Crafts of fairy-tale heroes from improvised material. Useful DIY crafts from scrap materials for creating an interior. DIY cardboard crafts for children

The results of many experiments show that making unique and non-standard souvenirs with your own hands is a very exciting and interesting job. It promotes flexible thinking, creative taste and aesthetic imagination.

Even small children can participate in such a cognitive process, because making crafts from improvised means with their own hands for a long time takes even not assiduous and not very obedient children.

For manufacturing, any materials of natural and artificial origin are used. After all, the raw materials at hand are always available and do not require any waste.

And masterpieces that are made from materials that are no longer needed or not suitable are fully competitive with store counterparts, since they have no analogues. Such products will organically fit into any interior, which will add exquisite originality to it.

What crafts can be made from improvised means

  • a variety of photo frames;
  • coasters for hot cups;
  • many different toys;
  • decorations for every taste and color;
  • key holders;
  • original souvenirs using the quilling technique;
  • different candlesticks;
  • skillful crafts for flower beds and a garden plot;
  • designer suits and dresses for matinees;
  • design of the playground for children;
  • graceful decorative flowers;
  • interesting decorations;
  • and many other varied design masterpieces.

To make it easier to make souvenirs with your own hands, photos of handicrafts from improvised means that can be found on the worldwide network will help with this. You don't need to copy, you just need to understand the technique of work and do something of your own.

By the same principle that postcards are made, it is possible to make a bright panel from paper and cardboard. But in this case, in order for the souvenir to look complete, you also need to think about a frame that can be made from various materials.

DIY DIY Instructions

Let's take a closer look at the example of crafts from plastic bags - a kite, which kids like so much. For manufacturing, you need to prepare:

  • 2 bags with polyethylene;
  • 2 skewers;
  • Scotch;
  • black marker;
  • scissors;
  • line that can be seen with strong threads.

The process of creating a masterpiece:

Straighten the bag and place the skewers on it, as if in a cross, but the longitudinal one should be a third higher, from the middle. Now, using a marker, you need to draw lines that connect the ends of the skewers.

Then, it is advisable to cut out the shape that turned out. Sticky tape sticks the skewers to the bag.

From the second plastic bag, you need to cut a piece, 4-5 cm wide, of any length - for the snake's tail. It is possible to make a tail from several short pieces of bags, having previously combined them with tape. After that, the tail should be tied to the lower half of the flying kite.

At the end, you need to make a hole in the place where the skewers intersect, and securely tie the fishing line there. Ready!

Step by step making crafts for beginners

To make a craft - a goose made of kinder eggs, you will need:

  • yellow testicles from kinder;
  • buttons: 1 for the nose, 1 for the tail and 2 for the eyes;
  • ribbon;
  • awl;
  • elastic thread;
  • glue.

The process of creating a masterpiece:

With a pre-heated awl, all the eggs are pierced, one by one opposite hole.

Then the elastic is threaded from the tail to the head. Next, you need to put on a button-nose and thread the elastic in the opposite direction, through another hole.

Since both ends of the thread appear in the tail, it is advisable to fasten them using a button. Now you need to glue the eyes and strengthen the button that is on the tail of the caterpillars. In this way it is possible to manufacture a whole family of such caterpillars.

Crafts master classes from improvised means

For a cardboard Christmas tree, you need to prepare:

  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • Scotch;
  • paints, markers, pencils;
  • scissors;
  • sequins, stickers, or something else - for decoration.

The process of creating a masterpiece:

The cardboard must be folded in half and cut where it folds. The halves that come out fold in half again.

On one particle, on the opposite side of the fold, half a Christmas tree is drawn.

The sheets are folded together and cut along the drawn line; so two identical Christmas trees are obtained. Then it is necessary to secretly mark the middle of both trees.

On one herringbone, an incision is made from the top to the middle along the middle line, and on the second - from the bottom to the middle. Now, it is advisable to insert the Christmas trees into the cuts, and you get one lush Christmas tree.

For greater stability of the Christmas tree, scotch tape is used - both halves are glued together.

To decorate the Christmas tree, pencils, felt-tip pens, glitter, paints, etc. are used. At this stage, everything is done that only dictates the imagination.


Every parent who loves his child sooner or later thinks that it is useful for a child to do at least something with his own little hands.

Indeed, in the life of children more and more space is occupied by gadgets, and real exciting activities are of much higher value. That is why making handicrafts from improvised means will be an ideal activity for kids and adults.

Photo of handicrafts from improvised means

Turning home walls into a cozy nest is definitely fun. Sometimes it is not necessary to explore all the shops in the area, it is enough to use your own imagination and find interesting ideas for your home with your own hands. The magazine site offers a variety of original ideas that are not so difficult to implement through their own efforts.

Read in the article

The most interesting thing in DIY homework: choosing a material to create a new one in the decor

Numerous little things for home decor can be done by hand. The same is true for more. It all depends on the availability of material at hand and the ability to use it. Depending on the skills and preferences of the creator, we propose to consider wooden handicrafts, grown by yourself, knitted or sewn gizmos, amazing lampshades, and also choose a glass product for the decor of the house.

Crafts for the home with your own hands: warm and elegant tree in the apartment

What would you like beautiful to decorate your home? The answer is likely to be "everything." Let's look at different options for ideas for a home with our own hands.

A noble tree is subject to sensitive hands and certain skills in working with. To create something wooden for an apartment, they first develop a concept for a future product, prepare tools and materials, and then start work. Basically, they get by with sandpaper, varnish and wood glue.

Beautiful DIY crafts at home: the practical benefits and decorativeness of homemade lampshades

Decoupage technique for furniture restoration

You can almost always update it yourself. It is very interesting and useful for the home. Furniture that has undergone decoupage restoration takes on a real second life and looks even better than after purchase.

DIY creative ideas for interior decoration in the house

Designers and amateurs always have in stock different interior ideas for the house, which are worth trying to implement with your own hands. Each room in the house has its own solution and some flavor.

Hallway and corridor

We entered an apartment or a house - and ... So what? And they were amazed at how much they convey the mood at home. To come to your home with joy, you should take care of the appearance of the hallway.

We clean up the cluttering space mercilessly, but we select the decor in such a way that it does not interfere with movement along the corridor.

Living room and bedroom

In the design of a house with your own hands, the specifics of the room play a role. there is a central place in the house - for receiving guests and gathering all household members. This place should express the general mood of the home, so the choice of decor should be careful and please all family members.

Each family member is a separate chronicle of the history of this house. Every household member has the right to write his own story in design.

Children's room

Fantasy should not be limited to anything. We take into account the peculiarities of the character of the small owner of the room and begin to decorate the room. whatever you like, we make hanging structures, we select creative furniture: let the childhood be bright!

Kitchen and bathroom

You can paint the refrigerator in any way.

A bathroom can be very original, you should not limit yourself in the desire to make it surprising and unusual.

Ideas for the yard and garden of your home: we use cinder blocks and other improvised material

Owners of their own should also try to use improvised material or cinder blocks remaining from the construction site.

What can you do with your own hands for the yard of a house from cinder blocks of a flowering wall.

You don't need a special master class to build a fire pit. This is the same construction element as the construction of a wall, with the difference that it is not necessary to use cement mortar.

What is done for the garden from scrap materials

What is applicable as an improvised material: tires, plastic bottles, branches, firewood, old furniture. Each material has its own range of solutions and ideas.

What else can be made of cement for the garden and in what way, the video will tell you.

In this article, we will show you how to create DIY home crafts. The decor made from scrap materials gives the home a unique look, helps old things to find a new life.
Craft begins with an idea. It shows individuality. You can make a craft for the house yourself. It is not necessary to have a designer education. In creativity, it is important to be accurate. This is the only way to make crafts of high quality and beautiful.

What to use for crafts?

DIY home decor from scrap materials enriches the interior. The kitchen is a place that brings the whole family together. In this room, you can paint walls, hang photos, decorate furniture, a kitchen apron, etc. In the absence of design education, stencils can be used. An empty wall is decorated with a panel or painting on a kitchen theme.
It is better to decorate the living room with the whole family. Ideas bring people together. We offer, as an option, to cut out the first letter of the family name from thick cardboard and decorate it with paper flowers, pompoms, and beads. The letter is framed like a photo and hung on the wall. Various words are collected from such letters: love, family, home.

Decorating in the form of vases helps to achieve a transformation of the interior. Old bottles are used for decoration. The elements are wrapped with twine and decorated with flowers. To create a room decor, use sofa pillows, covers for which you can make yourself. Such things add coziness.

The bedroom is a place of relaxation. Don't overload it with decorations. A few items will suffice. The wall of the room is decorated with family photos, and a homemade patchwork bedspread is placed on the bed. Bedside rugs should be designed in the same style. An original solution is the use of fabric birds, which are hung over the bed by satin ribbons.

The bathroom is a place of cleanliness and personal care. You can decorate it with shells, pebbles. A lot of things and accessories are stored in this room, so you can make homemade panel organizers. As shelves for storage, you can use wicker baskets, bolted upside down to the wall. Original towel hooks can be made from various materials: wood knots, wrenches. The main thing is not to get out of the general design of the room.

The design of the nursery is due to its size. To create the interior of a children's room, bright things should be used. It is decorated with homemade toys, photos, bedspreads, paintings on the walls, and unusual lamps.

On the Internet, you can find various ideas for the interior with your own hands from scrap materials. For inspiration, you just need to look around. DIY crafts for the interior from scrap materials can be created from:

  • paper and cardboard;
  • cuts of fabrics;
  • colored threads and beads;
  • unnecessary CDs;
  • coins;
  • satin or nylon ribbons;
  • bottle caps;
  • any elements made of plastic, wood, glass, etc.

Tip: you can also use larger things for crafts, for example, cabinets, wall mirrors, dressers, tables.

Practical crafts

If you do not like various trinkets, then you can make practical interior items with your own hands from scrap materials.

Shelving from an old staircase

Sometimes there is not enough shelving at home. So why not make it yourself? This will be a truly practical craft. The rack is made from an unnecessary ladder. In addition to the stairs, you will need boards, paint, a jigsaw, a brush, sandpaper and glue.

Stages of work:

  • prepare the frame of the structure: cut the stairs into equal parts and fasten them in the form of two pyramids;
  • cut shelves from the boards;
  • attach the shelves to the frame with glue;
  • grind the structure and its elements;
  • paint the shelving.

Books, original baskets, flower pots, A4-size paintings and other beautiful things with their own hands for the home and interior from improvised means are placed on such a rack.

We suggest you create another practical craft for your home - a table made of unnecessary wooden boxes. Vegetables and fruits are often stored in these boxes. For crafts, you will need 4 such boxes, nails and a hammer.

Place the boxes on the side with the open side out and connect them together in a square. Fasten the elements with nails. It is possible to decorate the open space of the boxes with additional shelves. At the end of the work, you need to paint the table.

Shelf for spices from the pallet

We suggest you create a unique spice rack from an old pallet. For this, the pallet is cleaned with sandpaper. Saw off unnecessary elements with a jigsaw. Additional shelves can be made. It turns out a panel with a pocket, which is suitable for any interior. Containers with oil, wine bottles, spices are placed in this pocket. The shelf is painted in the color of the interior.
Crafts for interior decor

A house is a reflection of its owner. It's nice to visit a creative person and consider the embodied ideas and unique style. Here are some tips for decorating your home and making crafts.

Mirror framing

A wall mirror decorated with an unusual frame can be an object of interior decor made from scrap materials. It is easy to make it from a regular newspaper or magazine. Colored sheets are cut into equal 10x10 cm squares and rolled into tubes of equal thickness. These tubes are glued along the perimeter of the frame parallel to each other. The result is a beautifully designed mirror. The tubes need to be fixed not only with glue, but with varnish.

Plastic shade

To make a plastic shade, you will need several sets of plastic spoons, an empty 5-liter plastic container, and glue. The neck of the container is cut off. The handles of the spoons are cut so that the petals are obtained. With the help of glue, the original petals are fixed on the surface of the container in the form of scales. The plastic shade is ready.

Fabric jewelry

An interior for a home made from scrap materials will become more lively if you use the remnants of bright fabric. You can make various crafts from them, for example, fabric flowers. Using a stencil, circles d = 20 cm are cut out. A spiral is drawn on the circles, which is cut along the entire length. The spiral is twisted from the bottom, gluing so that the bud does not disintegrate. After drying, the petals are straightened. Unusual decor with your own hands from improvised means for the apartment is ready. Several fabric colors are combined into a composition, they make panels, paintings, they decorate shelves, a wall, etc.

Candlestick made of old beads

If you have old beads, do not rush to throw them away. They are disassembled into beads to make a hand-made candlestick. An unnecessary CD must be attached to the base of the candlestick. Glue the beads in rows along the edge of its circumference so that a glass forms. If you put a shaped candle in this cup, it will turn into a beautiful candlestick. This decor element has a big plus. Thanks to the beads, it shimmers beautifully when the candle is lit.

Festive garland on the window

On New Years or any other holiday, the windows of the house are decorated with garlands. It is not necessary to hang bright lights, we recommend that you make an unusual curtain from scrap materials. To create a garland, you will need thick colored cardboard, thick thread, a needle, and scissors. Using a stencil, circles d = 10 cm are cut. The circles are strung on threads of the required length. The threads are connected to each other in a curtain and fixed on the window frame.

Hanger for jewelry

There are not many DIY crafts. A women's dressing table can be decorated with a homemade jewelry hanger made from scrap materials. It's easy to make. To implement the idea, you will need a picture frame, a small piece of plywood, paint, small hooks, a jigsaw. Saw off the plywood to fit the baguette, paint it with paint. Mark the places where the hooks are attached, fix them. With this decor element, you can store your jewelry in an original way.

Canvas box

We suggest you make a box out of plastic canvas. Canvas is a material for embroidery and crafts. It has the size of A4 sheet. The canvas has a different number of perforations. For work, you will need the workpiece itself, threads, a needle, a piece of fabric and scissors. On the canvas you can embroider with a cross or satin stitch. From the canvas, make the details of the future box and decorate them with your favorite embroidery method. Connect the details with threads with a needle. The canvas box is ready, it needs to be stored on a shelf. Without a doubt, it will become the main decoration of your home interior.

Wicker rug

Tapestry technology allows you to create a rug at home with your own hands from any available means. For example, old clothes are cut into ribbons. This option is called "grandmother's" rug. For crafts, you should choose a durable material, and do the thread broaching by hand.

Prepare cardboard 500x500 mm. Sew it with thread. With the first thread secured, start weaving the tapestry. After finishing the last circle, turn the rug inside out and sew the rope around the perimeter to cover the ends of the threads.

Planters from packages

From the materials at hand, which sometimes accumulate at home, they make pots for an indoor flower. For DIY crafts, you will need paper bags, wooden skewers, scissors, rope, glue gun, containers (for example, you can use a jar of mayonnaise).

From paper bags, make blanks in the form of ribbons with a size of 70x300 mm. Using skewers, make tubes from the blanks. Fix the corners with glue. Wrap the sides of the container in a paper bag. Turn it upside down. Fix 8 tubes to the base. Return the future planter to its normal position. Fold the tubes up, pressing them firmly against the sides of the planter. It remains to braid the main tubes with the remaining ones in a checkerboard pattern. At the top, the pot is pierced, a rope is threaded through the holes and the planter is hung on the wall of the room.

Cloth hanger

The household always needs hangers. We suggest you do a few of them. For crafts you will need:

  • wire hangers;
  • satin ribbons in contrasting colors;
  • piece of fabric;
  • scissors;
  • needle and thread;
  • glue;
  • synthetic winterizer.

Draw the outline of the hanger on the piece of fabric. Leaving a small gap, cut 2 pieces. Sew the blanks together to make a cover. Wrap the hook of the hanger with a satin ribbon, securing it with glue. Place the cloth cover on the hanger. Fill the inner space with padding polyester. Sew up the hole. Make a bow out of a contrasting satin ribbon and secure it at the base of the hook. The fabric hanger is ready. You can hang delicate things on it.

Mirror frame

There is always a mirror in the house. Most often it is located in the hallway, bathroom or bedroom. Decorating ideas are endless. The mirror can be beautifully decorated with newspaper tubes, broken pieces of porcelain or tiles, colored glass, shells, buttons, beads, hemp, etc. For fixing the elements, transparent silicone glue must be used.


Do-it-yourself room design from scrap materials can be made using decoupage technique. We suggest you decorate a small mirror in a wooden frame:

  • Sand the frame with sandpaper.
  • Cover the prepared surface of the decor element with white acrylic paint.
  • After the paint has dried, apply a layer of decoupage glue to the surface.
  • Cut the decoupage card to fit the frame and glue it to the surface.
  • Apply the next coat of decoupage varnish.
  • Sand the edges of the frame and cover with craquelure. The paint will dry and crack.
  • Apply a contrasting shade of paint to the cracked surface.
  • You can select the borders of the frame and put blots on its surface.
  • Cover the frame with a glossy varnish.

Decor from plastic spoons

For crafts, it is better to use a round mirror. Cut off the handles from the plastic spoons, leaving the scoops. Glue them in several rows around the entire perimeter of the mirror. Spray paint your decor. Instead of spoons, you can take buttons, beads, shells, clothespins.

Ring decor

DIY decor from available tools can be inexpensive. Cut rings of the same width from plastic pipes. Process the edges. Take the nylon cover. This will be the base of the construction. Attach the first row of rings to the lid. Attach the second and subsequent rows to the already glued rings. At the end of the work, we recommend that you decorate the decor with sequins. Fix the mirror in the center.

Rope decor

To implement the idea, you need a hemp rope. Cut the base out of the cardboard. It should be larger than the mirror itself. Fix the mirror in the center of the base. Apply clear silicone glue to the base. Fix the hemp loop by loop. The result is a mirror that can be used to create a nautical interior for a room.

Glass decor

DIY home decor from scrap materials includes painting. To work, you will need stained glass paints, a glass outline, glitter, alcohol, cotton swabs, toothpicks and silicone glue. Before starting work, decide on a drawing. Transfer it to a mirror using carbon paper. Select the drawing with a path on the glass. Remove irregularities with alcohol. After the outline has dried, paint the pattern with stained glass paints, spreading them with a toothpick. The paints should dry for about 3 days. After that, the decor is complemented with glass beads or glitter.

Framing with beads

Beads are used to decorate the mirror. Outline the future frame with masking tape. Apply silicone glue to the resulting border. Pour the beads onto the paper and spread them over the glue strip. Carefully peel off the tape and let the work dry well.

Decorating walls with simple materials

The atmosphere of the interior can be changed by paying special attention to the decoration of the walls. To do this, you only need rollers, paints and colors. It is not necessary to paint the surface of all walls. Sometimes it is enough to select a part of it. Walls are decorated in different ways: with painting, with the help of panels, photos, natural materials, baguettes, paper butterflies, interesting hooks and other materials at hand.

Stencil decor

This method of wall decoration is considered the easiest. Stencils are made by hand from thick paper, Whatman paper or plastic. Patterns can be found on the Internet. The stencil is pressed tightly against the wall and sprayed with paint from a spray can.

Tip: apply paint in a thin layer so as not to smudge the pattern and avoid smudges!

You can create a beautiful and cozy interior in your home with the help of hand-made crafts. Making such original things is not so difficult - professional skills are not needed for this. The things that we do with our own hands are unique, they give the interior of the home individuality, bring variety to the atmosphere.

The special warmth of the hearth emanates from handicrafts. Thanks to unusual creative gizmos, you will be able to change the interior as you wish or in accordance with the seasons (for example, create a New Year's decor). DIY home decor differs in variety and purpose. Homemade beautiful things and useful crafts for the home can be used as original furnishings, decorative elements, or as accessories for storing various household items.

In order to do things with your own hands, it is not necessary to buy expensive materials, you can also use improvised means.

The creation of an unusual decor is possible without large material costs. Most of you have various unnecessary little things in your house, for example, fabrics, colored paper, buttons - all this can be used as materials for crafts.

There is such "junk" in almost every house, if you take apart the closet or dig in the attic - something, yes. Natural materials, glue and threads are also useful for making beautiful novelties and homemade little things. But the ideas of handmade decor at home are also needed - of course.

Many people believe that only people with experience can craft and independently create presentable interior items - this is a delusion. Show your imagination, combine materials of different texture, do not be afraid to experiment, and you will create not only beautiful, but also original decor for your home.

Even if you have to tinker with the first thing, each subsequent decorative craft will come out better and better, and you will spend less time.

DIY home craft ideas

So, what can you do with your own hands for the home? Let's look at a few ideas for inspiration. Among the options offered, you will definitely find something interesting for yourself and try to make the thing you like with your own hands.


One of the useful things for the house, while performing a decorative function that you can make with your own hands, is the housekeeper.

The peculiarity of this key holder is that its design imitates brickwork. The basis for the key holder is thick cardboard (you can use part of a box). You will also need heavyweight toilet paper or thick tissues. A dense material is needed so that it does not creep when lubricated with glue. Stock up on acrylic paints, varnish and glue (regular PVA will do).

Make the back wall of the key holder out of rectangular cardboard or plywood sheet. Hooks will be attached to the base. Cut out small rectangular bricks from cardboard, the size should be the same and glue them to the base, leaving a small distance between the parts. Not the entire surface of the cardboard is pasted over with bricks.

In the central part, you need to stick a plate decorated with an inscription, and place a beautiful picture in the upper part.

After that, coat the bricks well with glue, and on top put a napkin (previously crumpled), a little more glue for impregnation. Using a stick, press a napkin or paper into the gaps between the miniature bricks to create corners. Give the craft time to dry.

Paint over the dried panel with paint (to imitate natural brick, you need to choose a red-brown shade). Use bronze paint to paint the seams.

After the paint dries, cover the bricks in the same tone, using a dry brush (dip the brush in bronze paint, and then wipe it on paper until it is almost dry, and only then brush the brickwork).

On a note! When painting bricks with a brush, you need to drive without changing direction.

To give the key holder a smooth finish, cover it with a clear matte varnish.

The work is completed by attaching loops, after which it can be hung on the wall or donated to someone. In the photo below is a finished housekeeper:

Hanger for jewelry

All the fair sex love jewelry; almost every woman has jewelry that needs to be stored somewhere. The original storage for jewelry will be a hanger made like a picture.

In order to make a hanger for storing jewelry, you will need:

  • baguette frame;
  • plywood;
  • stain (paint can be used as a substitute);
  • hooks and handles from boxes;
  • nails;
  • screwdriver and drills;
  • cutting tool.

Cut the plywood according to the dimensions of the frame and coat it with stain, then dry it and attach it to the frame. Mark the places where the hooks will be attached and screw them down. It remains to hang decorations on a hanger.

Now you have a place to store women's treasures - jewelry.

Box made of plastic canvas for storing small items

A simple but presentable box designed for storing various little things can be made of plastic canvas.

Canvas is an embroidery material. You will need a canvas made of plastic, you can buy it in stores where everything for needlework is sold.

On a note! The plastic canvas is usually made in the form of A4 sheets. Perforation in the plastic canvas differs in size. Canvases are produced with a different number of perforations, the more there are, the less they are.

In addition to the canvas, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • dense threads;
  • large needle;
  • cloth or beads;
  • scissors.

The embroidery on the canvas made of plastic is almost no different from the usual one. Embroidery techniques can be different, the most popular - cross and satin stitch.

The plastic canvas is flexible, but very durable.

Decide how big your box will be. Divide the material into parts for the sides and bottom. There should be five parts in total. Craft the elements for the lid. Make a piece that is 0.5 cm larger in width and length from the bottom. The sides of the lid should be slightly narrower. You will need five more parts. Then sew the parts with dense threads (you can use braid, and even ribbons).

You can embroider any pattern on the blanks. Drape the parts that have not been embroidered with a cloth or embroider with beads.

After completing all 10 blanks, start assembling. The first step is to sew the side pieces to the bottom. Then sew on the outside all the side elements of the box and sew the top along the edges. The last step is to assemble the cover in the same way.

Similarly, we collect the lid of the box.

A beautiful box made of plastic canvas is ready.

Wicker rugs in tapestry technique

One of the options for giving the interior a coziness is tapestry rugs. You don't need special tools to weave such things. A rug using the tapestry technique can be made from scrap materials: thick threads that are used for knitting (they can be replaced with ropes made from old clothes) and cords.

Tapestry is a hand-made, lint-free carpet. The base of the tapestry rugs is decorated with ornaments created by weaving threads. We will create a plot composition in the form of a circle with traced lines, along which a thread will run, which will serve as the basis.

All work is carried out using weft threads. Under the complex name, ordinary ropes and braid are hidden, from which weaving and decorative patterns are created.

  • choose a strong thread to create the base;
  • broaching the weft thread should be done by hand;
  • to make the tapestry more dense, you can press the threads to the center, for this use a simple fork.

Stage one. We draw a cardboard with a size of 500 x 500 mm. We sew the cardboard with the thread chosen for the base. To do this, cut the markings drawn on the cardboard and thread the rope through the lines so that it runs through the central part.

Stage two. We start weaving tapestry. You need to carefully fix the starting thread. Weaving using the tapestry technique consists in pulling the cord underlying by alternating one thread from the top and the second from the bottom.

Stage three. After weaving the last turn of the thread in a circle of cardboard, you need to turn the resulting rug to the back side and cut off the base cords. Leave about 5 cm at the ends when trimming. Pull the ends of the laces out of the notches made on the cardboard (you do not need to remove the picture while pulling out) and tie them in pairs. Attach pompons to the resulting knots.

Finish the composition by sewing on a thick rope from the wrong side in a circle to hide the knots and ends of the threads.

Advice. Using different textures and shades of threads, you can make different rugs and then combine them into one. You will end up with a large rug that can be hung on the wall or laid on the floor.

A tapestry rug placed on the floor will warm it up and look beautiful. Weaving a tapestry rug with your own hands is not difficult: try it and see for yourself.

Ribbon curtain

You can make an unusual curtain from ribbons. The tape curtain is suitable for both windows and doors. It will take a little time to make a curtain from ribbons, even a sewing machine is not needed. The fluttering ribbon curtain repels insects well; earlier such curtains were made from strips of newspapers.

To make a curtain from ribbons, you need the following materials:

  • ribbons or fabric strips (with non-frayed edges);
  • cornice;
  • clamps or buttons.

The tapes need to be thrown over the cornice and fixed with clamps. Large beads can be strung onto fabric strips for decoration.

The tape curtain fulfills not only a practical, but also a decorative function. The advantage of ribbon curtains is lightness. This is a great option for a summer residence, a ribbon curtain can be hung in the apartment as well.

Flower pots made of paper bags

Many people have paper bags at home, instead of throwing them away, make a flower planter out of them.

Materials for making flower pots:

  • paper bags;
  • wood skewer;
  • scissors;
  • rope;
  • glue;
  • plastic container.

Take paper bags and mark them up: eight strips measuring 70x300 mm, then cut the paper along the dotted lines.

Place a wood skewer in the corner of one of the strips and wrap a paper base diagonally around it. You must make a paper tube from each strip. Tape the corners of the paper tubes so that they do not unwind. The easiest way to do this is with a glue gun.

Take a plastic container, apply glue to it and wrap it with paper (from all the same bags) so that the plastic is not visible. Glue the paper tubes to the bottom of the container. Cut 70x450 mm paper strips (you will need large bags) and make tubes.

Wrap the tubes so that they are pressed against the walls of the container. Attach a long paper tube with glue to the bottom of the container, and wrap it around it, you need to braid the main tubes. Wrap all the main tubes, and then change the weaving direction to braid the missing tubes - this is how you need to wrap the entire container.

Make two holes in the sides of the pot (top).

Pull the string through the holes made, at each end of the twine you need to tie a knot in order to fix it well. Another woven tube will help to hide the ends of the twine. Wrap the tubes protruding above the pot inside the container and secure with glue.

Unusual flower pots are ready.

Hand-made things for the house can be used as a decorative element in your home or as a gift to friends.

Most of the hand-made things are not only beautiful and original, but also useful, necessary in the household. Feel free to start working on homemade things and decorate your home with them.

Video For five more ideas for DIY handmade crafts for decorating the interior of rooms, see the video below:

Every hostess and owner wants to make their home beautiful and comfortable. This article contains a variety of home ideas that allow you to achieve this result with a little investment of time, money and effort.

We decorate the walls

Recently, walls painted or pasted over with plain wallpaper have become very popular. Yes, They serve as a great backdrop for accessories, furniture, etc. But large empty spaces require some extras. How to decorate an empty wall? There are a lot of ways, you just need to choose the right one.

Geographic maps on the walls

An extremely simple and very effective home idea that helps solve the problem of empty walls - stick a geographic map. It is not suitable for any room and not for every interior, but for a children's room, study, balcony or loggia, and in some cases even for a bedroom or living room, you can find options. It is important to choose the right map for the interior, and they are not only "ordinary" - geographic. There are vintage, nautical, stylized, etc.

Where to find similar cards? Geographic maps can be found in bookstores or stationery stores. You won't find stylized or antique ones there. Some options can be found in wallpaper stores. There they are in the form of photowall-paper. Many different ones on the beloved by many Aliexpress, you can search in other online stores. But there is another option: find the map you like on the Internet, save it to a medium and print it in a company that is engaged in outdoor advertising. The only requirement is a large card format. They, of course, will be able to increase it, but not indefinitely. So the original image should be high quality and large.

We make modular paintings

The idea for the home - pictures and photos on the walls - is not new and has fed up with many. Yes, this is a classic, but I want something new and unusual. One of the options is modular paintings. This is one image, split into a different number of fragments. Fragments can be different in size or the same. These "pieces of images" are often called "modules", hence the name "modular picture".

As an object, you can take any poster, poster, wallpaper. You can, again, print your favorite image in an advertising agency. In this case, you can even take your own photo or close friends, your favorite landscape, etc. Based on the composition of the picture, it is divided into several parts, cut. Frames are made for the fragments. The dimensions of the frames should be 3-5 cm smaller than the fragments so that the module can be wrapped and fixed on the back side.

Nature is one of the most popular motives Sunset sun on the sea - what could be more romantic Beach, sun, summer ...
Flowers again ... Symmetrical splitting is also possible Fantasy - an option for teenagers

Frames can be made from wooden planks, covered with thin plywood or fiberboard. But the easiest way is to take foam with sufficient density (300-350 g / m³) with a thickness of 4-5 mm or more. It costs a little, you can cut it with any hacksaw, it will not damage the paper, it weighs a mere trifle, so you can even fix the modules on double-sided tape. You can attach images to tablets using glue (find a suitable one), or using a construction stapler and staples.

Decorative mirrors

Home ideas using mirrors are not new. The first examples of this magic glass appeared before our era and were extremely expensive and rare. And no wonder. The mirror itself is a great accessory, and if it has an unusual shape or an amazing frame, it will definitely become an interior decoration.

It's so simple - circles from mirrors, and butterflies from a mirror transform the interior - an interesting idea
If you decorate a shelf, a chest of drawers, a bedside table in the same style ...

Such compositions can be made not only from an ordinary mirror - sprayed glass. There is an acrylic mirror on the market. It is flexible and completely safe material. It does not give as perfect a reflection as a "normal" mirror, but for these conditions it is not required. You need a plastic material that is easy to work with. They sell sets of fragments of various shapes and sizes, on the back of which double-sided tape is glued. Attaching such a mirror is simple: remove the protective film from the adhesive tape, apply and press. Everything.

Making accessories for home decoration

Many ideas for home relate to the creation of unique author's crafts that make our home memorable and comfortable. These are the things that create the atmosphere at home. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to spend an incredible amount of time and money on their creation. There are very simple ideas using the most mundane, and sometimes junk things.

Home ideas are a sea of ​​possibilities to improve the interior or to make your life more comfortable ... and sometimes both.

Decoration of vases and bottles with lace

Amazing transformations can take very little time. For example, you can make a uniquely beautiful vase from an ordinary vase, bottle or jar. Moreover, the process itself will take 10-15 minutes. This is if you have everything at hand. And, in addition to decoration objects, only lace, PVA glue, scissors and a brush are needed.

Everything is exactly as you thought. We just wrap the vessel with lace, cut it to size, glue it, wait until it dries. It's all. But the result will please you.

Who said that lace should be white ...

Lace can be bought or knitted. The second option allows you to decorate vases of complex shapes, which can be done with great difficulty with ordinary lace. If you don’t know how to knit, but want to decorate a vase of an unusual shape, look for a stretch one. There is also such, and in a fairly wide range. With the help of a stretching lace, most of the problems are removed.

Zen garden

If you're looking for original ideas for your home, consider a miniature Zen garden. It is easy to do, it looks great, and it can also help you relax and calm down after a hard day at work. Only this accessory is not for families with small children…. You will understand why.

The Zen garden in the original is a rather complex system, but stylizations can be made from a transparent round container or even from a glass candy bowl, vase, or a small aquarium. You will also need sand for landscaping, terrariums or aquariums and a fat plant or cactus.

First, let's figure out how to deal with a plant. you can put it in a small pot and bury it in the sand. Instead of a pot, you can use a sock with soil (tie a sock). Some plants (cacti) can be planted directly in the sand. In general, you choose any method, but with direct landing in the sand, you need to take care of normal drainage - put pebbles on the bottom.

Sand is poured into the container, a pot with a plant or its roots is installed, all this is covered with sand to a certain level. All is ready. Now the surface of the sand is leveled and drawings are applied to it. There is a special metal stick for drawing, but a wooden one is also suitable for a start.

If you want to get closer to the original, you can make a desktop version of a Japanese garden from a small box. The frame of the box is assembled from wood blocks or bamboo trunks, the bottom is usually made from plywood or well-fitted and processed wood planks. You can also make legs.

The resulting container is also filled with fine sand, but what else to add there is up to you. You can plant several plants, lay stones, pebbles, put candles, a Buddha figurine. In general, here everyone already creates their own Zen))

Mini garden in the house

There are two types of miniature gardens that can be made to decorate the interior of a house or apartment: open and semi-closed. An open mini-garden is made in large flat pots, pallets. You can use miniature bonsai plants, succulents and small cacti.

When choosing plants, pay attention not only to the size, but also to the soil in which the plants grow. With a sufficiently large mini-garden area, it can be divided into zones with different soil acidity, but this will require physical separation, as well as delimitation using physical plastic partitions so that the soils do not mix.

In such an interior decoration, a real garden is recreated. With paths, benches, rockeries, etc. You can put a toy house, make a pond. All that your imagination will tell you.

Semi-closed mini-gardens are made in glass containers. Round ones look very interesting: aquariums, vases. Soil or stones are poured into them, plants are planted. But in such a limited volume, it is necessary to select plants not only by the type of soil, but also by the degree of illumination, irrigation regime, etc. You will not be able to take care of plants in a jar in different ways.

The smallest gardens ... And then - a garden of moss ... a piece of a fairy tale

Different types of moss can be grown in such containers. In fact, they are very beautiful, and only in such miniature gardens, you can see them to the smallest detail. Some of them resemble trees or shrubs, others are more like herbaceous plants. A wide variety of compositions are created from pebbles and moss, reproducing real landscapes or taking us to a fairyland.

DIY cushions

If you look at the photos of interiors, you will notice that in most of them pillows give a zest to the interior. With their help, a boring interior turns into a lively and memorable one. In addition, the large number of pillows allows you to rest comfortably. Ideas like this for a house allow you to quickly change the "mood of the interior", adding home comfort.

In the case of using fabrics, everything is clear - we select the color and texture for the interior. But there are homemade pillows, from which and breathes coziness. A striking example of this is knitted pillows. A variety of patterns, colors, shapes. But the result is the same - they really want to hug, squeeze. They are overwhelmed in a very non-standard way.

From old flannel pajamas and sweaters And these old jeans turn into an original pillowcase ... all you need is fabric with an adhesive base Knitted miracle - very cozy Lace for finishing pillows - you need to choose the style Fleece fabrics - simple and effective

What if you don't know how to knit? It doesn't matter. There are old sweaters. Yours or yours. They make very interesting and neat pillows. Cut the old knitwear to the sleeves, tuck a pillow into a semi-finished pillowcase, sew on both sides. That's it, the designer pillow is ready.

You can also use lace, fleecy fabrics, old jeans, even pajamas. Everything is in motion. And the weirder the colors are, the more interesting the result is.

Ideas for home: different little things with your own hands

The atmosphere and coziness in the house is created not only by global things. A lot of small things that can be made from scrap materials bring no less but, sometimes, more pleasure and benefit. You use them often. And you don't look at the same pictures or mirrors a month later. A number of ideas for turning your home into a cozy and comfortable place have been collected in this section.

Opportunities - the sea

Tray for shoes with pebbles

Owners of private houses have to go out into the yard regardless of the weather. Therefore, shoes do not always shine with cleanliness. Many people get out of the situation by putting a rubber mat near the door or by placing a rubber pallet. Yes, the dirt does not spread, but the view is not the most attractive. You can significantly improve the situation simply by pouring pebbles into the pallet. Water will flow over the stones, the drips are not visible on them, the dirt too. From time to time it will be necessary to soak the pebbles in water and rinse them to remove the accumulated dirt, but pebbles are reusable material and they simply cannot "rub off".

If there is no rubber pallet, you can knock down a wooden box with a side height of about 10 cm. Pebbles can be found on the banks of a river, sea, etc. As a last resort, you can find it in designer stores or where aquarium supplies are sold. But buying this "charm" turns out to be expensive.

Storing scarves

There are usually a lot of scarves, scarves and other similar products in every family. How to store them so that they do not take up a lot of meta, are always at hand, and even at the same time do not wrinkle? There are several life hacks that you can easily do with your own hands.

First. We attach metal rings to an ordinary hanger. Rings can be plastic or metal. Both those and others can be found in the departments selling. There are not so many, in shape, size and material. Rings can be nailed to wooden hangers / hangers / trembles, attached with staples from a stapler, to plastic ones - glued or tied with threads. And that's it, you have a scarf storage device.

The situation with the second device is a little more complicated. You will need a processed board and a dozen or so clothespins. We attach the clothespins to the bar with one side. They can be nailed, screwed, glued. You will also need hinges to fix the structure itself on the wall.

Both home ideas are practical, require a minimum of money and a little time. And evaluate the benefits yourself. Especially in the spring-autumn period, when there are a lot of scarves, shawls, pots on the shelf.

Instead of a bookshelf

- a good thing, but not everywhere they are appropriate, and good copies cost a lot of money. But books have to be stored somewhere. Exit - metal brackets. When installed, the lower book serves as a support for milking 4-5 pieces, which are simply stacked on it.

Book holder - everything ingenious is simple

The disadvantage is obvious - the lower book is not available. The way out is to put the most unpopular or unnecessary down.

Holders for keys and other small items

One of the biggest problems is where to hang the keys so that they can be quickly found, and also instantly hang or take off. One of the good options is a magnetic board, but where to find it is a question. But you can make funny holders from balls for tennis. They are cut to about a third of the diameter. That's all. The holder is ready. It only needs to be fixed somewhere. You can - on the wall with the help of nails, you can attach several pieces on a separate board, and attach the board itself to the wall, cabinet, etc.

Instead of a housekeeper - pretty faces

You can make such a holder for small items in a matter of seconds. Look for tennis balls longer. And to make it even more interesting, eyes are glued to the ball. It turns out to be such a funny smiley.

Basket from a plastic tank and clothespins

The household is full of plastic food containers, but home ideas with them are rare. We found one such option, in which the hero is a liter container of mayonnaise. In principle, any large diameter, low height can will do. Otherwise, the "basket" will be inconvenient to use.

Waste to income - a basket from a plastic can

Using universal glue, glue the container with clothespins. When the glue is dry, cover the surface with varnish or wood oil. We close the inner part with a cover sewn from cotton or linen. We make it a little longer than necessary so that you can hide the unsightly edge behind the lapel.

The handle is made of steel wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm. We bend an arc out of it. At one end we make a loop, in the sidewall with the help of a nail heated on fire, we make two diagonally located holes (one opposite the other). In one hole we pass the formed loop on the handle. Bend the wire on the second side, thread it through the second hole, and then form a loop. We decorate the handle with hemp rope. You can also make decorations for the basket from it. If you know how to weave macrame - great, no - an ordinary braid, woven from several threads, will do.

Stand for a sofa or armchair for cups / glasses / newspapers

Drinking seagulls in your favorite chair is a great idea. But there is nowhere to put a cup, the phone always falls between the seat and the "bylitsy". The armrests of modern models are soft, you can't put anything on them. So smart people came up with a stand for cups / glasses (pictured). An extremely simple and very handy thing. Few home ideas will bring you more enjoyable moments.

You will need three boards with a width of at least 25 cm. They are knocked down in the form of the letter "P" (the connection can be strengthened with the help of carpentry corners). The height of the lintel is a little more than the height of the armrest, the table should protrude no more than 1/3 of the width of the seat, otherwise you simply will not sit in the chair. The structure is placed sideways, the lower part is pushed under the chair. It serves as an emphasis and does not allow the structure to roll over. To be sure, make the lower part much longer than the "table". Also, for mobility, you can install casters, but do not forget that the legs of modern furniture are low and the casters need small ones, and you will have to fix them from the side. Otherwise, the stand will simply not fit under the chair.

Where to hide dog bowls

Dog owners know how challenging it is to find a place for their dog bowls. Dogs living in an apartment or house are usually fed in the kitchen. There they are given bowls. But they are needed for half an hour a day, and then all day they get underfoot on the floor. You can solve the problem, and elegantly. Place the bowls in one of the drawers. Needed - they opened a box, poured food. The feeding is over - the bowls have been washed, put back, the drawer has been pushed back. Everything is perfect and does not bother anyone.

This idea will require a small crate redesign. A small section bar or corner is stuffed around the perimeter. A rectangle of the desired size is cut out of plywood or other sheet material. We cut holes in it under the bowls, then paint (if necessary). That's all, the idea has been implemented. It remains to train pets.

Idea for storing slippers

In any house or apartment with two or more inhabitants, slippers are lost all the time, get confused and disappear somewhere. One of the interesting ideas for solving the problem is these pipes / sneaker holders. Each pair has its own pipe. Order is guaranteed.

The pipes can be stainless steel or cut from large diameter plastic pipes. It will only be necessary to process the cut well - so that it is convenient and beautiful.