moves from a familiar and usual family environment to the environment of a preschool institution.

The child must adapt to new conditions, i.e. adapt. The term "adaptation" means adaptation.

The complexity of adapting the body to new conditions and new activities and the high price paid by the child's body for the successes achieved determine the need to take into account all the factors that contribute to the adaptation of the child to the preschool institution or, on the contrary, slow it down, preventing adequate adaptation.

Adaptation is inevitable in situations where there is a contradiction between our capabilities and the requirements of the environment.

There are three styles by which a person can adapt to the environment:

a) creative style, when a person tries to actively change the conditions of the environment, adapting it to himself, and thus adapts himself;

b) conformal style, when a person simply gets used to, passively accepting all the requirements and circumstances of the environment;

c) avoidant style, when a person tries to ignore the requirements of the environment, does not want or cannot adapt to them.

The most optimal is the creative style, the least optimal is the avoiding one.

How are adaptive abilities developed in children? The very birth of a child is a vivid manifestation of biological adaptation. The transition from intrauterine to extrauterine existence requires a radical restructuring in the activities of all the main body systems - blood circulation, respiration, digestion. By the time of birth, these systems must be able to carry out a functional restructuring, i.e. there must be an appropriate innate level of readiness for these adaptation mechanisms. A healthy newborn has this level of readiness and quickly adapts to existence in external conditions.

Like other functional systems, the system of adaptive mechanisms continues its maturation and improvement over a number of years of postnatal ontogenesis. Within the framework of this system, already after birth, the child develops the opportunity for social adaptation as the child masters the social environment surrounding him. This occurs simultaneously with the formation of the entire system of higher nervous activity.

Nevertheless, these changes fall on the child at the same time, creating a stressful situation for him, which, without special organization, can lead to neurotic reactions.

So, in order to avoid stressful situations, it is necessary to competently approach one of the problems of a preschool institution - the problem of adaptation of children. The common task of educators and parents is to help the child, as painlessly as possible, enter the life of the kindergarten. This requires preparatory work in the family. The development of uniform requirements for the behavior of the child, the coordination of influences on him at home and in kindergarten is the most important condition that facilitates his adaptation.

Age features, the capabilities of children, indicators that determine, you need to know. But the individual characteristics of the child should also be taken into account.

Often the reason for the unbalanced behavior of children is the incorrect organization of the child's activity: when his physical activity is not satisfied, the child does not receive enough impressions, he experiences a deficit in communication with adults. Disruptions in the behavior of children can also occur as a result of the fact that his organic needs are not satisfied in a timely manner - inconvenience in clothing, the child is not fed in time, has not slept. Therefore, the regime of the day, careful hygiene care, methodically correct conduct of all routine processes - sleep, feeding, toilet, timely organization of independent activities of children, classes, implementation of the correct educational approaches to them is the key to the formation of the correct behavior of the child, creating a balanced mood in him.

As a rule, weakened children are more difficult to adapt to new conditions. They get sick more often, it is more difficult to experience separation from loved ones. It happens that the child does not cry, does not express outwardly negative manifestations, but loses weight, does not play, is depressed. His condition should worry the educators no less than those children who cry, the names of their parents.

Also, special attention is required for children with a weak type of nervous system. These children are painfully endure any changes in their lives. At the slightest trouble, their emotional state is disturbed, although they do not violently express their feelings. They are afraid of everything new and it is given with great difficulty. In their movements and actions with objects, they are not confident, slow. Such children should be accustomed to kindergarten gradually, and people close to them should be involved in this. The educator should encourage, encourage and help them.

Ignoring by the educator the characteristics of the types of the child's nervous system during the period of adaptation to a preschool institution can lead to complications in his behavior. For example, strictness towards children who are not confident, uncommunicative causes tears in them, unwillingness to be in kindergarten. The sharp tone of the appeal causes excessive excitement and disobedience in easily excitable children.

In different situations, the same baby can behave differently, especially during the adaptation period. It happens that even a calm and sociable child, when parting with loved ones, begins to cry and ask to go home, it is not easy to get used to new requirements.

The behavior of the child under the influence of established habits also acquires an individual character. If he does not know how to eat on his own, then in kindergarten he refuses to eat, waiting to be fed. Also, if he does not know how to wash his hands in a new environment, he immediately cries; if he does not know where to get a toy, he also cries; not used to sleeping without motion sickness - crying, etc. therefore it is very important to know the habits of the child, to reckon with them.

Ignorance of the habits of the child greatly complicates the work of the educator. His pedagogical influences become spontaneous, unfocused and often do not give the desired result. It is difficult to immediately recognize all the habits and skills of each newly admitted child, and they do not always manifest themselves in new conditions. The educator needs to remember that a young child who has the necessary skills cannot always transfer them to a new environment, he needs the help of an adult.

At home, the child gets used to the nature of the applied pedagogical influences, expressed not only in a calm, even tone, but also in a tone of strict exactingness. However, the strict tone of the caregiver or nanny can cause fear. Conversely, a child who is accustomed to loud, irritated instructions will not always follow the quiet, calm instructions of the teacher.

Although the daily routines for children of different ages recommended by the Kindergarten Education Program are scientifically sound, the so-called age-specific daily routines of individual children still need to be changed. An indicator of this is the behavior and well-being of the baby.

As already mentioned, the individual characteristics of children in the field of communication are of particular importance during the period of adaptation. There are children who confidently and with dignity enter the new kindergarten environment for them: they turn to the teacher, to the assistant teacher, to find out about something. Others shy away from other people's adults, are shy, lower their eyes. And there are also children who are afraid of communication with the teacher. Such a child tries to retire, turns his face to the wall, so as not to see strangers with whom he does not know how to make contact.

The experience of a child's communication with others, received by him before coming to the kindergarten, determines the nature of his adaptation to the conditions of the kindergarten. Therefore, it is the knowledge of the content of the child's needs in communication that is the key with which you can determine the nature of pedagogical influences on him in the adaptation period.

Direct emotional contact between a child and an adult is established from the end of the first - the beginning of the second month of life.

Those parents who, already in the first year of a child's life, do not limit his communication in a narrow circle of the family, do the right thing.

Observing the necessary hygiene requirements, it is advisable already at this age to expand the child's social circle. For example, you can allow a new person for him to hold him in his arms for a while, or even leave them alone.

The teacher must establish contact with the child on the first day. But if the child has not formed the experience of communicating with strangers, he reacts negatively to all the actions of the educator: he cries, breaks out of his hands, seeks to move away, and not get closer to the educator. He needs a longer time to get used to, to stop being afraid of the teacher. Nervousness, tears prevent him from correctly and quickly perceive the interested, kind attitude of the educator.

In this case, it is advisable to allow the mother to stay in the group. In her presence, the child calms down, the fear of an unfamiliar adult disappears, the child begins to show interest in toys. The mother should encourage him to turn to the teacher, ask for a toy, say what a good, kind aunt, how she loves children, plays with them, feeds them. The teacher confirms this with his actions: affectionately addresses the baby, gives a toy, praises his costume, shows something interesting in the group, etc. .

Consequently, the nature of the child's addiction to the conditions of a preschool institution is influenced by a number of factors: the age of the child, the state of health, the formation of communication experience, and the degree of parental care.

1.2 Features of the behavior of children in the period of adaptation

Not all children cry when they enter the group. Many come to the group confidently, carefully consider the environment, independently find something to do. Others do it with less confidence, but also do not show much concern. They carefully observe the teacher, perform the actions proposed by her. Both those and other children calmly say goodbye to their relatives, who bring them to kindergarten, and go to the group. For example, a child, parting with his mother, looking into her eyes, asks: “Do you love me?” After receiving the answer, he goes to the group. He approaches the teacher, looks into her eyes, but does not dare to ask a question. The teacher gently strokes his head, smiles, shows attention, then the child feels happy. He relentlessly follows the teacher, imitates his actions. The behavior of the child shows that he feels the need to communicate with adults, to receive affection and attention from him. And this need is satisfied by the educator, in whom the child finds a good loved one.

Some children, quickly accustomed to the new environment of the group, are able to occupy themselves. They do not constantly follow the teacher, but if necessary, they calmly and confidently turn to him. Only in the first days in their behavior is noticeable some confusion, anxiety.

If a child who was first brought to a kindergarten does not want to stay in a group without a mother, then the teacher offers the mother to stay with the child in the group. Feeling that the mother is not going to leave, the child begins to pay attention to the environment. After a long observation, he plays with toys, examines beautiful dolls, and finally decides to take one himself. In a close person, he sees support, protection from the unknown and at the same time the opportunity to get to know others with his help.

As you can see, children entering a children's institution behave differently. The features of their behavior are largely determined by the needs that have developed by the time they join the group.

Approximately three groups of children can be distinguished according to their inherent differences in behavior and communication needs (in accordance with this, adaptation groups will be determined further).

The first group consists of children who have a predominant need for communication with close adults, waiting only for their attention, affection, kindness, and information about the environment.

The second group is children who have already formed a need to communicate not only with relatives, but also with other adults, in joint actions with them and getting information about the environment from them.

The third group is children who feel the need for active independent actions. If, before entering kindergarten, the child was constantly with his mother or grandmother, then in the morning, when he is taken to kindergarten, he hardly parted with his relatives. Then he waits all day for their arrival, cries, refuses any offers of the teacher, does not want to play with the children. He does not sit down at the table, he protests against food, against going to bed, and this is repeated day after day.

Crying when a loved one leaves, exclamations like: “I want to go home!”, “Where is my mother?”, Negative attitude towards the staff, to the children of the group, to offers to play - and stormy joy when the mother (grandmother or other family member) returns, are bright an indicator that the child has not developed the need to communicate with strangers.

When entering a children's institution, it is mainly children who cry, which can be conditionally attributed to the first group (the need to communicate only with close people).

They are deeply worried about parting with loved ones, because. they have no experience of communicating with outsiders, they are not ready to make contact with them.

As a rule, the narrower the social circle in the family, the longer it takes the child to adapt to kindergarten.

Children conditionally assigned to the second group, before entering kindergarten, gained experience in communicating with adults who are not family members. This is the experience of communicating with distant relatives, with neighbors. Having come to the group, they constantly observe the teacher, imitate his actions, ask questions. While the teacher is nearby, the child is calm, but he is afraid of children and keeps his distance from them. Such children, in case of inattention to them on the part of the educator, may be at a loss, they have tears and memories of loved ones.

In children of the third group, the need for active independent actions and communication with adults is clearly revealed.

In practice, it is not uncommon for a child to come to the group calmly in the first days, choose toys on his own and start playing with them. But, having received, for example, a remark from the teacher for this, he sharply and in negative side changes his behavior.

Consequently, when the content of the teacher's communication with the child satisfies the needs for it, this communication is formed successfully, the child painlessly gets used to the conditions of life in kindergarten. Difficulties in adaptation arise in cases where the child encounters misunderstanding, they try to involve him in communication, the content of which does not meet his interests, desires, and experience.

The teacher needs to know that the content of the children's need for communication in the process of getting used to the kindergarten changes qualitatively. Children conditionally assigned to the first group can, under favorable conditions, quickly reach the level of communication characteristic of children in the second and even third groups, and so on.

In the process of the child getting used to the conditions of the kindergarten, the content and communication skills expand. The change in the content of the need for communication during the period of habituation proceeds approximately within the framework of three stages:

Stage I - the need to communicate with close adults as a need to receive affection, attention and information about the environment from them;

Stage II - the need to communicate with adults as a need for cooperation and obtaining new information about the environment;

Stage III - the need to communicate with adults on educational topics and in active independent actions.

Children of the first group practically have to go through all three stages. Their need at the first stage for affection, attention, a request to be picked up, etc. difficult to satisfy in a group setting. Therefore, the adaptation of such children takes a long time, with complications (from 20 days to 2-3 months).

The task of the educator is to create maximum conditions in order to bring the child to the second stage of addiction.

With the transition to the second stage, the need for cooperation with an adult and receiving information about the environment from him will become more characteristic. The duration of this stage also depends on how fully and timely this need will be satisfied.

The third stage of addiction for children of the first group is characterized by the fact that communication takes on an initiative character. The child constantly turns to an adult, independently chooses toys and plays with them. At this point, the period of adaptation of the child to the conditions of public education ends.

Children of the second group go through two stages in the process of habituation (from 7 to 10–20 days). And for children of the third group, who from the first days feel the need for active independent actions and communication with an adult on educational topics, the final stage is the first, and therefore they get used faster than others (from 2-3 to 7-10).

If there is no appropriately organized communication and play activity of the newly arrived child, his addiction will not only be delayed, but also complicated. That is why the educator needs to know the characteristic features of children, the stages of their addiction. The nature and duration of the child's adaptation will depend on how correctly the educator determines the need that determines the child's behavior, creates the necessary conditions that contribute to the satisfaction of the need. If the educator does not take into account what needs determine the child's behavior, his pedagogical influences will be unsystematic, random in nature.

Unfortunately, the educator sometimes does not attach importance to the organization of communication, so it often proceeds spontaneously. Educators teach the child to play, learn, work and very rarely teach him to communicate.

As noted, the activity of communication has its own content and stages of development. However, in the process of habituation, it is not age that is decisive, but the development of forms of communication. So, children of the first group, regardless of age, at the first stage of habituation certainly need direct-emotional communication, and only at the second stage of habituation - in situationally effective communication. Therefore, the educator should also choose the appropriate means of communication: smile, affection, attention, gesture, facial expressions, etc. - at the first stage. Demonstration of an action, exercise in it, joint actions with a child, instructions, etc. - at the second stage

The expansion of the content of communication is closely connected with the development of subject-play activity in children. In the process of cooperation with an adult, the child first masters individual actions with objects, and later, with repeated exercise in them under the guidance of an adult, an independent objective activity is formed. Thus, the educator must take into account the level of formation of children's object-play actions, as well as their readiness to communicate in action with adults and with children in a group.

So, a necessary condition for the effective management of the process of getting used to the children's institution is a well-thought-out system of pedagogical influences, in which the main place is occupied by the organization of the child's activities that meets the needs that determine his behavior.

1.3 Forms of work to organize the process of adaptation of the child to new conditions

In order for the child to be able to adapt as quickly and painlessly as possible to the conditions of public education, the family must prepare him for entering kindergarten.

Many parents strive to properly educate their children, but they do not always have enough knowledge and experience for this. In some families, children are overprotected, believing that at an early age a child cannot do anything on his own. Parents warn his every action, any attempt at independence, indulge any whim. In other families, there is an opinion that it is simply too early to raise a child, only care is needed. There are parents who treat young children like small adults, making great and often unbearable demands on them. Finally, there are also parents who believe that the main role in upbringing belongs to the nursery, the garden, and they can only evaluate whether the educators work well or badly.

Successful adaptation of the child to the conditions of the kindergarten largely depends on the mutual attitudes of the family and the kindergarten. They develop most optimally if both parties are aware of the need for a targeted impact on the child and trust each other. It is important that parents are confident in the good attitude of the teacher to the child; felt the competence of the teacher in matters of education; but most importantly, they appreciated his personal qualities (caring, attention to people, kindness).

Kindergarten is the pedagogical institution that can and should give parents qualified advice on how to prepare the child for the conditions of public education. But, unfortunately, often parents meet with kindergarten staff only when they bring their child to the group for the first time. Preparing a child for a family is sometimes limited to the words: “You will be fine there!”. Parents do not always fully realize that when a child comes to kindergarten, the child finds himself in other conditions that are significantly different from family ones.

In a family, the parents are the permanent educators for the child. In kindergarten, educators replace one another, they can be different in character, requirements, and tone of communication.

If a child is naughty at home, commits undesirable acts, some parents forgive everything, others punish, and still others carefully analyze the reasons for such behavior. At the same time, everyone is happy and ready to forget all the sins of the child if he shows some new skill, skill, although this is natural for the development of the baby.

In the conditions of raising young children in a preschool educational institution, an individual approach to a child is determined, on the one hand, by knowledge of his mental and physical characteristics, and taking into account his emotional mood at a given time, state of health. On the other hand, the educator strictly coordinates his actions with the program objectives of the upbringing and development of the baby. The different nature of the response to the actions of the child is also an important feature that distinguishes the conditions of upbringing in the family from the conditions in kindergarten.

Often a young child cannot quickly and painlessly get used to changes, especially if adults do not help him in this.

Indeed, in a group, as a rule, there are 20 or more people, and he is used to seeing no more than 5-6 people. in your family. Therefore, an indispensable condition for the successful adaptation of the child is the unity of requirements, techniques and methods of influence, the coordination of tactics for introducing the child into the system of public education.

When a child enters kindergarten, his physical fitness is of particular importance. The body of children in the first years of life is more prone to diseases than in older age, parents must harden them. It is necessary to ensure that the baby stays in the fresh air at any time of the year, to do gymnastics with the child, to teach them to perform physical exercises, to develop walking, running, climbing skills. An important means of hardening are air baths and water procedures, but they must be carried out in accordance with existing rules.

Attention should also be paid to the child's clothing. If it is unnecessarily wrapped up, then due to the imperfection of thermoregulation, the baby can easily sweat, and this leads to cooling of the body and colds. Too light clothing can also cause disease.

One of the factors that is very important for the process of addiction is the daily routine of the child in the family. If children in the family sleep, eat, walk at different times, then they hardly get used to the daily routine of the kindergarten. Discrepancies between the home regimen and the regimen of a children's institution negatively affect the child's condition, he becomes lethargic, capricious, indifferent to what is happening.

For the well-being of the child during the adaptation period, it is of great importance to what extent he has formed the necessary cultural and hygienic skills and habits, self-service skills (dressing, eating, etc.), meanwhile, not all families pay sufficient attention to the formation of these skills and habits. . Often, children of two and three years of age come to kindergarten without being able to eat on their own, do not ask for a potty, do not know how to dress and undress.

Conducting conversations with the parents of future kindergarten students, the teacher should draw their attention to this side of education, reveal the main patterns of the formation of skills and habits, their sequence. He can show typical mistakes, give advice on how to wean the baby from unwanted habits, reveal the importance of the timely formation of the necessary skills and good habits for the overall development of the child and for his well-being during the adaptation period.

The educator himself must show patience and perseverance in cultivating skills and habits. But you can not demand from the child that he immediately gave up this or that habit, it takes time.

It is necessary to develop cultural and hygienic skills in children patiently, calmly, gradually complicating the requirements. Otherwise, the child may develop a negative attitude towards all regime processes.

The adult must first show the child where and how to do something, exercise him in action, and then give instructions.

Teaching a child to communicate with adults and children is one of the main tasks of parents when preparing a child for admission to a child care institution. This should be the focus of the work of the kindergarten with the family.

During the period of a child's adaptation to new living conditions, a kind of breakdown occurs, a reworking of previously formed dynamic stereotypes regarding a certain regimen: bedding, feeding, etc., as well as communication stereotypes.

Dynamic stereotypes arise from the first months of a child's life and, forming in a family environment, leave an imprint on his behavior.

Therefore, getting acquainted with each child in his group before he enters kindergarten, the teacher learns the features of his development and behavior, and, if necessary, makes appropriate adjustments in the form of advice and persuasion from parents.

To determine the readiness of children to enter kindergarten and predict adaptation, psychological and pedagogical parameters are used, which are combined into three blocks:

Behavior of children associated with the satisfaction of organic needs;

neuropsychic development;

personality traits

Based on these blocks, a map of the child's readiness to enter kindergarten is compiled, in which the answers of the parents are recorded during the conversation (Appendix A).

Analyzing the answers of parents, and using the diagnostic method, a forecast is made of the child's adaptation to new living conditions in a preschool institution, problems that may arise during the adaptation period are identified, and recommendations are given for preparing children.

Parents have time to help the baby move from one life situation to another without much difficulty.

Parents are invited to visit the kindergarten with the child to see what conditions he will be in, introduce the baby to the children, give him the opportunity to get acquainted with the premises of the group, toys, a place for walking, physical education, etc. are shown. At the same time, the teacher tries to pay as much attention as possible to the new child, tries to “fall in love” with the baby, so that he understands that if there is no mother nearby, then an attentive and kind “aunt” will replace her for a while. Advice is given to mothers so that they teach the baby independence and self-service accessible to his age. Parents are reminded that when playing with other children, it is necessary to teach him to share toys, to wait his turn on a swing or to ride a bicycle, etc.

To successfully pass the adaptation, poems, songs, nursery rhymes are used. While laying down, be sure to sing a lullaby. Sometimes while laying down, the same calm music can sound. This helps especially whiny children to relax faster. Children also sleep better with their favorite toy brought by their parents.

Thus, the trust of the baby and his parents in the educator does not come by itself: the educator wins him with a kind, indifferent attitude towards the child, the ability to cultivate good things in him, generosity and mercy. Add to this the culture of communication, tact and mutual understanding - and the picture of the psychology of trust will be quite complete.

2 Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the organization of successful adaptation of children to a preschool educational institution

2.1 Description of the preschool educational institution MDOU “TsRR - Kindergarten No. 221”

MDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 221" of a general developmental type works according to the "Rainbow" program, operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law on Non-Profit Organizations, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education and other legal acts".

Financing of the MDOU "TsRR - Kindergarten No. 221" is carried out from the district budget in accordance with the current regulations, has its own funds, as well as budgetary and additionally allocated.

The priority direction in the work of the teaching staff is the preservation of the mental and physical health of children, the intellectual and personal development of each child, the provision of assistance to the family in education, the implementation of the necessary correction of deviations in the development of the child, adaptation to life in society.

The duration of the educational process is carried out from 2 to 7 years of age of the child.

There are 12 groups in the MDEI "CRR - Kindergarten No. 221", of which 3 groups are for children with speech disorders, 2 groups are for children with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, 1 group is for children with a delay in the pace of neuropsychic development, Group 1 - for children with impaired immune systems.

On the territory of the kindergarten are:

A gym equipped with a Swedish wall, gymnastic rings, foot massagers, balls of various sizes, jump ropes, hoops and other sports equipment;

A music hall with a piano, next to it is a dressing room with various costumes of fairy-tale characters, children's musical instruments, various decorations made of cardboard and fabric;

Sensory room, where children are engaged in relaxation, auto-training;

Psychologist's office, where children play games with a teacher - a psychologist, undergo various forms of testing;

Speech therapist's office;

Cabinet of fine arts;

Physiotherapy room equipped with massage table, ultraviolet lamp;

2 canteens, where middle-aged and older children eat;

A sports ground, on the territory of which there is a football, volleyball field, a health treadmill, horizontal bars, a sand pit for jumping and other sports equipment.

Educational work with children, under the guidance of the head, deputy head and methodologist, is carried out by 13 highly qualified educators, as well as 3 speech therapists, 2 music directors, a psychologist, a teacher of additional education.

2.2 Characteristics of adaptation to preschool children MDOU "TsRR - Kindergarten No. 221" 1st

Purpose: to determine the peculiarities of children getting used to the conditions of a preschool educational institution; define an adaptation group.

Organization of the study: the work was carried out on the basis of the MDOU "CRR - Kindergarten No. 221" in 1 The pedagogical process is organized in accordance with the program of T.N. Doronova “Rainbow”, educators Belasova N.I. work with children. and Zelenina Yu.V.

In the 1st 28 children, enrollment in the group began on 01.08.08. A subgroup of children was selected for the study:

Belaya Daria, 2 years 5 months

Kozenov Daniil, 2 years old

Musina Elizaveta, 2 years 6 months

Cremezion Zhanna, 2 years 3 months

Tarasova Sofia, 2 years old

Khodokovsky Tikhon, 2 years 5 months

Ardimeev Vadim, 2 years 2 months

Makurin Oleg, 2 years 6 months

In the course of the study, the behavior of children during the period of adaptation, conversations with educators, parents, a psychologist, and a nurse were observed.

Characteristics of children's behavior:

Dasha B. The emotional state is stable, the skills of objective activity are formed, in relationships with adults she takes the initiative. Fits in well with the team.

Daniil K. Speech is less active, imitates adults in activities, does not show initiative in communication with adults. Not active with children.

Lisa M. The emotional state is stable, the skills of objective activity are formed; takes initiative with adults; active speech. In relationships with children, she takes the initiative herself.

Zhanna K. The emotional state is unstable, the skills of objective activity are formed; does not always come into contact with adults, active speech. Not sociable with peers.

Sonya T. The emotional state is unstable, speech is passive, in her activity she observes the actions of adults and peers.

Tikhon H. The emotional state is stable, not sociable with children, often next to the teacher, speech is poorly developed.

Vadim A. The emotional state is stable, speech is active, objective activity is poorly developed, in relations with adults - a response, with children - takes the initiative.

Oleg M. The emotional state is stable, the speech is active, the skills of objective activity are formed, in relationships with adults it takes the initiative. Reluctant to interact with peers.

In general, the adaptation of the children went well. Evaluation of the emotional state, activities of children, skills of relationships with adults and peers, sleep, speech of children made it possible to determine adaptation groups:

- the first group (difficult adaptation) includes 2 people;

- the second group (average adaptation) includes 3 people;

- the third group (easy adaptation) includes 3 people.

These results of the adaptation groups of children of the MDOU "CRR - Kindergarten No. 221" in the 1st listed in the table (Appendix B)

2.3 Directions of psychological and pedagogical activities to optimize the process of successful adaptation of children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution

Purpose: to design psychological and pedagogical work to optimize the process of adaptation of children of the MDOU “CRR - Kindergarten No. 221” 1st to the conditions of a preschool educational institution.

To optimize the process of adaptation to the conditions of a preschool institution, clear and consistent work of all employees of the educational institution with the involvement of the parents of their pupils is necessary.

The first priority is to collect information about the child, the family. To do this, parents are offered questionnaires (Appendix A), where parents, answering the proposed questions, give an exhaustive description of their child. In turn, the employees of the preschool educational institution analyze these materials, draw conclusions about the characteristics of the child's behavior, the formation of his skills, interests, etc. This helps educators to communicate correctly with children during the adaptation period, to help children get used to new conditions more easily.

To optimize the process of successful adaptation to the conditions of a preschool institution, it is also necessary to work with the family - to give qualification recommendations for preparing the child for the conditions of public education (observance of the daily routine in the family, the formation of the necessary cultural and hygienic skills, self-service skills, the child's ability to communicate with adults and children). Conducting conversations with the parents of future kindergarten students, the main patterns of the formation of skills and habits, their sequence are revealed; the importance of the timely formation of the necessary skills for the overall development of the child and for his well-being during the adaptation period. Educators introduce parents to the maps of the neuropsychic development of children, explaining what a child of this age should be able to do (Appendix B, Appendix D).

Before accepting children into a group, it is necessary to hold a parent meeting, in which the head of the kindergarten, methodologist, psychologist, doctors and, of course, educators of groups of young children take part. Specialists reveal the features of the work of a kindergarten, groups of young children, introduce them to the areas of pedagogical activity of an educational institution, and answer questions from parents.

To organize the successful adaptation of young children, educators draw up a plan for the educational and educational activities of educators 1 MDOU "TsRR - Kindergarten No. 221" (Appendix G). At the same time, various areas of work are chosen: entertainment, consultations for parents, memos, didactic games that are interesting for children, outdoor games that contribute to the emergence of positive emotions in children, elements of oral folk art. Various methods, techniques and forms of organizing children were used, both in the group room and in the open air.

And also in order for the successful adaptation of young children, it is necessary to follow the following recommendations for educators and parents:

Love children and treat them like your own;

Remember the individual psychological characteristics of the development of each child;

Introduce the child in an accessible form to social and moral norms;

It is necessary to establish contact with the parents of children entering preschool;

Conduct consultations and conversations with parents, familiarize them with the daily routine of the kindergarten, with the requirements for the child;

If possible, visit the child's family, learn about the habits and interests of children;

Hold parent-teacher conferences before children enter kindergarten.

In their work, educators should use questionnaires, visits to the child at home, sliding folders, visual forms of pedagogical propaganda (stands), consultations for parents, conversations with parents, parent meetings.

Love your child for who he is;

Rejoice in your child;

Talk to your child in a caring, encouraging tone;

Listen to the child without interrupting;

Set clear and specific requirements for the child;

Don't make a lot of rules for a child;

Be patient;

Read to your child every day and discuss what you read;

In a conversation with a child, name as many objects as possible, their signs, actions with them;

Encourage your child to ask questions;

Praise your child more often;

Encourage play with other children;

Be interested in the life and activities of your child in kindergarten;

Do not allow yourself to behave inappropriately in the presence of a child;

Listen to the advice of teachers during the period of adaptation of children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution;

Attend group meetings.

Thus, the joint activity of teachers of a preschool educational institution and parents is the key to the successful adaptation of a child to the conditions of a preschool institution.


The family is a social community that lays the foundation for the child's personal qualities. When living in certain, stable conditions, the child gradually adapts to the influences of the environment: to a certain room temperature, to the surrounding microclimate, to the nature of food, etc. Admission to kindergarten changes almost all the conditions of a small child's life. It is the kindergarten staff and parents who, by combining their efforts, provide the baby with emotional comfort.

Therefore, today the topic of adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution is relevant.

The problem of adaptation was given special attention by such teachers as N.D. Vatutina, N.F. Vinogradova, T.A. Kulikova, S.A. Kozlova, M.L. Pechora, R.V. Tonkova-Yampolskaya, V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Carrying out complex medical and pedagogical measures before the child enters the nursery and during the period of adaptation to the children's institution contributes to easier adaptation to new conditions.

The considered aspects in the course of the course work prove that there are many conditions that affect the adaptation of a young child to a preschool institution.

An important factor influencing the nature of the child's behavior in the process of addiction is the personality of the educator himself, who must love children, be attentive and responsive to each child, and be able to attract his attention. The teacher must be able to observe and analyze the level of development of children and take it into account when organizing pedagogical influences, must be able to control the behavior of children in a difficult period for them to get used to the conditions of a children's institution.

The adaptation period is a difficult time for the baby. But at this time it is difficult not only for children, but also for their parents. Therefore, the collaboration between the teacher and parents is very important.

Thus, we can say that the purpose of the study: the psychological and pedagogical optimization of the successful adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution, has been achieved, the tasks have been implemented.

This course work has practical and theoretical significance for kindergarten teachers.

List of sources used

1 Avanesova V.N. Teaching the little ones in kindergarten. - M: Enlightenment, 2005. - 176s. ill.

2 Aksarina M.N. The upbringing of young children. - M.: Medecina 2007. - 304 p.

3 Alyamovskaya V.G. A nursery is serious. - M .: LINKA-PRESS, 1999.

4 Belkina L.V. Adaptation of young children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution. - Voronezh: Teacher, 2006, - 236 p.

5 Vatutina N.D. The child enters kindergarten: A manual for kindergarten teachers / - M .: Education, 2003. - No. 3. - 104s, ill.

6. Volkov B.S., Volkova N.V. Psychology of communication in childhood. - M.: Pedobschestvo, 2003, 240s.

7 Zh-l No. 4. Child in kindergarten.-2001.

8 Kovalchuk Ya.I. Individual approach to raising a child - M .: Education, 1985. - 112 p.

9. Pechora K.L., Pantyukhina G.V. Young children in preschool institutions - M .: Vlados, 2007, - 176s.

10 Ronzhina A.S. Psychologist's classes with children 2-4 years old during the period of adaptation to a preschool institution - M .: Knigolyub, 2000. - 72p.

11 Smirnova E.O. The first steps. The program of education and development of children of early age. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 1996. - 160s.

12 Stolyarenko L.D. Psychology. Rostov-on-Don: Unity, 2003. - 382p.

13 Stages of communication: from one to seven years / Edited by L.N. Galiguzova, E.O. Smirnova. - M., 1992.

14 Tonkova-Yampolskaya R.V. “Fundamentals of medical knowledge” - M .: Education, 1986. - 320s. ill.

Annex A

Questionnaire for parents

1 Dear parents, we will be grateful if you answer these questions.

Your answers will help us get to know your little ones better and make life easier for them during the adjustment period.


1 Your child's predominant mood (cheerful; balanced or irritable; unstable; depressed).

2 The nature of falling asleep (quickly; within 10 minutes; very slow; slow).

3 The nature of sleep (calm; restless).

4 Your child's appetite (good; selective; erratic; poor)

5 Your child's attitude towards potty training (positive; negative).

6 Neatness skills (asking for a potty; not asking, but sometimes dry; not asking; walks wet).

7 Undesirable habits for this age (sucks a finger or a pacifier; sways when sleeping or sitting).


The manifestation of cognitive needs in everyday life and in learning.

1 Does the child show interest in toys, objects at home and in a new, unfamiliar environment?

2 Is he interested in the actions of adults?

3 Is he attentive at the same time, is he active, diligent? ______

4 Initiative in play activities (may or cannot find an occupation without outside help; may or cannot prepare for the game on their own)? ________________________________________________

5 Initiative in relationships with adults (makes contact on his own initiative; does not make contact)?_________

6 Initiative in relations with children (comes into contact on his own initiative; does not make contact)? ____________________________

7 Independence in the game (is able to play independently in the absence of an adult; does not know how to play independently)? ____________________________

Annex B

Map of the neuropsychic development of a child of the second year of life


Map of the neuropsychic development of a child of the third year of life

Date of Birth ______________________________________

Receipt date____________________________________


Annex B

Results of children's adaptation groups

MDOU "TsRR - Kindergarten No. 221" 1st

Annex D

Plan of educational and educational activities

Days of the week Type of work Target
I half of the day (morning) Y/n “What has changed?” The development of attention, the correct pronunciation of the name of objects.
day walk P / and "Who will hit?" The development of dexterity, tenacity, the development of the ability to play the ball.
II half of the day Entertainment "Grandma Arina came to visit us!" Create an atmosphere of joyful mood; teach children to guess riddles, read poetry
Evening Consultation with parents “Individual approach to the child” To draw the attention of parents to the formation of certain character traits of the child
I half of the day (morning) Y/and “What else is the same shape?” Teach children to find objects of the same shape.
day walk P / and "Soap bubbles!" Learn to name the shape, size; develop the speed of reaction; ability to pop bubbles with both hands.
II half of the day Reading A. Barto's poem "The Ball" Learn to listen carefully to the poem, understand the content; to encourage the kids to help read the poem, and to arouse sympathy for the girl Tanya.
Evening Conversation with parents “Your child” Identification of negative character traits and individual characteristics of the child

I half of the day

1. Repeating the nursery rhyme “Like our cat”

2. Finger game for nursery rhymes "Like our cat"

Repeat a familiar nursery rhyme, create a joyful mood

Develop fine motor skills.

day walk P / and "Jump up to the palm of your hand" Development of dexterity, speed of reaction and movements
II half of the day Table theater "Teremok" Teach kids to listen to a fairy tale, create a joyful mood
Evening Conversation with Sonya T.'s parents about the conditions of upbringing in the family Facilitate adaptation of Sony

I half of the day

1. Reading a poem by B. Zakhoder "Hedgehog" Introduce a new poem to help understand the content
2. Sculpting "Let's make a bowl and treat the hedgehog with milk" Encourage accessible techniques (rolling, flattening) to make a bowl for a hedgehog.
day walk P / and the game "Who will get into the basket?" The development of dexterity, the development of the ability to play the ball.
II half of the day Game-staging "About the girl Masha and Bunny - Long Ear" With the help of staging, tell the kids how to say goodbye to their mother in the morning - do not cry when parting, so as not to upset her.
Evening Group parent meeting “Education of independence in self-service in children” Show the importance of self-reliance in self-care in raising children

I half of the day

1. Reading the story of L.N. Tolstoy “There was a squirrel in the forest”

2. Drawing "Nuts for squirrels"

1. Introduce kids to the squirrel and her children, learn to listen to the story, understand the content, answer questions

2. Teach kids to draw round nuts with pencils; to promote the manifestation of care, sensitivity to squirrels

day walk P / and "The cat is sneaking" Training of the vestibular apparatus.
II half of the day Rhyme "Pussy, kitty scat!" Repetition of previously learned nursery rhymes.

Annex D

Tips for parents during the adaptation period

1. Start taking the child to the nursery a month before the mother goes to work.

2. The first time to bring the child for 2-3 hours.

3. If it is difficult for a child to get used to kindergarten (adaptation group 1), then the mother can be in a group with the child to acquaint the child with his environment and “fall in love” with the teacher.

4. Sleeping and eating are stressful situations for children, therefore, in the first days of your child's stay in kindergarten, do not leave him to sleep and eat.

6. During the adaptation period, due to nervous tension, the child is weakened and is largely susceptible to diseases. Therefore, in his diet should be vitamins, fresh vegetables and fruits.

7. Carefully dress the child for a walk so that he does not sweat or freeze, so that the clothes do not hamper the child's movements and match the weather.

8. Remember that the adaptation period is a strong stress for the child, so you need to accept the child as he is, show more love, affection, attention.

9. If the child has a favorite toy, let him take it with him to kindergarten, the baby will be calmer with it.

10. Be interested in the behavior of the child in kindergarten. Consult with the educator, physicians, psychologist, to exclude certain negative manifestations.

11. Do not discuss with the baby the problems that concern you related to kindergarten.