Mask for narrowing pores - the best recipes for all skin types. Recipes for masks for cleansing and tightening pores The best mask for narrowing pores on the face

Beautiful smooth skin will remain a pipe dream if not cleaned properly. External impurities and dead cells stick together with excess sebum and clog pores. Inflammation begins, which may leave scars. How to narrow the pores on your face so that your skin remains smooth and even? There is no ideal recipe for everyone; a lot depends on hormonal levels and proper care. If you pay attention to these points and use masks and scrubs, then you can say goodbye to enlarged pores once and for all.

Why do enlarged pores appear on the face?

Before answering the question of how to narrow the pores on the face, let's look at several reasons for this skin condition. Smart tactics for dealing with defects are to eliminate the causes, not just the consequences. It is obvious that there are combined external and internal factors. Among the first, we note the poor environment, significant fluctuations in air temperature and humidity, and unfavorable working conditions. In addition, enlarged pores on the face often occur when there is no adequate skin care and aggressive cosmetics are used.

It is difficult to find the main “culprit” inside the body. Excessive secretion of skin secretion is affected, which, in turn, is caused by hormonal changes in the body, for example, during puberty, as well as in older people. How the activity of hormones will manifest itself depends on heredity. Dietary problems and digestive disorders can also wreak havoc on smooth skin. Owners of skin prone to rosacea are concerned about searching for an answer to the question of how to narrow the pores on the face.

Each of the reasons can be completely or partially eliminated. As for the genetic predisposition of the skin, it is advisable to create conditions under which hereditary factors are less likely to exert their negative influence: healthy image life, stick to the right diet, toughen up.

How to get rid of enlarged pores

Those with oily skin know how difficult it is to take care of it. Excessive shine can be hidden with cosmetics, but open and enlarged pores stubbornly do not want to “hide” under a layer foundation. The surface of the skin resembles spongy spring snow or an orange in its peel. There are several general directions for solving the problem:

  • regularly remove plugs from pores and dead cells using scrubs and peels;
  • apply hygiene cosmetics (from the store and pharmacy);
  • take advantage of the achievements of microdermabrasion;
  • Not just any mask is needed, but a face mask that tightens pores;
  • use home remedies, gifts of nature.

Let's decipher each of the points of the plan, giving preference to simple and effective means. The choice should be individual, taking into account the state of health, the advantages and disadvantages of certain methods of eliminating skin defects for a particular person.

How to tighten enlarged pores on oily skin?

A tendency to enlarge pores is characteristic of oily facial skin. The condition of the body shell largely depends on the presence of a sufficient amount of carotene and vitamin E in food. It is necessary to replenish the diet with carrot juice, apricots, fish oil, peanuts, linseed oil.

Thorough cleansing, especially of oily facial skin, should become a mandatory daily ritual. Liquid antibacterial soap can be used periodically. Mangosteen extract will help solve some cosmetic problems. This component in liquid soap stops the proliferation of numerous bacteria, eliminates inflammation, tightens pores, and eliminates excess shine of the skin.

If excessively oily skin continues to bother you, then after each wash you should wipe your face with a toner and use lotions that contain a small amount of alcohol. There is an opinion that using soap leads to dry skin. Then it is better to use foams, milk with aloe vera, chamomile, basil and citrus fruits.

Homemade lotions for oily skin

Homemade cucumber lotion, obtained by infusing pieces of fresh ripe vegetables in medical alcohol (1:4) for seven days, tightens pores and brightens the skin. The cucumber should not be green, but yellow, preferably with a brown crust.

Makes it easier to care for problem skin face lotion made from flowers and herbs (calendula, yarrow, sage and hops). Plants are taken in equal proportions, crushed and placed in a glass jar. For the procedure, you need to place 3 tablespoons of the mixture in a linen bag and steam with boiling water. After 10 minutes, remove the bag, let it cool slightly, and then apply it to problem areas of the skin. You can wash your face with lotion and wipe your face. The benefit of plant extracts is that they cleanse the epidermis, reduce sebum secretion, and tighten pores.

Deep cleansing of problematic skin

Thoroughly washing your face and wiping with lotions on a regular basis will reduce pores. But these measures alone are not enough, especially when you urgently need to get your skin in order. An affordable, simple and effective remedy for tightening pores on the face is a scrub. A light composition with small abrasive crystals is used for inflamed skin. A scrub with larger particles is suitable even for sensitive skin. Different compositions allow you to remove plugs from micro-holes in the epidermis and deeply cleanse the skin.

A simple and inexpensive composition that helps with enlarged pores

The best products for reducing pore size are not necessarily the most scarce or expensive. A good effect is observed with weekly use of an oatmeal mask:

  1. Add water to make the flakes swell.
  2. Add a tablespoon of honey and the same amount of lemon juice.
  3. Massage the prepared product into the skin for 3 minutes, then leave for another 10 minutes.
  4. Complete the procedure by washing with warm and cold water.

How to quickly tighten pores

Trying to quickly get rid of pores on the face, many women and girls use the entire arsenal of products at the same time. There is no ideal method that reveals how to tighten the pores on your nose in 5 minutes. Even 30 minutes is not enough for cleansing, moisturizing and makeup, because after each procedure you need to let the skin “catch its breath” for 10 minutes. Effective method allowing you to narrow pores relatively quickly - use egg whites, natural Apple vinegar and lemon juice:

  1. Beat the egg white until foamy, adding a teaspoon of lemon juice drop by drop to the resulting mixture;
  2. Mix with a small amount of natural apple cider vinegar.
  3. Apply the composition to the skin with a brush and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse your face first with warm, then with cold water.

A good way to complete the procedure is to rub ice cubes on the skin to close the pores. Applying moisturizer is the traditional end of most treatments for skin with enlarged pores.


Girls face the problem of enlarged pores starting from adolescence. During puberty, increased production of sebaceous secretion occurs. If not proper care behind the skin of the face, the pores become clogged with particles of dust, dirt, and sebum. The holes in the epidermis expand in the form of a funnel. A rash of black and white acne appears on the face.

Skin with increased sebaceous secretion retains fluid and prevents tissue dehydration. Sebum protects the epidermis from exposure to strong winds and cold air temperatures, and creates a protective barrier against ultraviolet radiation. With regular proper care of the epidermis, sebum production is normalized, the skin looks toned, young, without the formation of folds or facial wrinkles.

Why do enlarged pores appear on oily and dry skin?

It is a mistake to believe that enlarged pores can only form on skin with a high content of sebaceous secretions. Improper facial care and the use of poor quality cosmetics lead to dehydration of the epidermis. The production of elastin and collagen slows down, the natural metabolic processes of the epidermis decrease, and “holes” form on dry skin.

Causes of enlarged pores:

  • Using cosmetics that do not match your skin type;
  • Neglecting makeup remover before bed;
  • Genetic factor;
  • Irrational use of cosmetics containing alcohol;
  • Errors in nutrition;
  • Increased body mass index;
  • Alcohol, nicotine addiction;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system.

In addition to the main reasons for the occurrence of holes in the epidermis, there are secondary factors for the occurrence of enlarged pores.

How to solve the problem of enlarged pores

Oily skin

There are three options to approach the problem:

  1. Get laser or chemical resurfacing of your facial skin at a beauty salon.
  2. Use industrial products to clean pores.
  3. Use folk recipes and prepare your own preparations:
  • Skin cleansing.
  • Using masks with .
  • Deep mechanical, chemical.
  • Face massage. Helps remove epidermal particles. It is recommended to do facial massage in courses (10 sessions).

Modern salons offer a wide range of services to improve facial contours, straighten facial folds, and narrow pores. This option is not suitable for women with low incomes. epidermis are carried out in a complex, in courses. Requires large financial costs.

Ready-made industrial products, cleansing masks, and scrubs are available for sale. Poor quality products and improper preparation technology can cause an allergic reaction, weaken the immune system, and negatively affect the epidermis. When choosing a cosmetic product for the epidermis with a high sebum content, it is recommended to follow certain rules.

Home remedies prepared independently have a guaranteed effect. folk recipes. With regular use, the pores become smaller and the skin becomes matte.

Dry skin

Pores on dry skin become smaller after regular use of alcohol-free cleansing toners. Beauty salons We offer the following procedures for skin restoration:

  • Masks for cleansing the pores of dry skin.
  • Physiotherapy (cold treatment).
  • Exposure of dry skin to high frequency currents (Darsonvalization).

Regardless of the chosen method of solving the problem, it is recommended to adhere to the rules of using natural cosmetics. Correct use of cosmetics guarantees a positive effect - narrowing of pores.

  1. Before using an industrial product, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the composition of the ingredients. Some natural elements can cause redness, itching, and dry skin.
  2. It is recommended to use a mask that tightens pores, taking into account individual characteristics epidermis, the presence of contraindications.
  3. To remove mask remnants, cosmetologists advise using infusions based on medicinal herbs. You can replace the broth with water, after boiling it for five minutes.
  4. For safety, it is recommended to use a solution to remove the mask at a temperature of no more than 250C.
  5. After completing the cleansing procedure and tightening the pores, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer to the face.

Result of cleansing masks

  • Cleansing the pores of the epidermis from skin secretions, epidermal scales, and dust.
  • The effect of mask ingredients on the deep layers of the skin.
  • Improving oxygen exchange between epidermal cells.
  • Skin moisturizing.
  • Narrowing of pores.
  • Metabolic processes and tissue nutrition increase.
  • Improves complexion.

Preparatory stage before applying the mask at home

Face cleansing masks are applied only to prepared skin. If you apply cosmetics to dirty skin, you can not only get the opposite effect, but also worsen the original condition of the epidermis.

  1. Use a clean swab moistened with lotion.
  2. Rinse skin with warm boiled water.
  3. Apply a warm compress to your face. Clogged pores will be easier to clean if you remove the oily film from the surface of the skin. For compresses, it is recommended to use decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs.

Natural cosmetics for the face: simple recipes for enlarged pores

How to clean pores yourself at home? Facial cleansing can be done with lactic and fruit acids (fermented milk products, vegetables, fruits).

1. Serum mask to cleanse the epidermis

The only ingredient in the mask is serum.

After morning hygiene procedures Apply serum to damp skin.
Using circular massaging movements, distribute the composition over the entire surface of the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes.
Allow the serum to absorb into the skin.
Remove any remaining product from the face three minutes after application.

2. Mask for narrowing pores (anti-acne)

Egg white dries the epidermis, smoothes the skin, and tightens pores. It is not recommended for use with reduced sebaceous secretion.

  • Separate the white from the yolk.
  • Using a clean, flat brush, apply the white to the face, excluding the upper and lower eyelids.
  • After the first layer has dried, apply the protein a second time.
  • Remove the mask with warm water after 15 minutes.

3. Oatmeal mask for oily skin

To prepare a remedy for enlarged pores, it is recommended to use finely ground flakes.

  1. Pour 50 g of flakes into a glass container.
  2. Pour hot water over the cereal.
  3. After fifteen minutes, stir the mixture until smooth.
  4. To the clean dry face Apply the product, excluding the upper lip area.
  5. Cover the mask with a thin layer of gauze.

The exposure time of the mask is half an hour. Oatmeal should be washed off with warm water and a nourishing cream should be applied. Suitable for women with combination skin.

4. Cleansing pores with white clay

Enlarged pores on the skin of the face noticeably narrow after the first use of a cosmetic product.

  1. White clay – 60 g
  2. Lemon juice – half a teaspoon
  3. Water – 50 ml
  4. Honey – 30 g

How to cook:

  • Squeeze the juice from the lemon into a separate container.
  • Mix clay with water until smooth.
  • Add lemon juice and honey to the mixture
  • Mix the ingredients with a wooden stick.
  • Apply the product to clean skin without upper lip, eyelids.
  • Remove masks after fifteen minutes.

5. Gelatin mask for facial pores for dry skin

  1. Honey – 30 g
  2. Gelatin – 25 g
  3. – 40 ml
  4. Chamomile decoction – 30 ml

Cooking technique:

  • Make a decoction of chamomile.
  • Dilute gelatin powder with chamomile infusion.
  • Place the mixture in a water bath, stirring the mixture periodically with a wooden stick.
  • Add the remaining ingredients to the prepared gelatin mixture and mix everything.
  • Cool the solution to a temperature of 250C.
  • Using a brush, apply the mask to the face, excluding the nasolabial triangle and eyelids.
  • The procedure time is half an hour.

6. Honey massage to cleanse the face of enlarged pores

  • Melt 30 g of honey in a water bath.
  • Cool the honey composition.
  • Apply a small amount of honey to your forehead, cheeks, and chin.
  • Using your fingers, make patting movements along the cosmetic lines, moving from the center to the periphery (do not touch the area of ​​the lower and upper eyelids).
  • After fifteen minutes, a white coating forms on the skin.

To remove honey from the face, it is recommended to use a clean piece of gauze soaked in cold boiled water. The procedure must be carried out ten times, once every two days. After the massage, deep cleaning of the pores occurs, the gaps in the epidermis are tightened, the skin becomes smooth, elastic, and toned.

7. Rosemary mask for oily skin against enlarged pores, acne, boils

  1. Water – 1 glass
  2. Rosemary – 1 sprig
  3. Ground black pepper – 20 g
  4. – 50 ml


  • Pour water into a container and put it on fire.
  • After boiling, add pepper and rosemary to the water; reduce the heat on the stove.
  • Boil the solution until the composition is reduced by half.
  • Allow the mixture to cool to thirty degrees.
  • Add vinegar.

Medical preparations for making masks

Acetylsalicylic acid

Aspirin is used at elevated temperatures as a pain reliever. Acetylsalicylic acid can also be used as the main ingredient in preparing a mask for skin with wide pores.

  • During pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Microcracks in facial skin.
  • With excessive peeling of the top layer of skin.
  • Respiratory tract diseases.

Acetylsalicylic acid should not be used.

The nuances of preparing a mask:

  • Tablet forms of the drug are used as the main ingredient.
  • Impact medical product occurs within three hours after applying the mask.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid enhances the effects of sunlight. After using a mask with aspirin in summer period recommended to apply.
  • When using aspirin in a course, it is recommended to adjust the composition before each use.

How to cook:

  1. Acetylsalicylic acid – two tablets
  2. Sea salt without additives – 30 g
  3. Flower honey – 15 g

Mix the ingredients and immediately apply to the surface of the skin. Use your fingers to make several massage movements without touching the skin around the eyes. After a few minutes, remove any remaining product with boiled water.

How to get rid of blackheads using activated carbon

Technique for preparing and applying cosmetics:

  • Grind five charcoal tablets in a glass container to a powdery state.
  • Add warm milk to the coal.
  • Stir the mixture until it becomes a homogeneous thick paste.
  • Apply a charcoal mask to steamed skin.
  • Use your fingers to massage your forehead, cheeks, and chin.
  • Leave the product on for fifteen minutes
  • Wash off the mask as usual.

How to care for your skin after using masks

To ensure that the effect of the mask lasts for a long time, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Avoid using cosmetics based on mineral oils. The film formed after using such cosmetics disrupts metabolic processes in the epidermis and clogs pores.
  2. It is not recommended to use oily face creams.
  3. When applying makeup, it is recommended to use light base foundations.
27 January 2014, 16:21

A mask for skin has always been considered an excellent effective remedy that actively affects the condition of the dermis. Now you can buy it at any cosmetics store or make it yourself at home. The last option is the most budgetary, but often the most effective.

Effective masks for tightening pores on the face

A face mask to tighten pores can help deal with various problems. Enlarged pores happen to any skin, dry or oily, but the methods for treating this problem are different. If you thoughtlessly take the first recipe you come across, then the problem can only worsen. That is why it is advisable to visit a cosmetologist who will help you select the ingredients of the mask and determine your skin type, so that the mask for narrowing pores does not bring harm, but visible benefit.

Pore ​​tightening masks for oily skin

The greatest demand among women and girls is for masks against blackheads and enlarged pores. Due to improper care, poor heredity or hormonal changes in the body, the openings of the pores can become clogged with excess sebum, forming. They look unsightly on the face, and squeezing them out is not a solution. The best results are obtained by using a mask to tighten pores, which at the same time allows you to cleanse them. If you carry out this procedure regularly, the effect will be visible after 2 weeks.

Mask for narrowing the pores of dry skin

Not only those with oily skin experience problems with enlarged pores. With dry skin, there is no oily shine, but it also looks unattractive. A mask against enlarged pores can help, it will soften the skin without tightening, saturating it with moisture. It must contain an emollient that will not cause a peeling reaction after using the mask.

Mask for narrowing pores at home

If preference is given natural cosmetics, then self-made face masks to tighten pores are what you need. For its production, the simplest ingredients are used at first glance, which, nevertheless, have an amazing effect on the skin of the face. In order for the mask used to tighten pores to work as effectively as possible, it must be used at least twice a week.

Before applying a mask to tighten pores at home, you should follow a number of sequential recommendations:

  1. Prepare only fresh products - masks made yesterday lose their effectiveness.
  2. Before applying the mask, preliminary preparation is required in the form of cleansing and scrubbing the facial skin.
  3. Apply the mask by lightly massaging your facial skin.
  4. After applying a homemade mask to tighten pores on your face, you need to take a horizontal position for 15-30 minutes.
  5. After the required time has passed, the mask is washed off with slightly warm water, and then the face is rinsed with cold water or wiped with an ice cube.

Protein mask for tightening pores

A pore-tightening mask made from egg whites is perfect for... She perfectly tightens, having the effect instant lifting, which lasts for several hours. This method of toning the skin is perfect before any celebration, when there is a need to quickly bring your face to perfect condition.

Mask recipe


  • chilled protein – 1 pc.;
  • lemon juice – 0.5 tsp.

Preparation and use

  1. The egg white must be thoroughly beaten until it forms a strong foam.
  2. Add lemon juice to it.
  3. Apply to skin with a brush and wait until completely dry.
  4. If desired, you can apply another layer.
  5. It is advisable that the face remains motionless, fixed in a horizontal position for about 20 minutes.
  6. Rinse off with warm water and then apply cream.

Oatmeal mask to tighten pores

A face mask with oatmeal for enlarged pores has an excellent effect on the skin. It simultaneously tightens the skin, softens it and prevents the expansion of pores. Medium grinding of the cereal provides excellent cleansing and gives the skin a uniform tone. For use homemade mask on dry skin, it is recommended to use fat sour cream, cream and olive oil as additional ingredients.

Mask recipe


  • oatmeal – 2 tbsp;
  • boiling water – 4 tbsp;
  • sour cream or other fermented milk product - 1 tbsp. l.

Preparation and use:

  1. Pour boiling water over oatmeal for 15 minutes.
  2. Squeeze the mixture slightly.
  3. Add sour cream. The oiliness of the product will depend on your skin type.
  4. Apply for 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse off and apply a non-greasy cream to your face.

Clay mask to tighten pores

Wonderful family cosmetic product A white clay mask is considered to tighten pores. This natural substance has a gentle effect on even the most delicate, allergy-prone skin, smoothing its structure. Clay absorbs excess sebum, cleansing pores, and minerals nourish the skin. Regularly using such a mask, you can achieve no less results than from visiting an expensive salon. By mixing powder purchased at a pharmacy with different ingredients, you can get different effects.

Mask recipe


  • clay – 1 tsp. with a slide;
  • lemon juice (aloe juice) – 1.5 tsp.

Preparation and use:

  1. Pour the clay into a plastic or ceramic container.
  2. Add lemon juice to the powder. If the mass turns out to be thick, you can add a few drops of water.
  3. Apply to face (15 minutes).
  4. Rinse with water.
  5. Apply nourishing cream.

Alginate mask to tighten pores

Recently appeared on the cosmetics market. They are produced as famous brands, and unknown companies. In order not to doubt the quality of the product, it is recommended to make it yourself. This mask for enlarged pores, in addition to smoothing the face, refreshes and brightens it, relieves inflammation. Long-term use makes the skin young and elastic.

Mask recipe


  • sodium alginate – 1 measuring spoon;
  • spirulina algae – 1 tsp;
  • cold water – 1 scoop.

Preparation and use:

  1. The powder must be poured into a container.
  2. Quickly pour in the required amount of water, stirring vigorously so that no lumps form.
  3. Leave for 3-5 hours until the mass turns into a gel.
  4. Quickly apply from bottom to top using a wide spatula.
  5. Remove after 25 minutes in one piece, starting from the chin.
  6. Wipe the skin with tonic.

Night mask to tighten pores

A mask for cleansing and tightening pores works best at night, as it stays on the skin for a long time. Basically, such drugs are heavy, so they should be used with caution and preliminary testing for tolerability. It is advisable to apply hyaluronic acid before using such a mask and let it dry, then the effect will be noticeable faster.

Mask recipe

The causes of oily skin problems are mainly enlarged pores, which, when clogged with fatty secretions and dirt, provoke acne on the face. It will not be possible to completely eliminate enlarged pores using masks, but it is possible to reduce their size.

Important for enlarged pores daily care behind the face. Clean the skin several times a day and lubricate it with herbal tightening lotions. In this article you can learn how to choose the right lotion in a pharmacy and what qualities it should have. If after the procedure your face feels very tight, stop using this product for a while.

On oily skin, due to contaminated enlarged pores, appears. Addressing the first problem will automatically eliminate the second. To do this, use a hot compress or a hot compress once a week.

After the steam bath, cleansing is carried out, blackheads on the face are squeezed out by pressing two fingers; it is forbidden to touch the inflammatory elements with your hands. Before the procedure, fingers must be clean and wiped with any alcohol or antiseptic, for example Chlorhexidine.

After cleansing the skin, apply a tightening mask for enlarged pores to the face. Otherwise, the sebaceous glands will become clogged with dirt and instead of cleansing, acne will appear on the face.

Before using the mask, lubricate the skin under the eyes nourishing cream. The procedure time for oily porous skin lasts approximately 20-30 minutes. It is recommended to lie quietly, sleep or meditate at this time.

Masks for narrowing pores

  1. Egg white helps to tighten pores for oily skin. The mask is used as a tightening agent after cleansing the face using a hot compress or steam bath. Beat the egg whites into a thick foam, apply the mixture to your face, and after 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  2. The mass is used to narrow pores. Combine three tablespoons of boric acid with the protein, beat the ingredients into a strong foam. Leave the mixture on your face for 20 minutes. Rinse with water or herbal infusion.
  3. The mask tightens pores, gives the face a fresh look, and stops inflammatory processes. Add a spoonful of finely chopped sorrel leaves to the beaten egg white, and after 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  4. This mask is a must-have for oily skin; it not only tightens pores, but also evens out the face, giving it a matte effect. Squeeze lemon juice, take one teaspoon and add to the whites, previously whipped into foam. The mask is washed off the face after 20 minutes.
  5. A honey mask for enlarged pores, in addition to its intended purpose, cleanses and moisturizes the skin. To prepare the product, you will need to mix one spoon of honey with whipped egg white and bring to a mushy state with flour. Keep the mixture on your face for 20 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Yeast mask for oily porous skin

20 grams of fresh yeast, not dry, dilute with one teaspoon of lemon juice, add a little 3% hydrogen peroxide, the composition should foam. Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

If the skin is oily and porous, tightening masks must be done after any cleansing procedure, be it steam bath, hot compress, or salt cleansing.

Internet users say that they do regular cleansing procedures, use special creams, such as but the results are not visible, it gets worse.

For the positive effects of medicinal ointments, one rule must be followed: the pores on the face must be opened before cleansing the face and closed after the procedure. Tightening masks are designed specifically for this purpose.

Oily skin is not very susceptible to the influence of time - this is a proven fact. But even she requires very careful and delicate care. Sebum, abundantly secreted sebaceous glands, if the epidermis is not cleaned sufficiently, it fills the pores, causing comedones to form. Black dots look very unaesthetic. If there are too many comedones on the face, then the skin appears dirty and unhealthy. In this article we will talk about how to narrow the pores on your face using folk remedies.

Why do pores expand?

  1. The pores on the face can become enlarged as a result of excessive love of alcoholic beverages and tobacco.
  2. The use of low-quality or cheap cosmetics has a huge impact.
  3. Enlarged pores on the face can occur during puberty or during other hormonal changes in the body.
  4. Quite common reasons are stress, poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle.
  5. Enlarged pores may be a consequence of impaired metabolism.
  6. Also, provoking factors include poor ecology, inadequate skin care and hard water.

As you can see, the pores on the face can expand not only due to high fat content skin. Some of the factors listed above can be addressed by short time, but you still can’t do without health procedures.

Skin care for enlarged pores

If your facial skin tends to form comedones, then you definitely need to take preventative measures. This way you can reduce the manifestations of this unpleasant defect, and when using effective means and get rid of it completely.

  • Use every other day soft peeling for the face, without damaging the skin. If you cleanse the epidermis regularly, the pores will become clogged much less.
  • In the evenings, do not forget to carefully remove any remaining makeup from your face.
  • Try not to wash your face with hot water or expose the epidermis to steam.
  • After cleansing your skin, always use toners containing zinc. This kind of remedy will have a calming effect and help reduce the scale of the problem.
  • An excellent procedure for narrowing pores is rubbing the skin with ice from a decoction of medicinal herbs.

The best mask recipes for narrowing pores

Enlarged pores on the face require careful treatment. If you don't do this, the problem will only get worse over time. Numerous folk recipes have proven themselves to be excellent.

Natural remedies will help get rid of acne, reduce oily skin and have a general strengthening effect. Masks that tighten pores on the face can be prepared using a variety of ingredients. We invite you to choose a suitable recipe from our collection.

Egg white masks

Egg white helps quickly get rid of enlarged pores on the face and improve general state skin. A nice bonus: with its help you can remove small expression wrinkles. Masks for narrowing enlarged pores based on this natural product can be prepared in different variations.

  1. Grind a few plantain leaves into a homogeneous mass, add whipped egg white to it and spread the mixture over your face. Leave the composition for 15 minutes.
  2. Beat the chilled egg white and mix it with 20 ml of lemon juice. This composition will not only help get rid of enlarged pores, but will also slightly lighten your skin.
  3. Another great mask for tightening pores consists of beaten egg white, 20 g of honey and a couple of drops of oil. tea tree. In addition to its direct purpose, the resulting mixture helps reduce the amount of inflammation.

Clay based masks

Clay is widely used in cosmetology as it helps get rid of wrinkles, reduce acne and remove blackheads. Try using healing powder in the following mixtures.

  1. A clay mask that tightens pores is very simple to prepare, but has a pronounced effect. Dilute 40 g of kaolin with water to a homogeneous paste, add a couple of drops essential oil fennel and 1/2 tsp. glycerin. After application, the mask should remain on the face for a quarter of an hour.
  2. To tighten pores and give your skin a pleasant matte finish, try using a mixture of blue clay, 20 g of honey and cucumber juice. First mix the powder and vegetable elixir and then add the sweet ingredient. This mask will not only help remove enlarged pores, but will also give your face unparalleled freshness.

Fruit based masks

To tighten pores, you can use masks whose main components are fruits or berries. You can choose bright fruits according to the season, but we suggest familiarizing yourself with the most common recipes.

In this article, we told you about which face masks help get rid of enlarged pores and oily skin. For dessert, we invite you to watch a video in which you will find two more amazing recipes for cleansing mixtures.