How to attract nail clients at home. How to attract clients for a novice manicurist. Earnings of a manicurist in large cities of Russia

There are so many nail salons and private nail salons that everyone will find a suitable place... if, of course, they find out about it. Show your potential client that you are the artist of their dreams. Let's figure out how to advertise a manicure salon and attract customers. Moreover, our tips will allow you to do it beautifully!

  • How to convey the uniqueness of your offer to attract new customers and retain existing ones
  • How to submit and advertise nail services on social media. networks (VK, FB, Instagram)
  • How to Use Online Marketing to Grow Your Business
  • What words and photos in advertising will bring even a man to a manicure?

Show that you are the best nail service

The client goes where it is profitable, convenient and pleasant. Everything is pleasantly clear - smiling and friendly employees, cozy interior, relaxing effect of procedures. Let's look at the benefits and convenience.

The task is to show the potential client what benefits he will receive by turning to you for a service. This could be a non-standard procedure, a reduced price, saving time, a cozy atmosphere, or special gifts.

So, what will help attract clients to the salon:

  • Subscriptions for services. The idea is that if you purchase 5-10 visits at once, the price of each separately will be lower than the standard one. The client saves money, and you get guaranteed paid visits. And the client will form a habit of visiting the salon
  • Loyalty program, that is, discount cards. They provide a discount - fixed or (preferably) cumulative or additional services (treats during the procedure, free services)
  • Gifts and/or bonuses when paying for services for a certain amount: an additional procedure (for example, a hand mask when ordering a coated manicure), a material gift (a company calendar, nail polish fashionable shade, professional shampoo), additional discount on your next visit

Don’t forget: the client should have many ways to make an appointment with you!

In addition to the standard phone number, it is advisable to connect the registration form on the website and registration through messages on social networks.

People are captivated by sincere interest in their person. A master who will have a magical effect on visitors will ask during their visit how their beloved dog is doing or how the pressing issue that the client complained about was resolved.

We advise you to resort to this trick. Create a “client card” in which you indicate his favorite procedures and visiting times, characteristic habits, key points from their lives. Become a friend to your client, and he will repay you with loyalty.

There is also a good trick for attracting men to a manicure. Do not hesitate to convey to clients that the attribute successful man in the 21st century are well-groomed nails. Ask if they are happy with the condition of their husbands' nails and promise discounts/other promotions for the first visit. Advertising will be even more effective with men, since they easily become addicted to manicures and then are very reluctant to change nail technicians. The main thing is to attract and not disappoint with the result!

Traditional manicure advertising: signs, billboards and banners

To promote nail salon, he should be heard. And in plain sight.

The press is no longer so widespread in 2018, and it can no longer be considered an effective channel for attracting customers. But advertising on the street is still relevant: people look at stands in traffic jams, at traffic lights, and just looking around.

First things first, design the sign and exterior display of the salon.

At one glance, a passerby should understand what the establishment specializes in. So the name should hint at the area of ​​the salon, and the sign should be bright and readable.

If the salon has windows, do not cover them with large banners - let passers-by see the situation inside, professionals at work and satisfied clients. Decorate the window with salon-style decor, hang a couple of signs with profitable promotions.

An example of a successful sign:

A bright and noticeable sign will attract the attention of passers-by

And this is how you can design a showcase:

Delicate decor allows you to see how work is in full swing in the salon

Signposts catch the eye of those passing by, because a person usually looks down when walking. Advertising on pylons is also suitable for pedestrians, but costs more. And it is enough to make a pillar once and display it during the daytime. If you're on a budget, this is suitable option!

Do not overload the sign with information. Place 1-2 promotions, a catchy picture, the name of the salon and contacts.

On the sign - a bright picture and attractive promotions

Signboards with a chalk board allow you to update information and attract people with creative pictures.

Change appearance your advertising at least every day!

To promote yourself in the area where the salon is located, coordinate the placement of advertising in elevators. While residents are on their way to their floor, they need to keep themselves busy - so they read advertising offers on the walls of the elevator. Just don’t try to make leaflets illegally!

But they rarely look at the notice boards in the entrances; don’t spend money on such advertising.

What to put on such a leaflet? The most tempting offers, a couple of examples of work, contacts of your salon.

Beautiful advertising is always creative!

Even if you are a starting salon and you need to recruit a primary client base, there is a place for creativity in advertising. On the contrary, you will be immediately remembered and imprinted in memory.

Get inspired:

The gastronomic topic is always relevant. In this version, the manicure copies black caviar, which is also associated with luxury:

Gourmet theme + hint of luxury = from personal example creative advertising
Such creative advertising hints at the steel strength of nails You can find interesting ideas in advertising from past years

Let's go online

The website is the face of the salon, so it should not only exist, but be pleasing to the eye and informative. Of course, it is better to call a professional for this task. But you can also put together a nice-looking page with a user-friendly interface using special website builders. The design must match the overall style of the salon. If you have problems with design, it is better to find a beginner than to create something tacky from the early 2000s.

What to put on the site:

  • Contact information: phone numbers, links to groups on social networks, addresses (preferably linked to a map!), email
  • Feedback or entry form
  • Price list with a list of procedures
  • Section with examples of works by masters
  • Section with photos and brief information about the salon masters
  • Reviews section (if there is one. If not, add it as it appears)

Clean, light and uncluttered design inspires confidence Place the most important and up-to-date information about the salon on the main page

Don't overload the site with content. Light minimalist design, stylish pictures, key information - that's what you need.

A group on social networks is another necessary element of promoting a salon. It is often much more convenient to read about services on your favorite social network, ask questions there and sign up immediately. Therefore, open a group on at least VKontakte. Design it in the style of the salon and place the same information as on the website. Indicate the latest promotions in the header or pinned post.

Salon promotions immediately catch the eye and attract customers

Be sure to create a discussion for questions, reviews, as well as an album with the works of masters and photos of clients. Follow the comments and messages of the group, respond promptly (don’t forget about the weekend!) Organize competitions periodically: people are happy to tell their friends about the salon for the opportunity to win a free procedure.

An effective way to test a site or group for usability is to ask a disinterested person you know to study it as if he were trying to sign up for a manicure. This is where the “shoals” come to light and disturb clients.

Here's how else to promote a manicure salon on the Internet:

  • Place advertisements and/or works of salon masters on thematic websites and threads of women’s forums
  • Set up contextual advertising in search engines and targeted advertising in in social networks. This way, information about the salon will be seen directly by the target audience.
  • Banners on websites make advertising more colorful and attractive.

Or you can go a completely different route. Do not open new salon and not invest money and effort into advertising it... but run a manicure business and make a good profit. You can do this using one of the %20%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8%20%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D1% 82%D1%83%20%D0%BA%D1%83%D0%BF%D0%B8%D0%B2%20%D1%81%D1%82%D1%83%D0%B4%D0%B8% D1%8E%20%D0%B2%20%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%B5%20 ready-made business. This way you will reduce time and money costs, get a ready-made customer base and more scope for subsequent experiments with advertising.

Be bold, be creative and love your customers. May success be with you!

Today, the beauty industry is in great demand among the fair sex of all ages. Nail service, eyelash extensions, tattooing, hairdressing...

However, the most popular component of a woman’s image has been and remains well-groomed and healthy nails. That is why every client invariably wants to find “his” master and entrust him with the care of his nails.

A novice master must take into account many points in order not only to take his place in the niche nail service, but also to form a permanent client base, becoming a sought-after specialist.

Many girls do manicures at home because the profession provides a large number of advantages: remote and interesting work, high profits and the opportunity to meet new people. The reality is that competition among masters is quite high. Those who have just entered this profession should try very hard to break through.

How to become a competitive pro: how to search, how to attract and surprise clients? We will tell you in this article!

Manicure services are provided in salons and at home. At the same time, according to statistics, more than 65% of all clients prefer to visit a specialist at home.

Why has manicure at home become more popular than its salon counterpart? There are many reasons for this:

  1. There are not many salons that provide quality manicure services. There are many more home craftsmen, which allows the client to choose a specialist who is close to the work, gym or your own home. Even for a quality manicure, you don’t particularly want to travel to the ends of the earth, and a modern woman’s schedule can very rarely allow such a waste of time;
  2. prices. If you analyze the pricing policy of salons, the cost of services is often inflated. The need to pay wages, rent, taxes, purchase materials - all these factors negatively affect the price of the service. Ultimately, this reduces the desire to visit them. Craftsmen who work from home can show greater flexibility in matters of pricing policy, which motivates clients to contact them;
  3. situation. In salons you can rarely feel as comfortable as at home, which is so important in intensive conditions. modern life. The client often comes for a manicure to relax, and sometimes to sit in silence or enjoy a pleasant conversation with the master. The home environment is more conducive to this;
  4. variety of services. Salon professionals often work according to a template set by the organization, without sufficient room for creativity. Manicure at home is an opportunity to seek various types services and receive them here and now;
  5. professional development. Masters who work in salons do not often attend courses and trainings, since employers are rarely willing to pay for the training of their employees. Working from home allows you to freely manage your schedule and finances, and constantly improve your skills. Clients are very enthusiastic about visiting masters who can do more than just a manicure with a template design.

There is an opinion that when turning to a home manicurist, there is no guarantee of quality and confidence that the work will be completed in accordance with technological requirements. But this is just a myth. Do-it-yourselfers who complete courses and are willing to provide a certificate of completion increase customer confidence.

And of course, we shouldn’t forget that all these points together influence whether the client will return or not. Therefore, taking these differences into account when organizing work from home will help you become a competitive master.

Why manicure is always in the TOP

Manicure is always at the TOP. It's worth remembering. Today it is difficult to find a modern woman who has never turned to the services of a manicurist. Regardless of the age and social status of the fair sex, it makes them even more attractive and allows you to create a unique image.

The relevance of the services is explained by the fact that manicure is universal. Clients include housewives, businesswomen, students, schoolgirls and even men. Even a novice master will find something to offer a nurse or a young mother so that they stay in trend.

Individual approach makes a difference important role and allows us to provide better services. On this moment There are many technologies and materials for manicure and nail care. Some clients need care and hydration, while for others nail strengthening is more important. The experience of the master makes it possible to identify needs and satisfy them.

Manicure will always be relevant in the beauty industry because it makes girls:

– stylish;

– bright;

– unique;

- well-groomed.

Communication with the client

It's no secret that a large number of representatives of the fair sex seek a manicure not only to make their hands attractive, but also to have a heart-to-heart talk with the master. A comfortable home environment is conducive to communication, which is a pleasant bonus for many girls and women.

Therefore, if the master is not only a specialist in the field of nail service, but also pleasant easy person, it will be easier for him to attract a client.

The psychology of communicating with a client is an important skill that a novice master should master. Like any relationship, it should be built on mutual respect, the ability to listen to the interlocutor, tact and sincerity.

Many people are afraid to start a dialogue or express an opinion with which the client does not agree. It is these problems that prevent the establishment of contact, which will become the basis of subsequent visits.

Compliance with the rules of ethics and communication psychology will help to establish contact with the client. There are not many of them, but they will become a real lifesaver for a beginner receiving at home:

  1. You should not force a conversation on the client, as this can confuse him and sometimes scare him away.
  2. Calling by name will create trust. It is worth remembering that positivity and trust are the basis for goodwill and loyalty. The client will be happy to communicate and follow the recommendations of the master.
  3. Sincerity and friendliness will show that the client is a welcome guest who is important to the master.
  4. If necessary, you should comment on actions.
  5. You should not use critical remarks in your work. This will definitely cause discomfort and reluctance to continue the dialogue.
  6. The client needs to be listened to. Psychologists note that all people especially value the ability to listen in their interlocutor.
  7. Gossip and ambiguous statements are strictly prohibited.
  8. Discussion of the client's personal problems is only possible if he himself initiated this conversation. This also applies to issues of politics, religion and personal beliefs.
  9. It is advisable to support any recommendations with examples from personal experience.
  10. After the procedure, you should thank the client for contacting him and express your desire to see him again.

An ethical professional will always be in demand among a variety of clients. Have a casual conversation. If the communication and quality of service suits everyone who contacts us, then there is no doubt that word of mouth will start working and the client base will increase.

When communicating, the main thing to remember is that the client’s comfort comes first. It is necessary to do everything to make him feel pleasant, easy and comfortable during the procedure.

Organization of work and presentation

Proper organization of the work of a novice master is the key to success and further development. Management at the level of a home manicure office is more significant than in a salon.

When organizing work, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. work schedule. A master working from home must be prepared to be flexible in all organizational issues. This also applies to the schedule. When creating a grid of windows for reception, it is worth setting aside space for late clients who will come after work and for early birds who want to spruce up their beauty in the morning.
  2. price policy. At the beginning of their work, many masters accept payment only for materials, which allows them to get promoted and create a portfolio, and clients get a manicure at an attractive price. In the future, pricing policy should be formed based on market trends and specialist qualifications.
  3. workplace. Organization of the workplace is an important component of progress. It is advisable to set aside a place in the apartment for an office, where it will be quiet and the master can be alone with the client.
  4. loyalty policy. At the beginning of your work, you need to think about a loyalty policy, which will include all kinds of discounts and promotions. It will be one of the ways to increase the number of regular customers.
  5. promotion methods. A promotion strategy will help you become a popular and in-demand artist; in the beauty industry, you should focus on social networks.
  6. ways of presenting work. Nothing proves the competence of a specialist like a portfolio. Therefore, when organizing work, it is worth considering how to make sure that the master’s work is seen by as many people as possible. Effectively send photos to specialized groups on social networks and maintain your account.

And of course, we shouldn’t forget that the best presentation for a master is his appearance, namely his nails. It is unlikely that a specialist who does not pay attention to his hands will be able to attract a client and make him a regular user of the services.

Due to high busyness, manicurists do not always have the opportunity to show off complex and varied designs. However, even a single-color coating and well-groomed hands of the master will tell visitors about the specialist’s interest, his accuracy and professionalism.

In the process of work, the organizational component will change, but these fundamental points will always be relevant both for a beginner and for a master with solid experience.

How to build a regular customer base?

The most pressing question for a novice manicurist is: “How to attract and retain clients?” Your faithful assistants in creating a permanent client base will be:

  1. promotions and discounts. To increase customer interest in services, it is worth carrying out various activities to increase loyalty. Promotions and discounts were relevant at all times. A beginner can adopt the following techniques:

– every nth manicure is a gift;

– bring a friend and get a discount;

– gifts for birthdays or weddings.

  1. invitations. Beginners can make invitations and hand them out at thematic exhibitions or start collaborating with cosmetics stores that will agree to place them on the advertising stand.
  2. word of mouth. Good old word of mouth remains one of the most popular marketing tools. Satisfied clients will be happy to spread information about the services and bring their friends, relatives or acquaintances.
  3. active position on social networks. Most clients look for craftsmen on social networks. A bright, informative, correctly designed group or account will be an excellent presentation of your work. It is important that the wizard’s page reflects the information necessary for the user, namely: cost of services, reviews, promotions, work schedule and address. Then the potential client will not close the page and sign up for the procedure.
  4. gift certificates for manicures. Absolutely everyone loves gifts and this can also be used to find new clients.

Targeted advertising on Instagram

Speaking about ways to find clients for novice manicurists, Special attention It’s worth paying attention to targeted advertising on Instagram.

  1. clearly. The photographs demonstrate the master’s work, his creativity and professionalism;
  2. there is the possibility of instant feedback;
  3. relevant and popular.

Targeted advertising will help you find exactly those clients who will not consider the specialist’s offer as spam and will seek services. This is possible thanks to a large number fine settings that allow you to publish an ad in the feed of Instagram users interested in manicure.

The first thing you need to start advertising for a manicurist is to create a business account and connect to Facebook. The social network’s algorithms are designed in such a way that settings for Instagram advertising campaigns are carried out through the advertising account on Facebook.

Particular attention should be paid to audience settings. For this purpose, a separate section has been created in the advertising account. General settings include only the gender, age and interests of those who will be shown the post.

In the individual settings section, you can set options for the audience that has ever been on your account or performed targeted actions. In order to properly set up targeted advertising, it is worth analyzing the needs, interests, pains of clients and translating them into this marketing tool.

A survey of experienced manicurists showed that targeted advertising on Instagram is the most popular and productive way of promotion. You can order advertising setup on Instagram or set it up yourself.

How to set up advertising on Instagram for manicure services

I won’t describe everything in detail here, as there are many nuances. Typically, advertising on Instagram is set up through the Facebook advertising account, but this is a more complex method. I'll tell you about setting up targeting through the Instagram application itself:

Using the above methods of developing a client base, the main task of the master is to show the potential client the benefit that he will receive when contacting.

This should be a clear advantage:

- convenient location;

– affordable cost;

– gifts, for example, free hand massage;

- cozy atmosphere.

The search for clients will definitely be successful if the master offers many recording methods that will be convenient and effective for everyone. For example, you can create a feedback form on social networks, connect instant messengers and email, and develop a landing page or business card website.

An integrated approach to finding clients and a love for work will be the key to a permanent client base and popularity among the fair sex!

If you have any questions or need advice on promoting services in the beauty industry, please use the contact information listed on my website or ask in the comments!

Hello! In this article we will talk about how to attract clients for manicures and pedicures.

Manicure has been a very popular business among girls over the past few years. High profits, low requirements for results and interesting work did their job. Now there are many competitors in this area, it is difficult for newcomers to break through, and many simply do not know where to find a client base. In this article I will talk about what channels of attraction there are for manicures and pedicures, how a new master can recruit clients in 6 steps, and what not to do in pursuit of clients.

Where to recruit clients for manicures and pedicures

Before I tell you about real methods, I would like to warn you:

You will have a lot of competitors, but most of them don't know how to find clients.

That is, as soon as you start working on your goals, you will immediately find yourself 3 heads higher than your direct competitors. This means you will begin to develop and earn money much faster and leave most other masters behind.

Now to specific sources clients.

Social media

Social networks are no longer just a tool for communication. They have long been adapted for... And manicure is no exception. Simply by posting information about your work on your page, you can easily attract new clients if you do it right.

It is most profitable to work with Instagram. Simply because it is a huge source of female audience. Men sit there less often and for less time. But girls love to scroll through photos, which means they need to take advantage of it.

What do we have to do: create a new account. We fill out a profile about ourselves with a professional bias. Something like “Master Anya, I do nail extensions, do manicures,” etc. Next to the services we write the price. And don't forget about emoticons. They are needed almost everywhere. And we begin to fill out the profile. Just don’t take a lot of photos of your work and clutter up your feed. Just take a photo of the girl, briefly tell her what you did, and show the result. All. Well, post information about yourself. Take photos of what you do at work, your workspace, etc.

What will be the result: If you don’t spam your feed and start adding personal photos of your work, you’ll quickly gain a ton of clients.

On working with negativity. It will definitely happen, even if you do everything perfectly. Always answer politely, ask what exactly the person is dissatisfied with and offer solutions. Only the most inappropriate people can be banned. And remember, the inability to work with negative reviews has ruined more than one company.


Your friends are the best source of clients for the first time. They are not particularly demanding on quality, but will help bring in new clients through recommendations and examples of work for you.

But there is one drawback - you will have to work for consumables. And this is just work at 0.

What should be done: talk to your friends, tell them about what you do and explain that you can give them a high-quality manicure and pedicure for a minimal cost of consumables. Few will refuse.

What will be the result: the first clients will appear, there will be something to show in examples of their work. In the future, perhaps they will bring their girlfriends to you.

Posting advertisements

Posting advertisements is also one of the options. This method, of course, has long been outdated, but continues to work and produce results in certain circles.

No matter how strange it may sound, posting advertisements works great for the audience of young mothers and girls on maternity leave. While they have nothing to do, they love to walk along the street and often read such advertisements. This is the audience you need.

What should be done: print out several advertisements and post them around the entrances of your area. The text can be made as simple as possible: “Manicurist... I work from home. Call on the phone… ". Ready!

Just be prepared in advance for the fact that you might get a call in the middle of the night. There will always be jokers and strange people.

What will be the result: You shouldn’t rely heavily on this method of attraction, but it definitely won’t be useless. Several calls per week from the area are guaranteed.


How one of the options for attracting clients can work. Don’t expect a big result, because most people come to the board to buy/sell something second-hand. But it’s worth a try, especially since there aren’t many competitors, but there are.

What do we have to do. On Avito, photos decide everything. This means you need to attach a few cool photos of your workplace, one or two examples of work, and a personal photo. In the description, indicate what services you provide, how much they cost, and a contact phone number.

As with advertisements, you should be prepared for calls even in the middle of the night.

What will be the result: You will definitely get 2-5 clients every 2-3 weeks from the bulletin board. Especially if you periodically raise the ad (delete it and re-post it after a couple of days). But you shouldn’t count on great results.

This is the most effective method how to attract clients for manicures and pedicures. They will start recommending you to their friends. You yourself know very well that girls love to talk about personal beauty. And in a conversation they will easily say who gave such a cool manicure.

There is one “but”. Recommendations will only start working if the client is satisfied. Need to do good manicure and keep the girl busy interesting conversation, while she sits in the session. But it's worth it. Every 3-4 satisfied clients will bring 1 new client.

These are all current ways to attract clients for manicures and pedicures. No personal websites, business cards, etc. are needed. This won't work. Emphasis on Instagram, you can try Vkontakte, ads, Avito and developing personal recommendations.

How to attract clients for manicures for a novice master

Now let's talk about how to get clients for a novice manicurist. Conditions: You’re good at doing manicures, you’ve completed a couple of courses, now you need to recruit people and make money. Go.

Step 1. Talk to friends.

The very first step in this business is to tell your friends about what you plan to do. In response, you can hear support, talk about what won’t work, but the most important thing is to get the first five people for trial sessions. For a minimal fee, which is enough to simply recoup your investment.

With this we close two points at once: we have something to show as an example of our work and in the future clients will come from our friends.

Step 2. Create a profile on Instagram and create a personal VKontakte page.

After your friends have agreed and are satisfied, you can proceed to the next stage - creating pages on social networks. It’s better to make a new, separate page dedicated to your work mixed with everyday life. Or just clear the old page, as you wish.

We set up profiles something like this: on Instagram in the profile we give brief information about who you are, what you do, what your prices are, and on Vkontakte in the attached message you tell in detail about how you got into this business.

Upload the first photos of your work with your friends. And ask them to leave their feedback. This little thing will play an important role.

Step 3. Place an ad on Avito.

Now let's switch to Avito. We compose an advertisement according to the scheme that I indicated earlier: photographs of the workplace, yours, examples of work. Contact phone number, price list and we accept customer calls.

Step 4. Post up advertisements and continue talking with friends.

If you live in a residential area, this is ideal. You print simple advertisements “manicurist, taking calls.” And now mothers and maternity maids from this area will be yours. If you wish, you can drive around the city or ask your friends to help.

At the same time, we continue to encourage our friends to use your services. If you and a friend have a mutual friend who did your manicure, talk about it in conversation, offer your services, she will probably agree.

Step 5. Gradually increasing our client base

After generating reviews, a little profile promotion and the first high-quality work, the first real clients will appear. You need to be more careful with them - do everything perfectly so that the client is satisfied and comes back. Or better yet, tell your friends about you.

There are two life hacks: talk to clients and give them small gifts. You need to talk in this business, because girls love to chat, especially with their masters. And if you know how to listen, this will only be a plus. And gifts simply increase trust and good attitude to you.

Personal example. My good friend- hairdresser. And he gained a base of regular clients simply by communicating with them in the process of work. Yes, he does a great job cutting hair, but not much better than his colleagues. He does the job well, but after work he still has 3-4 hours full, simply thanks to his regular customers. That's what "normal conversation" does.

Step 6. We gain regular customers and work on recommendations.

After 2-3 months active work To attract clients, you will have a small number of regular visitors who will come and get a manicure every two weeks or a month. Ask them about their friends, say casually that they are not very busy right now. No obvious “Will you recommend me to your friends?” there shouldn't be. Just nice conversations with the right information.

Sounds pretty simple. And it’s no more difficult. Simply because many people ignore some ways to attract clients, and because of this, novice professionals do not have the opportunity to break through among competitors.

What not to do when attracting clients for pedicures and manicures

Now a few words about what it is better not to do when you are trying to implement these methods of attracting clients. There are 3 "don'ts".

You can't spam users' feeds

Surely you have seen more than once how some novice manicurists publish dozens of nail photos a day on their personal page. People like this are annoying. After all, many people go to social networks just to look at the feed. And there it is - all the tape is in these nails.

Such people are quickly hidden from the feed or even blacklisted. And they deprive them of future clients. And these are potential losses.

You can't set up ads yourself

You can try setting up VKontakte. But if you have never worked with it, it is better not to do this. The ideal option is if you have a good targetologist friend, even a beginner, who can help you with this.

If you want to figure this out yourself, read the Texterra article “What is VKontakte targeting.” Make sure that everything is complicated and trust a familiar specialist.

I say this based on personal example and experience. I know a little about how targeting should work and what needs to be done in order not to waste money down the drain. But my first and last attempt to set up advertising ended with 0 orders and 2,000 rubles wasted. Don't make the same mistakes.

You can't ignore even the stupidest questions

This applies to personal conversations and comments under posts on social networks. You will have to face stupidity, inadequacy or negativity. But every time you need to show that you are working with it. This is necessary not only for a specific client, but also for everyone who can see it.

A trivial example: they wrote to you on Instagram that your manicure is bad (rude) and you’re not very good man. First, it is better to ask why the person thinks this way, ask for reasonable arguments, and if this is a dissatisfied client, try to resolve everything amicably, even through a free service. And if he’s just a troll or a competitor, then answer something like “It would be worth making an appointment with me first and checking it out.” Yes, it's unusual, but it works. Much better than being ignored.

It is better to add frankly inadequate people to the blacklist. But this is only if the person has crossed the line. It’s better to practice your sense of humor and slightly cheer yourself and your subscribers up.

Now you know about real ways to attract clients for manicures and pedicures. Implement them and you will immediately become several steps higher than your competitors. And remember that the best source of repeat customers is good job. Do quality work from good materials, talk to clients, support them, and you will succeed.

Well-groomed hands are a necessity, because they reveal your true age! Women and men pay money for beautiful manicure, but find good master it can be difficult.

A manicurist is an ideal job for mothers in maternity leave and for those who want to do interesting things without leaving home. Manicure is in demand at any time of the year, so after training and developing a client base, the master will be in demand.

Earnings for a manicurist at home

Before you start making money from the art of manicure, you will have to undergo training and purchase tools. Investments are required, but they will quickly pay off.

Skill training

Training lasts from a week to a month. This depends on the level of the training master and the training program. Lessons from an acquaintance or from a friend will have a minimal investment, but you will not receive a certificate upon completion of the courses.

Clients will be interested in where the master trained and whether they should trust him. The level of trust is higher among certified masters. A certificate of completion of training is received at the training center. Choose centers where practical training is preferred.

Purchase of equipment

The next investment is the purchase of tools and materials. Choose trusted manufacturers, then the result will be better.

Financial aspect

After completing the training and purchasing what you need, train. Invite your friends and acquaintances. Get a temporary job in a salon. In the salon, work experience and clients are gained, who will then go to the master at home. At this stage it is important to gain maximum experience.

Making a profit while working from home will help you:

  • Regular professional development.
  • Variety of services provided.

Do nail extensions and design. Explore fashion trends. Creativity in design will attract clients who know a lot about fashion.

Be a flexible craftsman. In no salon will a master accept a client early in the morning or late in the evening. This is a plus home handyman. You can adapt to the client.

The ability to go to a client’s home will be a big plus in the job.

How a novice master can attract clients

Profit depends on the number of clients and the quality of the service provided. The more people and positive feedback, the higher the income. Here are 4 ways to attract clients:

  1. Advertising

Create a group or page and fill out your profile with photos of your work. Provide prices for services there. This will save you from unnecessary questions.

Clients who visited the master are also advertising. If a person likes the master’s approach to work, he will tell his friends about it. Learn to communicate and find mutual language with people. If the master makes a lot of mistakes (cuts, careless coating), then anti-advertising will be inevitable.

Place an ad in newspapers. Not all women and men use the Internet. Pay attention to older people.

  1. Quality materials.

The more reliable the coating or material for extensions (gel polish, acrylic, gel), the longer the client goes through with well-groomed hands. Covering or extending nails with low-quality materials that will crack or wear off will not bring results to the nail technician. good reviews and new clients.

  1. Client comfort.

It is important that the client feels comfortable when coming to the master’s home. Designate a separate work area at home so that no one disturbs you. A client comes for a manicure to relax. While working, do not be distracted by children, husband or animals.

  1. The master’s ability will adapt to the customer’s wishes.

Try to fulfill all client requests. Further visits and profits depend on how satisfied a person is with the procedure.

Earnings of a manicurist in large cities of Russia

Depending on your place of residence, the price of the service will vary. In Moscow you will have to pay more than, for example, in Krasnodar.

According to data for 2016, a manicurist earns on average per month:

  • Moscow 33-34 t.r.
  • St. Petersburg 30 t.r.
  • Ekaterinburg 27-28 t.r.
  • Novosibirsk 15 t.r.
  • Rostov-on-Don 18-19 t.r.
  • Krasnodar 17-18 t.r.
  • Tyumen 15-16 t.r.

This is the average data. The price of a manicure depends on the location of the city and wages residents.

A good master earns more than the statistical average. Everything is based on professionalism and efficiency.

At the beginning of your career as a manicurist, to attract more clients, offer people bonuses, discounts or gifts.

  • Providing discounts for birthday people or school graduates. To 10%;
  • “Bring a friend” campaign. A person who brings a friend with them for a manicure will receive a discount on their next procedure;
  • every tenth visit nail design as a gift;
  • competitions on the Internet.

Remember that the customer is always right. Be patient and hone your skills in communicating with people. Please advise and help with the choice. Follow these basic tips and your home business will thrive.

Finding a common language, being polite and willing to communicate, without disdain, familiarity, or familiarity will increase the likelihood of the client returning next time;

  • Remembering your clients (at least for now there are only a few of them) will be the rule good manners, the client will definitely appreciate that the master remembers his preference to drink black tea, or coffee with milk, etc. In order not to keep everything in your head, you can write down some points in a notebook after the session;
  • It is necessary to maintain ideal order in your workplace; a person coming for a manicure session must be confident in the cleanliness and safety of the procedure. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the instrument and perform timely cleaning.

20 ways to attract clients without investing money


Offer existing customers the opportunity to receive a discount:

  • If they bring a friend or relative with them. The difference in cost will be covered by the reduction in time spent preparing the meeting.
  • When making a pre-registration. Future costs are not tangible and clients will happily want to take advantage of such a discount, but in the future it will be more difficult for them to refuse an appointment.

This will also allow you to plan your work time more efficiently and improve your work efficiency.
  • When performing a certain type of manicure. For example, in the fall, when the active wedding period begins, you can provide a discount on a wedding manicure for the bride, while all other ladies (mother and bridesmaids) make up the difference by paying in full for the services.
  • Offer a package of services.
  • Manicure at home: 5 secrets of a successful business

    An interesting option is client exchange with people engaged in a similar business, but on a different topic, for example, you can ask a hairdresser to talk about the services provided by a nail salon at home, and in return tell clients of your salon about it. Read about what human nails are made of. And also about nail psoriasis. A promising way to find clients for manicures at home can be visiting thematic exhibitions.
    Having attended such an event, you have the opportunity to advertise the services of your own salon, make acquaintances with colleagues in the craft and meet customers. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about your appearance; the best advertisement for the services provided will be, in in this case, their own well-groomed nails, after seeing quality work done, a person may inquire about a salon and a master where they can use the service.

    How to attract clients to a manicurist?

    I apply the coating under the cuticle and level it out nail plate. Which allows you to wear the coating even longer! All instruments undergo mandatory sterilization and disinfection. Price: Manicure—500₽ Manicure+gel polish—1000₽ Design (1 nail)—from 50 to 150₽ Removal (with subsequent coating)—100₽ Pedicure+gel polish—1400₽ nail extension—1300₽ St. Petersburg 04/06/2018 Beauty and health / Nail extensions, manicure Nail extensions.

    KMR. Departure. Sign up on the day of the call School-studio-shop Nails_yug_school offers a number of the following services: - TRAINING - nail extensions - nail correction - coating, “strengthening” nails with gel, gel polish (shellac) - manicure - pedicure (hardware, classic, paramedical) - paraffin therapy (hot and cold) - “hot” manicure Krasnodar 04/04/2018 Beauty and health / Nail extensions, manicure Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 …

    Manicure business at home

    The fact is that I’ve been working online for three years now and I’m a little confused about which advertising channels work and how to organize advertising correctly. I was also interested in using my skills specifically to promote an offline business, namely nail extension services (before that I only advertised online projects). I started promoting in contact by redoing one of my abandoned public pages; at that time this page had about 400 subscribers. What was done: - changed the name; - made an avatar with examples of work, a photo of the city and phone number; - description (the cost of each of the services, again the phone number) - 2 photo albums were added - one with examples of work (in the description of the photos I indicated the cost of extension, design and total cost), and a second album with photos of the workplace and materials. - contacts, link in contacts to our master and phone number.

    All about manicure advertising - how to attract customers and get promoted


    If you're on a budget, this is the right option! Do not overload the sign with information. Place 1-2 promotions, a catchy picture, the name of the salon and contacts. There is a bright picture and attractive promotions on the sign. Signboards with a chalk board allow you to update information and attract people with creative pictures.
    Change the appearance of your advertising at least every day! To promote yourself in the area where the salon is located, coordinate the placement of advertising in elevators.

    How to find clients for manicure at home?

    The main thing is to attract and not disappoint with the result! Traditional manicure advertising: signs, billboards and banners To promote a nail salon, it must be well known. And in plain sight. The press is no longer so widespread in 2018, and it can no longer be considered an effective channel for attracting customers. But advertising on the street is still relevant: people look at stands in traffic jams, at traffic lights, and just looking around.

    First things first, design the sign and exterior display of the salon. At one glance, a passerby should understand what the establishment specializes in. So the name should hint at the area of ​​the salon, and the sign should be bright and readable.

    If the salon has windows, do not cover them with large banners - let passers-by see the situation inside, professionals at work and satisfied clients. Decorate the window with salon-style decor, hang a couple of signs with profitable promotions.

    There are so many nail salons and private nail salons that everyone will find a suitable place... if, of course, they find out about it. Show your potential client that you are the artist of their dreams. Let's figure out how to advertise a manicure salon and attract customers.

    Moreover, our tips will allow you to do it beautifully! Read on to find out:

    • How to convey the uniqueness of your offer to attract new customers and retain existing ones
    • How to submit and advertise nail services on social media. networks (VK, FB, Instagram)
    • How to Use Online Marketing to Grow Your Business
    • What words and photos in advertising will bring even a man to a manicure?

    Show that you are the best nail service The client goes where it is profitable, convenient and pleasant. Everything is pleasantly clear - smiling and friendly employees, cozy interior, relaxing effect of procedures.

    How to properly advertise manicures at home

    Finding an approach to the unfamiliar is much more difficult.

    • It's easier to correct mistakes with a friendly friend. It is unlikely that he will begin to be indignant, but will only ask to correct the shortcomings.

    Give discounts on your first jobs Do you need to gain experience? Finding a client for nail extensions or manicures at a discount is much easier! Many are willing to provide their nails for a beginner’s “experiment” if he takes a small fee. To begin with, you can limit yourself to the cost of materials and the minimum markup.


    Later, when you have become more experienced, raise the cost of the service to the average market price. Tell everyone about your new profession Every specialist today needs a portfolio. Create a VKontakte, Instagram page or design a landing page with information about yourself and your services.

    How to properly advertise manicures at home

    A master who will have a magical effect on visitors will ask during their visit how their beloved dog is doing or how the pressing issue that the client complained about was resolved. We advise you to resort to this trick. Create a “client card” in which you indicate their favorite procedures and visiting times, typical habits, key moments from their life. Become a friend to your client, and he will repay you with loyalty.

    There is also a good trick for attracting men to a manicure. Feel free to convey to your clients that an attribute of a successful man in the 21st century is well-groomed nails. Ask if they are happy with the condition of their husbands' nails and promise discounts/other promotions for the first visit.
    Advertising will be even more effective with men, since they easily become addicted to manicures and then are very reluctant to change nail technicians.
    Various types of designs - rubbed, rhinestones, gradient, geometry, velvet, painted, French, moonlit, etc. 10-100 rub./nail depending on the complexity of the design. Alignment, strengthening of the nail plate, additional nail extension. Wide color palette. There is a promotion ❗❗❗ - every third visit - free choice... St. Petersburg 04/16/2018 Beauty and health / Nail extensions, manicure Hardware manicure pedicure. I am a certified nail technician. I invite you to get your nails done. Nail extensions-900 Modeling natural nail gel-700 Correction-700 Gel polish coating-500 Pedicure with foot treatment + coating-900 (without foot treatment + coating) 700. Voronezh 04/14/2018 Beauty and health / Nail extensions, manicure manicurist I am a certified master, I offer classic and hardware manicure and pedicure. I accept at the Barber salon on Varvarskaya St. 44.
    In my work I use only sterilized instruments and proven high-quality materials TM MISTIGUE. Call and come, the prices will pleasantly surprise you!!! Nizhny Novgorod 04/14/2018 Beauty and health / Nail extensions, manicure Manicure pedicure in Solnechny Manicure with coating 600 French + 200 Pedicure with coating 900 Extensions 1000 Nail repair 100 Designs from 25 Saratov 04/12/2018 Beauty and health / Nail extensions, manicure Manic legal/ pedicure Manicure/shellac-600r Strengthening with acrylic powder+150r Strengthening your nails with gel+300r Pedicure with coating-900r Design from -25r Moskvichka. I receive at my home in Veshki (7 minutes from Altufyevo metro station) Moscow 04/10/2018 Beauty and health / Nail extensions, manicure Manicure, pedicure, modeling, nail extensions!!! I return lightness to my arms and legs! I am a certified nail technician. More than 2 years of experience.