8 weeks the uterus is felt. Embryo development by days and weeks. Pregnancy week: future baby

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Today, doctors distinguish two stages of pregnancy - obstetric And embryonic, which differ from each other by two weeks. This difference between these periods is due to the date from which the beginning of pregnancy is calculated. Thus, the obstetric period is counted from the date of the last menstruation, and the embryonic period is counted from ovulation. And since ovulation occurs about two weeks later than the start of menstruation, the difference between these two stages of pregnancy is also about two weeks.

The embryonic period is more accurate than the obstetric term, but in practical medicine both terms are used, since their comparison allows one to navigate the expected date of birth with maximum accuracy. The obstetric period is calculated by the doctor based on the date of the last menstruation, and the embryonic period is determined according to an ultrasound examination performed on any day up to the 12th week of gestation inclusive. For more later gestation, it is impossible to determine the embryonic period by ultrasound, since the size of the fetus can vary depending on different women depending on individual and genetic characteristics. And until the 12th week, the size of the fetus is still absolutely the same for all women, regardless of their constitution, individual and genetic characteristics, as well as the nature and amount of nutrition.

If the difference between the embryonic and obstetric periods is less than two weeks, then no correction is made, and further pregnancy is calculated according to the obstetric period. If the difference between the obstetric and embryonic periods is more than two weeks, then further calculation of pregnancy is carried out according to the embryonic period.


In the eighth week, the embryo reaches 14 - 20 mm in length (on average 18 plus or minus 0.9 mm), and already weighs about 1 g. The fetus is actively moving, which indicates the activity of the nervous system, but its movements are still invisible to a woman from - for small sizes. All internal organs are already established and will actively develop throughout the remaining period of pregnancy. The baby’s heart pumps blood throughout his small body, and valves are already functioning in large vessels (aorta and pulmonary artery). Blood cells are formed in the islets of hematopoiesis. The septa between the atria and the connections of the vessels thicken, grow and strengthen.

Active development of the brain continues, the cerebellum is formed. The bronchial tree grows due to the formation of small bronchi. A diaphragm is formed, which already separates the abdominal and thoracic cavities from each other. At the eighth week, the stomach is fully formed, and even begins to produce gastric juice. The formation of the kidneys is completed, which begin to secrete urine. The intestine is fully formed, but because it is too large sizes for the embryo, it does not fit in the abdomen, and partially exits into the umbilical cord, where it will remain until the 10th week.

There is an active formation of sweat and salivary glands, taste buds of the tongue and olfactory receptors of the nose, bones and muscles are developing, and the optic nerve is also being formed. The external genitalia are forming and taking on their usual appearance, but they are still too small in size, as a result of which it is impossible to discern on ultrasound what gender the embryo is. Girls develop ovaries and eggs, and boys develop testicles.

At the eighth week, facial features, nose and upper lip protrude forward, jaws form, eyes acquire color due to the beginning of the production of iris pigment. The retina of the eye is formed. The head is separated from the body due to the formation of the neck, which already has its usual shape. The limbs are actively developing - the phalanges of the fingers are formed, the arms can already bend at the elbows, and the legs at the knees. Tiny palms, despite the presence of only finger rudiments, are already clenched into a fist.

The placenta continues its development, which will be completed by 12 weeks. However, it already fully performs all functions of producing hormones and ensuring the flow of nutrients and oxygen from the mother’s blood into the embryo’s blood.

Ultrasound and tests

An ultrasound examination in the eighth week is safe and informative, as it allows you to assess the condition of the embryo, uterus, and placenta. It's time to undergo an ultrasound examination for the first time, if this has not been done before. The doctor will be able to hear the fetal heartbeat and count the beat rate, which is usually around 150 beats per minute. That is, the embryo's heart beats twice as fast as the mother's.

In addition, the doctor will be able to measure the size of the fetus (CTE) and assess the presence of movements of the arms and legs. The presence of heart contractions and movements of the arms and legs indicate the viability of the fetus, as well as its normal development. The measured fetal size allows the embryonic gestational age to be determined with an accuracy of plus or minus four days.

The doctor will also be able to assess the uteroplacental blood flow, the condition of the vessels of the uterus and placenta, which is very important for early detection of signs of fetoplacental insufficiency and prescribing the necessary treatment even before the baby begins to suffer from hypoxia.

During the ultrasound examination, the number of fetuses in the uterus (one or more), the place of placenta attachment and the presence of signs of pathology (for example, hydatidiform mole) must be determined.

Week 8 is the time to turn in everything. necessary tests for registration at the antenatal clinic. Referrals for these tests are usually issued by the consultation doctor who will manage the pregnancy. Tests must be taken upon registration, even if they were taken recently for some other reason - this is the procedural procedure approved by the Ministry of Health. Therefore, the doctor is obliged to refer the pregnant woman for tests, which he will do at the first consultation visit.

So, at present, when registering for pregnancy, the following tests must be taken:

  • General urine analysis ;
  • General blood analysis ;
  • Feces on worm eggs;
  • Biochemical blood test (blood sugar level, total protein, protein fractions, bilirubin, urea, creatinine, cholesterol, triglycerides, AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase);
  • Blood group and Rh factor;
  • Coagulogram (platelets, APTT, PTI, INR, TV, fibrinogen);
  • Bacterial culture of urine;
  • Gynecological smear and bacterial culture of vaginal discharge;
  • Cytology smear (Papanicolaou);
  • Testing for sexually transmitted infections (conducted before 16 weeks of pregnancy);
  • Tests for dangerous infections (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis);
  • Genotype analysis by a geneticist (for women over 35 years old).

Feces for worm eggs, a smear for cytology, genotype analysis by a geneticist, bacterial culture of urine, blood for group and Rh factor, as well as testing for sexually transmitted infections is carried out only once upon registration. These tests are not prescribed further during pregnancy if there are no signs of diseases detected using these studies.

General urine analysis and general analysis In almost all consultations in the CIS countries, blood tests are prescribed at every visit. That is, after each scheduled visit to the gynecologist, the woman will be given directions for a general blood and urine test. Although, according to the protocol of the Ministry of Health, urine and blood tests during the normal course of pregnancy need to be taken only three times - upon registration, at 18 and 30 weeks. But these tests are simple and at the same time informative, since they allow the doctor to promptly suspect pathology of the kidneys and bladder, identify anemia and prescribe the necessary treatment. Therefore, doctors working in practical healthcare prefer to give directions for a general analysis of urine and blood at each consultation visit for a pregnant woman.

At negative Rh factor blood several times during pregnancy, the woman will be additionally tested for the presence of Rh antibodies. This analysis allows you to determine whether there is a Rh conflict between the blood of the fetus and mother. And if there is one, then the necessary treatment is carried out in order to prevent hemolytic disease of the newborn, which develops against the background of Rh conflict during pregnancy.

In the normal course of pregnancy, a biochemical blood test and coagulogram are given only three times - upon registration, at 22 - 24 weeks and at 32 weeks. These tests are usually no longer needed. However, if a pregnancy pathology is suspected, the doctor may prescribe both a coagulogram and a biochemical blood test more often.

Since the load on the vessels increases in the eighth week, the risk of developing varicose veins and hemorrhoids increases. To minimize the risk of dilated veins during pregnancy, it is recommended to choose compression garments, avoid wearing high heels, stay off your feet for a long time, try to lie down more often and rest with your legs elevated for 10 to 15 minutes.

Due to the pressure of the pelvic organs on the sciatic nerve, the legs may go numb. The pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder leads to frequent urination, so the woman goes to the toilet to pee every hour, or even more often. Often women are bothered by constipation and bloating. This is because during pregnancy, the nervous system sends signals to relax the uterus, and these same signals are sent to the intestines, as they are controlled by the same nerves. Accordingly, the intestines relax, its contractile activity decreases, resulting in fecal stagnation and constipation.


Normally, in the eighth week of pregnancy, a woman should have clear or whitish discharge in moderate quantities, with a slight sour odor. An admixture of pus, mucus, blood in the discharge or a change in its color to yellowish, green or gray indicates the development of an infectious-inflammatory process in the woman’s genital tract. If such discharge appears, you should consult a doctor.

In addition, symptoms of trouble are itching, burning, irritation, pain, swelling or simply discomfort in the genital area, even if the discharge appears normal. In this case, you also need to consult a doctor.

Brownish or bloody discharge in the eighth week is a sign of a threatened miscarriage, so if they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor to receive maintenance therapy.


Any spotting in the eighth week of pregnancy is a sign of a threatened miscarriage or a spontaneous abortion that has already begun. Moreover, the stronger the bleeding, the more blood is released, the higher the degree of threat of pregnancy loss. Against the background of bleeding and the threat of miscarriage, pregnancy loss does not always occur. Sometimes blood is released for several days or even weeks, but competent and timely treatment allows you to maintain pregnancy and prevent spontaneous abortion. Therefore, if even a small amount of vaginal bleeding appears in the eighth week, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Bleeding can be combined with severe cramping pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the back (especially in the lower back and sacrum).

You need to know that bleeding in the eighth week is not a death sentence. So, only the release of blood with clots indicates that a miscarriage has begun. In such a situation, most likely, it will not be possible to maintain the pregnancy; you will have to go to the gynecological department and have the uterine cavity curetted so that the doctor removes all the tissues of the fertilized egg and they do not begin to rot. But if just blood without clots is released, then this only indicates a threat of miscarriage, and in such a situation, pregnancy can be saved with proper therapy.

Uterus and belly

In the eighth week, the uterus increases to 7–8 cm in length and takes on an ovoid shape (like an egg). The structure of the uterus also changes: it becomes soft to the touch, which the doctor feels well during a two-handed gynecological examination. The cervix lengthens, the external os of the cervix is ​​completely closed, and inside it there is a mucous plug that blocks access to the organ cavity for various microbes from the vagina. At the eighth week, the belly has not yet increased in size, only the waist has smoothed out a little.

Pain in the abdomen and other parts of the body

In the eighth week of pregnancy, a woman may experience unpleasant, painful sensations not only in the abdomen, but also in other parts of the body. Normal for this period of gestation are painful sensations in the pelvis and hips, which are of a pressing nature and arise due to irritation of the sciatic nerve, which is pressed by internal organs displaced by the growing uterus. To relieve these pain sensations, you need to lie on your side, on the side of which there is no pressing pain.

The abdomen may hurt in the eighth week due to stretching of the uterine ligaments and its pressure on surrounding organs. Typically, such pain is nagging, occurring sporadically in different parts of the abdomen and not associated with any factors. Their intensity and appearance do not depend on physical activity, excitement, etc. By the eighth week, the lower back may no longer hurt, but for some women, painful pulling sensations in the back persist almost until childbirth.

In addition, as early as the eighth week, rare, episodic contractions may occur, which are felt as a sharp attack of abdominal pain with a feeling of compression of the uterus and turning it into “stone”. Such training contractions last a short period of time, and within a few minutes after the onset of pain and compression of the uterus, everything goes away. Contractions in the eighth week are rare, there may be only a few of them during the day.

In addition to normal pain, a woman in the eighth week of pregnancy may also have pathological pain. Pain in the lower abdomen is pathological, combined with pain when urinating or cloudy urine. Such symptoms indicate an exacerbation of cystitis or pyelonephritis, so if they appear, you should definitely consult a doctor.

In addition, severe nagging pain in the lower abdomen is pathological, as it indicates increased uterine tone and the threat of miscarriage. If a woman is bothered by such pain, she should consult a doctor. If such pain is combined with bloody discharge, then you need to urgently call an ambulance and be hospitalized in a hospital for maintenance treatment, as these may be symptoms of an incipient miscarriage.


If a woman feels well and there is no threat of miscarriage or inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (for example, thrush), then you can have sex in the eighth week. Intimate relationships in this case, they are safe for both the expectant mother and the fetus. However, so that a woman does not feel discomfort during sexual intercourse, it is best to give the initiative in sex to her, since in this case she will be able to control the frequency of frictions, depth, strength and angle of insertion of the penis so that it does not cause pain.

After sexual intercourse in the eighth week of pregnancy, a woman may feel a slight tugging sensation in the abdomen. If there is no threat of miscarriage, then there is nothing wrong with such sensations, since they appear in response to increased blood flow to the uterus and to contractions of the ligaments that hold the uterus. However, if the sensations after sex are unpleasant for a woman, then it is better to abstain from sex during the eighth week of pregnancy.

In addition, if a woman does not feel well or there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, then in such cases sex in the eighth week is strictly prohibited, since intimate intimacy can provoke a miscarriage.


Weight gain in the eighth week of pregnancy is 700–1600 g, based on the non-pregnant value. The highest weight gain is observed in thin women, and the minimum in overweight and large women. In this case, a weight gain of 1600 g should be considered the maximum permissible for the eighth week of pregnancy. That is, if a woman by the end of the eighth week has gained more than 1600 g of weight, counting from her body weight before conception, then she should consult a doctor.

However, contrary to expectations, many women feel slimmer in the eighth week. This occurs due to a general tightening of the figure, and despite a slight weight gain, the woman visually becomes slimmer. In addition, in the eighth week, in some women suffering from severe toxicosis, body weight may even decrease due to fluid loss (along with vomit).

Food and alcohol

In the eighth week you cannot follow any weight loss diets. On the contrary, you need to eat your fill, since for normal growth and development the child needs nutrients, vitamins and microelements, which he can only get from the mother - and she, in turn, from food.

It is recommended to adhere to the usual recommendations for a healthy diet, that is, avoid fried, salted, smoked, spicy, spicy, a variety of canned food, fast food and ready-made semi-finished products. These dishes irritate the stomach and liver, often leading to heartburn, and pickles also cause swelling. It is also advisable to exclude from the diet foods that contribute to gas formation, flatulence, bloating and constipation (in particular, legumes, fresh bread, baked goods made from yeast dough, raw white cabbage). It is optimal to eat dishes prepared from fresh natural products, using boiling, stewing and baking, avoiding frying. The menu should definitely include meat, fish, seafood, dairy products, nuts, cereals, soups with meat and vegetable broth, as well as fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs.

If a woman, due to taste quirks, wants to eat something forbidden, then this can be done, but in moderation. There is no need to get too hung up on prohibitions, since they are conditional. And if the passionate desire to eat something is so strong that it causes mental stress, then it is better to eat a little of what you want than to bring yourself to a nervous breakdown.

You can drink as much as you want, choosing natural and healthy drinks, such as fruit drinks, compotes, milk, kvass, juices, rose hip decoction, plain or mineral water, etc. It is advisable to exclude coffee and tea, which have a stimulating effect, from the diet, but if this is not possible, then their consumption should be minimized to 1 - 2 cups per day.

Drinking alcoholic beverages during the eighth week of pregnancy is strictly prohibited, as it is not even a large number of Ethyl alcohol may have a negative effect on the development of the fetus. Thus, even minimal doses of alcohol consumed in the eighth week of pregnancy can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome, the consequence of which will be intrauterine growth retardation and the birth of a child with anomalies. Such anomalies may be mental retardation, motor impairment, bad memory and attention, small height and weight, low

The 8th week of pregnancy has begun, the baby’s development continues to gain momentum. Expectant mothers are becoming more and more attentive to their health and behavior

Fruit size: 14-20 mm.
Fetal weight: 3 gr.

The 8th week of pregnancy has begun, the baby’s development continues to gain momentum. Expectant mothers are becoming more and more attentive to their health and their behavior. Because this period is the first critical period in the mother's pregnancy and fetal development. It is very important to prevent even minor diseases that can cause irreversible consequences, because Almost all major systems are laid down and begin their development during this period.

8 weeks, how many months is that? 8 weeks is exactly , the first trimester continues.

What happens to the baby at 8 weeks?

The length of the growing fetus is approximately 14-20 mm, and its weight can reach only 3 grams.

As mentioned above, week 8 is the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy. During this period, the process of ontogenesis occurs - a series of successive stages of development, varying in speed and replacing each other. So, during critical periods of development, on the one hand, the fetus is less resistant and is especially sensitive to various external influences. On the other hand, these periods are characterized by the maximum speed of its development.

The critical period of the first trimester affects the entire fetal body as a whole, and in later stages it will only affect the development of individual internal organs. Unfavorable factors that can slow down or stop the development of the fetus include: hereditary (genetic and chromosomal abnormalities) and environmental factors of pathology (ionizing and ultraviolet radiation, food additives, pesticides, alcohol, nicotine, medications, viruses, infections, etc.). The consequences of exposure to these factors can be: miscarriages, fetal death, the birth of children with developmental defects of varying degrees and forms of severity. The neofetal or embryofetal period continues (end of 5–8 weeks of pregnancy from conception).

This period is the initial stage of development and further formation of the placenta. The correct formation of the placenta and placental blood circulation determines the further intensity of fetal development. Through the placenta, gas exchange and nutrition of the growing organism will be carried out. Its functions will include the production of hormones and enzymes, as well as the selective transport of nutrients and metabolic intermediates. While the nutrition of the embryo - the fetus continues to come from the yolk sac.

Ultrasound at 8 weeks of pregnancy. Ultrasound at 8 weeks of pregnancy is a mandatory procedure. On it, the doctor determines the mobility of the fetus, its heartbeat, and blood oxygen saturation. This research method will provide information about whether there is any pathology in the organ formation or not. You should not neglect it, as it will not bring any harm to you and your baby. But it can protect.

What happens to a pregnant woman’s body at 8 weeks?

At the 8th week of pregnancy, a huge hormonal surge occurs as a result of the active formation of the genitourinary system in the fetus. A hormonal storm causes noticeable changes in the physiological state of a pregnant woman. If the expectant mother is expecting a boy, then male hormones appear in her body. However, it is worth saying that the synthesis of sex hormones is not very different in both the female and male bodies. Thus, substances designed to maintain pregnancy - gestagens - are first formed from cholesterol. Then the formation of androgens (male hormones) occurs, after which female growth and acquisition hormones - estrogens - are formed.

It is important to know that these substances begin to rapidly and simultaneously enter the blood of the pregnant woman. Therefore, the symptoms of pregnancy only intensify: toxicosis rages. Male hormones can provoke other unpleasant changes: severe acne appears on the skin, vellus hair darkens and becomes coarser, so it seems that a pregnant woman has a mustache and even a beard. Now the embryo is actively forming bones. Therefore, calcium is “removed” from the mother’s body in large quantities. If you do not replenish the reserves of this element, then there is a high risk of venous dilatation of the veins. After all, calcium is removed from the venous vessels. Now swollen veins and nodules may appear on the legs, and swelling is likely.

The belly is not yet visible at 8 weeks of pregnancy. Most often, an enlargement of the tummy, barely noticeable, is not a sign of an enlarged uterus with a fetus inside, but the consequences of altered bowel function. What does the tummy look like? this period can be seen in the photo.

The uterus with the fetus inside is also growing rapidly now. It is already the size of an apple. But the growth of this organ often causes discomfort: spasms, nagging pain in the back and lower abdomen. Currently, my breasts are enlarged. At this stage, the mammary glands are already preparing for breastfeeding. The fatty tissue in the breast is replaced by glandular tissue. It often feels like heaviness. The nipple areolas darken, nodules (sweat glands) appear, and a vascular pattern is visible.

By the way, despite the fact that your pregnancy has just begun, you can already determine the gender of your unborn child. ABOUT reliable ways We spoke .

Diagnosis and causes of ectopic pregnancy at 8 weeks

Ectopic pregnancy is the settling and development of the fertilized egg outside the uterus. This is a rare and complicated form of pregnancy that poses a great danger to the life of a pregnant woman. Ectopic pregnancy, depending on the place of attachment of the egg, can be abdominal, ovarian or tubal.

Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. At 8-10 weeks of pregnancy, an ectopic pregnancy can be diagnosed. If a woman has symptoms of ectopic development of the ovum, then an ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the pelvis should be immediately performed using a transhypal sensor. Despite the capabilities of modern equipment, ectopic pregnancy is not always detected by ultrasound, but if there is no fertilized egg in the uterine cavity, the examination must be repeated after a few days. In this case, the woman is recommended to be hospitalized in a hospital, since the fertilized egg at this stage must certainly be examined.

If further developments do not clarify the situation about the location of the fetal egg and its assessment, then doctors may resort to diagnostic laparoscopy. This procedure, a kind of operation in which, under anesthesia, the pelvic organs are examined with a special device - a laparoscope. A procedure that allows both to detect an ectopic pregnancy and to treat it when detected. If the disappointing diagnosis is confirmed, then this operation will continue with therapeutic manipulation.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy
It is difficult to distinguish the signs of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages, because at first all the symptoms are the same as those of a normal pregnancy:

  • delay of menstruation;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • lack of appetite;
  • breast tenderness;
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract, spotting “rusty” color;
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract, smearing, as if “rusty” in color;
  • frequent urination.

By the sixth to ninth weeks of pregnancy, spotting and various pains in the abdomen or pelvis may appear. Dizziness, frequent vomiting, low blood pressure and fainting may also occur. In the case of an interrupted tubal pregnancy, signs of intra-abdominal bleeding occur:

  • weakness,
  • loss of consciousness,
  • lowering blood pressure,
  • frequent weak pulse,
  • severe pain syndrome.

An ectopic pregnancy is characterized by a sudden onset of pain, which can radiate to the anus, lower back, or legs; usually, some time after a painful attack, 50-80% of patients experience bleeding or scanty dark, sometimes brown or bloody discharge from the genital tract. These signs of an ectopic pregnancy are due to the fact that a large amount of blood enters the abdominal cavity.

Causes of ectopic pregnancy
An ectopic pregnancy can be caused by: damaged epithelium of the mucous membrane of the tube as a result inflammatory diseases internal genital organs, previous infections of the uterus, its appendages or bladder due to gonorrhea, endometriosis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterine wall), as well as abortion and hormonal disorders. Surgical interventions on the fallopian tubes can lead to scarring and ectopic pregnancy.

Possible threats at 8 weeks of pregnancy

The period of 8 obstetric weeks of pregnancy or 6 weeks from the moment of conception is a critically dangerous period, so at this time there is a danger of miscarriage. All fetal organs continue to form, so the slightest deviation in the programmed process can lead to spontaneous interruption pregnancy.

Bloody, pink or brown discharge may indicate a risk of miscarriage. A one-time spotting may go away without a trace, but a change in the color of the vaginal discharge over several hours is a reason for an urgent visit to the hospital. Severe abdominal pain and the appearance of blood in the discharge may be a sign of a frozen pregnancy.

Most dangerous symptom- This is bleeding at 8 weeks of pregnancy. In this case, the woman must immediately stop any physical activity, lie down, call ambulance and wait for the doctors to arrive. When a spontaneous abortion begins, specialists can still provide the necessary assistance to save the fetus, but if the situation has gone too far, it is necessary to take all measures to preserve the woman’s health, including her reproductive ability.

The key to a good pregnancy is: healthy sleep, proper rest and proper nutrition. Other recommendations from experts must be followed:

  • Visiting the antenatal clinic. If you haven’t registered yet, then it’s time to do so.
  • Any medications and pharmacological preparations must be used exclusively as prescribed by a doctor. Pay special attention to the instructions for medications.
  • When undergoing an x-ray or dentist, be sure to warn the specialist about your situation.
  • Do not wear stiletto heels. It can provoke not only varicose veins, but also a shift in the position of your child. Shoes should be comfortable, stable and non-slippery.
  • It is important to avoid conflict situations and factors that may have an adverse effect on the development of the fetus. These include the following: viruses, smoking and alcohol, medications, household chemicals and more. Long-term exposure to toxic substances can provoke various types of pathologies or deterioration of a woman’s health.
  • Restrictions on sexual life are necessary only in cases where this could harm the unborn child, for example, if there is a threat of miscarriage. If there are no contraindications, then you don’t have to worry about it.
  • Try to surround yourself only with positive emotions. You should not read dramatic books or watch films with negative content. First of all, you should think about the child.
  • If unusual discharge or bleeding occurs, contact your doctor immediately. This could be a risk of miscarriage.

The key to a smooth pregnancy and good health is to follow all the recommendations of specialists. Surround yourself only with positive emotions and impressions, take daily walks. Reasonable physical activity will benefit wellness and mood. Do not listen to any prejudices or unwanted advice from relatives. By following these recommendations, you will be able to bear a healthy baby.

Despite the presence of toxicosis, expectant mothers are in high spirits, everything is new for them, and emotions are in full swing. You are certainly no exception.

During this period you need to devote Special attention to your health, try to avoid large gatherings of people, protect yourself from various infections and colds.

A balanced diet and hardening will support the immune system. At the slightest sign of a cold, consult a doctor, do not self-medicate!

In general, take care of yourself, enjoy life and enjoy your new condition!

Your baby is the size of...

3 grams
14-20 mm
130 beats/min

Fetal development

At the eighth week, your baby already has not only lips, but also a tongue, and baby teeth are also formed. During this period, the stomach, esophagus, abdominal cavity, and intestines are formed.

The heart continues its formation, the cardiac division into chambers is almost completed, it is fully functioning. One-way blood flow through the heart is established. The rudimentary circulatory system begins its work.

This is what your baby looks like at 8 weeks

The feet and hands are shaped. An ultrasound will show your baby's first movements. The brain, cortex and gyri are developing; with the help of special equipment, its activity can be recorded.

By this period, your baby has already decided on his gender. Eyelids form on the eyes, and the tip of the nose and upper lip become more distinct. In the eighth week of pregnancy, your baby's heart beats twice as fast as yours, up to 130 beats per minute.

Every week the amount of amniotic fluid and the diameter of the fetal sac increase; by the eighth week its diameter averages 30 mm.

Ultrasound at 8 weeks of pregnancy

As mentioned above, on ultrasound you can notice the first movements of the fetus. See the contraction of the heart and determine the heartbeat. Determine the size of the uterus.

The gonads of the embryo are visible, the tip of the nose becomes visible, the eyes are still closed.

On this moment the embryo grows by 1 mm every day, and with daily ultrasound examination you might notice it.

Ultrasound of the uterus notes relaxation of the vessels of the uterus, acceleration of blood flow through them, which significantly improves the nutrition of the muscle layer and its increase.

Ultrasound examination is performed both transvaginally and transabdominally.

At this time, ultrasound is performed according to indications.

What happens in your body at 8 weeks?

The breasts enlarge, the glands whose task is to produce milk begin to grow, this happens under the influence of prolactin. The size of the uterus within the pelvis also increases. The cervix begins to soften, this process will occur throughout pregnancy, thus preparing for childbirth. The hormonal production of the corpus luteum is in decline, this function is taken over by the developing placenta, and your baby is already nourished by the uterus.

Your uterus has grown to the size of a grapefruit, and it is its growth that provokes frequent trips to the toilet.

How you feel at 8 weeks

During the eighth week of pregnancy, your body continues to make changes. Regular mood swings are your constant companion; now you feel joy, but after a while feelings of fear and anxiety may appear. This is normal, don’t dwell on it, just live and enjoy the upcoming birth of your baby.

There is morning nausea and vomiting, dizziness. You may feel bloating; this occurs under the influence of progesterone; the smooth muscles of the intestinal loops expand and relax.

Discharge from the genital tract

The discharge may increase - this is normal.

If you have unusual discharge or itching, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Photos of bellies at 8 weeks

Risks at 8 weeks

The threat of miscarriage remains throughout the entire pregnancy. If you have bloody or brown vaginal discharge that is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor. You should also contact medical care with excessive vomiting, more than 6 – 7 times a day.

Examinations at 8 weeks

Tests and examinations are prescribed only according to indications, depending on the course of pregnancy and the presence of concomitant pathology in the patient. expectant mother.

Important things for week 8

If your bra is too tight, now is the time to invest in some maternity underwear. The new bra should not be tight, should not pinch the nipple area, and should also be made of soft material. It is better to give preference to models that are equipped with wide straps. It is advisable to use special underwear for sleeping, in in this case A seamless T-shirt bra is perfect. It will not only support the breasts, but will also be an excellent prevention for the formation of stretch marks. Such underwear is purchased in specialized stores for expectant mothers.

It's time to say goodbye to the hairpin, and it's not about varicose veins. The fact is that every time you stand on high heels, your uterus changes its position, which in turn does not like the baby. It is much easier to buy ballet shoes and enjoy the comfort. For special and formal occasions, you can allow a stable heel, but not higher than 4 centimeters.

Avoid taking medications, except those recommended by your doctor. You should also avoid exposure to paints, solvents, cleaning products, etc. Forget about hot baths, hot showers and sauna visits. You should not dye your hair or do chemical or permanent hair perms during this period. The danger is not the penetration of chemicals through the skin, but the inhalation of their vapors, therefore, if the desire to look beautiful is not alien to you, it is better to paint your nails and hair in a mask, or in a well-ventilated area, for example, on a balcony.

Sex during this period is not prohibited, but only if there is no threat of termination of pregnancy!

Nutrition at 8 weeks

Refrain from drinking alcohol, reduce the amount of strong tea and coffee, and also avoid plant sweeteners and saccharin.

Nutrition should be balanced and contain all the necessary elements. Since the fetus’s skeletal system and milk teeth begin to actively form, you should start taking calcium-containing medications, and also consume more dairy and fermented milk products.

We continue taking vitamin E and folic acid until the 12th week.


It is better to avoid physical activities that can lead to abdominal tension, pressure on the abdomen or falls. Also avoid heavy and intense physical activity. Simple walking tours fresh air- this is exactly what you need.

Here comes the eighth obstetric week pregnancy. It would seem that the period is still very short, but a baby already lives inside you, which can be clearly seen and examined on an ultrasound. This is an important and responsible period in the life of the expectant mother. Doctors consider it to be a critical period. It is worth noting that most miscarriages occur during this time. That's why it's so important to take care of yourself, to eliminate everything bad habits, follow the appropriate regime, eat right.

What happens to the mother's body?

(obstetric) is equal to 6 weeks from the moment of conception. Your doctor should tell you about this at your first appointment and registration. At this time, changes begin to occur in the woman’s body. Firstly, the uterus enlarges. Now it is the size of an average apple. Perhaps already at this time you will feel that your previous clothes have become too small for you, they are simply uncomfortable. This is due to the fact that the pelvis begins to prepare for childbirth and gradually expands.

Secondly, women experience an enlarged bladder, which may result in frequent urge to go to the toilet. Please note that the process should be absolutely painless. If a burning sensation is noticed or the color of the urine has darkened, you should urgently consult a doctor to rule out pyelonephritis, which occurs in many pregnant women.

Special attention should be paid to the chest. Women during this period may experience discomfort, tingling. The areolas around the nipple darken and enlarge. Sometimes veins may appear on the chest. Don't worry, this will all go away in a few months after giving birth.

Often women ask: “The eighth obstetric week of pregnancy has begun, the belly is still not visible. Is this normal? Doctors assure that this is how it should be. The fetus is still small, so it is very difficult to visually determine pregnancy.

Eighth obstetric week of pregnancy: photo from ultrasound

Time flies very quickly; probably by this time the woman already knows for sure that she is pregnant. Any mother wonders: if the eighth obstetric week of pregnancy has begun, what happens to the fetus? How does it develop and how much does the baby weigh?

By this moment, almost all of its internal organs have been formed. The heart becomes four-chambered. The brain acquires its first convolutions. The stomach is in the correct position abdominal cavity.

Visually, the baby already has the outlines of a person. His arms and legs are clearly defined. The fingers can be distinguished, although they may still be connected by a membrane. The face has the outlines of lips, nose, and chin. The eyes still resemble two black dots, but the pigment that will later be responsible for their color has already been laid. Sex characteristics cannot yet be distinguished. You can only see a small bulge. But just during this period, the genital organs (testes or ovaries) begin to form.

The baby can already make his first timid movements. But they are still so chaotic and weak that a woman is not able to feel them.

If a woman is in her eighth obstetric week of pregnancy, the photo of the fetus will look something like the one below. You can examine the baby in detail thanks to an ultrasound machine. Such early diagnosis It is carried out only in cases where there are strong indications for this: uterine tone, suspicion of ectopic pregnancy and others.

Is toxicosis dangerous?

The eighth obstetric week of pregnancy is often characterized by the onset of toxicosis. The fact is that the woman’s body begins to actively secrete three hormones, which cause these unpleasant sensations. The following symptoms are characteristic of toxicosis:

    morning sickness;

  • loss of appetite;

  • acute reaction to odors;

Many people ask this question: “Eighth obstetric week of pregnancy: no toxicosis, what could this mean?” Doctors do not advise you to get nervous and rush to the hospital. You shouldn’t immediately overwhelm yourself with thoughts about a missed pregnancy or attribute other diseases to yourself. Perhaps you are the lucky one who will not encounter toxicosis.

To alleviate its manifestation, you need to eat right. Don't forget that meat is the main source of protein. It is advisable to use it every day. Choose low-fat varieties. It would be better to cook it in a double boiler or boil it.

Fruits and vegetables are a source of vitamins. Consume them in sufficient quantities. But without fanaticism, so that allergic reactions do not occur. This is especially true for citrus fruits.

Seafood promotes good bowel function. They are highly digestible, non-caloric, and rich in calcium.

Bakery products should be limited excess weight There is absolutely no need for the expectant mother. Remember: childbirth is ahead, you need to approach it in the best possible shape.

Another important point: try to eat as little smoked and salty foods as possible. The fact is that salt delays the removal of fluid from the body, swelling occurs and this does not mean that you cannot eat a pickled cucumber or a piece of balyk. But a three-liter jar of pickles is clearly too much.

If you have reached the eighth obstetric week of pregnancy, nutrition should be as healthy and balanced as possible. By doing this, you will help your body cope with such a difficult period.

When do you need medical help?

As a rule, toxicosis disappears by the 13th week. But there are times when you need to see a doctor for medical help. This should be done if:

    There is a sudden weight loss.

    Vomiting more than 4 times a day.

    The woman loses consciousness and feels weak.

    Food is absolutely not digested for more than a day.

    Vomiting is caused by simply drinking water.

In all these cases, consultation with a doctor is necessary. To prevent dehydration and exhaustion of the body, doctors will offer medications to stop vomiting.

Long live new sensations!

The eighth obstetric week of pregnancy brings new sensations for a woman, among them are:

    Increased drowsiness and fatigue.

    The appearance of acne on the face. There is no need to fight them; they will go away on their own as soon as the woman’s hormonal levels return to normal.

    When working sedentarily, women may experience pressure and pain in the lower back and pelvis. The fact is that the uterus enlarges and puts pressure on the sciatic nerve.

    Sudden mood swings.

    Frequent urination.

    Colostrum release.

Remember, pregnancy is not a disease. Continue with your normal life. Move more, spend time outdoors, attend cultural events, because positive emotions are so important at this time for both mother and baby!

Could there be complications? Their probable causes

Women often ask: “I’m in my eighth week of pregnancy; brown discharge periodically appears on my underwear. Is this the norm? The answer from leading experts is no. As soon as you discover something similar in yourself, do not ask questions in in social networks, and immediately call an ambulance!

As practice shows, it is at this time that a miscarriage can occur. And there are many reasons for this. The main ones:

    Mom's bad habits (alcohol, hard drugs, smoking).

    Genetic diseases of the fetus.

    X-ray exposure transferred to early pregnancy.

    Intrauterine fetal disease.

    Taking illegal drugs.

    Lifting weights, serious physical activity.

To prevent this from happening, be careful about your pregnancy. When visiting doctors, such as dentists, be sure to warn them that you are pregnant. Remember: at this stage it is very difficult to visually determine pregnancy.

Visit to the doctor. Is it required?

If the eighth obstetric week of pregnancy has arrived, the woman needs to visit a gynecologist. At the appointment, the doctor is obliged to measure the patient’s blood pressure, pelvic volume, find out the weight and general well-being of the expectant mother. The corresponding entries with the specified parameters must be included in the exchange card. You should not allow the gynecologist to examine you in the chair; it is no longer safe to do so at this stage.

What tests should be ready by this time?

By the eighth week of pregnancy, a woman should have the following test results on her exchange card:

    General blood analysis. Doctors use it to determine hemoglobin and sugar levels.

    Rh factor.

  • For syphilis.

    Blood type.

    For hepatitis.

    Analysis of urine.

    Blood from a vein (progesterone and hCG levels).

The baby's father must also be tested for the presence of sexually transmitted infections.

Smoking and alcohol are incompatible with pregnancy!

There is an opinion that a small amount of red wine is beneficial for pregnant women. Allegedly, it increases the content of red cells in the blood, increases hemoglobin, improves well-being and much more. All this is speculation and myths.

It is during this period that the baby’s nervous system and brain are actively developing, so alcohol is poison for the fetus. Getting into the mother’s blood, it passes through the placenta to the embryo. The same goes for smoking. Nicotine slows down the development of fetal organs. The consequences can be dire. This may have a detrimental effect on the child in the future. Up to delays in physical and mental development, problems with vision, hearing and other organs.


It is worth noting that it is extremely undesirable to get sick at this time. But life sometimes makes its own adjustments. If it happens that you were unable to avoid a cold, you should immediately contact your doctor and not start treatment medicines on one's own.

Warm tea with honey and lemon, bed rest, gargling with herbal infusion, rinsing the nose saline solution- these are your main medications. In the eighth week of pregnancy, women can use Paracetamol for fever with caution.

Fruits and vegetables should be included in the diet in sufficient quantities.

Once again about the main points

In the eighth week of pregnancy, a woman should adhere to some recommendations:

    Eat properly. Eliminate fatty, salty, smoked foods from your diet.

    Leave bad habits (alcohol, smoking) in the past, if you have any.

    Take medications, even vitamins, only after a doctor’s prescription. Read the instructions carefully.

    Do not wear high-heeled or platform shoes. Firstly, this is an additional load on the spine, and secondly, there is a possibility of slipping and falling, which is extremely undesirable during pregnancy.

    Attend cultural events. Positive emotions are the key to a good mood.

    Try to spend more time outdoors.

The eighth week of pregnancy (obstetric) is the time when the fetus visually completely resembles a human being. All his organs are formed, his heart is beating actively. The baby begins to make his first timid, still very weak movements. A little more and you will feel his thrusts.