System of work on environmental work in the dhow. Model of environmental education of children in preschools. Directions of work of the manager

System of work on environmental education in MKDOU kindergarten No. 7 “Golden Key”

For ten years our kindergarten has been working on the problem environmental education Environmental education in preschool age is just beginning; grains of environmental knowledge acquired in childhood will help the child navigate the surrounding reality, understand it correctly, and treat it with care. To teach to see and understand the beauty of our native nature, to treat living things with care, and to convey certain knowledge in the field of ecology is the goal of environmental work in preschool educational institutions, which is carried out in several directions:

Work with children

Working with teachers

Working with parents

Working with society

Over the years of work, a comprehensive system has been created aimed at solving the following problems:

Formation of elementary ecological ideas about nature, about the connections of living organisms with the environment and with each other

Development of positive moral qualities that encourage children to comply with norms of behavior in nature and society

Improving the environmental consciousness of teachers and all employees preschool

Formation of cognitive, practical and creative skills of an environmental nature, environmental protection skills

Promoting environmental knowledge among parents, introducing them to the issues of environmental education of children in the family

Creating conditions (greening the development environment) is one of the solutions to these problems. In the group rooms there are corners of nature, “gardens on the windowsill”, ecological mini-laboratories, didactic games, libraries, albums for the seasons, natural materials, dummies of vegetables and fruits, etc. .Each teacher gives his corner uniqueness and originality. The minimum composition of a corner of nature in each group includes houseplants, selected according to the age of the children (a passport is issued for each plant). IN younger group the calendar for objects and natural phenomena is designed in the form of a toy clock, there is a didactic doll; in the middle and senior groups - calendar - grid using symbols, as well as the bird observation calendar “At the feeder” and the calendar recommended by S.N. Nikolaeva.

Area for familiarization with nature in the senior speech therapy groupconsists of a corner of nature and a wall-mounted teaching aid “The Tree and We”.

In a corner of nature, the seasons are clearly presented with a tear-off calendar. By tearing off a piece of the calendar every day and finding their own pocket for it, children directly learn to remember the sequence of days of the week, months, and seasons.

A six-page educational wall newspaper is updated every month. It contains signs of the seasons, coloring pages, puzzles, riddles, and tasks. Children work with the newspaper themselves, coloring it and completing various tasks.

Teachers, whenever possible, update corners of nature, systematically conduct observations together with children and record the results in drawings, crafts, and keep records of children's essays and stories about what they saw. In any season, there is something for children to do in a corner of nature. Preschool children have the opportunity to grow onions throughout the year, and in the spring, together with the teacher, they plant tomatoes and peppers. During morning duty in a corner of nature, children not only care for plants, but also observe them. Before the eyes of a child in the garden on the window, a complete life cycle goes through: from seed to seed. In the process of observing plants, children learn to distinguish between types of plants; notice changes in the development of plants: the seed has swelled, the first sprout, the first leaf have appeared, pay attention to the beauty of flowers and leaves, watch their growth, flowering, learn the rules of care.

In the hall there is an ecological wall on which there are drawings of animals and birds living in our region, and you can also get acquainted with the rules of behavior in nature. Every day, unobtrusively, clearly walking into the music room, children reinforce these rules. “A corner of the forest” is presented in the form of a small separate room in which there is a tree with a hollow, stumps, moss, pine cones, crafts made from natural materials, posters “What are trees in the forest for?”, “Why do people go to the forest?” etc. Classes for children are held here. We do not keep animals in the corner of nature, since the conditions for keeping animals do not allow, there is no separate room in accordance with San Pin. We introduce children to the inhabitants of the corners of nature using the presentations “Our Friends”, “How to Care for Fish”, etc. , as well as through toys (bear, hare, snake, etc.) located in the “corner of the forest”. The “Museum of Nature” is designed in the form of a mansion. The museum has three different exhibitions: dioramas of the seasons, gifts of the forest, garden, vegetable garden .

In the territory kindergarten A “bird pole” has been installed, which attracts birds all year round and allows children to observe birds for a long time: in winter children put food in its feeder, in summer they pour water into the water trough. At any time of the year, birds can use the house installed on its top.

The flower garden, decorated in front of the facade of the kindergarten, does not leave children unattended, with the selection of floral and ornamental plants taking into account the time, duration of flowering, plant height, flower colors, beauty, novelty and unusualness do not leave children indifferent to nature. In the flower garden, teachers introduce children to cognitive and practical activities. On the kindergarten site there is a vegetable garden where children of the middle and senior groups plant various plants, gain practical skills in caring for them, and watch their growth.

For the successful environmental development of children, a corner of untouched nature has been recreated, where trees and plants of the middle zone forests grow. On this area the natural biological rhythm of life of plants and insects has been recreated. The grasses on the site are preserved until they fully ripen; various types of beetles and ants help maintain the ecological purity of the soil cover. In order not to disturb the ecological balance, an ecological trail has been laid on the site, including a mini-alpine slide, a vegetable garden, a “bird column”, various trees and shrubs, flower beds “forest corner”, etc., from where children can observe nature in its natural form.

The children of our preschool educational institution receive environmental knowledge not only in classes on the formation of basic environmental concepts, but also during walks, excursions, reading books, working in the garden, conducting experiments, in art classes, music education, in games and when making decisions logical problems, while working in a corner of nature.
We can say that the ecological education of children in our kindergarten runs like a red thread through all types of activities: in classes on familiarization with fiction, children admire the beauty of nature while getting acquainted with the works of different writers. during thematic classes in drawing, children listen to the “sounds of nature” and their work turns out much better. Musical festivals and entertainment on environmental themes have a strong impact on emotional sphere child's personality.
Excursions and targeted walks are of great interest to children. Thanks to excursions, observation skills develop and interest in nature arises. While in the forest, on the banks of the river, children collect a variety of natural materials for subsequent observations and work in a group, in a corner of nature. Our students visit the local history museum monthly, where classes take place in accordance with the work plan.
Daily walks with children as part of the daily routine are also widely used for environmental education of children.

Environmental campaigns: “Take care of nature”, “Feed the birds in winter”, “Flower Fantasy”, etc., carried out in preschool educational institutions are propaganda of environmental illiteracy, increasing the level of environmental knowledge. It has become a tradition to hold an environmental week during the autumn holidays. In accordance with the age of the children, teachers plan events: they develop short-term environmental projects “Grow a Ray”, “My Native Land”, etc., holidays “How Autumn Snuck Up on Us”, “What’s in Autumn’s Basket”, etc., competitions for crafts from natural materials, KVN, exhibition of drawings on the theme “Take care of nature”, etc.

To become a young ecologist, you need to know a lot about animals and plants, be able to care for them and remember that humans are part of nature. This is facilitated by the “Young Ecologist” club, which is organized for children senior group. In the circle, children master the skills of experimental search work, with the help of which they penetrate into the secrets of nature.

Kindergarten students are active participants in regional and city environmental competitions and events, KVN, and have been repeatedly awarded diplomas, certificates of honor and gifts. When working with children, teachers attach great importance gaming technologies. Didactic games“What grows where”; "Pyramids"; "Zoo"; “What do we take in the basket”; “Which tree is the leaf from?” “Let’s Dress the Doll for a Walk” and “Dandelion” were made by the hands of teachers and are very helpful in introducing children to animals, birds, and natural phenomena. Word games: “Find out by description”; “Edible – inedible”; "Good bad"; “What’s extra?”; "Magic wand"; “Recognize by voice”; “Who is screaming?”; “Who came to us?” develop children's attention, imagination, and increase knowledge about the world around them.

The models “Desert”, “Valley of Dinosaurs”, “Ice Age”, “Animals of Different Climate Zones”, made together with teachers, allow story games solve environmental problems.

Day after day we teach children to see beauty in nature, hear in music, feel in poetry and, as a result, convey what they saw in drawings, which later serve good material for stands children's creativity“Take care of nature”, “What a beauty these old trees are”, “Nature through the eyes of children”, etc. In their drawings and crafts made from natural materials, children depict all the richness of the natural world. Unusual and varied works of pupils decorate the gallery and other premises of the kindergarten.

Teachers strive to cultivate in children a consciously correct attitude towards all living things, the ability to compare and systematize their own observations, to see and understand the beauty of the world around them. Each teacher chooses his own direction of work on environmental education of preschoolers. For 3 years, a teacher with the 1st quarter category (Poplaukhina L.V.) dealt with the problem of organizing experimental activities. In specially organized classes, children get acquainted with the properties of various substances, learn to formulate questions and look for answers to them, establish the causes and consequences of observed phenomena. Step-by-step algorithms for conducting experiments have been developed for independent research activities.

Her group has created an ecological mini-laboratory, which has everything necessary for children to conduct various experiments. The teacher summarized his work experience on the topic “Children’s experimentation as a method of environmental education.” Over the topic “Formation of environmental culture in older children” preschool age» works teacher Simakova L.N. In her work, she uses a project-based teaching method, which makes it possible to synthesize acquired knowledge and develop Creative skills and communication skills. The result of work on environmental education with older children speech therapy group became a methodological manual “The Tree and We”, a presentation of the manual developed by educators: Shiryaeva E.Yu. and Postnikova L.V. Purpose of the manual: development of children's emotional and cognitive interest in studying nature, its living and inanimate objects through the use of didactic material, increasing the level of environmental education of children (see appendix). The teaching aid “The Tree and We” is an exampleinnovative approachin the field of familiarization with the outside world. The variety of didactic material, a logically structured system of classes allows the teacher to observe nature as effectively as possible not only during classes, but also in the process of free activity of children, in various games, quizzes.

Systematic work with personnel, understanding of the significance of environmental problems - all this allows us to carry out extensive targeted activities with children in this direction. Problems of environmental education are regularly discussed at consultations (“We study nature through play”, “Improving the environmental consciousness of preschoolers”), seminars “The ABC of environmental education”, “Almost everything about the animal world”), teacher councils (“Know, love and take care of nature”, “ Game and environmental education", "Ecological living room"), practical classes in non-traditional form(“Kaleidoscope of Nature”, “Finest Hour”, “Brain Ring”), business games “What? Where? When?”, “Robinsonade”, “Let’s go over the problems”), quizzes (“We know and love nature”). We consider conversations to be the most effective forms of working with teachers. round table", where we solve pedagogical situations, give advice on the production of didactic games and manuals, develop requirements for the preparation of thematic, integrated lessons; the use of computer technologies (presentations of practical tasks, pedagogical projects, pedagogical situations) brings good results in working with teachers. To identify gaps In the knowledge of teachers, we use questionnaires on environmental education of children. Based on the analysis of the questionnaires, further methodological activity in kindergarten.

The joint KVN “Forest Festival”, “Journey along Forest Paths”, and competitions for the best environmental stories for children make it possible to identify and clarify the knowledge of teachers and children. The methodological cabinet is regularly updated with new natural history literature, teaching aids, environmental games, photographs “Nature of our region”, herbariums. There is an environmental passport of the preschool educational institution.

In that academic year Teachers are developing environmental games for children using computer technology.

We consider environmental education of preschoolers as a process of continuous education and education of parents, aimed at developing an environmental culture for all family members. Working with parents is no less important and more difficult than working with children. We especially pay attention to the joint activities of children and parents, since it is through activity that a person influences the world around him. Traditionally, parents and their children plant trees in the “alley of graduates.” Everyone has something to do: measure the distance so that the trees are not crowded, dig holes, hold the plants in time for planting, carry water and water. everyone has an amazing bright, beautiful, happy face, Adults carefully take seedlings, as if they were their own children, and children, like a “flock of swallows,” chirp in ringing voices nearby, Everyone is doing a good deed in one big, friendly family. And other adults and children walk past our kindergarten and are a little jealous of our friendly work, good mood, and most importantly, something elusive, some kind of mystery, a secret that connects the teacher and parents, making them like-minded people. Close contact with parents entered into good tradition and now the preschool educational institution systematically organizes competitions: “The Amazing is Nearby”, “Bright Colors of Autumn”, “The Charm of Autumn”, “Nature Records”, “Nature and Fantasy”, etc. We hold exhibitions of joint drawings, posters, models, crafts from waste material, photographs on the topics “The Nature of Our Land”, the release of the family newspaper “Our Pets”, “Native Land, Favorite Places”, we invite parents to participate in the design of a corner of nature, in environmental actions (cleaning the territory of the kindergarten and around it, making birdhouses and feeders, etc.).Parents take an active part in joint environmental holidays “Family Walk”, “Mis-Autumn”, on parent meetings They share their experiences on how to instill in children love and respect for all living things. Over the years, they have not remained indifferent to the creative searches of teachers.

Carrying out work on environmental education of preschool children, we cooperate with nearby institutions (society). Our children have become regular visitors to the library, the local history museum, and the House of Children's Art, where preschoolers get acquainted with exhibitions and compositions on environmental topics, and take part in joint competitions. The children's library helps organize exhibitions of books and magazines according to the seasons in the preschool educational institution, and organizes reading competitions on the theme “We love nature”, “Our Small Motherland”.

Our students are regular visitors to the local history museum. And together with the school we hold events “Let’s feed the birds in winter”, “ Green Christmas tree", etc. Schoolchildren help our children compose informational environmental leaflets and hang them up.

The problem of “child health - environment” is closely related to the problem of environmental safety. The environmental situation in the area where our kindergarten is located is characterized as satisfactory. Industrial enterprises of the city are located at a sufficient distance from the territory of the kindergarten. The only source of pollution can be considered the close location of the central boiler house, but with the construction of a new boiler house with an operating mode of modern technology and this source will be reduced to a minimum. Transport roads passing near the kindergarten are secondary. Along the perimeter of the highway there is a strip of green space that protects the territory of the kindergarten from the penetration of exhaust gases from passing vehicles. According to medical indications, the health status of kindergarten students is generally satisfactory. Seasonal diseases such as acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections are most common.

Morbidity of children (data as of September 1, 2011 for the last 6 months): acute respiratory infections (influenza) - 63; bronchitis - 1; sore throat - 2; scarlet fever - 1; v/o - 2; other cases - 15. Total number of cases: 84. On average, one child missed due to illness - 6 days. Missed by one child at the request of the parents (vacation, sanatorium) - 32 days

In the preschool educational institution, nutritional standards of the menu are met and they are used environmentally clean products. Nutrition monitoring is carried out monthly. The average set of products corresponds to nutritional standards in accordance with SAN PIN. All this has a beneficial effect on the health of our students.
I would like to believe that the existing system of work in preschool educational institutions will not stop there; ahead is the introduction of new environmental and educational technologies, the development of teaching aids, and improvement subject environment, creation of an experimental platform for environmental education. Let the love for our native nature remain in the hearts of our students for many years and help them live in harmony with the world around them.

Zhitnikova Oksana
System of environmental education for preschool children

“Loving nature means loving the Motherland”

M. Prishvin

Federal State Educational Standard preschool education presupposes the formation of a general personal culture preschoolers, including values healthy image life, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities.

Environmental education and raising children is an extremely pressing problem of the present time. To date environmental literacy, careful attitude towards nature have become the key to human survival on our planet. Besides, environmental education for preschoolers– their huge potential comprehensive development. Thoughtful, systemic introducing a child to the natural world allows him to develop the most important operations thinking: analysis (observing objects of nature, children examine and study the structure of living objects, comparison (children find similarities and differences between different natural objects, the ability to establish relationships (children identify ways of adapting plants and animals to the seasons and habitat, generalization ( preschoolers learn to unite animals and plants into groups based on identifying essential features).

The innovative direction chosen by the teachers of our preschool educational institution since the 2016 academic year is environmental education of preschool children.

Main goal environmental education of preschool children is to form their foundations ecological consciousness and ecological culture, formation of a caring attitude towards the environment, upbringing sense of responsibility for the preservation of nature.

One of the main tasks is the development of systematized children knowledge about the nature of the immediate environment, the ability to observe it characteristics and seasonal changes, the need to admire nature, upbringing desire to protect and preserve nature, to see its beauty, to follow accessible environmental rules in activity and behavior.

Considerable importance in raising children has an example of adults, parents, educators. Often, growing up, children behave and act in the same way as their parents once behaved and acted. If parents deal with issues environmental education, then so does children's interest will be fostered, love for nature and respect for it, there will be a desire to protect and preserve its beauty. That's why environmental education of children should take place in close cooperation with the child’s family.

System of work on environmental education of preschool children of our preschool educational institution is designed taking into account partial programs: Voronkevich O. A., "Welcome to ecology - Partial program work on the formation ecological culture in preschool children, children's environmental projects(program library "Childhood", as well as programs additional education “Our home is nature”, developed by the Primorsky Regional Institute for Educational Development as an elective course preschool education . The additional education program was implemented this year for the first time with children middle group. Work on the program will continue for the next academic year. Program "Welcome to ecology» carried out with children from three to seven years old, for 3 years already. The methodological kit is represented by methodological literature (Annex 1).

When building ecological system we paid the work Special attention to the following main directions:

The cognitive direction of work includes a cycle of cognitive activities (the following are used forms: didactic games, conversations, travel, performances, quizzes that promote deeper expansion ecological knowledge of pupils.

The educational and entertaining direction of work aims to get acquainted children with components of living and inanimate nature, the influence of human activity on these components in an entertaining game form: these are theatrical performances on environmental theme , holidays, matinees, environmental games, travel games.

The study of flora and fauna, landscapes of the native land, associated with practical matters (practical area of ​​work)- joint actions with parents to plant landscaping in children's areas of preschool educational institutions, planting trees and shrubs, decorating flower beds, feeding birds, making feeders and birdhouses, which contributed to instilling a caring attitude pupils to their native nature.

The research direction of work is carried out within the framework of the following events: project activities, excursions into nature, experiments that contribute to the development of thinking, analysis of the results obtained.

Visual (observations, excursions, hikes, looking at paintings and illustrations, watching videos about nature);

Verbal (conversations, reading fiction about nature, entertainment and leisure);

Practical ( environmental educational games, experiments and experiments, work in nature).

In classes and in general conversations, teachers use mnemonic tables and collages; a special place is occupied by game-based problem-based learning, which stimulates cognitive activity children and teaches them to independently search for solutions to problems. The method of game-based problem-based learning allows you to turn continuous direct educational activities into an exciting game.

In their work, teachers use different forms of collaboration activities: environmental observations, experimental activities, conversations, reading fiction environmental content, environmental and didactic games and work in Everyday life children. Continuous directly educational activities is built on the joint creativity of the teacher and the child, and is built in the form of game problem situations, eco travel, quizzes, nature clubs, etc. Independent activities children provides for a subject-specific spatial development environment created by the teacher, which has a beneficial effect on the child’s cognitive activity, that is, a mini environmental centers in groups, a place for conducting experimental activities, card indexes of didactic games, for different levels development children, a variety of visual information, manuals, paintings, models, collages, mnemonic tables. All this is actively used by our teachers preschool.

In October 2016, having become participants in a regional seminar for teachers and heads of KOZESH branches, I decided to try to interest teachers environmental direction of work of the preschool educational institution. Together we decided to take an active part in the III Regional environmental marathon “Eco-Childhood” and therefore the 2016-2017 academic year passed under motto: Children of Russia - for the conservation of nature!

Preschoolers are very inquisitive, they look closely at the surrounding reality with interest, strive to penetrate its secrets, therefore we use active forms and methods of learning - experimentation, experimental work, walks, excursions, etc.

System working with children includes:

Seasonal comprehensive thematic planning continuous direct educational activities;

Creation ecological- developing environment (corners and centers of nature, plans for a laboratory of nature and ecological trail;

Organization of joint activities (entertainment, holidays, observations, vegetable gardening, work in nature);

Reading fiction;

Joint creative activity educators, children and parents(projects "Beauty Christmas Tree", "Merry Snowman", circle "Young Explorers", cleaning and landscaping campaigns territory of preschool educational institution, making birdhouses and bird feeders, etc.);

Growing greens in the winter-spring period ( "garden on the window");

Gaming activity as the main form of activity children;

- ecology of health(breathing exercises, music therapy, physical activity, hardening);

Creation environmental work systems(author's development of classes, work with parents, with public organizations, methodological and information support, etc.).

To the existing work plan we have added participation in regional events and the work of the club "Cheerful Dwarf", which is conducted by the librarian of our school No. 20 (once a month according to the succession plan, we added 1 meeting per environmental theme: “The earth is our common home” And . In kindergarten for a year educators exhibitions of children's drawings were organized at environmental issues.

Friends and defenders of Nature - Ecolate: Quiet, Clever, Naughty, Yolochka, over the course of a year they truly became our friends. We carried out all leisure activities with their participation. Be one of the Ecolate, it was very honorable.

Systematic work with teachers, understanding the significance environmental problems - all this allowed us to carry out large and targeted activities with children in this direction. Problems environmental education were regularly discussed at consultations, seminars, and five-minute meetings. To identify gaps in teachers’ knowledge, I used a survey based on questions environmental education of children. Based on the analysis of the questionnaires, further methodological activities in kindergarten are planned.

Environmental education for preschoolers can be considered as a continuous process education and parent education aimed at developing environmental culture of all family members. Working with parents is no less important and more difficult than working with children. We pay special attention to joint activities children and parents, since it is through activity that a person influences the world around him. In addition, it promotes cooperation, emotional, psychological rapprochement between the child and the adult, and allows the child to feel "adults"(during the preparation of creative work or environmental action, and an adult can better understand the child. We held exhibitions of joint drawings, crafts from waste materials, photographs on topics "Me and Nature", "Let's save the planet together", "Let's draw magic", "Winter Fantasy" etc., we invite parents to participate in the design of a corner of nature, a library, and in environmental campaigns (cleaning up the territory children's area and kindergarten, planting trees and flowers in flower beds, making birdhouses and feeders, etc.).

Health should be considered as a state of harmony between the child and his environment, therefore, the task of kindergarten workers and parents is to find and develop an appropriate approach to health children and activities aimed at strengthening it. For this purpose, it was developed system health work for everyone age group . It includes hardening procedures, elements of breathing exercises and acupressure, walking barefoot on massage mats, herbal medicine, music therapy, etc. Systematically are carried out physical education, sports holidays, days of health. To expand the possibilities of physical activity pupils in the kindergarten, a mini-stadium was created by the hands of the staff, including: running track, football field and "health path", there is still a lot in the plans. I really want to buy it for outdoor observations. "Weather station", and other licensed equipment that meets modern requirements and standards, but, unfortunately, there is no one to finance such serious and expensive projects yet.

The result systemic and targeted work in the 2016–2017 academic year were the following: achievements:

1. Participation in the regional competition educational projects on the topic: “Work and patience turn into skills”. This work was highly appreciated and the kindergarten received a 1st degree Diploma. (Appendix 2)

2. Participation in regional environmental marathon, A exactly:

Regional action « Ecolate» - friends and defenders of Nature help wintering birds.” 1 feeder was sent to the competition, the rest were made by parents, but were never sent (Appendix 3);

Regional campaign “Yolka” « Ecolate» - friends and defenders of Nature." A flash mob was held as part of the event “Yolochka, live!”, which was awarded a 1st degree Diploma. And also, out of 22 Christmas trees sent to the competition, 3 were awarded a Diploma of the 1st degree, a Diploma of the 2nd degree and a Diploma of the 3rd degree. (Appendix 4);

Regional action " Ecolate and young defenders of Nature organize Earth Day" (Appendix 5);

Regional environmental cleanup"Green Spring 2017" (Appendix 6).

3. Organized environmental exhibitions -“What autumn brought us”- crafts made from natural and improvised materials, "Beauty Christmas Tree", "Merry Snowman"- crafts from waste materials, organization of experimental activities. (Appendix 7)

4. Exhibitions of drawings children of senior preschool age: « Winter fun» , "Let's draw magic", "Let's save the planet together" and etc. (Appendix 8)

5. As part of the club's work "Cheerful Dwarf" at the meeting “The earth is our common home” children looked through interesting material By topic: "Red Book of Khabarovsk Territory", made an album for the group, and an exhibition of drawings was organized "Let's save the planet together". (Appendix 9)

6. Socially significant complex events environmental content, dedicated to dates and events of public importance, great educational impact on preschoolers, effective method propaganda environmental ideas among parents - “Yolochka, live!”, "Bird's Dining Room", “Our site is the best”, "Live without waste".

Prospects environmental education in preschool educational institutions for subsequent years:

1. Continue leveling up ecological culture and consider environmental education of preschool children priority in system of continuous environmental education.

2. Improve work on greening educationally-educational space within the framework of continuity primary school And preschool educational institution, in this regard necessary:

Jointly consider issues of project implementation “Kindergarten is the standard ecological culture» ;

Assistance in strengthening the material and technical base, attracting primary school specialists on issues ecology, environmental parent training;

More actively involve methods of museum pedagogy, local history in environmental education of preschool children and younger schoolchildren;

3. Develop and improve continuity between all spheres of the social development of the child’s personality (family, kindergarten, school, additional education centers);

4. Identify, synthesize and disseminate best practices pedagogical work with kids preschool age using the media, seminars, conferences and other public environmental activities.

“Let the child feel the beauty and admire it, let the images in which the Motherland is embodied forever be preserved in his heart and memory,” wrote V. A. Sukhomlinsky. I would like to believe that love for our native nature will remain in our hearts pupils for many years and will help them live in harmony with the world around them.

Yulia Karikova
Model of environmental education of children in preschool educational institutions

The goal of our institution is the individual comprehensive development of each child, taking into account the mental and physical condition health, life safety children, formation of psychological readiness for school, development perception, imagination, artistic and creative activity.

Determining the procedure for all participants in the educational educational process and their coordination among themselves, as well as taking into account the influence of society and building relationships with it, we have created our own educational system. Environmental education in preschool age just begins, grains environmental knowledge received in childhood will help the child navigate the surrounding reality and understand it correctly. But most importantly, they will lay the foundation for a conscious attitude towards nature, determining one’s place in it in the future. We believe that an important aspect environmental education- this is the development of a humane feeling, an effective attitude towards the world around us, and the development of a willingness to work with joy, helping others. Independent deeds and actions children – this is already a criterion of environmental culture.

Our goal educational system for environmental education– creating conditions for the child to develop a consciously correct attitude towards natural phenomena and objects that surround him; education of the beginnings of ecological preschoolers' cultures.

Problems environmental education are regularly discussed at consultations, seminars, and teacher councils. To identify gaps in teachers’ knowledge, we use surveys on questions environmental education of children, based on the analysis of the questionnaires, further methodological activities in kindergarten are planned.

When building a system environmental work

We paid special attention to the following main directions:

The cognitive direction of work includes a cycle of cognitive activities (the following are used forms: didactic games, conversations, travel, performances, quizzes that promote deeper expansion ecological knowledge of pupils.

The educational and entertaining direction of work aims to get acquainted children with components of living and inanimate nature, the influence of human activity on these components in an entertaining game form: This -

theatrical performances on environmental theme, holidays, matinees, environmental games, travel games. The gaming direction involves the widespread and constant use of game-based learning situations.

The study of flora and fauna, landscapes of the native land, associated with practical matters (practical area of ​​work)– joint actions with parents on landscaping group rooms, the territory of preschool educational institutions, work in the garden, planting trees and shrubs, decorating flower beds, feeding birds, making and hanging feeders and birdhouses, contributed to instilling a caring attitude pupils to their native nature.

The research direction of work is carried out within the framework of the following events: project activities, experiences that contribute to the development of thinking, analysis of the results obtained.

Ecological- health-improving direction is implemented through regular walks, excursions and hikes in the immediate natural environment.

Ecological-aesthetic direction - various types are widely used visual arts (teacher observes various natural phenomena with children a lot and carefully, focusing their attention on shades of color, proportions, shapes, sizes of individual parts of plants and animals, then creates conditions for free creative activities: drawing, sculpting, applique, designing crafts from natural materials).

Ways to implement the system environmental work in preschool educational institutions:

Creation of conditions ( greening the development environment, software and methodological support);

Promotion environmental literacy of teachers (creation of a fund of methodological and visual-illustrative material, seminars, work in creative groups on environmental education);

Updating the content, forms and methods of working with children in accordance with the programs used, introducing a regional component (visiting memorable places, getting to know the natural landscape of the city); implementation of methods health ecology;

ecological parent education ( musical holidays, ecological leisure, design of material according to environmental education for parents).

System of working with children at each age group:

Seasonal lesson planning;

Creation ecological– development environment (nature corners, nature laboratories);

Organization of activities outside the preschool educational institution (holidays, observations, ecological path, vegetable garden, work in nature);

Reading fiction;

Joint creative activity educators, children and parents(stock "Let's feed the birds in winter", "Insects are messengers of nature", "Save the Flower", photo albums by group "Life in a sunny country", campaigns for cleaning and landscaping the territory of preschool educational institutions, making birdhouses and bird feeders, etc.);

Growing greens in winter and spring ( "garden on the window");

Gaming activity as the main form of activity children;

ecology of health(herbal tea, aromatherapy, vitamin therapy, physical activity, hardening);

System creation environmental work(author's development of classes, work with parents, with public organizations, methodological and information support, etc.).

Creation ecological and development environment

– is continuous pedagogical process, which includes the organization ecological spaces, their perfection and correction, daily maintenance of the conditions necessary for the life of all living beings. This constant activity is a method environmental education: it teaches you to systematically think and really take care of plants and animals that are in the same living space as children.

Ecological- the developmental environment consists of various elements, each of which performs its own functional role:

Group rooms containing corners of nature, environmental and experimental laboratories, "gardens on the windowsill", educational games, libraries, herbal bars, relaxation corners, etc.

Here are held environmental activities, work within the framework of project activities, children play, communicate with animals and care for them, engage in independent research and experimentation.

Under the guidance of passionate specialists, children study in clubs "Young ecologist» , "Floristics". As part of this activity, integrated (ecological and aesthetic) classes, crafts are made from natural and waste materials, albums of observations about nature are created. Thematic exhibitions of children's works are organized in group rooms and staircases.

Conducted environmental, folklore festivals, music classes related to the theme of nature, environmental performances for children, puppet shows environmental content. In each group and in the methodological office of the preschool educational institution, libraries of works of art, fairy tales, encyclopedias, methodological, didactic and information materials on environmental education and education of preschool children. Educators reading with children fiction, look at illustrations in books about nature, hold conversations, discuss what they read.

The territory of the kindergarten is used to create fragments of natural and cultural landscapes, games and sports sites: alpine slide, ecological trail, vegetable garden, various trees and shrubs, flower beds, flower beds, mini-stadium and playgrounds. I would like to believe that love for our native nature will remain in our hearts pupils for many years and will help them live in harmony with the world around them.

In kindergarten we hold exhibitions of joint drawings, crafts made from waste materials, and paintings on floristry; We invite parents to participate in the design of a corner of nature, a laboratory, a library, and in environmental activities (cleaning the territory of the kindergarten and around it, planting trees, making birdhouses and feeders, etc.). The group rooms have corners for ecology for parents, where various information is presented.

Preschoolers are very inquisitive, they look closely at the surrounding reality with interest, strive to penetrate its secrets, therefore we use active forms and methods of learning - experimentation, experimental work, walks, excursions, etc.

Results of implementation activities models

as well as teachers.

Preschool teachers have developed:

- environmental mini-consultations and consultations for parents, which are presented in ecological corner;

Consultations for educators;

Complexes of classes for different age groups according to environmental education.

Teachers replenished their groups with methodological literature, didactic games, visual aids, card indexes, plant passports, and technical support (video tapes and disks) By environmental education.




The ecological state of our planet requires human society to understand the current situation and have a conscious attitude towards it. The initial stage is very important in environmental education. preschool education and education. It is in preschool age that the foundations of a person’s worldview are laid and his attitude towards the world around him is formed.

Environmental education in preschool age is just beginning; grains of environmental knowledge acquired in childhood will help the child navigate the surrounding reality and understand it correctly. But most importantly, they will lay the foundation for a conscious attitude towards nature, determining one’s place in it in the future. The teaching staff of our preschool educational institution believes that an important aspect of environmental education is the development of a humane feeling, an effective attitude towards the world around us, and the development of a willingness to work joyfully, create, and help others. Children’s independent deeds and actions are already a criterion of environmental culture.
Our kindergarten has been working on the issue of environmental education for a long time. It is based on the basic educational program preschool educational institution, and also use the technologies of S.N. Nikolaeva’s “Young Ecologist” program

Purpose of the program : to form environmental awareness of preschool children.


  • - develop in preschool children environmental ideas, knowledge about the value of nature and the rules of behavior in it;
  • - to develop skills in various activities in nature and the formation of environmentally oriented interaction with its objects;
  • - help children accumulate emotionally positive experiences with nature.
  • The success of the program implementation is ensured by several mandatory conditions:
  • - the teacher’s readiness to implement environmental education for children;
  • - personality-oriented interaction between an adult and a child in the process of mastering the program;
  • - constant communication of children with the nature of their immediate environment;
  • - building an ecologically developing environment in a preschool institution;
  • - active participation of parents in the educational process;
  • - establishment of connections by a preschool teacher with schools, public organizations, and institutions of additional education.
  • When building a system of environmental work, we paid special attention to the following main areas:
  1. The cognitive direction of work includes a cycle of educational activities (the following forms are used: didactic games, conversations, travel, performances, quizzes), which contribute to a deeper expansion of pupils’ environmental knowledge.
  2. The educational and entertaining direction of work aims to introduce children to the components of living and inanimate nature, the influence of human activity on these components in a playful and entertaining form: these are theatrical performances on an environmental theme, holidays, matinees, environmental games, travel games.
  3. Study of the flora and fauna, landscapes of the native land, related to practical matters (practical area of ​​work) - joint actions with parents for landscaping group rooms, the territory of preschool educational institutions, work in the garden, planting trees and shrubs, designing flower beds, actions for the protection of rare flowers, feeding birds, making and hanging feeders and birdhouses, contributed to instilling a caring attitude in pupils towards their native nature.
  4. The research direction of work is carried out within the framework of the following activities: project activities, excursions into nature, tourist walks, phenological observations, experiments that contribute to the development of thinking, analysis of the results obtained.Ways to implement the system of environmental work in preschool educational institutions:
    - creation of conditions (greening of the development environment, software and methodological support);
    - increasing environmental awareness of teachers;
    - updating the content, forms and methods of working with children;
    -environmental education of parents.

    Systematic work with personnel, understanding of the significance of environmental problems - all this allows us to carry out extensive targeted activities with children in this direction. Problems of environmental education are regularly discussed at consultations, seminars, and teacher councils.

    Environmental education of preschoolers can be considered as a process of continuous education and education of parents, aimed at developing an environmental culture of all family members. Working with parents is no less important and more difficult than working with children. We especially pay attention to the joint activities of children and parents, since it is through activity that a person influences the world around him. In addition, it promotes cooperation, emotional, psychological rapprochement between a child and an adult, gives the child the opportunity to feel like an “adult” (during a hike or environmental action), and allows the adult to better understand the child. We hold exhibitions of joint drawings of posters, models, crafts from waste materials, photographs, we invite parents to participate in the design of nature centers, laboratories, libraries, and in environmental actions (cleaning the territory of the kindergarten and around it, planting trees, making birdhouses and feeders, etc.). d.)
    Preschoolers are very inquisitive, they look closely at the surrounding reality with interest, strive to penetrate its secrets, therefore we use active forms and methods of learning - experimentation, experimental work, walks, excursions, etc.

    The system of working with children includes:
    -seasonal thematic planning of direct educational activities;
    - creation of an ecological and developmental environment (nature centers, nature laboratories, ecological trail);
    -organization of joint activities (holidays, observations, ecological path, apothecary garden, vegetable garden, work in nature);
    - reading fiction;
    -growing greenery in the winter-spring period (“garden on the window”);
    -game activity as the main form of children’s activity;
    -ecology of health (breathing exercises, music therapy, physical activity, hardening, environmental and psychological training);
    -creation of a system of environmental work (author’s development of classes, work with parents, with public organizations, methodological and information support, etc.).
  1. ​ Creating an ecological and developmental environment, conditions for a healthy lifestyle for children is the most important condition for the effectiveness of our work. The ecological and developmental environment consists of various elements, each of which performs its own functional role:
  1. - Group rooms containing nature corners, environmental laboratories, “window gardens”, educational games, libraries, relaxation corners, etc.
  2. - Environmental and folklore festivals, music classes related to the theme of nature, environmental performances and performances with the participation of children, environmental puppet shows, etc. are held.
  3. - The territory of the kindergarten is used to create fragments of natural and cultural landscapes, elementary architectural structures, playgrounds and sports grounds: an ecological trail, including an alpine hill, a vegetable garden, a pharmacy flowerbed, various trees and shrubs, flower beds, etc.
  4. - Health should be considered as a state of harmony between the child and his environment, therefore a system of health-improving work has been developed for each age group. It includes hardening procedures, elements of breathing exercises and acupressure, walking barefoot on massage mats and on a “combined path”, herbal medicine, taking multivitamins and immunostimulating drugs, music therapy and aromatherapy, etc. - Physical education, sports festivals, and health days are systematically held.

We talked a lot about the content of environmental education in preschool educational institutions, about how it should change from new positions in ecology. A natural question arises: how to organize the work of a preschool institution in order to obtain the expected results? Which employee should do this and how?

Good results can be achieved only if the preschool educational institution succeeds in creating a system of teamwork for the implementation of environmental education.

Let's look at what such a system should look like.

Any system consists of components, and all these components must necessarily be interconnected, while each component of the system plays its role in the implementation of environmental education.

What components do you think should be present in this system?

How might these components be interconnected?

Currently, in the current practice of preschool institutions, two main pedagogical models for the implementation of preschool education can be distinguished. Conventionally, these models can be called “ecologist” and “educator” and they differ in the principles of work organization.

The peculiarity of the “ecologist” model is that it implies the creation in a kindergarten of a system of work on environmental education, which involves close cooperation of all specialists, the manager, the methodologist and the teacher. Moreover, this cooperation should be carried out on the basis of the implementation of an integrated approach and greening various types activities of preschool children.

A necessary condition The use of this model is the presence in a preschool institution of an environmental teacher who coordinates the work of all teachers. An environmental teacher must receive appropriate professional training, both in the field of ecology, natural science, and in the field of methods of environmental education for preschool children.

The “ecologist” model is being implemented in many preschool institutions in the country. Currently, in kindergartens, the work of ecologists is organized in different ways, but in general two options can be distinguished:

The first option is when the ecologist regularly conducts classes with children and is the coordinator of all the work of the preschool institution in the field of environmental education;

And the second option is when an ecologist periodically visits groups where he talks with children, conducts games, etc., and takes care of plants, animals, and a vegetable garden.

In this case, the first option is more preferable, since it is the one that contributes to the gradual greening of the work of the entire institution.

In addition to the fact that within the framework of this model, preschool educational institutions must have an ecologist, each employee takes on certain functions in the field of environmental education.

We will not consider in detail all possible areas of work for employees within the framework of the “Ecologist” model. Let us dwell only on the areas of work of some employees.

Areas of work of the senior educator (methodologist):

Familiarization of the team with existing programs and methods of environmental education;

Selection of program and methodology (together with an ecologist);

Determining the place of environmental education in the general educational space of the garden, its connection with other areas;

Monitoring the activities of the entire team;

Participation in the diagnosis of children and analysis of results;

Conducting methodological seminars for team members;

Participation in the greening of the developing subject environment;

Participation in disseminating the experience of the garden (seminars, conferences, idea fairs, etc.);

Management of the preparation of the “Ecological Passport”;

Organization of parent meetings related to environmental education issues;

Generalization of the results of the work.

Directions of work of an environmental teacher:

Participation in the selection of programs, methods and their adaptation to the conditions of the kindergarten;

Preparing and conducting classes with children in an environmental room, laboratory, living area, on an ecological path, participation in the preparation of kindergarten holidays;

Active participation in the development of the concept and creation of a developmental subject environment;

Selection of plants and animals for an ecological complex, group premises;

Preparation of visual material, selection of literature;

Coordination of the work of all specialists: music director, visual arts teacher, physical education teacher;

Coordination of the work of educators: drawing up a weekly program for educators on a specific topic and monitoring its implementation;

Participation in diagnosing the results of experimental work;

Working with parents;

Consultations for preschool teachers in the field of environmental education;

Registration of the “Ecological passport” of the kindergarten, “Ecological passports” of plants and animals of the ecological complex;

Dissemination of work experience ( open classes, generalization of material).

Directions of work of the music director:

Carrying out music lessons, enhancing the child’s emotional perception of nature;

Coordination of music classes with the topics of classes of an ecologist, a teacher of visual arts;

Development of scenarios, preparation of performances, environmental holidays;

Selection of musical works (sounds of nature, classical works, songs about nature) for the ecologist program;

Musical accompaniment of environmental games (including the inclusion of musical tasks in such games), plastic sketches, dance performance (for example, flower dance, “Rainbow”, etc.);

Using folklore elements for environmental education purposes ( folk holidays, nursery rhymes, songs, etc.).

Directions of work of the teacher:

Greening the activities of preschool children in groups;

Carrying out tasks of an ecologist: conducting observations on walks and in groups; recording observations in nature calendars; reading and discussing literature, playing games, listening to music;

Implementation of individual environmental projects (for example, the “Our Tree” project);

Creating conditions for environmental education in groups: organizing a nature corner, a corner for experimentation, an exhibition corner, selection of literature, photographs, natural material for independent games and experimentation;

Selection of plants, animals and caring for them (together with children);

Working with parents (homework for children, filling out the necessary information, etc.);

Participation in diagnostics on the instructions of an ecologist and psychologist (questioning children using ready-made forms, regularly keeping records according to certain schemes, etc.);

Participation in collecting information for some sections of the kindergarten’s “Ecological Passport”.

Another pedagogical model for the implementation of preschool education is the “educator” model. This model differs from the “ecologist” model in that the functions of environmental education are assigned not to a specialist – an ecologist, but to an educator.

And it is the teacher who independently implements the integrated approach through the greening of the developmental subject environment in the group, through the greening of various types of activities of the child in everyday life.

This model exists in many kindergartens, where it is not possible to allocate an ecologist position. In practice, it is presented in two options: first, environmental education is carried out by several educators, often without coordinating their actions; second, environmental education tasks are included in the work plan of teachers of all groups, and the direction as a whole is supervised and controlled by the methodologist or the head of the institution.

The teacher creates the necessary developmental subject environment in the group (including conditions for independent and joint activities of children), during the day involves the child in various environmentally oriented activities (observations in a group, on a walk, games, reading and discussing literature, drawing, etc.) .P.). The “educator” model also assumes that the educator has some training in the field of environmental education.

The “educator” model, in contrast to the “Ecologist” model, makes it possible to implement only individual components of the environmental education system. Such as - greening various types of child activities, greening the developmental subject environment, environmental education of parents.

By the way, as for environmental education of parents, this issue needs to be considered separately.

Environmental education of parents

Environmental education (enlightenment) of parents is one of the important and at the same time one of the most difficult areas of work of a preschool institution.

The family as an environment for personality formation has a huge influence on the formation of the child’s foundations of an ecological worldview. Foundation moral education, which is inextricably linked with the environmental, is also laid down in the family and precisely during early childhood.

Therefore, one of the most important tasks of the preschool educational institution- involving adult family members (even grandparents to a greater extent than busy dads and moms) in joint work.

Working with parents should be a gradual and ongoing process, and the environmental information that educators offer to parents must be personally meaningful to them.

Let's look at some areas of work with parents.

1. Environmental information. Involves bringing to the attention of adults the following information:

Data about the environmental situation in the city, kindergarten district, residential area, or park where they relax;

Information about the dependence of the child’s health status on quality environment;

Familiarization with the rules of conduct in extreme conditions(adverse environmental situations, disasters);

Assistance in choosing environmentally friendly places for walking with children and outdoor recreation;

Information about pets, their maintenance in the house and their importance for the child;

Information about the development of the child as an individual in the process of environmental education;

Adults receive environmental information at parent-teacher meetings, on joint trips with children, while visiting an environmental room, a living corner, or the territory of a kindergarten.

2. the second direction of working with parents is Team work with kids:

During joint hikes and excursions, the environment itself makes parents interested in various issues of natural science and ecology, especially since children constantly ask adults questions;

Joint participation in environmental holidays and in preparation for them;

Joint care of animals and plants: actively involving children in caring for pets and instilling responsibility for their life and health.

Another direction is to attract adults to a corner of nature. Sometimes parents send their pet to a kindergarten for a while, take the inhabitants of the corner to their home for the summer, help purchase animals, create conditions for them;

Collaborative collections natural materials, stamps, postcards, calendars, badges for the environmental room, exhibits for the nature museum. It is very important for a child that dad and mom support his interests.

Another option for implementing this direction is exhibitions of joint drawings, models, crafts from waste materials, photographs (for example, on the topics “My family on the river”, “My family in the country”, “Me and nature”, “Our pets”);

Joint environmental actions (cleaning the territory of a kindergarten, park, house, planting trees, decorating feeders).