Burn chemistry vinegar. What to do with a burn with acetic acid and how to properly treat it. Acetic acid burn treatment

Vinegar burn is a subcategory of chemical injury. Acetic acid and non-concentrated vinegar are strong reagents that, when they come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes of internal organs, cause a strong destructive effect. It is very important to be able to provide first aid after a burn with vinegar, because not only the health, but also the life of the victim depends on the speed and effectiveness of the necessary procedures.

Types of burns with vinegar:

Skin burn with vinegar

First aid

If vinegar gets on the surface of the skin, it is necessary to provide emergency assistance to the victim in a timely manner.


In the event that the injury is a minor injury, then no special medical intervention is required. For the speedy early healing and regeneration of damaged tissues, you can use folk remedies, which have a softening and regenerating effect:

  1. Treat the burn area with sea buckthorn oil.
  2. Apply gruel from grated fresh potatoes to the injury site.

If the consequences of a burn are of moderate severity, then the patient is recommended to undergo special treatment for the injury:

  • prescribed painkillers;
  • the burn site is treated with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic ointments;
  • the patient is shown taking antihistamine medications;
  • if suppuration of the wound occurs, then the victim must be prescribed a course of antibiotics.

Vinegar burn of the larynx

First aid

Immediately after the vinegar hits the larynx, the victim must be given emergency first aid, which consists of:

  • washing the pharynx, as well as the stomach with several glasses of a weak soda solution;
  • urgently call an ambulance for the victim.

The victim must be urgently sent to a medical institution, where he will additionally receive primary care measures and prescribe appropriate treatment.


Under medical conditions, the victim is washed with a larynx, as well as a stomach with special saline solutions that neutralize the negative effect of vinegar. After that, therapy is prescribed, which includes the use of the following medications:

Vinegar burn of the esophagus

First aid

The first actions when vinegar enters the esophagus are:

  • gastric lavage with water;
  • the use of large volumes of clean water;
  • neutralization of the aggressive effects of vinegar with a soda solution.

The victim urgently needs to be sent to a medical institution, where he will definitely be provided with appropriate treatment.


Under medical conditions, the victim is additionally washed with a stomach using a special apparatus - a probe. After that, the patient is assigned the necessary this case therapy:

The patient is forbidden to take any food in the first days. As additional methods to eliminate the consequences of a burn and normalize the efficiency of the esophagus, the patient is prescribed twice a day an ingestion of vegetable or olive oil.

Vinegar burn of the respiratory tract

First aid

Inhalation of hot vinegar vapors burns the respiratory tract. Depending on the concentration of the reagent, the severity of the injury is assessed. After the occurrence of a traumatic event, the victim needs to urgently provide primary care actions, which are as follows:

  • washing the affected area with boiled cool water;
  • drink a glass of soda solution;
  • call an emergency team or take the victim to the nearest medical institution (hospital).


Immediately after receiving a burn of the respiratory tract, the victim is urgently transported to a medical facility. Treatment methods are selected depending on the injury. Common remedies that are prescribed for a burn with vinegar of the respiratory tract are:

  • painkillers;
  • antihistamines;
  • moisturizing inhalations;
  • antibiotics to prevent the development of a bacterial infection.

Vinegar burn of the mouth

First aid

In case of accidental or deliberate ingestion of vinegar, a burn of the oral cavity occurs. As a rule, the oral mucosa under the influence of a chemical substance is severely deformed. The subsequent positive treatment depends on the effectiveness and timeliness of the first aid provided.

What is emergency assistance?

  1. Rinse the mouth with cool clean water, the duration of the procedure is at least 10 minutes.
  2. After washing the mouth with water, treat the mouth area with a solution of soda.
  3. Contact a medical facility.


For any degree of damage to the patient, the following medical procedures are prescribed:

To restore the oral mucosa, it is effective to use folk remedies:

  • lubrication of the damaged area on the oral mucosa with sea buckthorn oil;
  • rinsing the mouth several times a day with a decoction of medicinal chamomile;
  • blackberry decoction is used to rinse the damaged oral mucosa, as an effective anti-inflammatory herbal remedy;
  • decoction of psyllium seeds has wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. It is used for everyday rinsing of the mouth after a burn with vinegar.
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Acetic acid is widely used in household purposes. When a substance gets on the skin or other parts of the body, a person burns. The consequences of injury depend on the degree of damage. Untimely assistance to the victim leads to severe symptoms, and severe lesions can cause death. How to treat a burn acetic acid, and what are the first actions upon contact with the solution?

The cause of the burn from acetic acid is mainly the inaccurate handling of the solution. A substance of especially high concentration causes instant damage to organs. Damage can be of two types:

  1. External. Upon contact with the external organs of a person, the acid causes instant corrosion of the skin or mucous membranes. And without first aid, complications can occur that will lead to longer treatment.
  2. Internal. Such injuries are of particular danger to humans. penetration of acetic acid into internal organs have serious consequences and require immediate medical treatment.

Severe burns with a solution of high concentration can cause death of the victim.

Degrees of burns with acetic acid

The nature of the damage depends on the amount and concentration of the trapped acetic acid, the duration of contact with it.

There are such degrees of burns:

  1. First. Refers to mild lesions. It is characterized by superficial redness of the skin tissues, which may be accompanied by swelling and pain. In most cases, it heals fairly quickly. After therapeutic actions, there are no traces of a burn.
  2. Second. Together with the upper cover, the germ layer of the epidermis is damaged. The formation of blisters on the skin is observed, which subsequently form a wound. Healing occurs within a few weeks.
  3. Third. A deeper lesion, covering all layers of the skin. The wound consists of purulent secretions, clotted blood and dead cells. Requires long-term inpatient treatment, the success of which depends on the first steps after the burn. Such injuries leave scars and scars.
  4. Fourth. The most dangerous form pathology. Occurs on contact with a strong acid solution. With such lesions, all skin cells die. The success of treatment depends on the size of the affected areas and the characteristics of the patient's immune defenses.

In the most severe cases, first aid and the timely arrival of an ambulance team can save the life of the victim.

Symptoms depending on the location of the burn

Acetic acid can get on both the external and internal organs of a person. The defeat of different parts of the human body has distinctive symptoms.


At the site burned with acid, initially formed bright spot. It quickly darkens and acquires a gray tint. The injured area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin begins to hurt and a burning sensation is felt.

The skin becomes dry and a crust appears with clear contours that separate healthy and diseased tissue.

Oral cavity

When a solution of strong concentration enters, sharp pain and tissue damage. The oral cavity turns white and begins to swell. There is profuse salivation. Speech becomes difficult.


The first sign of a burn of the larynx is a sharp pain and burning sensation. Vomiting and a strong secretion of the secretion of the salivary glands begin. Lips and oral cavity swell. The body temperature rises, and the lymph nodes increase.

Severe injuries can cause suffocation of the victim.


Burning part of the alimentary canal causes pain in chest, neck and upper abdomen. This is due to the fact that the internal organs have many nerve endings.

The esophagus is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The tissues of the organ swell, affecting the vocal cords. Such symptoms interfere with the normal swallowing of saliva and adversely affect the speech of the victim. Body temperature increases.


Acetic acid enters the respiratory system in the form of hot vapors. The nature of the lesions depends on the saturation of the inhaled solution. The first signs of a burn are a suffocating continuous cough and runny nose. Tears begin to flow, it becomes difficult to inhale the air.

With severe damage from acetic acid, intoxication of the human body occurs, which can cause a state of shock. In such cases, there are often signs of acute toxic psychosis, shortness of breath and tachycardia. Over time, concomitant diseases appear - pancreatitis, gastritis or pneumonia. The protective functions of the body are significantly reduced.

Providing first aid

Properly rendered assistance in the first minutes of the burn field not only contributes to rapid healing wounds, and can save the life of the victim.

For external burns

If vinegar gets on the outer parts of the body, the first thing to do is to free the affected area from clothing. Subsequent actions for burns with vinegar consist of the following steps:

  • burned areas are washed for 20 minutes cold water;
  • the skin is treated with soda or soap solution dissolved in water;
  • after cleansing the affected area, it is washed off with clean cool water;
  • an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent is applied;
  • a dry sterile dressing is applied.

With minor injuries, the main goal of first aid is to relieve pain, redness and swelling. You can continue to treat such injuries at home. Serious injuries require immediate hospitalization.

For internal burns

If acetic acid is ingested, the main task is to immediately neutralize the toxic substance.

In cases where the solution falls into the throat, rinse all affected areas, including the oral cavity, with soda diluted in water. A burn of the esophagus requires more complex measures. In addition to rinsing, immediate gastric lavage is required. For this, more than five liters of pure water are used. Do not give the victim a soda solution to drink, such a mixture can additionally destroy the affected tissue.

Burns of an internal nature are much more dangerous than external injuries with acetic acid. Therefore, after providing first aid, a professional examination and treatment is necessary.


You can determine the nature of the external burn by changing the color of the skin, and the specific smell of the affected area. According to external indicators, an assessment of wounds is made and the degree of the pathological process is determined. The situation with internal burns is somewhat more complicated.

To establish intoxication of the body with acetic acid, anamnesis data are initially collected, including a visual examination of the patient. The main indicator of a burn of internal organs with vinegar is the presence of a characteristic odor from the oral cavity.

To establish the final diagnosis and the degree of damage, such an additional study is prescribed:

  • a general blood test that determines the level of ESR and C-reactive protein;
  • fluoroscopic examination.

If the mucous membrane of the eyes is damaged, an additional consultation with an ophthalmologist is carried out.

Treatment depending on the location and extent of the burn

Treatment methods are determined by the severity of the damage. Both with internal and external lesions, pain is first eliminated, and measures are taken to stop the pathological process.

External burns

If the skin is damaged by acetic acid, the site is initially disinfected with antiseptic agents. In parallel with this, healing ointments are used.

For burns of a higher degree, antibiotics and antihistamines are prescribed. Serious injuries are accompanied by intense pain, which can cause shock. In such cases, painkillers and antispasmodics are prescribed.

to the most effective medicines against burns include such ointments:

  • "Levomekol";
  • "Panthenol";
  • "Dermazin";
  • "Rescuer";
  • Solcoseryl.

The duration of therapy depends on the size of the affected tissues and the degree of burn. When affecting all tissues of the skin or mucous membranes, sometimes you can not do without surgical intervention. The operation is aimed at removing dead tissue. After that, plastic surgery can be carried out.

The burn site should not be treated with iodine, brilliant green and preparations containing alcohol. Such substances contribute to a greater destruction of the tissues of the skin.

Internal burns

Damage to internal organs has a different treatment:

  1. Oral cavity. The doctor prescribes antiseptics as a rinse and treatment of sore spots wound healing ointments. Well helps in such cases dental paste "Solcoseryl Denta". With severe pain, painkillers are taken.
  2. Larynx. Treatment is with antihistamines. medicines, which help reduce swelling of the throat. Also used to eliminate pain symptoms. Together with them, antispasmodics are prescribed.
  3. Esophagus. Treatment of such lesions of the tissues of the digestive part is not complete without pain-relieving drugs, bacteria-destroying drugs and antispasmodics. With severe burns of the esophagus, additional therapy of the cardiac system and respiratory organs is required.

Together with drug therapy, the patient is prescribed a special diet. In case of damage to the larynx and the organ of the digestive tract, it is recommended to use soups, or grated products.

Therapeutic actions should be carried out immediately after the injury. Six hours after a vinegar burn, therapy may no longer be effective. Therefore, the timely appeal to a doctor for help is of particular importance.

Folk methods of treatment

For burns with acetic acid, various folk methods therapies that accelerate the healing process of damaged tissues, have a softening and calming effect.

To the most effective means alternative medicine include:

  1. Oak bark. Pour 3 tablespoons of crushed oak bark into a container with one liter of water and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Ready broth to cool and strain. Apply liquid for compresses. It should only be used freshly prepared.
  2. Potato. Peel the vegetable culture and grate it on a fine grater. Apply the resulting potato mass for 25 minutes to the affected skin. This procedure should be repeated twice a day.
  3. Elm hornbeam. In 200 milliliters of water, add one tablespoon of finely chopped elm bark. Boil the solution for 20 minutes over low heat. Use the cooled and filtered broth for lotions. The remedy is applied to the wound at least three times a day.
  4. Aspen bark. Pour one tablespoon of chopped bark into a container with a lid and pour 400 milliliters of boiling water. Let the mixture infuse for an hour. After that, the liquid saturated with aspen bark must be filtered and diluted with a glass of boiled water. Take the infusion three times a day, two tablespoons at a time. Drink medicine should be taken with meals.
  5. Mint. Pour a tablespoon of finely chopped mint with 200 milliliters of hot water and leave in a bowl with a closed lid to infuse for 45 minutes. Lotions are made with a filtered solution three times a day.
  6. Aloe. Squeeze out the juice from the leaves of the plant, which is used to treat damaged areas of the skin. You can also apply aloe leaves cut along the fleshy side to the wound.
  7. Beeswax. The product of the vital activity of bees is added to the butter in a ratio of 3: 1. Stir the mixture in a water bath until the ingredients are completely dissolved. The cooled ointment is applied to the places burned with vinegar, a gauze bandage is put on top and left for two hours.

Alternative methods of treatment are used only for first-degree burns that do not have purulent formations and damage to the lower layers of the epidermis. In case of severe injuries with acetic acid, drug therapy is required, which is prescribed by a doctor. Self-treatment of such burns can lead to complications.


The main objective of preventive measures is to comply with safety rules when using acetic acid, which include:

  • storage of concentrated vinegar in places inaccessible to children;
  • Use of gloves when diluting high concentration acid.

A container of vinegar must be labeled with the name of the substance. At accidental hit acid on the skin, all necessary measures should be taken immediately to reduce its effect on the body. Seek medical attention immediately after a burn.


With a mild degree of tissue damage with acetic acid, after first aid, the patient is sent for home treatment. In such cases, healing occurs quickly and there is no trace of the burn.

Severe injuries, which are characterized by the third and fourth degrees, have a mortality rate of 60 percent. The result of treatment depends on the amount of damage and the quality of care provided in the first minutes after the burn. Of particular danger are acid injuries to internal organs.

An eye burn with a slightly saturated solution of vinegar has a favorable prognosis. If measures were quickly taken to eliminate the acid, then vision in 90 percent is not impaired. With severe burns of the mucous membrane of the eye, solders are often formed, which lead to blindness.

Acid burn is a dangerous injury that can significantly harm human health. To avoid irreparable consequences, you should carefully use an acetic solution, especially a high concentration. In case of accidental damage to the skin or other organs, even mild, you should immediately consult a doctor. The prompt assistance of a specialist can save not only health, but also life.

In order for first aid for a chemical burn to be provided correctly, it is necessary to know which chemical caused the burn. Such substances include caustic liquids, alkalis, acids and salts of heavy metals that have got on the skin, clothes or inside the body. A chemical burn can be obtained not only at work, but also at home, if care is not taken. The severity of the burn depends on the amount of the substance and the time of exposure.

Further first aid for a chemical burn already has some features and depends on the substance and the place of their entry - external or internal burns.

First aid for chemical burns - washing the burn with water

External chemical burns

First aid for a chemical burn caused by acids, alkalis or other caustic liquids that have fallen on the body is, first of all, a quick release from clothes or shoes that have been exposed to a chemical, regardless of its origin:

  • quicklime- do not rush to wash the damaged areas with water, if there is a powdery substance on them, the ingress of water into the damaged area will increase the burn surface. It is better to gently wipe the burn area with a dry cloth and only then rinse with running water. After prolonged washing, the burn can be treated with any vegetable oil or sugar solution;
  • alkalis- upon contact with the skin, a loose-looking, whitish crust appears, which does not form clear boundaries with intact tissue. The ability of alkalis to quickly penetrate tissues makes the burn deep enough. Therefore, it is necessary to quickly and urgently remove the trapped alkali, for this it is necessary to rinse the damaged area under water for a long time (at least twenty minutes). If the substance has been on the skin for a long time, then it will take at least forty minutes to rinse. The more thoroughly the place where the alkali has got is washed, the less deep the burn will be and the less long the further treatment process will be. After most of the alkali is washed off, you need to treat the burn site with a weak vinegar solution or an aqueous solution of citric acid;
  • acids- in case of skin contact various kinds acids appear burns that differ in color. So, for example, a burn from acetic acid will be white, with a dirty tint, and from hydrochloric acid - yellow; nitric acid will leave a light brown imprint on the skin; the burn surface, on which sulfuric acid has fallen, will first turn white, and after a while it will change color to gray-brown. But regardless of color, the surface of an acid burn usually has a fairly clear border, which is clearly visible against the background of healthy tissues. It is necessary to wash the damaged area with running water, and it is imperative to use an acid neutralizer, in this case, you can use prepared soda (one teaspoon of soda per half liter of water) or ordinary soapy water.

Regardless of the substance used chemical burn, a sterile bandage is needed. It will protect the damaged area while the victim is transported to a medical facility for further assistance.

Internal chemical burns

Most often, children suffer from chemical burns, who can eat or drink what is in the package or bottle they like. Smaller children are more at risk because they cannot quickly spit out the bitter or scalding substance. Older children, as well as adults, usually control their behavior, so they get into such situations much less often.

Such burns can be caused by manganese crystals, tincture of iodine, blue vitriol, vinegar, some medicines in large quantities, and many other substances often used for household needs.

The first signs of such burns are a sharp burning sensation in the mouth and inside, an intensifying cough, and vomiting is possible.

It is urgent to call an ambulance. The main thing in such a situation is not to harm even more, so in no case should you try to give any neutralizing solutions on your own or cause a gag reflex in order to thereby remove the substance from the body. This can only increase the pain. It is best to give slightly warmed milk or a small amount of vegetable oil.

Victims of chemical burns must be taken to the hospital, no matter how well they feel on this moment. The insidiousness of chemical burns is that tissue destruction can last for several days. Therefore, only specialist doctors will be able to determine the degree of a burn and prescribe a full-fledged treatment.


It is no secret that at home, as well as on the street, you can harm your health. A good example of this is the burn with vinegar, which many housewives get when they use it in everyday life. Even at low concentrations, chemical burns of both external and internal types can be obtained.

Characteristics of injury

Acetic burn happens:

  • external - this type is characterized by the ingress of acetic acid on the skin or eyes of the victim. The severity of the injury is determined depending on the time of contact of the reagent with the skin and depends on the level of concentration of the product itself;
  • internal - so called, obtained as a result of the interaction of acetic essence with the human body from the inside. This type is considered to be the most dangerous due to the fact that when vinegar enters the body, an aggressive reaction begins between it and hydrochloric acid in the stomach. As a result, the consequence is a devastating effect on the body. In such cases, immediate medical attention is needed.

Therefore, in order not to get a burn from vinegar in the future, follow the basic safety rules when using it.


A burn with acetic acid of an internal or external type, like other injuries, has its own symptoms.

When vinegar gets on human skin, the first thing that appears is a white speck, which over time transforms into a stain. gray color. A person feels a burning sensation and pain in the damaged area.

If the substance is ingested, which is much more dangerous, then first a person experiences a toxic shock, and after it intoxication appears. Further, the development of toxemia occurs, accompanied by skin hyperemia and toxic psychosis. The consequence of a burn is the manifestation various diseases by type of gastritis, pneumonia, etc. And finally, the protein and electrolyte balance goes out of the norm, reducing the weight of the victim - this is a manifestation of burn asthenia.

Help for a victim with an external burn

If you know what to do with a burn with vinegar, you can avoid serious consequences. If acid is spilled on clothing, then your first action should be to get rid of it. After you have removed all the remnants of wet clothes, you need to immediately rinse with cold water the areas on the skin that have come under the influence of an aggressive substance, this procedure should be done within 15 minutes.

An excellent tool for neutralizing vinegar is a small amount of soda diluted in water, with this solution you need to wash the place where the vinegar got into. You can use this solution if the reagent has got on the mucous membrane of the eyes. The place that has undergone a chemical burn should be treated with an antiseptic and a not very tight bandage should be fixed.

If the vinegar burn is serious, then you need to seek help from a medical facility, where experienced doctors will provide proper treatment and advise on how to treat and.

Actions for internal burns

As a rule, burns of the internal type occur much less frequently, but the consequences of them are much more serious. If a concentrated substance enters the gastrointestinal tract, the best thing you can do is rinse the stomach with soda and water, and then call an ambulance.

Reacting with hydrochloric acid, which is in our body, vinegar begins to burn the walls of the stomach. When interacting with vinegar, the esophagus, larynx, pharynx and oral cavity suffer. To prevent possible consequences, do not put off calling a doctor for later. The faster you react, the less harm will be done to your body.

Treatment Methods

Internal burns are treated in a hospital. All of the above methods must be performed within six hours of receiving a chemical burn. It is at this point in time that they are most effective. To avoid exotoxic shock, Analgin, Fentanyl, Promedol and antispasmodics are used. To prevent pain shock, a solution of "Artopita" is administered.

With a severe degree of internal burn, scars appear on the places damaged by vinegar, they significantly worsen the quality of life of the victim, and in some cases lead to his disability. Therapy of such a burn takes much longer. Doctors prescribe simultaneous administration of antibiotics and hormones. And in order to heal the cicatricial narrowing of the esophagus, the process of bougienage is carried out.

External origin is easier and faster than internal. The main thing is to start the necessary procedures on time. The first of the complex of anti-burn measures is high-quality washing of the injured area. Using ordinary cold water, rinse the damaged area thoroughly. Do this for at least twenty minutes.

At the end of the previous action, it is necessary to treat the burn with a mixture of soda and water. Such a substance perfectly neutralizes the reaction of vinegar. After all, the resulting wound until it is completely healed is treated with special means to eliminate chemical burns - antiseptics and medicinal oils. After healing of the affected area, the skin structure begins to be restored with the help of special creams, gels and emulsions.


With body burns, there are no consequences and complications, but with an internal burn, there are a number of consequences that can lead to disability of the victim or, even worse, to lethal outcome. The most common are:

  • the formation of large scars on the internal organs;
  • sudden cardiovascular failure and shock;
  • suffocation due to nerve damage.

Such injuries are very dangerous for our body and therefore, in order to avoid them, it is necessary to take life safety as carefully and seriously as possible when using even such a seemingly harmless substance as vinegar. And with a burn that has already happened, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the source of danger as soon as possible.

We encounter acids in chemistry lessons, when, under the guidance of a teacher, we diligently fill test tubes with them and mix them with various reagents. But the experience of handling concentrates and solutions must be preserved for life. This is required in everyday life for each of us. For example, everyone in the kitchen has acetic acid. substance is a fairly common household injury. Especially often a bottle with an interesting liquid is found by children. Today we will consider the features of first aid in this case.

Easier to prevent than to cure

Recovery skin, and even more so the mucous membranes lining the internal organs, it takes quite a lot of time. An acetic acid burn is quite a serious injury, so you should do everything to prevent such an accident in your home. The most dangerous is 70% acid, because it is concentrated. At home, it is practically not used. For salads and pastries, table vinegar is used. Therefore, when buying an essence, you can immediately dilute a part. To do this, take one part acid and ten parts water. It turns out 9% table vinegar, which is quite safe and will not cause burns if it comes into contact with the skin. And the bottle of essence should be removed as safely as possible.

Sometimes we ourselves can inadvertently get burned with acetic acid. When making preparations for the winter, you can accidentally spill a little acid on your shirt. At first it will be imperceptible, but the composition is absorbed to the skin. As a result, a burn develops. After a while, you may feel pain. In this case, you need to quickly remove clothes and assess the condition of the skin.

An acetic acid burn requires immediate attention. To do this, rinse the affected area well with water. To do this, it is better to make a weak pressure of slightly warm water. Rinsing takes at least 15 minutes. During this time, prepare a soap or soda solution. They need to wash the affected area well, and then again immerse it under running water.

Assess the condition

If the integrity of the skin is not broken, the redness is slight, then improvised means can be used. Suitable for this sea ​​buckthorn oil, fresh potato gruel or a compress with fresh aloe. But only if the patient has tolerated the primary treatment normally and does not experience severe pain.

If the surface of the skin is very white, and then begins to darken, it means that the lesion is quite serious. Treatment of a burn with acetic acid is the work of a specialist, most often this is done by a surgeon in the burn department. An antiseptic ointment should be applied to the affected skin and a bandage should be applied to immobilize the damaged area. With this, you need to go to an appointment with a doctor and continue to follow his recommendations.

Treatment for serious injury

In this case, the therapy will be quite serious. You will definitely need to stop the pain. For this, painkillers are prescribed. The wound is treated with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic drugs. Antihistamines are often used. They help relieve swelling and speed up healing. The slightest suppuration is a reason to prescribe and start taking antibiotics.

A person should not be allowed to endure pain. In case of severe damage to the skin, it is necessary to offer the victim an anesthetic, apply a lidocaine compress to the damaged area. Sometimes a person has a fever. In this case, even before the ambulance arrives, you need to give the victim an antipyretic. How to treat a burn with acetic acid on the skin? This should be decided by the attending physician.

Eye damage

It also occurs quite often. And the situation is usually the same. The hostess hurries to open the bottle of vinegar, holds it firmly at the base and pulls the cap up with a sharp movement. After several attempts, it suddenly flies off easily and the liquid splashes upwards in a fountain. A burn with acetic acid (70%) of the mucous membrane of the eyes can lead to partial or complete loss of vision. The first reaction is a burning sensation in the eye area. Intuitively, the eyes close and I want to rub them with my hands.

What is needed? Get oriented instantly. Shake a small amount of soda into a glass (1 teaspoon) and pour water. Thoroughly wash the affected area with this solution. After that, rinse with clean water and consult a doctor immediately. Further treatment will depend on how much acid got on the mucous membranes and whether you managed to neutralize its effect quickly enough.

internal burn

Sometimes children manage to get to the brightly colored bottle, and before the parents have time to react, they sip the interesting-smelling liquid. In this case, an internal chemical burn with acetic acid is obtained, which can threaten life and health. Now everything will depend on how quickly you react and can provide first aid to the victim.

The danger may lie in the fact that vinegar essence can lead to necrosis of the tissues of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus and stomach. Acid ingestion on an empty stomach is especially dangerous. When ingested a large number acid may develop peritonitis due to the formation of open ulcers in the walls of the stomach and intestines.

Milestones and help

First, intoxication develops. Vinegar is a rather toxic substance that causes toxemia. Infectious complications often develop, that is, pneumonia, peritonitis, gastritis, burn asthenia. So, if vinegar enters the oral cavity, you must immediately rinse your mouth with cold water. After that, you need to treat the oral cavity with a soda solution and consult a doctor. Treatment may require antibiotics, pain medication, and antihistamines. Sometimes surgery is needed to remove dead parts of the mouth.

In this case, we are talking about a situation where the acid that got into the mouth was immediately spit out. The patient's condition can be much more dangerous if he managed to swallow part of the composition.

Damage to the larynx

In this case, you should immediately rinse the throat (and preferably the stomach) with a solution of soda. This is followed by mandatory hospitalization of the patient. In a hospital setting, the doctor himself will decide how to treat the patient. For him, repeated washings of the larynx and stomach with special saline solutions can be carried out. They are designed to neutralize all the acid that has got inside. After that, the attending specialist chooses further therapy, and also prescribes the strictest diet.

Esophageal burn with acetic acid

This is an extremely dangerous condition that occurs when a large amount of acid is swallowed. The victim will need intensive gastric lavage using large amounts of water. So don't hesitate and call" ambulance"In a hospital setting, washing will be carried out using a special probe. Special therapy is also prescribed at the same time. It is necessary to block the pain syndrome, reduce stomach cramps, drugs to normalize the functioning of the heart, liver and kidneys. In parallel, antiseptic drugs, antibiotics and means for shock relief.All together can save the life of your close person.

Depending on the severity of the condition

Help with a burn with acetic acid depends on the severity of the patient's condition. If, after observation, doctors diagnosed a first-degree burn, then you can be treated at home, but under the supervision of a doctor. In the second and third degree, the patient is necessarily determined in the hospital.

Typically, the following methods are used:

  1. Severe pain is relieved with the help of toxins, analgesics or sprays.
  2. Sedatives are used to calm the patient. It can be valerian or bromine.
  3. So that the wound does not fester and infection does not get into it, sulfonamides are prescribed.
  4. With a burnt throat, oily preparations are used, which are administered using a special syringe.
  5. With internal burns, it is imperative to detoxify the body. For this, a solution of homodez or glucose is used.

Instead of a conclusion

Acetic acid burns can be very serious. You must know what to do in such a case, how to help a loved one or yourself in case of acid damage. In some cases, it is enough to wash the affected area under water. Others will require prolonged hospitalization. In any case, only the attending specialist should deal with the assessment of the patient's condition.