Games for the development of the emotional sphere of children. Social emotions Development of social emotions

Socio-Emotional Education Games

Formation of positive emotions in the morning.


The sun smiles, we are warm and well, the sun hid, it became cool, the sun smiled again, we are warm and pleasant.


What do mom and dad look like when they get angry? What do you do when you are scolded? How do mom and dad smile when they hug you?


Flowers grow in the meadow

Unprecedented beauty.

(Sipping - arms to the sides.)

Flowers reach for the sun.

Stretch with them too.

(Sipping - hands up.)

The wind blows sometimes

Only it's not a problem.

(Children wave their hands over their heads, imitating the wind.)

flowers leaning,

The petals drop.

(Sit down.)

And then they get up again

And they still bloom.

4. "WIND"

The wind blows in our faces

The tree swayed.

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.

The tree is getting higher and higher.

(Children imitate a breath of wind, shaking their torso in one direction or the other. Children squat to the words “quieter”, “quieter”, and straighten up to the words “higher”, “higher”.)

5. “WAKE UP”

Educator. Let's play. I am like a daughter (son) - and I sleep. And you - my mom (dad) - wake me up. Just try to wake up affectionate words, with a gentle voice and soft touches, so as not to frighten me from sleep.

(The situation is played out in roles. At the same time, the “waking up” person can reach out to rub his eyes, smile in the morning and “mother.” When repeated, the participants in the game change roles.)

The child wakes up the sleeping toy with gentle, soft touches of the hand and quietly, affectionately says: “Wake up, my sun!” etc. (“D.v. No. 12, 2000)


The Cockerel came to visit (you can choose any character using a glove puppet that an adult puts on his hand and controls it depending on the context of the game interaction), but he is shy and keeps his distance from children.

The teacher invites the child to call the guest with a movement of the hand so that he comes closer. In case of difficulty, you can suggest a gesture: wave your hand “towards you”. Explains that you must first stretch your hand with your palm up and only then wave it “towards you”. The kid tries to call the guest together with an adult or on his own, affectionately saying: "Come here." If the gesture is performed by the child expressively, gently, the Cockerel approaches him. And vice versa, if the baby, calling the guest to him, does not look at him, does not try to perform the movement gently, affectionately, then the Cockerel remains in place, even moves away cautiously. The teacher necessarily draws the attention of the child to this and encourages him to be more friendly.

7. "FROGS"

A) Depict frogs that hunt mosquitoes. They hid and froze. Caught a mosquito, happy. Now imagine that one of the frogs jumped into your palm. What will you do? (I will carefully place her on the grass.) Show me how you will do it.

B) Two funny frogs

They don't sit for a minute

Girlfriends deftly jump,

Only splashes fly upwards.

(It is necessary to achieve not only the development fine motor skills hands, but also expressions of the emotional state of the characters).

8. "CAT"

The ray of the cat touched

The cat stretched sweetly.

(Depict an affectionate kitten who asks for milk).


A) There are three shelves in the forest.

Spruces - Christmas trees - Christmas trees.

Heaven lies on the firs,

Below on the Christmas trees - dew.

("Firs" - standing on toes, arms up.

"Christmas trees" - arms to the sides, feet pressed to the floor.

"Christmas trees" - sit down, hands forward.)

B) We got lost in the forest (sadly)

Everyone shouted: “Ay!” (loud)

Ouch! (funny)

We found the path back home.

(Express the state of people lost in the forest)

10. "Hedgehog"

A) Here lies a pile of needles

And two pairs of legs.

Curled up into a ball from a fox

Our prickly hedgehog.

(Depict a hedgehog curled up in a ball.)

B) Maple leaves were laid by a hedgehog on the bed,

To sleep sweetly under the Christmas tree for a long winter.

Let him dream of snow blizzards

Let him sleep until spring in a warm cradle.

(Depict a hedgehog sleeping on a soft bed made of autumn leaves, outside - a blizzard, snow, but a hedgehog in warm mink calm and comfortable.)


Mice walk on toes

So that the cat does not hear them.

(Depict the mice that came out of the mink and walk around the sleeping cat.)

Creating an emotional mood in the course of classes.

In our preschool educational institution, a block of classes on social and emotional education has been introduced. Working on the program for the social and emotional education of preschool children "I, you, we", ed. Knyazeva O.L., Sterkina R.B., I developed a cycle of classes for children II junior group, Considering individual characteristics psycho-emotional state of children.

The Self-Confidence block allows you to educate a child in the ability to defend their own opinion, teach them to trust their emotions, form positive self-esteem in children and the gradual formation of a strong and free will.

Lesson 1. "Reflection in the mirror."


Teach children to love themselves, their body and their body;

Develop the ability to express the emotional state of the character with the help of gestures, facial expressions;

Lesson 2. "What color are your eyes?"


To consolidate and clarify children's ideas about parts of the face;

Develop the ability to distinguish characteristics in the appearance of another person;

Form an emotional sphere.

Lesson 3. “Guys and animals. Wild animals".


Teach children the traditions of communication, encourage them to correlate expressive movements with words;

Develop imagination, fantasy, speech attention, hearing;

To cultivate the ability to feel the state of others, empathize; treat the nature around us with love and care.

Lesson 4. "What gift do you want to receive?"


To form in children the desire to receive and give gifts;

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers in combination with speech;

Encourage children to actively communicate, develop the ability to build a dialogue.

Lesson 5. "Tastes are different."


To form children's ideas about tastes;

Teach children to enter the image of the character in the game;

The block "Feelings, desires, views" solves the problem of correlation of the child's emotions with the natural world, ongoing events and personal motives, recognition of various emotions and the reasons that give rise to them, the ability to take the position of another.

Lesson 1. "How we express our feelings."


To teach children to understand the emotional states of others by facial expression, posture, to express their emotional state using facial expressions and gestures;

Develop observation, imagination;

Cultivate a sense of responsibility and the ability to empathize.

Lesson 2. "Sadness".


To teach to differentiate the actions of fairy-tale characters;

To develop the ability to distinguish and understand the nature of the emotional state of people;

Contribute to the rallying of the children's team;

Lesson 3. “Calm. A fairy tale game about how the Sun, Wind and Sea were friends.


To teach children to enter into the image of water, wind, sun;

Promote calmness;

To form a consciously correct attitude towards nature.

The block "Social skills" involves teaching communication skills in the course of creating problem situations, developing self-control, arbitrary regulation of activities, self-awareness, the ability to analyze and prevent conflicts.

Lesson 1. "Mutual assistance".


Develop a sense of unity, the ability to act in concert;

Increase children's self-confidence;

Develop attention and imagination, coordination of movements.

Lesson 2. "There is no one dearer than a mother in the whole world."


Teach children to use affectionate and tender words and expressions;

Develop the ability to take responsibility for your actions;

To educate in children love and respect for themselves close person- mom.

Lesson 3. "It's bad to be alone."


To give the child the opportunity to feel his belonging to the group, to express his mood;

Develop group cohesion, increase self-confidence.

Lesson 4. “Etiquette for kids. "Polite squirrels."


Introduce children to the rules of etiquette;

To give children the opportunity to emotionally experience the consequences of observing the norms of social behavior;

Cultivate respect for nature.

Education of the ability to admire the beauty of the world around.

Formation consciously right attitude to nature in the modern world acquires even greater significance due to the fact that often the child’s gaze stops at the bright covers of magazines, toys of an indefinite purpose, and not at the first flower of the coltsfoot under their feet, swelling birch buds and the spring hubbub of returning birds. The teacher has the opportunity to introduce children to the wonderful world of nature during direct communication with her, that is, on walks. At the heart of familiarization with the world of nature is helping the child to realize himself as its active subject. Teachers and parents should “sound the alarm” if a preschooler is not attracted to the bright colors and smells of nature, leaving him indifferent. Observations of various seasonal phenomena should become not only a way of learning, but, first of all, a stimulus for the child to express certain emotions, since these observations enrich the idea of ​​the world around us and form a benevolent attitude towards nature. Only an adult can help children get vivid emotional aesthetic impressions of the beauty of the world around them: a yellow field of dandelions and a snow-white carpet of daisies ("... Summer is laughing again through the open window

And the sun and light are full, full, full.

Again shorts and T-shirts lie on the shore

And lawns bask in chamomile “snow”), a sea of ​​fallen rustling leaves underfoot, a fluffy world after a snowfall, prompting each child to determine their attitude to perceived objects and express it with facial expressions, gestures, and words. A person's ability to see beauty in any manifestation of nature from childhood is the key to his emotional balance and harmonious perception of the world in the future.

At the moments of communication between children and nature, in order to achieve the goals set, the teacher needs to use such game exercises as, for example, "Sunshine"

First ray, gentle ray,

He looked at us in the window

And brought in his palms

Warmth, a particle of the sun.

"Care, breeze, cloud"

Guys, I invite you to travel with me to the Fairyland, where any transformations are possible! Please sit down and close your eyes. Imagine that all of you are airy, light clouds, very beautiful, fluffy. You rise higher and higher, float through the sky easily and joyfully. You fly where the warm, gentle breeze blows. You are easy, calm, good. You see flowering meadows, streams, houses under you. But the time has come to return to Earth. You go down and down. Oh, let's go down! They opened their eyes.

(Guys, answer, please, did you like the trip? What clouds floated across the sky? Show how a cheerful cloud laughed. How did it squint its eyes? What do you think, when there are such clouds in the sky, what could be the weather?)

In cloudy weather, the finger game training "What to do after the rain" will help improve the mood of children.

What to do after the rain? (Alternately connect the fingertips of the right and left hands.)

Jump through the puddles! (Fingers of the right hand

What to do after the rain? "jump" on the left palm).

Let the ships go! (We do it with both hands at the same time

What to do after the rain? wide span in front of the chest).

Ride on the rainbow! (With both hands we “make” waves).

What to do after the rain?

Yes, just smile! (Children smile at each other).

Development of children's social skills and emotions through theatrical play.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that children should be introduced into the world of theater gradually. I have identified for myself the following stages in the development of a theatrical game by children:

A game-imitation of individual actions of a person, animals and birds (a hedgehog sniffs, a bunny jumps, a fox sneaks, etc.) and basic human emotions (the sun came out - the children smiled, clapped their hands).

The game is an imitation of a chain of successive actions combined with the transfer of the main emotional manifestations of the character.

For example, psycho-gymnastics in the morning:

Raise your shoulders.

Jump, grasshoppers,

Jump jump, jump jump!

They sat down, ate some grass, listened to the silence.

Awakening gymnastics:

The beetle woke up, stretched,

Turned from side to side

spread the wings,

Flew and buzzed...

Finger gymnastics in between classes:

Two funny frogs

They don't sit for a minute.

Girlfriends deftly jump,

Only splashes fly upwards.

A game-imitation of the images of familiar fairy-tale characters (a clumsy bear goes to the house, a brave cockerel walks along the path).

An improvisation game to the music (“Leaves, leaves fly in the wind ...”, “Funny balls”).

One-dark wordless game-improvisation with one character based on the texts of nursery rhymes and poems (“Our Katya is little ...”, “Hare, dance ...”, “Snow, snow” by A. Barto).

Text improvisation game short stories, stories, poems (E. Charushin "Duck with ducklings", K. Ushinsky "Vaska").

Role-playing dialogue of the heroes of fairy tales ("Zayushkina's hut", "Kolobok", "Three bears").

Staging of fragments of fairy tales about animals (“Cat, inot, rooster and fox”, Teremok).

Single-theme dramatization game with multiple characters folk tales(“Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”) and author's texts (V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom”, K. Chukovsky “Chicken”).

To master theatrical activities, it is advisable to use the following types of theater, which I prepared with the children:

Flat theater on flannelgraph (“Who lives in the forest”, “Teremok”, “Turnip”).

Toys from cones ("Zayushkina's hut", "Cat, rooster and fox").

Twitch toys (A. Barto "Toys").

Theater of toys from spoons ("Zhikharka").

Toys from boxes ("Three little pigs").

Puppet theater "Living Hand" ("Gingerbread Man").

Theater of toys from eggshells (based on the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky).

The theatrical game allows the child to express himself, learn important social skills, contributes to the formation of his norms of behavior, which leads to a correct awareness of his position in society in the future.

The game as a means of social emotional development child.

Kursova Natalya Yurievna

tutor of the first

qualification category

MDOU Kindergarten N 100


One of the factors affecting the state modern child in kindergarten, is the emotional well-being of the pupil in the group. With the admission of a child to preschool, many changes take place in his life. They create a stressful situation for a preschooler, which in turn contributes to the emergence of negative emotions, which generally negatively affects his health.

In accordance with the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard of a preschool educational institution, conditions should be created for pupils of a preschool educational institution aimed at

to preserve and strengthen their mental and physical health;

ensuring their emotional well-being.

The most effective means of working in developing a favorable emotional sphere pupils is a game. The influence of the game on the development of the personality of a preschooler lies in the fact that through it he gets acquainted with the behavior and relationships of adults who become a model for his own behavior, and in it he acquires the basic communication skills, the qualities necessary to establish contact with other children.

All of the above confirms the importance of the chosen methodological theme"Game as a means of social and emotional development of the child."

The purpose of working with children early age is anincreasing the level of development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers by means of gaming activities.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:

To create conditions for the emotionally joyful living by the child of the stages of preschool childhood;

To form in pupils the ability to correlate their emotions, feelings with the emotions and feelings of other people, to regulate them in such a way that it is comfortable for themselves and the people around them;

To develop the emotional attitude of the pupil to the content of the game;

Develop skills to act according to the rules of the game;

Develop coordination of movements, general and fine motor skills, orientation in own body;

Develop visual perception, attention, speech, imagination of pupils;

Cultivate a positive attitude towards peers.

In accordance with the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard, toys must have the following qualities:

1. Multifunctionality. Toys can be flexibly used according to the child's intent, the plot of the game in different functions. Thus, the toy contributes to the development of creativity, imagination, the iconic symbolic function of thinking.

2. The possibility of using toys in joint activities. The toy must be suitable for use by a group of children at the same time (including with the participation of an adult as a playing partner) and initiate joint actions - collective buildings, joint games.

3. Didactic properties. Toys should contain ways of teaching the child to design, learn about color and shape, etc., may contain programmed control mechanisms, for example, some electrified and electronic games and toys.

4. Belonging to products of artistic crafts. These toys are a means of artistic and aesthetic development of the child, introduce him to the world of art and introduce him to folk art.

Daily at pedagogical process taking into account the specifics of the emotional behavior of pupils, various types of games are included.

fun games, finger gymnastics, round dance games teach pupils to cooperate, actively listen, perceive information, develop speech, and evoke a positive emotional response in children.

A special place in the development of the child is occupied by a mobile game. It contributes to the consolidation and improvement of motor skills and abilities, provides an opportunity to develop cognitive interest, forms the ability to navigate in the surrounding reality. To increase physical activity, game modules, mats, rolling toys, large cars are used.

For the assimilation of knowledge and skills, didactic and sensory games in which students learn to communicate with each other. Children have the first experience of interaction, acquire the skills of polite communication.

Children of the third year of life have already joined the figurative role-playing game, they are forming the basis of the role-playing game. In order to form the skills of a plot-role-playing game in pupils, situation games of various subjects are used: games with puppets; transport games; hospital games; barbershop games; building material games. These games contribute to the close communication of children with each other, teach to subordinate their desires to the desires of other children, contribute to the formation of friendly relations between children.

Theatrical games cause a great emotional response among pupils: games-reincarnations; dramatization games; creative and independent games that develop interest in theatrical activities, the desire to reproduce fragments of familiar performances on their own initiative. At the same time, children learn to express different states with the help of appropriate intonation. Realization of creative possibilities in the game, improvisation cause emotional inspiration of children, their stormy joy.

An opportunity for self-development has been created for pupils in independent play activities. The child freely chooses activities that meet his abilities and interests. The teacher has the opportunity to get to know the children better, especially their character, temperament, their desires. A microclimate is created in the group, which is based on respect for the personality of a small person, care for him, trusting relationships between adults and children.

One of the directions in the work on creating the emotional well-being of pupils is cooperation with the family. Only in the close unity of parents and educator can the emotional sphere of the child be rebuilt.

In my work I use the following forms of work with the family:

Questioning: "What kind of parents are we?";

Individual conversations on the problems of raising children;

Consultations "In the world of children's emotions"; "The game in the life of a child"; "Let's play";

Holding parent meetings"Emotional well-being of the child"; "The role of the game in the development of the emotional sphere of the child";

Design of photo exhibitions: “Our day in kindergarten”, “We play”.

Thus, it can be argued that the game has a positive impact on the formation of emotional contact, pupils' trust in others. On the one hand, the game reveals the ways and habits of emotional response already established in children, on the other hand, new qualities of the child’s behavior are formed, his emotional experience develops and enriches.

Psychologists point out that effective means development of the emotional sphere are those activities that cause a vivid emotional reaction. That is why in modern approaches To guide the formation of emotions in a child, the vast majority use tools based on play activities.



Sheveleva O.V., senior teacher

GBDOU kindergarten No. 60 of the Kalininsky district


Game as a means of developing the emotional sphere of preschool children.

Psychologists note that especially effective means of developing the emotional sphere are those activities that cause a vivid emotional reaction. That is why modern approaches to managing the formation of emotions in a child overwhelmingly use tools based on play activities.

The game of a preschooler is saturated with a wide variety of emotions: surprise, excitement, joy, delight. The relationship between the game and the emotional state of children acts in two ways, the formation and improvement of play activity affects the emergence and development of emotions, and already formed emotions affect the development of the game of a certain content. Children perform a large number of actions with toys, many of which culminate in direct, pronounced reactions: laughter, surprise, delight, etc.

For the assimilation of knowledge and skills in the development of the emotional sphere of children, didactic games are used with great success, for the formation of physical perfection - mobile, and for the development of social emotions and social qualities of the personality - games with rules, role-playing. Theatrical games also have a great influence on the emotional development of children.

Yes, with the help didactic games children master the system of sensory standards, solve age-appropriate mental tasks related to comparing and analyzing the shape, size, color of objects, their location in space, etc. The game creates a positive emotional uplift, causes good health and at the same time requires a certain tension of the nervous system. Working with children younger age the main content of didactic games is the assimilation of cultural and hygienic skills, culture of behavior by children. The game strengthens collective emotions, collective experiences. In games, such character traits of the child are also manifested, which can serve as an example for others: camaraderie, responsiveness, modesty, honesty.

Outdoor games are classified: according to complexity, motor content, degree of physical activity, use of aids and equipment, according to the predominant formation of physical qualities.

Plot outdoor games reflect in a conditional form a life or plot episode (birds and cars, pilots, wolves and geese, monkeys and catchers). The plot of the game and the rules determine the nature of the movement of the players. The movements are imitative. Plotless games such as traps, dashes, are very close to story games. So there are no images in them, all other components are the same: the presence of rules, responsible roles (traps, tags), interconnected actions of all participants. Plotless games require from children greater independence, speed and dexterity of movements, orientation in space. Gradually, the games become more difficult, with more complex tasks.

Games with elements of competition (“Whose link is more likely to line up”, “Who is more likely to go to his flag”, etc.). The basis of such games is the performance of certain motor tasks in accordance with the rules. Elements of competition encourage children to be more active, to display various volitional and motor qualities.

Fun games, attractions - they are often held at leisure evenings, sports holidays. This is a fun spectacle, entertainment for children, bringing a lot of joy. Motor tasks are performed in unusual conditions (“Running in bags”, “Spoon with a ball”) and require motor skills, dexterity, dexterity.

In a 4-year-old child, the desire to act independently increases even more. At the same time, attention is not stable, it is distracted and often moves from one activity to another. Therefore, a large role of the adult in organizing the behavior of the child remains. It is important that the content of the game actions is understandable and attractive to children. This increases their activity in the game and gives the actions a bright, emotional coloring.

The role-playing game assumes the presence of partners. The child learns to communicate with peers. For children 3-4 years old, the game is typical, side by side, i.e. children play alone, but keeping an eye on the actions of others. At the same time, they willingly participate in joint pranks, running around. By the age of 4, they unite in small groups of 2-3 people to play the simplest role-playing games. Such game associations are very unstable (the duration of children's interaction varies on average from 3 to 10 minutes) and situational. When conflicts arise in the game, children do not try to coordinate their desires, but resort to various types pressure on a partner: physical, verbal, resort to the help of an adult.

It should be noted that theatrical games also help the development of the emotional sphere of the child: in them, children get acquainted with the feelings, moods of the characters, master the ways of their external expression, realize the reasons for this or that mood. Theatrical game makes it possible to unite children with a common idea, experiences, rally on the basis of interesting activities, allows each child to show their activity, individuality, creativity. Children become emotionally responsive, actively use expressive means (facial expressions, pantomime, gestures), in the process of playing they get acquainted with the main emotions.

N.S. Ezhkova offers for the development of the emotional sphere younger preschoolers use the following types of games: emotional-sensory games and emotional-expressive.

Emotional-sensory games have as their goal the development of emotional response by influencing the sensory sphere of the individual. They are aimed at encouraging children to emotional response by influencing sensory processes and updating multimodal sensations. Such games introduce children into the world of meaningful interaction with sensory stimuli, activate the motor mechanisms of emotional response, and indirectly activate the emotional sphere as a whole. They do not require much preparation for their implementation and are very attractive for preschoolers, since they are associated with the impact on sensory. These games in junior preschool age serve as the initial stage of emotional development. Emotional-sensory games do not require children to high level game behavior, manifestations of independence in the distribution of roles, holding a common storyline, etc. Their value lies in the fact that emotional reactions arise involuntarily, without deliberate social activation. The pedagogical impact on the emotional sphere is carried out naturally, due to the impact on the processes of sensation, the systematic regulation of the flow of sensory information supplied in the game context. The consistent introduction of sensory stimulation, different in sign, quality and intensity of impact, can be considered as a methodological guideline for working with children at the initial stages of enriching the emotional experience of preschoolers - at the stages of development of brief emotional reactions. Emotional-sensory games serve as a kind of training that stimulates emotional forms of behavior in children.

The basis of the game context of emotional-sensory games is sensory stimuli, which are recommended to be introduced in such a sequence.

1. Gradual expansion of the range of sensory impact. First, sensory stimuli are introduced, provoking children to experience the familiar, most familiar sensations, which include tactile and vestibular. It is these sensations that stand out as the first in the ontogenetic sequence in the development of analyzers. Then games are introduced in which sensory information is fed through two distant analyzers - visual (different color sensations, etc.) and auditory (use of sounds of different quality). And the last stimuli are introduced that feed information through the channels of the gustatory, olfactory analyzer and require a certain level of preparedness to meet with sensory information. That is why such games as "Tasty is not tasty", "How many smells around" and others are recommended starting from middle preschool age.

2. When submitting sensory information of any localization, it is necessary to ensure the free open position of children, independence in regulating the flow of sensory information. So, at their own request, children can repeat the sensory impact they like, change its intensity, for example, speed up the pace of movements or, conversely, slow down, exit the game, etc. It is important for the teacher to support the spontaneous activity of children, their desire to repeat the sensory impact, to repeat experience of pleasure in the process of sensation.

3. Consistently change the nature of the presentation of sensory information, increase the coefficient of its complexity, diversify the combination of sensory influences, their intensity, modality, degree of novelty.

So, in the younger preschool age, the supply of sensory information is carried out as an unobtrusive sensory impact of low intensity and duration using stimulating and imitative actions and elements of surprise.

The development of emotional expression in preschoolers is a direction pedagogical work is built taking into account the connection between emotions and movements identified by psychologists and psychophysiologists. So, psychologists, characterizing the tonic function of movements, called them "exteriorized emotions" and noted that movements are an expressive means of expressing the child's own experiences.

The nature of emotions

  1. intellectual approach. Organic manifestations of emotions act as a consequence of mental phenomena.
  2. Theory of I.F. Herbart. The scientist claims that the most important psychological fact is the representation, respectively, feelings - this is the connection between existing representations; they can be seen as reactions to conflict between views.
  3. The position of W. Wundt. Emotions are certain changes that characterize the influence of feelings on the course of the ideas themselves.

Types of social emotions

Social emotions are usually divided into positive and negative.

  1. Positive/conjunctive. Positive social emotions are manifested when a group of people is aimed at achieving common goals, the result of which brings satisfaction to the participants. Typically, such social emotions can range from mild preference to deep attachment. With the latter, exclusively positive intentions are attributed to the partner (in the case of love), which, of course, are often not so objective.
  2. Negative/disjunctive. Negative social emotions are manifested when a situation of rivalry arises: the success of one person entails the failure of another, which often causes conflict. As a rule, in such an opponent a person can only notice what is unpleasant for him, ignoring his positive qualities.

Development of social emotions

The development of social emotions is subject to common development psyche in ontogeny (Fig. 1).

Picture 1. " "

Emotions undoubtedly play one of the major roles in children's lives. They help children in the perception of the surrounding reality. In addition, with the help of emotions, children can show any reactions to stimuli in the world around them. Thus, the expression of emotions in children is manifested in a more direct way than in adults, but in the same ways: verbally and non-verbally.

The formation and development of social emotions is also extremely important for the successful life of a child.

The basis for the formation of social emotions is moral education. It happens with a reliance on the lives of individual surrounding people, on the world as a whole.

Social emotions are deeply assimilated social norms that make up the subconscious in the structure of the personality and have a regulatory function. Social emotions are considered as constant emotional relations to the norms and rules of behavior adopted in a given society; as determining a positive emotional attitude to some rules, assessments, norms and negative to others; as regulators of communication between peoples, making the corresponding behavior common for a given society, and helping the socialization of children in an adequate direction for society.

A distinctive feature of the class of social emotions is a character mediated by social norms, and a specific function is to consolidate the experience of entering and mastering the surrounding society of norms and rules, which acquires internal significance, becomes an emotional experience.

The child's assimilation of social values, requirements, norms and ideals, under certain conditions, becomes the internal property of the individual. As a result, the child acquires a peculiar system of measures, standards of value, comparing with which the observed phenomena, the child evaluates them as attractive or repulsive, good and evil, beautiful and ugly.

Emotions during childhood develop under the influence of social conditions life and education. Gradually, higher emotions are formed, feelings that have no analogues in animals - this is compassion, sympathy, caring for loved ones, a sense of duty, mutual assistance, responsiveness.

Already at preschool age, higher human feelings begin to form, and the source of their origin is the practical activity of the child, during which he realizes his relationships with the outside world and assimilates the values ​​and ideals created by society, masters social norms and rules of behavior.

The decisive role in the development of social emotions is played by the inclusion of the child in joint activities with other children and adults, which allows them to experience and feel the need to comply with norms and rules. In the process of it, the simplest social motives of activity are formed, consisting in the desire to do something necessary, useful, and not only for oneself, but also for other people; as well as developing special forms of social orientation, attention to other people, is necessary condition the emergence of empathy, sympathy for their joys and sorrows, their needs and requirements.

The game not only develops the motivational sphere, thinking and arbitrariness, but has great importance for the emotional development of children.

After a visit to the doctor, where 5-year-old Nadia was vaccinated (she cried a lot), the girl began to show an active interest in game set"Doctor", or rather to the syringe included in the kit. Having seated all the dolls in front of her, Nadia turned to them seriously: “This is an injection, you need a vaccination, it doesn’t hurt at all.” Then Nadya successively gave all the "patients" an injection, mourning each doll. This game went on for several days, until Nadia confidently stated:

"I'm no longer afraid of injections." The girl did not return to playing doctor anymore.

Play is an extremely emotional activity. “Games in their internal flow,” writes V.V. Zenkovsky, “serve the tasks of the child’s emotional life: this life seeks its expression in them, in them it seeks solutions to its questions and problems.” Most of the authors who have studied the game highlight its emotional richness and pronounced influence on the emotional sphere of the individual. Describing the game, L. S. Vygotsky used the following epithet: "An idea that has become an affect, a concept that has turned into a passion."

But emotional absorption does not mean that the child is in the grip of passion. On the contrary, the game deepens the child's emotional life, directly influencing the formation of emotional stereotypes of behavior and the development of higher social emotions. In the game, it is easy to diagnose the predominant emotional background of the child, the features of tone and emotional comfort, the presence of affective reactions.

Obviously, the behavior of a preschooler largely depends on the feelings that arise, and emotional responsiveness to a specific situation is one of the mechanisms for personality development. In childhood, the development of the emotional sphere is associated with the processes of the child's awareness of his own feelings, understanding the causes of both personal experiences and the emotional states of the people around him. A broad orientation in the field of human relations in the game opens up opportunities for understanding feelings, modeling situations that cause various experiences and establishing logical relationships between the events of the surrounding world and people's attitudes towards them.

In the works of A. V. Zaporozhets, N. Ya. Mikhailenko, N. A. Korotkova, A. P. Usova and other authors, the mechanisms of influence of role-playing games on the emotional well-being of a preschooler are identified. Among the most important are the imitation of significant, emotionally attractive patterns of adult behavior and emotional infection with the interests of a partner in the game. The child's satisfaction with the emerging role relationships with children affects the overall emotional well-being. Emotions accompanying a role-playing game affect the success of a preschooler's interaction with other people.

Analyzing the role of emotions in activity, including play, Zaporozhets emphasized the importance of emotional anticipation of the result of activity as a mechanism for regulating behavior. Control over activity is carried out by motives, but not directly, but through the mechanism of "emotional correction" of behavior: emotions evaluate the personal meaning of ongoing events and, if this meaning does not correspond to the motive of activity, change the general direction of the personality's activity. Emotions precede activity to satisfy needs, prompting and directing it, since emotions are a kind of subjective form of needs.

The nature and dynamics of the occurrence of situational emotions in a role-playing game are determined both by the content of the game and the feelings that the plot evokes in the child (for example, from playing mother-daughters and assigning a maternal position of empathy, tenderness and care for a younger brother can be born). The main property of emotions is a reflection of attitudes towards perceived phenomena. Consequently, the game orientation in relations between people creates the basis for the formation of the child's own multifaceted attitude to the world.

Under the guidance of A. V. Zaporozhets and Ya. Z. Neverovich, studies of social emotions were carried out, which play a positive role in the regulation of children's activities, in the formation of value orientations and relationships as the beginnings of the personality. The data obtained make it possible to single out emotional anticipation as the main regulator of complex forms of activity that begin to take shape at preschool age and are aimed not only at satisfying the narrow personal needs of the child himself, but also take into account the desires of those around him.

A. V. Zaporozhets described the appearance of peculiar affective-gnostic complexes in children through a premonition of the long-term results of their actions. These are emotional images, through which the motivational-semantic regulation of children's behavior is carried out. Studies have shown that changes in the emotional sphere of a preschooler arise on the basis of the development in a child in the process of collective activity of the ability to sympathize with other people, experience other people's joys and sorrows as their own, emotionally take the point of view of another.

Initially, emotions are formed and modified, as shown by A. V. Zaporozhets, in the course of practical activities, in the process of real interaction with people around and the objective world. In the future, "on the basis of external practical activity, a kind of internal activity begins to take shape - emotional imagination, which is a kind of fusion of affective and cognitive processes, that unity of affect and intellect, which Vygotsky considered characteristic of higher, specifically human feelings" .

During the game, according to the study by L. A. Abrahamyan, it is easier for preschoolers than when performing any other activity to establish positive relationships with others and, on this basis, get rid of the manifestations of negative affects, and sometimes form new positive emotions in the child. In addition, calm interesting games can relieve emotional excitement and have a calming effect on the child, neutralizing negative emotional experiences, and games with rules contribute to the development of emotional stability, the ability to win and lose.

The emotional development of a preschooler is characterized by a number of achievements: the affective life of the child is stabilized and hierarchized, the mechanisms of emotional regulation of behavior are improved: mechanisms such as emotional anticipation of events and the consequences of various actions, arbitrary regulation of emotional processes arise. The development of emotions in ontogenesis is associated with the differentiation of the qualities of emotions, the complication of objects that cause an emotional response, the development of the ability to regulate emotions and their external expression.

The emotional experience of the child changes and is enriched in the process of personality development as a result of empathy that arises in communication with other children. In psychological and pedagogical research, it is noted that the emotional well-being of a preschooler is largely determined by the nature of the emerging relationships with partners in the game. The system of standards for the perception of expressive behavior, according to researchers, is formed in the process of communicative interaction, where game interaction is of no small importance. The game expands the possibilities of preschoolers in the verbal designation of various emotional states, naming emotions. The growing verbal abilities of the child contribute to the expansion of the vocabulary of emotional states, the increasing understanding of emotional experiences and the active use of the language of emotions in the game.

Being the leading form of interaction at preschool age, the game sets the main trajectory of emotional development in the context of the general structure of the child's relationship with the outside world. The emotional life of a preschooler is saturated with a variety of feelings through the assignment of the role and experiences of the character that the child portrays. According to E. I. Izotova, “we can consider the ability to realize our emotions as the highest mental function, the conditions for the formation of which are the game and communication, and the means - speech ".

It is important to note that play activity is not only a psychological mechanism for the development of the emotional sphere, but the structure of the game is such that it becomes both a condition for the emotional well-being of the child, and, consequently, a condition for the overall progressive development of the personality. The game provides an opportunity not only to develop, but also to relieve emotional stress, stabilize negative emotional experiences and increase the overall level of emotional well-being.

The child's emotions preschool childhood more and more freed from impulsiveness and momentary. The development of individuality is manifested in isolation from others and the simultaneous identification of oneself with significant others. Feelings of justice, responsibility, affection develop, social emotions and the ability to emotionally anticipate the results of one's own and others' actions are laid.