Self-analysis of various forms of work with parents. Self-analysis of joint activities with children and parents of the middle group. Conclusions from self-analysis with examples

Analysis of work with parents (legal representatives)


Family education plays a special role in the preschool period of a child’s development - it is at this age that the initial formation of personality occurs.

Family education (the same thing as raising children in a family) is a general name for the processes of influence on children by parents and other family members in order to achieve the desired results. Social, family and preschool education carried out in indissoluble unity. Back in 1915, he formulated the principle of the unity of activities of preschool, school and out-of-school institutions in alliance with the family. According to Article 18 of the Law “On Education” Russian Federation It is parents who are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality in early childhood.

The educational system of the family is formed empirically: it is constantly tested in experience, contains many pedagogical “finds”, although it is often not without miscalculations and serious mistakes. In families where they are concerned about raising children and their future, the education system is subject to analysis and evaluation, which makes it hard-won and emotionally charged. System family education may be harmonious and orderly, but this is provided that the parents have a specific goal of education, implement it, using methods and means of education that take into account the characteristics of the child and the prospects for his development.

The main feature of family education is a special emotional microclimate, thanks to which the child develops an attitude towards himself, which determines his sense of self-worth. Other important role family education - influence on the value orientations, worldview of the child as a whole, his behavior in different areas public life. It is known that it was their parents personal qualities largely determine the effectiveness of the educational function of the family. The foundations of upbringing are laid in the family, and it determines how a person will grow up and what character traits will shape his nature. In the family, the child receives primary skills in perceiving reality and learns to recognize himself as a full-fledged representative of society.

Consequently, the importance of family education in the process of children’s development determines the importance of interaction between the family and preschool.

Forms of interaction between kindergarten and parents- these are ways to organize them joint activities and communication. The main purpose of all types of forms interaction between preschool educational institutions with the family - establishing trusting relationships with children, parents and teachers, uniting them into one team, nurturing the need to share their problems with each other and solve them together.

When planning this or that form of work, I always proceed from the idea of ​​modern parents as modern people who are ready for learning, self-development and cooperation. Taking this into account, I choose the following requirements for forms of interaction: originality, relevance, interactivity, emotionality.

There are traditional and Not traditional forms communication between the teacher and parents of preschool children, the essence of which is to enrich them with pedagogical knowledge. Traditional forms of interaction with the family are presented: collective, individual and visual information.

In my work, I tried to make full use of the entire pedagogical potential of traditional forms of interaction.

When building interaction with parents, you can actively use both traditional forms - these are parent meetings, lectures, workshops, and modern (non-traditional) forms - workshops, master classes, excursions, parent clubs, promotions, recreational activities, games, etc.

Due to the fact that recently new, promising forms of cooperation have emerged, which involve the involvement of parents in active participation, both in the pedagogical process and in the life of the kindergarten, in my group I use a more diverse modern forms working with parents:

Information and analytical: sociological surveys, sociological sections, tests, questionnaires, mailbox, which are aimed at identifying the interests, needs, requests of parents, the level of their pedagogical literacy, establishing emotional contact between teachers, parents and children).

Educational: workshops, pedagogical briefing, pedagogical living room, holding meetings, consultations in non-traditional forms, oral pedagogical journals, pedagogical library for parents, “KVN”, “ Round table", "Talk show", "Helpline", quizzes, flash mobs, which are aimed at familiarizing parents with the age and psychological characteristics of children preschool age, formation of practical
child-rearing skills.

Visual and informational: open days, open viewings of classes and other activities of children, exhibitions of children's works, exhibitions of joint works of children and parents, information brochures for parents, videos about the life of preschool educational institutions, publishing newspapers, organizing mini-libraries modern technologies, information stands (aimed at enriching parents’ knowledge about the characteristics of the development and upbringing of preschool children.

Leisure: joint leisure, holidays, participation of parents and children in exhibitions (designed to establish warm, trusting
relationships, emotional contact between teachers and parents, between parents and children).

The main task information and analytical forms Organizations of communication with parents include the collection, processing and use of data about the family of each pupil, the general cultural level of his parents, whether they have the necessary pedagogical knowledge, the family’s attitude towards the child, requests, interests, and needs of parents for psychological and pedagogical information. Only on an analytical basis is it possible to implement an individual, person-oriented approach to a child in a preschool setting, increase the effectiveness of educational work with children and build competent communication with their parents.

Sociological surveys and questionnaires play a big role at the initial stage, as they allow us to outline directions for further work.

Testing was used to identify the level pedagogical culture parents.

One of the forms of information and analytical work that I actively use in practice, allowing me to adjust and supplement the developed system of activities, is a mailbox. This is a box in which parents put notes with their ideas and suggestions and ask questions of interest. Questions asked are covered at parent-teacher meetings or given in writing by specialists. This form of work allows parents to share their thoughts with the teacher and is effective when lack of time prevents the teacher from meeting with parents in person.

Cognitive forms of organizing communication between teachers and families are intended to familiarize parents with the characteristics of the age-related and psychological development of children, rational methods and techniques of education for the formation of practical skills in parents.

Recently, I have become more active in involving parents in the joint activities of the teacher and children, conducting direct educational activities with the participation of parents, walks, and morning exercises.

Visual information forms of organizing communication between teachers and parents solve the problem of familiarizing parents with the conditions, content and methods of raising children in a preschool institution, allow them to more correctly evaluate the activities of teachers, revise methods and techniques home education, see the teacher’s activities more objectively.

The tasks of one of them are informational and educational- is to familiarize parents with the preschool institution itself, the features of its work, with teachers involved in raising children, and overcoming superficial opinions about the work of the preschool institution ( regulatory documents, mode preschool work, group work schedule, schedule of direct educational activities, information about teaching staff). Information is posted on stands in parent corners and posted on the preschool educational institution website.

All forms of interaction with parents that I use in my work create an atmosphere of trust and cooperation in the team of adults surrounding the child.

IN conclusion I would like to note that family and kindergarten are two educational phenomena, each of which gives the child social experience in its own way, but only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for entry little man to the big world. Gradually, the understanding and trust of the parents disappears. Interaction between parents and kindergarten rarely occurs immediately. This is a long process, long and painstaking work, requiring patient, unwavering adherence to the chosen goal.

Having analyzed the results of the work done, I came to the following conclusions: effectively organized cooperation gives impetus to building interaction with the family on a qualitatively new basis, which involves not just joint participation in raising a child, but awareness of common goals, the desire to

Kindergarten No. 7 in the city of Zakamensk opened in the 2014 - 2015 academic year. We only worked for a year. And I started my teaching career here. Together with our team, we work for the benefit of the children whom their parents have entrusted to us. We are trying. And in this material I am trying to summarize my work experience over the period worked.



Raise children- This is a great responsibility. Before the teacher is not just a child, but a person - a future doctor, teacher, engineer, designer... What will he be like? Kind, strong, open, sensitive or withdrawn, irritable, aggressive. Such serious problems are solved by the profession of an educator. I teach children to see beauty, to be kind and honest, from a young age to be proud of the title “Man”, a resident of Zakamensk - a city of labor and military glory.

The main idea that guides me in working with children is to teach them how to acquire knowledge joyfully and creatively. Acquire skills and abilities. IN kindergarten They get their first communication experience, their first learning experience. My task is to make this experience successful so that their start is successful. I am a novice teacher, and I am interested in everything, together with the children I discover new things for myself, I try to find the best option solving the pedagogical problem.

Target My professional activity is the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, the development of the need for an active lifestyle, the realization of the physical potential of each child, taking into account his abilities and capabilities.

It is fully consistent with the goal of implementing the program of the MADO "Kindergarten No. 7 "Bell", namely: improving the adaptive educational environment that promotes physical, psychological, personal, social development child in accordance with his needs, abilities and capabilities in a kindergarten. In my activities I am guided comprehensive program edited by A.M. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, “From birth to school” and using the technologies of N.N. Kondratieva “We”.

To achieve this goal, I solve the following tasks:

  • Patriotic education of children through the organization of work on local history.
  • Aesthetic education of children;

The tasks before me are difficult. I am aware that achieving positive results is possible only through joint coordinated activities. Therefore, I plan and implement my work in three directions:

  1. Working with children (general and individual)
  2. Coordinated work with fellow teachers of other kindergartens in the city of Zakamensk, a music worker;
  3. Collaboration with parents as we together shape the environment in which children grow up.

During the period worked since the opening of the kindergarten in the Sovkhoz microdistrict of the city of Zakamensk, I managed to do the following:

  • Create a corner of nature
  • Create an antiques corner
  • Conduct an open integrated lesson with children preparatory group"Collage. Living image of Zakamna"
  • Conduct open lesson with children “My beloved Zakamensk”
  • Conclude cooperation with the House of Books and the cultural department.
  • Organize regular excursions to the forest.
  • Implemented the project “Introducing children to the sights of the city”
  • Prepared children for the holiday “Victory Lives in Everyone’s Heart,” dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory.
  • Developed a pedagogical collection of kindergarten activities.

My teaching activity is an integral part general work on the implementation of the development program of our preschool institution. I try to be an active implementer of this program, as a teacher, as well as an analyst, as I constantly analyze further work with children and parents in order to increase the productivity of my work.

In my professional activities, I am obliged to take into account the educational needs of children of different age groups preschool age. The choice of means of development, education and presentation of information is determined by the level of development of children. The main thing is not to violate the principles of presenting information, such as:

  • The principle of accessibility of the studied material
  • Reliance on the development of independent thinking, individual creativity
  • Principle of approval and acceptance
  • Problematic - situational nature of tasks
  • Variable - differentiated content of tasks
  • Emotionally rich topics of assignments
  • Attractiveness, entertainingness, imagery of the content of educational activities
  • Communicative character, relaxed atmosphere of goodwill

I've been worried about this problem for a long time patriotic education children. The main goal

is the formation in children of moral values, love for their hometown, and a sense of responsibility for the fate of the city. Achieving this goal is only possible with proper planning of the entire work. Hence, all my activities are aimed at organizing a developing subject environment:

  • Creating conditions for familiarization with the immediate environment
  • Creating conditions for developing children's interest in the history of their hometown

In-depth work on patriotic education convinced me of the need to produce various didactic materials and visual aids, to select methodological and fiction to get acquainted with the city, since their absence interferes with the correct work with children.

Compiled by me long-term plan taking into account the systematic nature and sequence of material from simple to complex.

Clearly guided by the goals and objectives facing our team, I try to build joint activities with children according to the principles of developmental education, aimed at improving the speech of preschoolers, their thinking, imagination, creativity. When communicating with children, I try to provide psychological comfort. I pay special attention to the health of children, observing all the regulations. “The higher the child’s motor activity, the better his speech develops.” I try to create favorable conditions for self-expression, organization of communicative communication, in which each child has the opportunity to show his or her individuality. Various cognitive content allows me to use such types of joint activities as primary - fact-finding, in-depth - cognitive, generalizing and complex.

To increase the effectiveness of training, I use various methods and techniques:

  • Use of artistic words, Russian folk and Buryat folk tales;
  • Conducting conversation and dialogue;
  • Use of visual, didactic, entertaining material;
  • The use of fairy-tale characters, analogue toys;
  • The use of physical education minutes, outdoor games, surprise moments;
  • Application various types activities (visual, musical, gaming, physical, experimental and labor).
  • Use of puppet theater.

An important place in my work is occupied by the promotion of patriotic education among parents. In order to determine the attitude of parents to the issues of patriotic education of children, I am conducting a survey. Analysis of the survey showed that parents treat the topic of patriotic education of children with understanding and interest and are ready to cooperate. I involve parents in participating in competitions, entertainment and exhibitions. The participation of parents in events does not go unnoticed. Adults and children are awarded with gifts, certificates, and letters of gratitude. I have created an information corner for parents “My beloved Zakamensk”, a corner of antiques, and information stands.

I conduct targeted walks with children, as I consider them to have an important impact on children. We come up with a name for each walk. We begin our acquaintance with the city from our neighborhood. Children then convey their impressions from their observations in their drawings.

Development is of no small importance in my work. didactic games, with the help of which I develop observation, speech, attention and memory in children, and form mental activity. By laying the foundations of moral values ​​and love for my hometown, I teach them to predict the consequences of their actions towards other people. Often in my work a problem arises in the lack of information, then I turn to the ESM for help, show the children slides, and use riddles based on the slides.

Instilling hard work plays an important role in the upbringing of preschoolers. Children act as attendants in the corner of nature and help with table setting. I make sure that work assignments are completed and that children take their responsibilities responsibly. This motivates children, they feel proud that they helped someone. I use a variety of means of development, education and presentation of information appropriate to their age category:

  1. Educational games (games - dramatization, plot - role-playing, correctional, communicative - linguistic, games for the development of technical speech skills)
  2. Games that develop expressive speech
  3. Observation of speech situations with subsequent analysis
  4. Illustrative material (diagrams, pictograms, illustrations, reproductions)
  5. Listening to fairy tales, instructive stories, poems followed by conversation
  6. Drawing according to a given situation of verbal communication, illustrating fairy tales and poems
  7. Writing fairy tales, instructive stories, poems

All education and training of children is based on a personality-oriented model. For me, the main thing is the need for the development of each child as an individual, for this I create all the conditions where not only knowledge, abilities, skills are formed, but also independence, initiative, a creative attitude to work, freedom of behavior and self-esteem.

I think unique means ensuring cooperation, a way to implement a person-oriented approach in education is design.

To effectively use children’s time in joint activities and in non-joint activities, I use modern technologies, optimal organizational techniques and methods, and various means of presenting information that save time.

The forms of classes are varied: these are classes - travel, classes - conversations, classes - competitions, classes - solving situations of verbal communication, complex classes, classes - games, integrated classes.

In my work I use a variety of educational technologies, developing speech, thinking, imagination and other psychological processes of children, as well as health-saving technologies, such as:

  • Breathing exercises by Strelnikova;
  • Finger gymnastics, articulation gymnastics (prevention of colds)
  • Elements of technology by V. F. Bazarny

Success is determined by how systematically the work is structured.

I widely use the research method of teaching; it is the one that best suits both the nature of the child and modern learning objectives. Its main components are the identification of problems, the development and formulation of hypotheses, observations, experiments, as well as judgments and conclusions made on their basis.

In my group, together with my colleagues, I tried to create the developmental environment necessary for conducting the research - an ecological mini-laboratory, which includes:

  • medical materials (pipettes, flasks, wooden sticks, measuring spoons, tweezers)
  • different types of paper (landscape, cardboard, paper napkins, sandpaper, copy paper)
  • various natural materials: cones, seeds, herbariums, pebbles, shells...
  • booklets, brochures, postcards and calendars with views and attractions of our city

There is a nature calendar in which children note seasonal phenological observations.

I organize my interaction with children so that each child feels comfortable and safe for his health. I tirelessly convince children that life is easier and more fun for friendly people, and that the main advantage of a well-mannered person is not to disturb or annoy others. They understand this and try their best to follow this principle.

A friendly psychological atmosphere has been created in my group. To provide the child with freedom of self-expression and satisfy the needs for rest and movement, a developmental environment has been created in the group. When communicating with children, I adhere to the position of an equal partner. I show respect for the interests, desires and needs of the child. It is impossible to imagine the work of a teacher without interaction with parents. I understand working and communicating with parents as a process of cooperation. I carry out systematic, targeted work with parents in order to create a unified educational and health space

"kindergarten - family." I am trying to solve the following, which I have identified as priority tasks:

  • Improving the pedagogical culture of parents
  • Studying and summarizing the best experience of family education
  • Involving parents to participate in the life of the kindergarten through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of work

To solve the set tasks, a long-term plan for working with parents is drawn up at the beginning of each school year. At the beginning of the school year, I hold meetings at which I introduce parents to the tasks of raising and educating children for the upcoming academic year.

I promote pedagogical knowledge through a system of visual propaganda, design “corners for parents”, make a selection methodological recommendations, compiled by teachers, music director and medical worker.

During the school year I organize exhibitions of joint creativity between children and parents:

“Autumn Portrait”, “Gifts to the City”, “My Family Coat of Arms”, crafts from natural material « Christmas story", "My favorite place in the city"

Parents are happy to participate in such forms of work, which have already become traditional and arouse great interest in children and the desire of parents to engage in fine arts with their children.

You cannot achieve good results without like-minded people; you need a system of interaction between everyone who comes into contact with children. My relationships with colleagues are going well. I collaborate with interesting creative people, like-minded people, open to the progressive and new. Sometimes you have to decide difficult tasks, and in order to solve them quickly and efficiently, we are used to working “in one team” and helping each other. My colleagues love their work and treat it honestly. For which I respect and appreciate them. I think they pay me the same.

A good teacher constantly works to improve his level of competence. Once every five years I take advanced training courses.

The level of skill is growing imperceptibly. The secret is constant search and development. Children don't let you stand still. In order to work productively, I work tirelessly on my self-education, keep track of new teaching literature, master new pedagogical technologies, and consult with my senior colleagues. In addition, I try to keep abreast of modern pedagogy, follow the latest in fiction and psychology, visit art exhibitions, and communicate with people who interest me. All this does not allow me to stand still.

I constantly turn to the Internet, these are the sites: “ social network educational workers website", the international Russian-language social educational Internet project "MAAAAM.RU", created its own group "VKontakte" to communicate with parents.

Unfortunately, not all parents understand how important it is to act purposefully and systematically, because together we form a developing speech environment in which children grow up. Sometimes you have to deal with parental indifference. Despite what has been done, I am aware of how much remains to be done to improve the educational process. In the future, I plan to carry out work in this direction by solving the following problems:

  1. Increasing your competence in issues individually - differentiated approach to the development, education and training of children
  2. Creating conditions to ensure the mental and physical well-being of children
  3. Close contact with parents on issues of patriotic education of children

In conclusion, I want to say that the future depends on the knowledge and skills with which I come to the children’s team every day, whether I plant sparks of curiosity, kindness and justice in children’s hearts.

Olesya Pankina
Self-analysis of the work “Interaction of work with parents”

Self-analysis of the work of the BOU. Omsk "Secondary school No. 161" 2 junior group "Pinocchio" Bachurina N.I., Pankina O.Yu.

The upbringing of preschool children is carried out in the family and preschool institutions. Goals and objectives facing the family and kindergarten, united: to raise healthy, comprehensively developed people.

Practice shows that not all families fully realize the full range of possibilities for reasonable influence on a child. Causes different: some families do not want to raise a child, others do not know how to do this, others do not understand why this is necessary. In all cases modern parents necessary qualified assistance preschool institution.

To working with parents was diverse in nature, using different forms of organization working with parents:

Parental meetings are one of the main forms interaction families and preschool institutions. Skillfully organized, interesting and informative parent the meeting plays a special role in relationships between parents and educators. At the beginning of the school year there was "Organizational meeting"- the purpose of which is to familiarize parents With age characteristics children; prospect modeling interaction for the new academic year; improving pedagogical culture parents.

To make meetings interesting I use different methods: group discussions that help improve psychological and pedagogical literacy parents, identify individual methods of education. Constructive debate helps to compare different points of view on raising children and teaches you to listen to the opinions of other participants in the meeting. But the greatest interest among parents are called to play(psychological and role-based, with the help of which we model and reproduce problem situations). Same after each parent meeting we respond to parents on one issue or another.

Consultations are carried out, both group and subgroup, etc., and individual with individual parents on topics that interest them.

We think the survey was particularly interesting "Best group motto", Where parents they themselves chose the best motto of the group.

For so much a short time exhibitions were organized as children's works, so works, made together with parents: “DIY crafts made from natural materials”, "Portrait of a Mother", “The match is not big”, birthday gift "We are 1 year old".

Activity parents in creating exhibitions, competitions suggests that these forms work are in demand.

Form work through parents corners is traditional. IN parental corner contains information about group work, regime moments, tips for parents. IN parental the corner is allocated space for the section "Territory of Creativity"- displays of children's works on fine art activities, modeling, manual labor.

It's better to introduce parents With this or that issue of education, folders - transfers, consultations - allow. Usually thematic material with practical recommendations is selected.

Leisure direction in working with parents turned out to be the most difficult thing in the organization. This is explained by the fact that some parents are very busy at work, others do not want to take part in the events. But such there were few parents. Mothers gladly took part in the event, an unconventional meeting "My lovely mum" with the participation of mothers.

None now parent a meeting cannot be imagined without the use of ICT, namely using various slide shows, photo presentations, where parents trace the life and work of their children (Presentation of ICT in working with parents) .

Today we can say that the use of various forms working with parents gave certain results: parents from"spectators" And "observers" became active participants and assistant teachers.

Parents began to show sincere interest in the life of the group, learned to express admiration for the results and products of children's activities, and emotionally support their child.

As a result of the work done work, use various forms and methods of communication with parents psychological and pedagogical literacy has increased parents; the culture of interpersonal interactions between children in a group.

Family and kindergarten are two educational phenomena, each of which in its own way gives the child social experience, but only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for a little person to enter the big world.

Publications on the topic:

Forms of work with parents on issues of children’s health as one of the areas of work in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard before Forms of work with parents on issues of children’s health as one of the areas of work in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. One of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for DO is.

Dear Colleagues! You and I are mastering the principles and basic provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. And from our work experience we already see good results in our development.

The article was written in collaboration with teacher-speech therapist Shamanova N.V. Speech is nature’s priceless gift to man. Only man has happiness.

From work experience “New non-traditional forms of working with parents under the program “Sociocultural Origins” Period preschool childhood is one of the most significant in the development of a child, since it is at this time that basic qualities are laid.

How to get parents interested in working together? Forms and methods of working with parents (from work experience) How to get parents interested in working together? (from work experience) The problem of interaction between kindergarten and family has always been relevant.

Sample self-analysis of a lesson at a preschool educational institution

Target: To develop children’s interest in knowledge about vegetables through integration educational areas: cognition, communication socialization, artistic creativity, health.
- To form children’s ideas about vegetables, the place of germination and their preparation for the winter;
- Strengthen children’s ability to describe vegetables according to their characteristic features,
according to the diagram;
- Improve the ability to write grammatically correctly and consistently construct your statements;
- Expand the active vocabulary, activate the names of vegetables in children’s speech.
- Continue to develop in children the ability to distinguish and name colors, practice comparing objects by color;
- Encourage children to answer questions by pronouncing words clearly.

To develop children’s ability to coordinate movements with text, understand and follow verbal instructions;
- Develop visual perception and memory, motor imagination and coordination of movements;
- Develop small general and fine motor skills hands;
- Cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers;
- Create a favorable emotional atmosphere and conditions for active play activity children.
Organizational activities, preparation for class
The lesson was carried out in accordance with the notes. The abstract was compiled independently, in accordance with the objectives of the basic general education program, corresponding to the given age of the children. To implement each task, techniques were selected in an interesting and entertaining form.
At every moment of the lesson there were visual aids that stimulated and activated the children’s mental activity. The manuals are of sufficient size and aesthetically designed. Their placement and use was rational, thoughtful in the learning space and in the lesson.
Music was used during the lesson to enhance emotional perception.
The organizational technique “Greeting” in poetic form” was aimed at developing communicative qualities, establishing friendly relationships both within children's group, so between guests and children.
The lesson is dynamic, it includes techniques that provide for a quick change of activity. Conversation - sitting on chairs, moving around the group while looking for a way out of a problem situation with a hare - going to the garden, working with a test, developing fine motor skills of the hands - sitting on chairs, search activity - standing, working with cereals “Find a Vegetable”, logorhythmic exercise - “walking to the garden.” A quick rotation of techniques and changes in poses during the lesson made it possible to avoid fatigue in the children.
Didactic activities of the teacher:
All aspects of the lesson are logical and consistent, subordinated to one topic. Moments from the educational areas of Cognition were integrated into the lesson: Reinforced the ability to describe a vegetable according to its characteristic features, according to the diagram; developed the ability to distinguish and name colors; Communication: children participated in the general conversation, listened without interrupting their peers; activated children's vocabulary through words - name vegetables, practiced agreeing nouns and adjectives; “Socialization” to independently express goodwill and empathy. Artistic creativity: Improved children’s ability to roll plasticine between their palms with straight movements, reinforced pressing techniques, developing fine motor skills., Physical Culture; developed motor imagination and coordination of movements; Health: formed children’s ideas about vitamins and their importance. The techniques in the lesson were of a playful nature, based on game-based learning situations,
Using the “Vegetable Garden” model helped in interesting game form to realize the main educational task - the formation of children’s ideas about vegetables and the place where they grow. My role was limited to learning to give detailed answers. This helped to achieve optimal results.

At every moment of the lesson, I tried to guide the kids to find solutions to the problem, helped them gain new experience, activate independence and maintain a positive emotional attitude.
The creation of search, problem situations intensified the mental and speech activity of children,
The specifics of working with children in the classroom were reflected in a person-centered approach. She encouraged timid children and praised them in order to consolidate their situation of success.
During the lesson, I tried to communicate with the children on the same level, tried to maintain the children’s interest in the lesson throughout the entire time.
The outcome of the lesson was organized in the form of a game problem situation “Guess the treat?” so that during it you can check the quality of assimilation of the material.
Due to the fact that the children are small and there were many choral responses, I plan Special attention focus on individual responses. It is also necessary to achieve clear pronunciation of words. Work on sound pronunciation, expand active and passive vocabulary. But, despite these difficulties, I believe that all the program tasks I set during the lesson were solved.

Municipal Treasury Educational institution Toguchinsky district "Yanchenkovskaya high school »

Self-analysis of the teacher on the topic “My “pros” and “cons” in communicating with parents”

Prepared by the teacher

preparatory group: Petrakova O.V.


Working with a family is hard work. Need to take into account modern approach in working with families. The main trend is to teach parents to independently solve life problems. And this requires certain efforts from teachers. Both the teacher and the parent are adults who have their own psychological characteristics, age and individual traits, your life experience and own vision of problems.


    establish partnerships with the family of each student;

    join efforts for the development and education of children;

    create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, community of interests, emotional mutual support;

    activate and enrich the educational skills of parents;

    support their confidence in their own teaching capabilities.

One of the most important tasks modern education is to establish partnerships with parents. Without partnership, even the most qualified teacher using the most modern methods, will not achieve much success. Most teachers consider working with families the most difficult in their work. pedagogical activity.

Working with parents is a process of communication between different people, which does not always go smoothly. Naturally, in our group, problematic situations arise in the relationship between parent and teacher:

    conflicts between parents over children;

    parental complaints against teachers regarding certain educational issues;

    reluctance of parents to contact teachers; parents are different.

    complaints from educators about the passivity of parents;

To avoid conflict situations, I try to use principles of interaction with parents:

    Friendly style of communication between teachers and parents

A positive attitude towards communication is the solid foundation on which all the work of the group’s teachers with parents is built. In communication between a teacher and parents, categoricality and a demanding tone are inappropriate. After all, any model of interaction with the family perfectly built by the kindergarten administration will remain a “model on paper” if the teacher does not develop for himself specific forms of correct treatment with parents. The teacher communicates with parents every day, and it depends on him what the family’s attitude towards the kindergarten as a whole will be. Daily friendly interaction between teachers and parents means much more than a single well-executed event.

    Individual approach

It is necessary not only when working with children, but also when working with parents. The teacher, when communicating with parents, must feel the situation, the mood of mom or dad. This is where the teacher’s human and pedagogical ability to reassure the parent, sympathize and think together about how to help the child in a given situation comes in handy.

    Collaboration, not mentoring

Modern mothers and fathers, for the most part, are literate, knowledgeable people and, of course, well aware of how they should raise their own children. Therefore, the position of instruction and simple propaganda of pedagogical knowledge today is unlikely to bring positive results. It will be much more effective to create an atmosphere of mutual assistance and support for the family in difficult pedagogical situations, to demonstrate the interest of the kindergarten staff in understanding the family’s problems and a sincere desire to help.

    Getting ready seriously

Any event, even the smallest one, to work with parents must be carefully and seriously prepared. The main thing in this work is the quality, and not the quantity of individual, unrelated events. Weak, poorly prepared Parent meeting or seminar may negatively affect the positive image of the institution as a whole.


A kindergarten today should be in development mode, not functioning, be a mobile system, and quickly respond to changes social composition parents, their educational needs and educational requests. Depending on this, the forms and directions of work of the kindergarten with the family should change.

When communicating with parents, you need to remember that communication has its own patterns. The basis of a person’s attitude towards us is laid in the first 15 seconds! In order to get through safely "barrier" these first seconds, you need to apply "Rule of three pluses" (to win over your interlocutor you need to give him at least three psychological advantages)

The most universal are:

  • interlocutor's name


In order for my parents to want to communicate with me, I myself must demonstrate my willingness to communicate with them. And the interlocutor must see this. A sincere, friendly smile is required!

A person's name is the sweetest and most important sound for him in any language. It is important to use your first name when greeting. Don't just nod or say: “Hello!” , A “Hello, Anna Ivanovna!” .

In communication, the most applicable is an indirect compliment: we praise not the parent himself, but what is dear to him: a hunter’s gun, the parent of his child.

To be closer to the teacher and parent, we conduct:

    parent meetings




    Open Day

    competitions, exhibitions

Parents can also come to educational activities. We involve them in joint activities.

Based on the methodology for assessing the level of sociability of a teacher according to V.F. I conducted a survey for Ryakhovskyto find out your pros and cons in working with parents, in the end it showed: Your communication skills are normal. Are you convinced that with any parent you can always find mutual language. You willingly listen to your parents, are patient enough in communicating with them, and know how to defend your point of view without imposing it on others. Both individual and collective communication with parents does not cause you any unpleasant experiences. Parents also strive to maintain contact with you and seek your advice and support. At the same time, you do not like verbosity, excessive emotionality, and strive to avoid unnecessary conflicts(Appendix No. 1) I think what I described above are my advantages.

Disadvantages of work: In interaction with parents, I see, first of all, overcoming my own difficulties, Sometimes Communication with parents comes down to complaints about how poorly the child behaves in class, how difficult it is for him to learn this or that material. This position causes a negative attitude from parents. Therefore, it is important for me to realize my own shortcomings in time and direct my efforts to trustworthy ones.

I made a memo for myself “The relationship between parent and teacher”


    Don't make judgments. The teacher needs to avoid judgments like “You spend too little time raising your son (daughter),” since these phrases (even if they are absolutely fair) most often give rise to protest from parents.

    Don't lecture. Don't suggest solutions. You cannot impose your own point of view on your interlocutor and “teach life” to your parents, since the phrases “If I were you, I would...” and the like infringe on the interlocutor’s self-esteem and do not contribute to the communication process.

    Don't make a "diagnosis". It must be remembered that all the teacher’s phrases must be correct. Categorical statements - “Your child does not know how to behave”, “You need to contact a psychologist about deviations in the behavior of your son (daughter)” always put parents on guard and set them against you.

    Don't pry. Parents should not be asked questions that do not relate to pedagogical process, since excessive curiosity destroys mutual understanding between the family and the kindergarten.

    Don't give away the "secret". The teacher is obliged to keep secret information about the family entrusted to him by the parents, if they do not want this information to become public.

    Don't provoke conflicts. The teacher will avoid conflict situations in communication with parents if he follows all the above rules for communication with parents.

Appendix No. 1

Assessing the level of communication skills of a teacher in communicating with parents

(based on the methodology for assessing the level of sociability of a teacher according to V.F. Ryakhovsky).

Instructions. Here are a few simple questions for your consideration. Answer quickly, clearly “yes”, “no”, “sometimes”.

You will have an ordinary conversation with one of the parents. Does her anticipation unsettle you?

Does the assignment to give a report or information to your parents cause you confusion and displeasure?

Are you putting off having a pleasant conversation about difficult child with his parents until the last moment?

Do you think that you should not personally talk with parents about the peculiarities of upbringing in the family, but that it is better to conduct a questionnaire or a written survey?

You are asked to prepare a general parent meeting for parents of a preschool institution. Will you make every effort to avoid this assignment?

Do you like to share your experiences of communicating with parents with colleagues and management?

Are you convinced that communicating with parents is much more difficult than communicating with children?

Do you get annoyed if one of your students' parents constantly asks you questions?

Do you believe that there is a problem of “educators and parents” and that they speak “different languages”?

Are you embarrassed to remind your parents about communication they forgot to do?

Do you feel annoyed when one of your parents asks you to help sort out this or that complex educational issue?

Having heard the expression of a clearly erroneous point of view on the issue of education, would you prefer to remain silent and not enter into an argument?

Are you afraid to participate in the analysis of conflict situations between teachers and parents?

Do you have your own, purely individual criteria for assessing family upbringing and do you not accept other opinions on this matter?

Do you think that it is necessary to educate parents, and not just children?

Is it easier for you to prepare information for parents in writing than to conduct an oral consultation?

Result: 17 points

Evaluation of answers. Yes - 2 points. Sometimes -1 point. No - 0 points.

The points received are summed up. This determines which category the teacher belongs to.

30-32 points. It is clearly difficult for you to communicate with your parents. Most likely, you are generally uncommunicative. This is your problem, because you yourself suffer more from this. But it’s not easy for the people around you either. It is difficult to rely on you in a matter that requires collective efforts. You try to keep contacts with your parents to a minimum. They are mostly formal. You try to shift the reasons for difficulties in communication to your parents. Are you convinced that most parents - These are always dissatisfied, picky people who look only for shortcomings in your work and do not want to listen to your opinion. Your inability to build communication with your parents leads to the fact that they also tend to avoid communicating with you. Try to become more sociable, control yourself.

25-29 points. You are closed and taciturn. New job and the need for new contacts keep you out of balance for a long time. Communication with your parents is difficult and not very pleasant for you. You know this feature of your character and sometimes you are dissatisfied with yourself. However, in unsuccessful contacts with your parents, try to blame them more than yourself. You have the power to change the characteristics of your character. Remember, participation in a common interesting activity allows you to easily find a common language with your parents.

19-24 points. You are to a certain extent sociable and feel quite confident in unfamiliar surroundings. You manage to establish contacts quite easily with the majority of parents in your group, but you do not strive to actively communicate with “difficult” parents. In an unfamiliar situation, you choose the “keeping an eye” tactic. The difficulties of communicating with your parents do not frighten you, but sometimes you are overly critical of them. These shortcomings can be corrected.

14-18 points. Your communication skills are normal. You are convinced that you can always find a common language with any parent. You willingly listen to your parents, are patient enough in communicating with them, and know how to defend your point of view without imposing it on others. Both individual and collective communication with parents does not cause you any unpleasant experiences. Parents also strive to maintain contact with you and seek your advice and support. At the same time, you do not like verbosity, excessive emotionality, and strive to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

9-13 points. You can be quite sociable. Constantly strive to engage in conversation with your parents, but often these conversations are meaningless. You love to be the center of attention and do not refuse anyone’s requests, although you cannot always fulfill them. You strive to express your own opinion to parents about how they raise their children, to give advice in any situation, which can cause irritation in them. You are quick-tempered, but quick-witted. You lack patience and courage when faced with serious problems. If desired, however, you can build meaningful communication.

4-8 points. You are overly sociable. Strive to become a “friend” to every parent, to be aware of all their problems. Love to take part in all disputes and discussions. You always willingly take on any task, although you may not always be able to complete it in time. You have your own opinion on any issue and strive to express it. Perhaps for this reason, parents and colleagues treat you with caution and doubts; you should think about this fact.

3 points or less. Your sociability is painful. You are verbose and interfere in matters that have nothing to do with you. You undertake to judge problems in which you are committed and are not competent. Willingly or unwittingly, you are often the cause of all sorts of conflicts, including among parents. When communicating with parents, you can be rude and familiar. You are characterized by bias and touchiness. You strive to bring any problem to public discussion. Serious communication with your parents is not for you. Try to think about why, despite all your efforts to establish communication with your parents, nothing comes of it? Cultivate patience and restraint, treat people with respect.