Massage in children's practice massage and gymnastics for infants and young children. Massage in children's practice massage and gymnastics for infants and young children Therapeutic properties of children's massage

Massage and gymnastic exercises are the most beneficial and expedient way to educate a child in correct and precise movements. In the absence of purposeful education, the development of movements in a child is delayed, and their quality deteriorates noticeably.

When choosing special exercises for a child, it is necessary to take into account not only age characteristics, but also the characteristics of his individual development. On each age stage the child shows two kinds of reactions: predominant, stronger, but tending to fade; emerging, still very weak, but nevertheless tending to steadily increase.

For example, in the first 3 months of life in children, hypertension of the flexor muscles of the upper and lower extremities is pronounced. Against this background, the balancing of the extensor muscles arises and gradually increases.

Since the hypertension of the flexor muscles continuously decreases during the normal development of the child, the first reaction is progressive.

Facilitating this response (relaxing the flexor muscles) should be considered appropriate. The means to promote this include daily warm baths and light stroking massage, causing muscle relaxation; stimulation of the child's independent movements associated with extension, for which the main motor background of this age is used - congenital reflexes.

In the first months of life, it is advisable to use only reflexes that are associated with extension in exercises in order to prevent strengthening of the already predominant flexors.

If the balancing of the flexors and extensors of the upper limbs occurs in a timely manner, then the prerequisites are created for the developed skill of the hands, which will give the child the opportunity to reach for the object, take it, and then, holding on, pull himself up, lifting the body.

Thus, with the timely development of small muscles, prerequisites are created for the development of large muscles, which provides the child with the ability to change position.

Physical exercise shown to every healthy child from 1.5-2 months of age. By this time, the child's body adapts to the conditions of extrauterine existence, a certain rhythm of life is established, thermoregulation is improved.

For infants, the exercises should be very simple and easy to do.

Contraindications to the appointment of gymnastic exercises and massage to a healthy child in accordance with his age and individual characteristics does not exist. Gymnastics and massage are carried out in a room at a temperature of 20-22 ° C. In summer, exercises should be performed with an open window or in the air at the same temperature.

The lesson itself is held on a table covered with a four-fold flannelette blanket, on top of which an oilcloth and a clean sheet are laid.

Classes are carried out once a day 45 minutes before or 45 minutes after feeding. The nurse's (or mother's) hands should be clean, dry and warm. The child is undressed; his body must be warm. During the lesson, the child must maintain a cheerful mood, talk with him, encourage him to be active, smile, use toys. During the performance of certain exercises, the nurse (or mother) should carefully monitor the reaction of the child. If there is a negative reaction (mood deterioration, crying), the procedure should be interrupted and the child should be reassured. The child should not be overtired.

All movements must be done rhythmically, calmly and smoothly (without violence), repeating each 2-3 times.

Fundamentals of the general technique of massage and gymnastics in young children

The development of the motor activity of an infant proceeds in two directions - statics and motor skills. In accordance with this, groups of exercises for children of this age are also determined: they include exercises for the development of coordination, balance, as well as respiratory movements. For the development of respiratory activity in young children, passive and reflex exercises are used.

Passive exercises are performed not by a child, but by a massage therapist ( nurse, mother). They are designed to use the natural motor phase of the child's muscles: flexion during contraction of a certain muscle group and extension during their relaxation.

Passive exercise should not be used until 3 months of the child's life, since with the existing hypertension of the flexors, their implementation is associated with the danger of violence against the child.

After 3 months of life, when the muscles of the flexors and extensors of the upper limbs are completely balanced, passive movements for the arms can be gradually introduced, starting with the simplest ones and moving on to more complex ones.

The balancing of the muscles of the flexors and extensors of the lower extremities is achieved between 4-5 months of life, which makes it possible to introduce passive movements for the legs.

Reflex exercises. To strengthen the muscles of the neck and torso, you can use reflex exercises designed for movements that proceed according to the type of unconditioned motor reflexes.

Congenital motor reflex reactions appear in response to irritation of receptors in the skin, muscles, and nervous apparatus. First, in the hanging position on the stomach, the child tilts his head back. Approximately a month later (by 4 months), in the same position, his whole body begins to bend, forming an arc open upwards. This movement is an energetic irritation and strengthening of the vestibular apparatus. From the age of 4 months, in the hanging position on the back, the child tilts his head forward, straining the muscles of the front surface of the body.

By regularly giving the indicated positions (holding the child on the hang on the stomach, on the back), you can strengthen the muscles of the neck and torso.

In the future, on the basis of these innate reflexes, conditioned connections can be created in response to such signal stimuli as stretching the legs, sound signals, grasping, etc.

Exercises with the help of someone (passive-active). These include movements that are only partially performed by the child independently, for example, sitting down while pulling the child by the arms, by the hands; standing with support under the armpits, etc.

Active exercises are voluntary exercises that the child does independently.

Massage- one of the types of passive gymnastics. Its essence consists in mechanical irritations rhythmically and systematically applied to the child's body.

Massage is general and local. General massage has a significant and diverse effect on the child's body. There are 5 basic massage techniques:

1) stroking;

2) rubbing;

3) kneading;

4) tapping;

5) vibration.

Stroking. When stroking the skin is released from the scales of the epidermis, which leads to the opening of the ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

This method improves respiration and nutrition of the skin (skin vessels expand, arterial and venous circulation improves), its firmness and elasticity increase.

Up to 3 months, children are massaged exclusively by stroking. After 3 months, other massage techniques are added: kneading, tapping. General stroking massage lasts up to 6 months.

In the future, it is needed mainly in violation of muscle elasticity and muscle tone, as well as rest between exercises.

Massage begins with stroking. It alternates with other techniques and the massage ends with it. When stroking, one or both hands of the massage therapist fit snugly against the massaged surface, glide slowly, calmly, rhythmically.

Stroking is always performed taking into account the venous and lymphatic outflow (along the way). Kinds strokes:

1) coverage. Performed with two hands. With one hand, the masseur holds the limb by the hand or foot, the second one covers the limb between the thumb and four other fingers;

2) alternating stroking. It is performed with two hands in such a way that when one hand completes the movement, the second replaces it;

3) cruciform stroking. It is performed with two hands, the fingers of which are intertwined;

4) spiral stroking. Performed by the base of the palm, or terminal phalanx thumb, or with the other four fingers, or with the whole palm. With spiral stroking, while maintaining the main direction of movement, additional spiral movements are described;

5) stroking with weights. Performed with two hands. One hand with the palmar or back surface lies on the massaged area, the second is on top and exerts pressure, helps to perform stroking.

Rubbing is intended to affect mainly the musculoskeletal system of the child. With this technique, the nutrition of tendons, tendon sheaths, mucous bags improves; increases elasticity and contractility of muscles.

When rubbing, the skin is slightly stretched with fingers. Not only the skin is rubbed, but also the tissues lying under it.

Trituration carried out in different directions.

Kinds rubbing:

1) longitudinal grinding. It is performed with the thumbs of both hands. The fingers lie parallel and tightly on the massaged surface and rub it, moving in opposite directions;

2) rubbing with fingertips. It is performed with one or two hands. The fingers are bent, the ends are directed to the skin of the massaged area. Movement in different directions;

3) spiral rubbing. It is performed similarly to spiral stroking, but more vigorously with the displacement of the skin and rubbing it in different directions;

4) rake rubbing. Used for back massage. From the neck to the buttocks, rubbing is performed with the ends of the fingers of both hands, which slide along both sides of the spine. From the buttocks to the neck, rubbing is performed with the back of the hands;

5) sawing. Two hands work. The brushes are located parallel to the rib surface and rub the area, moving in opposite directions.

kneading It is aimed at strengthening the blood supply and improving the nutrition of the massaged area.

It is mainly used for deep muscle massage.

Muscles or individual muscle bundles are captured by the massage therapist's fingers, slightly retracted and kneaded in different directions.

Kinds kneading:

1) longitudinal kneading. Movements are performed along muscle fibers;

2) transverse kneading. The muscle is warmed up in the transverse direction in relation to the muscle fibers;

3) double ring kneading. It is performed with two hands while massaging the shoulder. The shoulder is covered by the thumb and four other fingers. The brushes, moving in opposite directions, twist the three- and two-headed muscles, as it were, and thereby knead them.

tapping as a special type of massage, it helps to reduce the excitability of peripheral nerves, improve blood supply, and, consequently, muscle nutrition.

Tapping also affects the underlying internal organs.

This technique is performed by lightly tapping individual parts of the body (richer in muscles) with the ends of both fingers.

In the smallest children, this technique in the form of rhythmic patting is performed by the palmar surface of the fingers of one or the other hand of certain parts of the body, most often the back, thighs, less often the back surface of the lower leg.

Kinds tapping:

1) tapping with fingertips. The blows are applied with two hands, the fingers of which are half-bent;

2) tapping of the palmar surface;

3) pat. Performed with two hands, the fingers of which are gathered into a “soft fist”, make movements resembling kneading dough;

4) hacking. Blows are applied with the costal surface of the hand.

Vibration consists in transmitting to the body rapidly successive uniform shocks. This reception in early age is used very rarely.

Methods of massage and gymnastics at the age of 1.5–3 months

Since the muscle tone of the limb flexors is pronounced in children of this age, massage efforts should be aimed at relaxing these muscles.

Active movements are carried out taking into account innate reflexes, mainly musculocutaneous and protective.

Of the innate reflexes, it is necessary to pay attention to extension, avoiding movements of the flexor muscles.

In children of this age, attention should be paid to relaxing the flexors using stroking.

The sequence of the procedure:

1) hand massage (stroking);

2) foot massage (stroking);

3) laying out on the stomach;

4) back massage (stroking);

5) massage of the abdomen (stroking);

6) foot massage (rubbing);

7) exercises for the feet (reflex movements);

8) extension of the spine (reflex) in the position either on the right or on the left side;

9) laying out on the stomach;

10) reflex crawling.

The child lies on his back during the procedure.

The child should take a warm bath every day, you need to evoke positive emotions in him during the procedure, communication.

Methods of massage and gymnastics at the age of 3-4 months

With normal development in a child of this age, the physiological increased tone of the flexors of the arms disappears, but the phenomena of hypertonicity of the muscles of the legs may still remain. At this age, you can begin to carry out passive movements for the hands. At the age of 3-4 months, in connection with the strengthening of the cervical muscles, congenital position reflexes appear.

On the lower extremities, stroking is used to relax the flexors, where there is hypertonicity.

If the child has the first attempts to change the position of the body (turning from back to stomach), then he should be helped.

By 3 months, the crawling phenomenon disappears, and exercises for the lower extremities can be applied.

The procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

1) hand massage;

2) grasping movements with hands (passive exercise);

3) foot massage (stroking, rubbing, kneading);

4) turn on the stomach to the right (reflex movement);

5) back massage (stroking, rubbing, kneading);

6) reflex movement of the head back in position

on the stomach;

7) massage of the abdomen (stroking);

8) foot massage (rubbing, patting);

9) exercises for the feet (reflex);

10) vibration massage of the entire chest;

11) passive exercise for arms and legs for flexion and extension;

12) turn on the stomach to the left.

Thus, it is necessary to promote the full balancing of the flexors and extensors of the limbs, the first skills to change the position of the body; provide conditions for the development of the muscles of the hands, hanging various toys, objects for grabbing them at the height of outstretched arms.

Massage and gymnastics technique at the age of 4-6 months

At the age of 4 to 6 months, the child is balancing the tone of the flexors and extensors of the lower extremities, so it is necessary to introduce passive movements for the lower extremities.

Strengthening of the anterior cervical muscles by 4 months is due to exercises based on the food reflex with turns and raising the head of the child.

In this age period, you can introduce active exercises to change the position of the body (from a lying position to a sitting position) with support for the hands.

Performing exercises, it is necessary to maintain the rhythm of movements by counting out loud (one, two, three, four).

Mandatory event - back, abdomen and feet, upper limbs.

1) grasping movements with hands, passive cross movements in front of the chest;

2) foot massage;

3) imitation of cycling movements, "sliding steps" on the surface of the table;

4) turn from back to stomach to the right, back massage (all techniques);

5) "floating" in the position on the stomach (reflex movement);

6) massage of the abdomen (stroking clockwise, along the oblique muscles of the abdomen);

7) lifting the upper body of the child from a supine position with support for both arms extended to the sides;

8) foot massage (reflex movements);

9) flexion and extension of the arms ("boxing");

10) flexion and extension of the legs together and in turn;

11) reflex exercise on the back, "hovering";

12) chest massage;

13) turn from back to stomach.

All massage techniques are carried out in the supine position.

The main task is the further development of the muscles of the hands, changing the position of the body with its turns; preparation for crawling; when laying on the stomach, rhythmic sound signals should be given for auditory development.

Methods of massage and gymnastics at the age of 6-10 months

In this period, it is possible to introduce exercises both for the small muscles of the hand and for the large muscles of the limbs, which are difficult in terms of coordination of movement. The child is able to hold the body in certain positions for a longer time, to sit without support, to stand with support, to crawl. During this period, the child develops understanding of speech, which must be promoted.

Conditional signals, verbal instructions (sit down, give, take, give, hold tight) should be widely used, all signals must be carried out on the basis of unconditioned reflexes.

The sequence of procedures:

1) grasping movements with hands, with rings;

2) flexion and extension of arms and legs with verbal instruction, stroking and rubbing;

3) turn from back to stomach to the right (behind the legs) with verbal instruction;

4) back massage (all manipulations);

5) with the support of both hands, sitting down with a verbal instruction;

6) circular movements with hands;

7) raising straight legs with verbal instruction;

8) reflex movement along the lines along the spine with deflection;

9) turn from back to stomach to the left with verbal instruction;

10) lifting from a prone position with the support of the hands with a verbal instruction;

11) exercise for arm flexors for sitting down with verbal instruction;

12) massage of the chest and abdomen (all techniques with vibration;

13) breathing exercises, squeezing on exhalation from the sides.

The position of the child is lying, and with some exercises - sitting. It is necessary to stimulate the child to crawl, to strive to strengthen the muscles for sitting and standing, to cultivate conditioned motor reflexes with understanding of speech and coordination of movements, to observe the rhythm in the performance of movements. Massage should precede exercise.

Methods of massage and gymnastics at the age of 10 months to 1 year

In this period, standing without support is formed and walking develops.

The child develops new motor skills (for example, squatting), so more squatting exercises are recommended.

The child in this period has a connection with actions and objects, their names, which are related to gymnastics. More verbal instructions should be entered.

The sequence of the procedure:

1) flexion and extension of the arms in a sitting position, standing with objects;

2) "bicycle" movement with verbal instruction;

3) turn from back to stomach according to verbal instructions;

4) back massage (all techniques);

5) from the position lying on the stomach, lifting to a vertical position with the support of the hands or objects (rings);

6) tilt forward (pressing the knee joints of the child to his back);

7) massage of the abdomen (all methods);

8) raising straightened legs to a landmark (sticks, toys) with verbal instruction and approval;

9) exercise for arm flexors (sitting down);

10) intense arching with holding the child by the legs, getting an object from the floor with a verbal instruction;

11) squatting with support for the hands, use objects;

12) sitting down with the support of one or the other hand or independently with a return to the starting position;

13) circular movements of hands with objects.

The main task is to stimulate the implementation of exercises according to speech instructions. It is necessary to use various objects - rings, sticks, toys, give the child the opportunity to practice climbing skills, walking, but, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child, start new movements from a prone position, and then (complicating) - sitting, standing. Massage is a rest after gymnastic exercises, so it should be carried out immediately after them.

The organism of a child develops all the time and differs from the organism of an adult in the nature of its responses to various external influences. Knowing the patterns of development of certain functions of the growing child's body, its anatomical and physiological features, it is possible to exert a directed influence on the growth, development and health of the child.

The protective function of the skin in children is less pronounced than in adults, it is often infected and easily vulnerable. Bone baby soft, pliable and requires careful handling. The muscular system in infants is relatively poorly developed and accounts for only 23-25% of body weight, while in an adult it is about 42%. The muscles of the extremities are especially poorly developed in newborns. The skeletal system and the musculoskeletal apparatus in infants are characterized by "physiological weakness", the skin and subcutaneous fat layer are tender and therefore easily vulnerable. These features must be taken into account when conducting a massage.

Due to the imperfection of the development of the central nervous system, the movements of a child aged 1.5 - 2 months are erratic. He cannot keep his head upright on his own. Arms and legs practically do not unbend and are pressed to the body, fingers are clenched into fists (hypertonicity of the flexor muscles, disappears by 3-4 months).

From birth, the baby is endowed with motor reflexes, called unconditioned. Motor reflexes are closely related to congenital skin reflexes. The child's body reacts to irritation of various parts of the skin with appropriate movements. For example, the child's feet touch the support and he begins to rearrange the legs, making movements similar to steps.

If you touch the feet of a child lying on his stomach with his palm, he begins to push off from her legs, trying to crawl. These unconditioned reflexes do not last long and by 3-4 months they are lost. Throughout life, the spinal Galant reflex operates, in which the body bends in response to stroking the skin along the spine.

Massage of young children is carried out with a preventive, hygienic purpose, as well as in case of any deviations in the state of health or physical development, a violation of the normal function of the spine, a pronounced weakness of the muscles and ligamentous apparatus, a violation of the gastrointestinal tract and the transfer of various diseases.

Massage has a comprehensive effect on the child's body. When exposed to massage techniques on the skin, muscles, ligaments, responses from various organs and systems occur. Given the increased excitability of the nervous system, the presence of a large number of receptors in the skin, it is possible to explain the increased sensitivity of the child to the effects of massage. Massage has a positive effect on the emotions and speech development of the child.

In children's massage, the basic techniques of classical massage are used: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration, tapping.

Reception of stroking has a calming effect on the central nervous system of the child, helps to relieve pain, helps to normalize breathing and heart function. With the help of stroking, normal daytime and nighttime sleep is restored. Vibration helps to activate the activity of the neuromuscular apparatus, and also stimulates the increase in metabolism in the child's body. Tapping reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, improves the functioning of internal organs.

Massage begins with stroking. After the disappearance of the physiological hypertonicity of the flexor muscles, kneading techniques are added

In the first year of life, massage is recommended for all children. In the period from 1 year to middle school age inclusive, massage is recommended in cases of any deviations in health or physical development, such as spinal deformity, weakness of muscles and ligaments, and other deviations. In order to prevent healthy children, it is recommended to perform various gymnastics complexes.

This material is devoted to exercises and massages that a mother can do on her own at home, mainly for preventive purposes, or if a pediatrician or other specialist recommends doing such exercises on her own.

For the correct development of the child and the acquisition of stable immunity to various diseases, it is necessary to engage in gymnastic and breathing exercises with him, as well as to conduct regular sessions of hygienic massage. Regular massage and gymnastics generally contribute to the proper development of all sense organs, functions skin and musculature of the child.

Massage - helps to strengthen the entire musculoskeletal system in a child, increase the tone of the muscular system, plasticity and contractility of muscles, elasticity and mobility of the ligamentous apparatus.

When exposed to massage techniques on the skin, muscles and ligaments, responses from various organs and systems occur. Massage has a particularly strong effect on the nervous system. Massage also affects the peripheral capillary network. Lymphatic circulation is also affected by massage. The flow of lymph and blood is accelerated, favorable conditions are created for organs and tissues.

Under the age of 1 year, massage is carried out for all children .

All types of massage for an infant must be alternated with physical exercises, because. they also improve the supply of blood to the muscles, the function of internal organs, and metabolic processes. Physical exercises contribute to the timely development of various skills and functions in a child of the first year of life (crawling, sitting, standing, walking).

The appointment of complexes of gymnastic exercises is carried out by a massage therapist or a doctor, they can also demonstrate techniques and exercises to the mother.

Hygiene requirements

Massage and gymnastics techniques can be started from 1.5 months of a child's life. Massage can be carried out on a special massage table (or on a changing table); at home, massage is often carried out on an ordinary table (approximate dimensions 70x70x90 or 110 ... 120x80x75 cm), on which you need to put a folded flannelette blanket covered with oilcloth (or a special massage rug) and a flannelette diaper.

The temperature should not be lower than 20-22 C, otherwise the child may freeze. It is advisable to start the massage no earlier than 40-45 minutes after eating. For a small child, massage and gymnastic complexes are the same burden as a long hike for an adult, so most often after a massage, kids fall asleep soundly. Before the massage, the child is undressed, washed, laid on the massage table. The child should be calm, and with all types of irritability, agitation, crying, refusal of the upcoming procedure, massage is NOT possible. Massage should be done with warm, clean hands. Talc, oil and various creams are applied to the child's skin only when absolutely necessary, in all other cases the massage therapist applies a little cream or oil to his hands - this is necessary to ensure better gliding over the surface of the child's body.

The sequence of the massage - legs, arms, abdomen, chest, back, buttocks, back of the legs, feet and performing gymnastic exercises. If the room is cool - areas of the child's body that are this moment not massaged, must be covered with a diaper.

Massage should be done gently and gently. It is very important to monitor the reaction to the child's massage, which should be positive. If for some reason the child does not respond well to massage, it should be interrupted. Movements during the massage should be directed along the course of the blood vessels. The liver area when massaging the abdomen must be bypassed. You also need to bypass the genitals of the child during massage, and when massaging the back, shock techniques (patting, tapping in the kidney area) should not be used.

Massage and gymnastics of the child should be carried out for 6-7 minutes.

With slight redness on the skin of a child as a result of diathesis, massage should be carried out carefully, avoiding areas with rashes. If the rash has become significant, massage should not be performed at this time.

When performing massage and gymnastics, it is important to observe the following rules:

  1. Before the start of the session, you should establish contact with the child, talk to him kindly and affectionately, only after that you can start the massage.
  2. Massage and gymnastics should start with simple techniques and exercises, and over time, the procedure can be complicated by gradually introducing new elements.
  3. You can not strongly grab and squeeze the tissues and joints of the child, as this can cause him pain. All techniques and movements must be performed with caution.
  4. When performing all massage techniques and exercises, the limbs of the child and his head must be protected from sudden movements and shocks, otherwise various disorders of the articular-ligamentous apparatus may occur.
  5. It is very important to observe the child during massage and gymnastics, highlighting those techniques and exercises that give him positive emotions. Subsequent sessions of massage and gymnastics should begin with them.

Contraindications to the use of massage:

* acute febrile illnesses

* skin diseases - purulent and pustular lesions

* osteomyelitis

* Tendency to bleed

* severe forms of malnutrition (hypotrophy, atrophy)

* acute inflammatory lymph nodes, muscles, bones (emphysema, lymphadenitis, phlegmon)

* acute arthritis, tuberculosis of bones and joints

* congenital heart defects occurring with severe cyanosis and compensation disorder

* diathesis (in acute form)

* sharp forms jade

* acute forms of hepatitis

* large umbilical, femoral, scrotal hernias with obvious organ prolapse abdominal cavity and tendencies to infringe

* significant disorders of the nervous system.

In children's massage, almost the same techniques are used as in classical massage, but they are performed very gently and gently. Not all classical massage techniques (especially many shock vibration techniques) are shown to a child in the first year of life.

! If the child has indications for conducting classes for therapeutic purposes, then you should definitely contact a specialist and do not do massage and gymnastics on your own.

It is necessary that the classes are well perceived by the child and he has contact with the adult who conducts the procedures, and the baby must also be in a good mood!

Massage of the first year of life includes the main techniques:

  • stroking
  • trituration
  • kneading
  • vibration

Since the skin of an infant is very delicate and thin, gentle massage techniques (stroking) are first used, and then other techniques (rubbing and light vibration in the form of shaking and shaking the limbs), as well as kneading, can be gradually introduced.


Stroking is performed at the beginning of any massage session and is carried out in order to prepare the massaged area for other elements and massage techniques.

Stroking activates blood circulation and thereby improves blood supply to tissues and organs. Stroking calms the nervous system, causes muscle relaxation, and helps relieve pain.

Stroking should be done with the palm of your hand or the back of the hand in the direction of the lymph flow to the nearest lymph nodes. On the lower limbs, movements are performed from the foot to the groin, and on the upper limbs - from the hand to armpits. Stroking should be done slowly, with smooth and light movements, lightly pressing on the massaged surface.

stroking hands

The child should be put on his back, the massage therapist should stand at his feet.

Raise the left hand of the child with the right hand, then with the left hand stroke the inner and outer surfaces of the hand, moving from the hand to the shoulder. In the same way, stroke the right hand of the child. You can stroke the inner and outer surfaces at the same time, using the enveloping stroking technique, in which the inner surface of the hand is massaged with the thumb, and the outer surface with the rest of the fingers.

Foot stroking

I. p. of the child when performing stroking the legs - lying on his back.

Place the right foot of the child on the palm of the left hand. With your right hand, stroke the outer and back of the lower leg and thigh. Movement should be directed from the foot to the thigh. Stroking the kneecap is not recommended.

Then stroking the left leg in the same way.

Massage of the lower extremities can be done using enveloping stroking, in which case the thumb will stroke the side surface of the child's leg, and the remaining fingers - the back surface.

Stroking the belly

I. p. - lying on your back.

Massage begins with circular strokes clockwise.

Stroking can be done with the palmar surface of the hand or its back.

When performing, pressure on the liver area (right hypochondrium area) should be avoided.

After this, it is necessary to stroke the oblique muscles of the child's abdomen, massaging movements should be directed towards the spine and towards the navel.

After stroking the abdomen, you should move on to stroking the chest, which must be done with the palmar or back surfaces of the fingers of both hands. The movements should be performed in a circular fashion (with the right hand clockwise and with the left hand counterclockwise) around the nipples.

back stroking

I. p. - lying on his stomach, feet to the massage therapist. Stroking is performed along the spine (the spinal column itself cannot be massaged).

When moving from the buttocks to the head, the reception is performed with the back of the hand, in the direction from the head to the buttocks - with the inside of the hand. If the child cannot yet maintain a stable position, he must be held with one hand, and stroked with the other.

Starting from the age of three months, you can massage with both hands.


This technique helps to relax muscles, improve blood supply and tissue nutrition. In addition, rubbing has a calming effect on the child's nervous system. It has a positive effect not only on the skin and subcutaneous tissues, but also on muscles, ligaments and tendons.

Rubbing during massage of a child of the first year of life should be done with fingertips straight and spiral. After these techniques, you can perform sawing. When massaging the arm and lower leg, ring rubbing is performed. Movements must be made quickly, with little pressure. In this case, the fingers do not slide over the surface of the skin, but shift it.

When massaging the legs, ring rubbing is applied in the direction from the feet to the stomach. When performing the reception, the thumb and forefinger of both hands should grasp the child's shin (hands are located one above the other) and perform ring rubbing to the knee.

Then you should rub the outer surface of the thigh with the pads of four fingers.

Rubbing the sole of the foot is performed with the ball of the thumb in a circle. Ring rubbing of the hands should be done in the same way as rubbing the lower leg, moving from the wrist to the shoulder. Rubbing the back, chest, abdomen, thigh should be performed with the pads of the thumb or pads of 2 or 4 fingers in a straight or spiral manner.


Kneading calms the nervous system, activates blood and lymph circulation, has a positive effect on joints, ligaments and tendons, as well as muscles, not only superficial, but also located deep enough. Kneading also has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.

In children's massage, tong-shaped kneading or felting is used. You need to perform movements vigorously, but gently and gently.

Tong-like kneading is performed with three fingers by shifting the skin, with the index and middle fingers should be against the thumb.

Forceps-like kneading is performed on the long muscles of the back, located along the spinal column. Movement should be directed from the lower back to the neck.

The same techniques are kneading the buttocks.

You can perform kneading with one or both hands in a circular or spiral manner, making movements only with the index and middle fingers. Kneading of the legs is carried out by forceps-like kneading or felting.

When kneading tongs, put the child's foot on the palm, holding it with the same hand in the lower part of the lower leg.

Movements are made with the thumb, index and middle fingers, with which you need to grab the muscles located on the outer surface of the lower leg, and make circular movements towards the thigh, and then in the opposite direction. In this case, the captured tissues should move towards the thumb.

Felting is done with both hands, one palm should be placed on the back of the lower leg, and the other on the outside. The palms simultaneously move the tissue in a clockwise direction. Movements are performed from the foot to the thigh, then back.


Vibration has a positive effect on the child's nervous system, improves metabolism in the body and has a slight analgesic effect.

In the massage of children of the first year of life, only vibration techniques such as shaking and shaking should be used, and after 3-4 months, when muscle tone normalizes, light tapping with fingers can also be used.

Vibration movements should be performed gently, quickly and rhythmically.

* Shaking is performed during breast massage: palms should be placed on the lower part of the child's chest, as if clasping it. thumbs both hands should be next to each other.

* Vibration is produced by light rhythmic pressure.

* Shaking is performed when massaging the child's limbs and when performing exercises for the limbs.

* Tapping is performed with one or two hands. Movements can be directed longitudinally and transversely, in a zigzag and in a spiral.

Tapping when massaging a child of the first year of life can be done with the back of slightly spaced fingers.

With this method, tapping will be soft and painless for the child. You can perform tapping with the back of your fingers, bent into a fist.

In the next article - preventive massage and an approximate set of exercises for babies up to 3 months


All parents dream of raising their children healthy and happy.

Modern moms and dads know perfectly well what a huge impact

have environmental factors on the development of a small

person. Sunlight and warmth, fresh clean air, full

and a varied diet, love and attention of adults - all this

fertile soil on which health grows not only bodily,

but also spiritual.

True, even today many underestimate the importance of movements for

children of early age. You can often hear: "I have a wonderful

baby, so calm." Yes, it is convenient when the child lies quietly in

crib, sits calmly in an armchair or stands in an arena, obediently walks

hand in hand with an adult. But the restriction of natural mobility, insufficient

physical activity adversely affects how

on the health of the baby, and on the formation of his personality. Especially

this problem is relevant for urban children who are forced to

spend some time indoors.

Lack of physical activity will help to fill special

classes. Massage combined with gymnastics perfectly develops everything

organs and systems, has a general strengthening effect on the entire child


In addition, gentle touches of parental hands, exercises

in the form of a game they give great pleasure to the baby, strengthen the emotional

connection between him and adults.

As a result of regular practice healthy child become more perfect

and those who are lagging behind in development will quickly catch up with their peers.

The system of massage and gymnastics proposed in this book is based

on the methods of well-known St. Petersburg pediatricians: K. D. Hubert,

M. G. Ryssa, A. F. Tura, which have been used for a long time and with great success

in children's health and medical institutions.

The main part of the book is devoted to massage and gymnastics for a healthy

child, it details the features of the psychomotor

development of children from the first days of life to three years, in accordance with which

age complexes of exercises are offered.

suffering from the most common diseases that require

long-term treatment with the mandatory participation of parents.

Massage and gymnastics are not only a wonderful tool

prevention, but also the most important part of the complex treatment of many

diseases. Naturally, in this case, parents should consult

with a doctor.

This book can be useful for both parents and anyone who

working with young children. Accessible form of presentation and large

the number of drawings allow you to master massage techniques and

special exercises and apply the knowledge gained at home

conditions, as well as in children's health institutions.

May our children be healthy!





Massage has a versatile effect on the child's body, exclusively

beneficial effect. Under the influence of massage from skin to

countless streams of impulses are sent to the nerve pathways, which,

reaching the cerebral cortex, have a tonic effect on

the central nervous system, in connection with which its main

function - control over the work of all organs and systems.

A powerful tactile stimulus, which is massage, in the chest

age is particularly important: it has a significant impact on

the development of positive emotions and the formation of motor reactions.

Stroking, a light pat on the cheek causes the baby

smile already in the first days of life, when other stimuli: visual

(smile of an adult) and auditory (affectionate conversation), are not always able to

stimulate her. Pediatricians call this smile physiological,

as opposed to a smile in response to a call. Psychologists who study

development of speech in children, they know that the first speech reactions (cooing)

often occur in response to stroking the legs, abdomen, while

other forms of communication with an adult do not cause a revival in the child.

These observations have been theoretical background in the work of physiologists,

which indicate that the pathways of the skin analyzer

ripen before all others (visual, auditory) and are ready

already at birth. Therefore, the child of the first months of life is the most accessible

exposure through the skin; touch causes not only emotional,

but also certain motor reactions.

The human brain grows and develops solely thanks to its

use. The more often sensory and motor

end of the brain at a given time, the greater the volume occupies

brain in the process of its growth. In this sense, brain growth is no different.

from muscle growth.

In children's massage, all the techniques of classical massage are used:

stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration, light percussion

techniques, some techniques of acupressure.

Different massage techniques have different effects on nerves.

in the nu system: stroking, gentle rubbing and kneading enhance

inhibitory processes - soothe the nervous system. Generation-

chivanie and tingling have a stimulating effect.

In addition, massage acts directly on those organs and systems,

which are located closer to the skin: this is primarily l and m f a t and h

e c a i s ist e m a. Massage actively affects lymph circulation,

accelerating the flow of lymph and thereby facilitating the release of tissues from

metabolic products, so tired muscles rest during massage

faster than at complete rest.

Under the influence of massage, the peripheral capillary network

expands, which is manifested by rosiness of the skin (the effect that follows

achieve with a massage). Blood flow to the massaged area

provides favorable conditions for nutrition and healing of the skin:

it becomes pink, shiny, elastic.

The effect of various massage techniques on the muscles is different: stroking,

rubbing, kneading causes muscle relaxation; generation

chivanie and tingling - contraction.

With lethargy of the abdominals and intestinal muscles, which

accompanied by flatulence (often found in infancy), massage

stomach mechanically promotes the release of intestinal gases

and takes on special significance in these cases.

When carrying out a massage, it must be remembered that the baby's skin

the first months dry, thin, easily injured. Therefore, at first, the methods

massage should be gentle (stroking), then gradually

others can be introduced: rubbing, light percussion techniques (beating

kneading with 1-2 fingers), kneading. Slowly increasing in intensity and

the duration of the procedure.

During the massage, the child's body should be in a horizontal position.

position (lying), and when massaging the limbs - they should be held

in a state of slight flexion.

When massaging the legs, avoid pushing the knee joints,

bypassing the patella from the outside, and not affecting the anterior surface

When massaging the abdomen, it is necessary to spare the liver area (right

hypochondrium) and do not touch the genitals, when patting the back

it is necessary to bypass the region of the kidneys (lower back).


Movement is essential for normal development and child growth,

as a result of systematic training, none of the systems will remain

without changes. These changes concern, first of all, muscles, bones,

cardiovascular and respiratory systems, which is especially important in

the period of their formation and the greatest plasticity.

It is known that the working muscle consumes nutrients

three, and seven times more oxygen than inactive, therefore, in

while working, muscle tissue is more abundantly supplied with blood, which carries

her nutrients and oxygen. Muscles become rounded

flexible, strong and durable.

When muscles contract, irritation occurs at their attachment points.

periosteum, which stimulates bone growth, they become

thicker, wider and stronger.

Since the blood rushes more abundantly to the working organs,

during movements, the volume of blood pushed out by the heart into the vessels increases,

along with this, pulmonary ventilation also increases, i.e., saturation

blood with oxygen.

The longer physical activity the deeper the breath.

For a child to crawl a long stretch without stopping - the same as for

an adult walk a few kilometers on foot.

During movement, heat is generated in the body; it is known that

in the cold season, on a walk, children should move more,

Otherwise, they will chill even with a slight frost, as if

well they were dressed. During movements, due to the increase

heat production, the work of the sweat glands, which are

heat regulation mechanism.

Thus, motor acts are served by the respiratory systems,

blood circulation, heat regulation. All this requires mutual agreement.

in the work of all physiological systems, which depends on the respective

nervous regulation.

So, the nervous system is included in the training. Russian physiologist

I. M. Sechenov wrote that “the work of the muscles is the work of the brain”, and

this determined the interdependence of muscular work and the nervous system*.

Physiology data say that where the motor apparatus is located

under adverse conditions, delayed and general development

higher nervous activity.

* See I. M. Sechenov. Reflexes of the brain. M., 1961.

The most important result of systematic gymnastics is

normalization of nervous processes of excitation and inhibition. Main

properties of these processes: strength, balance, mobility -

are being improved, which is very important for the correct and harmonious

personality development.

In the upbringing of children, one should not underestimate the fact that movements are

for them the main source of joy, and a good cheerful mood -

basis of good health.

Each emotion corresponds to a special state and special character

work of the heart and blood vessels: negative emotions (sadness, fear, anger)

cause vasoconstriction, which creates unfavorable conditions for

tissue nutrition, joy dilates blood vessels, and at the same time, favorable

conditions for nutrition and functioning of organs. We are all used to

to attribute our feelings to the heart, hence the expressions “the heart stops

from fear, shrinks from pity, burns with anger, etc. This connection of emotions

with the work of the heart and blood vessels was noted in ancient times:

“heart cold, hot, kind, evil, callous, sympathetic”, etc.,

or "the skin turns pale, reddens from fear, shame", etc. Origin

of this connection, IP Pavlov found in our distant ancestors, each

“feeling” was expressed by movement: fear turned into a run, anger into

fight, joy was expressed by dancing (and movements, of course, are reflected

on the work of the heart and blood vessels), and thus “the exact

agreement between feelings and heart activity.

All of the above about the physiological effect of movements applies

not only to gymnastics, but also to movement in general - be it

independent active activity or organized mobile

In free outdoor games, the child moves according to his own

initiative and at will changes movements, posture and alternates

activity with rest, so independent activity is the least

tiring of all forms of physical activity of children.

However, it mainly satisfies the child's

extremely high need for movement. None of all the others

forms of motor activity (organized outdoor games,

exercises, gymnastics) and even all of them taken together do not cover this

need as complete as independent activity provided

of course, an appropriate environment that ensures the activity of children

of this age. Therefore, the organization of conditions (area, allowances,

*AND. P. Pavlov. Poly. coll. soch., vol. 5. M.-L., Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1952, p. 330-332.

toys) for outdoor games should be in the first place in the plan

education of children's movements.

Who does not know children's restlessness and seeming at first

look of indefatigability? Immobilization causes suffering to the child, and bad

teachers often used it as a punishment: "stand in the corner, against the wall"

etc. Parents should try not to restrict mobility and curiosity

child, creating conditions for his vigorous activity.

Unfortunately, both pedagogy and medicine, speaking of physical development,

mean weight, height, morbidity and lack of attention

give physique, proportionality, beauty of the child's body,

which to a very large extent depend on the correctness of movements, and

this child needs to be taught.

Correct execution of movements is an indispensable condition

the correct formation of the body (physique): "function creates an organ."

Neither in independent activity, nor in organized mobile

games, we cannot and should not achieve the accuracy of movements,

because then it will not be a game, but an exercise.

To develop the right movements, you need special classes -

gymnastics. In these classes, the formation of the correct motor stereotype

goes through a series of stages: inaccurate, awkward, constrained movements gradually

clarified, performed without undue stress, with less

energy and finally become automatic and as such

form the basis of all vital movements.

The earlier gymnastics begins (better in infancy - in

period of formation of motor skills), the easier it is to develop the correct

dynamic stereotype and the more stable the results.

Special attention in gymnastics should be given to those motor

skills that are most useful in life. Yes, in

in the first half of life, it is necessary to teach the child to turn correctly

from the back to the stomach, since the wrong mechanism of these turns

leads to spinal deformity.

After 6 months of life, it is necessary to teach the child to crawl, and at the same time

correctly, i.e. on all fours, and not pull up on your hands, as a result

which the lower limbs, not participating in the movement, lag behind in development.

After a year, it is necessary to teach the child to walk correctly, which contributes to

good posture and normal shape of the lower extremities. walking if

she's right, can be a great tool physical culture

throughout a person's life.

Gymnastics is the most intense form of physical activity

children, aimed at the development of static and dynamic

functions (crawling, sitting, standing, walking), on the education of rhythm

in a broad sense, i.e. plasticity and energy savings, providing

less fatigue.

The following are exercises that, by their nature, represent

is a complex combined movement involving

the work of many muscle groups and at least two joints, which corresponds to

the nature of human vital movements.

In form, these exercises correspond in the vast majority

natural most common movements, which is partly visible

from their names: "crawling", "sliding steps", etc.

In the proposed system, there are no isolated joint movements;

such movements are not of interest to children and are not characteristic

to a young child who is exposed to external stimuli

responds mainly to the general motor reaction.

In connection with the main task of gymnastics is to improve the quality of movements

Correctness and accuracy of movements in gymnastic exercises

should be controlled by the hands of the one who conducts the lesson, or by special

fixtures. Only under this condition in gymnastics

the child will receive what he does not receive in free and organized

mobile games. This is the difference between gymnastics and all

other forms of motor activity of the child, based on free

movements, the accuracy and correctness of which is not conditioned.

Can a child, in addition to gymnastics, in free and organized

games acquire the correct dynamic stereotype? Maybe even though it's far

not always, by so-called "trial and error", but this is at best

a long way. Gymnastics, on the other hand, is a shorter and more faithful

a path that should be used for the comprehensive education of children.

This is especially important in conditions of collective education, since

the motor usefulness of the child to a large extent determines his

place and well-being children's team. sociability and positive

the child's attitude towards other children partly depends on this.

It is more difficult for an awkward child to coordinate his movements with the movements

comrades, he becomes a hindrance and an unwanted partner in games.

So, in gymnastics, unlike other types of motor activity

child, the accuracy and correctness of movements should be determined: in

infancy - by the hands of parents, at an older age - by special

devices (gymnastic equipment, sports equipment, elements

home environment).

In order for gymnastics to bring joy to children, it is necessary

compliance with the following conditions: firstly, the exercises must be

available, i.e. correspond to age and functionality

child; secondly, a technique that encourages children to perform

exercises should also be age appropriate.

For children with psychomotor developmental disorders or suffering from

any diseases, massage and gymnastics are even more

important than for absolutely healthy people. Special movement mode

often becomes the main element of complex treatment, most

effective tool rehabilitation.

However, in this case, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician and


In children's massage, almost the same techniques are used as in classical massage, but they are performed very gently and gently. Not all classical massage techniques (especially many shock vibration techniques) are shown to a child in the first year of life.

It is necessary to perform massage of a child under the age of one year with great care, being fluent in the techniques and techniques of conducting children's massage. In addition, when performing massage, one should take into account the anatomical and physiological features of the child's body.

Anatomical and physiological features of the child's body . The leading role in the development of the child's body in the first year of life belongs to the central nervous system. On the one hand, it binds together all the internal organs and regulates the processes occurring in them, on the other hand, it acts as an intermediary between the body as a whole and the external environment.

By the time of birth, the most developed in a child is the spinal cord, as evidenced by the simplest reflex movements.

As for the brain, its relative mass is quite large: V 8 of the total body weight. In the first year of life, the formation of nerve cells occurs within each layer of the cortex of both hemispheres.

The well-known Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov came to the conclusion that the excitability of the central nervous system in children is not the same: in some, the processes of inhibition predominate, in others - the processes of irritation, in some these processes balance each other. Therefore, the reaction of children to the same phenomena of the surrounding reality is different.

The behavior of each person is based on conditioned and unconditioned (innate) reflexes. A newborn has only unconditioned reflexes (sucking, defensive, etc.), and conditioned ones begin to form in him from the end of the first month of life as the spinal cord and subcortical parts of the brain develop.

In the development of positive or negative conditioned reflexes in young children, an important place is also occupied by the sense organs: sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. As you know, they are peripheral sections of analyzers that transmit irritation from the external environment to the central nervous system. Starting from the fifth month of life, all analyzers participate in the formation of the natural behavior of the child.

One of the main sense organs is vision. In a newborn child, under the influence of bright light, the pupil narrows; reacting to touch, it blinks or squints. But blinking eye movements are still very weak and rare.

Some newborns have strabismus, which usually goes away after 3-4 weeks.

From the second month, the child is able to keep his eyes on bright objects and observe their movement. From the age of five months, he has the ability to view objects with both eyes at close range. At six months, the child begins to distinguish colors.

A newborn baby hears only loud sounds. But gradually his hearing becomes sharper, and he begins to hear quiet sounds.

From the third month, the child turns his head, looking for the source of the sound with his eyes.

Taste buds in newborns are well developed. From the very beginning, he refuses sour or bitter, preferring sweet.

The sense of smell in babies is less developed than taste, but nevertheless, from the first months of life, they react to smells.

The sense of touch is already present in the newborn, it manifests itself most clearly when touching his palms, soles of the feet and face.

Pain and skin sensitivity to temperature changes is especially pronounced in children of the first year of life.

At healthy child the skin is soft, elastic, elastic, pinkish in color.

Numerous sebaceous glands are already present in the newborn, but they reach their full development only by 4-5 months.

The sweat glands are poorly developed and do not function at all for 3-4 months.

The mucous membrane of the nasal passage and oral cavity is very rich in blood vessels and is easily vulnerable. Swollen mucosa with colds prevents normal breathing.

In a newborn, the subcutaneous fat layer is poorly developed, but during the first six months it begins to increase rapidly, first on the face, limbs, then on the trunk, and last of all on the stomach.

The functions performed by the skin in a child of the first year of life have their own characteristics.

The protective function is significantly reduced, since the stratum corneum is poorly developed and easily exfoliated, cracks and abrasions are easily formed on the skin, which can cause infections and skin diseases.

Since the skin of a child is rich in blood vessels, and its stratum corneum is very thin, it has an increased ability to absorb. This is especially important to consider when applying various creams and ointments.

The respiratory function of the skin in a child is much more developed than in an adult: it releases carbon dioxide and water more intensively.

The heat-regulating function, on the contrary, is less developed, so the child, more often than an adult, is exposed to hypothermia and overheating.

In a newborn, muscle mass is 14 of the total weight, while in an adult it is much larger - about 40%.

Muscle fibers are very thin, muscle contractions are weak. In the first year of life, muscle development occurs mainly due to the thickening of the muscle fibers, first of the neck and trunk, and then of the limbs. The degree of development of muscles in young children can be determined by feeling.

Muscle tone is also very weak. The flexor tone predominates over the extensor tone, so babies usually lie with their limbs bent. If in a healthy child passive extension of the limbs occurs with some resistance (hypertonicity), then he is shown a massage that will relieve excess tension. Regular massage and gymnastics generally contribute to the proper development of the child's muscle-tours.

The skeleton of a newborn mainly consists of cartilaginous tissue (spine, wrists, etc.), and the bone tissue, which has a fibrous structure, low salt content and a large number of blood vessels, resembles cartilage. When swaddled too tight or in the wrong position, the baby's bones quickly become irregular in shape.

The head of the newborn has the correct shape; when feeling, discrepancies between the individual bones of the skull are easily determined on it. In the first year, the most intensive growth of the bones of the skull occurs: by 2-3 months, the sutures are already tightened. But the final fusion of the bones of the skull occurs by 3-4 years.

On the head of a newborn child, two fontanelles are palpable, covered with a membrane: a large and a small one. The large fontanel is located at the junction of the parietal and frontal bones and has a diamond shape. The small fontanel is located at the place where the parietal and occipital bones converge and has the shape of a triangle. A small fontanel overgrows by 3 months, and a large one - by 12-15.

The spine of a newborn is almost straight. But as soon as the child begins to hold his head, his cervical curvature is formed with a bulge forward - lordosis. At 6-7 months, when the child begins to sit, a curve of the thoracic spine appears with a bulge back - kyphosis, and when the child begins to walk (9-12 months), he develops a lumbar curve with a bulge forward.

In a newborn, the chest has a conical or cylindrical shape with raised ribs, as if at the height of inspiration. The ribs are located almost at right angles to the spine, so the mobility of the chest in an infant is limited.

When a child begins to walk, the shape of his chest changes: at the junction of the cartilage of the rib with the bone tissue, an angle is formed, lowered down. On inhalation, the lower ends of the ribs rise upwards, the ribs move from an oblique position to a more horizontal position, while the sternum rises forward and upward. The shape of the pelvis in newborn boys and girls is almost the same. The growth of the limbs, as well as the formation of the skeleton, starting in the first year of life, continues for several years.

The respiratory organs of a small child are very different from the respiratory organs of an adult. We have already said that the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and oral cavity is rich in blood and lymphatic vessels, which creates favorable conditions for the development of swelling and various kinds of inflammation.

A child of the first year of life does not know how to breathe through his mouth, so when he has a cold, he suffocates while sucking.

The nasal cavities of the newborn are underdeveloped, the nasal passages are narrow, but with the growth of the facial bones, the length and width of the nasal passages increases.

The Eustachian tube, which connects the nasopharynx and the tympanic cavity of the ear, is short and wide in young children, it is located more horizontally than in an adult. The infection is easily transferred from the nasopharynx to the middle ear cavity, therefore, in children, infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract are often accompanied by inflammation of the middle ear.

The frontal and maxillary sinuses generally develop by the age of 2 years, but their final formation occurs much later.

The relative length of the larynx is small, funnel-shaped, and only with age does it become cylindrical. The lumen of the larynx is narrow, the cartilage is soft, the mucosa is very tender and is permeated with many blood vessels. The glottis between the vocal cords is narrow and short. Therefore, even minor inflammation in the larynx leads to its narrowing, manifested in suffocation or shortness of breath.

Less elastic than in an adult, the trachea and bronchi have a narrow lumen. The mucous membrane swells easily during inflammation, causing its narrowing.

The lungs of an infant are poorly developed, their elastic tissue is well filled with blood, but not enough with air. Due to poor ventilation in young children, there is often a collapse of lung tissue in the lower-posterior sections of the lungs.

Especially rapidly increase in lung volume occurs in the first three months of life. Their structure gradually changes: the connective tissue layers are replaced by elastic tissue, the number of alveoli increases.

Above, we said that the mobility of the chest in children of the first year of life is limited, so at first the lungs grow towards the soft diaphragm, causing a diaphragmatic type of breathing. After children begin to walk, their breathing becomes thoracic or thoracic.

The metabolism of a child is much faster than that of an adult, so he needs oxygen more than an adult. The increased need for oxygen is compensated in the child by more frequent breathing.

From the moment of birth, the child has regular and even breathing: 40-60 breaths per minute. By 6 months, breathing becomes more rare (35-40), and by the year it is 30-35 breaths per minute.

At an early age, frequent colds, especially pneumonia, can cause serious complications in children.

For the correct development of the child and the acquisition of stable immunity to various diseases, it is necessary to engage in gymnastic and respiratory exercises with him, as well as to conduct regular sessions of hygienic massage.

The excretory organs (kidneys, ureters and bladder) in a child begin to function immediately from the moment of birth and work much more intensively than in an adult.

The kidneys, which remove water and metabolic products from the body, grow especially rapidly in the first year of a child's life. They are located lower than in adults and have a higher relative weight. By the time of birth, they are lobulated, but in the second year of life, this lobulation disappears. The cortical layer and convoluted tubules of the kidneys are poorly developed.

The muscle tissue of the wide and tortuous ureters is poorly developed and lined with elastic fibers.

The bladder in a child is higher than in adults. Its anterior wall is located in close proximity to the abdominal wall, but gradually the bladder moves into the pelvic cavity. The mucosa of the bladder is well developed, but the muscle and elastic fibers are not well developed. The volume of the bladder in a newborn is about 50 ml, by 3 months it increases to 100 ml, by the year - up to 200 ml.

Due to the weak development of the central nervous system in the first 6 months of life, the child has involuntary urination 20-25 times a day. But as the child grows, the number of urination decreases - by the year they become only 15-16. The amount of urine excreted in children is much greater than in adults. This is due to the accelerated metabolism that occurs in their body. With increased sweating, the amount of urine decreases. If the child is cold, urination becomes more frequent.

Proper development of the endocrine glands is very important for the normal growth and development of the child's body. Immediately after birth, the development of the child is influenced mainly by the hormones of the thymus gland, from 3-4 months - by the thyroid hormone, and after a short period of time - by the hormones of the anterior pituitary gland.

The functioning of the endocrine glands is closely related to the work of the central nervous system. Violation of the activity of at least one link in this chain can lead to serious violations of the physical and mental development child. So, the absence of the thyroid gland or malfunctions in its work cause a delay in the formation of the skeleton, impaired growth of teeth, and a lag in mental development.

The relative weight of the heart in a child is almost 1.5 times greater than in an adult. By 8-12 months, the mass of the heart doubles.

The heart is located higher, since in the first year of life the child, as a rule, is in a horizontal position, and his diaphragm is higher.

The blood vessels in a newborn are wider than in an adult. Their lumen gradually increases, but more slowly than the volume of the heart.

The process of blood circulation in children is more intense than in adults.

The child's pulse is rapid: 120-140 beats per minute. For one cycle "inhale-exhale" there are 3.5-4 heart beats. But after six months, the pulse becomes less frequent - 100-130 beats.

It is better to count the number of heart beats in a child during sleep, when he is in a calm state, by pressing a finger on the radial artery.

Blood pressure in children of the first year of life is low. With age, it increases, but in different children in different ways, depending on weight, temperament, etc.

A newborn's blood contains a large number of erythrocytes and leukocytes, hemoglobin is elevated. But gradually during the year their number decreases to the norm. Since the hematopoietic system of infants is very sensitive to various kinds of external and internal harmful influences, children of the first year of life are more likely than older children to develop anemia.

By the time the child is born, the development of the lymph nodes is almost complete, but their cellular and tissue structures are not sufficiently developed. The protective function of the lymph nodes becomes pronounced at the end of the first year of life.

The child's cervical, inguinal, and sometimes axillary and occipital lymph nodes are well palpable.

Hygienic requirements for massaging a child of the first year of life . Massage and gymnastics of a healthy child can be started from 2-3 weeks of age. Massage should be performed daily no earlier than 40 minutes after a meal or 25-30 minutes before a meal. It is enough to carry out a massage session once a day. It is not recommended to massage before going to bed.

Massage should be carried out in a bright, ventilated room, the air temperature in which should not be lower than 22-24 degrees. In the warm season, you can massage the child naked, and in winter, autumn and early spring, the child's body must be covered, leaving only the area being massaged at the moment open.

Massage should be done gently and gently. It is very important to monitor the reaction to the child's massage, which should be positive. If for some reason the child does not respond well to massage, it should be interrupted. Movements during the massage should be directed along the course of the blood vessels. The liver area when massaging the abdomen must be bypassed. You also need to bypass the genitals of the child during massage, and when massaging the back, shock techniques (patting, tapping) in the kidney area should not be used.

Massage and gymnastics of the child should be carried out for 6-7 minutes.

With slight redness on the skin of a child as a result of diathesis, massage should be carried out carefully, avoiding areas with rashes. If the rash has become significant, massage should not be performed at this time.

It is impossible to massage with various infectious diseases, rickets during an exacerbation, with inguinal, femoral and umbilical hernias, congenital heart disease, as well as with various inflammatory skin diseases.

It is not recommended to carry out gymnastic exercises in acute febrile conditions, severe skin diseases, exacerbated tuberculosis, digestive disorders, heart defects with decompensation phenomena, severe blood diseases, rickets during an exacerbation.

Massage Therapist Requirements:

1. The clothes of the massage therapist should be comfortable, not restrict movement.

2. The masseur must be friendly, affectionate and patient with the child.

3. The hands of the massage therapist should be warm and clean, and the nails on the hands should be trimmed. Watches, rings and bracelets must be removed, as they can injure the child's skin.

When performing massage and gymnastics, it is important to observe the following rules:

1. Before the start of the session, you should establish contact with the child, talk to him kindly and affectionately, only after that you can start the massage.

2. Massage and gymnastics should start with simple techniques and exercises, and over time, the procedure can be complicated by gradually introducing new elements.

3. You can not strongly capture and squeeze the tissues and joints of the child, as this can cause him pain. All techniques and movements must be performed with caution.

4. When performing all massage techniques and exercises, the limbs of the child and his head must be protected from sudden movements and shocks, otherwise various disorders of the articular-ligamentous apparatus may occur. All techniques and movements must be performed accurately and professionally.

5. It is very important to observe the child during massage and gymnastics, highlighting those techniques and exercises that give him positive emotions. Subsequent sessions of massage and gymnastics should begin with them.

Techniques and techniques for massaging a child of the first year of life . Massage of a child of the first year of life includes the main techniques:

  • stroking;

  • trituration;

  • kneading;

  • vibration.
Since the skin of an infant is very delicate and thin, sparing massage techniques (stroking) should be used first, and then other techniques (rubbing and light vibration in the form of shaking and shaking), as well as kneading, can be gradually introduced.

Stroking performed at the beginning of any massage session and is carried out in order to prepare the massaged area for other elements and massage techniques.

Stroking activates blood circulation and thereby improves blood supply to tissues and organs. Stroking calms the nervous system, causes muscle relaxation, and helps relieve pain.

Stroking should be done with the palm of your hand or the back of the hand in the direction of the lymph flow to the nearest lymph nodes. On the lower limbs, movements are performed from the foot to the groin, and on the upper limbs, from the hand to the armpits. Stroking should be done slowly, with smooth and light movements, lightly pressing on the massaged surface.

Hand stroking. The child should be put on his back, the massage therapist should stand at his feet. Raise the child's left hand with the right hand, then with the left hand stroke the inner and outer surfaces of the hand, moving from the hand to the shoulder (Fig. 441).

Figure 441. Figure 442.

In the same way, stroke the right hand of the child.

You can stroke the inner and outer surfaces at the same time, using the enveloping stroking technique, in which the inner surface of the hand is massaged with the thumb, and the outer surface with the rest of the fingers.

Leg stroking. I. p. of the child when performing stroking the legs - lying on his back.

Place the right foot of the child on the palm of the left hand. With your right hand, stroke the outer and back of the lower leg and thigh.

Movement should be directed from the foot to the thigh (Fig. 442). Stroking the kneecap is not recommended.

Then stroking the left leg in the same way.

Massage of the lower extremities can be done with the help of enveloping stroking, in this case, the thumb will stroke the side surface of the child's leg, and the rest of the fingers - the back surface.

Stroking the abdomen. I. p. - lying on your back. Massage begins with circular strokes clockwise.

Stroking can be done with the palmar surface of the hand (Fig. 443) or its back.

When performing, pressure on the liver area (right hypochondrium area) should be avoided.

After this, it is necessary to stroke the oblique muscles of the child's abdomen, massaging movements should be directed towards the spine and towards the navel.

^ Figure 443. Figure 444

After stroking the abdomen, you should move on to stroking the chest, which must be done with the palmar or back surfaces of the fingers of both hands. The movements should be performed in a circular fashion (with the right hand clockwise and with the left hand counterclockwise) around the nipples.

Back stroking.

I. p. - lying on his stomach, feet to the massage therapist. Stroking is performed along the spine (the spinal column itself cannot be massaged).

When moving from the buttocks to the head, the reception is performed with the back of the hand, in the direction from the head to the buttocks - with the inside of the hand (Fig. 444).

If the child cannot yet maintain a stable position, he must be held with one hand, and stroked with the other.

Starting from the age of three months, you can massage with both hands.

Figure 445 Figure 446

Trituration. This technique helps to relax muscles, improve blood supply and tissue nutrition. In addition, rubbing has a calming effect on the child's nervous system. It has a positive effect not only on the skin and subcutaneous tissues, but also on muscles, ligaments and tendons.

Rubbing during massage of a child of the first year of life should be done with fingertips straight and spiral. After these techniques, you can perform sawing. When massaging the arm and lower leg, ring rubbing is performed. Movements must be made quickly, with little pressure. In this case, the fingers do not slide over the surface of the skin, but shift it.

When massaging the legs, circular rubbing is used in the direction from the feet to the stomach. When performing the reception with the thumb and forefinger of both hands, one should grasp the child's shin (hands are located one above the other) and make circular rubbing to the knee (Fig. 445). Then you should rub the outer surface of the thigh with the pads of four fingers (Fig. 446).

Rubbing the sole of the foot is performed with the ball of the thumb in a circle. Ring rubbing of the hands should be done in the same way as rubbing the lower leg, moving from the wrist to the shoulder. Rubbing the back, chest, abdomen, thigh should be performed with the pads of the thumb or pads of 2 or 4 fingers in a straight or spiral manner.

kneading calms the nervous system, activates blood and lymph circulation, has a positive effect on joints, ligaments and tendons, as well as muscles, not only superficial, but also deep enough. Kneading also has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.

In children's massage, tong-shaped kneading or felting is used. You need to perform movements vigorously, but gently and gently.

Tong-like kneading is performed with three fingers by shifting the skin, with the index and middle fingers should be against the thumb.

Figure 447 Figure 448 Figure 449

Forceps-like kneading is performed on the long muscles of the back, located along the spinal column. Movement should be directed from the lower back to the neck (Fig. 447).

The same techniques are kneading the buttocks.

You can perform kneading with one or both hands in a circular or spiral manner, making movements only with the index and middle fingers. Kneading the legs is carried out by tong-shaped kneading or felting.

When kneading tongs, put the child's foot on the palm, holding it with the same hand in the lower part of the lower leg.

Movements are made with the thumb, index and middle fingers, with which you need to grab the muscles located on the outer surface of the lower leg, and make circular movements towards the thigh, and then in the opposite direction. In this case, the captured tissues should move towards the thumb (Fig. 448).

Felting is done with both hands, one palm should be placed on the back of the lower leg, and the other on the outside. The palms simultaneously move the tissue in a clockwise direction. Movements are performed from the foot to the thigh, then back (Fig. 449).

Figure 450.

Vibration has a positive effect on the nervous system of the child, improves metabolism in the body and has a slight analgesic effect.

In the massage of children of the first year of life, only vibration techniques such as shaking and shaking should be used, and after 3-4 months, when muscle tone normalizes, light tapping with fingers can also be used.

Vibration movements should be performed gently, quickly and rhythmically.

shaking performed during breast massage: palms should be placed on the lower part of the child's chest, as if clasping it. The thumbs of both hands should be next to each other.

Vibration is produced by light rhythmic pressure (Fig. 450).

shaking is performed during massage of the child's limbs and when performing exercises for the limbs.

tapping performed with one or two hands. Movements can be directed longitudinally and transversely, in a zigzag and in a spiral.

Tapping when massaging a child of the first year of life can be done with the back of slightly spaced fingers.

With this method, tapping will be soft and painless for the child. It is possible to perform tapping with the back of the fingers bent into a fist.