Self-analysis of working with parents in kindergarten. Analysis of work with parents (legal representatives) of the teacher. Samples of self-analysis of various elements of the educational process

Communication is a complex process of establishing and developing contacts between people, due to their joint activities and including the exchange of information (communication), the development of common tactics and strategies for interaction (interaction), perception and understanding of each other by partners (social perception).

In the communicative side of communication, the orientation of partners towards the attitudes, values, and motives of each as an active subject of communication is of decisive importance. The interactive side of communication is revealed in the methods of exchange of actions: cooperation, competition and - in a special case of interaction - conflict. The perceptual side of communication includes the process of forming an image of another person, the ability to recognize appearance and actions of his mental state, as well as determine what influences the success of communication with him. The main mechanisms of the perceptual side of communication include identification (identifying oneself with a partner, emotional “feeling” for a partner - empathy) and reflection (awareness of oneself in the place of another, a mental vision of the situation “through his eyes”).
Certain knowledge in the field of communication psychology helps to master communication skills.
The tests, exercises and assignments proposed below for teachers are aimed at self-analysis of their own experience of communicating with parents of students and at the development of communication techniques (a set of techniques with which you can manage your behavior and emotional state, and also influence others).

Self-test task
knowledge in the field of psychology
Please fill in the missing words.
An exciting conversation starter creates ____________ and helps eliminate any critical attitude toward the speaker.
A well-reasoned _______ helps to enhance the effectiveness of verbal influence.
They interfere with a good attitude _______________ tone,
Stooped______¬¬¬____, hanging along the body
__________________, omitted_________ speak of self-doubt.
One of the most informative parts of the face is________.
The lips are moved forward and tremble nervously - the interlocutor _________ and is ready to __________.
Stroking the chin speaks of______________, of the desire to accept___________.
The foundation of friendly relationships and strong contacts is the ability to reckon with ____________ other people.
Business conflict is _____________
Interpersonal mechanisms of human interaction include __________________, ________ and _________.
It’s not difficult to criticize, make irritated comments, compare a person with someone else, or slander, but _______, and often __________.
(For answers to this and other tasks, see the end of the article.)
Task “Choose the correct answer”
Target. Development of the ability to adequately perceive situations of interpersonal communication.
Task. Selecting the answer option that is preferable (for each of the following judgments).
First judgment. Relationships with others largely depend on your self-esteem: a) low self-esteem makes contact with people easier; b) high self-esteem helps to establish good relationships with the interlocutor; c) adequate self-esteem makes communication difficult; d) all answers are incorrect.
Second judgment. Reasonable options for dealing with conflict are: a) the desire to avoid excitement, to distance oneself from what happened; b) a realistic attitude to reality, adaptation to the requirements of conflicting parties; c) taking into account the objective and subjective causes of the conflict, defending one’s rights, respecting others; d) active attitude to what happened, actions in accordance with one’s own principles and beliefs; d) all answers are incorrect.

Test for self-assessment of difficulties in communicating with parents

Dear teacher!
You are offered judgments regarding the practice of communication with parents in a preschool institution. If you agree with the judgment, underline the answer “Yes”, if you do not agree, the answer “No”. If you cannot evaluate any judgments unambiguously, circle their serial number.

The questionnaire is used not for control, but for self-analysis of professional difficulties.

1. When communicating with parents, I take into account the conditions family education each child, family structure, level of development of parents. Yes. No.

2. I regularly introduce parents to the organization, content of the upbringing and education of children, and involve them in the exchange of opinions about the successes and difficulties in the development of the child. Yes. No.

3. When communicating with parents, I find an individual approach to them and establish partnerships with them. Yes. No.

4. I have the ability to emotionally support parents’ confidence in their own teaching abilities. Yes. No.

5. I can look at the situation of interaction with parents through their eyes, I understand their feelings and behavior. Yes. No.

6. I know the technique of dialogical (non-judgmental) communication. Yes. No.

7. I show sufficient flexibility in conflict and difficult situations of communication with parents. Yes. No.

8. As a rule, I am sympathetic to the pedagogical misconceptions and mistakes of parents. Yes. No.

9. I know how to communicate with a parent audience, the ability to involve parents in an active discussion of a problem, etc. Yes. No.

10. It is possible to develop the active interest of parents in raising their child, a conscious attitude towards parenthood. Yes. No.

11. I help parents master the skills of analyzing their own difficulties in communicating with their child and the causes of difficulties in their development. Yes. No.

12. I use different ways activating the need of parents to observe the child in various life situations (in kindergarten and at home), to reflect on the motives of his behavior. Yes. No.

13. I enrich parents with the ability to organize emotionally rich interaction with a child in the family. Yes. No.

14. I know the methods of studying the experience of family education, I have sufficient knowledge about the family, which I use in individual (and differentiated) communication with parents. Yes. No.
15. I develop parents’ interest in reading popular science, fiction, etc. literature on family education. Yes. No.

16. I take into account the opinions and requests of parents regarding the organization of children’s lives in the group, and rely on their point of view when making pedagogical and organizational decisions.
Yes. No.

17. It is possible to unite parents when solving various issues, to create an atmosphere of community of interests (parents and teachers). Yes. No.

18. In contacts with parents, I use visual and textual means with up-to-date information about life
children in the group and its prospects. Yes. No.

19. I can prepare and conduct an open screening of fragments of communication with parents for colleagues. Yes. No.

20. I have the skills of planning, analyzing and summarizing the results of interaction with parents. Yes. No.

Of great importance in communication techniques is the teacher’s ability to master non-verbal means of communication (gestures, facial expressions, pantomime, tone of voice, rate of speech, pauses, eye contact, touch). Special exercises promote awareness of the significance of non-verbal communication, the development of facial and pantomimic expressiveness, the ability to adequately express oneself and “read” the emotional reaction of a communication partner.

Exercise “Facial reaction”
Target. Training and awareness of your own manner of nonverbal expression of emotional reactions.
You are in the methodological office for a consultation. At this time someone opens the door. You look at the newcomer demandingly (“Hurry up, sit down”), surprised (“I didn’t expect it”), questioningly (“Did something happen?”), joyfully (“Finally!”).
You decide to visit a sick child. Call the apartment. The door is opened by a surprised mother. Show how you will calm her down.
You entered the dressing room and saw the mother of a six-year-old student kneeling and tying his shoes. Are you surprised. Show your surprise.
Exercise "Window"
Target. Training of emotional expressiveness in non-verbal transmission of information to the interlocutor.
Imagine that you are separated from a colleague by a window with such thick glass that attempts to scream are useless. Convey the content of your information “through glass”.
Exercise “Nonverbal dialogue”
Target. Awareness of one’s own manner of nonverbal expression of emotional reactions regarding various communication situations (performed in pairs).
Educator. You're late for breakfast, hurry up.
The child's father. Sorry, we had to be late.
Educator. Could you fulfill a small request - wash aprons for children on duty during meals?
Mother. I'm very busy at work right now, but in a couple of days I'll be able to.
The teacher is responsible for the content of his speech, for the consequences of what is said: speech can help productive communication or, on the contrary, hinder it.
In order for speech to contribute to a positive impact on parents, you must first choose its tone that matches the communication tactics.
According to psychologists, three “I” “live” in every person.

The position of the “I” in the role of a “child” is a position of emphasizing special sensitivity, vulnerability, dependence, subordination.

The position of “I” in the role of “parent” is the desire to lead, subordinate, and take responsibility.
The position of the “I” in the role of an “adult” - emphasizing restraint, understanding the interests of the other and flexible distribution of responsibility between oneself and the communication partner
In interpersonal contact, it is common for a person to occupy one of the three named positions, which is determined by character traits.
It is important for a teacher who comes into contact with a parent to find the right position. All three positions can be used in communication, taking into account the situation and the fact that the “adult” position is the most dialogical.
The exercises proposed below help develop the ability to use role positions in communication.
Intonation exercise
Say the following phrases (“I am not indifferent to your child’s successes”; “I would like more frankness in our conversation”) with shades of irony, reproach, challenge, indifference, demandingness, goodwill. As the pronunciation progresses, teachers can tell which tone will help them achieve their goal.
Exercise on changing role position in communication
Phrases for the exercise: “Someday you will understand that my demands on the child were fair”; “If you don’t mind, I’d like to talk about your child”; “You are undoubtedly aware of your son’s success in drawing” (you can use your own phrases).
Each phrase is pronounced in all three role positions at the “order” of one of the exercise partners. If the second person’s utterance seems unconvincing, he asks to repeat the phrase again and again.
The task “What phrases
it is more expedient to use
to start a conversation with parents?”
Target. Develop the ability to “feel” into the meaning of a verbal address to the interlocutor(s).
Task. Rank (sort) phrases for an imaginary conversation with parents.
Rules for ranking. Phrases to start a conversation are chosen that: state the interlocutor’s awareness of the problem under discussion; the initiator of the conversation has no self-doubt; disrespect and contempt for the interlocutor are excluded, forcing him to defend himself, looking for counterarguments; The address directly to the interlocutor is formulated in the form of a “You-approach”.

Phrases options
1. Sorry if I interrupted...
2. I would like...
3. You probably haven’t heard about this yet...
4. You will be interested to know...
5. I would like to hear again...
6. I find it interesting that...
7. I came to the conclusion that...
8. Do you want...
9. I think your problem is that...
10. Let's quickly discuss...
11. As you know...
12. Although you don’t know it...
13. Please, if you have time to listen to me...
14. Of course, you don’t know about this yet...
15. But I have a different opinion on this matter...
16. Of course, you already know...
17. You've probably heard about this...
Execution Sequence
Find in the proposed list five “unsuccessful” phrases that should not be used.
Find “undesirable” phrases and semantic pairs for them (“desirables”).
Exercise “I-message” or “You-message”?
Target. Development of the ability to navigate the methods of dialogic communication, using the technique of “I-messages” and “You-messages” (“Active listening”).
Task. Determine which of the techniques of dialogical communication each of the phrases listed below can be correlated with:

a) with the technique of “Active (reflective) listening”, when the other is, as it were, “returned” to what he told you and what you understood about what happened to the other person, while indicating his feeling;

b) with the “I-message” technique, when each phrase is pronounced in the first person (“I”, “me”, “me”), when a person talks about his own feelings, experiences, and not about another person and his behavior;

c) with the traditional - interrogative - form of statement.

The following options for solving problems are offered to teachers starting their professional activities.
The teacher is upset that at the meeting of the parents of the pupils of the group, which everyone rated as useful, some mothers and fathers were absent, and they, in the teacher’s opinion, “would have liked to hear what was discussed.”
Exercise. Select and justify one of the proposed options for further actions of the teacher.
1st option. I will prepare a moving folder based on the materials of the meeting and invite (one by one) the absent parents to familiarize themselves with them.
2nd option. I will express my disapproval to the parents in the form of a comment like “It’s a shame that you weren’t able to come...”
3rd option. I will sincerely share with one of the parents participating in the meeting my disappointment about the passivity of some mothers and fathers and ask him to unobtrusively share his impressions of the meeting with those who were not there. I hope that the latter will want to talk with me about the topic discussed during the meeting.
4th option. In a personal conversation, I will inquire about the reasons for the absence of parents at the meeting.
5th option. I will not attach special significance to the absence of some parents at meetings: it is their right to participate in them or not.
6th option. Let me first try to understand how I feel about the absence of some parents at meetings for which I carefully prepare, spending a lot of energy and time on it. Having understood myself, I will share my experiences with each of the parents who did not come, emphasizing at the same time that they have the right to decide whether to participate in the meetings or not.

Problem tasks
for the purpose of role playing
in various ways
teacher's actions
1. “I have long wanted to tell you about your son’s bad behavior,” says the teacher to the mother of one of the boys, seeing her at the door of the group. The mother replies that she is in a hurry and leaves. The teacher is surprised by the indifference
mother, which he told his colleagues about.

Your reaction to the teacher’s complaint.

2. The teacher notified parents about the upcoming cleanup day by posting information about it on the group stand. Only three people came. The teacher is unhappy. The cleanup had to be postponed.
How can you explain what happened? What to do next?
3. While getting ready for a walk, the child takes out a note from his coat pocket addressed to the teacher, asking the mother not to harden her child after a nap (the reason is not specified).
Will you fulfill your mother's request? What will be your actions in the future?
4. At one of the meetings with parents, the teacher explained the undesirability of children being late for morning exercises and breakfast)." Misha appeared at the door of the group when breakfast was already ending. “Feed him, please,” said the mother, hastily disappearing through the door.
Predict the options for your reaction to the situation if: a) the mother addressed you in a categorical manner; b) the pupil told you that “he and his mother overslept”; c) the pupil said that “mom had a fight with dad”; d) the pupil told you that “on the road, he and his mother saw a wounded bird and were looking for a safe place for it.”
5. The mother came for the child very late.
Play out the options for your behavior, taking into account the following conditions: a) a mother raising two children alone (second first-grader); This is not the first time she has come to pick up her child when the working day has already ended; b) in the family there has long been inconsistency between adults regarding who will take the child from kindergarten; the child began to react to this with anxiety and restlessness throughout the day; c) the mother came for the first time to pick up the child so late.
6. In the afternoon, a car with sand for sandboxes drove up to the kindergarten. The sand was dumped onto the asphalt near the entrance to the kindergarten. “In the evening, ask your parents to move the sand,” the head suggested to the teachers.
How will you ask your parents for help? What will your actions be if they refuse?
7. The teacher, having read a book on family pedagogy that was relevant, from his point of view, invited parents to familiarize themselves with individual chapters.
How will you approach parents with this proposal?
8. The teacher decided to talk to the mother of a five-year-old pupil about his behavior - pugnacity.
How do you start a conversation with your mother?
9. For several days, the child is picked up in the evening by his twelve-year-old brother, although there is no verbal or written agreement about this with the parents. The teacher has already told the parents that he has no right to give the child to his minor brother. And so he came again for his little brother.
What will your actions be?
For successful communication With parents, it is very important to choose the right topic(s) for meeting with them. The content of conversations and discussions should be determined primarily by the relevance of the selected content, i.e. the extent to which it meets the needs of the parents of your students.
Business game
“What is the topic of the meetings?
is it relevant for parents?”
Target. Developing the ability to identify problems that are most typical for parents of group students, and in accordance with this, formulate the topic of a meeting with parents.
Task. Based on the parents’ statements during the conversation in order to clarify difficulties in family education, formulate relevant, from the point of view of the pedagogical assistance parents need, meeting topics.
Progress of the game. Teachers are divided into groups. Each of them gets acquainted with the statements of parents regarding their difficulties associated with family upbringing. Based on them, a group of teachers determines the topic of meetings, which, in their opinion, meets the needs of parents; chooses forms of holding meetings; basic methods of communication; determines the categories of families invited to the meeting (for example, one-child families, parents raising only a daughter (son), etc.); decides who can be responsible for the meeting.
Before the start of the game, the participants agree on the rules of work. After a certain time, each group prepares a performance. The content of the topic, the originality of the wording and selected forms and methods of communication, and the completeness of taking into account the needs of parents are assessed.

Statements from parents
raising preschoolers
junior groups
What to do to prevent your child from getting sick and suffering from colds?
There are so many different toys at home, but for some reason the child doesn’t play with them, he just torments us with whining on weekends.
My mother-in-law is preventing me from raising things properly; I can’t find a common language with her.
Often minor troubles at home distract from communication with the child.
I don’t find the child capable of anything. Maybe give it to a club or studio?

Statements from parents
raising preschoolers
middle groups
There are no particular difficulties, he is growing up enterprising and modern. If it is not profitable for him to do something, you will never force him.
We are getting divorced, we have no time for a child right now.
The older one insults the younger one. The younger one constantly snitches on the older one. We're tired of them!
If fathers were more involved with their children, there would be no difficulties.
In my opinion, everyone faces the same difficulties before going to school - to be able to count, write, and read well. Is not it?

Statements from parents
raising elders
What difficulties might there be with the child? If he is guilty of anything, he knows his place - the corner.
My daughter's shyness is very worrying. Is this good or bad and what can you do about it?
Very sloppy and careless, he tore all the books in the house.
There are no difficulties with the upbringing itself; there are difficulties with money for carrying out the upbringing.
The success of communication in general, and teachers with parents in particular, is determined by the ability to sense unexpected changes in the process of communication, respond adequately to them and quickly adapt.

Answers to the task for self-testing knowledge in the field of communication psychology: 1 - attention; 2 - example; 3 - rude, edifying; 4 - back, arms, head; 5 - eyes; b - offended, cry; 7 - thought, decision; 8 - interests; 9 - constructive; 10 - reflection, empathy, personal identification; 11 - ineffective, harmful.
Answers to the task “Choose the correct answer”: in the first judgment - “g”, in the second judgment - “c”.
Key to the test. Judgments are divided into three groups. 1. The ability to take into account the needs of the family, the opinions and interests of parents (judgments No. 1, 10, 1], 13, 16, 17). 2. Flexibility of communication style; the ability to empathize with parents (judgments No. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). 3. The ability to use active methods and forms of communication with parents (judgments No. 2,9, 12, 14, 15, 18). The number of “no” answers in each group of judgments is counted. Three or more of these
answers can be considered a basis for power in the identified difficulties. Answers circled may also be considered a request for assistance. The sincerity of the answers, to a certain extent, can be judged by the similarity in the assessment of the last two judgments (No. 19 and No. 20).
Answers to the exercise “What phrases are best for a parent to use to start a conversation?”
1. “Unsuccessful” phrases: “Sorry if I interrupted”, “I would like to hear again”, “Let’s quickly discuss with you”, “Please, if you have time to listen to me”, “I have a question about this another opinion".
2. “Undesirable” phrases paired with “desirable”: “I would like” - “You want”; “You probably haven’t heard about this yet” - “You’ve probably already heard about this”; “I find it interesting that” - “You will be interested to know”; “I came to the conclusion that - “I think your problem is that”; “Although you don’t know this” - “Of course, you already know”; “You, of course, don’t know about this yet” - “As you know.”
Answers to the exercise “I-message” or “You-message”: 1-a, 2-a, 3-a, 4-a, 5-a, 6-6, 7-a, 8-6, 9-6 ,10-6,11-a, 12-v.

This is the most accessible form of establishing communication between a teacher and a family; it can be used either independently or in combination with other forms: conversation when visiting families, at a parent meeting, consultation.

The purpose of a pedagogical conversation is to exchange opinions on a particular issue; to provide parents with timely assistance on a particular issue of education, to help achieve a common point of view on these issues.
The leading role here is given to the teacher; he plans the topic and structure of the conversation in advance.
When conducting a conversation, it is recommended to choose the most appropriate conditions and start it with neutral questions, then move directly to the main topics.
Its peculiarity is the active participation of both the teacher and parents. Conversations can arise spontaneously on the initiative of both parents and teachers. The latter thinks through what questions he will ask the parents, announces the topic and asks them to prepare questions to which they would like to receive an answer. When planning the topics of conversations, we must strive to cover, as far as possible, all aspects of education. As a result of the conversation, parents should gain new knowledge on issues of teaching and raising a preschooler.
The conversation begins with general questions; it is imperative to cite facts that positively characterize the child. It is recommended to think through in detail its beginning, on which success and progress depend. The conversation is individual and addressed to specific people. The teacher should select recommendations that are suitable for a given family, create an environment conducive to “pour out” the soul. For example, a teacher wants to find out the features of raising a child in a family. You can start this conversation with a positive characterization of the child, showing, even if insignificant, his successes and achievements. Then you can ask your parents how they managed to achieve positive results in their upbringing. Next, you can tactfully dwell on the problems of raising a child, which, in the teacher’s opinion, still need to be improved. For example: “At the same time, I would like to pay attention to the education of hard work, independence, hardening the child, etc.” Give specific advice.
Algorithm for conducting a conversation with parents
The preliminary stage is creating conditions for an effective conversation.
It is necessary to equip a special place (a separate room or a specially fenced off space). It is better to arrange the furniture so that the principle “on equal terms”, “eye to eye” is observed: two identical chairs separated by a coffee table (1.5 m from each other); dim lighting is preferable. There should also be a hanger and a mirror.
Preliminary arrangement of a meeting
Preparing the teacher for the conversation: prepare diagnostic results, drawings, application work, manual labor, child's notebooks; audio and video recordings of observations of his activities.
Technology (rules) of conversation.
1. Greeting. Goal: create a friendly environment.
Meet the parent, show him to the room and offer to choose a convenient place. Before starting a conversation, you can joke, express your opinion about the weather, etc. If people have not met before, an official introduction takes place: “What is your name and patronymic? What do you want me to call you?”
In further conversation, it is necessary to address the person by name each time. This creates conditions for individualizing contact and, as it were, brings people closer together.
During the conversation, it is necessary to take into account the cultural and national characteristics of the person, his educational level.
2. Conversation.
During the conversation, the teacher sits on a chair, leaning against the back, in a comfortable position, with his head slightly tilted forward. If the initiator of the conversation is a teacher, then he begins his message with positive feedback about the child, then moves on to the goal and subject of the conversation.
To better understand your interlocutor, it is recommended that you carefully but discreetly watch him and adapt to his posture and rate of speech.

It is useful to learn to use positive “open” gestures to successfully communicate with people and get rid of gestures that have a negative connotation. This will help you feel comfortable around people and make you attractive to them.
The teacher must show empathy in conversation (empathy is entering into the spiritual world of another person), which helps to more objectively assess the situation and understand it.
During the conversation, simple, accessible language is used, preferably without evaluative phrases (happened, worried, happened, etc.) and without scientific terms.
It is very important to be able to pause so that the interlocutor can understand his experience and comprehend what was said.
If you “correctly” listen to your interlocutor, then his negative experiences weaken, he begins to talk more and more about himself and, as a result, he himself “progresses” in solving his problem.
When answering a question from your interlocutor, it is sometimes useful to repeat how you understood what happened and to “label” his feelings.
These communication skills are based on humanistic principles: respect for the personality of the interlocutor, recognition of his right to his own desires, feelings, mistakes, attention to his concerns.
During the dialogue, feedback technology is used (repetition and generalization of what was said). This allows a person to understand how the interlocutor perceives him. The following introductory phrases are used:
- Did I understand you correctly?
- If I'm wrong, correct me.
Parents have the right to disagree with the teacher. If the teacher feels such resistance, he notes this: “It’s difficult for you to accept... You don’t want to agree...” Thus, the teacher refuses the desire to reorient the interlocutor and shows his desire to admit that he is right in some way .
You should not be afraid of parents’ negative attitude towards the results of the conversation. The main thing is to arouse their interest, feelings and understanding of the subject of conversation.
Further joint work will help achieve a single positive solution.
3. End of the conversation.
Finishing the conversation, you can compliment your interlocutor: “You know how to understand the situation,” making it clear that the conversation was successful. You can recommend meeting with a specialist, reading the necessary literature, inviting you to observe the child in kindergarten (“Workshop of Good Deeds”, open classes). It is advisable to arrange a second meeting.
If the conversation drags on, you can look at your watch and stop the conversation with the phrase: “But this moment requires special attention. We’ll talk about it next time. Our time ends today. Thank you for coming.” After this, stand up and accompany your interlocutor to the door.

Parents must be confident in good attitude to your child's teacher. In order to earn the trust of parents, a teacher can organize his interaction with them as follows (V.A. Petrovsky).
Stage 1 – “Broadcasting a positive image of the child to parents.” The teacher never complains about the child, even if he has done something.
Stage 2 – “Transmission to parents of knowledge about the child that they could not obtain in the family.” The teacher reports on the successes and characteristics of the child’s development in the preschool educational institution, the characteristics of his communication with other children, the results educational activities, sociometric data, etc. At the same time, the principle “your child is the best” is observed.
Stage 3 – “Familiarization of the teacher with family problems in raising a child.” At this stage, the active role belongs to the parents; the teacher only maintains the dialogue without making value judgments.
Stage 4 – “Joint research and formation of the child’s personality.” Only at this stage can a teacher, who has gained the trust of parents by successfully carrying out the previous stages, begin to carefully give advice to parents.

Questions for analysis after a conversation with parents

1. What is the purpose of the meeting in terms of its pedagogical significance for parents?
2. How successful was the organization of the meeting: the stages of its implementation, the methods used to activate parents, causing their response, interest, etc.
3. Analyze your communication style with parents during the meeting. Was it the same throughout the entire meeting or not? Was your communication with your parents dialogic in nature or reduced to your monologue?
4. What difficulties did you encounter during the meeting? Did they not depend on you or did your own actions lead to them? What helped or hindered you in coping with them?
5. Describe the emotional side of the meeting (general emotional atmosphere, elements of humor, “entertainment”, ease, etc.)

Analysis of work with parents ( legal representatives)


Family education plays a special role in the preschool period of a child’s development - it is at this age that the initial formation of personality occurs.

Family education (the same thing as raising children in a family) is a general name for the processes of influence on children by parents and other family members in order to achieve the desired results. Social, family and preschool education carried out in indissoluble unity. Back in 1915, he formulated the principle of the unity of activities of preschool, school and out-of-school institutions in alliance with the family. According to Article 18 of the Law “On Education” Russian Federation It is parents who are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations of physical, moral and intellectual development personality of a child in early childhood.

The educational system of the family is formed empirically: it is constantly tested in experience, contains many pedagogical “finds”, although it is often not without miscalculations and serious mistakes. In families where they are concerned about raising children and their future, the education system is subject to analysis and evaluation, which makes it hard-won and emotionally charged. The system of family education can be harmonious and orderly, but this is provided that the parents have a specific goal of education, implement it, using methods and means of education that take into account the characteristics of the child and the prospects for his development.

The main feature of family education is a special emotional microclimate, thanks to which the child develops an attitude towards himself, which determines his sense of self-worth. Other important role family education - influence on the value orientations, worldview of the child as a whole, his behavior in different areas public life. It is known that it was their parents personal qualities largely determine the effectiveness of the educational function of the family. The foundations of upbringing are laid in the family, and it determines how a person will grow up and what character traits will shape his nature. In the family, the child receives primary skills in perceiving reality and learns to recognize himself as a full-fledged representative of society.

Consequently, the importance of family education in the process of children’s development also determines the importance of interaction between the family and the preschool institution.

Forms of interaction between kindergarten and parents- these are ways to organize them joint activities and communication. The main purpose of all types of forms interaction between preschool educational institutions with the family - establishing trusting relationships with children, parents and teachers, uniting them into one team, nurturing the need to share their problems with each other and solve them together.

When planning this or that form of work, I always proceed from ideas about modern parents, as modern people who are ready for learning, self-development and cooperation. Taking this into account, I choose the following requirements for forms of interaction: originality, relevance, interactivity, emotionality.

There are traditional and non-traditional traditional forms communication between the teacher and parents of preschool children, the essence of which is to enrich them with pedagogical knowledge. Traditional forms of interaction with the family are presented: collective, individual and visual information.

In my work, I tried to make full use of the entire pedagogical potential of traditional forms of interaction.

When building interaction with parents, you can actively use both traditional forms - these are parent meetings, lectures, workshops, and modern (non-traditional) forms - workshops, master classes, excursions, parent clubs, promotions, recreational activities, games, etc.

Due to the fact that recently new, promising forms of cooperation have emerged, which involve involving parents in active participation, as in pedagogical process, and in the life of kindergarten, in my group I use more diverse modern forms working with parents:

Information and analytical: sociological surveys, sociological sections, tests, questionnaires, mailbox, which are aimed at identifying the interests, needs, requests of parents, the level of their pedagogical literacy, establishing emotional contact between teachers, parents and children).

Educational: workshops, pedagogical briefing, pedagogical lounge, holding meetings, consultations in non-traditional forms, oral pedagogical journals, pedagogical library for parents, “KVN”, “Round table”, “Talk show”, “Helpline”, quizzes , flash mobs, which are aimed at familiarizing parents with the age and psychological characteristics of preschool children, forming practical
child-rearing skills.

Visual and informational: open days, open viewings of classes and other activities of children, exhibitions of children's works, exhibitions joint work children and parents, information brochures for parents, videos about the life of preschool educational institutions, newspaper publication, organization of mini-libraries, use modern technologies, information stands (aimed at enriching parents’ knowledge about the characteristics of the development and upbringing of preschool children.

Leisure: joint leisure, holidays, participation of parents and children in exhibitions (designed to establish warm, trusting
relationships, emotional contact between teachers and parents, between parents and children).

The main task information and analytical forms Organizations of communication with parents include the collection, processing and use of data about the family of each pupil, the general cultural level of his parents, whether they have the necessary pedagogical knowledge, the family’s attitude towards the child, requests, interests, and needs of parents for psychological and pedagogical information. Only on an analytical basis is it possible to implement an individual, person-oriented approach to a child in a preschool setting, increase the effectiveness of educational work with children and build competent communication with their parents.

Sociological surveys and questionnaires play a big role at the initial stage, as they allow us to outline directions for further work.

Testing was used to identify the level pedagogical culture parents.

One of the forms of information and analytical work that I actively use in practice, allowing me to adjust and supplement the developed system of activities, is a mailbox. This is a box in which parents put notes with their ideas and suggestions and ask questions of interest. Questions asked are covered at parent-teacher meetings or given in writing by specialists. This form of work allows parents to share their thoughts with the teacher and is effective when lack of time prevents the teacher from meeting with parents in person.

Cognitive forms of organizing communication between teachers and families are intended to familiarize parents with the characteristics of the age-related and psychological development of children, rational methods and techniques of education for the formation of practical skills in parents.

Recently, I have become more active in involving parents in the joint activities of the teacher and children, conducting direct educational activities with the participation of parents, walks, and morning exercises.

Visual information forms of organizing communication between teachers and parents solve the problem of familiarizing parents with the conditions, content and methods of raising children in a preschool institution, allow them to more correctly evaluate the activities of teachers, revise methods and techniques home education, see the teacher’s activities more objectively.

The tasks of one of them are informational and educational- is to familiarize parents with the preschool institution itself, the features of its work, with teachers involved in raising children, and overcoming superficial opinions about the work of the preschool institution ( regulatory documents, mode preschool work, group work mode, schedule directly educational activities, information about teaching staff). Information is posted on stands in parent corners and posted on the preschool educational institution website.

All forms of interaction with parents that I use in my work create an atmosphere of trust and cooperation in the team of adults surrounding the child.

IN conclusion I would like to note that family and kindergarten are two educational phenomena, each of which gives the child social experience in its own way, but only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for entry little man to the big world. Gradually, the understanding and trust of the parents disappears. Interaction between parents and kindergarten rarely occurs immediately. This is a long process, long and painstaking work, requiring patient, unwavering adherence to the chosen goal.

Having analyzed the results of the work done, I came to the following conclusions: effectively organized cooperation gives impetus to building interaction with the family on a qualitatively new basis, which involves not just joint participation in raising a child, but awareness of common goals, the desire to

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten "Cheburashka"


pedagogical activity


Polyanskaya Svetlana Alexandrovna



To educate another

We must educate ourselves, first of all.
Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

I, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Polyanskaya, graduated from the Volgodonsk Pedagogical College State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education in 2002 with a diploma specialty in teaching in primary grades, and in 2007 I graduated from the Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education with a diploma specialty in Social Pedagogy "

General teaching experience 14 years old, atI have been working in the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, child development center - kindergarten "Cheburashka" since 2009as a teacher.

In 2014 Completed course training at the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education of the Rostov Region “Rostov Institute for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers” under the program of additional professional education “Preschool Education”, on the problem: Content Update preschool education under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, 72 hours;

In accordance with the license, the kindergarten implements the main general educational program “Childhood” under the editorship of V.I. Loginova.The motto of the “Childhood” program is: “Feel - Cognize - Create.”These words are decisive in my work as an educator and define three interconnected lines of child development: the social-emotional, cognitive and creative attitude of the preschooler to the world.

The methodological council of the kindergarten, of which I am a member, has developed a unified approach to the implementation of the educational program of the kindergarten based on the exemplary program “Childhood”, work programs have been drawn up for each age group, forward planning, recommendations for current planning have been developed.

Achievement by students of positive dynamics in the results of mastering educational programs based on the results of monitoring conducted by the organization

I work in a group of children early age. Taking into account age characteristics I carry out educational activities in 5 educational areas, solving various problems.

I know the basic component of preschool education content, modern methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.In order to solve various pedagogical problems, I engage in self-education, studying the latest literature on pedagogy and psychology.

I have stable results in students mastering educational program.

Results of students mastering educational programs based on the results of monitoring conducted by the organization


2011/2012 academic year year

2012/2013 academic year year

2013/2014 academic year year

2014/2015 academic year

2015/2016 academic year year

Results of students mastering the educational program in the area of ​​social and communicative development






Results of students mastering the educational program in the direction cognitive development






Results of students mastering the educational program in the direction speech development






Results of students mastering the educational program in the direction of artistic and aesthetic development






Achievement of positive results by students in mastering educational programs based on the results of monitoring the education system

Since I work as a teacher in a group with children of early preschool age (2 - 3 years old) content educational areas implemented in the following activities:

- object activities and games with composite dynamic toys;

Experimenting with materials and substances (sand, water, dough, etc.);

Communication with adults and joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult;

Self-service and actions with household utensils (spoon, scoop, spatula, etc.);

Perception of the meaning of music, fairy tales, poems;

Looking at pictures, physical activity, etc.

I consider my main task in my work to be the selection of the most effective methods and methods for organizing children that would make it possible to make maximum use of the individual capabilities of each child, creating a situation of success. The conditions I created for the self-realization of each child in joint, exciting activities are effective means expression of his individuality in his peer group.

When interacting with children in my group, I use a personality-oriented approach (I. S. Yakimanskaya). A person-oriented approach allows the child’s personality, its originality, self-worth to be placed at the forefront; each person’s subjective experience is first revealed and then coordinated with the content of education.

Results of students' mastery of educational programs based on the results of monitoring the education system, carried out in the manner established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2013 No. 662 “On the implementation of the education system” *


2011/2012 academic year year

2012/2013 academic year year

2013/2014 academic year year

2014/2015 academic year year

2015/2016 academic year year

Attendance by preschool pupils






Subject development organization - spatial environment






Creating safe conditions for organizing the educational process in a group






Identifying and developing students’ abilities

Repeated participation of pupils with their parents in city competitions for the best doll“Vesnyanka”, in the city review-competition “The most beautiful kindergarten for the New Year” and in the city competition for the best New Year's toy“While the clock strikes 12.”

So in 2014, the pupil and her mother won the city competition for the best New Year's toy “While the clock strikes 12” in the category “ New Year's composition""for originality and creativity."

Characteristics of joint activities of the teacher with parents and the public to develop the educational environment

I systematically work onfamiliarizing parents with the organization of the educational process in preschool educational institutions.I involve families in a single educational space. I contribute to the implementation of a unified approach to the upbringing and education of children in families and kindergartens. I'm practicingholding meetings, consultations in non-traditional form.

Thus, in 2014, a master class was held with parents “Lifeand adventuresin kindergarten" (using ICT) withtsthe purpose of familiarizing parents with the organization of the educational process in preschool educational institutions. During the master classsuggested to play " Kindergarten", parents of girls are "attached" with pink bows, and parents of boys - blue ones, then the parents "live" the day in kindergarten. The event ends with the distribution of booklets - instructions for parents, exchange of opinions and impressions.

Traditionalparent meeting (parent evening) “And in our kindergarten” is held using ICT. At the meetingthe results of the joint activities of the teacher and parents over the past year are summed up using a photo report and viewing video material, and prospects for the future are determined.

As part of the Year of Literature, a consultation for parents “Which books are best for preschoolers to be friends with” has been developed. Work was carried out on the implementation of the action plan, parent meetings in the shape of " Round table" on the topic "Children's Book Day"(using ICT), which includes: a lesson with parents “Smart books for a smart baby”, video fragments from children’s activities.

I invite parents to participate in open viewings of direct educational activities for kindergarten teachers. I'll see you offsurveying parents on various issues, I include them in project activities, conduct pedagogical conversations with parents, individual consultations, I usevisual and informational forms of interaction with parents (video clips of the organization various types activities, photographs, exhibitions of children's works, stands, screens, sliding folders).

To provide feedback to parents, work is being done on the group’s website ( MAAAM. ru) , where photographs of children in kindergarten are posted, consultation materials for parents on certain issues are published, parents have the opportunity to ask a question and get an answer on this site.

Personal contribution to improving the quality of education, improving teaching and educational methods, and productive use new educational technologies, broadcasting to teaching staff the experience of the practical results of their professional activities, including experimental and innovative ones.

In my professional activities I use the following technologies:

Socio-game technologies, play is the main activity of a child in a group;

Developmental education (D.B. Elkonina V.V. Davydova), the use of which contributes to the development of each child’s individual cognitive abilities, self-determination and self-realization;

Cooperation (K. D. Ushinsky, N. P. Pirogov, L. N. Tolstoy);

TRIZ (G.S. Altshuller, A.M. Strauning), which is aimed at developing creative abilities;

Health-saving technologies (including N. N. Efimenko), which I use to improve children’s health(I conduct games - relaxation, physical education, exercises for the eyes, breathing, fingers). INIn my work I use elements from N. N. Efimenko’s program “Theater of Physical Development of Children.” I select motor situations that contribute to the formation of such motor qualities like flexibility, agility, strength, endurance, speed;

Problem-based learning (J. Dewey);

Research technology (I conduct entertaining experiments with air, water, sand according to T.V. Korobova).

Over the past three years, I have been widely using information and communication technologies for:

Selection of illustrative material for classes and for the design of stands, groups, classrooms;

Selection of additional educational material for classes, familiarization on the Internet with scenarios for holidays and other events;

Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, the developments of other teachers in Russia and abroad.

Preparation of group documentation and reports. Computer technologies make it possible not to write reports and analyzes every time, but rather just type the diagram once and then only make the necessary changes;

Creating presentations in the Power Point program to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parent-teacher meetings.

The technology of project activities is also widely used (L. S. Kiseleva, T. A. Danilina).

For comprehensive development childrenprojects developed and implemented:

“Outdoor games in the pedagogical process” (2012-2013),

“Life and adventures in kindergarten” (2013-2014),

« Sensory development preschoolers" (2013-2014),

“Victory Day” (2014-2015),

"Fairytale therapy - as a method of adaptation of early preschool childrenage by conditions of the preschool educational institution"(2014).

“Smart books for a smart baby” (2015)

“The role of socially-oriented games in children’s adaptation” (2015)

“Kindergarten Birthday” (2015-2016)

“Walking in an early age group” (2016)

In kindergarten, a variable part of the educational program has been developed, taking into account the exemplary partial educational program “Childhood with Hometown”. As part of this part of the educational program, I have developed a plan of activities with young children on the topic: “Acquaintance with the small Motherland - hometown.”

I am working on creating digital educational resources for preschool education.

The digital educational resource I created " Artistic creativity", whichincludes work on collecting and processing information on the relevant educational field for all age groups of preschoolers and“ICT in preschool education”, which includes the collection and systematization of information for teachers and parents about the use of ICT in the pedagogical process.

The result of the project implementation"Artistic creativity"has become an electronic educational resource thatincludes a large amount of information for use in direct activities preschoolers of different age groups.

PI publish my developments and summaries of direct educational activities on the following sites:

- portals of the International Russian-language social Internet projectMAAAM. ru, information support for specialists preschool institutions Educational resources, teacher mutual help,Modern teacher portal, “Methodists”;

- nportal. ru, KINDERGARDEN websites,

I am the administrator of the site of the MBDOU D/S “Cheburashka” on the portal of the International Russian-language social Internet project MAAAM. ru, where I regularly write news about interesting events that happen in our group. Websites on portals have been createdInternational Russian-language social Internet project MAAAM. ru and V social network education workersnportal. ru

I take part in various teaching competitions at the city level:

Notes competition physical development GCD "Adventure in the fairy tale "Kolobok". Searching for a Kolobok" (2013);

GCD competition using ICT (2013);

Contestdigital educational resources (2014);

Contestinnovative projects for patriotic education children and youth in the Rostov region Project “My family lives in Volgodonsk” (2015).

I actively participate in online competitions for teachers, received:

Certificate of participationIIIAll-Russian competition of pedagogical excellence on the use of electronic educational resources in the educational process “Formula of the Future-2013”;

Certificate of participation in the monthly competition “Best lesson notes” (on the websitemaaam. ru) (2013);

Certificate for participation in the monthly competition “Best methodological development" (Onlinemaaam. ru) (2015);

Certificate “Best author’s publication” (Online magazine for preschool teachers);

Certificate for passing pedagogical testing on the topic “Computer literacy of teachers and managers” educational institution» Electronic pedagogical journal-assistant to the modern teacher (pomochnik- vsem. ru); (2013)

Certificate for passing testing of teaching staff of preschool institutions. Electronic pedagogical journal-assistant to the modern teacher (pomochnik- vsem. ru); (2013)

Certificate of participation in the Sixth All-Russian competition of pedagogical ideas “Innovations in Education” (“Ascension” 2013-2014).

Certificateparticipant of the all-Russian seminar “What a teacher needs to know about the continuity of preschool and non-education educational programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard” (2015)

Certificateparticipant of the all-Russian seminar “Effective cognitive and creative activities in the learning process. "World fairy tale: good and evil in Slavic folklore" (2015)

Certificate of participation in the All-Russian competition for the best pedagogical practices in the use of modern means ICT for training in the general education system (Federal Institute for Educational Development) (2016)

Active participation in the work of methodological associations of teaching staff of organizations, in the development of program and methodological support for the educational process, and professional competitions.

As part of the implementation of the city innovation project “Introduction of information and communication technologies in management and the educational process as a condition for improving the quality of preschool education” at the MBDOU d/s “Cheburashka”, I lead the work of the creative group. It was in the creative group of teachers that the project “ICT in preschool education” was developed and implemented. As part of the project, I improve the pedagogical competence of teachers and parents by conducting consultations, and, together with a group of teachers, I create an information base on educational areas, including illustrative material (illustrations, subject pictures, etc.), textual (art works, etc.) , musical material (selection of classical works), video files (natural phenomena, etc.).Teachers also use the annotated directory of Internet resources for teachers and parents that I created.

As a member of the methodological council, I oversee the organization of educational activities in groups of early and primary preschool age. Together with other members of the council, I develop methodological materials on the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, mentor novice teachers, and carry out internal audits.

I share my experience by speaking at pedagogical councils, competitions and parent meetings.

Thus, in 2013, my work experience was summarized at the city level and presented at a city seminar for educators, and in 2014 - at a seminar for directors of preschool educational institutions in the city.

From the first year of working as a teacher, the need arose to creatively master new pedagogical techniques. Working with young children, I have the opportunity to observe how a child adapts to kindergarten, his activity and motivation change, and it becomes possible to differentially influence the development of each child. And in order to introduce parents to the activities of teachers and children in preschool educational institutions, I also use ICT in working with them.

In order to disseminate innovative experience, the following was carried out:

Master class for kindergarten teachers and parents “ICT in preschool education” (using ICT);

Master class with parents "Life and adventuresin kindergarten"(using ICT).

Took part twice in the South-Russian interregional scientific and practical conference-exhibition “Information Technologies in Education” (November 14-15, 2013 and November 17-18, 2016).

Performed in 2013on the city methodological unification preschool teachers with experience in working on the topic “Educational games for children of primary preschool age”, in 2014 at a methodological seminar for heads“Digital educational resources as an element of the developmental environment of a kindergarten.”

I am an active participant in webinarson the federal educational portalTC DO "All",methodological portal,center for children's specialists "Mersibo" Of particular interest waswebinar on the topic “Personal and professional self-development of a teacher in innovative activities.”

Positive assessment of the effectiveness of the teacher’s activities (availability of industry awards, certificates, incentives, thanks)

Prize of the mayor of the city of Volgodonsk “For personal contribution to the development of education in the city of Volgodonsk” (2016)

Certificate “for the introduction into the educational process of innovative forms, means, methods of teaching in the upbringing of preschool children and in connection with the 35th anniversary of the educational institution” (Department of Education of Volgodonsk ) (2016)

2nd degree diploma for 2nd place in the 4th All-Russian Pedagogical Competition “Secrets of Professionalism” nomination “ Public lesson"(2016) (IRSO "SOCRATES")

Winner diploma 1st place in the All-Russian competition “Doutessa”, blitz-olympiad: “Federal state educational standard of preschool education” (2016)

2nd degree diploma, Winner of the All-Russian competition for teachers “Best author’s publication” in the category “Lesson notes, NOD\folklore” (2016)

Regional competition laureate diploma “Kindergartens for Children” in the nomination “Best Kindergarten Teacher” (United Russia Party) (2015)

Letter of gratitude from the Open Education Educational Center “for promoting the ideas of blended learning, effective partnership, successful positioning educational organization and own teaching experience at the all-Russian level" (2015)

Awarded a Winner's Diploma (IIIplace)VAll-Russian creative competition“Talentokha” Nomination: “Scenarios for holidays and events in kindergarten, school, family” (2014),

Winner's diploma at the International Professional Festival for Teachers “Methodological Piggy Bank”,

Diploma of the laureate of the All-Russian pedagogical competition “Best presentation for a lesson” (on the websitepedakademy. ru).

Awarded the Certificate of the MBDOU d/s “Cheburashka” “For the manifestation of creative initiative, the introduction of innovative technologies, and the generalization of best work experience” (2014).

Victory “for originality and creativity” in the city competition for the best New Year’s toy “While the clock strikes 12” in the “New Year’s composition” category (2014).

Announced Gratitude from MBDOU d\s "Cheburashka" "For the use of information - communication technologies in the educational process and active participation in kindergarten activities" (2013),

Gratitude forIplace in the review-competition of folders dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Second World War,

Gratitude forIplace in the review-competition of mobile folders dedicated to the day birth of the city of Volgodonsk.

Diploma “For the manifestation of creative initiative, the introduction of innovative technologies, generalization of best work experience and day preschool workers"(MBDOU DS "Cheburashka") (2015)

Educator ____________________ Polyanskaya S.A.


MBDOU d/s "Cheburashka" I.V. Popova

Set teaching materials

Creative development

Completed by: Mineeva I.V.


1.Summary of the event “Family Day”…………………………………...…...3 p.

2.Self-analysis of the “Family Day” event……………………………………...7 p.

3. Summary of the GCD “Journey to the Forest”………………………………………………………………………………….8 p.

4.Self-analysis of GCD………………………………………………………………..11p.

5. Consultation for parents “I don’t want to!” I won't! No need!: crisis 3 years…………………………………………………………………………………...13 p.

6. Self-analysis consultation for parents “I don’t want to!” I won't! Don’t!: Crisis of 3 years”……………………………………………………………………………………… 15 p.


Goal: uniting children and parents, establishing partnerships with families of pupils.


1. Form primary value ideas about the family;

2. Develop the child’s communication skills - free communication with adults and children;

3. Creating a favorable atmosphere of goodwill and mutual understanding.

Equipment: diplomas for all participants in different nominations (competitions)

Preliminary work with parents:- come up with and prepare a presentation of the family (visiting card);

Prepare poems, ditties, a song about your family;


Greeting guests

Good evening, Dear guests. We are glad new meeting with you. I hasten to inform you thatOn May 15, 1993, the UN General Assembly established International Day of Families. And today we invite you to celebrate this event.

Family is the most important thing in the life of each of us. Family is close and dear people, those to whom we wish goodness and happiness, whom we love, whom we take as an example, whom we care about. It is in the family that we learn love, care and respect, responsibility.

As one famous old song says: “The song helps us build and live.” And indeed this is so, because not a single holiday is complete without songs, we go on a hike with a song, the song lifts our spirits.

Now the children of our group will sing a song dedicated to today's holiday.

Children perform the song “Family” (to the tune of “Somewhere in the White World”)


We have prepared fun, simple competitions for you. There will be winners in every competition. This will be decided by an independent jury. I'll introduce it to you now.

- First competitionBusiness card families – you have to talk about your family, present it.

Diploma of the winner in the “Family Business Card” competition + chocolate or calendar.

Every family has its own house, but not everyone knows that the word house is not Russian. It comes from the Latin word "dominium" - possession.

The word home means not only a building, but also living and being under its roof, in the circle of loved ones and loving people.

The next competition is calledFolk wisdom .

You have to guess the proverbs that are encrypted here (words are written on the cards from which the participants make up a proverb. Or the presenter says the beginning, and the participants finish. For each answer they receive a chip. Whoever has the most chips wins. Diploma of the winner in the competition + chocolate or calendar)

A guest on the doorstep means happiness in... (home).

A house without a mistress... (orphan).

Lead the house... (do not shake your beard).

The apple never falls far from the tree).

The richer you are... (the more you are happy).

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better).

IN friendly family and... (warm in cold weather).

A tree is held together by its roots... (and a person is held together by a family).

It is not the stove that warms the house...(but love and harmony).

At a common table... the food tastes better.

What is the treasure for when... there is harmony in the family.

To treasure your family -…to be happy.

A family is strong when... there is only one roof over it.

- What you can’t bring into the can’t take out of it. Ossetian

One inhabited house is better than a hundred empty ones. Kurdish

In your home, corners also help. Ukrainian

To run a house, don’t shake your sleeves.

When the family is together and the heart is in the right place.

A house is beautiful not because of its corners, but because of its pies.

Children are not a burden, but a joy.

Family troubles will lead to trouble.

IN family of origin and the porridge is thicker.

We all know that close people can understand each other without words. The next competition is calledUnderstand me . One person from the family will depict without words what will be written on the card, and the rest of the family must guess what it is (tasks on the card. Participants choose themselves. Diploma + prize)

Hot iron; boiling kettle; ringing alarm clock; ringing telephone; kitty; fishing;

Do you like to sing? Then the next competitionSong . I guess a song, the team that guesses it performs it and gets one chip. The team with the most chips wins. So…

    This song is about how the poultry living with an elderly woman behaved. (We lived with grandma...)

    This song is about the tragic fate of a peaceful insect. (In the grass Grasshopper sat)

    This song is about how good it is to play the harmonica in the rain in front of an amazed audience, celebrating yet another anniversary of your birth. (Let run clumsily)

    This song is about a girl who missed a sweet man on the river bank while fruit trees were blooming all around. (Katyusha)

    This song is about a cheerful boy who cunningly avoided working in a field harvesting potatoes. (Antoshka)

    This song is about a geographical feature located in the tropics, where residents have fun and eat exotic fruits. (Chunga-Changa)

    This song is about how it is best to go camping in the company of good friends, and to sing songs in a large choir. (It's fun to walk together)

    This song is about a cheerful facial expression that puts friends in a good mood and contributes to the natural phenomenon of colorful stripes. (Smile)

And now I invite all teams to the center. Let's make a nice circle.

When we hand over this sun to our neighbor, we give him a compliment.

(The game starts with the leader, and the chain is closed with a compliment to the leader)

And now it’s time to find out which family is the most accurate.

ContestHit the target .

Each family throws ten balls into a basket from a certain distance. (The team that throws more balls into the basket wins. Diploma + prize)

And now we’ll find out which family we have is the most united.

ContestCaterpillar with balls

Each team is given Balloons by the number of family members. They inflate them, line up one after another, and between the back of the previous participant and the stomach of the next participant they need to hold the ball.

All caterpillars line up and walk to the finish line (5 meters and back). Let the “head” of the caterpillar hold the ball just in front of it. The caterpillar that does not crumble along the road and covers the distance faster wins.

Caterpillars can also dance a lambada, do exercises, repeating the movements of the leader, and even chase each other (the head of one caterpillar must try to catch up with the tail of another). Friends, this is fun! Don't forget about the music.


- Friends, our holiday is coming to an end. What's a holiday without photos? Therefore, now you have to make a portrait of your family. You can use any material - pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, colored paper, coffee, beads and everything you find in our creative workshop.

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family means trips to the country in the summer.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important!

Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love,

I want my friends to say about you:

How nice your family is!

Analysis joint event with parents "Family Day".

The event was dedicated to the Family Day holiday, held within the framework of the preschool educational institution. Pupils of the same group with their parents took part. The purpose of the event was to attract healthy image life, sports of children and their parents, family unity. The following tasks were also set:

Develop communicative relationships between children and their parents;

Creating a favorable atmosphere of goodwill and mutual understanding.

Charge good mood and positive emotions of children and adults.

To successfully implement the identified goals and solve the assigned tasks, bright, colorful equipment and attractive visualization were used. Decor gym contributed to the creation festive mood. The event was held in the first half of the day, which had a positive effect on the activity of the participants. During the process, TSO was used (a music center with a soundtrack and a slide projector for lighting effects).

The event went according to plan. Both children and parents were active and participated in the relay races with pleasure.

The teacher’s knowledge of the content of the event, its tone, emotionality and interaction with the participants contributed to the formation of a festive and joyful mood at the holiday. The effectiveness of the methods used and the variety of forms of organizing children's activities provided an excellent basis for this event.

All participants of the holiday were satisfied. The award ceremony took place in an atmosphere of friendship and goodwill. The goals set during the event were fully achieved; all the assigned tasks were successfully implemented.

GCD "Journey into the forest"

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Music”, “Reading fiction”.
Strengthen the ability to select words that are opposite in meaning (antonyms)
Continue learning to guess riddles about wild animals, reinforce the concept of “wild animals”.
Fix the classification of mushrooms and berries.
Develop children's coherent speech.
Equipment: magic bag, letter in an envelope, flowers, crow, sparrow, Christmas tree, toys: mouse, bunny, fox, wolf, bear, image of a forest, mushrooms, berries, music.
Progress of the lesson:
Educator: Come in guys, let's say hello to the guests.
Educator: Oh, guys, look what this is? (takes out a magic bag).
Children: Wonderful pouch.
Educator: let's see what's inside? The teacher offers one child to get it. The child takes out a letter.
Educator: Guys, what do we have in the envelope here?
Children: Letter!
Educator: Let's read what is written there and from whom the letter came. And the animals sent us a letter, from the fairy tale of the mansion, and what do they write to us: “Guys, we just can’t build the mansion that was crushed by the bear, please help us! "
Educator: Guys, do you want to help the animals build a new house for them?
Children: Yes.
Educator: Then you and I will go to visit them. What can we go on?
Children: children's answers (by car, by train, by bus, by plane, by ship).
Educator: We will eat by train. I will be a train, and you will be small carriages. Whoever says the word first gets to follow me. Begin.
the elephant is big and the mouse is small
The cube is square and the ball is round
the onion is bitter, but the cake is sweet
the wolf is evil and the bunny is good
the bench is low and the fence is high
It's cold in winter and warm in summer
It's light during the day and dark at night
the dolphin is smooth, and the cat is fluffy
(children take turns getting on the train)
Look how long our train is.
Educator: Let's go. Music about a steam locomotive is playing.
Educator: - So guys, we arrived at the clearing. There are so many flowers here. Let's smell their scent. Breathing exercises “The Aroma of Flowers” ​​- take a calm breath through the nose, hold your breath and slowly exhale “Ah - ah! "
Educator: Guys, who do we have here?
- Look who's sitting there? (Sparrow)
-Where is he sitting? (On a birch)
- How a sparrow tweets (Chick-chirp)
- And who is this? (Crow)
- Where does the crow sit? (Under the birch)
- How does a crow scream? (Kar-kar)
Educator: Look, the sparrow and the crow are worried, flapping their wings. (Children show the movements of birds). The crow croaks and says that the animals are lost in the forest
"The Fourth Wheel"

Educator: I wonder, guys, which animals got lost?

Let's try to solve the riddles:
1. Red-haired hostess

Came from the forest

I counted all the chickens

And she took it with her.

Let's affectionately call the fox (fox, little fox).

2. He deftly gallops across the field,Like a fluffy white ball.White in summer, gray in winter.And he sank a little.Who is he? Guess what!Well, of course, -…(BUNNY)
- Let's call it affectionately (bunny, bunny)

3 I am gray, I live in the forest,

I know a red fox.

I sing a sad song,

Howling loudly at the moon.


4. My cozy house is a mink,
Here I stacked the grains in a heap.
In a gray fur coat,
The tail is thin and mischievous.
There are tiny ears on the head,
Many people call her Norushka.
I'll scratch while you sleep
After all, it’s not for nothing that I – (Mouse ).

Guys, we solved all the riddles, but we still didn’t find the animals. Maybe they were scared of us? Let's close our eyes, maybe they will appear. Just honestly close your eyes. Oh, they showed up!
Educator: Guys, what kind of animals are these? Domestic or wild? (Wild)
- And why? (Because they live in the forest)
Study for imitation (music of rain and thunder)
- Oh, guys, a cloud came running (sitting on the floor, rain started dripping (they knocked with their fingers on the floor, lightning flashed (with their palms, thunder rumbled (with their fists), the rain began to subside and completely

Educator: Guys, let's help the animals return home

Children sit on chairs, put on animal hats, and the fairy tale is dramatized. Helped the animals find the tower.

Let's go to a forest clearing. But they need to be put into baskets, vegetables in one, fruits in another.
- Guys, can we help you arrange the berries and mushrooms? (Lay out using symbols).
- Where do the berries grow? (on the bushes)
-Where do mushrooms grow? (On the ground, in the grass).
- Well done boys! And here are our treats for you. (the animals pass a basket with treats - sweet mushrooms).
Educator: Guys, you are so great! We helped the animals, but now it’s time to return to kindergarten. (Going by train)
- Here we are in kindergarten. Where have we been? (in the forest, among animals)
- What did we do with them? (Helped wild animals find their way home)
- What did they treat you to? (Mushrooms)
- Amazing! Let's stand in a circle, hold hands and say: “We are very good.” First in a whisper, in a normal voice, and now in a loud voice.

Self-analysis of the educational activity for speech development “Journey to the Forest”

GCD summary developed for the second junior group.

The material for the educational activities was selected at a level accessible to children, corresponded to their psychological characteristics and was rational for solving the set goals and objectives. During the lesson, the children learned to answer the questions posed. The children were interested. They were active, attentive, and felt comfortable. All this is confirmed by the results of activity and reflection.

All elements of GCD are logically united by a common theme. This structure of the lesson is completely justified. Since each part of the lesson is aimed at solving certain pedagogical problems and offers a choice of adequate methods and techniques. The content of the lesson corresponded to the set goal and objectives.

Activities at GCD are characterized as joint, creative, and individual.

On GCD I used the followingforms of work: frontal, individual, group

Methods: Verbal (questions for children, clarification, encouragement); Visual demonstration (toys: crow and duck, board simulating a lake, performance demonstration) Practical (sculpting) Gaming (surprise moment -magic bag, letter in envelope) Control methods (analysis of completed tasks, evaluation of performance results).

Problem-search method (We wanted to help animals).

In the process, GCD applied the followingtechnologies: play activity; activity approach; learning in dialogue with adults; health saving technologies.

The duration and structure of the educational activity itself was consistent, using alternation different types activities. I implemented a health-saving approach to organizing GCD: the sanitary requirements for conducting GCD complied with SanPiN standards. In the group, before the NOD, wet cleaning and ventilation were carried out. During ECD, safety precautions were observed; children did not occupy a static position and were constantly in motion. Time activities were according to this age group(10 minutes).

I believe that the form of organizing children's educational activities I chose was quite effective. I tried to comply with the norms of pedagogical ethics and tact. I believe that the assigned tasks were completed. GCD achieved its goal.

Consultation for parents.

"Don't want! I won't! Don’t!: three-year crisis.”


1.Formate in parents ideas about the important period of development and upbringing of the child.

3.Develop parental literacy in choosing forms and methods of interaction with children.

The emotionally quite calm period of development from one to three years ends. There is a three-year crisis ahead. Yours, until recently, was affectionate and obedient child suddenly becomes stubborn, hysterical, obstinate, in a word, in the opinion of the parents, uncontrollable. At the same time, adults often do not know how to behave and what to do with this stubborn little one. It is not for nothing that the famous teacher S. Soloveichik called this period “a big war with a little man.”

The three-year crisis is an emotionally very difficult period of development, both for parents and for the child himself. The baby’s behavior changes, his desire for independence intensifies, he begins to feel independent from adults. What are the reasons for these phenomena? How to survive a time of crisis as painlessly as possible?

It has already been noted that at this time the child becomes more independent, independent of his parents, and begins to understand that he can do a lot on his own, without their help. The manifestation of independence is associated with the child’s attempt to learn to live and act on his own, as a separate being, independent of anyone.

One of the signs of this is that the baby begins to talk about himself in the first person. If earlier you heard: “Masha is thirsty!”, Now the child quite clearly says: “I’m thirsty!” The word “I” becomes one of the most used in his vocabulary. All you hear is: “I... I... I!” This “I” gradually turns into “I myself!”

This is a very subtle point that should be noted Special attention. External manifestations of a child’s crisis behavior are associated with his stubbornness, negativism and obstinacy. The child wants to be the master of his behavior and insists on this. His stubbornness is a way of demonstrating his own will. He doesn’t let his mother help her put on tights or build a house out of blocks; during walks he pulls her to where he wants her to go. He can react to any objection with screaming, tears, often turning into real hysteria. He often refuses any proposal from an adult - “I don’t want to!”, “I won’t!”, “Don’t!”. Such capriciousness of a child is so far the only opportunity to demonstrate his importance, as well as the opportunity to demand its respect from others. He denies everything that comes from an adult.

It should be emphasized once again that such severe crisis behavior is absolutely normal behavior for a three-year-old child. A clear manifestation of a child’s independence and self-assertion is evidence that his development is in accordance with his age. Don’t be afraid of crisis behavior; don’t tell your child that he is “bad” or worse than others. We must try to help him overcome this difficult period and mitigate the manifestations of the crisis.

So what is the best way to respond to a child’s stubbornness and whims? How to help overcome the crisis of three years? Try the following tips:

    Encourage your baby's independence and activity. Try to take on the role of a consultant, not a prohibitor;

    Set boundaries for your baby's activity. They must be determined by the scope of his security. Show your child the “dos” and “don’ts” zone;

    Be consistent in your demands. If you do not allow your child to do something, then stand your ground until the end. Otherwise, tears and hysterics will become for him in a convenient way get your way;

    Make sure that everyone around you places the same demands on your child;

    Do not try to scold or persuade your child during an attack of stubbornness. Most likely, he will simply not pay attention to you. Any hysteria requires an audience, and your special attention will only benefit the little stubborn one.

    During an attack, try to redirect your baby's attention by showing him something new and interesting. Such techniques can distract the capricious person’s attention from crying and hysterics. Otherwise, you may not pay attention to him for a while - the hysteria will go away on its own, because screaming and stomping your feet without an audience is not at all interesting.

Self-analysis consultations for parents

    "Don't want! I won't! Don’t!: Crisis 3 years »

    The consultation for parents was presented in printed form, as a screen in the parent's corner.

    The purpose of this consultation was to develop the pedagogical literacy of parents of the second younger group. The following tasks were identified:

    Give parents an idea of ​​an emotionally difficult period of development;

    Give advice to parents on how best to respond to the child’s stubbornness and whims;

    Develop literacy in choosing forms, methods and techniques of interaction with the child.

    During the consultation, the parents learned that crisis behavior for a three-year-old child is absolutely normal behavior. We received useful advice.

    After reading the text of the consultation, a conversation was held with parents on the following issues:

    Were you satisfied with the information?

    Was everything clear to you?

    Which Interesting Facts and did you like the techniques?

    Is there a need for additional literature?

    Do you need additional specialist advice?

(psychologist, doctor)?