The use of triz technology in dow activities as a factor in the development of intellectual abilities of older preschoolers. Project “Triz for preschool children: developing creative abilities Video: games using Triz technology

Creating conditions for the development of children's intellectual abilities preschool age is an urgent problem of developing the intellectual and creative potential of a child’s personality.

Solving modern problems increasingly requires not a highly specialized, but a systematic approach, the ability to see the problem as a whole and the long-term consequences of one’s actions.

The problem of intellectual development of preschool children has long been purposefully studied by teachers and psychologists.

At preschool age, motivation is developed for subject matter - operational, play, creative, educational activities and communication, the cognitive potential of mental operations is formed. Research by psychologists A.V. Zaporozhets, P.Ya. Halperin say that the forms of cognition used in preschool age are of enduring importance for the child’s intellectual development in the future. Research by foreign and domestic psychologists: V.V. Davydova, P.P. Blonsky, J. Piaget, L.S. Vygotsky, G. Hemley, V.A. Krutetsky, S.L. Rubinstein and V.P. Politkina indicate that without targeted development various forms thinking, it is impossible to achieve high results in teaching children, systematizing their educational skills, knowledge and abilities..

Intellectual development is understood as the level of development of mental abilities and operations, meaning the stock of knowledge and the development of cognitive processes (memory, thinking, imagination) etc.

From early childhood, you can teach your child to think systematically, invent fairy tales, poems, solve creative problems, and much more. One of the directions for the development of intellectual abilities in children of senior preschool age is the use of TRIZ technology (inventive problem solving theory). Author of TRIZ - Altshuller G.S. He created it as a technique for finding solutions to technical problems. Long-term use of TRIZ develops creative thinking in inventors, its flexibility, range, consistency, originality and many other qualities. These opportunities made it possible to develop pedagogical technologies based on TRIZ for the development of thinking.

When using technology, classes with preschoolers were not carried out traditional methods. The children were interested, they searched for the truth together. Exercises and games using TRIZ developed children's intellectual abilities: imagination and creativity, dialectical and visual-schematic thinking.

The use of TRIZ technology promotes: the search for non-trivial ideas, the solution and identification of creative problems, the development of intellectual abilities, the formation of mental actions, the development of a complex of cognitive processes such as attention, perception, thinking, memory and imagination .

TRIZ principles: “Resolving contradictions is the key to intellectual thinking. The means of working with children is pedagogical search. If the child does not ask a question, then the teacher asks it himself: “What would happen if...” The activity is a search for truth.” .

One of the important and everyday problems in preschool education is the manifestation of creativity of teachers in working with children, the formation of systemic, multi-layered pedagogical thinking.

In order for a child to master not only a certain amount of skills and knowledge, but also to be able to fantasize, think actively, design and invent, it is very important to introduce children to TRIZ

The goal of TRIZ is not just to develop fantasy and imagination in children, but to teach them to think systematically, with an understanding of the processes taking place. TRIZ for preschoolers is a system of games, exercises and activities designed not to change the main program, but to increase its effectiveness.

TRIZ facilitates the production of new ideas, since the solution of inventive problems is based on a system of logical operations. Currently, TRIZ techniques and methods are successfully used in kindergartens to develop children's creative imagination, inventive ingenuity, and dialectical thinking.

As part of the research conducted by the preschool department of IPK and PRO, kindergarten No. 14 "Gull" The city of Kokshetau, Akmola region, signed an agreement on experimental work “The influence of TRIZ technology on the formation of the personality of preschool children” . According to which a step-by-step program of activities was developed for the introduction of this experimental technology in kindergarten. This experiment in kindergarten lasts more than a year.

The author of this article is part of a research group on the implementation of TRIZ technology in preschool educational institutions. Other members of the group and I carried out some of the elements of this technology to introduce TRIZ into the educational process.

By the development of children’s intellectual abilities in the process of using TRIZ technology, we understand the level achieved by a certain age mental development, which manifests itself in the formation of cognitive functions, as well as the degree of assimilation of knowledge, skills, and intellectual abilities.

We carried out diagnostics to identify the level of formation of intellectual development in children of senior preschool age, or rather to study visual and schematic thinking in senior preschool children. The study used the diagnostics of Matveev and Vyboyshchik "The Fourth Wheel" . The purpose of the study is to identify the level of development of visual-schematic thinking in older preschoolers in the experimental and control groups. The stimulus material consisted of five cards with pictures. The child was shown cards, each of which depicted four objects, selected in such a way that only three of them were related to each other in some way. The subject had to indicate which of these four items was superfluous and justify his answer. Diagnostics were carried out in preparatory groups No. 5 (experimental) and No. 7 (control). 48 children took part in the survey. The children were captivated. They were interested in guessing and naming the pictures. The children's answers were complete, but it was necessary to concentrate their attention on the conditions of the tasks and help with leading questions. Preschoolers correctly identified groups of objects, demonstrating the ability to generalize and analyze, but were not always able to designate the selected groups with one word - a term. Almost always this was either a functional characteristic (wardrobe and chest of drawers - "what things are put together") , or narrowing the concept to one element (pen-pencil - "this is a pen") . The impossibility of selecting a verbal generalization is explained, in particular, by the poor vocabulary of these children.

At the stage of the ascertaining experiment, we identified a control and experimental group of 24 people each. The level of development of visual-schematic thinking among preschoolers was approximately the same. The research at the ascertaining stage was carried out in November 2012.

During the experiment in experimental group classes were conducted on TRIZ technology. Where exercises and tasks were used to develop imagination and fantasy, to summarize information, classification and analysis.

In January 2013 A repeated diagnosis was carried out to identify the level of development of visual and schematic thinking in older preschoolers. The results obtained during the diagnosis are presented in Table 1.

The material in the diagram clearly shows that as a result of using TRIZ technology in classes in the experimental group, the number of children with an above-average level of thinking development is greater than in the control group, in which TRIZ was not used. The low level of thinking development in the control group is higher than in the experimental group. This indicates that TRIZ technology promotes the intellectual development of preschool children, aimed not only at mastering a certain amount of knowledge and skills, but also at the development of visual and schematic thinking, and also the ability to fantasize, actively think, design and invent.

So, let’s compare the results of studies that indicate the effectiveness of using TRIZ technology, including the development of visual, schematic and logical thinking techniques in preschoolers.

All experimental work of kindergarten "Gull" Akmola region, Kokshetau, is accompanied by diagnostic procedures and monitoring measurements. We have already drawn up methodological recommendations for their implementation during the further process of testing and introducing TRIZ technology into the educational process of a preschool institution.

Private children's educational institution kindergarten "Akvarel"

Children's short-term practice-oriented project

on this topic:

“Why eat porridge?”

Completed by: Rigert A.V.

March 2016

Project participants: children of the preparatory group with their parents.

Deadline: from March 21 to March 25 (5 days).

Project type: children's short-term practice-oriented.

Target: creating conditions for enriching children with knowledge about the usefulness of porridge through various types of activities.


1) develop cognitive activity in preschool children;

2) find out the reasons why children do not want to eat porridge;

3) develop joint creativity of parents and children.


Adults often say that porridge is the best breakfast; if you don’t eat it, you won’t have the strength and you won’t grow big. It is prepared at home and in kindergarten. But not all children like to eat porridge. We wondered if this was actually true. And we decided to start our research work on this topic.

Project implementation

1. Preparatory stage

Discussion of the project, clarification of possibilities, funds necessary for the implementation of the project;

Selection of methodological, fiction, visual material on this topic;

Drawing up event plans.

What do we know about porridge?

What do we want to know?

What will we do?


Adds strength;

Not all children love her;

There are oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina, and rice porridge;

Comes in bags;

Helps you grow.

What is it made from?

How to cook;

Is there fruit porridge?

Let's go to the kitchen;

Let's see how mom cooks;

Let's ask for the recipe.

We decided to find out how many children in our garden don’t like porridge and why?

To do this, we conducted a survey:

1. Do you like to eat porridge?

2. What is your favorite porridge?

3. If you don’t love, then why?

56 children from our kindergarten took part in the survey.

The survey results revealed the following:

46 people (82%) like to eat porridge.

10 people (18%) do not like to eat porridge.


3 people (5%) do not like porridge because it is tasteless;

6 people (11%) - looks bad (don’t like the way it looks);

1 person (2%) - there are other healthy foods.

Favorite cereals:






Thematic plan:

    what is porridge? (working with explanatory dictionaries);

    research on porridge given in kindergarten;

    proverbs and sayings about porridge;

    phrases and expressions about porridge;

    visiting the kitchen, asking questions to the cook;

    plot-role-playing game "Cooks";

    writing poems about porridge;

    game “Past-Future” (“Logic chains”);

    composing and guessing riddles;

    what is healthy in porridge, what nutrients it contains.

2. Main stage

Conversation with children on the topic: “What is porridge?”

Let's turn to dictionaries.

Explanatory Dictionary S.A. Ozhegova :


1. A dish made from boiled or steamed cereals.Buckwheat k.

2. transfer The same as mash (in 1 value) (colloquial). K. made of sand and snow.

3. Something disorderly, confusion (colloquial).

Explanatory Dictionary V.I. Dahl:


1. Thick food, cereal boiled in water or milk. Steep porridge, buckwheat, millet, spelled, egg, oatmeal, rye or green, etc., it is prepared in a pot and in the oven, baked on top; liquid, gruel; a mess, in thickness, between steep and mush, a stew with cereal.

2. old lunch after the wedding with the newlyweds, on the new farm. A neighbor invites you for porridge, for a christening, or for lunch with the newlyweds. Coughing, feasting on porridge, with young people, or at christenings. Coughing Wed. feasting on porridge, porridge.

3. Confusion, confusion, turmoil.

Etymological Dictionary of R.P. Andreeva:


Type of food: a dish made from cereals, boiled until thick in water or milk.

From what we read, we concluded that porridge is:

    cereals boiled in water or milk;

    lunch after the wedding;

    disorder, confusion.

A study of porridge given in kindergarten.

We examine the cereals that are given in kindergarten and record our observations in a table.

Learned phrases and expressions about porridge

You can’t cook porridge, you can’t agree, you can’t get things done.

I ate little porridge - little strength or experience

Brewing porridge means starting something complicated that threatens trouble.

Clearing up the mess means coping with a difficult task.

Proverbs and sayings about porridge.

Cabbage soup and porridge are our food.

Brew the porridge, and clear it up yourself.

Visit to the kitchen, questions to the chef

Alena Vladimirovna told us how she prepares buckwheat porridge.

Sort through the cereal.

Put on fire. Add salt. Add sunflower oil.

Watch and stir.

Role-playing game"Cooks


Writing poems about porridge

Once upon a time there lived a kind Masha,

She ate oatmeal.

She became beautiful.

And she was always loved.

Eat porridge!

There was porridge on the table.

The mouse Masha crept up to her.

The mouse loves porridge very much.

Well, we'll forgive the cutie.

Making riddles about cereals

White as snow.

Oval like the number 0.

Small as an ant, but not alive.

Cooks like noodles.

This cereal is brown, like wood.

Smaller in size than a stone.

The shape is triangular like a mountain.

Light as a ball.

Game “Past-Future” (“Logical Chains”)

Target: learn to name the past and future of an object, make a chain.

Progress of the game: The child makes a chain and answers the adult’s question:

- What was the object? What will the object be? For example: millet porridge.

What is healthy in porridge, what nutrients does it contain?

If you eat porridge every day, you won’t need it

go to the pharmacy for vitamins

2. Vitamins A, B, C, D,E.

3. Increases strength.

4. Contains fiber, which affects heart function.

5. If you eat cereal with milk. That will be a slender figure.

Writing a fairy tale

A fairy tale about a cat, a mouse and porridge.

In one cozy village house there lived a cat called Purr.

The cat Purr was kind, but lazy. The whole day the cat lay on the stove and was lazy, did nothing, and even he was too lazy to eat.

But late in the evening he was struck by hunger, and he had to cook porridge. He loved buckwheat porridge because it reminded him of a big cutlet. Having gathered his strength, the cat began to prepare porridge.

There lived a mouse, Shrewtooth, in the house; she was cunning and voracious. Smelling the smell of cooking porridge, the mouse decided to enjoy the porridge, and for this she came up with an insidious plan.

The mouse waited until the delicious porridge was ready, crawled out of the hole, ran up to the cat and said to him in a plaintive voice: “kitty, you are so kind, so caring, don’t let the poor mouse die of hunger, treat me to one tiny grain of your delicious porridge.”

The cat took pity on the little hungry mouse and gave her a grain. Having eaten a grain, the mouse began to ask for more and more. The cat was very kind, so he could not refuse the poor hungry mouse. And so, grain by grain, the mouse dragged all the porridge from its hole

The cat saw that he no longer had any porridge, became very upset, and began to meow pitifully. His plaintive meow was heard by the brownie who lived in this house and guarded his peace and comfort. He decided to help the cat, collected all the crickets living behind the stove, and they dragged all the grains of porridge back into the cat’s bowl.

Imagine the surprise of the mouse Shrew-toothed when she did not find a single grain in her hole. And the cat Murlyka could not believe his eyes; the porridge was again in his bowl.

So the brownie helped the good cat, and the mouse stopped being cunning and learned to share.

Cooking porridge at home with moms


1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of general developmental type 108” of the municipal formation of Bratsk PROJECT “TRIZ FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN: DEVELOPING CREATIVE ABILITIES” 2012

2 The abilities of man, so far as experience and analogy teach us, are limitless; there is no reason to suppose even any imaginary limit at which the human mind will stop. Project topic: “TRIZ for preschool children: developing Creative skills» 2 G. Bokl Main developers of the project: Timofeeva Tatyana Anatolyevna, senior educator, project manager Project implementation period: December 2012 December 2015 Justification for the project: For many decades, the education system was of an informational and reproductive nature, formed a person-performer, developed in children have only one side of performing abilities: attention, memory, the ability to copy the actions of others, repeat what they saw or heard, the ability to bring a professional skill to automatism, etc., and the more complex and important side of creative abilities was often given up to chance and for the majority remained quite low level. Currently, society is placing new demands on the education system of the younger generation, including its first stage. preschool education, which was created by the state to fulfill the social order. One of the leading directions of his innovative activities, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, is the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world. Consequently, modern society needs a pedagogy of creativity, where knowledge is not transmitted, but is created in the process of cognition and transformation, which allows the child to be a subject of education. In our opinion, the success of the process of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education into the system of preschool educational institutions and the implementation Federal Law“On education in the Russian Federation” can be ensured by creating conditions in kindergarten that promote the full development of such qualities in pupils as observation, the ability to compare and analyze, combine, find connections and dependencies, patterns, etc. of all that collectively constitutes creative abilities. “Transforming” a child into a creative person depends on technology pedagogical process, which in preschool institutions has rather signs“living” than “learning”, therefore, in our opinion, if the teacher knows the algorithms for organizing creative activity, then the child, as it were, “scans” the adult’s way of thinking and “applies” it to different subject fields. Thus, one of the conditions for the development of creativity in children is the personality of the teacher himself. A teacher with a low level of development of creative abilities will not be able to organize truly creative activities for children, during which they will develop. Unfortunately, practice modern system education is still far from perfect. Carrying out his professional duties day after day, the teacher gradually loses the ability to think outside the box, and often goes to achieve the goal along the beaten path, through a set of unsystematic methodological steps, through trial and error; does not look for new effective ways

3 solutions to emerging problems, but on the contrary, resorts to standard solutions without trying to analyze the reasons for their occurrence. With a sufficiently high level of competence, professional activity is implemented in the same ways, that is, stereotypically. Tasks aimed at developing the creative abilities of students are also extremely rarely set by teachers. In the process of searching for new means, forms and methods of organizing education and training, we gave preference to TRIZ technology, which can simultaneously solve the issue of teaching creativity to both the teacher and the preschooler. TRIZ technology is integral, multifunctional in nature, promotes the development of creative abilities and creative imagination, self-realization, personal expression, is interesting for both children and adults, meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, provides not only high-quality, but also exciting process training. The main objectives of TRIZ technology are closely intertwined with modern concept formation of a creative personality, and knowledge and skills are not the final goal of learning, but a tool, a means, a field for creative activity, for the self-realization of each person. All this prompted us to develop the project “TRIZ for preschool children: developing creative abilities.” Relevance of the project: the formation of a creatively active personality with the ability to effectively and creatively solve life problems is laid down in childhood and is a condition for the subsequent development of a person’s personality and his successful creative activity. Meanwhile, in most cases, educational programs for preschool education do not provide consistent and systematic development of the creative abilities of children, who develop mainly only spontaneously and, as a result, often do not reach even the average level of their development. TRIZ technology will help educators change the learning process, give classes a developmental character, activate children's creative potential, which in general will allow for positive dynamics in the development of pupils' creative abilities. The problem of the project: the contradiction between the need to develop children's creative abilities and the actual practice of teaching. Novelty: creation of a designer (combination) of methods and techniques of TRIZ technology, providing a developmental effect and creative nature of the activities of preschool children. The goal of the project: to create conditions for the development of creative abilities of preschool children using TRIZ technology. Project objectives: 1. increase the competence of teachers in using TRIZ methods and techniques to develop the creative abilities of students 2. introduce TRIZ technology into the educational space of the kindergarten, aimed at developing flexibility, mobility, systematicity, dialectical thinking and creative imagination of the foundation of creative abilities of preschoolers in different types children's activities 3. determine the impact of this technology on the development of children's creative abilities 3

4 4. activate the pedagogical potential of the family in matters of developing creative abilities in children through the development and use innovative forms interactions with parents. Object of study: the process of development of creative abilities of preschool children. Subject of research: TRIZ technology. Hypothesis: the use of TRIZ technology in the teaching and upbringing of preschool children will allow for positive dynamics in the development of children’s creative abilities if: the training of teachers is of a proactive nature and takes into account individual characteristics each child, the basic level of development of his creative potential, comprehensively and systematically use the methods and techniques of TRIZ technology to build a system of active inclusion in the interaction of all subjects of the educational process. Project participants: preschool students, their parents, as well as teachers working with them. Description of the project. Work on the project involves the interaction of preschool teachers (educators and educational psychologist), middle and senior preschoolers and their parents in the development of children’s creative abilities using TRIZ technology. Stages of project implementation: Stage 1, monitoring and research: studying literature on the project topic, testing teachers, questioning parents, diagnostic examination of children, jointly drawing up a work plan for the project. Stage 2, analytical and formative (March August 2013): analysis of conditions and available resources, identification of main activities for the implementation of the project. Stage 3, implementation (September 2013 August 2015): accumulation of experience in conducting educational activities using TRIZ techniques aimed at developing creative abilities in preschool children. Stage 4, analytical and educational (September December 2015): checking the success of the chosen methods of work to solve the set goals and objectives, analyzing the results of the final diagnostics, drawing up experimental materials. Main steps of the project implementation: First stage, monitoring and research (December 2012 February 2013): Main activities Implementation time frame Result 1 Study of literature on the topic of the project December 2012 February 2013 TRIZBA reading room (bank of methodological 2 Questionnaire of teachers literature on topic of preschool educational institution for readiness for the project). innovative December 2012 4

5 activities 3 Diagnostics “Figured form of the Torrance Creative Thinking Test” for December 2012 children of senior preschool age 4 Diagnostics of universal creative abilities for pupils 4-5 years old January 2013 (authors V. Sinelnikov, V. Kudryavtsev) 5 Determination of the level of creativity potential January 2013 teachers 6 Questioning parents January 2013 7 Testing teachers for the presence of psychological February 2013 inertia 8 Testing teachers February 2013 leading type of thinking 9 Drawing up a work plan for the project February 2013 Identification of problems and possible prospects their elimination. Project “TRIZ for preschool children: developing creative abilities” Second stage, analytical and formative (March August 2013): Main activities Implementation period 1 Analysis of conditions and available resources March April 2013 2 Creation of a bank of methodological, psychological, pedagogical, diagnostic materials March May 2013 3 Selection of methods and techniques adapted for use in working with preschool children 4 Development of a TRIZ-minute constructor based on a combination of methods and techniques of TRIZ technology, providing a developmental effect and creativity activities of preschoolers 5 Compiling a card index of games and exercises aimed at comparing systems, classifying an object, developing the ability to identify the functions and resources of an object, determine the supra- and sub-system connections of an object, etc. 6 Manufacturing didactic games and manuals (“Sensory Box”, Circles of Lull, “Name of the feature, meaning of the name of the feature”, screens for the game “System Operator”, tape pockets for the game “Danetka”, tables-models for composing riddles, March May 2013 March May 2013 March May 2013 May August 2013 5

6 morphological tables, “Magic Path”, etc.) 7 Drawing up an action plan to improve the qualifications of preschool teachers in the field of application of TRIZ technology June-August 2013 Third stage, implementation (September 2013 August 2015): p/ n teachers TRIZ educational program “TRIZ in kindergarten: basic methods and techniques” Business game “Development of creative abilities of teachers using TRIZ technology” Mini-training “Exercises to increase creative potential” Workshop “Educational games based on the linear task “Yes-no” Workshop “Creating conditions for the development of children’s creative abilities in play activity» Consultation “Teaching preschoolers to tell stories from a picture using TRIZ elements” Advanced training for teachers of preschool educational institutions Main activities Deadline Result of implementation Workshop “TRIZ technology? September Level Up Nice to meet you professionally 2013!” competence Seminar with elements October preschool teachers at the workshop "TRIZ in children's 2013 development issues in the garden" creative Business game for beginners November abilities of children of TRIZ students "Creativity as 2013 preschool age one of the components by means of technology TRIZ professional competence of teachers" Training for the development creativity January Seminar “Use of TRIZ technology in the process of working with fairy tales as a means of developing the creative imagination of a preschool child” 2014 February 2014 March 2014 April 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 January 2015 6

7 Mini-consultation “February Method of Focal Objects” 2015 Completion of advanced training courses September 2013 August Attending webinars, 2015 seminars on the project topic Educational work with parents on the development of creative abilities of preschool children Main activities Dates Result p/p 1 Workshop-workshop “Raising a “curiosity”” 2 Booklet/memo for parents “TRIZ for preschool children” 3 Pedagogical educational program “Child development using TRIZ technology” 4 Booklet “Methods of searching for new ideas and solutions. Techniques of analogies" 5 Memo "Kaleidoscope of tips for the development of creative thinking" 6 Toy library for parents "TRIZigs: developing the creative abilities of preschool children" 7 Open days "The School of Creative Personality Invites" 8 Booklet "Methods of searching for new ideas and solutions. Brainstorming" 9 Memo "Golden lessons of creativity, thinking, success, life from Albert Einstein 7 implementations September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 January 2014 February 2014 March 2014 April 2014 September 2014 October 2014 Parents’ understanding of TRIZ technology, practical skills in using TRIZ-RTV techniques in joint games Pedagogical support families in matters of developing children's creative abilities Introducing parents to TRIZ games aimed at developing children's creative abilities. Pedagogical education of parents Pedagogical support for families in the development of children’s creative abilities Increase pedagogical culture parents Pedagogical education of parents, involvement of parents in the educational space of preschool educational institutions Pedagogical education of parents Pedagogical support for families in development issues

8 10 TRIZ workshop: production of games, manuals and equipment 11 Review-competition among parents of students for the best TRIZ manual/equipment 12 Booklet “Methods of searching for new ideas and solutions. Method of focal objects" 13 Pedagogical lounge "Developing children's speech with the help of TRIZ games" 14 Open days "The School of Creative Personality Invites" 15 Photo newspaper "With TRIZ in life" of children's creative abilities November Pedagogical 2014 family support in matters of developing creative abilities children December Replenishment of RPPS 2014 groups, involvement of parents in January 2015 educational space of preschool educational institutions February Pedagogical 2015 education of parents March Increasing the level of parental competence in 2015 in matters of speech development of children using TRIZ technology. April Pedagogical 2015 education of parents, involvement of parents in the educational space of preschool educational institutions once a quarter Informing parents about the effectiveness of implementing TRIZ technology Working with children to develop creative abilities Main activities p/p 1 Joint (including continuous educational) activities with children with disabilities application of TRIZ methods and techniques: synectics method of morphological analysis method of focal objects system operator method of catalog method of modeling with little people circles Lull “Yes-No” 8 Implementation dates September 2013 August 2015 Result Developmental effect and creative nature of the activity of preschool children, positive emotional attitude towards educational activities, development of creative thinking, creative imagination and creative abilities

9 RTV techniques, etc. 2 TRIZ weeks, TRIZ minutes 3 Maintaining the advent calendar “Santa Claus and TRIZ” December 2013, 2014 Fourth stage, analytical and educational (September December 2015): p/p Contents Deadlines Result 1 Questioning of teachers, parents, diagnostic examination of children, analysis of the activities carried out, determination of further prospects for this project. September December 2015 Project performance assessment Project resource support. Personnel: senior teacher, educators, educational psychologist. Software and methodological support: 1. M.A. Strauning "Rostok": TRIZ-RTV program for preschool children. Obninsk, S.I. Gin TRIZ classes in kindergarten: a manual for teachers of preschool institutions: 3rd ed. Minsk: Information Computing Center of the Ministry of Finance, T.A. Sidorchuk Teaching preschoolers to compose logical stories based on a series of pictures: Methodological manual. 2nd ed., rev. and additional M.: ARKTI, Yu.G. Tamberg Development of a child's creative thinking. St. Petersburg: Rech, V.A. Mikhailov, P.M. Gorev, V.V. Utemov Scientific creativity: Methods for constructing new ideas: Textbook. Ed. second, rev. and additional Kirov: Publishing house MCITO, T.A. Sidorchuk Methods for developing thinking, imagination and speech skills in preschoolers. Training manual for employees of preschool institutions. JSC "First Exemplary Printing House", branch of "ULYANOVSK HOUSE OF PRINTING", T.A. Sidorchuk, I.Ya. Gutkovich Formation of systematic thinking in preschoolers. JSC "First Exemplary Printing House", branch of "ULYANOVSK HOUSE OF PRINTING", T.A. Sidorchuk, E.E. Bayramova Technology of development of coherent speech of preschoolers. JSC "First Exemplary Printing House", branch of "ULYANOVSK HOUSE OF PRINTING", T.A. Sidorchuk, N.Yu. Prokofiev Technology of development of intelligence of preschool children. JSC "First Exemplary Printing House", branch of "ULYANOVSK HOUSE OF PRINTING", T.A. Sidorchuk I explore the world. A methodological complex for children’s development of ways of knowing. JSC "First Exemplary Printing House", branch "ULYANOVSK PRINTING HOUSE",

10 11. T.V. Vladimirova Step into the unknown (Formation of methods of natural scientific knowledge in preschool children) / ed. I.Ya Gutkovich. JSC "First Exemplary Printing House", branch of "ULYANOVSK HOUSE OF PRINTING", T.A. Sidorchuk, S.V. Lelyukh Let's explore the world and fantasize with circles Lullia: A practical guide for classes with children 3-7 years old. M.: ARKTI, p. Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the project: the level of development of creative abilities of preschool children, the level of professional competence of teachers in the use of TRIZ technology in the teaching and upbringing of children. Expected final results of the Project: development of the foundation of creative abilities of preschoolers in various types of children's activities; creative growth of teachers; creation of a system of various forms of interaction with the family in matters of child development using TRIZ technology; Predicted risks (problems): development of students' ability to successfully pose and solve creative problems is blocked by the predominance of reproductive problems methods in their training, research skills are developed spontaneously, without taking into account their structure and logic of development, which inhibits the formation of creative abilities in children. The project is monitored in December/January 2012 and September/October 2015. Includes: surveying parents on the development of children’s creative abilities, diagnosing the level of development of students’ creative abilities, determining the level of creative potential of teachers. Project product: TRIZ portfolio, which includes methodological developments (consultations, workshops, business games, trainings, etc.), TRIZ minute designer, TRIZ game and exercise files, lesson notes using TRIZ technology elements, booklets with a description of TRIZ methods and techniques, TRIZ games, manuals and equipment, models for composing riddles, maps for composing questions, templates for morphological tables, etc. Results achieved by the end of the project: 1. The use of TRIZ methods and techniques contributed to the emergence of positive emotional attitude to educational activities, cognitive activity and interest increased, children's answers became mostly non-standard and liberated, children developed a desire for novelty and fantasy. In order to solve inventive problems, contradictions and problematic situations, children freely use methods such as morphological analysis, system operator, method of modeling with little people, method 10

11 focal objects, they can independently compose riddles based on models, work with morphological tables, compose creative stories based on the picture using fantasy techniques, invent new fairy tales using special TRIZ games and exercises, use about 17 features when compiling a description of an object. 2. The integration of TRIZ technology into the educational space of preschool educational institutions allowed teachers to change the learning process: TRIZ methods and techniques gave classes a developmental character, this made it possible to obtain positive dynamics in the development of students’ creative abilities, which is confirmed by diagnostic results, which showed an increase in quality indicators. 3. Teachers have increased their professional level in the field of using TRIZ technology through the active development of new forms and methods of developing the creative abilities of students, training in advanced training courses, certified seminars, which has a positive impact on their level of creative potential. 4. The creation of a system of various forms of interaction with the families of pupils contributed to increasing their competence in the development of children’s creative abilities using TRIZ technology, improving the developmental subject-spatial environment in groups, and allowing parents to become full participants in the educational process. Further development of the project: Involving teachers, students and parents of all kindergarten groups in the project. Presentation of the accumulated experience in implementing TRIZ technology at events at various levels. Obtaining the status of a municipal internship site on the topic “TRIZ technology as a means of developing the qualities of a creative personality in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education” and broadcasting the experience of our preschool institution in developing the qualities of a creative personality using TRIZ pedagogy in children and adults. eleven

12 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of general developmental type 108” of the municipal formation of Bratsk APPENDIX TO THE PROJECT “TRIZ FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN: DEVELOPING CREATIVE ABILITIES” 12

13 Appendix 1. TEST “YOUR CREATIVE POTENTIAL” Choose one of the answer options. 1. Do you think that the world around you can be improved: a) yes; b) no, he’s already good enough; c) yes, but only in some ways. 2. Do you think that you yourself can participate in significant changes in the world around you: a) yes, in most cases; b) no; c) yes, in some cases. 3. Do you think that some of your ideas would bring significant progress in the field of activity in which you work: a) yes; b) yes, under favorable circumstances; c) only to some extent. 4. Do you think that you will play like this in the future? important role that you can fundamentally change something: a) yes, for sure; b) it is unlikely; c) possible. 5. When you decide to take some action, do you think that you will carry out your undertaking: a) yes; b) you often think that you won’t be able to; c) yes, often. 6. Do you feel the desire to do something that you absolutely do not know: a) yes, the unknown attracts you; b) the unknown does not interest you; c) it all depends on the nature of the matter. 7. You have to do something unfamiliar. Do you feel a desire to achieve perfection in it: a) yes; b) you are satisfied with what you have achieved; c) yes, but only if you like it. 8. If you like a business that you don’t know, do you want to know everything about it: a) yes; b) no, you want to learn only the most basic; c) no, you only want to satisfy your curiosity. 9. When you fail, then: a) persist for some time, contrary to common sense; b) give up on this idea, because you understand that it is unrealistic; c) continue to do your job, even when it becomes obvious that the obstacles are insurmountable. 10. In your opinion, a profession should be chosen based on: a) one’s capabilities, future prospects for oneself; b) stability, significance, necessity of the profession, need for it; 13

14 c) the benefits it will provide. 11. When traveling, could you easily navigate the route you have already taken? a) yes; b) no, you are afraid of going astray; c) yes, but only where you liked the area and remembered it. 12. Immediately after some conversation, can you remember everything that was said: a) yes, without difficulty; b) you can’t remember everything; c) remember only what interests you. 13. When you hear a word in a language you don’t know, you can repeat it syllable by syllable, without error, even without knowing its meaning: a) yes, without difficulty; b) yes, if this word is easy to remember; c) repeat, but not quite correctly. 14.V free time do you prefer: a) to be alone, to think; b) be in company; c) you don’t care whether you are alone or in company. 15. You are doing something. You decide to stop this activity only when: a) the task is completed and seems to you to be well done; b) you are more or less satisfied; c) you haven’t managed to do everything yet. 16. When you are alone: ​​a) like to dream about some even, perhaps, abstract things; b) trying to find a specific activity at any cost; c) sometimes you like to dream, but about things that are related to your work. 17. When some idea captures you, you will begin to think about it: a) no matter where and with whom you are; b) you can only do this in private; c) only where it will not be too noisy. 18. When you defend an idea: a) you can abandon it if you listen to convincing arguments from your opponents; b) you will remain unconvinced no matter what arguments you listen to; c) change your mind if the resistance is too strong. Count the points you scored in this way: for answer “a” 3 points; for answer “b” 1; for answer “c” 2. Questions 1, 6, 7, 8 determine the boundaries of your curiosity; questions 2, 3, 4, 5 self-confidence; questions 9 and 15 consistency; question 10 ambition; questions 12 and 13 “auditory” memory; question 11 visual memory; question 14 your desire to be independent; questions 16, 17 ability to abstract; question 18 degree of concentration. 14

15 The total amount of points scored will show the level of your creative potential. 49 or more points. You have significant creative potential, which presents you with a wide range of possibilities. If you can actually apply your abilities, then a wide variety of forms of creativity are available to you. From 24 to 48 points. You have quite normal creative potential. You have the qualities that allow you to create, but you also have problems that slow down the creative process. In any case, your potential will allow you to express yourself creatively, if you so wish, of course. 23 or less points. Your creative potential, alas, is small. But maybe you just underestimated yourself and your abilities? A lack of self-confidence can lead you to believe that you are not capable of creativity at all. Get rid of it and thus solve the problem. 15

16 TEST FOR THE PRESENCE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL INERTIA Application “Draw” Draw a house and a tree next to it. 2. “Divide the square” There are 6 squares in front of you. Try to find as many ways to divide a square with one line into 2 parts 3. “Write” Write the word “duck” in two cells, the word “cabbage” in three cells, and the word “mousetrap” in five cells. 4. “What coins” Imagine that you have two coins in your pocket, making up the amount of 15 kopecks. But one of the coins is not a five-kopeck coin. What coins do you have? (remember that at one time there were coins in denominations of 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 50 kopecks) 16

17 17

18 18

19 EXPLANATIONS OF THE RESULTS 1. Most people perform the task this way. If you drew smoke from a chimney flying in the opposite direction, a house from some other angle, or a spruce instead of a deciduous tree, you can be congratulated, it’s not so bad. Although the house does not necessarily have to be a one-story wooden house, and in general it is not always housing for people: for a bird, a house is a nest, for a fox, a hole, for a head, a hat 2. Methods of dividing diagonally or through the center of the sides are more than inert. I didn’t set the conditions for dividing by a straight line or into equal parts. 3. The secret of this task is that part of the first two words is replaced by the symbol: u-dot, ka-empty. The third word is an object corresponding to one of the lexical meanings of the word “mousetrap”. 4. You have 2 coins in your pocket: one of them is worth 10 kopecks (and it’s not a nickel), and the other is a nickel. After all, no conditions were asked about the second coin. 19

20 Appendix 3. SEMINAR WITH ELEMENTS OF A WORKSHOP FOR TEACHERS ON THE TOPIC "TRIZ IN KINDERGARTEN" Duration of the meeting: 2 hours Venue: music hall Form of conduct: seminar with elements of a workshop. Participants: educators Goals and objectives: To increase the competence of teachers in the field of innovative technologies by familiarizing them with TRIZ technology; Introduce the methodology of conducting games and exercises using TRIZ technology. Equipment: laptop, multimedia equipment, sheets of paper, pens, pencils. Preparatory work: 1. Preparation for the workshop: studying methodological literature on the problem, drawing up notes joint activities adult with children. 2. Selection of methodological literature, card files of TRIZ games, didactic and visual aids for the exhibition on the topic of the seminar. 3. Drawing up a TRIZ guide to notes. 4. Development of commandments for teaching staff using TRIZ technology in working with preschoolers. Plan of the event: 1. Greeting 2. Solving Edward de Bono’s problem (set up for unconventional thinking) 3. What is TRIZ in kindergarten (mini-lecture) 4. Open demonstration of joint activities in younger group on the topic “How the animals spent the winter in the forest” using TRIZ games 5. Open demonstration of joint activities in the preparatory group on the topic “Cinderella” using TRIZ games 6. Let’s play (Introduction to games and exercises using TRIZ technology, methods for conducting them ) 7. Commandments of the teaching staff using TRIZ technology in working with preschoolers (memo for teachers) Procedure: Hello, dear colleagues! 20

21 As an epigraph to our meeting, let me quote the words of Henry Ford: “When we come together, this is the beginning. When we stick together it's progress. When we work together it is success." Tell me, have you ever thought about why one person always has a lot of new ideas, while other people living next to him who are no less educated, and maybe even more educated than him, have no new ideas? Even the ancient Greek philosophers believed that logical thinking is the most effective method use of our mind. However, many scientists, inventors, and writers have shown that all completely new ideas are not necessarily born as a result of a logical thinking process. These people have a different kind of unconventional thinking, which leads to the creation of new ideas, finding many new options and solving seemingly insoluble problems. Before we start talking about TRIZ, I would like to encourage you to think outside the box. Listen to the problem from Edward de Bono’s book “The Birth of a New Idea” and help me solve it. “Many years ago, when a person who owed money to someone could be thrown into debtor's prison, there lived a merchant in London who had the misfortune of owing a large sum of money to a certain usurer. The last one, old and ugly, fell in love with the young daughter of a merchant and offered this kind of deal: he would forgive the debt if the merchant gave his daughter for him. The unfortunate father was horrified by such a proposal. Then the insidious moneylender suggested casting lots: put two stones, black and white, into an empty bag, and let the girl pull out one of them. If she pulls out a black stone, she will become his wife, but if she pulls out a white stone, she will remain with her father. In both cases, the debt will be considered repaid. If the girl refuses to draw lots, then her father will be thrown into a debtor's prison, and she herself will become food and die of hunger. Reluctantly, very reluctantly, the merchant and his daughter agreed to this proposal. This conversation took place in the garden, on a gravel path. When the moneylender bent down to find the stones for the lot, the merchant's daughter noticed that he had put two black stones in the bag. Then he asked the girl to pull out one of them, thus sealing her fate and the fate of her father.” Now imagine that you are standing on the garden path and you have to draw lots. What would you do if you were in the shoes of this unfortunate girl? Or what would you advise her? Remember or write down your assumptions and advice, we will definitely discuss them at the end of our meeting, and now let’s return to the conversation about TRIZ. The changes that have taken place in our society require new thinking people. As Albert Einstein said, “The great problems facing us cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them.” Unfortunately, for many years, education in our country has been reduced to memorization and reproduction. Children were given knowledge in finished form, which deprived them of the opportunity to make discoveries, gradually led to a loss of creativity. Meanwhile, the American scientist K. Taylor noted: “Creative activity has a huge impact on society as a whole. The state that can best identify creative individuals, develop them and create the most favorable conditions for them will have a great advantage.” Russia undoubtedly needs people who are capable of making non-standard decisions and who can think creatively, therefore in last years new developments have appeared, 21

22 programs aimed at identifying and developing children's creative abilities. Our kindergarten staff also came to the conclusion that it is impossible to work the old way. We believe that children’s knowledge of the world around them should occur not only by imparting to them any amount of knowledge, but also through creative search activities. We must encourage children to make discoveries based on existing ideas. These will be discoveries for yourself. In our opinion, TRIZ pedagogy will help a child to master not only a certain amount of knowledge and skills, but also to fantasize, actively think, design and invent within reasonable limits. This is what prompted us a year and a half ago to become participants in the federal innovation platform “Implementation of continuity in the system of lifelong education as a means of ensuring FGT and Federal State Educational Standards in the new conditions of financial support” and, together with school 40, to develop the project “TRIZ-RTV - technology in the development of creative abilities of preschool children and primary school age”, aimed at creating a unified educational space for kindergarten and school based on the end-to-end use of TRIZ-RTV - technology for the maximum development of the creative abilities of each child. What is TRIZ pedagogy? This is one of the young well-known and popular innovative pedagogical systems. It is based on TRIZ (the theory of solving inventive problems) and TRTL (the theory of creative personality development), created by the Russian scientist and science fiction writer Heinrich Altshuller. Its modern name is applied dialectics. The goal of TRIZ is not just to develop children’s imagination, but to teach them to think systematically, with an understanding of the processes taking place. TRIZ can be used in work with preschoolers and gives amazing results in terms of developing children's imagination, fantasy, and creativity. TRIZ for preschoolers is a system group games, classes designed not to change the educational program on which the kindergarten operates, but to maximize its effectiveness. TRIZ elements can be applied in all educational areas: cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development, as well as in all regime moments (in morning hours, when washing, dressing for a walk, on a walk), in play activities. TRIZ fits very well into project activities, since the project begins with a problem situation or a posed question. Children find a way out of a problem situation, draw up a plan for solving it, come up with a project product, and then implement it in practical activities. Working on the project allows parents, children and teachers to unite to achieve their goals. The main skill that a child acquires is the ability to work with problems and find answers to the questions posed himself. To use TRIZ you do not need special equipment. The most important thing is the desire to play and a little imagination, and then everything that surrounds sticks, dishes, stones, empty boxes turns into any elements you like. The most important thing is to arouse children’s interest and awaken the motive for creative activity. Plots for games are suggested by various books, primarily fairy tales, modern cartoons, and children's television projects. It is important that they are close and understandable to children, awaken their creative activity, and cultivate positive personality traits. 22

23 In general, TRIZ pedagogy not only develops imagination, it teaches the child to be inquisitive and inquisitive, which is very important for the future student. TRIZ technology comes from a child, and not from an adult: let a child be a genius, devoid of stereotypes in his knowledge of the world. Trizovites believe that if in childhood a child figures out how to save Kolobok from a fox, then as an adult he will always be inventive, able to find a way out of any, even difficult, situation. And this, you see, is a very important quality for a person. Trizov pedagogy is focused on the child’s personality, his individuality; the authoritarian style of communication with children is alien to this pedagogy; a trusting, personality-oriented style predominates in it, which in turn has a very favorable effect on the child: the child is uncomplexed, free in judgment, knows how to defend his point of view. How to introduce TRIZ elements into a child’s daily life? This work must be carried out in stages: The goal of the first stage is to teach the child to find and distinguish the contradictions that surround him everywhere. Now we will get acquainted with some games. 1. Games aimed at identifying contradictions. Game “Good-bad” Rules: In a chain, children name the positive and negative qualities of the same object, for example: “A book is good: you learn a lot of interesting things from books” “A book is bad: it breaks quickly, etc.) Tell , is wood good or bad? Teachers play a game, possible answers are presented below: Good - protects from rain and sun. It's bad - it grows right on the court and interferes with playing ball. Good - it decorates the city. Bad - the tree can catch fire and cause a fire. Good - it bears fruit. It’s bad - when it hits the glass with branches - it’s scary. Well, you can build a house and beautiful souvenirs from wood. The bad thing is that insect pests live in it. Okay, the birds are building their nests. 2. Games to identify the functional purpose of objects. “Repeat” Children choose images for themselves or receive them from the leader. Then the leader names his image and its characteristic function, and the rest of the children “try on” this function for themselves: I am a frog. I can jump. I'm a machine. I also jump when I go over bumps. 23

24 I am a pencil, I also jump when I draw dots. Etc. The main difficulty of this training is that it is necessary to find the conditions for the manifestation of this unusual function. Teachers play a game. 3. Games to compare systems “What is it like” (from 3 years of age). The presenter names the object, and the children name objects similar to it (if two players name in turn. The one who named the last one wins). Note: Objects can be similar based on the following characteristics: by purpose (function), by subsystem, by supersystem, by past and future, by sound, by smell, by color, by size, by shape, by material. The presenter asks to explain why the player decided that the named objects are similar, for example: What does the lampshade look like? Possible answers: to the umbrella, to Little Red Riding Hood, to the bell, because it is big, to the heron, because it stands on one leg. Teachers play a game. 4. Games for the ability to identify the resources of the “Auction” object (from senior preschool age). A variety of items are up for auction. Children take turns naming all the resources they can use. The winner is the one who is the last to suggest a possible use for it, for example: What is a ruler for? Answer options: To measure something; can be used instead of a pointer; you can interfere with something with it; you can scratch your back; You can throw it at a target: put something light on the tip of a ruler and shoot, and draw a target on the wall. Teachers play a game. 5. Games for combining the super- and subsystems of an object “Magic traffic light” In this game, red means the subsystem of the object, yellow the system, green the supersystem. Thus, any object is considered. The teacher shows the children a picture of an animal and says: “If I hold up a red circle, you will tell me the parts of the animal. If I hold up the green circle, you can tell me what the animal is part of. What if I raise the circle yellow color, then you tell me what it is for or what benefits it brings.” Teachers play a game. 24

25 The goal of the second stage is to teach children to fantasize, invent, invent objects with new properties and qualities: a new toy, an unusual dress, a gift, etc. Variants of game exercises: “Save the letter from the letter-eater” - completing the drawing of letters and numbers to the plot image. “Iconic” - creating the image of a fantastic hero from a combination of parts of other heroes (for average and senior groups). “Kalyaka” - completing the drawing of a line or figure, followed by narration according to the content. “Do the opposite” - changing the properties and purpose of an object to the opposite, turning them into anti-objects. Example: anti-light makes objects invisible, while light makes objects visible. To train the development of creative imagination in preschool age, the focal object method is used. The essence of the method is that an object is selected, it is kept as if in the focus of attention and the properties of other objects that have nothing to do with it are transferred to it. In this case, unusual combinations arise, which they further try to develop through free associations. This method is applied as follows: Goal: come up with a new tree. DRESS elegant beautiful colored lace TREE VASE tall glass slender roomy Our tree will be beautiful, with high branches and a slender trunk, the lace crown is very roomy to shelter us from the heat and wind. Elegant colored bells hang on the branches, like glass, delighting children and adults. The content of the third stage is solving fairytale problems and inventing different fairy tales using special TRIZ methods. Just don’t think that all fairy tales have been written or told. You can come up with as many new fairy tales as you like. But before composing fairy tales, it is advisable to teach children to solve fairy-tale problems and try to help fairy-tale characters who find themselves in a difficult situation. Solving fairytale problems. 1. Fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka” Question: How to make Ivanushka get drunk, but not become a little goat? Answers: - take water with you before going into the forest - go into the forest to eat juicy berries - look for a stream - make a footprint with your foot and drink from it 25

26 (ingenuity is expressed here - transforming your footprint into someone else’s) 2. Fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” Question: How to make sure that the egg does not break, although the mouse will still run and wag its tail? Answers: - cover the egg with something - put it on a plate - hollow out a hole in the table and put the egg there - make a table (the answers are related to the transformation of the table itself) Games with fairy tales. “Salad from fairy tales” The first signs of a “salad from fairy tales” can be seen in children’s drawings, where characters from all children’s fairy tales get along fantastically. Invite the children to combine familiar characters from different fairy tales into one and come up with their own - a new fairy tale. “Fairy Tale Inside Out” The game consists of twisting a fairy tale or turning a fairy tale theme “inside out.” This game is similar to the game "Verse versa". Progress of the game. Remember with your children a well-known fairy tale and suggest changing the character of its heroes. Positive character to negative and vice versa. Invite them to think and tell how the characters, their character, actions change, and what the plot of the fairy tale will become. A proposal for a change of character can be different, for example: Little Red Riding Hood is evil, but the wolf is good... What will happen next? Cinderella, a naughty girl, has driven her kind stepmother to a white heat, all the time mocking her meek sisters... “Twisting a fairy tale” Children are conservative when it comes to fairy tales, they want everything to be repeated many times. But there comes a time when fairy tales begin to get boring, like an old toy, then the fairy tale can be turned into a parody, another angle of view appears, the fairy tale can be looked at with different eyes, that is, you can see what is not in the real fairy tale, for example: Educator: Once upon a time there was a girl, her name was Yellow Riding Hood Children: Not Yellow, but Red Educator: Oh, yes, Red! Dad called her and said... Children: No, not dad, but mom! Educator: Correct. Her mother called her and said: “Go to your aunt in the clearing, bring her a sandwich with cheese.” And so on. “A fairy tale in a given key” Using different keys, you can open a fairy tale for children in a different time, place of action, invite them to change the field of action, time of action, for example: 26

27 “There lived an old man and an old woman by the blue sea... in our days. What will the old woman ask the fish? “What Happened Then” Children really love the continuation of the fairy tale and are reluctant to part with their favorite characters. Why do you have to part with them? At the end of the fairy tale, starting from the most interesting place or question, you can invite children to think: “What happened then?” For example: a bear climbed onto the roof of a tower, the tower and fell apart. All the trees in the forest began to sway and began to hum, forest animals came running, condemning the bear’s action and advising what to do next. Then everyone builds a new little house for the animals together. At the fourth stage, the child applies the acquired knowledge and, using non-standard, original solutions to problems, learns to find a way out of any difficult situation. In the process of completing the proposed tasks, children should not criticize their answers immediately, without explaining or developing their ideas. Most likely, the child was unable to convey it to us, express it correctly, or we did not understand it, since a child, unlike an adult, thinks directly, unearthly. If we, adults, try to approach the issue from a realistic point of view, thinking through every step, then the child will not think about the laws real life. Well done, you did a great job with all the tasks. Use various TRIZ techniques, and the inexhaustible source of children's imagination will be fully revealed to you. You want your children to be capable and talented? Then, as Boris Pavlovich Nikitin said, “help them take the first steps on the steps of creativity, but don’t be late and, while helping, think for yourself.” And finally, I suggest you remember the answer to the problem that I asked you to solve at the beginning of our meeting. Has your decision changed? Who has new answer options? The whole point is that it’s template thinking people They are focused mainly on the pebble that needs to be pulled out, so they usually offer three options, which equally help the girl little: 1) refuse to drag the pebble; 2) the girl must make it clear that she knows the moneylender’s cunning and expose him as a fraudster; 3) the girl can only pull out the black pebble and sacrifice herself for her father. Those who think outside the box are focused mainly on the remaining pebble. So, “the girl put her hand into her bag, pulled out a pebble and, without looking at it, dropped it straight onto the gravel path, where it got lost. “What a shame! she exclaimed. Well, the matter can be corrected; by the color of the remaining pebble we will immediately find out what color the pebble was for me.” And since the pebble remaining in the bag was, as we know, black, it follows that she could only pull out a white pebble. The moneylender will not admit to his own fraud. Thus, non-standard 27

28 thinking helped the girl get out of a hopeless situation. She escaped an unwanted marriage and saved her father from debtor's prison. We hope that after our meeting you all ended up in the second group, the “Thinking Outside the Box” group! And we want to say goodbye to you with the words of Hegel: “Education does not lie in the amount of knowledge, but in the full understanding and skillful application of everything that you know.” Good luck! The commandments of the teaching staff who use TRIZ technology in working with preschoolers: 1. We always answer all the child’s questions as patiently and honestly as possible. 2. We take serious questions and statements from the child seriously. 3. We do not scold a child for making a mess in the group or on the table if it is related to a creative activity and the work is not yet finished. 4. We provide children with a group or part of a group exclusively for their activities. 5. We show children that they are loved for who they are, and not for their achievements. 6. We entrust children with feasible care. 7. We help children make their own plans and decisions. 8. We help the child improve the results of his work. 9. We help children communicate well with children from different social and cultural backgrounds. 10. We set a normal behavioral standard and make sure the child follows it. 11. We never tell a child that he is worse than other children. 12. We supply children necessary material for your favorite activities. 13. We read to children regularly. 14. We encourage the child to invent and fantasize. 15. We are attentive to the individual needs of children. 16. We find time every day to be alone with each child. 17. We never tease a child for mistakes. 18. We teach the child to communicate freely with adults of any age. 19. We design hands-on experiments to help children learn more. 20. We encourage children to find problems and then solve them. 21. We find something worthy of praise in children’s activities. 22. We do not praise children pointlessly and insincerely. 23. We are honest in assessing our feelings towards our children. 24. There are no topics that we completely exclude from discussion with children. 25. We help the child to be an individual. 26. We develop in children a positive perception of their abilities. 27. We never brush off children's failures. 28. We believe in common sense children and trust them. 28

29 29 Appendix 4. SEMINAR FOR TEACHERS “USE OF TRIZ TECHNOLOGY IN THE PROCESS OF WORKING WITH FAIRY TALES AS A MEANS OF DEVELOPING THE CREATIVE IMAGINATION OF A PRESCHOOL CHILD” Creativity is the most effective way of active personal development and the development of humanity in today’s rapidly changing world. The problem of creativity is one of the most acute in the entire system of lifelong education; it is identified in the studies of teachers and psychologists of the past and present. The essence of a person’s personality is connected with his creative potential, the ability to create new spiritual and material values, and it develops from childhood. Currently, almost all teachers and psychologists are trying to direct their work to enhance the child’s creative processes. They recognize the need for a more complete study of them and the creation of a system of work to activate them. And this is not accidental, since the federal state educational standard for preschool education is aimed, among others, at solving the following problem: “creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, developing the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with oneself, other children, adults and the world.” The basis of an individual’s creative potential, as proven by research results, is imagination. It is this most valuable psychological quality that forms the basis of a new creative, inimitable and unique personality, on the level of development of which progress in science and technology, the prosperity of culture, literature, art, sports, and the creation of favorable socio-economic conditions of human life depend. Preschool childhood is a sensitive period in the formation of a person’s creative orientation (L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, etc.), a period of intensive development of a person’s creative capabilities. The practice of working with children shows that imagination plays a huge role both in creativity (the ability to create something fundamentally new), and in learning (it makes it possible to imagine something that one has not seen), and in Everyday life(helps to anticipate consequences and decisions), and psychologically protects the child’s “I” from emerging negative experiences. The need to develop imagination in children is emphasized by all domestic scientists. Thus, E. E. Kravtsova writes: “The child failed to become a wizard in childhood, did not learn to imagine, and various problems begin to grow like a snowball: causeless fears, low learning ability, lack of plans, poor development of activities and, as a consequence of everything This is psychological unpreparedness for school.” V. T. Kudryavtsev states: “The imagination of a preschooler is the soil on which the later professionally developed imagination of a scientist, artist, and inventor grows. But this is at the same time the basis of theoretical thinking at all subsequent stages of development, including first of all! junior school age. Along the way child development imagination does not dissolve in thinking, but, absorbing the experience of thinking, acquires a truly rational, content-generalizing character.” “The creation of a creative personality, wrote L. S. Vygotsky, aimed at the future, is prepared by the creative imagination, embodied in the present.”

30 The development of children's creative personality is associated with opportunities for updating teaching practice. We, teachers, have long been looking for effective ways and means of developing creative imagination in various types of children's activities: visual, musical, gaming, cognitive, communicative, etc. and have come to the conclusion that imagination is actively formed by means of specifically “preschool” types of activities , one of which is the perception of a fairy tale, solving fairy-tale problems, and independently composing fairy tales. It's no secret that where there are preschool children, there are fairy tales. And children love them very much. With its content, the fairy tale develops children's creative potential and creativity. The fairy tale opens up space for children's creativity, it develops children's speech, imagination, memory, teaches children communication, expression and understanding of the emotions of another person. Thanks to a fairy tale, the process of learning about the world around us takes place; it comes to life for the child in new images and associations, integrating the private and individual. By comprehending the plots of creativity, children learn to see themselves in the actions and thoughts of the heroes living on the pages of a fairy tale. They form a certain opinion about various types of relationships and human characters. A fairy tale is one of the first areas of creativity in which a child asserts his abilities and feels a sense of pride from the fact that he creates something. There are fairy tales in every home; in the preschool period they are read to children of all ages. The ticket to enter the land of fairy tales is the child’s imagination. It is the imagination that transforms words and sentences into images, creates a visible and tangible fairy-tale environment, and allows one to get used to the experiences of fairy-tale characters. But the idea that all children have a rich imagination is often mistaken. Imagination, like any other gift of nature, should be nurtured and developed. Only then will it give decent results. How to do this? It is possible to build a system of working with preschool children to activate their imagination and teach generalized ways of thinking. This special work can be built through the application of TRIZ technology methods. With its content, the fairy tale develops children's creative potential and creativity. By comprehending the plots of creativity, children learn to see themselves in the actions and thoughts of the heroes living on the pages of a fairy tale. A fairy tale is one of the first areas of creativity in which a child asserts his abilities and feels a sense of pride from the fact that he creates something. The ticket to enter the land of fairy tales is the child’s imagination. It is the imagination that transforms words and sentences into images, creates a visible and tangible fairy-tale environment, and allows one to get used to the experiences of fairy-tale characters. The role of a teacher working in TRIZ is to actively use, along with traditional methods and techniques of working with fairy tales (reading, telling, retelling, watching plays, cartoons and films). fairy tale material unconventionally, to initiate in children the ability to perceive the content of fairy tales in a non-standard, original way, to reflect it in different types of activities, to create the prerequisites for solving fairy-tale problems, for the child to compose original endings to well-known fairy tales, to compose his own fairy tale, while developing cognitive activity, forming creativity as a quality personality of a preschooler. The fairy tale “Kolobok” is familiar to all of us since childhood. It would seem that something new can be found in it? But in TRIZ there is a magic word “resources”, i.e. possibilities. And the fairy tale “Kolobok” turns into a fantastic fairy tale, and not just one, but many, and the children happily save Kolobok from the Fox, quietly learning dialectics. thirty

31 The fact is that the main ideas of TRIZ consist precisely in translating the speculative laws of dialectics into concrete forms. The theory of solving inventive problems and invention in general develops the ability to solve emerging contradictions. They can be both in a technical system and in a everyday situation. The answers are different, but the solutions are the same. To solve these problems, you can also use didactic TRIZ games, problem situations, situational tasks. “From a fairy tale problem” Goal. Based on familiar fairy tales, create interesting puzzles and teach children the craft of transformation, doing this not so much by explanation, but by using a model. Example. Fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” Problem. If one kid ran after his mother, two others followed him, and two more went swimming without permission, then how many kids would the wolf find in the hut? “The tale continues” Purpose. By changing the end of the fairy tale, direct the child’s attention in the right pedagogical direction; develop the child’s imagination, breaking established stereotypes. Example. They pulled out the turnip, but how did they divide it? Who was stopping them? Who worked the hardest for this? “Changing the situation in familiar fairy tales” Purpose. Encourage the child to invent, teach children to change situations in fairy tales themselves. Example. Fairy tale “Geese and Swans” New situation. On the girl's way she meets a wolf... "Twisting a fairy tale" Purpose. Cultivate a sense of humor, slyness, and understanding of irony coming from loved ones. Develop the ability to concentrate, correct programmed mistakes of adults. (You just need to intelligently distort the fairy tale, changing what is essential in the characters and actions). Example. Fairy tale. “Little Red Riding Hood” (Not Little Red Riding Hood, but Yellow Riding Hood. She went not to her grandmother, but to her grandfather, etc.) “An old fairy tale, but in a new way” Purpose. Develop the ability to endow the main characters with opposing qualities; the ability to change the content of fairy tales and existing stereotypes, i.e. remaking a fairy tale inside out or topsy-turvy. Example. The old fairy tale “Little Khavroshechka”. A fairy tale in a new way “Khavroshechka is evil and lazy.” Old fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood". A new version of the fairy tale “Evil Little Red Riding Hood and the Good Wolf.” “Solving contradictions in a fairy tale” Purpose. Teach to see, understand and resolve contradictions, teach children to think and invent, i.e. create in an original way. Example. Fairy tale “Geese and Swans” Problematic question. And if neither the stove nor the apple tree helped the girl, what would she have to do to save herself and her brother? “Fairy tales by analogy with famous ones” Purpose. Teach children to write analogies, analyze fairy tales with similar content, develop creative thinking, the ability to compare and justify their decisions. Example. Fairy tales “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox” and “The Zhikharka”. Fairy tales “The Fox and the Hare” and “Zayushkina’s Hut”. 31

32 “Tales based on comic drawings” Purpose. Develop fast and clear drawing skills using geometric figures(square tale, triangular, oval, round, etc.) all the characters are drawn using the chosen shape. Used to create comics, etc., the result is a funny tale. “Fairy tales with a new ending” Purpose. Teach children to come up with their own endings to familiar, logically completed fairy tales. Example. Traditional ending of the fairy tale “The Three Bears”: Masha ran away from the bears. Possible option: Masha made peace with the bears, what happened next? "Modeling fairy tales." Note: Modeling fairy tales is an unconventional method of working with it, breaking the usual and already established stereotypes. These methods promote the development of creative imagination and logical thinking. Then the long-familiar fairy tale will become new and more interesting for the preschooler. First you need to master the composition of fairy tales using a subject-schematic model. Target. Continue to teach children to hide familiar fairy-tale characters behind geometric shapes, developing imaginative thinking. Example. We show the children three identical (in size and color) circles and ask what fairy tale we are talking about? It can be assumed that these mugs mean the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”. However, for this fairy tale, the children suggested using circles of the same size, but different colors, arguing that the piglets are the same in appearance, but they have different characters. Or then take three mugs of the same color, but different in size, then, according to the children, we will talk about the fairy tale “The Three Bears”. Game "Masha and the Bear" Goal. Learn to resolve problem situations, analyze conditions, i.e. understand what is preventing you from achieving your goal and find a way to achieve it by transforming your past experience or discovering something new. Problematic situation. Masha was friends with the bear and often went to visit him. Once again, getting ready to visit her friend, Masha baked pies and put them in a bundle. She walked for a long time through a dense forest, accidentally caught her bundle on a bush, it tore, and the pies scattered. How can Masha bring them to the place where the bear lives? Game "Little Red Riding Hood" Goal. Learn to resolve problem situations, analyze conditions, i.e. understand what is preventing you from achieving your goal and find a way to achieve it by transforming your past experience or discovering something new. Problematic situation. Little Red Riding Hood's hat is completely worn out. She asked her grandmother to sew her a new one. The grandmother fulfilled the request of her beloved granddaughter and sewed her a beautiful hat for her birthday. The granddaughter was very happy. But the grandmother, absent-mindedly, gave her granddaughter the same hat for New Year, on March 8 and seven other holidays. The girl, in order not to upset her grandmother, took all 10 hats. But what should she do with them? Game “Baskets for Little Goats” Goal. Learn to resolve problem situations, analyze conditions, i.e. understand what is preventing you from achieving your goal and find a way to achieve it by transforming your past experience or discovering something new. 32

33 Problem situation. Once upon a time there lived a goat with kids. Every day the goat went to the forest and brought back a basket of grass. The basket was large and comfortable, but old. And in the end it made a hole and the grass spilled out. The goat asked the kids to weave her a new basket. The kids set to work together, but soon began to quarrel: they could not share responsibilities among themselves. And then they decided that everyone would weave the basket themselves. And soon the goat received seven baskets. The goat didn't know what to do with them. Help her. Situational tasks based on fairy tale plots. Someone suffered because of his own generosity. (“Zayushkina’s hut.”) He boasted a lot for which he paid. (“Kolobok”) He came to her, deceived her and left. (“Porridge from an ax”) He suffered from her irresponsibility. (“Geese-swans”) They returned what someone could not keep. (“There are a lot of horns”) He was stern and fair, she was kind and defenseless, so he rewarded her. (“Morozko”) He freed her because he loved her. (“The Frog Princess”) Having fallen in love, she did the impossible. ("The Scarlet Flower"). She was silent because she loved. (H. H. Andersen “Wild Swans”) He lost her because she was in a hurry, but that’s why he found her. (C. Perrault “Cinderella”). She was too trusting, so the accident happened. (C. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”). Someone walked the earth and spoke to nature. (“The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, A.S. Pushkin). They left, she came. They came and found her. ("Three Bears"). He was kind, so he had many friends. (E. Uspensky “Crocodile Gena and his friends”). Thus, using TRIZ methods and techniques in working with a fairy tale, you can teach children to not only perceive its content in an original, unusual, and personal way, but also to creatively transform the course of the story, come up with different endings, introduce unforeseen situations, and mix several plots into one. The inclusion of TRIZ in educational activities will contribute to the development of children's imagination and word creation, creativity and independence of preschoolers, and their desire for creative writing. Literature 1. Gorev P. M., Utemov V. V. Training in creative thinking: a short course in scientific creativity. Saarbrucken: AV Akademikerverlag, p. 2. Fesyukova L.B. Education with a fairy tale: for working with preschool children. M.: Folio, AST, p. 33

34 Appendix 5. QUESTIONNAIRE FOR PARENTS 1. What are creative abilities? 2. Is it necessary to develop them in a child? 3. Who should develop creative abilities in children: teachers, parents, or all together (underline as appropriate). 4. How does your child’s creativity manifest itself at home? 5. What kind of person would you like your child to be? 6. Do you buy games to develop your child’s creative abilities? If yes, which ones? 7. Are you satisfied with the work of the kindergarten in developing creative abilities? If not, what changes would you like to make to the work of the preschool institution? Thank you! 34

35 35 Appendix 6. GAME LIBRARY FOR PARENTS “TRIZ GAMES: DEVELOPING THE CREATIVE ABILITIES OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN” Universal creative abilities are individual characteristics, qualities of a person that determine the success of his performance of creative activities of various kinds. The problem of human abilities has aroused great interest among people at all times. However, in the past, society did not have a special need to master people's creativity. Talents appeared as if by themselves, spontaneously creating masterpieces of literature and art: making scientific discoveries, inventing, thereby satisfying the needs of the developing human culture. Nowadays, the situation has changed radically. Life in the era of scientific and technological progress is becoming more diverse and complex. And it requires from a person not stereotyped, habitual actions, but mobility, flexibility of thinking, quick orientation and adaptation to new conditions, a creative approach to solving large and small problems. If we take into account the fact that the share of mental labor in almost all professions is constantly growing, and an increasing part of the performing activity is being transferred to machines, then it becomes obvious that a person’s creative abilities should be recognized as the most essential part of his intelligence and the task of their development is one of the most important tasks in education of modern man. After all, all cultural values ​​accumulated by humanity are the result of people’s creative activity. And how far human society will advance in the future will be determined by the creative potential of the younger generation. The basis of human creative abilities are the processes of thinking and imagination. Therefore, the main directions for the development of creative abilities in preschool age are: Development of productive creative imagination, which is characterized by such qualities as the richness of produced images and direction. Development of thinking qualities that shape creativity; such qualities are associativity, dialecticity and systematic thinking. Preschool age has the richest opportunities for the development of creative abilities. Unfortunately, these opportunities are irreversibly lost over time, so it is necessary to use them as effectively as possible in preschool childhood. The successful development of creative abilities is possible only when certain conditions are created that are conducive to their formation. One of these conditions is the use of TRIZ games and exercises when working with children. Games for the development of associative thinking Game “What is it like?” 3-4 people (guessers) go out the door, and the rest of the participants in the game agree on which object will be compared. The guessers come in and the presenter begins: “What I guessed is similar to...” and gives the floor to the one who first found the comparison and raised his hand: For example, a bow can be associated with a flower, with a butterfly, with a helicopter rotor, with the number “8” ", which lies on its side. The guesser selects new guessers and offers the next item for association.

36 “Surreal game” (drawing in several hands) The first participant in the game makes the first sketch, depicts some element of his idea. The second player, starting from the first sketch, makes an element of his image, etc. until the finished drawing. “Magic Blots” Before the game, several blots are made: a little ink or ink is poured into the middle of the sheet and the sheet is folded in half. Then the sheet is unfolded and now you can play. Participants take turns speaking. What object images do they see in the blot or its individual parts? The one who names the most objects wins. “Word of association” Take any word, for example, loaf. It is associated: with bakery products. with consonant words: baron, bacon. with rhyming words: pendant, salon. Create as many associations as possible according to the proposed scheme. Associative thinking can be developed what is called “on the go.” While walking with your children, you can think together about what clouds, puddles on the asphalt, and pebbles on the shore look like. Games to develop dialectical thinking “Good Bad” Option 1. For the game, an object is chosen that is indifferent to the child, i.e. does not evoke strong associations in him, is not associated with specific people and does not generate emotions. The child is asked to analyze this object (subject) and name its qualities, from the child’s point of view, positive and negative. It is necessary to name at least once what is bad and what is good about the proposed object, what you like and don’t like, what is convenient and not convenient. For example: pencil. - I like that it’s red. I don't like how thin it is. - It's good that it's long; the bad thing is that it is sharply sharpened - you can prick yourself. - Convenient to hold in your hand, but inconvenient to carry in your pocket - it breaks. A specific property of an object can also be examined. For example, it is good that the pencil is long - it can serve as a pointer, but it is bad that it does not fit into a pencil case. Option 2. For the game, an object is offered that has a specific social significance for the child or evokes persistent positive or negative emotions in him, which leads to an unambiguous subjective assessment (candy - good, medicine - bad). The discussion proceeds in the same way as in option 1. Option 3. After children learn to identify the contradictory properties of simple objects and phenomena, we can move on to considering “positive” and “negative” qualities depending on the specific conditions in which these objects are placed and phenomena. For example: loud music. - It's good if in the morning. You wake up quickly and feel refreshed. But it’s bad if at night it prevents you from falling asleep. One should not be afraid to touch upon categories in this game that were previously perceived by children exclusively unambiguously (“fight”, “friendship”, “mother”). Children’s understanding of the inconsistency of properties contained in any objects or phenomena, the ability to identify and explain the conditions under which certain properties appear, only contributes to the development of a sense of justice, the ability to find correct solution problem, ability 36

37 it is logical to evaluate your actions and choose from many different object properties those that correspond to the chosen goal and real conditions. Option 4. When identifying contradictory properties no longer causes difficulties for children, you should move on to a dynamic version of the game, in which for each identified property the opposite property is called, while the object of the game is constantly changing, a kind of “chain” is obtained. For example: Eating chocolate tastes good, but it can make your stomach hurt; A stomach ache is good, you don’t have to go to kindergarten; Sitting at home is bad and boring; You can invite guests - etc. One of the possible variants of the game “Good is bad” was its modification, reflecting the dialectical law of the transition of quantitative measurements into qualitative ones. For example, candy: if you eat one candy it’s tasty and enjoyable, but if your teeth hurt a lot, you’ll have to treat them. It is desirable that the game “Good is bad” becomes part of the child’s daily life. It is not necessary to set aside special time to carry it out. You can finish playing it while walking, during lunch, before going to bed. The next stage in the formation of dialectical thinking will be the development in children of the ability to clearly formulate a contradiction. First, let the child select the opposite meanings for the given words. For example, thin (?) fat, lazy (?) hardworking, sharp (?) dull. Then you can take any pair of words, for example, acute and obtuse, and ask the children to find an object in which these properties are present simultaneously. In the case of “sharp and blunt” this is a knife, a needle, all cutting and sawing instruments. At the last stage of development of dialectical thinking, children learn to resolve contradictions using TRIZ methods for resolving contradictions (there are more than forty of them in total). Games to develop systematic thinking Game “Teremok” Children are given pictures of various objects: accordions, spoons, pots, etc. Someone is sitting in a “tower” (for example, a child with a drawing of a guitar). The next child asks to go to the little house, but can only get there if he says how the object in his picture is similar to the owner’s object. If you ask for a child with an accordion, then both of them have musical instrument, and the spoon, for example, also has a hole in the middle. “Collect figures” The child is given a set of small figures cut out of thick cardboard: circles, squares, triangles, etc. (about 5-7 figures). 5-6 pictures are prepared in advance depicting various objects that can be folded from these figures: a dog, a house, a car. The child is shown a picture, and he puts together the object drawn on it from his figures. The objects in the pictures must be drawn so that the child can see which of the figures is where, that is, the drawing must be divided into parts. “Nonsense” A picture is drawn based on any subject: a forest, a yard, an apartment. There should be 8-10 errors in this picture, that is, something should be drawn in a way that does not actually happen. For example, a car with one wheel, a hare with horns. Some errors should be obvious, while others should be subtle. Children must show what is drawn incorrectly. 37

38 Summary of joint activities of the teacher with the children of the preparatory group on the topic “Cinderella” Appendix 7. (developed jointly with the teacher of the MBDOU “DSOV 108” O. L. Ksendikova) Purpose: Development of the child’s creative potential through his inclusion in active activities while working with a friend a fairy tale. Cognitive development: To form active forms of thinking in unity with creative imagination. Teach children to change the content of a familiar fairy tale using fantasy techniques (“focal object method”, etc.) Teach children to move away from the usual stereotype of using objects, find a way out of a hopeless situation, use the “rescue situation” method. Develop children's curiosity, memory, and general initiative. Social and communicative development: Develop communication skills. To cultivate kindness, care, and love for others using the example of positive fairy-tale characters. Speech development: Develop coherent speech. Improve evidence-based speech, the ability to generalize, and draw conclusions. Cultivate an interest in fiction. Material: text of the fairy tale “Cinderella” by C. Perrault; multi-colored letters Z, O, L, U, Sh, K, A, cut out of paper, corresponding to the colors of the spectrum; illustration for the fairy tale “Cinderella” (Cinderella sews a dress); casket, box with object pictures; cards with images of a pumpkin, carriage, horse, mouse, smart dress, dirty dress, shoe, ladder, clock, dark time of day; easel; colored markers; a sheet of paper for the announcement, a pen or pencil; sheets of paper and colored pencils for each child. Preliminary work: Reading the fairy tale “Cinderella” by C. Perrault, the Brothers Grimm. Progress of joint activities: Block 1. Motivation. Children engage in independent activities in a group. The teacher takes a book of fairy tales and sits down on a chair. Educator: Quiet, children, don’t make noise. Don't wake up the miracle fairy tale! One, two, three, four, five Let's begin the fairy tale! Blowing a cool breeze, the Fairy opened the door to the fairy tale. According to the tradition established in the group, these words are a signal for the upcoming reading of fiction and working with fairy tales. Those who want to listen sit in a place of their choice near the teacher on the carpet, on pillows, on chairs, etc. 38

39 Educator: Look into the Box of Fairy Tales, what’s in it today? (children take out multi-colored letters cut out of paper from the box: Z red, O orange, L yellow, Y green, W blue, L blue, A purple). If these letters are arranged in the same order as the colors in the rainbow, then you will find out what kind of fairy tale I will tell you today. Children lay out the name of the fairy tale on the carpet. Block 2. Content part. Educator: Who wrote the fairy tale “Cinderella”? (children voice their versions of Charles Perrault, the Brothers Grimm, Evgeny Schwartz) When exactly the first version of the fairy tale about Cinderella appeared and who its creator is is unknown. “Cinderella” is an old fairy tale that was born many, many centuries ago, and since then everything has lived and lived, and every nation tells it in its own way. In England, the main character of this fairy tale is called Cinderella, in France Sondrien, in Egypt Rhodopis, and every nation has its own name for one of the sweetest and most charming heroines of the fairy-tale world. There are versions of the fairy tale when even a male Cinderella plays the role of Cinderella. In our country, Cinderella is known from the fairy tale “The Crystal Slipper”; there she is called Zamarashka. Today you will hear a fairy tale written in 1697 more than 300 years ago by Charles Perrault (the teacher's story is accompanied by viewing multimedia slides). The teacher starts reading a fairy tale. Educator: One man, having become a widow, married again. He had a daughter, a young girl. Together with the stepmother, her two daughters, angry and quarrelsome, like their mother, also settled in the house. The stepmother disliked her stepdaughter and assigned the dirtiest work to her. After work, the poor girl sat in a corner near the fireplace directly on the ashes. So her sisters called her Cinderella in mockery. They themselves lived in bliss and contentment. TRIZ game “Say the opposite” Educator: The stepmother is evil, greedy, and Cinderella Children: Kind, generous. Educator: Stepmother is rude, and Cinderella Children: Polite, affectionate. Educator: The sisters are messy, and Cinderella Children: Neat. Educator: The sisters are lazy, and Cinderella Children: Hardworking. Educator: Stepmother is absent-minded, and Cinderella Children: Attentive. Educator: One day they decided to throw a ball in the royal palace. All noble and rich people were invited to it. Cinderella's sisters also received an invitation. TRIZ game “Endless Sentence” The teacher shows the children an illustration from a fairy tale. 39

40 Educator: What is Cinderella doing? Children: Cinderella sews. Educator: How many words are in this sentence? Children: Two. Educator: Which Cinderella? Children: Kind, hardworking, neat. Educator: Kind, hardworking, neat Cinderella sews what? Children: Kind, hardworking, neat Cinderella sews a dress. Educator: What dress does Cinderella sew? Children: Kind, hardworking, neat Cinderella sews an elegant ballroom silk dress. Educator: Who is she doing this for? Why is this dress needed? Children: Kind, hardworking, neat Cinderella sews an elegant ballroom silk dress for her stepmother and sisters. Educator: Why does Cinderella sew this dress? Children: Kind, hardworking, neat Cinderella sews an elegant ballroom silk dress for her stepmother and sisters so that they can go to the ball. Educator: When the dresses were ready, the sisters rushed to try on elegant ball gowns, and Cinderella had to dress them and comb her hair, and also endure endless whims. In the end, the preparations were over, and the sisters and mother went to the ball. Cinderella stayed at home and cried in the corner. She really wanted to go to the ball too, but where would she go in such a torn, ash-stained dress. And her stepmother also told her to bake pies for dinner. TRIZ game “Help Cinderella” Educator: Cinderella kneaded the dough. But when it was time to roll it out, I discovered that there was no rolling pin. How should Cinderella roll out the dough? Children: You need to go to your neighbors, ask them Go to the store, buy a new one You can roll out the dough with an empty bottle Find a round log, wash it and roll out the dough with it You can cut the dough into small pieces, and then press them with something heavy Educator: Evening has come , and at dusk the old Fairy entered the room. She asked the crying Cinderella: Do you really want to go to the royal ball? Don't cry, help me. Do you have a big pumpkin? The pumpkin was found in the pantry. The fairy touched it with her magic wand, and the pumpkin turned into a gilded carriage. Then the fairy looked into the mousetrap. With a wave of the magic wand, the mice sitting there turned into six thoroughbred horses. The rat trap also came in handy, and the fat, mustachioed rat turned into an important coachman at the front of the carriage. Now, the fairy told Cinderella, go to the garden. There are six lizards sitting behind the watering can. Bring them to me. Cinderella brought the lizards, and the fairy immediately turned them into six servants dressed in gold-embroidered liveries. Well, said the fairy, now you can go to the ball. TRIZ game “Solving contradictions in a fairy tale” 40

41 Educator: And if the Fairy had not helped Cinderella, would she have been able to get to the ball herself and how? Children offer their own options for the development of events. Block 3. Psychological relief. During joint activities, the teacher monitors the physical condition of the children. If the children are tired, tired, you can offer them a physical exercise with the following content (movements are performed in accordance with the text): In the morning, Cinderella woke up, stretched and smiled. Once she washed herself with dew, Two she spun gracefully. Three bent down and sat down, and sang a song at four. With the song the sun rose, It became joyful and warm. The birds sang cheerfully, Butterflies suddenly flew in. And Cinderella has worries, A lot awaits her work. You sit down quickly, We will help her together. Block 4. Intellectual warm-up. Educator: Well, Cinderella could have gotten to the palace without the help of the Fairy, but what about the dress? She can’t go to the ball in her dirty, old dress. Let's give her a magical, unusual dress, which we will all design together now. TRIZ game “A new dress for Cinderella” (using the focal object method) Children select 3 object pictures from a “magic” box, identify 3 features and properties of each of the objects depicted on them, schematically designating them, then “design” a new dress , endowing it with these properties. At the end, the teacher invites the children to draw the resulting dress. Block 5. Content part. Educator: Overwhelmed with joy, Cinderella got into the carriage, the coachman cracked his whip, and the horses neighed. Remember, said the fairy, the magic will only last until midnight. After the clock strikes twelve, the carriage will again become a pumpkin, the horses will turn into mice, and the coachman will turn into a fat rat. Your outfit will turn into an old dress again. Goodbye! 41

42 The carriage started moving. The ball was in full swing when the prince was informed that a beautiful unknown princess had arrived. He himself ran out to meet her and led her into the hall. The music died down, everyone froze, amazed at its beauty. The young prince immediately invited the guest to dance. The music started again. Cinderella danced so easily that everyone fell in love with her again. The prince did not leave her side, saying such pleasant things that she forgot about everything. TRIZ game “Find a Pair” Educator: There are cards with pictures on the table, take one of each. Now you will need to find a pair for this picture and explain why you stood up like that? (Children complete the task, the pairs can be the following: pumpkin carriage, mouse horses, elegant dress, dirty dress, slipper ladder, clock at night, etc.) Educator: And suddenly the clock began to strike midnight. Cinderella remembered the fairy's warning. She rushed headlong out of the hall. On the stairs leading to the garden, she stumbled and lost her glass slipper. The stepmother and daughters who returned from the ball discussed in every possible way the appearance of the unknown Beauty at the ball, as well as her hasty escape. They did not recognize their Cinderella in her. The prince could not forget the stranger and ordered to find her. TRIZ game “Ad with restrictions” Educator: Sometimes, in order to find someone, people write advertisements. Let’s help the prince quickly find Cinderella and make an announcement, but so that all the words in it begin with the same letter, for example, the letter “P”. Example: A beautiful princess has disappeared. The prince asks to try on the item that the princess lost. Please help the prince! Educator: The prince's courtiers traveled throughout the kingdom and tried on the glass slipper for all the girls in a row. TRIZ game “Changing the situation in familiar fairy tales” Educator: Let’s imagine that Cinderella, running away from the prince, lost not a shoe, but something else. And because of this, something else, the prince also found her. What could Cinderella lose, and how would the prince find her then? Children express their assumptions: it could be a ring, a brooch, a belt from a dress, or some detail from Cinderella’s outfit, for example, a bow, etc. Educator: Finally, the courtiers arrived at Cinderella’s house. No matter how hard her sisters tried to squeeze their knives into the glass slipper, it was all in vain. The courtiers were about to leave, but they asked: Do you have any other girl in the house? Yes, the sisters answered, but she’s such a mess. 42

43 Still, they called Cinderella. We tried on the shoe and oh, miracle! the shoe fit. Then Cinderella took the second one out of her pocket and put it on without saying a word. At this time, the door quietly opened. The old Fairy entered the room, touched Cinderella’s poor dress with her magic wand, and it immediately turned into a magnificent outfit, even more beautiful than the day before. Everyone gasped! Then the sisters and stepmother realized who the unknown beauty was at the ball. They rushed to her to ask for forgiveness. Cinderella was not only pretty, but also kind: she forgave them from the bottom of her heart. The courtiers picked up Cinderella and took her to the palace. On the same day the wedding took place, the prince married Cinderella. TRIZ game “What happened then” Educator: What do you think happened next? Possible answers for children: Cinderella married a prince and they had a son, who learned magic from the fairy when he came to her as an apprentice. Educator: And Cinderella’s shoes? What happened to them after Cinderella's marriage? Variants of children's answers: Cinderella gave it to the little wizard and he began to help out the girls when they had nothing to wear to the ball. But at 12 o'clock the shoes always returned to Cinderella. Block 6. Summary. Educator: One, two, three, four, five We finished reading! Blowing a cool breeze, the Fairy closed the door to the fairy tale. The teacher invites the children to independently evaluate the work they have done using images of two emoticons, sad and happy. Children place emoticons on the right or left side of the board depending on whether they liked or disliked the activity they were doing, whether they were interested or not. 43

44 TREE-MINUTES CONSTRUCTOR Appendix 8. A Structural components of classes Greeting ritual “Bouquet” “My friend” “Pass a smile around the circle” “Let’s say hello” “Icy butterfly” “Hello, dear sun!” “Rays of sunshine” “Dear friend” “Magic ball” B Intellectual warm-up “It happens, it doesn’t happen” (in a circle) C Motivation “A guest has come to us” D E F Statement of the problem Joint search for ways to solve the problem during a group discussion Discussion of the results. Consolidating impressions of productive Closed tasks Method of focal objects Modeling activities. G Reflection “Unfinished sentences” “I’ll take you with me” “Let’s go on a visit” Tasks - discoveries Tasks Errors System operator “Sit down and stand up higher” “Say a word” “Collect a picture.” “What for what” “What first, what then” “Parcel” “Letter” “Plan” “Path on the map” Inventive tasks Through the looking glass Drawing Drawing a mood Research tasks Morphological table “Spark of communication” Open tasks Brainstorming Application Construction Artistic work Figurative reflection Problems with insufficient data Little men method Children's design“Tree of Creativity” “What is it like and how is it different” “Field of Miracles” Problems with excess data Synectics Creative workshop “Who can say it faster” “Teremok” “Circus” “Fairy Tale Activity” Robinson Method Origami Catalog Method “Rainbow” “Sun” “ Smiley"

45 The TRIZ-minutes designer is based on a structure widely used by TRIZ members. The author of this model is Lyudmila Nikolaevna Prokhorova, Ph.D. pedagogical sciences, author of many teaching aids that are widely used by teachers familiar with the theory of OTSM TRIZ. The components of TRIZ minutes are laid down vertically: - the ritual of starting a lesson, the transition from a game, free activity to a lesson; - intellectual and creative warm-up; - motivation; - formulation of the problem; - joint search for ways to solve the problem during a group discussion; - discussion of results and consolidation of impressions in productive activities; - reflection, emotional outlet. Horizontally, the techniques, games, and exercises used at each stage of the lesson are presented. The mechanism for working with the TRIZ minute designer is simple: the structure is defined, and from a set of techniques you can build a lesson on any topic. To do this, you need to select from the Constructor those exercises, techniques, methods that, in the opinion of the teacher, will allow him to achieve the planned result with the greatest efficiency. Appendices have been developed for each structural element of TRIZ minutes, which contain a detailed description of a particular exercise, technique, or method. 45

46 MODELS OF COMPLETING RIDDLES Appendix 9. Which one? What happens the same? But not Color But not Place But not Action What (who) is it? 46

47 Which one? What happens the same? But not Sound But not Place But not Traces of time What (who) is this?

48 Which one? What happens the same? But not Direction But not Shape Part But not What (who) is it? 48

49 Which one? What happens the same? But not Relief But not Form But not Place What (who) is this? 49

Your creative potential If this is relevant to you, then try to find out what kind of creative potential you have. Choose one of the answer options. 1. Do you think that the world around you can be

Parent meeting“Development of children's creative potential. Application of TRIZ methods in kindergarten and at home” Compiled by O.A. Yukhnevich. Educator, MADOU MO, Nyagan “D/s 1 “Solnyshko” Goals and objectives: To introduce

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 8 “Beryozka” of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the cognitive and speech development of children Topic: “Use

PEDAGOGY Dyadyurina Natalya Anatolyevna teacher of the secondary educational institution "D/S 47 KV" Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan GAME TECHNOLOGIES TRIZ AS A MEANS OF DEVELOPING LOGIC AND CURIOSITY OF SENIOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN

Using TRIZ techniques in children's speech development. Currently, one of the conditions for quality education is the use of innovative technologies. One of such technologies can safely be called

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Kuftyrkova Elvira Vladimirovna student Pedagogical Institute of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Irkutsk State University" Irkutsk, Irkutsk Region ON THE PROBLEM OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVE IMAGINATION OF SENIOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN

Innovation as a means of developing a child’s creative personality Modern children are no longer a blank slate on which knowledge is applied; they receive so much information from everywhere. The abundance of information does not lead

Preschool organization MKDOU Combined kindergarten 8 “Alyonushka” Self-education Individual program professional and personal development of a teacher Kataysk, 2013 Individual

Project: “I compose a fairy tale myself” Relevance of the project: Overall success special education in the conditions of a speech therapy center determines collaboration speech therapist and parents. The child receives an individual

Topic: “Use of methods and techniques of TRIZ-RTV technology for the creative development of preschool children” Author of the method, inventor and science fiction writer Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller TRIZ - THEORY OF SOLVING INVENTION

About 50 years ago, a wonderful man, scientist, engineer, inventor, science fiction writer, organizer and teacher, Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller, created a very interesting and very effective theory Theory

municipal preschool educational institution

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 51"

Elektrostal urban district

Moscow region


Topic: “Use of TRIZ - RTV technology

in the educational process of preschool educational institutions"


Shershneva Angelina Valerievna - teacher

g.o. Elektrostal

Relevance of the problem and justification for the need to solve it

The qualitative changes taking place in our society could not but affect the general education system, which under these conditions is forced and must change in order to be able to satisfy the new social order of a developing society and state. In the context of the transition to the implementation of the second generation Federal State Educational Standards, the priority is to focus on personal, meta-subject and subject results.

Among the problems that attract the attention of modern researchers, all higher value acquire those that are associated with the search for ways to improve the quality and effectiveness of targeted education in the conditions of the current crisis situation in the economy, spiritual and cultural spheres of our society. In the process of searching for new means, factors and methods of organizing education, preference is given to those that, firstly, are integral, multifunctional in nature; secondly, they contribute to self-realization and personal expression; thirdly, they are interesting to children; fourthly, they fit organically into modern educational systems. Such a development tool is the TRIZ - RTV technology. It has cognitive, developmental, entertaining, diagnostic, corrective and other educational functions.

Preschool education, as part of lifelong education, is a system for transmitting cultural values ​​to children, developing mental and creative beginnings with a focus on future schooling. Today, value is not where the world is perceived according to the scheme: I know - I don’t know, I can - I can’t, but where there is a thesis: I search and find, I think and learn, I train and do. The child’s personality and his readiness for independent activity come to the fore; the teacher’s tasks also become different - not to teach, but to motivate, not to evaluate, but to analyze.

It has been proven that the main indicator of mental, personal and creative development is not so much the amount of knowledge acquired by a child, but the totality and level of development, intellectual skills and mental techniques and logical operations. Particular attention is paid to the development of children's creative abilities. The ability to solve creative problems, invent and make discoveries, conclusions should be developed in every child from childhood.

The problem of developing creative systemic thinking and imagination in psychological and pedagogical literature is widely presented in the works of E.A. Golubevay, T.N. Doronova. The possibilities of using specific methods for activating creative thinking and creative imagination in the process of developing creativity in preschool children were studied by: G.S. Altshuller, V.N. Danchenko, A.M. Strauning. E.N. Yakovleva considered the development of the creative potential of the child’s personality, creative possibilities in the development of children’s creative activity.

Experience shows that the level of development of creative thinking in children is not high enough. The successful development of creative activity in children is evidenced by passion, the ability to transfer acquired knowledge and skills into practical activities, developed critical, creative, systematic thinking, fantasy and imagination, the ability to abandon templates, and self-organization in the process of solving creative problems. Low logical “weaponization”, a low level of vision of objects of the surrounding world in the system is manifested in the inability to independently obtain knowledge and reason convincingly.

All general educational programs of preschool education include the development of children’s general and special abilities, but do not provide methods and techniques for developing creativity. Since TRIZ-RTV technology is a system of methods and techniques that can be used in all educational areas of preschool education, it maximizes the effectiveness of any program. TRIZ-RTV technology contributes to the introduction of new ideas into the development of content and methods of mental, personal, creative development of preschool children

Currently, it is becoming obvious the need to develop an educational and methodological complex “TRIZ-RTV in kindergarten”, including a mechanism for the creative, mental, personal development of the child, individual educational plans using the developmental technology TRIZ-RTV directly organized activities and in critical moments, dynamic and monitoring systems.

Scope of use, project object - educational space of preschool educational institutions.

Range of users - preschool teachers, parents.

Level of education for which the innovative project is being implemented

3-4 years - younger age

4-5 years - average age

5-7 years old - older age.

Project implementation period: 2012 - 2016

Project topic

"Use of TRIZ - RTV technology in the educational process of preschool educational institutions"

Objective of the project

Introduction of TRIZ-RTV technology into the educational process of preschool educational institutions as a factor in improving the quality of preschool education in the educational environment

Project objectives

  1. Creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure the continuity of the educational process aimed at developing the abilities, competencies and creativity of students using TRIZ-RTV technologies.
  1. Creation of a unified social and educational space, including preschool educational institutions and families, aimed at supporting and developing cognitive initiative, social and creative activity of preschool children.
  1. Formation of requirements for the professional qualities of a teacher for working with preschool children on the use of TRIZ-RTV tools in the educational process. Organization of advanced training for teachers.
  2. Development of interaction and social partnership with the school.


When introducing TRIZ-RTV methods and techniques into the educational space of a preschool institution, conditions will be created for achieving a creative level of personal development, for the teacher to build an individual educational trajectory for students based on the identification and development of their creative abilities and individualization (search, inventive activity, educational and research activities) .

Justification of the relevance of the development

Many teachers became interested in the ideas of TRIZ pedagogy, since modern education There is an urgent task of educating a creative personality prepared for stable solution of non-standard problems in various fields of activity.

Preschool age is unique, because as a child develops, so will his life, which is why it is important not to miss this period to reveal the creative potential of each child. TRIZ-RTV technology adapted for preschool age will allow one to educate and train a child under the motto “Creativity in everything!”

The purpose of using this technology in kindergarten is to develop, on the one hand, such qualities of thinking as flexibility, mobility, consistency, dialecticity; on the other hand, (search) development of the content of the TRIZ-RTV program, as well as forms and methods of teaching activity, striving for novelty; development of speech and creative imagination.

At the same time, TRIZ-RTV technology is not widely introduced into the system of work of preschool institutions, since the content of the TRIZ-RTV program, as well as the forms and methods of teaching, have not been sufficiently developed.

Project implementation mechanism

  • Development of an educational and methodological complex “TRIZ - in kindergarten”.
  • Creation of a system for tracking results, development of an assessment procedure, determination of criteria indicators. Monitoring the implementation of activities and project effectiveness.
  • Development of interdepartmental interaction and social partnership.

Project participants municipal preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 54"

Sources of project financing sponsorship and charity assistance, extrabudgetary funds

Results of innovation activities

1. The number of children with a high level of social, personal, intellectual, and creative development will increase.

Social and personal sphere: readiness and ability for self-development and personal self-determination, formation of motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity, development of a system of significant social and interpersonal relationships, value and semantic attitudes reflecting personal and civic positions in activities, social competencies, ability to set goals and make life plans, adaptability to new situations, initiative, the ability to complete things, achieve high level, desire to defend one’s ideas, leadership, breadth of interests.

Integrative characteristics: developed curiosity, hypersensitivity to problems, ability to predict, rich vocabulary, ability to evaluate. Intellectual sphere: sharpness, originality, flexibility of thinking, observation, curiosity. the ability to express one’s thoughts well, the ability to practically apply knowledge, the ability to solve problems, productivity, high concentration, memory.

Creative sphere: inquisitiveness, curiosity, ingenuity in games, in performing creative tasks, in solving problems, in using materials and ideas, flexibility, ability to predict original ideas and find an original result, a tendency towards completeness and accuracy artistically - applied studies and games.

2. The number of teachers actively implementing TRIZ-RTV technology will increase, their qualifications and professionalism will increase.

The professional skills of teachers will increase in building the educational process in accordance with the results of a diagnostic examination of the child, the ability to modify educational programs, stimulate the creative, intellectual, cognitive abilities of children, mastery of effective methods of teaching, upbringing, development of preschool children, the ability for self-analysis, self-esteem, psychological sensitivity, intellectual competence.

3. An active parental position will be formed on the basis of productive cooperation between the preschool educational institution and the family.

4. Continuity with primary school on the use of TRIZ - RTV in the educational process of preschool educational institutions and schools.

Received educational products


UMK "TRIZ - RTV in kindergarten";

The mechanism for the development of a creative personality using TRIZ - RTV;

Didactic materials;

Diagnostic tools.

Public presentation of the results of innovation activities


Scientific and practical conferences;

Open events;



Timing and main stages of the project

Project stages

Project time frame

Ways to implement the project



Development of the legal and regulatory framework for the project. Improved qualifications of teachers participating in the project. Drawing up work programs, taking into account the specifics of preschool educational institutions.

Design and practical

Project implementation. Development of teaching aid "TRIZ in kindergarten". Coordination of activities of project co-executors. Diagnostics, monitoring, control of project implementation in preschool educational institutions.



Analysis and generalization of work experience in implementing an innovative project.

Project management mechanism

  1. Scientific and methodological support

provision of software, methodological and information resources;

development of diagnostic tools for project implementation;

coordinating the implementation of activities by project co-executors;

demonstration by teachers of experience in innovative activities on the topic of the project ( open events, master classes, participation in professional competitions, publications).

  1. Testing and implementation by project participants (administration, preschool teachers):

description of the expected results, taking into account the specifics of the preschool educational institution;

development of an action plan for project support, taking into account the specifics of the preschool educational institution;

development of the necessary regulatory documentation;

correction of curricula;

holding teacher councils and methodological events;

development educational and methodological complex "TRIZ - RTV in kindergarten";

monitoring the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions aimed at development;

diagnostics of achievements of students and teachers;

generalization and broadcast of the experience of preschool education activities in development in the media, conferences, etc.

Forecast of possible negative consequences and solutions

TRIZ technology - RTV in the educational process

Solving the problem of developing abilities, competencies, and creativity involves taking into account and introducing special developmental tools into use in the education system, since the levels of child development (personal, intellectual, creative) depend on the content and methods of teaching.

Majority modern technologies learning helps to assimilate, consolidate, and improve knowledge. All general educational programs of preschool education include the development of general and special abilities, but do not provide methods and techniques for the development of creativity. Since TRIZ - RTV technology is a system of methods and techniques that can be used in all educational areas of preschool education, it maximizes the effectiveness of any comprehensive educational program. TRIZ - RTV technology and its tools contribute to the introduction of new ideas into the development of content and methods for developing abilities, competencies, and creativity in preschool children. TRIZ - RTV is a unique tool for searching for ideas, identifying and solving many creative problems, and developing children.

The main functions of TRIZ - RTV: solving creative and inventive problems of any complexity, predicting the development of systems and obtaining promising solutions, developing the qualities of a creative personality, identifying problems, difficulties and challenges in solving various situations, maximizing efficient use resources of nature and technology to solve many problems. objective assessment of decisions, systematization of knowledge of all educational areas of preschool education, allowing for more effective use of this knowledge. The significance of TRIZ - RTV in the development and education of the individual is unique. TRIZ-RTV tools allow you to reduce psychological inertia when solving creative problems, feel like a subject, express and develop your personality. There is reason to talk about the influence of TRIZ - RTV on the formation of a person’s communicative uniqueness and emotional stability.

Thus, if we combine TRIZ - RTV tools including methods, games, tasks, activities for a systematic consideration of the world around us, writing something new, unusual and the practice of teaching, educating and developing preschool children, create conditions for the development of ability, competence and creativity, develop mechanism for the development of cognitive, social-personal, intellectual spheres, then this will make it possible to form a developed personality.

Implementation of the selection of TRIZ - RTV tools that provide social, personal, intellectual, creative development children of preschool age, creating a mechanism for using these funds in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

  1. Creation of a mechanism for using TRIZ - RTV tools (methods, games, techniques, tools) in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.
  1. Creation methodological recommendations By effective application TRIZ - RTV tools in all educational areas of preschool education and in all types of activities.
  1. Training preschool teachers in the ability to solve Various types creative tasks using TRIZ-RTV technology and the formation of these skills in preschool children.
  1. Formation of an active parental position based on productive cooperation between the preschool educational institution and the family.

Expected results:



Value and semantic competencies

understand the world around you, navigate it, realize your role and purpose, be able to choose goals and meaning for your actions and actions, and make decisions.

General cultural competencies

have knowledge and experience of activities (features of national and universal culture, spiritual and moral foundations of human life and humanity, individual nations, cultural foundations of family, social, social phenomena and traditions, the role of science and religion in human life, their influence on the world, competencies in household, cultural and leisure spheres).

Educational and cognitive competencies

know and be able to set goals, plan, analyze, conduct reflection, and conduct self-assessment of educational and cognitive activities.

Information competencies

be able to independently search, analyze and select the necessary information, organize, transform, save and transmit it.

Communication competencies

know ways of interacting with surrounding and distant people and events; be able to work in a group, master various social roles in a team.

Social and labor competencies

have knowledge and experience in the field family relations and responsibilities in the social and labor sphere.

Personal self-improvement competencies

continuous self-discovery and development personal qualities, formation of psychological literacy, culture of thinking and behavior.



Cognitive abilities and skills

Possession of a large amount of information.

Rich vocabulary.

Transferring what you have learned to new material.

Establishing cause-and-effect relationships.

Detection of hidden dependencies and connections.

Ability to draw conclusions.

Ability to integrate and synthesize information.

Participation in solving complex problems.

Organization of information.

Ability to grasp complex ideas.

Ability to notice subtle differences.

Sensitivity to contradictions.

Using alternative ways to find information.

Analysis of situations.

The ability to evaluate both the process itself and the result.

Ability to foresee consequences.

Ability to reason.

Constructing hypotheses.

Putting ideas into practice.

Ability to transform.

Criticality in thinking.

High curiosity.

Creative skills

Ability to take risks.

Divergent thinking.

Quick thinking.

The ability to express original ideas and invent something new. Rich imagination.

Developed intuition

Features of the emotional sphere

Ability to take risks.

Divergent thinking.

Flexibility in thinking and action.

Quick thinking.

The ability to express original ideas and invent something new.

Rich imagination.

Perception of ambiguous things.

High aesthetic values.

Developed intuition.

Stage I: 2012 - 2013 academic year- preparatory.

At this stage, it is planned to study the practice of introducing TRIZ technologies into the educational space of a preschool educational institution in the city of Elektrostal. It is also expected to show parents the value of TRIZ technology for educational process V preschool institution. This work is planned to be carried out through the organization of open classes with different groups children: by age and level of preparedness for studying TRIZ and RTV; through the presentation of the project, as well as through trainings for the parent community and teaching staff.

Identifying a group of educators who have shown interest in these techniques will allow us to form a creative group that will undergo training.

The parents' activist group will also organize a creative group, which will further assist in organizing educational activities and research work.

Stage II: 2013-2015 academic year - design and practical.

At this stage, the methodological base necessary for the implementation of the project will be created. This database should include:


Developments for educators on the use of TRIZ and RTV during classes (notes, presentations, handouts);

During the same period, a system for diagnosing the level of material assimilation will be developed in two areas:

  1. determining the quality of assimilation of educational material in GCD, which is carried out using TRIZ and RTV methods and techniques. A page will be opened on the preschool educational institution website to demonstrate the creative products of educators and students, and publications will be published on intermediate achievements in the work of the project. analysis of the work done, monitoring, summing up. Studying the opinions of parents, demonstrating the acquired skills and abilities in the use of RTV techniques (open classes, Festival of Dreamers, the effectiveness of participation in competitions), demonstrating the acquired knowledge through project work.
  2. Self-analysis will also be carried out pedagogical activity, reflection.
  3. This stage involves summing up:
  4. Stage III: 2015 - 2016 academic year - generalization.
  5. A family club for parents “Let's Play Together” will be organized.
  6. At this stage, products of creative activity of preschoolers will be created (design work, research work, presentations, art and craft work performed using RTV techniques).


Stages, deadlines for their implementation .



Carrying out diagnostics of pupils at the entrance

Certificate based on the results of diagnostics, diagrams of the formation of key competencies

Deputy Head of VR,


Creation of a creative group of teachers implementing an innovative project

Minutes of creative group meetings

Deputy Head of VR,

creative Group

Distance learning for teachers

Certificates of completion of training


Deputy Head of VR

Development and implementation of a program for training preschool teachers in the ability to solve various types of creative problems using TRIZ-RTV technology and the formation of these skills in preschoolers

A program for training preschool teachers in the ability to solve various types of creative problems using TRIZ-RTV technology and the formation of these skills in preschoolers


Selection of TRIZ-RTV tools creation of the methodological base necessary for the implementation of the project

Methodological basis of the project

Deputy Head of VR,

creative Group

Study (adjustment) of TRIZ and RTV programs for different age groups

Selecting a program, writing working programs

Deputy Head of VR,


Identification of the family’s pedagogical awareness, as well as the family’s readiness to cooperate with the preschool educational institution

Parent survey results


Deputy Head of VR

Parent meetings “Introduction of TRIZ methods and techniques into the educational space of a preschool institution as a means of developing key competencies of preschool children”

Minutes of parent meetings


Deputy Head of VR

Organization family club for parents "Let's play together."

Creation of a creative group of parents

Deputy Head of VR

Organization of a subject development environment.

Corner “Inventor” in groups, didactic, visual and handouts


Deputy Head of VR


Review of work programs on TRIZ and RTV for different age groups

Programs ready for implementation

Deputy Head of VR

Preparing a project presentation

Presentation of the project for preschool teachers

Deputy Head of VR

creative Group

Examination of students' knowledge (2 times a year, half-yearly)

Publication of results in printed publications, demonstration of creative products on the website.

Deputy Head of VR


Open classes on TRIZ and RTV for parents

Script, protocol

Deputy Head of VR


Master class for different age groups of preschoolers

Publication of materials

Deputy Head of VR

Diagnostic classes in TRIZ groups, 2 times a year

Recording results, drawing up a comparative analysis with previous indicators

Deputy Head of VR


Festivals of creative works for each age group.

Deputy Head of VR


Participation in children's applied arts competitions, exhibitions of creative works of preschool educational institution students

Creative works of preschool students

Deputy Head of VR


Round table for parents

Identifying attitudes towards this project.

Deputy Head of VR

creative Group

Seminar for teachers of preschool educational institutions of the city

“TRIZ in a preschool institution” (working title)

Familiarization of teachers with the methods and techniques of TRIZ technologies, the possibility of their use in the educational space of children


Deputy Head of VR

Development of an educational and methodological complex

"TRIZ in kindergarten"

Publication of a collection of materials, including a system of classes, comprehensively - thematic plans with the use of funds in direct educational activities, a cyclogram of the use of TRIZ-RTV funds in sensitive moments, etc.


Deputy Head of VR

Development of information material and presentations based on the results of the project

UMK, website “The World Through Other Eyes” (working title)


Deputy Head of VR

creative Group

Results of the project

analysis of results, correction of plans, collection of information for the implementation of the next stage.


Deputy Head of VR

creative Group

Expected product

The methodological base necessary for the implementation of the project has been created. This database includes:

    • programs;
    • development of educators on the use of TRIZ and RTV in the classroom (notes, presentations, didactic material);
    • A system for diagnosing the level of material mastery has been developed in two areas:
  1. determining the quality of mastering TRIZ and RTV courses;
  2. determining the quality of learning material in various subjects taught using TRIZ and RTV methods and techniques. Products of creative activity of preschoolers have been created (design work, research work, presentations, works on art and labor, made using RTV techniques).
  3. Prospects for further development of the development, opportunities for sharing experience
  4. A page was created on the preschool educational institution’s website to demonstrate the creative products of teachers and students, and publications were published about intermediate achievements in the project’s work
  1. Changes in the organization of the educational process (problematic education)
  2. Making changes to thematic planning, due to the ability of TRIZ technologies to integrate lesson topics.
  3. Education of the parent community.
  4. Expanding opportunities for realizing the creative needs of students: design and research work, participation in competitions and festivals.
  5. Creation of programs, methodological developments, visual materials, including electronic ones.
  6. Development of an educational and methodological complex “TRIZ in kindergarten”. 2. How to become a genius: Life strategy of a creative personality / Altshuller G. S., Vertky I. M. - Minsk: Belarus. - 19944. Gin A. “Pedagogical techniques: Freedom of choice. Openness. Activity. Feedback. Ideality"6. Gin S.I. World of fantasy: A manual for teachers of grades 2-3. — Gomel.- 1995
  7. 7. Formation of key competencies in preschool children: educational and methodological manual / Dybina O.V. - Togliatti. - TSU. - 2009. - 114 p.
  8. 5. Gin S.I. TRIZ classes in kindergarten: a manual for preschool teachers. institutions: 3rd ed. - Minsk: Information Computing Center of the Ministry of Finance, 2007. - 112 p.
  9. 3. Vikentyev I. L., Kaikov I. K. Ladder of ideas: Fundamentals of TRIZ in examples and tasks. Novosibirsk, 1992.
  10. 1. And then the inventor appeared / Altov G. - Moscow. - 1989

« TRIZ in the educational process of preschool educational institutions as a means of developing the intellectual abilities of students in the light of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education»

Modern society places new demands on the education system of the younger generation, including its first stage – preschool education. The vector of pedagogical activity is aimed at developing creative abilities, a non-standard vision of the world, and new thinking of the child. Creativity, imagination, the ability to create something new - best shapes a child’s personality, develops his independence and cognitive interest. The period of childhood is recognized as unique, and in Art. 1.2. GEF DO is emphasizedself-worth of childhood as important stage V general development person.

Child not limited by “deep experience of life” and traditional ideas of how things should be. This allows them to invent, to be spontaneous and unpredictable, to notice things that we adults have not paid attention to for a long time. That is why it is important not to miss this period to unleash the creative potential of every child. Today this is made possible by TRIZ - the theory of solving inventive problems. Adapted for preschool age, TRIZ technology allows you to educate and educate a child under the motto “Creativity in everything.”

The purpose of TRIZ is search, research, and inventive activity. Developed thinking presupposes the vision of a contradiction, its formation and solution. The result of resolving the contradiction is an invention. Creativity is the most effective way of active personal development and the development of humanity in today's rapidly changing world.

TRIZ also develops such moral qualities as the ability to rejoice in the successes of others, the desire to help, and the desire to find a way out of a difficult situation. TRIZ allows you to gain knowledge without overload, without cramming.

The main means of working with children is pedagogical search. We should not give children ready-made knowledge, reveal the truth to them, the child must learn to find it himself. The teacher gradually leads children to resolve contradictions.

First stage - a pedagogical situation that brings the child to the problem of multifunctional use of an object.

Second phase – this is the identification of contradictions in an object or phenomenon. Site investigation:

Something about it is good and something is bad,

Something is harmful, something interferes, and something is necessary.

Third stage resolution of contradictions. To resolve contradictions, there is a whole system of game and fairytale tasks.

Fourth stage according to the TRIZ program, it is solving fairy-tale problems and inventing new fairy tales using special methods. This method consists in the fact that familiar objects begin to have unusual properties. All this work includes different types children's activities - gaming, speech, productive, musical.

The topics of games and creative tasks depend on the topic of the material being studied.

The main thing is to provide children with the opportunity to express themselves freely. In normal discussions, “generators” and “critics” often interfere with each other. To avoid this, it is proposed to “brainstorm”

"Brainstorm"- this is a collective search for unconventional ways to solve a problem, constructed in a special way.Goal: development of speed of thought processes. Rules:

  1. It is advisable to work with a small group of children (from 2 to 7)
  2. children should be given the following instruction: they can express any thought, because... criticism from both peers and the teacher is excluded.
  3. free association must be encouraged; The more “wild” an idea seems, the more interesting it is.
  4. there should be as many ideas as possible.
  5. the ideas expressed are allowed to be combined as desired;
  6. at the end you should summarize, i.e. choose the most interesting idea.

Advantages of brainstorming:

  1. The method is very simple and accessible to children.
  2. Does not require preliminary training of participants, except for the presenter, who must know the theory of the method.
  3. Can be used daily to develop children's imagination and imagination and to emancipate children's minds.
  4. You can teach children not to be afraid to express their thoughts, to remove the fear of criticism and mistakes.
  5. Learn to listen to your comrades, respect both your own and others’ opinions, and make the group become friends.
  6. Raises the status of a timid child.

This method requires almost no preliminary preparation from the teacher.

Possible brainstorming topics: how to protect pedestrians from icicles falling from roofs? How to protect the pool from which drinking water is supplied to the city from swimmers? How to warm people on the streets in severe frost? How not to quarrel with your mother? Imagine a home of the future? Etc.

Most effective method the development of children's imagination is "focal object method» - search for new ideas by attaching properties or characteristics of random objects to the original object. The purpose of the method is toimprovement of an object by obtaining a large number of original modifications of the object with unexpected properties.This method allows you not only to develop imagination, speech, fantasy, but also to control your thinking. Using the method, you can come up with a fantastic animal, come up with a name for it, who its parents are, where it will live and what it will eat, or offer pictures of “funny animals”, “pictograms”, name them and make a presentation. For example, “Summer Crab”. His parents are a crab and a bird. He lives in trees near the seas. His home is a nest. He runs very quickly on the ground, flies and swims in the sea. He can get fruits from a tall tree. Algorithm of work: V selection of an object and random objects, determination of characteristic features of random objects, “transfer” of these features to the selected object, oevaluation of new ideas and selection of the most effective in terms of implementation, formulation of the task for the development of new modifications of the object

In older preschool age groups where children can read, it is advisable to use a table.

This method not only solves the problem of developing children's creative thinking and imagination, but also actively develops speech.

The idea of ​​the world as an infinite combination of different elements that can be controlled helps to form the method of morphological analysis. This method involves special systematic and systematic work with morphotables and a morphological box.Morphological analysis- this is a method of systematizing the selection of options for all theoretically possible solutions, based on an analysis of the structure of the object. Morphological analysis is based on the construction of a table that lists all the main elements that make up the object and indicates, if possible, as many known options for the implementation of these elements as possible. By combining options for implementing the elements of an object, you can get the most unexpected new solutions; options that were not previously considered may come into view. Algorithm of actions during morphological analysis: formulation of the problem, identification of the most important elements, determination of options for the execution of elements, recording in a table, evaluation of all options available in the table, selection of the optimal option. WITH the very first elementary ideas aboutmorphological analysis available to children of the third year of life. Getting acquainted with the morphological table should begin with a simple one-dimensional table - the “Magic Path”. You can set any indicators on it: color, shape, size, material, etc., depending on the purpose of the lesson. The Hero (object) travels along this path and the most incredible changes occur to him.

For older children, a morphological table is used in the form of two coordinate axes - vertical and horizontal. We can also add a third axis - then we will get a Morphological Box, and the number of possible options will triple. For example, let's takeusing a morphological table when teaching children to compose stories.

Main parts of the story

Beginning (beginning)

One day

many years ago

Once upon a time, there were

I heard




Items (things)

Natural phenomena





sea ​​bottom,


gone missing

ran away

got sick,






Built a house

We played a wedding

At the initial stage of training, the teacher, together with the children, composes a story or fairy tale using the created table; in the future, you can use cards, for example: A4, B1, B3, D2, D4 - cards can be either individual or for a desk, table, or group.

To establish a connection between the past, present and future, you can use the method"multi-screen thinking".

Such a screen gives a lot to the teacher: it helps to determine the amount of knowledge that children have already learned; organize the supply of new material in the system - from simple to complex; use the acquired knowledge to create something new. This diagram can be given starting from younger age, but do not give all nine screens at once, but fill them out gradually.

Observing the growth and development of onions. The results can also be reflected in the table:

This is how children are gradually introduced to working with a nine-screen device. This work might look like this:


The present



6. Beds where tulips have always grown.

3. Flower beds, lawns with tulips of different colors and shapes.

Paintings or other works with these colors.


4. Tulip bulb.

1. Tulip

7. A bouquet of tulips, bulbs for planting next year.


5. Roots and sprout of the onion

2. What does a flower consist of, what is its color, shape, smell.

8. How do tulips differ from each other?

The multi-screen makes it possible to implement the tasks of introducing children to the origins of culture and the development of civilization, as it allows you to look at the subject from two sides: historical (history of appearance), genetic (manufacturing technology)

Communication between people is impossible without questions from person to person, teacher to student, student to teacher. Psychologists believe that much of our thinking consists of asking and answering questions. A question is a form of thinking in which a request for information is expressed. Asking questions is about guiding thinking and providing feedback between people. Thought is impossible without question. The path from question to answer is the work of thought. It is in order to develop thinking that it is recommended to teach children to ask questions correctly. One way to teach children to ask questions is game "Danetka":

  1. This game is quite exciting and interesting for children and adults. The trick is to choose a really interesting object for this category of players.
  2. The game "Danetka" is absolutely simple to play. You determine the topic and the number of questions for which you need to guess.
  3. It is easy to vary the difficulty level of the game.

“Danettes” can be compiled from literary works.

  1. He ran away from everyone, but he was eaten.
  2. I wanted a lot, I was left with little
  3. The four gathered and scared the villains.

The theory of solving inventive problems also solves another problem of coherent speech - teaching children how to write riddles. Riddles are divided into:

  • riddles by signs,
  • by association

Working with riddles develops: children’s logical thinking, vocabulary,

One of the main tasks of developing coherent speech in pupils is

improving monologue speech. This problem is solved through

the following types of speech activity: writing descriptive stories

about objects, toys, objects and natural phenomena; creative

storytelling; retelling of literary texts; making up stories from

personal experience; storytelling based on a picture or a series of plot pictures. All

types of speech activity are relevant when working on the development of coherent speech

children. Working with children to compose stories is the most difficult type

activities. Most often, the content of stories written by children is almost

the same. This is basically a simple enumeration characters or

objects of the painting. But the main disadvantage is that the child does not

builds his own story himself, and repeats the previous one with minor

changes. In one lesson, the teacher manages to interview several

children, the rest are passive listeners. Children lose interest in

this type of activity. There is low speech activity,

insufficient cognitive interest not only in events captured

in the picture, but also to speech activity in general.

It is clear that it is necessary to change the way teachers work

classes on teaching preschoolers how to compose stories. In this job

TRIZ will help us. TRIZ technology suggests using techniques

imagination, guides children step by step at each stage of viewing

paintings. They turn from passive listeners into active ones.


The work of teaching children to compose a story based on a picture is divided into

several stages.

  1. Analytical stage. The appearance of the wizard "Delhi" - determines the composition of the picture. The goal is to identify as many objects as possible (using the “spyglass”, “magic window” - all named objects and objects appear on the board)
  2. Synthetic stage. The appearance of the “Unite” wizard - finding connections. (Game exercises: “Looking for friends” - finding objects related by mutual location; “Looking for enemies” - searching for objects not related by location)
  3. Strengthening the imagery of characteristics. The appearance of the wizard "Curious". (Game exercise “Enter the picture” using sensory analyzers). Imagine that you are in this picture. What did you hear? What smells did you smell? Inclusion of touch - description of an object by touch. Taste qualities.
  4. Expressive means of speech. The appearance of the wizard "Riddle". Learning to write riddles
  5. Line of development (past, but related to the present: what happened 5 minutes ago, an hour ago, a day, a year). The appearance of the wizard "Get behind and run"
  6. Future (what will happen, will be - related to this plot)
  7. Another point of view.
  • from the hero's point of view,
  • animate or inanimate object
  • depending on emotional physical condition hero
  1. “Give the picture a title.” The goal is to teach how to select proverbs and sayings that fit the content of the picture.
  2. Children make up a story.

Thus, as a result of using TRIZ in the educational process of preschool educational institutions, children overcome shyness, develop logic of thinking, creativity and imagination. The TRIZ speech and general initiative gives children the opportunity to express their individuality. TRIZ technology provides educators and children with creative methods and tools that a person can master regardless of his age. By owning a single tool, children and adults can more easily find mutual language, understand each other.

Used Books:

  1. Altshuller G.S., Zlotin B.L. et al. Search for new ideas: from insight to technology (Theory and practice of solving inventive problems). - Chisinau: Cartea Moldovenasca, 1989.
  2. Preschool education: No. 3, 11,12 1997
  3. Preschool education No. 3 1998
  4. Murashkovskaya I.N. , Valums N.P. A picture without a hitch (method of telling a story based on a picture). – St. Petersburg: Publishing house TRIZ-CHANCE LLP, 1995.
  5. Murashkovskaya I.N. When I become a wizard. – Riga: Experiment Publishing House, 1994.
  6. Nesterenko A.A. Country of mysteries. – Rostov n/d.: Rostov University Publishing House, 1993.
  7. “Development of a child’s creative thinking” Yu.G. Tamberg Speech. Saint Petersburg
  8. “Child in kindergarten” No. 1,2,4 2001, No. 5,6 2002
  9. Technical creativity: theory, methodology, practice. Encyclopedic dictionary-reference book. / Ed. A. I. Polovinkina, V. V. Popova. M.: NPO "Inform-System", 1995.
  10. Khomenko N.N. Using the “Yes-No” Game when teaching TRIZ. – Minsk, 1995.