Self-analysis of the conversation with parents. Self-analysis of the experience of communication with parents. Practical techniques for introspection

Svetlana Leonova
Introspection joint occupation with children and parents middle group

Self-analysis of a joint lesson with children and parents of the middle group as part of the work of the “Parents Club” on the topic: “Development of fine motor skills and motor skills in children”.

On lesson children were present middle age group who have not yet visited the logopoint, and their parents.

Since the main activity of preschoolers is the game, then class was built using the technology of the game learning: various games were used to develop fine motor skills(“Transformation into Cinderellas”, “Magic threads”, “Visiting a big finger”, etc.). Technologies of developmental and student-centered learning were also used, which increased the internal motivation of children and parents to the correctional and educational process.

On lesson the following target: improvement of traditional forms of work with parents for the effective interaction of the kindergarten and the family in the process of developing the sound-producing side of speech, which was achieved by solving the following tasks:

correctional educational: deepening and systematization of participants' knowledge groups on the development of motor skills in children; extension vocabulary children;

correctional and developmental: development of visual and auditory attention, fine and general motor skills;

correctional and educational: fostering a positive attitude towards classes, control over one's own speech, the formation of cooperation skills, the ability to listen to the interlocutor without interrupting.

Target classes matched its content. The selected methods and techniques corresponded to the age of the children and were selected taking into account their individual features (state of attention, degree of fatigue, etc.). Visual and verbal instructions were presented accurately and clearly. The following help: attracting attention, stimulating speech and thought activity through instructions, advice, the use of questions, the use of additional visual supports (pictures, demonstration of the image of a separate action and activity in general. Stages classes interconnected and consistent.

Throughout activities for children and parents interest was maintained, which was facilitated by the dynamism classes, the use of a surprise moment in the final part classes(“What is hidden in the finger pool?”). All tasks were selected based on several analyzers and contributed to the development of higher mental functions (attention, perception, memory, thinking).

On lesson a favorable emotional background was created. The creation of positive motivation to complete the task, the encouragement of correctly performed actions, forms the child's confidence in the possibilities of overcoming the existing difficulties and contributes to the transfer of methods of action to other conditions. Both children and parents showed a positive attitude and jointly performed the assigned tasks.

Thanks to the meeting at work parental club, the goal is realized - psychological and pedagogical support of the family in the upbringing of children preschool age and increasing the educational potential of the family.

The meeting lasted 20 minutes.

Result: the set goals and objectives were successfully implemented.

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Family education plays a special role in the preschool period of a child's development - it is at this age that the initial formation of the personality takes place.

Family upbringing (the same as raising children in a family) is a general name for the processes of influencing children on the part of parents and other family members in order to achieve the desired results. Social, family and preschool education carried out in unbreakable unity. Back in 1915, he formulated the principle of the unity of the activities of preschool, school and out-of-school institutions in alliance with the family. According to Article 18 of the Law "On Education" Russian Federation Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality in early childhood.

The educational system of the family is formed empirically: it is constantly being tested in experience, it contains many pedagogical "finds", although it is often not without miscalculations and serious mistakes. In families where they are concerned about the upbringing of children, their future, the upbringing system is analyzed, evaluated, which makes it hard-won, emotionally colored. The system of family education can be harmonious and orderly, but this is provided that parents have a specific goal of education, carry it out, using methods and means of education that take into account the characteristics of the child and the prospects for his development.

The main feature of family education is a special emotional microclimate, thanks to which the child develops an attitude towards himself, which determines his sense of self-worth. Other important role family education - influence on value orientations, worldview of the child as a whole, his behavior in different areas public life. It is known that their parents personal qualities largely determine the effectiveness of the educational function of the family. The family lays the foundations of education, and it depends on how a person grows up, and what character traits will form his nature. In the family, the child receives primary skills in the perception of reality, learns to recognize himself as a full-fledged representative of society.

Consequently, the importance of family education in the development of children determines the importance of interaction between the family and preschool.

Forms of interaction between kindergarten and parents are ways of organizing them. joint activities and communication. The main purpose of all kinds of forms interactions with the family - establishing trusting relationships with children, parents and teachers, uniting them into one team, educating the need to share their problems with each other and solve them together.

When planning this or that form of work, I always proceed from the idea of ​​modern parents as modern people who are ready for learning, self-development and cooperation. With this in mind, I choose the following requirements for the forms of interaction: originality, relevance, interactivity, emotionality.

There are traditional and traditional forms communication between the teacher and the parents of preschoolers, the essence of which is to enrich them with pedagogical knowledge. Traditional forms of interaction with the family are presented: collective, individual and visual-informational.

In my work, I tried to make the most of the full pedagogical potential of traditional forms of interaction.

Building interaction with parents, you can actively use both traditional forms - these are parent meetings, lectures, workshops, and modern (non-traditional) forms - workshops, workshops, master classes, excursions, parent clubs, promotions, recreational activities, games, etc.

Due to the fact that recently there have been new, promising forms of cooperation that involve the involvement of parents in active participation, both in pedagogical process, and in the life of a kindergarten, in my group I use more diverse modern forms work with parents:

Information and analytical: sociological surveys, sociological sections, tests, questionnaires, mailbox, which are aimed at identifying the interests, needs, requests of parents, their level of pedagogical literacy, establishing emotional contact between teachers, parents and children).

Cognitive: workshops, pedagogical briefing, pedagogical living room, holding meetings, consultations in an unconventional form, oral pedagogical journals, pedagogical library for parents, "KVN", " Round table”, “Talk Show”, “Hotline”, quizzes, flash mobs, which are aimed at familiarizing parents with the age and psychological characteristics of preschool children, the formation of practical
child-rearing skills.

Visual and informational: open days, open viewings of classes and other activities of children, exhibitions of children's works, exhibitions joint work children and parents, brochures for parents, videos about the life of preschool educational institutions, newspapers, organization of mini-libraries modern technologies, information stands (aimed at enriching parents' knowledge about the features of the development and upbringing of preschool children.

Leisure: joint leisure activities, holidays, participation of parents and children in exhibitions (designed to establish warm trust
relationships, emotional contact between teachers and parents, between parents and children).

Main task information and analytical forms organization of communication with parents are the collection, processing and use of data about the family of each pupil, the general cultural level of his parents, their availability of the necessary pedagogical knowledge, family attitudes towards the child, requests, interests, needs of parents in psychological and pedagogical information. Only on an analytical basis is it possible to implement an individual, student-centered approach to a child in a preschool institution, increase the effectiveness of educational work with children and build competent communication with their parents.

Sociological polls, questionnaires play a big role at the initial stage, since they allow you to outline directions for further work.

Testing was used to identify the level pedagogical culture parents.

One of the forms of information and analytical work that I actively use in practice, allowing me to correct and supplement the developed system of events, is a mailbox. This is a box in which parents put notes with their ideas and suggestions, and ask questions of interest. Asked Questions covered at parent meetings or given by specialists in writing. This form of work allows parents to share their thoughts with the teacher and is effective when time constraints prevent the teacher from meeting with parents in person.

cognitive the forms of organization of communication between teachers and the family are intended to familiarize parents with the peculiarities of the age and psychological development of children, rational methods and techniques of education for the formation of practical skills in parents.

Recently, I began to more actively involve parents in the joint activities of the teacher and children, conduct directly educational activities with the participation of parents, walks, and morning exercises.

Visual information forms of organization of communication between teachers and parents solve the problem of familiarizing parents with the conditions, content and methods of raising children in a preschool institution, allow you to more correctly assess the activities of teachers, revise the methods and techniques home education, more objectively see the activities of the educator.

The tasks of one of them are information and awareness- is to familiarize parents with the preschool institution itself, the features of its work, with teachers involved in raising children, and overcoming superficial opinions about the work of a preschool institution ( legal documents, mode work of preschool educational institution, group work schedule, schedule directly educational activities, information about teaching staff). Information is posted on the stands in the parent corners and posted on the website of the preschool educational institution.

All forms of interaction with parents that I use in my work create an atmosphere of trust and cooperation in the team of adults surrounding the child.

IN imprisonment I would like to note that the family and the kindergarten are two educational phenomena, each of which gives the child social experience in its own way, but only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for entering little man to the big world. Gradually, not understanding, not the trust of parents disappears. Interaction between parents and kindergarten rarely occurs immediately. This is a long process, a long and painstaking work that requires patient, steady pursuit of the chosen goal.

After analyzing the results of the work done, I came to the following conclusions: effectively organized cooperation gives impetus to building interaction with the family on a qualitatively new basis, involving not just joint participation in the upbringing of the child, but awareness of common goals, striving for

Educator: Dear parents! This little dramatization opens our meeting, the theme of which is "The development of creative abilities in preschool children." Let's now return together to Lesovichok, Arina and Maxim and discuss which of them showed Creative skills in what way it manifested itself and whether it will be possible to preserve and develop their creative abilities with such guidance on the activities of children. musical pause There are questions in our balloons. If you got a ball with a question, but you didn’t like the question or you can’t answer it, you can pass it further around the circle. (Parents express their opinions, share their impressions, ask questions). What's happened children's creativity? How can it manifest itself? preschool childhood is a favorable period for the development of creative abilities because at preschool age children are extremely inquisitive, they have a great desire to learn the world. And parents, encouraging curiosity, informing children of knowledge, involving them in different kinds activities, contribute to the expansion childhood experience. And the accumulation of experience and knowledge is a necessary prerequisite for future creative activity. Therefore, our task is to fully support and stimulate the development of creativity in children. In addition, the thinking of preschoolers is more free than that of older children. In the lives of children, creativity can help out in a wide variety of life situations. Imagination enriches the life of children, makes it brighter, more interesting. Children's creativity is different from adult creativity. The child acts subconsciously, he does not set goals for himself. The child is driven by the satisfaction of their needs in creativity, which gives rise to positive emotions in them. In what activities do you think children's creativity can develop? (Visual activity, theatrical activity, constructive activity, etc.). She drew the attention of parents to the success of children in visual activities (exhibition of drawings, crafts, applications, etc.). I invite you, dear parents, to briefly return to the wonderful world of childhood, to imagine that we are preschool children again. A master class “We put our hands in the paint” is being held. I suggested that parents draw a portrait of their child using unconventional technique- Finger painting. At the end of the work, she designed an exhibition of drawings of parents "Children - sweets" Educator: It is known that children are unusually emotional and impressionable. They subtly feel and react to the new, trying to express their impressions in drawings, crafts. They are fascinated by the spectacle of the puppet theater, they easily transform into heroes from read books, performances. It is in artistic activity that the taste of the child, his aesthetic experiences are manifested and creative abilities, independence develop, and horizons expand. And to visual activity was creative in nature, it is necessary to diversify the materials and technique for performing the image. For example: Autumn forest you can draw with gouache, watercolor, crayons, or you can use natural material, pieces of matter or from different types cereals, etc. She suggested that her parents go to the country of Imagination. Conducted the game "Reincarnation" Explained to parents that for this they have to be reincarnated into a variety of objects. I will tell you one story that happened this summer. And you will help me. The heroes of my story are mom, dad, as well as a kettle, a door, a motor (all items involved in the story). Each of you will get a role to voice. Here you will be a mother, you will be a father, you will be a car alarm, etc. (I told, parents voiced, making sounds inherent in this or that subject). Dobryanka, st. Engels. Summer morning. Still sleeping. A garbage truck pulls up to the house. The car alarm goes off. Mom wakes up. He puts the kettle on. Dad goes to the bathroom. The door creaks. The baby cries even louder. Mom comforts the baby. Everyone is here. It's time for grandma. Everyone gets into the car. Doors slam shut. The motor turns on. The car is driving on the highway. A car drives past at high speed. Gaia's post ahead. Police whistle. Thank God, not us. Turned off the road. Village ahead. The dog barked habitually. The geese cackled. The ducks screamed. The piglets grunted. And suddenly... And now let's tell this story without words. So, Dobryanka, st. Engels, summer morning ... ... It is recommended to play such games with children at home, play out various situations where children develop imagination, fantasy, thinking, which will help you

Natalia Kolodyazhnaya
Self-analysis of work on the topic "Organization of work with parents"

The upbringing of preschool children is carried out in the family and preschool institutions. Goals and objectives facing the family and kindergarten, united: to educate healthy, comprehensively developed people.

Practice shows that not all families fully realize the full range of opportunities for reasonable influence on the child. Causes different: some families do not want to raise a child, others do not know how to do this, others do not understand why this is necessary. In all cases, modern parents needed qualified help preschool institution.

To work with parents was versatile, using different forms organization of work with parents:

Parental meetings are one of the main forms of interaction between the family and the preschool institution. skillfully organized, interesting and informative parental the assembly plays a special role in relationships parents and educators. At the beginning of each new academic year, « Organizational meetings» - the purpose of which is to introduce parents With age characteristics children; modeling of interaction prospects for a new academic year; improvement of pedagogical culture parents.

In order to make the meetings interesting, I use different methods: group discussions that improve psychological and pedagogical literacy parents, identify individual methods of education (topic ). A constructive discussion helps to compare different points of view on the upbringing of children, teaches you to listen to the opinions of other participants in the meeting (topic "Television in the life of the Family and the child"). But the greatest interest among parents cause games(psychological and role-playing, with the help of which we model and reproduce problem situations (topics "Children play - play together", "Developing games in kindergarten"). Likewise after each parental meetings I conduct tests and surveys parents for one reason or another issues: "Do you know your child?", "My family", "Me and my baby", "What is your creativity?"

I conduct consultations, both group and subgroup ( "Let's Play", « Mathematical development» And "Speech Development", "Teaching children to love everything in nature", "The role of communication in the development of coherent speech", "Hardening is one of the means physical education» , “Strengthening and Preserving

health of preschoolers, The role of grandparents in family education» and others, as well as individual with individual parents on topics of interest to them.

Particularly interesting are seminars - workshops, at which parents perform practical actions with their own hands ( « Skillful hands» (we create beauty with our own hands, "In the Land of Origami", “The place and role of play in preparing children for schooling» , "Tempering procedures - for the benefit child's body» ).

I organize exhibitions for children works, and works made together with parents: "Crafts from natural material with your own hands", "Portrait of a Family", "Seasons", contest "The best Christmas decoration» , contest "Doll with your own hands". wall newspapers "From the life of the group", "Excursion to the equestrian school".

Activity parents in creating exhibitions, competitions says that these forms work are in demand.

Form work through parent corners is traditional. IN parental corner contains information about group work, regime moments, tips for parents. In order for this form work was effective helped me activate parents, I use headings: "What and how to take a child at home", "Children Speak", "This is interesting" etc. In parental a corner is given space for a section "What did we do today"- children's works on fine arts activities, sculpting, manual labor, recipes for mathematics and speech development are laid out.

It's better to introduce parents with this or that question of education allow folders - shifters. Usually in them I select thematic material with practical recommendations. For example: "Influenza Prevention", "Education of preschool children", "Hardening children at home" and etc.

Leisure destination in working with parents proved to be the most difficult organizations. This is due to the fact that one parents are very busy at work, others do not want to take part in activities. But such few parents. Most fathers and mothers took part in joint activities. The group held entertainment according to the rules traffic "In the Land of Road Signs",

joint leisure "Family Hour"(about family traditions, a competition dedicated to "Mother's Day" with the participation of mothers and children.

Today it can be said that the use of various forms work with parents gave certain results: parents from"spectators" And "observers" became active participants, assistants to the educator. This is my conclusion based on the survey. (look at the application). Of all parents were determined parents - leaders(45% which are organizers and assistants in all endeavors. Parents are performers(50%) carry out any important assignments, and parents are observers(5%,

Parents began to show a sincere interest in the life of the group, learned to express admiration for the results and products of children's activities, and emotionally support their child. 75% parents attend parent meetings, actively participate in holidays, competitions, entertainment, project activities,

As a result of the work, use various forms and methods of communication with parents increased psychological and pedagogical literacy parents; the culture of interpersonal interaction of children in the group has increased.

Family and kindergarten are two educational phenomena, each of which gives the child social experience in its own way, but only in combination with each other they create optimal conditions for the entry of a small person into the big world.

Sample self-analysis of a lesson in a preschool educational institution

Target: To form in children an interest in knowledge about vegetables through integration educational areas Keywords: cognition, communication, socialization, artistic creativity, health.
- To form children's ideas about vegetables, about the place of germination and harvesting them for the winter;
- To consolidate the ability of children to describe vegetables according to characteristic features,
according to the scheme;
- Improve the ability to grammatically correct, consistently build their statements;
- Expand the active vocabulary, activate the names of vegetables in the speech of children.
- Continue to develop in children the ability to distinguish and name colors, exercise in comparing objects by color;
Encourage children to answer questions by speaking the words clearly.

To form the ability of children to coordinate movements with the text, to understand and follow verbal instructions;
- Develop visual perception and memory, motor imagination and coordination of movements;
- Develop fine general and fine motor skills of the hands;
- Cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers;
- Create a favorable emotional atmosphere and conditions for active gaming activity children.
Organizational activities, preparation for the lesson
The lesson was carried out in accordance with the abstract. The summary was compiled independently, in accordance with the tasks of the main general educational program, corresponding to the given age of children. For the implementation of each task, techniques were selected in an interesting and entertaining way.
At every moment of the lesson there were visual aids that stimulated and activated children for mental activity. Benefits of sufficient size, aesthetically decorated. Their placement and use was rational, thoughtful in the learning space and in the classroom.
Music was used during the lesson to enhance emotional perception.
The organizational technique "Greeting" in poetic form "was aimed at the development of communicative qualities, the establishment of friendly relations both inside children's team so between guests and children.
The occupation is dynamic, it includes techniques that provide for a quick change of activity. Conversation - sitting on chairs, moving around the group while looking for a way out of a problem situation with a hare - going to the garden, working with the test, developing fine motor skills of the hands - sitting on chairs, search activity - standing, working with cereals "Find a vegetable", logarithmic exercise - "walking in the garden." The quick change of techniques and change of postures during the lesson made it possible to avoid the fatigue of children.
Didactic activity of the educator:
All moments of the lesson are logical and consistent, subject to one topic. Moments from the educational areas were integrated into the lesson Cognition: Consolidated the ability to describe a vegetable by characteristic features, according to the scheme; formed the ability to distinguish and name color; Communication: children participated in a general conversation, listened without interrupting their peers; activated children's vocabulary through words - name vegetables, exercised in coordinating nouns, adjectives; "Socialization" to independently express benevolence, empathize. Artistic creativity: Improved the ability of children to roll plasticine between their palms with direct movements, consolidated indentation techniques, developing fine motor skills of the hands., Physical Culture; developed motor imagination and coordination of movements; Health: formed children's ideas about vitamins and their importance. Receptions in the lesson were of a game nature, were based on game learning situations,
Using the Garden model helped in an interesting game form to realize the main educational task - the formation of children's ideas about vegetables and their place of growth. My role was to learn to give detailed answers. This helped to achieve optimal results.

At every moment of the lesson, I tried to guide the kids to find solutions to the problem, helped them gain new experience, activate independence and maintain a positive emotional mood.
The creation of search, problem situations activated the mental and speech activity of children,
The specifics of working with children in the classroom was reflected in a student-centered approach. She encouraged and praised timid children in order to consolidate their situation of success.
During the lesson, I tried to communicate with the children on the same level, tried to keep the children interested in the lesson throughout the whole time.
The result of the lesson was organized in the form of a game problem situation "Guess the treat?" so that in the course of it to check the quality of assimilation of the material.
Due to the fact that the children are small and there were many choral responses, I plan to Special attention give individual answers. It is also necessary to achieve a clear pronunciation of words. Work on sound pronunciation, replenish the active and passive vocabulary. But, despite these difficulties, I believe that all the program tasks I set during the lesson were solved.