Congratulations on the upcoming Easter in your own words. Congratulations! Happy Easter! Happy Easter

deadbonzay 04/11/2015 - 10:35 pm

Happy Easter, I congratulate all members of the forum!
And on the eve of the holiday, I wish

Health, and good luck in business.

grishasobr 11.04.2015 - 22:44

Mutually! All with the great and happy holiday!

deadbonzay 04/12/2015 - 07:36

Mutually! All with a great and bright holiday!

Resurrected in truth!

Alexander661 04/12/2015 - 09:31

I join in the congratulations.

Hunter07 12.04.2015 - 10:52

In Truth Risen !!! Happy Holidays, Friends !!!

cosmos71 04/12/2015 - 11:00

God bless you, Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Peace to your home!
Health to you and your loved ones !!!

demon-v 04/12/2015 - 11:04

Thanks!!! Happy Holidays !!! Truly Risen !!!

glory72 12.04.2015 - 11:44

Truly Risen!

Microbik 12.04.2015 - 13:04

Thank you. Truly Risen!

Finik saratov 04/12/2015 - 13:12

Truly Risen! All forum users the best)

Roman_1974 04/12/2015 - 14:31

The Bright Resurrection of Christ is a holiday of humanity, when we forget about the bitterness and bitterness in our souls.
Happy Holidays !!!
Christ is Risen!

korvettenkapitan 12.04.2015 - 14:33

So that things will get better by Easter,
So that in the shower everything is easy, in the house it is tasty and clean.
Health, and good luck in business.
Through your mouth ... to all of us! Christ is Risen!

I am a simple person. Rum, pork belly and scrambled eggs are all I need. What should you call me? Call just the captain. (C) R.L. Stevenson "Treasure Island"

Alamat 12.04.2015 - 15:39

The Lord has given us the right to make mistakes and draw conclusions from unlearned lessons, to be deceived in our expectations and to be deceived because of belief in the best, - by reality ...
The Lord has given us the ability to experience ... and we ourselves must comprehend what conclusions to draw from all this and how to act ...
Save God, we say, thanks for the good deed, regarding our "I" ....
Christ is Risen, for it is for this that he suffered, atoning for our Guilt and Sins!
Truly Risen! ... if WE began to realize this feat ...
Peace and love !!!

serg1969 04/12/2015 - 20:37

I do not want to offend the feelings of the believers here, but I think very few people have read the Gospel, and even more so the whole Bible, in order to understand this issue. But the Gospel describes the fact that Christ was killed on Easter, but not as he was not resurrected on her, but was resurrected from only on the third day after Easter, and this happened after lunar calendar and not according to the sun, as it is now noted. It is interesting that people celebrating the holidays do not think about their true nature. But if we are talking about religious holidays, then it is very important to figure out whether they should be celebrated or not. Because communication with relatives and friends is certainly good, but a religious holiday should not be just an occasion to meet. Here is some information about Easter. Who cares let them read.
1. Easter was a holiday primarily for Jews. Literally, Passover is translated from Hebrew as "to pass by." This holiday symbolized the exit of the Jews from Egyptian slavery around 1513 BC. The Jews had to perform a certain rite so that the tenth execution of Moses would not affect his people. This is recorded in the Bible - Exodus 12 chapter. Further, Leviticus 23: 5 instructs Israel to celebrate Passover annually.
2. In the Christian world, Easter is celebrated because it was during its celebration that Jesus Christ was executed by the Jews. But what did Christ himself say about this? The Gospels describe how Jesus on Nisan 14 (according to the Hebrew calendar) celebrated the last Passover, and then commanded his apostles (later all Christians). Check in Luke 22: 14-20 (especially at 19). Note that there is no mention of bunnies, Easter eggs, and rolls. Where it all came from, read on:
3. The origin of Easter The book "Medieval Holidays and Festivals" says that in many languages ​​"this holiday is named after Eostra (all names are pronounced in different nations - in different ways, like the Jewish Messiah - in Greek - Christ), the pagan goddess of the morning dawn and spring. " What kind of goddess was that? We will find the answer in the book "The American Book of Days": "According to legend, it was Eostra who opened the gates of Valhalla to admit there Balder, who was called the White God for his purity and the God of the Sun for the fact that his forehead shone light for humanity. " The book adds: “There is no doubt that at the dawn of its history, the church borrowed ancient pagan customs and gave them a Christian meaning. the message they preached. " This borrowing explains where, in some countries, Easter attributes such as Easter eggs, easter bunny and hot buns decorated with a glaze cross. Regarding the custom of baking buns "with a shiny toasted crust, decorated with ... a cross" in the book "Easter and Its Customs" it says: "The cross was a pagan symbol long before it acquired the eternal meaning of a tool execution of the Lord, connected with the events of Good Friday, and even in pre-Christian times, bread and pies were sometimes decorated with a cross. " In our Slavic homeland, it is considered correct to put an Easter bun on the grass, next to several eggs and "consecrate" with water. But what does the topper of a roll of white sugar, eggs and grass remind you of? Is it not a male genital organ? This is how our pagan ancestors, the Slavs, celebrated a holiday dedicated to fertility before the arrival of Christianity in our lands. Nowhere in the Holy Scriptures do we find any mention of these customs, or the fact that they were observed by the first disciples of Jesus. Indeed, the Apostle Peter urges us to "love the pure milk of the word, so that from it we may grow to salvation" (1 Peter 2: 2). So why did the churches of Christendom introduce such clearly pagan symbols into their beliefs and practices? This question is answered in Curiosities of Popular Customs: “The unchanging course of the early church was to give Christian meaning to those surviving pagan practices that could not be eradicated. On Easter, this transformation was especially easy. The joy from the rising of the sun and from the awakening of nature after hibernation turned into joy from the rising of the Sun of righteousness, from the resurrection of Christ from the dead. Some pagan rituals held around May 1 were also changed, and they were now consistent with the celebration Easter ". Instead of avoiding popular pagan customs and magic rituals, the religious leaders turned a blind eye to them and gave them a "Christian meaning." "But what's wrong with that?" - you might be surprised. Some believe nothing. "When a religion such as Christianity is implanted outside the people, it borrows and" blesses "some folk customs, inherent in the more ancient religion of this people, says the Anglican priest Alan W. Watts in his book Easter-Its Story and Meaning. seemingly the same eternal principles that the Church teaches. "To accept such rites, many people just need to know that their church has legalized these rites and treats them as sacred. However, important questions are overlooked. to such customs? Does he give us any guidance on this? Finding out God's point of view "The Day of Easter, the Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord is the greatest holiday of the Christian Church," said Christina Hole in her book Easter and Easter Customs. Other authors agree with her. ”Robert J. Myers notes in his book“ Celebrations ”:“ No other holy day or holiday of the Christian year can compare in importance with Easter Sunday. ”But this raises some questions. If the celebration of the Christian Passover is so important, why isn't the Bible explicitly instructed to do so? Is there any report that the early disciples of Jesus celebrated Easter Sunday? The Bible is not silent on what we should celebrate and what not. God was very specific when he spoke of this to the ancient people of Israel, and, as noted earlier, Christians were clearly commanded to continue to observe the Memorial of Christ's death (1 Corinthians 11: 23-26; Colossians 2:16, 17). One of the earliest editions of The Encyclopdia Britannica states: “Neither the New Testament nor the scriptures of the holy church fathers mention the celebration of Christian Easter. holidays was alien to the first Christians. [...] Neither the Lord nor his apostles commanded the observance of this or any other feast. ”Some believe that the joy that reigns at such feasts, and the joy they bring, are sufficient justification to observe them. we can learn a lesson from what happened when the Israelites borrowed the Egyptian religious rite and renamed it “the feast of the Lord.” The people also “sat down ... to eat and drink, and then stood up to play.” But their actions caused very strong anger from God and he severely punished the Israelites. (Exodus 32: 1-10, 25-28, 35) God's word is very accurate. The "light" of true beliefs cannot have anything to do with the "darkness" of the satanic world; there can be no "agreement" between Christ and pagan worship. We are told: "Therefore come out from among them and separate yourself, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you." , but only the Lord's Supper - remembrance of the death of the Lord Jesus and Christ, therefore, it is precisely her that needs to be celebrated. Modern Easter has pagan origins. It is not at all in honor of the resurrection of Christ. This is a pagan cult in disguise.

mammoth71 04/12/2015 - 21:42

Truly Risen!

shuldluck 04/12/2015 - 21:47

Christ is Risen, brothers.
deadbonzay - God save for nice words and congratulations.

Jagder 04/12/2015 - 21:54

Sasha Repkin 12.04.2015 - 21:55

Truly Risen!

STK113 12.04.2015 - 23:55

Truly Risen !!!

serg1969 04/13/2015 - 08:58

The meaning of the word fool: Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal

foolish man, dumb, stupid, incomprehensible, reckless.

Insane, insane,
But if I'm a fool and don't understand anything, then who are these people in your opinion?

On the street people are asked "What is Easter?"

"How many people have become believers just because it relieves them of the need to think. - They want to take everything on faith."

This means that most believers do not think why they believe in this or that and whether there is a basis for their belief. Unsurprisingly, religion has become one of the topics that many are reluctant to discuss.

However, these same people, who are not concerned about the correctness of their religious beliefs, often think carefully about issues related to various daily activities. Indeed, it seems strange that before buying a car (which eventually ends up in a landfill), or a thing on this forum, a person thoroughly inquires about it, reads and reviews, and says about his religion: “Since my parents believed it, then I will

I have never read the Gospel or the Bible, but I am very religious! I have never studied at the medical school but I am an experienced surgeon!

FANATISM - an unshakable and alternative-rejecting adherence to certain beliefs. Devotion to the idea is combined with intolerance towards dissidents, disregard for ethical standards, (from Lat. Fanaticus - frenzied) 1. Passionate devotion to one's convictions, combined with extreme intolerance towards other people's views and aspirations. 2. In religion - blighted devotion to one's faith and intolerance of other beliefs.

Why spoil the mood of people on such a day, and sow discord, preach elsewhere, no offense.
Yes, many do not even know what they are celebrating! What can be clearly seen from the video on YouTube, and it is not the only one and not in one place. I already wrote that I did not want to offend anyone, and even more so to sow discord. And what will share the information with us already a crime? or can we not perceive information differently from what is usual for us?
In the Bible, there are these words in the letter of the apostle Paul to Timothy in 4 chapters 3 and 4 verses:
3 The time will come when they will be intolerant of sound doctrine, but they will, according to their desires, recruit teachers who would flatter their ears. 4They will stop listening to the truth and turn to fables.

And here are the words of Christ himself in the Gospel of Matthew 15 chapter from 6-9 verses:

By doing so, you have canceled the word of God for the sake of your tradition. 7 You hypocrites, Isaiah truly prophesied about you when he said: 8 "This people honor me with their lips, but their heart is removed from me. 9 In vain they worship me, because their teachings are only human commandments."

Glory to the Heroes 04/13/2015 - 09:20

A video from YouTube, judging without predilections, cognitive ...

STK113 04/13/2015 - 09:28

serg1969, Listen, but you won't get away if you consider yourself smart,
quietly, peacefully retire, and you do not need to quote the Bible to understand something, it is not enough to be well-read, you take on too much,
Moreover, you are trying to impose your point of view on others

And what will share the information with us already a crime?
your information is not relevant or interesting, you don’t just share it,
and you are brazenly trying to say that everyone around is fools, you alone are Dartanyan, further polemics are meaningless, they will not lead to anything good, they wanted to speak out, spoke up, stop already.

STK113 04/13/2015 - 10:11

What can be clearly seen from the video on YouTube,
Well, they killed it altogether (they found someone to ask, young people don't need anything at all, not everyone, of course), if you ask the same people, any other question, from any sphere, they also won't answer, cite this as an example ... ...,
here on the forum, for a rag they will immediately shower with slippers, if someone does not know something,
we are all different, and the level of knowledge among people is also different,
no need to scratch one size fits all,
Orthodoxy at all times does not give rest to everyone, because Russia only rests on it.

Dr-Pauls 04/13/2015 - 11:17

I have never read the Gospel or the Bible, but very much a believer! I have never studied at the medical school but I am an experienced surgeon!
You can also believe in different ways, and in different ways ... and for this it is not necessary to read the Gospel or the Bible. But when you have not read either one or the other, you begin to quote them .... it reminds me "I have not read, but I condemn!"))
Yes, you can graduate (also in different ways) and two medical schools, but never become a good doctor, but a good doctor must have a higher medical education (all this, of course, IMHO)!
And as for information - I think all members of the forum know how to use the Internet, and will perfectly be able to find the information of interest on their own, if necessary. They'll be no more stupid than you!)

vadims36 04/13/2015 - 18:37

Save me, God! I join in the congratulations of your namesake of the world of love and patience. As it is said in the Gospel, bear each other's infirmities

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Looking for Happy Easter greetings? Visit us! Fani-Hani presents a selection of beautiful and cool congratulations Happy Easter. Choose the greeting you like and congratulate the person in SMS. Or write out a verse on beautiful postcard and give it in person, with a gift. Also, our congratulatory verses can be used as a toast at a holiday. After all, they contain the most sincere and warm words of congratulations for your family and friends.


Happy Easter Divine
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
And I wish that in peace and joy
You have lived long and happy.

May the guardian angel keep you,
Protecting from troubles and hardships.
There will be a Savior in everyone's heart
And it will bring calmness to the house.


I wish you a lot of happiness
To give life bright colors
To completely bad weather!

May the Lord send health
And will support good deeds,
May everything in your life be enough
So that she only brings joy!


Light and joyful holiday on the doorstep, congratulations on the upcoming Easter! May the heart lose its grievances and sorrow on this day, may all worries leave the soul. I wish you family well-being, love, understanding, health, fidelity, reverence in society, God's help in good deeds and deeds, good luck and prosperity.


Happy Easter,
Strong health, love and happiness!
Family welfare and warmth,
We wish you sincerity, peace and goodness.

Friends so that you can be reliable
And after years you have kept this connection.
Always let the angel protect you,
He cares, preserves, helps in life.


Easter is coming soon
We will be celebrating.
In Christ's Resurrection
I hasten to wish you:

Let them reign in your house
Love and kindness.
And bless you
And always happy!

Happy Easter Poems


Happy Holidays everyone! Happy Easter everyone!
Let it be Solar and joyful, clear.
We wish you good luck, peace and goodness.
We wish you a nice, bright day.
Let the day be bright, let the day be cheerful.
We congratulate you! Christ is risen!


Happy Easter
I would like to congratulate you.
That in life there was
Places for loneliness

To be protected
Heavenly angels
For People to surround
Nice and honest!

May on Lord's Sunday
The good will come to you,
And may there be a miracle in life
Suddenly it will happen.


Soon a miracle will knock on the house
And the heart will be warm.
Everything will become more magical as if
So beautiful and so light.

Happy Easter!
New joys and goodness!
Let the fire in the soul not go out
May life always make you happy!

May the world be better today
And it will remain like this -
Peaceful, kind, saving souls,
All that gives what we want.

Take care of your loved ones and friends,
Warm up with your warmth.
Keep this holiday in your soul -
And all the evil will be in vain.


May Easter give kindness and warmth,
So that every moment is full of miracles
So that your heart blooms with happiness,
When will you understand that Christ has already risen!

I wish you success, only sunny days,
Great love and health of steel!
May all desires come true soon
Through faith in our God!


Happy Easter coming to you people
May you have happiness all the time,
The heart is good and wisdom and patience,
Regret for the deed of fools!

And striving for Divine love,
Inspiration, luck and skill,
On the feast of the resurrection of Christ,
Everyone who is sick suddenly became healthy!

And they would open their hearts to God,
They returned their views to the sky together,
So that faith in the heart descends
And forever I found housing in it!

Sincere wishes for the upcoming Easter


Soon Easter will come to us
Good will bring us a lot,
Testicles, delicious cakes
And the sea of ​​bright, clear days!

I wish you peace, warmth,
To make life beautiful
For the Lord to bless you
And he gave a lot of happiness!


Happy Resurrection of Christ -
By the bright miracle of Easter, approaching.
I wish you to be cleansed of your soul,
Find the mood in thoughts and deeds
For love, kindness and mercy.
May the Lord send a blessing.
To enter every home with love
The main thing for all of us is celebration.


Easter is in a hurry to visit us,
He tells everyone to get ready!
Clean up the house faster
You bake the belt,
Cleanse your heart, soul
And greet the sacred day!
May the Lord give goodness
Happiness and joy to everyone!


Happy Easter!
This is a generous, stunning holiday.
Open the doors to your souls,
Kindness, love, drop it as soon as possible.

Offer a prayer to the Lord,
And sit down at the table with your family nourishing,
The aroma of butter cakes
Invite guests into your house.

Let it sound everywhere: `` Christ is risen '',
From earth to heaven.
Orthodox people rejoice,
And the faces shine here and there!


Happy Easter
I already want to congratulate.
There will be only joy in the heart
And a healthy family.

On a great and blessed day
I wish you well.
To have faith in your souls
She was real.

With the first bell of the bell tower
Let the bad weather go away.
And their place is only good luck
And let the successes take.

Funny congratulations on the upcoming Easter in verse


Happy Easter
I congratulate you with all my heart,
Let the spring birds chirp
Disclosing the coming of Christ.

May Your way in this rebellious world
Will be kept by God from bad weather,
And the Easter service will give
Grace and great happiness!


Happy Easter
I sincerely congratulate you.
Peace, light, kindness
I wish you a spring day.

Revival and strength to you,
Let the thrill touch the heart
May hope not leave
Let faith drive away the sadness.


Happy Easter!
Live happily
Do not get sick and do not swear,
Be kinder to try!

Let all Christ Christ
On a bright holiday on Earth,
Peace and joy will come to the house,
All bad things will take away!


So Easter is coming.
Holiday, happiness brings you closer.
Let's bake a cake, an egg
We will prepare the painted one.
We will expand and wash everything.
Let's call the angels into the house,
We will happily live in it.
About health and peace
We will send a request to the Lord.
He will open the gates for us
And will support and save.
And a blessing to all of us
Will definitely bring.


Orthodox, light joyful
The holiday will come to us soon.
Prepares carefully for it
All joyful people.

Let everyone in the house rub themselves
Let the cakes be baked
And, of course, the eggs are painted,
Singing sounds in the church.

I wish to meet joyfully
With a gracious soul
Easter holiday is bright, merciful,
With depth and kindness!

Funny, funny and comic congratulations on the upcoming Easter


Let bright thoughts enter your soul,
Disperse heart chips and cold,
And warm joy warms you a little,
And the sun looks tenderly out the window.
May your prayers be resurrected with the Lord,
Life will become calm without evil and struggle.


Happy you
Happy Easter
To meet her with faith in my heart
I wish you.

I wish that Happy Easter
Kindness has returned to the world
The heart was filled with happiness
With the Resurrection of Christ.

The whole world sounds on Easter
Let the words: "Christ is risen!"
Will echo in our souls
Blessing of heaven.


Easter of light is coming,
He brings happiness to every home
Laughter, smiles, mood,
A sea of ​​"colors", impressions!

Bells will be heard ringing
Many joyful, pleasant words,
Every believer will visit the Temple,
After all, "Jesus is risen!" and he knows about it!

Happy Easter bright,
Warmed by the charm of the soul,
By the tenderness of Church warmth ...
Easter is waiting for the arrival of the celebration!


The eggs are already covered with bright paint,
And a baked, fluffy, fresh cake!
Happy upcoming joyful Easter,
Let the bird cry fly over the ground

Let the flowers bloom gently
Peace will reign in good hearts
I dedicate these lines to you,
To make a smile bloom on your lips!


Happy Easter! Happiness and kindness.
So that life always blooms.
Light, kind colors and spring notes.
May luck open the door for you.

We all remember a miracle of miracles,
On this day, Easter Jesus was resurrected!
May the Angel of the Lord keep you everywhere,
The holy light from heaven will transform life.


Easter is coming soon
May she dispel the grief
Let the grievances disperse everything
Anger will not touch the soul.

May God support you in everything
And Hope will not disappear.
Let the sorrow dissipate
Look into the distance with joy.


Soon Easter will come to us,
Celebration of Holy Sunday!
May the Lord keep from all adversity,
And let inspiration reign in your soul.

Faith grows stronger, of course, yours,
Love will reign everywhere.
Let there be more warmth around
There will be life like a miracle.


May bright Easter come to your house,
To bring you a lot of good
To fill the heart with warmth
To make life more beautiful than yesterday!

May God send you happiness and joy,
Steel health, strength and luck,
May your income grow constantly
I wish you to become richer!


On the eve of a bright Easter, I wish you
Wealth, success and a lot of health,
May the blue dream come true
And the heart will be filled with light love!

I wish you smiles, warmth and fun,
For happiness to cover you with your head
May together with Christ's good Resurrection
Only good will your house be full!


Cheer up people and rejoice
Soon a good and holy holiday,
Sunday, our bright holiday,
Let it pour into the soul like a river!

All diseases, sorrows will be forgotten
Let the sorrows go far!
All dreams and plans will come true soon
May good luck enter your home easily!


On the eve of Christ's Resurrection
I wish you health, happiness.
Let the healing warmth, spring
All grief and bad weather will melt.

May God bless all beginnings
Harmony and joy reign in the family.
Let life sparkle with a new facet
So that there is no room for boredom at all.


Happy Easter
I want to congratulate you
Christ's resurrection
We will praise the whole world.

May they open on Easter
Heaven gate
And in souls it will be reborn
Faith in Christ.

Easter, Easter
May it bring us good
Divine miracle
The Orthodox world is waiting.


Happy New Years
I want a great holiday.
Bright Easter is coming
Throw the sadness out of your heart.

I wish to meet with honor
This is the Resurrection,
May the holiday bring clean
Happiness, rebirth.


Happy Easter! May the Lord protect from troubles, bless for good deeds, protect from bad. Let Easter gather all relatives at one table and delight you with its sweetness. So that everyone has light in their hearts on the holiday, purely and joyfully.


Happy Easter,
Peace and prosperity to you,
May the Lord protect
From temper and drama.

May a beautiful, bright holiday
Will bring joy in the soul,
May your cake be delicious
Let the sadness not take.


Easter is coming soon, have you forgotten?
After all, you have already forgiven everyone,
And we fasted as it should,
And prayed until you drop?

Means you are already ready
Soon to celebrate the New holiday,
A holiday of light and warmth.
Easter - here it is!


Happy Easter
I want to congratulate.
Resurrection of Christ
To glorify the whole world.

May this holiday be wonderful
Will bring peace and joy
Great Grace of God
It will cover you from worries.

Let your cake be tasty,
The whole family will gather
Kiss everyone three times
A wonderful day from me.


Easter light will come
And drive away sadness from the heart.
What congratulations today
Let everything be fine!

The house will be filled with kindness
More words will be spoken
About love, soul and peace,
To value your life!

Didn't hurt, didn't get bored,
Promises have been fulfilled
Let life be good
Happy coming, hurray!


Don't be sad, smile
Have fun from the heart
Our Easter is coming
We are waiting for great joy!

We want to congratulate everyone now
With the Resurrection of Christ,
Be happy, dear ones,
And live up to a hundred years.


We are fasting for now
We strive to become stronger in spirit,
So that with a bright soul
Meet the holiday dear.

We will get up soon in the morning
And we will understand - it's time
Hug, kiss,
Happy new Easter!

Beautiful greetings for the upcoming Easter


In honor of the coming Easter I want to wish
So that from this time on, without fail
You, every day, over and over again
Only those who attended the moments
That give love and prosperity to the family,
The hearth is warmed
Harmony of body with your soul
They store, obviously multiply.


The Lord was born among us and lived
As a child, he taught others
And the land is full of his wisdom,
For many, it will not open ...

Came to earth to die
Misunderstanding, pain, the need to endure,
Teach people how to live honestly,
And not to yourself, to serve others all your life!

We cannot yet realize
What is God's grace
That we sin, and he dies -
Praying for us, he gave out the last groan!


Happy Easter
I wish you happiness
And good now.

May you resurrection
Will bring love
In the souls of your families -
Joy and serenity.


Happy Easter
We congratulate you,
Let's say Christ is Risen,
We wish you happiness
We will treat you to Easter,
A painted testicle
Happiness may come to your house,
Everything will be fine!


Happy Easter
I congratulate all of you.
The holiday will be bright, right,
A good hour will give you.

So that the health of the family
Yours only lived.
It grew, it grew rich,
And he wanted and could.

May Easter grant renewal to everyone! After all, this is a miracle, a true fairy tale! May this day give hope, joy! Easter cakes and pasta tenderness, sweetness! Let streams of love flow in fate, and a blessing will descend from heaven! Happy holidays, friends!


Congratulations on this bright holiday. And on this Sunday, I would like to wish good and good. Let your soul be warm and calm, there will be a peaceful sky above your head, and your beloved and cheerful relatives and friends nearby. May this holiday bring understanding, harmony and joy. I wish that all regrets and resentments go away, and only love and happiness remain.

Bells ringing along the ground.
He carries one message to thousands of sides:
For faith who died again among us,
The fire of his soul did not give up, did not go out.
Dawn will come of hope and goodness
And let all adversity fade away forever.
Christ is Risen - Truly is Risen
Oh, how many amazing wonders there are in the world
Spin the earth
Breaking the shackles of years
Happiness has a positive answer to people.

The canteen smelled of hyacinths
Ham, Easter cake and Madeira,
It smelled like spring Easter of Christ,
Orthodox Russian faith.
Because of the glasses washed and the Celebration,
Because of the frames, no sand and no cotton wool
The city stamped, rang and clinked,
Kissed, embraced with delight.
Let it be ridiculous, funny, stupid
It was when I was young
But the heart was embraced
Those that are peculiar only to Russia!

Igor Severyanin. 1926

Birds chirp and insects crawl
The sun laughs from the gentle skies.
I wish you happy Easter with a cup
And believe in the fulfillment of miracles!
Happy Easter! Final post -
Celebrate, the tables are already set!
Let the soul become pure
And of course - the body is full!

Funny Easter greetings

With a solemn face, I will knock the egg on the egg.
Some with an egg, and some without ...
I share - Christ is risen!
I don't feel sorry for a testicle
No Easter cake!

I look - passers-by stagger,
Perhaps I am wrong?
No, this Easter begins -
I assure you friends!
Let the gait be unsteady -
To this you close your eyes.
But the soul is always free
And heaven knows it!
Easter came to visit -
Let's eat our fill!
Easter cake sparkles on the table -
Smooth side attracts.

Cahors opened for a reason -
So that a heartfelt conversation
For a long time this holiday lasted
Everyone wanted to celebrate!
You didn't think so at all when I came to Easter all in lipstick.
It's a holiday! While I was walking home, I "consulted" with everyone in a row.
Christ is risen!
Spring is a wonderful time -
A lot of love promises
Today is Easter from the yard
Drives out the remnants of winters!

And I want to wish you
Doubly fun feast,
It's great to celebrate a holiday -
So that everything goes well!
On the day of Christ Sunday
I want to wish you
So that over your whole family
There was God's grace.
Peace in the soul, prosperity in the house,
Life is in harmony with yourself,
Photos of all relatives in the album,
In families - happiness and peace.
Take care of your loved ones
Do not keep evil in yourself,
May the Almighty protect you
From insults and lies in fate.

Easter is the most best holiday!
Easter is better than a name day!
On this day, holy Savior,
Jesus my patron
Strong warrior, dweller of the sky
He reconciled all of us with God!

Dear, priceless, dear to my heart friends and girlfriends, I sincerely congratulate you on a bright Easter day!
Stay always like this - bright, like this godly holiday, joyful, like a bright sunny day!
On this Great Day, I wish that a dream would enter the soul, which carries love, hope and faith in miracles! May this dream come true at the most unexpected moment !!!

The Lord's Entry into Jerusalem
We celebrate in the early spring.
And rustles with a willow branch
The cool wind is a little sad.

You wind, don't blow out the candles
Don't interfere with this prayer.
May my loved ones be
The heavens are covered with protection.

Happy Easter divine
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
And I wish that in peace and joy
You have lived long and happy.

May the guardian angel take care of you,
Shielding from troubles and hardships.
There will be a Savior in everyone's heart
And it will bring calmness to the house.

4 SMS - 243 characters

Happy Easter!
I wish you a lot of happiness
To give life bright colors,
To get away from bad weather!

May the Lord send health
And will support good deeds,
May everything in your life be enough
So that she only brings joy!

4 SMS - 245 characters

Happy Holidays everyone! Happy Easter everyone!
Let it be sunny and joyful, clear.
We wish you success, peace and goodness.
We wish you a nice, bright day.
May the day be bright, may the day be cheerful.
We congratulate you! Christ is Risen!

4 SMS - 239 characters

On the upcoming Easter holiday, we wish you health, light, great happiness, wisdom and joy, so that miracles happen in life, and faith in the best always lives in your soul. So that love and happiness reign in your home.

4 SMS - 206 characters

Easter is in a hurry to visit us,
He tells everyone to get ready!
Clean up the house soon
Bake cakes
Cleanse your heart, soul
And greet the sacred day!
May the Lord give goodness
Happiness and joy to everyone!

4 SMS - 203 characters

Congratulations on the upcoming holiday - Easter! Let the house be filled with comfort, warmth, prosperity and prosperity. May the whole family be healthy and happy, everyone smiles and rejoices. Good luck, inspiration, family well-being, God's blessing!

4 SMS - 248 characters

Easter is coming soon
We will be celebrating.
In Christ's Resurrection
I hasten to wish you:

Let them reign in your house
Love and kindness.
And bless you
And always happy!

3 SMS - 169 characters

Happy Easter
I would like to congratulate you.
That in life there was
Places for loneliness

To be protected
Heavenly angels
People surrounded so
Nice and honest!

May it be on the Lord's Sunday
The good will come to you
And may there be a miracle in life
Suddenly it will happen.

4 SMS - 248 characters

Happy Easter! May all expectations come true and not disappoint! Warmth in the house, love of neighbors, real friends that will never betray, strong health and long happy life!

3 SMS - 183 characters

Easter is coming soon
Let the table be full
I wish you a lot of baking
To fill the house with it!

Happiness to you too, without measure,
And health to the whole family,
May faith help in life
Be good luck every day!

3 SMS - 198 characters

Happy Easter
I congratulate you,
With a pure soul
I wish to meet her.

Let the Heavenly Gate
On Easter they will unlock
Let the souls be dear
They will come to visit us.

Let our world fill up
Love, kindness,
Wish Easter
We waited with you.

Happy Easter
I hasten to congratulate everyone!
I wish you a blissful life.
Let the laughter pour out loud.
May kindness and happiness
They will come to everyone's house.
All the sorrows, bad weather
They will go away forever.
May with the advent of Easter and spring
Miracles will happen and dreams will come true!

Congratulations on the upcoming holiday - Easter! Let the house be filled with comfort, warmth, prosperity and prosperity. May the whole family be healthy and happy, everyone smiles and rejoices. Good luck, inspiration, family well-being, God's blessing!

Easter is coming
Easter cakes are ready
Finally melted away
Snow covers
We wish you light
Sincere warmth
To about problems
Have you forgotten
May the Lord keep you
From worries and troubles,
In peace you live
At least one hundred years!

Happy Easter
From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate
Celebrate the holiday with inspiration
From the bottom of my heart I wish you.

Peace and prosperity to you,
Happiness, joy, good luck,
May the Lord help you
In life, everything is to solve problems.

Happy Easter
Congratulate everyone!
This day brings you closer
And it brings everyone success.

Happiness gives heaven to us
Gives grace
For us to learn
Believe, wait for a miracle!

Let the shadow go away
Clouds of bad weather.
I wish this day
Kindness and happiness!

Happy Easter,
With triumph to you Orthodox,
May happiness today
Will be the main guest!

May forgiveness flourish in souls
And in the hearts of people
May the Creator remove our
All the sadness from the sad days

Let the world inside paint
Light kind paint
And let it not happen again
No anger, no evil!

Bright Easter is coming
Kindness and peace brings
May she settle in hearts
Repentance and fun!

May she warm you
Make everyday life warmer
And will give grace
Happiness did not end!

Easter is coming. A bright day,
Let the soul sing, rejoice,
The shadow will not touch the heart
The world enchants with its beauty!

I wish everyone well
Delicious fragrant cakes,
To keep life cheerful
The sky is transparent, clean!

Let this Easter give
Good, good miracles,
A lot of warmth and a sea of ​​light
And the sun is in clear skies!

I wish you to live in abundance
May peace always reign in your soul!
So that everything in life is in order
God bless you!

A bright holiday is coming
We wish everyone peace, happiness!
Well-being and peace,
Let joy flow like a river!

We wish you all success and luck,
Drive away sorrow, doubt,
Good news flies from heaven -
Christ is Risen, Christ is Risen!