Get rid of scars on the skin. How to get rid of scars and fresh and old scars on the arm, face, after a cesarean section: remedies, tips, recipes. How to hide a scar, what is the best tattoo to make on a scar: tips, photos. Ointments for scars and scars are the most effective: with

Any operation - planned or performed urgently - is stress for the body, in response to which it activates a whole cascade of reactions. They also start in the skin through which the incision is made. And the larger the intervention, the worse the blood supply to the integumentary tissue and the more genetic features in its enzyme systems, the higher the likelihood that postoperative scars will appear at the incision sites.

So that they do not spoil the appearance, dictate the style of the clothes worn and do not cause an uncomfortable feeling of tightness in the surrounding tissues, they must be removed. We'll talk about ways in which this can be done.

Why do postoperative scars appear?

The formation of such defects depends on many factors:

  • Was the incision made along Langer's lines (this conditional diagram, showing in which direction on a particular area of ​​the body the skin will stretch as much as possible).
  • Whether the surgical approach was over a bony prominence or over an area that is subject to tension or is forced to move frequently. For the treatment of diseases or for plastic surgery, an incision is not made in such places, but if the intervention was carried out for wounds, to remove a foreign body or tumor, these features might not be taken into account.
  • The scale of the operation: if the intervention was carried out during internal organs, after the incision, the skin was stretched to reach the desired abdominal organ. Such stretching, especially in conditions of insufficient blood supply to the integumentary tissue (this increases with age), increases the chance of scarring.
  • How the postoperative suture was placed on the skin - were several stitches performed or the surgeon used an intradermal technique (using a fishing line that connects 2 skin flaps without interrupting its progress). Some interventions, due to the severity of the subcutaneous fat layer, are forced to end with the installation of devices to “tighten” the skin. In this case, the chance of scar formation is 99%.
  • Has there been any suppuration or suture dehiscence? These factors increase the chance of excessive scar tissue development at the incision sites.
  • Is there a tendency to form keloids, which is genetically determined?

Types of postoperative scars

The dermatologist decides how to remove a scar after surgery by assessing the type of defect. There are 3 types.

Normal after damage skin it starts 2 processes of the opposite direction at once. The first is the formation of connective (that is, scar) tissue, the second is its splitting. When they are coordinated, a normotrophic scar is formed - an unnoticeable defect of the same color as the surrounding skin.

If the dissolution of scar tissue prevails over its formation, the scar will resemble a pit and is called. Such defects often form after operations that did not require suturing: moles,.

When formation prevails over destruction, a pinkish hypertrophic scar protrudes above the skin appears. Its appearance is promoted by suppuration or constant traumatization of the wound area. It forms when surgery has been performed in the area large quantity subcutaneous fat. The likelihood of the formation of such defects is reduced if, after removing the sutures, you use an ointment for healing scars after surgery: Levomekol, Actovegin, Methyluracil or Solcoseryl.

If there is a genetic predisposition to the skin, it may form. This is a formation protruding above the rest of the skin, pink or whitish in color, smooth and shiny. It begins to grow 1-3 months after the stitches are removed. The chance of its occurrence increases if the skin is dark, the operation was performed on chest, the intervention was performed during pregnancy or adolescence. The occurrence of this type of defect cannot be prevented.

Scar removal methods

The choice of method by which postoperative scars and scars should be removed is within the competence of the dermatocosmetologist. Only he, based on an assessment of not only the type of skin defect, but also the blood supply to the integumentary tissue, can decide whether the following are applicable here:

  • ointment for scars after surgery;
  • injection treatment method (mesotherapy, drug injections or steroid injections);
  • physiotherapeutic methods of influence;
  • deep dermabrasion;
  • method of chemical peeling of scar changes;
  • one of the mini-operations, when the scar can be removed either by exposure to liquid nitrogen, or a laser, or current pulses;
  • Plastic surgery.

You should not self-medicate: a folk remedy for post-operative scars often becomes a waste of time, which later makes it difficult for even a laser to deal with them. A dermatologist will tell you exactly when you can try using ointment, and when more aggressive methods are needed.

How to treat postoperative scars at home

At home, you can use local remedies such as: creams for resolving scars after surgery, ointment-based preparations, and special patches. An excellent help for such therapy is the use of physiotherapeutic procedures (phonophoresis with lidase and hydrocortisone) and compression methods (pressure treatment, when the same drugs are applied under a pressure bandage).


This is a drug based on urea, a substance that dissolves tissue, as well as sodium heparin, a compound that thins the blood (this improves microcirculation) and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Effective for removing fresh post-operative scars.


This is a gel based on onion extract, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. It inhibits the growth of cells that give rise to scar tissue. This also includes heparin, which has an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effect, softening scar tissue. The third main substance of the drug is allantoin, which promotes wound healing and increases the ability of tissues to bind water.

Gel and spray Kelo-kot

The drugs are based on silicone and polysiloxane. Together they form a film on the surface of the scar that will prevent the growth of scar tissue, restore interstitial water balance, and eliminate itching and a feeling of skin tightness.


It contains silicon dioxide (abrasive particles) and polysiloxanes. Its effect is not much different from the effect of Kelo-Kot: moisturizing the skin, eliminating itching, fighting scars and the appearance of pigmentation on them.


This is a scar cream after surgery. It contains silicone, the actions of which are described above, hydrocortisone, a hormone that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, and vitamin E, which softens scar tissue.

Gel Fermenkol

It consists of enzymes that break down collagen (collagen fibers form the basis of scar tissue). Can be used to treat both fresh postoperative scars and those that are more than 6 years old. In the latter case, it is better not to smear the scar, but to apply Fermencol under the influence of electrophoresis.


This is an ointment based natural ingredients made according to Ayurvedic recipe. Thanks to its active ingredients, it penetrates deep into the tissues, “switches” regeneration in them so that they themselves begin to displace the scar defect, replacing it with normal skin.

Mepiderm scar patch

This is a silicone patch combined with a compress

ionic (compressive) layer. This complex creates sufficient moisture in the scar tissue, which leads to its rapid resorption.

It has different sizes, which allows you to choose it individually. Its color is flesh. Before application, the skin should be treated with water lotion and dried with a dry cloth. It is advisable to remove hair at the application site.

Contraindications to treatment at home

It is better not to decide the question of how to smear the formed scar while there are such conditions at the site of the defect as:

  • redness;
  • herpes;
  • the appearance of reddish vessels;
  • manifestations: weeping areas with individual blisters and crusts on them.

It is contraindicated to begin treatment of scars during exacerbation of an existing chronic disease, during allergies, especially with skin manifestations, during any infectious disease.

Treatment in a dermatocosmetologist's office

Let's look at what scar correction methods professionals offer.


The method involves injecting a “cocktail” of (the main natural “filler” of the skin), vitamins and enzymes into the area near the scar. The effectiveness of the method is low.

Administration of glucocorticoid hormones

The method is based on the introduction into scar tissue of drugs based on synthetic analogues of hormones produced in the human adrenal glands (“Triamcinolone acetate”, “Hydrocortisone suspension”). There they, having a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, should stop the production of connective tissue, and this will significantly reduce the scar after surgery.

This is how hypertrophic and keloid scars are treated.


This is the name given to exfoliation of the surface layers of skin within the epidermis so that new, healthy layers appear in their place. Since the scar is not the epidermis, but connective tissue, there is no need to be afraid of causing deeper damage (the germ layer will still not be deformed due to its absence).

To treat scars, mechanical peeling is performed (microdermabrasion, using small abrasive particles) or its chemical analogue when acids are used (for example,).

Scar removal using deep mechanical dermabrasion


It is based on the effect of liquid nitrogen. It causes necrosis of pathological tissue, in the place of which formation healthy skin.

The depth of cryotherapy is not 100% controlled. More than one procedure may be needed to remove a scar. Healing after each of them takes up to 14 days, the wound is wet and can become infected.

Laser resurfacing

This The best way, removal of scars after surgery. It involves the application of microburns both on the area of ​​the defect itself (because of this, the scar is “compressed”), and on a small area along its perimeter. As a result of the last impact, healthy skin begins to form, which displaces scarred skin.

For complete correction, you may need not 1, but several procedures. Healing occurs under a dry crust, so infection is impossible here. The crust disappears after 10 days.

Scar correction using laser resurfacing


Plastic surgeons know how to get rid of a scar after surgery if it occupies a large area, is keloid or hypertrophic. They excise the scar tissue, after which they either immediately apply cosmetic stitches or cover the defect with a flap of their own skin. The flap is pre-prepared so that it does not lose its blood supply.

From this article you will learn:

  • the best ointment for scars and scars on the face and body,
  • laser scar removal: prices, before and after photos,
  • scar after caesarean section: photo, how to treat.

A scar is a formation on the skin that occurs as a result of tissue regeneration at the site of the wound surface. Scars often form after traumatic tissue damage or surgical incisions (for example, a cesarean section scar). They can also be caused by inflammatory skin diseases - these include scars after smallpox, chickenpox or acne.

When referring to scars, people often use a synonym, calling them scars. Scars consist predominantly of fibrous connective tissue, which is the framework of most organs and tissues in our body. Fibrous connective tissue includes fibers such as collagen and elastin.

Types of scars –

Correct scar removal depends, among other things, on what type of scar you have. It is customary to distinguish the following five types of scars...

  • Flat, pale scars(Fig.1) –
    This is the most common type of scar. They protrude only slightly above the surface of the skin and are initially red or dark red in color. Over a usually two-year period, such scars gradually fade and become even more flattened.
  • Hypertrophic scars(Fig. 2-3) –
    Their peculiarity is that they protrude very much above the skin level. They also tend to have an intense red or purple color. As a rule, this is the type of scar from a caesarean section - photo 3.
  • Keloid scars/scars(Fig.4) –
    are formed as a result of excessive collagen formation at the wound site. The peculiarity of these scars is that scar tissue continues to grow far beyond the wound itself, even after the wound has already healed.
  • (Fig.5) –
    are usually formed as a result of burns. Such scars tighten and compress the skin, limiting its mobility.
  • (Fig.6) –
    they look like dents on the surface of the skin. Most often they look like this.

Scar formation is a natural healing process of the skin after damage (Fig. 7). Initially, the wound surface becomes covered with crusts, and the traumatic defect itself begins to be filled with soft granulation tissue. Gradually, the granulation tissue is replaced by dense fibrous connective tissue (collagen), which is produced by cells called fibroblasts.

Fibroblasts actively produce collagen at the site of skin damage for three to four months, which usually leads to a gradual elevation of the scar above the skin level and the formation of a bumpy surface. At the same time, blood capillaries actively grow, causing the scar to become red.

Then, some of the excess collagen begins to break down, and the number of newly formed capillaries decreases. This causes the scar to gradually become smooth, soft and begin to fade. In most cases, scars remain forever, and only in very rare cases do they disappear without a trace within the first two years after the injury.

How to prevent scars -

It's impossible to completely prevent scars from forming, but there are a number of things you can do to help your scar become less noticeable and heal better...

  1. If a wound forms on the skin, immediately clean it of dirt and disinfect it.
  2. If the wound is deep, use a pressure bandage, because... this can help smooth out the appearance of scars.
  3. Always protect the wound from water (do not wet wounds with water).
  4. Use a scar and scar treatment to reduce redness and promote healing. This could be a special ointment for scars and scars, or a silicone-based gel/plaster.
  5. Gently massage the scar area as the scabs fall off after healing. Massage helps prevent massive collagen sheets from accumulating and turning into scars.

Important points -

  1. Do not cover the wound hermetically; access to oxygen allows crusts to form faster, which speeds up the healing of the wounded area.
  2. Do not pick or tear off the crusts under any circumstances, as... this will definitely lead to the formation of a significant scar.
  3. For antiseptic treatment of wounds, use any antiseptics except hydrogen peroxide, because... it can cause damage to surrounding healthy skin tissue.
  4. Do not apply vitamin E to wounds and fresh scars, because... it interferes with the proper rate of healing.
  5. Do not pick or squeeze pimples - this leads to the formation of atrophic scars on the face.

How to get rid of scars -

Depending on the type of scar, as well as its age, there are several treatments that can help make them less noticeable and improve their appearance. Keep in mind: just improve, because... It is hardly possible to completely get rid of scars without leaving a trace.

In this article we will focus on –

  • cream for scars and scars (for example, Dermatix, Kelo-Kot...),
  • laser scar removal,
  • surgical removal of scars.

Also used to treat scars –

  • silicone patches (for example, Mepiform),
  • techniques,
  • technique (skin resurfacing),
  • cosmetic camouflage (make-up or tattoo on scars).
    Read about these methods using the links in the relevant articles. A combination of several treatment methods is often used.

The best external remedy for scars and scars -

The pharmacy always has a selection of external scar treatments that help make them less noticeable on the skin. The most common and well-known means include -

Scar cream: reviews, effectiveness studies

We carefully studied the reviews of doctors, as well as reviews of patients who use or do not use such external agents. As a result, we did not find a direct relationship between the use of these agents and the formation of an invisible or almost invisible scar.

It seems that everything is really, strictly individual... Many patients smeared the scars and still got terrible scars, but there are also those who did nothing at all, and the scars themselves gradually disappeared or became completely invisible. We have not found any published objective scientific evidence that any of these remedies actually work. All published clinical researches are based only on subjective assessment methods: surveys and inspections.

Yes, there is scientific research showing that silicone (which is included in most scar treatments) helps create a thinner, more elastic scar, but that's about it. However, no quantitative indicators are provided in these studies: for example, what percentage of patients had a significant improvement - in relation to the total number of patients involved in the study. All this casts some doubt on the high effectiveness of this group of drugs.

For example, massaging a developing scar with regular moisturizer or Vaseline also improves elasticity and better distributes the new collagen that forms in the scar tissue. But it is difficult to understand how much better silicone or sodium heparin is than regular cream or petroleum jelly, and whether it is worth paying so much for them.

Therefore, there is no clear answer to the question: which ointment for scars or cream for scars and scars is better? Using these creams and gels will not guarantee that your scar will be less noticeable. However, we can say that the use of these products still reduces the risk of forming rough scars.

Remedies for scars and scars: price

The packaging of each of these gels is 15 g, and only Fermenkol is available in tubes of 30 g.

  • Dermatix (Dermatix) - costs between 2500-3000 rubles,
  • Gel Kelo-kot – price from 1300 to 1700 rubles,
  • Zeraderm ultra - price from 3000 to 4000 rubles. (rich composition, which additionally includes coenzyme Q10 and vitamin K).
  • Contractubex costs only 600 rubles, but this drug has the worst reviews among both doctors and patients.
  • Nuobisong scar cream - reviews note that this Chinese cream, which is sold illegally and only via the Internet, has neither the composition indicated on the packaging nor detailed instructions in Russian. Therefore, despite its low cost of about 300 rubles, we do not recommend using it.

Laser scar removal: prices, before and after photos

How does laser scar removal work?

First, the scar is cleaned and the treatment area is marked with a marker. Often the area being treated is numbed with a local anesthetic. Some patients are given sedatives or anti-anxiety medications to help them relax. If facial scars are removed, the patient is given special glasses to protect the eyes.

During the procedure, the patient may feel tingling and burning. Light bleeding may occur after the procedure. When the laser scar removal procedure is completed, a special ointment for scars after surgery is applied to the treated area, after which the wound is covered with a bandage.

24 hours after the procedure, patients are advised to begin cleaning the treated area 4-5 times a day and applying a special ointment, or Vaseline, to prevent crusting. Healing after laser scar removal usually takes 10-21 days, depending on the size of the scar and its location.

Laser scar removal: video

Laser scar removal: prices
the cost varies depending on the area where the scar is located, as well as its size. Therefore, on average, to remove scars with a laser, the cost per 1 cm2 will be from 1500 to 2500 rubles.

Possible side effects after the procedure –

  • pain, burning (disappears within 12-72 hours),
  • swelling (disappears within 48 hours),
  • bleeding (disappears within 12 hours),
  • formation of crusts, peeling (within 5-7 days),
  • pigmentation,
  • infection,
  • re-formation of the scar.

After complete healing, the patient should –

  • apply oils to the treated area for 2-3 months,
  • avoid direct sunlight on this area,
  • Always ensure that young skin is constantly moisturized.

Surgical treatment of scars –

Surgical treatment of scars involves excision of scar tissue and creation of a cosmetic suture. There are various methods of tissue suturing (for example, intradermal), which make it possible to ensure that the seam will be practically invisible in the future. For cosmetic stitches, very thin suture material is used.

How to get rid of scars at home -

First of all, start using external silicone-based products in the form of gels, which we described above. Of course, no remedy will completely get rid of a scar, but it can help make it less noticeable. In order to get rid of scars at home, you need to treat the scar several times every day for 4 months, so be prepared for long-term treatment.

  • Avoid exposing the scar to sunlight, as... this slows down the healing process and makes the scars more noticeable in color. If the frame is located on an area of ​​skin exposed to the sun, then each time before going out into the sun, use sun protection (at least 30 SPF).
  • Massage the scar area every day (at least 2 times a day for 3-5 minutes) to avoid excessive formation of fibrous tissue that makes up scars. You can do a massage either without anything or using oil or gel with silicone (see brands above).
  • Constantly exfoliate the surface layer of skin, consisting of dead epidermal cells, using. It also reduces the risk of rough scars forming.

Treatment of scars with folk remedies -

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a natural, herbal remedy for scars and scars, which has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. It works as an emollient that helps the healing process and promotes the growth of healthy cells, improving skin texture.

How to use –
First, peel off the outer layer of the Aloe Vera leaf until a jelly-like substance appears. After this, apply the gel to the scar, massaging the scar in a circular motion until the Aloe Vera is completely absorbed. After 30 minutes of this, wash off the remaining aloe vera with water. Apply Aloe Vera gel twice a day.
Important: Aloe Vera should not be used on open wounds.

2. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is another great natural ingredient that helps in getting rid of scars. Coconut oil contains lauric, caprylic and capric acids, which stimulate collagen synthesis and promote healing of damaged skin.

How to use –
warm up natural unrefined food in your hands Coconut oil until liquid. After this, apply to the scar, massaging it with oil for 5-10 minutes. After this, leave the oil on the skin for another 1 hour so that the skin absorbs it completely. For best results, repeat the procedure 2-4 times a day.

3. Lemon

Lemon contains alpha hydroxy acids, which have a chemical peeling effect. As a result, lemon juice removes dead skin cells, promotes the growth of new cells, and improves skin elasticity.

How to use –
Apply lemon juice to the scar (if your skin is sensitive, you can dilute the juice with water or oil). Wait 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. The procedure should be repeated once a day. Keep in mind that lemon can discolor your skin and make it very sensitive to sunlight. Therefore, be sure to use sunscreen or keep the area out of the sun to avoid hyperpigmentation.

4. Apple cider vinegar

Just like citric acid, malic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid that is used for chemical peeling of the skin. Therefore, it will also promote peeling and removing the dead skin cells.

How to use –
mix equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and water. Apply this solution to the scar using a cotton swab. Leave on for 5 minutes and then rinse with water. Repeat once a day.

Important: Keep in mind that lemon or apple cider vinegar based exfoliants will be much less effective than professional chemical peeling procedures performed in beauty clinics, as well as special professional superficial peeling products at home.

Female beauty is very capricious and does not tolerate compromises, even small flaws, especially on the face. A perfectly smooth surface can easily be spoiled by a small nick or fold. Such a defect is difficult to disguise with the most expensive correctors and powder. To remove a scar on the face, you need to find the safest way and select an individual ensemble of activities. Otherwise, complexes regarding, albeit small, features can take on catastrophic proportions.

Traditional methods of treating facial scars

Of course, it is possible to remove a scar at home, but you will have to spend a sufficient amount of time to do this. Depending on the size and depth of the scar, it may take months to smooth out.

The following products are considered the most effective:

  • citrus juice - lemon, grapefruit, lime helps to whiten altered pigmentation of connective tissue;
  • aloe juice can prevent scar formation after acne removal, you can apply a cut of a branch to the damaged area, the active components accelerate the healing process by providing a sufficient amount of moisture;
  • honey - sweet compresses have a peeling effect, smoothing the surface of the skin, masks based on natural product promote activation of blood circulation and renewal of cellular structures;
  • herbal and cereal ganaches gently cleanse dead skin cells without scratching, soothe injured dermis; oat and rice flour, dry powders of chamomile, linden, nettle, thyme and plantain are considered the most effective;
  • The following active ingredients will gradually eliminate defects on the face – salicylic acid, lemon acid, boric alcohol, soda and salt, you should adhere to the rules of use, otherwise you can cause harm and get burned.

It is easy to remove scars using traditional medicine methods thanks to the following recipes:


You need to prepare a composition from combined aromatic oils. Take four drops each of neroli, rosemary, mint, or geranium, sandalwood, fennel or tea, rosewood and incense, add 5 ml to one of the selected almond oil and apply three/five times daily. Perform such manipulations for three months, especially effective after scrubbing or peeling.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.


You can remove scars on your face using a natural procedure. You will need natural beeswax (foundation), olive oil and propolis (bee glue). Heat the nutritious oil in a water bath, stirring constantly, add crushed wax and a pinch of propolis, when all the ingredients are combined, remove from the stove. The composition will thicken within a few hours; treat the problem area, applying a thick layer overnight. You can use this product for up to six months, after first checking the sensitivity of the epidermis to bee products.

Unsuccessful removal of acne and blackheads leads to the formation of a bumpy structure in a small area. If this procedure is repeated regularly, the entire surface of the face can be damaged. Homemade recipes for masks for scars help smooth the skin and remove altered pigmentation.

Herbal mask

Facial care requires time and attention. Helps improve color and even out structure, an effective natural recipe. It is convenient to make a large volume; this mask can be used daily. You will need equal amounts of chamomile, nettle and plantain herbs, carefully grind them into a powder in a coffee grinder. Store cosmetic raw materials in hermetically sealed dry containers. Apply daily with rubbing movements over the entire surface of the face, diluting slightly with water, leave for five minutes, then rinse off any remaining residue.

Honey mask

Regular use of the following composition will help remove scars on the face. For fifteen grams of solid honey you need to take five grams of coffee grounds and the same amount of sea salt. Apply the resulting slurry in a thick layer only to the damaged area of ​​the epidermis and leave for about half an hour. After removing the product, treat with nourishing shea butter or cocoa butter, they improve elasticity. Apply the procedure every evening for one month.

Video recipe: How to remove acne scars (post-acne)

In home-made cosmetology, lotions and tonics are widely used, which are used to wipe the affected area as part of general therapy.

It has a special moisturizing and skin-regenerating effect and can also be used to treat burns. You will need to grind the pulp of one cucumber in a kitchen machine, pour in five hundred ml mineral water with a high salt content. Add five drops of lavender essential oil to this volume. Store the product in the refrigerator for about ten days, soak a cotton pad daily and apply to the scar. This lotion is similar in action to the peeling procedure, but has a less aggressive effect. To prepare, you will need two hundred grams of any sour berries - cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, grind and strain through cheesecloth to remove solid particles. Dilute the resulting homogeneous concentrate with one hundred ml of green tea. Store the finished lotion in the refrigerator for about a week, wiping the problem area daily.

Scar treatment

There are ways to permanently get rid of scars in aesthetic medicine clinics and beauty salons. A wide range of methods allows everyone to choose the right one.

You can remove scars with laser in just a few sessions. First, the surface layer of the scar is excised, after which the formation of new cells is provoked. It will take time for the recovery period. Depending on the individual characteristics it lasts from several days to two weeks.

Video: How to remove scars and scars without surgery? Laser resurfacing

Chemical peeling of the face is also effective for resurfacing scars. Under the influence of a complex of acids, the middle and deep layers of the skin are affected. Afterwards, a crust forms in this place, under which a new, even layer of epidermis is formed. Full recovery may take about a month; during this period you will need to forget about using decorative cosmetics When visiting a bathhouse, sauna, solarium, covers will need to be protected from temperature changes, dry, hot, frosty air and exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Injection correction is performed only by an experienced cosmetologist who selects the desired concentration and depth of injection. Diprospan is often used; it helps smooth out damage and restore natural pigmentation.


  • thin vessels, rosacea;
  • wounds, cracks, burns;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • neoplasms of various types;
  • individual sensitivity;
  • infectious diseases.

Remedies for facial scars

Cosmetology is constantly developing new methods to help get rid of scar tissue at home. Their popularity is ensured due to their ease of use and accessibility, in contrast to expensive plastic and aesthetic manipulations. The effect is absorbable and softening, which is especially effective for shallow scars on the skin of the face. The principle of operation is this: first, the area and depth are reduced, then the tissue is lightened, and the scar becomes less noticeable. If applied to fresh lesions, you can avoid discomfort itching, speed up healing, calm redness and inflammation.

The active ingredients may be plant extracts, fatty and essential oils, vitamins, minerals, hormones. They have no contraindications, except for individual local reactions; most drugs are allowed to be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Local action promotes:

  • Increased synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • Normalization of blood circulation;
  • Antibacterial effect;
  • Water and lipid balance is maintained;
  • Local immunity is enhanced.
Precautionary measures:
  1. Apply a thin layer only to the problem area;
  2. Avoid contact with mucous membranes;
  3. Check before use for possible allergies;
  4. Do not use on open wounds.

Ointments for scars

At home, such remedies for scars have proven effective.

Contractubex - reduces deformation, softens and smoothes the hard damaged area. Contains allantoin, sodium heparin, Serae onion extract, this composition helps to dissolve blood clots, prevents the spread of scar-like connective tissue, has a bactericidal effect, retains moisture, accelerates the recovery and healing process.

It is based on urea, sodium heparin and camphor, which ensure good absorption and moisturizing of the skin. Metabolism in the cells of the epidermis is restored, the feeling of tight dermis softens and disappears. Helps get rid of and prevent acne scars on the face.

Dermatix has a gel-like structure and contains polysiloxanes and silicon dioxide. The silicone base is quickly absorbed after application, leaving an invisible film on the skin that does not affect oxygen breathing. Absolutely safe remedy removal of scars on the face, even in a child. The only thing is that you need to apply it to cleansed skin, and after ten minutes, after removing unabsorbed residues, girls can apply makeup.

Video recipe: Ointment for scars and scars on the face

Scar creams

Zeraderm helps not only with scars and scars on the face, but also helps treat acne and acne (with a mark in the name ultra). Restores the surface of both newly formed and long-standing surface damage. Cream-gel is used during the rehabilitation period after surgical intervention or laser correction. The main active component is a high molecular weight silicone compound, through which both oxygen and moisture can easily pass, and the natural metabolic processes are not disrupted. There are no restrictions other than an allergic reaction in rare cases.

Skarguard helps remove scars and prevent new ones from appearing. Hydrocortisone, silicone and vitamin E are the basis of a therapeutic liquid cream. Relieves swelling, itching, irritation, provides deep nutrition and hydration of the tissue. The structure is smoothed, normal pigmentation is restored. It is very simple and convenient to use; use a thin brush to apply the product to the desired area and within five minutes it is completely absorbed. An invisible drainage bandage is formed on which cosmetics can be applied. The manufacturer does not recommend use during pregnancy and for children under 12 years of age, without consulting a doctor.

Mederma is a hypoallergenic product, absorbs quickly, its light structure leaves no traces. Allium Serae extract and allantoin help retain moisture, soften and smooth acne scars. Collagen production is activated, the damaged area becomes smoother and more elastic. Dissolves blood clots and has a long-lasting antibacterial effect.

Video: How to get rid of scars at home

Experts distinguish several types of scars and scars of the skin. They all look different and require different approaches to themselves.

1. Hypertrophic scars

The first type of scars, as cosmetologists say, are hypertrophic scars. This is the formation of scars in which they are located above the normal level of the skin. Such marks usually remain from a lacerated or cut wound, the edges of which were stitched.

2. Atrophice scars

Atrophic scars, on the contrary, are located below the general surface of the skin, forming grooves and depressions. These scars most often form after acne or pimples go away.

3. Keloid scars

Keloid scars usually have a reddish or pinkish tint and most often form at the site of burns. These scars can cause itching and even pain.

4. Normotrophic scars

Normotrophic scars are also called physiological. They heal quite quickly, leaving an almost imperceptible mark on the skin.

5. Striae

Some cosmetologists and dermatologists call stretch marks a separate type of scars. They appear as a result of excessive stretching of the skin (so-called overstretching) and hormonal imbalance in the body. That is why it is believed that pregnant women, teenagers (during intensive growth) and athletes who must increase body weight are most susceptible to stretch marks. Striae can also appear with certain diseases, such as Marfan syndrome or Itsenko-Cushing's disease.
Many people believe that scars can only be dealt with in special cosmetology clinics. But that's not true. You can treat scars at home, using proven and safe folk remedies. Of course, before such treatment you need to consult a doctor so that he, having determined the condition of the skin, allows you to do the treatment at home.

How to cure scars at home: folk remedies

1. Apple vinegar

An effective remedy for removing scars at home is apple cider vinegar. The fact is that the fruit acid contained in it acts on the skin of the scar, gradually thinning and removing the top layer of skin on it. Many are based on this action chemical peels. Apple cider vinegar (1 part) must be diluted with warm water (4 parts) and apply compresses to the scars for 5-7 minutes. You can repeat such compresses several times a day.

2. Vitamin E capsules

Also at home to improve appearance scar, you can use vitamin E capsules. It is known that it is capable of launching many regeneration processes and restoring damaged areas of the skin. Vitamin E can be used in different ways. You can take capsules orally, one per day. Or you can cut the capsule and apply the vitamin directly to the scar area. It is worth asking your doctor about the possibility of using vitamin E, as it can cause allergies.

3. Cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is a recognized remedy in the fight against scars. In addition to its main functions - moisturizing and softening the skin, cocoa butter can also smooth out the upper layers of the skin, making scars less noticeable. It should be applied once a day to clean skin, massaging the scar until the oil is completely absorbed.

4. Honey

Honey is included in many products that fight scars. To remove scars, it can also be used in its pure form, which is what we advise ethnoscience. It is enough to simply apply honey to the scar area two to three times a day, covering it with film for 10-15 minutes, then you can remove the film and wait for the honey to be completely absorbed. If you do this regularly, the scar will begin to smooth out and the skin will become smoother. It is possible to use honey only if there is no individual intolerance to this product.

5 . Peeling mask

A peeling mask made from oatmeal, lemon juice and milk (or cream) has an effective and multifaceted effect. Mix all ingredients in a 2:1:1 ratio. Apply to the problem area using scrubbing circular movements, rub for about 5 minutes, then leave for 10 minutes. Oatmeal has the effect of a scrub that polishes the skin, lemon brightens, and milk or cream softens the skin.

6. Lemon juice

Lemon juice can be used in its pure form (or slightly diluted with water) to lighten the surface of the scar and make it less noticeable.

7. Cucumber juice

If the scar is fresh enough, then a good effect can be achieved by using cucumber juice and cucumber pulp. To prepare the medicine, you need to peel the cucumber and grind it to a creamy consistency. The remaining juice can be used to lubricate the scar, and the cucumber pulp should be applied at night.

8. Olive oil

Olive oil is considered good remedy for the treatment of scars, because it contains a lot of vitamin E, softens and moisturizes the scar. The oil should be rubbed into the problem area with gentle movements until completely absorbed. You can also mix it with oatmeal to create an oil scrub that needs to be washed off after use.

9. Oil tea tree

Tea tree oil has a good effect on fresh scars, preventing granulation tissue from growing, which reduces the size of the scar and also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.

10. Massage with onion juice

If the scar is not very deep, then you can try to get rid of it with a massage with onion juice. The duration of the massage is no more than a quarter of an hour.

Sufficiently old scars and scars on the skin cannot be completely removed; only a few surgical methods can do this. You can also use some methods to smooth out the skin and make them almost invisible. You can buy various creams, masks and other products at the pharmacy or use natural, home-cooked.

  1. If a scar occurs after surgery or a wound, then you need to apply special creams as quickly as possible to absorb scar tissue. Many people recommend Contractubex cream, which does its job well.
  2. If after using creams and other products, the scars are still visible, then you can use peeling. This is how special reagents are applied to the skin, which can remove the top layer of skin. This method Great for removing scars on legs, arms and other parts of the body.
  3. If the scar is in the form of a hole or dent, then you can use special dermal fillers. Thanks to them, the skin is evened out, but the procedure is performed once every few months.
  4. Laser therapy helps to erase the scar on the skin without leaving any marks. There are several laser treatments that can help you get rid of scars. Some remove the top layers of skin, while others penetrate the lower layers of skin and activate collagen production. Thanks to this, scars disappear forever and give the skin a natural look.

How to remove scars on the body at home using folk remedies

Onion juice

Onion - natural remedy, which will help you get rid of scars. It contains unique enzymes for skin regeneration. Pre-steam the skin in the scar area and lubricate it with prepared fresh onion juice. Apply baked onion compresses at night. Do this every day for several months.

Remember that the result can be seen if you follow all the rules and do not give up treatment.

Banana, cucumber and lemon juice

Make healthy juice from fresh cucumber, lemon and banana. Lubricate the scarred area of ​​skin several times a day with the prepared mixture.

Melon seed mask

If you prepare a mask of melon seeds and apply it daily to the area with a scar, you can smooth out the scar tissue. To do this, dry the melon seeds, grind them to a powder, add eggshells and olive oil. The resulting paste must be applied to the scar in the form of a compress. Follow this procedure for at least 1 month.


Sage, chamomile, calendula, nettle, plantain, parsley, dandelion, mint, green tea, yarrow and St. John's wort. This list of herbs has a regenerating effect. It is necessary to make lotions from decoctions of these plants for 2-3 months.

Rub honey 1-3 times a day into scar tissue. After a few months, the scars will become pale and smooth.

Essential oils

Essential oils have a regenerating and healing effect. Many cosmetologists recommend using rosemary, lavender, sea buckthorn or castor oil.

Beeswax or paraffin

Masks made from warm paraffin or wax can smooth out the skin. You can also make a special ointment for scars from wax. To do this, take 1 part beeswax and 3 parts sunflower oil. Heat the oil and melt the wax in it (in a water bath). Lubricate the scars with cold ointment for 1-2 months.

How to get rid of scars on your face - video