Basic concepts of the theory and methodology of physical education. Physical education: practical advice for parents of toddlers and preschoolers Means of physical education as a pedagogical concept


a pedagogically organized process of transferring from generation to generation the methods and knowledge necessary for physical science. improvement The goal of F in is the diversified development of a person’s personality, his physical. qualities and abilities, formation of motor skills and abilities, health promotion.

Basic means F in - physical. exercises, use of natural forces of nature ( solar energy, air and water environment, etc.), compliance with hygiene rules (personal, work, household, etc.). Phys. exercises have a diverse effect on physical development. abilities Knowledge of the patterns of influence of physical. exercises on the body, scientific. the methodology for their implementation makes it possible to use physical. exercises to achieve goals F in Natural. the forces of nature in F act as conditions for the successful organization and conduct of physical exercises. exercises and as a means of hardening the body. Compliance with hygiene conditions is necessary to maintain health and physical fitness. improvement Physical development human capabilities are facilitated by physical labor (especially in the air), which can be used as an auxiliary means F in F is carried out in 3 main directions general physical, prof. physical and sports training.

Creating the foundations of F in teaching. institutions contributed to a deep understanding of the process of personality development by IA Comenius He proposed physical. Include the preparation of children in the curriculum and link it with lessons in other subjects, the physicist emphasized. exercises in spirituality and morals. education The development of F theory was greatly influenced by the ideas of J. Locke, J. J. Rousseau, I. G. Pestalozzi and ped. the practice of philanthropists (I K Guts-Muts and others). Ped. theories 19th century ("", "", etc.). considered F as an integral part of the progressive school. education.

In accordance with national Traditionally, in the 19th and 20th centuries, F systems were developed in the mass schools of most countries.

In Russia, scientific. the fundamentals of fv were developed in the last quarter of the 19th century Great importance to understand the influence of physical exercises to develop and change forms human body had the works of H. I. Pirogov. Researches of I. M. Sechenov opened the way to understanding the general patterns of functioning of the human body and to the formation of a new view on questions of Ph. The popularization of ideas of Ph. in children in the family and school was facilitated by the work of doctors E. M. Dementyev and E. A. Pokrovsky Dementyev in the dissertation “Development.” muscle strength of a person in connection with his general physical. development" made an attempt to analyze the influence of working conditions on physical. youth development, opposed the planting of foreigners in Russia. systems of gymnastic exercises For a number of years, his collection of games was the best guide for teachers F. in Pokrovsky in the work “Phys. children among different nations, mainly Russia” (1884). pointed out the importance of introducing national games in the F system

A particularly important role was played by II F Lesgaft, who is called the founder of the science. systems F in Lesgaft introduced “physical. "In works" Family education"(1884), "Guide to Physics. children's education school age" (1888-1901), "Fundamentals of theoretical anatomy" (1892). and others, he argued that Ch. The goal of education is harmonious. development of the child, by which Crimea was understood as the correct combination of mental and physical. forces, their inextricable connection and active inclusion in a person with the leading role of human consciousness

The beginning of the mass physical education movement in the country was laid by the military. -sports and clubs, created since 1918 in the system of general military education (universal military education). in the conditions of the Civil War In the 20s, mass forms arose - multi-day relay races, runs, sports competitions, etc. Important role in the development of scientific and the theoretical problem of F in was played by Lesgaft's student and follower V V Gorinevsky Since the 30s, the basis of the F in system was the physical education complex Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR. (GTO, since 1931), and for children - “Be the USSR” (BGTO, since 1934). In the 30-40s, scientific issues. justification of means and methods of physical training, content of training in various sports, physiol. mechanisms of influence of physical exercises. exercises on the body of those involved, etc. were developed in the works of V V Belinovich, N A Bernstein, K X Grantyn, A N Krestovnikov, A D Novikov, A Ts Puni, II A Rudik, V S Farfel, I M Sarki- Zova-Serazini et al.

Despite a certain formalism and excessive enthusiasm for large-scale mass actions (for example, military sports games “Zarnitsa” and “Eaglet”), coma and pioneer organizations contributed active pursuits of the younger generation in physical education and sports. Competitions of yard teams at the place of residence for the prize “Golden Puck”, “Leather Ball”, etc., held on the initiative of the pioneer organization, helped to identify and introduce them to physical activity. culture and sports for many capable teenagers

Since the beginning of the 90s, the development of F in children and adolescents has been experiencing significant changes. material difficulties The transition to a market economy has placed many physical education and sports children. and youth groups in difficult conditions. A number of associations were forced to either cease activities altogether or attract funds from sponsors and parents to restore the viability of sports schools, clubs, etc.

The structure of amateur physical education organizations is made up of voluntary sports associations. Physical education work in preschool. institutions and educational institutions is regulated by relevant programs and educational plans and is the responsibility of educational authorities.

The F system is focused on various age groups The main tasks of F in preschool children. age about health, promoting the correct and timely development of the skeletal system, strengthening and proportional development of all muscle groups, improving the cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems, improving metabolic processes. At this age, vital motor skills are formed (walking, running, jumping, throwing , catching, swimming, etc.), coordinate movements, maintain correct posture, develop qualities that ensure rational execution of movements - rhythm, orientation in space, the ability to calculate efforts, etc. Forms of organization of physical activity in children under the age of 1 year include individual physical classes exercises and massage, later - group classes (games of 3-6 children in playpens, walks). In children Physical classes are held in the garden. lesson-type exercises (simple games and exercises, various formations, jumping, hoop rolling, running, etc., physical education sessions during drawing, modeling, etc., excursions and walks in nature, holidays).

At school age F in is carried out in physical education lessons F. in students in the prof. educational institutions provide, along with solving problems inherent in general education. school, professional development abilities required for labor activity 10-12% of the time from all lessons is devoted to physical education. preparation with prof. slope

The main forms of F for students are educational and optional (for selected sports). physical education and health activities Mandatory educational material of the program on physical education in universities provides training in basic exercises, hygiene, production and sports of gymnastics, athletics, swimming, skiing, sports games, tourist skills and abilities, as well as the communication of theoretical information on various issues physical culture

Physics in the family is carried out in the form of hardening procedures, physical education breaks during the preparation of lessons, as well as independent physical exercises. exercises, games, entertainment, walks (see also Family education).

Lit Theory and methods of physics. education, ed. B A Ashmarina, M, 1979, Kun L General Phys. culture, translated from Weng, M, 1982, History of physics. culture and sports, ed. In V Stolbova, M, 1983, Introduction to the theory of physics. culture, ed. L N Matveeva, M, 1983, Phys. education, M, 1983 V N Shaulin

Russian pedagogical encyclopedia. - M: “Great Russian Encyclopedia”. Ed. V. G. Panova. 1993 .

See what “PHYSICAL EDUCATION” is in other dictionaries:

    PHYSICAL EDUCATION- part of general education; aimed at strengthening health and harmonious development of the human body; one of the indicators of the state of physical culture in society. The main means of physical education are physical exercises,... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    PHYSICAL EDUCATION- a pedagogical process aimed at forming a healthy, physically and spiritually perfect, morally stable younger generation, strengthening health, increasing efficiency, creative longevity and prolonging human life... Legal encyclopedia

    Physical education- Physical culture sphere social activities, aimed at preserving and strengthening health, developing a person’s psychophysical abilities in the process of conscious motor activity. physical culture is part of culture,... ... Wikipedia

    Physical education- an organic part of general education (See Education); a social pedagogical process aimed at strengthening health, harmonious development of the forms and functions of the human body, its physical abilities and qualities, on... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Physical education- – a system of measures and conditions that ensure the physical development of a person, maintaining his health and performance. Physical education includes: improvement of the human body – internal organs, motor and bone... ... Fundamentals of spiritual culture (teacher's encyclopedic dictionary)

    Physical education- 25) physical education is a process aimed at educating the individual, developing a person’s physical capabilities, acquiring skills and knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports in order to form a comprehensively developed and physically… … Official terminology

    physical education- part of general education; aimed at strengthening health, harmonious development of the human body; one of the indicators of the state of physical culture in society. The main means of physical education are physical exercises,... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    PHYSICAL EDUCATION- one of the aspects of education; an organized pedagogical process aimed at promoting health, teaching various movements and improving physical qualities, diversified development of physical abilities, formation and... ... Psychomotorics: dictionary-reference book

    physical education- fizinis lavinimas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Judėjimo įgūdžių, fizinių ypatybių ir kompleksinių gebėjimų tobulinimas fiziniais pratimais. atitikmenys: engl. physical education vok. körperliche Bildung, f; Leibeserziehung … Sporto terminų žodynas

    physical education- fizinis lavinimas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Kūno lavinimas fiziniais pratimais, papildantis intelektinį lavinimą ir sudarantis bendrosios auklėjimo sistemos dalį. Fizinio lavinimo mokykloje tikslai: judesių mokymas ir… … Sporto terminų žodynas

    physical education- fizinis lavinimas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Vientisas pedagoginis vyksmas, kurio tikslas aktyvia fizine veikla ir lavinamojo poveikio priemonėmis ugdyti žmogaus prigimties galias, asmenybę. atitikmenys: engl. physical… …Sporto terminų žodynas

The most important task in any family is education healthy child. If children develop physically, a foundation is created on which the framework of a person’s personality can be built. Unfortunately, modern statistics show that the physical development, as well as the health of children and adolescents today leaves much to be desired. Ten years ago, children demonstrated higher performance physical development than now.

Physical education is the foundation for a child to develop harmoniously. Its importance is also great in all aspects. It is this kind of upbringing that creates the basis for being able to work fully mentally. In order to work intellectually, you need to spend enough physical strength. If a child is sick and not hardened, then the effectiveness of his mental activity is noticeably reduced, while a physically healthy person is easier to prove himself in productive work, it is much easier to overcome heavy loads, and overwork in such people is much less common.

Proper physical education contributes to the formation in a child of a sense of collectivism and camaraderie, and self-demandingness. This is an excellent willpower strengthener. Good physical development is the result of physical education. Thanks to the fact that it is organized at the proper level, the child’s physical strength can not only be strengthened, but also improved.

Physical education in the family is a multifaceted process that covers the physical education and health activities of the child. It is advisable that he engages not only in physical education, but also in some kind of sport - this will help him develop strength and endurance. If we talk about the internal structure and content of physical education, then from this point of view, an important place is given to precisely such a process as the formation in a child of a real need for physical education, which can significantly improve health. If a person develops the habit of exercising, then it will be possible to improve his physical strength and overall performance, and strengthen his will.

Physical education carries knowledge that will enrich the child’s understanding of the essence and significance of physical education and sports, and how they influence personal development. Thanks to such knowledge, children's horizons will be significantly expanded both mentally and morally. In addition, this way you can improve their general culture.

Physical education implies the child’s abilities, the desire for sports activities. This could be light or sports games or swimming. When a child does exercises and strengthens himself, he, of course, becomes healthier and more resilient. In addition, daily physical exercise helps you stay alert and energetic all day long and makes your figure fit.

The use of various physical exercises is nothing but physical education methods. They are divided into specific and general pedagogical. The first group is characteristic exclusively for the process of physical education, and the second is used in all cases of training and education. In order to solve specific problems that are associated with teaching the technique of performing physical exercises, they use the game method, strictly regulated exercises and the competitive method.

Common methods include verbal and visual methods. It is very important that in the methodology of physical education there is no method that could be considered the best. To successfully implement a set of physical education objectives, various methods should be optimally combined, based on methodological principles.

A component of the comprehensive harmonious development of personality is physical education.

Physical education is a system of social and pedagogical activities aimed at strengthening health, hardening the body, harmonious development of forms, functions and capabilities of a person, formation of life. Kristeva important motor skills and abilities.

The theory and practice of physical education are based on the data of physiology, which equips the theory and methodology of physical education with knowledge about the patterns of development of the human body, the influence of various factors on its functional activity, based on its data, they develop a scientifically based system of physical exercises aimed at the development of motor actions and formation physical qualities of the body.

Raising the younger generation physically healthy is an important task for families and schools. However, now only 27% of children are practically healthy preschool age, only 65% ​​of children and 60% of adolescents are physically harmoniously developed. A significant number of high school students, due to health reasons, have restrictions on their choice of profession, and among school graduates, at least half are unfit or partially fit for military service.

All this indicates the need for a radical restructuring of the organization of physical education of schoolchildren, a change in views on physical education, physical condition, and the beauty of the human body. We are talking about unloading curriculum and programs, reducing informative teaching, increasing the number of hours for physical education lessons, abandoning traditional forms of activity in the classroom, when children sit motionless all the time, in favor of their intensive work, as well as revising concepts and methods of physical education work at school. It should become a form of active recreation, work on the health, education and satisfaction of the physiological needs of the child. The importance of physical education, healthy image life should be emphasized by the teacher's behavior.

The content of physical education for schoolchildren is determined by the curriculum for the subject and the programs of sections and clubs. The program provides for: a) the assimilation of theoretical information (knowledge of general hygiene and hygiene of physical exercises, information necessary for independent performance of physical exercises). Theoretical material is reported on introductory classes and in the system of educational and training work in the lesson in conjunction with the exercises performed b) gymnastic exercises, contribute to the general physical development of students (building and restructuring, drill exercises, exercises aimed at the general development of the child, the formation of correct posture, acrobatic exercises, dance exercises, climbing and licking, balance exercises, hanging and supporting exercises, vaults) c) athletics (various types of running, long and high jumps, throwing for a distance) d) outdoor games designed for the development of students intelligence, dexterity, speed of action, fostering collectivism and discipline d) sports games (basketball, volleyball, football) e) ski training (mastery of the basic techniques of skiing, development of motor qualities); f) cross-country and speed skating training; yes) swimming (front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke, as well as diving and drowning rescue techniques).

The difficulty of implementing the program lies in the fact that in one lesson you have to master the elements of several sections. This makes planning difficult educational material per semester and per lesson

1) strengthening the health and hardening of the body of schoolchildren, promoting their physical development and increasing performance. The formation and development of the basic functions of the body occurs in school years requires the use of all factors that positively influence this process. Caring for the health of schoolchildren is the main task of every teacher at every lesson;

2) formation and improvement of motor skills and abilities and communication of related knowledge. The goal of physical education is the formation of vital skills and abilities in natural types of movements: running, gears, skiing, swimming. This requires knowledge about the methods and rules for performing motor actions, which students receive during explanations and demonstrations;

3) development of basic motor qualities. To perform many actions, a person needs strength - the ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it through muscle effort; speed - the ability to perform movements in a minimum period of time; endurance - the ability to perform certain work long time; flexibility - the ability to perform movements with a large amplitude; agility - the ability to quickly learn new movements and successfully act in changing ones. These motor qualities develop and manifest themselves in close interrelation;

4) formation of a habit and sustainable interest in systematic physical exercise. The positive impact of physical exercise is possible only if it is carried out systematically and develops into a habit and needs. To cultivate such a need, it is necessary to awaken the child’s interest in exercises, select interesting exercises, and promptly encourage the student to perform them. Meaningful leisure time contributes to active recreation and spiritual development of schoolchildren. The formation of a habit of physical exercise is facilitated by the correct daily and weekly routine, healthy eating, sufficient sleep. The use of alcohol, nicotine, and drugs is unacceptable;

5) education of hygienic skills, formation of knowledge about physical exercises and hardening. Students receive hygienic education while studying various items, in particular biology. They learn about the daily routine, hygiene of food, sleep, etc. In the process of physical exercises, students learn the rules of their use, learn about the effect of exercise on the body, hygienic requirements for hardening, and learn methods of self-monitoring of their performance, fatigue, and pulse , general health.

According to. According to the national doctrine for the development of education, physical education as an integral component of education should ensure that each person acquires the necessary scientifically based knowledge about health and means of strengthening it, about ways and methods of combating diseases, about methods for achieving high performance and long-term creative activity.

Used in education physical exercise, natural and hygienic factors

physical exercises are motor actions, specially organized and consciously performed in accordance with the laws and objectives of physical education. These include gymnastics, games, tourism, sports:

Gymnastics, as a special type of physical improvement, covers a wide variety of exercises: drill and order (teaching rational ways of shirking, shuffling and moving in order to develop skills of collective action) general developmental (involve the development of both individual parts of the body and the whole organism); floor exercises (improving coordination of movements, developing a sense of rhythm, beauty of movements) applied as a means of comprehensive personality development (running, jumping, throwing, etc.); gymnastics - exercises on various special equipment (acrobatic, developing strength, agility, ability to orientate in space. Exercises rhythmic gymnastics as a means of physical and aesthetic education);

Games, satisfying the natural attraction of children and adolescents to physical activity, excite collective experiences, instill joy in joint efforts, and help strengthen camaraderie and friendship. In elementary grades, mainly outdoor games are played, in middle and high grades - sports;

Tourism covers walks, excursions, hikes and trips that are organized to familiarize students with their native land, nature, historical and cultural monuments. In such events, students become physically fit, learn to be resilient, acquire applied skills of orientation and movement in a difficult environment, experience of collective life and activities, and learn the norms of a responsible attitude towards nature;

Sport, unlike physical education, is always associated with achieving maximum results in certain types of physical exercise. To identify sports and technical results, competitions are held. In sports wrestling, students overcome significant physical and nervous stress, identify and develop motor and moral-volitional qualities.

Natural factors (sun, air, water), acting together with physical exercises, enhance their health effects on students

Hygienic factors cover hygienic provision of physical education classes, a rational regime of educational work, rest, nutrition, sleep, etc. For effective physical education classes, certain hygiene requirements must be met Sport halls, recreational facilities, sports and equipment. These standards also regulate the schoolchild’s daily routine, which is differentiated depending on the state of health, level of performance, specific living conditions and individual characteristics students. Morning exercises, toilet, training sessions at school, lunch, afternoon rest, doing homework, staying at fresh air, sports, hobby activities, dinner, walk, preparation for sleep.

In physical education classes, the following methods of performing exercises are used: frontal - simultaneous execution of exercises by all students. It is used in teaching shikuvan and pereshikuvan, zagalnoz, zing exercises without objects and with objects, walking, running, dance exercises, skiing, etc.; continuous - students perform the exercise one after another in turn, that is, in a stream. The flow can be a bit tricky. This method is used when performing long jumps, high jumps, balance exercises, acrobatic exercises, climbing, descents and ascents on skis; variable - students are divided into shifts, which alternately perform exercises. Used when performing climbing, distance throwing, acrobatic exercises, speed running; group - involves dividing students into classes, groups, each of which performs a separate exercise. Through assessments, the groups change places so that each of them completes all the exercises; individual exercises are used when students perform assessment exercises; circular - small groups of students perform a certain number of different exercises, sequentially moving in a circle from one specially prepared place to perform a certain exercise to another, in a circular manner, performing exercises that the students have already mastered well.

contribute to the physical development of schoolchildren various shapes extracurricular physical education and sports activities, the most common of them are:

Gymnastics before lessons is designed to ensure self-organization of students at the beginning of the school day, prevent curvature of posture, increase efficiency during the day, and harden the body;

Exercise minutes and breaks to relieve fatigue. To perform the exercises, students leave their desks and loosen their collars and straps. Exercises are carried out in grades 1-8 at each lesson after 20-30 minutes of work and for 2.5-3 minutes. Children perform 3-4 exercises with 6-8 repetitions. Physical education breaks are also practiced in after-school groups and at home with middle and high school students for 10-15 minutes every 50-60 minutes of academic work. During such “minutes” it is advisable to process homework on physical education and physical culture;

Extracurricular activities (clubs and sections), the task of which is to create conditions for instilling in students the habit of systematic exercise, promoting the introduction of physical education into everyday life. In extracurricular activities, the knowledge, practical skills and abilities acquired in the lessons are consolidated and improved. Student participation in extracurricular activities is voluntary;

Health hour. In many schools it is carried out daily after the 2nd or 3rd lesson lasting 45 minutes. Time is freed up for her by taking a long break and reducing all lessons by 5 minutes. Exercises are performed mainly in the fresh air (students wear sportswear). Teachers can perform exercises together with students or in a separate group;

Mass competitions, sports holidays require a clear organization and observance of certain rituals. All this ensures the unity of physical, moral, aesthetic education of schoolchildren

Various martial arts (Cossack, oriental) have become popular among modern youth, which help to harden young men, develop agility and endurance

The comprehensive program “Physical Education - Health of the Nation” focuses on a systematic approach to the education of youth, in which physical education in the educational sphere is considered as an integral part of the general education system, designed to ensure the development of physical and moral health, mental and psychological preparation person to an active life and professional activity.

Activating the physical education of schoolchildren, introducing them to sports, and high achievements is facilitated by the introduction of football lessons in schools, as well as work. Football Federation. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on organizational, material and technical support for the training of young football players.

All champions and record holders studied at the school at one time, and future champions also attend it. Their achievements are also due to the school, and its main task in physical education is to prepare healthy, harmoniously developed youngsters.

Physical Culture - part of the general culture of society, the unification of various activities aimed at achieving physical improvement by a person (promoting health, developing physical qualities, achieving sports results, etc.). Level physical culture society (any society) depends on the level physical culture its members - physical personality culture - the degree of independent use of physical education in the field of upbringing and education, in production, everyday life, and in organizing free time and leisure.

Sport - an integral part of physical education, a means and method of physical education, a system for organizing competitions in various physical exercises. There is amateur and professional sports. The goal of sport, as an integral part of physical culture, along with promoting health and general physical development of a person, is to achieve high results and victories in competitions.

Physical education - an organic part of general education; a socio-pedagogical process aimed at strengthening health, the harmonious development of the forms and functions of the human body, its physical abilities and qualities, at the formation and improvement of motor skills and abilities necessary in everyday life and production, activities, and ultimately at achieving physical perfection. The main means and ways of physical activity are physical exercises (natural and specially selected movements and their complexes - gymnastics, athletics), various types of sports and tourism, hardening of the body (use of health benefits, the forces of nature - sun, air, water), compliance hygienic regime of work and life, mastery of special knowledge and skills in the field of using physical exercises, means of hardening, personal and social hygiene for the purpose of physical development and improvement (so-called physical education).

Physical development - the process of change, as well as the totality of the morphological and functional properties of the organism. F.r. human condition is determined by biological factors (heredity, the relationship between functional and structural, gradual quantitative and qualitative changes in the body, etc.) and social (material and cultural standard of living, distribution and use of material and spiritual goods, education, work, everyday life, etc. .). As a set of signs characterizing the state of the body at different age stages, the level of F. r. (along with fertility, morbidity, and mortality) is one of the most important indicators of the social health of the population. The main means of directed influence on F. r. are physical exercises. In modern society, comprehensive F. r. of all population groups, achieving physical perfection is the social goal of physical education, the programmatic and regulatory basis of which is national programs.

What is physical education

The most important task in any family is raising a healthy child. If children develop physically, a foundation is created on which the framework of a person’s personality can be built. Unfortunately, modern statistics show that the physical development, as well as the health of children and adolescents today leaves much to be desired. Ten years ago, children demonstrated higher rates of physical development than they do now.

Physical education is the foundation for a child to develop harmoniously. Its significance is also great in the comprehensive formation of personality. It is this kind of upbringing that creates the basis for being able to work fully mentally. In order to work intellectually, you need to spend enough physical strength. If a child is sick and not hardened, then the effectiveness of his mental activity is noticeably reduced, while a physically healthy person is easier to prove himself in productive work, it is much easier to overcome heavy loads, and overwork in such people is much less common.

Proper physical education contributes to the formation in a child of a sense of collectivism and camaraderie, and self-demandingness. This is an excellent willpower strengthener. Good physical development is the result of physical education. Thanks to the fact that it is organized at the proper level, the child’s physical strength can not only be strengthened, but also improved.

Physical education in the family is a multifaceted process that covers the physical education and health activities of the child. It is advisable that he engages not only in physical education, but also in some kind of sport - this will help him develop strength and endurance. If we talk about the internal structure and content of physical education, then from this point of view, an important place is given to precisely such a process as the formation in a child of a real need for physical education, which can significantly improve health. If a person develops the habit of doing physical exercise, then it will be possible to improve his physical strength and overall performance, and strengthen his will.

Physical education carries knowledge that will enrich the child’s understanding of the essence and significance of physical education and sports, and how they influence personal development. Thanks to such knowledge, children's horizons will be significantly expanded both mentally and morally. In addition, this way you can improve their general culture.

Physical education implies the development of a child’s physical abilities and the desire for sports activities. This could be athletics or weightlifting, sports games or swimming. When a child plays sports, does exercises, and strengthens himself, he, of course, becomes healthier and more resilient. In addition, daily physical exercise helps you stay alert and energetic all day long and makes your figure fit.

The use of various physical exercises is nothing more than physical education methods. They are divided into specific and general pedagogical. The first group is characteristic exclusively for the process of physical education, and the second is used in all cases of training and education. In order to solve specific problems that are associated with teaching the technique of performing physical exercises, they use the game method, strictly regulated exercises and the competitive method.

Common methods include verbal and visual methods. It is very important that in the methodology of physical education there is no method that could be considered the best. To successfully implement a set of physical education objectives, various methods should be optimally combined, based on methodological principles.

Physical education is:

Physical education

Physical Culture- a sphere of social activity aimed at preserving and strengthening health, developing a person’s psychophysical abilities in the process of conscious motor activity. Physical Culture- part of culture, which is a set of values, norms and knowledge created and used by society for the purposes of physical and intellectual development human abilities, improving his physical activity and developing a healthy lifestyle, social adaptation through physical education, physical training and physical development (in accordance with Federal law Russian Federation dated December 4, 2007 N 329-FZ “On physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation”);

The main indicators of the state of physical culture in society are:

  • level of health and physical development of people;
  • the degree of use of physical culture in the field of upbringing and education, in production and everyday life.

General information

The term “physical culture” appeared at the end of the 19th century in England during the rapid development of modern sports, but did not find widespread use in the West and over time practically disappeared from use. In Russia, on the contrary, having come into use since the beginning of the 20th century, after the revolution of 1917 the term “physical culture” received recognition in all high Soviet authorities and firmly entered the scientific and practical lexicon. In 1918, the Institute of Physical Culture was opened in Moscow, in 1919 Vseobuch held a congress on physical culture, since 1922 the magazine “Physical Culture” was published, and from 1925 to the present - the magazine “Theory and Practice of Physical Culture”. Gradually, the term “physical culture” became widespread in the countries of the former socialist camp and in some “third world” countries. The very name “physical culture” indicates its belonging to culture. Physical culture is a type of general culture, a side of activity for the development, improvement, maintenance and restoration of values ​​in the field of physical improvement of a person for the self-realization of his spiritual and physical abilities and its socially significant results associated with the performance of his duties in society.

Physical culture is part of the general culture of mankind and has absorbed not only centuries of valuable experience in preparing a person for life, mastering, developing and managing for the benefit of a person the physical and mental abilities inherent in him by nature (from a religious point of view - by God), but what is not less important is the experience of affirming and strengthening the moral principles of a person manifested in the process of physical education. Thus, in physical culture, contrary to its literal meaning, people’s achievements in improving their physical and, to a large extent, mental and moral qualities. The level of development of these qualities, as well as personal knowledge, skills and abilities to improve them constitute the personal values ​​of physical culture and determine the physical culture of an individual as one of the facets of a person’s general culture.

Means of physical culture

The main means of physical culture, developing and harmonizing all manifestations of the life of the human body, are conscious (conscious) exercises of various physical exercises (bodily movements), most of which were invented or improved by the person himself. They assume a gradual increase physical activity from exercises and warm-ups to training, from training to sports games and competitions, from them to setting both personal and general sports records as personal physical capabilities grow. In combination with the use of natural forces of nature (sun, air and water are our best friends!), hygiene factors, diet and rest, and depending on personal goals, physical culture allows you to harmoniously develop and heal the body and maintain it in excellent condition physical condition long years.

Components of physical culture

Each of the components of physical culture has a certain independence, its own target setting, material and technical support, a different level of development and the volume of personal values. Therefore, sport in the activity sphere of physical culture is especially distinguished, using the phrases “physical culture and sports”, “physical education and sports”. In this case, “physical culture”, “physical culture” in the narrow sense, can be understood as mass physical culture and therapeutic physical culture.

Mass physical culture

Mass physical culture is formed by the physical activity of people within the framework of the process of physical education and self-education for their general physical development and health improvement, improvement of motor capabilities, improvement of physique and posture, as well as activities at the level of physical recreation.

Physical recreation

Recreation (Latin - recreatio, literally - restoration) - 1) vacation, break at school, 2) room for recreation in educational institutions, 3) rest, restoration of human strength. Physical recreation is motor active recreation and entertainment using physical exercises, outdoor games, various types sport, as well as the natural forces of nature, which result in pleasure and achievement wellness and mood, mental and physical performance is restored. As a rule, classes at the level of mass physical culture for healthy person are not associated with very great physical and volitional efforts, however, they create a powerful disciplinary, tonic and harmonizing background for all aspects of his activity.

Healing Fitness

Main article: Healing Fitness

Another, also non-sports in terms of goals, direction of physical culture is formed by therapeutic physical culture (motor rehabilitation), using specially selected physical exercises and, as already noted, some sports equipment for the treatment and restoration of body functions impaired as a result of diseases, injuries, overwork and other reasons.


Sport in the traditional expression “physical education and sports” is taken not only beyond the scope of physical education in the narrow sense of the term, but also beyond the scope of physical culture in the broad sense, since it also includes physical activities not directly related to culture (for example, chess, checkers, bridge, billiards, shooting, a number of technical sports, etc.), suitable for the original meaning English word“sport” as games, fun, entertainment. In a broad sense, the modern concept of physical culture includes only sports based on performing certain physical exercises and high physical activity. The integral features of sport are pronounced competitiveness, the desire to win and achieve high results, which require increased mobilization of a person’s physical, mental and moral qualities, which are improved in the process of rational training and participation in competitions. This distinction of two different quantitative and qualitative levels of manifestation of a person’s capabilities and aspirations in mass physical education and sports corresponds to the well-known names “cultivator” and “athlete”.

Adaptive physical education

Main article: Adaptive physical education

The specificity of this activity sphere is expressed in the complementary definition “adaptive”, which emphasizes the purpose of physical education for persons with health problems. This suggests that physical culture in all its manifestations should stimulate positive morpho-functional changes in the body, thereby forming the necessary motor coordination, physical qualities and abilities aimed at life support, development and improvement of the body. The main direction of adaptive physical culture is the formation of motor activity as a biological and social factor influencing the human body and personality. Understanding the essence of this phenomenon is the methodological foundation of adaptive physical culture. At the St. Petersburg University of Physical Culture. P.F. Lesgaft opened the Faculty of Adaptive Physical Culture, whose task is to train highly qualified specialists to work in the field of physical culture for people with disabilities.

Physical education

Main article: Physical education

The modern broad concept of “physical education” means an organic component of general education - an educational, pedagogical process aimed at a person’s mastering the personal values ​​of physical culture. In other words, the purpose of physical education is the formation of a person’s physical culture, that is, that aspect of a person’s general culture that helps to realize his biological and spiritual potential. The founder of the scientific system of physical education (initially - education), harmoniously promoting mental development And moral education young man, is a Russian teacher, anatomist and doctor Pyotr Frantsevich Lesgaft (1837-1909) in Russia. The “Courses for Teachers and Leaders of Physical Education,” created by him in 1896, was the first higher educational institution in Russia for training specialists in physical education, the prototype of the modern St. Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture named after P. F. Lesgaft. Graduates of the Academy receive higher education in physical education and become specialists in various fields of physical education, including in the field of physical education, that is, the acquisition by people of the values ​​of physical education. In relation to work in higher educational institutions, such a specialist is called a teacher of physical education, or a teacher of the department of physical education. It is necessary to distinguish between the terms “physical education” as professional training in special educational institutions and “physical education” in its original (according to P.F. Lesgaft) sense of physical education. IN English language the term “physical education” can be used in both senses. It should also be borne in mind that the English term “en:physical culture” in the sense of our broad concept of “physical culture” is not used abroad. There, depending on the specific direction of physical education, the words “en: sport”, “en: physical education”, “en: physical training”, “en: fitness”, etc. are used. Physical education in unity with mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education ensures comprehensive personal development. Moreover, these aspects of the general process of education are manifested to a significant extent in the process of physical education itself, organized accordingly.

In higher educational institutions, the process of physical education of students is carried out at the Department of Physical Education through the academic discipline “Physical Culture”.

The goal of physical education is achieved in solving interrelated health-improving, developmental, educational and educational tasks.

The health-improving and developmental objectives of physical education include:

  • strengthening health and hardening the body;
  • harmonious development of the body and physiological functions of the body;
  • comprehensive development of physical and mental qualities;
  • security high level efficiency and creative longevity.

It is believed that to accomplish these tasks total time Educational and training sessions in the discipline “Physical Education” and additional independent physical exercises and sports for each student should be at least 5 hours per week.

see also

  • Physical education at school


  1. Nikolaev Yu. M. Theory of physical culture: functional, value-based, activity-based, effective aspects. St. Petersburg, 2000, .
  2. Social and biological foundations of physical culture: Textbook / Ed. ed. D. N. Davidenko. Publisher: ST. PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY, 2001, 208 with ISBN 5-288-02201-1

2. Physical education as a system, its structure. Purpose, objectives, foundations and principles of the physical education system

Physical education system – a historically determined type of social practice of physical education, ensuring the physical improvement of people and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Basics: 1. Worldview. Worldview is a set of views and ideas that determine the direction of human activity. Worldviews are aimed at promoting comprehensive development personality, strengthening and long-term preservation of health, preparation on this basis for professional activities.

2. Theoretical and methodological. Scientific provisions of natural, social, pedagogical sciences, on the basis of which “Theory and Methods of Physical Education” develops the laws of physical education.

3. Software-regulatory. Norms and requirements government programs, standards of the Unified Russian Sports Classification, standards of the All-Russian complex “Physical Education and Health”.

4. Organizational:

- state forms of organization (compulsory physical exercises in preschool institutions, secondary schools, vocational schools, the army, medical and preventive organizations);

Social and amateur forms of organization (system of voluntary sports societies: “Spartak”, “Lokomotiv”, “Dynamo”, “Labor Reserves”, etc.);

Leadership and management bodies (Federal Agency for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, State Duma Committee on Tourism and Sports, regional and municipal committees for physical culture and sports, relevant departments of the Ministry of Education, regional and municipal departments of educational authorities).

The purpose of the physical education system – optimization of human physical development, comprehensive improvement of the physical qualities and abilities inherent in each person in unity with the education of spiritual and moral qualities and to ensure on this basis the preparedness of each member of society for fruitful work and other types of activities.

Objectives of the physical education system:

1. Wellness (tasks to optimize physical development):

Optimal development of physical qualities inherent in humans;

Strengthening and maintaining health, including hardening the body;

Improving physique and developing physiological functions;

Maintaining a high level of overall performance for many years.

2. Educational:

Formation of vital motor skills and abilities;

Formation of sports motor skills and abilities;

Acquisition of basic knowledge of a scientific and practical nature in physical culture.

3. Educational (tasks for the formation of a person’s personality):

Promoting the development of moral qualities;

Promoting the formation of behavior in the spirit of the requirements of society;

Promoting the development of intelligence;

Promoting the development of psychomotor functions.

Principles of the physical education system:

The principle of influencing the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual. This principle is revealed in two provisions.

1. Ensure the unity of all aspects of education that form a harmoniously developed personality. In the process of physical education and related forms of using physical culture, an integrated approach is needed in solving the problems of moral, aesthetic, physical, mental and labor education.

2. Comprehensive use various factors physical culture for the complete general development of vital physical qualities inherent to a person and motor abilities based on them, along with the formation of a wide fund of motor skills necessary in life. In accordance with this, in specialized forms of physical education it is necessary to ensure the unity of general and special physical training.

The principle of connection between physical education and life practice (the principle of application). This principle best reflects the purpose of physical education: to prepare a person for work, and also, by necessity, for military activity. The principle of application is specified in the following provisions.

1. When solving specific problems of physical training, ceteris paribus, one should give preference to those means (physical exercises) that form vital motor skills and skills of a directly applied nature.

2. In any form of physical education, it is necessary to strive to ensure the acquisition of the widest possible fund of various motor skills and abilities, as well as the diversified development of physical abilities.

3. Constantly and purposefully connect physical cultural activities with the formation of an active life position of the individual based on the education of hard work, patriotism and moral qualities.

The principle of health-improving orientation. The meaning of the principle is to necessarily achieve the effect of strengthening and improving human health.

Physical education is a pedagogical process aimed at improving the form and functions of the human body, the formation of motor skills, skills, related knowledge and the development of physical qualities.

The emergence of physical education dates back to early period in the history of human society. Elements of physical education arose in primitive society. People got their own food, hunted, built housing, and in the course of this natural, necessary activity, their physical abilities spontaneously improved - strength, endurance, speed.

Gradually, during the historical process, people noticed that those members of the tribe who led a more active and mobile lifestyle, repeated certain physical actions many times, showed physical effort, were stronger, more resilient and more efficient. This led to people's conscious understanding of the phenomenon of exercise (repetition of actions). It was the phenomenon of exercise that became the basis of physical education.

Having realized the effect of exercise, a person began to imitate the movements (actions) necessary for him in his work activity outside the real labor process, for example, throwing a dart at an image of an animal. As soon as labor actions began to be used outside of real labor processes, they turned into physical exercises. The transformation of work activities into physical exercises has significantly expanded the scope of their impact on humans, and primarily in terms of comprehensive physical improvement.
Further, in the course of evolutionary development it turned out that significantly best effect in physical training is achieved when a person begins to exercise in childhood, and not in adulthood, i.e. when he is prepared for life and work in advance.

Thus, humanity’s awareness of the phenomenon of exercise and the importance of the so-called preliminary preparation of a person for life, the establishment of a connection between them served as the source of the emergence of genuine physical education.

Forms of organized physical education arose in Ancient Greece in the form of special training of youth in military and sports exercises, but up to Recent history they remained the property of a few representatives of the privileged classes or were limited to military training.

The basic concepts of the theory of physical education include the following: 1) “physical education”; 2) ; 3) ; 4) ; 5) .

Physical education. This is a type of education, the specific content of which is teaching movements, nurturing physical qualities, mastering special physical education knowledge and forming a conscious need for physical education activities.

There are two sides to physical education: physical education and the development of physical qualities.

Thus, physical education is a process of solving certain educational tasks, which has all the characteristics pedagogical process. A distinctive feature of physical education is that it ensures the systematic formation of motor abilities and skills and the targeted development of a person’s physical qualities, the totality of which decisively determines his physical capacity.

List of used literature:

  1. Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsov V.S. Theory and methodology of physical education and sports: Proc. aid for students higher textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2000. - 480 p.