The use of finger gymnastics as a means of developing fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age. Features of the development of fine motor skills in preschool children Development of fine motor skills in preschool children

“The origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest threads-streams that feed the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter the child.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Fine motor skills - coordinated movements of fingers and hands.

Why is development so important for children? fine motor skills hands?

The fact is that in the human brain there are centers responsible for speech and finger movement, located very close. By stimulating fine motor skills and thereby activating the corresponding parts of the brain, we also activate neighboring areas responsible for speech.

It has been noticed that children who make numerous animated movements with their fingers develop speech clearly faster than others. If you specifically train small hand movements, speech development can be significantly accelerated.

Scientists and practitioners have noticed that urban children have a general motor lag and poor hand development. This is due to the development of technology that is rapidly entering the life of a modern person, making his life easier. Which of us now will undertake to sort out the cereal? Previously, this activity was always reserved for the youngest in the family: quick fingers and keen eyes are the best helpers in this matter. Weeding beds and picking berries, making dumplings, darning, sewing, knitting and embroidery, washing clothes, carving various crafts from wood and modeling from clay. Almost all household chores were done by hand in one way or another. And today children communicate less and less with buttons and laces, which require finger dexterity: Velcro and zippers save time and effort. And this affects the development of fine motor skills of the child’s hands. That's why

During the preschool years, work on developing fine motor skills and hand coordination should become important. His further development depends on how deftly a child learns to control his fingers. Along with the development of fine motor skills, memory, attention, and vocabulary develop.

Working on this topic, I looked for the most effective and efficient methods and techniques and decided to turn to nature.

Working with natural materials, the child becomes familiar with the world of beauty: he learns to be a zealous owner of his native nature, to protect any plant from senseless destruction.

This material is always available, does not require large financial costs, and helps relieve emotional stress in children. Games with natural materials contribute to the development of fine motor skills, the formation and development of spatial and quantitative relationships, familiarization with the properties of natural materials, the development of memory, thinking and speech.

Based on this, I defined goals and objectives.

Development of fine motor skills and hand coordination in children preschool age through games and exercises using natural materials.

Develop coordination and accuracy of hand and eye movements, hand flexibility, rhythm;

Develop fine motor skills of fingers and hands;

Strengthen general motor activity;

Promote the normalization of speech function;

Develop imagination logical thinking, voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception, creative activity;

Create an emotionally comfortable environment when communicating with peers and adults.

To achieve the desired result, it became necessary to do the work regularly, using the following forms of work:

Joint activities of the teacher with children;

Individual work with children;

Free independent activity of the children themselves.

I tried to choose as much as possible effective methods to develop fine motor skills and prepare the hand for writing through games and exercises using natural materials.

How I use it natural material for the development of fine motor skills:

Hand massage. It has a general strengthening effect on the muscular system, increases tone, elasticity and contractility of muscles. At the same time, the same hand massage has a calming effect. By the way, this property was the basis for the custom adopted in Ancient China long before the appearance of rosaries - to sort walnuts.

To make the massage more interesting, I use natural materials as hand exercisers - walnuts, peach pits, pine cones, chestnuts.

Who will throw the nut higher, who will hide it in the palm of their hand so that it is not visible, who will spin the nut the longest, who will roll the nut further. You can replace walnuts with chestnuts, cones, peach pits, and plums.

Games with cereals and seeds.

By touch, identify and name the cereals and seeds in the bag.

Pour a thin layer of semolina or sand into the trays. Draw with your finger what you want: waves on the sea, high mountains, beautiful flowers, your favorite letter, a car.

You can pour the cereal into different containers, with your hand, using a measuring spoon, hide it and look for secrets in the cereal, make dough from the cereal; for this, add water to the cereal and begin to mix the resulting mass, make a pattern with the cereal.

Lay out shapes, patterns, whole pictures, using the seeds of beans, peas, watermelon, dates.

Schemes - pictures. On them you can lay out images of the outlines of objects, fill in what the artist missed, decorate objects, find shapes, and do all this with watermelon seeds, melon seeds, and bean peas. For example: Decorate a fashionable caterpillar, lay out spots on a fly agaric, giraffe, find all the raindrops, etc.) .

Working with seeds also helps to improve the health of the child’s body. When exposed to heat and moisture, human body The seed of the plant is capable of producing a powerful energy release that has a healing effect. Buckwheat grains are a universal tool; each grain is like a small pyramid. And any pyramidal shape has the ability to concentrate energy especially strongly and transmit it directionally. Therefore, buckwheat grains have a positive effect on the health of the body.

There are a number of exercises on buckwheat: press your hands, slide your palms, performing zigzag and circular movements (snake, fish, sled), the same movements, placing your palm on the edge, with your fist, walk separately with each finger in turn with your right and left hands - at the same time with your index (middle) , little fingers, ring fingers); play the piano)

To make a construction set, you need to select smooth pebbles and paint them. You can also color the pebbles with your children; you can attach stickers to them. The more details you make, the better. The same pebbles can be used to build different shapes. Used for coloring acrylic paints. After drying, they are not washed off with water and have a pleasant shine. These paints are odorless and non-toxic.

Salt dough is an environmentally friendly material that you can safely trust your child to use. It has many advantages: safe, everything necessary materials available and cheap, easy to wash, leaves no traces, you can get different shades adding colors to the dough. The dough touches every point of your fingers and palms, stimulates and massages. It provides unique opportunities to conduct interesting games that are beneficial for the overall development of the child. You can make anything from the dough: your favorite fairy tale characters, cookies, game cakes, or make a beautiful decoration.

were made by me didactic games for the development of fine motor skills: “Treat the Kolobok”, “Magic Beads”, “Count It”, “Mosaic”.

Classes are very interesting when children make crafts from natural materials.

Making crafts from natural materials:

pine cones, acorns, straw and other available materials. In addition to developing fine motor skills of the hands, these activities also develop the child’s imagination and fantasy.

Working with parents is one of the most important areas of our work. The main task at the initial stage of working with parents is to form and stimulate the motivational attitude of parents to work with their children. I used visual folders on the topics: “Finger gymnastics”, “Development of fine motor skills in everyday life”. Consultations were prepared for teachers and parents, reflecting current issues in the development of a child’s fine motor skills in preschool educational institutions and in the family. Made presentations

"Crafts made from natural materials." "Games and exercises with natural materials." I have compiled booklets on this topic.

As a result of my work, children's manual skills improved, which became a stimulating impetus for the development of speech and the formation mental processes. The subject-development environment has been replenished with materials and equipment for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, a card index of finger games and gymnastics has been compiled, various original games with natural materials have been made, information and visual material for parents on this topic has been collected and systematized.

In the future, I plan to search for new methodological techniques that will contribute to the development of fine motor skills, general motor skills, and independence, which will create interest in various types of activities.

Used Books

Bardysheva T. Yu. Hello, little finger. Finger games. – M.: “Karapuz”, 2007.

Bolshakova S. E. Formation of fine motor skills of the hands: Games and exercises. – M.: TC Sfera, 2006.

Bot O. S. Formation of precise finger movements in children with general underdevelopment speech // Defectology. - 1983. - N1.

Vorobyova L.V. Educational games for preschoolers. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house. Litera house, 2006.

Vorobyova T. A., Krupenchuk O. I. Ball and speech. – St. Petersburg: Delta, 2001.

Ermakova I. A. Developing fine motor skills in children. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house. Litera house, 2006.

Krupenchuk O.I. Finger games. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house. house "Litera", 2007.

Lopukhina I. S. Speech therapy - speech, rhythm, movement: A manual for speech therapists and parents. – St. Petersburg: ICHP “Hardford”, 1996.

Melnikova A.A. We hunted a lion. Development of motor skills. M.: “Karapuz”, 2006.

Pimenova E. P. Finger games. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2007.

Timofeeva E. Yu., Chernova E. I. Finger steps. Exercises to develop fine motor skills. – St. Petersburg: Corona-Vek, 2007.

Tsvintarny V.V. Playing with fingers and developing speech - St. Petersburg: ICHP "Hardford", 1996. Sokolova Yu. A. Games with fingers. – M.: Eksmo, 2006

Development of fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age (information for parents and educators)

"Not intellectual advantages

made man the ruler over everything

living, but the fact that we alone control our hands - this organ of all organs.”

Giordano Bruno

Review of the results of scientific research on the problem

It has been proven that one of the indicators of a child’s normal physical and neuropsychic development is the development of his hand, manual skills, or, as they say, fine motor skills. Based on the skill of a child's hand, experts, based on modern research, draw conclusions about the developmental features of the central nervous system and its holy of holies - the brain. Sensorimotor development in preschool age forms the foundation of mental development, and mental capacity begin to form early and not by themselves, but in close connection with the expansion of activity, including general motor and manual activity.

Neuropsychological studies by M. M. Koltsova (1979) and other scientists have proven that the level of speech development is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. This is due to the anatomical proximity of the location of the motor and speech zones in the cerebral cortex, the common functioning of the motor and speech systems, as well as the relationship between the formation of speech and motor skills.

The development of thinking begins with the hand. During activity, the muscles of the hands perform three main functions: organs of movement, organs of cognition, energy accumulators (both for the muscles themselves and for other organs). If a child touches any object, then the muscles and skin of the hands at this time “teach” the eyes and brain to see, touch, distinguish, and remember. How does the hand study and examine objects?

1. Touching allows you to verify the presence of an object, its temperature, humidity, etc.

2. Tapping makes it possible to obtain information about the properties of materials.

3. Hand holding helps detect many interesting properties objects: weight, surface features, shape, etc.

4. Pressure makes it possible to determine whether an object is soft or hard and what material it is made of.

5. Feeling by stroking makes it possible to determine the properties of the surface. Line and arc movements with the fingertips help to recognize with high accuracy not only the smoothness-roughness, but also the type of material, for example, to determine by touch what kind of paper: newsprint, parchment, blotter.

The hand cognizes, and the brain records sensation and perception, connecting them with the visual, auditory and olfactory into complex integrated images and ideas.

In children with a number of speech disorders general motor insufficiency expressed to varying degrees is noted, as well as deviations in the development of finger movements, since the movements of the fingers are closely related to speech function.

The development of fine motor skills directly affects the formation of a child’s speech, accelerating the process of functional maturation of the brain, and therefore is a powerful factor for the cerebral cortex.

This effect of arm muscle impulses is so significant only in childhood, while the speech and motor areas are being formed (M. M. Koltsova). It is assumed that systematic exercises that train the movements of the hands and fingers will affect the projection area of ​​the hand as an additional speech zone.

Currently, the market for child development aids offers a wide variety of books, aids and toys that promote the development of fine motor skills. And this is not without reason. It turns out that most modern children, especially urban ones, have both a general motor lag and poor development of hand motor skills. Even 20 years ago, adults, and with them children, had to do most of the household chores with their hands: washing and spinning clothes, sorting out cereals, knitting, embroidering, darning, etc. Now many such actions have gone out of use due to their uselessness, they have been successfully replaced by technology, or an increase in the standard of living has brought some of them beyond the point of necessity. All these trends most directly affect the development of children, especially the development of hand motor skills. We can say that the level of motor development of the hands (strength, dexterity, speed and accuracy of movements) and manual skills (use of various tools - scissors, needles, spatulas, etc., fastening and unfastening fasteners, etc.) in preschool age is a diagnostic factor that determines the level of development of general motor skills and speech. And if the hands are not developed enough, this often indicates some delay in the child’s development.

Historical aspect

The movement of fingers historically, in the course of human development, turned out to be closely related to speech function.

In the process of evolution, the hand becomes not only an executor of the will, but also a creator, a teacher of the brain.

The first form of communication of primitive people was gestures; The role of the hand was especially great here - it made it possible, through pointing, defensive, threatening and other movements, to develop that primary language with the help of which people explained themselves.

Later, gestures began to be combined with exclamations and shouts. Millennia passed until verbal speech developed; it remained associated with gestural speech for a long time (this connection makes itself felt in modern man).

All scientists who have studied the activity of the children's brain and the psyche of children note the great stimulating effect of hand function.

The outstanding Russian educator of the 18th century, N.I. Novikov, back in 1782, argued that the “natural urge to act on things” in children is the main means not only for gaining knowledge about these things, but also for their mental development.

Neuropathologist and psychiatrist V. M. Bekhterev wrote that hand movements have always been closely related to speech and contributed to its development.

The English psychologist D. Cely also gave great importance“creative work of hands” for the development of children’s thinking and speech.

The movements of people's fingers improved from generation to generation, as people performed increasingly finer and finer movements with their hands. difficult work. In connection with this, there was an increase in the area of ​​the motor projection of the hand in the human brain. Thus, the development of the functions of the hand and speech occurred in parallel in people.

Returning to the anatomical relationships, it is important to note that at this stage of development, about a third of the total area of ​​the motor projection is occupied by the projection of the hand, located very close to the speech motor area.

It was the magnitude of the projection of the hand and its proximity to the motor speech zone that led to the idea that training fine movements of the fingers would have a great influence on the development of active speech.

The territory of the projection of the hand and especially the thumb in the anterior and posterior central gyri of the cerebral cortex has almost the same extent as the rest of the body. The function of the brush is unique and versatile. It is the main organ of labor in all its diversity. The hand is so connected with our thinking, with experience, with labor that everything that is elusive, inexpressible in a person that cannot find words, seeks expression through the hand.

M. M. Koltsova, doctor medical sciences, a professor of physiology, believes that “there is every reason to consider the hand as an organ of speech - the same as the articulatory apparatus. From this point of view, the projection of the hand is another speech area of ​​the brain.” Training fine movements of the fingers has a great influence on the development of a child’s active speech.


If the development of finger movements corresponds to age (the norm), then the development of speech is also within normal limits, but if the development of fingers is lagging behind, the development of speech is also lagging behind, although general motor skills may be within normal limits and even higher. large quantities children shows that this is not an accident, but a pattern.

Currently, to determine the level of speech development, the following experiment is carried out with children in the first years of life: they ask the child to show one finger, two or three (“do it like this” - and show how it should be done). Children who can make isolated finger movements speak well; If the fingers are tense, bend and unbend only all together, or, on the contrary, are sluggish (“woolly”) and do not give isolated movements, then these are non-speaking children. Thus, without hearing a single word from a child, you can determine how his speech is developed. Until finger movements become free, speech development cannot be achieved.

Consultation for educators “Development of fine motor skills in preschool children”

Scientists have long proven that hand movements are closely related to mental development. Fine motor skills reflect intellectual abilities. It is known that intelligence is not only heredity, but also the result of mental stress and training. We all know how to run, but only a few become world champions - those who were able to go through all the necessary stress.

The movements of a child’s fingers and hands have a special, developmental effect. The influence of manual (manual) influences on the development of the human brain was known back in the 2nd century BC. e. In China, experts say that games involving hands bring the body and mind into a harmonious relationship and keep the brain systems in excellent condition. Palm exercises with stone and metal balls are common in China. Japanese acupuncture is another confirmation of this. There are many reflex points on the hands, from which impulses go to the central nervous system. But not only Eastern sages, but also domestic physiologists confirm the connection between the development of hands and the development of the brain. V. M. Bekhterev proved in his works that simple hand movements help relieve mental fatigue, improve the pronunciation of many sounds, and develop the child’s speech. And the famous teacher V.A Sukhomlinsky argued that “the child’s mind is at the tip of his fingers.” Research by M.M. Koltsova has proven that each finger has a representation in the cerebral cortex. She notes that there is every reason to consider the hand as an organ of speech - the same as an articulatory apparatus. From this point of view, the projection of the hand is another speech zone. The development of fine movements of the fingers precedes the appearance of syllable articulation. Thanks to the development of fingers, a projection of the “scheme of the human body” is formed in the brain, and speech reactions are directly dependent on the fitness of the fingers.

Fine motor skills are the ability of the small muscles of the fingers to perform fine coordinated movements, main role in the implementation

which is played by the coordinated work of the small muscles of the hand and eye. Fine motor skills are a component of overall motor development, assumes the child’s ability to carry out any activity with his fingers (fasten buttons, zippers, lace shoes, sculpt, draw, write, etc.).

Usually a child who has high level development of fine motor skills, can reason logically, he has sufficiently developed memory, attention, and coherent speech. Psychologists, teachers, and doctors constantly emphasize: the level of development of fine motor skills largely determines the success of a child’s mastering of visual, musical performing, constructive and labor skills, language acquisition, and the development of initial writing skills. There are many interesting techniques to develop fine motor skills and a variety of stimulating materials are used. These include:

Self-massage is one of the types of passive gymnastics of the fingers, has a tonic effect on the central nervous system, improves the functions of the receptors of the pathways. The use of exercise machines and massagers increases children's interest.

Finger games. They can be divided into 3 groups: a game without objects; using attributes; games with objects. All exercises finger gymnastics performed at a slow pace, 5-7 times, with a good range of motion; each hand separately, alternately or together - it depends on the direction of the exercise.

Initially, similar and simultaneous movements are given, aimed at developing coordination and coordination of movements, and only as they are mastered, more complex movements of different types are included. We especially emphasize that the main goal of such work is not

mechanical training of hand movements, but systematic teaching of children new finely coordinated motor actions.

In addition to games and exercises, the development of manual skills is also facilitated by various types of productive activities (drawing, modeling, design, artistic and manual labor, thread writing - laying out the contours of objects with a thread along a previously drawn line, etc.).

Sand is an excellent exercise machine for developing fine motor skills. All work is aimed at reducing hyperactivity, emotional stress, and developing fine motor skills of the fingers. Sprinkling sand and turning it over with your hands relaxes, soothes and serves as a massage for the hands. Various exercises are carried out: drawing on the sand with fingers, a stick, by inflating through a tube, pushing apart with hands, finding small toys in the sand.

The development of tactile sensations is facilitated by the “Finger Pool”. Carrying out finger gymnastics in such a “pool” helps to activate the motor activity of the hands.

A means for developing finger movements is finger theater. Acting out small scenes, retelling short stories accompanied by the construction of figures from the hand and fingers helps children’s hands become flexible, stiffness of movements decreases, coordination of actions of both hands appears, movements become coordinated.

For the development of fine motor skills, exercises for sorting beads, buttons, rolling wooden, plastic, rubber balls with spikes between the palms, working with small construction sets, puzzles, etc. are useful. Simple movements help remove tension not only from the hands themselves, but also from the lips, relieve mental fatigue. The hands gradually acquire good mobility and flexibility, and stiffness of movements disappears, which makes it easier to master writing skills.

Thus, finger games are the very sought-after golden key to the intensive development of the baby’s abilities. This is confirmed by both the latest scientific discoveries and the fact that similar games exist in the traditions of all nationalities. And this is understandable - after all, with any motor training, it is not the hands that develop, but the brain. Especially a powerful tool Improving brain function is constant finger training. Physiologists have now proven that finger training stimulates the development of certain areas of the brain, which, in turn, affect the development of speech, mental activity, logical thinking, memory, visual and auditory perception of the child, and shape his perseverance and ability to concentrate. And the development of muscle strength in the fingers of the dominant hand and coordination of movements of both hands are necessary for mastering writing skills.

A child’s weak hand can and must be developed! Fine motor skills, mental development, a successful combination of genes, education and environment - perfect base for the development of the baby's mental abilities. The main thing is not to waste time!

The need to develop fine motor skills in preschool children

Finger exercises will help prevent lag in motor development child or overcome this gap.

All finger games should begin with a fun warm-up - bending and straightening your fingers. It will help warm up the child's hands and introduce him to a play situation.

In addition to clenching and unclenching your fingers, it is important to pay attention to their relaxation.

Recently, many teachers have been introducing finger massage. Even the most primitive massage, consisting of bending and straightening the child’s fingers, doubles the process of mastering speech.

There are massage movements performed using a simple object - a pencil. Using faceted pencils, the child massages the wrists, hands: fingers, palms, backs of the hands, interdigital areas.

Massage and games with pencils stimulate speech development, promote mastery of fine movements, improve tissue trophism and blood supply to the fingers.

And now you and your children will try to perform some types of hand massage using a pencil.

Children and parents are given one pencil each and given a reminder with types of massage accompanied by funny poems. (Appendix 2)

I very slowly demonstrate the correctness of performing this or that exercise.

Parents ask their questions along the way. We discuss mistakes when performing exercises so that parents and children can reinforce the correctness of finger massage.

After performing the finger massage, parents and children began to perform the following exercises.

And now we will give you cardboard on which you will stick different figures or letters from plasticine, and then lay out beads and cereals on it. At your discretion.

(Working together with parents caused a storm of positive emotions in the children).

Dear parents! Remember that only through joint efforts can we achieve positive results in the development of our children.

If anyone has any questions, ask!

Thank you very much for your cooperation!


  1. Savelyeva E. A. Finger and gesture games in verse for preschoolers. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House “CHILDHOOD - PRESS”, 2010.
  2. Belaya A. E., Miryasova V. I. Finger games for the development of speech of preschoolers: A manual for parents and teachers. – M.: LLC “Firm Publishing House AST”, 1999.

Annex 1

The game requires hard and soft balls of different textures.


To play you will need rubber toys. Invite your child to first squeeze the toy with both hands. And then - alone.

Prefabricated nesting dolls.

An excellent tool for developing a child’s manual skills and thinking, this is a traditional folk didactic toy.


When choosing a pyramid in a store, give preference to one with rings of different diameters that increase evenly towards the base. This toy will develop not only your baby’s fingers, but also logical thinking. You can build a pyramid using yogurt cups by stacking them one on top of the other.

Trace along the outline.

The game is played in two stages. Stage 1 - outline the figure with a pencil; Stage 2 - the contour is laid out with peas or cereals.


These are triangles, rectangles, circles made of thin cardboard or plastic. With your help, the child should move his finger or pencil along the edges of the figure lying on the table. This is how one is taught to feel a fixed line.

Mosaic, designer.

The size of the parts depends on the skills of your baby. The choice of these games is now great. First, purchase the largest construction set and the largest mosaic.

Using a construction set, help build a tower, then doll furniture, and so on.

Teach how to lay out paths, flowers from mosaics, geometric figures, and then more complex patterns (Christmas trees, cars, houses, etc.) Follow the rule - when playing with small objects An adult must be near the child! Children love to put change in their mouths, noses and ears!


Now ready-made sets for the game are sold, which include a cord, multi-colored beads of different shapes and even a plastic needle. But mommy can make this game herself.


Draw with your finger.

Nowadays there are special paints for sale for such avant-garde “art”. Any other (non-toxic) paints can be used. First draw straight, curved, wavy lines, then geometric shapes, simple patterns.

Rough uneven surface.

It is very useful for a small child to move his palm over hard paper, a strainer, or a stone. In addition, invite him to close his eyes, then tactile sensations will become more intense. Don’t be lazy and cut out letters for your baby from sandpaper: then he will really “feel” each one, and you will “kill two birds with one stone”: both the baby will recognize the letters and develop fine motor skills.

Multi-colored clothespins.

Using a clothespin (check on your fingers that it is not too tight), we alternately “bite” the nail phalanges (from the index to the little finger and back) on the stressed syllables of the verse:

“The kitten bites hard - the silly one, He thinks it’s not a finger, but a mouse. (change of hands) But I’m playing with you, baby, And if you bite, I’ll tell you: “Shoo!”


Pour 1 kg of peas or beans into a pan. The child puts his hands in there and imitates how the dough is kneaded, saying:

“Knead, knead the dough,

Bend and unbend the thumb

This finger cleans the table,

Bend and straighten your index finger

This one cut

Bend and straighten the middle finger

This one ate.

Bend and unbend the ring finger

Well, this one just looked!

Bend and unbend the little finger

“Chicken” The chicken went out for a walk, to nibble some fresh grass (we clap our hands on our knees) And behind her the children are yellow chickens (we walk with our fingers) Co-co-co, co-co, co-co, don’t go far! (we shake our fingers) Row with your paws ( we rake with our hands), look for grains (we peck at the grains with our fingers) We ate a fat beetle, an earthworm (we show with our hands how fat the beetle is) We drank a trough full of water (we show how we scoop up water and drink).

There is a lock hanging on the door. (connect the fingers of both hands into the lock) Who could open it? (fingers are clasped in the lock, hands are stretched in different directions) They knocked, (without releasing the fingers, knock your palms against each other) Twisted, (twist the clasped hands in the wrists) Pulled (fingers interlocked, arms stretched in different directions) And opened. (unlock fingers)


Masha put on her mitten: (clench her fingers into a fist)

“Oh, what am I doing? My finger is missing, it’s gone, I didn’t get into my little house.” (unclench all fingers except the thumb)

Masha took off her mitten: “Look, I found it!” (extend the remaining bent finger)

You look and look and you will find, Hello, little finger, how are you?” (clench your fingers into a fist)

“Thunderstorm” The drops fell first, (lightly tap two fingers of each hand on the table) The spiders were frightened. (the inner side of the palm is lowered down; bend the fingers slightly and, moving them, show how the spiders scatter) The rain began to pound harder, (knock on the table with all fingers of both hands) The birds disappeared among the branches. (crossing your arms, clasping your palms together with the backs of your hands; waving your fingers clenched together). The rain poured down like a bucket, (knock on the table harder with all the fingers of both hands) The children ran away. (The index and middle fingers of both hands run around the table, depicting little men; the remaining fingers are pressed to the palm). Lightning flashes in the sky, (draw lightning in the air with your finger) Thunder breaks the whole sky. (drum with your fists and then clap your hands) And then the sun comes out of the cloud (raise both hands up with open fingers) Look at us through the window again!

2. Use of various devices (massage balls, rollers, hedgehogs, rolling pins).

“Hedgehog” (the baby has a rubber prickly hedgehog in his hands)

Hedgehog, prickly hedgehog, where are your needles? (the baby rolls the hedgehog with his hands) I need to sew a baby squirrel an undershirt (the baby rolls the hedgehog on his tummy) The naughty bunny needs to fix his pants (we roll on the legs) The hedgehog snorted - move away and don’t cry, don’t ask (we roll on the floor) If I give you needles, the wolves will eat me!!! (the hedgehog runs into the house, into a place in a box or on a shelf)

“Hedgehog” (su-jok ball).

The prickly hedgehog is rolling, no head, no legs. He runs palm-deep and puffs, puffs, puffs. (circular movements with the ball between the palms). It runs over my fingers and puffs, puffs, puffs. Runs here and there, I'm ticklish, yes, yes, yes. (movements on fingers). Go away, prickly hedgehog, into the dark forest where you live! (we let it across the table and catch it with our fingertips).

“Ball” (su-jok)

I roll the ball in circles, I kick it back and forth, I stroke my palm with it, as if sweeping away a crumb, And I remember it a little, like a cat squeezes its paw

3. Games with small objects (bones, beads, pebbles, buttons, paper clips, matches, small toys).

"Funny figures"

The teacher invites the children to sort the clothespins by color: yellow, blue, green, etc.

The teacher asks the children to attach: yellow rays to the sun; green needles on the Christmas tree, blue rain on the cloud.

An adult invites the children to attach 3 yellow rays to the sun, 4 green needles to the Christmas tree, etc.

An adult asks the children to make multi-colored rays for the sun, alternating yellow, green, blue colors, and to the Christmas tree - attach yellow needles to the right, and blue ones to the left, etc.

"Colorful Pebbles"

The teacher invites the children to sort the pebbles by color: yellow, blue, green; by shape, etc.

The teacher asks the children to make a path of five pebbles, after which, with a “smart” finger, count them from left to right and from right to left (counting forward and backward)

An adult invites the children to make a path of pebbles, and first asks them to put a red pebble on the table, then yellow, green, blue, etc.

The teacher asks the children to make a path of pebbles, first - 1 red pebble, then - 2 yellow, 3 green, 4 blue, etc.


The teacher invites the children to make paths: 1st - red, 2nd - yellow, 3rd - green, etc.

An adult asks to make some kind of drawing from a mosaic. For example, green grass, blue rain, etc.

Children are given the task of making a mosaic path, alternating colors: red, yellow, green, blue, blue, red, yellow...

"Making beads"

The teacher asks to sort the beads.

An adult invites the children to make beads by alternating the colors and shapes of the beads.

Children are given the task of first stringing 1 orange bead, then 2 yellow, 3 pink, 4 daisies, 5 shells.

4. Tying bows, lacing, fastening buttons, locks.

"Knots for memory"

Tie several laces together and tie a knot in each one. Invite your child to find them all.


Place two animal toys close to each other and invite your child to make a path between them using a string.

"Naughty Lace"

Take the lace and pass it between the child’s fingers: put it on the big one, pass it below the ring finger, above the big one, etc.

Our naughty lace was able to tie all my fingers. Then the child tries to untangle his fingers on his own.

It is also possible to use ready-made manuals or make them yourself.

5. Games with threads (winding balls, laying out patterns, embroidery, weaving).


Materials needed: On a tray are sheets of cardboard with lines drawn on them. There are simple drawings, and there are more complex ones. There are holes on the lines where the needle and thread will go (in more complex tasks, these holes are only marked with a dot). A ball of woolen thread, 1-2 thick needles.

Progress of the game: The presenter talks about embroiderers, if possible, shows various embroideries and invites the child to play, explaining how they embroider. Then the child takes the needle and inserts the thread into the eye of the needle. At first, an adult helps him with this.

Later he does it on his own. The ends of the thread are connected and tied into a knot. Then the child makes stitches on cardboard with holes (for a lighter option, you can use a cord instead of a needle), threading the needle up and down.

It should be noted that working with a needle, especially threading and tying a knot, is very difficult for a small child. At first, it’s better not just to show, but to patiently perform these operations together with him, hand in hand, and accurately capture the moment when you can let go of the child’s hand and invite him to act independently.

6. Working with paper (folding, tearing, cutting, laying out patterns).

"Paper Snowballs"

Show your child how to crumple a piece of paper (or a napkin) to make a snowball.

“Snowflakes from paper” Invite your child to tear a sheet of white paper (or a napkin) into small pieces - these will be snowflakes. “Secret” Wrap in wrapping paper or a foil toy and invite your child to unwrap the gift.


Take a thick, sturdy book and put a lot of paper bookmarks in it. The baby will be happy to “fish” for them. Then you can invite your child to put bookmarks in the book himself.

“Magic candies” Take candy wrappers and wrap small toys in them. The baby will need to unwrap the candy wrappers and take out surprises from them.

7. Working with a pencil (outlining, shading, coloring, making graphic tasks, graphic dictation) .

“Mouse in a Mink” (or “Fox in a Mink”)

Necessary equipment: drawing of a mouse in a hole and a cat next to the hole, etc.

How to play: say that the cat wants to catch the mouse. How can I help her? You need to shade the mouse in the hole so that the cat doesn’t notice it there.

What if you shade two holes with mice? Or help the fox hide from the wolf, the hare from the fox? Imagine with your child.

The main thing is not to go beyond the contour of the hole. Your child will do great if his strokes are even and at the same distance from each other.

We fix it: you can hatch anything - flowers, houses, vases, cars, etc.


The game teaches you to stroke by applying the necessary pressure on the pencil.

Necessary equipment: picture - two drawn airplanes, around them a dark and light cloud; soft pencil.

How we play: remember how you watched the clouds outside. There are light clouds, air ones, and dark ones - rain ones. Because of the dark cloud the plane is almost invisible, but because of the light cloud it is clearly visible.

The child will draw other dark and light clouds around the planes himself.

We fix: “I’m swimming through the water and I’m calling the kids.” You can draw waves for a duck, a boat, etc. It is important that the child tries to apply different pressure on the pencil (there is a storm in the sea - the waves are dark).

Play with the drawings, add details: the sun, ducklings, sand, etc.

"Twisting Paths"

The game develops precision of movements. Necessary equipment: drawn houses and cars, between them at a distance there are simple winding paths (winding, broken curves).

How to play: tell your child that he is a driver and he needs to drive the car to the house. Be careful on the road - do not go beyond the path and do not lift the pencil from the paper when driving along the bends of the roads.

We consolidate: the child has learned to move a pencil along such curves - narrow the paths or change the complexity of the curves.

8. Working with various seeds and cereals:

Sorting, rearranging, laying out patterns.

"What's making noise?"

Prepare all the cereals you have and the same number of matchboxes. Help your child fill the boxes. The child should put one tablespoon of cereal in each box. Learn the names of cereals with your child. Then close the boxes and mix on the table.

Take the box one at a time and shake it. The child must guess by sound what kind of cereal is in this box.

Switch roles with your child, let him now mix and shake the box, and you guess what is in it.


Sprinkle semolina onto a baking sheet or tray so that it covers the entire surface. The child can draw by running his fingers along the baking sheet.

You can draw anything: spirals, geometric shapes, houses, flowers, etc. Be sure to include training in the lesson, show your child step by step how to draw this or that object, the child must repeat each step after you.


The teacher asks the children to make a path of beans.

An adult offers to lay out some kind of drawing (or a letter) from the beans. For example, lay out the letter “A”, “T”, “N”.

The teacher asks to add 2 more beans to the 3rd beans and count how many there are in total; remove 3 beans and count how many are left; add 4 beans and say how many beans are on the table, etc.

An adult suggests sorting the beans into three jars.

"Funny pasta"

An adult invites the children to make beads by alternating pasta shapes.

An adult suggests making two paths of pasta: one long, the second short (you can also offer wide/narrow).

We bring to your attention children's games aimed at developing fine motor skills in children of early and preschool age using objects and materials that are within walking distance. This will not only save the family budget, but also spend more time with the child.

Games for children 0+

Massage of the hand and fingers. For greater effect, massage with nursery rhymes, for example, “Magpie-Crow”;

Let your child feel objects with different textures, sizes and temperatures: pieces of ice, a walnut, a prickly rubber ball, a warm metal bowl, fur hat etc). To stimulate tactile sensations, do.

Homemade photo frames with materials of different textures are an excellent tool for massaging children's palms.

Tie different pieces of fabric, ribbons, pompoms, etc. to the hoop. The game evokes a grasping reflex and encourages the baby to take active actions while lying on his stomach. These movements strengthen the muscles of the hands and fingers and promote the development of fine motor skills.

Suggest threading large pasta onto straws/skewers.


Teach your child to make balls and sausages from plasticine, and then flatten them with your finger, show that you can draw on plasticine with a toothpick or special tools.

Play finger games or finger theater, for example, based on the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood (printable template).

Place small toys or any small objects in a bowl of water, and offer to catch them with your hands, a spoon or a strainer.

Games for children 4+

Using a thread and a needle, make beads from rowan berries, small pasta, foil balls or real beads. Pasta can be pre-colored.

To develop fine motor skills, practice winding yarn into a ball or winding thread onto a spool.

Make lacing with your own hands (templates): cut out the contours of any object (car, cloud, apple) from cardboard, make holes along the contour using a hole punch, tie a bright thick thread to the ear stick and show what needs to be done. Surprisingly, children are much more interested in such homemade lacing than their store-bought counterparts.

Think over the menu in such a way as to involve your child in cooking as much as possible: let him whisk, peel boiled eggs, cut a banana, etc.

Practice tying bows and knots different types, braiding hair and lacing shoes.

Helps develop fine motor skills:

Games with all kinds of tweezers. For example, you need to arrange the beads on a soap stand using tweezers.
Games with a pipette. We offer a game with Lego blocks. The challenge for children is to fill each hole with water as much as possible without spilling a drop.

Pasting small stickers.

Working with scissors. Play hair salon.

Modeling. See activity ideas.

Games with rubber bands (for weaving bracelets). See how to make an educational game “Math Tablet”.

Puzzles. You can take simple photos yourself.

Mosaic. Especially, children will love to do

Screwing the lids. For example, you need to select lids for jars.

Lego and other construction kits with small parts.

All kinds of transfusion of liquids and pouring of bulk materials from one container to another.

Creative activity using a figured hole punch (c, c).

Exercise equipment for developing fine motor skills

Educational game “Developing basic skills” (c, c).

The “Developing Essential Skills” board is both a puzzle and a frame with clasps. It will help your baby learn how to fasten buttons, belts, zippers, and lace shoes. In addition, during the game, hand motor skills and logical thinking develop.

Book-simulator “I dress myself” (in, in, in).

The training book “I Dress Myself” will help your child develop fine motor skills, speech skills and independence. Your baby will learn to: tie shoelaces, fasten zippers, buttons, Velcro and buckles.

Book-simulator “I dress myself” (in, in, in).

Set of 6 exercise machines (on)

With the help of simulators, the child will learn to lace up, unfasten and fasten buttons, rivets, zippers, buckles, and practice tying bows.

Books on developing fine motor skills

We offer a selection of useful and exciting books for children that will help develop the skills necessary to master writing. (Click on the image for details).

Workbooks for the development of fine motor skills

Publishing house "I can":

Publishing house "Prof-Press":

Publishing house "Clover Media Group":

Albums for the development of fine motor skills
Recipes for kids

More ideas for games to develop fine motor skills can be seen in!

Do not forget that in addition to exercises for developing the muscles of the hand, it is important to regularly train the muscles of the forearms and shoulders, because writing is a monotonous process in which the whole hand is involved, and not just the fingers, and long-term writing at school will be easier for a trained child. Therefore, do not forget about active walks, ball games, banal exercises, and exercises in the pool.

Variety of ways

development of fine motor skills

in preschool children

Novotroyanovsky educational complex

"Comprehensive schoolІ-ІІІ steps – lyceum –

preschool educational institution»

Psychologist: Konstantinova M.I.

Speech therapist: Derevenko N.N.



Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Section I

    1. The essence of the problem of fine motor skills in the context of modern educational tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

      Features of the development of movements of the hand, fingers and arms

child. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eleven

    1. Health-saving components as a means of developing fine motor skills of preschoolers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Bibliography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Section 2 Didactic aids using traditional and non-traditional methods of developing fine motor skills. . . . . . . . 26

Annotation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Game “Dasha doll outfits”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29

Game "Balls-Smeshariki". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Game "Kapitoshka". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

Game "The Adventures of Kolobok". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Game "Toys Hidden". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Electronic version of work

“It is not intellectual advantages that have made man the ruler over all living things, but the fact that we alone control our hands - this organ of all organs.”

Giordano Bruno


At the present stage of development of knowledge about early childhood, the idea of ​​the value of the first years of a child’s life as the foundation for the formation of his personality has been confirmed. During this period, the foundations of such qualities as competence, independence, creativity, etc. are laid.

The determining factors in the development of a child’s personality are social conditions his life: communication, educational influence, organization of life in general, environmental influence, etc. Moreover, it is the pedagogical influence that largely determines the level of development of the child.

The main task pedagogical process is the enrichment of development, the implementation of the principles of humanization and democratization - the transition to a pedagogy of a new quality, focusing on the individuality of each child.

As you know, emotional communication between an adult and a child (up to one year old) instills in him a sense of trust (or mistrust) in people and the world around him. In the future, this communication determines his friendliness and sociability. After all, knowledge is formed as a result of the interaction of a subject (child) with this or that information.

One of the important directions modern development society – humanization of the educational system. This direction provides for increased interest in the child and sets tasks - the development of a holistic personal worldview.

In the Basic Component preschool education in Ukraine, the holistic development of the child as an individual is considered as the main goal of modernizing preschool education at the present stage of state development, and this, in particular, involves caring for the health of the preschooler - a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being.

Life presents more all the time difficult conditions not only to adults, but also to children. The amount of information that children must learn not mechanically, but meaningfully, is constantly increasing.

Since the learning process is based on the physiological activity of the brain, then, of course, success pedagogical work depends to a large extent on the extent and how correctly the physiological capabilities of the brain are used.

Today, the question of the conditions in which these possibilities would be realized, perhaps to a greater extent, and without overloading or overworking the brain, is especially acute.The need for movement is one of the main physiological characteristics child's body, being a condition for its normal formation and development.

Fine motor skills are one of the aspects of the motor sphere. Which is directly related to the mastery of objective actions, the development of productive activities, writing, and speech of the child. Formation motor functions. This includes subtle hand movements that occur during the child’s interaction with the objective world around him.

Relevance - increasing the efficiency of complex work on the development of fine motor skills and coordination of finger movements in preschool children.

The wonderful teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that the origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips; from them, figuratively speaking, come the finest streams that feed the source of creative thought. The more confidence and ingenuity in the movements of a child’s hand, the more subtle the interaction of the hand with a tool (pen, pencil...), the more complex the movements necessary for this interaction, the brighter the creative element of the child’s mind, the more skill in the child’s hand, the more child cleverer.

Research by Russian physiologists also confirms the connection between hand development and brain development. Works by V.M. Bekhterev proved the influence of hand manipulation on the functions of higher nervous activity and speech development. Simple hand movements help remove tension not only from the hands themselves, but also from the lips, and relieve mental fatigue. Research by M.M. Koltsova proved that each finger of the hand has a fairly extensive representation in the cerebral cortex. The development of fine movements of the fingers precedes the appearance of syllable articulation. Thanks to the development of fingers, a projection of the “scheme of the human body” is formed in the brain, and speech reactions are directly dependent on the fitness of the fingers.

Important conditions for performing special skills educational activities(primarily writing) also the skills necessary for the implementation of artistic, graphic, musical, constructive and other types of activities, as well as for the full development of those parts of the child’s brain that are functionally related to the activities of the hands, is the child’s ability to voluntarily regulate muscle activity and formation the correct way to grab various objects.

The ability to distribute the muscle effort required when working the hands and have sufficient functional mobility thumbs in relation to others, they provide the child with high plasticity in the field of fine motor skills.

In addition, the very development of fine motor skills occurs in the process of mastering these types of activities (their operational and technical side) and the objective tools necessary for their implementation.

It is also important that the level of development of children’s speech is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine finger movements. Unfortunately, in last years There has been an increase in the number of children with poorly developed speech.

The leading pedagogical idea is in creating additional conditions that help improve the efficiency of the development of fine motor skills in the hands of preschoolers.

Section I Theoretical foundations of the problem of developing fine motor skills of a child’s hands

    1. The essence of the problem of fine motor skills in the context of modern educational tasks.

Fine motor skills are a set of coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems, often in combination with the visual system in performing small and precise movements of the hands and fingers and toes. The term dexterity is often used when referring to motor skills of the hand and fingers. The area of ​​fine motor skills includes a wide variety of movements: from primitive gestures, such as grasping objects, to very small movements, on which, for example, human handwriting depends.

Fine motor skills are a necessary component of many human actions: object, instrumental, labor, developed in the course of the cultural development of human society.

The development of fine motor skills is important in several aspects that have determined existing areas of scientific research:

1) in connection with the development of cognitive abilities;

2) in connection with the development of speech;

3) development of one’s own hand movements to carry out object and instrumental actions, including writing.

The development of cognitive abilities in connection with the development of hand movements is especially active in infancy and early age due to the fact that the movements of the hand examining various objects is a condition for the child’s knowledge of the objective world. “Direct practical contact with objects, actions with them lead to the discovery of more and more new properties of objects and relationships between them” (D.B. Elkonin). Speech development is closely related to the development of fine motor skills. If you look closely at the image of the brain, it becomes clear that the motor speech area is located next to the motor area, being part of it. About a third of the total area of ​​the motor projection is occupied by the projection of the hand, located close to the speech zone. Training fine movements of the fingers has a great influence on the development of a child’s active speech. Conducted by M.M. Koltsova, L.F. Fomina's research and observations showed that the degree of development of finger movements coincides with the degree of speech development in children. Thus, until finger movements become free, it is not possible to achieve speech development in children.

1. Hand movements are the basis for developing self-care skills in children.

2. The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the important indicators of a child’s readiness for school.

3. Finger movements affect the development of motor speech function and stimulate the development of others mental functions– thinking, memory, attention. The function of the human hand is unique and universal. Sukhomlinsky wrote in his memoirs that “the child’s mind is at his fingertips. The more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child. It is the hands that teach the child precision, neatness, and clarity of thinking. Hand movements excite the brain, causing it to develop.” According to M.M. Koltsova, the level of speech development is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers: if the development of finger movements corresponds to the child’s age, then his speech development will be within normal limits; if the development of finger movements lags behind, the development of speech is also delayed. MM. Koltsova notes that there is every reason to consider the hand as an “organ of speech” - the same as the articulatory apparatus. From this point of view, the motor projection area of ​​the hand can be considered another speech area of ​​the brain. According to the observations of researchers, the development of a child’s verbal speech begins when the movements of the fingers reach sufficient subtlety. The development of finger motor skills, as it were, prepares the ground for the subsequent formation of speech.

It turns out that most modern children have a general motor lag, especially urban children. Remember, now even in kindergartens they ask you to bring shoes with Velcro, so that teachers do not have to take the trouble to teach the child to tie his shoelaces. Even 20 years ago, parents, and with them their children, had to do more with their hands: sort through cereals, wash clothes, knit, embroider. Now there is a car for each lesson. A consequence of poor development of general motor skills, and in particular the hands, is the general unpreparedness of most modern children for writing or problems with speech development. With a high degree of probability we can conclude that if everything is not in order with speech, it is probably problems with motor skills. Work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands and fingers has a beneficial effect not only on the development of speech and its functions, but also on the mental development of the child. In Japan, for example, targeted hand training for children is carried out in kindergartens from the age of two (according to experts, this stimulates the child’s mental development), and in Japanese families Children develop fingers from the age of one. You need to start working on developing fine motor skills from the very beginning. early age. Already infant You can massage your fingers (finger gymnastics), thereby influencing active points associated with the cerebral cortex. In early and early preschool age, you need to perform simple exercises, accompanied by a poetic text, and do not forget about developing basic self-care skills: buttoning and unbuttoning buttons, tying shoelaces, etc.

Children love to wave their hands, clap their hands, play “Magpie-white-sided”, show “horned goat”. All these games are very useful, as they train the hand. Also in early childhood, games with cubes, pyramids, nesting dolls are useful. Later - with various type of construction sets, for example, "Lego", when the child has to assemble and disassemble small parts, put together a whole from individual parts, and for this it is very important that the fingers obey and work well, thereby stimulating the baby's speech development.

The most effective is to use the influence of physical activity and positive emotions that tone the brain.

It is reliably known: the more small movements are controlled by the hand, the better the development of mental activity progresses.

The movements of the child’s fingers and hands have a developmental effect.

Regular finger exercises improve the child’s memory and mental abilities, relieve emotional stress, improve cardiovascular and digestive systems, develop coordination of movements, strength and dexterity of hands, maintain vitality.

    1. Features of the development of movements of the child’s hand, fingers and arms

In children, the ability to perceive surrounding objects is largely related to the development of hand actions. From the outside, it seems that reaching out to an object, reaching out and taking it is so simple and easy for a child that it does not require attention. However, no matter how simple the actions may seem to us, adults, we note: a child in the first months of life does not yet have these actions, since a newborn child cannot perform them in a coordinated and purposeful manner. Indeed, in the first months of his life, all the baby’s movements, including hand movements, are of an unconditional reflex nature, i.e. arise without a purposeful, volitional effort - they are not special.

The ontogenesis of the development of the actions of a child’s hands is interesting. I. Sechenov was one of the first scientists who criticized the theory of hereditary conditioning of the development of child's hand movements as a result of the maturation of certain nervous structures. He wrote that human hand movements arise in the process of education and training as a result of the creation of associative connections between visual, tactile and muscle sensations in the process of active interaction with the environment.

The motor and speech functions of a child, like other higher mental functions, go through a long journey, starting from intrauterine development. This path is individual and uneven. At a certain period, all processes are synchronized in order to create together an integral ensemble of speech activity that is able to adequately respond to the demands that society places on the child.

It is quite important that adults know the norms of motor and speech development child, tracked the stages of development of skills. Necessary measures taken in time can ensure the baby’s full development.

Movements of the fingers and hands are of particular developmental importance, as they affect the development of speech and all higher nervous activity of the child.

Age characteristics development of fine motor skills of the hands and hand-eye coordination:

At the age of 1-2 years, a child holds two objects in one hand, draws with a pencil, turns over the pages of books, places cubes on top of each other, and makes a pyramid.

At the age of 2-3 years, he opens a box and turns its contents over, plays with sand and clay, opens lids, draws with his finger, and strings beads. He holds the pencil with his fingers and copies the shapes with a few strokes. Builds from cubes.

At the age of 3 to 5 years, a child draws with colored chalk, folds paper, sculpts from plasticine, laces shoes, and identifies objects in a bag by touch. The hand begins to act as a purely human organ.

However, it still takes a long time before a child’s hand begins to act like an adult’s hand.

    1. Health-saving components as a means of developing fine motor skills of preschoolers.

By using simple methods it is possible to stimulate intellectual potential, promote the development of brain functions in order to eliminate disharmony when the functions of individual sense organs predominate. For this they use special exercises, games, etc.

Fine motor skills are developed by:

- various finger games where you need to perform certain movements in a certain sequence;

- playing with small objects that are difficult to handle (only under adult supervision);

- games where you need to take something or pull it out, squeeze - unclench, pour - pour, pour - pour out, push into holes, etc.;

- drawing with a pencil (felt-tip pen, brush, etc.);

- fastening and unfastening zippers, buttons, dressing and undressing, etc.

Fine motor skills of the hands are also developed physical exercise. These are various hangings and climbing (at a sports complex, on a ladder, etc.). Such exercises strengthen the baby’s palms and fingers and develop muscles. A baby who is allowed to climb and hang is better able to master exercises that focus directly on fine motor skills.

Currently, a lot of attention is paid to the problem of developing fine motor skills. But every creative teacher tries to introduce both traditional and non-traditional methods and techniques into their correctional work for the development of fine motor skills in children with physical development problems.

Forms of work to develop fine motor skills:


- self-massage of hands and fingers (stroking, kneading);

- finger games with speech accompaniment;

- finger gymnastics (special exercises without speech accompaniment, combined into a complex);

- graphic exercises: shading, completing a picture, graphic dictation, connecting by dots, continuing a series;

- subject activity: paper, clay, plasticine;

- games: mosaics, construction sets, lacing;

Various types of fasteners;

- puppet theaters: finger, mitten, glove, shadow theater.

To develop fine motor skills along with traditional methods and techniques are used andnon-traditional. Non-traditional ones include:

Games and exercises using a “dry” pool;

Self-massage of hands and fingers with walnuts, pencils, massage brushes, chestnuts, balloons;

- use of natural materials (cones, nuts, cereals, plant seeds, sand, stones;

Massage using a Su-jok ball, Kuznetsov applicator or Lyapko needle mats;

The use of various household items (clothespins, grilles, brushes, combs, curlers, pencils, hair ties and much more);



Non-traditional material provides ample opportunities for training small muscles of the hand in various types activities of a playful nature. In addition to the development of fine motor skills and fine differentiated finger movements, conducting exercises using non-standard equipment, accompanied by a poetic text or performed to music, is aimed at solving the following problems:

- formation cognitive activity and creative imagination of children;

- development of visual, auditory perception, creative imagination;
- development of mental processes: attention, memory, thinking, imagination;
- development of the prosodic side of speech: a sense of tempo, rhythm, voice strength, diction, expressiveness of speech.

Such games help create a positive emotional background, cultivate perseverance, and form positive motivation in the classroom.

The specific features give rise to problems that can be solved using correctional classes. The use of health-saving technologies helps solve these problems. It is no coincidence that correctional pedagogy is also called therapeutic. The selection of elements of various health-saving technologies depends on the age and psychophysiological characteristics of children.

In our practical activities we use the following health-preserving components:

    Japanese finger gymnastics.

Japanese doctor Namikoshi Tokujirro created a healing technique for influencing the hands. He argued that fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors that send impulses to the human central nervous system. There are many acupuncture points on the hands, by massaging which you can influence the internal organs reflexively associated with them.

In terms of saturation of acupuncture zones, the hand is not inferior to the ear and foot. Eastern doctors have found that massaging the thumb increases the functional activity of the brain, massage index finger has a positive effect on the condition of the stomach, middle finger - on the intestines, ring finger - on the liver and kidneys, little finger - on the heart.

    "Health Balls"

The well-known Chinese balls, which roll in the palms with quiet tapping, are in fact one of the powerful tools of qigong training. The history of “Health Balls” goes back many centuries. However, the most numerous and useful in use are wooden, stone, and metal balls. “Health balls” serve as a means of developing concentration and attention, regulating a person’s energy base.

Today, balls have become very popular both in China and throughout the world. It turned out that they improve blood circulation, memory and normalize blood pressure. According to modern medicine, the healing effect of exercises with balls is explained by the close connection that exists between the hand and the central nervous system. According to Chinese traditional medicine, the balls affect the meridian points located on the fingers and palms, thereby improving the functioning of all organs and systems of the body.


Psycho-gymnastics helps create conditions for the successful learning of each child. The correctional focus of classes involves the correction of motor, speech, behavioral disorders, communication disorders, and insufficiency of higher mental functions. These tasks are successfully solved in theater classes, logarithmics, during dynamic pauses in classes and in role-playing games.

    Su-Jok therapy.

Most often, in our practical work with children, we turn to the innovative technology of Su-Jok therapy.

The method of Su-Jok therapy has found widespread and successful use in speech therapy and psychological practice. The research of the South Korean scientist Professor Park Jae-Woo, who developed Su-Jok therapy, substantiates the mutual influence of individual parts of our body on the principle of similarity (the similarity of the shape of the ear with the human embryo, the arms and legs of a person with the human body, etc.). These healing systems were created not by man - he just discovered them - but by Nature itself. This is the reason for her strength and security. Stimulation of the points leads to healing (see appendix 1). Improper use never causes harm to a person - it is simply ineffective. Therefore, by identifying the necessary points in the correspondence systems, it is possible to develop the child’s speech sphere. On the hands and feet there are systems of highly active points corresponding to all organs and areas of the body. By influencing them, we can regulate the functioning internal organs. For example, the little finger is the heart, the ring finger is the liver, the middle finger is the intestines, the index finger is the stomach, thumb– head. Consequently, by influencing certain points, it is possible to influence the human organ corresponding to this point.

IN correctional work We actively use Su-Jok therapy techniques to develop fine motor skills of the fingers, as well as for the purpose of general strengthening of the body.

Thus, Su-Jok therapy is one of effective techniques, ensuring the development of the cognitive, emotional and volitional spheres of the child.

Tasks :

    Influence biologically active points according to the Su-Jok system.

    Stimulate the speech areas of the cerebral cortex.

Su-Jok therapy techniques :

1.Massage with a special hedgehog ball. Since there are many biologically active points in the palm, effective way their stimulation is massage with a special ball. By rolling the ball between their palms, children massage their arm muscles. Each ball has a “magic” ring.

2.Massage with an elastic ring, which helps stimulate the functioning of internal organs. Since the entire human body is projected onto the hand and foot, as well as onto each finger and toe, an effective way to prevent and treat diseases is to massage the fingers, hands and feet with an elastic ring. The ring should be put on your finger and the area of ​​the corresponding affected part of the body should be massaged until it becomes red and a feeling of warmth appears. This procedure must be repeated several times a day.

With the help of “hedgehog” balls with rings, children like to massage their fingers and palms, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body, as well as on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, thereby promoting the development of speech.

3.Manual massage of hands and fingers. Very useful and effective finger massage and nail plates brushes These areas correspond to the brain. In addition, the entire human body is projected onto them in the form of mini-correspondence systems. Therefore, the fingertips must be massaged until a lasting feeling of warmth is achieved. This has a healing effect on the entire body. It is especially important to influence the thumb, which is responsible for the person’s head.

During correctional activities, active points located on the fingers are stimulated using various devices (balls, massage balls, walnuts, prickly rollers). I do this work before completing tasks related to drawing and writing for 1 minute.

4.Foot massage . The impact on the foot points is carried out while walking on ribbed paths, massage mats, rugs with buttons, etc.

For speech therapy purposes, su-jok therapy, together with finger games, mosaics, lacing, shading, modeling, and drawing, activates the development of children's speech.

Let's look at someforms work with children to normalize muscle tone and stimulate speech areas in the cerebral cortex, correct pronunciation (sound automation), develop lexical and grammatical categories, and improve spatial orientation skills.

    Su-Jock massage with balls (children repeat words and perform actions with the ball in accordance with the text)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5!

I'll roll the ball.

I'll stroke your palm

And I'll tickle her.

I roll the ball in circles

I drive him back and forth.

I will stroke their palm.

It's like I'm sweeping away crumbs

And I'll squeeze it a little,

How a cat squeezes its paw

I'll press the ball with each finger,

And I'll start with the other hand.

2. Massage the fingers with an elastic ring (Children alternately put massage rings on each finger, reciting a finger gymnastics poem)

One two three four five,(extend fingers one at a time)

The fingers went out for a walk,

This finger is the strongest, thickest and largest.

This finger is for showing it.

This finger is the longest and stands in the middle.

This ring finger is the most spoiled one.

And the little finger, although small, is very dexterous and daring.

3. Using Su-Jok balls to automate sounds (the child alternately puts a massage ring on each finger, while reciting a poem to automate the given sound Sh)

On the right hand:

This baby is Ilyusha,(on the thumb)

This baby is Vanyusha,(pointing)

This baby is Alyosha,(average)

This baby is Antosha,(nameless)

And the smaller baby is called Mishutka by his friends(little finger)

On the left hand:

This little girl is Tanyusha,(on the thumb)

This little girl is Ksyusha,(pointing)

This baby is Masha,(average)

This little girl is Dasha,(nameless)

And the little one's name is Natasha(little finger)

4. The use of Su-Jok balls in improving lexical and grammatical categories

Exercise "One-many". The speech therapist rolls a “miracle ball” across the child’s table, naming the object in the singular. The child, having caught the ball with his palm, rolls it back, naming the nouns in the plural.

Similarly, we carry out the exercises “Name it affectionately”, “Say the opposite”

5. Using Su-Jok balls to develop memory and attention

Children follow the instructions: put the ring on the little finger of your right hand, take the ball in your right hand and hide it behind your back, etc.; the child closes his eyes, the adult puts a ring on any of his fingers, and he must name which finger of which hand the ring is on.

To develop memory, perception and attention, children follow the instructions: “Find two identical balls, arrange the balls by color, find all the blue ones (red, yellow, green), make multi-colored balls (blue-red, green-yellow).

6. Using balls to sound words

To characterize sounds, massage balls of three colors are used: red, blue, green. On the instructions of the speech therapist, the child shows the ball corresponding to the designation of the sound.

7. Using marbles to improve your skills in using prepositions

There is a box on the table, according to the speech therapist’s instructions, the child places the balls accordingly: a red ball - in the box; blue - under the box; green - near the box; Then, on the contrary, the child must describe the adult’s action.

9. Using balls for syllabic analysis of words

Exercise “Divide words into syllables”: The child names the syllable and takes one ball from the box, then counts the number of syllables.

10. Fairy tale “Hedgehog on a walk” (Appendix No. 2)

These are just some examples of the use of Su-Jok therapy in our work (see Appendix No. 3)


The undeniable advantages of Su-Jok therapy are:

High efficiency - at correct use a pronounced effect occurs.

Absolute safety – incorrect use never causes harm – it is simply ineffective.

Versatility - Su-Jok therapy can be used by both teachers in their work and parents at home.

Ease of use – to obtain results, stimulate biologically active points using Su-Jok balls. (They are freely sold in pharmacies and do not require large expenses)

Thus, Su-Jok therapy is a highly effective, universal, accessible and absolutely safe method of self-healing by influencing active points located on the hands and feet with special massage balls, the use of which in combination with exercises for correcting sound pronunciation and developing lexical and grammatical categories helps to increase the physical and mental performance of children, creates a functional basis for a relatively quick transition to a higher level of motor muscle activity and the opportunity for optimal targeted work with the child, providing a stimulating effect on the development of speech, thinking, attention, and memory.

The combination of exercises such as finger gymnastics, self-massage with exercises for correcting sound pronunciation, the formation of lexical and grammatical categories, and the emotional and volitional sphere can significantly increase the effectiveness of correctional activities in a kindergarten.

Working on the development of fine motor skills of children's fingers, we achieved certain results. During the observation, the children's fine motor skills of the fingers improved, and thus: attention, thinking, and observation. The coordination and accuracy of hand and eye movements and general motor activity improved. Thus, as a result of the work done, we came to the conclusion that purposeful, systematic and systematic work on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers in preschool children contributes to the formation of speech, intellectual abilities, and most importantly, contributes to the preservation of physical and mental health child. And all this prepares the preschool child for successful schooling.


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    Bolshakova S. E. Formation of fine motor skills of the hands: Games and exercises. – M.: TC Sfera, 2006.

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    Vorobyova L.V. Educational games for preschoolers. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house. Litera house, 2006.

    Vorobyova T. A., Krupenchuk O. I. Ball and speech. – St. Petersburg: Delta, 2001.

    Ermakova I. A. Developing fine motor skills in children. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house. Litera house, 2006.

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    Kryazheva N.L. Development of the emotional world of children. – Yaroslavl, 1996.

    Lopukhina I. S. Speech therapy - speech, rhythm, movement: A manual for speech therapists and parents. – St. Petersburg: ICHP “Hardford”, 1996.

    Melnikova A.A. We hunted a lion. Development of motor skills. M.: “Karapuz”, 2006.

    Pimenova E. P. Finger games. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2007.

    Sokolova Yu. A. Finger games. – M.: Eksmo, 2006.

    Timofeeva E. Yu., Chernova E. I. Finger steps. Exercises to develop fine motor skills. – St. Petersburg: Corona-Vek, 2007.

    Chistyakova M.I. Psycho-gymnastics. – M., 1990.

    Tsvintarny V.V. Playing with fingers and developing speech - St. Petersburg: ICHP "Hardford", 1996.

Section 2

developmental benefits

using traditional

and unconventional ways


fine motor skills


A creative approach, the use of alternative methods and techniques contribute to more interesting, varied and effective developmental activities and exercises.

Submitted teaching aids are aimed at developing fine motor skills of a child’s hands, cognitive processes, and the emotional-volitional sphere of preschoolers with the help of health-saving technologies and are created on the basis of a holistic approach to the child’s personality, taking into account the natural dynamics of his development.

Key highlights of the manuals:

- intensive development of finely coordinated hand movements (fine motor skills), improvement of visual perception and visual memory child;

Formation of ideas about color, consolidation of sensory standards;

Improving memory, attention, thinking, speech development;

Usagethe poetic form of presenting the material has an impact on the coordination of speech and movements, evokes an emotional response in the child, encourages him to voice his actions;

Conscious attitude towards your emotions, inner world, mood, feelings;

The use of modern health-saving components in the education of preschoolers in order to form a careful attitude towards their physical and psychological health.Thus, the presented developmental aids are aimed not only at solving a particular problem - the development of fine motor skills, but also solves a number of important general pedagogical problems that make it possible to create a future first-grader a comfortable educational environment and positive motivation for learning. The manuals “Balls-Smeshariki”, “Kapitoshka”, “The Adventures of Kolobok”, “Toys Hid”, “Doll Dasha” are addressed to speech therapists, psychologists and preschool teachers educational institutions and development centers, as well as parents of preschool children.

A traditional way to develop fine motor skills

Game “Dasha doll outfits”

Junior preschool age

Goals: introducing children to types of fasteners; consolidate primary colors and enrich vocabulary in accordance with the topic; develop fine motor skills, visual perception and memory; cultivate a caring attitude towards clothing.

Progress of the game:

The cheerful doll Dasha comes to visit the children and is planning to go to her friend’s birthday party. But mom bought a lot elegant dresses Dasha and she can’t decide which dress to wear for the holiday. Children help the doll try on and choose an outfit. The teacher draws the children's attention to the color (red, blue, yellow, green) of the dress and the fastener (buttons, snaps, Velcro, zipper). After trying on each dress, the Dasha doll asks the children to rate the outfit:

“What a dress I’m wearing today!
Do you really like it?
Am I really dressed very nicely?
The dress is red (blue, green, yellow)..."

The satisfied doll Dasha neatly folds the rest of the dresses, thanks the children for their help and goes to the party.

Unconventional ways to develop fine motor skills

Game "Balls-Smeshariki"

Junior preschool age

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about color; develop fine motor skills of the hands; develop the ability to play together, follow the instructions of an adult; introduce children to playing materials: panels, rubber balls.

Rules and course of the game:

I hold him by the leash

Although he is not a puppy at all,

And he got off the leash

And flew away under the clouds.

After the children solve the riddle, the teacher lays out the game panel, the children examine the rubber balls and find the paths by color. Each child rolls a rubber ball towards balloon the same color. The child rolls the ball with the palm of his right hand from the end of the thread to the balloon, and in the opposite direction with the palm of his left hand.

Middle and senior preschool age

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about color; practice agreeing a noun with an adjective; develop fine motor skills of the hands; develop the ability to play together, follow the instructions of an adult; development of associations;development of the emotional and volitional sphere in children,introduce children to playing materials: panels, rubber balls.

Progress of the game:

Before the game, the teacher asks a riddle:

I hold him by the leash

Although he is not a puppy at all,

And he got off the leash

And flew away under the clouds.

After the children solve the riddle, the teacher draws the children’s attention to a game panel with a message-task from Smeshariki.


    GAME EXERCISE “Roll the ball”

Each child rolls a rubber ball towards a balloon of the same color. The child rolls the ball with the palm of his right hand from the end of the thread to the balloon, and in the opposite direction with the palm of his left hand.

    GAME EXERCISE with text pronunciation.

Rules : rolling the ball with saying: “1,2,3,4,5 I will roll the ball” or “I roll the yellow ball to the yellow ball”


Rules: Children have cards with pictures of objects of different colors. The speech therapist names the color. Children find an object of this color on the cards, then name the object and its color and roll the ball to the ball of the corresponding color. For example: I have a green leaf, a green hat...


Rules: a speech therapist, a psychologist names the color, the children select words: for example, pink (-th, -s, -oe). Pronouncing and completing sentences with rolling a ball:

I painted it red...

Sell ​​me, please... (pink, - oh, oh)

I'm going to give it to a friend...

I drew in the picture...

Along the green path goes...

Game "Kapitoshka"

Target: expand children's knowledge about natural phenomena. Reinforce concepts:

“clouds”, “rainbow”, “rain”, “lightning”, “hail”, “thunderstorm”, “snowfall”, “wind”. Enrich and activate children's vocabulary in accordance with the theme “Phenomena of Nature”. Learn to clearly pronounce the name of a natural phenomenon; match the corresponding verbs to the nouns (it rains, thunder rumbles, lightning flashes, clouds float, etc.). Develop coherent speech by teaching children to write stories about natural phenomena. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Cultivate observation and independence.

Progress of the game :

The teacher tells the story of a small raindrop - Kapitoshka.

“A capitoshka is a small raindrop. One day Kapitoshka appeared in the little Wolf's house. The wolf cub is kind and affectionate, and this is what upset his parents. He - loving son, and to please mom and dad, he decided to improve and become real - Correct! - a wolf, ferocious, evil, cruel and cunning. This is how it is supposed to be according to wolf laws, and this is what is written in the tutorial for real wolves. The little wolf is intensively learning the rules from the textbook and practicing scary poses. However, it is so difficult to turn from good to bad because the evil Fairy bewitched him. Let us help Kapitoshka disenchant the Wolf Cub. And for this you and I need:

Psychologist's option.

Roll the ball along the path to the magic cloud, which shows a picture with the corresponding emotion. I propose to name and show emotions using facial expressions.

(The child rolls the ball in the opposite direction.)

Thus, Kapitoshka helps the Little Wolf get rid of these complexes, realize himself and becomes his great friend.

Speech therapist option.

At the beginning of the game, children receive balls. Each child must roll the ball across the panel to the corresponding natural phenomenon, which the teacher names, from bottom to top with the fingers of his left hand and return the ball from top to bottom along the panel with the fingers of his right hand.

Game options:

By rolling the ball, the child clearly says the name of the natural phenomenon.

While rolling the ball, the child, first together with the teacher and then independently, recites a poem about this phenomenon.

The panel can be used to strengthen children's ability to match the noun - the name of the phenomenon - with the corresponding verb. For example, rolling a ball towards lightning, he says: “Lightning shines, radiates.” Before the game, the teacher can invite the children to choose for themselves any phenomenon that is located on the panel; remember what they know about this phenomenon and, rolling the ball, talk about it.

Completeness: A game panel on which you can attach natural phenomena, pictures of emotions, and 4 rubber balls using adhesive tape.

Game "The Adventures of Kolobok"

Target: roll the massage ball yellow color along the paths, develop fine motor skills, coherent, dialogic speech (compose a simple sentence of 2-3 words), intonation.

Progress of the game:

The teacher invites the children to take a walk with Kolobok. During the game, the child discusses his movements with the teacher. “Kolobok is rolling along the path, and a bunny, a wolf, a bear, a fox are coming towards him. Hello, Kolobok! Where are you going? »

Completeness: game panel, pictures of a bunny, wolf, bear, fox, yellow rubber ball.

Game "Toys Hidden".

Tasks: teach children to move in accordance with a given direction “right”, “left”, “forward”, “backwards”, “in a circle”, “straight”, “in a circle”; develop fine motor skills of the hands; develop attention, auditory perception; develop the ability to play together.
Progress of the game:

The teacher tells the children a short story: “The animals were walking in the clearing, basking in the sun, but suddenly it started to rain. Everyone quickly ran away from the clearing and hid in all directions. But then the rain stopped and the sun came out again. It called all the animals back to the clearing, but they forgot the way back.” The teacher invites the children, using instructions, to find the animals and help them return to the clearing (toys lie at the ends of the paths, covered with handkerchiefs). If the child follows the instructions correctly, he approaches the toy and finds it.
At the beginning of the game, you can target the child to find a specific toy, for example, a tiger cub. At the end of the journey, it will be clear whether the child coped with the guidelines that the teacher gave him and whether he was able to find the hidden toy or lost his way and found, for example, a dog.


Middle preschool age

    We put the ball at the beginning of the blue path and start moving straight to the blue ring, turn left, go around in a circle, turn right and along the blue path we move straight along the path until it intersects with the yellow path, turn right and move straight to the end of the yellow path.

Senior preschool age

    We put the ball at the beginning of the yellow path and start moving. Roll the ball along the yellow path until it intersects with the blue path, turn right and move straight to the yellow ring, turn left and move in a circle. We leave the circle, turn left along the path up to the beginning of the red carpet. Next, we move right along the red carpet, turn left and move straight to the end of the red carpet.

    We place the ball at the beginning of the orange path, which is located on your right, and move straight along the winding path to the beginning of the blue path; turn left and move straight to the ring; turn right in a circle and move straight along the blue path to the beginning of the red one and move straight until it intersects with the yellow path; turn right and move straight along the yellow path until it intersects with the white one; We move along the white path straight to the end.

Completeness: game panel, animal toys, handkerchiefs, rubber balls.

Appendix No. 1

Bioactive points

hands and feet

Appendix No. 2

TALE “Hedgehog on a walk”

Exercises with a Su-Jock massager ball

Target: influence biologically active points according to the Su-Jok system, stimulate the speech zones of the cerebral cortex.

Equipment : Su-Jok ball - massager.

Once upon a time there lived a hedgehog in the forest, in his little house - a hole(hold the ball in your palm).

The hedgehog looked out of his hole(open your palms and show the ball) and saw the sun. The hedgehog smiled at the sun(smile, fan out one palm) and decided to take a walk through the forest.

A hedgehog rolled along a straight path(roll the ball with straight movements across your palm) , rolled and rolled and came running to a beautiful, round clearing(join palms in the shape of a circle). The hedgehog was happy and began to run and jump across the clearing(hold the ball between your palms)

I started smelling flowers(touch the spines of the ball to the tip of your finger and take a deep breath) . Suddenly clouds came running(hold the ball in one fist, in the other, frown) , and the rain started dripping: drip-drip-drip(knock the ball's spines with your fingertips in a pinch) .

A hedgehog hid under a large fungus(use the palm of your left hand to make a hat and hide the ball along it) and took shelter from the rain, and when the rain stopped, they grew in the clearing different mushrooms: boletuses, boletuses, honey mushrooms, chanterelles and even porcini mushrooms(show fingers).

The hedgehog wanted to make his mother happy, pick mushrooms and take them home, and there are so many of them... how will the hedgehog carry them? Yes, on your back. The hedgehog carefully placed the mushrooms on the needles(prick each fingertip with a ball spike) and ran home happy(Roll out the ball with straight movements across your palm).

Appendix 3

Exercises with a Su-Jock ball massager:

1. Take 2 massage balls and pass them over the child’s palms(his hands are on his knees, palms up) , making one movement for each stressed syllable:

Stroke my palms, hedgehog!

You're prickly, so what!

Then the child strokes them with his palms and says:

I want to pet you

I want to get along with you.

2. In the clearing, on the lawn(roll the ball between your palms)

Bunnies galloped all day long.(jump on your palm with a ball)

And rolled on the grass(roll forward - backward)

From the tail to the head.

The hares galloped like this for a long time,(jump on your palm with a ball)

But we jumped and got tired.(put the ball on your palm)

Snakes crawled past(lead on the palm)

"Good morning!" - they were told.

I began to stroke and caress

All bunnies will be mother bunny.(stroke each finger with the ball)

3. The bear was walking sleepily,(walk the ball along the hand)

And behind her is a bear cub.(walk quietly with a ball on your hand)

And then the kids came(walk the ball along the hand)

They brought books in briefcases.

They began to open books(press the ball on each finger)

And write in notebooks.

The child rolls the ball between his palms, while reciting a poem to automate the sound J.

A hedgehog walks without paths

Doesn't run from anyone.

From head to toe

A hedgehog covered in needles.

How to take it?

Poems and riddles


Sunny playing

In the drops of rain,

Sparkles like a rainbow

Leaving into the sky

ties together

River banks

Heavenly bridge -



On a huge dark cloud

A thunderclap came to us.

How thunder boomed in the sky,

Everything around was shaking!

But I can’t hide from the thunder, -

I heard from my mother at home:

Thunder rumbled - that means

Summer is already knocking on us.


Hush hush…

You do not hear -

Hail drumming on the roof?

Water falls from the sky

In the form of ice beads:


Everyone fled around.


Snowfall, snowfall!

The garden is covered with snow,

And swamps and meadows,

And river banks,

And mountain paths,

And the fields are spacious.


A fresh breeze is blowing,

Blows due east

The clouds are driving across the sky,

It will rain by lunchtime.


If clouds are running across the sky,

This means that the wind let them off the leash.

Light paws, ears and tail.

Every watchdog is lighter than a feather.

If you are so naturally light,

It's great to run on the re-race!


Lightning, lightning

The maple was scorched.

Broken by a hurricane

He leaned over.

People sleep and birds sleep -

The silence is complete.

Illuminated the dark garden

Lightning! Lightning!


Drops started dripping.
It's raining.
It's pouring like crazy!
It began to hail.

Lightning flashes.

Everyone quickly runs home.

In the morning the sun shone brightly.


It is raining,

It is raining...

Even the rain gets tired.

He will go to the ground to rest...

It became quiet and quiet
And it grows out of the rain


rain, rain, drip and drip!

You wouldn't drip on dads,

You wouldn’t drip on moms -

It would be better to come to us:

For dads it’s damp, for moms it’s dirty,

It’s wonderful for you and me!


I ran along the meadow path -
The poppies nodded their heads;
Running along the blue river -
The river became pockmarked.


In the morning the beads sparkled,
They covered all the grass with themselves,
And we went to look for them during the day,
We search and search, but we won’t find it.


Above you, above me
A bag of water flew by
Ran into a distant forest -
He lost weight and disappeared.

(Rain cloud)

Sister and brother live:
Everyone sees one
Yes, he doesn’t hear
Everyone hears the other
He doesn't see it.

(Lightning and thunder)

What a wonderful beauty!
painted gate
Showed up on the way!..
You can't drive into them, you can't enter them...


There's a commotion in the yard -
White falling peas
Right on the head - oh!
He knocks the blossoms off the apple trees
And it does harm to the fields.


What kind of arrow is that?
Did you light up the black sky?
The black sky lit up -
It sank into the ground with a roar.


They ask for him, they wait for him,
And when he comes -
They will start hiding.


Picture material for manuals


2. Red


8. Pink

10. Blue

Games for developing fine motor skills in older preschoolers

Development of fine motor skills of hands important role V general development preschoolers, allows you to form coordination of finger movements, develops speech activity, prepares the child for school, develops Creative skills. I bring to your attention a number of simple, but useful and exciting exercises that can complement the games of preschoolers. This material will be useful to kindergarten teachers, speech therapists, and parents of preschool children.
1. Beads
What is necessary: dyed pasta, long lace.
How we play: We string the pasta onto a string; you can suggest a certain alternation of pasta colors.

2. Exercises with tweezers
Target: develop precision of movements, consolidate knowledge of colors.
What is necessary: tweezers, small “buttons” (I made them from moisture-absorbing kitchen napkins using a hole punch), several small bowls.
How we play: Using tweezers, arrange the “buttons” according to color into different bowls (shapes).

3. Exercises with clothespins
Target: develop precision of movements and attention.
What is necessary: box, clothespins, set of paired pictures.
Glue pictures to the edge of the box and to the clothespins.

How we play: take a clothespin with any picture, find the same picture on the box, attach the clothespin to the edge of the box.

4. Paths
Target: develop precision of movements, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.
What is necessary: a sheet of cardboard, natural material (small pebbles, shells, beans, peas), small buttons.
How we play: We lay out winding paths on a sheet of cardboard with the material of your choice.

5. Laying out along the contour
Target: develop precision of movements.
What is necessary: a set of sheets with outline images of objects, colored paper clips, buttons, natural materials (shells, small stones, beans).
How we play: offer to choose a figure, lay out a figure along a given contour using the selected material, you can offer to “paint over” the figure.

6. Picture of beads
Target: develop precision of movements and creative imagination.
What is necessary: sheet of cardboard, set of colored beads.
How we play: Place a drawing on a sheet of cardboard if desired.

7. Twisting ribbons
Target: develop precision of movements.
What is necessary: attached long satin ribbons with a small stick glued to the end (for example, an ice cream stick)
How we play: suggest twisting the ribbons from one edge to the other.

8. Openwork pattern
Target: develop precision of movements.
What is necessary: a toothpick or skewer, a sheet with a simple design drawn, a letter, a number, or a template cut out of cardboard, fabric folded in several layers.
How we play: Place the sheet with the design on a fabric folded in several layers, the child uses a toothpick or skewer to pierce holes along the contour of the design, and when finished, look at the design in the light.

9. Feed the bird
Target: develop precision of movements.
What is necessary: cardboard box with a bird pattern pasted on, make a small hole near the beak; a handful of wheat, beans, peas.
How we play: Throw one grain into the hole.

Fine motor skills are the ability to reproduce precise movements with the hand and fingers. This is important not only for development, we must also remember that the phalanges of the fingers are the main tools in the work for representatives of many professions. The development of fine motor skills in children aged 6 - 7 years is facilitated by drawing, playing musical instruments, work with plasticine and small construction sets. But the greatest effect is obtained as a result of special classes.

The exercises offered to children help develop accuracy and speed of movement. As a result of their implementation, the hands and fingers will become stronger, flexible and mobile. There are three types of such tasks:

  • exercises with small objects;
  • graphic tasks;
  • finger games.

In light of preparing for school, the greatest attention should be paid to completing graphic tasks. Children must learn to hatch and draw lines of different thicknesses and shapes. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that they draw lines without lifting the pen from the paper, do not go beyond the designated contours, do not leave spaces, perform movements correctly (from top to bottom, left to right), do not turn the notebook, and sit correctly at the table.

Classes to develop fine motor skills of the hands should be carried out regularly, studying for 10 - 20 minutes a day. Monotony and monotony should not be allowed; during the lesson, children should be offered several different exercises with exciting game content. To do this, the teacher and parents are invited to use a card file of exercises for the development of fine motor skills in children 6 - 7 years old.

Graphic tasks

Most of these tasks are performed on prepared cards. You can purchase special notebooks, copybooks, and coloring books.


The card contains the outlines of objects and a pattern of shading (vertical, horizontal, oblique). The direction of the lines is indicated.

Children need to shade the drawings, trying not to go beyond their contours and make even spaces between the lines.


The picture shows clouds and flowers below. Children are asked to water the flowers so that they do not wilt. To do this, they need to draw lines. This task can be performed several times, each time offering a picture with different types of lines.


You need to circle the boat and draw waves on the water. Please note that the lines are of different types (straight and curved).


You should complete the lines of the fins and scales.

Patterned shading

The card contains examples of curly lines. Children must place a pencil on a dot and draw a line to complete the patterns. The main thing is to try not to lift the pen from the paper until the line is completed.

Complete the drawing

Children will enjoy completing tasks to complete the pictures:

  • complete the cage for the tiger cub;
  • complete the pyramid, shade every second ring;
  • complete the butterfly, etc.

Connect the dots

It is necessary not only to draw lines in the desired direction, but to draw the grass near the house by connecting the dots in pairs. In a more complex version, it is proposed to connect all the points with one line.

Develop your eye

In such tasks, you need to try to draw lines between objects yourself. At first, children are given easier tasks when they need to draw arched curved lines. It is much more difficult for children to draw straight lines so that they hit the target as accurately as possible.

  • help the bunny jump over the bumps;
  • hit the ball in the basket;
  • help restore the volleyball net;
  • hit the target in the shooting range.

  • Draw with pressure
  • In this task you need to perform shading using the correct pressure:
  • shade the clouds so that one is darker and the other is lighter;
  • shade the glasses - one with water (it’s almost transparent), the other with juice (much darker);
  • Shade the leaves, making them different in color intensity.

Repeating the pattern by cells

For such a task, cards lined in a cage are prepared. At the beginning of the line, the “rhythm” of the pattern is set, which you need to repeat independently until the end of the line.

Graphic dictations

Games with objects

Usually young children are protected from playing with small objects. After all, they can put them in their mouth or put them in their ear. However, after 5 years such classes are simply necessary.

Games with sand and granular substances

Children can be given the following tasks:

  • pour sand from one container to another;
  • pour sand with a measuring spoon;
  • sift sand through a sieve;
  • finger painting in the sand;
  • modeling from wet sand;
  • searching for buried small objects in the sand.

The most exciting activity in this series is creating crafts from colored salt.

Games with cereals and seeds

Cereals have a coarser texture than sand. Therefore, they can be used for sorting. To do this, take a handful of cereals or seeds of three different types and pour them into one pile. The child is given three small containers into which he must place the grains. This can be done with your fingers or use tweezers.

In another game, children are asked to determine which grains are by touch. To do this, they are scattered into small fabric bags that are tied tightly. You need to take the bag and, having crushed it in your hands, name the cereal.

You can make pictures from cereals and seeds and create applications on plasticine.

Games with buttons

The buttons are larger. They are also suitable for sorting (by size, shape, color). In addition, buttons can be used to lay out ornaments, paths, lines according to a given pattern, pictures.

take on vector

Very interesting task- Fill in the circles in the picture with buttons, matching them by color.

Games with ropes

Games with ropes and laces are great for developing fine motor skills in children. They can be used for tying and untying knots, braiding or macrame.

The task associated with stringing beads is very useful. It’s better to make these “beads” yourself by cutting cocktail tubes. You can specify the exact number of beads that need to be strung or ask you to create them beautiful pattern, alternating them by color.

Many games involve lacing. Such tasks can often be found on the pages of educational books made from felt.

Games with paper

When working with paper, offer children the following tasks:

  • crumpling and smoothing a sheet of paper;
  • folding origami.

A very fun game of creating a planned mess. First, children are asked to break colored paper into small pieces, and then make a colorful rain of them by throwing them into the air. After the active phase of the game, you need to ask the kids to help collect all the scraps, which is also very useful for the development of fine motor skills. These pieces can be used for torn applique. During this game, invite children to tear paper of different thicknesses (from newspapers to cardboard).

Games with clothespins

The set should contain clothespins of different colors. Also, for such games you need to prepare different templates. You can offer the following tasks:

  • attach needles to the hedgehog;
  • add rays to the sun;
  • do a boy's hair.

Games with clothespins are very popular in math and reading classes, so you can combine these types of activities and ask children to use clothespins to:

  • count examples;
  • attach the appropriate number of clothespins to the number template;
  • indicate the required letter.

Games with matches

Although matches are not a toy for children, they can be used for activities to develop fine motor skills by giving the following tasks:

  • moving from stack to stack;
  • laying out the figures drawn in the picture from matches;
  • folding into a box.

Children love to assemble matches into a cube with a small hole in the center of one of the faces. You can use cotton swabs instead of matches.