A month old baby spits up. If a child often spits up after formula feeding: reasons and what to do. How to reduce the volume and frequency of spitting up

A young mother is faced with a lot of worries and worries, one of which is why the baby spits up. It is almost impossible to find answers to all questions in one day, but you should not leave the problem unattended. In order for your baby to be healthy, you need to properly care for him from the first minutes of life.

Probably, any mother has encountered difficulties when feeding her baby; basically, they are typical for everyone. The baby's excessive regurgitation is especially upsetting. But one should not despair, since the child feels the emotional mood of the mother. It is imperative to look for the reasons why an infant burps, as the baby may need medical attention.

Where to start searching

There are many factors that cause regurgitation. Mothers should know that minor and infrequent phenomena are a variant of the norm, they are physiological and occur in most infants. But regurgitation like a fountain should alert you. Sometimes they can be triggered by the same reasons that cause minor belching. These include gastrointestinal incompetence, muscle weakness, improper latching on the breast or nipple on the bottle, as well as underdevelopment of the enzymatic system.

If the vomit has a greenish tint, this may indirectly indicate intestinal obstruction, so you should not postpone a visit to the pediatrician.

Is it possible to put the baby on his back after eating?

This question is asked by many mothers, especially those who think about why a baby spits up milk. To avoid trouble, it is better not to leave your baby alone in this position after eating. It is better to place it on its side so that vomit does not enter the respiratory tract.

Normal variant or pathology

Many experts believe that there is no need to worry about why the baby is spitting up to three months. But mothers worry about the amount of vomit. To dispel doubts, you can conduct a test: pour two tablespoons of water onto your baby’s blouse and evaluate the size of the stain. Perhaps after this the mother will calm down a little and the volume of spitting up will no longer seem so large.

Don't look for a problem where there isn't one...

Before panicking about why the baby is spitting up formula, mothers need to remember that the fundamental factor is the baby's well-being. If he is calm, cheerful, goes to the toilet well and is gaining weight, there is no need to worry about spitting up. By the age of one, these phenomena should significantly decrease or disappear completely. Sometimes exacerbations are noticeable during teething.

Regurgitation is a natural process that is inevitable during the development of the gastrointestinal tract. Vomit is considered normal if its amount does not exceed two tablespoons.

If a baby spits up a lot after feeding, his mother begins to worry. From 18% to 40% of parents turn to the pediatrician with complaints of regurgitation of infants. The vast majority of infants under 4 months (67%) burp at least once a day. U healthy child regurgitation most often occurs due to immaturity digestive system. As the baby gets older, this unpleasant phenomenon will bother him less and less. However, such a reaction of the body may be the first clinical manifestation abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract or a sign of damage to the nervous system.

Usually associated with immaturity of the lower esophageal sphincter. Due to a loosely compressed valve device, gastric contents are refluxed into the esophagus, then into the pharynx and oral cavity. Immaturity of the digestive system is more pronounced in premature babies. However, children born at term often suffer from frequent regurgitation.

Another cause of regurgitation is the hormone gastrin. It is produced by the fetus early stages intrauterine development to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice in the mother and increase her appetite. After childbirth and ligation of the umbilical cord, all gastrin produced remains with the newborn. A high concentration of the hormone allows the child to absorb a large number of food and rapidly gain weight.

If gastrin levels are too high, the pregnant woman's stomach produces excessive amounts of hydrochloric acid. Increased acidity causes heartburn in women.

A large amount of gastrin in the body of a newborn baby increases the tone of its pylorus (lower stomach). Due to the activity of the pylorus, the baby burps heavily after each feeding.

Proper organization of breastfeeding

The first principle of diet therapy for frequent regurgitation is the organization of fractional meals. The daily portion of breast milk should be divided into a larger number of meals. The baby will eat more often, but at one feeding he will eat a smaller portion of food. A small volume of milk will put less pressure on the immature sphincter.

During feeding, you need to make sure that the baby does not swallow air. An air bubble that gets in with food puts additional pressure on the sphincter and provokes the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus. A large amount of air can cause a baby to spit up profusely. Sometimes the baby rejects all the food he has eaten, leaving him hungry.

In order for less air to enter the baby's body, his head should be higher than other parts of the body during feeding. If the head is lower than the body, the baby's breathing becomes difficult. Trying to get the necessary portion of air, the child actively swallows it.

Another reason why a baby swallows air is improper latching of the nipple. At proper feeding the baby grasps the nipple along with the areola. It can be difficult to capture the areola if the breasts are overly engorged and hard. In this case, the mother needs to express some milk and make it easier for the baby to latch on to the nipple.

During feeding, you need to make sure that the spout is infant remained open. If the baby's nostrils press into the chest, he is forced to breathe through his mouth, taking in air. The mother needs to hold her breast near the spout, providing the baby with free access of air during feeding.

To reduce the amount of air trapped in the stomach and prevent regurgitation, it is recommended to hold the baby in an upright position after feeding. The accumulated air will easily come out if the child is carefully placed with his tummy on an adult's shoulder and lightly patted on his back.

If the baby swallows a lot of air, you can hold him in a column several times, interrupting feeding.

High fat content of breast milk

Another reason why a baby often spits up may be the mother. Fatty foods reduce the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter and delay natural gastric emptying. From an overfilled stomach, food is easily thrown through the relaxed sphincter into the esophagus, into the pharynx and into the oral cavity. If a woman has very fatty milk, her baby may spit up more often.

The fat content of breast milk can be high if the mother likes to eat fatty dairy products, meat, halva and walnuts. To reduce the fat content of milk, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of these foods and drink more fluids. During breastfeeding, a woman usually drinks 500-800 ml more fluid than usual. It is allowed to consume up to 2.8 liters of liquid per day. You need to drink as much as you want.

You can reduce the fat content of your baby's milk by changing breasts during feeding. The first milk (foremilk) consists of 90% water. As soon as the baby drinks the first milk from one breast (1-2 minutes of feeding), he is offered the second breast. If you feed your baby only foremilk, his diet will be less fatty.

Foremilk contains much less nutrients than hind milk. A significant reduction in fat content in a child’s diet can cause developmental problems. Therefore, it is possible to transfer a baby to foremilk only after consultation with a pediatrician.

Organization of nutrition for bottle-fed children

A common cause of regurgitation is. Breastfed babies rarely overeat. Children on artificial feeding cannot control the amount of food they receive and often eat the entire portion offered by their mother. If the mother does not follow dosage recommendations when preparing infant formula, the baby will eat large amounts of food and regurgitate the excess.

The reason why a baby spits up may be the large diameter of the hole at the nipple on the bottle. To extract milk from the mother's breast, the baby needs to put in a lot of effort. During intense sucking on nipples with a large hole, more food enters the baby's body than he needs.

When bottle-fed, the baby can also swallow air. This happens if the nipple does not fit tightly to the bottle.

Antireflux baby food

If the baby spits up a lot, it is recommended to switch him to an anti-reflux formula. Such products have less fat content. In the majority adapted mixtures The ratio of whey proteins to casein is 60/40. The anti-reflux mixture contains an increased proportion of casein. When used, the likelihood of regurgitation in the baby is reduced. Under the influence of hydrochloric acid, casein quickly curdles in the stomach. First, flakes form from it, then a thick mass. Thickened stomach contents are much less likely to be thrown into the esophagus through the sphincter.

Antireflux mixtures may contain thickeners. Rice or potato starch, as well as gum, are used as thickeners. The gum is obtained from carob beans. Under the influence of hydrochloric acid, it thickens the contents of the stomach, like starch or casein. Unlike them, gum is not digested and does not participate in metabolism. But it enhances the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, helping them to empty naturally.

Antireflux mixture Nutrilon Antireflux contains a moderate concentration of gum (0.4% per 100 g of product) and low fat content. The ratio of whey proteins to casein is 20/80.

Samper Lemopak infant formula contains rice starch as a thickener. The fat concentration and protein ratio in the product have not been changed.

You can thicken the usual mixture with any dairy-free porridge. One measuring cap (spoon) of dairy-free porridge is added to a single serving of prepared infant formula. Baby porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal with apple) can be consumed by a 4-month-old baby. They make regular baby formula thicker and more nutritious. The baby gets full faster and spits up less.

Antireflux mixtures and thickeners should be used only after consultation with a pediatrician.

Normal indicators

A healthy newborn baby may burp after each feeding. In some cases, vomiting occurs in the form of a fountain. This is not a cause for concern if the child is gaining weight normally, is calm when awake and sleeps soundly. Indicators of health and normal nutrition of the newborn are also regular bowel movements and urination.

The volume of vomit is from 2 to 4 tbsp. l. - this is the norm. To determine the amount of rejected food, you need to pour 2-4 tbsp next to the vomit stain. l. water. If the size of the vomit stain is smaller than the water stain, then the regurgitation is not critical.

The baby may choke during feeding and burp. If such behavior occurs periodically, there is no pathology. In a sick child, vomiting can be provoked by coughing. Regurgitation disappears after the baby stops coughing.

When the baby begins the fourth month of development, regurgitation can be provoked by his activity. Rolling over onto his stomach after eating puts additional stress on his stomach.

A soft belly indicates that there are no disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract. You should not feel your belly after feeding. Pressure on the walls of the stomach can trigger vomiting.

Healthy child does not experience changes in health before and after regurgitation. He serenely continues to play, hums and smiles.
It is important to monitor the dynamics of the process. If there is a noticeable decrease in the number of regurgitations, then the baby is developing normally. For many children, regular spitting up stops by 4 months. They can only occur sporadically. In some cases, systematic vomiting is observed up to 10-12 months.

Warning signs

If a baby suffers from persistent and profuse vomiting, despite following all feeding rules, he should be shown to a pediatrician. The doctor will determine why the newborn spits up frequently. If necessary, he will refer the child for consultation with a neurologist, gastroenterologist or surgeon.

An unfavorable sign is the child's restless behavior after regurgitation. If he cries a lot and squirms his whole body, this may indicate irritation of the walls of the esophagus.

You should consult a doctor if your baby is losing weight and has little bowel movements. A hard and swollen abdomen indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

You should be concerned if vomiting is preceded by the appearance of a large amount of saliva, the child feels nauseous (restless behavior is observed), and he experiences rapid breathing and heart palpitations. This behavior is a reason to see a doctor.

Excessive restlessness in a child may be a sign of nervous system disorders. He is capricious a lot, his sleep is short and superficial. You should be wary if vomiting occurs after the baby has cried a lot.

Many reasons can cause pathological vomiting. It is recommended that a child who suddenly starts spitting up after 6 months be seen by a doctor. Regular regurgitation after the child reaches the age of 1 year is considered a sign of pathology.

A dangerous symptom is an increase in body temperature in the baby, often and profusely regurgitating. If your vomit appears an unusual color, bad smell or they begin to contain impurities (blood, mucus, pus), you must urgently call an ambulance.

Regardless of the form of nutrition, whether breastfeeding or artificial, a newborn may hiccup and regurgitate during feeding or after some time. What is the reason and is it dangerous when one month old baby spit up milk after feeding? Regurgitation is a physiological process in which food is slowly leaked or ejected out of the stomach through the mouth and nose. How to help a baby if he often burps? What to do when the regurgitated mass looks like yellow vomit, with mucus and blood?

Causes of regurgitation in infants

“Why does a newborn baby spit up?” — young mothers ask pediatricians. The reason for regurgitation lies in immaturity internal organs and digestive systems. Belching is air that enters the esophagus during feeding. The body gets rid of air through the mouth and nose along with some of the milk. Up to 3-4 months, a newborn burps 5-10 minutes after each meal, sometimes after half an hour. Later, regurgitation is reduced to 1-2 times a day.

The reason that a baby hiccups and is able to regurgitate a lot of milk is considered to be:

  • Incorrect complementary feeding or diet. With the early introduction of complementary foods, large portions, very liquid food, the walls of the stomach are stretched, which causes regurgitation.
  • Lying position after feeding. When the child has eaten, he is lifted up in a column and stroked on the back until a burp appears. If this is not done, the baby will vomit most of what he ate.
  • Disturbance of rest after eating. A newly fed baby should not be changed, turned over, or placed on his tummy. Once she breaks this unwritten rule, mommy will find a whole puddle of milk, which the baby will immediately spit up.
  • Teething. This is a real test for a baby. Some children react to it with fever, crying, anxiety, and increased salivation. Others, when teething, burp more often and more.
  • Tight swaddling, squeezing the delicate body, impedes gastric motility. Food, without getting to it, comes back out.

Regurgitation while breastfeeding

  • Often regurgitation of milk occurs due to overfeeding. Mommy needs to establish the feeding process so that the newborn learns to eat as much as he needs. There is no need to give the breast when he does not ask, distracting him from crying and anxiety. It is unlikely that a 2-3 month old baby will refuse to latch on to the breast, but he will definitely regurgitate an extra portion of milk.
  • Air entering the intestines during feeding. If the baby is not properly attached to the breast, a lot of air is swallowed, which can cause the baby to spit up and hiccup. It is necessary to ensure that it covers the entire nipple and part of the areola. The chin should touch the chest, and the lower lip should turn outward - this indicates correct attachment.
  • Bloating and colic provoke regurgitation. Mom needs to stick to a diet and not eat foods that cause stomach upset, and do a tummy massage.
  • Greedy sucking. With the rapid absorption of milk, the newborn swallows air along with food. A hungry child, intensively sucking large portions, can regurgitate them. Feedings should be done more often, with short breaks between them.

Regurgitation after formula feeding

  • In newborns who are fed formula, regurgitation occurs due to overeating, as in breastfed babies. In this case, the volumes eaten are easier to control. The amount of food offered in the bottle should be age appropriate.
  • A mixture containing a lot of lactose. This type of food is difficult for infants to digest and causes regurgitation. If your baby spits up frequently, it makes sense to switch him to anti-reflux formulas. They contain components that secure food in the stomach, preventing it from expelling.
  • Large hole in the nipple. You should choose an anti-colic bottle with a valve that prevents excess air from entering during feeding. It is important to hold the bottle at a slight angle. In this case, the nipple should be filled entirely with the mixture.

Regurgitation due to health problems

When a baby spits up frequently, it may indicate serious health problems. The main reason lies in neurological disorders and disorders of the digestive system.

Neurological abnormalities:

  1. Intrauterine abnormalities or birth injuries. Pathologies of the nervous system, hypoxia, high intracranial pressure, trembling of the chin and limbs, muscle tone in a child.
  2. Trauma to the cervical vertebrae received at birth can cause regurgitation. The baby suffers from vomiting and pain when turning her head. The doctor prescribes massage, physiotherapy, and medications.
  3. Premature babies are behind in physical development and vomit frequently. Their esophagus and stomach are underdeveloped. In order to catch up with peers, the baby will need time.

Digestive system disorders:

  1. Dysbacteriosis. It occurs due to the use of antibiotics, when introducing complementary foods, or when the child consumes an inappropriate formula.
  2. Infectious diseases. Intestinal infections, meningitis, gastroenteritis, pneumonia, causing toxic poisoning. Inflammatory processes are accompanied high temperature, vomiting, weakness, diarrhea, colic. The products of regurgitation may contain streaks of blood, mucus, and bile.
  3. Increased gas formation, bloating, colic. A large amount of gas in the intestines causes fluid to be pushed out through the nose and mouth.
  4. Constipation. It interferes with the normal digestion of milk, causing it to be regurgitated. At the same time, the child strains, groans, and worries about how to cope with constipation in a newborn.
  5. Allergy. Fake chickens often suffer from an allergic reaction to cow protein. In addition to skin irritation, discomfort, colic, regurgitation occurs.
  6. Lactase deficiency. The absence of this enzyme causes digestive disorders. Milk sugar is not broken down and fermentation begins in the intestines. Lactase deficiency can be determined using tests. The child’s well-being improves when he is transferred to lactose-free formulas and given lactase enzymes.
  7. Congenital gastric pathologies.
  8. Narrowing of the passage connecting the stomach and duodenum.

Danger of spitting up

Constant regurgitation in a child is fraught with loss of fluid in the body and weight loss, which is the main indicator in newborns. It is especially dangerous if the baby burps in his sleep. He may choke and cough. Pediatricians recommend placing the head of a baby up to 6-7 months old on a small pillow so that regurgitation products do not enter the respiratory tract.

Regurgitating a fountain is very similar to vomiting. When vomiting, the abdominal muscles tense and food is expelled through the baby's mouth and nose. It begins unexpectedly, without attacks of nausea. The baby is worried, turns pale, and his limbs become cold. Vomiting is accompanied by fever and diarrhea. And the vomit may be yellow or contain blood. You can distinguish normal regurgitation from vomiting using water. The normal volume of regurgitation is considered to be 10 ml. Fill 2-3 tablespoons with water and pour them onto the diaper. The resulting stain is compared to the amount that the baby burped. If the baby is able to burp more, and this happens regularly, you need to visit a doctor. It is advisable to take a closer look at the composition of the stain. If a newborn vomits curdled milk that resembles cottage cheese, there is no need to worry - this is not vomiting.

Regurgitation is not a pathology. But when it is noticed that the newborn is burping after each fountain feeding, his urination is impaired, his stomach is upset, he is losing weight - you cannot delay consulting a pediatrician.

A doctor is needed when:

  • after regurgitation, the child strains, arches, cries;
  • after feeding, he always spits up in a fountain, similar to vomit;
  • curdled regurgitation has changed color and has an unpleasant odor.

Regurgitation with yellow or blood speak of diseases of the digestive system. If bile and blood are noticed once, there is no need to worry, perhaps this is a temporary random phenomenon. When the baby strains, burps, and strains too much, a blood vessel in the esophagus may rupture. It will heal soon and there will be no more bleeding. But if blood and yellow regurgitation are observed several times a day, then this is a clear violation that requires medical intervention.

What to do if your baby spits up frequently

A mother can figure out for herself what to do when a child under 12 months of age spits up. Only she is nearby and controls the frequency, volume of regurgitation, its smell and color. If there are any doubts or concerns, it is better to visit a specialist.

What can be done to help a child if he spits up a lot, but gains weight and feels well?

  1. When a baby lies on his back and spits up, the airway can become blocked, leading to pneumonia. It is necessary to take the baby in your arms or turn it on its side. This way, food residues will flow out without danger to health.
  2. If a newborn burps through his nose and starts crying, you can help him by moving him onto his stomach. When fluid leaks through the nostrils, the nasal mucosa is subject to irritating injury. In the future, this leads to the formation of polyps and adenoids.

For preventive purposes, to avoid regurgitation you need:

  • place the baby on the stomach before feeding;
  • When placing a newborn on the chest, monitor his position. The head should be slightly elevated and the nipple grasped correctly;
  • After eating, the child must be picked up. Sometimes the baby, already in his sleep, begins to push, worry and fidget. You need to lift him up and rock him until he burps.

At what age does a baby stop burping?

A healthy baby stops burping at 6-7 months of age. At this time, he actively learns to sit, increasingly being in an upright position. Thick food in complementary foods reduces the frequency of regurgitation. In children, the stomach muscles develop slowly and finally reach maturity by age 8. Because of this, spontaneous vomiting in a child occurs much more often than in an adult.

When one year old child, spitting up - this causes concern. By this age, regurgitation in healthy children finally goes away. If it does not stop, the child may have pathologies that require diagnosis and treatment.

Many young parents do not know why their newborn spits up. Why does a baby sometimes burp often and a lot? There are many reasons. The fact that a newborn spits up quite often and a lot does not mean that the baby is sick with something. The main thing is to figure out why the newborn is spitting up and observe how he feels.

If a newborn baby or baby spits up frequently and a lot, but is developing well, you don’t have to worry about the baby’s health. But why does he, in this case, burp so often? Perhaps the baby is just being fed too much a lot of. When a newborn or infant receives a lot of food and is fed frequently, the newborn simply gets rid of excess food by regurgitation, which is why he burps.

Why does a baby spit up: the main reasons

There are many reasons why a newborn spits up frequently and a lot. It's quite easy to figure out why he does this. To do this, you just need to watch the newborn and see if he gets a lot of milk. If there is a lot of milk, this will inevitably lead to regurgitation. Young parents should definitely know the reasons why a newborn baby may spit up milk or artificial formula milk. There are many reasons for this. Here are the most basic of them:

Why does a newborn often burp and how to help a baby?

When a baby spits up, many young mothers are confused and don’t know how to help their baby. There is no need to panic. Both sick and healthy children burp because it physiological feature child's body. However, if a young mother is nervous about constant spitting up, she may use different methods and ways to ensure that unwanted regurgitation ends as quickly as possible.

Most often, young parents actively try different ways help your baby, but you don’t have to try too hard, because sooner or later the regurgitation will stop on its own. Already six-month-old children almost do not regurgitate, because the digestive system becomes more advanced. There are several basic ways to alleviate the baby’s condition that will help eliminate regurgitation. So, the main ones ways reduce the frequency of regurgitation:

All these methods of dealing with regurgitation will help get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon. However, if you do not use these methods, regurgitation will still go away sooner or later, because the baby grows and his digestive system becomes stronger. So, if the baby is growing normally, gaining weight and developing well, you can not pay any attention to regurgitation. It won't be long before this problem can be discussed safely forget. However, there are times when regurgitation leads to certain troubles and, for various reasons, poses a certain danger to the health and life of the little baby. In such cases, this problem must be treated very carefully.

Why does a baby burp often and a lot?

Sometimes it happens that infants spit up very often, while the child develops poorly, gains little weight, often gets sick, and shows pronounced general anxiety. Most often this happens if, in addition to frequent regurgitation, the baby has other problems. In such cases, regurgitation is a sign of a serious illness and requires immediate attention. consultations with a pediatrician.

However, such cases are quite rare. Most often, regurgitation, even very profuse, does not pose any threat to the normal life and proper development of the child and is just a consequence of improper feeding. If infant spits up very often and a lot, like a fountain, causes may be the following:

In most of these cases, not only regurgitation occurs. In addition to excessive regurgitation, the child does not feel well, does not digest food well, looks thinner and paler than other kids his age. Such cases are a reason for parents to be wary and show the baby to a doctor. However, any completely healthy child is not immune from excessive regurgitation. Any baby can overeat, both infant and artificial. But for those children who receive artificial dairy nutrition, excessive regurgitation occurs much more often than in children who suck on their mother’s breast.

This is due to the fact that formula is heavier on the stomach than breast milk and takes longer to digestible and takes longer to digest, and those excesses that the child cannot digest come back out through regurgitation. Thus, in in this case regurgitation plays the role of a protective mechanism that prevents the child from overeating. This defense mechanism is necessary condition baby's health, because Small child unable to determine how much food to eat at one feeding. If the child does not burp, he will suffer from overeating, and this can have the most negative consequences for the child’s digestive system, which is not yet perfect.

Feeding a baby who spits up often and a lot: practical recommendations

In order to properly feed an infant and reduce the volume and frequency of regurgitation, you need to follow all recommendations pediatricians. It is best to breastfeed your baby if possible, because breast milk is easier to digest than formula, and overfeeding your baby breast milk quite difficult, because it is absorbed almost instantly. Therefore, children who suckle at the breast burp much less and less often than their peers who receive artificial nutrition.

However, even if the baby suckles, he does not insured from excessive and frequent regurgitation. A baby may burp if he does not latch onto the breast correctly during feeding. When a mother puts the baby to her breast, she must make sure that the baby grasps not only one nipple, but also the entire breast with his gums. In this case, no air will fall into the baby's mouth, and after feeding there will be no regurgitation, or it will be very insignificant.

Children who receive artificial milk formula initially are in a kind of risk group for regurgitation. In order to reduce the likelihood of regurgitation in an artificial baby, the child must be fed strictly after three and a half, or even four hours, because during this time artificial nutrition is completely absorbed by the child’s body. You can feed a baby on demand only if he is suckling; bottle-fed babies are fed strictly according to the schedule, and between feedings they are given water to drink from a bottle or allowed to suck on a pacifier to satisfy the sucking reflex.

A nipple for an artificial baby, which is put on a feeding bottle, should not have a hole that is too large. If there is a very large hole in the nipple, a large amount of air will enter the baby’s gastrointestinal tract along with the milk, which means that copious and frequent regurgitation is guaranteed. Therefore, the hole in the nipple should be quite small so that even a small amount of air does not enter the baby’s mouth.

Compliance these simple rules will help to establish the procedure for feeding a newborn baby and eliminate the likelihood of frequent and profuse regurgitation. This means that young parents will be calm about their child and will not worry about the fact that the baby may lose weight or be malnourished.

Regurgitation of a newborn baby is, in general, a natural physiological process that does not pose a danger to the health and life of the child. However. A child can easily live without regurgitation if he is properly attached to the bottle or mother's breast. The task of parents is to organize feeding of the baby in such a way that regurgitation can be very easily avoided. It is quite possible to do this, the main thing is to follow the basic recommendations for feeding infants.

Any child is born with certain innate reflexes that help him adapt to new conditions that differ significantly from the conditions of intrauterine life. Some of these reflexes - breathing, sucking, swallowing - are very important, without them the child will not be able to survive on his own in the absence of medical care. Eating self-regulation reflexes are also innate and protect the baby from overeating. Thanks to them, a healthy child himself “knows” how much to eat and when. One of the manifestations of these reflexes is excess food.

A characteristic feature of regurgitation is that it appears suddenly, without any warning signs and occurs without noticeable involvement of the abdominal muscles. Regurgitation in children up to 7-9 months is physiological (normal). Moreover, they should not occur later than 1 hour after feeding, and should not be in the form of a “fountain” (that is, go under pressure, a stream, over a distance). During normal regurgitation, the child’s well-being does not suffer, behavior, appetite and mood do not deteriorate.

After feeding, you need to hold the baby upright for at least 20 minutes: during this time, an air pocket will burp, and a small amount of uncurdled or partially curdled milk may flow out of the corner of the mouth. Regurgitation may recur when the baby's position changes or even for no apparent reason. It may seem to you that the amount of regurgitated food is quite large, but if the nature of the regurgitation corresponds to its physiological description, and the child is gaining weight well, this is not a problem, but a variant of the norm. At approximately 7 months, the regulatory mechanisms of the valve apparatus of the esophagus and stomach mature, old reflexes are replaced by new ones, and regurgitation stops.

The following manifestations should alert you.

  • Regurgitation "fountain"- this is most often a consequence of neurological disorders ((PEP), intracranial hypertension). In this case, it is necessary to show the child to a neurologist. Less commonly, the cause of such regurgitation is spasms of the digestive tract (they are treated by a gastroenterologist).
  • Late regurgitation- an hour or more after feeding, until the next one. In such a situation, they say that the child has a “lazy stomach,” and constipation often occurs. In this case, you need to contact a gastroenterologist.
  • Frequent regurgitation. If a child spits up every 5-10 minutes, this is also abnormal. You should also contact a gastroenterologist with this problem.
  • Regurgitation accompanied by restlessness and crying. These are manifestations of spastic. A pediatrician or gastroenterologist can recommend remedies for them.
  • Regurgitation after drinking or eating small amounts of food, accompanied by anxiety and a decrease in weight gain up to a complete lack of weight gain. They may be a sign of an anatomical defect called pyloric stenosis (a sharp narrowing of the digestive tube, due to which practically nothing enters the intestines). Such defects are most often detected in the first days after birth and are operated on almost immediately, but sometimes the detection of pyloric stenosis occurs at a later stage. late dates(1-3 months). If regurgitation is of this nature, be sure to consult a pediatric surgeon (usually such specialists work in hospitals).

For non-physiological (atypical) regurgitation, doctors may suggest choosing a mixture that has an anti-reflux effect (reflux is a movement in the opposite direction, that is, regurgitation is, in fact, reflux). Usually the description of such a mixture contains the word “antireflux”.

For physiological regurgitation, there is no need for such mixtures. Do not administer the medicinal mixture without a doctor's recommendation. And, of course, you should not completely replace breastfeeding with this mixture.


The question is probably the consequences of regurgitation. If you are gaining weight normally, then there is no need to worry.
We also burped a lot and often until we changed bottles. our pediatrician said that regurgitation could be caused by swallowing air and advised me to try bottles with an air vent tube. when I started feeding from these (Dr. Browns), I almost stopped spitting up

If you regurgitate almost everything you eat and as a result do not gain weight.
If the baby is artificial, then, most likely, the mixture was poorly chosen. Replacing the mixture can solve the problem.

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Medical issues. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year This topic was created to discuss the article Constipation, regurgitation, colic in newborns: when...

rolls over and spits up (. Medical issues. Child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition. I asked the doctor, she said nothing wrong, just active baby, does not suit him. If it is possible to restrict movement immediately after...

Regurgitation in a baby. The child is spitting up - what should alert the mother? Section: Medical issues (matilium from regurgitation of a child). Motilium during regurgitation.

A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. Regurgitation in a baby. The child is spitting up - what should alert the mother?

Regurgitation in a baby. The child is spitting up - what should alert the mother? The child spits up every time after feeding, and a lot and more than once.

How to understand this? Problems with lactation. Breast-feeding. After eating, pick up your baby, hold him upright, and wait for him to burp (this may take 5 to 20 minutes). The baby spits up after almost every feeding and...

regurgitation. Age norms. A child from birth to one year. regurgitation. Girls, tell me, plz, the child is 4 months old and spits up a lot. In my opinion, he spits up 30-40 g...

regurgitation and physiological runny nose. - gatherings. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development.

A child from birth to one year. Caring for and raising a child up to one year old: nutrition, illnesses; up to what age is regurgitation considered normal? Somehow it’s uneven for us, one day everything...

Breastfeeding: tips for increasing lactation, feeding on demand, long-term After 2 weeks of use, the daughter began to sleep poorly during the day, for 15 minutes at a time and constantly cry. The child is spitting up - what should alert the mother? A child from birth to one year.

Regurgitation. Medical issues. A child from birth to one year. Regurgitation. Good evening mommies! If anyone knows, I have a 4.5 month old son, this is the second time he has burped...

How to deal with regurgitation? Medical issues. A child from birth to one year. How to deal with regurgitation? My little one is only 2 months old, and we have already been to the hospital.

The child spits up every time after feeding, and a lot and more than once. A healthy baby can burp after each feeding. and in addition to the mobile (which, as shown in practice, takes up to a month to give a damn) you can have various pictures (black and white, red...

Difficulties after feeding. feed the baby in a semi-upright position; after eating, lift the baby, hold him in an upright position and wait until he burps air (what to do if a baby burps after feeding, causes of regurgitation.

The child is burping all day..:((It seems like I’m holding it in a column and the air comes out... But as soon as I put it down, he definitely burps, and with normal growth and neurology, regurgitation is a physiological feature of babies. And a tablespoon after each feeding is not.. .

The child spits up every time after feeding, and a lot and more than once. Those. they feed him, hold him so that the air comes out (by the way, at this age I didn’t hold mine much anymore) and then the child begins to burp either a fountain or a little but often.

Regurgitation and Frisov.. Medical issues. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development.

Medical issues. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. The fact is that my baby (he is 7 weeks old) constantly spits up in very large quantities :-(. During breaks during meals and after, I try...

Spit up a lot. Increased lactation. A child from birth to one year. He may burp about two hours after feeding some kind of curdled substance. There are a lot of them, they get scared, wake up and start crying.

The baby spits up after feeding and between feedings. Section: Medical issues (the heat may cause the baby to spit up). What to do, I don’t have the strength anymore. My son burps up after almost every feeding, and a lot. Just recently he ate and burped everything up. From...