What is the third semester of pregnancy? The third trimester is the most difficult and happiest for the expectant mother. How the baby develops

Two thirds of the journey has passed, and there is very little time left until you meet your baby. The third trimester begins and continues during pregnancy. However, it can end at 37-38 weeks and this will also be considered a variant of the norm.


All the baby’s organs are only improving in performing their functions. The main task for the fetus in the 3rd trimester is weight gain. Which he does perfectly. After all, in just one three-meter, his weight gain will be about 2 kg, and at the time of birth it will reach 3000-3500 grams, and maybe more.

The appearance of the baby corresponds to the usual idea of ​​a little man. The body has become more proportional, the head has grown chic hairstyle, marigolds completely cover the nail plate.

The only organ that continues to develop throughout pregnancy is the brain. The most dangerous factor that can adversely affect it is a lack of oxygen (hypoxia). Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the state of the mother-placenta-fetus system.

Mother's condition

Day after day, a little baby grows in the mother's womb. And then the time comes when a woman begins to feel shortness of breath and heaviness in her legs, the lower back is pulled more and more, and her stomach becomes larger - and all this does not allow her to be as mobile as before. This means it's time for the third trimester.

The breast begins to release (first milk). Yes, and the breasts themselves have increased by a couple of sizes, the couple should go to the store for a new one underwear, which should not only be comfortable, but also made from natural fabrics.

The growing uterus puts pressure on internal organs(intestines, liver, stomach) and disrupts their normal functioning. arise And. Data pathological conditions occur in 80-90% of cases.

Basic tests and examinations

From the 30th week of pregnancy, the most relevant research becomes (cardiotocography) of the fetus. It records the baby’s cardiac activity, and it can be used to characterize the functional state of the fetus.

In the middle of the third trimester (32-34 weeks) the last one will take place. It will allow you to assess the condition of the baby and the placenta, its position, determine the presence of umbilical cord entanglement. The results will allow the doctor to choose the right tactics for childbirth.

The body of a pregnant woman is already under enormous stress, and in combination with the resulting edema, proteinuria and hypertension, it becomes simply unbearable. Extreme stage of manifestation late gestosis is preeclampsia and eclampsia. These two conditions require immediate hospitalization and a cesarean section.

A common complication of pregnancy is anemia. In the 3rd trimester, it is especially pronounced due to a rapid increase in blood volume by 20-25% and erythropoiesis (production of red blood cells) that cannot keep up with it, which leads to hypoxia and oxygen starvation of the fetus.


The daily diet of a pregnant woman should be 3000 kcal. The needs grow not only for the woman, but also for the baby. Their bodies gain strength to cope with the enormous expenditure of energy during childbirth.

However, we must not forget about the optimal weight gain, which is 11-13 kg over the entire period of pregnancy.

Due to the high probability, you should limit your intake of salty foods. Salt promotes fluid retention in the body and leads to the formation of swelling, which can adversely affect the further course of pregnancy.


Sex in the third trimester is not contraindicated, however, in the period from 32 to 36 weeks, it is recommended to refuse intimate life. This is due to the fact that there is a possibility of triggering the onset of labor, which is extremely undesirable at this time. But after this threat disappears, and sex becomes a natural stimulant for the onset of labor.

  • Keep count;
  • Follow ;
  • Introduce yourself fasting days (kefir, apple, cottage cheese);
  • Limit your salt intake;
  • Prepare documents before exiting in ();
  • Choose the maternity hospital where you would like to give birth;
  • Always carry your passport with you;

Collect the necessary things that you may need in the maternity hospital

Pregnancy calendar by week

What week does the 3rd trimester of pregnancy begin? The third trimester lasts from 28 to 40 weeks, in some cases, birth occurs a couple of weeks earlier or later. During this period, the fetus continues to grow rapidly, the process is also accompanied by an enlargement of the uterus, the probability of termination of pregnancy is quite low. It happens that weekly it increases by 300-500 g, 5-7 kg is considered the norm.

Before giving birth, the process of weight gain slows down somewhat; a woman can even lose a few kilograms. The third trimester is often accompanied by pain, which can be caused by poor diet, hormonal imbalance, or the presence of salt in the body. Also common problems are those that arise from a sedentary lifestyle and general atony of the body; in order to combat them, the doctor prescribes drugs based on natural fiber. Heartburn is not uncommon. If you are overweight in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, you can.

Last trimester very important for mother and baby, at this time it is recommended to be very careful, refrain from excessive consumption of salty foods, it is better to replace sugar with dried fruits. The expectant mother should Visit your midwife or doctor once every two weeks.

Changes in the body of the expectant mother and child, examinations by week


At week 28, you need to take a blood test for iron and a glucose tolerance test, if negative Rh factor An antibody test is performed. A woman should take calcium for the growth of fetal bones.


The mass of the child’s brain continues to increase, the cortex has fairly developed convolutions, hair becomes longer, and fat continues to accumulate. The fetus can be positioned in the uterus with its legs or head up; it still has enough space and time to take the correct position.


It may begin to secrete from the breast, which will become the first food for the newborn. Milk production begins under the influence of the hormone prolactin, which the body produces in large quantities. The uterus increases in size, putting pressure on the bladder and other organs, resulting in an increased need to urinate.


Milk production is stimulated by the child; his adrenal glands synthesize androgen-like substances, which, passing through the baby’s circulatory system, are transformed into estrogen in the placenta. Under the influence of this hormone, prolactin is produced.


As weight increases and movements become more awkward and slow, a woman must think about her posture at all times. Before getting out of bed, you must first roll onto your side, as the abdominal muscles are greatly weakened or stretched due to the enlarged uterus. This week the biochemical and clinical tests blood, coagulogram, test for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C.


The baby begins to understand his mother more; he experiences certain sensations during the massage during contractions. absolutely safe for the fetus, as it is protected by amniotic fluid. The baby begins to exercise his lungs, the rhythmic raising of the chest leads to amniotic fluid in the wrong throat, as a result of which the baby begins. During this period, a sufficient amount of adipose tissue has accumulated.


This period is accompanied by pain that occurs as a result of relaxation of the muscles and ligaments of the back before childbirth. High probability of occurrence. Weight gain by this time should not exceed 8.6 kg, it includes, amniotic fluid, placenta, enlarged uterus, increased water content in the body.


The lung tissues are already quite mature; if a child is born prematurely, his chances of survival are much higher; now he could already breathe on his own through the lungs. 0.5 liters of blood passes through the circulatory system of the uterus; the blood of mother and child does not mix, despite the fact that they are separated by a thin placenta.


By 32 weeks, the fetus should already be in the correct position - head down, legs should rest against the ribs. If the baby pushes, the woman may experience pain in the chest, so you need to sit with your back as straight as possible.

During this period, internal organs shift, but this is not a cause for concern; problems can be caused by fluid retention in the body, as a result of which the veins swell, fingers and ankles swell. To avoid discomfort, it is recommended to avoid wearing rings and tight clothing.

If you sweat excessively, you should take a shower, wear comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics that do not restrict movement. Sudden movements should be avoided, you should sit only on comfortable chairs, and fall asleep lying on your left side. It is recommended to use special oils that support tone. It is very important to eat right, the diet should be as balanced as possible.

Video about the third trimester of pregnancy

We invite you to watch a video where you will learn about all the weeks of the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

Answer the question “What week does the 3rd trimester of pregnancy begin?” definitely not possible. Some count it from 25 weeks, some believe that the third trimester begins from 27 or even 28. This difference is due to several reasons: the accuracy of determining the gestational age, individual characteristics expectant mother and features of fetal development. When the 3rd trimester of pregnancy begins, it is not so significant, the main thing is that mom and baby are reaching the finish line - there are 14-16 weeks left before giving birth!

Abdominal pain in the third trimester of pregnancy

The last stage is not as cloudless as the second, but all problems must be treated calmly. Pain in the third trimester of pregnancy is inevitable, but it will go away as soon as the baby is born. The cause of these pains remains an increase in the baby’s height and weight. It grows, puts pressure on internal organs, moves, and sometimes touches the liver and bladder. The load on the internal organs and spine increases - lower back pain in the third trimester of pregnancy is normal. It is important to study the nature of the pain in order to be able to identify contractions. Usually the process begins with pain in the lower back.

Discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy

Only bright spotting and bleeding should cause concern. They can be caused by an incorrect position of the placenta and are dangerous because they are a harbinger of premature birth. The exact causes are determined using ultrasound, but in order to maintain pregnancy, if there is heavy discharge or the first signs of bleeding, you need to call “ Ambulance" IN last days During gestation, thick mucous formations of a pinkish tint appear, and the harbinger of childbirth, the plug, comes off.

Edema in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

Swelling in the third trimester of pregnancy is inevitable - your doctor knows how to deal with it. Most often this means massaging the limbs, reducing walking and reducing physical activity. If no measures are taken, the swelling will cause nephropathy, and then hospital treatment will be required. Sometimes swelling does not appear visually; a hidden problem is indicated by a weekly weight gain of 300-400 grams.

Uterine tone in the third trimester of pregnancy

Increased uterine tone in the third trimester of pregnancy is not always dangerous - the uterus is preparing for childbirth. But some doctors, to play it safe and rule out premature birth, recommend observation in a hospital setting. There may not be a threat of miscarriage, but hospitalization should not be abandoned.

Mother's feelings in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

The last stage of gestation is more tiring, but the troubles are smoothed out as the birth approaches. Nausea in the third trimester of pregnancy goes away, a feeling of slight discomfort remains and fatigue increases. By the beginning of the period, all the baby’s organs are already fully formed; all he has to do is gain weight and improve, preparing for an independent life. Blood pressure may be elevated in the third trimester of pregnancy, but it returns to normal after childbirth. Starting from the 8th month, mothers experience shortness of breath and an increased need to urinate. Often, women in labor suffer from insomnia due to an increase in body proportions.

Vitamins in the third trimester of pregnancy

Since the baby is actively growing in the third trimester and requires more and more nutrients, vitamins play a role important role during the life of the baby and the expectant mother. There are special vitamin complexes for pregnant women that are prescribed by a doctor, but in most cases the amount taken with food is sufficient.
You will need the following vitamins:

  • C (strawberries, potatoes, carrots).
  • D (seafood, egg yolk, milk).
  • Omega 3 (fish, flaxseeds, walnuts).
  • Fiber (porridge).

Nutrition in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

Nutrition should be complete and healthy. Spicy, salty and fried foods should be avoided, and carbonated drinks should not be consumed - heartburn during pregnancy in the third trimester can be a concern because of them. It is best to eat fractionally, in small portions 5-6 times a day, and after eating, do not lie down. To avoid constipation, your diet should include fermented milk products, and in order to provide the body with vitamins, fresh fruits and vegetables.
Nutrition in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy should include foods enriched with calcium - cottage cheese, cheese, milk, and iron - meat, buckwheat porridge, berries. You cannot combine liquid dishes with dense ones, that is, it is advisable to eat the latter an hour or two after soups.

Ultrasound in the third trimester of pregnancy

Ultrasound in the third trimester of pregnancy is necessary! It is carried out at 30-34 weeks. In the last period, the baby is susceptible to the development of defects, and an ultrasound scan is performed to rule them out. The third trimester of pregnancy also requires assessment of:

  1. Child's growth rate.
  2. Amniotic fluid.
  3. Conditions of the placenta.
  4. The procedure is carried out to provide timely assistance if necessary.

Weight in the third trimester of pregnancy

Weight gain in the third trimester of pregnancy is a typical phenomenon. Over a week, body weight should increase by 300-550 grams, no more. Weight in the third trimester of pregnancy increases by 60% of the total kilograms gained.

The third trimester can be physically and emotionally challenging. The size and position of the baby make the expectant mother clumsy. It begins around the 28th week of pregnancy.

In this article, you will learn what to expect during the third trimester of pregnancy. Which symptoms are normal and which may require urgent medical attention.

Breast augmentation

By the end of your pregnancy, your breasts will have grown by about 2 sizes and gained about a kilogram in weight. Make sure you wear a supportive bra so that your back does not receive additional stress.

Closer to the date of birth, you can observe the discharge of yellowish liquid from the nipples. This substance, called colostrum, will be your baby's food for the first few days after birth.

Weight gain

Over the previous 6 months of pregnancy, the baby has already fully formed and now all he has to do is gain weight and be born. Sometimes women only begin to experience an increase in appetite in the third trimester. But the expression “eating for two” is not true, since being overweight entails no less complications than being underweight.

For two you need to eat vitamins, microelements and fiber, that is

  1. Vegetables,
  2. Fruits,
  3. Fresh greens,
  4. White soft cheese,
  5. Veal,
  6. Rabbit meat,
  7. Turkey meat.

Your baby is only part of the weight gained. Most of this mass is:

  • Placenta,
  • Amniotic fluid,
  • Mass of enlarged breasts and uterus,
  • Additional fat reserves.

Braxton-Hicks contractions (false contractions)

These contractions are usually weak and begin and end unpredictably. True labor contractions are cyclical, gradually increasing in intensity, duration and frequency. If you have:

  1. Painful and regular contractions
  2. Unusual discharge, especially bloody discharge,
  3. Significant amount of leaked liquid

See your doctor.

Back pain. How to ease them

The extra weight and the relaxation of the pelvic joints (under the influence of the hormone relaxin, so that the baby can pass more easily during labor) cause additional stress on the back. Here are some tips:

  1. When you sit, choose chairs with a comfortable backrest.
  2. Apply a heating pad or ice to the painful area.
  3. Ask your partner to give you a massage.
  4. Swimming in a pool helps because the body can relax comfortably in the water.
  5. Wear low-heeled shoes (not flats).
  6. If your back pain persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, consult your doctor.


Your uterus expands and begins to bulge chest, leaving less room for your lungs to expand. This additional strain on the lungs can cause shortness of breath. Physical exercise breathing aids will help you cope with this problem, and also try to sleep with your head and shoulders supported by pillows.

Heartburn and constipation

Caused by large amounts of the hormone progesterone in the body, which relaxes certain muscles, including those in the esophagus, stomach and intestines. What to do to prevent heartburn?

  1. Try to eat small meals and drink plenty of fluids between meals,
  2. Sometimes nuts, such as peeled almonds, help.
  3. Avoid fried foods, citrus juices and spicy foods.
  4. Carefully monitor what foods give you heartburn and eliminate them.

If these tips don't help, talk to your doctor about safe medications to relieve these symptoms.

Edema and how to avoid it

Swelling in the legs and arms can put pressure on nerve endings causing tingling or numbness.

  1. To reduce swelling, elevate your legs when sitting or sleeping, placing a small ottoman or cushion under them, rather than sitting cross-legged.
  2. Don't avoid daily walks (40 minute walk on fresh air can serve as a preventive measure for edema) and do light exercises for pregnant women.
  3. The exercise “walk like a dog on all fours” is very useful. In this way, you relieve the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the vessels and pelvic organs, which will improve not only the outflow of venous blood, but also blood circulation in general.
  4. If your legs suddenly begin to swell, especially due to high blood pressure, consult your doctor.

Venous network, varicose veins

Poor blood flow can cause tiny red veins, known as spider veins, to appear on the skin. An increase in spider veins is observed in the third trimester, but they should disappear as soon as the baby is born. There is also increased pressure from body weight on the legs, which can cause superficial veins to appear (which subsequently become swollen, blue or purple). This is called varicose veins.

Although there is no way to avoid varicose veins, you can prevent their enlargement.

  1. Exercise and walks during the day,
  2. Wearing a bandage and elastic stockings,
  3. Place an ottoman under your feet if you sit for a long time.


In fact, it also forms a ring around the anus. These veins become enlarged during pregnancy due to insufficient blood flow as well as the added pressure of weight in the area.

A small problem with hemorrhoids can become a significant problem during childbirth. naturally, so do everything possible to reduce the manifestations of this disease.

So, be very careful that you are not constipated. Your goal is 1 bowel movement per day. Foods that help normalize stool excretion:

  1. Vegetables containing a lot of fiber and little starch, such as zucchini and cucumbers.
  2. Berries: watermelon, melon, blackberry, gooseberry, strawberry.
  3. Fruits: plums, apples, pears,
  4. Dairy products: yogurt, kefir.
  5. Drink enough liquid (2 liters per day), make yourself a compote of dried fruits, or a compote of fresh fruits and berries. Eat your own dried fruits: prunes, dried apples and pears.
  6. Try cutting out the sugar, or replacing it with brown cane sugar.
  7. From safe drugs You can use a drug with the active ingredient lactulose, which is a prebiotic and helps normalize your microflora, but do not overuse it. Consult a proctologist, especially when you notice traces of blood in your stool.


  • Additional weight
  • Night urge to go to the toilet,
  • The hassle of preparing for a meeting with a child...

All this can affect your energy and emotional state. Eat healthy and exercise regularly. When you feel tired, try taking a nap, or at least sitting down and relaxing for a few minutes.

Frequent urination

As your baby grows, pressure on the bladder increases. This means an increased urge to urinate, including several times during the night. You may also experience uncontrollable urine leakage when coughing, sneezing, or certain exercises.

  1. Go to the toilet more often, don’t wait until the last minute.
  2. For greater comfort you can use sanitary pads, if you prefer natural fabric, make the gaskets yourself.
  3. DO NOT get too cold, wear warm pants.

Read in this article:

The third trimester of pregnancy is the most important and exciting period. In the last trimester of pregnancy, a woman experiences frequent mood swings, and some problems with well-being may arise. The 7th, 8th and 9th months of pregnancy are associated with certain experiences in women, and this is understandable, because during this period female body reaches the finish line before the birth of a new life.

What should every pregnant woman know about the third trimester?

A woman gains weight most actively in the third trimester, 300-500 g weekly. During this period, a gain of 5-7 kg is considered within the normal range. Immediately before giving birth, weight gain stops; very often a pregnant woman can even lose several kilograms, which is a harbinger of childbirth. The third trimester is very important for both mother and child, so a pregnant woman’s menu should be complete and as varied as possible. Special attention should be given to vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates and proteins, the consumption of vegetable and animal fats should be kept to a minimum. It is best to give preference to home cooking with a minimum salt content. Sweets can be replaced with dried fruits. If a pregnant woman does not have edema, then she can drink without restrictions; it is best to drink juices, purified drinking water and weak tea.

Sex in the third trimester is possible if there are no contraindications, such as the threat of miscarriage or low placental attachment. You should also not have sexual intercourse if the mucus plug has come off. During sexual intercourse, it is imperative to use a condom. The third trimester of pregnancy, as a rule, proceeds without heavy discharge, with the exception of pathological discharge caused by infections or thrush. Small amounts of pinkish or bloody discharge may occur before labor, along with a loose mucus plug. Available in the third trimester general analysis blood and tests for HIV, RW and hepatitis are carried out. A urine test is taken weekly.

The third trimester of pregnancy is often accompanied by edema. They can be triggered by excess salt intake, hormonal reasons or poor diet. To treat edema, you must consult a doctor. Another common problem is constipation. They occur with general atony of the body, a sedentary lifestyle and can be caused by other reasons. To solve the problem, doctors prescribe medications based on natural fiber.

Baby development in the third trimester

Throughout the third trimester, the child is actively preparing for independent life: he grows quickly, gains subcutaneous fat, his internal organs improve, especially the brain and lungs, immunity is formed and the central nervous system is normalized. The child looks more and more like a baby: his skin smooths out and becomes pink, his nails grow, his eyes open and close, his facial features improve. The third trimester is the safest for a child, as the baby becomes more resistant to infections and the negative effects of drugs, but still some drugs can disrupt the growth and development of the baby. By the 36th week, the baby's growth slows down, since he is already completely ready for life outside the mother's womb.

The third trimester is counted from 27 to 40 obstetric week. In the third trimester, the expectant mother already has a significantly rounded tummy, the baby weighs more than 1 kg, and its length from crown to tailbone is approximately 24 cm. The baby has already developed the main organs, now he looks like a little man.

Child development at 7 months of pregnancy

In the third trimester, he improves and actively gains weight and height, but even if the baby is born before the due date, he has every chance of surviving. According to legal standards, from the 27th week, the “belly” is no longer a fetus, but a child.

At 28 weeks, the baby meaningfully opens and closes his eyes, framed by short, thin eyelashes. He shows interest in everything that happens outside the womb. Numerous studies have confirmed that the baby masters his first language skills in his mother’s belly, so a child’s cry is often similar in intonation to the mother’s voice.

At week 29, enamel forms on the baby’s teeth, although they themselves are still hidden in the gums. The child's kidneys excrete about 0.5 liters of urine every day. While in the womb, the child reacts to light, smells and tastes.

At week 30, the brain enlarges and improves, grooves and convolutions form. During this period, the main stage of brain formation and development occurs; a 7-month-old child perceives pain in almost the same way as a born child. At 30 weeks, the baby is almost ready for birth: his respiratory system has formed, his intestines and kidneys are functioning, his head turns, his nose breathes, his genitals and limbs have formed, his eyes open. But the lungs are not yet fully functional, and if born, the child will only survive in a pressure chamber.

What happens in a mother’s body during the 7th month of pregnancy?

So, what changes occur in a woman’s body at this stage of pregnancy?

At the beginning of the 7th month, the fundus of the uterus is located above the navel at a distance of 2-3 cm, then it rises approximately 28-32 cm from the pubis. The uterus presses the internal organs and moves them upward, due to which the diaphragm contracts and its movements are disrupted, which leads to shortness of breath when walking and difficulty breathing; a feeling of discomfort may appear under the ribs.

At seven months of pregnancy, a woman gains approximately 300-450 g per week. By the end of the 7th month, weight gain during the entire pregnancy is 7-12 kg.

At the end of the seventh month, training contractions may begin, but, as a rule, they are painless. Due to a large belly, a pregnant woman may suffer from insomnia; in the third trimester, it is best to sleep on your side.

At 7 months of pregnancy, a woman may notice:

  • baby activity;
  • increased discharge;
  • cramps in the calves, varicose veins;
  • pain in the lower abdomen caused by sprained ligaments;
  • indigestion;
  • clumsiness of movements;
  • discharge (colostrum) from the breast;
  • nausea and vomiting (late toxicosis);
  • training contractions (they do not open the cervix).

At month 7, the menu should include: fish, fruits, meat, vegetables and, of course, cottage cheese. During this period, the body needs a lot of vitamins and microelements, so you can take vitamin preparations. The motto of the 7th month is activity. It is not advisable for a pregnant woman to sit at the computer or lie down for a long time, as this increases the likelihood of having a large baby and can worsen her health. During this period, it is best to engage in swimming, water aerobics, take long walks or attend special classes in the gym.

Child development at 8 months of pregnancy

8th month of pregnancy - the baby is almost ready for life outside the mother’s womb. All organs and vital systems are developed and functioning; during this period, only the lungs continue to improve. And if the child is born at 8 months, then this will already be an early birth, and the child, of course, will survive. A child at 8 months is no longer much different from a newborn. The fluff disappears and hair grows on the head. The layer of original lubricant increases, which makes it easier for the baby to pass through the birth canal, providing him with good glide.

At 8 months, the baby is already dreaming, as his eyelids move in a rhythm characteristic of the rapid phase of sleep. The child’s brain matures and becomes more complex, nerve cords are formed between brain cells, and a myelin sheath is created around the formed cells. The child already has stronger bones, and the cartilages of the ears and nose are hard, only the bones of the skull are still soft: this is necessary for the child to easily pass through the birth canal.

At 8 months, the baby’s liver is actively working. It produces and accumulates iron in quantities necessary for the child’s independent hematopoiesis in the first year of life. 8th month - the baby occupies almost the entire uterus, it becomes more and more difficult for him to move. At 8 months, the baby is in the prenatal position, normally in a cephalic presentation. The 8th month is characterized by active weight gain: every day the baby becomes heavier by 15-30 g. By the end of the eighth month, the child weighs 2500-2700 g, and his height is 45-46 cm.

What happens in a mother’s body during the 8th month of pregnancy?

At the 8th month of pregnancy, the abdomen increases almost to its maximum, the uterus rises almost to the level of the ribs, which can cause shortness of breath and a feeling of lack of air. The height of the fundus of the uterus is 39-40 cm. The size and shape of the abdomen is individual for each pregnant woman, it depends on the structure of the woman and the capacity of the pelvis, therefore the sex of the child or its size cannot be calculated by the size of the abdomen.

A pregnant woman gains 300-400 g per week. At 8 months of pregnancy, a woman’s weight generally increases by 8-14 kg. In the last trimester of pregnancy, due to hormones, the body can grow unwanted hair, but don’t be upset: after childbirth they will fall out.

What may bother a woman at 8 months:

  • labored breathing;
  • increased sensitivity of the ribs;
  • headaches and nausea;
  • stress urinary incontinence;
  • increased constipation;
  • indigestion, heartburn;
  • significant weight gain;
  • bleeding gums;
  • leg cramps, back pain;
  • swelling;
  • itching of the abdomen and whole body;
  • insomnia, absent-mindedness;
  • phlebeurysm.

Child development at 9 months of pregnancy

9th month - labor can begin at almost any time. The baby is already full and ready for life. The stomach has dropped, so it becomes easier for the pregnant woman to breathe. At the 9th month, the baby assumes a birth position in the uterus: its head is lowered to the chest and is located in the pelvis, its limbs are close to the body. In this position it is easiest for him to be in the dense uterus, and from this position it is most convenient for him to be born.

9th month - the child is fully matured, his weight is approximately 2500-4100 g, and his height is 47-56 cm. Every day the child gains 15-30 g.

At 9 months the baby has almost no fur, he has bright skin, and subcutaneous fat gives it swelling on the cheeks, butt and back. There is practically no cheese-like lubricant on the body; it remains only on the folds. When born, the baby makes a loud cry and has developed breathing and sucking skills.

At 9 months, the baby’s genitals are fully formed. The intestines collect feces, which the baby will release after birth. His liver stores iron. The lungs are fully formed, the heart is preparing to function independently. After the baby is born, the bypass paths will be closed in it and it will consist of 4 full-fledged fenced-off chambers.

What happens in a mother’s body during the 9th month of pregnancy?

9th month - the belly no longer grows, its size depends on the woman’s physique and the capacity of the pelvis. During the nine months of pregnancy, a woman’s weight normally increases by 8-15 kg. Before childbirth, weight does not increase, but may decrease. This is due to the fact that excess water leaves the body and it prepares for childbirth. During this period, a woman’s body is aimed exclusively at preparing the baby and herself for childbirth—the placenta begins to “wither.”

From 36-37 weeks, the placenta reduces progesterone, due to which the pregnancy is successfully carried, which in turn starts the birth process. The child grows quickly, and the volume of amniotic fluid becomes smaller, the uterus tightly covers the baby, his adrenal glands respond to compression by the uterus and secrete cortisol (stress hormone). This process gives rise to a new life.

A “birth” dominant is formed in the brain of a pregnant woman, it pushes the body towards childbirth, including all the necessary hormones and organs, and turns off the woman’s brain from worries. This coordinates labor activity. If something is disrupted during the formation of a generic dominant, this disrupts the entire generic process. The generic dominant increases oxytocin (the pituitary hormone responsible for contractions and dilatation of the cervix). Before the birth process, the cervix becomes elastic, and the circulatory system distributes blood through the vessels, increasing the release of blood cells, which prevents anemia.

Symptoms of imaginary childbirth:

  • irregularity of contractions, their pain and frequency do not increase;
  • disappearance of contractions when walking or changing position;
  • soreness in the abdomen, not in the sacrum;
  • baby's activity during contractions.

Beginning of the birth process:

  • contractions intensify when active;
  • increased frequency and intensification of contractions;
  • blood-stained discharge;
  • pain in the sacral area, moving to the abdomen and legs;
  • violation of the fruit membrane.

You should call your doctor at any time of the day if:

  • the amniotic sac has burst or fluid is leaking;
  • bleeding began;
  • strong contractions of the uterus occur every 5 minutes;
  • the child makes less than 10 movements within 2 hours;
  • symptoms of contractions at less than 37 weeks.

The third trimester is the most difficult, you need to accumulate strength for the upcoming birth, so try to rest as much as possible and think only about good things. Take quiet walks, spend more time in the fresh air, listen to calm music, do things that bring you positive emotions. For a woman, this is a very emotional period, fears arise due to the approaching birth, fatigue from a large belly and clumsiness. But all these inconveniences and worries will be instantly forgotten as soon as the woman hears the first cry of her baby. A positive attitude is the most important rule in order for a child to be born easily and without complications. We wish you an easy, safe birth and positive thoughts, because very soon you will become a Mother!