Professional shampoo reviews rating. How to choose hair shampoo - advice from cosmetologists. Differences between professional shampoos

Many may think that professional cosmetic products for washing hair are much better than shampoos that you can choose in an ordinary store. What is true here and what is not - let's take a closer look. We provide you with the top rating of the best professional means for hair.

Differences between professional shampoo and household shampoo

  1. Functionality. Some are simply convinced that the purpose of shampoo is to cleanse the hair and scalp. But this is only half true. Those shampoos that can be found everywhere can only wash away impurities. But professional shampoos will not only perfectly cleanse your hair and wash away grease and dirt, but also nourish it with useful substances that can make your hair healthier.
  2. Structure of professional tools. Such shampoos contain many beneficial substances of natural origin - oils, extracts from medicinal plants, ceramides. Many products include proteins from soy, wheat or rice, which helps to heal the hair and condition it, that is, make it easier to comb.

Types of Natural Hair Products

  1. Organic. Although many manufacturers position their products as being made entirely from natural ingredients, sometimes this is far from the case. Even if they contain only natural substances, they must be environmentally friendly, grown in safe places, without the presence of any chemically created components. They are gentle on the hair, they produce less foam, so they cannot thoroughly wash contaminated hair.
  2. Silicone. With the development of the technological process, hair wash products with silicone are absolutely safe for health, they are completely washed off and leave no residue. In addition, each hair is enveloped in a thin film, which transforms the hair into beautifully smooth and shiny hair.

On video - professional hair shampoo, rating:

Features of application

Each cosmetic product is developed for a particular hair and skin type, and should only be used for the type recommended by the manufacturer. It is also important to wash your dirty hair correctly - after the first procedure, you need to reapply shampoo and finally rinse your hair. Stylists recommend comprehensive hair care: not only rinse, but apply conditioner or mask.

Rating of the best nutritional supplements

What means can be selected and recommended?

Olin Professional

The average price for shampoo is from 500 rubles.

These products are from a Russian company, but all components are imported from abroad. It has a relatively low cost, but this does not affect the quality in any way: transportation costs are minimal, and there is no need to pay for brand promotion.

But you can read how to do it correctly in this article.

Product range:

  • Moisture Shampoo. The product is intended for long curly hair - natural or chemically created curls. The therapeutic effect restores structure, eliminates porosity and makes hair shiny and elastic;
  • Restore Shampoo– perfectly cares for hair that has lost its natural keratin and restores damaged structure.

Wella Professional

Professional washing shampoos German brand Wella Professional. The company has existed since the century before last, and it does not need additional advertising.


  • SpBalanceScalp– has a soft impact and medicinal properties: eliminates mild irritation, maintains a normal level of hydration.

Kapous Professional

Products of the Russian company Kapous Professional, but production workshops are located in Western Europe. Certificates of conformity are obtained only in Russia.

  1. You can understand what reviews and what the price of Keto Plus shampoo currently exists.

Popular detergents:

  • Conditioner VolumeupGeringLine– perfectly adds volume to thin, weak hair thanks to its protein and protein composition, nourishing damaged hair ends;
  • Product for colored hair KapuasShampooPh 4.5 with keratin and pantheon. This product perfectly preserves the color of dyed hair, perfectly resists the negative consequences of ultraviolet rays, resumes hair growth.


Shampoo price from 600 rub.

Professional shampoos from the Matrix brand. This cosmetics is used by all Hollywood stars, it has a unique formula and perfectly cleanses the hair.


  • Shampoo with deep moisturizing properties TotalResultsMoistureHydration. is able to quickly restore weakened hair, activate growth and give shine and silkiness to the hair;
  • Strengthening cleanser with Intra-Cylance molecular composition and bamboo extracts. The healing shampoo contains a vitamin complex and superactive components that are integrated into the weakened hair structure, nourish it with healing substances and enrich the vitamin reserve. As a result, the bulbs are restored, fragility and loss are stopped.


The cost of shampoos starts from 250 rubles.

Russian professional product from the Estel brand. The shampoos of this brand are in no way inferior to foreign products, they are much cheaper and are loved by our beauties. The most popular product from the Curex series - it copes well with all the tasks of treating and restoring weakened hair and hair follicles.

Which one is the best is described in detail in this article.


Cost of 1000 ml shampoo. from 1000 rub.

Londa products are specially designed for professional hairdressers who work to restore diseased and weakened hair. But over time, the products began to be sold in cosmetic stores to the general public. The composition contains panthenol and almond oil - excellent means for strengthening and restoration.

Every girl dreams of having beautiful, healthy hair, but not everyone can boast of it. The thing is that in addition to genetic factors, health status and environment, hair is affected by the cosmetics we use. In pursuit of efficiency, many manufacturers add chemical elements that are harmful to the health of the hair, resulting in dull, brittle hair. The fashion for organic cosmetics has given impetus to the creation of lines of natural hair shampoos. What is it and how do they differ from conventional products?

Features of natural remedies

Organic shampoos differ primarily in their composition. It does not contain additives such as sulfates, silicones and parabens. It is these compounds that give visible results for the first time, soften the hair, and give it shine. However, some time after use, these same elements cause dullness, brittleness, and dry hair.

Products with natural composition include:

  • Detergent base, and usually these are gentle compounds: natural betaines or monoglycerides of fatty acids.
  • Esters of natural oils.
  • Citric, benzoic or sorbic acid.

It is easy to distinguish such cosmetics; the shampoo will not have a lot of foam or a pleasant aroma, the smell will be natural, no fragrances. The same applies to the color of the liquid, transparent or dim white, gray tint.


On appearance It is always worth paying attention to the product, but it is also necessary to read the label, so you will be sure that you have bought good goods. Organic cosmetics must meet certain requirements, set by large companies specializing in certification and specialization of products. If you find one of the following abbreviations on the label, you can be sure of the quality of the product.

  • BDIH;
  • ICEA;
  • Vegan Society4;
  • USDA (NOP);
  • NaTrue;
  • OASIS;
  • The Natural Products Association;

Advice! If you can’t remember all the certificates, then you can simply pay attention to the composition; it should not contain SLS, DMDN Hydantion, PEG- and Ceteareth, Fragrance.

Also, when studying the composition, you should pay attention to the sequence of components; it depends on the amount of substance added to the shampoo. Shampoos made from natural ingredients should primarily contain herbal extracts and essential oils.

Advantages and disadvantages of organics

Even the best product can have its strengths and weaknesses, knowing them, you understand what you can expect when using it. Natural hair shampoos have the following advantages:

  1. Harmlessness, organic composition not only has no negative effect on the hair, but is also safe for the body as a whole.
  2. Shampoos are suitable for daily hair washing, without worrying about the condition of your skin and hair.
  3. Usage natural cosmetics allows you to maintain the ecology of nature, since all components for it are grown in clean areas, without the use of chemical fertilizers.

Among the disadvantages of organic products, only one can be highlighted - less cosmetic effect compared to conventional products. It is also worth keeping in mind that due to the absence of aggressive surfactants, such shampoos have greater consumption.

By the way, did you know that shampoo can be made at home! 25 folk recipes.

Review of popular brands

Constantly growing competition forces manufacturers to launch new product lines and create more and more brands that would satisfy any group of customers. Indeed, you can find a shampoo that suits your pocket, and to make this easier, we will present you with a rating of natural shampoos.

Avalon Organics

This is a leading manufacturer of natural cosmetics with a worldwide reputation. The company produces not only hair products, but also products for the body and face. In the line of shampoos you can find a normalizing product, an anti-dandruff product, and a strengthening composition. Customers note that shampoos of this brand can be used without using conditioner. The average cost of a bottle is 1000-1100 rubles per 414 ml.

Desert Essence

An American brand whose products are USDA and NSF certified. A distinctive feature of the line is that they foam well, which is not the case with other natural shampoos. Depending on your hair type, you can choose a product with oil tea tree, raspberries, grapes, apple and ginger, mango and coconut. The price is also affordable - 490 rubles for 237 ml. The only disadvantage of the brand is that it is difficult to find it on the shelves, but it is widely represented in online markets.


A line of cosmetics sold only in branded stores. The brand is famous for its solid shampoos, with a fairly high price of 1150 rubles, one jar lasts an average of 3 months. Here you can choose a product for any hair type, since the line is quite diverse. Separately, it is worth noting the “Curly” shampoo for unruly and curly hair.

Tips to help you choose a good and harmless hair shampoo:

The best of the inexpensive ones

The best shampoos do not have to be expensive and sold only in specialized stores. Natural cosmetics often use herbal infusions and conventional products, so they can be quite inexpensive.

Natura Siberica

Natura Siberica is a Russian company that has been awarded a certificate by the UK ICEA and the German Federal Association BDIH. The company's raw materials grow on special farms located in Siberia and Altai, Sakhalin and Kamchatka. The company has several lines for different groups of customers. Budget “Natura Kamchatka” will cost only 100 rubles, and you can choose shampoo for nutrition, strengthening, shine or volume. Products from the “Tuva Siberica” and “Flora Siberica” lines will cost a little more. Their price will be 350-450 rubles. Shampoos are sold in most cosmetic stores, as well as in the manufacturer’s online store.

Planeta Organica

This is not just a manufacturer, but a whole team fighting for the ecology of the planet. The company is proud that for more than 20 years it has been collecting experience from around the world to create a natural, unique product. In the line you can find products that nourish, moisturize, give softness and silkiness, make hair thicker or accelerate its growth. In addition to the usual form of shampoo, Planeta Organica produces thick hair soap, which is the most economical form of product consumption. The price of one bottle varies from 100 to 300 rubles.

Green mama

Cosmetics brand based on beneficial properties plants. Shampoos are enriched with vitamins and mineral oils, restore the water balance of the hair and scalp, and add shine and strength to the hair. Additionally, the company offers dry shampoos, conditioners and hair masks. The average cost of one bottle of 300 ml is 260 rubles.

Himalaya Herbals

Indian cosmetics with natural ingredients. Initially, the company was engaged in the production of herbal medicines, but soon decided to apply its experience in the field of cosmetology. Shampoos from this brand have different effects on hair and are selected based on its type. The price for one bottle starts from 120 rubles; you can supplement the care with conditioner or a mask from the same series.

Despite the descriptions of the most popular brands, making a choice is not always easy, because in theory everything always looks much better than in practice. It is for this reason that we invite you to read reviews from customers who have already tried natural shampoos.

Buyers' opinion

Practice is a sure-fire way to select the ideal cosmetics, but how much do you need to try to form an opinion about each manufacturer? Reviews from those who have already tried organic shampoos will help simplify the task.

Lavrova Maria:

Hello. My acquaintance with organic cosmetics began with the “Planeta Organic People” “Healthy Shine” shampoo. It contains extracts of fragrant mint, cinnamon and white ginger. I was clearly pleased with the ingredients, as I began to hope that ginger and cinnamon would also speed up hair growth. I can’t answer for this indicator yet, since I’ve only been using the product for a month, but here’s what is clearly noted: the hair has really become more shiny, there is volume, the hair is soft and easy to comb, mint pleasantly soothes the scalp. Other products from this brand are coming.

Alferova Ekaterina:

I’ll say right away that it’s difficult to surprise me with shampoo, but what I wanted to write a review about was the product “Lush” - Ocean. The consultants at the store recommended it to me. My task was to get rid of the oiliness at the roots without drying out the already dry ends. So, “Lush” coped with its task perfectly. I can easily go without washing my hair for two days, and my hair becomes voluminous and a little denser. This is important for me, since my hair is naturally frizzy. The price, of course, is steep, and considering that the jar lasts for three months, you can go broke.

Belyaeva Lyudmila:

My acquaintance with natural cosmetics began with the Green Mama brand. After several dyes, my hair began to fall out, then I decided to try the “Phytoregeneration” shampoo with seaweed. I read that you shouldn’t expect a big cosmetic effect from natural cosmetics, but I was pleased with the result. The hair remains clean for a long time, is easy to style, and after two weeks of use it even looks a little healthier. In the family, the entire female half uses this product, and everyone is happy.

Borovik Margarita:

As the owner of natural curly hair, I know firsthand that it is difficult to cope with them and not every shampoo is capable of this. I accidentally came across a product with the cute name “Curly” from the company “Lush”. The composition contains coconut and vanilla, which should moisturize the hair and give elasticity to the curls. The tool coped with the task with a 5+. The hair shines, the curls are beautifully styled, but what was a pleasant bonus for me was the long-lasting aroma, it remains on the hair for 2 - 3 days. Excellent cosmetics, worth the money.

Tretyakova Daria:

I am familiar with organic cosmetics from the Natura Siberica brand. I became interested in this manufacturer after I saw a variety of products from their brand in the store. I tried gels, shampoos, and balms. I'm very pleased with everything. For hair, I first used the cheapest “Kamchatka” line. “Sea buckthorn gold” was a godsend for me, my hair is soft, washes well, and it costs 120 rubles. Then I also bought sea buckthorn shampoo called “Maximum Volume” and again 5 points. The hair is thick, beautiful, and fits well. In general, this brand is still in first place for me.

Reader tips!

Do you know how to choose the right shampoo for your hair? Watch the video:

Organic cosmetics without chemicals - myth or reality?

Shampoos without sulfates and parabens - what brands can be found on this list and how affordable are their prices?

How and when to use it and will it change for the better?

All these questions are of interest to representatives of the fair sex who want to preserve the beauty and quality of their curls.

In this article, we find out whether the chemicals in cosmetics are so dangerous and what reasonable alternative can be found on the shelves of retail chains. And, in fact, is it worth looking for?

3+ most controversial ingredients in shampoos

Even girls who are not particularly into the composition of cosmetics have heard that sulfates, parabens, phthalates and fragrances are the four demons detergents.

And that's why:

Sulfates- although they form an excellent foam, creating a squeaky-washing effect, they accelerate the loss of color and natural oils, cause drying, irritation of the skin, and cause the hair to become oily faster.

As a result, you begin to wash your hair more and more often.

It is not possible to completely eliminate sulfates, but it is necessary to look for brands with a minimum amount of them.

Phthalates- this chemical evil is one of the main components of styling products. Along with them you get iron curls that are not afraid of hurricanes, and a bunch of toxins.

Many phthalates are already banned for use in the cosmetics industry.

Shampoos with chemical additives significantly deteriorate the quality of our hair.

Parabens- prevent the growth of bacteria in cosmetics, but can also provoke cancer.

A good half of the studies, however, are not able to prove their direct effect on human health, therefore, like any unnatural component, it is better to limit their use.

Fragrances- what makes your shampoo so almondy.

Reading the label a common person You can hardly understand which component will result in an itchy scalp, redness and dandruff, so you should choose cosmetics without active artificial fragrances.

It will be discussed in the next section.

Tip: When you're looking for a formula that's free of harmful contaminants, you're actually looking for a formula that has the least amount of contaminants. You have to come to terms with the fact: 100% organic cosmetics can only be prepared at home. However, for store-bought shampoo to cause irreparable harm to health, they need to wash their hair every day for eight hours.

On the conscience of sulfate allergies, itching and burning

Shampoos without parabens and sulfates - list of the best, reviews and price

The price is based on this volume. If you intend to buy a shampoo without parabens and sulfates from our list, remember that it is better to store it in the refrigerator, as it may well turn sour.

Mulsan Cosmetic, Russia (Krasnodar), - approx. 6 dollars

And this is not surprising. Each cosmetic product has a unique and safe composition for the health of people of any age.

The products easily surpass in their properties and composition even competitors with a price 4-7 times higher.

The shelf life of the product is only 10 months, which indicates that it contains exclusively natural ingredients.

Here you will not find sulfates, parabens, dyes and other toxic nonsense.

It’s not for nothing that the company’s slogan is: “Cosmetics for those who read the ingredients.” This is a real find for mothers, since the Mulsan Cosmetics product line includes baby shampoos.

Due to the limited validity period, the products can only be purchased in the official online store (

As a pleasant addition to quality products, the company offers free delivery throughout Russia.

Mulsan Cosmetic

“Recipes of Grandmother Agafya”, Russia - approx. 2 dollars

The Russian brand “Granny Agafya’s Recipes” is especially popular in all lists and reviews of hair care products without parabens and sulfates.

And this is not surprising - the manufacturer insists on the exceptional naturalness of the products and claims that this same grandmother existed and developed all the compositions.

And the price is pleasantly pleasing. The cosmetics are based on a gentle soap root base, and even the packaging, again if you take the word of the manufacturers, does not contain polyvinyl chloride.

Reviews about the cosmetic line are mostly neutral and positive.

"Grandmother Agafya's Recipes"

Tip: Shampoo for daily use of the economy class brand “Clean Line” is also popular. It costs less than two dollars, and after washing they look fresh and alive. Suitable for daily use.

Natura Siberica, Russia - approx. 6 dollars

Sulfate-free Russian shampoos are clear leaders in the sales market. 95% of the composition is compounds of wild plants of Siberia.

If you believe the manufacturers of the Natura Siberica sulfate- and paraben-free shampoo and reviews online, the products do not irritate the skin, are hypoallergenic, and after regular use the hair looks vibrant.

The line includes care for all types.

Natura Siberica

Yves Rocher, France - approx. 5 dollars

Low Shampoo is one of many hair care products from the popular French brand.

It consists of 99% components of natural origin, gently cleanses, while combing hair quite easily and without conditioner. It is spent uneconomically.

Perfect for those with light-colored hair.

Yves Rocher

Logona Natur Сosmetic, Germany - approx. 10 $

The German company's line includes shampoos for all hair types, including those prone to dandruff.

The shampoo is hypoallergenic and does not contain parabens, silicones, sulfates, petrochemical products and fragrances.

It is approved for use by asthmatics and is, because it does not contain fats of animal origin.

Logona Natur Сosmetic

Himalaya Herbals, India - approx. 6-7 dollars

The cosmetics brand was founded in 1930 and has been producing cosmetics for almost a century, based on the principles of living in harmony with nature.

Himalaya shampoos carefully and delicately cleanse hair, restoring lost shine and strength.

The composition contains amla, licorice, chickpea extract. There are no artificial colors.

Himalaya Herbals

Botanicus, Czech Republic - approx. 7 dollars

And although it will take some time to get used to natural shampoos, many girls appreciated the effect of Botanicus from the first wash, especially in combination with a mask.

Particularly popular is a product with nasturtium and horsetail extracts for thin, lifeless curls.

A persistent pleasant aroma is maintained thanks to parsley.

The shampoo perfectly strengthens hair and fights hair loss. The bottle should be shaken before use.


Alloton, France - approx. 8 dollars

The series is intended for daily care for weak hair prone to loss.

Contains olive oil, extract, burdock, nasturtium, aloe vera and wheat germ proteins.

Strengthens hair roots, stimulates their growth and is not addictive.


Vichy, France - approx. 15 dollars

Soothing care from the French brand restores the protective barrier balance of the skin, reduces itching, burning, and contains panthenol and vitamin C.

Manufacturers honestly admit that a noticeable effect occurs after the first three weeks of use.


Aubrey Organics, USA - approx. 15-20 dollars

American cosmetics are suitable for capricious hair, smoothes it, strengthens it, and removes excess frizz.

The product cleanses hair from the effects of sulfate silicone shampoos, washes out chlorine, takes care of color, and vitamins and minerals fight excessive fragility of curls.

Aubrey's price is appropriate.

Aubrey Organics

Shampoos without parabens and sulfates - a list of professional products

L’Oreal Professional Delicate Color, France - from $10

The shampoo not only does not contain harmful chemical compounds and alkali, but is also enriched with incell molecules, which strengthen the structure of curls.

Suitable for colored hair, protects against color fading and retains a pleasant subtle aroma for a long time.

L'Oreal Professional Delicate Color

Schwarzkopf Professional, France - from 10 dollars

A list of shampoos without sulfates and parabens, especially professional ones, is unthinkable without care products from this brand.

In the line you can find both quite affordable representatives and expensive shampoos from $20 and above.

All of them are distinguished by gentle cleansing of curls and are ideal for use after.

Schwarzkopf Professional

Estel Aqua Otium, France - from 10 dollars

Shampoo "Estelle" belongs to the category of professional.

The price is indicated for liter packaging. Like all natural shampoos, it does not lather well.

It can be used daily without fear or risk, and products with an active chemical effect can be saved for the case when you cannot do without a “big wash” of your hair - this way the influence of the chemicals will be minimal.

Tip: To avoid drying out your skin, do not wash your hair with too hot water. Rinse off all shampoos thoroughly for five minutes - of course, water washes out the color of dyed curls, but it also neutralizes unnatural components.

Several Yet useful tips on hair care, as well as recipes for homemade masks, you will find in the article.

The main function of shampoo is to get rid of impurities on the hair. These are exfoliated scalp cells, sebaceous secretions and dirt residues. If done incorrectly, it can seriously damage your hair and scalp and worsen their appearance.

The shampoo should perform the following functions

The main function of any shampoo is it cleanses the hair and scalp, it is important that the shampoo can cleanse the hair of dirt, sebum, styling products, dust and silicones, but not dry out the hair and scalp. Auxiliary functions include:
- protection of the hair cuticle;
- increasing hair elasticity;
- saving moisture and keratin;
- minimization of static electricity.

In other words, it is shampoo that is responsible not only for the beauty, but also for the health of your hair. Therefore, it is very important to approach its choice with special attention.

Features of choosing shampoo by hair type

The modern cosmetic market offers a large number of variations and brands shampoos. To buy the right one, first of all, decide on your hair type. There are special medical tests that are carried out by specialists. But you can do this yourself.

The easiest way to determine greasy hair– they quickly acquire a greasy sheen and look dull. You have to wash them very often (once every one or two days). Dry hair type a little harsh, difficult to comb and often splits. All these factors need to be taken into account when choosing shampoos.

Shampoo for oily hair

Of course, owners of oily hair need to pay attention to shampoos designed for this type of hair. The shampoo should be strong enough to handle oil and dirt well, but still be suitable for daily use. The product should not contain aggressive chemical components that will wash away all sebum and sebaceous glands will start working even harder.

It’s great if the composition contains natural ingredients - mint, oak bark, nettle, sage, horsetail. In addition, this product should contain antibacterial substances that help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Shampoo for dry hair types

Owners of dry and unruly hair are also recommended to buy shampoo marked "for dry hair". Such products should contain more nutritional and moisturizing additives that will help restore and nourish the hair. Therefore, before purchasing, carefully study the composition of the shampoo. It is desirable that it be attended oils, chamomile, calendula, honey, panthenol.. At the same time, the shampoo base should not be aggressive! Read about the shampoo base below.

Choosing a shampoo for colored hair and damaged hair

Hair is damaged during the process of curling or coloring, so care for it must be careful. The chosen product should:

1. do not irritate the scalp, restore hair after the dye has applied;
2. save your chosen shade;
3. make hair “alive” and elastic;
4. create protection from exposure to ultraviolet rays.

If you are prone to dandruff

When seborrheic dermatitis occurs, it is important to use special treatments that will fight harmful fungi and minimize sebum production. Anti-dandruff shampoos should contain ketoconazole, bifonazole, salicylic acid or tar.

Composition of shampoo - harmful and beneficial components

As I already said, shampoo is, first of all, designed to cleanse the hair and scalp, so it is important to pay attention to the base of the shampoo, since it makes up 50% of the composition of the shampoo. The base consists of water and surfactants(surfactant - it is the surfactant that creates foam and cleanses the hair of impurities).

The most harmful shampoo bases

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)
Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate
Ammonium Laureth Sulfate
Sodium Laureth Sulfate

All these bases are very aggressive, they can dry out the hair and scalp and cause harm to health. Using shampoos with such surfactants, you will encounter problems such as dryness, irritation, flaking of the scalp, hair will become thin and brittle, and begin to fall out. Do not use such shampoos under any circumstances.

Milder shampoo bases you can use:

TEA Layril Sulfate (Triethanolamine Lauryl Sulfate)
TEA (Triethanolamine)
Cocamide D.E.A.
DEA-Cetyl phosphate
DEA Oleth-3 phosphate
Myristamide DEA, Stearamide MEA
Cocamide MEA, Lauramide DEA, etc.

The safest shampoo bases are:

Cocoamidopropyl Betaine
Decyl Glucoside or decyl polyglucose
Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate
Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate
Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate

Such bases will not harm your hair and health in general, but you should not look for shampoos from the mass market with such a composition - they simply do not exist. The use of organic surfactants significantly increases the cost of shampoo and can be found either in organic cosmetics stores or in a line of professional shampoos.

There are also shampoos based on soap root or soap nuts- These are harmless bases that can significantly improve the condition of your hair. For those who want to completely abandon store-bought shampoos, you can use soap nuts; read more about how to wash your hair with them here.

Other harmful components of shampoos

VNT– butyloxytoluene – prevents fats from oxidizing when interacting with oxygen. As a result, the hair becomes dry and lacks vitality.

Sodium lauryl or laureth sulfate– an ingredient responsible for the process of cleansing fat. Some companies position this ingredient as “coconut extract”; in fact, it is a harmful petroleum product. May lead to allergic reactions.

Silicones- there are different opinions about their use in hair cosmetics, they are often contained in shampoos, I would recommend avoiding shampoo with silicones, they accumulate in the hair, weigh it down and make it more fragile. Silicones provide only a cosmetic effect- they smooth out the hair scales and it seems that the hair has become healthy and strong, but this is only externally. At the very least, you should avoid silicones in shampoo.

Useful ingredients in shampoo

As a rule, useful components are indicated in shampoos at the end of the list, which make up 5-10% of the total composition. But, despite the small volume, in the right combination such ingredients can give good results. Beneficial substances include essential oils, plant extracts, cosmetic oil etc. Let's consider them in more detail.

1. Panthenol
– envelops the hair with a thin film without weighing it down. Thus, it protects them from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays or high temperatures.

2. Vitamin E- Maximizes blood circulation, gives hair vital oxygen and useful microelements, thereby accelerating growth processes.

3. Collagen– envelops each hair in a protective layer that retains moisture, makes hair voluminous and thick, lifting it from the roots.

4. Keratin is a building protein that can restore hair structure after damage.

5. Vitamin A (retinol)– accelerates regeneration processes, prevents dryness and flaking of the skin.

6. Herbal extracts

Unfortunately, the shampoo contains very few useful components, so first of all pay attention based on shampoo, if it is aggressive, then no useful components will matter. I repeat once again that shampoo exists for cleansing, but to restore hair it is better to use a good one. hair mask.

Sulfate-free shampoos

IN last years Quite a lot of different programs and articles have been published about the dangers of cosmetics and shampoo, among others. In this regard, girls began to look for an alternative to regular shampoos with SLS. Manufacturers didn’t have to wait long and started producing safe ones, but are they really that safe? Let's figure it out.

Sulfate-free shampoo base

Almost every brand has released a shampoo labeled SLS-free, but is it safe? Manufacturers often replace the well-known SLS with another cleaner (for example, diethanolamine DEA) and proudly write that the shampoo does not contain SLS. But such a cleaner is not safe. Therefore, always carefully study the composition.

Sulfate-free shampoos contain mild herbal cleansers, which carefully cleanse the scalp and hair and do not cause itching, irritation of the scalp, or dandruff. The base is often soap nut extract or saponaria (medicinal soapwort), they are completely natural detergent components. The composition also contains plant extracts, oils, aloe and other components.

How to choose a sulfate-free shampoo

1. Price - natural shampoo cannot be cheap, so if you see an inexpensive shampoo on a store shelf that states that it is organic and safe, it is not. Manufacturers simply replaced some harmful components with others or wrote the composition rather vaguely.

2. If the shampoo foams very well, then it most likely contains sulfates, because they are responsible for foaming. A sulfate-free shampoo should form a small amount of foam or no foam at all, depending on its base.

Choose proven brands that occupy leading positions in the production of organic cosmetics. Order products from trusted online stores such as

Pros and cons of sulfate-free shampoos

- gently cleanses hair and scalp without stripping it;
- does not cause itching, irritation and peeling;
- does not disturb the natural balance of the scalp, does not wash away the protective layer;
- restores hair, makes it smoother and more elastic, does not destroy the keratin at its base (therefore, sulfate-free shampoos are suitable after keratin hair straightening);
- thanks to the gentle base, it preserves the color of dyed hair longer;
- have a beneficial effect on hair growth.

- is not able to remove silicones and other styling products from hair, as it contains a soft base;
- thick and long hair will have to be washed several times or more shampoo applied; the washing process takes longer;
- your hair needs to get used to this shampoo, so at first it may look unkempt and dull. The adaptation period takes an average of a month.

Sulfate-free shampoos - a list of some proven brands:

- COCOCHOCO professional Sulphate-Free
- Yes to Carrots and Yes to Cucumbers
- Aubrey Organics
- Moisture Repair Shampoo MOROCCANOIL
- L'Oreal Paris EverPure Smooth Shampoo
- sulfate-free shampoos Natura Siberica
- Planeta Organica
- Sulfate-free shampoos LOGONA
- Caring Line by Kapous
- Kaaral Purify Reale Intense Nutrition Shampoo
- Kerastase Discipline Bain Fluidealiste Sulfur Free
- Shampoo Lebel Hair Soap with Cypress
- Sulfate-free Shampoo for Blonde Hair, Forever Blonde Shampoo Paul Mitchell

In any case, sulfate-free shampoo is safe, so I would recommend using it.

This rating of the ten best hair shampoos for July 2019 includes shampoos from ten popular brands in Russia: Head & Shoulders (USA), La "dor ( South Korea), Kapous (Russia), Organic Shop (Russia), Londa (Germany), Garnier (France), Estel (Russia), Pantene Pro-V (USA), TRESemmé (USA), Natura Siberica (Russia). Shampoos in the top 10 were selected based on popularity among customers, reviews and recommendations for purchase in Yandex Market (where thousands of different varieties of shampoos from dozens of online stores are presented).

Londa Color Radiance Shampoo

The average price is 540 rubles (bottles from 250 to 1000 ml). Shampoo from the German brand Londa, owned by the American company Coty, received 100% recommendations for purchase in Yandex Market.

London Color Radiance with created specifically to prevent all kinds of damage to colored hair. Due to various environmental influences, colored hair can become porous as the coloring process makes it brittle. The new shampoo from Londa uses a special technology using Radialux microions, which can effectively remove chemical dye residues and also block Vitaflection microspheres, maintaining vibrant hair color.

9th place.

Botanic Therapy Shampoo. Castor oil and almonds

The average price is 226 rubles (bottles from 250 to 400 ml). Shampoo from the French brand Garnier received 100% recommendations for purchase in Yandex Market.

Shampoo for weak and hair loss prone hair. Garnier's botanical experts have selected strengthening castor oil and nourishing almonds to create a unique formulation for weak, hair loss-prone hair. This exceptional formulation effectively affects the hair, revives its strength and restores it from the very roots. The result: hair is stronger from the roots, feels thicker and looks healthy: it regains its beauty and strength day after day.

Pantene Pro-V Shampoo. Thick and strong

The average price is 248 rubles (bottles from 90 to 400 ml). The shampoo from the American manufacturer received 100% A's according to reviews in Yandex Market.

Pantene Pro-V Thick & Strong Shampoo gently cleanses and infuses hair with Pro-V nutrients for healthy-looking hair with shine. Strengthens lifeless hair. Gives hair a healthy appearance, volume and strength from roots to ends. For thin, weak hair. For best results, use with Pantene Pro-V Thick & Strong Hair Conditioner and Conditioner.

Shampoo Natura Siberica. Protection and shine

The average price is 330 rubles (400 ml bottles or 500 ml packages). Shampoo from Russian brand Natura Siberica (Natura Siberica) received 75% of fives for reviews in Yandex Market and 100% of recommendations for purchase.

Shampoo to protect colored and damaged hair based on extracts of Rhodiola rosea and Dahurian soybean with the use of white beeswax significantly increases the hair’s resistance to the damaging effects of chemicals, which are often contained in dyes. The use of Rhodiola rosea extract increases the protective potential of hair, nourishes and moisturizes it, and also stimulates natural regenerative processes. Daurian soybean extract allows you to saturate the scalp and hair with the most valuable protein of plant origin, and white beeswax strengthens the hair and gives it a healthy shine.

Shampoo Estel Otium Aqua

The average price is 700 rubles (bottles from 250 to 1000 ml). Shampoo from Russian manufacturer received 80% of fives for reviews in Yandex Market and 88% of recommendations for purchase.

Estel Otium Aqua - moisturizing hair shampoo gently cleanses hair, suitable for daily use. Maintains the natural hydro-lipid balance of the scalp, strengthens the hair structure.

A powerful moisturizing complex True Aqua Balance with natural betaine and amino acids improves the condition of dry, damaged hair, helps retain moisture inside the hair without weighing it down. Makes hair silky, healthy, soft and shiny.

Has an antistatic effect. Does not contain sodium laureth sulfate (a new modern trend in the segment of hair and body care detergents).

Organic Kitchen Shampoo. Braid to the waist

The average price is 106 rubles (per 100 ml bottle). Shampoo from the Russian manufacturer Organic Shop received 86% of fives from reviews in Yandex Market and 100% of recommendations for purchase. "Organic Kitchen. Waist-length braid" is one of the five most popular shampoos in Russia.

Thick shampoo is an irreplaceable source of nutrients, microelements and vitamins in one jar. Sea minerals moisturize and restore hair from the inside. Organic kelp algae restores elasticity to damaged hair, preventing brittleness and hair loss. The intensive restoration effect guarantees you healthy, luxurious and long curls.

TRESemmé Beauty-full Volume Shampoo

The average price is 236 rubles (bottles from 230 to 650 ml). The shampoo from the American manufacturer received 100% “A” reviews in Yandex Market and 100% recommendations for purchase. TRESemmé Beauty-full Volume is one of the five most popular shampoos in Russia.

The Beauty-full Volume formula with a unique combination of micellar technology and collagen gently cleanses hair and adds volume from the roots. Proven effectiveness: 2 times more volume from the roots.

Head & Shoulders 2 in 1. Basic care - the most popular shampoo in Russia

The average price is 300 rubles (bottles from 200 to 600 ml). The shampoo from the American manufacturer scored 95% of fives in Yandex Market and is, according to the same Yandex Market, the most popular shampoo in Russia.

Head & Shoulders 2 in 1 is an anti-dandruff shampoo and conditioner with a triple action formula. It cleanses, protects and moisturizes (with regular use) your hair and scalp - you will get up to 100% dandruff-free, and your hair will look healthy and beautiful.

Properties Shampoo Head& Shoulders meets the new high standards of beauty and is formulated with a tried and tested anti-dandruff active ingredient to keep hair looking great and dandruff gone.

For all hair types.

Shampoo Kapous Professional Magic Keratin

The average price is 395 rubles (bottles from 300 to 1000 ml). The shampoo from the Russian manufacturer received 100% of the five reviews in Yandex Market and 92% of recommendations for purchase. This is the third most popular shampoo in Russia.

A special action product intended for intensive hair care. Recommended for restoring hair after dyeing, bleaching and perm, protection from the negative effects of the external environment, as well as as a treatment for damaged hair. Thanks to the high concentration of keratin, which penetrates deeply into the hair structure, weakened keratin compounds are strengthened at the molecular level, and the hair follicles are additionally supplied with nutrients. The panthenol contained in the composition has a restorative effect, enhances shine, restores elasticity, and makes combing easier. Sunflower extract contains saturated fatty acids and a significant amount of vitamin E, which smooth the cuticle and restore hair integrity. Harmonious combination Natural components in the lotion help improve skin tone, hair becomes strong, silky and manageable.

Shampoo La"dor Keratin LPP

The average price is 700 rubles (bottles from 150 to 530 ml). The shampoo from the South Korean manufacturer received 100% recommendations for purchase in Yandex Market. This is the second most popular shampoo in Russia.

Natural organic hair shampoo Lador Keratin LPP Shampoo contains amino acids, keratin, silk proteins, collagen protein and vegetable protein. A gentle and delicate product suitable for even the most sensitive scalp and for caring for the most damaged and porous hair. Multifunctional shampoo solves three main problems: deep cleansing hair and scalp, replenishing protein and nourishing the hair cuticle. The shampoo is slightly acidic

Does not contain sulfates, silicones, artificial dyes, parabens, mineral oil, benzophenone.

The bottle has a dispenser.