Knitter of knitwear. Abstract on technology Profession knitter of textiles and haberdashery Necessary qualities for a knitter

Knitter knitwear - a specialist in working on a knitting machine. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in the world artistic culture and labor and economy (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

In the process of work, it adjusts the density of the knitted fabric, changes needles, bobbins of yarn, introduces additional threads, etc. Then he checks the quality of the products and completes them. For all the monotony of work, the knitter often has to commit quick action(replacement of thread, parts, etc.).

The disadvantages of the profession include the noise of mechanisms and vibration.


Knitwear workshops, factories.

Highly qualified knitters work in model workshops and, together with an artist-fashion designer, develop patterns of knitted weaves, make models according to sketches.

Important qualities

Fast reaction, good finger coordination, ability to concentrate and distribute attention, despite the monotony of the process. Problems of the musculoskeletal system, digestive organs, nervous system, vision, hearing are contraindications to working as a knitter.


Salary as of 04.06.2019

Russia 15000-40000 ₽

Knowledge and skills

It is necessary to understand the types of yarn, to know the range of products. Know the structure of knitting machines and be able to work on them.

Where u chat

The specialty "Knitter of knitwear, fabrics" can be obtained at a college, a school with a specialized faculty.

Knitter of knitwear- a specialist in working on a knitting machine. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in the world artistic culture and labor and economy (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

In the process of work, it adjusts the density of the knitted fabric, changes needles, bobbins of yarn, introduces additional threads, etc. Then he checks the quality of the products and completes them. With all the monotony of work, the knitter often has to perform quick actions (replacing the thread, parts, etc.).

The disadvantages of the profession include the noise of mechanisms and vibration.


Knitwear workshops, factories.

Highly qualified knitters work in model workshops and, together with an artist-fashion designer, develop patterns of knitted weaves, make models according to sketches.

Important qualities

Fast reaction, good finger coordination, ability to concentrate and distribute attention, despite the monotony of the process. Problems of the musculoskeletal system, digestive organs, nervous system, vision, hearing are contraindications to working as a knitter.


Salary as of 04.06.2019

Russia 15000-40000 ₽

Knowledge and skills

It is necessary to understand the types of yarn, to know the range of products. Know the structure of knitting machines and be able to work on them.

Where u chat

The specialty "Knitter of knitwear, fabrics" can be obtained at a college, a school with a specialized faculty.

Lesson summary

Subject: "Technology"
Class: 6
Lesson number 42

Educational: familiarize students with different kinds loops;Teach knitting elements and skills.

Developing: develop independent thinking,cognitive interests, intellectual abilities.
Educational: bring up neatness, neatness, aesthetic taste.


Personal: form the skills of independent work and work in a group while performing practical creative work.

Regulatory: a logically plan the process of cognitive - labor activity.

Communicative: R Regulate their own activities through oral speech.

Cognitive: O own algorithms and methods for solving organizational and technical and technological problems; elements of the scientific organization of labor, forms of activity corresponding to the culture of work and the technological culture of production.

Planned results

Personal: Intellectual activity - intellectual skills that allow the student to independently and responsibly make decisions in situations of educational, personal choice.Communication skills - possession of the basic methods of activity necessary for positive communication.Responsibility and adaptability - personal qualities that allow you to act productively to achieve your goals in accordance with the rights, needs and goals of the people around you.

Subject: ... Making with knitting needles (straight and circular) samples of garter and hosiery, using technological documentation. Development of cognitive interests, intellectual abilities.

Mastering the skills to work with various sources of information (text, instruction card), organize their own information activities and plan their results.

Metasubject: 1. Cognitive actions - include the actions of research and selection of the necessary information, its structuring.

2. Communicative actions - provide the opportunity for cooperation - the ability to hear, listen and understand a friend, plan and consistently implement joint activities, mutually control each other's actions, be able to negotiate, correctly express your thoughts in speech, respect your friend and yourself in communication and cooperation.

3. Consolidation of skills to work with information - find, analyze, manage, evaluate and present information.

Lesson type

Learning new knowledge

Basic concepts


Interdisciplinary connections

history, literature, mathematics, fine arts

Resources: Basic additional

instructional and technological cards for knitting facial, purl loops, yarn of different colors and textures

Lesson steps

Teacher activity

Students' activities




Good afternoon guys!.

I ask you to check how your workplace is organized.

Notes those present.


Stage 2. Updating.

1) What kinds of yarn do you know?

2) How to choose the right knitting tools depending on the thread thickness?

3) How to properly handle the products, knitting needles, after finishing knitting?

Meaning formation.

Formulation of an educational problem based on what is already known and mastered, and what is still unknown

3. Statement of the educational problem

Determining the topic of the lesson

Teacher demonstrates knitwear.

Today we have new topic from the section art crafts.Hear proverbs and frame the topic:

The bird is red with a feather, and the knitter with her skill

Where the knitter's thought turned, there the hook

The knitter knits on a buttonhole, but she's glad it happens

There are enough ideas for every knitter.

The knitter had no trouble, but bought a skein of yarnAnd you try to formulate the purpose of our lesson)

I knitted a jacket for myself
a whole month or two.
But alas, in my work
just got through the head.
I tied it up again
but I tried, apparently, in vain:
this time I climbed into it
not one, but three me.

She dismissed the work again.
It was the last time,
because the thread somehow
all intertwined .

Consider knits. Reflect on the meaning of proverbs. Define learning problem lesson.

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

The purpose of our lesson : Oget acquainted with the profession of a knitter and the initial methods of knitting

Self-identification of a cognitive goal.

Ability to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness, accuracy

4. Learning new material.

Knitters are in demand in factories, in knitwear workshops, private workshops of fashion designers. Sometimes knitters are self-employed entrepreneurs who work from home.

The main duty knitters at the factory - to complete the product in accordance with the terms of reference. The foreman refills the knitting machine, starts the work and monitors the quality of the yarn. Sometimes in the process of work it is necessary to adjust the density of the fabric, change the needles, introduce additional threads.

Knitting at home is 100% fantasy. The knitter can independently design the style of the product, select threads and accessories. And he can fulfill orders according to a ready-made pattern.

Important qualities

Good finger coordination, attentiveness, the ability to concentrate on details, readiness for monotonous work, accuracy and responsibility are important in the work of a knitter.


Ability to isolate the necessary information, systematize new material.

Physical education

And now they got up quietly,

Raise our hands up

And then we omit them.

And then we will deploy them

And we will quickly press to ourselves.

Now faster, faster

Clap, clap more fun.

Performing practical work under the guidance of a teacher.

Knitting rules

First rule.

The first loop is always removed on the right knitting needle without knitting.

Second rule .

The front loop is knitted behind the back wall.

Third rule.

The last loop of the row is knitted with the purl.

A set of loops.

Knitting of any product starts with a set of loops. Here we are now and try to dial the loops with you. First, we need to know how long the thread needs to be taken. For example, for a sample of 10 cm, approximately you need to take 20 cm of threads, this means twice the width of the product.

Show clearly the set of loops.

(If the set of loops is not clear show the video)

Show on slides and show on knitting needles how to type loops correctly .

When setting the loops, we use both knitting needles so that when knitting the first row, the loops do not tighten, but freely fit the knitting needles. We collect 12 loops. This is about 6-7 cm, we take a free thread about 15 cm.

See how the girls did the job.

Pupils look at the schemes, listen to the teacher's explanation.

Individual work

Development of practical knitting skills. Development of practical knitting skills.

7 - stage Reflection

Organizes a discussion of the results of work, solution Organizes a discussion of the results of work, solving a problem, achieving the set goal

- Today I found out ________________________

I managed___________________

It was difficult_________________________

I was surprised by ________________________

It was interesting________________________

Now I can _________________________

I choose the mood in the lesson

Deliberately draw conclusions

Express their own opinion about the work and the result

Evaluate the correctness of the actions performed, introduce the necessary results and correct them

Carry out final control

Moral and ethical orientation, assessment of the assimilated content, providing a personal moral choice.

Evaluation (highlighting and awareness by students of what has already been mastered and what is still subject to assimilation, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation.


Asks and comments homework

Perceive information.

Consciously capture information

Nowadays, young people have many opportunities in the professional field. However, taking advantage of these opportunities requires knowledge and skills in a specific professional environment. In order to become a sought-after professional in your field, you need to choose the most attractive field of activity for a particular person and periodically improve your knowledge in this area, as well as apply the theoretical knowledge gained in practice.

Recently, many modern specialties have appeared on the market, which have replaced unclaimed professions. However, there are areas of activity that are relevant at any time and require young and energetic specialists. For example, companies that manufacture knitwear, as before, offer a wide range of products: knitted underwear, linen, gloves, hosiery, as well as outerwear and much more. Of course, these companies use modern equipment so that the products meet modern requirements. The bulk of workers in knitwear companies are knitters.

Depending on the range of products and on the equipment installed at a particular knitting enterprise, the duties of knitters are determined. And although knitters at different knitwear enterprises can carry out various operations, all the same, both there and there there are general provisions of the knitting profession.

For example, knitters perform the following functions: thread the equipment with new yarn, replace bobbins, as well as spools, needles, eliminate thread breaks and put loose loops on the needle, control knitting density and thread tension, remove finished products, monitor equipment and the quality of finished products ... If we compare knitters at a knitting enterprise and knitters who knit with knitting needles and a crochet hook, then, of course, the former have the least creative activity, because such a knitter is focused on the production process, and not on finding modern models in magazines or creative design of a product, etc. etc.

Typically, in a textile enterprise, one knitter simultaneously works on several knitting machines, and the number of machines serviced is determined depending on the equipment and the type of products produced. For production different types products, various equipment is used, which the knitter prepares for work, and, if necessary, adjusts the working mechanisms.

During the working day, the knitter is in a certain area of ​​the shop, where the equipment necessary for work is located close to each other. In the process, the knitter uses measuring templates to check the dimensions of the manufactured products, a screwdriver and pliers to replace the needle, scissors, brushes and brushes, therefore, in addition to the knowledge and skills of working with the equipment, she also has information on how to operate the above tools.

In order for a knitter to cope with her duties at a knitting enterprise, it is necessary to find out whether the applicant has such qualities of character as figurative memory, physical endurance and resistance to work of the same type, developed spatial thinking, accuracy in performing certain actions and concentration on the work process. Knitting education can be obtained at a higher or secondary specialized educational institution.

1. What is the name of your profession (position)?

I am doing knitting to order. I am the Knitter.

2. What is your job and what are your responsibilities?

I work from home on sofa J. I knit for people. Maybe someone will find it strange or incomprehensible why I am doing this, that you won’t earn much money by knitting.

But in every business, talent is needed, in my work there is also a creative approach, knowledge of the basics of fashion modeling, always follow the fashion, navigate, whether this or that model is suitable for a specific person or not. I meet with a person, I am interested in what he wants: a sweater, a scarf or a hat, a dress, and so on. Next, we choose a more specific model, a specific pattern; measurements are taken from a person and an order is placed. Why would people contact me? Firstly, things are all unique, one-of-a-kind, according to the principle, exactly the same, only with mother-of-pearl buttons. Secondly, not every person has a standard figure with standard parameters. Someone is wider in the shoulders, someone is very tall and thin, they cannot find anything for themselves. Therefore, the best option is to communicate with people like me.

3. What education is required to get your position?

Education is not necessary in my job. So far, no one has asked me for a diploma about education (although higher education I have, but in a different area). My mother taught me to knit as a child. She showed the basics, and then it was a matter of technology, practice and the desire to learn new things. Keep track of what other techniques in my work have appeared or revived from ancient times (after all, knitting is an ancient thing).

4. Describe your day at work.

I am very lucky that I do not have to go to the office, sit there for a fixed working day from call to call. That is, you do not have to get up by the clock for this, go to work in any weather. I have a free schedule, the only condition is that the item must be ready by the deadline agreed with the customer. It's hard at first. You need to force yourself to work, because you already have to knit not according to your mood, but out of necessity. A knitter who already has experience in knitting (even if not to order, but tied herself and loved ones) knows approximately how much time it will take her to knit a particular thing. From here, she plans how much work should be done in one day. And if, during the day, the required amount of work has not been completed, you have to knit late in the evening or even at night. But you can knit while sitting on a soft sofa (which I do), in front of the TV. And if you wish, you can still study at the same time foreign language listening to a tape recorder.

Despite the fact that I knit or crochet, I have to devote time in the morning to look through my mailbox, as my clients find me via the Internet, write a number of questions in the mail, based on which they already decide whether they want to meet with me to begin with work or not.

5. How comfortable are your working conditions (all day on the street, or in the office with a cup of coffee)?

You can only dream of my comfort. If desired, if it's cool, I can make myself comfortable on the sofa, covering my legs with a blanket (by the way, tied with my own hands and therefore warm, beautiful).

Whenever I want, I can drink tea / coffee, eat lunch or just have a snack. I do not need to report to my superiors, since I am my own mistress. And how comfortable it is for me to work, it is also completely and completely curled by myself.

6. What do you like most in your business?

What I like best is that my work brings me pleasure. Because I really love to knit. And at first it was just my hobby, which later turned into my work, which brings joy to people when they really like the thing, fit and fit perfectly. At the same time, it becomes very pleasant on the soul when you see joy and a little happiness on their face, how their eyes begin to shine at the same time. You stop immediately thinking about the sleepless nights that you had to spend finishing work in order to fit into the deadline.

7. What do you dislike most about your business?

Sometimes I do not have enough communication with people. After all, working from home, I am not in a team, of course, I communicate with clients, but this does not happen every day and during short period time.

8. If it's not a secret, what is your salary level (is it enough to write whether you are satisfied with it or not)?

I think that every person can be satisfied with his level of salary for a certain period of time, and then he wants to grow and so that his income grows. So it is with me. Unfortunately, the people are not yet ready to pay the kind of money that suits me, but which is worth the effort, self made which I am doing.

9. Describe your team, what kind of people work with you?

Alas, I have no team, I work for myself and for myself.

The only thing, sometimes I turn to assistants - other knitters, if I have collective orders and a large amount of work that I cannot cope with alone by the agreed deadline. These knitters have been working with me for some time and have been tested.

10. What human qualities, in your opinion, are the most important in your business?

For me, patience, the ability to find an approach to each client is important, because not every person understands that this or that thing will not suit him.

11. Work gives me additional opportunities (everything that work gives you except money, from self-expression and communication with interesting people to the opportunity to visit different countries).

I don't see any additional features yet. Is that to take other directions in needlework. For example, master a knitting machine or other techniques, such as weaving, embroidery. All this can then be combined in one product even.

12. Do you have the opportunity to rate your work on a five-point scale, what grade would you give?

Estimate, probably at 4. Ideally, I would like to have a factory with a large number of hand-knitted and machine knitters.

It is possible to redo something. For example, if a person is a janitor (although janitors, most likely, will not write here, but just the first profession that came to mind), then how and what should he write about the team. That is, maybe the question can somehow be altered.