Organizational support for the activities of social protection institutions and pension fund bodies of the Russian Federation. Pension Fund of the Russian Federation as an element of social protection of the population Kos PM organizational support for activities

Editor Sergey Petrovich Lapin

Editor Antonina Andreevna Chistova

Corrector Sergey Petrovich Lapin

© V. P. Shcheglov, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4474-3103-7

Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero

Topic 1
General concept of social protection and social security


1) The concept of social protection;

2) The concept of social security

3) Social relations related to social security.

1) The concept of social protection

Russian legislation lacks established concepts of social protection and social security. Therefore, it is first necessary to determine the content of these concepts, which will allow us to correctly represent the social security system and its essence.

The combination of the concepts “social” and “protection” suggests that social protection is understood as a complex of various measures with the help of which a person “defends himself” from the adverse effects of the surrounding world. Russia, as a social state, must take all possible measures to create favorable conditions for the life of its citizens, i.e. create a favorable living environment. The concept of “human environment” includes:

1) Ensuring employment of citizens;

2) Creation of normal working conditions;

3) Decent wages;

4) Providing comfortable housing;

5) Creation of a favorable economic environment;

6) Providing healthy nutrition;

7) Access to education and cultural values;

8) Health protection;

9) Preservation of private property;

10) Providing to citizens social support upon the occurrence of unfavorable life circumstances.

Article 7 of the Constitution tells us that the purpose of social protection is guaranteed labor protection, the health of citizens, the minimum wage (minimum wage), the support of motherhood and childhood, the disabled and the elderly, the payment of pensions and benefits, and the provision of other social guarantees.

In relation to the current situation in Russia, a generalized definition of social protection can be formed as follows: social protection is a set of economic, legal and organizational measures that the state addresses to able-bodied and disabled citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations that they cannot overcome on their own, and aimed for their material support, providing them with all possible assistance, and support at a level that must meet the requirements of a decent life.

Social protection of the population is a complex of various social relations:

– Labor;

– Housing;

– Educational;

– Environmental;

– Health protection;

– Family;

– On social security.

The concept of “social security” is an integral part of the concept of “social protection”, i.e.

“social protection” is a broader concept than “social security”.

2) The concept of social security and its structure

Modern literature contains the following definition of the concept of “social security”.

Social security is a form of state social policy aimed at providing material support for categories of citizens specified by law from the federal budget and special extra-budgetary funds in the event of events recognized by the state as socially significant.

Social security has a number of characteristics according to which security is recognized as social:

1 sign: special social relations arising in social sphere. They are formed between citizens and the relevant competent authorities in the following cases:

1) Upon citizens reaching a certain age, due to illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, raising children, unemployment, etc.

Such relations arise with the above-mentioned subjects in these cases and are called material relations. In the course of their implementation, citizens are provided with material benefits with the help of which they satisfy their individual needs. Providing the named benefit to a citizen in monetary or in kind– in the form of pensions, benefits, social services.

2nd sign: in accordance with this sign, social security is that it is provided at the expense of various financial sources.

The main financial source is the state budget. The second most important source is off-budget government funds. Third are the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Russian Federation) and municipal budgets.

Sources of funds for federal, regional and municipal budgets are taxes and fees.

Sources of funds for extra-budgetary insurance funds are insurance premiums and subsidies from the budget.

Funds from federal budgets, regional budgets and municipal budgets are spent on social security:

1) Citizens performing important government functions (military personnel, law enforcement officers, civil servants);

2) Citizens who have served the state or suffered through the fault of the state (participants and veterans of the Second World War (Great Patriotic War), blockade survivors, awarded orders and medals, Chernobyl survivors, etc.);

3) Disabled citizens and families (children, orphans, disabled people, low-income families, large families and foster families).

Money from extra-budgetary insurance funds is spent depending on the specialization of the fund. These funds are: Pension Fund (PF, Pension Fund, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation), Social Insurance Fund (FSS), Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund (MHIF).

Money from these funds is directed to:

– Pension Fund (PF) – payment of pensions;

– Funeral benefits for deceased pensioners;

Social Insurance Fund (SIF) - for benefits, sanatorium and resort treatment, keeping children in health camps;

Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF) - for the provision of free medical care and treatment.

3 sign; special subject composition, i.e. circle of persons subject to security. This includes: children, women, pensioners, disabled people, the unemployed, large families, and foster families.

4th sign: it is guaranteed. It means that the state legislatively, organizationally and economically provides all types of social security with the necessary means.

Sign 5: in accordance with this sign different kinds social security (social security) are provided only upon the occurrence of appropriate circumstances specified in the law.

6th sign: the purpose of its provision. The main goal of each type of social security (social security) is to equalize the social status of certain categories of citizens with other members of society.

3) Social relations related to social security

The totality (listed in paragraph 2 of Topic No. 1) of signs indicates the existence of several groups of social relations related to social security, which have their own characteristics.

1st group of features – relations to directly provide citizens with appropriate types of social security at the expense of special funds allocated for these purposes. In the course of the functioning of these relations, the rights of citizens to pensions, benefits, compensation payments, social services, medical care, privileges, social assistance. Legal norms regulating relations for the provision of the listed types of social security collectively constitute social security law (PSL).

2nd group of features – relations for the formation of financial resources aimed at social security. The participants in these relations are competent government bodies, eligible organizations, employers, and in some cases citizens themselves. These relations are regulated by financial law.

The 3rd group of features is relations regarding the organization of social security management. These organizational relations in the field of social security arise between competent authorities and organizations and are regulated by administrative law.

Topic 2
Social security management concept


1) The concept of management;

2) General administration of social security;

3) Operational management of social security.

1) Concept of management

In common usage, "management" has several meanings:

a) Activities of government bodies;

b) A large division of an institution, a large administrative institution;

c) Manage.

The term "manage" means:

a) Direct the movement of someone or something;

b) Lead, direct the activities, actions of someone, something.

Therefore, control is a purposeful influence on someone, for example, on people, or on something, for example, on the environment surrounding a person.

There are management of the state, city, sphere social life society (eg health, education, social security). Based on ownership, there is state, municipal, and private management. All of the above management differences are also characteristic of the social security system.

Management is inextricably linked with such concepts as administration, administrative power, and administrative activities. The Latin word “administration” literally means management, direction.

Administration refers to government bodies that manage and manage the personnel of an institution. In other words, to administer means to manage, to manage.

Management and administration are synonymous. They mean management and leadership of people. The bodies that carry out management are usually called the administration.

In practice, there are several types of administration:

a) Administration of an international organization;

b) Federal Administration;

c) Administration of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

c) Municipal administrations;

d) Administration of an enterprise, institution, organization.

2) General social security administration

The general management of social security in our country is carried out by the state federal administration, and the main federal administration is the Government of the Russian Federation. As the main federal executive body, the Government is vested with broad powers in all areas of the country's life. He is entrusted with responsibility for ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, the state of the economy, the implementation of social policy, ensuring the security of society and the state, and the state of international communications in the Russian Federation.

Within the limits of its powers, the Government organizes the implementation of the Constitution, laws, Presidential Decrees, international treaties, controls the activities of executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, etc. The Government manages the work of federal Ministries and other executive federal authorities and the powers of the Federal Government in the social sphere include carrying out unified state social policy and implementation of constitutional rights of citizens in the field of social security.

The Government is entrusted with taking measures to realize the rights of citizens, protect health, solve problems of family, motherhood and childhood, and ensure sanitary and epidemiological well-being in the country.

The Federal Government issues Regulations and Orders. Acts of a normative nature are issued in the form of Resolutions, and Acts on operational and other current issues are issued in the form of Orders.

The Government ensures the implementation of a unified state policy in the country in the field of education, health care, social security, etc. Simultaneously with general social issues, the Government also resolves specific issues of supporting the least socially protected groups of the population: the poor, the unemployed, refugees, etc. Directly issues related to the sphere of social provision is carried out by 2 Government Ministries - the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of Health.

3) Operational management of social security

Operational – directly practically implementing something. The operational management of social security depends on what form of social security it belongs to.

If social security is carried out in the form of Mandatory Social Insurance (OSI), operational management is carried out by extra-budgetary state insurance funds and their divisions in the constituent entities and localities, (

1) Pension Fund of Russia (PFR);

2) Social Insurance Fund (SIF);

3) Mandatory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF):

a) Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (FFOMS);

b) Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (TFIF).

These bodies carry out the following types of operational activities:

– Determine the circle of persons subject to social insurance and entitled to insurance coverage;

– Determine the conditions of purpose and dimensions insurance coverage;

– Establish rates of insurance contributions for specific types of compulsory social insurance (OSI);

– Determine the basis for calculating insurance premiums;

– Develop a procedure for forming their budgets and the procedure for their execution; etc.

If operational social security is carried out at the expense of allocations from the federal budget, then management is carried out by state executive authorities and bodies subordinate to them, these include:

1) Ministry of Labor and Social Protection;

2) Ministry of Health;

3) Ministry of Education and Science;

4) Ministry of Defense;

5) Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) and its subordinate bodies.

At the local level, operational management of social security is carried out by social protection bodies (OSPP) - the department of social protection of the population, the Committee for social policy, social service center, etc.

The following types of operational management are under the jurisdiction of these bodies:

– Development of social protection programs for the population;

– Study of the socio-economic situation of certain population groups;

– Organizing the appointment of payment of benefits and compensation;

– Social services for the elderly and disabled;

– Organization of sanatorium and resort treatment for privileged categories of citizens, etc.

Topic 3
Legal implementation of social security


1) Organization of rule-making in the field of social security

2) Organization of law enforcement in the field of social security;

3) Interpretation of social security law.

1) Organization of rule-making in the field of social security

Implementation is a rather capacious and complex concept. It includes the entire process of the emergence, formation and functioning of social security relations. The implementation of social security refers to the procedure for applying legal, economic, and organizational measures to solve the problems facing social security. (Since most of the topics in the interdisciplinary course (IDC) will be devoted to economic and organizational measures, in this topic we will consider the legal implementation of social security).

The main legal (legal) means of implementing social security include: rule-making, law enforcement, interpretation of social security law.

Rulemaking is the main way to influence public relations regarding social security. Rulemaking is the process of developing and adopting certain regulatory legal acts (RLA) on social security, for example, on pensions, benefits, social services, benefits, etc.

The rule-making process consists of several successive stages:

1) Legislative initiative;

2) Decision on the need to issue an act;

3) Development of a draft act;

4) Consideration of the draft act;

5) Adoption of the act;

6) Bringing the act to its addressee.

Let's briefly look at each stage of the process.

1.1) Stage of legislative initiative. Means that here we are talking about the primary official action of a competent subject. He makes a proposal to issue a normative legal act (NLA) or proposes an already prepared draft act. The circle of subjects who have the right to legislative initiative is strictly defined by law.;

2.1) The decision on the need to issue an act. The decision of the competent authority on the need to issue an act and develop its draft is documented and included in the legislative work plan.;

3.1) Development of a draft act. Development of a draft act and its preliminary discussion. This stage may consist of one procedure:

– Only development of a draft act or 2 procedures:

– Development of a draft act and its preliminary discussion. The number of procedures depends on the importance of the project.

4.1) Consideration of the draft act. Consideration of the draft act in the body that, according to its competence, can adopt it.;

5.1) Acceptance of the act.

6.1) Bringing the act to the addressee. Bringing the contents of the adopted act to its addressees by publication.

Rulemaking can be expressed in the adoption of certain acts, for example, in the form of a single normative legal act (NLA). It contains separate legal provisions. An example of such an act would be the federal law(FZ) dated December 21, 1996 (December 12, 1996) No. 159-FZ “On additional guarantees of social protection of orphans and children left without parental care.” Another example is when a systematized act is adopted containing certain groups of norms. Such acts are the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation:

– Federal Law (FL) Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Citizens’ Health in the Russian Federation” (1993);

– Federal Law (FL) Federal Law “On state benefits for citizens with children” (1995);

– Federal Law (FL) Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Social Insurance” (1992), etc.

A wide range of law-making bodies have the right to issue normative legal acts (NLA). These include: the Federal Assembly, the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, Federal Ministries, Departments, services, authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government authorities (LSG). Off-budget social insurance funds are also vested with rule-making functions. Depending on the level of the government body and its position in the system of bodies, they adopt relevant normative legal acts (NLA) - laws, resolutions, orders, instructions, directions, regulations, etc.

2) Organization of law enforcement in the field of social security

Law enforcement is the solution of a specific case in a specific life situation, in other words, the “application” of the law, legal norms to specific individuals, to specific life circumstances. The enforcement of regulatory legal acts (LLA) is carried out by competent authorities and officials only within the framework of the powers granted to them. Application of social security law (PSL) – organizing the activities of competent authorities and officials. The goal is to ensure that the recipients of legal norms realize their rights and obligations regarding social security, as well as to provide guarantees of control over this process.

There are several stages of law enforcement activities.

Stage 1 – establishing the factual circumstances of a particular case. At this stage, the actual circumstances of the case are examined, i.e. documents, testimony, etc. For example, a citizen asked about the assignment of an old-age pension to him. The pension authority checks whether he has Russian citizenship, age, insurance experience, amount of earnings, payment of insurance premiums and other circumstances. Without finding out all the facts, a normal resolution is impossible pension issue. The range of circumstances necessary to establish the right is clearly set out in regulatory legal acts (LLA) on social security.

The result of stage 1 of the law enforcement process should be the achievement of actual objective truth. To achieve the truth during this stage, the legislation pays special attention to evidence, which is carried out through documentation. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection has developed a List of documents required to establish a labor pension and a state pension. In this list, for each type of pension, Required documents, proving factual truth.

Stage 2 of law enforcement activities – establishing the legal basis of the case, i.e. select the required legal norm. This stage includes a number of sequential actions:

1) Finding a specific norm to be applied;

2) Checking the correctness of the text that contains the required norm;

3) Verification of the authenticity of the norm, its effect in time, space and among people;

4) Explanation of the content of the norm.

Thus, at this stage, the legal qualification of the merits of the case is carried out.

Stage 3 of law enforcement activities – resolving the case on its merits. This means that the adoption of a corresponding law enforcement act on a particular issue of social security of a person. It means an individually defined act performed by the competent authority under a specific legal act. These acts give rise to specific legal consequences for participants in legal relations regarding social security. For example, a citizen’s right to a pension arises only after pension authority makes a written decision on the appointment, amount and date of payment of pensions. This decision is an individually determined act for a citizen.


Chapter 1 The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation as an element of social protection of the population

Chapter 2 Analysis of the formation and use of Pension Fund funds

2.2 Use of funds from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in 2006 - 2008.

Chapter 3 Relations between economic entities and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

3.1 Settlements with the Pension Fund

3.2 Reporting submitted to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation


List of sources used


The Russian Federation, as a state whose Constitution provides for a social state as a guideline, seeking to protect the rights of its citizens to the maximum extent possible based on existing opportunities, establishes in legal relations an order that provides for social security for those categories of citizens who are recognized as needing it. This reveals the social functions of the state. Social protection in the Russian Federation is carried out in several forms, one of them is pension provision, the volume and level of which largely depends on the work performed, length of service, the amount of earnings and mainly consists of regular payment of pensions.

Off-budget funds represent one of the links in the financial system. With their help, the redistribution of national income is carried out on the initiative and in the interests of government bodies. The specificity of extra-budgetary social funds is the clear assignment of income sources to them and, as a rule, strictly targeted use of their funds.

Extra-budgetary funds existing and operating on this moment in the Russian financial system, have a huge impact on it.

The Pension Fund, with its own funds, ensures the payment of monthly benefits and pensions to people who, due to certain circumstances, cannot provide for their living, including pensioners. Thus, funds are spent on paying state pensions, pensions for disabled people, military pensions, compensation for pensioners, benefits for children aged 1.5 to 6 years, and for many other social purposes. This determines its important social significance.

For an ordinary citizen of the country, the procedure for macroeconomic planning and the formation of a balanced budget seems very far from his daily needs and concerns. Meanwhile, the entire current life of any somewhat serious financial institution, and especially one as complex and socially significant as the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, directly depends on how economically justified and correctly the corresponding budget parameters were determined.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation must ensure the collection of insurance contributions necessary to finance the payment of state pensions, making fuller use of the rights given to it for these purposes, since since 1995, the Pension Fund's income from insurance contributions is not enough to cover its expenses and subsidies from pensions are required to pay pensions. federal budget. Paid pension benefits are increasingly less consistent with their socio-economic significance - to provide a decent standard of living for people without earned income. Thus, we can conclude that fulfilling the social goals of the state is the main task of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the importance of their implementation determines the relevance of this research topic.

The purpose of the work is to study the Pension Fund of Russia.

During the study, it is necessary to solve the following problems:

consider the legal basis and mechanism for the formation of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;

study the mechanism for using the fund’s funds, its expenses and income in the period under study;

consider the problems of improving the mechanism for the formation and use of Pension Fund funds.

The object of the study is the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the subject is the mechanism of its formation and use.

Chapter 1 Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

1.1 History of the emergence and development of pension provision in Russia

The emergence of pension provision in Russia dates back to the first half of the eighteenth century.

In pre-Petrine times, there was an institute of feeding in Russia. This meant that serving people of advanced years, sick or crippled were allocated land plots, estates with serfs. All this allowed them to live peacefully in old age.

In the event of the death of the breadwinner, the state also took care of his family. That is, the provision of service people depended entirely on the royal mercy, although the special merits of the person and the insufficient amount of means of subsistence left to the family were taken into account.

For the first time, such provision for service people was legalized by Peter I in the Naval Charter in 1720. By decree of the tsar, crippled but capable naval officers were assigned to stores, assigned to garrisons or civilian service. Those who were crippled and incapable of any service were placed in hospitals for life or given a lump sum annual salary and a passport. A portion of the salary was also assigned to widows and children in the event of the death of their father.

In 1820, preparations began for the first Pension Charter, which was adopted only in 1827. In this regard, the Minister of Finance, Count Guryev, expressed the idea that the pension should not be a favor, but a reward from the government to those employees and their families who acquired the right to it through blameless service. It was proposed to set the pension size depending on the number of years of service average salaries for the last three years. To cover the costs of pension payments, special deductions were made from salaries, but the bulk of the costs were covered from the treasury.

Before the adoption of the Pension Charter, the originality of the use of treasury funds was that these funds were not formed through a special tax and were not allocated by the annual budget, but special pension capitals were formed. Thus, to ensure pensions for customs officials, and then for employees of the foreign trade department, first 20%, and then 10% of confiscations and 1% of customs revenues were annually allocated to the formation of pension capital. At the expense of funds generated in this way, pensions were paid to various ranks. To streamline expenses, all pension capital and other incoming income were pooled in the state treasury. However, over the years, pension costs have risen beyond expectations. This has caused concern to the government. It was decided to revise the Pension Charter.

From 1828 to 1868, the number of pensioners and the amount of pensions increased 6 times. The average size of pension payments over this period remained virtually unchanged. If in 1828 the pension amounted to 41% of the salary received by the employee, then in 1867 it was 29%. The number of pensioners grew rapidly: in 1828 there was one pensioner for every 4.5 employees, in 1843 for every 2.5 employees, and in 1868 for every employee.

The significant increase in pension costs was due in part to the existence of 30 separate pension provisions that provided preferential pensions.

Already by the beginning of the 1870s, it became obvious that providing for retiring Russians was an intractable issue. Russia spent less than 4% of its income on pensions, while the total number of expenses on pensions in foreign countries averaged up to 6%.

That is, funds for pension payments still remained modest. Therefore, the only possible way out was proposed: employees must ensure their future, including with personal savings, and the state will take under its full care only those who, due to illness and other accidents, could not take care of themselves on their own. The first to support this idea were members of the emerital cash registers.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, emeritus was the name given to special pensions for long service to those dismissed, as well as benefits from the emeritus fund issued to widows and orphans. These pensions were a supplement to pensions paid under the Pension Charter and special pension provisions. At the expense of funds transferred gratuitously and indefinitely by the state to the cash register, emeritus capital was formed, which was first placed in government securities, and then in mortgage securities. The interest received from such placements and mandatory deductions from the salaries of civil servants were used for current pension payments.

State pension provision for workers in Russia was established after the October Revolution of 1917. From the first years of Soviet power, disability and survivor pensions were awarded at the expense of the state. Since 1928, old-age pensions were introduced for workers in certain industries, which were then extended to all workers, and by 1937 to office employees.

The pension system in the USSR began to actively take shape in the 30-60s. It was based on the law “On State Pensions” adopted on July 14, 1956 by the Supreme Council. This document still determines the retirement age for men - 60 years, for women - 55. The minimum length of service required to assign an old-age pension was 25 and 20 years, respectively. The 1956 law significantly increased the level of pension provision and expanded the circle of persons entitled to a pension: workers, employees, citizens covered by state social insurance; military personnel of private, sergeant and senior officers of conscript service; citizens who have become disabled in connection with the performance of state or public duties or in connection with the fulfillment of the duty of a citizen of the USSR to rescue human life, for the protection of socialist property or socialist legal order. Family members of the above-mentioned citizens are granted pensions in the event of the loss of a breadwinner.

With the adoption of the law “On pensions and benefits for members of collective farms” on July 15, 1964, a unified pension system was formed, covering almost all workers and members of their families.

Thus, we can say that the first pensioners in Russia were military personnel, and state pension provision for workers was established in 1917. Then, in the 90s, pension provision was formed in the Russian Federation on the basis of many legal acts, in particular, on the basis of the law “On State Pensions in the RSFSR” of November 20, 1990.

1.2 The need to create and the economic essence of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is one of the largest and most significant social institutions in the country. The creation of the Pension Fund was a milestone in solving one of the most important tasks in reforming the social sphere - the transition from state pension provision to compulsory pension insurance.

Today, in terms of the scale of the tasks being solved, the activities of the Pension Fund are unique and have no precedents in the history of Russia.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation was created by Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991 No. 2122-1 for the purpose of state financial management of pension provision in the Russian Federation. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is an independent financial and credit institution operating in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The pension fund and its funds are state property of the Russian Federation. The funds of the fund are not included in the budgets of other funds and are not subject to withdrawal.

The main tasks of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation include:

1) targeted collection and accumulation of insurance premiums, as well as financing of expenses in accordance with the purpose of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;

2) organization of work to recover from employers and citizens guilty of causing harm to the health of workers and other citizens, the amount of state disability pensions due to a work injury, occupational disease or loss of a breadwinner;

3) capitalization of funds of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as attracting voluntary contributions (including currency values) from individuals and legal entities to it;

4) control, with the participation of tax authorities, over the timely and complete receipt of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as over the correct and rational expenditure of its funds;

5) interstate and international cooperation of the Russian Federation on issues within the competence of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, participation in the development and implementation in the manner prescribed by law of interstate and international treaties and agreements on pensions and benefits.

The pension fund is an important link in the state’s financial system, while having a number of features:

  1. the fund is planned by authorities and management, and has a strict target orientation;

2) the funds of the fund are used to finance government expenses not included in the budget;

3) is formed mainly through mandatory contributions from legal entities and individuals;

4) insurance contributions to the funds and the relationships arising from their payment are of a tax nature, contribution rates are established by the state and are mandatory;

5) most of the norms and provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation apply to relations related to the calculation, payment and collection of contributions to the fund;

6) the fund’s monetary resources are in state ownership, they are not included in budgets, as well as other funds, and are not subject to withdrawal for any purposes not directly provided for by law;

7) spending of funds from the fund is carried out by order of the Government or a specially authorized body (Board of the Fund).

The management of the Russian Pension Fund is carried out by the Board and its permanent body - the Executive Directorate. The Directorate is subordinate to branches in the republics within the Russian Federation, branches in national-state and administrative-territorial entities. There are representatives of the Fund locally (in cities, districts). The departments provide organizational work for the collection of social insurance contributions, financing of social security bodies, regional social security programs, as well as control over the expenditure of funds.

In addition to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, pension issues are dealt with by the Ministry of Labor and social development Russian Federation (assigns and redistributes pensions), the Ministry of Communications (delivers pensions), savings banks (provide pensioners with cash). The budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and cost estimates (including the wage fund), as well as reports on their execution, are compiled by the Management Board. The budget is approved by the legislature. The law on the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation approves the total amount of income, including by source, and the total amount of expenses by area.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is an independent financial and credit institution, however, this independence has its own characteristics and is significantly different from the economic and financial independence of state, joint-stock, cooperative, and private enterprises and organizations. As mentioned above, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation organizes the mobilization and use of funds from the fund in the amounts and for purposes regulated by the state. The state also determines the level of insurance payments and decides on changes in the structure and level of cash social benefits.

Currently, Russia uses the so-called funded pension system.

Under such a system, contributions accumulated in the pension system through payments by the employee and his employer are not spent on payments to today's pensioners, but are accumulated, invested and generate income until the payer retires. All the payer’s savings and all his investment income received on these savings are his personal property, which will ensure the payment of the pension.

Thus, the result of the ten-year development of the Pension Fund is the creation of a sufficiently strong system of pension provision for the population, in which such an important task is carried out not by the state management apparatus from the state budget, but separately, specially created for this purpose, a state institution, dealing only with this task directly, and using only own funds not included in any budget. Also, this system collects the necessary statistical data necessary for the further development of the pension business, and mandatory when forecasting the necessary funds to provide people in need of social protection.

1.3 Legal basis for pension provision in the Russian Federation

According to paragraph 1 of the Regulations on the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (Russia), approved by Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 1991 No. 2122-1, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is an independent financial and credit institution and was created for the purpose of public management of pension finance in the Russian Federation .

It should be noted that according to the provisions of Article 5 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation,” the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is a state institution and performs the functions of an insurer in the compulsory pension insurance system.

At the same time, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has its own budget, approved annually by federal law, the funds of which are federal property, are not included in other budgets and are not subject to withdrawal.

In addition, the above Federal Law establishes that the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and its territorial bodies constitute a single centralized system bodies managing compulsory pension insurance funds in the Russian Federation, in which lower-level bodies are accountable to higher ones.

Thus, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is a state institution endowed with public authority and having special legal capacity.

In addition, it should be noted that the Regulations on the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (Russia), as well as the Regulations on the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, approved by Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated September 15, 2003 No. 130p, establish that the management of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is carried out by the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which is headed by the Chairman of the Board.

The PFR Board carries out its activities on the state management of compulsory pension insurance funds in the Russian Federation in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, determines the long-term and current tasks of the PFR system.

During 2001 - 2005, some changes occurred in the legislative and by-laws relating to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The provisions of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation” define new status The Pension Fund of Russia (its territorial bodies) as an insurer and government agency, and also regulated the procedure for paying insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance, the rights and obligations of subjects of legal relations for compulsory pension insurance. Thus, in the pension system of the Russian Federation, insurance principles were enshrined that guarantee the insured person, upon the occurrence of an insured event, payment of a pension in an amount proportional to the amount of insurance premiums paid for him by the employer (the policyholder).

At the same time, the provisions of the Federal Law of December 31, 2001 No. 198-FZ “On introducing additions and changes to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees” introduced changes and additions to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation regarding the removal of insurance contributions to compulsory pension insurance from the Unified Social Tax (UST). At the same time, it was provided that the amount of unified social tax payable to the federal budget is reduced by taxpayers by the amount of accrued insurance premiums by applying a tax deduction.

The legislation in the field of pension provision for citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons has radically changed.

Federal Law No. 111-FZ dated July 24, 2002 established the legal basis for relations on the formation and investment of funds pension savings, determined the features of the legal status, rights, obligations and responsibilities of subjects and participants in relations regarding the formation and investment of pension savings, and also established the basis for state regulation of control and supervision in the field of formation and investment of pension savings.

In addition, this Law assigned new rights and obligations to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation as a subject of relations for the formation and investment of pension savings.

Thus, in recent years, changes have been repeatedly made to the pension legislation of the Russian Federation, affecting all its aspects: the range of pensions provided, the conditions for their provision and sizes.

The list of sources of legislation has expanded significantly and continues to expand.

Chapter 2 Analysis of the formation and use of Pension Fund funds

2.1 Formation of funds of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in 2006 - 2008.

The Pension Fund, like all other extra-budgetary funds, is a participant in the budget process. Features of the formation of the fund's budget are determined by its specifics and are as follows.

The budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is a form of formation and expenditure of funds for the purposes of compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation.

The budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation separately takes into account the amounts of insurance contributions for savings part labor pension, funds allocated for investment, payments from pension savings, as well as expenses of the Pension Fund budget associated with the formation and investment of pension savings, maintaining a special part of individual personal accounts and payment of the funded part of the labor pension.

Mandatory pension insurance funds are kept in fund accounts opened in institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and in the absence of institutions of the latter - in accounts opened in credit institutions, the list of which is determined on a competitive basis by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Let us consider the formation of the Pension Fund budget funds in 2006.

The revenue side of the Fund's budget for 2006 was formed in accordance with the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, the current norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation”.

The calculation of revenues from the unified social tax and insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance was carried out based on the forecast of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development for the wage fund in the amount of 5917.0 billion rubles. and the number of employees in the amount of 48.7 million people and in accordance with the established Methodology for calculating the receipt of amounts of the unified social tax for the formation of budgets of state extra-budgetary funds.

The accumulative component of the Fund's budget is based on income in the amount of 103.0 billion rubles. and expenses in the amount of 6.6 billion rubles. in accordance with the provisions of the federal laws “On compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation”, “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”, “On investing funds to finance the funded part of a labor pension in the Russian Federation”, budget legislation of the Russian Federation and normative legal acts adopted in accordance with them regulating legal relations in the field of the funded element of compulsory pension insurance, which apply to 2006 .

The Fund's budget revenues related to the formation of funds to finance the funded part of labor pensions for 2006 include:

1) pension savings funds of 2006 in the amount of 100.7 billion rubles, which were formed from insurance contributions for the funded part of the labor pension in the amount of 98.5 billion rubles, and income received from the temporary placement of pension savings funds of 2006 , in the amount of 2.2 billion rubles;

2) income received in 2006 from the temporary placement of pension savings from 2005, in the amount of 2.3 billion rubles.

Income received in 2006 from the temporary placement by the Fund of pension savings of 2006 is determined in the amount of 2.5% of the amount of placed funds, pension savings of 2005 - in the amount of 3.0% of the amount of placed funds.

In addition, the income includes funds in the amount of 39.2 million rubles received from NPFs for subsequent transfer to Management companies in accordance with applications of the insured persons - in the amount of 2% of the total amount of funds transferred by the Fund to NPFs as of as of January 1, 2006 (estimated).

Let us consider the formation of the revenue side of the Pension Fund budget for 2007.

For 2007, in accordance with the federal law of December 19, 2006 No. 236-FZ “On the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2007,” the PFR budget for 2007 was approved for income in the amount of 1845.1 billion rubles.

It is necessary to analyze the law “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2007”

The bill provides for the receipt of income to the Pension Fund budget in the amount of 1914133150.2 thousand rubles, which is 69039131.1 thousand rubles, or 3.7% more than established by the Federal Law of December 19, 2006 No. 236-FZ “On the Pension Budget Fund of the Russian Federation for 2007".

The following items of PFR budget revenue had the highest percentage of adjustments:

1) federal budget funds transferred to the Pension Fund for social support of Heroes Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory, Heroes of Socialist Labor and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory, increased by 47649.4 thousand rubles (more than 5.7 times) and amounted to 57649.4 thousand rubles;

2) federal budget funds transferred to the Pension Fund for compensation of travel costs for pensioners who are recipients of an old-age and disability pension to a place of rest and back in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of February 19, 1993 No. 4520-1, increased by 810003.3 thousand rubles (more than 5.2 times) and amounted to 1000003.3 thousand rubles.

The following items of PFR budget revenue had the largest increase in budget assignments:

1) insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance, allocated to pay the insurance part of the labor pension, increased by 95,100,000.0 thousand rubles, or 12.6%, and amounted to 84,896,000.0 thousand rubles. The amount of insurance contributions for the payment of the insurance part of the labor pension has been increased taking into account the actual execution of the Pension Fund budget for 8 months of 2007 and the expected estimate of revenues in September-December 2007.

2) funds received from the federal budget to the Pension Fund budget to finance the basic part of the labor pension were increased by 30,268,180.0 thousand rubles, or 5.4%, and amounted to 59,0038,509.4 thousand rubles. The increase in funding for the basic part of the labor pension was caused by the implementation of the draft federal law “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in order to increase the level of material support for certain categories of citizens.” From December 1, 2007, the size of the basic part of the labor pension is increasing by 300 rubles, as well as in proportion to this increase, an increase in the size of all other basic parts of the labor pension (old age, disability and loss of breadwinner), pensions assigned under the legislation on state pension provision , and other payments, the amount of which is determined based on the size of the basic part of the old-age labor pension;

3) federal budget funds transferred to the Pension Fund for monthly cash payments to certain categories of citizens were increased by 9887419.1 thousand rubles, or 5%, and amounted to 206053912.6 thousand rubles, including funds under budget revenues The Pension Fund, which provides for the receipt of federal budget funds for monthly cash payments to disabled people, was increased by 8572258.1 thousand rubles, or 6.2%, and amounted to 147066844.3 thousand rubles.

Let us consider the formation of the revenue side of the Pension Fund budget for 2008.

Main regulatory legal document regulating this area is the federal law “On the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2008 and for the planning period of 2009 and 2010”, adopted by the State Duma on July 6, 2007 and approved by the Federation Council on July 11, 2007. The press service reports this President of the Russian Federation.

The law provides for the approval of the main characteristics of the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for a three-year period.

The Fund's draft budget for 2008 and for the period until 2010 in terms of income was formed: for 2008 - in the amount of 2330632.7 million rubles (126.3% of the previous year), including 2107198.3 million rubles (122. 1%) - regarding the distribution component of the Fund’s budget; for 2009 - respectively, in the amount of 2669533.5 million rubles (114.5%) and 2397522.3 million rubles (113.8%); for 2010 - in the amount of 3179764.2 million rubles (119.1%) and 2857588.9 million rubles (119.2%).

In accordance with the Law on Compulsory Pension Insurance, starting from 2008, the rate of insurance contributions for the funded part of the labor pension is increasing from 4% to 6% due to a corresponding decrease in contributions to insurance part. These changes will entail an increase in planned receipts of insurance contributions for the funded part of the labor pension in the amount of about 100 billion rubles, or by 89.6% compared to 2007. At the same time, the increase in the receipt of insurance contributions for the insurance part of the labor pension for the same period, according to calculations for the Draft Law, will decrease by approximately 7% and amount to 7.1%, while in 2009 and 2010 this increase is expected to be 13.9% and 12.2 %, respectively.

The receipt of insurance contributions for the insurance and funded parts of the labor pension (more than 40% of the PFR budget revenues) is expected: in 2008 - 1029290.0 million rubles, in 2009 - 1184670.0 million rubles, in 2010 - 1344260.0 million rubles, taking into account the receipt of contributions in the form of a fixed payment.

The expected volume of receipts of insurance premiums for the insurance part does not provide the projected costs for paying the insurance part of the labor pension on an ever-increasing scale: in 2008 - by 112,087.5 million rubles, in 2009 - by 143,262.0 million rubles, in 2010 - by 189551.9 million rubles.

The bill provides for the receipt of income from the sale of property under the operational management of the Pension Fund of Russia, in 2008, 12.0 million rubles (2.6 times more than in 2006 and 2007), for 2009 and 2010 such income is provided, respectively, in the amount of 15.0 million rubles (1.2 times more) and 19.0 million rubles (1.5 times more).

Free receipts from the federal budget are provided for: for 2008 in the amount of 1284324.4 million rubles, for 2009 - in the amount of 1461048.3 million rubles and for 2010 - in the amount of 1806647.7 million rubles, or 55.1% , 54.7% and 56.8%, respectively, of the estimated income of the Pension Fund. Of these, to cover the Fund's budget deficit in 2008-2010, funds from the federal budget are provided, respectively, in the amount of 184580.6 million rubles, 149138.6 million rubles and 251551.7 million rubles (109.2% - in 2008, by 69% in 2009 and by 185.1% in 2010 more than in 2007).

It should be noted that the share of funds from the federal budget transferred to the Pension Fund tends to increase (in 2005 - 49.6%, in 2006 - 53.2%, 52.2 percent is planned for 2007).

Thus, having analyzed the dynamics of budget revenues of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2006, 2007 and 2008, it is possible to identify a trend in the increase in federal budget funds in financing the pension system, which indicates an increasing tendency for it to move away from insurance principles, as evidenced by the data below. The main reasons for increasing the share of federal budget funds in the PFR budget are: the assignment of additional functions to the PFR to make certain non-insurance payments financed from the federal budget (EDV, DEMO, DMO, maternity (family) capital); low share of recorded wages in GDP and its share in the income of the population and, accordingly, low volume of UST receipts and insurance contributions; reduction from January 1, 2005 of the base rate of the unified social tax in the part credited to the federal budget and transferred to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from 14% to 6%; change in the tariffs of insurance contributions for the funded part of the labor pension from 4% to 6% since 2008; imperfect legislation regarding the administration of insurance payments, as well as the collection of debt on insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance (including overdue). As for the structure of income, the largest part is occupied by taxes and contributions for social needs, followed by gratuitous income, mainly from the federal budget, and in third place is income from the placement of pension savings. Let's look at the dynamics of the basic, insurance and funded parts of the pension. The basic part of the pension is characterized by a tendency to reduce payments, thus, the government is trying to reduce the burden on the federal budget and move to the insurance principle of pension formation by 2010, which can be seen in the growing trend in contributions to the insurance and funded part of the pension.

According to Article 147 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, funds from state extra-budgetary funds are spent exclusively for the purposes determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regulating their activities, in accordance with the budgets of these funds, approved by federal laws, laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2006 was formed based on expenses in the amount of 1531.6 billion rubles. (6.3% of GDP), including to finance compulsory pension provision for citizens, as well as additional pension provision and additional material support for certain categories of citizens, taking into account delivery costs, it is planned to allocate 1272.7 billion rubles, which is 83 .5% of the total expenditures of the Fund’s budget for the distribution component, to finance monthly cash payments to certain categories of citizens, carried out at the expense of the federal budget - 210.2 billion rubles, or 13.8%. /12/ (see Appendix B)

The costs of paying the basic part of the labor pension in 2006 were determined taking into account the costs of their indexation from April 1 - by 3% and from August 1 - by 4% (for the year as a whole - by 7.1%) in the amount of 485.95 billion .rub., i.e. within the limits of funds provided for these purposes in the federal budget.

Expenses for payment of the insurance part of the labor pension in 2006 were determined in the amount of 680.8 billion rubles. taking into account the costs of their increase from April 1, 2006 by 6.3% in accordance with the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”.

There are no legal grounds for indexing the insurance part of the labor pension according to the consumer price growth index in 2006 based on the conditions established by the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” due to the fact that the actual price growth index for the indicated periods will not reach the established one legislation limit at which indexation of the insurance part of the pension is carried out.

The total costs of the Fund for the payment of pensions under state pension provision and other payments from the federal budget transferred to the Fund in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation will amount to 87,804.4 million rubles.

Financing of activities in the field of social policy is provided in the amount of 1000.0 million rubles. or 0.06% of the Fund’s total expenses, of which 298.5 million rubles. is planned to be used to finance outreach work in connection with the pension reform and the need for active explanation pension legislation Russian Federation.

The Pension Fund budget for 2007 was approved for expenditures in the amount of 1,786.5 billion rubles. (100.2%), with a surplus of 36.2 billion rubles. The Fund's budget, in the part not related to the formation of funds to finance the funded part of labor pensions, was fulfilled in terms of expenses - in the amount of 1,769,921.2 million rubles. Interbudgetary transfers in the amount of 916.42 billion rubles were provided from the federal budget, of which: for the payment of the basic part of the labor pension - 590.0 billion rubles (100% of budget allocations); for the payment of pensions under state pension provision, benefits, monthly additional payments to state pensions(monthly lifelong maintenance), additional monthly material support (DEMO) to citizens of the Russian Federation, including the cost of their delivery - 103.9 billion rubles (100%); for the payment of pensions assigned to the unemployed ahead of schedule - 1.76 billion rubles (99.2%); for the payment of material support to specialists of the nuclear weapons complex - 1.69 billion rubles (102.1%); for the implementation of monthly cash payments (MCP) to certain categories of citizens in the total amount of 206.01 billion rubles.

It is necessary to pay attention to the federal law “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2007”. The bill provides for PFR budget expenses in the amount of 1782348238.4 thousand rubles, which is 54548359.3 thousand rubles (3.2%) more than established by the PFR budget for 2007.

It should be noted that the parameters of the PFR budget expenditures for 2007 have been adjusted in order to bring them into line with the volumes of funds allocated for these purposes in the revenue side of the PFR budget.

Such adjustments were made to the costs of paying the basic part of the labor pension, for monthly cash payments certain categories of citizens and for other social benefits, the financing of which is carried out in accordance with the legislation from the federal budget, as well as expenses for material support for specialists of the nuclear weapons complex of the Russian Federation, payment of pensions assigned ahead of schedule to citizens recognized as unemployed, and payment of additional payments to pensions members of flight crews of civil aviation aircraft.

In addition, the expenditures of the PFR budget for 2007 in terms of the transfer of pension savings to non-state pension funds (hereinafter referred to as NPFs) were increased by 8989535.5 thousand rubles, or by 232.5%, and amounted to 15776304.5 thousand rubles. Such a sharp increase (more than 2 times against budget assignments) was caused by the implementation of the provisions of the Federal Law of May 7, 1998 No. 75-FZ “On Non-State Pension Funds” on the right of the insured person to refuse the formation of the funded part of the labor pension through the Pension Fund and on the right at the choice of NPF.

Let's consider the expenditure side of the Pension Fund budget for 2008.

The Fund's budget bill for 2008 and for the period up to 2010 is formed according to expenses: in 2008 - in the amount of 2099895.2 million rubles, in 2009 - respectively, in the amount of 2464817.1 million rubles, in 2010 - in the amount 2877786.8 million rubles.

The expenses of the Draft Law are determined in accordance with the norms of the current legislation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts, and forecast indicators of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation. The total volume of budgetary allocations directed by the Pension Fund of Russia for the fulfillment of public regulatory obligations will amount to 2034251.3 million rubles for 2008 (96.9% of the total expenditures of the Fund’s budget), for 2009 - 2391414.2 million rubles (96.7 %), for 2010 - 2795460.4 million rubles (97.1%). The list of public regulatory obligations, the fulfillment of which is entrusted to the Fund, contains 27 items, and a wide range of payments must be provided.

Expenses for DEMO in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2005 No. 363 “On measures to improve the financial situation of certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945” will amount to 13018 in 2008 .4 million rubles, in 2009 - 11684.4 million rubles, in 2010 - 10485.4 million rubles; in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 1, 2005 No. 887 “On measures to improve the financial situation of people with disabilities due to war trauma» in 2008 - 642.7 million rubles, in 2009 - 610.6 million rubles, in 2010 - 580.1 million rubles. The data is calculated based on the average annual number of recipients and the average annual payment amount.

The total amount of expenses in accordance with the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” is provided by the bill in the amount of 1638931.4 million rubles for 2008, 1952634.6 million rubles - for 2009 and 2269700.3 million rubles - for 2010. These indicators correspond to the dynamics of growth in the number of pensioners. The forecast indicators of the average annual number of pensioners - recipients of labor pensions are: for 2008 - 36709.4 thousand people, for 2009 - 36890.1 thousand people, for 2010 - 37077.3 thousand people. The average annual population growth is expected to be 100.7%. The dynamics of expenses corresponds to the dynamics of growth in the number of pensioners and takes into account the indexation of pensions.

It is planned to allocate 707,722.2 million rubles (33.7%) in 2008 to pay the basic part of the labor pension, in 2009 - 876,619.7 million rubles (35.5%), in 2010 - 1033,019.9 million. rubles (35.8%). For the payment of the insurance part of the pension, respectively, 929213.5 million rubles (44.2%), 1073048.0 million rubles (43.5%), 1232617.4 million rubles (43.8%). Expenses for payments to the legal successors of deceased insured persons are provided for: for 2008 - in the amount of 1995.7 million rubles (0.12%), in 2009 - in the amount of 2966.9 million rubles (0.15%), and in 2010 year - in the amount of 4063.0 million rubles (0.17%).

The total amount of expenses provided for in the Draft Law for the implementation of EDV for certain categories of citizens is 251,747.6 million rubles (11.9%) for 2008; 266,542.3 million rubles (10.8%) for 2009; year - 282,167.6 million rubles (9.8%).

Expenses for the provision of social support measures for Heroes are provided for 2008 in the amount of 10.7 million rubles (0.0005%), for 2009 - in the amount of 11.9 million rubles (0.0004%), in 2010 - in in the amount of 12.7 million rubles (0.0004%).

Expenses regulated by the Investment Law are provided for: for 2008 - 18274.0 million rubles (0.87%), for 2009 - 23765.6 million rubles (0.96%), for 2010 - 32662.3 million rubles (1.13%). Planned expenses are justified by the calculations made.

Expenses for the payment of early pensions to citizens recognized as unemployed, benefits in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1 “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation” The bill is expected in 2008 in the amount of 1871.8 million rubles, in In 2009 - 2099.8 million rubles, in 2010 - 2468.7 million rubles. Expenses are balanced with the expected receipt of federal budget funds for these purposes.

The bill provides 500.0 million rubles for financing activities in the field of social policy for 2008, 527.2 million rubles for 2009, and 554.1 million rubles for 2010. Of these funds, it is planned to allocate 400.0 million rubles to finance information and explanatory work in 2008, 427.2 million rubles in 2009, 454.1 million rubles in 2010, expenses for paying state fees, legal costs (payment for the services of representatives, conducting an examination, compensation for moral damage) - in the amount of up to 100.0 million rubles annually.

Expenses associated with maintaining a special part of individual personal accounts of insured persons, the formation of pension savings, for 2008 are provided in the amount of 884.9 million rubles, or 91.1%, for 2009 - in the amount of 981.3 million rubles, or 110.9%, for 2010 - in the amount of 1072.9 million rubles, or 109.3%. Expenses for the transfer of pension savings to non-state pension funds for 2008 are provided in the amount of 17389.0 million rubles (0.8%), in 2009 - in the amount of 22784.3 million rubles (0.9%), in 2010 year - in the amount of 31589.4 million rubles (1.09%). The growth of transferred funds is due to the forecast of an increase in the number of insured persons exercising the right to form the funded part of their labor pension through non-state pension funds.

Thus, we can conclude that the structure of expenditures of the budget of the Russian pension fund is dominated by expenses for the payment of labor pensions (80%), social pensions (10%), pensions for pensioners who retired early (8%), pensions for pensioners outside Russia (2%). As for the share of the basic, insurance and funded parts in the expenses of the Pension Fund, there is a tendency towards a decrease in the costs of paying the basic part of the pension, while costs for the insurance and funded parts tend to increase. The insurance component occupies the largest part of the pension structure, followed by the basic and funded parts.

CHAPTER 3 Ways to improve the work of the Russian Pension Fund

When planning pension reform, there is a need to take into account Russian specifics in organizing pension provision. This question is extremely important in light of the fact that there are no absolutely identical pension systems in the world; even pension systems based on the same principles are characterized by a variety of national characteristics.

Around the world, pension systems, characterized by numerous national characteristics, which are determined by the processes of historical development and the influence of certain ideas, are currently experiencing a period of comprehension and are subject to constant transformation aimed at improving the functions assigned to them. Therefore, blindly borrowing the experience of other countries when reforming the pension system in Russia is quite unpromising. It seems more productive to analyze this experience in order to identify approaches that make it possible to most effectively solve the tasks assigned to the pension system, not only at the present time, but also in the future.

The pension system of any country has one specific property - the property of a three-dimensional holographic photograph, and no matter how much such a photograph is cut, the entire picture displayed on it, even in the smallest piece, will be preserved entirely. This phenomenon of the holographic method of recording objects of the material world is fully inherent in the Russian pension system. So, the picture of a volumetric display essentially represents the entire spectrum of components of life in any country, such as: the achieved level of wages, the applied tax system, the demographic situation in the country and the state of the labor market, cultural and national traditions, the development of civil society structures and government bodies. Therefore, it is impossible to change only the pension system without affecting all the fundamental economic components of society.

This property of pension systems indicates their stability, inertia, conservatism, and this quality of stability is not a disadvantage, but rather a sign conditioned by the nature of pension systems, which is determined by the type of social structure of a particular country. It is possible to radically change the pension system only in exceptional cases, and only when the social formation itself changes.

In 2006, a draft Pension Reform Program in the Russian Federation was proposed. The essence of the new proposals comes down to the introduction of insurance mechanisms in various forms into the practice of pension provision: individual registered savings and conditional savings accounts, professional pension systems. The very name of the document - the Pension Reform Program - creates an optimistic mood that society will begin to move towards the required changes.

Based on the role of the pension system in society, the Program adopted by the Government must be considered from different perspectives, the most important of which are social and financial. So the social position presupposes:

  • preservation of pension rights earned by citizens in previous periods;
  • establishing fairer rules for determining the size of pensions;
  • maintaining a socially acceptable level of pensions and insurance premiums;
  • strengthening the interest of citizens in monitoring the financing of pensions and, as part of it, the payment of insurance premiums.

From a financial position point of view, it is necessary:

  • attracting funds from industries to provide pensions for those working in the industry;
  • attracting investment income from operations in the financial market.

According to this Program, it is planned to create a combined pension system, including three levels of pension provision for citizens:

a) state pension insurance is the leading element of the system, according to which the payment of pensions is provided depending on the insurance (work) experience and contributions paid to the state pension insurance budget. The source of financing is from current revenues to the Pension Fund, funds received from directing part of the mandatory insurance contributions to savings, and from investment income from their placement.

b) State pension provision - for persons who have not acquired the right to a pension under state pension insurance and who do not have sufficient work experience - at the expense of the federal budget.

c) Additional pension insurance, formed according to savings schemes through voluntary contributions from employers and citizens, and in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, mandatory contributions to professional pensions paid according to working conditions. Non-state pension provision in the pension system is considered as additional to the state one and can be carried out both in the form of additional professional pension systems of individual organizations, sectors of the economy or territories, and in the form of personal pension insurance of citizens who accumulate funds for their additional pension provision in insurance companies. companies or pension funds. Both of these forms must be developed.

Factors ensuring stabilization of the financial position of the Pension Fund will be:

  • tighter sizing pension payments to the amount of revenues to the Pension Fund;
  • taking into account the life expectancy of a pensioner when assigning a pension and stimulating later retirement through a system of conditional savings and personal savings accounts;
  • ensuring a clearer delineation of obligations for financing insurance pensions and other pension payments between the Russian Pension Fund and other sources, including the federal budget and social extra-budgetary funds;
  • increase in the collection of insurance premiums as a result of the introduction of a system of conditional savings and personal savings pension accounts.

To increase the financial stability of the Pension Fund, it is proposed to carry out a number of additional measures:

  • increase the collection of pension contributions, mainly by expanding the base of payers and significantly increasing the share of contributions paid directly by the employee;
  • optimize pension delivery technology using modern technologies, which should lead to an acceleration of the turnover of pension funds, a reduction in delays in the payment of pensions, and a reduction in delivery costs.

It is also necessary to conduct a series of comprehensive calculations and additional studies of options for further reform of the pension system and, based on their results, revise the main parameters transition period- its beginning and end, the sequence of further steps, the rates of contributions allocated to finance funded pensions, and when developing legislative acts, be based on the results of these studies.


-financial instability;

-weak differentiation of pension provision depending on labor contribution;

-unjustifiably large share of preferential pensions:

-lack of a socially fair mechanism for increasing pensions in connection with the rising cost of living.

In conclusion, we can come to the conclusion that the work of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has a rather complex and extensive system, but unfortunately it is not always effective, and it will take more than one year to balance this system and bring it into balance.


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Annex 1

Population of the Russian Federation, thousand people.


incl. younger than able-bodied

incl. able-bodied

incl. older than able-bodied

Number of economically active population, thousand people.

Economically active population- Total

employed in the economy - total

Number of pensioners by type of pension provision, thousand people. (at the end of the year)

Total pensioners

incl. old age

incl. on disability

incl. in case of loss of a breadwinner (for each disabled family member)

incl. for long service

incl. social

Number of people employed in the economy per 1 pensioner

Appendix 2

Revenues from the state pension system

Receipt of insurance contributions from enterprises to the Pension Fund of Russia, billion rubles.

Receipt of insurance contributions from enterprises to the Pension Fund of Russia, as a percentage of GDP

Expenses of the state pension system

Spending of funds from the Russian Pension Fund to finance payments of pensions and benefits, billion rubles.

Expenditure of the Russian Pension Fund to finance payments of pensions and benefits, as a percentage of GDP

Pension amount

Minimum old-age pension (including compensation payments), rub.

The average size assigned monthly pension (including compensation payments), rub.

Living wage pensioner, rub.

Appendix 3

Insurance contribution rates to the Pension Fund

1) for insurers acting as employers, with the exception of organizations acting as employers engaged in the production of agricultural products, tribal, family communities of indigenous peoples of the North engaged in traditional economic sectors, and peasant (farm) farms:

Up to 280,000 rub.

From 280,001 to 600,000 rubles.

28,000 rub. +3.9% for amounts exceeding RUB 280,000.

Over 600,000 rub.

2) for organizations acting as employers engaged in the production of agricultural products, tribal, family communities of indigenous peoples of the North engaged in traditional economic sectors, and peasant (farm) farms:

Base for calculating insurance premiums for each individual on an accrual basis from the beginning of the year

To finance the insurance part of the labor pension

To finance the funded part of the labor pension

Up to 280,000 rub.

From 280,001 to 600,000 rubles.

17640 rub. +3.9% for amounts exceeding RUB 280,000.

11200 rub. +1.6% on amounts exceeding RUB 280,000.

Over 600,000 rub.

The work was added to the site website: 2016-06-20

Order writing a unique work

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">


" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">"VOLGA STATE COLLEGE"

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">


" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">PM. 02 Organizational support activities of social protection institutions and bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">030912 Law and organization of social security

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Samara, 2013

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Methodological recommendations are printed by decision of the Methodological Council" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">GBOU SPO "Freight One"" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">No. 00 from 00.00.0000

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Compiled by" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">: Barinova A.N., teacher at State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education "Perugalsky State Conservatory"

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Reviewer:" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> Samarkina O.V., teacher, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education "Perugal State Conservatory".

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Methodological recommendations for implementation course project are part of the educational and methodological complex (UMC) for PM 02" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Organizational support for the activities of social protection institutions and bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Methodological recommendations define goals, objectives, order of implementation, and also contain requirements for the linguistic and technical design of the course project, practical advice on preparing and passing the defense procedure.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Methodological recommendations are addressed to full-time students.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">In electronic form guidelines posted on the college file server at:" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">" xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">SGPPK" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">." xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">RU;font-family:"Symbol"" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">education;font-family:"Symbol"" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Social security law;font-family:"Symbol"" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> MR for CP.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">
" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Dear student!

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Course project on the professional module;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> is one of the main types of training sessions and a form of monitoring your academic work.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">A course project is a creative activity of a student in a professional module of an abstract, practical or experimental nature.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Completing a course project on a professional module;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">"Organizational support for the activities of social protection bodies and bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation";color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> is intended for your purchase practical experience on systematization of acquired knowledge and practical skills, formation of professional (PC) and general competencies (GC).

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The course project is carried out under the guidance of a professional module teacher;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">"Organizational support for the activities of social protection bodies and bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.";color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> The result of this work should be a course project, completed and formatted in accordance with established requirements. The course project is subject to mandatory defense.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">These methodological recommendations (MR) define the goals and objectives," xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> execution order, contain requirements for the linguistic and technical design of the course project and practical advice on preparing and passing the defense procedure.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Detailed study of the recommendations and following them will allow you to avoid mistakes, reduce time and help you complete your course project efficiently.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Please note that" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> if you receive an unsatisfactory grade on your course project, you will not be allowed to take the qualifying exam for the professional module" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">At the same time, carefully studying the recommendations, following them and timely consultation with your supervisor will help you easily prepare, defend your course work and receive a positive assessment.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Consultations on the completion of the course project are carried out both during class hours during the study of the professional module, and on an individual schedule.

" xml:lang="-none-" lang="-none-">Composition of the certification and qualification commission:

  • " xml:lang="-none-" lang="-none-">chairman of the commission representative of the employer or college administrator;
  • " xml:lang="-none-" lang="-none-">teachers of the professional cycle,;text-decoration:underline" xml:lang="-none-" lang="-none-">those who did not participate in training in this professional module" xml:lang="-none-" lang="-none-">,
  • " xml:lang="-none-" lang="-none-">employer representatives (" xml:lang="-none-" lang="-none-">required" xml:lang="-none-" lang="-none-">),
  • " xml:lang="-none-" lang="-none-">secretary of the commission.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">We wish you success!

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">1 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">COURSE PROJECT

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Completing a course project is considered as a type of educational work in a professional module and is implemented within the time allotted for its study.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">1.1 The purpose of course design

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Completion of a course project by a student in a professional module (PM) is carried out with the aim of:

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">1. Formation of skills:

  • ;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">systematize acquired knowledge and practical skills in PM;
  • ;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">design production (social, legal, etc.) processes or their elements;
  • ;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">search, summarize, analyze the necessary information;
  • ;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">develop activities to solve the problems posed in the course work.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">2. Formations;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">professional competencies;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">:

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">PC name

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Main indicators of result assessment (PC)

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">PC 2.1 Maintain databases of recipients of pensions, benefits, compensation and other social payments, as well as services and benefits, up to date.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">PC 2.2 Identify persons in need of social protection and register them using information and computer technologies.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">PC 2.3 Organize and coordinate social work with individuals, categories of citizens and families in need of social support and protection.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">-analysis of the databases used;

"xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">-identifying problems in using the database.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">- algorithm for identifying persons using ICT;

"xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">- study of the organizational structure of the work of bodies for social protection of the population of the Russian Federation.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> - organization mechanism social work;

"xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">- mechanism for coordinating social work;

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">- analysis of work efficiency.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">3. Formations;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">general competencies;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> by specialty:

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Name OK

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Main indicators for evaluating the result (OK)

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">OK 1-4

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">OK 6-9

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Search for information to solve the goals and objectives set in the course work. Organize your own activities to solve the problem posed in the course work. Select standard or non-standard methods for solving a problem.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Focus on solving the goals and objectives of the course work and use the regulations adopted during the period of writing the course work.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">If necessary, use verified, reliable information received by colleagues, management, and consumers

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">When writing a term paper, observe the culture and style of literary communication.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">1.2 Course design tasks

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Course design tasks:

  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">search, synthesis, analysis of necessary information;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">formulation of coursework in accordance with the specified requirements;;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">preparation and defense (presentation) of course work/project.


;font-family:"Times New Roman"" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">2.1 Coursework structure

;font-family:"Times New Roman"" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">In terms of content, the course work can be of an abstract nature. In terms of volume, the course work must be at least 20-25 printed pages text.

;font-family:"Times New Roman"" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">By structure;font-family:"Times New Roman"" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> term paper of abstract nature;font-family:"Times New Roman"" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> includes:

  • ;font-family:"Times New Roman"" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">contents;
  • ;font-family:"Times New Roman"" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">introduction, which reveals the relevance and significance of the topic and formulates the purpose of the work;
  • ;font-family:"Times New Roman"" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">theoretical part, which describes the history of the issue, assesses the level of development of the problem in theory and practice through a comparative analysis of the literature ;
  • ;font-family:"Times New Roman"" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">conclusion, which contains conclusions and recommendations regarding the possibilities of using the work materials;
  • ;font-family:"Times New Roman"" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">bibliography;
  • ;font-family:"Times New Roman"" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">applications.


" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">3.1 Selecting a theme

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The distribution and consolidation of topics is carried out by the teacher. When securing a topic, the principle is observed: one topic one student (Appendix 1).

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">When pinning a topic, you have the right to choose whether to perform work on a particular topic from the proposed list" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">." xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Documentary consolidation of topics is carried out by adding your name to the list of coursework topics approved by the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs. This list of course project topics with specific student names is kept by the teacher You cannot change the theme yourself.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">3.2 Receiving an individual task

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">After choosing the topic of the course project, the teacher gives you an individual assignment in the established form.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Please note that you must receive an individual assignment no later than 2 months before completing the coursework" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">th project.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">3.3 Drawing up a plan for preparing a course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">At the very beginning of your work, it is very important, together with your supervisor, to draw up a plan for the implementation of the course project (Appendix 2). When drawing up the plan, you must together clarify the range of issues to be studied and research, the structure of the work, the timing of its completion, determine the necessary literature.It is MANDATORY to draw up a working version of the content of the course project in sections and subsections.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Attention! To avoid problems, when preparing a course project you must always have before your eyes:

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Calendar plan for the course project.
  2. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Graph individual consultations leader.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Remember: timely completion of each stage of the course project is the key to your successful defense and guarantee of admission to the qualification exam in PM

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">3.4 Selection, study, analysis and synthesis of materials

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> on the selected topic

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> Before you begin developing the content of your course work, it is very important to study various sources (laws, GOSTs, Internet resources, educational publications, etc.) on a given topic.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> The process of studying educational, scientific, normative, technical and other literature requires careful and thorough understanding, taking notes of the main provisions, brief theses, necessary facts, quotes, which the result turns into a review of the relevant book, article or other publications.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The quality of your work at this stage determines the quality of the work upon its completion.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> Attention! When studying various sources, it is very important to record them all at once. In the future, these sources will be included in your list of references.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Practical advice: create a file “Literature on the Kyrgyz Republic” on your computer and gradually enter there the source data of any source that you studied on the topic of your course work. In order not to do the work several times, carefully study the requirements for compiling a list of sources and literature (Appendix 4).

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The result of this stage of the course work is a formed understanding of the subject of research, a logically constructed system of knowledge of the essence of the content itself and the structure of the problem under study.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The result of this work may be the need to move away from the original plan, which, naturally, can not only change and clarify the structure, but also qualitatively enrich the content of the course work .

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">3.5 Development of course work content

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The course work has a number of structural elements: introduction, theoretical part, conclusion, bibliography, appendices..

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">3.5.1 Development of the introduction

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Firstly, the introduction should justify the relevance of the chosen topic of the course work, reveal its theoretical and practical significance, and formulate the goals and objectives of the work (Appendix 3).

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Secondly, in the introduction, as well as in the part of the work where the theoretical aspect of this problem is considered, the author should give, at least briefly, a review of the literature, published on this topic.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The introduction should prepare the reader to perceive the main text of the work. It consists of mandatory elements that must be correctly formulated. The first sentence names the topic of the course project.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Relevance of the study" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> (why should this be studied?) The relevance of the study is considered from the standpoint of social and practical significance. At this point it is necessary to reveal the essence of the problem under study and show the degree of its elaboration in various works (lawyers, economists, technicians, etc., depending on the VPD). Here you can list the sources of information used for the research. (The information base of the research can be included in the first chapter).

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Purpose of the study" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> (what result will be obtained?) Purpose d;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">must consist in solving the problem under study through its analysis and practical implementation." xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> The target is always aimed at the object.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Research problem" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> (what should be studied?) The research problem shows a complication, an unsolved problem or factors that interfere with its solution. Defined by 1 - 2 terms.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Object of study" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> (what will be studied?). The object involves working with concepts.;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">This paragraph provides a definition of the economic phenomenon that the research activity is aimed at." xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The object can be a person, environment, process, structure, economic activity of an enterprise (organization).

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Subject of research" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> (how, what will the search be done through?);color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Here it is necessary to define the specific properties of an object or methods of studying an economic phenomenon planned for research." xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> The subject of the research is aimed at practical activities and is reflected through the results of these actions.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Research hypothesis" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> (what is not obvious in the study?).

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Possible structure of the hypothesis:

  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">statement of the significance of the problem.
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">guess (your opinion) “At the same time...”.
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">assumption “It is possible...”.
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">proof “If...”.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Research objectives" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> (how to get to the result?), ways to achieve the goal. Objectives correspond to the hypothesis.;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> They are determined based on the goals of the project. The formulation of tasks must be done as carefully as possible, since the description of their solution should form the content of the chapters and paragraphs of the project As a rule, 3-4 tasks are formulated.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">List of recommended tasks:

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">“Based on a theoretical analysis of literature, develop...” (key concepts, basic concepts).
  2. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">"Determine..." (highlight the main conditions, factors, reasons influencing the object of study).
  3. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">"Expand..." (highlight the main conditions, factors, reasons influencing the subject of the study).
  4. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">"Develop..." (means, conditions, forms, programs).
  5. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">"Test..." (what we developed) and give recommendations...

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Research methods" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">(how was it researched?):" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">a brief listing of research methods is given, separated by commas without justification.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> (" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">what new and valuable did the study provide?).

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Theoretical significance of the study;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">e is of a mandatory nature. The presence of formulated directions for the implementation of the conclusions and proposals obtained gives the work great practical significance.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">When writing, you can use the following phrases: the results of the study will allow...;" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> will contribute to the development...; will allow us to improve....

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Work structure" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">this" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">final part of the introduction" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">(which is ultimately presented in the project).

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">In the final part, the structural parts of the project are listed in name order, for example: “The structure of the project corresponds to the logic of the study and includes an introduction, a theoretical part, a practical part, and a conclusion , bibliography, 5 appendices."

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Here it is permissible to give a detailed structure of the course project and briefly outline the content of the chapters. (More often, the content of the chapters of the course project is stated in the conclusion).

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Thus, the introduction should prepare for the perception of the main text of the project.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> Brief comments on the formulation of the introduction elements are presented in Table 1.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Table 1

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Comments on the formulation of introduction elements

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Introduction element

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Comment on the wording

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Relevance of the topic

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Why should you study this?

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Reveal the essence of the problem under study and show the degree of its elaboration.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Purpose of the study

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">What result will be obtained?

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">It should consist of solving the problem under study through its analysis and practical implementation.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Object of study

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">What will be researched?

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Define the phenomenon or problem that the research activity is aimed at.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Subject of research

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">How and through what will the search be carried out?

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Give a definition of the specific properties of an object planned for research or methods of studying a phenomenon or problem.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Research hypothesis

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">What is not obvious in the study?

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Statement of the significance of the problem, assumption, proof of a possible solution to the problem.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Work tasks

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">How to get to the result?

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Determined based on the goals of the project and in the development of the goals set. The formulation of tasks must be done as carefully as possible, since the description of their solution should form the content of the chapters and paragraphs of the work. It is recommended to formulate 3 4 tasks.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Research methods

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">How did you study?

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">A brief listing of methods separated by commas without justification.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Theoretical and practical significance of the study

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">What new and valuable did the study provide?

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The formulation of theoretical and practical significance is not mandatory. The presence of formulated directions for the implementation of the conclusions and proposals obtained gives the work greater practical significance.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Structure of the work (final part of the introduction)

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">What is ultimately presented in the work.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">A brief summary of the list and/or content of the project chapters.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">3.5.2 Development of the main part of the course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The main part usually consists of two sections: the first contains theoretical basis Topics; the history of the issue is given, the level of development of the topic in theory and practice through a comparative analysis of the literature.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">In the theoretical part, it is recommended to present the most general provisions concerning this topic, and not to intrude into all problems on a global scale. The theoretical part involves an analysis of the object of study and should contain key concepts, history of the issue, level of development of the problem in theory and practice.;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">When presenting the content of publications by other authors, it is necessary;text-decoration:underline;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">required;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">give links to them indicating the page numbers of these information sources. To write the practical component of the course project, as a rule, materials collected by you are used during industrial practice.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">In cases where you do not have such materials, the theoretical provisions of the course project should be illustrated with data from the State Statistics Committee, central and local periodicals, etc. Collection of materials for this chapter should not be taken as a simple set of indicators for the corresponding planning and reporting periods.It is important to deeply study the most significant aspects and features from the point of view of the objectives of the course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Depending on the topic of the course project, the content usually has 3 chapters. The first chapter is theoretical; its description is given above. The second chapter is theoretical-practical, where examples of materials from practice, including production, examples of solving a problem from various points of view (theorists, practitioners, lawyers and other authors of scientific and methodological publications).The third chapter of the project is only practical, where the most effective materials are proposed for solving the problem of the course project defined in the coursework project, that is, these are specific proposals aimed at the result of the research (the goal of the course project)." xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The use of links to information sources in a course project is indicated by a footnote (icon) indicating the number of the source used.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Attention!" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Writing a course project is a complex process and therefore you must monitor and record the teacher’s consultations on each stage of writing the course project.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">3.5.3 Development of a conclusion

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Please note that at the end of the study, results on the topic are summed up.;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The conclusion takes the form of a synthesis of the results obtained in the work. Its main purpose is to summarize the content of the work, to summarize the results of the research. The conclusion sets out the conclusions obtained and their relationship with the purpose of the study, specific tasks, hypothesis," xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> formulated in the introduction.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The research conducted should confirm or refute the research hypothesis. If the hypothesis is refuted, recommendations are given;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">on possible improvement of activities in the light of the problem under study" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">3.5.4 Compiling a list of sources and literature

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The list of sources and literature includes sources that you studied in the process of preparing your work, including those that you refer to in text of the course project.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Attention! The list of literature used is drawn up in accordance with the rules provided for by state standards (Appendix 4).

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The list of references used must contain 20 25 sources (at least 10 books and 10-15" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> periodical press materials) with which the author of the course project worked.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The list of used literature includes:

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">regulatory legal acts;

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">scientific literature and periodicals;

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">practical materials.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Sources are placed in alphabetical order. Continuous numbering is used for all literature.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">When referring to literature in the text of the course project, you should write not the title of the book (article), but the serial number assigned to it in the “Bibliography” index in square brackets. Literature footnotes are numbered in the order of their appearance in the text of the note.Continuous numbering is used.


  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The text part of the project must be presented in a computer version on A4 paper. Font Times New Roman, font size 14, one and a half spacing, justified. Pages must have margins: bottom 2.5; top 2; left 3; right 1.5. The volume of the course project is 25-35 pages. All pages of the work must be counted, starting from title page and ending with the last application. It should be borne in mind that the title page of the course project is implied, but the page number is not included. Page numbering should be continuous, starting with the introduction and ending with the last appendix. The page number is placed in the middle of the bottom margin.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The entire text of the project must be divided into component parts. The text is broken down by dividing it into chapters and paragraphs. The content of the project should not contain the same wording as the name of one of the components parts with the title of the work itself, as well as the coincidence of the titles of chapters and paragraphs.The titles of chapters and paragraphs should reflect their main content and reveal the topic of the project.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">When dividing a project into chapters (according to GOST 2.105-95), they are designated by serial numbers in Arabic numerals without a dot and written with a paragraph indentation." xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">If necessary, paragraphs can be divided into paragraphs." xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Item number" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> must consist of chapter, paragraph and paragraph numbers separated by dots. Do not put a dot at the end of the chapter, paragraph (subparagraph) number.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">If a chapter or paragraph consists of one paragraph, it is also numbered. Points, if necessary, can be divided into subparagraphs, which must have serial numbering within each paragraph , For example" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">:,," xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> etc.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Each paragraph, subparagraph and enumeration are written in paragraph indentation. Chapters and paragraphs must have headings. Paragraphs, as a rule, do not have headings. The titles of chapters should be short and written in the form of headings (in a red line) in bold type, without underlining and without a period at the end. Headings must clearly and concisely reflect the content of chapters, paragraphs, points.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The numbering of pages of the main text and appendices included in the work must be continuous.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The main part of the project should not contain tables, diagrams, graphs with corresponding links and comments. Tables, diagrams, graphs, illustrations in the course project must be made in application form.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The project must use scientific and special terms, designations and definitions established by the relevant standards, and in their absence, generally accepted in the specialized and scientific literature. If specific terminology, then before the list of references there should be a list of accepted terms with appropriate explanations.The list is included in the content of the project (Appendix 7).

4.2 Design of illustrations

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">All illustrations must be carefully selected, clearly and accurately executed. Drawings and diagrams must be directly related to the text, without unnecessary images and data that are not explained anywhere . The number of illustrations in the project must be sufficient to explain the presented text. All illustrations must be referenced in the text of the project. The names given in the text and on the illustrations must be the same.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Links to illustrations may be placed in brackets in the appropriate place in the text, without specifying" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">see." xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> (see). Links to previously mentioned illustrations are written in abbreviated form" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> in a word" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> see" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">, for example" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">, see Figure 3

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">4.3 Design of tables

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Digital material, as a rule, is presented in the form of tables. The title of the table should reflect its content, be accurate and concise. Only as an exception, a table may not have a title .

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Tables within the entire note are numbered in Arabic numerals with continuous numbering, before which the word is written" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Table" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Example" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">:

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Table" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">2

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">All tables must have links in the text, and the word table is written in full in the text, for example:" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">in table 4.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The table, depending on its size, is placed in the application of the course project.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">If the rows or columns of the table go beyond the format of the page, it is divided into parts, placing one part under the other, while in each part of the table its header and sidebar are repeated .

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">When transferring a table to another sheet (page), the table header is repeated and indicated above it:" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Continuation of table 5." xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> The table name is placed only above the first part of the table.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">In table columns, it is not allowed to draw diagonal lines with vertical chapter headings posted on both sides of the diagonal.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The main headings should be placed at the top of the table header.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">All words in the headings and inscriptions of the header and side of the table are written in full, without abbreviations. Only those abbreviations that are accepted in the text are allowed, both for numbers and without them. Cumbersome construction of tables with a “multi-story” header should be avoided. All headings should be written as simply and concisely as possible." xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">tko." xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> A note to the table is placed immediately below it, written in italics and accompanied by the inscription:" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">"Note to the table..."" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">indicating the number of this table.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">4.4 Application design

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">In the appendices of the course project, material is placed that complements the main text.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Applications can be:

  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">graphics, diagrams;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">large format tables,
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">statistical data;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">photos,
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">procedural documents and/or their fragments, etc.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Appendices are drawn up as a separate document.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">In the main text, links to all applications must be given.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Appendices are placed in a sequence of links to them in the text. Each appendix must begin on a new sheet (page) with the words indicated in the upper right corner of the page" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Application" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> and numbers.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Applications are designated in Arabic numerals, with the exception of the number 0. Designation of applications in Roman numerals is not allowed.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The application must have a title, which is written with a capital letter on a separate line.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">ATTENTION!" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> The completed course project is submitted to the supervisor for review.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Checking, writing feedback and accepting the course project is carried out by the teacher of the discipline outside the class schedule.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Before submitting the project, you must check that all necessary requirements for its content and format are met. Failure to comply with the requirements may affect the assessment or the course project may be returned for revision, and also re-execute.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The project manager cannot provide for early defense of the course project in connection with the submission of the defense to the qualifying exam.

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> Requirements for linguistic design

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The course project must be written in a logically consistent manner, in literary language. Repeated use of the same word, if possible, is acceptable after 50 100 words. Should not use both overly lengthy and complexly constructed sentences and overly short, laconic phrases that are loosely connected with each other, susceptible to double interpretation, etc.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">When writing a course project, it is not recommended to write in the first person singular: “I observed,” “I believe,” “in my opinion,” etc. d. It is more correct to use the pronoun “we”. Phrases are allowed while preserving the first person plural, in which the pronoun “we” is excluded, that is, phrases are constructed using the words “observe”, “install”, “have”. You can use the expressions “on our opinion”, “in our opinion”, however it is preferable to express the same thought in an impersonal form, for example:

  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">the study of pedagogical experience indicates that...,
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Based on the analysis performed, we can say...,
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">research confirmed...;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">it seems appropriate to note;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">it has been established that;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">a conclusion is drawn about...;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">should be emphasized, highlighted;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">we can conclude that;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">needs to be considered, studied, supplemented;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">the work considers, analyzes...

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">When writing a course project, you must use the language of scientific presentation. The following words and expressions can be used here:

  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">to indicate the sequence of thought development and temporal correlation:
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">first of all, first of all, first of all;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">firstly, secondly, etc.;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">then, further, in conclusion, so, finally;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">until now, earlier, in previous studies, to the present;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">в last years, decades;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">for comparison and contrast:
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">however, while, nevertheless, but, at the same time;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">both... and...;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">on the one hand..., on the other hand, not only..., but also;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">in comparison, in contrast, in contrast;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">to indicate a consequence, causation:
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">thus, therefore, so, in connection with this;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">from here it follows, clearly, clearly;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">this allows you to draw a conclusion;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">testifies, speaks, gives opportunity;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">as a result;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">for addition and clarification:
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">besides this, in addition, also and, along with..., in particular;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">mainly, especially, precisely;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">to illustrate what has been said:
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">for example, like this;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">we will illustrate what has been said with the following example, we will give an example;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">confirmation of the above is;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">for links to previous statements, opinions, studies, etc.:
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">was established, reviewed, identified, analyzed;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">as said, noted, emphasized;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">similar, similar, identical analysis, result;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">according to X, as X notes, according to X's theory;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">to enter new information:
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">consider the following cases, additional examples;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">let's move on to consideration, analysis, description;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">let's dwell in more detail on...;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">the next question is...;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Another important aspect of the problem being studied is...;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">to express logical connections between parts of a statement:
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">as the analysis showed, as mentioned above;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">based on the data received;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The conducted research allows us to draw a conclusion;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">summarizing what was said;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Further prospects for the research are related to….

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Written speech requires the use of a large number of detailed sentences in the text, including subordinate clauses, participial and participial phrases. In this regard, compound subordinating conjunctions and clichés are often used:

  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">because, due to the fact that, in accordance with...;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">in connection, as a result;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">provided that, despite...;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">along with..., during, in the course of, as much as possible.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">It is necessary to define the basic concepts on the research topic so that their use in the text of the course project is unambiguous. This means: this or that concept that can be interpreted by different scientists according to -differently, should have only one meaning in the entire text of the project from beginning to end, clearly defined by the author of the course project.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> The course project must maintain a unified presentation style and ensure spelling, syntactic and stylistic literacy in accordance with the norms of the modern Russian language.


" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">A course project completed in compliance with the recommended requirements is assessed at the preliminary defense by the teacher and is allowed to be defended. The defense must be carried out at the qualifying exam for the professional module PM 02. " Organizational support for the activities of social protection institutions and bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The procedure for defending a course project includes:

  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">student presentation on the topic and results of the work (5-8 min),
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">answers to questions from commission members,
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">comments of the leading teacher (if necessary).

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">When preparing for defense, you need to:

  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">carefully read the contents of the project manager’s review,
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">make the necessary amendments to the work, make the necessary additions and/or changes;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">reasonably and conclusively reveal the essence of the topic of the course project;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">answer in detail the questions of the commission members.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">REMEMBER that the final grade for the course project is assigned by the commission after a collegial discussion of all course projects submitted for defense.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The project is assessed differentially, taking into account the quality of its implementation, the content of your speech and answers to questions during the defense.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The results of the defense are assessed according to a four-point system: “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory”. A positive assessment in the professional module, which provides course project, is awarded only if the course project is successfully defended with a grade of at least “satisfactory”.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">If you receive an unsatisfactory grade on your course project, you are not allowed to take the qualifying exam for the professional module. Also, by decision of the commission, you may be given the right to finalize the project within the established time limits commission deadlines and re-defense.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The following requirements are imposed on the defense of a course project:

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Deep;text-decoration:underline" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">theoretical study" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> problems under study based on an analysis of economic literature.
  2. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Skillful;text-decoration:underline" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">systematization of digital data" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> in the form of tables and graphs with necessary analysis, generalization and identification of development trends of the studied phenomena and processes.
  3. ;text-decoration:underline" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Critical approach" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> to the factual materials being studied in order to find areas for improving activities.
  4. ;text-decoration:underline" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Reasoned conclusions" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">,;text-decoration:underline" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">validity" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> suggestions and recommendations.
  5. ;text-decoration:underline" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Logically consistent and independent" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> presentation of the material.
  6. ;text-decoration:underline" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Material design" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> in accordance with the established requirements.
  7. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The supervisor's review of the course project is mandatory.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">To speak at the defense, it is necessary to prepare in advance and agree with the supervisor the abstracts of the report and illustrative material.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">When drawing up abstracts, it is necessary to take into account the approximate time for the presentation at the defense, which is;text-decoration:underline" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">8-10 minutes" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">. It is advisable to construct the report not by presenting the content of the work in chapters, but;text-decoration:underline" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">by task" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">, that is, revealing the logic of obtaining significant results. The report;text-decoration:underline" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">required" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> there must be a reference to the illustrative material that will be used during the defense of the work. The volume of the report should be 7-8 pages of text in Word format, font size 14, one and a half interval. Recommended structure, volume and timing of the report are given in Table 5.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Table 5

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Structure, volume and time of the report

Structure of the report



Presentation of the topic of work.

Up to 1.5 pages

Up to 2 minutes

Relevance of the topic.

Objective of the project.

Statement of the problem, the results of its solution and the conclusions drawn (for each of the tasks that were set to achieve the goal of the course project).

Up to 6 pages

Up to 7 minutes

Prospects and directions for further research on this topic.

Up to 0.5 pages

Up to 1 minute

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">As illustrations we use a presentation prepared in the program "" xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">Power" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">" xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">Point" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">". Illustrations can also be presented on 45 pages of A4 format, reflecting the main results achieved in the work and consistent with the content of the report. Illustrations must be numbered and named.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">If you fail to appear for your defense for a good reason, you will be given the right to defend yourself at another time.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">If you fail to appear for the defense for an unexcused reason, you will receive an unsatisfactory grade.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">
Annex 1

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Approximate list of topics for course projects

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">1. Social protection of the population and social security in the Russian Federation: ways of improvement.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">2. Functions of social protection of the population as a guarantee of the implementation of constitutional rights.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">3. State policy of social protection of the population in the Russian Federation.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">4. Stages of development of the institution of social protection in the Russian Federation.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">5. Stages of development of the pension provision institution in the Russian Federation.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">6. Pension reform of the 90s: pros and cons.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">7. Analysis of legal acts regulating social protection of the population.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">8. Analysis of legal acts regulating pension provision in the Russian Federation.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">9. Implementation of federal programs in the field of social protection of the population and their resource support.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">10. Regional programs in the field of social protection of the population and their resource support.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">11. Municipal programs in the field of social protection of the population and their resource support.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">12. Problems of implementing constitutional rights and guarantees of the population in the field of social protection.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">13. Problems of pension provision in the Russian Federation and ways to overcome them.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">14. State policy of pension provision in the Russian Federation: problems and prospects for implementation.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">15. Problems of implementing state policy in the field of social protection of the population in the Russian Federation and ways to eliminate them.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">16. Extra-budgetary funds: goals, objectives, problems of activity.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">17.Implementation problems State system health of citizens.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">18. Types of pensions in the Russian Federation and their legal characteristics.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">19. Types of benefits in the Russian Federation and their legal characteristics.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">20. The system of state social assistance in the Russian Federation: problems and development prospects.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">21.Organizational structure of social protection bodies in the Russian Federation: ways of reform.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">22.Organizational structure of pension authorities in the Russian Federation: ways of reform.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">23. Professional ethics of a specialist from a social protection agency.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">24. Guardianship and trusteeship bodies: goals, objectives, problems of activity.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">25. Legal characteristics of guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">26. Information support for the activities of social protection bodies: problems and development prospects.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">27. Information support for the activities of pension authorities: problems and development prospects

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">28. Legal characteristics of non-state pension funds.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">29. Interaction between social protection and pension authorities: ways of development.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">30. Professional ethics of a pension authority specialist.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">31. Problems of the pension system of the Russian Federation and directions for their elimination.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">32. Advanced forms and methods of work of social protection bodies in the Russian Federation.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">33.Advanced forms and methods of work of pension authorities in the Russian Federation.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">34. Legal characteristics of the activities of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">35. Legal characteristics of the activities of the Social Insurance Fund.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">
Appendix 2

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">GBOU SPO "Volga State College"

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">SCALENDAR PLAN

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">completing a course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Student___course_______group __________________________________________

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Full name

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">On topic _________________________________________________________________

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">________________________________________________________________________________

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">№№

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">n/n

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Name of stage

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Date of delivery

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Signature

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">teacher

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">1.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Drafting the content of a course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">2.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Writing an introduction to a course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">3.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Writing Chapter 1 of a course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">4.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Writing Chapter 2 of a course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">5.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Writing Chapter 3 of the course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">6.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Writing a conclusion for a course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">7.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Designing the practical result of the course project.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">8.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Submitting a course project for writing a review.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Student;text-decoration:underline" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> I. O. Last name

;vertical-align:super" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">signature

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">00.00.0000

;text-decoration:underline" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">I.O. Last name

;vertical-align:super" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">signature

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">00.00.0000

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">
Appendix 3

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Topic “Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Introduction

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Relevance" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> themes" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">is determined by the fact thatxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The above stated as a whole at the theoretical and methodological level determined" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">the problem of this research" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">: identification xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx text xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The insufficient development of this problem and its great practical significance xxxxxxxxxxxxxx textxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Purpose of the study" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Object of study" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">: хххххххххххххххххх text хххххххххххххххххххх.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Subject of research" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">: хххххххххххххххххх text хххххххххххххххххххх.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Research hypothesis" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">: хххххххххххххххххх text ххххххххххххххххххххх, if:

  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">хххххххххххххххххх text хххххххххххххххххххх;
  • " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">ххххххххххххххххх text хххххххххххххххххххх.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Research objectives" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">:

  1. " xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">X" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">хххххххххххххххх text ххххххххххххххххххх" xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">.
  2. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Xхххххххххххххххх text хххххххххххххххххххх" xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">.
  3. " xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">X" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">хххххххххххххххх text хххххххххххххххххххх.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Theoretical significance:

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Practical significance:

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Research methods:

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">
Appendix 4

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Requirements for the preparation of a list of sources and literature

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Book with one, two and three authors indicated

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Last name, title of one author (or the first). Title of the book: information related to the title (that is, collection, manual, monograph, textbook and etc.) / I.O. Last name of one (or first), second, third author; information about the editor, compiler, translator. Information about the reprint (for example: 4th ed., additional and revised). Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication number of pages.

;text-decoration:underline" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Example:

  1. ;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Krasnov A. F.;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> Orthopedics in problems and algorithms / A. F. Krasnov, K. A. Ivanova, A. N. Krasnov. M. : Medicine, 1995. 23 p.
  2. ;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Nelyubovich Ya. Acute diseases abdominal organs: collection: trans. from English / J. Nielubowicz, L. Mentkiewicz; edited by N.K. Galankina. - M.: Medicine, 1961. - 378 p.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Books with more than three authors

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Collective monographs

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Book title:" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">information related to the title / I.O. Last name of one author with added words [etc.]; information about the editor, compiler, translator. Information about the work (for example: 4th ed., additional and revised). - Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication. Number of pages.

;text-decoration:underline" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Example:

  1. ;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Hygiene of small and medium-sized cities / A.V. Ivanov [etc.]. 4th ed., additional - Kiev: Healthy, 1976. - 144 p.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Collection of articles, official materials

;text-decoration:underline" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Example:

  1. ;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Social benefits: collection / compiled by V. Zinin. M.: Social protection, 2000. Part 1. 106 pp.
  2. ;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Evaluation of methods of treating mental disorders: WHO report on the treatment of mental disorders. - M.: Medicine, 1993. - 102 p.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Multi-volume edition. Volume from a multi-volume edition

;text-decoration:underline;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Example:

  1. ;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: in 4 volumes / edited by D.N. Ushakov. M.: Astrel, 2000. 4 t.
    1. ;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Regions of Russia: in 2 volumes / chief editor V.I. Galitsin. M.: Goskomstat, 2000. T.1. 87 p.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Materials of conferences, meetings, seminars

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Book title: information about the conference, date and year of holding / Name of institution or organization (if the title of the conference without indicating the organization or institution is incomplete ); information about the editor, compiler, translator. City: Publisher, year of publication. Number of pages.

;text-decoration:underline;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Example:

  1. ;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">International communication: abstracts of reports and messages. Siberian-French Seminar (Irkutsk, September 15-17, 1993 Irkutsk: IGPIYA, 1993. 158 p.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Patent documents

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Designation of the type of document, number, name of the country, index of the international classification of inventions. Name of the invention / Name of the inventor, applicant, patent owner ; Name of the applicant institution. Registration number of the application; Date of filing; Date of publication, information about the published document.

;text-decoration:underline;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Example:

  1. ;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Patent No. 2131699, Russian Federation, IPC A61 B 5/117. Method for detecting diatoms in the blood of drowned people / O.M. Kozhova, G.I. Klobanova, P.A. Kokorin; applicant and patent holder Research Institute of Biology at Irkutsk University - No. 95100387; application 01.11.95; publ. 06.20.99, Bulletin No. 17. 3 p.

;text-decoration:underline;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">ARTICLES

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">...from books (collections)

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">First name of one author (or the first). Title of the article: information related to the title / Last name of one (or first), second and third authors // Title of the document: information related to the title/ information about the editor, compiler, translator. Place of publication, year of publication. First and last pages of the article.

;text-decoration:underline;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Example:

  1. ;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Kundzyk N.L. Open fractures of the bones of the hand / N.L. Kundzyk // Medicine of Tomorrow: Conf. Chita, 2003 P.16-27.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">If there are more than three authors...

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Title of the article / I.O. Last name of the first author [etc.] // Title of the document: information related to the title / information about the editor, compiler, translator. Place of publication, year of publication. First and last pages of the article.

;text-decoration:underline;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Example:

  1. ;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Epidemiology of stroke / A.V. Lykov [et al.] // Medicine of tomorrow: materials of the conference Chita, 2003. P.21-24.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">...from magazines

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">When describing articles from journals, the author of the article, the title of the article are given, then two slashes (//), the name of the journal, separated by a dot-dash (. ) year, number of the journal, volume, issue, pages on which the article is placed.When indicating the year of publication, the journal numbers use Arabic numerals.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">If one

;text-decoration:underline;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Example:

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Trifonova I.V. Variability of social interpretation of the phenomenon of aging // Clinical gerontology. 2010. T.16, No. 9-10. P.84 -85.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">If there are 2-3 authors:

;text-decoration:underline;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Example:

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Shogenov A.G. Medical and psychological monitoring / A.G. Shogenov, A.M. Murtazov, A.A. Elgarov // Occupational Medicine and industrial ecology. 2010. - No. 9. P.7-13

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">If there are more than three authors:

;text-decoration:underline;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Example:

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Features of the endocrine-metabolic profile / Ya.I. Bichkaev [et al.] // Clinical Medicine. 2010. - No. 5yu P.6- 13.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Description of electronic resources

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Solid media

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Last name of the author (if indicated). Title (title) of the publication [Electronic resource]. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication. Information about the carrier (" xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">CD" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">-" xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">Rom" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">," xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">DVD" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">-" xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">Rom" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">)

;text-decoration:underline;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Example:

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Medicine: lectures for students. 4th year [Electronic resource]. M., 2005. Electronic optical disk (" xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">CD" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">-" xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">Rom" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">).

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Network electronic resource

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Last name of the author (if specified). Name of the resource [Electronic resource]. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication (if specified). address of a local network resource (date the site was viewed or the last modification of the document).

;text-decoration:underline;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Example:

  1. ;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Shklovsky I. Mind, life, universe" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">[Electronic resource] / I.;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Shklovsky. M.: Janus, 1996. Mode" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">access:" xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">http" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">: //" xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> (Sept. 21, 2009).

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The most commonly used abbreviations of words and phrases

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">in the bibliographic description of documents

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">In the name of the place of publication:

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Moscow - M.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">St. Petersburg St. Petersburg.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Rostov-on-Don Rostov n/a.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Leningrad L.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">The names of other cities are given in full.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">In ongoing and serial publications:

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Proceedings-Tr.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Izvestia Izv.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Series Ser.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Volume T.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Part-Part.

;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Issue Issue.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Appendix5

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">on the topic “Topic name”

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  2. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">
Appendix 6

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">GBOU SPO "VOLGA STATE COLLEGE"

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">COURSE PROJECT

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">NAME OF THE COURSE PROJECT


CODE. 030912 Law and organization of social security

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Student" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">signature" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> I. O. Last name

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">00.00.0000

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Assessment of the completion and defense of the course project ____________

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Head" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> signature" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN"> I. O. Last name

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">00.00.0000

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">City, year

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">
Appendix 7

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Example of formatting the content of a course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">CONTENTS

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Name of chapters, sections

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Page.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Introduction


" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">1.1. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">1.2. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">2.1.Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">2.2. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Conclusion

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">List of sources and literature

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Appendix 1. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Appendix 2. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Appendix 3. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Appendix 4. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Name of chapters, sections

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Page.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Introduction

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">3

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Goals and objectives of the course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">4

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Structure of the course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">5

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Procedure for completing the course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">6

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Selecting a theme

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">6

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Receiving an individual task

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">7

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Drawing up a plan for preparing a course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">7

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Selection, study, analysis and synthesis of materials

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">on the selected topic

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">10

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Development of course project content

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">11

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Development of introduction

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">11

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Development of the main part of the course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">12

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Development of conclusion

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">15

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Compiling a list of used literature

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">15

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">General rules for preparing a course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">16

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Design of text material

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">16

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Design of illustrations

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">17

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Designing tables

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">18

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Designing applications

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">20

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Requirements for the linguistic design of the course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">22

  1. " xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Procedure for defending a course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">23

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Applications

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Appendix 1. Example of designing a list of topics for course projects

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">24

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Appendix 2. Form calendar plan completing a course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">26

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Appendix 3. Example of developing an Introduction to a course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">27

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Appendix 4. Requirements for the preparation of a list of sources and literature

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">28

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Appendix 5. Example of a list of sources and literature in accordance with the specialty profile and the nature of the course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">29

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Appendix 6. Form of the title page of the course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">31

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Appendix 7. Example of formatting the content of a course project

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">32

;font-family:"Times New Roman"" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Responsible for the release:

;font-family:"Times New Roman"" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Nisman O.Yu. Deputy Director for MMR.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Nisman O.Yu. computer layout.

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">Center for Information and Methodological Support of the Educational Process of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education "Perugalsky State Conservatory",

" xml:lang="en-EN" lang="en-EN">443068, Samara, Lunacharsky st., 12

Editor Sergey Petrovich Lapin

Editor Antonina Andreevna Chistova

Corrector Sergey Petrovich Lapin

© V. P. Shcheglov, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4474-3103-7

Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero

Topic 1
General concept of social protection and social security


1) The concept of social protection;

2) The concept of social security

3) Social relations related to social security.

1) The concept of social protection

Russian legislation lacks established concepts of social protection and social security. Therefore, it is first necessary to determine the content of these concepts, which will allow us to correctly represent the social security system and its essence.

The combination of the concepts “social” and “protection” suggests that social protection is understood as a complex of various measures with the help of which a person “defends himself” from the adverse effects of the surrounding world. Russia, as a social state, must take all possible measures to create favorable conditions for the life of its citizens, i.e. create a favorable living environment. The concept of “human environment” includes:

1) Ensuring employment of citizens;

2) Creation of normal working conditions;

3) Decent wages;

4) Providing comfortable housing;

5) Creation of a favorable economic environment;

6) Providing healthy nutrition;

7) Access to education and cultural values;

8) Health protection;

9) Preservation of private property;

10) Providing citizens with social support in the event of unfavorable life circumstances.

Article 7 of the Constitution tells us that the purpose of social protection is guaranteed labor protection, the health of citizens, the minimum wage (minimum wage), the support of motherhood and childhood, the disabled and the elderly, the payment of pensions and benefits, and the provision of other social guarantees.

In relation to the current situation in Russia, a generalized definition of social protection can be formed as follows: social protection is a set of economic, legal and organizational measures that the state addresses to able-bodied and disabled citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations that they cannot overcome on their own, and aimed for their material support, providing them with all possible assistance, and support at a level that must meet the requirements of a decent life.

Social protection of the population is a complex of various social relations:

– Labor;

– Housing;

– Educational;

– Environmental;

– Health protection;

– Family;

– On social security.

The concept of “social security” is an integral part of the concept of “social protection”, i.e. “social protection” is a broader concept than “social security”.

2) The concept of social security and its structure

Modern literature contains the following definition of the concept of “social security”.

Social security is a form of state social policy aimed at providing material support for categories of citizens specified by law from the federal budget and special extra-budgetary funds in the event of events recognized by the state as socially significant.

Social security has a number of characteristics according to which security is recognized as social:

1 sign: special social relations arising in the social sphere. They are formed between citizens and the relevant competent authorities in the following cases:

1) Upon citizens reaching a certain age, due to illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, raising children, unemployment, etc.

Such relations arise with the above-mentioned subjects in these cases and are called material relations. In the course of their implementation, citizens are provided with material benefits with the help of which they satisfy their individual needs. Providing the said benefit to a citizen in cash or in kind - in the form of pensions, benefits, social services.

2nd sign: in accordance with this sign, social security is that it is provided at the expense of various financial sources.

The main financial source is the state budget. The second most important source is off-budget government funds. Third are the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Russian Federation) and municipal budgets.

Sources of funds for federal, regional and municipal budgets are taxes and fees.

Sources of funds for extra-budgetary insurance funds are insurance premiums and subsidies from the budget.

Funds from federal budgets, regional budgets and municipal budgets are spent on social security:

1) Citizens performing important government functions (military personnel, law enforcement officers, civil servants);

2) Citizens who have served the state or suffered through the fault of the state (participants and veterans of the Second World War (Great Patriotic War), blockade survivors, awarded orders and medals, Chernobyl survivors, etc.);

3) Disabled citizens and families (children, orphans, disabled people, low-income families, large families and foster families).

Money from extra-budgetary insurance funds is spent depending on the specialization of the fund. These funds are: Pension Fund (PF, Pension Fund, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation), Social Insurance Fund (FSS), Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund (MHIF).

Money from these funds is directed to:

– Pension Fund (PF) – payment of pensions;

– Funeral benefits for deceased pensioners;

Social Insurance Fund (SIF) - for benefits, sanatorium and resort treatment, keeping children in health camps;

Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF) - for the provision of free medical care and treatment.

3 sign; special subject composition, i.e. circle of persons subject to security. This includes: children, women, pensioners, disabled people, the unemployed, large families, and foster families.

4th sign: it is guaranteed. It means that the state legislatively, organizationally and economically provides all types of social security with the necessary means.

Feature 5: in accordance with this feature, various types of social security (social security) are provided only upon the occurrence of appropriate circumstances specified in the law.

6th sign: the purpose of its provision. The main goal of each type of social security (social security) is to equalize the social status of certain categories of citizens with other members of society.

3) Social relations related to social security

The totality (listed in paragraph 2 of Topic No. 1) of signs indicates the existence of several groups of social relations related to social security, which have their own characteristics.

1st group of features – relations to directly provide citizens with appropriate types of social security at the expense of special funds allocated for these purposes. In the course of the functioning of these relations, the rights of citizens to pensions, benefits, compensation payments, social services, medical care, benefits, and social assistance are realized. Legal norms regulating relations for the provision of the listed types of social security collectively constitute social security law (PSL).

2nd group of features – relations for the formation of financial resources aimed at social security. The participants in these relations are competent government bodies, eligible organizations, employers, and in some cases citizens themselves. These relations are regulated by financial law.

The 3rd group of features is relations regarding the organization of social security management. These organizational relations in the field of social security arise between competent authorities and organizations and are regulated by administrative law.

Topic 2
Social security management concept


1) The concept of management;

2) General administration of social security;

3) Operational management of social security.

1) Concept of management

In common usage, "management" has several meanings:

a) Activities of government bodies;

b) A large division of an institution, a large administrative institution;

c) Manage.

The term "manage" means:

a) Direct the movement of someone or something;

b) Lead, direct the activities, actions of someone, something.

Therefore, control is a purposeful influence on someone, for example, on people, or on something, for example, on the environment surrounding a person.

There are management of the state, the city, and the sphere of social life of society (for example, healthcare, education, social security). Based on ownership, there is state, municipal, and private management. All of the above management differences are also characteristic of the social security system.

Management is inextricably linked with such concepts as administration, administrative power, and administrative activities. The Latin word “administration” literally means management, direction.

Administration refers to government bodies that manage and manage the personnel of an institution. In other words, to administer means to manage, to manage.

Management and administration are synonymous. They mean management and leadership of people. The bodies that carry out management are usually called the administration.

In practice, there are several types of administration:

a) Administration of an international organization;

b) Federal Administration;

c) Administration of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

c) Municipal administrations;

d) Administration of an enterprise, institution, organization.

2) General social security administration

The general management of social security in our country is carried out by the state federal administration, and the main federal administration is the Government of the Russian Federation. As the main federal executive body, the Government is vested with broad powers in all areas of the country's life. He is entrusted with responsibility for ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, the state of the economy, the implementation of social policy, ensuring the security of society and the state, and the state of international communications in the Russian Federation.

Within the limits of its powers, the Government organizes the implementation of the Constitution, laws, Presidential Decrees, international treaties, controls the activities of executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, etc. The Government manages the work of federal Ministries and other executive federal authorities and the powers of the Federal Government in the social sphere include carrying out unified state social policy and implementation of constitutional rights of citizens in the field of social security.

The Government is entrusted with taking measures to realize the rights of citizens, protect health, solve problems of family, motherhood and childhood, and ensure sanitary and epidemiological well-being in the country.

The Federal Government issues Regulations and Orders. Acts of a normative nature are issued in the form of Resolutions, and Acts on operational and other current issues are issued in the form of Orders.

The Government ensures the implementation of a unified state policy in the country in the field of education, health care, social security, etc. Simultaneously with general social issues, the Government also resolves specific issues of supporting the least socially protected groups of the population: the poor, the unemployed, refugees, etc. Directly issues related to the sphere of social provision is carried out by 2 Government Ministries - the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of Health.

3) Operational management of social security

Operational – directly practically implementing something. The operational management of social security depends on what form of social security it belongs to.

If social security is carried out in the form of Mandatory Social Insurance (OSI), operational management is carried out by extra-budgetary state insurance funds and their divisions in the constituent entities and localities, (

1) Pension Fund of Russia (PFR);

2) Social Insurance Fund (SIF);

3) Mandatory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF):

a) Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (FFOMS);

b) Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (TFIF).

These bodies carry out the following types of operational activities:

– Determine the circle of persons subject to social insurance and entitled to insurance coverage;

– Determine the conditions of appointment and the amount of insurance coverage;

– Establish rates of insurance contributions for specific types of compulsory social insurance (OSI);

– Determine the basis for calculating insurance premiums;

– Develop a procedure for forming their budgets and the procedure for their execution; etc.

If operational social security is carried out at the expense of allocations from the federal budget, then management is carried out by state executive authorities and bodies subordinate to them, these include:

1) Ministry of Labor and Social Protection;

2) Ministry of Health;

3) Ministry of Education and Science;

4) Ministry of Defense;

5) Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) and its subordinate bodies.

At the local level, operational management of social security is carried out by social protection bodies (OSPP) - the department of social protection of the population, the Committee on Social Policy, the social service center, etc.

The following types of operational management are under the jurisdiction of these bodies:

– Development of social protection programs for the population;

– Study of the socio-economic situation of certain population groups;

– Organizing the appointment of payment of benefits and compensation;

– Social services for the elderly and disabled;

– Organization of sanatorium and resort treatment for privileged categories of citizens, etc.

Topic 3
Legal implementation of social security


1) Organization of rule-making in the field of social security

2) Organization of law enforcement in the field of social security;

3) Interpretation of social security law.

1) Organization of rule-making in the field of social security

Implementation is a rather capacious and complex concept. It includes the entire process of the emergence, formation and functioning of social security relations. The implementation of social security refers to the procedure for applying legal, economic, and organizational measures to solve the problems facing social security. (Since most of the topics in the interdisciplinary course (IDC) will be devoted to economic and organizational measures, in this topic we will consider the legal implementation of social security).

The main legal (legal) means of implementing social security include: rule-making, law enforcement, interpretation of social security law.

Rulemaking is the main way to influence public relations regarding social security. Rulemaking is the process of developing and adopting certain regulatory legal acts (RLA) on social security, for example, on pensions, benefits, social services, benefits, etc.

The rule-making process consists of several successive stages:

1) Legislative initiative;

2) Decision on the need to issue an act;

3) Development of a draft act;

4) Consideration of the draft act;

5) Adoption of the act;

6) Bringing the act to its addressee.

Let's briefly look at each stage of the process.

1.1) Stage of legislative initiative. Means that here we are talking about the primary official action of a competent subject. He makes a proposal to issue a normative legal act (NLA) or proposes an already prepared draft act. The circle of subjects who have the right to legislative initiative is strictly defined by law.;

2.1) The decision on the need to issue an act. The decision of the competent authority on the need to issue an act and develop its draft is documented and included in the legislative work plan.;

3.1) Development of a draft act. Development of a draft act and its preliminary discussion. This stage may consist of one procedure:

– Only development of a draft act or 2 procedures:

– Development of a draft act and its preliminary discussion. The number of procedures depends on the importance of the project.

4.1) Consideration of the draft act. Consideration of the draft act in the body that, according to its competence, can adopt it.;

5.1) Acceptance of the act.

6.1) Bringing the act to the addressee. Bringing the contents of the adopted act to its addressees by publication.

Rulemaking can be expressed in the adoption of certain acts, for example, in the form of a single normative legal act (NLA). It contains separate legal provisions. An example of such an act is the Federal Law (FL) of December 21, 1996. (December 12, 1996) No. 159-FZ “On additional guarantees of social protection of orphans and children left without parental care.” Another example is when a systematized act is adopted containing certain groups of norms. Such acts are the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation:

– Federal Law (FL) Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Citizens’ Health in the Russian Federation” (1993);

– Federal Law (FL) Federal Law “On state benefits for citizens with children” (1995);

– Federal Law (FL) Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Social Insurance” (1992), etc.

A wide range of law-making bodies have the right to issue normative legal acts (NLA). These include: the Federal Assembly, the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, Federal Ministries, Departments, services, authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government authorities (LSG). Off-budget social insurance funds are also vested with rule-making functions. Depending on the level of the government body and its position in the system of bodies, they adopt relevant normative legal acts (NLA) - laws, resolutions, orders, instructions, directions, regulations, etc.

2) Organization of law enforcement in the field of social security

Law enforcement is the solution of a specific case in a specific life situation, in other words, the “application” of the law, legal norms to specific individuals, to specific life circumstances. The enforcement of regulatory legal acts (LLA) is carried out by competent authorities and officials only within the framework of the powers granted to them. Application of social security law (PSL) – organizing the activities of competent authorities and officials. The goal is to ensure that the recipients of legal norms realize their rights and obligations regarding social security, as well as to provide guarantees of control over this process.

There are several stages of law enforcement activities.

Stage 1 – establishing the factual circumstances of a particular case. At this stage, the actual circumstances of the case are examined, i.e. documents, testimony, etc. For example, a citizen asked about the assignment of an old-age pension to him. The pension authority checks whether he has Russian citizenship, age, insurance experience, amount of earnings, payment of insurance premiums and other circumstances. Without clarifying all the facts, a normal resolution of the pension issue is impossible. The range of circumstances necessary to establish the right is clearly set out in regulatory legal acts (LLA) on social security.

The result of stage 1 of the law enforcement process should be the achievement of actual objective truth. To achieve the truth during this stage, the legislation pays special attention to evidence, which is carried out through documentation. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection has developed a List of documents required to establish a labor pension and a state pension. In this list, for each type of pension, the necessary documents are named that prove the factual truth.

Stage 2 of law enforcement activities – establishing the legal basis of the case, i.e. select the required legal norm. This stage includes a number of sequential actions:

1) Finding a specific norm to be applied;

2) Checking the correctness of the text that contains the required norm;

3) Verification of the authenticity of the norm, its effect in time, space and among people;

4) Explanation of the content of the norm.

Thus, at this stage, the legal qualification of the merits of the case is carried out.

Stage 3 of law enforcement activities – resolving the case on its merits. This means that the adoption of a corresponding law enforcement act on a particular issue of social security of a person. It means an individually defined act performed by the competent authority under a specific legal act. These acts give rise to specific legal consequences for participants in legal relations regarding social security. For example, a citizen’s right to a pension arises only after the pension authority makes a written decision on the assignment, amount and date of payment of pensions. This decision is an individually determined act for a citizen.

Stage 4 of law enforcement activities – organizing the implementation of legal norms of social security, i.e. specific activities of ministries, departments, organizations providing social security to citizens.

Stage 5 of law enforcement activity – protection of social security law from any violations and application of state coercive measures against the offender. For example, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection checks the correctness of pension assignments in Chechen Republic Why is a special commission sent there? If violations are discovered, administrative penalties are imposed on the authorities and officials who committed them, usually in the form of fines.

Thus, law enforcement as a form of implementation of law is the implementation of the requirements of various legal acts (regulatory acts) issued by various bodies.

Follow the exact meaning of the norm: legality; validity; expediency; justice.

The requirement of legality means that when resolving a specific case, the law enforcement agency must be based on a certain norm, strictly and strictly follow the exact meaning of the norm and act within its competence.

The requirement of validity implies that, firstly, all facts relating to a particular social security issue must be identified, secondly, which facts must be carefully and objectively studied and recognized as reliable and, thirdly, all unproven facts must be rejected.

Expediency means that the law enforcer chooses the most appropriate norm when deciding on the provision of any type of social security.

The requirement of justice presupposes an honest, objective approach of a body or official to the study of all legal facts.

Social protection in the territory of a certain city is carried out by the Department of Social Protection of the Population of that city. In its activities, the Department is subordinate to the head of the district administration, the department of health and social development of the region and region.

The legal basis for the activities of the Department is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal laws, laws of a certain region, territory, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the region, territory and a certain city, acts of other government bodies of the Russian Federation and a certain region, territory, decisions of the city administration , resolutions and orders of the head of the city and district.

The department is headed by a chief appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the head of the district administration.

The head of the Department has a deputy, who is appointed and dismissed by order of the head of the district administration on the proposal of the head of the Department, the deputy head-chief of the administration apparatus and in agreement with the department of health and social development of a certain region or region.

Other employees of the Department are appointed and dismissed by the head of the administration on the proposal of the head of the Department, deputy head-chief of the administration apparatus.

The Department carries out its main tasks and functions in accordance with the Regulations on the Department of Social Protection of the Population of a particular city.

The main objectives of the Department are:

  • 1. Organization of social protection of elderly citizens, war and labor veterans, disabled people, citizens dismissed from professional military service and members of their families, families of military personnel who died in the performance of military service, family protection, motherhood, paternity and childhood, and other groups of the population in need of social support.
  • 2. Participation in the development and implementation of social protection programs for the population in the district.
  • 3. Organization of social security for citizens, families with children.
  • 4. Carrying out activities for material and everyday services for elderly citizens, disabled people and families with children. Development of charitable activities of organizations, institutions and enterprises to attract outside budget funds to strengthen the material and technical base of the social protection system and finance social support programs.
  • 5. Organization of work to coordinate the activities of the social service center and public organizations.
  • 6. Organization and introduction into the social protection system of the population of the region of modern unified information technologies developed by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of a certain region or region.
  • 7. Ensuring control over the targeted and economical use of budget funds intended for the payment of benefits and compensation in accordance with funding sources.
  • 8. Monitoring the activities of providing social services in the municipal and non-state sectors in the jurisdictional territory.

Organization of social security for citizens, families with children:

  • - ensuring modern and correct assignment, calculation and payment of benefits and compensation.
  • - monitoring the reimbursement of expenses for medical, household, transport, housing and communal services and other types of services for disabled people, veterans and other categories of persons, and the implementation of benefits by citizens provided for by current legislation.
  • - further improvement of the procedure for assigning, calculating and paying benefits and compensations based on the use of modern computer technology and improving the professional skills of employees.

Carrying out activities for material and everyday services for elderly citizens, disabled people and families with children.

  • - improving the procedure for identifying, recording, material and everyday examination of persons in need of social support based on the use of modern means.
  • - providing targeted assistance to citizens in need.
  • - organization of social services for pensioners, war and labor veterans, disabled people, families with children and other groups of the population.
  • - ensuring the quality and accessibility of social services.

In accordance with the assigned tasks, the Department carries out the following functions:

  • a) in the field of social services:
    • - draws up documents for the placement of elderly citizens, disabled people, and disabled children in the appropriate state boarding homes;
    • - provides assistance to ensure social protection of citizens who find themselves in extreme situations, including persons without a fixed place of residence or occupation, refugees, and internally displaced persons;
    • - coordinates the activities of social service institutions located in the district and provides them with organizational and methodological assistance;
    • - conducts receptions of citizens on issues of social protection of the population.
  • b) in the field of rehabilitation of disabled people:
    • - implements programs for social support of disabled people;
    • - draws up documents to provide disabled people with special vehicles;
    • - provides assistance to public associations of disabled people in their activities, in matters of improving the social status of disabled people;
    • - makes proposals for the creation and improvement of the activities of institutions for medical, social and professional rehabilitation of disabled people;
  • c) in the field of social support for elderly citizens, veterans and other categories of citizens:
    • - exercises, within its competence, control over the implementation of social guarantees for those in need of social support established by current legislation for senior citizens and veterans and other preferential categories of citizens;
    • - coordinates the work of public organizations in improving the social situation of war and labor veterans, citizens affected by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster, and other socially vulnerable groups of the population in need of social support;
    • - provides spa treatment preferential categories of citizens;
    • - carries out registration of documents giving the right to use benefits in accordance with the law;
    • - carries out the appointment and payment of social benefits and compensations provided for by law;
  • d) in the field of social support for family, motherhood, and childhood:
    • - implements programs to improve the situation of families, women and children, aimed primarily at providing support to those most in need;
    • - assigns and pays one-time and monthly benefits for children;
    • - implements measures aimed at creating conditions for social adaptation and integration into society of children with disabilities;

In accordance with the tasks and functions assigned to it, the Department has the right: social security for the elderly disabled

  • 1. Request and receive, in the prescribed manner, from enterprises, institutions, organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and departmental subordination, the material necessary to resolve issues within its competence.
  • 2. Conduct meetings, seminars, meetings, organize exhibitions and other events on issues within his competence.
  • 3. Involve specialists on a contractual basis to solve problems within its jurisdiction.

The Department of Social Protection of the Population organizes its activities in accordance with plans drawn up on the basis of long-term and current work plans of the district administration as a whole.

The department, in accordance with current legislation, is responsible for the correct and accurate performance of the functions assigned to it.

Let us consider the largest functional divisions of the Social Protection Department.

1) The group for the appointment and payment of state benefits for children to citizens with children, if their average per capita income does not exceed the subsistence level.

The main tasks and functions of the group for the appointment and payment of state benefits for children are:

  • - implementation of state policy of social guarantees and social support for families with children;
  • - implementation of city programs for social support of families with children;
  • - explaining in the media to low-income citizens with minor children measures aimed at maintaining the living standards of their families;
  • - implementation of measures for the practical implementation of state policy in the social sphere.

In accordance with the tasks assigned to the department, its specialists:

  • - carry out work on the appointment and payment of monthly benefits for children, lump sum payments at the birth of a child, monthly compensation to women with children, dismissed due to the liquidation of an enterprise, maternity benefits to women who have lost their jobs and earnings and are recognized as unemployed in the prescribed manner;
  • - receive citizens, provide advice on the appointment and payment of state benefits for children.

The group is headed by a leading specialist - group leader, who is appointed and dismissed by the head of the district administration. He distributes responsibilities among specialists in the group, organizes work in the group within the framework of his concept, draws up instructions and is personally responsible for the implementation of the functions assigned to the group.

2) Group for the appointment and payment of social benefits, benefits and compensation

The Group ensures the implementation of social guarantees and measures of social support for elderly citizens, veterans and disabled people, provided for by current legislation.

In accordance with the assigned tasks, the group performs the following functions:

  • - conducts consultations with citizens regarding the appointment and payment of social benefits, benefits and compensation;
  • - assigns and pays the following types of social benefits, benefits and compensation:
    • a) citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant:
      • - monetary compensation in the amount of the average cost of the trip;
    • - monetary compensation for children and adolescents in the amount of the average cost of a trip to health camps (general and sanatorium type) and other health institutions;
    • - payment of travel costs to the place of treatment;
    • - payment of fares on intercity transport;
    • - payment of 50% of the fare on intercity transport;
    • - one-time compensation for harm to health of disabled people;
    • - annual compensation for damage to health;
    • - one-time financial assistance for recovery;
    • - compensation for the purchase of food products;
    • - funeral benefit;
    • - monthly monetary compensation for damages caused to health;
    • - monthly monetary compensation for damages to the family of a deceased disabled person;
  • b) veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people who received wounds, contusions or mutilations as minors during the Great Patriotic War, former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of forced detention created by the Nazis and their allies during the Great Patriotic War:
    • - compensation for unused vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment;
    • - compensation for transport services and operating costs;
    • - preparation of documents for receiving a free car;
    • - registration of certificates of the right to benefits provided for by law.
  • c) disabled people:
    • - monetary compensation for operating costs;
    • - registration of disabled people in the Rehabilitation Center;
    • - sending disabled children to study;
    • - issuing sheets of coupons for travel on international modes of transport to disabled people.
  • d) victims of political repression:
    • - payment of fares on intercity transport;
    • - compensation for illegally confiscated property;
    • - one-time monetary compensation; reimbursement of funeral expenses.
  • e) citizens discharged from military service: monetary compensation for the rental of residential premises;
  • e) low-income families, low-income single citizens, pensioners: targeted assistance in the form of cash payments;
  • g) material assistance to the families of those killed in local conflicts.

The group leader distributes responsibilities among specialists, organizes the work of a group of specialists, coordinates and controls the activities of institutions within his competence, and gives instructions that are mandatory for all specialists in the group.


In the Borisov family, father Igor Ivanovich dies. He leaves behind his wife Olga Petrovna and son Ivan, 12 years old.

  • 1. What pension will Igor Ivanovich’s son receive?
  • 2. In what case will son Ivan receive a social pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner?
  • 3. Is it necessary to prove that son Ivan was dependent on his father?
  • 4. Where should Olga Petrovna go and what documents should she provide to receive a pension in the event of the death of the child’s father?


1. According to Art. 10 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2015) “On Insurance Pensions”, children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner who have not reached the age of 18 years are recognized as disabled members of the family of the deceased breadwinner.

Thus, the son of Igor Ivanovich will receive insurance pension for the loss of a breadwinner.

  • 2. In accordance with the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation" in the event of complete absence of a deceased insured person insurance period is installed social pension on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner.
  • 3. According to paragraph 3 of Art. 9 Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2013, as amended on November 19, 2015) “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, family members of the deceased breadwinner are recognized as dependent on him if they were on his full maintenance or received help from him, which was for them a constant and main source of livelihood. This means there is no need to prove that son Ivan was dependent on his father
  • 4. In order to assign a pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, you must contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. You must contact the Pension Fund at your place of registration or place of actual residence.

To apply for a pension, you must submit an application. Also attached to the application is a document proving identity, place of residence, age, citizenship; usually a passport is provided for these purposes. It is also necessary to provide the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with a death certificate of the breadwinner; a copy of the work book or other document confirming the insurance record of the deceased; certificate of average monthly wages deceased for a period that should be clarified with the Pension Fund to which the documents are submitted. Another of the main documents are documents confirming the fact of relationship with the deceased citizen, the child’s birth certificate, and if the child is already a full-time student, then a certificate from the given educational institution.

Normative legal acts

  • 1. Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation.”
  • 2. Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”