Care for mature skin. Skin care at different ages Skin care at different ages

From childhood, every woman should accustom herself to proper skin care. The editors of the site and cosmetologist-esthetician of the Russian cosmetics company “Alpika” Larisa Sokolova will talk about all the intricacies of home and salon care for facial skin from 12 to 55+ years.

Everyone knows a few basic rules for facial skin care:

– wash your face morning and evening with a cleanser suitable for your skin. It can be gel, foam, milk or cream. You definitely need to tone your skin after washing. This equalizes the pH of the skin (normal skin pH is 5.5) and neutralizes the effects of impurities contained in tap water.

– use day and night creams, gel or emulsion to moisturize and nourish.

In addition, at different ages, it is also necessary to add additional cosmetics (for example, masks, serums and meso-cocktails) to standard facial skin care, which will help cope with age-related changes and give the skin a healthy and radiant appearance. However, mature skin requires special care.

As we have already mentioned, each age has its own cosmetic and aesthetic problems.

During the puberty period (12−16 years), due to physiological and hormonal changes, we often encounter the problem of acne. During this period, the skin under the influence of hormones can be oily with excessive shine, enlarged pores, inflammatory elements, and comedones. To survive this period and not experience difficulties in the future because of it, you need to consult a cosmetologist-dermatologist. A professional will help you choose the right means that will help deal with this problem.

Light cleansers: gels, foams, cleansing emulsions for oily, problem skin. Apply once a week soft scrubs, better enzymatic rather than fractional;

Light nourishing and moisturizing creams or gels for problem skin with anti-inflammatory, regenerating properties. For the night in autumn-winter period you can use creams with AHA acids;

Regularly make masks developed by manufacturers for this skin type.

Salon procedures:

The salon offers manual cleanings, ultrasonic cleanings and corrective care between cleanings for problem skin. And also, if necessary, the dermatologist will prescribe appropriate drug therapy.

By the age of 20-25, the acne problem subsides or goes away completely. The skin becomes less oily, and comedonal problems may remain in the T-zone.

Cleansing face wash for combination or normal skin;

Creams, gels for normal and combination skin For day care. You can add serums and meso-cocktails to your night care that stimulate collagen production, as well as vascular-strengthening cosmetics, which is especially important for residents of the metropolis.

Salon procedures:

Visiting a cosmetologist 1-2 times a month will help you adjust your care in a timely manner. Salon manual and hardware cleanings, microcurrent therapy, and ultrasound cosmetic procedures are indicated to prevent aesthetic defects. From the age of 25, depending on the condition of the skin, mesotherapy can be added.

After 30-35 years, the first age-related changes appear - a vascular pattern (rosacea) may appear, the first small expression wrinkles appear, which indicates dehydration of the skin and a decrease in overall turgor. Morning swelling may also occur due to worsening lymphatic drainage.

Cleansing face wash for dry sensitive skin;

We include in daily care creams and masks with collagen, hyaluronic acid, antioxidant and lymphatic drainage effects, anti-rosacea serums and creams. Be sure to use cosmetic care and decorative means with SPF factor to prevent photoaging.

Salon procedures:

In salon treatments, we focus on lifting procedures - massage manual techniques and hardware procedures (microcurrents, ultrasound, photoactivation). For fans of “beauty injections” - muscle relaxants, AHA acids, hyaluronic acid, etc. It is better to carry out salon procedures not in courses, but on a regular basis - 1-2 times a month.

For ladies 45+ who care about their appearance, meetings with a cosmetologist should be regular. Hormonal changes in the body begin, which inexorably affects the condition of the skin of the face, décolleté and hands, which aggravates existing aesthetic deficiencies.

For daily care, anti-age cosmetics with phytohormones are indicated, as well as products and preparations that stimulate skin renewal - biorevitalization. Day and night creams for aging skin need thicker, serums and meso-preparations are more concentrated, saturated with antioxidants, vitamin complexes. After 55 years, in order to look good, it is much more important than cosmetic procedures and skincare products, a general positive attitude, good dream And healthy eating, regular walks fresh air And physical activity. The main skin problems at this age include: pronounced gravitational ptosis, thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin, pigmentation.

For correction in daily care we use:

Cleansers for dry, sensitive aging skin: cleansing creams, foams, emulsions;

Day and night creams and serums with bioenzymes that help restore the energy balance of tissues, relieve peeling and irritation of the skin.

Salon procedures:

Treatments with deeper effects are indicated to enhance the effect of nutrition and hydration. Massage techniques and plaster modeling will help control facial contours and maintain muscle tone. One of the radical methods is contour plastic surgery.

By regularly taking care of ourselves, we will not cancel the biological processes of aging, but we can delay and delay these inevitable changes!

For skin to be healthy and beautiful, it needs proper care, which takes into account many factors. It is sometimes quite difficult to understand all the cosmetic nuances, but only a systematic and thoughtful approach to one’s own appearance can guarantee a visible result. That is why it is important to understand what kind of care you need, and you need to take into account not only your skin type, but also age characteristics. Throughout our lives, our skin undergoes changes, which means that the products that you used, for example, at 20 years old, will not have the desired effect at 30. Each age implies special care that will take into account the changes that occur in the body. Of course, the modern cosmetic market offers a huge number of products adapted for the characteristics of the skin of a particular age, but every woman herself should have a good understanding of what kind of care she needs, and, based on this, select caring components.

Period: 20-25 years.
At this age, your skin is elastic and smooth. She still does not know such problems as the appearance of wrinkles and loss of elasticity. However, even during this period the skin needs proper care, which will help maintain radiance and blooming appearance for many years.
At this age, skin hydration comes to the fore. Moreover, you must provide moisture to the entire body as a whole. Drinking enough clean water throughout the day has a general healing effect and helps prevent skin dehydration. It is important to develop this from a young age. This way you can boast of beautiful skin even at an older age.
It is equally important to properly moisturize your skin and cosmetics. Your daily routine should include morning and evening gentle cleansing and subsequent application of special creams and serums with a high content of moisturizing components.
Quite often at this age, the skin is dried out by anti-acne products, which many experience during adolescence. Now your task is to normalize work sebaceous glands and avoiding overly aggressive ingredients. Soft peelings, masks with natural ingredients and gentle lotions are your faithful helpers in the fight for clean and beautiful skin.

Period: 25-35 years.
At this age, you may already experience some skin changes. For example, the first ones may appear expression wrinkles, tone decreases and complexion deteriorates somewhat. The reasons for unpleasant changes lie, among other things, in external factors. Constant stress and poor ecology do not in the best possible way affect the condition of the skin. It is also important that during this age period women most often become mothers, which means they experience certain hormonal changes in the body.
Skin care at this age involves connecting special means for skin. Highly effective creams with hyaluronic acid help deeply hydrate the skin and restore its radiant color. It is especially important to include such products in a care program after 30 years. In addition, you need to ensure that your creams have a sunscreen effect. Sun rays are the main enemies of youthful skin.
You shouldn’t give up salon treatments either. Professional peelings and moisturizing masks will help maintain the beauty of your skin. Today, cosmetologists have more in their arsenal strong remedies combating the first signs of aging. However, you should discuss the advisability of their use with a specialist, and not independently prescribe courses of a similar nature.

Period: 35-45 years.
After 35 years, the skin begins to show signs of aging: wrinkles appear, the skin loses elasticity and moisture. At this age, it is very important to use effective moisturizing and nourishing products that can combat such changes. Skin creams should include components such as retinol, antioxidants, vitamins, and hyaluronic acid. By the way, the skin actively loses hyaluronic acid with age, and experts recommend including it in care and as special injections performed by a cosmetologist.
Professionals can also help you deal with visible wrinkles. Modern methods also include such popular procedures, like Botox injections, mesotherapy and photorejuvenation, which help restore the skin to its former smoothness. Here it is important to choose a specialist who can advise you comprehensively, select individual program and carry out the procedures correctly.
It is important to switch to a more gentle cleansing of the skin, using soft mousses or creams to remove makeup.

Period: 45 years and older.
Aging skin needs constant nutrition and hydration. Try to use care products regularly. Loss of elasticity and smoothness, wrinkles, spider veins do not have the best effect on appearance. Only salon treatments, but home care should not be neglected. containing collagen and liposomes can slightly improve skin tone. Don’t forget about moisturizing the epidermis, which, again, involves using products with hyaluronic acid. Use tightening masks once a week.

If you teach yourself to take care of your skin from a young age, you will experience fewer changes as you age. Of course, everyone gets wrinkles over the years, but if you were not lazy and regularly followed the advice of cosmetologists, then you will look younger than your age. The enemy of beauty is not only age, but also the reluctance to spend time on one’s own appearance. If you show due diligence, your work will definitely be rewarded with beautiful skin.

It's easy to be tender and beautiful at 20, when nature itself fills the skin with radiance from within, but at 30 or 40, remaining beautiful means constantly taking care of yourself. And the sooner you start doing this, the younger and more attractive your pretty face will be.

Facial skin care involves cleansing, moisturizing and... Cosmetic procedures, which go hand in hand with these simple rules of beauty, should be different for each age, since each period of the skin’s life dictates its own and has its own needs.

From 20 to 25 years old, the skin is quite radiant and does not require any special procedures to eliminate fatigue or deep wrinkles. At this age, you need to start using cosmetics for the skin around the eyes to prevent deep wrinkles from appearing in this area of ​​the face. As a rule, a day and sometimes a night face cream is already applied.

From 25 to 30 years old, the first signs of “tired skin” are visible. The first wrinkles appear, which are not yet too noticeable. So-called “crow’s feet” appear around the eyes - many small wrinkles that dishearten a beautiful lady.

During this period, it is important to pay close attention to cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing the skin. A carefully selected face cream is applied with gentle massage movements onto well-cleansed skin to ensure its effect. It is important to avoid bad habits, since every cigarette you smoke makes your skin look much older.

At 30 - 35 years old, a woman faces an acceleration of the aging process of her skin. Continue to moisturize, nourish and cleanse it. It is important to determine what type of skin you have:

The first type is finely wrinkled skin. Its owner is usually thin and has many fine wrinkles. This type of skin can be advised to use oxygen cosmetics and take preparations with vitamin C and amino acids.

You can contact a competent cosmetologist to carry out surface lifting and prescribe individual procedures suitable specifically for your skin. Do not forget to massage your face, strictly following the massage instructions and trying not to stretch the skin.

The second type is deformation. Usually these are the owners full face, with a small number of wrinkles that are pronounced and quite deep. Such women have problems with sagging cheeks and puffiness of the face.

To combat swelling, preparations containing ginkgo biloba and chestnut extract are recommended. You can, just like the first type, contact a cosmetologist to professionally eliminate the problem using lymphatic drainage and non-surgical skin lifting.

At the age of 35 - 40, you need to start using active drugs against skin aging, as this process has significantly accelerated and intensified. In addition to nutrition, moisturizing and cleansing, you can use special anti-wrinkle cosmetics or use injection rejuvenation. Although some ladies prefer lifting gymnastics, which, according to its creators, reduces the number of wrinkles by training the facial muscles. In any case, it is too early to resort to serious plastic surgery.

40-45 years is the “age of revelations.” It was during this period that the skin fully tells the story of the lifestyle the owner led. If your skin has been properly cared for, it will look quite young even without plastic surgery. In addition to standard skin care, it is recommended to use deep peeling and deep non-surgical lifting.

After 45 years, the aging process of the skin becomes more noticeable. The skin becomes drier and new wrinkles appear. Caring for her is approximately the same as at 40-45 years old, but with more intensive use of drugs for deep wrinkles and regenerating agents. In some cases, you can use plastic facial correction.

Unfortunately, the aging process cannot be stopped. But at the same time, every woman can age gracefully.

Who: Stanislava Artemova, 1st category cosmetologist at Articoli Salon&spa
True to profession: 9 years
Age: 25+

Regeneration processes slow down, the first facial wrinkles appear, complexion becomes dull - unfortunately, all these are physiological norms. If the client lives under stress, autonomic failure may occur. nervous system, which is also responsible for the production of estrogen, a female hormone that has a healthy effect on the condition of the skin. Therefore, even at 25, a girl can face dark circles under her eyes, acne, and dehydration. I have clients who resort to hyaluronic acid not because they don’t know what else to do - they really need it.

How do you take care of yourself?
I change brands and products depending on how my skin feels. I pay great attention to cleansing, I prefer the texture of mousse: I have small pores, I exercise a lot, and sebum is secreted very actively. So that it does not remain in the ducts and does not provoke inflammation, it has to be absorbed all the time. This is exactly what mousses do. I love Chanel products for sensitive skin and La Mer. I remove the product with regular tap water. Its quality, of course, leaves much to be desired, but otherwise there is no feeling of cleanliness, the face seems to be covered with a film. I prefer toners without alcohol, they soothe the skin and do not dry it out.

I don’t change brands often, because to understand whether a product works or not, you need to give it time - 3 months. The first results can be assessed after 28 days – this is the cell renewal cycle. I have been using moisturizing serums since I was 23 years old.. I don’t apply it to the area around the eyes, but definitely to the ears. I often watch mature women with perfectly well-groomed skin, but with flabby lobes. I don't want something like that to happen to me.

Often, once a week, I go for manual cleanings, although, of course, I don’t like them. In my case, due to the narrow pores, they fit better than hardware ones. Ultrasound does not remove contamination; it only exfoliates the top layer of keratinized cells. Yes, frequent manual cleaning- this is a serious impact on the skin, and if they are done by a non-professional, pigmentation may appear on the face, but I don’t see any alternatives for myself yet.

I’m trying injection techniques, I can’t live without them today. I did biorevitalization a couple of times, and Botox once. I also went for photoepilation - I recommend it: this method of hair removal is good for the face because it is effective and not too painful.

At 27–30 years old.

AHA acids.

For light textures and improved formulas of creams that will instantly launch regeneration processes.

You are between 25 and 30

  • Cleanse your skin thoroughly, 2 times a day. If she is prone to dryness, use milk; if she is of a combination or oily type, choose gels and mousses.
  • When visiting a cosmetologist, always ask to include a facial and décolleté massage in the procedure.
  • Cleaning is your everything. Manual - if the pores are narrow, ultrasonic - if you can see them with the naked eye.

1. Cream Nectar Bright, Melvita
2. Moisturizing cream Steam Cream, Lush
3. Soothing mask Masque Sensitif, La Biosthetique
4. Growth Factor Serum, Medik 8
5. Night cream for face 04, Balance Of Power, My Blend
6. Techni Liss First, Payot, a remedy for smoothing out first wrinkles
7. Anti-aging care for the skin around the eyes “Youthful glow 25+”, Garnier

If you are 30 or more

Who: Natalya Savitskaya, cosmetologist at Dessange beauty salon
True to profession: 15 years
Age: 30+

What happens to your skin at your age?
Skin turgor is actively decreasing. For this reason, previously small facial wrinkles - nasolabial, forehead, area around the eyes - become more pronounced. After thirty, many of my clients complain of puffiness in the morning: at this age, lymph and blood flow slows down.

How do you take care of yourself?
I am convinced: the skin should take a break from cosmetics, you need to give it the opportunity to work on its own. I somehow calculated: if you buy a cream for each zone, as the manufacturers recommend, you need to apply 15 products at a time, or something like that. This is a nightmare. Therefore, sometimes I cleanse my skin well, tone it, and refuse serum and cream.

I cleanse my face with milk because my skin is thin and tends to be dry. As for creams, I like universal ones, which can be applied to the area around the eyes. These are often produced by Japanese brands; they do not usually divide products into zones - for the face, neck, eyes. The texture depends on the season - in winter I prefer the classic Crème de La Mer, although many people find it a bit heavy. Of the serums, my favorite is from the Cellcosmet brand with elastocollagen, which gives a good lifting effect.

I believe that after 30 years you need to pay more attention to exfoliation - Do mechanical peelings regularly at home, and chemical peels at a cosmetologist.. I go to salons more often in autumn and winter: after summer, especially if dark spots, I conduct a course of chemical peelings, then several mesotherapy procedures with hyaluronic acid (every three weeks). And, of course, I always protect myself from the sun, because ultraviolet radiation destroys the skin, as does smoking.

The most effective anti-aging ingredient today?
Hyaluronic acid.

When should you start fighting against age?
At 30 years old, not earlier. Until this point - thorough regular cleansing, but no aggressive anti-aging products. The other day, one client, who is a little over twenty, asked me to inject her with meso and do some intensive care. I had to refuse: the girl’s skin in perfect condition, and I believe that up to a certain point the epidermis should satisfy its needs on its own, without active interventions.

What is the future of anti-aging cosmetology?
For injection techniques. I think the compositions of drugs and methods of their administration will be improved.

You are between 30 and 35

  • In your care should appear chemical peels. Leave the abrasive ones too, use them once a week.
  • If you have nothing against injections, try injecting vitamin cocktails and hyaluronic acid. Are you afraid? Make sure your care products contain these ingredients.
  • Let's give your face a rest: once every 2 weeks, just cleanse your skin, and don't apply serums and creams.

1. Facial fluid Le Fluide, Orchidée Impériale, Guerlain
2. Restoring anti-wrinkle fluid Ideal Resource, Darphin
3. Cream – youth activator Génifique, Lancôme
4. Supremÿa eye cream-serum, Sisley
5. Day firming cream, Carita

If you are 35 or over

Who: Elena Belyakova, dermatosurgeon at the Klazko Aesthetic Medicine Clinic
True to profession: 14 years
Age: 35+

What happens to your skin at your age?
It thins out and becomes less hydrated, firm and elastic. The dermis actively loses hyaluronic acid and synthesizes it more slowly, the skin is covered with a network of superficial wrinkles, it becomes thinner and dries out; cosmetologists call it “parchment-like.” Care does not have to have a targeted anti-aging effect; seasonality is more important. In winter - protective and nutritional products; in the spring it is necessary to restore the face after the cold - vitamin supplements work well; In summer, a moisturizer with SPF is sufficient; And in the fall, it’s time to remove signs of sun damage and prepare the skin for frost - pay attention to regenerating products that restore tone.

How do you take care of yourself?
In the morning and evening, I wash off my cosmetics with foam cleanser, after that I apply the cream according to the time of year - I distribute it over the area around the eyes, the earlobe and the earlobe (a big mistake if someone doesn’t do this), then I go down the neck, and then I smear what remains on my hands over the décolleté area. I don’t apply any products on the lips themselves, but around them I definitely do. Once a week I’m guaranteed to find time for a mask– I always take the same series as the face cream. By the way, I have a dense texture even in summer, since my skin is dry. I exfoliate my skin about once every 2 weeks., that's enough for me. I choose a scrub with abrasive particles. I don’t go to a cosmetologist: since I was 25, I inject myself with Botox every six months.

The most effective anti-aging ingredient today?
Hyaluronic acid. With age, the skin actively loses it, and it is hyaluronic acid that affects the “fullness” of the face. At the age of 25 it can be creams with acid, at 30 and beyond - injections and nutritional supplements.

When should you start fighting against age?
If you want to look like 30 at 40, you need to start taking care of yourself at 20. And accustom yourself, even at a very young age. at a young age, visit a cosmetologist at least once a year so that the specialist monitors changes and selects the right products.

What is the future of anti-aging cosmetology?
I assume that creams will be created individually for each person in accordance with his genetic analysis. Cosmetology will take into account the metabolic rate of each organism and hormonal levels.

1. Cleansing foam, Wamiles
2. Day moisturizer Vinexpert, Caudalie
3. Anti-aging care Sublixime, IXXI
4. Dietary supplement Hyaluronic Acid, Solgar
5. Cream with hyaluronic acid Hyaluronic Cream, Thalgo
6. Roller for the skin around the eyes Elixir 7.9, Yves Rocher

If you are 40 or over

Who: Marina Devitskaya, cosmetologist at the Profile Professional salon
True to profession: 14 years
Age: 40+

What happens to your skin at your age?
All the processes occurring in the skin cells do not benefit its condition, and traces of age become obvious. And, as experts say, the face begins to sink down. Due to the inability of the skin to retain moisture as before, the hydrolipid layer is disrupted, and this leads to thinning. Spider veins appear due to microcirculation worsening every year.

How do you take care of yourself?
My favorite brands are Ultraceuticals and Rexaline. Every cleanser I use always contains some kind of acid, most often glycolic. This allows you to remove makeup and impurities from the skin, remove and loosen horny scales. Next, be sure to use tonic. In summer, micellar water or products with green tea, in winter - products with 5% lactic acid. After toning - serum. I take foods with B vitamins (B3 and B5): they restore the hydrolipidic film and work with fine wrinkles. In the morning I apply a serum with vitamin B, and in the evening - with retinol (aka vitamin A - Note WH). The face needs to be accustomed to the last component: first apply the product twice a week, then three times, and then switch to daily use.

I do peelings once a week. My favorite remedy– an unusual two-step scrub from the HydroPeptide® brand. The first phase is mechanical exfoliation. I apply crystals, inside of which vitamin C is hidden, to cleansed skin, massage my face with them for several minutes, then distribute the gel-like activator with my favorite 5% lactic acid. The trick is that it releases vitamin C from the crystals and, along with it, penetrates the skin, where it starts the regeneration process.

I do thermolifting for myself. This procedure should be carried out once a year, not more often. I love microcurrents, I have been going to a specialist for them for about 7 years. I trust the same specialist with the biorevitalization procedure.

The most effective anti-aging ingredient today?
Retinol. It removes wrinkles well and stops inflammation - in adulthood, acne may appear due to changes in hormonal levels.

When should you start fighting against age?
At 20 years old. From now on, skin cleansing should be the main point of your skin care program.

What is the future of anti-aging cosmetology?
For retinol, vitamin C, peptides and fruit acids.

You are between 40 and 45

  • Use creams aimed at restoring facial contours. Look for powerful ingredients like retinol.
  • No one has canceled regular cleansing and toning. Even mature skin can look good if you pay a lot of attention to it.
  • The time has come for hardware techniques. Laser dermabrasion, photorejuvenation, thermage, bipolar lifting - finally you can try all these things in action.

1. Serum “Face MicroSculptor”, Regenerist, Olay
2. Forever Light Creator Serum, Yves Saint Laurent
3. Advanced Night Repair Complex, Estée Lauder
4. Facial lotion Lotion Divine, L "Occitane
5. Massage Cream, Pola

Skin care methods and correction methods age-related changes should be selected taking into account such important factors as the dominant type of aging, concomitant external and internal causes affecting the condition of the skin, skin type, as well as the properties of facial skin depending on the age of the patient.

Properties of facial skin in young patients

13-25 years old. As a rule, girls make their first visit to a cosmetologist in adolescence. The need for such a visit is usually explained by the properties of facial skin during puberty. At this time, its final formation is completed under the influence of various hormones. These hormones cause the sebaceous and sweat glands to work intensively, causing the skin to suffer from oily sheen and clogged pores, which often cause the development of acne. In addition, hormones influence changes in the ratio different types ceramides and on the formation of the epidermal barrier, which controls skin hydration. Teenagers' skin is very elastic and capable of rapid recovery.

25-30 years. At this age, the properties of the patient’s facial skin still retain teenage elasticity and the ability to quickly regenerate, but the problems of age-related acne and oily shine are no longer so relevant.

The skin of 25-year-old girls still has smoothness and elasticity, but it is at this age that the first expression wrinkles begin to form - on the forehead, in the corners of the eyes and lips.

30-40 years. This age is characterized by the appearance of initial age-related skin changes. The thickness of the stratum corneum increases, the activity of fibroblasts and other dermal cells gradually decreases, which leads to disruption of the structure of elastic and collagen fibers, reducing their production by one percent annually. The content in the skin decreases hyaluronic acid, which leads to a decrease in turgor, the manifestation of sagging and dryness, and the formation of wrinkles.

The properties of facial skin that need to be taken into account when choosing procedures for a patient over 30 years old are as follows:

  • the skin becomes thinner and drier;
  • pigmentation appears;
  • facial folds deepen;
  • microcirculation deteriorates, affecting complexion;
  • The oval of the face is deformed due to the gradual descent of the soft tissues of the middle third of the face.

After 35 years, women begin to gradually decrease the production of the hormone estrogen in the body, which causes laxity of the skin, its dryness and a decrease in regenerative capabilities.

Properties of facial skin typical for patients of older age groups

A-priory World Organization healthcare patients enter middle age after 44 years. It is quite possible that the criteria for middle age were calculated taking into account, among other factors, the properties of facial skin, which after 40 years begin to change significantly.

40-50 years. At this age, distinct involutive processes in the skin are observed: the thickness of the epidermal and dermal layers decreases, subcutaneous fatty tissue gradually atrophies. Microcirculatory disorders lead to telangiectasias and rosacea. The most characteristic external manifestations of age-related changes caused by the properties of facial skin:

  • peeling, pigmentation;
  • formation of jowls, double chin, wrinkles on the neck;
  • “floating” oval face, blurred features;
  • circles under the eyes, heavy eyelids, distinct crow's feet in the corners of the eyes;
  • significant deepening of the nasolabial folds.

The regenerative abilities of the skin deteriorate significantly; it will take at least a month and a half to completely renew it.

50-60 years. The key factor influencing the condition of facial skin during this period is age-related hormonal changes in the body.

The significant drop in estrogen production after age 50 due to menopause exacerbates dry skin and poor blood supply.

Due to insufficient hydration and depletion of subcutaneous fat, deterioration of melanocytes, color and thickness change skin, senile pigmentation appears, lipoatrophy progresses.

60-70 years. After turning 60, many women note that the rapid aging process of the skin slows down and its condition stabilizes. Main characteristics of the skin at this age:

  • skin is pale, thin, dry;
  • vellus hair grows on the cheeks and chin;
  • pigment spots and skin tumors develop;
  • horizontal and glabellar wrinkles on the forehead worsen;
  • facial features become sharper.

In women over 70 years of age, the skin has a yellowish tint due to the fact that fatty tissue shines through its thickened stratum corneum. The skin largely loses its elasticity and is characterized by multiple deep wrinkles.

As for men, due to the influence of hormones, their skin retains high density collagen fibers, which allows them to maintain a youthful appearance much longer than their peers.