Ideas for decorating Easter eggs with children. How to decorate eggs for Easter. Easter eggs painted with fabric

Decorating eggs for Easter is a very old tradition, which has now received a lot of ideas for creativity in this direction. Besides the hassle of baking for Easter, everyone - adults and children - decorates the eggshells in a very friendly manner.

In this article you will find many original ideas and interesting ways to create an exclusive holiday attribute for Easter from an ordinary egg.

To make Easter eggs, you can use a boiled chicken egg, a whole eggshell without white and yolk, or wooden, porcelain or plastic egg-shaped blanks.

History calls for dyeing eggs red. Giving red-dyed eggs for Easter is an ancient custom, dating back to the lives of Mary Magdalene and Emperor Tiberius.

In Christianity, the egg symbolizes the tomb and resurrection, and the red color for Christians means the blood of the crucified Christ. Under the red shell of the egg there is a white protein, which serves as a symbol of the Resurrection and the life of Christ.

There has long been a tradition of preserving donated symbols throughout the year - until the next Holy Sunday. But it turned out to be difficult to comply with it - they are fragile and perishable.

Easter eggs came to the rescue - wooden blanks, beautifully painted and decorated with Christian symbols. Painted eggs were called krashenki.

30 ideas on how to decorate Easter eggs with your own hands

There are a lot of ways and ideas for coloring, because at your fingertips a large number of various materials - paper, paints and fabrics.

In addition, there are a lot of interesting and beautiful ideas already invented by someone, all you have to do is choose and bring your plans to life. Perhaps you will come up with your own way of decorating - unique and original!

It is important to boil the eggs correctly so that the shell remains intact without chips or cracks, because there is still work to be done with it, and therefore damage is unacceptable here. Carefully place the eggs in a bowl, pour warm water at 35-38 degrees so that it completely covers them, and let them stand for a couple of hours. Next, add 1-2 tablespoons of salt to the water, put the dishes on high heat, immediately after boiling, reduce the heat and cook for another 10 minutes.

Coloring eggs with natural dyes

You shouldn’t shy away from coloring eggs with natural dyes the old fashioned way, just as our beloved mothers and grandmothers traditionally painted the shells. After all, nowadays everything natural is in fashion, and therefore we will devote Special attention this way

Of course, for coloring it is better to use eggs in a white shell - the color will be bright and intense

Also, for convenience, you will need a homemade stand, which you can do yourself. To make it you will need toothpicks and a piece of polystyrene foam or thick foam rubber.

The essential onion peel is a familiar component in coloring. Everyone knows that the intensity of the color of the shell depends on the time boiled eggs remain in boiling water with the husks.

For Brown You can also use coffee or tea, since they are always available on the farm, and you don’t have to grind anything. You will get a very beautiful dark brown tint

Beetroot is a great helper in coloring eggs, giving us a pink or crimson color. It all depends on the soaking time. It is recommended to soak the egg in a white shell for 7-8 hours, for example overnight

A bright festive color will be given to you by carrots, from which you will need to squeeze the juice, and then boil the eggs in the resulting solution, leaving it in it for a while for an intense color

As an option for coloring, blueberry or natural grape juice. As a result, you will also get interesting shades of blue and lilac

Spinach, of course, is a somewhat unexpected green vegetable for our latitudes, but if desired, you can find it if you want to get tender green color shells

Red cabbage will give beautiful eggshells Blue colour. Take a couple of heads of red cabbage, chop finely and mix with 500 ml hot water. Leave the eggs in the same bowl with the cabbage for 8 hours, covering the top with film

But turmeric will give a magnificent sunny yellow. First grind the turmeric root (you should get 2-3 tablespoons) and cook until boiling, then cool and place the eggs there. You can use ready-made turmeric powder

If you want to further decorate the eggs after natural coloring, then simply lubricate the surface with vegetable oil - this will add shine and gloss to the painted shell!

You can use many interesting techniques to decorate eggs when dyeing them with natural dyes.

Decoration with plant prints

For example, glue a flower, a sprig or a leaf of parsley or dill to the surface of a white egg, then tighten it into a nylon mesh, lower the workpiece into the paint solution

Stripes on the surface of the shell

To get a pattern of stripes on an egg after dyeing, you need to wrap the surface of the eggs with rubber bands before dyeing

To decorate the surface before painting with dye, you can stick strips, paper figures or stickers (hearts, circles, triangles, diamonds, etc.)

Strips of paper tape will do, or you can use electrical tape.

Coloring Easter eggs in a napkin

The method is not complicated. You will need different paints. The dry egg is wrapped in half a napkin, and using cotton swabs soak it in small spots with paints on top of the napkin, leaving no white spots. Let the napkin dry and carefully remove it - you get very elegant and colorful eggs

Dyeing eggs with threads

With the same success, you can use threads soaked in different colors. They leave mysterious patterns and stripes

Gradually wind the threads onto the white egg, alternating colors and waiting for complete drying after each wrapping.

Gold leaf foiling

They also use gold leaf foiling - very impressive and inexpensive way Easter egg decorations

Easter eggs with degrade effect

For painting you will need multi-colored spray paints and a homemade plasticine stand. Blow out the contents of raw eggs by making two holes on both sides of the egg.

One color is first applied to the surface of the shell. Then, after drying, a second layer of paint is applied. It’s okay if there are some white spots left here and there, this will only add lightness and transparency.

You can add a specific design using rubber bands or thin strips of paper tape.

Easter eggs in colorful threads

You will need eggs and colorful threads. It can be floss, cotton or fine wool. A thread is attached to one end of the egg using tape, glue is applied to the shell, onto which the thread is wound; melange will look better in this decoration technique. Having wound the thread to the middle of the egg, the thread is broken and secured, and they start all over again from the other end.

Easter eggs in lace

The eggs are colored according to the instructions with food coloring, the lace is cut into pieces of the required size and attached to the colored shell using PVA glue

For clever needlewomen, eggs can be crocheted - a difficult and time-consuming job, but the final result is simply amazing

Easter eggs in beads, buttons and sequins

You will need wooden egg blanks, wax or paraffin, and medium-sized beads. The workpiece is dipped into melted wax or paraffin several times until a smooth surface is formed; each layer must be completely dry.

The beads are heated in a candle flame and laid out in patterns according to patterns of your choice - an amazing result

The base is also made - the base surface is covered with fabric, lace or ribbons, then bead embroidery is performed

Weaving with beads according to patterns is undoubtedly a labor-intensive process, but the result is amazing. Elegant, beautiful and very impressive!

Decorate the surface of the egg with buttons in an unexpected and original way. There are two ways to attach them to the surface of the shell: tighten the workpiece with fabric, then sew each button or glue the buttons to the surface with silicone glue

Elegant and brilliant! Of course, sequins! Why not?

Decoupage from napkins

One of the easiest ways to decorate eggs is decoupage. Selected beautiful drawing on a napkin, cut out and glued with PVA glue to the surface of the shell, after which a second layer of glue is applied on top. Wait until the egg is completely dry

In specialized stores for creativity, napkins for decoupage are sold to choose from with a variety of designs and on any theme.

Quilling for decorating Easter eggs

Blanks are made from thin strips of colored paper using the quilling technique and, using PVA glue, they are glued to the surface of the eggs in the order that you have enough imagination for.

As a type of quilling, Easter eggs can be decorated with strips of paper

Easter eggs with mosaic

The eggs are painted in different colors, and the shells of some of them break into pieces of different sizes. They are attached using PVA glue to the surface of whole eggs.

Easter eggs in cereals and pasta

The house always has a supply of various cereals, legumes and seeds. They will be a wonderful material for creativity.

like small pasta

Floral patterns

To make Easter eggs in floral patterns, in addition to food coloring, vinegar, and acrylic paints, you will also need the ability to draw. If you have such talent, then feel free to take the job. Remember that you can always take diagrams and stencils to help

It is very easy and simple to apply the design using bubble wrap. You will need acrylic paint or ordinary thick gouache. We are waiting for the paint of each color to dry completely.

As well as corrugated packaging paper

Crumpled foil in paint will help you!

Cotton thread in paint, folded in several layers, leaves original stripes and stains

Kanzashi technique as an idea for decorating Easter eggs

Such elegant and original Easter masterpieces are made on empty shells, from which the whites and yolks are removed in advance, or on foam blanks. A thin tape is securely attached to one of the edges of the egg using tape or a needle with an eye, then your imagination will help

Decorating eggs using the artichoke technique

This technique is distinguished by special angular folding of ribbons of different colors and their fastening in a certain order using needles on a foam blank. The methods of folding ribbons are also different.

Easter eggs using the Kinusaiga technique

Easter eggs, made using the kinusaiga technique, look especially beautiful and homely thanks to the effect of “patchwork” sewing from cotton or knitwear according to patterns. The colors of the patches are selected in a single color palette, combining the cover into a single composition

The secret is that these crafts are done without a needle.

Shallow cuts are made on the foam base, pieces of fabric are prepared according to patterns

The fabric is applied to the selected area, and its edges are tucked into the cuts.

In this case, the seam joints are hidden with matching braid or tape, masking the connections of the flaps

Decorating eggs for Easter with icing sugar

See what a miracle you can create by applying icing sugar to the surface of the shell. A very concentrated mixture is diluted: 1 protein per 150-200 g of fine powdered sugar

Dyeing with natural silk

You can beautifully dye Easter eggs with natural silk. Perhaps there are unnecessary silk items at home - scarves, ties or sewing scraps. Natural silk will readily share its pattern and paint in boiling water with egg shells. You will need to wrap the egg tightly in the cut natural fabric, tie it tightly with threads and immerse it in boiling water for a long time

Animal theme in Easter eggs

Easter eggs in the shape of various animals look very cute and adorable. On sale in stores you can purchase ready-made kits for decorating eggs for Easter, the idea of ​​which, as a rule, is to combine the decoration with a stand for an Easter egg - practical and convenient

Decoration with dried flowers or branches of living plants

Easter eggs decorated with dried flowers and branches of living plants will look great at Easter. Twigs of plants in decorating Easter eggs are like spring itself - fresh and original! Your guests and loved ones will be pleasantly surprised

The use of dyes is excluded here - naturalness and environmental friendliness are a rising trend today!

A few more options for decorating eggs for Easter

Black and white are always in fashion. Stylish and tasteful!

Easter bunnies using a stencil and colored glitter

Feathers - lightness and grace! You will need feathers and glue

Emojis in an Easter theme - very stylish and modern in the spirit of ubiquitous instant messengers

Group in striped swimsuits with mustaches

Dragon eggs

The starry sky is real space!

Sequins are always bright and impressive!

White Provence with gold

Decorating Easter eggs with colored sand

Black profiles on white - very elegant

Blue and gold are an excellent and elegant color combination when dyeing eggs.

Video. Four easy ways to color eggs for Easter

Making Easter baskets for the holiday with your own hands

Many housewives find time to make chic Easter baskets. Exactly what you need for Easter! The main advantage of such an Easter accessory is the practical storage of Easter eggs and Easter cakes; in addition, it is very beautiful and elegant. You can make one large basket for general storage of holiday attributes for the whole family

Or you can make small baskets for friends and relatives, designed for one Easter cake and several eggs for congratulations

Believe me, your loved ones will be incredibly pleased to receive such a product as a gift from you with congratulations on Easter. A truly thoughtful and sweet gift for Easter Sunday.

Easter baskets and baskets can be made from regular wicker baskets in different sizes. The inside of the bottom can be draped with burlap, cotton fabric, chiffon, or lined with dry grass or hay. You can keep the brown shade of the vine, or you can paint the wicker in the color of your choice. The overall colors are light pastels, decorated with bright flowers and leaves. The basket should be the personification of spring and warmth. Artificial flowers, bows, ribbon flowers, beads and rhinestones, lace and braid will help you.

Easter baskets can also be made from felt - this is an excellent material for working with such products. It is moderately bright, holds its shape well, does not crumble, and is very interesting in finished products.

These unusual Easter baskets can be made from pasta - very creative and not difficult. This shape is achieved by gluing fragments on an inflated hot-air balloon, then the finished workpiece is opened with paint until completely dry

Of course, baskets made of printed fabric with soft toys look very cute and beautiful

Options for beautiful and original Easter baskets

The tradition of painting Easter eggs with your own hands has a centuries-old history. According to legend, Mary Magdalene, having learned about the resurrection of Christ, appeared in Rome to Emperor Tiberius. According to tradition, the emperor was supposed to give gifts, but since Mary Magdalene had nothing but faith in Jesus, she presented him with an egg with the words “Christ is Risen.”

Be sure to check out these recipes:

The emperor considered that a miraculous resurrection was as impossible as turning a white egg into a red one, but before he could finish his sentence, the egg turned bright red. Since then, the egg has been considered a symbol of the miraculous ascension of Christ to heaven, and with it purification.

At Easter, most Russians paint Easter eggs burgundy by boiling them in onion skins. This is the least expensive and easiest way to follow traditions. But to approach this matter more creatively, many people make a herbarium of leaves and plants in advance. And someone has already grown fresh herbs. Let's see how all this can be used to paint Easter eggs with your own hands.

Beautiful DIY Easter eggs

Painted Easter eggs with onion peels with ornament

There is nothing complicated here. Prepare some greenery, leaves, grass, and even something you carved yourself for decoration. Nylon tights that you don’t wear but wanted to throw away, and a thin rope, or vice versa, a thick thread.

We will glue the leaves and other things to the eggs using paste to make sure they don’t move. This is a universal paste recipe that will come in handy when decorating Easter eggs with your own hands and in other ways.

Preparation of paste: For one glass of water, take one heaped teaspoon of starch. Dissolve the starch in a small amount of cold water and pour a glass of boiling water in a stream, stirring all the time. The white starch should turn transparent and thicken. You can put it on the stove and boil for a couple of minutes.

The paste is ready, it will cool down and you can use it. Starch is a food product; jelly and much more are made from it. Therefore, when using starch paste when decorating Easter eggs, do not be afraid of anything, feel free to use it. Next, when decorating the eggs, where the words will be used: glue, glue, grease with glue. So keep in mind that paste is used here.

I'll give you one more hint: Well, you don’t have starch, or you just don’t want to mess with it, you can lubricate the surface with egg white and glue what you want. But, in this case, your art may come off faster. Because the protein solidifies into a film. In a word, it’s up to you to choose how to glue decorations onto Easter eggs with your own hands.

To color eggs in onion peels with ornaments, we naturally take the onion peel itself and a saucepan. We put the husks in it, pour it cold water. To boil eggs, it is advisable to salt the water, since it is impossible to see microcracks on the eggs. Such eggs will simply leak out when boiled, but this will not happen in salt water.

Remove the eggs for coloring and boiling from the refrigerator in advance so that they warm up to room temperature. Take an egg, stick a leaf on it, or whatever you have prepared. We cut off a piece of nylon (tights), carefully tighten the egg with the leaf so that it does not wrinkle, and tie it with thread.

We do this with all the eggs, put them in a saucepan and cook as usual for no more than 10 minutes. I cook for 5-7 minutes, then turn it off and leave the eggs in the husk (they will reach it) so that they gain more color. Then we take it out, remove the stocking, wash the eggs and dry them. They are all ready!

By the way, this same process can be done with food coloring. Just the eggs should already be boiled, don’t forget about it.

Coloring Easter eggs with stains and varying intensities

I think this process of coloring eggs is not difficult, but a little more labor-intensive. First boil the eggs. While they are boiling, we dilute different dyes, in different containers, of course. Place boiled eggs in dyes and color them to the color you want.

Take it out and dry it. Add a teaspoon to the dye container vegetable oil. Again, release the eggs into the dye with the addition of oil. We take it out and blot it paper napkins and at this moment beautiful and unusual stains appear on the eggs.

Another way to color Easter eggs, where the colors will be of different intensities. In containers (preferably in glasses), we dilute food coloring, and add very little water, to begin with. Let go of the boiled egg; only the bottom should be hidden.

Then, as the eggs color, add water all the time. And you get very beautiful stripes, different in color.

And now for those who want to approach the process more creatively, I offer several ideas for decorating Easter eggs with your own hands. To do this, of course, you need to go to the nearest store to purchase what you need. Oh, we'll look for something at home.

Let's go buy paints, brushes, colored paper, permanent markers, multi-colored beads, culinary sprinkles (if you haven’t already bought them for Easter cakes). Various interesting stickers for Easter eggs (in the form of eyes, smiles, different faces), multi-colored napkins, colored threads, elastic bands of different widths, tape (if you don’t have it), gold foil.

Decorating Easter eggs using decoupage

For work, as you understand, we will need: hard-boiled eggs (it is highly desirable that they do not crack, since an egg with cracks, you see, somewhat worsens appearance products). Well, we start creating with decoupage. What is decoupage, I think there is no need to explain?

We take the multi-colored napkins we bought, cut out the designs we like and glue them onto the eggs using paste. Here we give free rein to our imagination and create for our own pleasure. Look how beautiful Easter eggs made with your own hands using decoupage look.

To make the napkin hold tighter, you can coat the egg with varnish. But if you eat it, you don’t need to do this. Just keep in mind for the future, if you want to give someone a gift, you can apply clear varnish to the glued napkin.

DIY Easter eggs

This type of art on Easter eggs, suitable for those who loves and knows how to draw. On the painted egg, first we apply a drawing with a pencil (the subject of the drawing is any), then we take a very thin brush and outline it with paints. Let it dry. And to fix the picture, you can coat it with varnish.

Drawing on Easter eggs with a permanent marker

This type of egg decoration is also more suitable for people who know how to draw. And, I’ll tell you this, it’s not necessary to draw some simple patterns. Draw what you want, the main thing is that you like it.

DIY Easter eggs with patina and gold

Making golden eggs is not difficult. Dilute gold food coloring in water and dip boiled eggs in it. I just think that golden eggs must be on Easter table. Just like in a fairy tale, the hen laid not an ordinary egg, but a golden one...

To create a patina, boiled eggs are first painted with colored dyes. Then we grease it with paste and wrap it tightly in gold foil. Once dry, unwrap it and rub it over the egg with a brush or nail file, revealing the underlying color in places. It turns out a very beautiful color.

Coloring Easter eggs in an interesting pattern

This will require silk material, or not the right tie, which your husband no longer wears, and you are about to throw it away. Do not hurry! This tie will turn Easter eggs into a real masterpiece. Cut the tie into strips, wrap the egg in the front side, and tie. Place to boil in water with vinegar added.

Cool, untie and you will get this beauty.

Coloring Easter eggs with glitter

Sprinkle glitter on newspaper. Spread the boiled egg with paste and roll in glitter, let dry. And, if you wish, you can draw pictures and sprinkle them with glitter. It looks very nice.

Dyeing Easter eggs using lace

We wrap the boiled egg in lace fabric, tie it, let it soak in dye, take it out, wash it, and dry it.

Easy dyeing of Easter eggs with colored threads

It's quite simple here. Carefully wrap multi-colored threads around the eggs, tie the ends, and boil the eggs in water with the addition of vinegar. Then remove everything, wash the eggs, dry and you're done.

DIY Easter egg coloring using tape

This is also not a difficult option for coloring eggs. With your imagination, everything can be done wonderfully. Cut out squares and strips of different lengths and widths from tape, stick them on the eggs as you like and cook in the husks. Or release it into dyes. In this case, you can make multi-colored eggs by changing the shape of the tape and releasing the egg into a different dye. It will be bright, beautiful and interesting!

Color Easter eggs using rubber bands

Wrap a boiled egg with rubber bands, of different thicknesses, and release them into the dye. Then remove the rubber bands, rinse and dry. It turns out not bad.

Do-it-yourself marbled Easter eggs painting

Here, we will not paint the shell, but the egg itself. So if you have eggs that cracked while boiling, don't despair. Now we will color them. Break the shell with a spoon and pour in strong tea leaves or soy sauce. Let it sit for a while, then peel it, and... voila, you have a marbled and very beautiful egg.

We decorate Easter eggs with our own hands with beads

Pour the beads onto a plate or paper. Lubricate the boiled egg with paste and roll the eggs in beads, let them dry. They look very nice.

Decorating Easter eggs with DIY sprinkles

This is the same as in the previous two options. Pour the culinary topping into bowls, coat the eggs with paste, roll in, and let dry. It’s not difficult, but the eggs look very rich and beautiful.

Decorating Easter eggs with seeds and cereals

This is also a very original way to decorate eggs. You will need whatever cereal you have, peas, rice, lentils, beans, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, maybe sesame seeds, vermicelli flowers, etc.

Grease the boiled egg with paste and lay out any ornament from cereals and seeds. Let dry. The results are very original, interesting and beautiful eggs. See for yourself.

By the way, eggs can even be colored with colored sugar. The technique is the same as for beads or culinary sprinkles, just coat a boiled egg with paste and roll it in colored sugar. Simple, fast and beautiful!

How to make colored sugar: Take a thick plastic bag or jar, pour sugar into it, add a drop of dye and shake until all the sand is the same color. That's all! And, this sugar can also be used to decorate confectionery products. For example, whipping cream with colored sugar will be beautiful and festive.

Decorate Easter eggs with your own hands using mosaics

The decorating process is not quick or creative, but it is worth it. The eggs turn out amazing. Here you will need eggshells and definitely multi-colored ones. We lay out different, beautiful ornaments from shells of a different color on the painted eggs. Look what beauty you can make. Glue with paste.

Making DIY crafts from Easter eggs

For such crafts, I suggest inviting children and grandchildren to help you, let them help you with their participation. I think they will agree with great pleasure. Boil and color the eggs, prepare everything you need, various stickers, scissors, markers, pencils, colored paper, paste, and let's get started.

We make colorful bunnies. We cut out ears from colored paper, glue or draw them, eyes, a nose, a mouth. Naughty bunnies, ready!

Cute faces with eye and mouth stickers peeking out from the egg cup.

The same cute ones, but you can draw eyes and a mouth.

Folk style stickers are used for these individuals. Cute.

And these cute little animals are made and glued from colored paper. The eyes are drawn.

I think your children and grandchildren will be very pleased with their results. Of course, this is not everything you can think of to decorate eggs with your own hands. But still, quite a lot of ideas. Take, use, decorate eggs, give joy and kindness to your loved ones.

Well, ending my article, I want to show you a few photos. natural dyes. This is just in case, so that, as they say, it happens. And for those people who use nothing but natural products to decorate Easter eggs with their own hands. Christ is risen!

1 - Beetroot, 2 - hibiscus tea, 3 - spinach, 4 - chokeberry, 5 - blue cabbage, 6 - turmeric

Easter eggs are not just a symbol of the Great Holiday, a tribute to fashion, decoration for the home and a souvenir for friends. Sometimes unusual ideas decorators can turn Easter eggs into a real work of arts and crafts or a visual aid for kids. Still doubt that Easter eggs are capable of more than being painted in onion skins and eaten with salt during a holiday dinner? We hope our selection of ideas will convince you and encourage you to experiment on your own.

How to make original Easter eggs using cereal and paste

Great decoration festive table and eggs rolled in cereal can become an edible gift for relatives. To do this, you need to grease a pre-boiled egg with PVA glue or flour paste (if you intend to eat it), and then sprinkle it with buckwheat, rice or other small grains, you can lay out patterns.

Preparation of paste. Stir 1 heaped tablespoon of flour in water (about 200 g). Place on low heat and stir until the mixture thickens. Boil for about three minutes - the paste is ready.

If you leave a “naked” egg, the kids will be happy to draw or glue eyes, a smile, or a nose on it.

It is better to glue large cereals and legumes with glue; use empty eggs for this (pre-make 2 holes on opposite sides and blow out the contents).

How to decorate Easter eggs using colored paper applique

Die-cut the figures using a hole punch or cut out small linings with scissors and - voila! The Easter egg decoration is ready! It is better to glue with paste (see recipe above).

It is better to fasten volumetric elements or parts made of thick paper using a heat gun or thick PVA glue.

How to decorate Easter eggs with colored twine

Such a souvenir cannot be called edible, but as a decoration it looks bright and festive. The egg is pre-lubricated with glue (in parts, not all at once), and then wrapped with paper twine or thread. You can provide a loop for hanging.

Decoupage Easter eggs

The decoupage technique helps to transfer the design from the napkin to the surface of the egg. The fragments you like need to be carefully cut out or torn out (the torn edge is masked with paint or a new fragment), layered, leaving only the top, brightest layer of the napkin with a pattern, and then decorate the egg using PVA glue diluted with water.

How to make crackle on Easter eggs

Cracks (crackle) will result if you break a pre-boiled egg, but do not remove the shell, but roll it in your hands so that small cracks form. The egg prepared in this way must be dipped in food (!) coloring. You can use a decoction onion peel, nettle leaves, turmeric, vegetable and fruit juices.

How to make smart eggs

If you are smart, use your imagination, and look at familiar things from an unusual angle, you can figure out how to use Easter eggs as visual aids. didactic manual for teaching kids. The child will be able to remember the names of fruits, vegetables, flowers, numbers, etc. in the game, literally in a matter of minutes, while he peels and eats the “smart” Easter egg.

Easter egg decor using quilling technique

The quilling technique has long won the love of needlewomen. Only those with the patience of a carriage and a small cart can spin openwork from thin strips of colored paper, because there is no other way.

How to decorate Easter eggs using knitting

Knitting hats and decorating Easter eggs with running eyes for toys is not difficult, but the effect is simply amazing!

How to decorate eggs with colored outlines

A simple way to decorate Easter eggs is dot painting. In specialized art stores and stationery departments you can buy contours in tubes. With their help it is very convenient to apply neat dots to any surface.

Painting eggs with markers (felt-tip pens)

Black and white always looks stylish. Give your child a marker and let him be as creative as he likes.

If you make a stencil in advance, you can get a clear image. As an option, stick figures made of black paper.

Dear readers, you probably have your own, no less interesting, ideas for decorating Easter eggs. Tell us how you paint eggs for Easter, what souvenirs you make from them.

The tradition of decorating eggs for Easter with your own hands dates back to ancient times. The culture of Easter eggs is widely known, when various signs and symbols were depicted on them, bringing happiness and eliminating evil forces. Currently, there are many materials and options for decorating the Easter symbol. These are paints, lace, natural ingredients and even paper.

Decorating eggs and pysanka culture

Why did the ancients choose the egg as a symbol of Easter? This is due to the fact that in those days people considered it a miracle that a living creature hatched from them. It seems to contain the whole world.

Easter eggs were prepared in advance for some holidays, but mostly they were given as gifts during Easter. Both natural eggs and a dummy made of wood, plaster, etc. could be used as a basis for it. Special signs were applied to the pysanka, which helped protect the family and home from the effects of negative energy. In most cases, these are dots, dashes, circles, and floral patterns.

Usually pysanky were kept in the red corner next to the icons. Gradually the protein in them dried out, and then they were replaced with new ones after Easter. The old eggs were not thrown away, but buried near the house in a place where people do not walk. Naturally, pysanka was a decorative gift and was not eaten. They ate dyed eggs - ordinary colored eggs with simple decoration.

Currently, there is a wide variety of materials for decoration. Eggs decorate lace fabrics, paints, paper, natural ingredients (grains, grass, onion peel decoction, etc.).

It was customary to prepare the Easter symbol for the holiday with the whole family, everyone made their contribution to the preparation for this bright religious holiday.

Ideas for decorating eggs for Easter

There are a large number of options for decorating eggs for Easter. Everyone can decorate the Easter symbol as they like. Here are the most popular options for creating paints. It is not necessary to follow them exactly; everyone can create something of their own.

A simple decoration option. All you have to do is buy beautiful stickers and apply them to pre-boiled eggs. You can also use a colored felt-tip pen or marker to make the sticker drawings look more interesting. It is better to use white blanks, since the stickers on them look more interesting. IN in this case, the egg displays marine motifs.

In this version of making eggs, they turn out to be a little New Year's. To prevent them from deteriorating over time, it is necessary to remove the “filling” from them - the white and the yolk. Then, as shown in the picture, coat them with glue and roll them in glitter. They can be the most different shades, whichever ones you like. Can be used not only chicken eggs, but also goose and quail. In an Easter basket, a variety of egg shapes and colors will look unusual.

A nice option for decorating with paint and paper. The eggs need to be boiled in advance, then painted with matte paint that will have good adhesion to glue and paper. You can cut out the flowers yourself, or you can purchase ready-made ones from a scrapbooking store. After painting, the blanks must dry, only then you need to glue paper decorations onto them, so as not to look sloppy, try to maintain an equal distance between the flowers.

Even Small child. To do this, we need multi-colored sugar sprinkles for Easter cakes and pies, and paste. Coat pre-boiled eggs with paste and roll thoroughly in sprinkles. Then let them dry a little. You can use a variety of sprinkles. It comes not only in the form of small peas, but also in the form of stars, rings, etc. This way the craft will turn out to be more interesting and non-standard.

These beautiful Easter eggs are made using the decoupage method. To make them we will need paste, a brush and special napkins for decoupage. They differ from ordinary ones in that they have a softer texture and are distributed more evenly over the workpiece. From corn starch you need to prepare a paste, then apply it to the egg, and carefully stick the napkin with a brush. Then you need to apply varnish on top to fix the pattern and let the craft dry, for this it is necessary that they are in a vertical position.

An excellent option for decorating with decorative multi-colored ribbons. They must be wrapped tightly around the egg and secured at the top with thread or glue. The bow on top can be decorated with beads, multi-colored stones or sparkles. Stands are purchased at specialized art stores.

This is a fairly simple option. We will need food coloring, paints and colored stickers. First, you need to boil the eggs, then dip them while still warm in pre-diluted food coloring, and then apply paint or stickers to your liking.

A beautiful, but labor-intensive option for creating paint. Decorated Easter eggs look very festive in their lace bags. To create such a decor, you need time and special patterns for knitting lace. Often such Easter eggs are presented to family and friends. Such eggs can also be seen at exhibitions.

Another option for creating a lace egg bag along with a knitting pattern. You can choose any one you like, and also make your own rationalization changes to existing schemes.

Non-standard decoration option. It is somewhat reminiscent of decorating using decoupage. It is necessary to cut the pages of old magazines into thin strips, then boil the paste, apply it to the egg, and glue these strips using a brush or soft cloth. After the blanks have dried, they can be decorated with lace ribbons, decorative pendants, etc. In order for the Easter symbol to be varied, with this decoration option, use clippings from different magazines, maybe even foreign ones. Use only the font, do not touch the pictures.

An interesting way to decorate eggs. Here you can show all your imagination. For this, colors and the desire to create are enough. You can put a floral ornament on the shell, you can depict animals and birds on them, houses - whatever your heart desires. In order for the design to last longer, you can cover the workpiece with a layer of varnish on top.

Here, you first need to dip the eggs in food coloring, dry them, and then glue paper tape with a flower onto the shell. You can purchase it at any scrapbooking store or make it yourself. Hand-made, such flowers will look even more interesting.

Each egg can be used to make an individual gift. To do this, it is wrapped in multi-colored fabric or paper and tied with a ribbon on top. You can improvise and put something else in the package besides the egg, such as candy or soft toy.

Easter eggs are painted not only with a brush, but also with a toothpick. Interesting flowers and patterns come out. You can mix paints using a plastic plate as a palette. After applying the pattern, the egg should dry on a stand, it can be anything, for example, cardboard sleeve.

Another interesting option. For these purposes, you can use not only ribbons and woven flowers, but also rhinestones and beads. These eggs look very festive and original. However, you should not use too many accessories, otherwise they will look sloppy.

A modern decoration option. It is somewhat labor intensive, but the eggs come out beautiful and shiny. They can even be called a little glamorous. This decorative option will add variety to your Easter basket. The most common rhinestones are used. They are lubricated with special glue and left to dry for some time. The shell can be decorated either half or entirely. It cannot be eaten in the future, since toxic substances from the glue penetrate through the shell into the white and yolk.

A simple way to decorate eggs for Easter. It is enough to boil them and “dress” them in lace. You can try different combinations. It can be brown with white lace or white with black lace. You can paint the shell some interesting color. You can buy a wide variety of lace at any sewing store. You can also tie it yourself, but it will be more labor intensive.

The original way. It is rare because it is very labor intensive. This technique is called quilling. Thin strips of paper are twisted into some patterns and then glued on top of the shell. You can lay out any interesting ornament you like. However, you will have to work hard. It is better to use paste to glue curled paper.

A fun decoration option. It’s good to paint testicles with your child, it will be even more interesting. You can come up with any face or any cartoon character and apply it to the egg. For this coloring, markers or felt-tip pens are used. The testicles, if desired, are stained before painting. You can also create a design simply by wrapping the egg with threads, strips of paper, or applying a specific pattern.

The option of decorating eggs with natural ingredients looks very unusual, even somewhat oriental. For these purposes, you can use the grains of a wide variety of plants - rice, beans, peas, sesame, millet, seeds, etc. Most importantly, this method of decoration is one of the least harmful and interesting. If there is a limited number of cereal options available, then you can get out of the situation by coloring them. For these purposes, you can use food coloring.

You can also use eggs to create various characters from your favorite cartoons. It is enough to cut out interesting figures from paper and stick them on the shell, as shown in the figure.

Where did the tradition of decorating eggs for Easter with your own hands come from, and why are they used? The egg itself symbolizes the origin of life; many esotericists associate the creation of the world with it. The ancients believed that the emergence of a living creature from a “non-living” egg was a miracle. Since it carries life, in order to add symbolism, it was decorated in every possible way, turning into paint. Over time, decoration options become more and more interesting and original, which is associated with the emergence of various new techniques.

Easter is the brightest, quietest and most comfortable holiday. There are no noisy, incendiary parties on Easter; it should be spent at home, with your family, next to your loved ones. And to create the mood happy holiday and to please loved ones, especially children, on Easter it is customary to prepare special Easter dishes and paint eggs. Decorating Easter eggs with your own hands is great way have a fun time. the site offers you original, fresh, bright ideas for decorating Easter eggs with your own hands. Let your family have a beautiful holiday!

Colors are the first thing that comes to mind when we want to decorate Easter eggs. Not everyone has artistic talent, but with a little tricks anyone can achieve great results. For example, if you add a little vegetable oil to a regular paint solution, the paint will lie unevenly, with intricate marble patterns. You can repeat this trick several times from light to dark paint and get a very interesting texture.

Decorating Easter eggs with your own hands from different shades of the same color is always beautiful and elegant. Dilute one paint in different containers of different saturations and draw shapes on the eggs: stripes, polka dots, flowers. A few eggs can be painted entirely and some accents of a different color can be added, such as a bright butterfly or flower.

If you don’t want to bother with dyes, you can get by with just one marker or felt-tip pen. With a steady hand, draw simple shapes on the white, thoroughly washed eggs: stars, drops, flowers. It will turn out discreet and stylish.

Minimalism doesn't have to be strict. If you use a bright red color, then even the simplest pattern will be bright and cheerful: with white dots - fly agarics, with black dots - ladybugs.

The following methods of decorating Easter eggs are suitable for needlewomen who have a supply of various materials for needlework at home: fabric, ribbons, felt, quilling paper and other interesting things.

By cutting out ears from paper or felt, Easter eggs can be turned into cute bunnies.

And in order for the eggs to turn into chickens, in addition to felt or paper, you will need thick colored threads or braid, which you can simply wrap around the eggs, smeared with glue.

You can make it from colored felt or thick fabric decorative eggs or cute bags-cases for real eggs. This would be a great activity for kids and a cute gift for grandmas.

If time is short, a small piece of colored fabric will be enough to decorate eggs for Easter: you can cut out hearts, flowers or stars from it and stick it on brown, undyed eggs.

Quilling is a craft that turns strips of paper into masterpieces. Decorating the entire surface of an egg using the quilling technique is very difficult, but anyone can make a few simple curls or flowers.

The decoupage technique is usually used to decorate boxes and other wooden crafts, but it’s also suitable for Easter eggs. Decoupage eggs are a great way to make your Easter basket unique. You will need special napkins with a small pattern, which need to be fixed to the surface of the egg with water, and then covered with paste and dried.

Decorating Easter eggs with your own hands gives children an unforgettable experience and helps them develop Creative skills. In addition, self-decorated eggs are a versatile, inexpensive gift.