A humanistic act for which I was ashamed. "An act I'm ashamed of" by chika25. A person who does bad deeds: how not to provoke him

In my not stormy life, I have committed various actions. Among them there are those that I am proud of, and those for which I am ashamed. Sometimes, thinking about the past, I want to go back and fix everything. Say other words. Act differently.

One of those times was at school.

I was in a class that all teachers feared. We were not chosen by the teachers, but we chose the teacher. If the teacher could not find us mutual language, then the lessons were disrupted, the teacher ran to complain to the director, and another teacher came to us for another lesson. Usually it was in the first days of the new school year, when some new teacher who thought that people like us needed to be tough. But for the most part, we got along with the teachers.

Things were different with the OBZh teacher. He didn't yell at us. He didn't talk to us. To call him a teacher, not a single student would turn his tongue. He was just taking a lesson. It looked like this. At recess, we went into the classroom and sat down at our desks. At this time, the "obzheshnik" was sitting at his desk and reading something. Or just looking out the window. As soon as the bell rang, the teacher stood near the blackboard and began to read the lesson from the manual or from the notebook. From time to time I drew something on the board. I have never seen in his hands either a model of a Kalashnikov assault rifle, or even a first aid kit. One single time we were given gas masks. It was a lesson at which the head teacher was present, after one of the parents complained that they didn’t teach us anything about life safety. This impressed us so much that the whole class, including all the girls, very quickly mastered how to properly wear gas masks and check the filter's performance.

And the teacher stood at the blackboard and read the lesson. However, he did not pay attention to any of our actions. With each lesson, we tested the level of his patience. It got to the point that someone played cards, someone just went to smoke, someone in the back desks kissed classmates. Somehow they calmly drank Amaretto liqueur, which, at that time, could be bought at any stall. But nothing bothered the "obzhshnik". He still stood at the blackboard and read something at the blackboard.

In one of these lessons, we were sitting in the back desks and did not know what to do. It was already spring. Summer vacation was less than a couple of months away. I wanted to go outside. The teacher's even, quiet reading made me sleepy. The whole class was clearly bored. My desk mate started making airplanes and flying them all over the class. It also fascinated me. And we began to compete whose plane will fly the farthest. And then came the proposal "And come on, who will get into the worker?" This is where we should stop ... But the permissiveness that was in all previous lessons overshadowed our brains. We launched the planes at the same time. And hit at the same time. The teacher stopped reading something that might be useful to us. The class is silent. Everyone was waiting. The teacher stood like that for a minute, looking around at everyone. Closed the tutorial. He put it on the table and ... left the office. The entire class had only one version of "Follow the principal!"

Five minutes have passed. Ten. The bell rang. But there was no director or teacher. We went to another lesson in bewilderment.

And two days later we found out that life safety lessons were being replaced by physical education, because the life safety teacher quit and became a supply manager. And the next academic year he no longer worked at the school.

And now I am writing and I am ashamed of my act. Then the children did not care what happens to a person. And after school, I once talked about this case in the company, when it came to all sorts of cases that occur at school. And it dawned on me why this teacher was the way he was. He became a "cooker" when he was already a pensioner. His wife was a very powerful woman. She worked as the director of the music school in our school. Worse than a teacher and a person, you still need to look. And I think that the OBZH teacher really didn’t like what he was doing. Yes, even having such a wife. Perhaps this is all that surrounded him, was not what he dreamed of. And here we are - juvenile hooligans. These two airplanes were the last straw that overflowed the glass of his patience. And I am ashamed of these airplanes even now.

Good or evil, dignity and honor, honesty and respect, pity and sympathy, compassion or indifference… What will we show by doing things? Our choice is very important, but so is its evaluation. Especially when we become our own judges. About it useful occupation and the students of the school of journalism are thinking today.

And nothing can be fixed...

Every person in life had situations for which he later became ashamed. Unfortunately, I am no exception. I also had a story, remembering which, it becomes very embarrassing. And nothing can be fixed, but I would very much like to.

I studied in the 4th grade. Graduation was approaching primary school. I was very happy and seriously prepared for it. And although she was not so mature, she was still preoccupied with many things. I didn't notice anyone around me.

One day, when I was returning home after school, I heard a scream. I was getting closer to the sound and suddenly I saw this picture: dogs around a girl about my age were circling. They rushed at her, biting, but she did her best to fight them off. I was overcome with fear, as I was terribly afraid of dogs. With a cry, I ran home and told my parents everything, and since it happened not far from our house, I brought them there. But there was no one else there.

The next day I found out that this girl was from a neighboring yard and that she was seriously injured. She ended up in the hospital with multiple bites. I felt very ashamed. Too much concern for the upcoming holiday, confusion, fear, and I could not provide the help that girl needed.

Violetta BELENKOVA, student of the Rasskazovsky School No. 3

The field became clear

Last summer, my friends and I rode bicycles to the river. It's a long way to go, but we were in anticipation of the upcoming fun.

As we drove, we got a little tired. When we arrived at the appointed place, we were amazed by what we saw. People who rested here before us left large piles of garbage. At first we were a little confused, but then a friend suggested that we clean it all up. Everyone agreed. After our efforts, the clearing became clean again. And we were proud and pleased with ourselves.

Anna GUSEVA, 9th grade student of the Ilovai-Dmitrievskaya school of the Pervomaisky district

I'm still embarrassed

I would like to tell you about an act that happened to me in childhood and which I am ashamed of until now.

Then I was six years old, and in the summer I visited my grandmother in the village. We have a little kitten - striped and very cute. I don't remember what I called it. Perhaps he was Murzik, or maybe not. But it is not important. In the village I had a friend named Nastya. Playing with her on the street, we set up a play store. The sale included cans of liquid dirty sand, which we scooped from the bottom of a barrel of water. An unfortunate kitten was taken as a dirt taster. I still can't figure out what we were thinking when we force-fed him with this sand. However, at that time we little understood that it was by no means impossible to do this. Fortunately, the kitten did not die - at least not in my presence. He died much later and, as I would like to believe, not because of our stupid experiments (and we fed him so many times).

Ten years have passed since then, many events and details have been erased from memory. But I still remember about that poor kitten that fell into the hands of unreasonable children - with shame and guilt for what I did.

Ksenia DYAKOVA, student of the 10th grade of school No. 31 in Tambov

I stand up for the weak

I always stand up for those people who are offended by the strong, laugh at them, humiliate them.

I just don't like it when strong people humiliate weak people. After all, the weak cannot always stand up for themselves, or they simply do not want to ask for help. And if I see that the strong offends the weak, orders him, calls him names, beats him, while the weak suffers in silence, then I will never leave it like that, even if the person is not familiar to me. I always try to stand up for him and help. And if I don’t do this or I’m afraid, then I will feel bad because I didn’t help this person. That is what I call a good deed.

Valeria DUBOVITSKAYA, 8th grade student of the Staroyuryevsky school

No need to make fun of a person

We all do different things. In the life of each of us, there will surely be someone for whom we are ashamed. Everyone has his own, I have one too ...

I have a classmate. She is a little overweight, and every time she passes by, she becomes a topic for general discussion. Once, as usual, we had a similar conversation. And it just so happened that this girl accidentally heard it. After that, she ran away and cried for a long time. No one ever said a word on this subject again. And I asked her forgiveness for a long time. I hope she forgave me.

This situation was a big lesson for me. No need to make fun of a person if he is not like everyone else. You have to treat people with understanding.

Alexandra SHUBINA, House children's creativity Rasskazovo

I was scolded and I...

One hot summer day, at the request of a neighbor, I was walking with her mother, Baba Varya.

The weather was hot outside, the summer sun shone very brightly and warmed everyone with its soft rays. It was almost impossible to find a cool shade to shelter from the heat. Baba Varya, being an old woman, was quickly tired and thirsty. I, having decided not to torment the old woman by climbing the stairs, left her sitting on a bench near the house, and I myself ran inside to get a bottle of water.

Trying to do everything quickly, because the old woman might become ill, I jumped out of the entrance with a bottle of refreshing moisture in my hands and saw that my fears had come true: Baba Varya really became very ill. To get to her bench, I had to cross the road. And I was about to do it, when suddenly I saw a huge truck speeding along the road, rushing to deliver groceries to the store. Without thinking twice, I decided that the old woman could not stand so much time, and ran along the road, almost falling under the wheels ...

After they found out about this, they began to scold and shame me, because I could die. But from all these words I was not a bit ashamed, but, on the contrary, I was proud of myself.

Tamara SARGSYAN, Morshansk City Children's Children's Hospital

From "Rovesnik". Maybe helping one person should not forget about other people? About parents who are worried: how will they survive the news of the misfortune with the child; about the driver, to whom the girl could fall under the wheels: his life would also be very complicated by this case; about myself in the end: life could end at such a young age ... Be sensitive and attentive to those who are nearby, who value and love you.

Hope you forgive me...

In my life, too, there was an act for which I am still ashamed.

We had a meeting in our class. Everyone was noisy, and the teacher was dissatisfied with our behavior. When they began to find out the reasons for extraneous conversations, they also asked me: “Do you talk about trifles in class?” And I said, “Yes, but only because my desk mate is distracting me.”

The next day, my friend didn't talk to me. I asked her forgiveness and she forgave me. But I'm still ashamed of what I did.

Veronika SHMELEVA, 7th grade student of the Rzhaksinsky school No. 2

My four legged friends

All people in life have such actions for which they are ashamed or, conversely, they are proud of them. So I had such cases.

When I was nine years old, at that time I was in the 3rd grade, the teacher gave me a deuce in the world around me. I was very offended by him for this. The next day I came to school, armed with buttons. The bell rang and I put the button on the chair. The teacher came in, sat down on the button and ... shouted loudly. Of course, my mother was called to school. For this act, when I grew up, I was ashamed in front of the teacher.

And here is an act that I am proud of. At that time I was seven years old. Once I was walking down the street and saw a man beating a dog. I felt very sorry for her, and I asked permission to take her to myself. A year has passed, I was walking home from school and again I saw a small stray dog. I took her too. Now I am 14 years old and I have six dogs. I love them very much and take care of them.

Ksenia DRONOVA, 8th grade student of the Staroyuryevsky school

Man always has a choice

I have an opinion that nowadays people are afraid to do good deeds. A person always has a choice before he does something. Sometimes that choice is: be a hero or remain a man who will be despised. But there may be people who will consider your act wrong. But this is their choice.

I will give an example of a good deed. True, this is not about me, but I want to talk about it. IN in social networks one man wrote that once in his childhood, when he was little, he and his dad went to the circus. Behind the tickets at the box office in front of them was a large family. The children really wanted to go to the circus. The family was low-income, and when they bought tickets, there was not enough money. Then the boy's father, without thinking twice, took and put the money next to the man who paid for the tickets of this large family, saying: "Man, you lost money."

After this act, the boy was very proud of his father. And they went to the circus another time.

Tatyana CHURILOVA, 8th grade student of the Chashchinsky branch of the Muchkap school

Photo by Anna Berketova


I studied for a very long time. There were still high schools then. And the teachers then put marks in the diary for each lesson asked. They put some score - from five to one inclusive.

And I was very small when I entered the gymnasium, the preparatory class. I was only seven years old.

And I still didn't know anything about what happens in gymnasiums. And for the first three months, I literally walked in a fog.

And then one day the teacher told us to memorize a poem: "The moon is merrily shining over the village, White snow sparkles with a blue light ...". I didn't learn this poem. And I didn't hear what the teacher said. I didn’t hear because the boys who were sitting behind me either slapped me on the back of the head with a book, or smeared ink on my ear, or pulled my hair, and when I jumped up in surprise, they put a pencil or an elastic band under me. And for this reason, I sat in the classroom frightened and listened all the time - what else the boys sitting behind were planning against me.

And the next day, the teacher, as luck would have it, called me and ordered me to read the assigned poem by heart. And not only did I not know him, but I did not even suspect that such poems existed in the world. But out of timidity, I did not dare to tell the teacher that I did not know these verses. And completely stunned, he stood at his desk, not uttering a word.

But then the boys began to suggest these verses to me. And because of this, I began to babble what they whispered to me.

And at that time I had a chronic runny nose, and I did not hear well with one ear, and therefore it was difficult to make out what they told me. Even the first lines I somehow said. But when it came to the phrase: “The cross under the clouds, like a candle, burns,” I said: “The crack under the boots, like a candle, hurts ...”

There was laughter among the students. And the teacher laughed too. He said:

- Come on, give me your diary here - I'll give you one.

And I cried because it was my first unit and I didn't know what it was.

After school my sister Lelya followed me to go home together.

On the way, I took a diary out of my knapsack, unfolded it on the page where the unit was placed, and said to Lele:

- Lelya, look what it is. This was given to me by the teacher for the poem "The moon is merrily shining over the village."

Lelya looked up and laughed. She said:

- Minka, this is bad. It was your teacher who slapped you a unit in the Russian language. This is so bad that I doubt that dad will give you a photographic camera for your name day, which will be in two weeks.

I said:

– But what to do?

Lela said:

- One of our students took and sealed two pages in her diary, where she had one. Her dad licked his fingers, but he couldn’t peel it off and never saw what was there.

I said:

- Lelya, it's not good to deceive your parents.

Lelya laughed and went home. And in a sad mood I went into the city garden, sat down on a bench there and, having unfolded the diary, looked with horror at the unit.

I sat in the garden for a long time. Then he went home. But as he approached the house, he suddenly remembered that he had left his diary on a bench in the garden. I ran back. But my diary was no longer on the bench in the garden.

At first I was frightened, and then I was glad that now I don’t have a diary with this terrible unit with me.

I came home and told my father that I had lost my diary. And Lelya laughed and winked at me when she heard these words of mine.

The next day, the teacher, having learned that I had lost the diary, gave me a new one.

I opened this new diary with the hope that this time there was nothing wrong with it, but there was again a unit against the Russian language, even bolder than before.

And then I felt such annoyance and was so angry that I threw this diary behind the bookcase, which was in our classroom.

Two days later, the teacher, having learned that I did not have this diary either, filled out a new one. And besides one in the Russian language, he gave me a deuce in behavior there. And he told my father to look at my diary without fail.

When I met Lelya after the lesson, she told me:

“It won't be a lie if we temporarily seal the page. And a week after your name day, when you get your camera, we'll peel it off and show dad what was in there.

I really wanted to get a photographic camera, and Lelya and I glued the corners of the ill-fated page of the diary.

In the evening dad said:

- Well, show me your diary. It is interesting to know if you have picked up units.

Dad began to look at the diary, but he didn’t see anything bad there, because the page was sealed.

But when dad was looking at my diary, someone on the stairs called.

Somebody came female and said:

- The other day I was walking in the city garden and there I found a diary on a bench. I learned the address by the last name and brought it to you so that you could tell if your son had lost this diary.

Dad looked at the diary and, seeing a unit there, understood everything.

He didn't yell at me. He just said softly:

- People who lie and deceive are funny and comical, because sooner or later their lies will always be revealed. And there was no case in the world that any of the lies remained unknown.

I, red as a cancer, stood in front of my dad, and I was ashamed of his quiet words. I said:

- Here's another, my third diary with a unit, I threw at school behind a bookcase.

Instead of getting even angrier with me, Dad smiled and beamed. He grabbed me in his arms and started kissing me. He said:

“The fact that you confessed this made me extremely happy. You admitted that you could remain unknown for a long time. And it gives me hope that you will no longer lie. And for this I will give you a camera.

When Lelya heard these words, she thought that dad had gone crazy in his mind and now he gives everyone gifts not for fives, but for ones.

And then Lelya went up to dad and said:

“Daddy, I also got an A in physics today because I didn’t learn my lesson.

But Lely's expectations were not justified. Papa got angry with her, kicked her out of his room and told her to immediately sit down to her books.

And in the evening, when we went to bed, the phone suddenly rang.

It came to my dad teacher. And said to him:

- Today we had a cleaning in the classroom, and behind the bookcase we found your son's diary. How do you like this little liar and deceiver who left his diary so that you would not see him.

Papa said:

I have heard about this diary personally from my son. He himself confessed to this act. So there is no reason to think that my son is an incorrigible liar and deceiver.

The teacher said to dad:

– Oh, that's what! You already know about it. In this case, it's a misunderstanding. Sorry. Good night.

And I, lying in my bed, hearing these words, wept bitterly. I made a promise to myself to always tell the truth.

And I really, children, do this all the time.

Ah, it is sometimes very difficult, but my heart is cheerful and calm.

Questions about caring for children

  1. How old is the hero of the story? (7 years)
  2. Why did Minka not know that he had to learn a poem?

(the boys who sat behind me either slapped me on the back of the head with a book, or smeared ink on my ear, or pulled my hair and, when I jumped up in surprise, put a pencil or an eraser under me. And for this reason I sat in the classroom frightened and I listened all the time to see what else the boys sitting behind me were up to.)

  1. Why didn't he tell the teacher about it?

(Because of shyness, I did not dare to tell the teacher that I did not know these verses. And, completely stunned, I stood at my desk without uttering a word).

  1. Why did Minka hear badly?

(at that time I had a chronic runny nose, and I could not hear well with one ear, and therefore it was difficult to understand what they told me)

  1. Why were the boys laughing at him?

(when it came to the phrase: “The cross under the clouds, like a candle, burns,” I said: “The crackling under the boots, like a candle, hurts ...” Then there was laughter among the students.)

  1. What did his sister Lelka say when she found out about the unit?

(Minka, this is bad. It was your teacher who slapped you a unit in the Russian language. This is so bad that I doubt that dad will give you a photographic camera for your name day, which will be in two weeks).

  1. How did Minka react to Lelya's proposal to seal the pages?

(Lelya, it's not good to deceive parents)

  1. Why did he leave the diary in the garden?

(I went into the city garden in a sad mood, sat down on a bench there and, unfolding my diary, looked at the unit with horror. I sat in the garden for a long time. Then I went home. But when I came up to the house, I suddenly remembered that I had left my diary on the bench in the garden)

  1. Why do you think Minka told his father that he lost the diary and did not say that there was one?
  2. Why did he throw the new diary his teacher gave him behind the closet?

(I opened this new diary with hope that this time there is nothing wrong there, but there was again a unit against the Russian language, more more oily than before.

And then I felt like annoyed and so angry that I threw this diary behind the bookcase that stood in our classroom).

  1. How was the third diary different from the first and second?

(except for the unit in the Russian language, the teacher there brought me a deuce in behavior)

  1. What did Lelya suggest doing with the third diary?

(It won't be a lie if we temporarily seal the page. And a week after your name day, when you get a camera, we will peel it off and show dad what was there)

  1. How did dad find out about the unit?

(someone came female and said: “The other day I was walking in the city garden and there I found a diary on a bench. I learned the address by the last name and brought it to you so that you could tell if your son had lost this diary. Dad looked at the diary and, seeing a unit there, understood everything).

  1. What did dad say about lying?

(People who lie and deceive are funny and comical, because sooner or later their lies will always be revealed. And there was no case in the world that any of the lies remained unknown).

  1. How did dad's words affect Minka?

(red as a cancer, stood in front of dad, and I was ashamed of his quiet words. I said:

"Here's another, my third diary with a unit I threw at school behind a bookcase").

  1. What was dad's reaction to Minka's confession that he had thrown his diary behind the closet?

(Instead of being even more angry with me, dad smiled and beamed. He grabbed me in his arms and began to kiss me. He said: “The fact that you confessed this made me extremely happy. You confessed that you could for a long time remain anonymous and this is for me gives hope that you won't lie anymore. And for this I will give you a camera.

  1. Why did dad get angry with Lelya when he found out about her deuce?

( she thought that dad went crazy in my mind and now everyone gives gifts not for fives, but for units. And then Lelya went up to dad and said: “Daddy, I, too, today got an A in physics, because didn't learn lesson. ”But Lely’s expectations did not materialize. Papa got angry with her, kicked her out of his room and told her to immediately sit down to books).

  1. Why did the teacher come?

(the classroom was being cleaned, and behind the bookcase we found your son's diary. How do you like this little liar and deceiver who left his diary so that you would not see it)

  1. Why dad was proud of his son despite one and two?

(I have already heard about this diary personally from my son. He himself confessed to this act. So there is no reason to think that my son is an incorrigible liar and deceiver).

  1. What lesson did Minka get and what did he promise himself?

( I made a promise to myself to always tell the truth. And indeed, children, I always do this.

Ah, it is sometimes very difficult, but my heart is cheerful and calm.)

3. Put yourself in the place of each character in the story: describe him with 2-3 adjectives and defend his opinion

1) Minka(confused, fearful, angry)

2) Dad

3) Teacher(strict, humorous)

4) Lelya(smart, resourceful...)

Talk about an act “for which I was ashamed”

I want to tell you my case.

In my not stormy life, I have committed various actions. Among them there are those that I am proud of, and those for which I am ashamed. Sometimes, thinking about the past, I want to go back and fix everything. Say other words. Act differently.

One of those times was at school. Before him there was a series of similar, but not reaching this.

I was in a class that all teachers feared. We were not chosen by the teachers, but we chose the teacher. If the teacher could not find a common language with us, then the lessons were disrupted, the teacher ran to complain to the director, and another teacher came to us for another lesson. Usually it was in the early days of the new school year when some new teacher came to us who thought that we should be tough with people like us. But for the most part, we got along with the teachers.

Things were different with the OBZh teacher. He didn't yell at us. He didn't talk to us. To call him a teacher, not a single student would turn his tongue. He was just taking a lesson. It looked like this. At recess, we went into the classroom and sat down at our desks. At this time, the "obzheshnik" was sitting at his desk and reading something. Or just looking out the window. As soon as the bell rang, the teacher stood near the blackboard and began to read the lesson from the manual or from the notebook. From time to time I drew something on the board. I have never seen in his hands either a model of a Kalashnikov assault rifle, or even a first aid kit. One single time we were given gas masks. It was a lesson at which the head teacher was present, after one of the parents complained that they didn’t teach us anything about life safety. This impressed us so much that the whole class, including all the girls, very quickly mastered how to properly wear gas masks and check the filter's performance.

And the teacher stood at the blackboard and read the lesson. However, he did not pay attention to any of our actions. With each lesson, we tested the level of his patience. It got to the point that someone played cards, someone just went to smoke, someone in the back desks kissed classmates. Somehow they calmly drank Amaretto liqueur, which, at that time, could be bought at any stall. But nothing bothered the "obzhshnik". He still stood at the blackboard and read something at the blackboard.

In one of these lessons, we were sitting in the back desks and did not know what to do. It was already spring. Summer vacation was less than a couple of months away. I wanted to go outside. The teacher's even, quiet reading made me sleepy. The whole class was clearly bored. My desk mate started making airplanes and flying them all over the class. It also fascinated me. And we began to compete whose plane will fly the farthest. And then came the proposal "And come on, who will get into the worker?" This is where we should stop ... But the permissiveness that was in all previous lessons overshadowed our brains. We launched the planes at the same time. And hit at the same time. The teacher stopped reading something that might be useful to us. The class is silent. Everyone was waiting. The teacher stood like that for a minute, looking around at everyone. Closed the tutorial. He put it on the table and ... left the office. The entire class had only one version of "Follow the principal!"

Five minutes have passed. Ten. The bell rang. But there was no director or teacher. We went to another lesson in bewilderment.

And two days later we found out that life safety lessons were being replaced by physical education, because the life safety teacher quit and became a supply manager. And the next school year, he no longer worked at the school.

And now I am writing and I am very ashamed of my act. Then the children did not care what happens to a person. And after school, I once talked about this case in the company, when it came to all sorts of cases that occur at school. And it dawned on me why this teacher was the way he was. He became a "cooker" when he was already a pensioner. His wife was a very powerful woman. She worked as the director of the music school in our school. Worse than a teacher and a person, you still need to look. And I think that the OBZH teacher really didn’t like what he was doing. Yes, even having such a wife. Perhaps this is all that surrounded him, was not what he dreamed of. And here we are - juvenile hooligans. These two airplanes were the last straw that overflowed the glass of his patience. And I'm ashamed of these planes.