What to do if a newborn baby is diarrhea. When should you see a doctor? Green diarrhea in infants

A change in an infant's stool always causes concern among his parents. One of the most frequent violations this kind is

Diarrhea in a child: norm and pathology

Child's diarrhea or diarrhea(from the Greek diarrheo - “expiring”), is a frequent and profuse bowel movement of liquid fecal matter.

In order to understand whether there really is diarrhea in a child, you need to know some physiological characteristics, characteristic of infants.

First of all, we emphasize that the frequency of stool and its character in children under 1 year of age differ from those in older children. age group and, on top of that, change throughout the first year of life.

Newborn chair The baby's fluid in the first 1-2 days after birth has a special name - meconium. This term refers to all the contents of the baby’s intestines that accumulated before birth, before the baby is first put to the breast. Meconium is a thick, viscous mass of dark olive color and odorless. Normally, it goes away within 12-48 hours after the baby is born. Then a transitional stool of a slightly thinner greenish consistency is observed. yellow color, and from the 5th day of life - normal bowel movements.

Type and quantity bowel movements in children the first year of life depend significantly on the nature of nutrition. At breastfeeding feces look like liquid sour cream, golden-yellow in color with a sour odor. At artificial feeding feces are usually thicker, putty-like consistency, light yellow in color, often with unpleasant smell. The number of bowel movements during the first six months of life in breastfed children reaches 7 times a day, while in “artificial” babies it is 3-4 times a day. In the second half of life, the number of bowel movements gradually decreases to 3-4 with natural feeding and to 1-2 with formula feeding. At the same time, the consistency of feces becomes increasingly thick, and the color and smell largely depend on the nature of the complementary food received.

It should be noted that during the first year of life, especially in the first few months after birth, the baby may pass stool reflexively during sucking, which is the absolute norm.

Pathological loose stools in an infant can be suspected when the frequency of bowel movements increases above the physiological norm, a change in the normal consistency and color of feces, and the appearance of pathological impurities in the stool, such as mucus, pus, and blood.

Diarrhea in a child It is considered acute if it occurs unexpectedly and resolves within 1–2 weeks. Chronic diarrhea lasts more than 2 weeks.

Development mechanisms diarrhea in children some. In some cases, food passes through the intestines too quickly due to increased peristalsis - wave-like contraction of the walls. In others, an increase in the volume of feces occurs due to impaired absorption in the large intestine of water and electrolytes - substances that, in solution, partially or completely consist of charged particles - ions. Diarrhea in a child can also begin due to pathologically increased secretion of fluid into the intestinal lumen.

Frequent occurrence of digestive disorders, including diarrhea in a child infancy is due to:

  • immaturity of the digestive system, which is manifested by insufficient production and low activity of digestive enzymes;
  • low compensatory capabilities of the electrolyte transport system through the intestinal wall;
  • immaturity of the immune system of the mucous membranes;
  • weak intestinal barrier function, which is to prevent penetration through the intestinal wall into the internal environment of the body harmful substances, allergens, pathogens, etc.

Diarrhea in a child: causes

Peculiarities baby food. Nutritional, or food, factor is a common cause of iarrhea in children infancy. Diarrhea occurs when the child’s immature digestive system is overloaded with an increased amount of food, an excessive amount of incoming nutrients, or their disproportionate ratio in the baby’s diet.

In breastfed children, intestinal disorders, including diarrhea, are often caused by the following foods consumed by the nursing mother:

  • smoked meats, sausages, sausages;
  • ketchups, mayonnaise;
  • carbonated sweet drinks;
  • products containing preservatives;
  • rich meat or fish broths;
  • refined carbohydrates - cakes, chocolate, semolina;
  • whole cow's milk, especially when consumed in amounts over 500 ml per day;
  • some vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, legumes) and fruits, such as grapes;
  • highly allergenic foods: strawberries, raspberries, citrus fruits, chocolate, caviar, red fish, seafood.

Another reason is that the child receives too much food that is not appropriate for his age. A serious violation is feeding an infant with the milk of domestic animals, which is very different in composition from mother's milk and causes a disproportionate intake of many nutritional components into the child's body. Disproportion also occurs when the rules for diluting milk formula are violated, or when a baby is fed a formula that is not appropriate for his age and health status.

Reason diarrhea in a child Even minimal changes in diet can occur: switching to a new milk formula, drinking water with a different composition - for example, when changing your region of residence. Another common reason is complementary feeding products that are not appropriate for the child’s age and violation of the basic rules for their introduction - gradualness, consistency, etc. It should be remembered that baby has diarrhea may be the equivalent of an allergic reaction to foods, such as fish, chicken eggs, etc., and indicate food intolerance.

Usually diarrhea in a child in case of short-term disruption of infant feeding, it does not lead to serious consequences and, if the causes are eliminated, it is quickly cured.

Lactase deficiency. This condition develops as a result of a decrease or complete absence of the lactase enzyme in the small intestine. There is a distinction between primary lactase deficiency, associated with congenital enzymatic deficiency, and secondary, which develops as a result of damage to the cells of the intestinal mucosa against the background of infectious and allergic inflammation, atrophy, or thinning, of the mucous membrane.

Clinical symptoms of primary lactase deficiency are flatulence, colic, diarrhea, restlessness of the baby during feeding and immediately after it. They usually appear in a child at 3-6 weeks of life, which is apparently associated with an increase in the volume of milk or formula consumed. Stools with lactase deficiency are watery, foamy, may have a greenish tint, and have a sour odor. An important symptom is low weight gain or even weight loss.

In secondary lactase deficiency, the stool is often green and contains mucus and undigested food.

Lactase deficiency can be confirmed by taking tests. In any case, if you discover the above symptoms, you must contact your pediatrician, who, after examination, will prescribe adequate therapy. It is important to understand that lactase deficiency is not a reason to stop breastfeeding or switch to breastfeeding. mixed feeding. Moreover, with age, as the digestive system matures, manifestations of lactase deficiency often disappear. For children who are bottle-fed, there are special medicinal milk formulas.

Infections. Acute intestinal infection is provoked by pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. Foodborne illness differs from acute intestinal infection in that the disease is caused not by the bacteria themselves, but by their toxins. The entry of pathogens and their metabolic products into the child’s body occurs when the rules of hygiene and care for the baby are not followed, when the basic rules of hygiene of the mother and other persons in contact with the child are violated, when eating low-quality products, for example, baby food with an expired expiration date or for a long time stored after opening the package. Also a common cause diarrhea in children breast and early age becomes a viral infection - rotavirus, adenovirus, etc., which is transmitted by airborne droplets when visiting crowded places, as well as when someone in the household becomes ill.

The main manifestations of intestinal infections are vomiting, Rebecca has diarrhea, increased body temperature (this does not always happen), abdominal pain. Weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite may occur, and in some cases a rash appears on the body. The most serious complication of intestinal infections is dehydration due to loss of fluid and electrolytes.

Character diarrhea in children for intestinal infections may be different. Watery diarrhea, which is also called secretory, is caused by pathogens such as rotavirus, salmonella, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, etc. It is characterized by damage to the transport system of water and electrolytes in the intestinal wall, as a result of which the liquid is not only not absorbed into the blood, but, on the contrary, it is released, or secreted, into the intestinal lumen. Watery diarrhea is characterized by frequent, profuse, watery stools, often with greens.

With invasive, “bloody” diarrhea, pathogens penetrate the intestinal mucosa and destroy the cells lining it. In this case, there is a frequent and painful urge to defecate, the stool is often passed in a small volume and contains mucus and blood. Pathogens in such diarrhea in children may be Shigella, which causes dysentery, salmonella, enteroinvasive E. coli, etc.

Intestinal dysbiosis. In its extreme manifestations, this condition is also accompanied by diarrhea. Of particular note here is diarrhea that occurs while taking broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs, when not only pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed, but also a significant part of the normal intestinal microflora and replaced by anaerobic bacteria. Wherein baby has diarrhea manifests itself in frequent and abundant watery stools with the development of dehydration and intoxication of the body - a painful condition caused by the effect of microbial poisons - toxins - on the body. IN in this case immediate discontinuation of the causative drug and initiation of appropriate treatment are required. To prevent intestinal dysbiosis while taking antibiotics, drugs are used to normalize the intestinal microflora (pre- and probiotics) in parallel with and after antibacterial therapy.

Diarrhea in a child May be side effect when taking certain medicines. Here is a far from complete list of medications, the prescription of which can cause stool thinning: antibiotics, choleretic, antacid drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, etc. The occurrence of loose stools while taking medications should be a reason to consult a doctor with possible cancellation causative drug.

Diarrhea in a child. How to treat

Emergence diarrhea in children infancy requires immediate medical consultation.

In cases where, in addition to diarrhea in a child there is an increase in body temperature above 38°C, severe weakness, drowsiness; if phenomena of dehydration of the body are observed - dry lips and tongue, pointed facial features, “sunken” eyeballs, sagging skin; If the child stops urinating, immediate hospitalization of the baby in a hospital is indicated, where an ambulance will take you.

If it is impossible to quickly receive qualified medical care - at the dacha, on the road, etc. - first of all, it is necessary to take measures to prevent dehydration of the body, which infancy With diarrhea, it can develop very quickly and cause shock and death of the child. Rehydration, or fluid replenishment, is best done with standard saline solutions GASTROLIT, ORALIT, REHYDRON, which it is advisable to always have in your home medicine cabinet. If ready-made medications are not available, you can prepare a rehydration solution yourself. To do this, dissolve 1–2 tbsp in 1 liter of drinking water. spoons of sugar, 1?/?2 teaspoons of salt and 1?/?2 teaspoons of baking soda.

If diarrhea in a child started recently and signs of dehydration have not yet developed, saline solutions are given to the child at the rate of 10 ml/? kg of body weight after each episode of loose stools or vomiting. If symptoms of dehydration are already evident, the amount of fluid administered is increased to 50–100 ml/kg for 6 hours, followed by fluid replacement at the rate of 10 ml/kg of body weight after each episode of loose stools or vomiting. It should be remembered that feeding the baby should be carried out in minimal portions of solutions (1 teaspoon - 1 tablespoon every 10-15 minutes), since a larger volume of liquid administered simultaneously can provoke vomiting.

If the body temperature rises above 38.5°C, the child must be given an antipyretic drug based on PARACETAMOL - PANADOL, CALPOL, EFFERALGAN - by mouth. The use of suppositories is not advisable, given the frequent loose stools. If the child has had seizures in the past, if he suffers from chronic or congenital diseases of the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems, or if the baby is under 3 months old, an antipyretic should be given already at a temperature of 38 ° C.

To remove toxins from the gastrointestinal tract and consolidate stool, the baby is given sorbents - SMEKTU, NEOSMEKTIN, DIOSMEKTID. One sachet of the drug (3 g) is dissolved in 50 ml of drinking water and given to the baby in small portions throughout the day.

It should also be noted that child with diarrhea It is necessary to wash after each bowel movement to avoid skin irritation.

Many young mothers face such a common problem as diarrhea in a newborn. In most cases, loose stool in a baby is completely normal, since his body has not yet fully adapted to digesting food. But, in some cases, diarrhea in a breastfed baby can serve as a signal of the presence of certain diseases or problems with the digestive tract.

Breast milk contains colostrum, which has a laxative effect. A baby's very first stool is usually black in color and has a sticky consistency. It appears immediately after breastfeeding begins. Over time, a newborn's stool changes color to a lighter color and becomes softer. In the first days of life, it has a greenish tint, but by the 5th-6th day, the feces become yellowish in color, and the consistency is similar to thick mustard. Sometimes you can notice granular lumps and inclusions in them, but you shouldn’t be afraid of this - the baby’s digestive tract has not yet established its functioning and some of the products have not had time to be properly digested.

Normal stool in a baby is considered to be yellow or dark yellow, in rare cases – slightly greenish or brown, with a mushy consistency. The stool of infants has almost no pungent, unpleasant odor.

In the first 3 days after birth, the number of bowel movements is usually equal to the baby’s age. Day 1 – 1 time per day, day 2 – 2, day 3 – 3 times. When a baby is drawn into breastfeeding, he begins to have bowel movements at least three times a day, sometimes he “does his thing” after each breastfeeding.

Why do newborns have diarrhea?

In an infant, it may occur due to the following reasons:

Changes in the mother's dietIf a nursing woman has eaten foods that help loosen the intestines, then the baby may experience loose stools, since he will receive the substances contained in these foods with mother’s milk. A woman’s consumption of foods such as kefir, watermelon, melons, plums, apples, zucchini, and beets can cause digestive disorders in the baby’s body, which will manifest itself in the form of diarrhea.
Allergy or dysbacteriosisOften, a newborn exhibits individual intolerance to any foods consumed by the mother, or an aggravated reaction to components contained in breast milk (most often milk protein). Such problems are usually associated with metabolic disorders or congenital diseases of the child. Dysbacteriosis may occur against the background of other specified problems, or may appear as a result of the mother taking medications
Infectious diseasesA bacterial infection can enter the baby's body through breast milk, or through dirty objects or clothing. The body tries to protect itself from pathogens and cleanses the intestines, causing loose stools
Food poisoningIt can be caused not only by the food that the mother took, but also by the not fully formed pancreas of the newborn. The enzymes of the gland are not secreted actively enough and they are not able to cope with the large amount of food entering the baby’s body.

In addition, diarrhea in an infant can occur due to physiological pathologies of the body - impaired development of the intestines, pancreas, and malfunctions of the digestive system. In rare cases, diarrhea indicates intussusception or appendicitis. It is not so difficult to identify these problems - they are accompanied by pain and increased body temperature. If, along with diarrhea, similar symptoms occur, you should immediately contact a medical institution for a consultation with a surgeon.

Sometimes diarrhea occurs in a baby due to teething. During this process, a large amount of saliva is released, which can cause a slight weakening of the intestines.


The following signs may indicate the presence of diarrhea:

  • the child defecates more often than usual;
  • the stool is watery, sometimes it contains mucous patches with bloody clots;
  • the act of defecation clearly causes pain in the baby - during the process of bowel movements, he arches and cries.

Such phenomena, if they are not accompanied by other symptoms, should not cause great concern to parents. You just need to review the mother’s diet and make adjustments to it. You need to start worrying if, in addition to diarrhea, the following symptoms appear:

  • increase in body temperature to 38 degrees or above;
  • greenish stool;
  • vomit, poor appetite or its complete absence;
  • dehydration of the body - dry skin, lips and tongue, crying without tears, retraction of the fontanelle, viscous saliva, gray skin, weight loss;
  • constant drowsiness, lethargy;
  • thirst;
  • urine is dark in color and has a pungent odor;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • the appearance of skin rashes;
  • inflammation in the anal area;
  • bloating.

The appearance of any of the above symptoms requires an immediate call to the doctor’s home, since this may indicate serious poisoning of the body or an infectious infection.


Before you begin to treat diarrhea in a newborn, you must try to determine what caused the child's intestinal problems. First of all, you need to inspect the baby’s diet. If any changes occurred in it (for example, a transition from breastfeeding artificial or introduction of complementary foods), you should return to your previous diet and temporarily exclude new foods. In most cases, bowel function returns to normal.

The greatest danger is posed by dehydration of the baby. The looser his stool, the more water his body loses.

You should put your baby to your breast more often to replenish fluid loss. In some cases, this will be the best medicine that will normalize intestinal function and compensate for the lack of moisture. It is strictly not recommended to give your child tea, juices, meat broths, sweet soda or vegetable decoctions. These drinks contain a large amount of salts, which will only increase dehydration.

If the diarrhea was caused by a change in the mother's diet, it will be necessary to temporarily eliminate the irritating food from the diet until the baby's bowel movements improve. Add new products - fruits, vegetables, berries, etc. – should be done gradually, in small portions, carefully monitoring the baby’s condition.

It happens that diarrhea goes away, and after some time it appears again, without changes in external factors. In this case, it is necessary to be examined for the presence of an intestinal infection. Treatment in this case is almost never used, since with the help of diarrhea the baby’s body simply gets rid of pathogens.

If you have diarrhea in newborns, you should never stop breastfeeding. Mother's milk contains antibodies that help the little person fight pathogenic microorganisms. Stopping breastfeeding can only worsen the child's condition.

Drug treatment

After examining the child, the doctor may prescribe certain medications. The most commonly used products are those containing the bacteria Bacillus subtilis. They actively resist pathogenic bacteria, help remove them from the body and restore intestinal function.

For diarrhea in newborns, medications containing lactobacilli or bifidobacteria are often prescribed - for example, Lactulose. The drug acts gradually, over time normalizing the intestinal microflora and helping to improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

Folk remedies

Any traditional methods of treating infants for diarrhea should be used with extreme caution. Some remedies that work well for one child may only worsen the condition of another. Before use folk remedies You should definitely consult your doctor.

People often use lingonberry leaves or berries to treat diarrhea in breastfed newborns. In the first case, pour a tablespoon of leaves hot water(almost boiling water), close the lid tightly and let stand for about an hour. The baby should be given a small teaspoon of this tincture every hour.

When treating with lingonberry berries, you must first squeeze the juice out of them, dilute it with water equally and give a teaspoon to the child with the same frequency.

A product based on pomegranate peel has a good fixing effect on diarrhea. This peel needs to be dried, finely crushed, then take 1 tsp. and pour a glass of boiling water. Place the container on the stove and cook over low heat for 20 minutes, then strain the mixture. The child can be given this remedy one teaspoon before feeding.

Video - treatment of diarrhea in a child

In infants, stool has its own characteristics. They need to be known in order to distinguish physiological phenomena from pathology. How to figure out what exactly a baby has: diarrhea or just loose stools, which is normal?

Children under one year of age who are breastfed and receive nothing other than breast milk have loose stools up to 4-6 times a day. The color varies from light yellow to dark brown and green, and lumps of curdled milk are present.

If the child looks healthy, calm, and has no other symptoms, then everything is fine. Milk or a highly adapted mixture are liquid products, easily digestible and digestible, hence the corresponding stool consistency.

When loose stools are accompanied by fever, vomiting, anxiety and disturbance in the baby’s condition, it is not difficult to understand that this is a pathology. Stools become watery, the frequency increases to 10-20 times a day, and they become bad smell, impurities of blood and pus appear. You should immediately consult a pediatrician. It is strictly not recommended to treat diarrhea on your own in an infant.

Causes of diarrhea in children under one year of age

The main culprit is intestinal infections caused by bacteria or viruses.

Common pathogens:

  • rotavirus (intestinal flu);
  • salmonella;
  • dysentery bacillus;
  • enterovirus;
  • staphylococcus;
  • Vibrio cholera, etc.

Breastfed babies have a much lower risk of getting an intestinal infection than babies who are fed formula. But violation of hygiene rules or contact with a sick person, consumption of contaminated food and water can cause this disease in anyone.

Normally, the intestinal walls are covered with mucus, which is produced by special cells. It protects against the toxic effects of substances produced by pathogenic microorganisms. Bacteria and viruses destroy these cells, resulting in areas in the intestines that are devoid of mucus.

Toxins enter them and cause irritation and inflammation; in response to this, water begins to be released into the intestinal lumen and diarrhea occurs. Thus, the body strives to get rid of toxic substances and the causative agent of infection.

According to the information given by Dr. Komarovsky, common reason intestinal infections in children under five years of age - rotavirus. This infection begins as an acute respiratory infection: the temperature rises, a runny nose appears, and the throat turns red. All these phenomena are accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting. Children under one year of age are difficult to tolerate rotavirus, but each subsequent infection during life is much easier.

The causative agent of the infectious process can be determined by laboratory research feces and vomit of the patient, suspicious food products.

Other causes of diarrhea in infants are less common. These include allergic reactions (intolerance to drugs, a new product when introducing complementary foods), lactase deficiency, congenital pathology of the digestive system, dysbacteriosis.

If we talk about lactase deficiency, it can be temporary (transient) and permanent (congenital). The latter is rare and is caused by the complete absence of the lactase enzyme, which is necessary for the breakdown of milk sugar and the absorption of breast milk.

Transient occurs in children born ahead of schedule, because the intestines, due to their immaturity, temporarily do not produce lactase. During the first months of life, this process normalizes.

Loose stools in infants with lactase deficiency are necessarily accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • lack of weight gain and growth retardation;
  • allergic rashes;
  • untreatable iron deficiency anemia.

Stool disorders in newborns may be associated with incorrect breastfeeding techniques. Frequently changing breasts during feeding is not recommended, because the baby does not receive enough fats that are found in hind milk. The baby develops frequent watery stools with a green tint and colic. At the same time, the child looks healthy and his health does not suffer.

How to treat

If you determine that your baby has diarrhea, you should immediately call a doctor. Especially if you have the following symptoms:

  • if the baby refuses to drink or cannot do so due to severe vomiting;
  • There is an admixture of blood in the vomit and stool:
  • vomiting and diarrhea are combined with a rash;
  • there are signs of severe dehydration (dry skin and mucous membranes, lack of urination for 6 hours or more).

Dr. Komarovsky believes that in most cases, adequate replenishment of the water-salt balance and a special diet are sufficient to treat an intestinal infection.

Indications for antibacterial therapy according to WHO recommendations:

  • hemocolitis (presence of blood in the stool);
  • severe forms of cholera and suspicion of it;
  • some prolonged diarrhea (for example, with giardiasis).

With vomiting and diarrhea, the child’s body loses a lot of fluid and salts. This is why intestinal infections are scary; you can die from dehydration. Therefore, the most important component of treatment is drinking plenty of fluids and using rehydration solutions. Breast milk will help to quickly cope with the pathogen, due to the content of immune components and replenish fluid loss.

In addition to water and breast milk, the baby should be given one of the following solutions: rehydron, glucosolan, oralit. These are complexes of sodium and potassium salts, packaged in powder form. Before giving to a child, they are diluted in boiled water. These drugs are sold in every pharmacy, but if you can’t buy them, you can make them yourself at home.

Komarovsky offers the following recipe:

  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 1 liter of water.

All components are mixed. It is necessary to give the solution heated to a temperature of 37 degrees, this way all the ingredients are better absorbed.

An additional drug for the treatment of diarrhea in children is the drug Smecta. It is approved for use even in newborns. Helps reduce the unpleasant symptoms (colic, bloating) that accompany diarrhea, coats the intestinal wall, protecting against irritation by toxins.

A special diet is required for those infants who are already receiving complementary foods. For the first day, it is better not to give anything other than breast milk. Then, as the condition improves, you can give gluten-free cereals in small quantities, vegetable purees. Eliminate all animal products for a while.

It is recommended to adhere to this diet for another week after recovery, until all enzyme digestive systems are restored. If the baby is only breastfed or receives adapted mixture, then no special diet is required. The main thing is not to overfeed.

If there is a temperature, then it is reduced, as it aggravates dehydration of the body. For this purpose, antipyretic drugs are given (nurofen or paracetamol in the form of syrup or suppositories). Aspirin is strictly prohibited for young children due to serious side effects.

The room in which the baby is located is ventilated and the air is humidified. This needs to be done regularly.

Preventive measures

An intestinal infection is easier to prevent than to treat. Basic hygiene measures:

  • thoroughly wash and sterilize formula bottles;
  • Use the prepared mixture within an hour;
  • food for the baby must be fresh and not stored for a long time;
  • if food looks suspicious, all family members should not eat it;
  • to wash hands;
  • fruits and vegetables are washed with running water;
  • If there is an intestinal infection in the family, then the patient is isolated, given separate dishes, hands are washed after visiting the toilet, kitchen utensils are treated with disinfectant solutions.

In the first year of a child's life, stool has a liquid consistency. This feature is associated with the nature of the diet - up to 5–6 months, the infant’s diet consists only of liquid food. After the introduction of complementary foods, feces are not formed immediately, because the gastrointestinal tract gets used to new products. Diarrhea in infants and newborns can be identified by characteristic signs and behavior.

What does a normal stool look like?

The child is born with sterile intestines. It contains no harmful or beneficial bacteria. During childbirth and the first time a baby is put to the breast, its intestines are populated with beneficial microorganisms and antibodies to diseases that the mother has suffered.

To distinguish normal stool from diarrhea in a child under one year old - not an easy task. Especially in breastfed children. Nutrition for a nursing mother includes a large list of products, each of which contains unripe digestive system reacts differently. The frequency of bowel movements also depends on the woman's diet.

The appearance and frequency of bowel movements changes throughout the first year of life. In the first days after birth, a baby produces meconium - thick, tarry, black or dark green stool.

As breast milk or an adapted formula arrives on the 3rd–4th day of life, the baby's stool becomes yellowish in color, becomes liquid and heterogeneous. There may be white flakes (curdled milk) in it. The newborn goes to the toilet during each feeding or after eating. The frequency of bowel movements reaches 10 times a day. It is during this period that parents begin to suspect that the baby has diarrhea. in a newborn this is a normal physiological phenomenon. The norm of stool in children depends on the type of food.


When a child feeds on mother's milk, according to pediatricians, stool can be of any consistency and color. Loose stool in a newborn should not cause concern if it:

  • no foam;
  • pungent odor;
  • splashes of blood;
  • a lot of mucus.

The color of stool can be yellow, brown, a green tint is allowed. Too frequent large stools with white flakes indicate that the baby is overfed. The immature intestines do not have time to process a large volume of milk. Excess food is passed out in the feces.

By 2 months, the baby’s intestinal microflora returns to normal. Going to the toilet becomes more predictable. The increase in bowel movements in infants aged 2–5 months is associated with the mother’s diet.

By the 3rd month of life, the baby’s stool acquires a mushy, uniform consistency. The frequency of bowel movements is reduced.

With the introduction of complementary foods, feces gradually become formed and turn brown or brown. It may contain particles of fruits and vegetables. This happens if the baby is given unchopped foods. The intestines are not yet mature enough to digest coarse fiber.

Features of stool in artificial babies

In children who are fed with formula, the feces are denser and darker than in infants, and have an unpleasant odor. Watery, light-colored stool is a concern. Liquid, homogeneous yellow stool is the norm for bottle-fed children. Often the shade changes after changing the adapted mixture. The stool of formula-fed babies may be colored green color due to the presence of iron in the diet.

Liquid stool in a baby with a strong putrid odor is a reason to consult a doctor.

Diarrhea symptoms

Diarrhea infant determined by the following characteristics:

  • watery, slightly colored consistency;
  • change in the smell of stool;
  • the volume of feces has increased;
  • frequency more than 10 times a day (in children from 3 months);
  • restless behavior, crying;
  • lethargy.

A child of 6-7 months begins to cut his first teeth. This process is often accompanied by frequent bowel movements, copious amounts of saliva, and reddening of the gums. Stool disorder is explained by the fact that infants pull various objects into their mouths during the period.

Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa is accompanied by watery contents of the diaper with fragments of mucus and blood. Green diarrhea during breastfeeding is normal. If stools of this color are accompanied by vomiting and fever, they indicate an intestinal infection. Watery, foamy discharge indicates increased proliferation of Staphylococcus aureus.

If your baby is happy, gaining weight, drinking and eating well, loose stools should not be a concern.

Causes of diarrhea in infants

Intestinal upset can be caused by any disease. Causes of diarrhea in newborns and infants:

  • intestinal infection;
  • ARVI;
  • bronchitis;
  • otitis;
  • taking antipyretic drugs, antibiotics;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • overfeeding;
  • congenital pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • introduction of complementary foods;
  • teething;
  • food poisoning;
  • intolerance to certain foods;
  • allergy;
  • deficiency of enzymes for digesting food;
  • difficulty absorbing incoming substances;
  • change of climate zone;
  • giardiasis;
  • stress.

During childbirth or while staying in the hospital, the baby may catch an infection (most often Staphylococcus aureus), which is provoked by the mucus.

U one month old baby bowel disorder most often occurs due to indigestion. The intestinal microflora has not yet formed; it is regularly populated by new microorganisms. Any malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract can provoke dysbacteriosis and, as a result, diarrhea.

The cause of diarrhea in a newborn and infant during natural feeding can be the mother’s poor nutrition.

A common cause of diarrhea in children 2,3,4 months old is an unsuitable adapted formula, switching from breast milk to artificial feeding.

In what cases is emergency help needed?

You should consult a pediatrician in any case if your baby has loose stools. For children under one year old, dehydration is very dangerous. Emergency health care required in cases:

  • frequent and foamy stools with a pungent odor;
  • body temperature above 38 degrees;
  • vomiting with bile (more than 3 times);
  • a large amount of mucus in the stool;

You can tell that a baby is dehydrated by the following symptoms:

  • crying without tears (this sign does not apply to children under 3 months);
  • confluence of the fontanelle;
  • lack of urination for more than 8 hours;
  • lethargy;
  • dry lips.

What to do if a newborn has loose stools

If diarrhea is accompanied by fever, it is often applied to the chest and caused ambulance. The artificial drink is topped up with water from a spoon. To prevent electrolyte imbalance, infants are given saline solution:

  • Naturalay;
  • Hydrolyte;
  • Pedilight.

These products are available in powder form. They should definitely be in your home medicine cabinet.

The popular product Regidron is not suitable for babies under one year old. It has a high concentration of salts.

The daily norm of electrolytes for diarrhea is 100 ml per 1 kg of weight. If the baby does not drink from a spoon, the solution is poured behind the cheek using a syringe without a needle. If there is frequent vomiting and diarrhea, before the doctor arrives, the child should be given rehydrants every 5 minutes, a few milliliters. This will be a home replacement for a saline drip.

Dehydration threatens the baby’s life, so treatment is carried out in a hospital setting. The child is given intravenous electrolytes. If the cause of diarrhea is infection, a course of intramuscular antibiotics is prescribed.

When the baby eats well, does not cry and does not pull his legs towards his tummy, watery bowel movements are not a cause for concern. If you have any suspicions or concerns about loose stools in a breastfed child, you can submit a stool test (coprogram) to the laboratory. The study determines the state of the intestinal microflora, the presence or absence of inflammation and infection.

Vomiting and diarrhea in an infant with streaks of mucus and blood indicates congenital lactose intolerance. In this case, an allergen test is taken. Loose stools and vomiting with this problem are provoked not only by the mixture, but also breast milk if the mother consumed products containing lactose. These include milk, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, and beef. A properly selected plant-based mixture or menu revision can solve the problem.

First aid for diarrhea in infants

Emergency measures for children older than 1 month include giving the child a solution of electrolytes or chamomile decoction. The liquid is given regularly, in small portions.

Rehydrants are prepared strictly according to the instructions. A solution that is too concentrated may increase vomiting and diarrhea.

After 6 months, a baby can be given dried fruit compote. Breastfed babies are often offered the breast. You need to give your baby water in any case, even if you have to force yourself to do it.

Diarrhea without fever in breastfed babies under 6 months is often associated with the mother's diet. In this case, diarrhea can be stopped by adjusting the woman’s diet. Laxative foods are excluded from the menu: beets, kefir. The cause of diarrhea in a baby may be fatty, fried foods with a lot of preservatives, which the mother ate.

Diarrhea after the introduction of complementary foods indicates that the body is not yet ready for this product. The baby is not given new food until the consistency of the stool improves. After 5–7 days, complementary feeding is resumed starting with a teaspoon of puree. The sudden introduction of complementary foods and a variety of foods cause intestinal upset.

In a child aged 7–10 months, diarrhea is usually associated with teething. If the intestinal disorder is not complicated by an increase, diarrhea is stopped by adjusting the infant's diet. Avoid foods with a laxative effect for a while:

  • prunes;
  • dried apricots;
  • pumpkin;
  • fresh kefir.

They give the baby rice porridge, crackers. A cold compress is applied to the gums and a cooling gel is used.

Diarrhea is a reason to exclude juices from your baby’s diet. The sugar they contain is poorly absorbed by the intestines, which leads to watery stools.

Treatment of diarrhea in infants

The main remedy for treating diarrhea not complicated by infection is saline solution. It is impossible to stop diarrhea at this age; you can only prevent its consequences. Sometimes treatment is carried out with absorbent agents:

  • Smecta;
  • Polysorb;
  • Novosmectin.

They are not absorbed into the blood and are excreted from the body through feces. Once in the intestines, absorbents bind and remove toxins, viruses and bacteria.

Viral and bacterial infections with high fever are treated with antibiotics: Amoxicillin, Augmentin, Levomycetin.

When caused by, medications that normalize the intestinal microflora are prescribed:

  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Linux;
  • Acipol;
  • Hilak-Forte.

These drugs also help cope with diarrhea after taking antibacterial drugs.

To improve bowel movements in a baby, you should not stop natural feeding. Switching to an adapted mixture will only worsen the problem. Advice from pediatricians that is relevant for chronic diarrhea in infants:

  • feed the baby regularly to prevent weakening of the body;
  • if the child is breastfed, food intake is carried out on demand, and not by the hour;
  • do not introduce new foods into the diet until stool is restored;
  • follow the diet of a nursing mother.

Changes in the consistency of stool and anxiety in a bottle-fed baby are often due to the fact that the chosen formula is not suitable for him. Changing the diet can solve the problem with stool and save the child from colic.

To prevent diarrhea, it is important to follow the rules for preparing the mixture and wash toys regularly. Infants are less susceptible to intestinal infections, since mother's milk protects the child from viruses and bacteria. A nursing woman needs to follow a diet so as not to cause bowel upset in the baby and monitor the reaction to newly introduced foods.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Study Group Expert inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

Mothers often encounter indigestion in children. Teething, overheating, and an unfamiliar product introduced into complementary foods can cause diarrhea in a baby. In breastfed babies, stool is often liquid. What symptoms can be used to distinguish a serious disorder from a physiological phenomenon that passes quickly and without consequences? Why is diarrhea dangerous and how to stop it?

How to tell if a newborn has diarrhea

Until one year of age, the appearance of loose stools in children is considered normal, since they receive liquid food. How can a young mother understand that her newborn has diarrhea?

Diarrhea in a breastfed baby differs in some symptoms:

  • the frequency of bowel movements increases several times -;
  • stool consistency is liquid, watery, foamy;
  • defecation occurs by sudden release;
  • the smell of feces is sour, unpleasant, pronounced;
  • stool color changes. Green diarrhea indicates a bacterial infection. The more severe the poisoning in an infant, the greener the stool;
  • blood streaks, lumps of mucus, “flakes” may be observed in the stool;
  • the temperature rises and vomiting occurs.

You can tell that a baby has diarrhea by looking at his general health. If to loose stools impaired appetite, anxiety, tearfulness, pallor, irritability, the baby is suffering from gas and it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Causes of diarrhea in an infant

The main causes of diarrhea in children, both in infancy and in adulthood, lie in diet.

  1. In breastfed babies, diarrhea is caused by the mother's unbalanced diet. Eating fresh vegetables and fruits, fatty meats, lard, and herbs can cause digestive upset in the baby. By adjusting her diet, a mother can relieve her child of unpleasant symptoms.
  2. Infant nutrition. An allergic reaction to the mixture may cause diarrhea. In babies who have reached the age of six months, diarrhea occurs when complementary foods are introduced. New food loads the stomach and intestines. With a lack of enzymes, a disorder appears. By eliminating foods that are poorly tolerated by your child, you can quickly cure diarrhea.
  3. Lactose or gluten intolerance. Poor absorption of these substances manifests itself in skin rashes and diarrhea. Diarrhea can be completely stopped when lactase enzymes begin to be actively produced.
  4. Teething often causes diarrhea. This is due to increased salivation and its entry into the stomach in large quantities. The work of peristalsis is disrupted, the intestinal walls are irritated, and the immune system weakens. There is no need to treat diarrhea of ​​this origin. As soon as the teeth finish erupting, intestinal function returns to normal.
  5. Intestinal infection. In no acute form diarrhea goes away without treatment. In the acute form, the temperature rises, intoxication of the body, vomiting, and nausea begin. If the cause of diarrhea is salmonellosis, dysentery or amoebiasis, the child risks losing a lot of weight, the body becomes dehydrated, and convulsions begin due to the high temperature. In such cases, serious treatment of diarrhea is required in the infectious diseases department with hospitalization of the infant.
  6. is considered not a pathology, but a temporary imbalance between the pathogenic and beneficial environment in the intestines. This often happens in newborns. Their digestive system is still immature and vulnerable. In some cases, microflora adjustment with probiotics is required.
  7. Congenital intestinal pathologies that cause diarrhea require surgical intervention. Acute pain, gas formation, bloating, high fever and vomiting are caused by appendicitis, peritonitis, volvulus, and intestinal obstruction.
  8. Taking antibiotics that disrupt microflora causes diarrhea in children and adults.

First aid for a baby

Inexperienced mothers are worried and confused, not knowing what to do if their baby has diarrhea. There is no time to waste time worrying. You need to act immediately. Diarrhea, if it is not of a physiological nature and is caused by poisoning, is dangerous due to dehydration of the body, loss of salts and minerals.

In order to restore water and salt balance, mommy needs:

  • when breastfeeding, breastfeed more often and give the baby water from a spoon or pipette before the doctor arrives;
  • Artificial children are diluted with the mixture by half and given water to drink every 5 minutes;
  • Electrolyte solutions help replenish fluid loss. They are bought at the pharmacy and diluted according to the instructions;
  • the condition of the intestines will be improved by an infusion of blackberry leaves, bird cherry berries, blueberries, and pomegranate peel;
  • if the baby has a fever heat, they give him an antipyretic.

How to treat diarrhea in babies

You can cure diarrhea in babies by eliminating the cause. It is prohibited to give medications to a newborn on your own. Only a doctor can prescribe appropriate medications when making a diagnosis.


If the mother broke her diet and loose stools occur, it is necessary to exclude suspicious foods from the diet. It happens that diarrhea occurs not only due to errors in nutrition. Due to inexperience, a mother may organize feeding incorrectly and give the baby only one breast. At the same time, he will not receive additional fatty milk. The digestive organs will not do their job well; lactose will not be able to digest due to too liquid food, which will cause green diarrhea.

To stop diarrhea due to taking antibiotics, children are prescribed probiotics and prebiotics that restore the microflora. Infants under one year old are usually prescribed Linex, Lactobacterin, Probifor, Acipol.

Artificially fed

No formula, even the highest quality, can replace breast milk. Therefore, mothers of artificial babies should carefully look at the baby’s stool. You need to know what diarrhea looks like in a baby. Normally, the stool should be from yellow tint until brown. The color of the stool depends on the formula the baby is on. Defecation repeated 5-6 times a day, an unpleasant smell of stool, and an elevated temperature definitely indicate diarrhea.

Diarrhea can be determined by the nature of the bowel movements:

  • an intestinal infection will cause diarrhea with foam and mucus;
  • diarrhea with blood in a baby - good reason to call an ambulance. It can be triggered by a serious intestinal infection, which can only be treated in a hospital. Doctors will tell you how to treat the baby and what antibiotics to take;
  • watery stool appears due to lactose intolerance;
  • white lumps - when overeating baby formula;
  • Increased fat content in stool occurs due to a lack of enzymes.

The change from the usual yellow color of stool to green in babies with artificial feeding can be periodic or permanent. If this is a periodic phenomenon and there is no general malaise, it means that the body has responded to a change in diet (switching to a new mixture with a high iron content).

Foamy stool in a baby, mucus and blood in the stool is a serious reason to see a doctor. Treat diarrhea traditional methods dangerous in newborns. A qualified doctor will advise on the necessary medications and the formula to which the baby should be switched. If complementary foods have been introduced into the diet, they are abandoned for the duration of treatment.

During teething

After 5-6 months, infants begin to teethe. In some babies they appear at 3-4 months. Stool with diarrhea caused by teething is loose and copious. This is stressful for the child. Infections cling to a weakened body. If the stool is foamy, blood or mucus appears in it, it means that pathogenic bacteria are actively multiplying in the intestines. To treat diarrhea in infants that occurs during teething, you need to drink plenty of fluids and take medications prescribed by the doctor.

For infection

Symptoms of intestinal infection appear depending on the nature of its pathogen. Newborns suffer especially severe acute poisoning. The small intestine becomes inflamed, and the child’s stool becomes abundant and frequent. The temperature rises greatly. After taking tests and determining the type of bacteria or virus that caused diarrhea, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

In case of intestinal poisoning and dysbacteriosis, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids and give the baby rehydrants. Doctors usually prescribe Humana Electrolyte, Gidrovit, Naturallay. Good effect provide adsorbents. Smecta is considered a popular remedy. It can be given from the first days. It's natural safe drug, based on purified clay. Smecta is not absorbed into the blood. It passes through the intestinal tract and completely leaves the baby’s body, relieving spasms, pain, and stopping diarrhea. Smecta absorbs toxins and microbes, leaving behind beneficial bacteria. The medicine is diluted with warm water, stirred until smooth and offered to the baby. If the doctor has prescribed other drugs, including antibiotics, Smecta is given to the child 2 hours after taking the tablets.

What is the danger of diarrhea in infants?

Severe dehydration is the main danger of diarrhea in children. If the baby:

  • rapidly loses weight;
  • does not pee for 4-6 hours;
  • cries without tears;
  • his lips become dry;
  • frequent vomiting with bile appears;
  • eyes sunken and;
  • he is lethargic and sleepy

you need to call an ambulance. This condition threatens not only the health, but also the life of the baby. How smaller child, the more dangerous dehydration is for him. Losing just 10% of fluid from total body weight is fatal for a baby.