What to eat to increase milk supply. Increasing lactation - drugs, methods, techniques. Natural and folk remedies

The article contains information necessary for a nursing mother who is faced with the problem of lack of milk.

When a young mother begins to lose milk or simply does not have enough milk, all possible methods are used. With persistent struggle, it is quite possible to return milk and feed the baby with pleasure.

How to increase breast milk supply?

  • Follow the diet (read below)
  • Consumption of certain foods (read below)
  • Follow the drinking regime: 2-3 liters of liquid, including soups. Try to drink water 10-15 minutes before feeding
  • Sleep well. When there is a shortage of milk, you must start taking care of yourself: rest, sleep with your baby
  • Co-sleeping. Co-sleeping allows your baby to breastfeed whenever he wants without any problems.
  • Feeding on demand and increasing the number of attachments. Offer your baby the breast more often than you did before. This way you will give a signal to the body that it needs more milk, as a result of which the hormone and milk will begin to be produced
  • Night feedings are required between 2 and 6 am. At this time, the body produces more of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production. If the baby “hangs” on the chest all night, then this is The best way increase lactation
  • Taking lactogenic drugs (read below)
  • Usage traditional methods(read below)
  • Additional pumping (read more in the article)

  • Warm shower. Taking a warm shower causes milk flow
  • Do not be nervous. Due to stress and nerves, milk may become less

IMPORTANT: To increase lactation you need to act comprehensively: use all the methods that are available to you

How to increase lactation in the first month?

In the first month, the body is still trying to figure out how much milk it needs to produce.

Therefore, in the first month, the best way is to put the baby to the breast.

  • If your baby sleeps a lot, give him breastfeeding while he sleeps.

  • Do not allow 3 hours between feedings if you feel a lack of milk
  • If there is little milk and the baby sleeps a lot, then express milk
  • If in the first month you feed only once every three hours, then when the baby stops sleeping so much and wants to eat more, you will see a lack of milk
  • Other methods of increasing lactation in the first month also occur

Nutrition for lactation milk

It is a mistaken belief that a nursing mother should eat more than others.

A nursing mother should eat nutritiously and be sure to eat protein foods:

  • Lean meat
  • Cottage cheese
  • Milk
  • Kefir
  • Hard cheese

In addition to proteins, eat vegetables, fruits and greens - this will give an excellent effect.

IMPORTANT: No diets during lactation. But only eat foods that the child is not allergic to or has a bad intestinal reaction.

  • You should eat not once a day, but 5-6 times, but little by little
  • 30-40 minutes before the intended feeding, be sure to eat and drink warm tea
  • And after feeding, be sure to drink a glass of water

Products for lactation

  • Cereals
  • Broths
  • Carrots, pumpkin, onions, radishes
  • Greens (can be added to soup or eaten fresh)
  • Fresh juices
  • Herbal teas
  • Walnuts
  • Milk

Video on the topic: Menu for a young mother to increase lactation

Beer for milk lactation in nursing women

You can find many reviews from mothers about the effect of beer on lactation: some talk about the incredibly fast flow of milk, others are disappointedly struggling with increasing lactation using other methods.

From a medical point of view, scientists explained the effect of beer on lactation:

  • When drinking beer, fluid is retained in the mammary glands
  • As a result, the breasts become swollen
  • Mothers mistake this for milk flow
  • In real life, breast engorgement has nothing to do with milk.

IMPORTANT: As you can see, medicine is clear on this issue: beer does not increase lactation

In addition, beer contains alcohol, which is absolutely not necessary for a child.

Tea to increase lactation

Hot tea - great way increasing lactation. It could be:

  • Classic black or green tea
  • Tea with milk
  • Herbal tea (with cumin, anise, lemon balm)
  • Specialized teas for lactation

Ginger tea:

  • Bring ginger root to a boil and cool
  • It will be effective to add honey and lemon
  • Drink a little decoction 3 times a day

Chamomile tea:

  • Brew chamomile according to instructions
  • Add chamomile infusion to tea

IMPORTANT: Monitor your child’s reaction to the components of the tea

Specialty teas:

  • Tea to increase lactation HIPP. Expensive granulated tea with the following composition: maltodextrin, dextrose, extracts of lemon balm, nettle, caraway, anise, fennel, galega herb, lemon grass. The composition is quite questionable for allergic children

  • Organic tea to increase lactation HIPP Mama. Bagged organic tea with the following ingredients: anise seeds, fennel seeds, caraway seeds, lemon verbena fox seeds, organic lemon balm leaves

  • Tea for nursing mothers Babushkino Lukoshko with anise or rosehip. Ingredients: anise (or rosehip), cumin, nettle, fennel, lemon balm

  • Lactation tea packaged Lactofitol (formerly Lactovit). Ingredients: fennel, dill, anise, cumin, nettle

IMPORTANT: There are positive and negative reviews about each of the presented teas. Everything is selected individually

Preparations for milk lactation

The most popular lactation drugs that you can purchase at the pharmacy:

  • Lactogone tablets. Ingredients: carrot juice, ginger, royal jelly, nettle, dill, oregano, potassium, sugar, starch, oats, calcium stearate, polyvinylpyrrolidone. Course - 1 month
  • Apilak tablets. Ingredients: royal jelly, lactose, talc, calcium, starch. Course - 10-15 days
  • Mlekoin homeopathic granules. Can be taken throughout the breastfeeding period

IMPORTANT: The drug may become addictive. Then it is advisable to take a break or change the drug

How to increase lactation using folk remedies?

Folk helpers for increasing lactation:

  • Milk
  • Nuts
  • Herbs: lemon balm, chamomile, nettle, fennel, anise
  • Carrot
  • Radish

Radish and honey

  • Squeeze finely grated radish in gauze to obtain juice
  • Mix 100 radish juice with 100 g of chilled boiled water and 1 tbsp. natural honey
  • Drink 1/3 glass 2-3 times a day

Dill seeds.

  • 1 tbsp. l. dry dill seeds pour 1 cup boiling water
  • Leave for 2 hours
  • Strain
  • Drink 1/2 glass 2 times a day, holding sips in your mouth

IMPORTANT: Folk remedies are very effective, but can cause an allergic reaction in the child. Use with caution

Milk with nuts for lactation

  • 4-5 walnuts, crushed
  • Boil 0.5 liters of milk
  • Place nuts in a thermos
  • Pour boiled milk
  • Leave for 3 hours
  • Drink warm before feeding

Carrots with milk for lactation

  • Grate the carrots on the finest grater
  • Pour a glass of warm milk
  • Drink 2-3 times a day

Cumin to increase lactation

Cumin is popular as a product for increasing lactation.

Caraway drink.

  • 1 tbsp cumin seeds
  • 1 liter of boiled water
  • 1 lemon, peeled and chopped
  • 2 g citric acid
  • 100 g sugar
  • Pour everything into water
  • Cook over low heat for 10 minutes after boiling.
  • Cool
  • Strain
  • Drink 1/2 glass 2-3 times a day

Cumin with cream.

  • In a ceramic bowl, mix 2 tbsp. cumin and 2 cups cream
  • Place in the oven on low heat for 30 minutes.
  • Cool
  • Drink 1 glass 2 times a day

Herbs for lactation milk

  • Nettle
  • Fennel
  • Chamomile
  • Dill

Herbs can be used to make infusions in various proportions - essentially like tea.

Cooking technique the same: mix, pour boiling water, let it brew, strain.

Only the proportions are different:

  • 20 dry nettle leaves per 1 liter of boiling water. Drink 1 tbsp. 2 times a day
  • Anise seeds and boiling water. Leave for 1 hour. Drink 2 tbsp. 2 times a day
  • Anise and fennel in equal proportions
  • Anise, cumin, nettle, dandelion root in equal proportions
  • Anise, lemon balm, fennel fruit. 1:2:4 respectively
  • Anise, dill seeds, oregano, fennel fruits in equal proportions

How to pump correctly to increase lactation?

How to increase lactation in one breast

To increase lactation in one breast, you need to direct all actions only to this breast:

  • Apply more often
  • Do massage
  • express

How to increase lactation Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky recommends one of the methods described at the beginning of the article to increase lactation: frequent feeding. According to the doctor, more frequent feeding for 3 days should restore lactation to the desired level.

Massage for lactation milk

  • Place one hand on your chest, the other under your chest. Gently massage your breasts using circular movements for 5-10 minutes.
  • Nipple irritation stimulates milk production well. Massage the nipple with your fingers, touch it, squeeze it, twirl it with your fingers
  • Massage shower. Direct the hot stream under strong pressure onto your chest (everything is within reason and comfort). Massage your breasts in a circle like this: 5-7 minutes - one; then - the second
  • Only an integrated and responsible approach will help you return lactation to the desired level

    Video on the topic: How to increase lactation in three days - Everything will be fine

The only product that is ideal for a baby is breast milk. The most perfect milk formula cannot replace it 100%. Experts have counted more than 400 components that are beneficial for babies in milk. It is not yet possible to synthesize everything artificially.

Fortunately, almost every mother can breastfeed. In only 3-5% of women, the body is physiologically incapable of producing milk in the amount that a child needs. These are mothers who have serious problems with the hormonal system. Breastfeeding is not always safe for women with heart disease or cancer. In all other cases, the lack of milk is explained only by ignorance or non-compliance with the rules of lactation.

Milk in my head

Milk production is a hormone-dependent process. When a child takes a nipple into his mouth, a neuro-reflex impulse is sent to the hypothalamus of the mother's brain, which causes the production of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin. The main one, prolactin, stimulates the formation of milk in the alveoli. And oxytocin “compresses” the corresponding muscle cells of the alveoli, pushing milk into the excretory streams. In response to breastfeeding, the pituitary gland produces several times more prolactin. Thanks to this, a new intake is prepared already during feeding, and 2 hours after it, about 70-75% of what the child sucked is restored for the next meal. Therefore, the more often a baby snacks, the more milk is produced. However, nature will not allow the development of a “crisis of overproduction.” The volume of milk produced by each gland is strictly regulated by the intensity of its consumption. No need - no production.

How to increase lactation?

Do not give the mixture in the first days of life. Milk comes in 3-5 days after birth. No need to be nervous and bottle feed. A woman who has given birth produces a very concentrated liquid that contains all the nutrients the baby needs. The volume of colostrum is small, but it will be enough for the baby - the tiny stomach does not need more yet.

Apply to the breast as soon as required. There is no need to wait too long between feedings. Demand creates supply.

If a hungry baby begins to turn his head and open his mouth, you need to give him breastfeeding. You should not “replace” the nipple or a bottle of water: up to 6 months, the baby can easily do without “supplementing” - breast milk completely replenishes the need for fluid. Sucking a pacifier will calm the baby, but will not give the mother a signal to produce a new portion of milk.

Do not shorten feeding time. There is an opinion that the child should be near the mother’s breast for no more than 10-15 minutes. But the baby doesn’t owe anyone anything. A newborn can be put to the breast 12-15 times a day, each time for half an hour or even an hour. This is useful and mutually beneficial: the mother needs to come to her senses after giving birth. And “non-stop feeding” gives her the opportunity to calmly sit or lie down with the baby. There is no need to be afraid of “falling out of life.” The period of “constant feeding” lasts only the first 1.5-2 months. A grown-up baby will no longer want to nurse for hours - he has too many other things to do.

Pay attention to the child. It is ideal when the child is with his mother all the time. He is accustomed to being cramped and warm in the womb, and after birth he expects to encounter exactly the same conditions. For the first 1.5 months, it is worth being with the baby around the clock, carrying him in your arms or in a sling, sleeping together, offering your breast to any squeaks and grunts.

Do not feed with mixture. If it seems that there is not enough milk, there is no need to try to “diversify” the diet. First, you need to make sure your suspicions are correct. Unreasonable introduction of supplementary feeding can stop your own “milk production”. While the baby is sucking, he seems to make an order for the next time, for another feeding. That is, during feeding, the amount of milk the baby needs is consumed, and then as much as he needs will appear.

Don't skip feedings. Sometimes mothers think - I’ll give the baby formula once, and the milk will “accumulate” for now. This is mistake. The body cannot work “in reserve”. As soon as the alveoli are filled with milk, but it does not leave, production is inhibited. You cannot accumulate milk; it must be used up all the time.

Eat a varied diet

The contents of the plate do not affect the functioning of the pituitary gland. And contrary to prejudice, my mother’s food tastes good breast milk is not reflected at all. Eat your favorite foods, not just “lacto-stimulating” foods. Special dietary supplements and useful supplements will help make lactation successful. The main thing is that mom trusts them. Pick up the best remedy Your doctor or lactation consultant can help.

Don't worry about trifles. When a mother is nervous, stress hormones enter the milk. This is not scary, but a constant agitated background can affect the development of the child’s nervous system. Properly established breastfeeding does not prevent the mother from resting and getting enough sleep. Sleep with your baby without stopping feeding. It is actually impossible to crush the child, which many women are afraid of, the mother will always hear him. And the baby will give a signal in time - he will kick.

Don't waste time on massage. Everything will be fine anyway - start feeding as soon as possible. Some manipulations with the breast to stimulate the flow of milk make sense only before pumping, when the mother needs to leave. For example, light stroking movements from the base to the chest - no need to knead, twist, just lightly stroke in a straight line or in a spiral. Or a shower - not hot, but warm and pleasant. The streams can be made stronger and made in circular movements.

Normal weight gain. Is your baby gaining 125-130 g per week? This means he has enough milk!
Regular urination. If the child pees at least 12 times a day, everything is fine.

Feed in a comfortable position. In order for the milk to flow well, the mother needs to feel comfortable: relaxed, sitting or lying comfortably. It is very important to keep track correct application to the chest. The baby should grasp most of the areola of the nipple and actively empty the breast - it won’t hurt the mother, and the stimulation is good: there will be as much milk as needed.

Don't skip night feedings. A baby up to 1.5-2 months should have 2-3 feedings from 12 am to 8 am. At night, much more prolactin is produced in response to breast stimulation. If you stop night feedings, it is possible that lactation will disappear completely. And long breaks in eating are harmful for a small child. His glucose levels may drop sharply and he may not have enough nutrients.


Tea LaktoMama - good remedy to increase lactation.

All this is correct, but how can you survive without formula feeding if the baby has eaten both breasts, everything hangs on his chest and whines bitterly that he is not full. Or he pulls at his chest, then cries, grabs his chest again, counts a little and cries again because he’s not full....

10/14/2012 00:24:01, EvgeniyaD

Comment on the article "Dairy factory: how to increase lactation"

How to increase lactation. Problems with lactation. Breast-feeding. As a rule, at this age, feedings occur around dreams (before each dream and after each dream) and several times at night, from this age you can give two breasts per feeding, without any...

Increase lactation. Increased lactation. Breast-feeding. Dairy factory: how to increase lactation. how to increase lactation for a sick rebbe. Breastfeeding: tips for increasing lactation, feeding on demand, long-term breastfeeding...

How to increase lactation. Problems with lactation. Breast-feeding. I will say that the weight is normal, and the time to start complementary feeding is after six months. Weight gain is affected not only by the amount of food you eat, but also by regular stress.

Breastfeeding: tips for increasing lactation, feeding on demand, long-term breastfeeding, weaning. Tell me, please, ways to increase lactation, huh? We want to switch completely to breastfeeding without supplementary feeding. Well, something is not very good for us after such a mess...

Dairy factory: how to increase lactation. How much milk does a baby need? What to do if milk goes missing? How to survive the “stormy rush” of milk for a nursing mother? I don’t have enough milk that I can eat so that my milk comes in.

second birth and lactation. Hello everyone and Have a good mood! The question is: will the situation repeat itself a second time or is there an option for a sudden appearance of milk after childbirth? Dear women, can you advise how to increase lactation? drinking milk and lactation.

Breastfeeding: tips for increasing lactation, feeding on demand, long-term breastfeeding, weaning. How to preserve milk? How to freeze, in what portions? How much milk should be produced from one breast when expressing?

Breastfeeding: tips for increasing lactation, feeding on demand, long-term breastfeeding, weaning. how to induce menstruation? I have a serious question: the baby will be 2 years old in June, I am breastfeeding him and plan to continue until he is 3 years old.

Dairy factory: how to increase lactation. How to survive the “stormy rush” of milk for a nursing mother? Immediately after birth and during the first 2-3 days, colostrum is produced in the breasts. It is released in small quantities, and the mother practically does not feel it.

Section: Increasing lactation (twins increase lactation). How to increase lactation? How to increase lactation? I have twins. What's the only good thing I've heard about Herbalife There's always an increased chance of twins premature birth(half are born before...

Breastfeeding: the benefits of breastfeeding. Increasing lactation, tea for First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause causing reduced milk production. Dairy factory: how to increase lactation.

Breastfeeding: tips for increasing lactation, feeding on demand, long-term breastfeeding, weaning. The girls are cute, I have a very difficult day ahead of me tomorrow - artificial labor at 16 weeks. Most likely after that, lactation will start - what's it called...

But who knows how to increase lactation after childbirth, maybe you can suggest some kind of diet? Otherwise, for the first time, my milk disappeared as quickly as it appeared (I think because they didn’t bring me food to feed the baby, but I had to express it by hand).

Breastfeeding: tips for increasing lactation, feeding on demand, long-term breastfeeding, weaning. Everyone knows how to increase the amount of milk, but no one knows how to reduce it? I'm suffering like a half-milked cow - the baby's second week, that's it...

Breastfeeding: tips for increasing lactation, feeding on demand, long-term breastfeeding, weaning. Dairy factory: how to increase lactation. Increased lactation. Increase lactation? how to increase lactation?

Dairy factory: how to increase lactation. How to increase lactation? Do not give the mixture in the first days of life. Milk comes in on the 3rd to 5th. Often many people encounter problems with breastfeeding, one of which Fedya gained only 2.5 kg in 3.5 months.

Dairy factory: how to increase lactation. Breastfeeding is not always safe for women with heart disease or cancer. How to increase lactation? Do not give the mixture in the first days of life. Milk comes in 3-5 days after birth.

She breastfed until 7 months. There was diathesis, but we successfully dealt with it. I stopped breastfeeding because I needed it myself. The child has severe allergies and an infectious sore throat... Is it possible to restore lactation, how many days should I express, etc. Please...

Breastfeeding: the benefits of breastfeeding. Increasing lactation, tea for lactation. Ideal in composition, it is recommended as the only food for children under 6 months of age. Dairy factory: how to increase lactation.

Breastfeeding: tips for increasing lactation, feeding on demand 7ya.ru - information project on family issues: pregnancy and childbirth, raising children... Dairy factory: how to increase lactation. Is it possible to restore lactation???URGENTLY!

Breast milk is the basis for the future health and proper development, including mental development, of the child. But it happens that there is not enough milk. Let's look at why this happens and how to avoid the problem of insufficient lactation.

How to increase lactation while breastfeeding

If you have discovered a lack of breast milk, do not despair - today there are plenty of ways to increase its production, from increasing the frequency of feedings to adjusting the diet of the nursing mother.

How to understand that there is not enough milk

Before taking any measures for lactation, you need to make sure that there is really not enough milk

The first thing to do before taking any measures is to make sure that the child is really malnourished.

There are two ways to determine if your baby is getting enough milk.

  1. Daily weight gain of a child. If you have baby scales at home, weigh your baby several days in a row at the same time, preferably after the baby has pooped:
    • if the child gains more than 20 g per day, there is enough milk, no measures should be taken;
    • If a child gains less than 20 g per day, there is a nutritional deficiency.
  2. The "wet diaper" method. The diapers are removed for the day and during this period the baby's urination is counted. The norm is at least 12 wet diapers per day. If this indicator is lower, the baby really does not have enough milk.

Rules for increasing lactation in a nursing mother

If you still notice a lack of milk, it’s time to take action. Let's look at the main ways to enhance lactation.

More information about what to do if there is a lack of milk in our article -.

Frequent latching of the baby to the breast

Influencing prolactin through nipple irritation by the baby is one of the few methods that modern medicine considers the main means of enhancing lactation. Indeed, the more often the baby is put to the breast, the more milk will be produced. The brain receives information that the child has a need for additional nutrition, prolactin levels increase and the glands are filled with milk.

The way the body adapts to the increased needs of the baby does not happen instantly. Many mothers, having tried this method, complain: the baby hung on the chest all day, and there was no more milk. When using the method of frequent breastfeeding, it is important to remember that the body needs 2-3 days to adjust. It is after this period that you can expect an increase in the amount of milk.

Baby's night feedings

Feeding at night is one of the most effective methods of increasing lactation

Prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, is a specific hormone. It is produced between 3 am and 7 am. It is during this interval that milk is released, which is enough for the whole day of feeding.

To increase lactation, during the period of prolactin production it is necessary to put the baby to the breast every hour.

The role of pumping for lactation

Pumping also helps increase breast milk supply

Prolactin may also be affected by increased pumping. Our brain does not distinguish between sucking a breast and the operation of a breast pump; it only reacts to irritation of the nipple.

Therefore, pumping is one of the effective methods of increasing lactation.

It is important to take into account the fact that, unlike the natural process of attaching a baby, pumping is an unnatural, mechanical process. This means that it is quite possible to overdo it with the intensity and frequency of pumping, which are individual for each woman. And thus getting hyperlactation is a direct path to lactostasis and mastitis.

Calm, just calm

For successful lactation, it is desirable that the mother lives in the same rhythm with the baby

If the hormone prolactin is responsible for the production of breast milk, then oxytocin, a hormone that is extremely dependent on the emotional state of a woman, is responsible for its release during feeding. This means that even if milk has been produced in sufficient quantities, but during or before feeding the mother is nervous or upset about something, the release of milk from the glands will be difficult and the baby will still remain hungry.

Therefore, in order for feeding to be successful and the baby to eat, the mother must be calm and well-rested. It is optimal to live in the same rhythm of sleep and wakefulness with the child.

It is very useful to think happily about the baby. It has been proven that admiring the baby, thinking about the upcoming feeding and hugging actively contribute to the release of milk.

Foods that increase milk production

The amount of breast milk is also affected by the foods a woman eats.

To increase milk production, mothers should include fatty fish, “correct” vegetables and berries, as well as buckwheat

An increase in lactation is caused by:

  • fatty fish;
  • tomatoes;
  • carrots, onions;
  • pumpkin;
  • buckwheat;
  • watermelon.

Before consuming these products, if a woman has not yet included them in her menu, it is recommended to test for a negative reaction: first try a small portion of 20–30 g and observe for a day to see if an allergic response to this ingredient appears.

You should introduce foods one at a time, since if you try several ingredients at once and an allergic reaction occurs, it will not be clear what exactly caused the immune system response.

Drinking regime and lactation

Water during lactation increases the amount of milk and makes it less fatty

Water is not directly a means of increasing lactation, but since milk is 90% liquid, drinking more water will also increase the amount of milk, while diluting its fat content. This is especially useful for those mothers whose high fat content of milk leads to difficulties during feeding - it is difficult for a baby, especially a newborn, to extract such milk from the breast.

On average, a mother spends 1–1.5 liters of milk per day when feeding. To activate lactation, it is recommended to increase your daily water consumption by 1 liter.

Homeopathic remedies to increase lactation

In addition to funds official medicine, there are a number of homeopathic preparations, which are based on plant extracts that can affect lactation.


Lumbago is a poisonous plant listed in the Red Book, which can affect lactation

Pulsatilla is made from a plant in the ranunculaceae family called lumbago.

Preparations based on lumbago have gained popularity in homeopathy due to their sedative, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Due to its calming effect, Pulsatilla is prescribed to increase lactation when the amount of breast milk has decreased due to nervous experiences moms.

Pulsatilla is prohibited for use in the following cases:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including stomach ulcers;
  • renal failure;
  • pregnancy of any trimester;
  • allergic response to the plant lumbago.

Despite the claims of homeopathy about the safety of Pulsatilla for an infant, before use it is recommended to consult with a homeopathic specialist who will select the correct dosage and determine the dosage regimen.


Apilak is based on royal jelly - a substance that future bees feed on.

Lumbago, prutnyak and nettle in the composition make Mlekoin a biologically active drug

  1. Lumbago is a plant with a known calming effect.
  2. Prutnyak is a tree-like shrub, traditionally considered a female plant due to its effect on the normalization of hormones in the body.
  3. Nettle - includes a complex of biological substances and large quantities of ascorbic acid. Due to its iron content, it helps a nursing mother fight anemia.

About other means to increase lactation in the article -.

Folk remedies to increase lactation at home

You can prepare a medicine to increase lactation yourself. Moreover, many ingredients constantly “live” in our kitchen.

Carrot juice

Carrot juice, like the vegetable itself, stimulates lactation

Pass fresh, preferably young, carrots through a juicer or grate them and squeeze out the juice. Drink 0.5 glasses 2-3 times a day. To improve the taste, you can add 1 teaspoon of fruit juices or honey, provided the child is not allergic to them.

In addition to the lactogenic effect, it has sedative properties, so it is recommended to take the evening dose before bed.

Lettuce seed drink - remedy traditional medicine to increase lactation

The seeds have the most active lactic effect, so it is preferable to use them.

Grind 20 g of lettuce seeds to a powder and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 2-3 hours.

Take 0.5 cups 2-3 times a day. You can also add honey if you wish - 1 teaspoon per glass of broth.

Anise infusion has not only a lactogenic, but also a calming effect.

Anise has a beneficial effect on lactation due to its essential oil content. In addition to the lactogenic effect, it has a mild calming effect.

Anise seeds in a dosage of 2 teaspoons are brewed with 1 glass of boiling water and allowed to brew for an hour.

The decoction is taken at room temperature. Dosage - 2 tablespoons 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Taking beebread

Perga will not only increase the amount of breast milk, but also enrich it with vitamins

Bee bread, or, in other words, plant pollen collected by bees, will not only have a positive effect on lactation, but will also enrich breast milk with vitamins and microelements so necessary for the baby’s growing body.

Bee bread dissolves in the mouth half an hour before meals. Dosage - 1 granule 3 times a day.

Decoction of oats and galega herb

Oat decoction will help increase lactation and cleanse the body

Oat decoction will be especially useful for mothers who smoked before pregnancy, as it removes not only heavy metals from the body, but also nicotine.

The decoction is prepared simply: 200 g of oats (not flakes, but whole grains) are poured with 2 liters of water. The cereal is cooked until tender, then infused for 6 hours and filtered. The product is ready to use.

This remedy is taken 0.5 cups 4-5 times a day.

Galega, or goat's rue, can increase milk production by 50% and is considered one of the safest for babies.

At the same time, the plant is poisonous, so it is recommended to determine the dosage and dosage regimen with a herbalist.

Compresses on the breasts promote the release of milk into the ducts

Warm compresses do not increase the amount of milk, but actively influence its release into the ducts, thus making it easier for the baby to suck.

A compress in the form of a warm towel is applied to the breast before feeding for 10–15 minutes. In addition to applying a compress, you can take a warm shower, this will also increase the release of milk.

Caution should be exercised by mothers who have recurrent lactostasis, since heat, acting on the clogged duct, will become a catalyst for inflammatory processes.

Vitamin tablets for lactation

Despite the fact that these drugs are of plant origin and are essentially dietary supplements, they are often prescribed by doctors to gently correct problems with lactation.

Nicotinic acid affects lactation by improving blood flow

Nicotinic acid is found in foods such as buckwheat, mushrooms, legumes, liver, and kidneys.

This amino acid improves blood supply to the mammary glands, facilitating the transport of nutrients from which milk is formed.

With low lactation, nicotinic acid is additionally consumed in dosage form.

The initial dosage is 0.5 tablets 0.05 g 3-4 times a day. Every day the intake is increased by 0.05 g until a therapeutic effect is achieved. The maximum allowable amount for a single dose is 2 tablets. The following signs will help you understand that the right dose has been selected:

  • feeling of a rush of milk in the mammary glands;
  • slight redness of the face and neck;
  • less often - increased heart rate.

Features of taking the drug

Nicotinic acid is taken half an hour before feeding the baby. Nicotinic acid should not be taken on an empty stomach, only after meals. Some mothers recommend taking this medicine with hot tea. Under no circumstances should this be done, since nicotinic acid will have a detrimental effect on the liver.

The course lasts on average 10 days - it is usually determined by a nursing woman. As soon as the effect of increasing breast milk is achieved, the drug is immediately stopped.

As side effect dizziness occurs, so it is necessary to ensure that during the first 15 minutes after taking the drug, namely after this period of time nicotinic acid begins to act, there are relatives next to the woman who can help.

Yeast protein is rich in essential amino acids, vitamins B and D, and minerals. They provide breast milk with much-needed fats and proteins.

Yeast must be taken in the form of a paste made from dry concentrate. Drinking beer to improve lactation is strictly not recommended. The harm from alcohol, contained even in conditionally non-alcoholic beer, significantly exceeds the possible benefits for lactation.

How to use brewer's yeast

Grind dry brewer's yeast in the amount of 40 tablets, dissolve in 50 ml of boiled water at room temperature and leave for 24 hours. Then put on the fire, stirring, and bring to a boil. To improve the taste, you can add a little sugar immediately before use. Store in a cool place. Take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day for two months.

Glutamic acid

Glutamic acid is an important amino acid that normalizes metabolism, improves the condition of the nervous and endocrine systems, and also has a positive effect on lactation.

Glutamic acid is taken 3 times a day, 1 g, 20 minutes after meals. You need to drink it with hot tea, since it dissolves glutamic acid.

Contraindications to the use of glutamic acid:

  • allergic response to the components of the drug;
  • liver, kidney failure;
  • gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • anemia;
  • increased excitability;
  • inhibition of bone marrow hematopoiesis;
  • obesity.

Lecithin is necessary primarily for the proper development of the baby.

Lecithin is the main building material of cell membranes. It has a positive effect on the nervous and hematopoietic systems, removes toxins and cholesterol from the body.

This drug is necessary primarily for the baby, who must receive it with mother's milk in sufficient quantities.

Recent studies at Columbia University have proven that the amount of lecithin received in the first year of a child’s life subsequently determines the volume of his memory, as well as its resistance to age-related changes, helps prevent atherosclerosis.

For lactation, lecithin will be especially useful in the first days after childbirth, when milk is just beginning to flow and the breast has not yet been expressed by the baby. In this case, lecithin thins the milk, it becomes more liquid and less fatty, which helps to start feeding painlessly.

How to choose and take lecithin correctly

Lecithin is made from two products: soybean oil and sunflower seeds. Since genetically modified raw materials are most often used to extract soy lecithin, the effect of which on the body is still unknown, it is recommended to use lecithin from sunflower seeds. Sunflower has not been subjected to genetic modification in principle, therefore it is quite safe.

To improve lactation, the drug should be consumed in an amount of 5–6 g per day, divided into 3 doses during or before meals.

The course of treatment usually lasts at least three months, but it is recommended to check with your doctor for the exact period of treatment.

A lactation bar will bring maximum benefits if it is prepared with your own hands.

Store-bought bars, in addition to the ingredients necessary for lactation, often contain additives that are harmful and even dangerous for the baby, so it is recommended to make them yourself. This way you can be sure of the freshness and quality of the ingredients.

Lactation bars are made from oats, flax seeds and other ingredients approved for breastfeeding. Cooking it yourself is also useful because you can adjust the composition taking into account your baby’s reaction.

We present a recipe for making lactation bars, the ingredients are for 8 servings.


    oatmeal - 200 g;

    dried fruits to taste – 200 g;

    peeled walnuts - 200 g;

    honey - 4 tbsp. l;

    Orange juice- 4 tbsp. l;

    white sesame - 1 tsp;

    black sesame - 1 tsp;

    flax seeds - 1 tsp;

    vegetable or olive oil- 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking process

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Line a baking tray with baking paper or foil, spread the oatmeal over it in an even thin layer and dry it in the oven for 25–30 minutes until golden brown.
  2. Prepare dried fruits - wash hot water, then let it brew in warm boiled water for 10 minutes. Then cut into cubes.
  3. Prepare walnuts - remove shells and membranes, chop with a knife. It is not advisable to use a blender, because then the nuts will be crushed into cereal, which is undesirable.
  4. After preparation, select half the nuts and all the dried fruits and grind 2-3 times in a blender to get rid of too large pieces.
  5. Mix chopped dried fruits and nuts with the remaining nuts and add oatmeal, flax and sesame seeds.
  6. Add orange juice, honey to the resulting mass and mix everything well until smooth.
  7. Line a baking tray with baking paper or foil, spread the mixture over it in a neat layer, and form a rectangle with a knife. Mark the boundaries of future bars without cutting.
  8. Coat the edges of the paper or foil with oil and wrap them so as to completely hide the briquette.
  9. Bake lacto bars in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20–30 minutes.
  10. After cooking, cool the pan without removing it from the oven.
  11. After the briquette has cooled, cut it along the marked lines into bars.

Breast massage with Weleda oil

To enhance lactation, breast massage will come to the rescue. It is important to choose an oil that will not cause an allergic reaction and will be safe for the baby. It is best to purchase products labeled “for breastfeeding.”

One of the products intended for breast massage during lactation is Weleda oil. This product, according to the manufacturer, prepares the breasts for feeding the baby, stimulates the production and release of milk into the ducts.

Components of this product almond oil cares for the skin of the breast: nourishes, moisturizes and gives elasticity. A essential oils fennel and cumin affect lactation due to the warming effect, which relieves tension in the glands and normalizes the outflow of milk, preventing the development of lactostasis.

Massage technique to increase lactation and prevent lactostasis

Massage to improve lactation and prevent congestion should be done within 3-4 minutes after each feeding. It is recommended to do it as follows.

Breast massage to increase lactation can be done independently at home

  1. Using light circular movements of the palms, we begin to massage the breasts clockwise, with one hand on top and the other under the breasts. Massage is performed on each gland in turn.
  2. After massaging, we move on to stroking. We make movements from the base of the breast to the nipple from all sides, as if pushing the milk. The movements are smooth, no pressure should be applied.
  3. Next, we move on to massage the nipple, which directly stimulates lactation: we lightly pinch the nipple with two or three fingers and begin to make various movements: pull it a little in different directions, press, move it in a circle. If there are cracks in the nipples, massage is performed only after the problem has been eliminated.

The effect of the Vitafon device on lactation

Hardware methods for increasing lactation also help to cope with congestion in the glands and make feeding easier for the baby

In addition to drugs to increase lactation, there is also a medical method of phonation.

Phonics is a vibroacoustic effect on the cells of the body.

The Vitafon manufacturer notes that this procedure acts on lactation due to the fact that it increases blood supply and lymph flow, thus improving the conductivity of the milk ducts. Thanks to this, milk does not stagnate and flows freely during feeding.

This property is especially useful for mothers of babies who weakly breastfeed.

Here are reviews from customers about using the device.

Due to inexperience, many young mothers are faced with problems such as milk stagnation or lactostasis. I was no exception and also faced this problem. One very good friend told me how she herself coped with this, so to speak, disease and gave me this device for treatment. To be honest, I didn’t believe in its effectiveness, but in just a few sessions, a miracle happened: the temperature subsided and the lumps disappeared. True, during the procedure the sounds produced by this device are similar to an air raid siren, but these are minor things. The instructions describe many diseases and conditions for which the device can and should be used, but I myself only used it to treat lactostasis. Therefore, it would be correct for me to recommend only for the treatment of this disease.



Thus, there are a lot of official and alternative medicine, methods and even hardware methods. It is important to choose the appropriate and safest one, and then breastfeeding will be long-lasting and most effective.

Breastfeeding is a natural process programmed in the body of every woman who has given birth. Babies who are fed fully and for a long time with mother's milk have stronger immunity than children fed artificial feeding. They are strongly connected to their mother, because breastfeeding brings mother and child closer together. Breastfeeding babies are actively developing and growing quickly.

Breastfeeding is much healthier than formula

Every woman has her own physical features, and milk may remain in small quantities, especially after caesarean section, anesthesia, during periods of stress or illness. What should you do so that you can fully feed your newborn and not resort to artificial formula? The simplest thing is to eat foods that increase breast milk production in a nursing mother (we recommend reading:). To enhance lactation you need to eat right.

Why is lactation decreasing?

After the baby is born, the mother needs to rest more and be in comfortable conditions. A woman, if she is not too physically strong, is able to feed her baby to the full only if she has adequate sleep and an adequate daily routine.

Childbirth is a difficult test for the body, and it can experience various disruptions, which, in turn, affects lactation.

There are also serious hormonal disorders. In this case, lactation can be established only with the help of hormonal therapy, but such milk will no longer be beneficial for the baby. There is also a hereditary predisposition to lack of lactation. Why does the amount of milk in my mother's breast decrease? Let us highlight the main reasons for decreased lactation in a nursing mother:

  • Unfaithful to the chest. These may be too frequent or infrequent attachments, painful sensations during feeding, etc.
  • Improper nutrition and mother's daily routine during breastfeeding.
  • Stressful situations, a tense situation at home, going to work, or a daily routine that is too difficult for the mother.
  • Psychological barriers to breastfeeding reduce lactation. Conscious or hidden fear of spoiling the shape of the breast, of being dependent on the child.
  • Taking medications.

In a stressful situation, the amount of milk may decrease sharply

Proper food is the key to good lactation

If you do not have serious illnesses or disruptions in the functioning of the body, try to normalize lactation with proper nutrition. What a mother eats affects not only the quality of milk, but also the quantity. The mother needs to adhere to a certain diet so that the baby does not have allergies or problems with the gastrointestinal tract, so that enough milk comes in. A nursing mother does not need to eat a lot. Eat in moderation, healthy foods. Calculate your diet and be sure to include the following products:

  • up to 300 gr. fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt);
  • up to 200 gr. per day of meat or fish (will provide your body with protein);
  • up to 150 gr. cottage cheese;
  • up to 30 gr. hard cheese.

The quality of the prepared food matters. Do not snack in pastry shops or restaurants; buy food in trusted stores. Before eating yogurt, especially in warmer months, check the expiration date. It is better to use starter cultures or make fermented milk yourself in a yogurt maker or thermos. It is better to eat vegetables and fruits from your own garden or purchase them from regular sellers, because often the “gifts of nature” are pumped with nitrates. Drink enough liquid (up to 3 liters per day), because this is a prerequisite for increasing lactation. This could be liquid fermented milk products, tea, compote, water, herbs, and a little milk. It’s good if the liquid is warm overnight.

Dairy products are good for nursing mothers

Why is it so important for a nursing mother to eat right? On the one hand, the child needs this. Everything you eat ends up in your milk. Food should contain enough carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and microelements. On the other hand, the mother must support her body, which is not yet strong after childbirth, stressed by breastfeeding and constant worries about the newborn. If your milk is not enough, you feel that the baby is not getting enough, do not rush to run to the pharmacy for formula. Try to increase lactation by introducing certain foods into your diet.

What is best not to eat for a nursing mother?

A nursing mother should not be on a strict diet. Rather, she should eat like a person who cares about her health, who does not know what fast food, alcohol and food from public catering are, according to Dr. Komarovsky. The following ingredients should be strictly prohibited in the diet of a nursing mother:

  • alcoholic drinks (including beer) (we recommend reading:);
  • smoked sausage, meat, fish;
  • chips, hot crackers;
  • hot spices and store-bought seasonings;
  • buns and cakes in large quantities;
  • some spices (sage and parsley);
  • store-bought mayonnaise;
  • active and passive.

Products that increase lactation

Let us consider in detail the question of which foods actively stimulate milk production in a nursing mother. The list shows products that increase milk production, the microelements they contain and the consumption rate (calculated per serving). This is healthy and tasty food, not medical supplies. It is much better to resort to natural methods of treatment.

100-150 gr.Watermelon, fermented baked milk, kefir.
  • Watermelon contains B vitamins, calcium and magnesium.
  • Ryazhenka and kefir, in addition to lactic acid bacteria, contain calcium, iron, amino acids, vitamins B, PP, E.
70-80 gr.Pure carrots and freshly squeezed juice, beef.
  • Carrots are extremely high in beta-carotene and various minerals.
  • Beef will provide the body with potassium, magnesium, and choline.
40-60 gr.Buckwheat, natural honey, pure cottage cheese, beef tongue, oatmeal.
  • Buckwheat porridge is rich in protein, vitamins PP, group B, potassium, calcium and phosphorus.
  • Oatmeal is rich in proteins and carbohydrates, contains potassium and magnesium, and vitamins.
  • Honey contains potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus.
  • Cottage cheese is rich in protein, vitamins B, A, E, PP, and folic acid.
  • Beef tongue is a storehouse of protein and B vitamins.
30-50 gr.Chicken or chicken broth, rice and barley porridge, low-fat fish, hard cheese, black currants, lettuce.
  • Chicken is rich in protein and contains many vitamins.
  • Rice and barley will saturate the body with B vitamins, iron, phosphorus and calcium.
  • Fish is a storehouse of phosphorus and potassium.
  • Hard cheeses contain a lot of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • Blackcurrants and lettuce are rich in vitamin C.
5-20 gr.Walnuts, virgin oil, radish, beets and freshly squeezed beet juice, dill or fennel, garlic.
  • Nuts are rich in potassium and magnesium.
  • Oil, beets and radishes contain vitamins, potassium, magnesium.
  • Dill and fennel contain a large number of vitamin C, carotene and magnesium.
  • Garlic contains a lot of ascorbic acid.

What's the healthiest thing?

The most popular foods that enhance milk production are fennel and walnuts. Fennel infusion is also given to babies with colic, so drinking it is doubly useful. Improvements in the amount of milk will not keep you waiting if you regularly drink a cup of warm tea with a spoon of honey at night (more details in the article:). An infusion of walnuts in milk not only enhances lactation, but also improves the condition of the body as a whole. Great if you love fermented milk products, which help stimulate milk production and improve digestion.

Walnuts are not only tasty, but also healthy. But in moderation!

Beware of allergens!

Some foods that prolong lactation in a nursing mother are not only healthy, but can cause allergies - everything is individual here. Doctors do not recommend consuming it in quantities greater than that indicated. daily norm. If you yourself do not suffer from food allergies, the baby’s body may experience an opposite, negative reaction to the following foods:

  1. Walnut is a fairly active allergen, although it is a storehouse of vitamins and perfectly improves lactation. You shouldn't eat more than a handful a day.
  2. Do not overuse milk in its pure form. It often causes gastrointestinal problems and dyspepsia in babies. Add milk to your tea or drink a quarter cup at night. Kefir and yogurt are good for your gastrointestinal tract and increase lactation no less than fennel.
  3. Another strong allergen is honey. You shouldn’t completely eliminate it, much less replace it with sugar. A spoonful of honey in tea that stimulates lactation is your option. Natural honey, undiluted, without impurities, will help both you and your child get sick less, strengthen hair and nails, and improve skin condition. Falsified honey will not bring you any benefit, so monitor its quality and buy beekeeping products from trusted sellers.
  4. Vegetables and fruits that increase the amount of breast milk are useful, but you need to introduce them into your diet carefully, because they are active allergens, especially red berries. It is better to consume strawberries, raspberries, and red currants in minimal quantities, in compote or jelly. It is better to eat green or green fruits in their pure form. yellow color: apples, gooseberries, yellow raspberries, grapes (we recommend reading:).
  5. Do not rush to eat the first watermelons and melons - they often contain a lot of nitrates, you can poison not only yourself, but also the baby.

Think about your health

Increasing lactation is not easy, but possible. Eat foods that improve milk production, put your baby to the breast often (this promotes the production of prolactin), drink plenty of fluids and get plenty of rest. The mother of a newborn should, first of all, not clean the house or prepare a menu for the whole family, but take care of the baby. The first year of your child's life will fly by quickly. You will still have time to stand at the stove or run around with a vacuum cleaner in your hands in all subsequent years, but you will not return the period of breastfeeding.

Remember that your milk is the key to your child’s health for decades to come. Think about your health, and let your loved ones help you in this good goal.

A new mother may experience a lack of milk for various reasons, ranging from poor nutrition to constant emotional upheavals. Therefore, before increasing lactation while breastfeeding, it is necessary to eliminate all negative factors and reconsider your lifestyle. For use at home, you can use the recommendations below.

Ways to increase lactation while breastfeeding

You can improve your health and prevent further loss of milk by adjusting your own diet, changing the type of feeding the baby, folk ways and pharmaceuticals. Let's look at what increases lactation in lactating women.

Method number 1. Feeding your baby according to all the rules

It is difficult to predict for sure what exactly caused the loss of milk. There is a way out - feed the child, taking into account the subtleties and advice of doctors.

Apply to your breast more often

IN in this case It is necessary to be guided by the principle of progression, in which frequent latching of the baby to the breast will increase the amount of milk produced. When a baby suckles at the mother's breast, lactation increases significantly due to the production of the most important hormones - prolactin and oxytocin. Schedule your feeding schedule by the hour and strictly follow it without deviations.

Don't skip night feedings

In no case should you skip feeding your child at night, because after such actions the milk supply decreases significantly. Your body reacts to downtime in feeding in such a way that it reduces lactation. He believes that the child is fully fed, thereby reducing the milk supply. In order not to feel a decline, but, on the contrary, to increase the flow to the breast, you need to feed the baby at least twice throughout the night. When lactation returns to normal, this regimen still needs to be followed.

Provide tactile contact

I think no better way, how to increase lactation, than ensuring contact during breastfeeding. If feeding is carried out at home, try to pick up the child as often as possible, rock him, lull him to sleep using the “skin to skin” principle. At the moment of friction between mother and baby, lactogenic hormones are awakened, so milk becomes more abundant without additional effort on your part.

Get more rest

How to increase breast milk supply? It is enough for a new mother to protect herself from household chores, stressful situations, and insomnia. Learn to ignore problems, sleep at least 7 hours at night, and wake up periodically to feed the baby. Transfer some of the responsibilities to your family and restore milk production by good night. Because lactation intensifies at night.

Do gymnastics for the mammary glands

Milk may disappear due to poor blood circulation in the breast area, blocked ducts and other reasons. For this purpose, it is necessary to conduct classes with or without a fitball. Extend your arms in front of you, place palm to palm and begin squeezing. You will feel your chest muscles tighten. Stay in this position and relax. Train periodically when you have free time.

Method No. 2. Menu (products) for a nursing mother

Not all new mothers know how to increase lactation within short term when breastfeeding. In fact, all you have to do is adjust your daily menu and follow it at home and when visiting.

Products that increase breast milk lactation:

  • black bread (preferably with cumin) - up to 350 gr.
  • High-fat butter - up to 40 gr.
  • boiled chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • green apples - no less than 0.2 kg.
  • pears - not less than 0.25 kg.
  • low-fat boiled meat - 0.2-0.3 kg.
  • fresh vegetables (especially bell peppers, carrots, radishes and onions) - 0.6 kg.
  • boiled milk and other sour milk - from 500 ml.
  • cottage cheese - 100-150 gr.

You cannot exceed the specified quantity of certain products per day. Try to follow the recommendations. Also season vegetable salads with olive oil, and add sunflower oil to porridge. It contains vitamin E, as well as polyunsaturated acids, which enhance lactation.

Your diet should also include the following foods:

  • light fish soups;
  • walnuts, cashews;
  • natural honey instead of sugar;
  • chicken broth;
  • herbal and green tea;
  • watermelon;
  • milk porridge on barley or rice.

Since it is possible to increase lactation through proper nutrition, you need to control portion sizes when breastfeeding.

Eat often (5-6 times a day). At home, follow the drinking regime, consume at least 2.4 liters. purified (bottled) water.

It is very useful to drink a mug of warm tea with honey about 20 minutes before feeding your baby.

These products are prohibited:

  • chocolate and anything containing cocoa;
  • chips and snacks;
  • quick snacks (fast food);
  • coffee;
  • canned food;
  • sausages;
  • semi-finished products;
  • non-homemade sauces;
  • alcohol (absolutely).


All of the listed foods should be excluded from the diet. Also avoid anything that may trigger your baby's allergies to avoid weakening his immune system.

Method No. 3. Drinks to increase lactation

If you don't know how to increase lactation, you should drink more fluids. When breastfeeding, this feature is very important. At home, you should consume up to 2.4 liters. liquids per day. Forget about sweet soda and unnatural juices. Such products will have a negative impact on the baby. Also, always consume warm drinks and monitor the child’s body reaction.

Still mineral water

Give preference mineral water without gas. It is the main component of the daily diet. Do not skimp on water, do not drink running or boiled water. This is unsafe for the baby.

Cow's milk

You should drink milk with extreme caution. It contains a special protein that can provoke the development of an allergic reaction in the baby. You should not listen to the general opinion and believe that milk increases lactation. This is far from true. You can achieve the opposite effect.

Baked or goat milk

You are allowed to drink baked milk sometimes. After giving birth, at least a month should pass. After this, the product can be included in the daily diet in small quantities. Give preference goat milk, it is healthier and safer. The only downside is its specific taste.


Drink natural kefir, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The fermented milk composition will help solve most digestive problems. Kefir will not harm the baby in any way. Drink 0.5 l. daily.

Black and green tea

With the help of tea, you can decide how to increase lactation. Drinking the drink within half an hour increases milk production during breastfeeding. Brew weak tea at home. It is allowed to mix in a little cow's milk.


If you are a coffee lover, you should replace it with chicory. The presented product does not affect nerve cells in any way. Chicory will not affect the baby's excitability. This drink is allowed to be consumed no more than 2 times a week.

Ginger tea

Ginger tea makes it clear how to increase breast milk lactation. The drink is considered safe and effective. It can be easily prepared at home. Experts recommend that mothers regularly eat ginger with various dishes. The product strengthens the baby's body.

Herb tea

It is worth taking a closer look at teas prepared based on medicinal herbs. Be careful with plants. To improve the quality and quantity of milk, you should give preference to caraway seeds, dill, lemon balm, anise or nettle. In the pharmacy you can find a herbal mixture for nursing mothers.

Dried fruit compote

Don’t forget to regularly include dried fruit compotes in your daily diet. The drink is completely natural and healthy. Dried fruits are safe for nursing mothers, unlike other products. Besides this great alternative sweets.

Method number 4. Pharmacy products

There are often cases when proper nutrition does not help increase milk production. This raises the question, how to increase lactation? As a temporary measure, you can resort to pharmaceutical products. When breastfeeding, they help cope with the problem at home.

Herbal infusions

At the pharmacy you should take a closer look at simple herbal preparations:

  • "Lactavit";
  • “Grandma’s Basket”;
  • "Hipp."

dietary supplements

The following drugs performed well in solving this problem:

  • "Apilak";
  • "Lactogon";
  • "Femilak".

Vitamin complexes

Don't forget to drink regularly vitamin complexes. They are produced specifically for nursing mothers. If you are very nervous, it is recommended to consider:

  • "Mlekoin";
  • "Pulsatill."

The drugs preserve lactation during frequent stress. Before going to the pharmacy, be sure to visit a specialist. The doctor will give precise instructions and recommend effective remedy, based on the characteristics of your body. Most products have quite serious contraindications.

Method No. 5. Active lifestyle

If you don’t know how to increase lactation, you should resort to physical activity. An active lifestyle helps a nursing mother cope with certain problems. In such a matter, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you can achieve negative impact on your own body.

Gymnastics and walking

The optimal load is considered morning exercises. You should also walk more and visit the pool regularly. Lifting heavy objects is strictly prohibited. When deciding how to increase lactation, weigh the pros and cons. When breastfeeding, all the nuances are important. Do aerobics or yoga at home.


To stimulate lactation, it is recommended to regularly resort to self-massage techniques. This procedure should be carried out when taking water procedures. Steam your body a little and begin to gently stroke and knead the mammary glands. The procedure will take no more than 10 minutes. After the bath, moisturize your breasts with baby cream.


Regular sex is considered an excellent stimulation of milk production during the lactation period. At the moment of sexual intercourse, the emotional state of the fairer sex increases. Hormonal balance is restored.

To increase milk production, you should use some techniques. Don't forget about proper nutrition and due drinking regime. Spend more time on fresh air and do gymnastics.