Why does the skin darken on the face. An earthy gray complexion: what does it say, what to do? If a woman has a darker chin than her face

closely related to the work of internal organs. An experienced doctor has a lot

will tell you the condition of the facial skin, its color, moisture, vascular pattern,

location and depth of wrinkles.

the skin in certain places corresponding to these organs may

rashes occur. Skin problems not associated with any

internal failures, according to some dermatologists - only 5%. Leather

face, like a litmus test, reacts to the state of the body.

For example: in cases of bowel or kidney problems, the skin is as important

excretory organ, takes on an additional mission - to remove products

metabolism. And in this case, acne, comedones,

as well as puffiness, pallor, etc.

refers to the small intestine, and the upper belongs to the large intestine. Start area

hair growth on the forehead - a projection of bladder disorders,

the lower part of the chin with an area towards the neck also

corresponds to similar deviations. Gallbladder area

located at the temples. In case of violations in its work, there is

the appearance of acne and redness, often accompanied by the appearance

headache of temporal localization. Additionally, it can be noted that in

in some cases, the appearance of yellowness of the face is noted. Icterus

(yellowing) of the sclera of the eyes also accompanies acute, and sometimes

chronic dysfunction of the gallbladder.

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chronic liver diseases, you can observe the occurrence of disorders

functions of the jaw joints. At the initial stage of the disease, this

manifested by pain on palpation, with the left

the jaw joint signals trouble in the left lobe of the liver, the right one -

respectively in the right. Sometimes hepatic disorders

additionally expressed by reddening of the sclera of the eyes, a decrease in severity

the right lung, the left cheek to the left. With organic violations in

lungs sometimes there is the appearance of a vascular pattern or persistent

redness. The shape of the lung is repeated by the shape of the protruding part of the cheek,

moreover, the top of the cheek is the apex of the lung, and the bottom of the cheek is, respectively, of the lower

parts of the lung. The wings of the nose also belong to the projection zones.

the respiratory system, namely the bronchi. With bronchitis, you can observe

their redness, the appearance of acne, large pores.

are indicated by the appearance of a red spot in the upper part of the left cheek.

Blue lip color is often associated with impaired heart function and

Soreness of the eyebrows on palpation also additionally indicates

it is possible to judge the presence of renal pathologies. Wherein Special attention

should be paid for signs such as swelling, redness,

darkening. The presence of papillomas in this area indicates stagnant

phenomena, cyst formation or a predisposition to this. For example,

the appearance of fatty plaques in the eye area indicates congestion in

kidney areas with the formation of sand or stones.

parts of the chin in the area of ​​the projection zone of the bladder. The chin

reflects the state of the human reproductive system. In women, the appearance in

this area of ​​acne and redness indicates abnormalities in the appendages and

ovaries (and in this case, there is a third-party correspondence). Have

men, such signs indicate the development or presence of prostatitis.

In a word, this zone indicates a stagnant phenomenon in the area of ​​small

severe stress that can disrupt the work of internal organs. Such

conditions are complemented by the appearance of excessive sweating of the hands, feet, inguinal and

axillary areas. If the person looking at you has a white stripe

sclera under or above the iris of the eye, then this indicates his

transcendental stressful state. Such a person is incapable

control your emotions and actions. You can expect various

unpredictable actions up to murder and suicide. Long-term

finding a person in this state is fraught with disorders not only

central nervous system, but also the work of internal organs.

physical deviations. Teary eyes when leaving

a warm room in a cold room or outside indicates a deficiency of potassium in

the body. Frequent unreasonable appearance of tears in the eyes, increased

tearfulness indicates a deep neurosis, pathology of the spleen.

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skin. This happens in diseases of metabolism and gastrointestinal

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rheumatic origin. It should be mentioned here that the beginning

heart failure manifests itself on the face intermittently

cyanosis of the lips. Its appearance requires urgent measures to normalize

A curved temporal artery protruding under the skin, which has sharp contours, in combination with periodic reddening of the face, indicate a sharp increase in blood pressure with a possible outcome in a hypertensive crisis.

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The area of ​​the beginning of hair growth on the forehead - a projection of violations

Yellowing of the sclera of the eyes also accompanies acute and sometimes chronic

dysfunction of the gallbladder.

circulatory disorder. The blueness of the nasolabial triangle is

is also a very dangerous signal warning of a pre-infarction state,

heart failure, about a possible defect in the heart septum.

swelling, redness, darkening. The presence of papillomas in this area

indicates congestion, cyst formation, or

predisposition to this. The appearance of fatty plaques in the eye area

indicates congestion in the kidney areas with sand formation

parts of the chin in the area of ​​the projection zone of the bladder.

disorders in the appendages and ovaries (and in this case, there is

third-party matching). And in men, similar signs indicate development

or the presence of prostatitis. That is, this zone indicates a stagnant phenomenon in

the pelvic area.

the street indicates a deficiency of potassium in the body. Frequent unreasonable

the appearance of tears in the eyes, increased tearfulness indicates a deep

neurosis, pathology of the spleen.

heart disease, insomnia or cancer, a red face gives

hypertension. A change in the color of the nose and cheeks in the shape of a butterfly indicates

kidney disease or impaired digestion and absorption of iron and folate

the state of blood vessels throughout the body; watch arterial

25 - 28 years old) - due to poor skin cleansing. Men can bring

shaving infection.

fold on the left - for problems with the spleen.

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century, nose bridge, we, considering this a trifle, leave such without

attention. But this is far from a trifle, but a warning about a lurking

disease. That's why you need to learn to notice signals (symptoms)

internal malfunctions that the body, as if on a screen, displays on our

skin, lips, eyes, tongue and other parts of the body so that we timely

reacted and turned to specialists to clarify the situation (one

of the most informative, visual and inexpensive express methods on

today - this is health testing on a living drop of blood). Do not do it

hasty conclusions, and yet take a closer look: do you have alarming

symptoms listed below.

Twitching of the eyelids - a lack of magnesium in the body;

Yellowish whites of the eyes - liver problems;

Swelling of the upper eyelids - a violation of the heart, the appearance of stones in the gallbladder;

Swelling of the lower eyelids:

A) with their pink-blue color - impaired function of the kidneys and bladder;

B) with brown color - anemia;

B) with a waxy color - heart failure;

Goggle eyes - dysfunction of the thyroid gland;

Watery eyes, bursting blood vessels - glaucoma.

Rough or chapped lips - allergies, deficiencies of vitamin B12, calcium, magnesium;

Narrow upper lip - diabetes, pancreatic diseases;

Raised upper lip - problems with the spleen or pancreas;

Tightness of the lips - stomach trouble;

Yellowish coloration around the lips - liver and gallbladder disease, digestive problems;

Brown color - bowel disease;

Transverse fold under the lower lip - the likelihood of hemorrhoids;

- "seizures" in the corners of the mouth - anemia, lack of iron in the body;

Folds in the corners of the mouth - disease of the liver and gallbladder;

Pale lips - insufficient blood circulation, susceptibility to peptic ulcer disease;

Blueness of the lips is a sign of heart failure;

Bad breath is a stomach disorder, metabolic disorder, lung or nose disease.

Love magic. Rites for good luck and opening of roads.

Cyanosis: what is it, causes, symptoms and forms, treatment

Cyanosis is a clinical sign of a number of pathologies in which the skin of patients becomes blue. The reason for such changes is the accumulation of deoxyhemoglobin in the blood - hemoglobin, which has given oxygen to the tissues. Oxygen-depleted blood becomes dark, shows through the skin and makes it cyanotic. This is most clearly noticeable in places with thinned skin - on the face and ears.

Cyanosis occurs in individuals with circulatory disorders leading to generalized or local hypoxemia.

With insufficient blood supply to the capillaries, acrocyanosis develops, which is manifested by cyanosis of the skin of the fingers and toes, the tip of the nose. This term, translated from the ancient Greek language, means "dark blue limb."

The severity of cyanosis varies from subtle cyanosis to purple skin. Temporary cyanosis occurs with excessive physical exertion, persistent cyanosis - with long-term current heart or lung diseases.


Central cyanosis is diffuse and maximal. It develops with weak blood arterialization, leading to hypoxia. Gas exchange is disturbed in the lungs, an excess of carbon dioxide accumulates in the arterial blood, which is clinically manifested by the blue discoloration of the conjunctiva of the eyes, palate, tongue, mucous membranes of the lips and cheeks, and facial skin. Qualitative and quantitative changes in hemoglobin in the blood lead to a violation of its transport function and hypoxia.

manifestations of cyanosis in adults and children

Acrocyanosis is localized on the feet, hands, tip of the nose, ears, lips. Peripheral cyanosis is considered a normal variant in the first days of a newborn's life. Its origin can be easily explained by the incompletely eliminated embryonic type of blood circulation, especially in premature babies. The blueness of the skin increases with swaddling, feeding, crying, anxiety. When the infant fully adapts to the outside world, cyanosis will disappear.

  • Persistent and transient, arising from low blood glucose levels or inflammation of the meninges,
  • Total or general
  • Regional or local: perioral, distal,
  • Isolated.

Local cyanosis develops in places with the greatest number of blood vessels, perioral - around the mouth, periorbital - around the eyes. Cyanosis of any part of the human body can appear with pulmonary and cardiac pathology.

There are several types of cyanosis by origin:

  1. The respiratory type is due to an insufficient volume of oxygen in the lungs and a violation of the transport chain of its supply to cells and tissues. It develops when a complete or partial violation of the movement of air along the respiratory tract occurs.
  2. Cardiac type - insufficient blood supply to organs and tissues leads to oxygen deficiency and blue skin.
  3. Cerebral type develops when blood loses its ability to attach oxygen to hemoglobin and deliver it to brain cells.
  4. The metabolic type develops when oxygen uptake by tissues is impaired.

Respiratory cyanosis disappears 10 minutes after oxygen therapy, all other types persist for a long time. Earlobe massage helps to get rid of acrocyanosis.


With dysfunction of the heart and blood vessels, the blood cannot fully deliver oxygen to the cells and tissues of the body, which leads to the development of hypoxia. At the same time, against the background of fatigue, fatigue, headache, insomnia, chest pain, tachycardia, shortness of breath, disorientation, cyanosis appears.

Cyanosis is a clinical sign of various diseases of internal organs:

  • Heart and blood vessels - heart defects, coronary artery disease, pulmonary embolism, varicose veins and atherosclerosis,
  • Blood - polycythemia and anemia,
  • Respiratory system - pneumonia, pneumothorax, pleurisy, pulmonary edema, bronchiolitis, respiratory failure, pulmonary embolism, infection, COPD, emphysema, breath holding, croup, foreign bodies, inflammation of the epiglottis,
  • Poisoning with poisons or medicines - nitrites, phenacetin, nitrobenzene-containing drugs, sulfonamides, aniline, sedatives, alcohol,
  • Drug overdose
  • Seizures that last for a long time
  • Epilepsy
  • Anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema,
  • Food poisoning,
  • Particularly dangerous infections - cholera, plague,
  • Small intestine carcinoid.

There are congenital familial forms of methemoglobinemia with an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance.

In healthy people, cyanosis can occur during hypothermia, in high altitude conditions, in a stuffy, unventilated room, during a flight without oxygen equipment.


characteristic areas of cyanosis

Cyanosis is a symptom of life-threatening diseases. With central cyanosis, the skin of the periorbital and perioral regions first turns blue, then it spreads to areas of the body with the thinnest skin. Peripheral cyanosis is most pronounced in areas remote from the heart. It is often associated with swelling and swelling of the veins in the neck.

Depending on the time of occurrence, cyanosis is acute, subacute and chronic.

Cyanosis does not have a negative effect on the general well-being of patients, but in conjunction with other signs of the underlying pathology it becomes a reason to see a doctor. If cyanosis occurs suddenly, grows rapidly and has a significant degree of severity, then it requires emergency assistance.

Cyanosis, depending on the etiology of the disease, is accompanied by various symptoms: severe cough, shortness of breath, tachycardia, weakness, fever and other signs of intoxication.

  • Cyanosis in bronchopulmonary diseases is manifested by a purple tint of the skin and mucous membranes and is combined with shortness of breath, wet cough, fever, sweating, and wet wheezing. These symptoms are typical for an attack of bronchial asthma, acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis, pneumonia. In pulmonary embolism, intense cyanosis develops against the background of chest pain and shortness of breath, and in pulmonary infarction, it is combined with hemoptysis. Severe cyanosis and severe shortness of breath are signs of tuberculosis and lung carcinomatosis. Patients with similar symptoms require urgent hospitalization and respiratory resuscitation.
  • In heart disease, cyanosis is one of the main symptoms. It is combined with shortness of breath, characteristic auscultatory data, wet wheezing, hemoptysis. Cyanosis with heart defects is accompanied by secondary erythrocytosis, increased hematocrit, and the development of capillary stasis. In patients, there is a deformation of the fingers like drumsticks and nails like watch glasses.

cyanosis in a newborn with a heart defect and the characteristic structure of the fingers of an adult with an untreated defect

Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle in a child occurs both in norm and in pathology. In newborns, the skin is so thin that the vessels are visible through it. Severe, persistent cyanosis requires an urgent visit to a pediatrician.

Cyanosis is not subject to special treatment. When it appears, oxygen therapy is carried out and the main treatment is intensified. Therapy is considered effective in reducing the severity of cyanosis and its disappearance.

In the absence of a timely and effective treatment diseases manifested by cyanosis, in patients there is a disorder of the nervous system, the general resistance of the body decreases, sleep and appetite are disturbed, in severe cases, a person can fall into a coma. This condition requires the provision of emergency medical care in the intensive care unit.


Diagnosis of diseases manifested by cyanosis begins with listening to complaints and taking anamnesis. The patient is asked when the cyanosis of the skin appeared, under what circumstances cyanosis occurred, whether it is permanent or paroxysmal. Then the localization of cyanosis is determined and it is specified how its shade changes during the day.

After talking with the patient, a general examination is started, the severity of his condition and the presence of concomitant diseases are established. The doctor performs auscultation of the heart and lungs.

Then they move on to laboratory and instrumental research methods:

  1. General blood test,
  2. Arterial blood gas analysis,
  3. Pulse oximetry - a pulse oximeter is put on the patient's finger, which in a few seconds determines the saturation of the blood with oxygen,
  4. Determination of the blood flow rate,
  5. Examination of the functions of the heart and lungs,
  6. Investigation of gases of exhaled air - capnography,
  7. Electrocardiography,
  8. Chest x-ray,
  9. Computed tomography of the chest,
  10. Cardiac catheterization.

Treatment features

Treatment of cyanosis is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease that caused the skin to turn blue. If the patient becomes difficult to breathe, the respiratory rate exceeds 60 breaths per minute, he sits hunched over, loses his appetite, becomes irritable and does not sleep well, consult a doctor.

If cyanosis of the lips, palpitations, fever, cough, blue nails and difficulty breathing appear, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy can reduce blue skin. Oxygen saturation of the blood is achieved by using an oxygen mask or tent.

The complex treatment of respiratory and heart failure, accompanied by hypoxia, necessarily includes oxygen therapy. Inhalation of oxygen through the mask helps to improve the general condition and well-being of patients. Cyanotic seizures that occur when performing physical work or against the background of fever disappear after short-term inhalation of oxygen.

A closed oxygen tent is the most appropriate method of oxygen therapy, allowing you to regulate the gas mixture and the pressure of the oxygen being introduced. Oxygen can also be administered through an oxygen cylinder, mask, pillow, or tube. Centralized oxygen supply is carried out using artificial ventilation.

Oxygen cocktail eliminates cyanosis and other consequences of hypoxia. It improves the quality of life for many patients, restores strength, saturates cells with oxygen, improves metabolism, attention and reaction speed. An oxygen cocktail is a thick foam filled with oxygen molecules. With the help of a special oxygen cartridge, juices, fruit drinks and syrups are enriched with oxygen not only in medical institutions, but also at home.

Currently, oxygen concentrates produced in Europe, America and Asia are very popular. They are highly reliable, stable in operation, practically silent, and have a long service life. Particularly noteworthy are portable oxygen concentrates, which provide patients with comfortable travel and a mobile lifestyle.

Drug treatment

Drug therapy is aimed at improving the supply of oxygen to the body and its delivery to the tissues. For this, patients are prescribed drugs that enhance pulmonary and cardiac activity, normalize blood flow through the vessels, improve the rheological properties of blood, and enhance erythropoiesis.

To reduce the cyanosis of the skin, patients are prescribed:

If the cause of cyanosis is a heart defect, it is often possible to get rid of it only with the help of surgery.

Oxygen cocktails are also taken to prevent hypoxia in people at risk and with chronic heart and lung diseases. To improve the quality of life and prevent the onset of old age, elementary rules and recommendations should be followed: treat chronic diseases on time, conduct healthy image life, walk a lot in the fresh air, maintain your health and love yourself.



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What diseases are "written" on the face

A person's appearance can tell an experienced clinician almost everything from physical to mental health.

Here are 25 unconditional manifestations of various diseases on the face, confirmed by medical practice:

There are many transverse wrinkles on the forehead (the forehead is like an accordion), the manner of raising eyebrows, as it were, in surprise, is characteristic of people prone to alcoholism.

A “bitter” crease between the eyebrows (especially in combination with tightly compressed lips) suggests that a person has been suffering from some kind of chronic pain syndrome for a long time.

Glittering, slightly protruding eyes that are attractive and maddening are a sign of thyroid disease.

Yellowness of the sclera of the eyes speaks of a diseased liver.

Long, curled, beautiful, fluffy eyelashes are a sign of a pulmonary patient or a person prone to pulmonary pathologies and asthma.

Bags, dark circles under the eyes - diseased kidneys or bladder.

Increased hair loss is a symptom of a serious decrease in immunity after or against the background of a serious illness.

An amimic, mask-like face, facial expressions do not correspond to the current events - a symptom of a severe mental illness, especially schizophrenia.

Red streaks in the sclera - a signal of nervous exhaustion, chronic fatigue.

Firmer facial skin is a sign of health. And flabbiness speaks of premature aging of the skin. This happens in diseases of the metabolism and the gastrointestinal tract.

General puffiness of the face - a sick heart.

An earthy complexion, a "lowered" face is a sign of the development of a tumor disease.

The capillary mesh on the cheeks is a signal of increased pressure and a tendency to stroke - apoplexy type.

Light spotted pigmentation on a woman's face is a sign of pregnancy.

The appearance of yellowish-brownish age spots on the face indicates renal pathology.

Pink, red cheeks and at the same time bluish lips - mitral heart disease.

Bluish pallor of the face is a symptom of anemia or pulmonary pathology. Waxy pallor is a sign of tuberculosis.

A flirtatious open mouth is a sign of adenoids, sinusitis.

The drooping corners of the mouth and eyes are an outward manifestation of depression.

The lower lip sinks, the volume of the upper lip becomes larger - a sign of oncology.

Dry lips with sticky corners signal gastritis or stomach ulcers.

Brittle hair - metabolic failure, vitamin deficiency.

Oily, hanging hair is a sign of endocrine problems, diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Typical brown spots - "bear" skin - in the iris - a sign of a predisposition to oncology.

What will the skin, nails and face tell the doctor about?

Diagnostics in the oriental way is a special, very ancient medical art, which has been forming for thousands of years. Today, a reflexologist, a specialist in Chinese and Tibetan medicine Boris Gezentsvey tells us about some of the ways to find out the state of a person's health.

This diagnosis is said to be within the reach of very few European specialists - oriental medicine distinguishes as many as 27 types of pulse! Each deviation from the norm corresponds to some kind of disease. Also, the doctor takes into account the patient's age, gender, constitutional characteristics, emotional state, season, day and much more.

The Chinese believe that each finger has a connection with a specific organ. The thumb is connected to the brain, the index to the lungs, the middle to the intestines, the ring finger to the kidneys, and the little finger to the heart. The nails on the fingers are a real mirror of the whole organism.

It is believed that there are about 600 biologically active points on the face, and the state of health is immediately reflected in the facial features. So, lips and tongue are a "mirror" of the digestive tract, eyes - liver, ears - kidneys and urination, nose - respiratory system.

The doctor listens to the smells from the patient: smell from the mouth, the smell of sweat, pus, etc. Sometimes they pay attention to the smells of sputum, urine, feces.

According to the theory of Chinese medicine, the tongue is divided into four regions: the tip, the middle part, the root and the edges. Diseases of the heart and lungs appear at the tip of the tongue. In the middle part - diseases of the spleen and stomach. The root corresponds to the kidneys, and the edges correspond to the liver and gallbladder.

In Tibetan medicine, it is believed that before midnight, urine comes "from food", and after midnight - "from illness," and it is this that the doctor examines early in the morning. The urine is examined three times: the first time - while it is hot, the second time - after the disappearance of steam, the third time - after cooling.

Reflexologist, specialist in Chinese and Tibetan medicine Boris Gezentsvey tells about some, sometimes exotic, methods of diagnosing the human body, coming from ancient times.

The specialist pays special attention to the sound of breathing (the patient breathes often or rarely, easily or with difficulty, whether he has difficulty breathing in and out of air). If the patient is coughing, it determines if there is a whistling and bubbling of sputum. Hiccups, belching, rumbling in the stomach, a person's voice and even his intonation indicate to a knowledgeable diagnostician about certain "problems" in the body.

Teeth can also tell a lot about our health. It is believed that incisors show the state of the stomach, premolars - intestines, molars - heart.

Symptoms of ill health are also reflected in the condition of our eyes. Everything matters - the condition of the eyelids, eyelashes, sclera, iris. Here is some of them.

The abdomen is first examined from the outside, and then the deeper layers are probed. At the same time, attention is paid to the shape of the abdomen, the condition of the skin, the thickness of the abdominal wall, its mobility during breathing, the tension and elasticity of the muscles, their protective contractility, the noise of fluid movement, the presence of dense nodes in abdominal cavity etc. Deviations from the norm can speak of many diseases of internal organs and metabolic diseases. (Source: Komsomolskaya Pravda)

15 signs of various ailments that can be recognized by a person's appearance

There is such a concept - a picture of a disease. Many internal ailments are literally traced on our appearance - sometimes with rough strokes, sometimes in subtle halftones. And the assessment of how a person looks, moves, what his gait, posture, manner of sitting and standing, in many ways helps the specialist to make the correct diagnosis, and then back it up with various studies.

Well, let's get started?

How to learn about malfunctions of the spine, stomach, liver by language and prevent them?

It is believed that areas of the face are a projection of internal organs, and a pimple is a signal of problems.

Whiskey is the gallbladder.

Upper lip and cheeks - large intestine.

The angle of the lower jaw (from ear to chin) is of the genitourinary system.

Chin (lateral part) - gynecology.

Chin (central part) - the projection of the thyroid gland.

The wings of the nose and the transition to the cheeks - the pancreas.

But a pimple on the tip of the nose (according to the signs) suggests that someone has fallen in love with you.

When something is wrong with our health, we usually run to the doctor and start taking a bunch of all kinds of tests. Or, conversely, we go around the clinic as far as possible, not attaching importance to the emerging failures in the body. Maybe it will blow! But it turns out that at least a preliminary diagnosis can be made on your own, just by looking at your own reflection in the mirror. True, for this you need some special knowledge.

It turns out that diseases leave their indelible imprint on the patient's face. At one time N.I. Pirogov even compiled an atlas "The Patient's Face". He argued that almost every disease leaves its own characteristic mark on a person's face. However, the method of diagnostics in the face was especially widespread in the countries of the East (especially in China and Korea). No experienced physician trained in Tibetan medicine can make a diagnosis without a careful examination of the patient's face. Since then, many followers of physiognomy have appeared.

Let's start with the most common diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Facial features can, for example, predict myocardial infarction. The most reliable diagnostic sign of a possible cardiac "catastrophe" is a violation of sensitivity, up to numbness of the skin area between the chin and lower lip. If you go higher from this zone, then the presence of a deep wrinkle between the lip and nose indicates a defect in the heart valve. Incipient heart failure manifests itself on the face with periodic blue lips. If you notice something like this, this is a serious reason to see a doctor.

An important sign of increased stress on the heart and circulatory organs is a deep and elongated nasolabial fold on both sides. The narrow dorsum of the nose testifies to the neurosis of the heart.

A red, bumpy nose with streaks of blood vessels indicates high level blood pressure. Low blood pressure is often manifested by a blue-red color of the nose.

The wings of the nose, which have a blue-red color, are reminiscent of heart diseases, and the pallor of the auricles with a characteristic waxy shade of circulatory disorders.

An important diagnostic area is whiskey. A curved temporal artery protruding under the skin with sharp contours in combination with periodic flushing of the face indicate a frequent and sharp increase in blood pressure. Such people are more likely to have a hypertensive crisis.

One of the signs of heart problems may be the cheeks. If the left cheek is sunken, heart disease can be suspected. An indirect sign of early circulatory disorders at a young age is premature graying of hair.

A short neck indicates a predisposition to heart disease. In addition to heart problems, for the owner short neck the threat of early sclerosis of the cerebral vessels is quite real.

Numerous so-called "cosmetic" imperfections on the face can also indicate serious health problems.

For example, bags under the eyes, as well as swelling of the face in general, indicate possible problems with the kidneys or with the thyroid gland.

Dark circles under the eyes that suddenly appear and do not pass for a long time can also "tell" about a whole complex of diseases.

The most commonplace acne is generally a real "map" of diseases located on our face. Depending on their location, it is possible to diagnose both diseases of the reproductive system and problems with the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and endocrine systems, as well as many other disorders.

But that's not all! An experienced doctor can assess the health of a patient even by the condition of his skin (its shade, degree of dryness, etc.).

But still, most of all, you can "calculate" diseases of the central nervous system by looking at the face. American researchers have recently developed a special program for this, capable of recognizing diseases and genetic syndromes. The computer, analyzing the patient's facial features, helps doctors with little experience to make a diagnosis. Using photographs of patients, the computer was trained to recognize such rare pathologies as Cornelia de Lange syndrome, fragile chromosome syndrome and Williams-Boyren syndrome.

The new program presents the face in the form of a diagram of 48 points. Comparing the position of these points and the distance between them with information from the database, the computer recognizes pathologies.

The first attempts gave the correct diagnosis in 60% of cases. When adjustments were made, and the program began to pay more attention to the eyes, nose, mouth and chin, the performance increased to 76%. Previous work, however, turned out to be less successful - insufficient attention was paid to assessing the parameters of the face in the aggregate.

It is very important that the new program makes it possible to make a preliminary diagnosis long before the appearance of other clinical manifestations of the disease. And this is very important in the case of genetic pathologies. After all, it is possible to carry out medical intervention in a timely manner, which will greatly facilitate the course of the patient's disease in the future.

By the way, German scientists conducted an independent examination of a new computer diagnostic method. For identification purposes, the program was offered 55 photographs of people with various pathologies. An accurate diagnosis was made in 76% of cases.

The new program will help scientists find out what ailments the ancient Egyptians suffered from. For this, several surviving drawings have recently been examined. Studied color portraits found in the oldest burials of mummies, which are now kept in the British Museum in London and in the New York Metropolitan Museum. Many portraits depict people suffering from progressive facial hemiatrophy, a disease in which facial features are distorted.

Bluish shadow in the inner corner of the eyes: the weak point of the body is the kidneys.

Is your nose far from perfect? Do not despair. If you believe oriental medicine, then the owners of a neat little nose are not at all lucky, since this organ of theirs indicates possible heart problems.

If you carefully look into our "mirror of the soul", you can unmistakably recognize not only mood and true intentions, but also signs of various malfunctions in the body.

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Sometimes our face says more than we would like to say. This is also a plus. A closer look in the mirror will help determine where the imbalance is in the body, and possibly prevent future illness.

site listed several defects in the skin of the face, the causes of which will be curious to know each of us. Many have already come across something, other information can simply be taken into service.

1. Bags and black circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes are often an inherited trait, and there is nothing you can do about it. But if the "panda coloring" appeared recently, then it is worth finding out the reason. The most common are lack of sleep, smoking, hormonal changes, allergies or abuse of alcohol, coffee, or salty foods.

  • The long-term effect will be if you get rid of the root cause. But for temporary masking, a cold compress, patches under the eyes and a good concealer will work.

2. Spots or pimples on the forehead

Forehead blemishes or pimples are caused by sweat (for those who wear bangs) or improper makeup removal. The skin on the forehead also reacts sharply to the work of the digestive system, so fatty foods, junk food and unhealthy snacks quickly change its condition.

  • Already today it is worth saying goodbye to food lawlessness and dry food, and very soon the forehead will stop spoiling the reflection in the mirror.

3. Red nose

A large number of blood vessels are located on the nose, their dilation and leads to a discoloration. This is facilitated by temperature changes, allergies, emotional stress or a runny nose. But in any case, the redness will be temporary, it is enough only to eliminate the cause.

  • If the nose is constantly red, this is a reason to pay attention to the state of your blood vessels, reconsider your lifestyle and seek an accurate diagnosis from a doctor.

4. Yellowish skin of the face and eyes

This happens when too much waste builds up in the body. This is usually seen in babies born before 38 weeks of age. Their livers are still not working as they should. In adults, jaundice can mean more serious problems or talk about alcohol abuse.

  • Check your liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. Together with your doctor, exclude viral infections such as hepatitis and mononucleosis.

5. Unexpected appearance of moles and birthmarks

In most cases, there is nothing to worry about, but vigilance does not hurt. Ask yourself a few questions. Is the shape different on each side? Are the color or edges of the mole uneven? Is it larger in diameter than peas? Has it changed in the past few weeks?

  • Talk to your doctor if you answered yes to any of these questions. Get in the habit of avoiding the aggressive sun and using SPF creams.

6. Rash on the face in the form of a butterfly

A small rash on the face can be caused by improperly selected cosmetics, allergies, climate change, excessive consumption of sweets. When the provocateur factor is eliminated, it goes away on its own. But if the rash covers both cheeks in a butterfly shape, it is considered a common sign of lupus.

  • Lupus is characterized by additional symptoms: fever, joint pain, fingers that turn blue in the cold. With such a set, you should go to the doctor as soon as possible.

7. Peeling skin around the mouth and nose

Changes in the skin in the mouth and nose can occur as a result of various reasons, but most often indicate a lack of essential vitamins A, C, E or B in the body. Peeling is often accompanied by general weakness, poor concentration, hair loss, and flaking nails.

  • It is worth taking tests and finding out what vitamins are missing. Revise your diet and add the right foods.

8. Colds in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle

Colds around the nose, lips, and mouth are most likely herpes simplex virus type 1. If you have received this virus once, then, alas, it will remain with you forever. Exacerbations occur when a person's immunity decreases due to stress, illness or overwork.

  • Usually it goes by itself, to speed up the process, special ointments are sold in pharmacies.

9. Cracked lips

Everyone has dry or chapped lips from time to time, especially in winter or after prolonged sun exposure. Cracks can also be an allergic reaction or a response from the body to certain medications.

  • The childhood rule of not licking lips in the cold still works well. And don't forget about lip balms.

10. Excess facial hair

For many, facial hair can be hereditary. In young women, they may indicate that the ovaries are not functioning properly. This is called polycystic ovary syndrome, which can make it harder for you to become pregnant later on.

  • It is worth contacting a gynecologist for treatment. Additionally, try avoiding foods high in sugar.

- unhealthy complexion (pale, earthy gray, lifeless). A dull complexion is not always associated with the aging process of the skin and can even occur in young people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle or suffer from various ailments. As a rule, a dull complexion is combined with increased dryness and sensitivity of the skin. The solution to this cosmetic problem requires refusal bad habits, carrying out home and salon health-improving activities. Among the latter, with a dull complexion, peelings, biorevitalization, mesotherapy, phonophoresis, massage, etc. can be recommended.

General information

A dull complexion is said to be when the skin loses its natural freshness and dullness, instead of which a grayish-pale shade appears, giving the face an unhealthy look. A dull, lifeless complexion is one of the most common cosmetic problems in metropolitan areas. Thus, skin cells signal an "alarm" that they are lacking nutrients, moisture and oxygen. Many women try to mask the dull complexion with a layer of makeup, but this makes the skin even more gray and expressionless. At the same time, modern cosmetology has a sufficient arsenal of tools that allow dull skin to return radiance and healthy glow.

Causes of a dull complexion

The health and appearance of the skin depends mainly on the level of its hydration and the state of local blood circulation, and a dull complexion is the result of an inappropriate lifestyle. Lack of sleep, fasting or strict diets, physical inactivity, bad habits, excessive tanning affect negatively the condition of the skin of the face.

As a result of chronic lack of sleep, the skin does not have time to rest and recover normally overnight, as a result of which pallor appears, the complexion worsens, and the process of premature aging of cells starts. Nutritional restrictions lead to the fact that the skin does not receive the necessary nutrients, trace elements and vitamins, which are the "building material" for new cells. Prolonged stay in one position (for example, sitting at a computer) leads to overstrain and spasm of the muscles of the cervical-collar region, as a result of which blood circulation in the neck and head region is impaired. All this is immediately reflected in the appearance of the skin - the complexion becomes dull and lifeless.

Excessive use of tanning (prolonged sunbathing or frequent visits to a solarium) contributes to a violation of the hydroreserve, loss of elasticity and photoaging of the skin, and causes the appearance of hyperpigmentation. Therefore, skin affected by excess UV light looks dehydrated, dull and tired. Complexion changes with improper skin care or lack thereof. Lack of fresh air, as well as an unfavorable state of the environment, can also cause a dull complexion. No wonder this cosmetic problem is considered relevant for residents of large cities, suffocating from smog.

In winter, the skin condition is negatively affected by low air temperature outside, frosty winds, dry air in apartments and offices, lack of sunlight and vitamin deficiency. Therefore, by the beginning of spring, many women notice that the skin has lost its freshness, and the complexion has become dull. An unhealthy complexion can be caused by the accumulation of dead cells and dust covering the skin - oily-type skin is most susceptible to contamination. In addition, with age, the regeneration of the epidermis slows down, dead cells peel off more slowly, which also leads to dullness of the epidermal layer.

The expression "smoker's face" has long been included in everyday use. Premature wrinkles, a grayish tint and dry skin, sunken cheeks, deep nasolabial folds - these are the typical touches to a portrait of a person who is not parting with a cigarette. Toxic substances contained in tobacco smoke cause a spasm of the skin capillaries. In addition, when smoking, the amount of carbon monoxide in the blood increases dramatically. This means that the skin of the face is poorly supplied with blood, it is enriched with nutrients and oxygen. Therefore, smoking inevitably leads to changes in the structure of the skin - increased dryness, flabbiness, uneven and dull complexion, premature aging.

In some cases, a dull complexion can reflect a general health problem. For example, dry and gray skin, brittle nails and hair loss are often signs of hypothyroidism. Gastrointestinal diseases (cholecystitis, pancreatitis, constipation, dysbiosis), osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, long-term medication, menopause, etc. contribute to changes in the condition and color of the skin.

Characteristic of a dull complexion

A healthy complexion is the basis of external beauty and female attractiveness... Healthy skin has a uniform color, a pinkish tint, a matte surface, and maintains its shape well. To the touch, such skin is smooth and silky, has sufficient elasticity and firmness. There are no cosmetic defects on it: age spots, acne, areas of inflammation and irritation, spider veins.

Throughout life, the condition of the skin changes under the influence of a variety of factors. A dull complexion may occur in those with dry, oily, or combination skin. Dull skin has a grayish tint, an uneven, rough surface. Quite often, this problem is accompanied by dark circles under the eyes, clogged enlarged pores, pigmentation, flaking, and increased skin sensitivity. The dull complexion makes the wearer look tired, sickly. People with dull skin are often said to have an unhealthy complexion. Usually they try to camouflage a dull complexion with foundation, powder, blush, but over time, such tricks only further exacerbate the problem.

A dull complexion is a reason to contact a dermatocosmetologist, if necessary, get advice from other medical specialists (endocrinologist, gastroenterologist) and undergo an in-depth medical examination (ultrasound of the thyroid gland, abdominal organs, biochemical blood test, etc.). This will help to correctly identify the causes of a dull complexion and choose best practices improving the condition of the skin.

Features of care for dull skin

You can restore a healthy, radiant look to your face by changing familiar image life and enhancing skin care. General recommendations concern the regulation of the daily routine (adequate sleep, increased physical activity, long walks in the fresh air, etc.); revision of the diet towards a balanced and fortified diet; giving up addictions. It is important to learn how to choose the right creams and cosmetics for the face, taking into account the age and type of skin, do not forget about protecting the skin from ultraviolet rays using products with SPF 30 and higher. Daily home skin care should consist of cleansing, toning and moisturizing. With a dull complexion, at least 1 time a week, it is necessary to deeply exfoliate the epidermis using

"My light, mirror, tell me and report the whole truth!" But the words are not simple, they have a deep meaning. It is the face, its color, bags under the eyes, swollen eyelids, dull eyes and much more that can tell about the state of our body: about impending or already chronic diseases, about which doctor it is time to turn to for help. Pathophysiognomy deals with the symptoms of diseases visible on the face. An experienced doctor will immediately determine by the face what is going on in your body. But we are not bastard either. You just need to carefully read our article and look in the mirror. We warn you right away: do not panic if you find a sign of any beginning disease in yourself. This does not mean at all that you have it. This means that you need to go to the doctor and get tested! So let's get started.


This mirror of the soul can tell a lot. More precisely, they are capable, after all, there are two of them. There is the science of iridology (from the Greek iris - "iris", logos - "knowledge"), which diagnoses various types of diseases by the iris of the eyes. It is even possible to determine your genetic predisposition to diseases, to find out what state the nervous system is in.
If you are not yet ready to go to a specialist, let's take a close look at ourselves in the eyes:
Tearfulness and redness may indicate a developing or detached retina. In addition, lacrimation speaks of inflammatory diseases: conjunctivitis, blepharitis. And if you wear it, it may indicate mishandling or allergies.
Barley appears if an infection is brought in. Either you are carried away by fatty foods, especially pork, because of this, the work of the gallbladder and liver is hampered.
Frequent blinking occurs due to diseases of the liver and nervous system.
Red streaks in proteins indicate nervous exhaustion or venous congestion.
Shiny and bulging eyes- there was a malfunction of thyroid hormones, even Graves' disease is possible.
Yellow sclera- a diseased liver or gallbladder, very rarely - infectious.
If you have small iris, check the joints.
Dark brown dots on the iris- your body lacks iron. It is possible that you have anemia.
White ring around the iris- lack of calcium in the body, joint problems. A small ring indicates excess salt deposition in the body.
Pale yellow ring around the iris- high blood pressure or off-scale cholesterol levels.
Bursting blood vessels in proteins- pressure drops.
Wide pupils- a sign of hypertensive crisis or myopia.
Nervous tic, or twitching of the eyes, - you have problems with nerves or a lack of magnesium in the body. If one eye twitches, you may have a migraine.
White slimy coating- the approach of a cataract.

Skin around the eyes

The skin around the eyes can tell a lot.
The scourge of many - dark circles under the eyes or small dark spots. And they arise not only from overwork or excessively drunk liquid at night. Their appearance may indicate a nervous breakdown, inflammation of the intestines. It is also a signal that sand and stones have appeared in the kidneys.
And here tight bags under the eyes they talk not only about problems with the genitourinary system, but also with the cardiovascular system.
Bruising under the eyes- stress. They also appear in smokers.
Yellow spots around the eyes- insufficient levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.
Pale pink circles around the eyes- problems with the bladder.
Brown-black circles around the eyes- insomnia, weakness of the nervous system. Or a serious circulatory disorder.


A kind of guards for the eyes, it is the eyelids that serve as protection from external influences.
Inner eyelid color can tell about many diseases:
  • white speaks of a hemoglobin deficiency and about;
  • red signals a disorder in the digestive and genitourinary systems, as well as problems with blood circulation;
  • red-yellow - your liver, kidneys, spleen or pancreas are out of order.
And only pink indicates good health.
Often swollen- a symptom of kidney failure or thyroid problems.
Brown spots and wen on the upper eyelid- kidney disease.
Double fold on the eyelid- weakness of the connective tissue.
Eyelash loss- Lack of B vitamins, decreased immunity.


It is a decent framing for the eyes. What are they talking about.
Bushy thickets in women- early menopause, excess testosterone, dysfunction of the gonads.
Rare and brittle, with frequently falling hairs - check the thyroid gland.
Narrow eyebrows. Lack of estrogen in women, and in men - insufficient function of the gonads.
Gray-haired- depression, brain sclerosis.
Sheer unilateral wrinkle above the eyebrow- load on the cervical vertebrae, migraine.
Sheer wrinkle between the eyebrows you may have chronic sinusitis.
Fused eyebrows indicate a predisposition to headache, cerebrovascular accident.

Skin on the face

Face colour Is an excellent indicator of the state of your body:
  • yellow indicates inflammation of the gallbladder and liver;
  • green screams about cirrhosis of the liver, and sometimes this is a sign of the appearance of a tumor;
  • bluish. Appears on the cheeks, lips, forehead. A sign of chronic lung disease;
  • pale - you have anemia!;
  • red indicates hypertension. The same color betrays alcoholics.
If you are haunted constant itching- It's time to visit an allergist (allergy symptom) or nephrologist (kidney failure).
Wrinkled skin- diseases of the pancreas.
Blackheads and white spots- metabolic disease. Stop eating fatty, fried, and spicy foods.
Acne- indigestion. They also appear in diabetes.
Dark spots- hormonal disbalance.


Leather Brown color near the hair roots, wrinkles over the base of the nose- a sign of liver dysfunction.
Deep transverse wrinkles for a short time - malfunction of the stomach, digestive problems.
Wrinkles on the bridge of the nose or above one eyebrow- headaches, problems with the gallbladder.
Thick wrinkles and thick skin on the forehead- check the kidneys.
Bald patches- sexual dysfunction.
Pale skin- lowering blood pressure.


Blood from the nose and small blood vessels on the dorsum of the nose- increased blood pressure.
A wrinkle running through the base of the nose- problems with the thyroid gland.
Redness of the wings of the nose- inflammation of the bronchi.
Pale wings of the nose- pneumonia.
Thickening of the wings of the nose- you may have asthma.
Blue tint to the tip of the nose- malfunctioning of the heart or lungs.
If after eating the tip of the nose turns red, it says about.
Vertical crease on the bridge of the nose- a tendency to depression.

Nasolabial folds

Straight folds(from nose to mouth) - poor cardiac activity.
Rounded shape- weak peristalsis, it's time to pay attention to your intestines.
Fold on the right, going down to the lips- liver disease.
Left fold- take care of your pancreas.
The folds end at the chin level- digestive problems.


The appearance of brown spots- Bladder or kidney disease.
Bags- all the same bladder makes itself felt.
Redness(between nose and cheekbone) - Your body lacks magnesium.


Red color signals about heart disease.
Blush, which appears regardless of external causes, speaks of problems with blood pressure, and, possibly, diabetes.
Wrinkles and gray on the top of the cheeks- diseases associated with carbohydrate metabolism.
White spots- a disorder of the cardiovascular system.
Sunken cheeks on both sides and yellowish skin- a disease of the stomach, pancreas.
Sunken cheeks on both sides and blue-red skin color- pulmonary tuberculosis.
Sunken right cheek- liver disease.
Sunken left cheek- heart disease.


Water imbalance and lack of nutrients in the body will immediately affect your lips.
Chapped lips- a lack of vitamin B12, as well as a deficiency of iron and zinc. Reduced immunity.
Dry chapped lips- dehydration of the body. If, in addition to dry lips, you are tormented by thirst, this is a sure symptom of diabetes or gastritis.
Antennae over the upper lip of a woman- an imbalance between estrogen and testosterone levels.
Non-healing ulcers appear in people who love to sunbathe and visit solariums.
Blue-red lips talk about heart failure.
Pale- predisposition to peptic ulcer disease.
Thin white strip above the upper lip- poor assimilation of food.
Small wrinkles on the lower lip talk about trouble with digestion.

The chin

Acne, acne and enlarged pores- problems in the hormonal sphere.
Wrinkles from the chin to the cheeks- the duodenum is out of order.
Recess in the center- pay attention to the spine.
Lumps below the corners of the mouth talk about congestion in the pancreas.
Swelling- there is a load on the kidneys.
Preliminary diagnosis is important to help prevent serious illness and initiate treatment. But! The body, like every person, is unique. Therefore, not all of the signs that we describe can be attributed to ourselves. Only a doctor can make a definitive diagnosis.
And MirSovetov, in turn, wishes you to look in the mirror more often, but not in order to make a diagnosis, but to look at your happy face and smile at your reflection. And nothing else!

The disease acanthosis nigricans was described in the 9th century, the disease is considered quite rare. The development of acanthosis is accompanied by the appearance of areas of hyperkeratosis in the area of ​​natural skin folds. In these areas, increased pigmentation and skin papillomatosis are found. Usually large folds of skin are affected - armpits, groin and neck. Timely detection of acanthosis in the early stages can indicate serious processes. What is the danger of acanthosis and how to recognize it, read on estet-portal. com.

The main reasons for the development of acanthosis nigricans

Acanthosis nigricans can develop in a person of any gender and age, and the reasons for each patient are individual and specific.

The predisposing factors for the development of acanthosis nigricans are:

  • Pathologies in the work of endocrine organs.
  • Malignant neoplasms provoke many complex biochemical and immune system responses. Men are susceptible to acanthosis in the presence of pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, women in the presence of ovarian and breast cancer.
  • Heredity affects the development of acanthosis. With metabolic disorders and mental disability, which are caused by hereditary pathology, for example, with the Rud and Misher syndromes, acanthosis develops.
  • Taking estrogen hormonal drugs and some other drugs.

So, in young people, the causes of acanthosis are often obesity, endocrine disorders and genetic pathologies; in older people, the causes are often neoplasms.

What symptoms would indicate acanthosis? Forms of black acanthosis

Acanthosis has several forms of flow, depending on the cause, which determines the intensity of the development of the process. Dermatologists have identified 3 main forms of the course of acanthosis nigricans:

  • Juvenile or benign, which is associated with endocrine and genetic pathologies.
  • Malignant or paraneoplastic, which develops in malignant tumors of the internal organs.
  • Pseudoacanthosis, which develops with obesity and metabolic disorders. This form disappears without a trace when the weight is normalized, it has the best prognosis.

The clinical manifestations of acanthosis have 3 main symptoms:

  • Increased pigmentation - the appearance of black or dark brown spots on the skin.
  • Papillomatosis is the presence of fibroids or papillomas on the skin, which is popularly called warts.
  • Hyperkeratosis, which provokes roughness and exfoliation of the skin.

Localization of acanthosis on the skin. What are the symptoms of acanthosis progression?

The above-described skin changes are most often found on the skin of the inguinal-femoral fold, intergluteal region, elbow folds, on the fold between the back of the head and neck, on the skin of the armpits, in the popliteal region, on the skin under the mammary glands. It is possible that a triad of symptoms may appear on other parts of the body (face, lateral surface of the neck and navel).

In the early stages of the development of acanthosis, the patient's skin gradually darkens. Many people try to wash their skin thoroughly, thinking that it is dirty. As the disease progresses, the skin begins to darken even more, becomes rough, dry, and thickens. The natural skin pattern becomes more pronounced and deeper.

At later stages, growths in the form of fibroids and small papillomas appear on the affected areas of the skin. The growths are papillary and arranged in dense rows, giving the skin a warty appearance. These formations can also be hyperpigmented. All acanthosis symptoms on the skin are accompanied by slight itching and tingling. There is no hair on the affected areas of the skin.

What are the aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of acanthosis nigricans?

If you identify darkening of the skin in certain areas of the skin, which does not go away, but only progresses, it is worth contacting a dermatologist. The specialist will carry out differential diagnostics with Addison's disease, ichthyosis, Darier's disease. The final diagnosis of acanthosis nigricans is established on the basis of a histological examination of a biopsy specimen. If a malignant form is suspected, an oncologist's consultation is required.

Treatment includes therapy for the underlying disease that led to acanthosis and symptomatic therapy. Prescribe fortifying drugs, vitamin complexes, anti-inflammatory ointments, baths with potassium permanganate, zinc preparations, aromatic retinoids. In severe cases - cytostatics and hormonal drugs, neurotropic drugs, antibacterial therapy. All this must be accompanied by a diet.

People's skin is different, its condition, including color, depends on many factors. Profession, diet, bad habits, lack of sleep, stress, sports, the environment and even heredity leave their mark. Unfortunately, acute and chronic diseases are often the cause of skin discoloration. Disorders from the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and endocrine systems inevitably affect our appearance. Distress signals from internal organs appear on the skin in some cases simultaneously with the disease, in others - long before it appears, which allows you to take the necessary measures in time.

Dilated blood vessels that stain the cheeks, nose, and chin bluish-red are not a cosmetic problem, but a sign of serious illness. Even subcutaneous fatty tissue can affect the skin tone, especially when the epidermis and dermis are thinned, for example, after a serious illness: in this case, the skin acquires a characteristic yellowish tint. In young people suffering from vegetative neurosis, the face is often filled with scarlet paint for and without reason, causing considerable suffering, but even in this situation, the beautician is unlikely to help: this problem should be addressed to a neurologist.

Yellow complexion

Liver malfunctions can be judged by the yellowish-dirty and gray skin tone. People around you begin to ask the question more often: "Are you sick?" The skin not only changes color, but excessive grease or dryness also appears. Often, the whites of the eyes turn yellow due to an increase in bilirubin, brown spots appear on the body in the form of pigmentation.

All this is complemented by irritability, apathy, and a weakened immune system. The listed signs may indicate diseases of the gallbladder and intestinal tract. Toxins that enter the lymphatic system carry them to the internal organs, as a result of intoxication the entire body is exposed.

After a stormy night or insomnia, our skin is under stress. A yellowed face, puffy eyelids, dark circles and bags under the eyes, impaired blood flow are all not normal and indicate a problem with sleep. None of us wants to look bad and constantly hear: "You are sick", so it is necessary to fight with lack of sleep, so as not to trigger the premature extinction of the body.

Excessive consumption of sweet, starchy foods, fried foods, as well as the intake of alcoholic beverages and smoking reduce the tone of our epithelium. The skin looks inflamed, stale, its elasticity decreases, and a yellow complexion appears. The reasons that prompted a person to addictions must be exterminated. Indeed, in addition to external unattractiveness, serious health problems arise.

Red complexion

Even in the Middle Ages, facial redness received a persistent name - rosacea, although before that it was called differently: "wine pimples", for example, or "the curse of the Celts." The first name demonstrates the connection between libation and illness, noticed in antiquity, and the second - that the disease is mainly affected by fair-skinned people, Scandinavians, for example. They tried to treat the "red face", but bloodletting, the main method of the Middle Ages, practically did not give results, as well as the application of ice compresses. Doctors began to study and diagnose, explain the origins of the disease only in the nineteenth century.

Red face: the causes and nature of the disease are now completely clear. Rosacea is a hereditary disease that affects people after thirty years of age, belonging to the light-skinned type. Women are sick more often after thirty years, which, apparently, is associated with hormonal problems.

The cause of facial redness is the expansion of the vessels located on the surface of the skin - with rosacea, this expansion is irreversible, the vessels no longer narrow, which may also be a consequence of the malfunctioning of the trigeminal nerve. Very often rosacea occurs instantly, under the influence of one of the provoking factors, among which the most common are:

  • abuse of caffeine or alcohol,
  • an excess of spicy and smoked foods in the diet,
  • prolonged exposure to the sun or in a solarium,
  • severe stress,
  • hormone therapy or hormonal diseases,
  • prolonged irritation from cold or high temperatures (very often chefs and confectioners who are in production associated with the release of hot steam suffer from rosacea).

Pale complexion

Age is the main objective reason. In addition to expression and age wrinkles, aging of the skin also implies a change in its shade. From a healthy pink, it turns into a light yellow, which indicates a lack of moisture in the dermis. Its retention is assigned to collagen fibers, which in the process of aging of the body begins to be produced in smaller quantities and ceases to full size fulfill its function. The skin loses moisture, dries out, becomes vulnerable to external influences. This is facilitated by poor tissue nutrition, which occurs during the less active work of the cardiovascular system. Subjective reasons are presented in several aspects at once:

  1. The lifestyle of a person determines the state of his body, in particular, improper nutrition, constant stress and lack of sleep lead to premature aging of the skin, which first of all becomes noticeable on the face. This is complemented by the ecological situation, in which the oxygen content in the blood is insufficient for adequate tissue nutrition.
  2. Pallor of the facial skin also appears with anemia and is the result of a lack of iron in the blood. This element is very important as it acts as a conductor for oxygen. In patients of the younger age group, underweight and stunted growth indicate the presence of anemia.
  3. Another equally common cause of skin is vegetative-vascular dystonia. A characteristic sign of pathology will be a pronounced vascular pattern, which is especially noticeable on white skin. The clinical picture of the disease is complemented by pressure drops, heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmias), pain in the heart, dizziness and cyanosis of the hands.
  4. Diseases of the excretory system that affect the kidneys can also lead to pallor of the skin. In such cases, the skin acquires a yellowish tint, and the mucous membranes of the oral cavity are involved in the process. The patient's condition is aggravated by weight loss, the appearance of puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. Abdominal pain can be severe.
  5. Also, pallor of the skin of the face can be explained by angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, myocarditis.

If small bruises appear on the skin, and the mucous membrane of the mouth becomes covered with wounds, this may indicate the development of leukemia. At the initial stage, the disease often has signs of a common acute respiratory viral infection. The patient feels weakness, drowsiness, lethargy, which occur against the background of increased body temperature. However, seemingly harmless signs indicate a serious disease of the hematopoietic system, which requires the intervention of a qualified specialist.

In any case, if the pallor of the facial skin is troubling or accompanied by other specific features, you should contact a medical institution for examination.

Gray complexion

There are several main reasons for a change in complexion:

  • natural aging process;
  • heredity;
  • unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol consumption, smoking;
  • lack of sleep;
  • acute and chronic diseases.

If this problem occurs, you need to consult a doctor, as this may signal a serious illness. A gray face, as a rule, indicates problems of the gastrointestinal tract, and with a disease of the pancreas, the face becomes sallow. Also, the complexion may change due to long-term use of certain antibiotics.

In addition, smoking and alcohol abuse are common causes of gray and sallow complexions. Improper nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle negatively affect the condition and color of the skin. Regardless of the reason, when changing complexion, you need to take steps to restore a healthy and radiant complexion to your face.

How to improve complexion

One of the easiest and most natural ways to improve your complexion is chamomile tea. You can use a ready-made bag of chamomile by brewing it in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, cooling it down and applying it on your face for 20 minutes. If you urgently need to refresh a tired look or remove puffiness under the eyes, then put bags of chamomile on your eyelids. Repeat this simple procedure every day for one to two weeks, and the result will be excellent.

Skin that is tight and not sufficiently hydrated does not reflect light well, which makes it look unhealthy in color and has a loose surface. To restore a healthy look to the face, it is not enough to care only about constant hydration. Do not dry your skin with tap water, too little yeast with warm milk. You will need a few tablespoons of milk. Stir the resulting mixture until a homogeneous rather thick slurry is obtained. Apply the mask on the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse off with cool water.

Going to the bathhouse is also a great help, after which the skin looks toned, fresh and rejuvenated. Hot, soft steam envelops the body, increases perspiration, removing waste and impurities from the skin. Take linden-mint tea with you. Drinking a glass of delicious herbal tea between visits to the steam room will significantly speed up the process of sweating, thereby increasing the amount of toxins excreted from the body.

Before going to bed, you should put a glass of water near the bed. In the morning, after waking up, without getting out of bed, drink this water. Drink it slowly, in small sips, while maintaining a horizontal position. This is a great way to get rid of facial puffiness and regulate bowel movements. If you add a teaspoon of baking soda to the water a couple of times a week, its effect on the body will increase.

Scrubs are one of the quickest and safest ways to restore a healthy and radiant look to dull skin. Dead cells, make-up residues, dirty particles gradually accumulate on the skin, giving it an earthy tint. The scrub gently cleanses the skin, polishing its surface, freeing up pores, thereby returning a radiant youthful complexion to the face. The effect of scrubs on oily skin and skin of a combined type is especially noticeable, the uneven surface and dullness of which are associated with increased secretion of sebum by the pores.

Steam baths are also great helpers in the wonderful transformation of the skin. It is enough just ten minutes to hold your face over the steam. The result will be especially noticeable if you first apply a cleansing clay mask to your face, and then, after steaming, wash it off with cool water.

Morning skin toning is very important. The lower the water temperature during the morning wash, the longer your skin will remain fresh. Sparkling mineral water with ice cubes perfectly tones the skin. Immerse your face in this refreshing cocktail in the morning and your skin will always be flawless.

Questions and answers on "Complexion"

Question:Hello, please tell me, I had a demodex mite, I was treated for 1.5 months, I was cured. Now there are red spots on the face, is it possible to do the photorejuvenation procedure and will it help or vice versa?

Answer: Hello! If you have completed the full course of treatment for demodicosis and received a 3-fold negative analysis, then to level stagnant spots, you can take a course of photorejuvenation in the "acne" mode.

Question:Good day! Help me decide on the choice of the device: I am 42 years old, the skin is dry, sensitive, the T-zone is oily, lack of moisture, rosacea on the nose. Crow's feet near the eyes, nasolabial wrinkles appear, the crease between the eyebrows, the oval of the face swam. What do you recommend to buy for home use. I do ultrasound facial cleansing in the salon.

Answer: Good afternoon. Pay attention to the models with the ultrasonic massage function. We recommend the m355 or m119 models. Ultrasound increases the activity of cosmetic and medical preparations, promotes their deep intracellular penetration, lengthening their action. In addition, ultrasound improves skin tone, improves complexion, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, increasing skin elasticity. Removal of muscle spasm leads to smoothing and reduction of facial wrinkles. The lymphatic drainage effect helps to reduce rosacea and swelling. The peculiarity of this model is the use of the latest method of light therapy, which complements and enhances the effect of ultrasound. m119 is a harvester. In addition to ultrasonic massage, galvanotherapy is added to this model. Galvanic therapy promotes faster, safer and more economical use of cosmetic products. The use of negative polarity provides antiseptic treatment of the skin, opens skin pores, splits fat, clears sebaceous glands from blockages, and lightens age spots. The use of positive polarity promotes skin rejuvenation, reduces skin porosity, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, removes toxins and free radicals, enhances the regenerative properties of the skin, relieves irritation.

Question:Hello, tell me what you can choose for mesotherapy for the face to improve complexion and prevent aging (30 years old) and how much will the procedure cost?

Answer: Thanks for the question. I think that at the age of 30 you can also do face mesotherapy, for example, with DMAE preparations, XADN-gel, pierce hyaluronic acid, edi preparations really refresh the skin, make it more elastic. You can already do biorevitalization, it all depends on the condition of your skin. For example IAL-sistem 3-4 procedures are done and the effect is from 5-8 months. You can pierce the drug SKIN-R, SKN-L.

Question:I do not know what to do. I look at myself in the mirror and I have the feeling that I have aged 20 years and eat only once a week. The complexion is very unhealthy, although there are no bad habits, and my regime is normal. What to do with a dull face?

Answer: A dull complexion is indeed a characteristic of aging people, people who lead a binge lifestyle, and those who have a lot of bad habits. Lack of sleep and environmental exposure, by the way, can also affect the skin. What to do in this case? First of all, a couple of basic tips: 1. Get enough sleep - go to bed before midnight and sleep at least 7-8 hours 2. Eat well - forget about fast foods, junk food (chips for example). Add more vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables. 3. Drink plenty of water, at least 2 liters per day. Water regulates all processes in our body and its shortage has a strong external effect on a person. 4. Ventilate the room and often walk outside the city, if possible, and if not, visit the local park, a place located at a distance from the roadway. 5. Avoid depleting diets, in which you deprive the body of many of the elements it needs. 6. Move more. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, it also affects your complexion badly. Periodically, do physical minutes.

Question:Hello! The face has enlarged pores and small scars from teenage acne, the complexion is reddish. Which procedure would you recommend from your clinic? Is it possible to carry out on the day of admission or do you need to take any tests?

Answer: You can get rid of post-acne marks using laser resurfacing or laser peeling. It all depends on the initial condition of the skin. After a visual examination, the doctor will recommend the procedure that is most suitable for the given situation.

Question:Hello! Yellow complexion. From what? How to fix?

Answer: Hello! A yellow complexion occurs with jaundice (hypatitis). This is a rather dangerous disease, so if such a complexion is not inherent in you from birth, then you need to go to the clinic for a check. Do not delay with this, otherwise you can start and then it will be worse.

Everyone's skin is different. The color and condition of the skin is influenced by many factors: profession, diet, bad habits, lack of sleep, stress, sports, environment and even heredity. But the main factor changes in skin color are acute and chronic diseases.

The appearance of the skin reflects diseases of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular diseases. Sometimes these diseases affect the skin at the onset of the disease, and in other cases - before its appearance, and then the necessary measures can be taken in time.

To recognize some of these signals, you don't even need special knowledge, you just need to look closely at the suffering person. Sometimes the mother feels the health problems of the child even before he starts to be capricious or he develops a fever. If the person sitting next to you on the plane suddenly has a green face, it means that he will soon have an attack of "air sickness", despite the fact that he himself is not nauseous yet. In more cases, you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

What can be recognized by the skin color of the face? There are general patterns. In Chinese medicine, for example, among the “unhealthy colors” of the face are indicators of pain (white, green, and black), absence (white), and fullness (yellow and red). A person who has suddenly turned pale is usually told that he has no face. Each of these five colors has an organ and season of the year: the heart and the beginning of summer - red, the lungs and autumn - white, the kidneys and winter - black, the end of summer and the spleen - yellow, spring and liver - green.

Modern medicine in diagnostics considers yellow, white, red, green and blue colors.

RED the color indicates overheating of the body as a result of fever and associated infectious diseases. It may also indicate carbon monoxide poisoning. Signals about heart and vascular disease.

WHITE he is PALE, the color warns of lung pathology, anemia, stroke or heart attack.

BLUE color occurs as a result of oxygen starvation, lung diseases. A face of an earthy gray color indicates gastrointestinal diseases, in particular, constipation, and a dark one - of kidney disease or a bladder infection.

The most dangerous is GREEN complexion, it signals complications of gallstone disease and may even indicate liver cirrhosis or cancer.

Those with a face YELLOW colors, suffer from diseases of the spleen, pancreas, liver, stomach, gallbladder.

Facial skin tones are also of great importance.

If yellow, orange or lemon skin, pay attention to the adrenal glands. The skin takes on this shade due to a lack of adrenal hormones. Seek help from an endocrinologist.

At a white or pale complexion you need to pay attention to metabolism, nutrition, blood composition, digestion, lungs, thyroid gland, cardiovascular system. The cause of pallor can be anemia (lack of hemoglobin in the blood), and metabolic disorders, and indigestion, when iron is poorly absorbed. Pallor can also result from a lack of thyroid hormones, low blood pressure, lung disease, inflammation of the heart muscle, aortic stenosis, or left ventricular failure. Pallor can also appear from cold, fear, pain, or swelling.

If red face, pay attention to body temperature, blood, cardiovascular system.

In the case when all face turned red, necessary:

- first of all, check the cardiovascular system, as well as make a blood test. Redness on the face can occur due to abnormalities in the work of the heart, an increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood, or an increase in blood pressure;

- Possible carbon monoxide poisoning, fever due to an infectious disease, poisoning with alcohol, atropine, acetone or hallucinogenic drugs.

At bluish complexion pay attention to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Consult a cardiologist. This color indicates that there is not enough oxygen in the blood due to problems with the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Among the diseases can be heart disease, and pneumothorax, and pulmonary emphysema, and thromboembolism. The face can also turn blue in a healthy person who is high in the mountains.

Dark with black tint of the skin of the face talks about problems with the genitourinary system. See your urologist to check your bladder and kidneys.

Gray skin tone usually indicates a digestive problem. Gastritis, constipation, stomach or intestinal problems give an earthy gray skin tone to the face. Due to improper nutrition, the complexion also deteriorates. A gastroenterologist will help you solve all these problems. Smoking and stress can also cause your skin to turn gray.

If the skin has a greenish tint, pay attention to the liver, gallbladder, oncology. Green is no less dangerous than blue. He often points to complications of gallstone disease, cirrhosis of the liver and even cancer. But there is no need to be scared in advance, it is better to hurry up to be examined by a doctor. By the way, a greenish skin tone in a healthy person is given by fluorescent lighting.


Natalia Vrublevskaya

The skin complements and duplicates the functions of human internal organs and is the first to react to malfunctions in the body. An experienced doctor is able to make a preliminary diagnosis based on the type of skin. A change in skin color may be the first and only harbinger of a disease that has not yet manifested itself in any way.

Skin tone is due to many reasons. Everyone knows about tanning, which depends on the content of the pigment melanin in the skin. Many people remember the role of blood vessels: how close to the surface of the skin they are located depends on whether the skin will be pink or pale. Skin color is influenced not only by heat and cold, but also by:

- features of the nervous system (vascular reaction to emotions, nervous overload);

- age: the skin of a healthy person turns yellowish-gray when the outermost layer of the skin - the epidermis - thickens, this is due to the fact that skin cells are not renewed so quickly over the years;

- unhealthy diet, smoking, alcohol abuse, poor environmental conditions.

But if you not just blushed one-time - turned pale, and if the skin seemingly unreasonably changed its shade, and it lasts for a long time - this is a reason to see a doctor.

If the skin has darkened and turned dark

False tan and brown palms can be a sign of adrenal disease. It is called the "bronze disease". With such symptoms, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist.

The appearance of small brown spots on the skin of the face may indicate hormonal imbalance or dysfunction of the thyroid gland. Stains should be especially alert brown tint if they periodically change their shape and color saturation.

The complexion, reminiscent of the shade of "coffee with milk", appears when special bacteria enter the bloodstream that settle on the valves of the heart - this is the so-called lingering septic endocarditis. Brown spots at the hair roots indicate liver disease. Dark and even black complexion, especially on the cheekbones and root of the nose, is considered a sure sign of kidney disease or bladder infection. In this case, you need to visit a urologist.

If the skin turns yellow

Yellow skin color always speaks of a sick liver. It is she who prevents bile from disintegrating and normal metabolism. Bile pigment (bilirubin) enters the bloodstream and stains the face. This is a direct indication for a visit to the doctor. Yellow skin color may indicate hepatitis, gallstone disease, a disorder in the work of the pancreas or spleen, as well as a blood disorder.

Yellow spots on the eyelids and iris of the eye appear in case of lipid metabolism disorders and high cholesterol levels.

"Waxy" face, bloodless yellowish skin color on the face indicates the possible development of cancer.

An orange skin tone indicates hypothyroidism, that is, a dysfunction of the thyroid gland. Orange skin occurs when the body lacks substances that break down beta-carotene. Carotene is fat-soluble, it accumulates in subcutaneous fat, and the skin changes color. This should be the reason for checking the thyroid gland.

If the skin has acquired a bluish tint

This skin color should be especially alarming: it is a signal of a lack of oxygen in the blood, that the cardiovascular and respiratory systems can no longer cope with the task assigned to them. Diagnoses can be different: heart disease with circulatory failure, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumothorax, pulmonary emphysema, thromboembolism. Dark spots under the eyes can be a sign of heart or esophageal disease. If the skin near the inner corners of the eye is blue or lilac, then the kidneys should be examined. An urgent appointment with a doctor!

If the skin has acquired a greenish tint

A greenish color is no less dangerous than a bluish color. It indicates a tumor affecting the digestive or respiratory system or the presence of a cyst. Complications of gallstone disease or cirrhosis of the liver are also possible. Do not be alarmed ahead of time and pass the necessary examinations without delay.

Note that under fluorescent lighting (for example, in the subway or in the office), this skin tone appears for most people.

If the skin turns gray

An earthy gray color usually indicates gastrointestinal problems. It can be gastritis and banal constipation. An earthy complexion warns of dysfunction of the pancreas. Improper nutrition can also make your complexion worse. Do not be lazy to consult a gastroenterologist to rule out serious illness.

If everything is in order with digestion, then stress and smoking have ruined the skin.

Both the first and the second lead to narrowing of blood vessels and capillaries, significantly reducing the supply of oxygen to the skin.

The skin turns into a pale gray color after very serious diseases. Doctors call this condition "cachexia".

If the skin turns white

If, in addition to pale skin, symptoms such as low blood pressure, fatigue, irritability are present, then it is quite possible to assume the presence of iron deficiency anemia. Of course, an accurate diagnosis can only be made by examining blood.

In kidney disease, especially chronic, pallor of the skin is caused by vasoconstriction, primarily small capillaries, and swelling.

If the patient has glomerulonephritis, the skin will be swollen and pale, although there may not be anemia.

The pallor of the skin around the lips, under the nose warns of diseases of the cardiovascular system, heart failure.

Often powdery pallor occurs with an attack of angina pectoris.

Pallor of the skin may indicate this serious illness as a peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum. These ailments are often accompanied by internal bleeding.

Hormonal disturbances also affect the color and condition of the skin. Pale, clammy skin is common in people with diabetes. In patients with hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function), the skin becomes dry, pale, edematous, cold to the touch.

Pallor is a common symptom of various infectious diseases, in particular pulmonary tuberculosis.

A white skin tone can also appear due to poor blood supply to the skin for a variety of reasons:

- low blood pressure;

- lung disease;

- lack of thyroid hormones;

Heart problems (inflammation of the heart muscle, aortic stenosis or left ventricular failure, threat of heart attack or stroke).

The skin can turn white due to the reaction of the nervous system to cold, fear, pain.

If the skin turns red

A bright red complexion appears when the vessels of the skin are filled with a lot of blood. Most often, redness on the face appears when high temperature as a result of an infectious disease, as well as poisoning with atropine, alcohol, hallucinogenic drugs and acetone. Saturated cherry complexion occurs in those who have inhaled carbon monoxide. Redness of the face can be associated with an abnormal increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood, increased blood pressure, or abnormalities in the work of the heart.

In this case, you need to check the cardiovascular system and do a blood test. If one cheek turns red and the other remains white, this is already a sign of unilateral pneumonia. Moreover, redness on the skin will appear on the side of the face, on which side the lung is affected. Loose skin of a reddish or purple hue on the nose - signs of an incipient lung disease or pathology of the large intestine. A permanent strong blush on the cheeks, limited around the perimeter, indicates serious problems with the lungs, destruction of the alveoli, and tuberculosis.

A crimson face is most common in people over 50. Thus, hypertension is manifested. The blood vessels narrow, the blood becomes more concentrated and the skin turns red. In young people, this is a symptom of an adrenal tumor, when the pressure becomes incredibly high - 200/130, 200/120.

To identify the disease at the very beginning means to be cured in time, until the ailment turns into a chronic form, because any disease is much easier to cure if you do not start it. Therefore, the emerging warning signs are a reason to immediately consult a doctor and undergo a medical examination to establish the correct diagnosis.

Source: www.pensioneram.info


What does "unhealthy complexion" mean?

This concept means color deviations of human skin. Ideally, when a person does not complain of pain or malaise and feels great, the skin tone will be in the range of pink, beige and yellow, and a healthy blush may appear on the cheeks. Each organism develops and functions in its own way, therefore, skin color will vary depending on individual indicators.

In Chinese medicine, there are 5 unhealthy skin tones: white, black and green means pain, red and yellow means fullness, white means absence.

For each of the five skin colors, organ problems are distributed:

  • red is the heart,
  • white - pulmonary system,
  • black - kidneys,
  • yellow - spleen,
  • green - liver.

Unhealthy complexion and disease map

A dark complexion is characterized by ailments associated with the thyroid gland, liver, adrenal glands, heart. If there is an unhealthy complexion in the direction of a uniform dark shade, this may mean adrenal insufficiency, the development of renal pathologies, and bacterial endocarditis.

If the face becomes covered with blurry brown spots, this characterizes a malfunction of the thyroid gland. When the face becomes covered with dark spots, and, moreover, the patient constantly feels numbness of the fingers, cold extremities, "goose bumps" on the body - these are sure signs of systemic scleroderma.

Leopard syndrome is characterized by the appearance of dark brown spots. Clearly cut spots on the skin can be a symptom of nevus syndrome.

Black spots on the skin

Black spots near the cheekbones and wings of the nose or all over the face indicate kidney and bladder problems. Blackness may appear due to a decrease in the amount of vitamin B - PP or niacin. This disease is called pellagra. Also, dark, almost black spots appear due to hypersensitivity to ultraviolet radiation - xeroderma pigmentosa.

Blue complexion

This shade can appear in the course of treatment with the drug "Cordaron". Besides, blue color face can be the result of the development of cardiopulmonary diseases:

  • heart failure;
  • asthma;
  • acute pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • heart defects;
  • chronic bronchitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • pneumothorax.

Redness of the skin

Often, red spots on the face give away a person who abuses alcohol. In addition, redness of the skin on the face may indicate the development of:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • erythrocytosis;
  • carbon monoxide poisoning;
  • an allergic reaction;
  • rosacea;
  • scarlet fever;
  • pneumonia;
  • sinusitis.

Earthy skin color

An unhealthy complexion (earthy and gray tones) may not always indicate a problem. Most likely to "earn" this color, if you do not get enough sleep, abuse cigarettes and alcohol, be constantly in a suffocating room, eat harmful products and lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

It is possible that an earthy skin color may be the first symptom:

  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • oncological nature of the disease;
  • sepsis;
  • HIV infection.

Read also: The best method for removing age spots on the face and body

Excessive pallor

Pallor of the skin is characteristic of those people who often diet, fast, eat little wholesome food, drink little liquids.

An unhealthy complexion and pallor indicate such possible diseases and pathological conditions:

  • associated with blood loss (ectopic pregnancy, ulcer, endometriosis, internal bleeding);
  • vascular spasms (angina pectoris, cancer, heart defects, aortic aneurysm);
  • diabetes;
  • anemia.

An unhealthy complexion is the first "call" of the body due to the pathological development of the disease. Great attention should be paid to the reasons for the appearance of a yellow complexion, which may be associated with jaundice. It is possible and necessary to prevent the further development of many diseases by contacting a doctor in a timely manner.


How to get rid and remove gray complexion?

In order to remove a gray complexion, you need to eliminate the cause that causes it. Otherwise, none cosmetic procedure will not have the desired effect. You need to go to an appointment with a therapist. He will appoint required analyzes, if necessary, will send for consultation to another specialist. Only after passing a comprehensive examination, you can get an accurate diagnosis and choose the appropriate treatment. After that, you need to undergo a full course of treatment. Usually, after removing the cause, the complexion improves. If this is not enough, only at this stage you can contact a dermatologist and cosmetologist for local cosmetic procedures.

Observance of the daily regimen, good nutrition, rejection of bad habits, an adequate drinking regime and regular physical education will also help to remove a gray complexion. Well-established systems of health improvement such as qigong and hatha yoga, breathing practices, relaxation and meditation complexes.


It must be understood that medications are not assigned uncontrollably. You need to know the cause of the disease, present a clinical picture of what is happening in the body, and only after that you can select the appropriate drugs. Otherwise, they will not only be ineffective, but also harmful. With uncontrolled and incorrect admission, various side effects are possible, and even worsening of the condition. It is important to observe precautions - in no case self-medicate, take any means only after consulting a doctor.

If a bacterial infection, dysbacteriosis or a skin mite - demodex is detected, an antibacterial drug - erythromycin is used. It is recommended to take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, after meals.

In case of metabolic disorders and a lack of vitamin, medobiotin is prescribed - a vitamin-mineral complex designed specifically to normalize the condition of the skin, hair, nails. Take 1 tablet daily for a month.

When wet skin rashes, pustules appear against the background of changes in skin color, chloramphenicol ointment is used. It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, dries up, eliminates rashes. Apply 2-3 times a day, spreading on the skin with a thin layer. The skin must be pre-cleansed.

In case of contamination of the body with slags and toxins, as well as in the presence of a sign of intoxication, enterosgel is prescribed. It is a sorbent that removes toxins from the body, cleanses the blood, normalizes the body's condition, and improves well-being. Take 1 tablespoon of the product, stir in a glass of water, drink in the morning, on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 7 to 14 days.


For any disease, including diseases of unknown etiology, the body needs vitamins. If a discoloration of the face is found, the following vitamins in daily dosages will be helpful:

Vitamin PP - 60 mg

Vitamin H - 150 mcg

Vitamin C - 500 mg

Vitamin A - 2400 mcg

Vitamin E - 45 mg

Physiotherapy treatment

The most effective physiotherapeutic procedures are cryotherapy, mesotherapy, laser treatment, ultrasound, biorevitalization, bio-reinforcement. According to indications, these procedures are performed by a cosmetologist.

Traditional treatment

Traditional medicine has many tools that are used to normalize complexion. Means, both for external and internal use, have proven themselves well.

For external use, various decoctions are used for washing, frozen ice for wiping the face, lotions.

A decoction of chamomile and calendula is used not only for dull, gray face, but also with the appearance of comedones and inflammatory processes on the skin, scars and erosion. To prepare the broth, take 5 tablespoons of chamomile herb and the same amount of calendula, pour in a liter of water, give the opportunity to brew for half an hour. Then wait until the water reaches a warm, comfortable temperature, wash your face without using soap and gel.

To refresh your face and give it a light, fresh shade, take 1 thick aloe leaf, squeeze the juice out of it and rub your face like lotion 2-3 times a day.

Ice cubes give the skin a soft, natural look, eliminate gray and yellow tones. To make ice, prepare flaxseed decoction. Pour one tablespoon of seeds with a glass of water, let it brew during the day. After the product has cooled down, pour into molds, put in the freezer for freezing. Wipe your face after washing 2 times a day.

Herbal treatment

Herbs have a positive effect not only on the condition of the skin, but also on the condition of the body as a whole. Applied both externally and internally.

To normalize microflora, stabilize the gastrointestinal tract, take a decoction of mint. It is good for women but contraindicated for men. Mint contains female hormones, and therefore normalizes the female hormonal system, has a calming effect on the body. The internal environment of the body is normalized, respectively, and the external space is normalized. The skin becomes lighter, more toned, and acquires a natural glow. To prepare the broth, take 1-2 salt spoons of mint, pour a glass of water, drink at a time. You can drink 4-5 glasses a day. You can add honey to taste. You can also add mint as a flavoring agent to regular tea and drink it throughout the day.

A decoction of sage for washing is useful. Take 2-3 tablespoons of sage, pour 1 liter of water. Give the opportunity to brew. Then they filter, wait until the product cools down to room temperature, wash. After washing your face, do not rub, you can only get slightly wet. Improves complexion with lavender infusion. Take about 50 grams of lavender leaves, pour 100 grams of vodka or alcohol. Allow to brew for 7 days. Then rub the face twice a day.


When using homeopathic remedies, precautions must be taken: use them only after prior consultation with a doctor. Homeopathy, despite being relatively safe, has numerous side effects. So, overdose, drug incompatibility, allergic reactions are possible. In order not to worsen the condition, it must be able to effectively include it in the complex therapy.

  • Medicinal hop ointment

The ointment can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared by yourself. For cooking you will need oil base such as butter. Melt it, add hop cones. Boil for 5-10 minutes, stirring slowly. Then we remove, cool, let it brew. After the product has hardened, you can apply in small pieces to the skin, rub in a thin layer and leave until completely absorbed. The ointment has a regenerating effect, restores the skin, relieves irritation, restores its natural color.

  • Propolis ointment

Propolis is melted over a fire, 12-20 grams of needles are added to it, boiled for 5-10 minutes, stirring slowly. Apply to the skin with a thin layer, leave until completely absorbed.

  • Strengthening mixture

Take 200 grams of raisins, dried apricots, prunes, figs. Mix, pass through a meat grinder. Separately pass through a meat grinder 1 lemon with a peel and about 300 grams of walnuts. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed, add 5-6 tablespoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon, 1 tablespoon of ground ginger. Mix thoroughly, allow to infuse for 3-4 days. Eat 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening. Helps to restore strength, restore youthfulness and natural color to the skin.

  • Fortified lotion

To give the skin its usual natural color, you need to prepare the following infusion. Take 50 ml of eleutherococcus extract and 50 ml of lemongrass infusion, mix together. Add 2-3 drops of vitamin E, mix thoroughly. Let it brew for 2-3 days, then you can wipe your face 2-3 times a day.

What hair color is right for an earthy complexion?

Any doctor will answer that it is irrational to match hair color to the earthy shade of the face, since the earthy shade is pathological. It would be much more logical to first undergo an examination, establish the cause of such a pathology, and undergo appropriate treatment. Only after that you can select the hair color, already under a healthy complexion. Beauty is above all health. But if we talk about the combination of colors, then it is worth noting that the best option would be dark or red hair color.


Possible causes of skin darkening

Pigmented spots can occur as a result of disruption of the adrenal glands, genitourinary system, with diseases of the liver and biliary tract, during a long course of tuberculosis, malaria or other infectious diseases. The reason for their appearance may be a metabolic disorder or a lack of vitamin C. Enhanced pigmentation is also possible with problems with the pituitary gland and after prolonged use of certain medications.

Specialists can determine the cause of spots by their appearance and location on the body. For example, if a dark, wide line appears on the forehead, the root of evil is to be found in diseases of the brain or central nervous system. The so-called "liver" spots of indeterminate shape appear on the lateral surface of the cheeks and on the neck. Yellow-brown spots on the chin and around the mouth require careful examination of the genitals and digestive system.

As a result of problems with the endocrine system, with diseases of the thyroid gland and in the case of a lack of vitamins of groups A and E, a person often has dark spots on the elbows.

Uneven pigmentation can appear after eczema, pyoderma, lichen planus, or neurodermatitis.

The skin on the face and the front of the neck can darken in women working in the garment industry or in printing houses where mechanisms are oiled with machine oil. In this case, the body is poisoned with hydrocarbons and, naturally, the continuation of work in such places is fraught with loss of health.

Irregularly shaped pigmented spots on the forehead or cheeks, called chloasma by physicians, are usually characteristic of pregnant women. They appear in connection with hormonal changes in the body and safely disappear after childbirth. The same spots can appear in girls during the establishment of the monthly cycle or in women who suffer from inflammatory processes of the genital organs.

Sensitive skin also darkens easily, because it reacts to any aggressive influences and changes in the external environment. For example, sunburns or prolonged exposure to solariums lead to stains. Persistent pigmentation can appear due to the use of various creams and ointments, especially those containing mercury, sulfur or bismuth.

Finally, dark marks on the skin can appear after wearing some jewelry. This is due to the presence of a small amount of impurities in the composition of noble metals, for example, copper. Copper oxidizes when a person sweats profusely and uses cosmetics that react with it.

Many women, seeing spots on the skin, begin to fight them vigorously, using creams, peels and all sorts of folk remedies... This makes sense only if the reason for the appearance of darkening is correctly determined and treatment of the disease that provoked these changes is started.


Vitiligo: a story from life

Stella Pavlides was admiring her new ruby ​​ring in a bar in New York and suddenly noticed something glowing: "There were white spots on my joints," recalls a 70-year-old Florida resident. At that time she was 22 years old. When the girl went outside, the white spots disappeared. “And I got the bad thoughts out of my head,” she says.

However, over the course of several years, the spots began to be conspicuous against the background of the dark skin tone. Spots began to appear on the arms, elbows, back, knees, armpits and genitals, as well as around the eyes and mouth.

"It's okay, you think, it's just a disease of vitiligo, it is not fatal," dermatologists say. Meanwhile, a boy diagnosed with "vitiligo" committed suicide.

The dermatologist said that it is vitiligo, an autoimmune disease in which the pigment melanin is destroyed. He is responsible for skin tone. Vitiligo is sometimes found in small areas and sometimes spreads throughout the body. The unusual skin disorder affects only 1 percent of the population. Pain syndrome in this case does not exist. Of course, in people with darker skin color, the symptoms of vitiligo are more noticeable. People with vitiligo experience psychological difficulties in communicating with people and are often complex in society or alone with themselves.

"It's okay, you think, it's just a disease of vitiligo, it is not fatal," dermatologists once said to Stele Pavlides. But for people suffering from this disease, this is a whole problem. "I was far from everyone," says the patient. She had to give up going to the beach with friends or wear long sleeves to hide her arms, no matter what the temperature was outside then. She felt bad when people paid attention to the girl's skin. Meanwhile, Stella Pavlides founded the American Vitiligo Research Foundation over 20 years ago. She has heard countless stories of children being bullied or abused by their peers. One boy with vitiligo even committed suicide. “It's a very, very complex disease,” stresses the New Yorker with Greek roots.

Vitiligo is usually diagnosed between the ages of 10 and 30. Although scientists have not yet found a way to cure the disease, there are various methods to reduce the manifestations of the disease:

  • special makeup;
  • the use of steroids;
  • phototherapy;
  • skin transplantation.

Such methods stop the progression of the disease, help restore skin color, or at least mask the lack of pigment. Dr. Pearl Grimes, director of the Southern California Vitiligo and Pigmentation Institute, prescribes vitamin D and antioxidants for vitiligo patients to support their immune system. "There is hope," the specialist assures.

For Stella Pavlides, who had tried everything without much success, the treatment was expensive and had many side effects. Insurance companies do not always cover the costs because they consider these procedures to be cosmetic or experimental. According to Pavlides, the best cure for vitiligo is support. “Don't give up,” she asks to parents whose children have experienced vitiligo. “Tell your kids that they are beautiful. Say that we are all different!” Stella adds.

However, dermatologists recommend seeking medical attention if there are any changes in skin pigmentation, as some of them can mean serious health problems and affect quality of life. We publish 9 reasons why the skin takes on a different look, changes or loses color:

1. Vitiligo

If you experience symptoms like Stella Pavlides, or the pigmentation of the hair on the telehead has changed, find a dermatologist who specializes in vitiligo, Grimes suggests. Many doctors mistakenly believe that the disease is incurable, and do not understand that there are still psychological reasons for such symptoms. In psychology, this is called psychosomatics. Vitiligo cannot be ignored, experts insist. By the way, Michael Jackson, born African-American, once suffered from vitiligo. He took a long time to heal and removed pigment from the rest of his skin. As a result, the famous singer and composer acquired a white complexion. Vitiligo often coexists with other autoimmune problems, such as thyroid disease. Such people are more vulnerable to the sun.

2. Skin spots during pregnancy

Melasma, an excess of black pigment on the skin, is sometimes referred to as a "pregnancy mask". Skin cells begin to produce more pigment. It usually appears as brown or gray-brown spots on the face, according to Dr. Bruce Robinson, a New York-based dermatologist and spokesman for the American Academy of Dermatology. As the expert notes, the vast majority (about 90 percent) of patients are women, so there is a relationship between the appearance of age spots and hormonal levels. "Pregnancy, contraception and sun exposure aggravate the skin pigmentation," he says.

It should be noted that having a baby, giving up contraception and protecting from the sun can improve the condition of the skin, but at any time the pigmentation can intensify again, dermatologists say. "For many people, the struggle with age spots is ongoing, "says Dr. Marie Jean, a dermatologist in San Francisco. Chemical peeling, whitening creams and laser therapy have established themselves as treatments for melasma.

3. Beer Mexican dermatitis

When patients visit Dr. Jean and ask where the mysterious dark marks on her hands or around her mouth come from, she asks, "Have you recently returned from vacation?" If the answer is yes, then everyone breathes a sigh of relief. Most likely, the diagnosis in such cases is phytophotodermatitis, a reaction of the skin to sunlight and chemicals in limes, lemons and oranges. Initially, there are blisters from a burn or a burning sensation. It is often thought to be sunburn or allergies. These symptoms usually disappear within a few months. The phenomenon is common in spring and summer. Dr. Robinson says it is common for people to drink drinks with lime or other citrus fruits and then go out into the sun. That is why such symptoms are called “honey club. dermatitis ”or“ beer Mexican dermatitis ”.

Typically, when drinking Mexican beer, a slice of lime or lemon is inserted into the neck of the bottle. At the same time, the drinker holds the lime with his finger, taking a sip and stirring the lime juice with the frothy drink. The gas escaping from the bottle can spray the lime juice on the face or neck and cause an unpleasant dermatological effect when exposed to sunlight. If you drink lime beer in the sun, be sure to wash yourself or hide in the shade.

4. Eczema

Another reason why patients (usually children) come to see a dermatologist in spring and summer is seborrheic eczema. It initially causes red, scaly patches, according to the American College of Osteopathic Medicine. "Moms are starting to worry that the baby has vitiligo," says Robinson. But in reality, this type of skin is a sign of eczema. On tanned skin, eczema is simply more visible, says Dr. Jean. Treatment usually includes regular sunscreen or a local steroid, she says.

5. Scars on the skin

The scientific name for skin damage in the past is "post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation." Simply put, there are darker areas of the skin where there was once acne, allergic reactions, skin lesions, or any other type of skin inflammation such as psoriasis. First of all, medicine in this case treats the root cause of the disease.

6. Fungus

Before you say "Fu!", Remember that this disease is harmless and sometimes even invisible. Pityriasis versicolor - general fungal infection when our yeast, which we all normally have, begins to multiply. Typically, the fungus is activated during hot months when there is enough moisture - or among people who have already visited countries with such a climate. "Most often it is a brown, red or white fungus in the areas of the most perspiration," explains Dr. Jean. How to treat the fungus in this case? For these purposes, there are special antifungal drugs that have proven effective.

7. Addison's disease

If you thought that John F. Kennedy was simply dark, you are wrong: he had Addison's disease, which is indicative of adrenal insufficiency. When the adrenal glands don't make enough of certain hormones, the skin becomes darker, says Dr. Marie Jean. “Those who boast, 'I have dark skin, but I haven't sunburned,' should get tested for Addison's disease in the body,” Jean argues. Usually the doctor prescribes medications in the form of pills to make up for the lack of hormones.

8. Blackening acanthosis

Another difficult to pronounce disease is presented to your attention - blackening acanthosis or acanthokeratoderma (papillary-pigmentary dystrophy of the skin). This is a darkening and thickening of the folds of the skin in the neck or under the breast. "This is also common with excess weight," says Dr. Jean. Similar symptoms also require a visit to an endocrinologist to rule out the development of diabetes. If the results of blood tests and other tests are normal, blackening acanthosis can be treated with creams or other moisturizers and emollients. says the expert.

9. Cancer

Of course, cancer is the worst case scenario in the case of skin discoloration. Fortunately, cancer is rarely associated with pigmentation changes, says Robinson. “Typically, melanoma patients have slate-blue skin,” says the doctor. “This is a very bad sign,” he says. In this case, melanoma is malignant and spreads throughout the body. If you have moles that change color , size or shape, you need to talk to a dermatologist as quickly as possible.

V last years vitiligo is common in Ukraine. Many attribute this to unfavorable environmental conditions and radiation. Meanwhile, infrared radiation has proven itself well. And children with vitiligo are sent to Cuba, where the disease is successfully treated. In addition, vitamins A and E are prescribed. In any case, be careful about skin changes. After all, this is the main organ of our body. It can give signals in the form of rashes and spots. This means that the correct diagnosis is already a half-solved problem.