Pension application: description of the procedure, requirements and sample. A complaint to a higher pension authority against the decision on the appointment (or: on the refusal to appoint) a labor pension Application for the appointment of an old-age pension

from 08/05/2019

Disagreements over pension issue you can decide in court for what you need to draw up a statement of claim on the appointment of a pension. Pension legislation very confusing. Since in different periods of the country's development, the law contained different calculation methods. Included were different periods of work in a particular position. Therefore, protection by means of a fairly common phenomenon. Typical situations are analyzed in sufficient detail by the Resolution of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of 11.12.2012 No. 30.

If you independently draw up a statement of claim for the appointment of a pension, you can use the example given on the website. And additional questions can be asked to the duty lawyer of the site.

Example of a statement of claim

To Ivnyanskiy district court

Belgorod region

p. Ivnya, st. Guards, 92

Tel. 137653878,

in Ivnyanskiy district

Belgorod region,

address: 309110, Belgorod region, Ivnyanskiy district,

p. Ivnya, st. Danchenko, 2

On November 20, 2020, in accordance with the procedure established by law, I applied to the UPFR in the Ivnyanskiy district with an application for the early appointment of an insurance company. The basis for filing an application was paragraphs. 2 pp 1 Art. thirty Federal law dated 28.12.2013 No. 400-FZ "On insurance pensions" (work in difficult working conditions). To confirm the grounds for retirement, I provided a work book. Additionally - archival information from the state archive of the Belgorod region, the administration of the Ivnyanskiy district, an extract from an individual personal account.

By decision of the UPFR No. 1342-16 of 10.12.2020, I was denied the appointment of an insurance pension for old age. With reference to the lack of the required special experience. Namely, not confirmation of the fact of employment in construction, reconstruction of buildings and structures of objects. Officials did not include in the length of service the period from 10.10.1978 to 20.01.1988 as a foreman in the Department of Mechanization No. 6.

I cannot agree with this decision on the following grounds.

During the period of work as a foreman of the Department of Mechanization in the USSR, List No. 2 dated August 22, 1956 No. 1173 was in force, in accordance with Section XXIX of which the right to early retirement provided to foremen and foremen. And the main document for the appointment of a pension was a work book. Mechanization Department No. 6, in which I worked, was a structural subdivision of "Spetsstroymekhanizatsiya" of the Ministry of Construction of the USSR, as evidenced by the seal in the work book.

Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions" establishes the obligation of the state to provide a labor pension to a man in old age before reaching retirement age... This requires 3 conditions: reaching 55 years of age, working with difficult working conditions for at least 12 years 6 months and having an insurance experience of at least 25 years.

List No. 2 of industries, works, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions provides for the position of a master of construction and installation work (position 2290000b-23419). The order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 03/31/2011 establishes that the periods of work giving the right to early appointment pensions, prior to the registration of a citizen as an insured person, are confirmed by documents issued by employers or the relevant state (municipal) authorities. And only after the registration of a citizen as an insured person, the experience is calculated on the basis of information from individual (personified) records.

Now, due to the liquidation of the organization, I am deprived of the opportunity to request a certificate that would clarify special character work during the disputable period, not included in the special experience. From the name of the institution where I worked, its departmental subordination directly follows that the enterprise directly carried out construction activities.

Based on the above, guided by art. 27 of the RF Law "On Labor Pensions in the RF", Art. 30 of the Law "On Insurance Pensions", Art. 131-132 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation,

  1. To recognize as illegal the decision of the UPFR in the Ivnyanskiy district of the Belgorod region No. 1342-16 of December 10, 2020 on the refusal to grant a pension;
  2. Include the periods of work from 10.10.1978 to 20.01.1988 as a foreman in the Department of Mechanization No. 6 in the special experience, giving the right to early appointment labor pension old age;
  3. To oblige the UPFR in the Ivnyanskiy district of the Belgorod region to assign the plaintiff a labor pension ahead of schedule from the date of applying for its appointment on November 20, 2020.


  1. Copy of the statement of claim
  2. Receipt of payment of state duty
  3. The decision of the UPFR in the Ivnyanskiy district of the Belgorod region No. 1342-16 of 10.12.2020;
  4. A copy of documents confirming work experience;
  5. Employment history

December 23, 2020 L.V. Tokoekov

How to draw up a statement of claim for the appointment of a pension

Before going to court, a citizen must apply to the Pension Fund, which decides on the appointment of a pension. Be sure to keep a copy of the application with a mark that it was accepted by the specialist of the specified organization. The Pension Fund's refusal to grant a pension is being appealed in court.

In the statement of claim, the plaintiff must describe when he applied to the FIU. What documents did he apply with? And why does the applicant think that the state is obliged to assign a pension. And, of course, what decision and in connection with what the Pension Fund made.

Each claim for the appointment of a pension is individual, which is associated with the personal nature of work. To figure out whether there is a right to an early pension, to a larger amount, the interested person can with the help of a lawyer. His services, both in the preparation of a claim and for representation in court, upon receipt of a corresponding request, will be reimbursed in case of a victory in quality from the defendant.

To confirm the fact of employment in the court, the plaintiff provides, and attaches to the claim, copies of the work book. As well as information from the employer about the completion of training courses, certificates of organizations about the fact of work.

Submitting an application to the court

The claim and copies of the materials are filed with the district court at the location of the defendant (its branch), subject to payment of 300 rubles.

Witnesses may be summoned to the court, confirming the circumstances referred to by the plaintiff. However, testimony cannot be used to support the specifics of work (work under certain conditions).

A statement of claim for the appointment of a pension according to general rules is being considered. The plaintiff, the defendant and other persons are invited by a subpoena. The court decision will enter into force after the expiration of the time limit for.

The plaintiff may, in court proceedings, ask for a pension from the date of contacting the FIU. And not from the moment the court decision comes into force. Or he can indicate such a request in the text of the claim, as in our example. And then, satisfying the statement of claim for the appointment of a pension, the court can oblige to appoint a pension from the moment of contacting the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Clarifying questions on the topic

    The application for the appointment of a pension is filled out on the form established by law. This form can be obtained at any branch of the Pension Fund, as well as on the official website.

    Download a sample application to the FIU on the appointment of an old-age pension in 2019

    More depends on the correctness of the completed application. quick appointment old age pensions. If errors or corrections are found in this document, the PFR employees have the right to refuse to accept documents until the application is rewritten.

    Therefore, it is important to fill out the application correctly. In many branches of the Pension Fund, a completed sample is hanging so that older people can fill it out correctly and do not distract the fund's staff with questions about how to fill out this document.

    The basic rules for filling out are the standard requirements for any official documents:

    • all the necessary items must be filled in;
    • the application must be written in clear handwriting;
    • there should be no crossed out, corrections and significant blots;
    • the document must be filled out personally by the pensioner himself, his signature must be, or by an official representative with a power of attorney.

    The application form itself has an established format in which you need to indicate the following mandatory information:

    1. The name of the branch of the Pension Fund to which the application is submitted.
    2. The name of the document has already been printed, you only need to verify the correctness of the form that is being filled in.
    3. Next, the surname, name, patronymic of the person who requests the establishment of his pension is indicated.
    4. It is necessary to indicate the SNILS number, registration and place of residence, contact details and passport information.
    5. Further, information is indicated on whether a citizen is currently working or not.
    6. If there are dependents, you must indicate their number.
    7. The second paragraph is filled in in the same way, the data of the representative, if the application is not submitted in person.
    8. The third point is to indicate what type of pension the citizen is claiming for. To receive a full-fledged pension, you need to put 2 ticks, where it is written about the appointment of the insurance and funded part of the old-age pension.
    9. You will also need to make a note about the fact of receiving or not receiving pension benefits earlier.
    10. After that, a list of attached documents is listed.
    11. At the end of the document, the date of filing, the signature of the applicant and a transcript are put.

    The application must be accompanied by the established set of documents in the original, as well as their duplicates:

    • applicant's passport with a note of Russian citizenship and registration in the given region;
    • policy SNILS;
    • work book confirming insurance and work experience, as well as any other employment contracts in the absence of an entry in the work book;
    • certificate of work experience;
    • marriage certificate, if any;
    • testimonies of children, if they are dependent;
    • military card for men and participants who served in the army;
    • certificate of salary for the last year.
    You can also provide any other evidence of your work experience, if there is no entry about him in the work book.

    Application methods

    The legislation defines several options for filing an application. A future pensioner can use any method convenient for him:

    1. Personal visit to the Pension Fund.
    2. A personal visit to the multifunctional center.
    3. Through a representative who has been issued a notarized power of attorney for the right to represent interests in the Pension Fund.
    4. Send a certified letter by mail with an inventory and delivery notification.
    5. Through an employer who has this moment the future pensioner is employed.

    It is necessary to submit documents immediately after the pensioner decided to receive a pension, since the moment of the beginning pension payments the day of the application is considered. No compensation is charged for lost time.

    When sent by mail, the date on which the documents were sent is considered the date on the postage stamp, which was put down by the postal employee when receiving the letter from the applicant.

    After receiving the documents, the specialist of the FIU or the MFC must issue a receipt-notification that he received the documents indicating the date of their receipt.

    From this moment, within 10 days, a decision must be made on the appointment of the payment of pension benefits.

    In the event of an error or incomplete set of documents, the FIU employee must notify the citizen about this. 3 months are given to correct any mistakes.

    Who is eligible

    Russian legislation establishes certain requirements for future retirees. To receive this type of pension, a citizen must meet the following established requirements:

    • retirement age;
    • the required number of years of insurance experience;
    • accumulated amount retirement points.

    As long as it new reform, Russian citizens who have worked half of their time under the Soviet Union are given the opportunity to smoothly transition to the new pension reform.

    Thus, the requirements for the number of seniority and points increase every year until they reach the planned maximums. In terms of experience, the maximum will be 15 years, in terms of points - 30. But today, in 2019, pensioners need to have 7 years of insurance experience and 11.4 points.

    The established retirement age is 60 and 55 for men and women, respectively.

    If a citizen has reached the required age, but the experience is not enough or there are not enough points, he can continue to work until the required indicators are reached or apply for social pension.

    Insurance experience

    This period includes the entire time of work, as well as the periods of interruption in work established by law for certain reasons. These include the following reasons:

    • the time of caring for a baby up to one and a half years, 4.5 years is the maximum allowable cumulative period;
    • periods of temporary disability;
    • periods of unemployment of a citizen, when he was registered at the Employment Center and received unemployment benefits;
    • the wives of the military, when they were forced to live with their spouse in military camps for a period of no more than 5 years;
    • spouses of diplomats accompanying them in other countries who cannot find employment there, no more than 5 years;
    • when a citizen is imprisoned, if he was subsequently acquitted;
    • periods of military service;
    • any periods of paid employment under an employment contract or other community service;
    • the period of time when a person was caring for an elderly pensioner over 80 years old;
    • periods of time when a person with 1 disability group or a child with a disability was cared for.

    All these periods are included in the insurance period and are taken into account when calculating the pension benefit.

    Every person of pre-retirement age should know the procedure for applying for an old-age pension and the procedure for calculating it. And also it is imperative to know the established requirements for future retirees.

    This article provides information on how, when and where to apply for an old-age pension. For acquaintance of readers, a sample form and an example of filling out such a document are also provided.

    When to Apply for an Old Age Pension?

    The current legislation establishes the age, upon reaching which, citizens can use their right to receive cash payments and apply for an old-age pension. For women, this figure is 55 years old, for men - 60 years old. You can read about other types of pensions and their meaning

    The law also provides for cases when the generally established retirement age can be lowered and, accordingly, a person will be able to exercise his right to receive cash payments earlier. This is possible under the following conditions:

    • work with difficult and dangerous working conditions;
    • labor activity in areas Far north or other areas with unfavorable climatic conditions;
    • the birth of 5 or more children (for women);
    • engaging in a profession that guarantees the right to early retirement (teachers, aviation workers, theater workers, etc.) and under other conditions stipulated by Russian legislation.

    It is also worth noting that since 2017, some civil servants have increased the generally established age of retirement: up to 65 years and 63 years for men and women, respectively. A citizen can apply for a pension at any time after the right to receive cash payments arises (but not earlier than 1 month before that).

    How to write an application to a pension fund about calculating a pension

    Sample application in Pension Fund on the appointment of an old-age pension is freely available on the main website of the PFR. This document contains the following information:

    • the name of the subdivision of the body to which the person applies;
    • Name of the applicant;
    • insurance certificate number;
    • passport data;
    • place of registration, address of actual residence and stay;
    • an indication of the type of benefit required;
    • information about the persons dependent on the future pensioner;
    • basic rights and obligations of the recipient of cash payments;
    • list of documents submitted for registration of benefits, etc.

    If the rights and interests of a citizen in the Pension Fund are represented by another person, then this must be indicated in the notification. Moreover, the form of such a document must be entered detailed information about the representative: his passport data, documentary grounds for registration of the allowance, etc.

    The application form to the Pension Fund for the appointment of an old-age pension is available.

    A sample of filling out an application for the appointment of an old-age pension

    When drawing up any official documents you need to adhere to the following rules:

    • fill in all required fields and items;
    • indicate reliable information;
    • avoid the presence of strikethroughs and corrections;
    • enter data in block letters;
    • it is necessary for the citizen to sign the drawn up document personally or to his authorized representative (if there are legal grounds for this).

    To draw up an application for a pension, The FIU sets the following requirements:

    • Full name should be indicated in full and in the nominative case;
    • enter the full address of the place of residence, in accordance with the registration, in cases where there is no registration, you need to write the word "no" and, in the appropriate field, indicate the place of actual residence;
    • the address of the place of residence outside the Russian Federation is indicated in Russian and foreign language(country of residence);
    • when choosing a type retirement benefit, providing personal information, etc. a mark is made in the appropriate box (not underlining);
    • the number of dependents is written in words;
    • mandatory decryption of a citizen's signature is required, etc.

    A completed sample application for the appointment of an old-age pension is posted on the main website of the PFR, you can familiarize yourself with its content link .

    How to apply for a pension to the pension fund?

    A completed application form for an old-age pension can be submitted to the FIU not earlier than 1 month up to the generally established age of retirement. In other words, if a citizen turns 60 on May 25, then he can notify the PFR units of his intention to receive cash payments from April 25.

    Along with the application for the appointment of an old-age pension, it is also necessary to provide a package of documents confirming the citizen's right to receive of this kind cash payments.

    Submit the above data to the local authorities of the FIU you can both personally and through:


    How to write and apply for an old age pension? A citizen can provide all the necessary data to the bodies of the FIU personally. In cases where he does not have such an opportunity (for example, due to a state of health), the person can grant the necessary rights to his representative.

    It is worth saying that, today, you can apply for a pension via the Internet pages:

    • Unified portal of state services;
    • official website of the FIU.

    When making cash payments through electronic services, a citizen is not deprived of the opportunity to personally contact pension authorities, because it is impossible to provide all the necessary information in its original form through Internet resources. Using the above services, you can apply for an old-age pension (a sample can be downloaded on the PFR website) and determine the date of acceptance of documents.


    To submit an application to the Pension Fund about the appointment of a pension via the Internet, you need to register on the electronic resource of the Pension Fund and perform the following actions:

    It is worth recalling that when drawing up an application to the Pension Fund for the appointment of an old-age pension (a sample of filling is shown in the pictures), it is necessary to indicate only truthful information, which is confirmed by official documents. The law provides for financial liability in cases of providing false information.

    The timing of the assignment of payments after the application for an old-age pension

    The provisions of Article 22 of the Federal Law No. 400 states that cash payments are assigned from the date of receipt of all the necessary documents by the pension authorities of the Russian Federation, but not earlier than the emergence of the right to receive insurance benefits. And if you apply for a pension at the MFC, How is the time of contacting the PFR body determined? The second part of the above article establishes that in this case, the date of application for the appointment of an insurance benefit is the date and month of receipt of the application by the Multifunctional Center. In the same way, the date of applying for registration of cash payments in cases of filing a notification through post offices or Internet services is determined: the date and month indicated on the postmark, and the date of filling out the corresponding form on the official portal of the FIU.

    After applying for an old-age pension , PFR divisions must consider this application within 10 days. In cases where it turns out that the provided package of documents is not complete, the citizen is given additional time to collect the necessary information (but not more than 3 months).

    In conclusion, we can conclude that on the main website of the PFR you can not only see a sample application for the appointment of an old-age pension, but also find out how and when to write it.

    Useful video

    Additional information on how to submit an application (based on a sample) to the Pension Fund for calculating a pension can be found here:

    The form of the document "Application for the appointment of an old-age pension" refers to the heading "Application". Save the link to the document in social networks or download it to your computer.

    To the Main Directorate of the PFR No. ___ for the Central Administrative District of the city of Moscow

    Applicant: ___________________________
    Address: ___________________________


    I, ____________________ _______ year of birth (passport series ____ No. _______, issued by TP No. ___ OF THE DEPARTMENT OF THE FMS OF RUSSIA FOR ST. PETERSBURG AND THE LENINGRAD REGION IN THE FRUNZENSKY DISTRICT OF ST. PETERSBURG ___________, division code ________) has now reached retirement age (60 years) ...
    In accordance with Art. 3 FZ of December 17, 2001, No. 173-FZ "On labor pensions in Russian Federation»Citizens of the Russian Federation who are insured in accordance with the Federal Law" On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation "have the right to a labor pension, subject to the conditions stipulated by this Federal Law.
    In accordance with Art. 7 of the above-mentioned Federal Law, men who have reached the age of ___ years and women who have reached the age of ___ have the right to an old-age labor pension.
    The total length of my work experience is ___ years (the work book was started ___________ years).
    Currently, I continue to exercise my labor activity in LLC "__________________" in the position of General Director, which is confirmed by the corresponding entry in the work book (I attach a certified copy).

    In accordance with Art. 10 FZ, the insurance experience includes periods of work and (or) other activities that were performed on the territory of the Russian Federation by persons specified in part one of Article 3 of this Federal Law, provided that insurance premiums were paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for these periods.
    In accordance with Art. 18 ФЗ, the appointment, recalculation and payment of labor pensions, including the organization of their delivery, are carried out by the body providing pension provision in accordance with the Federal Law "On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation" at the place of residence of the person applying for the labor pension. When a pensioner changes his place of residence, the payment of the labor pension, including the organization of its delivery, is carried out at his new place of residence or place of stay on the basis of the pension file and registration documents issued in accordance with the established procedure by the registration authorities. An application for the appointment, recalculation of the size of the labor pension, transfer from one pension to another, payment or delivery of the labor pension can be submitted in the form of an electronic document, the procedure for issuing which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation and which is transmitted using public information and telecommunication networks, including number of the Internet, including a single portal of state and municipal services.

    The payment of the labor pension (part of the labor pension for old age), including to retirees who carry out work and (or) other activities, is made by the body carrying out pension provision at the place of residence or place of stay of the pensioner in the established amount without any restrictions.

    Decisions on the establishment or refusal to establish a labor pension, on the payment of the specified pension, on deductions from this pension and on the collection of overpaid amounts of such a pension may be appealed to a higher pension authority(in relation to the authority that made the relevant decision) and (or) to the court.

    So, in accordance with Art. 2 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 02.05.2006 "On the Procedure for Considering Applications of Citizens of the Russian Federation", citizens have the right to apply personally, as well as to send individual and collective appeals to state bodies, local authorities and officials.

    Based on the aforesaid and guided by Article. 2 of the Federal Law "On the Procedure for Considering Applications of Citizens of the Russian Federation"

    1. Accept and consider this application;
    2. To assign the applicant the payment of an old-age labor pension;
    3. I ask you to send the answer to this application in writing to the above address;

    1. A copy of the applicant's Passport;
    2. A certified copy of the work book;
    3. References from work;
    4. A copy of the insurance certificate;
    5. A copy of the Certificate of registration at the place of stay;

    " "________________ G. _____________________________________

    • It is no secret that office work negatively affects both the physical and mental state of the employee. There are quite a few facts confirming both this and that.

    • At work, each person spends a significant part of his life, so it is very important not only what he does, but also who he has to communicate with.

    • Gossip in the work collective is quite common, and not only among women, as is commonly believed.

    Upon reaching a certain age or coincidence of life circumstances, a person applies to the Pension Fund for the appointment of a pension. Such an appeal is accompanied by filling out an application for the appointment of a pension and the provision of the necessary documents that confirm the grounds for its appointment and the information specified in the application. When assigning a retirement benefit Special attention pays attention to the correctness of filling out the application and checking the attached documents.

    Applying for a pension

    In Russia, you can apply for a pension upon reaching a legal age (), in case of injury or illness, accompanied by a long period of incapacity for work (disability pension) and in the event of the death of a family member who supported minors or disabled relatives ().

    When one of the circumstances occurs that allows you to receive a retirement benefit from the state, you must write an application and provide the Pension Fund with documents confirming the right to receive a pension.

    Before submitting an application, it is best to additionally consult with the specialists of the regional branch of the PFR, to which an appeal will be sent for the purpose of assigning a pension.

    You should preliminarily consult at least a month before submitting an application to make sure that the insurance record, the number of pension points is sufficient, and to clarify the required package of additional documents.

    Some information is already in the FIU and it may not be necessary to supplement them with documents. This can also be checked with the fund's specialists.

    After Required documents collected and filled in an application, you can submit it:

    • personally or through a representative to the regional branch of the PFR at the place of residence or registration of the future pensioner or the MFC;
    • through the personnel department at the last place of work of the future recipient of the pension;
    • send by registered mail by mail;
    • electronically through the "user account" on the official website of the pension fund.

    When sending an application by post, it is necessary to notarize all copies of documents and certificates attached to it.

    Terms of consideration of an application for the appointment of a pension

    After the application is received by the pension fund division, it is considered within 10 days. This period is considered from the moment the fund receives a complete package of documents and an application that has been duly executed.

    If everything is in order with the documents, then after this period a retirement benefit will be assigned. If necessary, the future pensioner may be asked to provide additional information or documents. In order to prepare and send them to the fund, the applicant is given up to three months.

    That the pension will be assigned from the date of application, while for the previous months when the future pensioner had the right, but did not submit the application on time, the pension benefit will not be reimbursed.

    Therefore, it is better to submit an application, for example, about the appointment of an old-age pension, in advance, and not wait until the moment of retirement.

    In addition, an application may be refused for one of the following reasons:

    • the application was not drawn up on the letterhead of the FIU or it contains inaccuracies and inaccurate information;
    • documents confirming the grounds for granting benefits were not provided or their package is not complete;
    • a three-month period has been missed, which was given to the future recipient of the pension for the transfer of additional certificates or certificates to the fund.

    Content of the application for the appointment of a pension

    Unlike many other applications, the application for the appointment of a pension benefit or the transition from one type of pension to another has an approved form. It is unified and is used to register any type of retirement benefit.

    Pension applications are accepted only on an approved form. An appeal written on a plain sheet of paper or not conforming to the model will be returned to the applicant without consideration.

    At the top of the page, indicate the division of the fund to which people apply for a pension. This may be the regional branch of the PFR at the place of registration or residence of the future pensioner. If the applicant permanently resides abroad, then he draws up an application to the head office of the foundation.

    When filling out the form, you can not leave the lines blank. If some data is not available, then the word "no" is put on the line.

    For example, a pensioner lives permanently outside the Russian Federation and does not have registration on the territory of Russia. Therefore, in the lines about living on the territory of the Russian Federation, he does not put a dash, but writes the word "no".

    The application form itself consists of 8 sections. To fill them out correctly, the FIU specialists have developed rules that help potential retirees to enter all the necessary information in the application.

    General information about the potential beneficiary (applicant)

    In this section, fill in information about the full name, identity documents, citizenship and residence of the future recipient of the pension benefit, as well as the data of the insurance certificate (SNILS).

    If a person applying for pension payments in Russia, in addition to Russian, has citizenship of another state, this is also indicated.

    For example, in case of dual citizenship, they write “citizen of the Russian Federation, Austrian Republic”.

    There are several lines in the form to fill in the address information. Place of residence implies the address of permanent registration, residence - temporary registration.

    The actual residence address is filled in when:

    • it does not match the registration data;
    • the person does not have official registration on the territory of Russia;
    • there are both types of registration - temporary and permanent.

    Similarly, they fill in the data on residence in Russia, until the moment of moving to a permanent place of residence in another country.

    If a future pensioner indicates a foreign address of residence, then it is filled out in Russian and one of the official languages ​​of the country in which the person lives.

    Also in this section indicate the phone number by which, if necessary, the fund specialists can contact the pensioner.

    Information about the representative of the future pensioner

    In some cases, it is allowed to accept applications from persons representing the interests of a person who claims to be awarded a retirement benefit.

    It can be either a notarized representation or a legislative one.

    For example, an application will be accepted from a parent or legal representative of a minor or incapacitated person.

    The representative of a potential pensioner can be not only individuals, but organizations, for example, guardianship authorities.

    When the interests of a pensioner are represented by a person, the second section of the application is filled in by analogy with information about the applicant himself. In the case of an organization, this section indicates its name and address, as well as information about the authorized person. In this case, the address of residence of the authorized representative does not need to be filled in.

    Additionally, in this part of the application, the details of the document confirming the authority are indicated:

    • a notarial or equivalent power of attorney;
    • birth certificate of a minor claiming benefits;
    • certificates of the trustee (guardian).

    Choosing the type of pension and additional payments to it

    In this part of the application, indicate (mark with a "birdie") the type of pension for which they apply to the fund. In addition, information about retirement benefits in case of its replacement with another type of pension.

    For example, after the onset of the established retirement age, a person who previously received benefits due to disability has the obligation to re-register for an insurance or social old-age pension.

    Also, a pensioner can change the type of benefit received at will, if another pension seems more beneficial to him. For example, recipients of a state pension can work out the length of service required for the appointment of an insurance pension, after retiring from their main job. In such a case, they can also qualify for insurance pension by age and choose which of these two options is preferable.

    Additionally, they note, if desired, the need for a federal supplement to the pension (if its size is lower than the minimum established in the region of residence), as well as the possibility of taking into account the funds from investing family (maternity) capital when calculating the size of the future pension.

    Additional data affecting the amount of the benefit

    In this subsection, fill in the data that may affect the increase or decrease in the estimated pension. This is where you fill in information about the continuation of work at the time of application. Also indicate the periods during which insurance premiums were not paid, but included when calculating the length of service - military service and caring for the elderly or disabled.

    Here you must indicate the presence of dependents or minor children at the time of applying for benefits, as well as information about receiving pension payments in other countries.

    Additionally, for example, when applying for a survivor's benefit, the spouses of the deceased indicate the data on the entry into subsequent marriages.

    In addition, this includes (if available) data on work in law enforcement agencies, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, personnel service in the Ministry of Defense or state (municipal) bodies.

    If a pensioner wants to receive personal advice on calculating a pension in the future, then in this section you need to specify a code word or phrase by which you can identify him and give access to personal information.

    Situations that the pensioner is obliged to notify the fund about in the process of receiving pension payments

    After a person is assigned a retirement benefit, he must transfer to the FIU, information that may affect the size of the pension, additional payments to it, or become the basis for the termination of payments.

    Such information can be employment after the appointment of a pension, the cancellation or change of the disability group, the achievement of a certain age by the recipient of the survivor's benefit, etc.

    For example, if you receive a copayment up to living wage, its payment stops if the pensioner goes to work, while his pension and salary in aggregate will exceed the size of the minimum established in the region.

    In addition, the pension fund must be notified of moving to other countries for permanent residence.

    List of documents attached to the application

    This section is indicated by all additional documents, which confirm the information written in the application. These can be both originals of various certificates, and copies of basic documents, for example, an identity card or work book.

    If the name of the document is not repeated in the list, then there is no need to indicate additional details for it.

    For example, providing a statement of income for any 5 years, for the period from 2002.

    If the future pensioner had one employer, then there is only one certificate.

    In this case, the "income statement" is filled in the table.

    In the case when a potential pension recipient has changed several jobs during the selected period, it is necessary to indicate the most complete details of each of the same documents - "certificate of income issued by Crocobus LLC dated 02.15.2017, unnumbered, certificate of income issued by CJSC "Drevkhmel", dated 04.05.2018 No3158 ".

    In the penultimate section of the application for the appointment of a pension, the contact information of the applicant (his representative) is indicated - mobile phones, e-mail addresses, accounts in instant messengers.

    The last part of the application form contains the date of completion and the signature of the applicant (his representative) with a transcript. The person who filled out the form confirms the completeness and correctness of the information that was indicated in the application with his signature.

    When applying for the calculation of a pension benefit, special attention is paid to the correct and accurate filling of the application for the appointment of a pension. Any misrepresentation of the information provided or simply filling out an application not in accordance with the approved form may result in a denial of benefits.