How to give birth to a baby naturally. How to have a baby naturally What you need to know

It may seem to many that planning a pregnancy is not necessary for a couple, since in their understanding, conception is a natural process that does not require additional preparation. In practice, however, things are a little different.

Having children in a family is an extremely responsible step, especially when it comes to the first child. Until the moment the baby arrives, parents have only a superficial idea of ​​how much attention and care a child requires. At the same time, the couple begins to bear responsibility for the offspring even before his birth, starting from the moment of conception.

Pregnancy planning:

  1. Stages of pregnancy planning.

Why is it so important to plan a pregnancy?

Unfortunately, inexorable progress has its downside, which negatively affects people's health and their reproductive function. Among the main factors that have a detrimental effect on reproduction, one can note: environmental degradation, a decrease in the quality of food, a rapid pace of life, etc. In such conditions, the chance to conceive and give birth to a healthy child decreases significantly.

To the negative factors, it should be added that during pregnancy, the woman's body is subject to various stresses, her immune, endocrine and nervous systems suffer, vital organs such as the heart, kidneys, liver, etc. work in an enhanced mode. Thus, the process of bearing a fetus in modern conditions becomes a real test for both the expectant mother and her baby.

It is, of course, impossible to completely eliminate negative external factors or to rid the body of the load that it is subjected to during gestation. However, with the help of planning a pregnancy, all risks can be minimized in order to preserve the health of the mother and ensure the health of her baby.

Stages of pregnancy planning

First step

Initially, it is necessary to prepare psychologically for the birth of a child. The decision to have a child in the family should literally mature. It is important that this decision is reciprocal. Do not insist if one of the partners is not yet ready for such a serious step.

Second phase

If the couple nevertheless decided to have a child, the second stage begins, which includes preparing the body of the mother and father for conception. This stage includes an initial consultation with specialists and doctors who will help assess the health of future parents and their readiness for the birth of a baby. Often this consultation is accompanied by a series of medical tests. Such studies are aimed at identifying risk factors and their elimination.

Third stage

At the third stage, parents-to-be should give up bad habits. This applies to both women and men. It is necessary to limit alcohol consumption and stop smoking altogether. Experts recommend quitting smoking a few months before the planned conception so that the body has time to cope with the stress that accompanies giving up cigarettes, and nicotine and other harmful tobacco products leave the body completely.

Fourth stage

The fourth stage of preparation for pregnancy includes a special diet. It is important that the products that end up on the table for future parents are of high quality. At the same time, it is worth strictly limiting the consumption of junk food, which exerts an additional load on the vital systems of the body. This diet should be as varied as possible. You can not deny yourself the consumption of products - sources of vitamins and minerals, as well as meat and seafood. With the recommendation of a doctor, the diet can be enhanced with a special vitamin and mineral complex.

Modern society is prone to late family planning tendencies. Increasingly, families come to a decision about having a baby when parents reach the age of 30+. And if for a man the age factor is less significant, then for women it is decisive in matters of preparation for pregnancy and childbirth.

A woman who decides to become a mother after 35 years old, in addition to the standard procedure for consulting with doctors, needs to undergo a special genetic examination. The fact is that late pregnancy and childbirth increase the risk of possible genetic diseases in the baby.

In addition, the resources of the body of a woman at the age of 25 and 35 have a significant difference. Older mothers are more likely to experience various complications during pregnancy, which can affect both the condition of the woman in labor and the fetus.

Pregnancy planning: video

Having seen a woman with a stroller on the street, it is not always easy to determine who it is: an elderly mother or a young grandmother? Now a woman can become a mother, regardless of age.

More and more women decide to have their first or subsequent children aged 35-40 years and older. Some researchers associate this trend with the development of technologies for early prenatal diagnosis, which gives families confidence in the birth of a healthy child.

Over the past 25 years, the number of women who become pregnant at the age of 35-40 has increased by 90%. Over the years, medicine has accumulated significant information about the characteristics of pregnancy and childbirth in the late reproductive period. What difficulties will the expectant mother face?

According to statistics, a woman under 30 has a chance of pregnancy
within one month it is 20%, and in 40 years it drops sharply to 5%.
Therefore, women planning a pregnancy after 35
it is recommended to seek medical attention
after six months of unsuccessful attempts.

Probability of conception after 35

Fertility begins to decline gradually after age 30. It's connected with:

  • a decrease in the number of ovulatory cycles;
  • an increase in the incidence of endometriosis with age;
  • an increase in the likelihood of tubal infertility;
  • high incidence of extragenital diseases.

Pregnancy over 35

Women over 35 years old automatically fall into the risk group for the development of pregnancy pathology. However, statistics show that if the expectant mother looks after herself and is in good health, then her pregnancy can proceed as successfully as at 20. What pitfalls a pregnant woman should beware of?

  • Women in late reproductive age have an increased risk of miscarriage.
  • More often, there is an abnormal development of the placenta.
  • There is a high risk of exacerbation and occurrence of somatic diseases, complications of pregnancy: arterial hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia, bleeding, premature birth, pregnancy diabetes.

Features of childbirth over 35 years old

As a result of a decrease in the elasticity of the uterus and soft tissues, hormonal imbalance in women over 35, the likelihood of weakness in labor increases, which leads to an increase in the duration of labor. The risk of rupture of the uterus and perineum increases. Childbirth is often complicated by large blood loss.

The first childbirth over the age of 35-40 years is more difficult than repeated and is more often completed by cesarean section.

Late pregnancy: risk to the baby

The biggest problem with late pregnancy is the relatively high chance of having a baby with a genetic abnormality. This tendency is associated, first of all, with the aging of germ cells and the accumulation of genetic mutations in the mother's body. Over the years, the harmful effects of various teratogenic and mutagenic factors on the body accumulate: toxic products, ionizing radiation and others.

Pregnant women of the older age group have a higher risk of premature birth, low birth weight, which reduces the adaptive potential of the newborn.

Pregnancy in late reproductive age is more common
multiple fetuses. So, the age of 35-39 years is considered the peak of the birth of twins.

After 35: secrets of a successful pregnancy

Despite everything, most of the desired late pregnancies are successful and end with the birth of a healthy baby. However, if a woman in her 20s can afford some lightheadedness, then a woman over 35 will need a particularly sensitive attitude to her health.

1. When planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to undergo a comprehensive examination and treatment of chronic diseases - gynecological and somatic. Pregnancy over 35 years old should not be accidental.

2. It is necessary to register with the antenatal clinic in the early stages and be examined in a timely manner during pregnancy.

3. It is important to strictly adhere to the diet and regimen, do not overload yourself with work, monitor your weight and blood pressure.

4. Of particular relevance is screening during pregnancy for early detection or elimination of the risk of congenital fetal pathology.

Expert: Tatiana Ivanova, gynecologist
Tatiana Uzonina

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Good day, dear friends! Many women now give birth after 30 years. And I am no exception. Many people say that it is better to give birth before the age of 28, but I disagree with that.

And today I will try to explain why. I will tell you about the benefits of having a baby after this age and about preliminary preparation for a happy moment.
In general, I suggest you study the topic better: how to give birth to a healthy child after 30 and not torment your soul with doubts.

There are many reasons why women give birth after 30. This is the desire to first build a career, and the desire to gain independence, and to find your soul mate and live for yourself.

The possibilities of modern medicine make it possible to become pregnant and bear a healthy and strong baby not only at the age of 20.

Let's find out about the benefits of pregnancy and the possible risks. The birth of your first baby after 30 is a desired and often hard-won happiness.

And, despite the difficulties, as well as the angry comments of others, such a pregnancy has many advantages:

  1. Serious and conscientious approach to motherhood.
  2. A woman knows what she wants, has achieved a certain social status and relies only on her own strength.
  3. Late childbirth contributes to the rejuvenation of the body and brings a new influx of strength. During pregnancy, estrogen is produced, which has a positive effect on health.
  4. At an older age, women behave more prepared during childbirth and are less likely to suffer from postpartum depression.

There are also certain disadvantages to childbirth after 30:

  1. The presence of chronic illnesses can negatively impact on.
  2. Edema and histosis are more common.
  3. There is a risk of premature birth and pregnancy complications.
  4. After 30, the skin is not so elastic and the birth canal diverges worse.

Why is it important to plan a pregnancy

There are many factors that affect a woman's fertility. Among the main ones, it is worth noting the rapid pace of life, poor ecology and a decrease in the quality of food.
The negative should include the fact that the body is exposed to the strongest stress during pregnancy.

The heart, liver and kidneys work in an increased mode. The load falls on the endocrine, nervous and immune systems.
It will not be possible to remove all negative factors and loads.

But with proper planning, you can minimize any risk.

The main stages of planning a pregnancy

Pregnancy planning includes several important steps.

If you care about your health, you should know about them:

  • first of all, get examined by a gynecologist, get tested and do an ultrasound. Get your health in order. It is necessary to be checked for all sorts of infections and to be treated. This must be done for the fathers too;
  • pregnancy can provoke problems with vision and teeth, so before conception, get examined by a dentist and ophthalmologist;
  • don't forget about vitamins. After 30 they are needed by the body. Be sure to take iodomarin as well;
  • physical fitness will benefit. DO NOT forget to exercise, eat right and rest;
  • men need to stop drinking and smoking for several months before conception;
  • take care of your mental health. The nerves should be in good condition. Provide a positive attitude and stop worrying;
  • before pregnancy, for a couple of months, you need to give up contraceptives.

Remember to follow the advice of your doctors. This applies to adjusting excess weight, physical activity and proper nutrition.

Yoga and swimming will help to strengthen the body physically and mentally.

Proper preparation for pregnancy

If you can't get pregnant, it's not always a problem in a woman. In 40% of cases, it is the man who is the problem. Often the inability to have children is influenced by infectious diseases.

Therefore, you need to prepare for conception together. In addition, a man's examination is much easier and several times cheaper than a female examination. It is worth checking for chronic conditions.

There are many recommendations for pregnancy depending on your health concerns. Difficulties can arise with an insulin-dependent partner.

Using multivitamins

Since the body is deprived of a large amount of resources during pregnancy, it must be supported with special vitamins.

During this period, multivitamin complexes with folic acid are necessary. This component has a positive effect on body systems and increases fertility.

Vitamins can reduce the risk of egg not maturing. Regular intake of vitamins is important.
found in greens and tomatoes, but not enough.

You should consult your doctor about taking a specific vitamin complex.

First child after 30

It is not necessary that at the birth of the first child after 30, a cesarean section will be used. If health is unproblematic, then a woman can give birth herself.

There are the following indications for this:

  1. The pregnancy was calm and there was no bleeding or pain.
  2. No chronic heart or lung disease.
  3. Pathologies are not identified.
  4. The fruit is okay.

How to have a second child after 30

The second and third child is easier, since the woman understands what motherhood is.

But there are health nuances that remained after the first birth. For example, were there any complications, and whether a cesarean section was done.
The recommended period for the body to rest from childbirth is three years.

Planning a pregnancy earlier can be dangerous, as there is a possibility of pregnancy problems. During pregnancy, it is also necessary to take all tests and be examined by doctors, as with the first.

Do not forget that the first child must be prepared psychologically for the appearance of a brother or sister.

For some children, this can become stressful, since the baby that appears will drag the parents' attention to themselves.

Make it clear to the child that you love him the same way, and no one has forgotten about him.

Many are wondering: is it possible to plan a second pregnancy after a cesarean section after 30.

Of course, you can, but after giving birth, at least three years must pass.

To manage your pregnancy, select the gynecologist who advised you the first time. In addition to standard analyzes, studies of the old scar on the uterus are carried out.

This is most often done using Ultrasound... Even if in the first case there was a cesarean, then in the second pregnancy there is every chance of giving birth naturally.
For a successful childbirth, you need to play sports, maintain the correct water balance in the body and eat healthy food. It is important for a woman to properly tune in to childbirth.

For some, yoga helps with relaxation, for others breathing exercises, and for others it works to make it easy to give birth. This, by the way, can be found in the prayer book.

If there is a desire to give birth, you have passed the examination, and you are very much looking forward to this child, then try it and do not be afraid. Everything will work out for you.

No age can be one hundred percent guarantee of the birth of a healthy baby. But over the years, it becomes more difficult for a woman to decide on motherhood: doctors do not advise, and the pressure jumps, and friends discourage her.

But late motherhood has its own advantages:

  • the female consciousness fully understands the responsibility for the born baby, the expectant mother is ready to psychologically raise her child in love and a warm family atmosphere;
  • the changes occurring at the hormonal level rejuvenate the female body, give, along with a new life, a second wind for the mother;
  • the onset of menopause is postponed, which makes it possible for the mother of a born child to enjoy a full life for a few more extra years.

Cons of late labor

When planning the possibility of the appearance of another little man, one should not forget about the risks that may appear in women giving birth after 35:

  • the percentage of the possibility of getting pregnant decreases;
  • conception may not be for many months;
  • there is a possibility of genetic abnormalities in a child, Down syndrome, including;
  • complications often arise associated with the work of the kidneys, heart, increased blood pressure;
  • tissues change, hormones are produced in insufficient quantities, which leads to the possibility of miscarriage, detachment of the placenta, and all kinds of bleeding.

Give birth after 35 no need to be afraid

None of the listed disadvantages and all kinds of risks can be a convincing argument for someone who wants to be a mother. If a woman is planning a pregnancy, she will try to avoid trouble by adhering to five simple rules.

Rule one. Lose excess weight

How quickly extra pounds appear, and how hard it is to lose them in the fourth decade. But this must be done in order to avoid the appearance of atherosclerosis, hypertension, strokes and other diseases. The entire body during pregnancy should work for the correct formation of the fetus, and not to help all organs, which find it difficult to carry an extra few tens of kilograms. Therefore, even before conception, we eat less, sign up for the gym and reduce the volume.

The ideal consultation option is your doctor, who knows all about your female functions, has observed you for many years, and can tell immediately how much you are at risk. Do not neglect the advice of a gynecologist. An experienced doctor will tell you where to start preparing for conception, when the most favorable period for this, will prescribe possible procedures and treatment, if necessary.

Rule three. We breathe fresh air and eat vitamins

To saturate every cell of your body with oxygen, to give the body an opportunity to feel a surge of fresh strength, to be reborn together with nature - this is another task that needs to be performed. Make morning or evening walks in the park or forest a must, plan your time so that you always have an hour of time for oxygen baths.

Fill the refrigerator with vitamins. Fruits and vegetables, herbs and citrus fruits should always be on your table if you want your child's health to become excellent already within you. Chew nuts, raisins, dates and dried apricots, eat at least a teaspoon of honey a day - the result will appear very soon: a surge of new strength, a beautiful complexion, overwhelming energy.

Rule four. Crossing out bad habits from your life

Even experienced smokers can easily quit smoking forever if there is a goal. And the desire to give birth can become the goal of a lifetime. Therefore, the psychological attitude and full awareness of their capabilities give any woman the strength to part with smoking, drugs, alcohol and never return to them.

The fifth rule. We only think positively

Having made the decision to give birth after 35, you should never hesitate and doubt its correctness afterwards. Only a positive attitude, good thoughts, visual images of a healthy child will be another success in achieving the goal. A healthy mother and child - everything you dream about will definitely come true. You will be the happiest mother in the world, and your child will be healthy and beautiful.

If you are over 35, and you want another child or have not yet given birth at all, there is no need to be afraid. Fear destroys from the inside, and the expectant mother does not need it at all. We make a decision and begin to follow all the rules leading to the fulfillment of a dream.

Lana Alexandrova

With the development of science, medicine, the latest research in the field of reproductive medicine, it becomes possible to give birth to a healthy baby even in those families where it would have been impossible a decade ago. How to conceive a healthy child when the parents are no longer young and when there are health problems read in this article.

Unfortunately, diseases do not choose people, do not divide them into "good" and "bad", do not spare even the very little ones. And there are many objective reasons for this. And the mother and father are equally responsible for the child's health.

Bad habits of adults

And even an unborn child can become seriously ill. This happens especially often if the pregnancy is "accidental", unplanned.

In this case, drunken conception can also occur, and this is already a serious trauma for the embryo, such a child will definitely not be completely healthy. Heavy damage has already been done to his health, he will be susceptible to disease in the future. It is from here that allergies, diathesis, moodiness, excitability originate. If the parents continue to drink alcohol during pregnancy, the baby's brain will suffer, and even fetal syndrome may occur.

Similarly, adult smoking is dangerous for a baby, no matter if it is active or passive. The placenta cannot retain nicotine, it easily enters the child's bloodstream and delays its development, weakens health. Therefore, it is so important to protect the expectant mother from exposure to tobacco smoke.

Probably not even worth talking about the dangers of drugs for a developing child.


Life in the “big city” is also a danger for the baby - constant haste, stress, bad ecology, noise, to which an adult is so accustomed that he does not even notice it. When a person lives in a busy area, breathes polluted air, the child suffers. The placenta cannot retain all the harmful substances, they enter the baby's bloodstream and thereby poison him.

In addition, due to the fact that city dwellers pay little attention to healthy eating, their own health is not the best. This means that it will not be strong in the child.


The wrong, sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity, constant habitual already oxygen starvation also affects - all these factors will negatively affect the child. If the baby's mother protects herself from feasible physical exertion, she will not have enough oxygen in the blood, which means that the baby will not have enough oxygen.

At the same time, too much physical activity of the mother will also not benefit the child.

Parents age

With age, people do not become healthier, various chronic deviations accumulate. It is believed that the most optimal age for the birth of a child is 22-35 years. Before this period, the female body is not yet fully ready to cope with the load. Then the gradual extinction of the capabilities of the female body begins.

The same applies to men, the optimal age for conceiving a healthy child is 22-40 years. If earlier, there may be not fully mature spermatozoa, at a later age they are no longer so mobile, and are subject to various unfavorable factors that directly affect spermatogenesis.

Health problems

It may seem that only the mother is responsible for the health of the developing baby. In fact, the father is no less responsible, and sometimes the child's illnesses are associated with the state of health of the father.

Infectious diseases

A pregnant woman should be carefully protected from any, the most harmless infections, because her illness will surely affect the child. And the expectant mother will have to be very careful not to harm the baby.

There are infections that are almost asymptomatic in an adult, but have a detrimental effect on the developing fetus. Especially in the first three months of pregnancy. These include completely "harmless".

Even a common runny nose or a slight cold of a mother or father at conception will affect the health of the unborn child.

Sexually transmitted diseases, HIV, AIDS carry the same destructive influence. In this case, the baby will be born with these diseases.

The "childhood" infection, rubella, also bears a great danger. If it is mild in already born babies, then rubella carries serious complications for an unborn baby if the mother gets sick with it. And the shorter the gestational age, the more severe these complications are. In the last trimester, the disease severely damages the hearing organs, up to irreversible deafness.


Rarely, but it happens that oncology in parents is diagnosed after conception has occurred. And if aggressive treatment is carried out, it will affect the child, he certainly will not be able to be born healthy. And even if the disease is not treated, it will still harm the child. For this case, there are special gentle methods of treatment. But most often doctors oncologists recommend terminating the pregnancy.

In order for the baby to be healthy, planning a pregnancy after oncology should not be earlier than five years after the end of treatment and stable remission in women. Parents should undergo a full examination by an oncologist prior to planning.

In men, this period is much shorter - already three months after chemotherapy, the sperm is completely renewed.

If the family of a man or woman has close relatives with an oncological diagnosis, it is better to undergo a genetic test before pregnancy - is there a risk of the child inheriting this ailment.

When diagnosing any oncology in a nursing mother, she must stop feeding.

Genetic diseases

Many genetic diseases are random failures, independent of the parent's lifestyle. This is, for example, Down syndrome. But there are also genetic disorders that can be prevented in advance. For example, hemophilia is associated with the sex of the child, in the overwhelming majority of cases it is transmitted to boys, but the mother is the carrier of the faulty gene. A girl can develop hemophilia only if the father has the disease at the same time, and the mother is a carrier of the hemophilia gene. But this happens extremely rarely - for the entire time of research, only about fifty cases of this disease in girls are known. Among the most famous cases of hemophilia is Tsarevich Alexei Romanov.

Closely related marriages

With closely related unions, the risk of developing pathologies in the fetus significantly increases, since both parents carry the same genetic code, since they have common ancestors who could pass on their defective genes to them. Children who appeared in such families are ten times more likely to suffer from genetic diseases. They have a much higher risk of dying in utero, or in the first year of life.

There are known cases of long-term closely related marriages in the royal dynasties of Spain. It is believed that this is what led to their attenuation.

A visit to a geneticist can help you figure out if you are distant relatives.

How to prepare for conception

From the very beginning, you should prepare for pregnancy. And you need to start about six months before the expected conception.

It is necessary to undergo a complete examination. Moreover, both future parents, both father and mother, are obliged to do it.

At a therapist

A general complete examination will help to identify hidden diseases and abnormalities that do not make themselves felt so far. This includes a visit to a cardiologist - a mandatory ECG, a dentist. Women are consulted by a gynecologist, men by an andrologist. The therapist, if necessary, will give referrals to other narrower specialists.

The geneticist

This should be done if there have been cases of the appearance of children with genetic abnormalities in the families of both parents. Also, genetic counseling is needed if the parents are over 35 years old. Based on the analysis of the chromosome set, the doctor will allow you to exclude possible genetic abnormalities in the development of the fetus, tell you what measures should be taken in case of problems. You may need to use donor cells to keep your baby healthy.

In order for the entire pregnancy to proceed without problems and end with the birth of a healthy baby, you must follow a few simple rules.

  • The best time to conceive is from July to October, when there are a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, and the sun. Then there are more nutrients in the woman's blood, and the laying of all the baby's organs will be better.
  • Take folic acid and a complex of vitamins, which must include and - for about 3 months. before conception and at least 3 months. after him. A lack of these substances can lead to malformations of the child's brain, damage to the central nervous system, and many others. Folic acid itself is urgently needed for the proper formation and nutrition of the placenta.
  • Give up bad habits that harm your health in one way or another - in about 5-6 months. before the intended conception. Also try to stay away from smoky areas during pregnancy.
  • Agree with your doctor about taking medications, if possible, stop taking them for a while.
  • The developing fetus is strongly influenced by electromagnetic radiation. In the modern world it is impossible not to be under its influence at all, but there is an opportunity to reduce it. A week before conception and throughout pregnancy, carry mobile phones away from your body, and turn on the microwave less.
  • Do special exercises for pregnant women, listen to pleasant relaxing music, take walks in the fresh air. All this has a beneficial effect on the nervous system - yours and yours.

A man should also think about how to conceive a healthy child in time.

  • Give up bad habits, smoking, alcohol, etc. - all this affects spermatogenesis, damages spermatozoa, at least 3-4 months before.
  • Sperm cells, their mobility, integrity are very badly affected by high temperature. At temperatures above 37 degrees, they generally lose mobility. Therefore, you should not wear tight-fitting underwear, overheat in the groin area, or put a laptop on your knees. Also, for a while, forget about visiting saunas, baths - in general, any place where there is a long stay at elevated temperatures.
  • Do not ride in vehicles on electrically heated seats - in addition to high temperatures, electromagnetic radiation is harmful to sperm cells.
  • Avoid trauma to the testicles. Stop riding a bicycle or motorcycle for a while, do not expose them to vibration.
  • The testicles are also adversely affected by electromagnetic radiation. Therefore, at least a week before conception, take your mobile phone out of your trouser pockets and do not be near a working microwave.

These are all general tips to follow at any age. But in some cases there are subtleties.
It has already been said that often the health of the baby depends on the age of the mother. But it also depends on the age of the father.

Pregnancy after 30

In the past, pregnant women after 30 years were considered “elderly women in labor”, and after 35, they were generally considered “old”. The doctors had their own objective reasons for this - the body at the age of 20 and 30 was significantly different, age-related changes took place in it, and such pregnant women were treated with special attention. It was believed, and still is considered, that at this age it is more difficult to cope with the load, that children are more often born with physiological abnormalities. This is not entirely true, and after the age of 30, women give birth to the same strong children as those who have not yet reached this age. And let the woman not be pressured by "public opinion" and the medical title that will accompany you all the time - "old-bearing woman in labor." After all, the oldest woman who gave birth was a little over 70!

Likewise, men who reach the age of 30 need not fear that their child will appear weakened. In men, sperm is released from early adolescence and this process lasts almost until old age, and sperm retain their function all this time.
If you lead a correct and active lifestyle, this age will not be a hindrance. The modern world has significantly expanded the time when people can become parents. So for a man, 30 is the heyday, the most optimal age for parenting, and the question of how to conceive a healthy child at 30 is no longer so acute, modern medicine will help with this.

Doctors constantly talk about the benefits of late motherhood for the female body - with it, there is a surge in the release of hormones, the woman simply becomes younger before her eyes, the onset of menopause is receding. But that's good for mom. What do you need to have a healthy baby?

How to behave for mom

We must do everything that was said above. But besides that

  • Discuss the possibility and risks of an upcoming pregnancy with your doctor
  • Conduct prenatal diagnostic tests, which are performed twice - at 15 and 20 weeks
  • Undergo a full medical examination, visit all narrow specialists, regularly take tests
  • If necessary, undergo ultrasound, dopplerometry, cardiotocography.

Additional tests may be required

  • blood chemistry,
  • on thyroid hormones,
  • blood coagulation system,
  • antibodies to phospholipids,
  • homocysteine ​​level,

clinical analyzes of blood and urine are in any case taken twice a month.

Pregnancy after 40

At this age, it is not easy to conceive a healthy baby. Statistics say that only 5-7% of women can get pregnant and give birth to a baby after 40 years, especially if this is the first child. Married couples most often have to resort to, but then doctors guarantee the health of the embryo, and the parents are responsible for the child.

When the question arose of how to conceive a healthy child at 40 years of age and older, it must be borne in mind that a man must also undergo a full examination. This is especially true of his "male" health. An andrologist's consultation is imperative.

What to keep in mind

At this age, the woman is already mature, irreversible changes in the body begin. Pregnancy will definitely prolong youth! But she needs help.

  • Limit your coffee intake - it flushes calcium from the body, and from the child's body too.
  • Normalize nutrition - excess or insufficient weight affects the baby.
  • Avoid stress.

You will need closer attention from doctors and your family to your condition and the course of your pregnancy. But the reward for everything will be a healthy child.