What foods should pregnant women not eat? Proper nutrition during pregnancy. What not to do during pregnancy


When pregnant, it is not enough for a woman to just give up alcohol. Many drinks from Everyday life should be limited and some even abolished. For example, your favorite coffee can be consumed no more than once a day due to the caffeine it contains. Black tea should be drunk weakly brewed. But you need to be careful with cocoa, because it is a strong allergen.

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications and swelling does not bother the expectant mother, doctors recommend drinking 2 liters of fluid per day. What can replace ordinary water? If you are the happy owner of a juicer, prepare yourself freshly squeezed juices. These can be mono juices: apple, pear, pumpkin, etc. Or mixed, for example, an apple combined with carrots or orange. You should not drink any one juice for several days. Diversify your menu.

You should not drink citrus juice in its pure form, as this can lead to allergies. But pomegranate juice should definitely be included in your diet. It increases hemoglobin, the lack of which often affects expectant mothers. Regular consumption of pomegranate juice can reduce the amount of blood lost during childbirth.

Fruit drinks made from cranberries, lingonberries or currants will benefit both you and yours. You can also use water to make berry preserves or jams. For these purposes, it is better to use your own supplies, because store-bought products contain preservatives, dyes and other chemicals.

Green tea contains no less caffeine than regular black. Instead, treat yourself to homemade white or aromatic tea. To do this, you will need leaves, flowers or fruits of plants at the rate of 1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water. Raspberries, blueberries, currants, lemon balm, mint, and rose hips are perfect as raw materials. A decoction of lingonberry leaves removes excess water from the body well; it is often prescribed for.

Milk is poorly absorbed by the adult body, so it is better to replace it with fermented milk products: kefir, fermented baked milk or cream. They contain calcium and potassium, which are necessary for the formation of a small organism. Also, these products are rich in beneficial bacteria, which will improve the functioning of the intestines and strengthen the immune system of the expectant mother.

It is a mistake to think that limiting your fluid intake will reduce the swelling that often occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy. This can lead to dehydration, causing even more harm. To prevent or reduce edema, you should limit the amount of salt in the expectant mother’s diet. It is she who retains water.

Video on the topic


You should not prepare tea with the addition of sage, chamomile, valerian or parsley. These herbs increase the tone of the uterus.

Helpful advice

If pregnancy is accompanied by toxicosis, add a few drops of lemon juice to a glass of clean water.

A cup of aromatic coffee or sweet tea perfectly invigorates you in the morning. These drinks are an integral part of any breakfast. When a woman learns about her interesting situation, she begins to worry about the benefits and harms of certain products, so the natural question is whether pregnant women can drink coffee and tea.

The caffeine contained in coffee in small quantities cannot harm the body of a pregnant woman. But with frequent consumption of coffee, there is a risk of disturbances in the development of the fetus. Some studies suggest that caffeine has a detrimental effect on nervous system developing in the womb of the child, emphasize the relationship between drinking the drink and miscarriages and premature births.

To answer the question of whether it is possible to drink coffee, it is necessary to consider the effect of its active substances on the mother’s body. Thus, caffeine excites the nervous system, increases blood circulation, and increases blood pressure. If a woman suffers from headaches due to low blood pressure while carrying a child, then drinking a small amount of weak coffee may even be beneficial, but during gestosis it should be completely avoided.

Coffee has a diuretic effect, so during pregnancy it can cause a woman discomfort associated with already frequent urination. Instant coffee can cause heartburn due to its increased acidity.

During pregnancy, it is better to drink substitute drinks that do not contain caffeine instead of coffee. And if you still really want to enjoy your favorite taste and aroma, then you should definitely dilute the coffee with milk or cream.

If pregnant women are not recommended to drink coffee, then can a pregnant woman drink tea? You should also not overdo it with this drink, because it also contains an analogue of caffeine. Its concentration is especially high in green tea. Therefore, doctors recommend that pregnant women switch to herbal infusions and decoctions of dried fruits.

Pregnancy is far from the easiest time for a woman. During this period, you need to carefully monitor what you eat and, especially, drink, since you are responsible for the health of the unborn child.


During this time, it is best to quench your thirst with clean water. Spring water tested by experts, filtered boiled water, or table water from bottles are ideal. It is better to avoid sparkling mineral water, as it promotes excess gas formation, and mineral salts can put unwanted stress on the kidneys, especially if you have a tendency to edema.

Drinking large amounts of clean water becomes especially important after the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy, when water-salt metabolism is activated, and an increase in the total volume of fluid circulating in the body can lead to increased thirst. It is important to drink enough water throughout your pregnancy. If you get into the habit of constantly carrying a bottle of water with you and drinking it in small sips when necessary, your thirst will be much less noticeable.

Of course, for every girl, pregnancy is one of the most important stages in life. Throughout the entire period of bearing a child, a woman is bombarded with a barrage of various tips and warnings. What’s interesting is that for each of them there is some supposedly real incident. Fortunately, most are nothing more than ordinary myths that are picked up and spread by not very literate people. To know how to distinguish the wheat from the chaff, you need to fully study, what is possible during pregnancy and what is not.

Let's look at the main points of what girls in this position can do:

  • Have sex. If this does not cause you and your beloved man any discomfort, then... In addition, it can give even more incredible emotions. Of course, you should first consult your doctor.
  • Get a haircut. No matter what anyone says, cutting and dyeing hair during pregnancy is not contraindicated. A woman has every right to always look great. The only thing you need to avoid is some toxic substances.
  • Swim. Doctors recommend swimming during pregnancy as often as possible. Also, do not forget about special aqua aerobics. After all, it significantly relaxes and relieves stress.
  • Do handicrafts. It is not known where it came from that pregnant girls are strictly forbidden, for example, to embroider. If you want to entertain yourself, then why not do it.
  • Delicious to eat. Yes, most of the usual products will have to be excluded. However, it is enough to form your own correctly - and everything will be fine.
  • Physical exercise. If your doctor does not prohibit you from engaging in physical activity, then you can do it in moderation. Basically, yoga will give great benefits.
  • Travel. If you wish, go where you want and with what you want. This is not forbidden. However, the closer the birth is, the more it is recommended not to go far from your own apartment.

Now you need to understand what a girl is strictly forbidden to do when she is carrying a child:

  • Drinking alcohol. It is under the strictest ban. Even a few glasses of red wine can negatively affect the health of the unborn baby. Moreover, alcohol can provoke long and difficult birth, and .
  • Smoking. Scientists have proven that a child’s addiction to smoking can arise even at the stage when a girl is pregnant with him. Plus, the immune system is weakened, and the lungs become not fully developed. If you are planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to give up nicotine several months before its expected start.
  • Eating the wrong foods. First of all, for the next nine months you can forget about both raw eggs and scrambled eggs. Boiled milk is now prohibited. You should also not eat sushi, sausage, minced meat, blue cheese and raw meat.
  • Eat for two. The body needs only 200 kcal more during pregnancy. Overeating can lead to diabetes during pregnancy and significantly complicate childbirth.
  • To drink coffee. During pregnancy, there is a taboo on coffee, as well as strong black tea. Caffeine - this substance is contained in both drinks, it can greatly harm the unborn baby.
  • Self-medicate. Since immunity decreases significantly, the girl begins to get sick more often. At this time, self-medication is strictly prohibited. Only a doctor can prescribe all necessary medications. And even more so, there is no need to look towards traditional medicine.
  • Take hot baths. If the water temperature is more than +39 degrees, this may negatively affect the formation of the fetus.
  • To engage in the gym. Heavy physical activity is now prohibited.
  • Clean up the cat litter. There is a high probability of contracting toxoplasmosis.
  • Walk in high heels. This creates unnecessary stress on the spine. After giving birth, you may experience back pain.
  • You should absolutely not tell anyone about the upcoming birth of your child.. In fact, you can do whatever you want. Nothing will happen because of this. The myth dates back to those times when almost all people were terribly afraid of the evil eye. A kind of “silence” was the only way to combat this problem.
  • It is forbidden to cut hair. Some girls still believe in him. Ancient peoples had many legends regarding hair. It was believed that if a girl cut her hair, she would destroy all the strength of the baby. Modern science does not confirm this myth.
  • The shape of your belly indicates whether you are having a girl or a boy. There are various theories about what shape a girl's belly should be in order to determine whether a son or daughter will be born. In fact, only with the help of ultrasound is it possible to understand what gender the child is.
  • You will lose a tooth if you give birth to a child. This myth has partial confirmation. And dentists agree with them. During pregnancy, gums become inflamed and dental problems appear. Therefore, visits to the doctor should be made more often.

Video about prohibitions during pregnancy

We invite you to watch a video about the main taboos during pregnancy and what lies behind them. What misconceptions there are.

Many women who have already become mothers remember with nostalgia those happy months when they were pregnant. Oddly enough, they are starting to miss some of the prohibitions! Dear readers, how was your childbirth? Share your experience with others!

That pregnancy changes life married couple and especially women - understandable and quite natural. After all, the new tiny little man who appeared under the heart of the now expectant mother a few weeks (or even days) ago requires special care. Now everything that happens to a pregnant woman is somehow connected with her future baby. Now a woman (it’s worth noting, a conscious one) plans her day with special care, devoting considerable space to rest and sleep, comfortable clothes and proper nutrition. Some women hang a list of foods prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding in the kitchen. This article is dedicated to those who have just begun to think about the question of what pregnant women should not eat.

The issue of a pregnant woman’s diet is quite complex initially, since, and then other “charms of a pot-bellied position” forms peculiar preferences or aversions to certain foods. It often happens that you don’t want healthy foods at all, but you’re drawn to some nasty things. That is why special attention must be paid to the issue of products that are dangerous from a health point of view for the unborn baby.

If you approach the issue of nutrition during pregnancy responsibly, you will have to exclude certain foods and significantly limit the amount of others. But such actions will allow you not to undermine your own health and provide the baby’s body with everything necessary, protecting it from the effects of harmful substances.

Fried, fatty, spicy, smoked

Fatty, salty, fried, spicy and smoked foods greatly overload both the liver and gall bladder, and increase the load on the kidneys. In most cases, such foods cause heartburn and aggravate it. This is due, first of all, to the fact that these organs shift significantly during pregnancy due to the growing uterus, which leads to their functioning in complicated conditions.

You need to be especially picky about smoked products. Firstly, there are practically no truly smoked products on sale now. In order to give them a specific smoked taste and aroma, manufacturers add a variety of chemical components. One of them is known as "liquid smoke". Such products contain substances called carcinogens, which cause the development of cancer.

Products containing E-additives and other chemical additives

When buying products in a store, a pregnant woman should sweep aside everything where the packaging says that the product contains dyes, preservatives, antioxidants, stabilizers, emulsifiers, acidity regulators, thickeners, flavor and aroma enhancers, sweeteners, glazing agents, flour improvers.

These products include all colored creams, chewing gum and chewing candies and caramels so beloved by many. The prohibited list includes a variety of aromatic seasonings, mayonnaise, ketchups, sauces, and marinades. These products, containing large amounts of E-additives, dyes, preservatives and salt, are very dangerous for a pregnant woman and the baby growing under her heart. Of the known additives, E-102, E-202, E-122 are especially harmful.

If any product contains flavor enhancers (such as monosodium glutamate, nitrites), immediately put these products aside. First of all, this applies to a variety of crackers, chips, sauces, and crab sticks. The same applies to semi-finished products. This food is certainly good because it does not require a long time to prepare. But think, at what cost can you gain time? Your health is not yet born child It’s worth the extra effort and cooking for yourself and your family something not only tasty, but also healthy.

Due to the variety of chemistry included in soda and “sweet water”, you will also have to abandon them.

Canned products

Today, supermarket shelves are simply bursting with canned products. What's missing: soups, juices, vegetables. But don’t delude yourself, because they contain preservatives and vinegar in very large quantities. It will not be superfluous to know that preservatives pose a danger to the health and development of the unborn baby, since they suppress the synthesis of certain proteins. But protein is the main building material for a growing and developing fetus. In addition, there is information that preservatives can cause the development of blood diseases and cancer.


Even if a pregnant woman cannot live without a morning cup, then for the sake of the health of her own baby she will have to change her habit and slightly adjust her drinking habits. It is especially difficult for those women who, before pregnancy, treated coffee like a drug, drinking from 3 to 7 cups a day.

Firstly, coffee increases blood pressure, and this condition is very undesirable for a pregnant woman. Secondly, special studies have confirmed that daily consumption of more than three cups of coffee per day doubles the risk of miscarriage. This is especially true in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus is just forming. Thirdly, coffee can cause insomnia, and, as you know, a pregnant woman needs a lot of quality rest. How can you rest here if you can’t sleep? Fourthly, this drink, beloved by many, removes from the body useful microelements And . This is also very bad, because they are simply necessary for normal development child.

All this applies to both freshly brewed and instant drinks. By the way, it is necessary to exclude other products containing caffeine. In particular, cola and various energy drinks. Black tea should be drunk lightly brewed and infrequently. This is because tea also contains caffeine, which large quantities can penetrate the placenta and harm the baby.

Alcoholic drinks

There is hardly a single sane person who would dare to say that alcoholic drinks do not harm the body of the expectant mother and her baby. Even seemingly harmless beer greatly increases the load on the kidneys, and as you know, they already work under increased load during pregnancy. Drinking beer while pregnant can cause severe swelling. And alcohol itself, especially in large quantities, has a negative effect on the developing systems and organs of the fetus. It has the most harmful and dangerous effect on the child during the laying period. internal organs and systems, that is, in the first three months of pregnancy.

Some experts say that a glass of wine a week is perfectly acceptable for a pregnant woman. But the March of Dimes, a public charity campaign to combat polio and its consequences, has proven that even small doses of alcohol are unsafe during pregnancy. And therefore, it doesn’t hurt to think about whether it’s worth consuming it at all, because alcohol creates a deficiency of oxygen in the cells, and this leads to the fact that normal development is impossible. It has already been proven that even small doses of alcohol have a strong effect on intellectual abilities future baby.


Chocolate is a powerful stimulant of the nervous system, and for a baby whose nervous system is not yet formed, it can have a destructive effect. Of course, we are talking about quite large quantities. Therefore, you can afford a few pieces of chocolate a week. But you also need to remember that chocolate can cause allergies. It happens that this allergy manifests itself not in the mother herself, but in the child. Cases have been reported where a woman, a few days before giving birth, consumed quite a lot of chocolates, gave birth to a child with obvious signs of an allergic reaction. Later, the allergy had to be relieved with the help of suprastin.

Refined sugar and various sweets

Refined sugar, as well as marmalade, ice cream, candies, cakes, muffins, pastries and other sweet delicacies, unfortunately, are also blacklisted. They contain practically no vitamins, but they contain a huge amount of carbohydrates. In particular, products made from white flour do not contain such essential vitamin E and vitamin B complex. By eating these foods, and even in large quantities, the expectant mother rapidly gains weight. And this is bad for her health, and for the health of the baby, and for the upcoming birth. If we also remember that this kind of product contains a lot of dyes, stabilizers and other chemicals, which were already mentioned above, then it is much easier to understand why these delicacies are on the prohibited list.


Margarine is an extremely harmful product for absolutely anyone. And what can we say about a pregnant woman? It turns out that trans fats, which are contained in margarine, can clog arteries and increase the likelihood of cardiovascular disease. This applies to both the expectant mother and, unfortunately, her unborn baby. In addition, New Zealand scientists have found that eating margarine and margarine-containing products reduces mental capacity future child.

Poorly processed meat

Raw or undercooked meat is very dangerous, as it can contain a variety of bacteria that cause dangerous diseases. Among them - bird flu, listeriosis, mad cow disease. Moreover, it is recommended to handle such products only with gloves while cooking. Meat and poultry must be cooked thoroughly and ensure that no traces of blood remain.

Some seafood

It is better not to eat some types of fish during pregnancy. This applies to mackerel, tuna, swordfish, shark, cabezon, and shrimp. These seafood can cause severe allergies. Moreover, these types of fish contain quite high level methylmercury, which has a bad effect on the brain and nervous system of the unborn baby. Fried fish is not recommended for pregnant women, as it is difficult to digest and increases the load on the liver and kidneys. Sushi is strictly prohibited.

Pregnant women should not consume milk purchased in the store, as well as homemade unpasteurized milk, some types of cheeses (blue cheeses: Brie, Camembert, Danish blue, Gorgonzola, Roquefort), raw eggs, juices from packages, and large quantities of nuts. And if after reading this list it seems to you that the expectant mother is not allowed anything tasty, do not be upset. In fact, there are many different treats that are recommended and very beneficial for the body of the expectant mother and her baby. But more on that next time.

Especially for- Olga Rizak

Pregnancy is certainly one of the most beautiful moments in a woman’s life, but also one of the most responsible. Is it possible to fly on an airplane, what physical activity is acceptable during pregnancy, is it worth having sex? These questions interest almost all women who saw two coveted stripes on the test...

Well, it’s time to figure out: what really categorically cannot be done during pregnancy, and what will only benefit the baby and the expectant mother?

Alcohol and smoking - no compromises!

No matter how much your friends or acquaintances from the forums convince you of the harmlessness of a couple of glasses of red wine or beer, doctors around the world are unanimous: even small doses of alcohol can harm the child and the expectant mother - cause severe intrauterine developmental defects, premature and often difficult childbirth, and provoke a miscarriage . The "degree" is especially toxic early stages pregnancy - at and until the end of everything, when a very important process of organogenesis occurs, during which the embryo is just being formed, the “laying in” of all the internal organs and systems of the child occurs. It is undesirable to drink alcohol during conception, and for both future parents! As for smoking, scientists have long proven that babies whose mothers smoked while pregnant are born with a ready dependence on nicotine, they have a weakened immune system and often underdeveloped lungs. They are also more likely than other children to suffer from asthma and other ailments of the pulmonary system. Therefore, if you find out that you are having a baby, stop smoking immediately! In general, this must be done at the stage - 2-3 months before giving up contraception.


Women are often interested in whether it is possible to play sports while expecting a child? In this matter, as often happens, the golden mean is important. Nowadays, no one expects Olympic records from you, so you shouldn’t work hard and sweat for several hours a day in the gym. But you can’t completely deprive yourself of physical activity and lead a sedentary lifestyle - such “inaction” can lead to weight gain. excess weight, development of edema, problems with blood vessels, increased blood pressure. Such complications negatively affect the course of pregnancy and fetal development.

So which one physical activity choose? There are many options: yoga, fitness, gymnastics for pregnant women, swimming (or water aerobics), walking at a measured pace fresh air— such loads help improve lung function, maintain good tone of the muscles of the legs and back, prevent the appearance of varicose veins, and help fight venous congestion in the pelvic area. The currently popular Nordic walking - Nordic walking with trekking or ski poles - is very useful for the expectant mother and baby. During such training, blood flow, the condition of blood vessels and the heart improve, and the body is saturated with oxygen. The baby also receives more oxygen and nutrients.

But it is better to avoid cycling - they are considered an extreme sport for pregnant women. Alpine skiing, snowboarding, roller skating, martial arts - in a word, all too active and traumatic sports - are also unconditionally prohibited. In any case, in order not to harm the fetus, you need to consult with your gynecologist about what sports activity to choose during pregnancy. The doctor must exclude conditions in which physical activity is contraindicated or significantly limited.

Sex and taboo

Veto your sex life During this period, only very serious medical conditions can occur.


There is an opinion that air travel and sudden climate change do not in the best possible way affect pregnancy. Indeed, after the seventh month of pregnancy, it is not recommended to fly on an airplane - the threat of premature birth is strong. As for flights in general, everything is very individual - much depends on the course of pregnancy and the woman’s health. If the mother does not complain about anything and everything is fine with her unborn baby, then there are no special contraindications for travel. If a pregnant woman has a weakened body, suffers from high blood pressure, or has a high risk of miscarriage, then in this case it is better to avoid traveling by air.

As for visiting exotic corners of the world or places where it is too hot, we must remember that when entering many Asian, African and Latin American countries, it is necessary to be vaccinated against a number of infections, and this is a very big threat to the unborn baby. It is also not known how your body will react to sudden change climate and high temperatures, so doctors recommend refraining from such extremes and choosing more traditional tourism. But no matter how you feel, before you go traveling, you must definitely visit the gynecologist leading your pregnancy.

Forbidden food

Speaking about prohibitions of an interesting position, it is worth mentioning the choice of products. So, when compiling a list of acceptable foods for this period, you should give up very fatty, salty, fried, spicy foods and smoked foods - they “overload” the liver and gall bladder, increase the load on the kidneys, and can cause heartburn and exacerbation of gastritis. Foods that contain a lot of chemical additives, especially dyes and flavor enhancers (nitrites, monosodium glutamate) and seasonings: chips, all kinds of crackers, ready-made sauces, crab sticks, fast food, soda, and many sweets, have a bad effect on the body of pregnant women. Don't go heavy on some seafood (tuna, swordfish, shrimp), chocolate, strawberries and exotic fruits - they can cause allergies. For the same reason, refrain from frequently consuming vegetables and fruits with orange pigment (citruses, carrots, pumpkin, dried apricots), but do not completely exclude them from your diet - they contain many useful vitamins and microelements. By the way, it is believed that foods such as red fish and meat are dangerous during pregnancy - this is not true. On the contrary: proteins, fatty acid Omega-3 and folic acid contained in such food are simply necessary for pregnant women. In addition, meat serves as an excellent prevention of iron deficiency anemia, which often occurs during pregnancy. It is best if your attending physician chooses a diet based on test data and medical history.

Not all teas are created equal

During pregnancy, some women encounter problems such as edema. As a result, wanting to expel excess fluid from the body, expectant mothers begin to drink various diuretic teas, herbal teas or infusions of berries and herbs. This should absolutely not be done without consulting a doctor, because many drinks, due to their composition, are medicinal, as they contain chemical components, having different medicinal properties. Therefore, they may not have the best effect on the body of a pregnant woman and the condition of the fetus. Thus, drinks based on sage, parsley, ginseng, valerian, and chamomile often increase blood pressure.

For the same reasons, it is better to give up coffee. Scientists have confirmed the fact that daily consumption of this drink (more than 3 cups per day) increases the risk of miscarriage by 2 times, especially in the first 12 weeks! Coffee also increases blood pressure, causes insomnia, and removes from the body beneficial microelements and vitamins necessary for the normal development of a child. Both freshly brewed and instant drinks have a detrimental effect. In addition, doctors strongly advise that during pregnancy you should exclude other liquids containing caffeine from your diet - cola, energy drinks, strong green and black teas.

But mint, ginger, white tea and rosehip infusions are extremely useful. Mint soothes, relieves nausea, ginger has antibacterial properties and is indispensable during colds and ARVI, rose hips are rich in vitamins C, B, PP and iron, and white tea does not contain caffeine, normalizes blood pressure, promotes the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthens tooth enamel, which is very important while carrying the baby.

From the realm of myths

With the appearance of two stripes on the test, any woman (even with two or three higher education) begins to attach excessive importance to signs and beliefs. Meanwhile, many of them only ruin the life of the expectant mother. Here are some of them:

Myth. During pregnancy, you should not cut or dye your hair.

In fact: During pregnancy, the hair structure often changes: it becomes more brittle and lifeless. That is why, in order to look good, you need to get your hair cut regularly or at least trim the ends. As for coloring, modern ammonia-free paints are quite safe for both the expectant mother and the baby. A competent hairdresser will probably first test the dye on one strand and determine how the hair perceives a particular color.

Where did it come from: Since biblical times, hair has been considered a symbol of life (remember the tragic story of Samson and Delilah). Apparently, this is why our ancestors were so afraid of cutting their hair during pregnancy.

Myth. You should not tell anyone about your pregnancy until your pregnancy becomes obvious.

Pregnancy – the most important moment in a girl's life. The responsibility falls on your shoulders already at the planning stage. And the goal of the expectant mother is birth healthy child. To ensure a successful pregnancy, it is recommended to steadily listen to the advice of doctors, read subject literature and follow the recommendations of experienced mothers.

During pregnancy, it is recommended to eat right, get outdoors more often, monitor your health, pay attention to sleep and rest, minimize physical activity and be patient. As a result, childbirth will be successful and less painful. To unborn child developed normally and appeared healthy, you need to know what is possible for pregnant women. We will examine this topic in an article where we will answer 20 popular questions.

1. Drink coffee

Drinking coffee in reasonable quantities will not harm the baby, but will invigorate the expectant mother and put her in a great mood. Therefore, you don’t have to give up coffee. The main thing is that the daily dose does not exceed two cups of a weak drink.

However, some doctors claim that drinking coffee during pregnancy, even in small quantities, reduces the baby's weight. Drinking in liters increases the risk of stillbirth. The drink contains a lot of caffeine, which increases blood pressure and excites the nervous system. It is recommended to drink it taking into account the characteristics of the body.

2. Drink tea

Drinking tea during pregnancy is not prohibited, as long as it is in reasonable quantities. Pregnant daily norm weak tea is two cups. You can add honey or lemon slices to the drink. The beneficial elements contained in this amount of black tea are sufficient to protect and strengthen teeth and increase vascular permeability.

When it comes to dietary supplements in tea, handle them with care. Despite their naturalness, some of them tone the muscles of organs, including the uterus. If the circumstances are unfortunate, a miscarriage will occur. Therefore, it is better to avoid supplements.

3. Drink beer

Frivolous consumption of alcoholic beverages will lead to mental disorders and developmental disorders in the child. By knocking back a small glass of beer once again, the mother will reward the baby with addiction. Abuse of beer and other alcohol-containing drinks leads to such terrible consequences.

It's not just the alcohol contained in beer that is dangerous. The drink contains phytoestrogen, a substance whose structure resembles hormones. The entry of “foreign” hormones into a woman’s body has a bad effect on the hormonal balance and is dangerous for the child.

4. Drink milk

There are no prohibitions regarding the consumption of milk during pregnancy. A pregnant woman is allowed to consume liquid or powdered milk, and the choice of goat, cow, baked or fresh milk depends on preferences, usefulness and frequency of use.

If a rash, upset stomach, or other symptoms appear after drinking a glass of milk negative reactions, it is better to refuse the product. A worthy replacement would be homemade yogurt, cottage cheese or cheese. These products are rich in protein and calcium and can take care of the health of the expectant mother and baby just as well as milk.

5. Get vaccinated

When deciding whether to vaccinate, doctors base their decision on the benefit to harm ratio. Vaccination is carried out if there is an increased likelihood of contracting the disease. Pregnant women are not recommended to travel to certain countries due to certain vaccination requirements. In case of contact with a sick person, vaccinations are encouraged.

Vaccination is different, and each of them can lead to complications. During pregnancy, vaccination with live viruses is unacceptable. As for vaccinations based on inactive viruses, in some cases they are allowed. In this case, the antibodies contained in the injection are transferred to the baby and provide protection.

6. Do inhalations

According to the unanimous opinion of doctors, inhalations are a necessary remedy for the treatment of pregnant women. They, unlike medical supplies, do not affect the functioning of organs. Coughing attacks in the mother bring discomfort to the baby, and with a runny nose, the placenta does not receive enough oxygen. Therefore, inhalation treatment is a safe solution.

Inhalation steam is useful in the early treatment of dry and hacking cough. But if the illness is accompanied by fever, inhalation is prohibited. Better breathe essential oils. Inhalations during pregnancy are allowed an hour after meals.

7. Do fluorography

Fluorography is a low-dose research method. During pregnancy, the procedure is contraindicated. Pregnant women are exempt from scheduled testing. Doctors resort to any x-ray examination methods only in case of serious clinical indications.

In some cases, fluorography is performed on pregnant girls, but on condition that the benefit of the study for the expectant mother is higher than the risk to the child. In all other cases, research methods that do not involve ionizing radiation are used.

8. Do hair removal

During pregnancy, it is allowed to use hair removal techniques that are performed at home and do not affect the woman’s body. Among them waxing and removal of unwanted vegetation using an electric epilator. Trying other methods during pregnancy is risky. It is better to refuse them.

During pregnancy, it is recommended to combat hair by shaving. More effective ways Depilation should be postponed until use is safe for the child.

9. Making shellac

Doctors did not agree on this issue. Some claim that the shellac manicure technique is safe, while others see it as harmful. Cautious craftsmen believe that shellac should not be done during pregnancy, since the reaction of the female body to chemicals is unpredictable.

Girls in this position are very sensitive, capricious and have a heightened sense of smell. It is possible that during the procedure the pregnant woman will develop severe toxicosis. It is better to exclude shellac for a while and think about the health of the child.

10. Get a tattoo

Tattooing during pregnancy is a popular procedure because it makes self-care easier. There is no need to tidy up your eyebrows after tattooing. There is no consensus on whether it can be done while pregnant.

One thing is certain that a master who is building a career in this field will not want to tattoo a pregnant girl, since there are many nuances that are impossible to predict. We are talking about painful sensations, a spoiled mood when the color does not match the lady’s wishes and other issues.

11. Go to the cemetery

Church representatives argue that pregnant women should visit the cemetery and remember the people who have passed away. God blesses people who remember their ancestors. It is only recommended to do this if desired. Do not forget about superstitions according to which pregnant women should not visit a cemetery.

Finding yourself near the grave loved one, a woman can be overwhelmed by negative emotions and strong feelings, which will affect the health of mother and baby. Stress – main reason the appearance of illnesses. Therefore, it is better to avoid visiting the cemetery.

12. Go to church

Answer folk customs the answer to this question is negative, but the church welcomes it. Let's figure it out. According to the church, an unborn child is God's blessing. Therefore, church representatives see no reason to refuse to visit the temple.

Many people associate pregnancy with the menstrual cycle, during which church attendance is prohibited, but it is incorrect to compare these conditions. According to the priests, future mom should go to church and pray. It is also not prohibited to confess and receive communion.

13. Go to the bathhouse

If the pregnant woman’s health is fine, visiting the bathhouse is allowed after consultation with a doctor. Remember that going to the bathhouse in the early stages is contraindicated.

In all other cases, visiting the bathhouse trains the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and strengthens the immune system. Bath procedures are an excellent prevention of colds. If a pregnant girl has not visited a steam room before, it is not recommended to start using it during pregnancy.

14. Go to a funeral

Funerals are a powerful source of stress that can lead to the loss of a child. If a pregnant girl is afraid to attend a funeral or is worried about her comfort, it is better to stay at home. If a funeral of a loved one is being held and there is a great desire to attend it, it is recommended to listen to your inner voice. If you are confident that everything will be fine, go.

There are often cases when there is no desire to attend a funeral for other reasons. In this situation, you can justify the refusal by pregnancy, no one will judge anyone. You can say goodbye to someone who has left the world on a mental level.

15. Walk in heels

Sexy, beautiful and fashion footwear contraindicated for girls in position on all three quarters. Heeled shoes are allowed to be worn in the first half of pregnancy, although do not forget about your health status.

Even if wellness It is better to avoid constantly wearing heels, otherwise it will increase the tone of the uterus. If you cannot imagine life without shoes, limit yourself to wearing such shoes for a few hours and, having enjoyed it, give your feet a massage.

16. Go to the pool

Some expectant mothers find regular visits to the pool beneficial, while others are afraid of catching an infection. In any case, before visiting the pool, consult a gynecologist. If there are no complications or objections from the doctor, visit the pool at this moment. It was not for nothing that I added the phrase “current moment.” You are allowed to visit the pool after the mucus plug has formed and until it comes out.

17. Go to the solarium

Prolonged exposure to the sun is undesirable for a pregnant woman. Doctors recommend that pregnant women forget about artificial tanning for a while and not go to the solarium.

Under the influence of lamps, the hormonal levels will change, which will lead to the appearance age spots. During pregnancy skin covering sensitive to external factors and the risk of getting burned is high.

18. Dye your hair

During pregnancy, the body's hormonal levels undergo changes that affect the hair structure. Increasing progesterone levels helps reduce hair loss, resulting in thicker hair.

Research results have shown that the paints are safe for pregnant women. But do not forget that a woman’s body is individual. Medical representatives claim that the chemicals that make up paints adversely affect the scalp and the condition of the body. Therefore, consult your doctor before using hair dyes.

19. Smoking during pregnancy

In the second trimester, cigarettes negatively affect the child’s condition and increase the likelihood of disorders. Smoking often leads to disastrous consequences, including: premature birth, miscarriage, premature placental abruption or bleeding from the uterus.

It is recommended to quit smoking before conceiving a child. At the same time, there is no need to fight the habit after learning about pregnancy. A woman’s body is accustomed to receiving a dose of nicotine. It is better if you reduce the dose in the first trimester. As a result, the body will prepare to give up cigarettes.

20. Fly on a plane

There is no clear opinion about flying on an airplane during pregnancy. During the flight female body exposed to stress, but they pose a danger to a pregnant woman only in certain cases.

If pregnancy is progressing normally, there are no contraindications to the use of air transport. But if it is possible to get to the desired place by another means of transportation, it is not advisable to take risks. You can enjoy the comfort of air travel after the birth of your baby.