How to care for your heels at home. How to make your heels soft, smooth and beautiful quickly

Heels are the same part of the body as the face and hands. Feet require careful care and attention. There are effective ways to help eliminate dry and rough skin at home.

Women's legs attract the attention of the opposite sex, which means they should always look perfect.

Open shoes often lead to rough skin on the heels, which is very visible from the outside.

Taking care of the condition of your heels is necessary and important. Some ladies can afford to go to a beauty salon every time, but some of us can’t afford it, which means we need to find effective way care for this part of the body at home.

To steam your feet at home you will need:

  • bowl of hot water
  • foot scrub
  • towel
  • pumice and foot file

The temperature of the water in the basin should not be scalding, it should be tolerable and favorable for the skin, without leaving redness. You can add any soap solution to the water: shower gel, bath foam or liquid soap, but this is not at all necessary. If you want to have a healing effect on your feet, try adding essential oil and chamomile flowers to the basin.

Softening heel baths

People-tested and time-tested products will help you improve the skin on your feet and heels. There are a lot of folk remedies that can soften rough skin effectively and for a long time.

Some fans add regular milk to the water. This is because it has softening properties.

Benefits of milk for heels

A milk bath can really have a softening effect. To do this, add only one glass of milk and shavings from baby soap. The feet are dipped in this solution and held until the water has cooled completely. The benefits of such baths are difficult to overestimate and their effect will delight you for many days. During the bath, you can completely relax in front of the TV screen, read a book, or get a manicure. It is useful to pour glass pebbles on the bottom of the basin and, moving them, as well as stepping on them, perform a simple massage.

In addition to regular chamomile, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, you can use linden. Linden decoction is brewed in the same way as tea. It differs only in volume from a standard cup and has no restrictions on quantity. It has been noticed that if you add one tablespoon of honey to the broth, your feet will become softer. After such a bath, dry your feet with a towel, apply plenty of moisturizer and put on socks at night for greater effect.

How to steam heels using soda?

So many positive feedback has a foot bath like this. It is especially recommended for those who have never done a pedicure on their own. It is also suitable for those who have realized that their legs are in a very poor condition, when their feet feel no worse sandpaper, and looks like a baked potato.

Add one glass (one package) of regular baking soda to a bowl of hot water, as well as a soap solution or shampoo. It is necessary to keep your feet in the water until the water cools down. After this, rub thoroughly with a brush or pumice stone. The final procedure is scrub treatment, wiping with a dry towel and lubricating the heels with lemon juice. It is advisable to wear socks on your feet at night.

Sea salt for heels, benefits

One of the most popular foot baths is salt baths. IN in this case It doesn't matter what kind of salt you use:

  • stone
  • iodized
  • sea
  • cosmetology

The best is sea salt, which can “saturate” the skin with minerals, nutrients and iodine. Sea salt can heal wounds and irritations. Either way, you will provide a moisturizing benefit to your feet and strengthen your nails at the same time. Sea salt can eliminate fungus and unpleasant odors on the feet. The main condition after such a bath is to actively scrub and apply a good layer of moisturizer.

Rough, dry skin can be easily eliminated with the help of folk remedies and the secrets of natural cosmetology. Masks and scrubs prepared with your own hands at home have a positive effect.

Apricot pulp mask

The pulp of ripe apricots must be crushed into a soft puree and heated over a fire or in the microwave until hot. To this mixture you need to add two tablespoons of oil of your choice:

  • sunflower
  • corn
  • olive
  • linen

The hot mass is applied to the heels, wrapped in cling film and socks are put on. The warm compress should be left on your feet for at least an hour.

Apricot is an excellent remedy for combating rough heels.

Zucchini mask

A lot of useful qualities has a regular zucchini. In this case, it needs to be thoroughly crushed into puree or grated on a fine grater. Gauze swabs are soaked in the resulting mass and applied to the heels. If you wish, you can wrap your leg in a bandage, put on a shoe cover and move around the house, doing important things.

Zucchini - a remedy for dryness

Rye bread mask

An effective way to eliminate dryness and roughness is a rye bread mask. To do this, soak half a loaf in milk and squeeze out excess liquid. The resulting mass, similar to puree, is applied to the heels, wrapped in film and put on a warm sock for an hour. After this procedure, the skin becomes noticeably soft and velvety.

Heel care. How to make your heels soft?

There are situations in life when there is no time, but an impressive result is needed right now. In such cases, radical folk remedies will help, which can relieve you of any torment associated with rough heels.

How to clean your heels with aspirin?

Sometimes the condition of the heels is very deplorable: cracks clogged with dust, pain when pressed, dryness and roughness. No creams or scrubs are absolutely helpless in such situations. Try using a proven aspirin-based product:

  • 10 aspirin tablets (one strip)
  • 1 bottle of medical alcohol 70%
  • 1 bottle of iodine

The tablets are crushed to a powder form, alcohol and iodine are added. Everything is mixed and stored in a glass bottle in a cool, dark place (not the refrigerator!). The resulting mixture is actively lubricated on the skin after baths. Healing of cracks and high-quality softening of the skin were noticed.

How to steam heels with hydrogen peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide is an amazing chemical. It is able to completely dissolve and destroy microbes. Peroxide can be added to a warm foot bath (a bottle for one basin), you can wipe your foot with peroxide and then actively clean it with a pumice stone. The procedure must only be performed on clean feet and be attentive to deep cracks in the heels, since contact with peroxide may cause pain. Peroxide can make your skin soft and smooth.

Heel care with glycerin

Glycerin has unique properties that allow it to soften the skin as much as possible. The antiseptic qualities of the substance guarantee the healing of wounds and cracked heels. After a hot bath and scrubbing with a pumice stone, it is recommended to apply a layer of glycerin to the heels and put socks on your feet. With regular use, your heels will become smooth and soft.

If neither a hot bath nor cream helps remove rough skin, you should use radical methods. Such as, for example, depilatory cream. This unusual product allows you to quickly soften the skin on your heels and clean it with any brush. Such cleaning can be carried out before an urgent “going out” when you need an instant result. Apply the cream to the heels, put on socks and sit for 20 minutes, then walk with a pumice stone and moisturize with the cream.

Video: Remove cracked heels at home

Are you tired of rough, cracked heels, do you want to see perfect heels? There is a solution, and You can bring your heels to perfection at home, it is not necessary to contact specialists. This procedure will not take you much time; after 10 minutes you will not recognize your heels.

This method will help make your heels as smooth as a baby's. It all depends on the severity of the problem; the more advanced your heels, the more procedures you will need (maximum 3).

In order for your heels to sparkle with beauty and purity you will need:

- cream (any cream, but it’s better to use a rich cream, I use baby cream)
- a brush for cleaning heels (not pumice, but a brush like in the photo), it costs a penny, by the way, it can be found in fixed-price stores.

— Using cream without first cleaning the heels of rough skin is useless.
- Do not use a razor to cut rough skin. As a result of these actions, skin growth occurs with a vengeance, since you also cut off a good layer of skin.
— You should not carry out the procedure of cleansing your heels after a bath, when the skin is steamed, since along with the rough layers, you also remove a healthy, good layer of skin.

Procedure for cleansing heels in 10 minutes:

Lubricate your skin with cream and walk around with it for 5 minutes or just lie down. The cream will help soften the skin.

Then wet the brush and shake off excess water. The brush should be slightly damp, but not wet.

Use this brush to treat dry heels. Please pay Special attention, heels must be dry, with wet heels you will not get the desired effect. In just a couple of minutes you will see that the old, rough skin begins to roll into lumps and falls off. If the rolling of rough skin has stopped, lightly wet the brush again and repeat the procedure. Three to four sets will bring your feet into ideal condition. After a shower, lubricate your skin with cream and relax.

If you were unable to cleanse your skin the first time, then repeat the procedure for a couple more days, but as a rule, in 1 procedure you can bring the skin of your heels to ideal condition.

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Hello, dear readers. How to make your heels soft and smooth at home? I won’t be mistaken if I say that every woman dreams of such smooth, soft heels. How beautiful they look in summer open sandals! Therefore, watch the post to the end - there will be 6 ways to get rid of rough skin on your heels.

Baths are the best remedy for soft heels

When the skin on your heels becomes rough and unsightly, you should not wait for more serious changes. The situation needs to be corrected.

What can cause cracked heels? First of all, this:

  • dry indoor air
  • lack of care,
  • hormonal disbalance,
  • poor blood circulation,
  • lack of vitamins, especially A and E.
  • fungal infection
  • high sugar, thyroid disease.

If you do not have serious illnesses, then they will help you quickly correct the situation soda baths. Pour 1 tbsp into a bowl of warm water (1 liter). spoon of soda, pour in 3-4 drops essential oil, lower your feet for 15 minutes. After softening the stratum corneum, treat the legs with pumice and lubricate them with cream.

Milk bath. In 2 liters of water, add 1 tbsp. milk, 3 tbsp. salt, a little shampoo. We keep our feet in this solution for about 20 minutes. Then we treat our feet with a brush or pumice stone, wipe it dry, and lubricate it with a rich cream.

Bath with glycerin. Pour warm water into a bowl, add 1 tsp. l. glycerin, lower your feet for 15 minutes, rub the skin on your heels with a brush, lubricate with a rich cream. All baths can be done once daily. The course is a week.

Masks for feet and smooth heels

You can make great ones at home healing masks. For rough skin, a mask with yolk will be a real elixir.

Recipe: Take 1 tbsp. l. starch and lemon juice, egg yolk, mix well, lubricate the steamed heels, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water, wipe them with a towel, lubricate with cream.

Honey mask. Take 1 tbsp. l. honey and olive oil, mix, apply to the heels, keep for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

To make your heels smooth, try herbal compresses. Brew a mixture of herbs: chamomile, string, sage, calendula. Two tbsp. l. herbs, brew 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes. Soak gauze in the infusion, apply to the heels, secure with cellophane, and put on socks.

Treatment of cracked skin

The skin on the heels is without cracks, is this possible? Of course available! Take advantage simple recipes, and you will forget about such an unpleasant phenomenon as.

Swipe treatment with peroxide. Pour 4 liters of hot water into a basin, add 4 tbsp. l. peroxide. Lower your legs, the main thing is that they are covered with water, hold for 10 minutes.

Soon you will see that the skin has steamed as if you had been steaming it for an hour.

We clean off the stratum corneum, cover the heels with a mixture (1:1), which includes glycerin and vinegar (table). We do baths with peroxide once every 7 days, but you can lubricate the mixture every day.

Homemade cream for treating cracked heels can be prepared in a few minutes. Take baby cream, add peppermint oil.

But here is a more complex composition. This cream includes:

  • ghee - 50 grams;
  • glycerin oil - half a teaspoon;
  • any vegetable oil - 4 teaspoons;
  • camphor alcohol - 30 grams;
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • chamomile infusion - 1 tbsp. spoon.

First, prepare a chamomile decoction: 1 tbsp. l. flowers, brew 100 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Excess liquid can be frozen and then used as a cosmetic product.

Then we mix all the ingredients, apply it to the heels, wrap it in plastic, put on socks, and leave it on for several hours.

Homemade heel cream is better than a pharmaceutical product

There is also a way to treat heels, which is better than many ready-made cosmetic preparations. This is a cream that you can prepare in just a few minutes.

To do this you will need vitamin A and calendula ointment in a tube.

Take glass jar, mix vitamin A well with the ointment: a 20 ml bottle of vitamin and a tube of ointment (20g). Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator.

Every day, at night, lubricate your heels with this magic remedy, then put on your socks. Course-week.

After a week's course, you can continue to lubricate the skin, but 2 times a week. This cream has an amazing quality: it can permanently rid your feet of cracks.

Don't forget to lubricate your nails and entire foot. Even older people with advanced dermal conditions acquire soft, smooth heels.

Works great on cracked heels compositions with urea, which instantly penetrates the skin, helps to loosen and remove the top, stratum corneum, for example, EVO cream with urea.

In addition, cream with urea performs protective functions and also supports tissues. required amount moisture, promotes the penetration into the depths of the epidermis of the beneficial substances that make up this product.

Cream with urea helps treat diseases of the epidermis of the feet such as eczema, fungus, psoriasis, and ichthyosis.

What kind of substance is this - urea? This is a very important component that is found in the cells of the human epidermis. If there are no diseases of the skin of the legs, then it contains up to 1 percent urea.

Its main purpose is hydration. skin, which means preventing dryness and cracking.

Traditional recipes for treating heels

Folk remedies have an excellent healing effect.

Mask with celandine: chop fresh celandine leaves, place on your heels, secure with a bandage, wrap with film on top, put on socks. Stay like this overnight. In the morning, rinse the herb with warm water. Rub the exfoliated epidermis with a brush and lubricate your feet with cream.

Effective folk remedy: Boil several potato tubers in their skins, drain some of the water, and mash the potatoes in the remaining water. Pour into a basin, add water to cover your feet, add 1 tbsp. spoon of soda.

Place your feet in the solution, hold for 5-8 minutes, rub your feet with a pumice stone, rinse with water, wipe dry with a towel, lubricate with cream, put on socks.

An equally effective remedy is oatmeal cooked in water. Pour a good portion into the porridge linseed oil, put the mixture in 2 bags, put them on your feet, insulate them for 2 hours, then rinse with warm water. A few such procedures are enough to make your heels soft and smooth.

How can we not remember about honey? If you are not allergic to it, then prepare a simple flatbread from 2 tbsp. spoons of flour and 1 tbsp. honey

Divide it into 2 parts. Before going to bed, steam your feet, wipe dry, apply the tortillas to your heels, secure them, and put on your socks. In the morning, roll up the tortillas to use again. Course - 10 days.

Another proven recipe. Grind 2 large onions in a meat grinder and place them in 2 bags. Before going to bed, put them on your feet, insulate them, put on socks, 3-5 procedures will be enough. This remedy will also relieve you of.

Use lemon to care for your heels.

  1. It is better to do the procedure at night. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze out the juice. It can be used in cooking, simply added to tea, or frozen for later.
  2. Place the squeezed lemon halves on both heels and place a sock on top to hold the peel in place. Now just go to bed.
  3. In the morning you will notice how much softer your heels have become. The ideal result is achieved if you repeat the procedure every 2-3 days. The same lemon halves can be used several times until they dry out.

Vitamins for smooth heel skin

What vitamins does the body lack to make the heels soft, like a child’s? First of all, vitamin A.

Eat cabbage, citrus fruits, liver, butter, carrots, spinach, green onions, then your body will not suffer from a lack of vitamins.

Once a 60-year-old village woman boasted to me of her pink heels. To say that I was surprised is not the right word! I knew that she also works in the garden, and that they do not have a bathroom or other urban conditions. It turns out that her doctor recommended (I don’t remember for what reason) to take liquid vitamin A - put a drop on a piece of refined sugar and eat it once a day. And this is the side result with the heels!
So don't neglect vitamin A!

In parting, I want to say: there is no problem that you and I cannot solve. Send your wishes to my blog, subscribe, send reviews, comments, recommend to your friends and acquaintances.

And if you don’t have time for this, pay attention to SoSu socks - it really works, it’s been tested. Click on the button below the picture!

A very important point in maintaining the beauty of our body is caring for the skin of our heels. After all, you can’t call your feet beautiful when the skin on the heels is rough, rough, yellow, and your heels hurt, covered with...

Of course, going to a beauty salon in this case allows you to quickly solve this problem, but we do not always have the necessary time and funds. Therefore, below we will look at how to achieve soft, pink heels at home.

How to make your heels smooth

When self-treating heels, you should never cut off rough, thickened areas of skin with a razor, since in this case there is a high probability of causing serious damage, and even if you do everything carefully, another even thicker and rougher one will quickly grow on the cut areas layer of skin.

Foot baths

Most the best procedure home care for heels are baths. The recipe for the simplest composition for a bath: mix 1 glass of milk, the same amount of thick soap solution and 3 tablespoons of table salt in a bowl of hot water. Next, lower the heels into the basin and hold for at least 30-40 minutes. After this, very slowly and carefully, using fine-grained pumice or a special brush with stiff bristles, we clean the steamed top layer of skin to the extent possible. Lubricate the treated skin areas with nourishing foot cream.

This procedure, if used regularly, can solve the problem for a long time. rough skin on the heels.

Composition for the bath depending on individual characteristics skin can be different: for example, herbal, salt or soap and soda.

Cleansing scrub

Instead of baths, rough heels can be cleaned with a special foot scrub, which is selected depending on your skin type. The care process is as follows: using a flat pumice stone or an oval file for polishing with a scrub applied to them, the skin of the heels is thoroughly massaged with light, neat circular movements, after which it is treated with a moisturizing or softening foot cream. To avoid injury to the skin, the duration of the procedure should not exceed 3 minutes, and the frequency should be once a week.

Rough skin on heels

When the top layer of skin on the heels loses its elasticity and becomes covered with small cracks, you should not let the situation go until serious complications arise; corrective measures are necessary. cosmetic procedures, which include, for example, lotions made from marshmallow root or a mask made from egg yolk, lemon juice and potato starch.

1. To prepare the lotions, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of crushed marshmallow root into 0.5 liters of water at room temperature in an enamel bowl, close the lid, bring to a boil and let stand for 30 minutes in a water bath, stirring occasionally. Cool the resulting broth to room temperature, soak gauze pads in it and apply them to the skin of the heels for half an hour. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day until the skin of the heels becomes soft.

2. A mask made from egg yolk, lemon juice and potato starch has an excellent softening effect. It is prepared as follows: take 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 0.5 teaspoon of potato starch and mix thoroughly. The resulting mixture is applied to the steamed skin of the heels and left until a crust forms, after which it is washed off with warm water. The treated area is lubricated with a moisturizing cream or emulsion.

3. To ensure that the skin of your feet is always soft and tender, use cosmetic blue clay. It is diluted with water to obtain a paste and applied as a mask to the feet.

4. Aloe juice has an excellent healing and softening effect. The stems of this plant need to be finely chopped, crushed to a fine paste, applied to the heels, secured with plastic wrap and a bandage, put on woolen socks and leave overnight. The result in the morning will be amazing!

5. You can also use an apple, finely grated to a pulpy state and applied to the heels as in the previous case.

6. Your heels will become soft and smooth if you rub warmed olive oil or olive pulp into them every day after baths.

7. To lubricate the heels, you can use fir or eucalyptus oils, which improve blood circulation in the tissues and have an excellent wound-healing effect.

8. After baths, before applying the cream, it is very useful to apply masks made of banana and honey. To do this, take 1 banana, mash it with a fork, add a little honey and apply it to your heels. Wrap the top with plastic wrap and put on woolen socks. After half an hour, wash off the mask with warm water and apply cream.

9. If the skin on your feet is prone to dryness and often becomes cracked, your heels itch, protect your feet from regular exposure to water and sunlight. Before taking a dip in the water or before starting a tanning session, apply moisturizer to your heels.

10. If your heels are very rough and flaky, then the most effective means is a compress made from onions. It is made from halves of a pre-scalded small onion, which are applied to the heels after the baths, covered with plastic wrap, carefully bandaged to the foot and left overnight. In the morning, everything is washed off well with water, the skin is wiped with pumice stone and a layer of rich nourishing cream is applied. You should not refuse a compress because of the smell, because after several procedures your heels will become soft, tender and smooth.

11. Good means for making the skin of the heels soft and tender are warm starch baths, after which, even if a soft brush is used, rough areas of the skin and applications with corn oil or fatty cream are quickly cleaned. When performing the application, the heels are generously lubricated with corn oil or rich cream, covered with plastic wrap and bandaged overnight. The morning after the foot bath, the skin of the heels is carefully treated with fine pumice.

Causes of cracked heels

If your heels crack, the most common cause is dry indoor air, frequent visits to swimming pools with chlorinated water, and hot and dry weather.

However, if you have health problems, the causes of dry and cracked heels may be much more serious. These are poor blood circulation in the legs, metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalances, and digestive problems. In this case, regular foot masks will not give the desired result, and you need to consult a doctor.

Folk remedies for heels

The skin on the heels needs constant nutrition and hydration. You can pamper your feet with the same fruit masks that you prepare for your face. With regular care, you will get soft, pink heels, like a baby's. We offer some folk remedies for heels that will effectively help moisturize and improve the skin of your heels.

Zucchini mask . Rough heels can be corrected with zucchini pulp. Grate the young vegetables, place the pulp on a gauze napkin, and press it onto the rough skin of the heels for 30 minutes. Rinse your feet with warm water and apply any nourishing cream. After a few treatments you will get smooth heels.

Apricot mask . This mask will make your skin soft and silky. Mash the ripe apricots with a fork, add a little olive oil and heat gently over low heat. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin while warm, cover with film and put on warm socks. After half an hour, the mask can be washed off with water and lubricate the legs with a nourishing cream.

Wine baths . An excellent remedy for cracked heels is a white wine bath. To prevent roughening of the skin of the heels, it should be done once a month. Heat 200 ml. white wine, add 1 tablespoon of linden blossom powder, boil for a few minutes. Cool the mixture and pour into a small bowl. Soak your heels in the broth for 10 minutes, then rub your heels with a washcloth and soak in the wine again for 10 minutes. One such procedure can transform your legs beyond recognition.

Herbal lotions . Exists a large number of medicinal herbs that can care for the skin of your feet. The most accessible of them are a decoction of green tea, peppermint, cornflowers, chamomile, and string. You can get rid of cracked heels with warm herbal baths, lotions, and hot wraps. After the bath, it is useful to massage the skin on the heels using a rich cream.

The use of masks based on essential oils is very effective way to make your heels smooth. Here are a couple of the most common recipes:

Pour 2 tablespoons of your choice of sea buckthorn, avocado, jojoba or rosehip essential oils into a small bowl and add 5 drops each of pine, cypress and chamomile essential oils. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and rubbed into the skin of the heels before going to bed, after which cotton socks are put on.

You can also make your own cream with essential oils. To do this, you need to take 10 g (about 1 teaspoon) of baby cream and add 4-5 drops of lavender and chamomile essential oils (can be replaced with cypress and cedar, pine and lemon oils), mix thoroughly and rub into the skin of the heels 2-3 once a day.

When caring for your face and body, never forget about your heels - regularly pamper them with creams and masks, then you can proudly wear any stylish sandals.

External factors for the formation of corns and the appearance of dry heels: wearing uncomfortable (tight, high-heeled) shoes, standing on your feet for a long time, dry skin, improperly performed procedures, wearing synthetic socks.

Dry heels as a symptom of pathologists:

  • limited amount of vitamins in the body;
  • poor circulation in the lower extremities, in almost every case accompanied by varicose veins;
  • diseases of the thyroid or pancreas, adrenal glands, reproductive organs.

The cheapest and at the same time very effective for heel care is Zorka cream., which is sold in veterinary pharmacies. It has acquired great value due to the content of floralizin, a component that promotes softening of the skin and rapid healing of cracks, wounds, and abrasions.

The following creams are an alternative to the veterinary drug:

  • Elfa – natural composition, present vegetable oils and extracts that heal wounds, improve general state skin;
  • Panthenol, or Pantoderm, is intended for the rapid healing of wounds, which include cracked heels.

The regimen for using any of the above remedies is 1 time per day at night. after thoroughly washing your feet. After each washing of your feet, you should use a high-quality moisturizing cream - for example, the softening “Juniper” from the manufacturer Nevskaya Cosmetics, the healing and moisturizing “With urea and oil walnut» from the Green Pharmacy company.

Scrubbing should be done at least 2 times a week, after carefully steaming your feet. The most effective scarabs are:

  • “Foot Scrub” from Ecolab;
  • "Avocado Oil" (Indonesia).

Foot scrub recipe: sugar+olive oil/almond oil+lemon juice

Apply any of the presented products to the dry skin of the feet, perform a mini-massage using circular movements of the fingers, then the scrub remains on the skin for another 5 minutes. The procedure is completed by rinsing the feet with warm water and applying cream. Heel care should be carried out in the evening, after which cotton socks should be put on the feet.

One of the most popular foot care devices is electric pumice. Advantages:

  • the risk of injury to rough skin is minimized;
  • 1 procedure per week is enough to get results like after a salon;
  • The device can also be used to prevent the formation of calluses and corns, in case of existing problems.

Before using electric pumice, you need to thoroughly wash your feet and steam them, then dry them with a towel. After the procedure, a moisturizer with a greasy structure is applied.

No less popular are electric files, which are able to qualitatively cleanse the skin of the rough layer without preliminary steaming. But their Do not use if you already have cracked heels.

It is strictly forbidden to clean heels with scissors and ordinary blades! Too dry skin becomes sensitive to external influences, it is easily injured, and open wounds not only add discomfort to daily life, but are also a “gateway” for pathogenic bacteria.

Baths with cypress, lavender or pine essential oils help soften the skin. After 15 minutes of keeping the feet in the warmest possible water, the skin is wiped with a towel and lubricated with regular olive oil, put cotton socks on your feet.

A good remedy is regular pumice. By using it 2-3 times a week, you can achieve complete cleansing of the rough layer of the skin on your heels. If the problem is acute and the first cracks have already appeared, then it is worth using pumice and scrub at the same time. To reduce trauma to the skin, the time of massaging pre-steamed feet should not exceed 2 minutes.

What to consider in summer when caring for your heels:

  • You cannot wear flip-flops;
  • for excessive sweating of the feet, you need to use creams, powders, and cooling lotions;
  • you cannot walk barefoot;
  • Wear socks if possible.

Traditional methods of care:

  • Sea salt + peroxide. Prepare a warm bath of 2 liters of water and 50 g of salt + 10 drops of your favorite essential oil, 5 minutes after immersing your feet in it, add 40 ml of a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and leave for another 5 minutes.
  • Peroxide + bodyaga. Mix to a thick paste, apply it to the heels, secure with bandages and put socks on top, after 30 minutes everything is washed off with warm water.
  • Baths. To 2 liters of hot water add: 200 ml of sage decoction, 500 ml of chamomile flower infusion, 300 ml of calendula flower decoction. You can add 2-4 tablespoons of honey. Boil for 5 minutes, leave for at least half an hour.
  • Compresses. They are done at night, no more than 3 times a week. As the main remedy you can use: raw grated potatoes + honey; aloe juice + egg yolk; cabbage leaves + honey; grated apple; cosmetic clay (preferably blue). Smear is applied to the previously prepared skin, wrapped in polyethylene and cotton wool, and socks are put on top. In the morning, wash off the composition and apply moisturizer.

Foot mask recipe: flour + honey

How to get rid of cracks:

  • Use once a day with healing ointments - Solcoseryl, Actovegin or Epithelial;

In advanced cases, you should consult a doctor.

Read more in our article about proper heel care.

Read in this article

What causes cracks, dryness, corns

Many associate dryness, cracked heels, and the formation of corns with exclusively external factors - for example, wearing uncomfortable (tight, high-heeled) shoes, standing on your feet for a long time, dry skin, improperly performed care procedures, wearing synthetic socks. AND Few people know that such problems can arise as a symptom of several diseases:

  • limited amount of vitamins in the body - you may need to adjust your diet, take a course of taking a vitamin-mineral complex;
  • poor circulation in the lower extremities (specifically, in the feet) - in almost every case, accompanied by varicose veins;
  • instability of the hormonal system - diseases of the thyroid or pancreas, adrenal glands, reproductive organs.

The problem of excessively dry skin on the heels, cracks and corns can be solved in several stages. First, you should seek help from standard medications/cosmetics, learn proper care and use recipes from the category " ethnoscience" But if a positive result is not observed within 1-2 months, then it is advisable to visit a general practitioner, voice the problem and undergo a full examination.

Proper heel care at home

The most important thing to remember is that you need to wash your feet often, more than once a day, especially during the warm season. There is no need to fanatically rub them with a hard washcloth or steam them in boiling water every time - simple rinses and daily use of specific products are enough.


The simplest, cheapest and at the same time very effective cream is “Zorka”, which is actively used in veterinary medicine and is sold in appropriate pharmacies. This product contains:

  • sorbic acid and floralisin;
  • pentol and petroleum jelly;
  • Refined aviation kerosene.

The use of “Zorka” for the treatment of cracked heels became widespread thanks to rumors and advice from ordinary people; later the effectiveness of its use was confirmed and official medicine. The cream has acquired great value due to the content of floralizin - a component that promotes softening of the skin and the rapid healing of cracks, wounds, and abrasions.

The following creams are an alternative to the veterinary drug:

  • Radevit – contains vitamins A and E, perfectly softens the skin, increases the level of moisture in the cells of the dermis;
  • Elfa - natural composition, contains vegetable oils and extracts, which heal wounds and improve the overall condition of the skin;
  • Panthenol or PAntoderm - designed for rapid healing of wounds, which include cracked heels.

The regimen for using any of the above remedies is once a day at night after thoroughly washing your feet. And after each washing of your feet, you should use a high-quality moisturizer - for example, the emollient “Juniper” from the manufacturer Nevskaya Cosmetics, the healing and moisturizing “With urea and walnut oil” from the company Green Pharmacy, would be an excellent choice.


Since with cracked heels there is always a problem of accumulation of dead epidermal scales on the skin, you need to regularly carry out procedures to get rid of them. Scrubbing should be carried out at least 2 times a week, after thoroughly steaming the feet. Products that act as scrubs can be purchased at pharmacies or specialized outlets selling cosmetics. The most effective are:

  • “Smooth heels” from the manufacturer La Cafe de Beauty;
  • Foot scrub from Ecolab;
  • "Avocado Oil" (Indonesia).

Apply any of the presented products to the dry skin of the feet, perform a mini-massage using circular movements of the fingers, then the scrub remains on the skin for another 5 minutes. The procedure is completed by rinsing your feet with warm water.

An excellent solution would be to use a moisturizing and healing cream for cracked heels. This heel care should be carried out in the evening; after manipulation, cotton socks are put on the feet.

Watch this video on how to prepare sugar peeling for heels:


You can improve the condition of your heels and solve the problem of regularly appearing cracks using special devices. One of the most popular is electric pumice, which has the following features:

  • The risk of injury to rough skin is minimized and only 1 procedure per week is enough to obtain results identical to those obtained after visiting a beauty salon or pedicurist.
  • The device can also be used to prevent the formation of calluses, corns, and for existing problems. In the latter case, foot cleaning should be carried out in several stages.
  • Before using electric pumice, you need to thoroughly wash your feet and steam them, then dry them with a towel. After the procedure, a moisturizing cream with an oily structure is applied to the treated skin.

What to consider in summer

Most often, the problem under consideration arises precisely in summer period, which contributes to high temperatures air, and wearing specific shoes, and direct contact of the skin of the heels with dust, dirt and water from natural bodies of water. To avoid this, you should consider the following nuances:

  • people with dry, sensitive heels and a predisposition to cracking should not wear flip-flop shoes;
  • Be sure to use moisturizer or any vegetable oils every day;
  • with excessive sweating of the feet, you need to solve this problem with specific means - creams, powders, cooling lotions;
  • you cannot walk barefoot - this applies to any surface, not just sand;
  • if there are wounds or cracks, visiting bodies of water is contraindicated;
  • Wear socks whenever possible – for example, when doing work in the garden.

Traditional methods

Many professional means for the care of problem heels they prefer to use folk remedies. In most cases, this is justified because it will cheaply and effectively soften the skin of the feet, make it smooth, prevent the formation of cracks, and even cure existing ones.

With peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is considered a universal remedy, but it also has contraindications for use:

The most effective ways to care for your heels are:

  • sea ​​salt + main preparation - prepare a warm bath of 2 liters of water and 50 g of salt + 10 drops of your favorite essential oil, 5 minutes after immersing your feet in it, add 40 ml of a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and leave for another 5 minutes;
  • the product in question + bodyaga - you need to mix these two components in such a proportion that the result is a thick paste, apply it to the heels, fix it with bandages and put socks on top, after 30 minutes everything is washed off with warm water.

Watch this video about using hydrogen peroxide against rough skin on the heels:


They can be carried out daily; various herbal decoctions are used as a “filler”, prepared according to a standard recipe - 2 tablespoons of herbal raw materials per 200 ml of water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for at least half an hour. Such baths will relieve inflammation, soften the rough layer of the skin and promote rapid healing of existing wounds. To carry out such a caring procedure, add the following to 2 liters of hot water:

In the morning, after removing the compress and washing your feet, you need to treat your skin with a moisturizer.


This procedure softens rough skin as much as possible and provides fast healing small cracks. Lotions made from the following ingredients will be effective:

  • prunes boiled for 20 minutes in milk;
  • lemon slices - leave overnight;
  • chopped raw potatoes.

The lotions are used every day until the heels become smooth, soft and without cracks. After the procedure, be sure to wash your feet and lubricate them with a rich cream.


In principle, any food products can be used for them. Boiled vegetables and fresh fruits, olives and starch with egg yolk do an excellent job of softening the already rough skin of the heels. Such masks can be used daily; the selected mass is applied to the clean skin of the feet (the component must be well crushed) and fixed with a bandage or gauze with an adhesive plaster.

Ready-made foot masks

Masks will be useless if cracks already exist, but they will be very effective in preventing their appearance.

How to get rid of cracks

If cracks are already a fait accompli, then you can do the following:

  • often lubricate your heels with Vaseline or any vegetable oil;
  • Apply specific healing ointments Solcoseryl, Actovegin or Epithelial once a day;
  • carry out paraffin wraps 2-4 times a week - warm (almost hot) paraffin is applied in a thick layer to the problem area of ​​the foot, covered with polyethylene and “insulated” with cotton wool, a scarf, removed after 30 minutes;
  • Before going outside, use medical glue BF-6 - wash your heels, use your fingers to connect the edges of the crack (“close it”) and apply glue on top.

If the crack is deep, bleeding and there are signs of inflammation, then you should immediately consult a doctor (dermatologist, cosmetologist) - in some cases a course of antibacterial therapy is required. Urine therapy, compresses with whey and cottage cheese, treating cracks with lemon juice or vinegar (“dry”) are methods that are not approved by official medicine and can provoke deterioration of the feet.

Proper care of your heels is the key to maintaining their moisture, softness and cleanliness. Even if cracks have already appeared, there are many options for solving this problem. Timely use of pharmaceuticals/cosmetics and folk recipes will ensure rapid healing of existing wounds and prevention of the formation of new ones.

Useful video

Watch this video about how it works and what are the advantages of an electronic foot file: