Plot for happiness. Conspiracy for a happy life. Black conspiracy for financial success - attract money through apples

Every person wants to increase their well-being and bring more happiness to life. However, this does not always work out, then people turn to ancient magic for help. The spell for happiness is true and effective way invite him into your life for a long time.

Happiness can be attracted with the help of a conspiracy

Conspiracy for family and women's happiness

This conspiracy on happy life works regardless of how the woman who used it lived before. Higher powers will bring happiness to the house in the form in which a particular person needs it.

The ritual is quite simple to perform. Its effectiveness has been proven by many generations who have used it to become truly happy.

The sequence of actions is indicated below.

  1. Place a table in the central part of the room.
  2. Place a glass of water on it, as well as two red and green candles.
  3. Remember and say your deepest prayers to yourself.
  4. Light the candles and visualize your happiness.
  5. Read the text of the conspiracy aloud:

    “What I need, I take away, what I need, I lock, so that it happens, what I wish once and for all. Amen".

  6. Drink water from a glass and go to bed.

In a dream, the Universe will give a sign about the form in which happiness will come to a person. - one of the strongest ways to attract positive energy flows that help you get what you want.

The action of the ritual is based on a person’s sincere request to receive only what is necessary for him. However, for witchcraft to work well, you need developed visualization skills. The better you can imagine happiness, the clearer its detail and the picture as a whole, the faster the ritual will work.

Ritual for harmonizing family life

An effective means of folk magic, aimed at ensuring that a person has the opportunity to call his family a “happy home.” Its effect is to harmonize relations between relatives, bringing success to each of their joint endeavors. Using this spell for happiness is suitable for a young family with no children yet. The ritual will bring joy at the very beginning of a long family journey.

To perform a magical action, you will need the newest item in the couple’s house. Candlesticks, paintings, decorations or pieces of furniture work well. Esotericists do not recommend using objects that can easily break: good luck and a happy life cannot be reconnected with glue.

The ceremony is carried out in a certain way.

  1. You need to write your last name on a red candle.
  2. Place it near the object and light it only with a match.
  3. Repeat three times:

    “For my happy home, for my lucky family, for my children, future and present, for the wealth of the house, for good luck wherever we are, I light this candle, I illuminate our home with it.”

  4. Mentally remember each family member and call them affectionately.
  5. Read the plot:

    “Life-giving fire, burn away the bad - the devil. I conjure with the cross, I save for the glory of the Heavenly Father. Water is a darling, a breadbasket for all creatures! Cleanse the black creatures, take them into the sand, take them into the ground, guard the home of God’s servant (name)! For the glory of God! Amen!".

  6. Leave the candle to burn until the end.

As a result of the actions taken, a person receives a charmed talisman that will bring good luck to his home. When moving to another place, you need to take it with you. The Universe will send happiness to all those people who were named during the ritual and will remain close to them. Life will be simpler, prosperity and success will become faithful companions for every family member.

Spell for good luck in love

Simple slander for happiness

Many whispered conspiracies have also survived to this day. Their distinguishing feature- ease of use. However, their effectiveness is no less great than that of many complex conspiracies.

In order to give happiness to your daughter, you can use your mother’s spell for happiness. It sounds like this:

“My Lord! God, All-Good and All-Merciful! Give me Your eyes to see Your image in my children. Give me Your heart to love them without any condition. Give me Your tenderness and Your boundless love to grow them like flowers. Give me Your wisdom to guide them in Your ways and guide their path in life. Give me Your strength to give them freedom of choice when the time comes. Amen".

There is also a special whisper for sons. It can be used by both the father and mother of the child.

The conspiracy for the only son sounds like this:

“I am leaving in the chemise of the Mother of God, may the wounds of my God, the four crowns of heaven, overshadow me: the evangelists St. John, St. Luke, St. Matthew, St. Mark. May they protect me from men and women, from lead and iron, from steel, so that they cannot wound, cut, or break my bones, so that my friends cannot control and push me around, neither take me with flattery, nor embrace me with fear, so that wine didn’t make me drunk, other people’s gold didn’t attract me, and if I had my mother-church and my own mother above me. Amen".

Every wife would like her husband's luck to smile a little more. For this case, our ancestors also left a special spell in their magical heritage. In order for your beloved spouse to receive more happiness, you need to read the following text:

“From evening to night, angels until light will guard the servants of God (names), and Jesus Christ will guard young people until the end of the century. I am Christed, I am surrounded by Christ, the cross is with me, the cross is also in me. The Mother of God is at the heads, Angels are at the sides, Jesus Christ is at the feet. Take care, holy Mother of God.”

Parents are those people who deserve great happiness. Loving children who think that the Universe has given their parents less than what they deserve can attract happiness into their long lives by using the following conspiracy:

“As I collect Strength from the Horseshoe, so I send goodness to my parents (full names), I drive away all the bad things from them, I attract joy and happiness to them. If you have only one parent left, you should pronounce the spell words like this: As I collect Strength from a Horseshoe, So I send goodness to my parent (full name), I drive away everything bad from him (her), I attract joy and happiness to him (her). !

Material wealth and family wealth have always been important parts of any life. Folk magic has retained whispers intended to attract cash flows to the family.

It sounds like this:

“The gray wolf went into the dark forest to look for a white hare. I didn’t catch up with the hare, but I found a forged casket, lined with steel and gilded. The lock on the casket is strong, silver. The key to the casket is hidden in the water, securely hidden from people. Only I can find that key in the water surface, between stones and herbs. This key is intended not for a simple man, not for a gray wolf, but for me, the servant of God (name). I will find the key, I will open the casket, I will take stones and gems from it, I will collect gold and silver. I’ll hide the key so that it comes true.”

Apply these simple effective conspiracies possible in different situations. They are best suited for important event, long trip or public speaking. Just one reading of this sacred text will attract happiness and success in the undertaking not only to the person himself, but also to the loved one to whom it was sent by the magical text.

Prayer to strengthen the family

Spell for happiness in love

Every person gets disappointed when he is unlucky in a love relationship for a long time. However, there is one who came to us from the distant past. A fortune spell will give you happy love, and the light powers of the ritual will not lead to negative consequences.

In order to attract love into a person’s life, he needs to acquire indoor plant with flowers. A ritual performed using this flower will unite the energies of the earth, water and sun together in order to fulfill what is desired.

The water used to water the plant must be spoken. To do this, a hex is read over her:

“Before You, Lord, I stand, and before You I can only open my heart, and You know everything that I will ask for, for my heart is empty without earthly love, and I will pray and ask to give me a quick path to the only one who is capable to illuminate my whole life with new light and to open my heart towards mine for the miraculous merging of our destinies and finding a common soul. Amen".

A flower placed on the sunny side of the house is watered with enchanted water. They talk to him, share their problems and desires. As soon as the plant is covered with lush flowers, a new happy love will appear in a person’s life, and the innermost desire to love and be loved will come true.

Ritual for happiness for children

Every parent would like their child’s life to always be filled with smiles and pleasant events. Magic will help to help him unnoticed and protect him from adversity without causing conflicts. Rituals for happiness for children are a sure and effective means of such special help.

The following plot is suitable for young children:

“Angel, archangel, seraphim and cherub, come and give advice on how to put God’s servant to bed (name). Rock the crib, cross the child with your wings, your fingers. So that he sleeps soundly and does not know grief. The key and the lock are in my words. Amen"

After this, you need to light pink or blue candles by the crib more often and read prayers to the saints. This will strengthen the effect of the conspiracy, and the bright forces of prayer will protect the baby in any situation.

For adult children, you can use a separate ritual, endowed with the light power of companionship. It can be carried out regardless of the child’s age, since it is launched through boundless parental love.

To perform the ceremony you need:

  1. Photo of a child.
  2. Candles are blue or pink.

Looking at the photo, you need to read the honey plot three times:

“An angel from birth to his preservation, With your wings brush away the enemies, Likhodeev, murderers with Fire, destroy with the sword, Save My child. Amen".

After this, you need to invite the child to a tea party. The charmed honey must either be fed or given as a gift. A product that has absorbed bright wishes will help the child on his life’s path.


Rituals and rituals to attract happiness - the right way A sincere request for help from the Universe will bring into life exactly those events that a person considers his personal happiness. The bright power of each ritual and spell allows you to bring what you want into reality without negative consequences for the person himself and his loved ones, to give him feminine, family happiness and harmony in personal life.

The spell for happiness is one of the simplest and safest among others. It is aimed at a person’s good intentions towards himself and his loved ones. The texts of the conspiracies are quite simple, and the rituals are not complex. You can ask for happiness for yourself, for your loved ones, for the whole family.

How to correctly read conspiracies for a happy life

For it to work for sure, the plot for happiness in life must be read taking into account certain rules of preparation and even behavior. Before embarking on this type of conspiracy, it is worth realizing what happiness is, what it is like to experience such a feeling. For more efficient work conspiracy, it is necessary to prepare the ground for obtaining happiness.

First of all, they learn to control their emotions, actions, and analyze the reasons for certain actions. During this process, they begin to cleanse their thoughts of negative impulses. It is worth reconsidering your thoughts if the fortuneteller feels envy, harbors a grudge, or gets angry at the sight of someone unpleasant person. All these sensations must be destroyed. Only then can the conspiracy begin.

Next, it is worth understanding what a person means by the concept of happiness. And most importantly, what determines the appearance of this feeling. If, in order to be happy, a person needs to go somewhere to see someone, or, for example, visit a place in the city that gives such pleasure, then this is not entirely correct. You should understand that you need to learn to enjoy the little things. So, if the fortuneteller is happy when he sees best friend, then the friend may suddenly leave and never return. And your favorite restaurant will close and stop serving “happiness” on a silver platter. You should not associate this feeling with things that are not permanent. They can disappear, taking away precious joy.

Before turning to the conspiracy, you need to reconsider your social circle. It doesn’t matter if it’s an employee at work, a friend or classmate, or maybe a brother or even a mother, they constantly complain, find negativity in everything - this is a disaster. There is a parable that fits into a sentence: “If you show one person a red car and claim that it is green, the person will first argue, then doubt, and eventually believe that the red car is really green.”

If you constantly listen to dissatisfied and grumpy people, you may not notice that everything around you has become irritating. Even if someone tries to cheer up a grumbler, he is crushed three times over. So, if there are such people around the fortuneteller, they must be avoided, kept at a distance, and not allowed to hang a “tub of dirt” on themselves.

As for reading the conspiracy itself, simple faith in it is not enough. Before and after the conspiracy, they do visualization one or more times for about a week. IN in this case you need to imagine that the fortuneteller is already sincerely happy. In their thoughts they draw and voice those pictures that will cause admiration. You should also visit a museum, a concert or any other place that will charge you with positivity.

Attention! During the conspiracy process, you need to collect all these emotions. And then continue to keep them side by side, quietly weaving them into everyday life.

Conspiracies for women's happiness

Many women are confident that their happiness lies in the presence of a worthy, caring man nearby. But they don’t always manage to find such a person. However, before reading the plot for happiness, you need to learn something. Happiness doesn't have to be in relationships. Moreover, such an obsessive thought, as well as the further fear of losing this happiness, can push a woman to unconscious nonsense, which will ruin the notorious relationship.

Important! In fact, it’s easy to be happy, although the biggest difficulty is to control yourself and establish a flow of positive thoughts. Then it’s worth turning to conspiracies for happiness.

In this case, you really need a conspiracy for happiness. After all, in this way a woman will feel more confident, a conspiracy for happiness will give her more faith and hope that she deserves and will wait for her joyful coincidence of circumstances. The main thing here is not to let go of this spark, not to doubt what you have done, and not to be afraid of the consequences. There cannot be any consequences of a conspiracy for happiness, since the fortuneteller is only concerned about her own life, and is not trying to build her own happiness on someone else’s misfortune. If a woman does not have selfish thoughts, then the universe will open its arms to her.

Spells for happiness in your personal life

To attract fortune into your personal life, you need to openly declare this to the universe through a conspiracy for happiness. In addition, it is necessary to firmly believe in this act, and then in a positive result. The main rule of a conspiracy for happiness is to carry out the ritual in high spirits, as if what you wanted had already been fulfilled.

Lucky spell for keys

As the name implies, to carry out this conspiracy for good luck, you need to have three keys. The main thing is that the keys belong to the fortuneteller, because someone else’s keychain is useless. It doesn’t matter what the keys open – a car, a bedside table or doors. The only thing is that for some time it will not be possible to use them, because they will have to be hidden. Next you need a strong red thread. Color is a must because it attracts good luck. The size of the thread is not important; you need to calculate from the fact that you will have to put keys on it. Otherwise, the time and conditions for carrying out the conspiracy are usual - after sunset, closer to midnight, in peace, quiet and comfort.

So, the keys are slowly put on the thread one by one, and during the process they say once: “Everything I want to get, I’ll take it, hide it, and lock it on the key. What is desired is achievable. My desire is strong, just as words are powerful. Let it be so".

Next, you need to express your desire, in this case aimed at happiness in your personal life. After voicing the plot, the thread is tied so that the keys do not fall apart. For the first time, the key is hidden under the pillow, but in the morning it is hidden so that other people's hands and eyes do not find the keys.

Spell for happiness on mirrors

As you know, mirrors preserve and sometimes reflect the energy of people. In addition, they act as gates between the thin line of worlds. For this spell, you need to purchase two new mirrors or use existing ones if the fortuneteller lives alone. In addition to mirrors, you need a candle from the church.

The mirrors are positioned as follows: one opposite the fortuneteller, the second behind the first. Light a candle and place it so that it is reflected in the mirror. You need to look at the flame, calm your thoughts and say: “I will enter the church with golden domes, pray and ask for happiness, health, love. The Saints will hear me and fulfill their desires.”

The spell for happiness is sealed with a single “Amen”, and then the candle is allowed to burn out without getting up or extinguishing it. You can imagine a fateful meeting and experience notes of happiness. But see it through to the end. The wax from the burnt out candle is subsequently dripped near the house. The next day you need to visit the church, collect candles for a week, because that’s how long you need to repeat the spell for happiness.

A conspiracy for happiness at the doorstep

On the day of visiting church, just before leaving, you need to say a spell: “I’m going to the Temple, I will find happiness there. May higher powers help me meet my destiny. Let them be witnesses of our sincere, mutual love. Let our union be sacred and let us not destroy it. Let it be so". Next, on the threshold before entering the church, the prayer must be repeated. And after visiting church, the prayer is said again before crossing the threshold of the house.

Mother's spells for daughter's happiness

Mothers do not always manage to give their children everything they would like to give them. But what mother doesn’t want her precious daughter to live happily and without worries. It is not uncommon for mothers to fold their palms in prayer for the health and success of their babies. For prayers to work effectively, they are read in the morning, which creates a powerful protective aura around the child.

  • Spell for happiness 1. For the health of your daughter: “Merciful God, I appeal to you, to your attention, to your help. Hear me, my prayers, fulfill my requests to you. Protect my innocent child from evil, deceit and illness. Send guardian angels to her, help her find health. Bless my child for a life without sorrow and illness, protect her soul. Give her health, illuminate her life with miraculous help. In the name of the Lord and all saints." The spell for happiness is secured with the word “Amen”, at which point the prayer ends.
  • Plot for happiness 2. About well-being: “Lord Almighty, all-seeing, all-knowing. Yes, guide my child on the right path. Deliver her heart and her thoughts from cowardice, unfaithful thoughts, and sinful acts. Don’t give her tests in the form of temptations, don’t push her to do wrong things. Let him live fully, and with your presence. Be merciful in the present and in the future to my daughter. Illuminate her path, her mind, direct her to worthy and perfect deeds. Intercede for her soul, accompany her along the path of holy life. In the name of the Father and the Son,” the prayer ends with a single “Amen.”
  • Spell for happiness 3. For happiness: “Queen of heaven, Most Holy Theotokos, I turn to you like a mother to mother. Blessed are you and the fruit born of you. You, like no one else, understand a mother’s torment and worries about her beloved child. Protect my child from wrong, tortuous paths, from wrong decisions. Intercede for my child, guide him to true happiness. In the name of all that is Holy, Amen."

Important! Say prayers in morning hour, for example, walking your daughter to school. If necessary, then they call on heaven for an independent adult daughter. They will respond, the main thing is to wait patiently.

Spells for a happy destiny

Depending on what a person means by the concept of a happy destiny, whether he has good health, a lavish wallet or a roof over his head, suitable conspiracies are selected. For example, if a superstitious person believes that his life has long lost color, but he is unable to change this, a good luck spell for changes for the better will suit him.

  1. To carry out a spell for happiness, you need to wait until sunset, open the window and turn to the wind, if there is one: “I will go out into the field, where the grass is thick and up to my knees, swayed by the free wind, where the clouds hid the Sun and covered up the light. I will turn to the free wind, I will ask it kindly, strong wind, heavenly messenger, give way to the rays of the Sun, drive away the clouds, give us warmth and light. May the rays touch my skin, and now everything can be changed. The light opened new paths, freed the path from the shadows for me. Let it be so".
  2. Also, innovations in life will be facilitated by a spell for happiness for changes in relationships with people around you. It happens that another person interferes with living well, but too much depends on him to get rid of such a difficult acquaintance. For this case, there is this conspiracy for luck, which consists of finding a dry tree branch, writing on it the name of the person whose train of thought needs to be changed, placing the branch in a container and pouring liquid honey. Close the container, begin to shake it gently and say: “Just as sweet honey pours onto a tree, so your (name of the object of fortune telling) thoughts about me are sweet. So be it". The resulting result, that is, a container with honey and a twig, is hidden and not touched as long as the superstitious person is in close contact with the object of fortune telling.
  3. Often the barrier to finding true happiness is bad habit or even chronic illness. Here on help will come spell for luck on water. To do this, you need to wake up at dawn, wash your face with clean cool water and whisper: “I wash my face with spring water, I rid myself of shaking fevers, I cleanse myself. Just as water is not destined to turn into fire, so my words cannot turn against me. The water is clean, so life is calm and simple. The sun is rising in the sky, and everything in my life is changing for the better. Let it be so".

Spells for a happy family life

Maintain harmony in the family for many years - hard work. On the part of both partners, patience, will, and the ability to give in without offense are required. Such relationships exist, although they are quite rare. More often you can encounter a tense family atmosphere, when scandals, arguments and grumpiness over trifles have their place. One way or another, this can be fixed.

  1. First of all, you need to get into the habit the simplest conspiracy for happiness, which combines, so to speak, business with pleasure. Every day, when meeting or seeing off each other (spouses or partners), on the threshold of the house you need to carefully kiss your partner on the bridge of the nose, mentally saying “May the Lord preserve our love, may He protect our lives and destinies, may He give us long years and happiness for both of us.” "
  2. There is one rule for every person, no matter whether he is a professional cook, a housewife, or a person who comes home from work and gets up to the stove. You need to cook food only with good thoughts. Because she absorbs energy, which is then transmitted to the rest of the family. A positive flow of thoughts will be helped by a spell for happiness while cooking: “I cook a brew for myself, for my family, for my relatives. I brew a healthy brew. They will be well-fed, which means they will be strong, which means they will be happy. Let it be so".
  3. Another simple way to maintain peace in the family is a spell for happiness in a picture. They pronounce it on the waxing moon at least three times, an odd number of times: “Our home is our world, it is also our paradise. We are ready to share ours, enough goodness. You don’t need someone else’s, don’t give it to us. As we love each other, it will always be so. Amen".


A conspiracy for happiness is not a difficult matter. Desperate people turn to him, realizing that they cannot take control of their destiny themselves. In general, conspiracies help you gain faith in yourself, your strengths, and feel the joys of life. You can also try to make your loved ones happy. The bright side of this type of conspiracies is that they do not bring evil. Dark Side there is no conspiracy at all. The main thing is to believe in a successful outcome, and then very soon happiness will begin to arrive with new momentum.

For hundreds of years, people have strived for love and well-being. Thanks to magical means, you can get what you dream of. What is the most effective spell for happiness and good luck? Let's look at the most popular and working options for all occasions.

What are there

Each witchcraft ritual is always accompanied by certain words and actions that are reinforced by experience. In order for the result to be beneficial, it is worth choosing the rituals of white magic. It is believed that magic is located in a person himself and, when used correctly, awakens. It depends on the personality whether the flame will go out or become an effective weapon against troubles.

Witchcraft remedies are not universal. For each specific case, one or another conspiracy will be needed. For a better understanding, experts have divided them into several large categories.

  1. For love (not to be confused with love spells). Such options do not captivate a person’s consciousness, but open their eyes to the performer. If a point of spiritual contact has been found, then they will not work.
  2. For money. Short and simple spells will not make you an oligarch, but they will help you stop living from paycheck to paycheck.
  3. For good luck. They recommend using it for any endeavor and do not require magical professionalism from people.
  4. Muslim ritual. Actions that are complex and difficult to understand for a beginner require full dedication and adherence to the algorithm.
  5. Affirmations. Consist of several words or phrases that must be repeated over a certain period. They are a hybrid of a conspiracy, prayer and mantra.

Purposeful magical effects require performers to fully concentrate their attention and energy. The phase of the moon is also important in witchcraft, so all sources indicate the exact period. Spiritual and physical cleansing is a mandatory preparatory element.

Protection from witchcraft

Before you start searching for suitable spells for happiness, it is recommended to create a simple security shield for yourself. Often the cause of regular bad luck can be the negative messages of evil people: envy or hatred. If a person does not have a strong natural field, gaps appear in the aura through which luck escapes. Without effective protection, the use of witchcraft will not give significant results.

Red thread was used in cases where there was a need for a quick barrier. It is not as refined and complex as professional methods, but, due to its rudeness, is practically inaccessible to outside influence. Magicians act at a distance, and the thin rope on the left wrist was a shield that returns energy to the sender.

The mother ties the amulet on the hand of her child, and the wife ties it on her husband. On the red thread you need to read the words of the prayer “I Believe” three times. If the talisman breaks, these are symptoms of evil influence. The used amulet is thrown away, and a new one is cast for protection.

Rite of love

Every person dreams of having a family, but... modern world marriage becomes rare. Loneliness has become a characteristic feature of the era, and parents no longer dream of successfully placing their daughter or son. How to activate luck in cordial relationships?

Love rituals are always performed by candlelight during the waxing moon. If the ritual is moved to the waning phase, it can provoke self-imposition of the crown of celibacy. The optimal time is from morning to sunset. White magic prefers to carry out activities during daylight hours.

You have to go to church for services for 7 days. After the sacrament, they buy 12 candles and place them near the icons of any saints: whichever one the soul is drawn to, light it from that one. On the porch they distribute alms to all the poor. Magicians advise exchanging paper money for a dozen metal coins and giving it to people.

Already at home, open a window or window: it is important that fresh air circulates in the room. Take a glass of blessed water and light a flame. Looking inside the heat, they read the words of the conspiracy for family happiness.

“I don’t light a candle, but I call for love for myself. Let her come along the paths and carry her into the house with the wild wind. It will bring joy forever. Amen."

After the spell is cast, the fire is extinguished with the fingers and the water is drunk. Repeating the ritual throughout the week is mandatory. It is recommended to carry out the ritual for consolidation 3 more times.

Spell to attract love

Every woman dreams of being happy and loved, and also sees herself as the mother of a friendly family. But what to do if there is no nearby worthy man, and as a result, every day you have to communicate with empty and frivolous fans.

A powerful ritual for personal happiness will help solve the problem. They spend it at home, without involving any of their loved ones in the sacrament. First you need to buy 2 small mirrors and bring a candle and water from the church. The optimal period for the ritual is the night from Friday to Saturday.

The curtains are closed on the windows, the table is covered with a red tablecloth. Light the flame from a match and place the mirrors opposite each other. You need to concentrate above the fire, see the road in the glass and start reading the words of the conspiracy.

“The Lord God is watching over me before and behind me. I want to be happy and loved! Let us ignite family well-being in your home. I walk with my own feet, but I will take joy with my hands. Amen."

To become happy, you need to repeat the spell on the candles until the wax is completely melted. Raw materials are stored for 3 months. If during this period it was not possible to attract love, you need to repeat it again. Magicians note that the effect begins to appear 2 weeks after the ceremony.

Good luck love spell

Natalia Stepanova’s book described an interesting and unusual method of attracting luck and money. The Siberian healer offers an ancient Slavic method, which many have already forgotten. Village magic acts quickly and does not cause any aggravating consequences.

You need to buy a block or log of real oak. The fact is that a tree of this species is the concentration of all the elements. Its roots collect information from the ground, and its branches develop under air and water. It can withstand fire and also quickly burn in flames. This best material for witchcraft.

In the evening on a new moon, by candlelight, the object is sanded by hand to the state of a board, then a nail is driven into the wood. While the hammer makes movements, the person reads the words.

“Forces of nature, I ask you to give me the strength for joy and a favorable attitude. Just as metal enters wood, so luck is forever nailed to me. Amen".

The recommended number of elements to be driven in is 12, although it all depends on the amount of usable area on the piece of wood. After this, the board is wrapped in natural fabric and hide it in the house away from prying eyes. The amulet cannot be used in any household work.

Charmed bunch

To make themselves happy and loved, women spend a lot of effort, but the result is not always worth the money spent. Love is a lottery ticket, you don't know when you'll hit the jackpot. Magicians advise not to gamble with fate, but simply use proven rituals.

To be lucky, you need to order 3 new keys that do not fit the same lock. It is important that the items are different in size and color. You will need a thick red wool thread.

On the day of the ritual, windows and doors in the house are washed, Special attention are given to the hands. In the evening, they retire to a room with three candles and sit on a wooden chair. IN left hand take the thread, and in the right - the keys. For several minutes you should look at the fire, mentally speaking out your desire (personal happiness, family life), and then they connect all the objects, tie them with three knots, pronouncing the spell:

“Everything that is needed for my grace, I lock it with a key and tie it tightly. Day by day my strength grows stronger, and my wishes come true. As I say, so it will be! Amen."

Repeat the words of the spell three times. At the end of the ritual, the bundle is hidden at the head of the bed and is not shown to anyone. In a few days, the situation on the personal front will begin to transform positively.

For financial well-being

How to attract wealth and happiness? Our ancestors recommended a ritual for the first diaper. After the baby has emptied for the first time, the dirty object must be spoken. Add warm water to the container, take soap and, washing the fabric, pronounce the words of the spell:

“Just as your little man cannot live without water, food and shit, so money cannot live without me and my wallet. Let it be so!"

The more repetitions, the stronger the effect. The Slavs believed that everything that happens to people for the first time is a gift from the gods, which has a special energy. Newborns have just entered human world and have not yet lost their divinity. By adapting to the situation, you can change your life for the better.

The ritual works both with your own baby and with someone else’s. Young mothers often have no idea why older ladies have so much zeal for their first hygiene procedure. There will be no complications for the child from simple witchcraft.

Ritual for yeast dough

According to Slavic traditions, bread is the source of life, so in every family the cooking process was treated with special trepidation. There were a number of magical actions aimed at overcoming money problems. Natural ingredients have powerful energy potential.

It is better to cast a baking spell for good luck on the third or fourth day after the new moon. At home, you need to make dough with the addition of yeast. While the bread is being kneaded, they pronounce spells for a happy life.

“As this dough grows and increases in size, so my well-being and luck multiply and improve. Amen".

If the baked goods have risen well and acquired an excellent taste, then the forces of nature have been heard. A successful ritual will increase financial income and reduce the number of unresolved problems. Magicians advise not to use technical devices for cooking, but to knead the ingredients by hand. This is how one’s own energy is exchanged with spontaneous energy.

Parental purchase

After the birth of a baby, the mother strives to give him the best, but not always future life promises joy. To protect their daughter or son from adversity, the Slavs asked higher powers to be supportive. A proven ritual protected from trouble.

Strong conspiracies Wangi for good luck

Magic of Money. Strong conspiracy for money. Ritual for money.

The magical properties of a broom, signs and conspiracies How to take back good luck

Conspiracies to attract good luck and happiness are carried out in the house in the evening, when the child has fallen asleep. They light a candle (blue or pink) at the head of the bed and quietly read a prayer to the little one’s named saint. Some magicians recommend addressing the guardian in your own words and asking for specific benefits.

A regular ritual will create a protective aura around the baby. This barrier is especially relevant for children under 7 years of age: at this age there is still no natural immunity from witchcraft. Reading prayers over a sleeping person should become a habit.

Per family

Conspiracies for happiness are in a great way share good luck among all relatives. Often a mother dreams of a good future for her child, and elderly parents dream of a successful marriage for adult daughter. For family well-being, you don’t need fabulous wealth, but just finding a little love and understanding.

On major Christian holidays, Orthodox Christians had the habit of asking God to fulfill their deepest desires. At Easter, our ancestors wrote down good parting words on pieces of paper and baked them in Easter cakes. Such a family heirloom was cut at the table, and each relative received a piece of the prediction. It was considered a bad omen if the charmed baked goods were given to strangers.

To attract money on Maundy Thursday, all available funds were counted. Three times a day they took out all their nest eggs and savings, voicing round sums out loud. Such simple witchcraft provided the family with a comfortable existence for a year.

Washing with water at Epiphany had a great effect on women's and men's health. An important procedure accumulated all the body’s strength, and the amazing properties of water on this holiday made it possible to get rid of ailments. During the actions, it was customary to read the “I Believe” prayer.

Happiness spells are time-tested methods that give a person a chance to get the most out of life. Their use guarantees prosperity for the family and good luck for children in all their endeavors. For any case, there is a proven remedy: to restore happiness to the family, to ensure material well-being, bright future, special methods are used.

Do you want a family home with happy and strong relationships. Then we recommend using white magic and applying a spell for happiness in life. These spells will help children find a happy life, both in the family and in new relationships.

Conspiracies to return happiness

At three o'clock in the morning, on Friday, on the waxing moon, light a red candle. Take a handful of poppy seeds in your right hand.

Looking at yourself in the mirror, say the following spell:

“Christian people don’t count loose poppy seeds. Stars are not collected from heaven. So I return happiness, share and destiny and will not lose it again. Not a single devilish force will steal (name)’s share, but will return it back at sunrise. Amen."

Place the poppy seeds in a cloth bag and tie them with ties. Pour into handbag, wallet and pockets outerwear. Let the rest lie. I would like to add that you can sprinkle the charmed poppy on the cracks on the floor of the front door. After the ritual, people with bad energy who cross the threshold will not cause harm.

Continuing the topic, I would like to pay special attention to parents who have daughters. According to the female continuation appears future generation and offspring. Let us consider in detail a common case. A girl is born into a family, and if on the mother’s side the women were not happy, then this problem passed down by inheritance with double the force of bad luck. This is due to the curse of the family or for certain sins of the ancestors.

This will stop with the birth of a boy, but before his birth all women are doomed to suffering and torment. And for the rest of the women there comes a break of thirty years, no more. A mother must put a barrier and protect her daughter’s happiness, otherwise, the child will be haunted by problems for the rest of his life.

Conspiracy for daughter's prosperity

The mother must remember the last name of the grandmother along the ancestral line. Then go to the cemetery and find a grave. If it’s not possible, or you don’t know where the grave is, then do this: find a woman’s grave with the same name, but not earlier than 25 years from the date of the person’s death. Come and bow, then put the kutya, pour jelly, a meat dish, fried fish into a glass.

Apologize for the trouble like this in the form of a conspiracy:

“Forgive me, deceased (name), for my concern about my daughter (name). I do not ask for myself and bow low before your grave. I am breaking the eternal peace and redeeming the share. You will forever lie down, and my daughter will flourish. Take the sins of my family with you, put me on iron chains, locks that are heavy enough to lift. I conjure you to be the guardian of those keys to the castles. Which no one will remove. And my spell will not break. If you don't rise from your dark grave. Take the curse and bitter fate from the fate of my (name) daughter. Give me happiness in exchange for the ransom. Amen."

Food left at the grave is a ransom. Leave without looking back! Remember, do not break the rules, otherwise you risk seeing a terrible picture and not returning home, because the sacrament has begun to take effect. When you return home, don’t talk about where you were and what you did. Arrange a wake for the 3rd, 9th and 40th day. Bake pancakes and serve them at the table.

Powerful Spell

The ritual for happiness and good luck is carried out at one o'clock in the afternoon by the river. One foot should be on the shore, and the other in the water, and at the same time you need to read the plot. Without the presence of strangers, in complete silence and one breath, which should merge with the flow of the river.

“Rapid river, bring me (name) happiness and good luck in addition. You go everywhere, you flow along high banks, you know everything and know everything. Bring me happiness, good luck, for this moment and for all eternal and endless centuries. Amen."

If there is no river nearby, then use a spring or, in extreme cases, running piped water. You should read on the water slowly and deliberately, pronouncing the words clearly. Afterwards, go into the forest and bring 3 aspen rods. Burn the houses in the stove, open the windows and ventilate the home. And at 12 am, light a candle and read the same words. The candle will burn out and changes in life will begin.

After 9 days, repeat the ritual, then after forty days. You need to remain silent about what is happening. You shouldn't even share it with your loved ones. If you want to share, if you don’t know how to keep your mouth shut, you shouldn’t complain about fate either. There is nothing complicated, but it’s worth the time.

Rare video spell for happiness:

Not many people experience happiness in their personal lives. If there is wealth, then for some reason there is no personal well-being. It was there from the beginning, and then it disappeared imperceptibly and dissolved into everyday problems so smoothly that no one noticed, but the result is obvious. But it is possible to correct and restore harmony, the main thing is to be patient. Moreover, there must be a great desire to be happy in personal relationships and not only.

Damaged people lose much faster than healthy people. If you bring back a happy life, then you can do it To the Higher Powers. It’s not up to us to decide whether we are guilty or not, but we have every right to enlighten and advise.

Conspiracies to restore personal happiness

The ritual for the return of personal happiness is one of simple ways. It was used by our ancestors and passed down through generations as a relic of magical knowledge. You will need two mirrors. One should hang in front, and the second should be on the floor behind. 40 candles of the same color and size should burn on four sides. Before the ritual, you cannot eat meat for 40 days and nothing bloody.

You can eat fish, boiled vegetables, seafood salads and fruits. Clothing must be clean and tidy, without fasteners or ties. Exactly at noon, light the candles, stand between the mirrors and look into the mirror with your hands, shake off what is bothering you mentally. Push away the black bile, feel how your body is filled with a golden flow of energy.

As soon as you feel it, read the plot:

“I stand between two worlds, returning personal happiness. Without God there is no threshold, without love there is only emptiness. Spirits of two worlds, help, create a miracle for slave (name). Take the bad along the paths of hell and don’t let it go back. Amen."

Put out the candles one at a time and quickly cover the mirrors with a cloth until the morning. In the morning, take the used candles to church and go home in silence. At home, open the mirrors and wash the floor from the threshold. Pour the water outside.

Well, what is happiness without love?

Love directed people to frank actions. Nothing on earth could do without it, thanks to the holy feeling, obstacles that stood in the way were overcome. People without love are poor and deprived people who have done wrong for various reasons, without even suspecting this fact.

Words to return a love relationship

A spell to return love is easy to do: while sitting on your bed, light a red candle and say the spell:

“Burn a red candle, return love and happiness to me, remove obstacles from the path and bring (name) to me. Amen."

You need to say it 12 times in a row. Then put out the candle with your hands and place it under the pillow. In a dream you will see your love and find out what will happen next. In the morning, light a candle and let it burn out. Place the cinder behind the icons.

For selected people, if there is money and happiness, then there is no need for love. We want to say that without love, believe me and financial condition the world will not help. The smart ones chose love first, and then the rest. Only fools decide the opposite. Time will help convince, nothing more.

Use the knowledge stated above and the dawn will come in your personal life, and prosperity will begin, the continuation of the lives of children and subsequent generations. You should think about this in advance, tomorrow may be too late.

First, we will tell you how to protect yourself from all troubles and expel the unclean through a cleansing bath. For this you will need special salt. It is prepared only during the waxing moon. The bath itself can be taken at any time.

Pour 1 cup of sea salt into a jar, add a small amount of rosemary or any other oil that has protective properties, and start stirring. Gradually, without stopping stirring, add the selected oil until all the salt particles are saturated. Place the salt in a cool, dark place. It should brew for 3-4 days.

Having the salt ready, light three white or red candles and pour water into the bath. You can use water at any temperature - at your discretion. Add 3 pinches of sea salt, prepared as described above. After your bath, dry your skin with a towel, then rub in basil, rosemary, frankincense or rose geranium oil. The protective ritual has been completed.

Keys of Destiny

It has been noticed that you can gain wisdom if you wear a small key on your body. It also enhances the ability to fertilize and bear children. To cure impotence, you need to keep an old iron key under the mattress. And to get rid of the nightmares that torment you at night, place the key next to your bed.

Luck will always smile on you if the key you carry matches any of your locks. Three keys hanging on a chain will help you find health, prosperity, and love. The golden key can protect you from bad eyes. A key worn on your back will help cure headaches or stop nosebleeds.

To protect your home from bad people, perform the following ritual. Find old keys as many as there are doors in the house. Walk them slowly around the house. Each time you touch the door with the corresponding key, say three times: “Lock up the thief in the night!”. Then tie the keys together using a red ribbon and hang them on the front door. On the one hand, it will work out original decoration, on the other hand, home protection.

Save me, fate!

On a full moon, late at night, when everyone in the household is asleep, take an item that you plan to wear constantly. Ideally it should be silver or gold product. Place the selected item in your left hand (in the center of your palm). Then read the special spell 9 times in a row. At first you need to speak barely audible, with each subsequent time you need to increase the volume. Spell text:

“Just as you are with me, a protective amulet, so the sun and the moon in the sky are with me. As I said, it will be fulfilled, and the darkness will be filled with light. For protection, the amulet will last forever when I'm here. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Do it this procedure for the next 6 nights. After this, put on the charmed talisman. It is advisable never to remove it.

Ritual of attracting good luck

The ritual described below brings good luck. It is perfect for entrepreneurs whose business does not generate profit. This ritual can also be recommended to those who want to move to a higher-paying job.

Buy insoles, embroider a cross on the left one with red thread, and put them in the corresponding shoe. The right insole is not needed. Read these words 13 times:


The charmed insole should be worn for 9 days. On the 10th, pull it out and burn it. Disperse the resulting ashes. If necessary, the ritual can be repeated after a year.

Attracting good luck in business

Do you want good luck to always accompany you? Do the following ritual. Take a brown or black lace and tie 3 knots on it. When tying each of them, you should cast the spell corresponding to its number:

  1. “May success be with me in my deeds and thoughts!”
  2. “So that this will always be true and true to my word!”
  3. “So that what is not true, but what is obvious cannot knock my luck away from me! This will be so!”

Place the nodes at equal distances from one another.

How to solve a problem of any complexity

Precisely formulate the problem that worries you. Then take 2 faceted glasses and fill them 50% with water. Carefully pour water from container to container 21 times, repeating:

“Small in the pier, much in the big, big in the small, and small still in the big.”

Again, make sure that both glasses are 50% full and drain both containers in one gulp. The problem should be resolved positively for you within 3 weeks.

By the way, it’s easy to turn ordinary tap water into magic. To do this, pass it through a sieve three times. Water will gain the ability to treat various diseases and remove damage. And to cure a migraine, hold an empty sieve over your head for a while.

A quick ritual for success

To make your own talisman for the successful completion of any task, you need to know the day of the week and date that relate to your zodiac sign. Take a small square piece of paper. In the center, write down the magic number 7, thanks to which wishes come true, and in the corners - your number. Circle the seven. The note should be rolled up and placed in the breast pocket (preferably on the left, closer to the heart). Such a talisman can bring good luck over the next 24 hours.

Attracting good luck in solving any issues

Before breakfast, take a 5-kopeck coin with your left hand. Extend your hand towards the light so that a ray of sunlight falls on your palm. Say the words of the spell three times:

“There are three little dawns. One - clear, red - burns with light, silvers with dawn. The second - golden, pure - glows like a stream, warms the soul with warmth, comforts with happiness like gold. The third dawn is dark, like black water, like a cold night. Let three little dawns come together in a stream, go into the cold with warmth, turn into fire, turn into luck.”

The first time the spell is whispered, the second time it is read louder, the third time it is full force. This is an ancient conspiracy, considered one of the most powerful tools that can quickly help resolve any issues. It should be read when there are conflicts or serious problems, before significant meetings. This plot will help you restore your strength and soften the blow.

According to legend, a coin enchanted in this way should be protected throughout your life, since it not only helps solve any problems, but also wards off misfortunes and preserves home warmth.

How to make every day successful

To make your day successful, when leaving home say:

“As love was dear to every living thing, as a mother pities a child, so may I, God’s servant (name), not be hateful, but kind to the male and female slaves God's, old and young, medieval young women and maidens, and my (my) servant of God, betrothed by God. Amen. Be, my words, strong and firm. Amen. Amen. Amen".

For success in all endeavors

Take a piece of paper and write the magic text:


Then cut a green apple in half, put a piece of plot between its parts, wrap it with thread (you can use any thread), make a knot. After 40 days you will notice positive changes. The ritual can be repeated three times throughout the year.

Banishing failures

If you are constantly having troubles or there is a dark streak in your life, the following ritual will help. Before sunrise on Friday, light 3 candles (necessarily church candles) and read 6 times:

“How you are the extreme of the extremes, gray-haired, settled, burned, decayed misfortune, bad luck, poverty, devastation, from my body, the sorcerer’s work. Amen".

Stay in the room until the candles burn out completely. Repeat the ritual for the next 5 days (until Wednesday). Before sunrise on Thursday, light 3 candles, but there is no need to read the plot. Just sit silently while the candles burn and think about the bright, joyful life that you will now have.

And in order to protect yourself from the evil that other people are capable of causing, you should say three times every time you put on the ring:

“The heretic crawls through the ring, then he will only ruin everything; when the heretic crawls through the eye of the needle, then he will spoil me. Amen".

If luck runs out

Have you noticed that Fortune has turned its back on you? Sprinkle the windowsill with salt (this should be done at midnight), saying:

“There are thirteen moons in a year and thirteen in the circle of witches, thirteen golden days a year and thirteen months.”

This ritual is considered one of the most powerful methods of correcting any negative situation. It should be carried out for 13 days in a row.

Getting rid of bad luck

On the last Friday of any month, break or pick up a splinter-shaped twig near your house (not necessarily yours). Then set it on fire and say three times:

“Burn, burn and burn, bad luck, poverty, devastation, from my pen. Amen".

How to protect yourself from adversity and troubles

You need to sew a button (any) to your own clothes and say three times:


The only condition: for the ritual you need to use something that you wear regularly. As long as the enchanted button remains on it, you will not be afraid of any difficulties.

How to prevent trouble, ward off misfortune

It is recommended to wear plants that protect against evil in amulets and talismans. These are angelica, pharmaceutical verbena, lady's slipper, clover, hyssop, rosemary, dill, pink geranium. St. John's wort, fern, snapdragon, leaves and thin branches of ash, and some other plants are also suitable.

A bag of magical plants will be an excellent protection against evil. You can sew it from a piece cotton fabric, approximate size - 18x18 cm. Select 9, 3 or 7 plants from the list above, dry them.

Mix herbs, taken in equal proportions, in a clay container. Place them in a sewn bag. While tying a knot on it, read:

“Let this serve as protection for this house and everything in it.”

A total of 13 knots are tied on the bag, reciting this plot each time.

Protection from accidents, enemies, unkind neighbors

If you sense danger or someone is offending you, take simple thread black color. The length should be 3 cubits. This is the distance from the bend of your elbow to your fingertips. After sunset, go to the pond (if you don’t have one, a tub of water or water tap), tie a knot on the prepared thread and repeat 9 times:

“May you, my offenders, enemies and evil forces, troubles and misfortunes and all sorts of evil people, become empty! Let it be so! And so it will be!”

Lower the rope into the water while saying:

“As these ropes get wet and sink to the bottom, so will my troubles and those who offend me become empty! And neither the winds nor the valleys will help them! Let it be so! My word is strong!”

The described ritual will protect you all year from misfortunes, troubles, envious people and evil people.

Ritual with fire to fulfill wishes

To make your wish come true, take matches in the amount equal to how old you are. Light a thin candle (church candle), and use it to make your first match. Then quickly say the words of the spell and the wish itself:


You should memorize the words of the spell in advance and formulate your desire, since all this must be said while the match is burning to the middle. Then throw a lit match into a saucer filled with holy water. It also needs to be prepared in advance.

Consistently perform the described procedure with each match. At the end of the ceremony, remove all the matches and bury them in the ground. If you are a man, you should bury matches under an oak tree, if you are a woman, under a birch tree. At the end of the ritual, pour water under this tree (always over your left shoulder), while saying:

“Let it be as I want. Be, my words, strong and firm. Amen. Amen. Amen".

To make your wishes come true

At sunset on Thursday, make a wish. Find a white linen thread and tie 3 knots at an equal distance from one another. As you tie each one, say three times:

“So that what I want comes true, in the name of wind, hail, storm. And let all this spill onto Mother Earth, onto the human race, into the clearings. So be it and so be it.”

Until your plan comes true, you need to carry this thread in your pocket (necessarily the left one) of your clothes. Usually wishes are fulfilled within a week after such a ceremony.

To make your wish come true, you can perform such a ritual. Draw on paper sheet a circle in the center of which write a wish. Cut out this circle and fold it in four. Take a red thread and tie 3 knots at the same distance from each other. Tie the folded circle with this thread. This talisman should be worn for 40 days in your left pocket. Every morning you need to repeat three times:


Burn the circle and thread (without untying the last one) on the 41st day.

A ritual to make a dream come true

Pick 1 branch from 3 different trees. At the same time, you need to think about what you want. Add 3 twigs to the branches, taken from different brooms or brooms. Whisper into the resulting “bouquet”:

“Just as Solomon achieved his goal, so I, God’s servant (name), will achieve mine. The morning dawn is with the sun, the sun is with the evening dawn, and the evening dawn is with God’s moon, and God’s moon is with the first spring and the star. And I, servant (s) of God (name), in the fulfillment of my desire.”

Throw away a bunch of branches and twigs at an intersection. For the dream to come true, this ritual must be performed three times on different days. It is advisable to do this at noon, during the full moon.

There is another ritual for making dreams come true. Exactly at midnight, three nights in a row, mentally formulate a desire, write a conspiracy on a piece of paper, read it out loud three times, and then burn the paper. Text:

“There is a cross on the sea-ocean, on that cross there is a finger, on that finger there are three angels: Gabriel, Michael, Raphael. My patrons are now in fulfillment, so let the plan be accomplished on the same day and at the same hour as ordered. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

To become a long-liver

All people wish to live a long life in happiness and health. To make this wish come true, you will need a raw egg. Using the palm of your right hand, roll it over the flour (also raw) so that the latter sticks. At the same time, read the spell as many times as you are old. Conspiracy words:

“Take away all the bad things - pain, frustration, anger, illness, and leave the good things - health, longevity, success. May fate reward you with health whiter than snow, purer than spring water, and clothe you with longevity. Be, my words, strong and firm. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Bury the egg as far from home as possible. You should leave this place without looking back.

To win the lottery

On a piece of paper write the magic words:


Place this note in your left pocket. To be sure to win, buy your tickets between 12:00 and 15:00 on Wednesdays.

Another ritual will help you win the lottery. At 7 pm on any Thursday, take a small piece of unlined white paper and write the formula: "Winning, lottery, luck." Then say 19 times without pause:


From noon to 3 o'clock on any Wednesday, put the charmed sheet in your bag or wallet and buy tickets for 2 different lotteries (5 pieces each).

We attract money and winnings

The ritual described below will help you win in all gambling games, from roulette in a casino to a regular lottery. It also helps attract money. Place the black and white threads together. The length of each of them should be equal to the distance from your elbow to your fingertips. Tie three knots equidistant from each other on the folded threads.

Tie the resulting rope around the shin of your left leg. Then say the following spell 9 times without pausing:


Each time you should read the text from bottom to top and in the opposite direction (from VILOT to VOSARI, then vice versa). Upon completion of the ceremony, you can place bets. The conspiracy can be repeated an unlimited number of times. You can do this before every game.