Method of pedagogical influence preventing unwanted actions. Punishment as a method of the pedagogical process. Topic of the report: "Encouragement and punishment

This group of methods is used to form moral feelings, that is, a positive or negative attitude of a person to objects and phenomena of the surrounding world (society as a whole, individuals, nature, art, himself, etc.). These methods help a person to form the ability to correctly assess their behavior, which contributes to their awareness of their needs and the choice of appropriate goals. The methods of stimulation are based on the impact on the motivational sphere of the individual, aimed at the formation of conscious motives in pupils for active and socially approved life. They have a huge impact on emotional sphere the child, form his skills in managing his emotions, teach him how to manage specific feelings, understand his emotional states and the causes that give rise to them. These methods also affect the volitional sphere: they contribute to the development of initiative, self-confidence; perseverance, the ability to overcome difficulties in order to achieve the intended goal, the ability to control oneself (endurance, self-control), as well as the skills of independent behavior.

Among the methods of stimulating behavior and activity, reward, punishment and competition are distinguished.

Encouragement- this is an expression of a positive assessment of the actions of the pupils. It reinforces positive skills and habits. The reward action involves the excitement of positive emotions, instills confidence in the child. Encouragement can be manifested in different options: approval, praise, gratitude, granting of honorable rights, rewarding.

Despite its apparent simplicity, reward requires careful dosage and caution, since failure to use this method can harm parenting. The method of encouragement presupposes the observance of a number of conditions: 1) the encouragement should be a natural consequence of the student's deed, and not his desire to receive encouragement; 2) it is important that the encouragement does not oppose the student to the rest of the team; 3) the encouragement should be fair and, as a rule, consistent with the opinion of the team; 4) when using incentives, it is necessary to take into account the individual qualities of the person being promoted.

Punishment- This is a method of pedagogical influence, which should prevent unwanted actions of students, inhibit them, cause a feeling of guilt in front of oneself and other people. The following types of punishment are known: imposition of additional duties; deprivation or restriction of certain rights; expression of moral censure, condemnation. The listed types of punishments can be implemented in different forms depending on the logic of natural consequences: impromptu punishments, traditional punishments.

Like any incentive method that provides strong influence on the emotional and motivational spheres of the personality, the punishment should be applied taking into account a number of requirements: 1) it should be fair, carefully thought out and in no case should it humiliate the student's dignity; 2) one should not rush to punish until there is full confidence in the justice of the punishment and its positive impact on the student's behavior; 3) when applying punishment, you should make sure that the student understands what he is being punished for; 4) punishment should not be "global", that is, when punishing a child, it must be found in his behavior and positive sides and emphasize them; 5) one punishment must follow for one offense; if there are many offenses, the punishment can be severe, but only one, for all offenses at once; 6) the punishment should not cancel the encouragement that the child could have earned earlier, but has not yet managed to receive; 7) when choosing a punishment, it is necessary to take into account the essence of the offense, by whom and under what circumstances it was committed, what are the reasons that prompted the child to commit this offense; 8) if the child is punished, it means that he is already forgiven, and it is no longer worth talking about his previous misdeeds.

Competition Is a method aimed at satisfying the child's natural need for competition, leadership, comparing himself with others. Competing with each other, schoolchildren quickly master the experience of social behavior, develop physical, moral, and aesthetic qualities. Competition contributes to the formation of the qualities of a competitive personality. In the process of competition, the child achieves a certain success in relations with friends, acquires a new social status... Competition not only stimulates the child's activity, but also forms his ability for self-actualization, which can be considered as a method of self-education, since during the competition the child learns to realize himself in different types activities.

The methodology for organizing competitions involves taking into account the following requirements: 1) the competition is organized in connection with a specific educational task (it can play the role of a "trigger" at the beginning of a new activity, help complete difficult work, relieve stress); 2) not all types of activities of children should be covered by competition: you cannot compete in appearance (contests "miss" and "mister"), manifestation of moral qualities; 3) so that the spirit of play and comradely communication does not disappear from the competition for a minute, it must be equipped with bright attributes (mottos, titles, titles, emblems, prizes, badges of honor, etc.); 4) in the competition, publicity and comparability of results are important, therefore, the entire course of the competition must be openly presented to children, who must see and understand what activity is behind certain points or points.

There is, perhaps, no more difficult profession today than the profession of a leader. This profession is one of those that are called complex, because it requires a person to possess so many and so different skills. He should know, albeit a little, but about everything - from the methods of organization modern production to the peculiarities of human psychology.

What moral and psychological qualities should a leader have?

Here are some practical tips:

1. Explore the creativity of your subordinates, their interests and inclinations. This will help to correctly arrange and more effectively use the available cadres, to create an atmosphere of business comradeship and mutual assistance in the team.

2. A clear distribution of responsibilities and the formulation (in the form of documents) of principles and methods for performing certain types of work by specific performers will help prevent conflicts. At the same time, it is important to regulate only the fundamental aspects of activities, so as not to deprive subordinates of independence and not to turn management into petty tutelage. All potential employees of the organization should be sure to familiarize themselves with this document before being accepted into the position.

3. To achieve clear and well-coordinated work from the performers, authority will help you. Many people mistakenly believe that it is automatically secured by the official position. In fact, the latter only gives the right to conquer and use it.

4. The growth of authority is largely facilitated by tolerance for the weaknesses of people that do not interfere with their work and, on the contrary, intolerance towards everything that adversely affects it. As a leader, you have the right to demand quality assignments. Subordinates, knowing this responsibility, lose respect for you if the work is performed poorly.

5. Intemperance, rudeness and shouting in relations with subordinates cause great damage to authority. Cultivate a sense of self-control of emotions, develop a habit of holding back, not losing your composure. Horace also remarked that "anger is a short-term madness."

6. Tasks and orders must be given in a calm tone, formulating them clearly, fully and constructively, so that everyone understands what needs to be done, how to do it and what the expected result is.

7. A bad leader knows what needs to be done. A good one shows how to do it.

8. Mutual respect is the basis of a healthy relationship between a manager and a subordinate. Injustice to subordinate colleagues with the best abilities leads to a loss of respect and a transformation of your power from fact to nominal.

9. Leonardo da Vinci believed that “an adversary looking for your mistakes is more useful than a friend who wants to hide them”. Know how to look for a grain of reason even in hateful criticism addressed to you.

10. If any of the subordinates expresses an opinion that contradicts yours, criticize the opinion, not the author.

11. Usually employees are ready not to spare themselves to carry out tasks that enthrall them, but strive in every possible way to save their efforts when the work seems to them unimportant or unworthy of them. To make even an uninteresting job important in the eyes of subordinates, to raise its prestige to the level of the employee's prestige and higher - this is the art, the professionalism of a leader.

12. It is necessary in every possible way to support employees who are actively looking for solutions to the assigned tasks. Help them fight shortcomings, help them develop their strengths, and push them forward more boldly.

13. When deciding on the appointment, do not forget that people taken from the outside can not always easily fit into the team, justify the hopes placed on them. They have both the good and the hidden bad sides, while the people working in your organization, you already see both of them equally.

14. Among workers of any level there are always people who are passive, work ineffectively, or even just serve their working hours. Understand the reasons for this attitude. Perhaps it is caused by:

excessive interference from the immediate supervisor;

lack of psychological and organizational support;

lack of information, including about the results of their work;

inconsistency of tasks and opportunities;

dryness and inattention of the leader to requests.

15. Only one person should be responsible for solving a specific issue. If the work is performed by several persons, you need to appoint a responsible person.

16. Work will not be done well if there is no time frame and boundaries in which it should proceed, no matter how unpleasant these boundaries are. "The complete freedom to do whatever you want and how you want is, in essence, the freedom to do nothing at all."

17. The best is the enemy of the good. Require subordinates to complete the work on time. If you do not stipulate terms, then a person is looking not just for the right, good solution, but for the best, which can go on indefinitely.

18. Man is not a machine: working at reduced capacities reduces the potential of his resources. Understated assignments spoil workers. Therefore, it is better to give assignments with tight (but real) deadlines than with extended ones.

19. At least once a month, you need to check the diligence and the degree of awareness of the responsibility of your subordinates by a strict audit of one of the most important tasks.

20. Establish a systematic and timely review of the progress of the plan. Delayed verification and adjustment lead to unnecessary expenditure of manpower and resources.

21. An indispensable condition for the success of any event is reward for successful work and penalties for omissions and shortcomings. At the same time, both punishments and rewards should be proportionate to the actions of employees and follow them directly.

22. The choice of educational tools is great, but we often use only a few that are familiar and pleasant to us:

rewards: congratulations on success; gratitude for timely and accurate work; recognition of a clear improvement in the business qualifications of an employee in comparison with the past or with his peers; permission for short-term respite; decreased activity load; interesting business trip; granting the right to self-control; removal of past punishment; cash bonus; promotion;

punishments: remark; censure; public condemnation; rebuke; depriving; unfavorable comparison with other workers; deprivation of some additional benefits; cancellation of legally non-binding concessions - the possibility of personal leave, delay in the planned promotion, introduction of more punctual reporting, etc.

23. As a rule, penalties and rewards should have an impact not only on the person to whom they are intended, but also on the entire team, who should know what happened, the reasons that led to the event, and its management's assessment. However, in some cases, based on the individual offense and the personality of the employee who committed it, it is more useful to reprimand the employee in private than in front of everyone.

24. When making an appointment with subordinates, explain its purpose in advance. This will allow them to pick up required material, and it will help you to better solve the issue under discussion.

25. When talking with an employee, do not allow yourself to look through the papers that are not related to the conversation, without apologizing to the interlocutor, repeatedly call the secretary and give him instructions that are not related to the issue under discussion; look out of the window with detachment; drum your fingers on the table, expressing impatience.

In general, having a conversation is a whole art. Here are some of the hard truths of a leader's conversation:

a) the tone of the conversation should be businesslike, which quickly creates an atmosphere of mutual trust. Punctuality strengthens the atmosphere of trust, and punctuality of both interlocutors. A person who has waited 15-20 minutes in a waiting room or hallway is unlikely to be friendly at the beginning of a conversation. If the appointment time is overdue, try to warn the waiting person about an unforeseen delay and ask him to wait, indicating the time with a small margin (5-10 minutes);

c) the first word - for your interlocutor, whether he is familiar to you or not;

d) few things turn out to be so detrimental to the conversation as unrestrained categorical judgments;

e) in the course of a conversation, you must always consistently carry out the main idea;

f) listening to the interlocutor, force yourself to forget personal prejudices and dispositions; take your time with the conclusion and strictly distinguish between fact and opinion;

g) in a conversation, the decision should always follow the discussion, since otherwise your interlocutor, instead of presenting his ideas, will begin to criticize you or will indifferently agree with everything.

26. The art of conducting a business conversation also depends on the ability to listen to the interlocutor. The ability to listen attentively and effectively is achieved through long-term training, during which it is recommended to forget about personal prejudices, not to rush to conclusions and conclusions, constantly distinguish between fact and opinion. One of the American techniques recommends:

listen carefully;

listen - don't talk;

listen to what a person can say, cannot say, does not want to say.

Now in world practice, several techniques are used that recommend how to quickly learn how to effectively listen. Here are some guidelines:

take an active pose. Experts believe that the correct seating of the body helps to create mental focus and, conversely, when we relax the body, our brain experiences the same;

focus on the speaker;

maintain sustained attention to the speaker;

plan the hearing process logically. “Mental anticipation” of the interlocutor's or speaker's speech is not only one of the means of attunement to the same wavelength with him, but also good method memorizing speech;

it is premature not to rate the conversation or performance.

27. The key to all success in business contacts is the most common politeness. It is she who creates from the very first minutes the atmosphere in which it is only possible to find agreement with your interlocutors.

28. Even if you have a completely traditional meeting with well-known interlocutors, do not be lazy - sketch out at least the most general plan of the future conversation.

29. Do not “put pressure” on the interlocutors with a voice, manner of speech, finally, with hints of your bossy position. Remember the law of physics: “Action is equal to reaction.” This law is also true in human relationships. As Dale Carnegie convincingly showed in his book, success comes only to those who know how to make their interlocutors their supporters, proving to them the mutual benefit of their proposals.

The ideal is "role-based organization of the meeting", but let's be realistic - you will not be able to accustom your colleagues to this form of discussion right away. strict regulation of the order of speeches of the meeting participants - you can give the floor in turn to those of them who are initially, by their nature, close to the role that you need to use at one stage or another of the discussion.

Self-study assignments

1. Make a logical diagram of the knowledge base on the topic of units:

2. From the listed concepts, select those that denote the main categories of didactics:

1) education;

2) education;

3) development;

4) skill;

5) skills;

6) teaching;

7) class-lesson system;

8) teaching;

9) training;

10) structure;

11) knowledge;

12) purpose; 13) content; 14) efficiency; 15) organization; 16) form; 17) class; 18) method; 19) funds; 20) alternative; 21) process; 22) formation; 23) computerization; 24) results.

3. From the list, select the generally recognized didactic principles:

1) conscientiousness;

2) encouragement;

3) activity;

4) triplicity;

5) optimization;

6) visibility;

7) consistency;

8) emotionality;

9) sequence;

10) strength;

11) availability;

12) scientific character; 13) connection of technology with practice; 14) accounting age characteristics; 15) timeliness; 16) efficiency; 17) the leading role of the teacher; 18) self-control.

4. From the listed concepts, select those that designate the methods of forming the consciousness of a person:

2) ethical conversations;

3) story;

4) lecture;

5) own opinion;

6) punishment;

7) competition;

8) publicity;

9) clarification;

10) explanation;

11) exhortation;

12) suggestion; 13) order; 14) briefing; 15) example; 16) survey; 17) notation; 18) control; 19) dispute; 20) report.


New concepts

A.S. Makarenko

Soviet teacher and writer; put forward the basic principles of creating and pedagogical leadership of the children's team, developed a methodology labor education, studied the problems of the formation of conscious discipline and the upbringing of children in the family

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Soviet educator, researched the moral problems of youth

Education in a narrow sense

educational work, in the process of which beliefs, norms of moral behavior, traits of will and character, aesthetic tastes are formed, physical qualities human

Education in a broad sense

a purposeful, organized process that ensures the comprehensive, harmonious development of the individual and his preparation for labor and social activities


personality and team are in optimal relationship

John Locke

representative of English pedagogy; proposed a system of educating a gentleman - the formation of "discipline of the body" and "discipline of the spirit"

J.J. Russo

French educator who believes in the power of education; developed a theory of natural education, which should be carried out in accordance with human nature, without interfering with natural and free development

I.G. Pestalozzi

humanist teacher, democrat; the goal of upbringing considered self-development of natural forces and abilities of a person, his constant improvement, the formation of moral education

K. D. Ushinsky

Democrat teacher, founder of the Russian pedagogical science in Russia; principles pedagogical views K. D. Ushinsky - nationality, originality of Russian pedagogical science, education in work

Classification of methods according to the main stages of the educational and cognitive process

methods of stages of perception-assimilation, assimilation of reproduction, educational and creative expression


organizational form of uniting people on the basis of some specific purposeful activity


personality obeys the collective

Teaching method

a set of techniques and methods of organizing the child's cognitive activity, the development of his mental powers, the teaching interaction of the teacher and students, students among themselves, with nature and the social environment

Encouragement method

positive assessment of the pupils' actions

Exercise method

the creation by the educator of such conditions in which the student will have to act in accordance with the norms and rules of behavior

Parenting methods

ways of the educator's influence on consciousness, will, feelings, behavior, the development of their beliefs and behavioral skills

Models of the development of relations between the individual and the team

conformism, harmony, non-conformism


method of pedagogical influence, which should prevent unwanted actions, cause a feeling of guilt in front of oneself and other people


personality subjugates the collective

Moral education

the formation of concepts, judgments, feelings and beliefs, skills and habits of behavior that correspond to the norms of society


the volume of systematized scientific knowledge, abilities, skills, ways of thinking that the student has mastered


a systematic, organized and purposeful process of transferring knowledge, abilities, skills to the younger generation, guiding his cognitive activity and developing his worldview, a means of obtaining education


the science of the laws of the upbringing of the younger generation and adults, of the management of their development in accordance with the needs of society

Polytechnic education

familiarization with the basic principles of all industries, assimilation of knowledge about modern production processes and relationships

Accessibility principle

conformity teaching material age, individual characteristics, the level of preparedness of the student

The principle of visibility of teaching

reliance on real ideas of students

The principle of strength

thorough study of the material in which students can always recall it in memory or use it for both educational and practical purposes

The principle of systematicity and consistency

acquiring knowledge in the system, sequential assimilation of knowledge

The principle of conscientiousness and active learning

the relationship of pedagogical leadership with the conscious, active creative activity of students

Debt sphere

responsibility of parents and children for the normal functioning of the family

Labor education

the formation of labor actions and productive relations, the study of tools and methods of their use


method of verbal influence that promotes the formation of beliefs

Mental education

equipping trainees with a system of knowledge of the basics of science

Physical education

control physical development a person and his physical education

Aesthetic education

the basic component of the educational system, generalizing the development of aesthetic ideals, needs and tastes

Jan Amos Comenius

creator of the scientific pedagogical system and work "Great Didactics"

Upbringing - a purposeful pedagogical process of organizing and stimulating the vigorous activity of a developing personality to master the social experience of forming qualities, desired by the society.

Parenting method(from the Greek "methodos" - path) is way realization of the goals of education. Upbringing methods are the main means of ensuring the success of solving the problems of each of the components. educational process.

You can conditionally distinguish between groups of methods direct and indirect pedagogical influence .

Methods direct pedagogical influence suggest an immediate or delayed student response and appropriate self-education actions.

Methods indirect pedagogical influence presuppose the creation of such a situation in the organization of activities in which the child develops an appropriate mindset for self-improvement, for the development of a certain position in the system of his relations with teachers, comrades, and society.


1) By the nature of the impact on the student, educational methods are divided into persuasion, exercise, encouragement and punishment(N.I. Boldyrev, N.K. Goncharov and etc.). V in this case the general feature "the nature of the method" includes the focus, applicability, peculiarity and some other aspects of the method

2) AND ABOUT. Maryenko named such groups of educational methods , how explanatory-reproductive, problem-situational, methods of training and exercise, stimulation, inhibition, leadership, self-education.

3) Currently, the most common is classification of educational methods I.G. Shchukina. Three groups of methods:

- methods of forming consciousness(story, explanation, explanation, lecture, ethical conversation, exhortation, suggestion, instruction, debate, report, example);

- methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of behavior(exercise, assignment, nurturing situations);

- incentive methods(competition, encouragement, punishment).

Methods of influencing the intellectual sphere : methods of persuasion are used to form views, concepts, attitudes. Belief presupposes reasonable proof of a concept, moral position, assessment of what is happening.

Persuasion is realized through passages from various literary works, historical analogies, biblical parables, fables.

Conforms to belief self-conviction- a method of self-education, which assumes that children consciously, independently, in search of a solution to any social problem form their own set of views. This formation is based on logical conclusions drawn by the child himself.

Methods of influencing the motivational sphere include stimulation- Methods based on the formation of students' conscious motives for their life.

Encouragement expressed, a positive assessment of the actions of the pupils. It reinforces positive skills and habits. Encouragement can be manifested in various ways: approval, praise, gratitude, granting honorable rights, rewarding. Rewarding requires careful dosage and caution, as failure to use this method can be detrimental to parenting.

Punishment- This is a component of pedagogical stimulation, the use of which should prevent unwanted actions of students, inhibit them, cause a feeling of guilt in front of oneself and other people. Types of punishment: imposition of additional duties; deprivation or restriction of certain rights; expression of moral censure, condemnation.

Punishment must be fair, carefully thought out and in no way demeaning the student's dignity.

Methods of influencing the emotional sphere imply the formation of a person's necessary skills in managing their feelings, understanding their emotional states and the reasons that give rise to them. The method that influences the emotional sphere of the child is suggestion and related attraction techniques. Suggestion can be carried out both verbal and non-verbal means. To instill means to influence the feelings, and through them to the mind and will of a person.

The suggestion process is often accompanied by a process self-hypnosis when a child tries to instill in himself one or another emotional assessment of his behavior, as if asking the question: "What would the teacher or parents tell me in this situation?"

Methods of influencing the volitional sphere suggest: development of initiative in children, self-confidence; developing persistence; the formation of the ability to control oneself (endurance, self-control). Methods can have a dominant influence on the formation of the volitional sphere requirements and exercises.

The form of presentation distinguishes between direct and indirect requirements (advice, request, hint, expression of confidence, approval, etc.)

The requirement significantly affects the process of self-education of a person, and the consequence of its implementation is exercises- repeated execution of the required actions: bringing them to automatism. The result of the exercises is stable personality traits - skills and habits.

Methods of influencing the sphere of self-regulation are aimed at developing the skills of mental and physical self-regulation in children, developing the skills of analyzing life situations, teaching children the skills of understanding their own behavior and the state of other people, developing the skills of an honest attitude towards themselves and other people. These include the method of behavior correction. Correction method is aimed at creating conditions under which the child will make changes in his behavior, in relation to people. Such a correction can occur on the basis of comparing the student's deed with generally accepted norms, analyzing the consequences of the deed, clarifying the goals of the activity. Correction is impossible without self-correction. Relying on an ideal, an example worthy of imitation, established norms, a child can often change his behavior and regulate his own actions, which can be called self-regulation.

Methods of influencing the subject-practical sphere are aimed at the development of qualities in children that help a person to realize himself. The methods of organizing the activities and behavior of pupils in specially created conditions are abbreviated as methods educational situations... These are situations in which the child is faced with the need to solve a problem. When a problem arises for a child in a situation and there are conditions for solving it independently, an opportunity is created social test (test) as a method of self-education. Social tests cover all spheres of human life and most of it social connections... A modification of the method of upbringing situations is competition, which contributes to the formation of the qualities of a competitive personality. This method relies on the child's natural tendencies for leadership and competition. Competition makes the child active, forms his ability to self-actualize, which can be considered as a method of self-education.

Methods of influencing the existential sphere are aimed at including students in the system of relationships that are new for them, forms in children the ability to make judgments based on the principle of justice, even better - to solve the so-called dilemmas of L. Kohlberg.

The dilemma method consists in a joint discussion of moral dilemmas by schoolchildren. For each dilemma, questions are developed according to which the discussion is structured.

One of the methods of self-education is reflection, meaning the process of thinking of an individual about what is happening in his own mind. Reflection involves a person's knowledge of himself in a certain situation, clarification of the attitude of those around him.

KSU "Gymnasium BEST"

Prepared and conducted for teachers

Topic of the report: "Encouragement and punishment

as methods of pedagogical

impact "

Encouragement and punishment as methods of stimulating human activity are not only the most famous among the ancient methods of education, but also the most widespread and widely used today.

Encouragement - this is the stimulation of positive manifestations of the individual with the help of a high assessment of her actions, the generation of a feeling of pleasure and joy from the consciousness of recognition by others of the efforts and efforts of the individual. Encouragement reinforces positive skills and habits. The action of this method is based on arousing positive emotions. That is why it instills confidence, creates a pleasant mood for work, and increases responsibility.

Punishment is a method of pedagogical influence, which should prevent unwanted actions, slow them down

He was the first Soviet teacher who was able not only to understand the fundamentally new purpose and content of encouragement and punishment, but also to reveal the "mechanism" of the action of these educational means in the system of organizing the educational process.

I saw the main meaning of punishment in the fact that it should "resolve and destroy a separate conflict and not create new conflicts."

Rewards and punishments are a set of means of regulating relations that make up the content of a pedagogical situation in which these relations must be noticeably and quickly changed.

There are the following types of incentives and punishments:

1. Rewards and punishments associated with changes in children's rights.

2. Rewards and punishments associated with changes in their responsibilities.

3. Rewards and punishments associated with moral sanctions.

As a rule, approval, praise becomes encouragement. This usually finds expression in the announcement of gratitude, the awarding of certificates, cups. In turn, condemnation, reprimand, reprimand are one of the most common methods in the practice of punishment.

The main forms of encouragement- this is approval, praise, rewarding, gratitude, awarding an honorable place in the competition.

OK - simplest form encouragement. The teacher can express approval by gesture, facial expressions, positive assessment.

Praise - it is a verbal encouragement. She, like approval, evokes positive emotions in the child and the desire for higher achievements and results.

Of the rewards, it should also be noted gratitude- collective and individual. Gratitude is usually noted for the manifestation of students' initiative, independence, creative attitude to the assigned work. Acknowledgments are made in the form of a note in a diary, letters of commendation or sheets.

A very serious form of punishment - rebuke(entry in the diary).

General rules, which should be guided when deciding on the appropriateness of encouragement and punishment:

1. Analysis of a specific situation should prompt the teacher to make such adjustments in relations with these students, in his rights and obligations, which can be achieved only with the help of encouragement and punishment.

2. Help the child to choose the correct line of behavior in difficult situation- this is the main purpose of encouragement and punishment as a means of pedagogical stimulation.

3. In terms of its content and nature, encouragement and punishment should correspond to the content and nature of those pedagogical requirements that are most essential for working with these specific children.

Long-term experience of using the method shows that inability or excessive encouragement can be not only beneficial, but also harmful to upbringing.

When choosing incentives, it is important to find a measure. The main thing is to observe justice. That is, encouragement should begin with answering the questions - to whom, how much and for what.

Also of great importance is the self-esteem of schoolchildren when using encouragement, the inner state of the child. In this regard, an example can be cited when a boy who was completing a task with a group of his classmates and who did not cope with it, was told, like everyone else, that he was great, and was given a piece of candy. Anyone else in his place would have been pleased, but this boy said that the candy was bitter. He could not enjoy the delicacy, feeling that he had not completed the task.

The punishment situation is a conflict situation.

Conditions that determine the effectiveness of the punishment method.

1. Punishment is effective only when the student understands what he is being punished for, and he considers it just. After the punishment, they do not remember him, but they maintain normal relations with the student - punished, then forgiven.

2. Punishment is a powerful method.

The transformation of punishment into an instrument of revenge should not be allowed.

3. Punishment requires pedagogical tact, a good knowledge of psychology, as well as an understanding that punishment alone will not help the cause. Therefore, punishments are rarely used and only in combination with other methods of education.

Thus, an important specific feature encouragement and punishment as a means of pedagogical stimulation of the activity of schoolchildren is that they should be used much less frequently than other means of pedagogical influence, in particular such forms of indirect demands as approval and condemnation.

Approval, condemnation are used by teachers literally on a daily basis. Encouragement and punishment is used only in certain difficult situations,

Experience shows that it is the presence of pedagogical tact that allows the teacher to build communication on positive emotions.

Pedagogical tact means touch. Being tactful is a moral requirement for every teacher who communicates with a developing personality.

Pedagogical tact does not allow for extremes in communication with students. The dosage of influence is especially evident in the use of educational means: encouragement and punishment. So the teacher's word, his methods should be applied optimally, unobtrusively, delicately.

The objectives of incentive methods are:

1) consolidation of positive forms of behavior;

2) prevention and suppression of negative actions and manifestations;

3) the formation of positive motivation for behavior.

Encouragement technology :

1) careful dosage and caution;

2) comparing the child only with himself;

3) taking into account the motive of the action;

4) obligatory encouragement in case of evidence of a positive deed with positive motivation and public support.

Punishment technology:

1) weak measures;

2) do not punish large groups students;

3) rare use;

4) prohibition of physical punishment and punishments degrading the dignity of the person;

5) not to remind of the punishment (“punished means forgiven”);

6) late with punishment - do not punish.

Rewards and punishments, like medicines, in medicine, require a clear dosage and regimen of administration, inability or excessive use of these methods can lead not only to negative results, but also to an uncorrectable error.

Punishment is a method of pedagogical influence, which should prevent unwanted actions, inhibit them, cause a feeling of guilt in front of oneself and other people. Like other methods of education, punishment is calculated on the gradual transformation of external stimuli into internal stimuli.

The following types of punishment are known:

    imposition of additional responsibilities;

    deprivation or restriction of certain rights;

    expression of moral censure, condemnation.

In the current school, various forms of punishment are practiced: disapproval, remark, censure, warning, discussion at a meeting, punishment, suspension from classes, etc.

Application technology

Consider the technology of applying punishments. The punishment situation is a conflict situation. Therefore, it is necessary to know the conditions that determine the effectiveness of the method of punishment.

    Punishment effective only when the student understands what he is being punished for, and he considers it fair... After the punishment, they do not remember him, but they maintain normal relations with the student: punished means forgiven.

    Punishment justly imposed on a loved one a reputable teacher, usually has a very positive effect on the child... However, the same punishment, with all the outward signs of justice, if it comes from the teacher, to whom the children treat with some hostility, can lead to conflict, a sharp deterioration in relationships in the team, and an emotional breakdown in the punished child.

    The power of punishment is enhanced if it comes from the collective or is supported by it... A student will experience the feeling of guilt more acutely if his act is condemned not only by the teacher, but also by his comrades and friends. Ultimately, punishment is more beneficial and helps resolve conflict. However, in this case, it is necessary to take into account the relationship within the team, its degree of development and cohesion, because on some students, punishment through the team may not have the expected effect.

    Group punishment is not recommended... In well organized teams for the misconduct of the entire team, representatives are sometimes punished, but this issue is so delicate that it requires a very careful analysis and analysis of the entire situation.

    If the punishment is accepted, then the offender should be punished, that is, if the teacher is late with the punishment, then he should not punish. The principle applies here: "Late with punishment - do not punish".

    While using punishment, one cannot offend the pupil, use physical punishment and punishments that humiliate the dignity of the individual... It is necessary to punish not on the basis of personal dislike, but on the basis of pedagogical necessity. In this case, the formula "offense - punishment" must be strictly observed.

    When deciding what to punish and how to punish, it is recommended to follow the following line of behavior: from punishments aimed primarily at inhibiting negative actions, character traits, habits, to punishments, the main meaning of which is to develop certain positive qualities.

    The basis for the application of the method of punishment is a conflict situation. But not all violations and deviations from the norm lead to real conflicts, and, therefore, far not every violation should be punished... It is impossible to give any general and even more specific recipes on the issue of punishment, since each offense is always individual, and depending on who committed it, under what circumstances, what are the reasons that prompted it, the punishment can be very different - from the lightest to the most severe.

    Punishment is a powerful method... The teacher's mistake in punishment is much more difficult to correct than in any other case. Therefore, one should not rush to punish until there is complete confidence in the justice and usefulness of punishment.

    Punishment must not be allowed to turn into an instrument of revenge... It is necessary to cultivate the belief that the pupil is punished for his benefit. There is no need to take the path of formal measures of influence, because punishment is effective only when it is maximally individualized.

    Customization... The personal focus of punishment does not mean a violation of justice. This is a very serious pedagogical problem. The teacher must determine for himself: if he takes a personal approach, then punishments, like rewards, are differentiated. If he rejects the individual approach, then he sees only the offense, but not the person who committed it. You need to explain your pedagogical position to the pupils - then they will understand why the teacher is acting in one way or another. It makes sense to find out their opinion and what position they occupy.

    Punishment requires pedagogical tact, good knowledge of developmental psychology, as well as understanding that punishment alone cannot help the cause. Therefore, punishments are rarely used and only in combination with other methods of education.

An important specific feature of punishment as a means of pedagogical stimulation of the activity of schoolchildren is that they should be used much less frequently than other means of pedagogical influence.

Famous educators on punishment

Well-known teachers, scientists, statesmen, who took humanistic positions, warned against the thoughtless use of punishments. Here are some examples.

Russian teacher P.F. Lesgaft wrote that the power of a soft calm word is so great that no punishment can compare with it. Was not categorical in the application of punishments and A.S. Makarenko although he is now considered by some to be an apologist for authoritarian pedagogy. Makarenko wrote that punishment is a very difficult matter: it requires great tact and caution from the educator. So, Anton Semenovich was convinced that punishment should be used as a certain type of demands, and the “smart” system of demands is not only legal, but also necessary. It helps to form a strong human character, fosters a sense of responsibility, trains willpower, human dignity, the ability to resist temptations and overcome them.

Swiss teacher I. G. Pestalozzi also stood on the positions of humanistic pedagogy: "Nothing causes such irritation and discontent in a child as the fact that he is punished for ignorance, as for guilt." Was categorical in relation to punishments K. D. Ushinsky, who wrote that the fear of corporal punishment will not make a bad heart good, and the mixing of fear with anger is the most disgusting phenomenon in a person.

In 1968 V.A. Sukhomlinsky published an article titled "Education Without Punishment." In it, the teacher does not object to the use of this method: “Punishment is not only an extreme form of coercion - it is also one of the forms of civic assessment of human behavior. Punishment re-educates only when it convinces of something, makes you think about your own behavior, about your attitude to people. " But at the same time, Sukhomlinsky asserts: "Punishment is not something inevitable."

Rules for the application of punishment in the family

Punishment is used by parents in many families. In some situations, punishment is justified, but you need to punish competently. Here are some rules of punishment from Soviet and Russian psychotherapist and psychologist Vladimir Levy:

    Punishment should not harm health - neither physical nor mental.

    If there is any doubt about whether to punish or not punish, do not punish. No "prevention", no punishment "just in case."

    For one offense, one punishment. If several offenses are committed at once, the punishment may be severe, but only one - for all the offenses at once.

    Late punishment is unacceptable. Some educators scold and punish children for misdemeanors that were discovered six months or a year after they were committed. They forget that even the law takes into account the limitation period of the crime. In most cases, the very fact of a child's misconduct is a sufficient punishment.

    The child should not be afraid of punishment. He should know that in certain cases, punishment is inevitable. He should not be afraid of punishment, not even anger, but the disappointment of his parents. If the relationship with the child is normal, then their grief is punishment for him.

    Don't humiliate your child. Whatever his fault, punishment should not be perceived by him as a triumph of your strength over his weakness and as a humiliation of human dignity. If the child is especially proud or believes that in this particular case he is right, and you are unfair, the punishment causes a negative reaction in him.

    If the child is punished, then he is already forgiven. Not a word more about his previous misdeeds.

You can not punish and scold:

    When a child is sick, experiencing any ailments or has not yet recovered from an illness: at this time, his psyche is especially vulnerable, and the reactions are unpredictable.

    When the baby eats, after sleep, before bed, during play, during work.

    Immediately after physical or mental trauma (fall, fight, accident, bad grade, any failure, even if he himself is to blame for this failure). You should at least wait until the acute pain subsides (but this does not mean that you need to immediately rush to comfort).

    When a child cannot cope with fear, inattention, laziness, mobility and any deficiency, making sincere efforts. When he shows inability, awkwardness, stupidity, inexperience. That is, in all those cases when something does not work out for the child.