What is useful to know about children's laughter. What you need to know about newborns Healthy skin does not need to be smeared with anything

Raising a happy person is a special mission!

You have a baby in your family, and with him a special mission - to raise, educate this little man and be sure to help him become happy!

Parents are the very first immutable human example for a child. With you, the baby literally sculpts himself, and you must correspond to the role of a model, a leader. First of all, you need to be happy yourself! After all, happy children grow up with happy parents, from infancy absorbing the vitamin of love and good luck, which protects them from life's difficulties and hardships. Parents who constantly complain, whine, look for the guilty and gloomily wade through life's barriers, grow up the same sad children, confused and helpless before life. Stock up necessary qualities, without which it is impossible to raise worthy and happy children:

Love and respect for your own child;
- patience;
- faith in the good and bright future of your children;
-Own aspiration to become a person who has managed to fill his life with meaning and happiness.

When you are harmonious and calm, when you learn to adequately and calmly look at your own life, your children on a subconscious level will do the same without unnecessary notations and long pedagogical experiences.

What is he, happy child?

Each person for himself answers the question "what is happiness and how to achieve it?" and draws in his imagination his own image of the lucky one. But still, happy people a set of common properties and qualities is revealed. This is the conclusion reached by two American psychologists, David Myers and Ed Deener, after conducting a comparative analysis of the results of previous studies on this topic. So:

Happy people have high self-esteem.

Happy people live with the feeling that they hold life in their own hands, appreciate their ability to influence events and those around them.

Happy people believe in success. They say: "I will succeed."

Happy people rely on family and friendships.

Happy people are able to fully devote themselves to any task - both in work and in hobbies.

It is in your power, parents, to instill in the baby a sense of self-worth, optimism and belief in success, the ability to devote yourself entirely to any task, the firm belief that your life depends on you - all these qualities characterize a happy person. The question is how to become one.


Love your child as he is. It's simple. When a child is accepted and loved not for something, but simply for what he is, he has a feeling of his need, usefulness, uniqueness, which becomes the root, the basis of human life. It is through such love that a person is affirmed. Babies deprived of disinterested, absolute and unconditional love are unlikely to grow up to be happy people.

Every child just needs to feel himself the most dear person for mom and dad, the most necessary and the best for them. To do this, parents should constantly, openly, including words, express their love for the child.
Mentally send your sweetheart your affection and warmth, hug and kiss him more often, say simple and clear words, for example: “I love you”, “You are my sun”. And smile at the same time. After all, your baby is the most wonderful, and he will be so. And you will still be proud of him! Remember this always! Love your child and let him never doubt your feelings!


Children come to this world with an innate tendency to love their parents, but they do not know how to love and forgive themselves. And for the first five to six years, the baby forms an idea of ​​himself solely on the basis of the information he receives from his parents. The correct self-esteem of a child is the basis of his successful life path, the most important regulator of his behavior and relationships with people, a measure of self-esteem.
When parents inspire a child that he always and does everything well and correctly, admire his mediocre abilities with enthusiasm, take his side in everything - the baby grows up as a spoiled egocentric, with high self-esteem and a sense of superiority over others. As a rule, such a person does not know how to get along with other people, does not cause sympathy in them. And from this follows life misfortune: a person who is not able to establish good and equal relations even with the closest people cannot be happy.

And if parents, on the contrary, are overly critical and demanding of their child, indifferent to his success, rarely give praise or an affectionate word, then the baby grows up “useless”, helpless, with very low self-esteem. The inner potential of such a child remains unrevealed. One small slip is enough for him to cross out all previous successes. The child begins to perceive himself and the whole world negatively. "I am bad. I can't do anything right. It's all my fault ... ”- these are some of his daily thoughts. And such a line of reasoning is capable of creating a destiny for a person, consisting of only disappointments.
A small person is able to feel and understand whether they love him, whether they rejoice in him, whether they treat him with respect. However, it is not enough to tell the child that he is adored, from this he will not develop positive self-esteem. Create conditions for the child's success, give him the opportunity to feel strong, skillful, successful. If in the first nine years of life a child is given the freedom to make mistakes without consequences, a pleasant feeling of self-confidence develops in him, he experiments without fear and realizes everything that is in him. Whenever possible, consider the wishes of the children - this way they can develop a sense of their own worth. It is enough just to instill in the child a positive sense of participation in decision-making: "What should we cook for dinner?", "What will we do on the weekend?"
If you show the kid what he should do, and at the same time say that you like how he does it, that he is a smart kid, that he made a mistake here, but it's okay, everything is fixable, that you are ready to help him - you even you cannot imagine the potentialities of such a child! Rely on the best in your child, believe in his capabilities. Your faith has the power to turn opportunity into reality, and be sure to respect and value yourself. The kid will learn from you.


Children are distinguished by the phenomenal ability to enjoy life, but if you do not support it from infancy, the child can withdraw into himself, smile less and less, will not notice the positive in this life, and will become "fixated" only on difficulties and problems.

It is worth teaching a child from childhood to think about the good, about upcoming successes, teach him to see not only the bad sides of events and life in general. Try to be optimistic and cultivate this trait in your little one. Optimists rely on good memories, consider troubles an accident, and believe in a better future. Laugh at the problems. It's helpful to laugh at your own mistakes so that your child learns to laugh at his own too. Laughter is often the best medicine for fear-driven negative attitudes towards life.

If we stop taking ourselves too seriously, our children will understand that they too can make mistakes, laugh at them, then gather strength and continue to live. If children are not ashamed or punished for their mistakes, this gives them the opportunity to learn the most important art - the ability to love themselves and accept their own imperfection. Smile your little one more often! Think good and you will be happy!


There is no need to protect the child from difficulties in everything and always. Later, he will lack resilience in difficult life situations. Difficulties bring positive experience, temper, add decisiveness and responsibility. It just needs reasonable support.

Children are very fond of achieving results - you need to help the child set a goal and achieve it. At the same time, if he is left alone to cope with difficulties, he will grow up insecure. The child will be happy to watch how an adult copes with something and imitate. The ideal option is cooperative activity... Toddlers love this collaboration because they have your attention. Whether it's tidying up the house or baking cookies, teach your kid the basics of achieving goals, implementing ideas. Help him in word and deed, but do not do anything in his place, losing patience. The best way to teach your little ones to be workers who safely achieve the ultimate goal - to become their partners. Once children successfully learn how to deal with obstacles, they will be inspired by their victories and will try to do everything in their power to achieve greater goals. All this will definitely have a positive effect on the fate of an adult.


The child must be taught to do this. He must discover that work is enjoyable and that total immersion in an occupation is especially enjoyable. When a person is deeply engrossed in his favorite pastime, he is calm, balanced, invigoratingly tense. This state is very beneficial.

Many people do not have the elementary ability to occupy themselves or devote themselves entirely to a specific task, so they become victims of boredom. Children who are bored whine and cling to their mother's skirt. Instead of drawing on paper, they prefer to scratch the walls or smudge the wallpaper. Instead of eating calmly at the dinner table, they make faces and make everyone nervous.

To prevent this from happening, children must learn to occupy themselves: play, look at pictures, tinker, draw, help around the house. And parents should give them the opportunity to go headlong into their favorite pastime.


The child needs to be given the opportunity to do something on his own. He must acquire his own experience, including negative ones. The art of adults is to give children little advice, to help a little when something goes wrong. The more invisible such help is, the better. The main thing is that the help should be such that it does not overlap the child's own participation in solving the problem.


A small child for happiness requires not only health, but also the reliable hands of parents, their care, warmth and affection, as well as joy, new impressions, communication.

Psychologists say that, in general terms, a happy child is one who:
knows that he is loved (regardless of the offense committed);
feels protected;
participates in "adult affairs";
feels its uniqueness;
feels encouragement from parents in overcoming unfamiliar situations;
appreciated by the team.

Happy children are optimistic, go to the end in everything and know how and where to find entertainment throughout the day. They feel loved, protected and understood, and they know that this feeling will accompany them throughout the marathon along the black and white stripes of life.

Happy children also have the opportunity to experience the whole gamut of emotions and expressions of feelings - everything that life experience gives us: anger, joy, closeness of human relationships, alienation, persistence, curiosity, surprise, disappointment, etc. It's great to have positive emotions. But negative emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, regret, disappointment, anxiety, embarrassment, jealousy, resentment, insecurity, and shame are also natural and normal. Parents should teach their children to be aware of and appropriately express these emotions. After all, if a strong emotion is expressed outside, then it leaves without destroying the body from the inside. Intuition, sincerity, confidence, joy, compassion, the ability to correct one's mistakes - all these wonderful qualities that help to achieve success and self-realization develop when a person is aware of his feelings and knows how to let go of negative emotions.

Test for parents "Check yourself"

Dear Parents! To test yourself, you just need to answer the following questions:

Your baby is from one to three years old

When was the last time you:

Throwing soap bubbles;
jumped like frogs;
croaked like crows;
walked like herons;
built a tower from cubes;
fortress made of sofa cushions;
played in railroad;
played cat and mouse, ball;
did you paint with paints not with a brush, but with your fingers?

Child from three to five years old

How long have you:

We composed a fairy tale together and drew a picture for it;
throwing pillows with the whole family;
arranged a home concert;
invited the kid's friends to a tea party;
had a “secret conversation” with the child about his fears, grievances and troubles;
solved puzzles;
read a book;
sang songs;
laughing and fooling around?

Child from five to seven years old

When was the last time you:

Give a son or daughter any assignment and evaluate its implementation;
made faces at each other;
played in the storm, put together a mosaic;
together they made a shopping plan;
baked a cake;
went to the theater, circus;
tell your child about your childhood?

Now you are thinking about the question: what kind of parents are we? Then, while there is still time, prolong your baby's happy childhood. Raise a happy person. Let him feel the warmth of your heart, the warmth of your hands. He will be resistant to all negative manifestations of the world, will be able to overcome all life's difficulties and he will not be scared and lonely in this life.
May your children be happy!

The best way to make a child good is to make him happy.

Oscar Wilde


Children, in contrast to adults, perceive information less critically - the lack of life experience and skills of emotional self-defense affects. It is good when parents realize what role their attitudes play in the child's emotional and personal development. Children cannot put a psychological barrier in their relationship with their parents. Therefore, many of those attitudes that they receive from the closest, most significant and authoritative adults further determine their behavior, which is the same in similar life situations. By far the main share parental settings is positive and contributes to the favorable development of babies.

How often do we tell children:

I'm busy right now)…
Look what you've done!
It should be done differently ...
Not right!
When will you learn?
How many times have I told you!
You will drive me crazy!
Hands off! I'll do it myself!
What would you do without me!
You always climb into everything!
Go away from me!
Stand in the corner!

All these words can firmly sit in the subconscious of a child. It is not surprising if later the baby moves away from you, becomes secretive, lazy, distrustful, insecure. Below is a list of settings. After reading them, you involuntarily wonder: am I not telling my child what I really do not want him to?

Negative attitudes :

"Strong people don't cry"
"Think only of yourself, do not feel sorry for anyone"
"You are always like your (me) dad (mom)"
"You are my fool!"
"It would be better if you weren't even in the world!"
"So you will knock around in life, like your dad (mom) ..."
"If you do not obey, you will get sick!"
"The apple falls not far from the apple tree"
"How much strength we gave you, and you ..."
"It's none of your mind ..."
"God will punish you!"
"Do not eat much, you will be fat, no one will love you"
"Do not trust anyone - they will be deceived!"
"If you do this, no one will be friends with you!"
"You always do it worse than others ..."
"You will always be dirtier!"
"A woman is stupider than a man ..."
"You are bad!"
"If you will be a beech, you will remain alone"
"All good things always end, you can't always eat sweets ..."

It is possible that you can continue this list of negative attitudes yourself. The main thing is that now you realize exactly which attitudes prevent you from living. Do not give them to your children, if you do not want something in your life to be repeated in your little ones.

Positive attitudes :

"Cry - it will be easier"
"How much you give - so much you get"
“What a clever mother! What a fine fellow we have! They are the nicest! "
"Everything is fine in you ..."
"What a blessing that we have you!"
"Everyone chooses his own path"
"You will always be healthy!"
"What goes around comes around"
"We love, we understand, we hope for you"
"Everyone is interested in your opinion"
"God loves you!"
"Eat to your health!"
"Choose your friends yourself ..."
"As you treat people, so they treat you"
"As it comes around, so it will respond"
“Everyone can be wrong! Try again!"
"How clean and tidy you are always!"
"Cleanliness is the key to health"
"It all depends on the person…"
"I love you anyone ..."
"Love yourself and others will love you"
"Everything in this life depends on you"

What words caress the soul of a child?

You are my favorite!
You can do a lot!
What would we do without you ?!
Come to me!
Sit with us!
I will help you…
I am glad for your success!
Whatever happens, your home is your fortress
Tell me what's wrong with you ...

The word is gold. Let's choose words so as not to hurt, but to cherish, inspire and support our kids!

What to do if your child is greedy

Many mothers try to explain to their little owner that no one wants to play with him if he is greedy. But that doesn't convince him, and that's okay!

About two years (or a little later), the baby realizes that there are things that belong only to him, “mine” appears in his vocabulary. But a child, unlike adults, perceives his things as a part of himself. Therefore, he regards the attempts of other children to take possession of them as an encroachment on himself. At this stage, the baby should literally feel his ownership, clutching toys during a walk and never letting them out of sight. Negative reaction the baby is not a whim, but rather a categorical statement that he needs to have everything of his with him in order to feel his integrity.

Therefore, you should not shame the child for being greedy, do not deny his right to make his own decisions, tell him that you understand how difficult it is for him to give something of his own. By showing support and respect for your child's feelings, you will make it easier for him to go through this phase of development.

How can you help your baby figure out which behavior in society is acceptable and which is not? - Explain. Of course, he will not learn the "lesson" right away. Gradually, with your help, the young expropriator will understand that other children also have things that belong only to them and they have the same possessive feelings towards them as he does.

There is another side to the coin: some parents are worried about how easily the child gives up his toys without showing any special emotions. Is this not a manifestation of weak character, inability to stand up for oneself? - By no means, there is no particular cause for concern. Such babies have found another way of building and establishing their own I: they draw confidence and a sense of their integrity in something else - the approval and praise of their parents. There are advantages and disadvantages here: the child is able to show generosity and is not too attached to material values, but, more often than not, he acts in this way, supporting the desires of the parents, feeding their pride. In many cases, it is more difficult for such a child to take care of himself when he is alone, to defend himself and his interests. Undoubtedly, striving to achieve balance will be optimal. And if you maintain in the child his desire to share with others and treat with respect and understanding the manifestations of possessiveness, then gradually a balance will be achieved.

How to teach your baby to eat on his own

Self-feeding with a spoon and drinking from a cup is one of the first self-care skills a child learns. Preparation for self-feeding begins at 6-7 months, when the baby learns to hold a crouton or biscuit in his hand. After a while, he tries to get pieces of food from the plate with his hands. You should not be afraid: it is such actions that bring the baby closer to mastering the cultural way of absorbing food. As soon as he shows a desire to use the spoon on his own, allow him to.

Often, having missed this important point, the mother is forced to feed the baby even after two years. After all, when a child, who has been spoon-fed for a long time, is told: “You are already big, it's time to eat yourself,” he may not agree, he is no longer interested in learning a spoon and he is used to being fed.

Around the end of the first year of life, the baby is trying to take the initiative, as well as the spoon, into his own hands. Give him that opportunity. After several not very successful attempts to send the porridge into his mouth, he will realize that having a spoon in his hand is not enough, you need to know how to use it. Your help is needed here. Holding the handle of your crumbs in yours, show him how to properly handle the spoon, so as to bring it to the mouth and not turn it over. Be sure to praise him for his successful actions and initiative. You will have to come to terms with the fact that at first the child will be in porridge, and you, and everything around. This is fine. Be patient - now it will take you much more time to eat, but each time the baby will act more confidently and more accurately. And you will be rewarded with the contemplation of a funny and sweet smeared face and concentrated puffing of your baby.

If your baby has already learned to use a spoon, try not to feed him. Your help may dampen his interest. If you notice that the baby is tired of eating on his own, and there is still a lot of food in the plate, help him, otherwise he may start to be capricious and refuse to eat.

Several simple tips for parents

Give the baby his own spoon (comfortable in shape, suitable in size, beautiful)

· It will take a long time to eat. You can purchase a special double bottom plate that is filled with hot water, which allows food to stay warm for a long time

· Think over "overalls": an apron, a bib (the baby should like it, wash well and not let moisture through)

· While supporting the child's desire for independence, remember, too, the importance of cooperation. Only your explanations and help will allow the child to master such a difficult skill for him.


You recently made a decision that it is time to go to work, and the time has come for your child to visit the Children's Center.

You are a little worried that your baby does not know how to hold a spoon, drink from a cup, has not yet learned to unbutton his shoes or is lazy to do it on his own, does not always recognize his things. We hasten to reassure you: there is no tragedy in this! Of course, there is a period in which it is as simple and natural as possible to teach a child all these skills. But there is nothing wrong with the fact that we are with you, Dear Parents, we will teach your baby these important skills together.

Sometimes it is easier for an adult to feed or change a baby himself than to wait until he unbuttons his shoes or pours porridge on a kitchenette.

Mild exactingness and persistent consistency in relation to the child is the best policy in this situation, because this is not only a fight against the baby's laziness, but also the development of fine motor skills, which directly affects the development of speech centers and the general level of development.

The learning process should go in parallel in the Children's Center and at home in order to avoid inconsistencies in upbringing. The easiest way is in a playful way, voicing your actions, to perform them together with the baby: “Now let's put on a T-shirt, first the head, and then the pens. Where is our pen? Here it is, hello, a pen! Where is the second one? Let's look for her! " “I'll help you put your shoes on. Hold the sandal with your hands, like that, well done. Now push the leg so that the heel is hidden in the house. See how smart you are! Now pull on the fastener, okay, harder, and then fasten it. Well done!"

One way or something like this you can approach every process: from dressing to eating. At first it will not be easy for the baby, not everything will work out. He will really need your support and patience. Do not forget to praise your baby, because what is familiar, understandable and simple for you has not yet been brought to automatism, and he has to spend enormous efforts to concentrate his attention and direct all his forces to perform a new action for him.

In no case do not give up what you started and do not succumb to the manipulations of the child - his "whims" that he is tired, that he is "small". After all, our main task with you is to give the child the opportunity to master the primary skills of self-service, while at the same time - to surround him with love, attention, care and reasonable exactingness. Only by acting consistently and together, you and I can count on a quick positive result - after all, it is so nice to be aware of your involvement in the growing up of a baby!

Memo for parents! Heat and sunstroke!

In summer, to prevent sunstroke while walking, you must cover your head with a hat. To prevent heatstroke, dress appropriately for the air temperature. Clothing should be clean and breathable. In case of heat and sunstroke, a person should be transferred to a cool place, undress or unfasten clothes, put a towel moistened with cold water, and put a roller of clothes under the head and under the legs. Give cool water to drink and call a doctor.

Even if during pregnancy you read all the books about children you could reach, anyway, upon returning from the hospital, you will probably feel as if an alien suddenly settled in the apartment. Today, few people have the experience of dealing with babies before the birth of their own children. The main thing is to remember that soon you will learn to understand the child a little better. Rest when possible, watch your diet and allow yourself to treat this strange creature as a normal, strong and healthy person with very little life experience. Don't be nervous about trifles!

Having well crumpled in the birth canal, children are swollen, with bruises, with red eyes; skinny, with thin and long arms and legs; with flaky red skin, a scattering of pimples, or with silky black hair on the ears. Do not worry, after a couple of months the baby will be smoothed out, it will eat up the fat, the excess hair will fall out. By the age of three months, most babies finally look like model infant photographs. However, some are great right away, but be prepared for anything.

Newborns sleep a lot

The child spends 16-20 hours in sleep for the first 2-3 weeks of his life, interrupting for food, soiling diapers and trying to understand what is happening around. As you prepare for with your child, you might be surprised. Use this opportunity to recover from childbirth, sleep yourself! By the third week, many have colic, which everyone struggles with with varying degrees of success, and that's when the fun begins.

Babies make sounds all the time

They sneeze, sniff, creak, swarm. The most common cause of sneezing is too dry air in the apartment, which causes mucus to dry in the nose and the appearance of the familiar boogers. A child with boogers can become a real tyrant, because the nasal passages of a newborn are narrow and tortuous, and without nasal breathing it becomes difficult to eat and sleep, which the child honestly reports with the only means available during this period - a cry. The way out is air humidifiers and nasal instillation of saline or its analogs "with the water of some sea", of which there is darkness in any pharmacy.

Hiccups are rarely caused by hypothermia.

The most obvious cause of a newborn's hiccups is the ingress of air into the stomach while feeding or. A full stomach presses on the diaphragm, the nerve endings of which are irritated, send an impulse to the brain and immediately receive a response back - the diaphragm begins to contract frequently, often, while the lungs grab air, producing a specific sound. You can hold the child with a "column" so that he burps. The child himself does not suffer from hiccups, although sometimes it lasts a very long time and prevents him from falling asleep.

Bathing a newborn is optional

Of course, bathing a baby is a pleasant process for everyone, but it is during the neonatal period that it is complicated by an umbilical wound, which is not recommended to wet. Here you can get out: bathe in a small baby bath, in boiled water, or you can simply wash it off after a bowel movement under the tap or wipe it with a damp baby napkin until it overgrows umbilical wound... Then - complete freedom, bathe as much as you like.

Newborns can swim

The sight of a baby swimming in a bathtub can completely change your ideas about the adaptability of a baby to the outside world. This is really impressive. Unfortunately, the umbilical wound greatly complicates the child's acquaintance with water. However, after 3-5 weeks he will still be able to swim, later the ability will be lost without training. If you take the trouble to accustom your child to an inflatable ring or free swimming, it will be possible to let him into a large bath, and sit next to him and be touched. It is absolutely impossible to leave a child in the bathroom unattended either with a circle or even in a whole inflatable spacesuit.

Breast milk will be what it should be

All you need on this moment the child will receive trace elements, even if you eat poorly and irregularly. Your body has enough resources to compensate for the deficiencies in your diet for the first 2-3 months. The child will definitely receive calcium, you must choose where: from your teeth or from the curd you eat.

Sterile cleanliness around the newborn is unnecessary

Of course, you should wash your hands with soap and, if possible, limit the child's communication with snotty relatives. But daily boiling, sterilizing and washing everything around with bleach is unnecessary. The child's body must learn to cope with elementary household bacteria on its own.

Don't lick the baby pacifier

You can just rinse it, wipe it wet wipe, pour boiling water over, if you are very afraid of germs, but does it really occur to someone that your saliva is capable of neutralizing something other than visible debris? If you are absolutely sure of the health of your and your partner's teeth, do not smoke, drink enough fluids - okay, lick it (I’m still against it!).

Don't try to make breast milk fatter

You do not need to eat sour cream instead of kefir while breastfeeding. Most of the calories are likely to settle on your sides, and fatty milk will be more difficult for your baby to suck and much more difficult to digest. In the first month, the child should gain only 600 grams. Despite the fact that it is customary in our country to brag about well-fed babies, it will be difficult for you to carry it yourself, and all physical activity is given to a chubby child with great difficulty.

Children are born with a specific set of reflexes.

There are about 75 of them in total, you don't need to know everything, but the following look pretty funny:

  • Sucking reflex - the child begins to rhythmically suck on any object in his mouth: your nose, chin, collarbone, knee. Hungry babies are violent and picky.
  • The hug reflex - with a sudden noise, for example a loud clap of his hands next to the child, he first pulls the arms to the sides, while opening his fists, and then, as it were, covers himself with the arms.
  • Reflex of support, straightening and automatic walking - if a child supported under the armpits is put on a support, he straightens his torso and stands on bent legs on a full foot; if it is slightly tilted forward, then it makes step movements along the surface.
  • Babinsky's reflex - if you run the tip of your finger along the outer edge of the infant's sole in the direction from the heel to the toes, they will unfold in a fan-like manner.
  • Grasping reflex (monkey) - when pressing on the palm of a newborn, he grasps and firmly holds the fingers embedded in his palm. The child can even be lifted in this way above the support.

Healthy skin does not need to be smeared with anything

If your child does not have irritation, multi-stage diaper change schemes (remove, wash the bottom, dry, sprinkle with powder, spread cream, put on a new diaper) can and should be simplified. Really, you just need to rinse the ass or wipe it with a damp cloth and dry it. If there is irritation, there can be a great many reasons: too many clothes under which the child sweats corny, too much baby cream that clogs the pores of the diaper and interferes with the rapid absorption of secretions, a poor-quality diaper, errors in the mother's diet. The easiest way to soothe mild irritation is to often leave your child to air out with a bare, clean bottom. If the baby's underarms and under the diaper are noticeably redder than the rest of the body, the problem is overheating. There is no need to stop using diapers, it is better to lower the temperature in the apartment or wear fewer clothes.

Baby poop is very different from adult poop.

This fact just needs to be accepted. While the child is eating, growing and sleeping (that is, doing everything that a newborn is supposed to do), the contents of his diaper can be anything. Any color and consistency. If you are breastfeeding, there may be no stool at all for 2–4 days, and this is also the norm: milk is completely absorbed. Maternal "I don't like our poop", perhaps bread and butter for probiotic producers. If you do not like it, do not eat it.

There are no identical children

Comparing your child with a stranger is not the most the best thing to do... Compare it with the norms of development at the current age, this is enough. A child is born with a character, usually the character of the next of kin. Perhaps you will finally have the opportunity to look at yourself from the outside. Relax and receive.

There is such a topic:"Absorb"? It will not be a secret for anyone that the potential of the family has recently weakened, its moral foundations are being destroyed, and fundamental human values ​​are being lost.



Conversation for parents on spiritual and moral education in the family "Is the perfection of the world possible?"

Target: social and pedagogical support to parents in the formation and development of a highly moral, responsible, proactive citizen of our society in the person of a child.
Tasks : education of parents of moral feelings and ethical consciousness; distinguishing between good and bad deeds; elementary ideas about the religious picture of the world, respect for children, parents, elders; the desire to avoid bad deeds; the ability to analyze negative situations in the family; negative attitude to immoral acts, rudeness, offensive words and actions in the family; ideas about the mental and physical beauty of a person.


The main and urgent business of our life, so to speak, the element should be striving for perfection, as Jesus Christ commands us to do:"Wake up for being perfect, as your heavenly father is perfect"(Matthew 5:48). And this perfection can be achieved through the education of our world, in which its main builders are children.
The world around us is the sea in which our children drown. Its bottom is dark and spacious. Young men and women are drowning in an abyss of vices, plunging into the abyss of passions, drowning in waves of sin, being sucked in by a quagmire of temptations, and sometimes they are no longer able to independently get out to the surface to the light, to the joy and happiness of spiritual life. Here they need parental love, which is born in the family, in the family's lifestyle.
There is such a topic:"Family lifestyle, human lifestyle."What is the structure of the family, where the children grow up, that they are in themselves"Absorb" ? It will not be a secret to anyone that the potential of the family has recently weakened, its moral foundations are being destroyed, and fundamental human values ​​are being lost. There is an increase in children affected by parental abuse, mental, physical and sexual abuse. It all depends on the lifestyle of the family. And what does the concept include“Family lifestyle”.
First of all, it is the manner of communication within the family, the style of relations, which can be different. This is attention and courtesy. What is this courtesy? This word seems to be outdated in our language, and more often under the concept of this word we cannot give its exact definition. To warn and fulfill the desire of another person is important. V family relationships this is one of the important components of a relationship. For example, you need to be able to meet, accompany loved ones to school or work, see and warn. When in a family from early childhood a child sees how his mother escorts his father to work, checks whether he has taken everything, whether he is neat, and even kisses on the path, then the child also adopts this way of life. This makes family relationships welcoming and allows the fruit to sprout that is considerate and considerate of others.
Let's take another example, negative. If a family hears swear words, often quarrels, drunkenness, then the children try to move these troubles away from themselves, to escape from such communication. They try to stay longer at school or on the street. At first it is not noticeable, but over time, the child gets used to this lifestyle and makes friends who are close to himself in spirit. The behavior of parents is manifested in children and in the company, then shifted to relationships in their future family.
Traditions is another aspect that is part of the concept of "family life" - it is the attitude to each other, the hostel, and not just the New Year at a common table. The family should have joint affairs, be it labor traditions, such as, for example, cleaning a room, working on a personal plot, but also outdoor recreation with some kind of sports elements, going to the cinema, theater, museums. After any business, it is imperative to sit down at a common table and discuss the perfect business in a relaxed atmosphere. The children are left with a joyful impression and this strengthens the family.
The next rule of a good family life is respect for the older generation. Parents should visit their parents, should not condemn them for the advice they give them, otherwise you can undermine your authority in children and in the future you will not be able to achieve proper respect for yourself if you do not have it for your parents. There is such a Law of God:"Honor your father and your mother, and your days will last and you will be long on earth, and you will be well."Can everyone rejoice and please others that your children treat you with due respect? Many people think that this is love, others - respect. Reverence is the combination of these two qualities into one. The basis of reverence is obedience. In the family system, obedience from one generation to another is an integral part. If children are brought up outside of obedience, they do not see an example from adults in the obedience of a wife to her husband, parents to their parents, then it will be difficult to achieve respect and respect from their child at 15 years old from their child. How you show obedience depends on how the child will build his life, choose his friends, choose his own path in life, or form his family in the future.
One of the important components of further family relationships depends on how adults relate to relatives who are no longer among us, how we can remember them, remember them. This also needs to be taught from childhood and not only to leaf through the album with photos, but to be able to pray for them. Do you want your children to pray to God for you during life and not forget about you after death? Pray yourself.
Our whole life style is holidays. They are often accompanied by feasts. But what impression does the children have afterwards, even if the parents understand that the child needs to be fed first, and then sent to the nursery, that he needs to go to bed on time? But then, the next day, the children come to kindergarten and start playing not with toys, but with an adult company. And while playing, they behave the same way as their parents the day before: clink glasses, scandal, etc. But already by the age of 12-14, children develop a positive attitude towards alcohol, these children can simply become alcoholics, repeating the behavior of their parents, counting that any company should only be with alcohol, be it a sports match or a disco, or just a meeting of friends. How to be? What kind of sprouts will grow in the family? It is up to everyone to decide for himself, but if you want your children to be sober, chaste, modest - be sober yourself, spend your time prudently and pleasingly, never violate the laws of modesty and chastity yourself.
There is one more point to consider. It happens that parents indulge in different hobbies: someone is an inveterate theatergoer, someone loves sports, etc. Seemingly harmless habits. And where are the children between them? It is very important that the interests are considered by the whole family. In children, where the interests of the family are common, then the children grow up organized, and when there is disunity, then the children grow up careless.
You need to often ask yourself the question: who do I want to raise in the family? What you grow up is what you get. If we plant vegetables in the garden, then we take care of them, fertilize, but eat everything in one year. And a child is a big piggy bank, what you put in is what you take. You put in a good penny and take this one, and put in a broken penny and take this one.
Elder Paisius Svyatorets said:“The greatest help and the best legacy that parents can provide to their children is to make them the successors of their kindness, and this does not require much effort, for the baby sees that the parents have love among themselves, speak nobly, are reasonable, joyful, and humbly pray and so on, then, like a carbon copy, he will imprint it in his soul. "If we listen to these words, then perhaps the perfection of the world will come.



How can you help your child learn well?

Education at school is one of the most difficult and crucial moments in the life of children, both in the socio-psychological and physiological terms. The whole life of the child changes: everything is subject to study, school, school affairs and concerns. This is a very tense period, primarily because the school, from the very first days, sets before the student a number of tasks that are not directly related to his experience, requires maximum mobilization of intellectual and physical strength.
To keep the child's desire to learn, the desire for knowledge, it is necessary to teach him to study well.
All parents dream for their children to study well. But some parents believe that having sent their child to school, they can breathe a sigh of relief: now all the problems associated with learning should be solved by the school. Of course, the school does not give up its responsibilities. But this is not only the business of the school, but also of the parents. We, teachers, explain to children the methods of work, but how the child learned these methods, how they use them and whether they use them at all, remains outside the field of vision of the teacher. And parents have full opportunity to control their child. They can provide the kind of help that the teacher cannot.
In this case, cooperation between parents and teachers and the coordination of their actions are of particular importance. The efforts of the family and the school in solving this problem are united. Helping children should be effective, competent and should go in three directions:
organization of the daily routine;
control over homework;
teaching children to be independent.

1. Organization of the regime of the day.
The organization of the daily routine allows the child:
- easier to cope with the study load;
- protects the nervous system from fatigue, i.e. improves health. In 20% of schoolchildren, poor health is the reason for academic failure.
An accurate work schedule is the foundation of all work. It is necessary to include in the daily routine the daily household chores (buying bread, washing dishes, taking out the trash, etc.). There may be few of them, but it is necessary that the children fulfill their duties constantly. A child accustomed to such duties does not have to be reminded to put away his things, wash the dishes, etc.
It is imperative that daily reading of books be included in the daily routine. Preferably at the same time.
A student who reads well develops faster, masters literate writing skills faster, and copes with problem solving more easily.
It is good if you ask to retell what the child read (story, fairy tale). At the same time, adults will be able to correct speech errors, incorrectly pronounced words. In this way, children will learn to express their thoughts.
An important issue in organizing the daily routine is the organization of leisure. It is important not to leave the child unattended, but to give the opportunity to do what you love in your free time from school.
Make sure that after dinner the child is not overexcited, does not watch "scary movies", does not play noisy games. All this will affect the sleep, the well-being of the child. It is good to take a walk before going to bed for 30 - 40 minutes.
If the child is asleep, make sure that the TV and radio do not sound loudly. Turn off the lights, speak low. Often parents follow the lead of the children, put up with the whims of the child: children participate in feasts, go to bed late. It is unacceptable. Here you need to be firm.
You must remember that now you have a student in your family, and not interfere with him. Often, parents do not notice that they are interfering with their children: they talk loudly, turn on the TV. Sometimes parents do lessons for their children. In this case, morality suffers. Children get used to lying and hypocrisy.
You should not forget that due to age characteristics, schoolchildren do not switch well from one type of work to another. For example, a child sits down to draw, the parents send them to the store. You need to give time to switch. Otherwise, internal reluctance may be accompanied by rudeness. Remember: any unreasonable switch from one type of work to another can develop a bad habit: not to finish the job.

2. Direction of help - control over homework.
Control should be systematic, and not from case to case and not limited to questions:
- what are the marks?
- did you complete the lessons?
After an affirmative answer, the parents go about their business without supervising the children.
Some parents do not control their children at all, explaining this by the lack of time and busyness. As a result, children do not learn the material, work is done carelessly, dirty, gaps begin to accumulate, which can lead to the child's intellectual passivity. He does not understand the teacher's questions, the answers of his comrades. He becomes uninterested in the lesson, he does not try to work mentally, and not the desire to strain mentally, develops into a habit, i.e. intellectual passivity develops. Which leads the child to a reluctance to learn. Therefore, help should be provided to children in a timely manner. Otherwise, knowledge gaps will accumulate, and it will be simply impossible to eliminate them later. That is, control should be constant, everyday, especially in primary school.
As much as possible exactingness towards children and as much respect as possible. Control should be discreet and tactful.
At first, the little student needs your help, in reminding him of the lessons and even, maybe, sitting next to him while he does them. These first steps in school are extremely important: perhaps his whole school life depends on them.
It is very important to control not the final product of their labor, but the process itself. That is, it is important not only to control the result of the work, but to control how the child performed this work, to help overcome difficulties in the work.
It would be nice if you were interested in:
~ what the child studied at school today;
~ how he understood the material;
~ how can he explain, prove the actions that he performed.

When working with children, it is important not to train them in certain skills and abilities, but to teach them to think independently, analyze, prove, turning to you for advice and help.
Control is the organization of assistance to eliminate some gaps and difficulties.
It is typical for younger students that they first do something and then think. Therefore, it is necessary to teach children to plan the upcoming work.
A very important point is to develop a habit of rigorously doing homework:
~ whatever the weather;
~ whatever TV programs are on;
~ whoever's birthday is celebrated;
Lessons must be done and done well. There is no excuse for unfulfilled lessons and cannot be. To develop this habit, it is necessary that parents treat their studies with respect - as an important and serious business.
It is very important for the child to sit down for lessons at the same hour. Special studies have shown that a fixed time of occupation causes a state of predisposition to mental work, i.e. an installation is being developed.
With such a mood, the child does not need to overcome himself, i.e. the painful period of being drawn into work is reduced to zero. If there is no constant time for classes, then this attitude may not be developed, and an idea will be formed that preparing lessons is not an obligatory, secondary matter.
The place where the work is done is also important. It must be constant. No one should interfere with the student. It is very important to study in a collected manner, at a good pace, without being distracted by extraneous matters.
Children have two reasons for distraction:
The first reason is the game: the child is drawn into the game imperceptibly for himself. An abandoned toy may serve as a reason;
The second reason is business: looking for a pencil, pen, textbook. The more distractions, the more time it takes to complete homework... Therefore, it is necessary to establish a clear order: ruler, pencil, pen - to the left; textbook, notebooks, diary - on the right.
Younger students have a habit of doing half-hearted work. Seemingly not distracted, but thoughts flow lazily, constantly interrupting, returning back.
The pace of work is very important. Those who work quickly work well. Therefore, the child needs to be limited in time (set the clock).
If at first you are sitting next to your child, you should reassure him: “Take your time, baby. Look what a good letter it turns out. Well, try one more thing to make it even better. " This, of course, will help him in hard work, even just make it more fun. If you get annoyed, if every blot freaks you out, the child will hate these joint activities... So be patient and don't be nervous. But if the child did a very bad job, then it is necessary that he redid it on a piece of paper and put it in a notebook, not for evaluation, but so that the teacher could see that the child was trying and respect his work. One of the main tasks of "sitting" next to a son or daughter is to make sure that they are not distracted in any way during work. And this can be achieved even from the most unattended child, if the mother or father sitting next to him politely and calmly returns him to work.
With reasonable help and a control system, children learn to do their homework at the same time, gradually learn to allocate time on their own.

3. The direction of help is the accustoming to independence.
When checking homework, do not rush to point out mistakes, let the child find them himself, do not give a ready-made answer to their questions. When doing homework, you do not need to replace the student at work; children unlearn thinking and wait for clues. In this, children are very cunning and find ways to "make" work for themselves.
Teach children to highlight the learning task, i.e. the child must clearly understand what skills and knowledge he must master in order to be able to complete this or that task. Singling out each time an educational task using the example of the material that has just been mastered, we help the child learn to see it himself both in the new material and in the one that is still to be learned. Therefore, when providing help to a schoolchild, adults should not forget that the main thing is not to overcome this or that difficulty that has arisen today, but to show by the example of each particular case how in general it is necessary to overcome difficulties in learning and teach children to more and more independence.


Material for conversation with parents "The child learns what he sees in his home"

Purpose: This material of the conversation will be useful for novice educators, primary school teachers, young parents, and, probably, parents with experience.
Target: Help parents analyze their parenting behavior and attitudes towards raising their children
Tasks: Consider, in conversation with parents, positive and negative sides in family education of children;
pay attention to the importance of parental authorityin the eyes of a child

Conversation progress:

The child learns what he sees in his home.
Sow an act - reap a habit, sow a habit - reap character, sow character - reap destiny.
W. Thackeray

You can often hear from parents of first graders of children preschool age that the child does not listen to him, is capricious, sometimes falls into hysterics. Why?
Parents need to look for the answer to this question in themselves, in their behavior, relationships with each other, in the way of family life.
This usually happens when the parents have no authority. In the eyes of their children.
Authority is not a special talent, it is rooted in parental behavior, including all departments of behavior. In other words, the entire paternal and maternal life - work, thoughts, habits, feelings, aspirations.
Parents themselves must live a full, conscientious, moral life of a person in society. In relation to children, they should be at some height, but a natural, human height, and not artificially created for children's consumption.
Parental authority is essential in the family. It is necessary to distinguish true authority from false, based on artificial principles and seeking to create obedience by any means.
True authority is based on human activity, on feeling, on the parents' knowledge of the child's life, on their help to him.
Gaining authority in the eyes of your own child is a painstaking work of a father and mother. The opinion of parents about family and friends, people around them, colleagues, the behavior of parents in the family circle and outside it, the actions of parents, their attitude to work and to strangers in everyday life, the attitude of parents to each other - all these are components of parental authority. Parental authority should not be affected by certain situations that may affect the relationship with children. The positive influence of the example and authority of parents increases if there are no discrepancies in the words and actions of parents, if the requirements for children are the same, constant and consistent. Only friendly and coordinated actions give the necessary pedagogical effect. The respectful attitude of parents to the people around them, the manifestation of attention to them, the need to provide help is also important in creating authority.
The authority of parents also largely depends on the attitude towards children, on interest in their life, in their little deeds, joys and sorrows. Children respect those parents who are always ready to listen to and understand them, to come to their aid, who intelligently combine exactingness with encouragement, fairly evaluate their actions, are able to take into account desires and interests in a timely manner, establish communication, and contribute to the strengthening of friendly relations. Children need intelligent and demanding parental love. Everything - both good and bad - a person receives in the family. This pedagogical wisdom is probably known to everyone.
There are a lot of questions about raising children. In particular, not all parents know how to communicate with a child in such a way that friendly and trusting relationships develop between them. Not everyone can explain why a child behaves differently with mom, dad, grandmother, who does it depend on - a child or an adult? How to combine the exactingness of adults towards a child with attention, sensitivity, and respect. First of all, it is important to know what is your influence on the process of raising a child.
Each child should receive enough reasonable parental love - it is a kind of inoculation against future complexes, communication difficulties, unreasonable jealousy and unhealthy relationships in his own family. Children's grievances do not go anywhere - they remain with a person for life. Indeed, most often they are received from the most dear people, parents whom the child trusts unconditionally and whose every word he considers to be true a priori. Of course, a growing up person rethinks a lot, some motives of parental actions become clear to him, and he begins to relate to many things differently. Of course, psychologists have invented many methods of moral revision and reanimation of the human soul. However, the psychological trauma received in childhood is the same illness that, as you know, is easier to prevent than to cure. And the soul is even more difficult to heal than the body.
The child learns what he sees in his home. Dear parents, pay more attention to your children and be an example for them in everything.
Answer the questions:
Can you
1.At any time, leave your business and take care of the child?

2. Consult with the child, regardless of his age?

3. To admit to the child in a mistake committed in relation to him? (despite his age)

4. Apologize to your child if you are wrong?

6. 6. Put yourself in the child's shoes?

7. Believe even for a minute that you are a fairy godmother? (Prince Charming)

8. Tell an instructive childhood experience that puts you at a disadvantage?

9. Always refrain from using words and phrases that might hurt your child?

10. Promise the child to fulfill his wish for good behavior?

11. Give the child one day when he can do what he wants and behave as he wants, not to interfere in anything?

12. Not react if your child hit, pushed roughly, or just wrongly offended another child?

13. Resist childish requests and tears, if you are sure that this is a whim, a fleeting whim?
14. If your child is already 8 years old, consult with him on some issues, teach him to reason, put problem situations in front of him and direct the course of his thoughts and actions in the right "direction."
The father and mother must have authority in the eyes of the child. The meaning of authority lies in the fact that it does not require any proof, but is accepted as the undoubted dignity of the elder, as his strength and value, visible to a simple child's eye.
Does the parental relationship affect the child? And How?
Of course, the formation of personality is influenced by how parents behave with each other and with the child, how they talk. A child raised by a careless person will be careless, sullen - taciturn. But even if a person knows their flaws, they are not easy to correct, so you should be careful in your behavior. If we catch a cold, we try not to approach the child, but not everyone cares about not passing on their shortcomings to the child. Remember this, control your behavior. The tendency to imitate also affects the emotional state of the child.
Authority is not given by nature, it can be organized in every family, and in general it is not a very difficult matter. Parents raise a child by their behavior, attitudes to events, reaction to them. “You bring him up at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home. How you dress, how you talk to other people and about other people, how you are happy or sad ... all of this is of great importance to the child. The child sees or feels the slightest changes in tone, all the turns of your thoughts reach him in invisible ways. " This is how the famous teacher of our time, A.S. Makarenko. Thus, in relation to children, parents "... must be at some height, at a natural, human, and not artificially created for children's consumption," wrote A.S. Makarenko, never tired of reminding parents of their parental and human duty to their children. Of course, this is much more difficult than just ordering and commanding.
Parents should show their children that they are encouraged by their good deeds and upset by their bad ones. This creates in children a consciousness of the unshakability of life values. When adults, for the sake of their egoism and mood, today allow something, and tomorrow it is forbidden, the child can understand only one thing: it does not matter what I do, the main thing is what my mother's mood is. However, if you feel that you cannot change yourself, it is better to agree in advance with the child: "So, when I have good mood, you will not be allowed to do whatever you want. And if it's bad, try to be condescending to me. "
Adults often forget a simple truth - if they have already given birth to a child, they also need to find time for him. A kid who constantly hears that adults do not have time for him will look for kindred spirits among strangers. Even if your day is scheduled by the minute, find in the evening half an hour (in this matter, quality is more important than quantity) to sit by the baby's crib, talk to him, tell a story or read a book. The child needs it. If your child already junior student, take an interest in his hobbies, friends, studies; do not push him away if he asks to play with you.
I would like to say about the role of the dad's authority, especially if a boy is growing up in the family. A dad for a child is not just a native person, but an example of a man, a symbol of masculinity, masculinity. The father helps the baby to form an idea of ​​himself and others. The father has an innate reaction towards caring for and protecting his wife and children. The role of the Pope is a specific example of behavior, a source of confidence and authority. Father is the personification of discipline and order. Father is the most natural source of knowledge about the world, work and technology. It promotes orientation towards the future profession and creates socially beneficial goals and ideals. If the mother gives the child the opportunity to experience the intimacy of human love. Then the father takes the baby along the path to human society. For the son, the father is an example, a role model.

On weekends, do not be afraid to entrust your husband as much as possible to take care of the child, let him walk with him, play and feed him. You will see, with your help, your husband will become not only the breadwinner of the family, but also the best dad in the world!
Remember! : _ “A person's abilities and character are not predetermined from birth. For the most part, they are formed at certain moments in a child's life. Education, upbringing, the environment are of great importance to the personality.
One often hears the question: what to do with a child if he does not obey? This very "does not obey" and there is a sign that the parents do not have authority in his eyes.
"A child should respect us already because we are his parents!" No, it shouldn't, we dare to object. Respect must be earned by your actions, your way of life. It is much easier to force the child to obey. Easier, but not better! He will obey as long as he is small and cannot fight back. And then, when the child grows up, and the parents grow old and themselves will need care and understanding, what will be the answer of such a child crushed in childhood. He will either, cursing fate, “repay the debt,” or he will leave and will not remember the debt. Parents preached authoritarianism instead of authority. And this type of upbringing has very dangerous results.
There are many families where false authority leads to irreparable consequences in the lives of children. In these families, children experience a deep deficit of family attention, affection and love. These are the so-called destructive, dysfunctional families... They are different from families with positive potential. It is also based on the way of organizing interaction in the family, attitude towards the child, acceptance or rejection of his values. In the typology presented by us, such families include the following: “family rejecting a child”, “controlling family”, “scattered family”. As a rule, relations in such families are based on the authoritarian position of adults in relation to the child.

Authority is a combination of caring and demanding. Parental authority grows when parents combine caring and demanding in their approach. Children need to be loved and at the same time make sure that the children behave as they should, including in relation to their parents. If children put their parents to the test, the parents must show their firmness. Demanding without caring is perceived as pressure, caring without demanding does not command respect: children quickly “sit on their necks”. Effective formula: "An intelligent person with an iron hand in a velvet glove." Learn to be exacting! Train yourself to be caring!
Authority is reduced and lost when parents are demanding without caring and, moreover, bully the child.
Dear parents, remember that you are the mirror of the child's soul, into which he looks every day, every hour, every minute and second. Even dreams with your participation.

Children make life funny, unpredictable and sometimes even crazy, but incredibly happy. They win over with their spontaneity, sincerity and trust in the world. But do adults know everything about the life of toddlers and older children? This article contains the most unusual and Interesting Facts about kids.

Amazing facts about the little ones

When a newborn appears in the house, he seems so fragile and defenseless ... Incredibly, this impression is in many ways deceiving. Toddlers have unusual abilities that make them more resilient than they seem. These interesting facts about children of the very early age have been proven by scientists, but new parents should not check their "performance" at home.

However, do not experiment with this feature: despite the strength of the tiny palms, the baby can disengage his fingers at any time.

Adorable features of toddlers

It is impossible to get enough of:

  • cute toddler features;
  • their funny habits;
  • their first "agu" and laughter.

The appearance of a child in a family is associated not only with hassle and lack of sleep, there are at least 3 charming reasons why people decide to become parents.

  • caring for her baby;
  • touches his skin;
  • kisses the top of the head;
  • carries and shakes in his arms;
  • feeds him.

Children - owners of superpowers

Some of the features are incredibly surprising. At first glance, it may even seem that only Hollywood superheroes have such capabilities. It is amazing that in fact these interesting facts about children touch every person up to a certain age.

  1. The young organism has the ability to regenerate. If, through negligence, the child has lost a part of the finger (within the nail plate), it is highly likely that the restoration of the damaged area will occur without medical intervention.
  2. At the very beginning of life, the brain of a newborn shows staggering rapid growth: 1% daily.
  3. Babies can sleep without closing their eyelids, with their eyes open.
  4. While in the womb, future baby can heal its damaged organs by sending stem cells that are unique in their properties.

Children - "transformers"

Newborns have almost 100 more bones than adults. Gradually, they connect, transform, and their number becomes smaller. Up to this point, the bones of babies are more flexible and springy, better adapted to impacts. This explains why children often fall, but rarely suffer serious fractures and injuries.

Another difference in the structure of the skeleton is the absence of knee caps in newborns. Their formation can take up to 6 years of age.

Interesting facts about children from other countries

Cultural differences different countries do not only concern eating habits, philosophical views or accepted social norms. Approaches to the upbringing of the younger generation outside the borders of their native state have their own significant differences. Interesting facts about children from other countries make it possible to better understand the mentality of its inhabitants.

  1. In some eastern countries, age is usually considered not from the moment of birth, but from the moment of conception, that is, newborns are already 9 months old.
  2. In Japan, there is a ban on words that give a clear negative assessment - bad, bad. For example, near the school parking lot there is a sign with a picture on which the bicycles are straight. And one more, where they are carelessly thrown. On the first, the inscription reads: “This is how bicycles are put good kids", And on the second -" Good children don't put bicycles like that. "
  3. Women from Nigeria are recognized as the real record holders for the birth of twins or twins in the world: as a result of every 11 births, more than 1 baby is born. But in Japan this happens much less often - 4 cases per 1000 pregnancies.

However, there is something in common that unites all countries. In almost all languages ​​of the world, "mom" and "dad" sound very similar, because these are the first sounds that a baby is able to pronounce.

It is a joy for every parent to collect interesting facts from the life of a child as a keepsake. It is popular among mothers to maintain a special album where you can record the achievements of your baby:

  • the day when the crumbs had a tooth;
  • the date of the first steps and words;
  • weight and height by month, palm and foot size.

Children are the most curious creatures on the planet. The average kid at the age of 3-4 asks 900 questions every day, and very soon he begins to be interested in himself. It will be useful for parents to keep in mind the most interesting facts from their lives for children. And when the child becomes an adult, such an album will forever preserve pleasant memories.

Good child health - cherished desire every loving parent. Moms and dads buy all kinds of vitamins for their kids, periodically take them for medical examinations, temper the kids, taking them on vacation to the sea. However, the upbringing process is not limited to health alone. For the harmonious development of a little man, almost everything that surrounds him from the first days of life is of great importance. Therefore, for many parents, the question remains very relevant: what is good for the child?

Home conditions and toys

The child's environment must be organized in such a way that he can fully develop as a person. From the moment the baby is born, the place of his residence must be kept clean. Compliance with hygiene requirements is a guarantee of the health of all family members. You also need to take care of the positive color scheme of the children's room. The most important items of children's use are toys. The first rattles, wheelchairs, bright rubber balls, colored cubes must be regularly treated with hot water and soap. Toddlers often put toys in their mouths and can infect a fragile body.

As the child grows up, toys should be periodically changed, expanding the children's horizons. To develop logical thinking and the creative inclinations of the kid, it is useful to collect puzzles, mosaics, constructors. Play sets composed of many individual parts, promote the development of mindfulness and patience, as well as develop fine motor skills children's fingers. Children enjoy creative activities, they love to draw, sculpt, cut with scissors, glue, etc., such activities should be encouraged.


Of course, special attention should be paid to the food of the child. Children's table should be varied, balanced, different from the diet of adult family members, include a sufficient amount of vitamins and not contain food additives, preservatives, flavors, dyes that are harmful to the growing body. For the growth and development of the child, cereals, dairy products, low-fat meat and fish dishes, as well as vegetables, fruits and juices prepared from them are very useful. Parents should be aware of the harmful effects of fast food, soda, and candy.

Physical activity

The physical development of the baby is of no small importance. From an early age, you need to teach your child to do morning exercises which promotes the development of muscle and bone tissue. During walks, the child should be invited to participate in various outdoor games. Loving parents should know that a strong, trained child adapts more easily to the kindergarten regime and school loads. An active lifestyle, physical education, tempering will help prepare the child's body for subsequent adulthood. And best of all, when the child is involved in the sports life of the family.


Undoubted benefit for social development toddler brings companionship. Of course, the child should communicate more with family members, but do not limit his contacts with friends and acquaintances. Communication with peers will help the child to more fully assimilate social norms of behavior, teach them to live in a team and more easily cope with life's problems. A wide range of social contacts is a guarantee good health, peace of mind and self-confidence.

Aesthetic development

In addition to vigor of body and spirit, it is necessary to think about his aesthetic education from a very early age. Music is a limitless world of emotions, sounds and feelings. It is imperative to teach your child to listen to music, as it has a huge impact on the development of intelligence, abstract thinking and imagination. Correctly selected music will teach the child to experience: cry and laugh, deny evil and accept good.

Only for the musical upbringing of a child, melodies should be selected taking into account his natural temperament. For example, it is useful for calm and slow children to listen to marching temperamental compositions or music in the rhythm of "allegro". If the child is quickly excited, it is advisable to include classical sonatas by Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Haydn, Vivaldi. Listening to the music of recognized classics of the world musical art, the child will be able to understand the full value of such works in the future.

Ethical education

Any parent thinks about what kind of person his child will become. It is necessary to form a moral character, instill ethical norms from childhood. But in this upbringing, the most important example is, words should not be at odds with deeds. The motto: "Do as I say, but do not do as I do" is not suitable for education. In order for a child to listen to your opinion and your advice, you must respect and hear him too, you must become a friend to your child.

Of course, this is not all that is useful for a child. The future of children is in the hands of their parents!