The importance of folk toys in the lives of modern children. Coursework: Toys as a means of comprehensive education of preschool children


The history of toys has the same long history as the history of man himself. We can say that toys appeared simultaneously with the advent of man. It was necessary to somehow occupy the children in a primitive tribe - and their mothers gave them all sorts of pebbles, pieces of wood of unusual shapes - these were the first toys. Gradually the first processed stone and wooden figurines, dolls, and rattles appeared. Toys and games at all stages of the development of society reflected the material and spiritual life of people in a unique form. The ideological and educational significance of toys in the formation of a child’s personality is great. In a child’s life, play has the same importance as work and creative activity in an adult. Therefore, toys should serve as a means for a child to understand the world, cultivate patriotism and love of work, give birth to a dream, and develop thought.

A toy is a child’s constant companion from the first days of birth. It is specially created by an adult for educational purposes in order to prepare the child for entering into social relations. A good toy encourages a child to think, confronts him with various game tasks. And this contributes to the development of cognitive processes. The importance of toys in our child’s life cannot be overestimated, because play is the main activity of your child. By the age of two, he already has excellent skills in handling objects and knows how to use them. The child plays out individual scenes: feeding the cat, dressing a doll, transporting blocks in a car. Over the course of a year, your baby’s games will become more complex and filled with new content: before your eyes, your child will learn to take on the role of mom, dad, patient, doctor, driver, etc. Play, as an independent children's activity, is formed during the upbringing and education of a child; it contributes to his mastering the experience of human activity. Toy in in this case acts as a kind of standard for those items whose purpose can be found out and mastered various activities that the child needs to become familiar with. Play as a form of organizing a child’s life is important because it serves the child’s psychology and his personality. Game and toy are inseparable from each other. A toy can bring play to life, and play sometimes requires a new toy. And it is no coincidence that children’s games involve not only toys bought in the store, but also those made by teachers, parents or the children themselves. Toys can be very diverse, but they all must meet certain pedagogical and artistic requirements. At every age, a child needs toys of different themes and purposes: story toys (dolls, animal figurines, furniture, dishes); technical (transport, designers, technical units); toys - “tools of labor” (scoop, net, hammer, screwdriver, brush, toys imitating the simplest means of labor for adults); fun toys; theatrical, musical, sports toys for children of all ages. Large toys, such as scooters, children's cars, tractors, large easily transformable construction kits, help combat physical inactivity and teach the child movement and orientation in space. Sitting at the table, it is more convenient for a child to play with small toys that are clearly visible from all sides. For games on the floor, larger toys are needed, commensurate with the child’s height in a sitting and standing position. Outdoor games in the yard require large toys; small ones are not suitable. The selection of toys is closely related to the tasks of aesthetic, as well as moral education a child, with his desire for collective play, in which he uses all the toys together with all the children. The selection of toys is closely related to the tasks of the aesthetic and moral education of the child, with his desire for collective play, in which he uses all the toys together with other children. When selecting toys, age-related patterns of development should be taken into account play activity. Not all children have the opportunity to see live animals and birds. Books, toys, and television help us get to know them. It is very important that the selection of toys helps the child develop correct ideas about the environment. It is advisable that toys be brought into play by an adult. He interests the child in the plot of the joint game, asks him questions, encourages him to “communicate” with new toy. “Did the doll wake up? Treat her to compote." A toy for a child is full of meaning. Children of four to five years old carry out play actions most often with the help of toys, but their play actions can already be indicated by gesture and word. At this age, those items that in practical pedagogy are usually called attributes: all kinds of hats acquire special significance. Beads, aprons, robes. During this period, toys are needed that reflect the specifics of a particular profession. For a captain, the ship is not as important as it is important to have a telescope, binoculars, and a cap. A doctor needs a robe, a reception table, a thermometer wand, a syringe, and he certainly needs patients who patiently endure the care of the doctor and nurse. These patients may be big dolls. Sick “children” should have their own “moms” and “dads”. However, no abundance of toys, which seemingly allows the most story-driven games to unfold, can replace a child’s playmates. Being forced to play alone can sometimes lead to overstimulation of his nervous system. When playing alone, the child is excited by the abundance of roles taken on. Naturally, after the game he will be overly active, irritable, and “noisy.” But the same game in a group of peers does not cause a similar reaction in the child. Many children use not only toys in play, but also adapt other objects for this purpose. A sofa can become a steamship, chairs can become train carriages, pine cones can become funny hedgehogs. This use of items in the game indicates high level the child’s intelligence, the development of his imagination. Unfortunately, not all adults understand this. It is necessary to enrich the game with homemade toys, including those made from natural, waste materials.

The game develops and pleases the child, makes him happy. In the game, the child makes his first discoveries and experiences moments of inspiration. The game develops his imagination, fantasy, and, consequently, creates the ground for the formation of an initiative, inquisitive personality. Play for a child is a sure remedy for idleness, which leads to lethargy and aimlessness of behavior. For good have a fun game a child needs a good toy. Choose it wisely for your child.

The relationship between toys and play activities of preschoolers

Game and toy are inseparable from each other. A toy can bring a game to life, and the game, as it develops, requires more and more new toys. In cognitive terms, a toy acts for a child as a kind of generalized standard of the surrounding material reality. But the value of games and toys lies not only in the fact that they introduce the child to life, the main thing is that they are an important factor in the gradual movement mental development child, which provides him with the opportunity to carry out all types of activities at an increasingly higher level. Although play is, as it were, derived from the child’s everyday life experience, this does not mean that it is devoid of an anticipatory function in relation to non-game forms of his practical activity. The game can be used for planning and predicting human behavior in certain situations of his future activity. An example would be various educational games for preschoolers, mass patriotic games teenagers The same can be said for toys. Whether the toy is realistic, conventional in its imagery, or an object that replaces it, it always represents a generalized phenomenon - a sign in relation to its prototype ( to a real person, telephone, spoon, spaceship or computer).

Toys can be very diverse in theme and artistic design, but they all must meet certain pedagogical requirements. The most important of these requirements relate to the age-appropriateness and suitability of toys. different types games.

Research on the issues of games and toys, based on the study of the organization of children's play activities in the context of public education and in the family, has shown that there cannot be the same approach to the creation and selection of toys for all ages; age-related patterns of play activity must be taken into account. To answer this question, at what age does a child need which toy, the teacher must clearly understand the characteristics of children’s play at different age periods, since in each of them the game undergoes qualitative changes. These changes are clearly evident when comparing children's games in early and preschool age. The content of the play activities of young children consists of various actions with objects, toys and their substitutes. In preschool childhood, play actions are actions of communication. It is in early childhood that the activity basis is prepared for the transition to a game of a new quality - plot-role and role-playing. Object-based play activity in early childhood is not uniform. By accumulating experience with various objects, the child, as a result of communication with surrounding adults, becomes familiar with the phenomena of life around him, and this significantly changes the subject-semantic content of his play actions.

The influence of toys on child development

Play as an independent children's activity is formed during the upbringing and education of a child; it contributes to his mastering the experience of human activity. In this case, the toy acts as a kind of standard for those objects, the purpose of which can be learned and the child can master various actions with which he should perform.

The toy is important for the development of facial expressions and personality of the child. Therefore, many teachers and psychologists have been studying the problem of the influence of toys on the child’s psyche. Thus, research by Kossakovskaya E.A. on the issues of games and toys, based on the study of the experience of organizing the play activities of children in the context of public education and in the family, showed that there cannot be the same approach to the creation and selection of toys for all ages, but the age-related patterns of development of play activities must be taken into account.

Mendzheritskaya D.V., a well-known teacher in the field of toy studies, believed that a toy helps develop children's interest in work and contributes to the formation of inquisitiveness and curiosity. Giving children ideas about people of different professions, different nationalities, at the same time it can help cultivate a feeling of sympathy and respect for them. A toy is a child’s constant companion from the first days of birth. It is specially created by an adult for educational purposes in order to prepare the child for entering into social relations. As the famous psychologist G.A. Uruntaeva said, the main task of adults is to teach the child to act with toys. In all historical eras, a toy has been associated with play - the leading activity in which the typical appearance of a child is formed: intelligence, physical and moral qualities. However, specifically, the historical conditions of each era leave an imprint on the content of toys and the direction of games. A study of children's play behavior related to the choice of toys showed that the most popular toys among children are animals. In the experiment, toys depicting animals were chosen by 74% of children. (G.G. Lokutsievskaya, E.M. Gasparova, E.B. Volosova, etc.) (1.5 - 2.5 years) choose soft, bendable toys, made of rubber, foam rubber, fabric. Kids really love images of pets, familiar fairy tale characters, heroes of funny nursery rhymes: a dog, a cat, a cockerel and a chicken, a cow and a horse, a pig and a sheep, a duck).

Older children (2.5 - 3 years old) love to play with flat models depicting animals. The range of products for selectivity is being significantly expanded. Now the baby gives preference to wild animals - “little animals” (wolf, fox, bear, wild boar, hare, tiger, etc.). Exotic animals are also attracted: elephant, crocodile, cashelot-cachelot hippopotamus, etc. In children, the first simple knowledge about animals begins to develop as a result of repeated observation of them. Children notice that all animals have eyes, ears, mouth, paws; they move in space, eat and drink; they are alive. A toy is an important factor in a child’s mental development. The most diverse inclinations of a child seek their manifestation and exercise and find them in games, if the child is given material that can serve at the same time as both a stimulus that stimulates this or that activity, and an instrument with the help of which this activity is carried out and improved. Undoubtedly, all toys must meet hygiene requirements. Special attention should be paid to the quality of coloring of toys. Because in the early years a child tends to put everything in his mouth. The paints should not fade or stain your hands in any way. In any case, you should avoid green paints, which often contain toxic substances.

Toys require, as Locke insisted, a certain dosage, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Up to a year, a child should be given no more than one toy at a time; from a year to 2 years, a child can have 2 toys at a time, then, as his attention span increases, his ability to concentrate and individual desires are determined, the number of toys can be increased. However, even at 4 years old, you should not place more than 4-5 toys in the child’s field of vision. The nature of toys should change not only depending on age, it should also change during the day depending on the child’s condition and previous pastime. In the process of studying pedagogical literature on this issue, it was established that neither the teacher nor the parents should pedantically regulate children’s activities with toys, should not impose their interests on him and constantly indicate how each object should be handled and what its purpose is.

L.G. Orshansky, who devoted so much love and energy to the study of toys, quite rightly protests against the despotic desire of adults to introduce into the manufacture of toys, as well as into games, their own interests, artificial instructiveness, which justifies their narrowly utilitarian view of the role of toys and games. Toys, like games, serve not only as means of education and self-education, assimilation of new forms of behavior, but also as a kind of manifestation of children's individuality.

Thus, it seems completely obvious that no, even the most detailed study of a child using “accurate” methods and the most successful tests can give us a true idea of ​​the child, his personality as a whole and individual traits, if the researcher did not observe the child in his natural element is in play and among toys. A toy is an object that serves for fun and entertainment, but at the same time is a means of mental development of the child. The toy is a regulator of the child’s mental and physiological development. In order for the child’s development to be timely and comprehensive, toys should be carefully selected. For centuries, humanity has been perfecting toys that the best way would correspond to the capabilities of a child of a certain age and the associated physical and mental development.

The development of the emotional and moral sphere of a child’s personality, according to V.S. Mukhina, is largely associated with soft toys (images of a bear, hare, dog, etc.).

Soft toys play a special role for a preschooler; they influence his emotional and moral development. The child is first helped in everything by an adult, from whom he learns to endow the doll with certain positive qualities. A soft toy acts as a substitute for an ideal friend who understands everything and remembers no evil. Therefore, the need for such a toy arises in every preschooler - not only girls, but also boys. A bear, a monkey, a dog, etc., is an object for communication in all manifestations of a child, a communication partner in play. Every normally developing child develops a special relationship with his or her doll or animal. Over the years of childhood, each child becomes attached to his toy in his own way, experiencing many different feelings thanks to it.

Research has found that the texture of the material from which a doll or animal is made plays a significant role. Children are selective about toys depicting the same animal, but with different textures. Soft, fluffy materials evoke positive emotions and stimulate the child to play. Not every child is ready to accept rough, cooling materials. With the help of a correctly selected toy texture, it is easier to evoke positive emotions in a child towards a toy animal: goodwill, sympathy.

The ratio of the size of the head and body of the toy is also important. It has been established that a certain proportion of the figure evokes a patronizing attitude. A shortened oval of a doll’s face or an animal’s muzzle, plump cheeks, small nose and big eyes - such signs of the toy’s appearance give rise to a surge of tender feelings in the child.

Requirements for the toy

What should a toy be like to help a child develop, actively express himself in play, and live a joyful life?

The main requirement for toys was determined by N.K. Krupskaya in the article “About toys for preschool children”: a toy should contribute to the development of a child at every age level preschool childhood. In the selection of toys, one should proceed from the characteristics of age, so a single pedagogically valuable toy for children preschool age no and cannot be. The baby needs his own toys that will help him navigate the world around him, stimulate his independent activity, and direct it in a certain direction. And for older preschoolers, toys are needed that help them explore the surrounding reality and stimulate group games.

A toy filled with good meaning that encourages the child to take positive actions can contribute to a child’s development. Toys that display instruments of violence, cruelty, or weapons that stimulate aggressive, destructive behavior traumatize the child’s psyche. They form in children distorted ideas about the world around them, about morality, and undermine the humane rocks of the emerging personality. These kinds of toys are unacceptable.

The toy should be dynamic and encourage the child to take a variety of actions in the game. This is an important requirement that takes into account such psychophysiological characteristics of a preschooler as the need for active actions. There are certain requirements for the design of the toy. The toy needs an attractive, colorful design in order to evoke an emotional attitude in the child and cultivate artistic taste. Artistic expressiveness is ensured harmonious combination designs, shapes, colors. The material from which the toy is made is also important: soft fluffy materials evoke positive emotions, stimulate the child to play, and with a rough and cold surface they do not become loved. The design of the toy must be safe for the life and health of the child and meet a number of hygienic requirements. Examinations carried out in different countries, show that primitive, cheap “stampings” made of plastic, which have flooded the toy market, often threaten the health and lives of children. In this regard, many countries require manufacturers to provide reliable guarantees of quality, non-toxicity, and non-flammability. Frequent monitoring of the condition of the game material is also necessary.

Creating a toy that fully meets modern requirements is possible by bringing together specialists from different fields: teachers, psychologists, doctors, artists, sculptors, designers.

The importance of toys in a child's life.

Most people associate childhood with their favorite toy. This is not surprising, because a toy for a child is both a faithful companion and a patient, cheerful teacher, it is through toys that he learns about the world, develops intelligence, imagination, and develops the necessary skills.

A toy for a child is not just fun, but a smaller model of the world around him. By looking at the toys a child plays with, you can often learn a lot about him.


The construction set is a universal game; children of any age enjoy it, and they don’t get tired of playing with it for a very long time. Designer games are both exciting and very useful! They contribute to the proper development of the baby’s mental and creative abilities, teach them to concentrate and train fine motor skills, and also develop memory and perseverance, dexterity, and the ability to coordinate their movements. But most importantly, construction sets help children express their limitless childhood imagination. Children who enthusiastically build various structures from construction sets are, as a rule, persistent, assiduous and patient, and are inclined to the exact sciences. These are future mathematicians, programmers, architects...

In addition, do not forget that the designer is an excellent material for didactic games(“What color?”, “High-Low”, “Find the same”, “Which is the odd one”, etc.).


For a child, drivers are brave, interesting people who easily drive large iron cars. When playing with cars, a child copies the behavior of an adult, imagining himself in his place. Such a game is not intellectual, because is purely manipulative in nature.

Thus, if a child plays only with cars and does not recognize any other games and toys, the parents’ task is to offer the child such car games in which the child will develop intellectually.

It is necessary that the child’s fleet contains a collection of vehicles of all primary colors. During the game, inadvertently call car colors , and later ask the child to “give mommy the yellow bus,” “load the blocks on the blue truck,” etc.

By analogy with color study, you can teach your child through playconcepts of more and less(“look, the tap is big, but Zaporozhets is small”), higher lower (“a truck is taller than a car”), longer and shorter (a limousine is longer than a Lada).

Dont be upset , if at the firstIn your attempts to explain these concepts, the child does not hold attention for long and does not respond to your questions. Concepts that are regularly mentioned during the game are perfectly absorbed by the child, and after some time the child will definitely delight you with the accumulated knowledge.

You can also include various educational materials in playing with cars. For example, when studying the structure of a pyramid, you can bring each ring to the pyramid on a machine of the appropriate color or arrange the rings according to size on similar machines.

Stuffed Toys.

A nursery filled with soft toys characterizes a sociable baby, for whom interaction with people is more important and interesting than with objects. The child “humanizes” the toys, feeds them, puts them to bed. In addition, a soft toy is an ideal friend, kind and sympathetic, who always behaves correctly.

Psychologists have two opinions about the role of soft toys in a child’s life. Some believe that by “communicating” with a soft toy, a child compensates for the lack of parental attention and care, as well as the lack of communication with other children. Others claim that Stuffed Toys have a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche, helping to develop such qualities as humanity and caring for others.

Be that as it may, soft toys and dolls are necessary for role-playing games. Here they act as actors. The period of role-playing games is a serious stage in the development of a child. It usually occurs after 2.5-3 years. The game reveals the child’s character and also helps develop thinking and imagination.

In addition, with the help of a soft toy you can play out different life situations. Explain to the child in a form that is still difficult for him to understand.

Toys should be chosen, not collected!

There are now a huge number of toys on the shelves of children's stores, and it is impossible to buy them all, and it is unnecessary. Parents should not forget the main rule: Toys should be chosen, not collected! So what toys should you choose for your child?

By the age of 3, the baby begins to learn the functional purpose of objects, so it is necessary to expand the set of children's toys with dishes and furniture. At this age, a child strives to live adult life, and toy display real life will allow him to easily settle into a group of peers and fully develop both emotionally and intellectually.

The set of toys must include all sorts of sorters, pyramids, and construction sets. These toys themselves tell the child how to act with them (choose a suitable hole, arrange according to size, build).

Also during this period, it is necessary to introduce various board and printed games into the child’s life (lotto, dominoes, simple puzzles).

When buying a toy, you need to consider 4 main criteria:

  • Safety (material and workmanship)
  • Aesthetic appearance (real color and shape, visually pleasing toy)
  • Age appropriate (don’t buy toys “to grow into”!)
  • Multifunctionality (the more actions you can perform with the toy, the better)

From the age of 2-3 years, it is advisable to introduce so-called substitute objects into the child’s play space (all kinds of scraps, rags, boxes, stumps of boards or sticks). It is during this period that the baby develops active speech, and substitute objects confront him with the need to name them with a word that actually exists and is accepted in relation to a particular object. In addition, they contribute to the expansion of living space by introducing an imaginary situation (that wonderful “as if”!), as well as the development of imagination and creativity.

Do-it-yourself toys should be highlighted separately. Furniture or a car made by dad or a toy sewn by mom will look no less beautiful and valuable to a child than something bought in a store.

And most importantly, it is necessary to remember that not a single toy can replace the value of communication with parents for a child!!!

"A toy in a child's life"

Let's remember our childhood, What happens right away? Of course, mother’s warm hands, and her favorite teddy bear (doll, bunny, etc. - everyone has their own). Most people associate childhood with toys. But, in addition to personal value for each of us, the toy has universal value, since it is a creation no less grandiose than a computer. Therefore, at least adults need to take the choice of toys very seriously. So, let's start with the smallest ones.

In the first days and months of his life, the child’s ability to learn about the world around him is limited. The whole world for a baby lies in his mother’s smile. And through communication with her, the child gets acquainted with the first objects and toys. During this period, the baby needs all kinds of rubber rings, rattles, and pendants. They should be bright and within the child’s field of vision, as the toy should attract the child’s attention. A little later, with the development of grasping, the baby should be able to act with an object: knock with it, throw it. It's good if the toy makes sound. At 6-9 months, you can add so-called toys - inserts, which allow the child to develop intellectually. Gradually, animals and rubber dolls can be introduced into the baby’s objective world. They should have large components and well-drawn facial details. At 9-12 months, you can please your child with wind-up fun toys: pecking chickens, drumming hares. At 10-12 months, the child needs pyramids of 3-5 rings and cubes. Many parents are alarmed by the fact that during this period the child literally puts everything in his mouth. Don’t be alarmed: firstly, the baby is just teething, and secondly, the mouth is the same means of cognition for a child as hands and eyes, you only need to remember about the hygiene of toys.

At the age of 1 to 3 years, the baby becomes more independent, he has the opportunity to move independently. But the joy of the baby means problems for the parent! To ensure that your favorite vases, sets and books continue to serve you, remove them from the child’s eyes and do not provoke him to “feats.” During this period, you can already buy your child a fur toy, with which he will fall asleep wonderfully. A large box and your help will help the baby remember that toys need to be put away.

By the age of 3, the baby begins to learn the functional purpose of objects. And where, if not in a game, can he most sensitively learn that they sit on a chair and eat from a plate? Therefore, it is necessary to expand the set of children's toys with dishes and furniture. It should be close in size to a child's one, but be lighter. The child strives to live an adult life, so help him. A toy representation of real life will allow the child to easily settle into a group of peers and fully develop both emotionally and intellectually. By the age of 3, the toys that live with the child should increase in size: a large doll, big car, a large toy animal. The set of toys must include all kinds of pyramids and construction sets. These toys themselves tell the child how to act with them. For example, a pyramid with a cone-shaped rod will not allow the child to randomly string rings; he will have to understand the principle of assembling the pyramid. Or the well-known nesting dolls. If the child places at least one of them incorrectly, the nesting dolls will not be inseparable sisters. Also during this period it is necessary to introduce various board and printed games into the child’s life.

By the age of 4-5 years, the child begins to be most interested in all kinds of sets of families, soldiers, and animals. The child begins to invent things with them various options games. In general, at this age, all types of toys begin to be available to the child: dolls, building materials, puzzles, attributes of professional activity, and various technical toys. Gaming preferences are beginning to be divided by gender: boys choose cars and weapons, and girls choose dolls and everything connected with them. But both of them continue to develop an interest in various types of mosaics and lotto. By the age of 6, a child develops an interest in modeling, design, i.e., in those games that allow him to make something with his own hands.

All of the above toys can be classified as so-called “ready-made forms”, i.e. these toys are manufactured in a factory and they already have a functional purpose. But there is another, no less important group - substitute items. It includes, from the point of view of an adult, completely unnecessary things, or rather, garbage, but for a child it is the most valuable material for the development of imagination and creativity. These are all kinds of scraps, rags, boxes, stumps of boards or sticks, circles, fragments of something, etc.

The introduction of these objects is advisable from the age of 2-3, since it is during this period that active speech develops, and substitute objects confront the child with the need to name them as a word that actually exists and is accepted in relation to a particular object. In addition, they help expand living space by introducing an imaginary situation. You say: “This is all good, but each of the listed toys costs money and not every family can afford them!” Yes, this is undoubtedly true. But it is important to remember the rule: Toys should be chosen, not collected! Naturally, you cannot help but buy some toys for your child. But if you wish, you can make all the toys yourself and they will look no less beautiful and valuable to your child than those bought in a store. Use your imagination - and you will succeed. Firstly, dad can make magnificent doll furniture and a car from scraps of wood; secondly, mom can sew a magnificent doll and clothes for it from leftover yarn or fabric; thirdly, lotto and puzzles can be cut out from newspapers and magazines. . On the one hand, this is budget savings, and on the other hand, it is a good opportunity to unite the family. I would like to dwell on one more point - the choice of toys.

If you want to buy your child a new toy, follow 4 rules . The toy must be:

    Safe (look at the workmanship, the material from which it is made)

    Aesthetic in appearance

    Age appropriate

    Multifunctional (the more actions a child can perform with a toy, the better; naturally, this does not apply to rattles for babies)

In conclusion, we need to remind you that Dear Parents that nothing, not even the most best toy, cannot replace live communication with your beloved dad and mom!

In a cognitive sense, a toy acts as a kind ofa generalized standard of the surrounding material reality.Toys can be very diverse in theme and artistic design, but they all must meet certain pedagogical requirements.A toy is one of the most ancient types of decorative and applied art, that is, art that decorates our everyday life and has a very specific purpose - to serve a person and delight him.



Relevance. Game and toy are inseparable from each other. A toy can bring a game to life, and the game, as it develops, requires more and more new toys. In cognitive terms, a toy acts for a child as a kind of generalized standard of the surrounding material reality.But the value of games and toys lies not only in the fact that they introduce the child to life, the main thing is that they are an important factor in the gradual movement of the child’s mental development, which provides him with the opportunity to carry out all types of activities at an increasingly higher level. The game can be used for planning and predicting human behavior in certain situations of his future activity. An example would be various educational games for preschoolers and mass patriotic games for teenagers. The same can be said for toys. Whether the toy is realistic, figurative, or an object that replaces it, it always represents a generalized phenomenon- a sign in relation to its prototype (a real person, telephone, spoon, spaceship or computer). Toys can be very diverse in theme and artistic design, but they all must meet certain pedagogical requirements. Research on the issues of games and toys, based on the study of the organization of children's play activities in the context of public education and in the family, has shown that there cannot be the same approach to the creation and selection of toys for all ages; age-related patterns of play activity must be taken into account. A toy is important for the development of a child's personality. Therefore, many teachers and psychologists have been studying the problem of the influence of toys on the child’s psyche. After all, a toy is a child’s constant companion, his friend, and most importantly actor in his games. It stimulates the child’s thoughts and provides ample opportunities for the manifestation of knowledge about the surrounding reality. At the same time, the toy is perceived aesthetically by the child; it educates feelings, which is extremely important. And even when it loses its playful meaning, the child retains a lively, aesthetic attitude towards it.Being an obligatory companion of childhood, a subject of entertainment, experiences, fun, a toy has general educational significance and serves the purpose of the child’s all-round development.A wide range of educational tasks are solved thanks to the variety of toys in terms of content, types, materials, execution techniques, and age-specific purposes.A toy, in the figurative expression of A.S. Makarenko, is the “material basis” of the game, it is necessary for the development of gaming activity. With its help, the child creates a conceived image, expresses his impressions of the life around him, and plays this or that role.The toy should help children explore the concrete reality around them.A child needs a toy that develops the ability to distinguish the color, size of objects, their materials, etc. Properly selected toys contribute to the mental development of children. In folk pedagogy, a whole system of toys has been developed, games with which are aimed at improving the child’s sensory skills. Many imaginative and didactic toys encourage children to engage in speech activity and are used to enrich their vocabulary. Collapsible toys, a variety of construction sets, train children in analysis, synthesis and generalization. Various mosaics contribute to the development of concentration and stability of attention. The toy amuses and pleases the child and evokes a positive attitude towards the environment. Sympathy and affection for the toy is transferred to the objects and people depicted in the toy. Playing with a doll awakens in children a caring, caring attitude, attentiveness and tenderness, and helps to accumulate the experience of positive moral feelings.

A toy is one of the most ancient types of decorative and applied art, that is, art that decorates our everyday life and has a very specific purpose - to serve a person and delight him.. The first toys arose at the stage of development of society, when the work of adults became inaccessible to the child. They were smaller copies of tools with which children could practice in conditions close to the activities of adults. In Russia, starting from the 12th century, folk crafts of toys - clay, carved - appeared. There was no factory production of toys. Folk toys - clay and rag - were common in the Tambov region. But already at the beginning of the 20th century. In the process of teaching and raising children, toys were included, which in modern psychological and pedagogical research are called didactic toys.

I. The importance of toys in the development of a preschooler’s personality.

The importance of toys in our child’s life cannot be overestimated, because play is the main activity of your child. By the age of two, he already has excellent skills in handling objects and knows how to use them. The child plays out individual scenes: feeding the cat, dressing a doll, transporting blocks in a car. Play, as an independent children's activity, is formed during the upbringing and education of a child; it contributes to his mastering the experience of human activity. In this case, the toy acts as a kind of standard for those objects whose purpose can be found out and various actions that the child should become familiar with. Play as a form of organizing a child’s life is important because it serves the child’s psychology and his personality. Game and toy are inseparable from each other. A toy can bring play to life, and play sometimes requires a new toy. And it is no coincidence that children’s games involve not only toys bought in the store, but also those made by teachers, parents or the children themselves. Toys can be very diverse, but they all must meet certain pedagogical and artistic requirements. At every age, a child needs toys of different themes and purposes: story toys (dolls, animal figurines, furniture, dishes); technical (transport, designers, technical units); toys - “tools of labor” (scoop, net, hammer, screwdriver, brush, toys imitating the simplest means of labor for adults); fun toys; theatrical, musical, sports toys for children of all ages. Large toys, such as scooters, children's cars, tractors, large easily transformable construction kits, help combat physical inactivity and teach the child movement and orientation in space. Sitting at the table, it is more convenient for a child to play with small toys that are clearly visible from all sides. For games on the floor, larger toys are needed, commensurate with the child’s height in a sitting and standing position. Outdoor games in the yard require large toys; small ones are not suitable. The selection of toys is closely related to the tasks of the aesthetic and moral education of the child, with his desire for collective play, in which he uses all the toys together with all the children.The selection of toys is closely related to the tasks of the aesthetic and moral education of the child, with his desire for collective play, in which he uses all the toys together with other children.When selecting toys, age-related patterns of development of play activity should be taken into account. Not all children have the opportunity to see live animals and birds. Books, toys, and television help us get to know them.It is very important that the selection of toys helps the child develop correct ideas about the environment.It is advisable that toys be brought into play by an adult. He interests the child in the plot of the joint game, asks him questions, encourages him to “communicate” with the new toy. “Did the doll wake up? Treat her to compote." A toy for a child is full of meaning. Children of four to five years old carry out play actions most often with the help of toys, but their play actions can already be indicated by gesture and word. At this age, those items that in practical pedagogy are usually called attributes: all kinds of hats acquire special significance. Beads, aprons, robes. During this period, toys are needed that reflect the specifics of a particular profession. For a captain, the ship is not as important as it is important to have a telescope, binoculars, and a cap. A doctor needs a robe, a reception table, a thermometer wand, a syringe, and he certainly needs patients who patiently endure the care of the doctor and nurse. These patients may be large dolls. However, no abundance of toys, which seemingly allows the most story-driven games to unfold, can replace a child’s playmates. Being forced to play alone can sometimes lead to overstimulation of his nervous system. When playing alone, the child is excited by the abundance of roles taken on. Naturally, after the game he will be overly active, irritable, and “noisy.” But the same game in a group of peers does not cause a similar reaction in the child. Many children use not only toys in play, but also adapt other objects for this purpose. A sofa can become a steamship, chairs can become train carriages, pine cones can become funny hedgehogs. This use of objects in play indicates a high level of intelligence of the child and the development of his imagination. Unfortunately, not all adults understand this. It is necessary to enrich the game with homemade toys, including those made from natural, waste materials.

Thus, the most diverse inclinations of a child seek their manifestation and exercise and find them in games, if the child is given material at his disposal that can serve at the same time as both a stimulus that excites this or that activity, and an instrument with the help of which this activity is carried out and is being improved. They must satisfy and develop aesthetic taste, the beginnings of which appear so early in the child. And therefore, they must excite and encourage the child’s desire for collective efforts.
Toys, like games, serve not only as means of education and self-education, assimilation of new forms of behavior, but also as a kind of manifestation of children's individuality.
It seems absolutely obvious that no, even the most detailed study of a child using “accurate” methods and the most successful tests can give us a true idea of ​​the child, of his personality as a whole and of individual traits, if the researcher has not observed the child in his natural element - in play and among toys.

II. Modern classification of toys.

1. Thematic or figurative toys (dolls, figurines, etc.).

2. Technical toys introduce children to the world of technology, introduce them to appearance technical items (machines, mechanisms, vehicles).

3. Construction and structural materials

4. Didactic toys- These are toys aimed at developing mental processes.

5. Toys for outdoor and sports games are intended for physical education.

6. Theatrical toys are dolls (theater characters, bibabo dolls, marionette dolls)

7. Sounding and musical toys.

8. Homemade toys are made by children, parents, and teachers themselves.

III. Psychological and pedagogical requirements for children's toys.

Due to the fact that toys are of great importance for the development of children's play, attention should be paid to their selection.A specialist who helps parents choose children's toys (psychologist, nursery teacher and kindergarten working with family social teacher, pediatrician, sales consultant in the toy department, etc.) must draw their attention to the fact that the external attractiveness of a toy must necessarily be correlated with its educational value and safety for the child’s health.

Toys must not:

  1. provoke a child to act aggressively;
  2. cause manifestations of cruelty towards the characters of the game (people, animals), whose roles are played by the playing partners (peer and adult) and which are the plot toys (dolls, animals);
  3. provoke stories related to immorality and violence;
  4. arouse an unhealthy interest in sexual issues beyond the competence of children.

They have to:

  1. have didactic properties (the ability to teach a child to design, become familiar with color, shape, the presence of programmed control mechanisms, for example, in electrified toys);
  2. possibility of use by a group of children (suitability of the toy for use by several children, including with the participation of an adult as a playing partner, for example, for collective buildings);
  3. high artistic and aesthetic level or their belonging to artistic crafts, ensuring the child’s familiarization with the world of art and folk art.

They are in the nature of wishes. Toys that meet this level receive most favored nation treatment in Russia.Many psychologists and teachers are currently conducting various examinations of modern toys. These examinations are based on objective, scientifically based criteria for assessing the developmental value of toys. The main requirement for a toy is to maximize the development of those types of activities in which the formation and development of new formations of each age period most effectively occurs, i.e. solving age-related development problems. A toy as a means of education should stimulate prosocial actions and, if possible, evoke humane feelings. It must support a caring attitude towards others, emphasize the human, anthropomorphic principle in the living and, of course, in man in all his forms. The presence in a toy of qualities that simulate asocial actions and feelings is unacceptable: violence, cruelty, aggressiveness, indifference, an objective attitude towards living things, etc.The requirements for toys and the criteria for their evaluation should be set on the basis of the structural components of the game.Since activity is stimulated by a motive that defines its subjectivity and direction, it is carried out through actions that have their own content and operation. The motive for playing lies in the process itself. Interest in the game is determined largely by the toy, namely its attractiveness to the child. This is an important requirement for a toy, which makes it a material for the child’s independent, proactive activity and provides the motivational component of play activity. Outwardly they should not be annoying with their color. If in game room there will be a dominance of colors, shapes, flashing pictures, objects, etc. The child’s psyche cannot cope - the perception of color and sound, smell and touch, ideas about the good are poorly deformed.

The main requirement for a toy is to maximize the development of those types of activities in which the formation and development of new formations of each age period most effectively occurs, i.e. solving age-related development problems.

Thus, the main psychological requirement for toys is the ability to activate the child’s age-appropriate activities, which is ensured by:

  1. the attractiveness of the toy for the child, which sets the motivational basis for the game;
  2. completeness, adequacy and openness of guidelines, creating the developmental potential of game action;
  3. the operational capabilities of the toy, ensuring the child’s independent action.

IV. Methods of using toys to develop children's creative activity.

Creative games are games in which images appear that contain a conditional transformation of the environment. Thanks to a toy, art enters a child’s life. From a very early age, a toy contributes to the development of a child’s creative powers; it helps enrich his imagination. Of great importance in creative development The child has a homemade toy. It is rare that a child does not deal with such a toy - from the most primitive, made by him to the best of his ability from paper, rags, matchboxes, clay, sticks. This is the child’s first creative work, along with drawings, and always expresses not only his Creative skills, but also technical invention and design capabilities.

The method of presenting a particular toy depends on its type, the age of the children and the tasks that the teacher sets for himself. The main changes taking place in the sphere of imagination are associated with the fact that substitutions are firmly included in the repertoire of children's play behavior. Almost all children easily and independently find among multifunctional objects objects that are really missing but necessary for them and freely include them in the game. Indicators such as: a) independent choice of substitute items; b) flexibility in changing the function of objects; c) original names and actions; d) criticality towards partner substitutions, which indicates the presence of one’s own special vision of the environment, collectively indicate that the imagination at this age acquires a creative character.

It is quite obvious that children are playing with the toy. Toys that stimulate role-playing and directing play are best suited for preschoolers to play with. For role playing game It’s good to have sets for playing doctor, hairdresser, shop, as well as costume parts and attributes that help you take on and hold the playing role (doctor’s robe and bandage, car steering wheel, police cap, red cap, etc.). This group also includes transport toys (trucks, trains, cars that allow you to transport something).
director's playwe need small and, if possible, cute toys that require communication or treatment as living characters - bears, bunnies, dogs and, of course, dolls with all kinds of doll utensils.At an older age, children require a more complicated toy. It is not so important for them to merge in action with the toy as to control it, direct it, examine it, understand the technique, the mechanism, make it work, change the contents of the set. For this age, all the constructive and technical properties of the toy are extremely important, allowing them to be richly used in a playful and educational sense.

Of the character toys, we need not individual large toys, but sets on specific themes that give scope for story-based play, reflecting modernity with its way of life, construction, technology. Such toys consolidate and expand children's experience, develop their creative imagination, unite the team and bring great joy to children's lives. Games with a story toy should be organized. Time for these games must be regularly allocated, and the opportunity to use all the story toys and building materials from which the children build the necessary buildings as an addition to the game must be provided. Moreover, if children do not have enough certain toys or figures, the teacher can invite the children to make them themselves right away (from cardboard, paper) or plan to make more complex homemade products (wooden, papier-mâché, etc.), which will require special time .

The role of the teacher in the game process is very responsible and active. He monitors the content, progress of games, and relationships between children; questions, reminders, advice, and adding additional material contributes to a rich and organized game process. In the middle and older groups, much attention should be paid to toys of the third type - building materials, construction sets, collapsible models, semi-finished products.

Story games that unfold through imaginative toys are valuable for preschool children. They are expanding life experience children. First of all, it is necessary to give individual images of animals (a bear, a hare, etc.). The child will spend quite a long time mastering these individual toys, playing with them, without combining them into a large complex. However, it is necessary to support the child’s desire to use other materials in play, for example, blocks, planks, sticks, to build a house, stable, cage, etc. To play with story toys, you should have these additional materials and allow them to be used freely. The teacher must monitor the development of games, grasp the content and direction of the games, offering the child or group of children additional materials in order to encourage them to enrich the content of the game and to use toys collectively. If children’s interest in the game decreases due to the lack of game material or because of problems with the children, the teacher introduces additional game material that is already familiar to the children and helps resolve the conflict. A large place should be occupied by unformed material from which children can make toys that meet their design.

Thus, we can distinguish the stages of development of symbolic actions with objects:

  1. On the first At this stage, the child uses only realistic toys in play, and when asked by an adult to find a missing object, he either does not respond at all or responds negatively. In general, the game at this stage is at a low stage of development.
  2. On the second the child discovers interest in the adult’s substitute actions and immediately after observation imitates them with the same substitute objects. However, gaming behavior in general indicates that such substitutions are unstable, uncritical, and little realized. The child imitates the adult, very vaguely realizing the meaning of the substitution. And at this stage, the game is carried out only together with an adult and on his initiative, leaving the child generally indifferent to it.
  3. On the third stage, the child produces an independent delayed imitation of the adult’s substitute actions. At the same time, there is a fairly strong and complete copying of them, as well as the children’s concentration on their implementation. The most important factor ensuring awareness of the gap between an object and its meaning and the ability to transfer this meaning to other objects is speech. The further development of substitutions is associated with it.
  4. On the next At the stage of play, in the behavior of children, along with imitation, independent substitutions appear, which are not borrowed entirely from the experience of observing an adult or playing with him. The game increasingly captivates the child and increasingly unfolds on his initiative. Without going beyond the proposed plot, the child begins to vary the adult’s actions, introducing elements of novelty into them.

V. Characteristics of the subject-game environment preschool.

It is necessary, first of all, to ensure that in the group room the children have conditions for all types of independent activities. Each type of toys and aids should be stored in a certain order, which will allow children to independently find the desired item and put it back in its place after playing. It is important to think about how to distribute play material in the most rational way so that children can engage in a variety of activities without interfering with each other.

Children should have a sufficient supply of toys, which is changed periodically. They should be kept outside the group so as not to create unnecessary irritation. In a group, it is necessary to constantly have for several days one or another set needed for the game, put away here in cabinets or on shelves.

The storage of toys in the middle and older groups is different. At this age, children’s attention is more stable, the child sets a specific goal for himself in his activities, the entire group of children participates in the planning of classes. The older children themselves prepare the material under the guidance of the teacher, they know well the order and place of each thing, materials, take them according to the planned plan, etc. It would be artificial and incorrect for older children to have only the material of today, for fear of the children being distracted. In this way, it is impossible to develop in a child stability, planning of actions, and the ability to go towards a goal, despite obstacles. All toys introduced into senior group, should be stored here, in order, sorted by type, so that the children canand they are easy to use. If this clutters the group, a cabinet with some assortment can be placed in the hallway or in another room. The children themselves are in charge, they know where everything is and take toys when needed.

The subject-based play environment in a preschool institution meets certain requirements: first of all, this is the freedom of the child to achieve the theme, the plot of the game, certain toys, the place and time of the game. At the same time, one cannot fail to take into account the age characteristics of preschool children and the fact that they are in preschool educational institution, working according to a certain educational program. This means that when creating conditions in a preschool institution for children to exercise their right to play, it is necessary to offer them not only the most convenient time in their daily routine for play, but also to allocate a suitable place, equipping it with a universal object-based play environment suitable for organizing various types of play. games.

Research has shown that an object-based play environment will effectively influence the development of a preschool child’s play activity under certain conditions.

The teacher must be the organizer of the subject-play environment from the point of view of their safety, attractiveness, value potential and educational impact on the child’s personality.

A child of preschool age should show interest in the subject-play environment, actively master it, transform it and assert himself.

The object-based play environment should be purposefully organized taking into account the play needs of the child and meet the relevant principles:

  1. The principle of distance, position during interaction.
  2. Activity principle
  3. The principle of stability and dynamism of the development environment
  4. The principle of the emotionality of the environment, individual comfort and emotional well-being of the child and adult.
  5. The principle of combining conventional and extraordinary elements in the aesthetic organization of the environment.
  6. The principle of openness-closedness.
  7. The principle of taking into account gender and age differences in children.

And requirements:

  1. patterns of development of play activity and pedagogical tasks of raising children of different ages,
  2. developmental in nature, correspond to the cognitive sphere of the child, i.e. inexhaustible, informative,
  3. satisfy the need for novelty and transformation

Materials for story game:

1st junior group

Large and medium dolls (10 pcs.), soft toys (18 pcs.), inflatable toys (6 pcs.), set of teaware (large), set of kitchen utensils (2 pcs.), basins (2 pcs.), set bedding for dolls (1 pc.), large car (2 pcs.), medium and small cars (10 pcs.), doll stroller (2 pcs.), buckets (5 pcs.), large doll table (1 pc. ), doll bed (1 pc.), cabinets for doll linen (1 pc.), kitchen stove (child-sized) - 1 pc., volumetric modules (1 set), items for dressing up, inflatable pool (1 pc.), tent - house (1 pc.), pyramids (5 pcs.), musical toys (piano, tambourine, drum, musical hammers, musical rattles, rattles), wheelchair - butterfly (2 pcs.), rocking chair-whale (1 pc.), slide (1 piece), gurney (2 pieces).

2nd junior group

Large, medium dolls (9 pcs.), soft toys (10 pcs.), rubber toys (8 pcs.), “Doctor Aibolit” set, “Hairdresser” set (1 pc.). washing set (1 pc.), set of large and medium teaware (1 pc.), set of kitchen utensils (1 pc.), basins (2 pcs.), buckets (3 pcs.), set of doll accessories (2 pcs. ), ironing board (1 pc.), iron (2 pcs.), “rolling bear” (2 pcs.), car (5 pcs.), airplane (2 pcs.), steamship (1 pc.), doll stroller (2 pcs.), musical steering wheels (2 pcs.), scales (1 pc.), bags and baskets (3 pcs.), large doll table (1 pc.), doll bed (2 pcs.), locker for doll clothes (1 pc.), kitchen stove (child-sized), construction set (1 pc.), materials for games with rules: “Fishing”, “Turtle Log”, “Logic Cube”, game “Darts”, puzzles (large and small), “Logical Dominoes”, “Zoo”, “Mosaic”, “Cubes”.

Middle group

Dolls (9 pcs.), soft toys (8 pcs.), cars (5 pcs.), steamboat (1 pc.), Doctor set, sets for s/r games (shop, steamboat, hairdresser), small rubber toys (9 pcs.), items for dressing up, puppet theater, set of teaware (2 pcs.), set of kitchen utensils (1 pc.), set of doll accessories (2 pcs.), bags, baskets, backpacks (5 pcs.) , set of doll furniture (1 pc.), kitchen stove (child-sized) (1 pc.), doll linen closet, doll bed, table (child-sized), building kits (3 pcs.), stroller (2 pcs.) , a set of vegetables and fruits (1 piece), puzzles (large and small) (9 pieces), board games: “Zoological Domino”, “Loto”, “Mosaic”, “Cubes”, “Puzzles”.

Senior, preparatory group for school

Cars (8 pcs.), medium and small dolls (10 pcs.), soft toys (7 pcs.), strollers (1 pc.), cabinet for doll dishes (1 pc.), set of doll dishes (2 pcs.) , bed for dolls (1 pc.), set of teaware (2 pcs.), set of kitchen utensils (2 pcs.), clothes for dolls, wardrobe for doll clothes, gas stove (child-sized), floor lamp, ironing board, set “Doctors” (1 pc.), sets for s/r games (“Shop”, “Barbershop”, “Steamboat”, “Bank”, “Post Office”, “Library”, “School”), airplane, steamship (each 1 pc.), folding screen, steering wheel, steering wheel (1 pc.), set of road signs, traffic light (1 pc.), large construction set (1 pc.), set of vegetables and fruits, small rubber toys, wooden construction set: “Zoo” , “Farm”, “Fun Town”, “Transport”; small rubber figurines of animals, ancient settlements, materials for games with rules - ring toss, board-printed games: lotto (4 pcs.), digital lotto (1 pc.), dominoes (4 pcs.), checkers, chess, cubes, puzzles (2 pieces each).

Thus, the skillful leadership of the teacher, without suppressing the initiative of children, a clear grouping of play materials, care for the acquisition of a rich, varied assortment of toys, planned presentation associated with organized children's experience - all this should raise the problem of games and toys to the proper fundamental and practical height , bring revitalization and joy into the life of preschool institutions.

VI. Analysis of the subject-game environment of the senior group.

In accordance with the programs being implemented, the group has created the necessary conditions For comprehensive development children.

The entire group space is available to children: games, teaching material, toys. The placement of furniture and equipment ensures convenient observation of all children in the room and makes it possible to approach each child during services and activities. The furniture is selected according to the height and age of the children and is marked.

The group contains areas for play, theatrical, musical, visual, constructive, speech activities, an area for the development of motor activity, a corner of nature, an experimentation area (sand-water table), and a library for children. There are sufficient benefits available for sensory development. The material is selected in accordance with age, hygiene and safety requirements.

The group has created all the necessary conditions for the emergence and development of gaming activities. The teacher involves children in game situations: “Let’s feed the doll”, “Journey to the forest”, “Journey to the farm”. During the games it is traced speech development children, development of creativity and expressiveness of movements when imitating the movements of animals. Children take an active part in all games. Children's gaming skills are developed. Children use substitute objects and perform several play actions.

Conditions have been created for the development of children's aesthetic attitude towards the world around them and excellent conditions for sensorimotor development.

One of the main hygienic requirements for the equipment of a preschool institution is safety for health and compliance with the height and age characteristics of children. Playground and sports equipment is securely secured. Stored in sectional cabinets located closer to the free space. It has no sharp protrusions or roughness.

When equipping a group room, the rules are taken into account, the observance of which ensures a convenient arrangement of furniture and the most favorable level of natural light during classes.

The group has corners:







Mosaics large, medium, small

Lego-type constructors


Crafts with lacing and fasteners

Transformers toys

Material for development motor skills

Constructor: large, small, medium

Circuits and algorithms

- Non-traditional material:

boxes, sticks, bars, containers of different sizes.


Spatial and constructive thinking;

Finger motor skills;


Skills in working from diagrams and drawings.

Corner "Books"

Book rack

Children's books according to the program, according to interests;

A selection of subject and subject pictures

Portraits of writers

Books - coloring

Videotapes with literary works

Nurturing spiritual culture

Education of patriotic feelings.

Theater Corner




Attributes for productions

Variety of theater types:

flat, puppet, glove, tabletop.

Material for making costumes

Development of speech creativity and imagination

Be able to work in a team

Art Corner

Gouache, watercolor


- Colored paper, cardboard, fabrics

Brushes, scissors, seals, cliches, stencils

Coloring books

Samples of paintings

Strengthen the skills of drawing, sculpting, appliqué

Development of finger motor skills

Development of creativity

Study area

Schemes and plans

Counting material


Activity kits

Didactic games


Development of mathematical representation

Development of the speech apparatus



Natural material

Various containers



Technical materials

Schemas, modules, tables

Expanding your horizons

Formation of natural science concepts

Development of observation skills

Corner of nature

Nature calendar


Canvas "Seasons"


Plant care equipment

Expanding the child's experience

Instilling love for living things, the desire to care

Musical corner


Portraits of great musicians

Center with recordings of children's repertoire

Albums with children songs

Development of music. abilities

Improving music. skills

Instilling a love of art

Physical education corner




Children's basketball basket


Waste material

Satisfying the need for movement

Development of dexterity, accuracy, coordination of movement

Formation of correct posture

Developing the ability to be organized

VII. Pedagogical conclusions.

A toy has always been a human companion. Everyone loves her: both children and adults. For children it is fun; for adults it brings joy, transporting them to the world of childhood. Any toy is the result of not only labor, but also creativity. Toys are one of the earliest and brightest memories of childhood. With the current abundance and variety of dolls, soft toys, as well as robots implanted by Western culture - Transformers, Spidermen, and other monsters, handmade toys look the warmest and most touching. Modern toys are infinitely diverse not only in their images, but also in types corresponding to various aspects of children's activities. There are sports toy, musical toy, printed toy (lotto, printed board games, cutting, gluing, etc.), technical toy (various machines), construction sets, didactic toy and, finally, toy that conveys images of living beings - people (dolls), animals, birds. In addition, there is a separate assortment of toys for the little ones (rattles), different from Christmas tree toys and play toys. The age of the children for whom the toy is intended determines the requirements that are placed on it both in terms of content, form, character, design, and in terms of the material from which it is made and the technique of its implementation.

The toy should comprehensively develop the child. Playing with a certain toy has a predominant effect on one aspect of the child’s development: the development of his movements, sense organs, thinking, etc. In accordance with the fact that toys contribute to the development of such functions of the child, with their pedagogical purpose, they are divided according to the accepted pedagogical classification by E. A. Flerina, into types: motor sports and training, plot-shaped, technical, musical, theatrical toys, fun games and board games with didactic tasks and rules.
Motor sports and training toys contribute to the development of motor skills, the child’s ability to navigate in space, the development of attention, endurance, and organization. Such toys include a ball, jumping rope, hoop, skittles, as well as toys (spillikins, mosaics, etc.) that promote the development fine motor skills. Sports toys encourage children to engage in a variety of activities and satisfy the child's need for active movement. Games with a ball, with pins, rolling balls, etc., which require active movement, give children great pleasure and develop dexterity and accuracy. In the process of playing with them, children become stronger in walking, running, throwing, agility, accuracy, coordination of movement, and the development of fine motor skills. This allows you to develop typical functions and personal qualities.

Musical toys are primitive musical instruments, singing birds, musical tops, etc., developing a child’s musical ear.
Fun games are a jumping bunny, a pecking chicken, a tumbling hare on a ladder, etc. Such toys evoke a joyful mood in children.
Board games with didactic tasks and rules - this is lotto, pyramids, etc. Toys of this type develop intelligence, attention, and help the child navigate the shape, color, and size of an object.
Within each type of toy, there are toys designed for children of different ages and development levels. The toy should be accessible to the child and, at the same time, contribute to further development. Development of abilities with the help of toys.

Abilities are individual typological characteristics of a person that determine the success of an activity and the ease of mastering it. Abilities do not include all psychological properties, but only those that distinguish one person from another. Already in early age In children, you can notice the very first manifestation of abilities - a propensity for any type of activity. While doing it, the child experiences joy and pleasure. The more a child engages in this type of activity, the more he wants to do it; he is interested not in the result, but in the process itself. The child does not like to build a house, but to build it.

General abilities comprise two groups - cognitive and practical. Cognitive abilities include sensory, intellectual and creative.

Sensory are associated with the perception of objects and their qualities; they form the basis of mental development. And since one of the leading activities in preschool age is play, therefore all perceptual actions are carried out with toys. Children become familiar with the varieties of each property and systematize them.

The basis of intellectual abilities is the actions of visual modeling: substitution, use of ready-made models.

Practical abilities include constructive and technical ones: spatial vision, spatial imagination, the ability to imagine an object as a whole and its parts according to a plan and without it. These abilities underlie constructive activity. To develop constructive abilities, it is necessary to provide the child with the opportunity to engage with various types constructors, building materials, puzzles, toys that can be disassembled and assembled in parts.Mechanically controlled technical toys: excavators, cars, trains, model aircraft, toy cameras, etc. These toys are designed to demonstrate physical laws and production processes. The attention of a child playing with a technical toy is directed to its control.
This type also includes toys intended for construction - construction sets, construction sets, etc.
Various attributes for role-playing games, instruments and costumes for mini-concerts contribute to the development of special abilities in children, such as: theatrical speech (poetic ear), musical (modal sense, sense of rhythm).Theater toys include bi-ba-bo dolls, puppets, sets for creative dramatization games, shadow theater, etc. These types of toys contribute to the artistic education of children.It is much more difficult for children to control bibabo (wrist) dolls (it is often difficult even for adults to play with two dolls at the same time). Playing a role with the help of such a toy develops expressive speech, facial expressions, pantomime in a preschooler, stimulates the development of theatrical speech abilities, and they are also intended for the aesthetic education of children.Story-based toys are intended for creative, role-playing games. These are dolls, soft toys, as well as transport toys that introduce the appearance of a car, train, etc. Such toys do not have large quantity parts and are not equipped with a complex mechanism. Their main purpose is to promote the development of a child’s story-based play.
Thus, the impact of toys on the development of abilities is great. But it is not each individual toy that can have a diverse impact, but their combination, their appropriate selection, taking into account individual and age characteristics every child.

Development of emotions with the help of toys.

Emotions are a specific form of reflection of reality. If objects and phenomena are reflected in cognitive processes, then in feelings - the significance of these objects and phenomena for this person in a specific situation. That is, feelings and emotions are personal in nature. They are related to needs and act as an indicator of how satisfaction occurs. A toy is a means of influencing the emotional and moral side of a child’s personality in early preschool age.

A child experiences his first emotions in infancy, at an early age. It is at an early age that it is necessary to begin to encourage the child to take a caring attitude towards toys. The mother teaches the child to be gentle with the toy. Therefore, the toy itself should be beautiful and pleasant to the touch. In the future, the toy can become a child's trusted friend. A special place among toys that influence the emotional and moral sphere of preschoolers is occupied by dolls and soft toys - images, bears, hare and others. A doll is a generalized image of a person that allows children to reproduce a whole range of actions: planting, laying down, changing clothes, etc. These toys are important for a child's emotional and moral development. At first, an adult helps the child with everything. The child learns from the adult to endow the doll with certain positive qualities. Later, the child himself fills the spiritual world of the toy at his own discretion. Thanks to the will and imagination of the child, she “behaves” in the way that is needed in life. this moment to her owner. The child experiences with his doll the events of his own life in all emotional and moral manifestations accessible to his understanding. I would also like to remind you that a child usually does not just play with toys, dolls, bears, hares, but lives the same life with them, loves them. Many of the toys enter a child's life as close friends. Therefore, for a child to love a toy, it must be aesthetically acceptable. Research has established that the texture of the material from which a doll or animal is made plays a significant role. Soft, fluffy materials evoke positive emotions and stimulate the child to play. Not every child is ready to accept rough, cooling materials. With the help of a correctly selected toy texture, it is easier to evoke positive emotions in a child towards a toy animal: goodwill, empathy and compassion, joy. This ratio of the size of the head and body of the toy is important. By playing with a doll or toy animal, a child learns emotional identification. In subsequent years, this toy can become a real trusted friend of the child. A doll or soft toy acts as a substitute for an ideal friend who understands everything and remembers no evil. Therefore, the need for a toy arises in every preschool child - not only girls, but also boys.

There is a group of toy friends. Now they can be mechanical - Tamagotchi and plush, or a doll - Barbie, which is perceived by many children as an older friend, or a transformer. The presence or absence of such a toy indicates the degree of loneliness of the child and his trust in the world around him. Such toys must be treated with extreme caution, they will help serve as a molester for the child’s psyche. But it is not all that bad. We have good, wise toys. In stores you can find Filya, Stepashka, Khryusha, Karkusha, who teach not to deceive or betray.

Thus, we can conclude that the toy amuses and pleases the child and evokes a positive attitude towards the environment. Sympathy and affection for the toy is transferred to the objects and people depicted in the toy. Playing with a doll awakens in children a caring, careful attitude, attentiveness and tenderness, helps to accumulate the experience of positive moral feelings; the toy is a means of communication and mental development for preschool children. It has a huge impact on the child's psyche. A toy is not only an object for fun. It carries enormous psychological and pedagogical significance. Both teachers, psychologists, and parents should pay closer attention to this, because the child spends most of his life in play.

Knitted Barbie doll.

A doll can be knitted from yarn Brown, fill with padding polyester. Knit dress, vest, shoes separately. Sew hair onto your head using yellow yarn and put on a knitted headband on top. This doll is interesting because the clothes change: you can dress, undress, and come up with new outfits. The toy can be used for didactic games with preschoolers, for example: “Let’s dress the doll for a walk”, “Let’s do the hair”; for conducting conversations of various contents, for example: “Careful handling of toys”, etc.

Inventory for the role-playing game "School".

All items: desk, chair, board, cabinet are made of wooden planks.
The purpose of such a game is to: help create a gaming environment, establish interaction between those who have chosen certain roles; to develop in children the ability to play according to their own plans, to stimulate children’s creative activity in play; to form friendly relationships in the game, a sense of humanism, activity, responsibility, friendliness; consolidate previously acquired knowledge about the work of a teacher.
These products can also be used to talk about the teaching profession.

Rag dolls Parsley.

The dolls are made from individual pieces of fabric of the same size. The resulting circles are strung on a thread so that body parts are formed. The head is stuffed with padding polyester. The girl Parsley has nylon threads sewn onto her head and gathered into a braid. A red scarf is tied on the head. A red cap, also made of fabric, is sewn onto the head of the boy toy. The face is decorated with colored markers with cheerful facial expressions.
The simplest sight for younger preschoolers is a theater of toys that move accompanied by artistic expression and singing, as if coming to life and evoking a deep emotional and aesthetic perception. Therefore, the manufactured dolls can be used to organize performances and theaters in any room. Puppet theater or Parsley theater is a more complex performance for children. The images of the dolls emphasize individual character traits, and the dynamism of the action deepens the fullness of aesthetic impressions. Many theaters play using this world-famous image. After all, Parsley was and remains a symbol of the “Russian character”
Watching performances instills in children an interest in Russian rag doll as a type of folk artistic creativity. There is an upbringing of the moral culture of the individual, moral consciousness and culture of society, nurturing interest in folklore, and high aesthetic feelings. Fostering interest in literary, musical, visual and theatrical heritage.

Ritual doll Comforter.

The doll is made from cotton fabric, by twisting and stitching. “Candies” are made of colored foil and sewn onto the belt. In Rus', this doll was used to calm a crying and sick child. After recovery, the doll was hidden.
When making the doll, the following goals were set: to awaken interest in the Russian folk toy and the desire to make it yourself; introduce children to Russian culture and traditions; show children that the history of the country in which they live is the history of a great people; instilling patriotism, camaraderie, and maternal love in children.

Thus, dolls that are made together with children not only develop creativity, but also develop an understanding of caring for their historical wealth, and this is very important for modern children. In addition, dolls made by hand are much more interesting than purchased ones. Firstly, they develop the baby’s imagination and have great energy, because all the love is put into toys, made together with parents or independently. When making dolls, you need to pay tribute to the development of fine motor skills. And even the most shy children want to pick up such a doll and play with it. And this is very important for the development of children’s communication.


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Toys for children from birth to one year

The importance of a toy for a child’s mental development is higher, the smaller the child. Therefore, the correct selection of toys for children in the first years of life is so important. At an early age, development occurs at a very rapid pace, which entails a change in tasks, methods and means of education, including play material. It should be remembered that the development of a child’s psyche, the formation of his personality, occurs in the process of active exploration of the world around him. First of all, a small child must master material culture, methods of practical, instrumental actions. In the depths of these practical actions, motives and needs for cognition are formed, speech and emotions develop.

Toys that enter a baby’s life from 1-2 months of age should contribute to the development of vision and hearing. This is a bright large light ball, ball, or another bright large toy (hangs above the crib at a distance of 50 cm from the baby’s eyes).

From 2-2.5 months. Large story toys (doll, teddy bear) are added, which are placed near the crib or playpen. At the same time, sounding toys (rattles, bells, tumblers) are needed. The sound of the toy gives it additional attractiveness in the eyes of the baby. In addition, small toys that can be grabbed by hand are selected and hung over the child’s chest - rattles with rings, pendants.

For actions with objects for children starting from 5-6 months. give a variety of toys: plastic, rubber with squeakers, wooden toys, balls and balls of different sizes. Among the toys made from various materials, there must be figurative ones: a tumbler doll and other simple-shaped dolls made of plastic, rubber, fabric, and animal figurines. These toys should be expressively designed - large eyes, a bright mouth.

From 7-8 months. toys and objects for insertion are added (bowls, cubes, baskets with toys). Children are offered toys of the same theme, but differing in color, size, and material. Thematic transport toys (gurneys, cars) appear.

From 8-9 months. The child is shown beautiful soft toys that are pleasant to the touch and taught how to handle them. From this age, toys are used, with the help of which the child masters methods of correlating actions when folding objects and toys that are similar but different in size, when closing boxes and toy saucepans with lids. Detachable toys (bochata, eggs, mushrooms) and rings for putting on the arch are useful.

From 10-12 months. The child masters object-based actions by folding pyramids, nesting dolls, rolling a ball or sword along a groove, and playing with collapsible toys, including cubes, bricks, and prisms. Play tables with slots for inserting appropriate objects (of different shapes, sizes, colors) are interesting for children of this age.

In the process of mastering instrumental actions, in which one object - a tool - is used to influence another, the child, from the end of the first year of life, begins to use toy scoops, a spatula, and toy dishes. In addition to these toys, soft toys with enlarged parts, strollers, sheets, and blankets are added for playing with the doll. To develop walking skills, they use rolling toys, which the child either rolls in front of him or carries with a string.

Toys for young children (from 1 to 3 years old)

At the end of the first year, the child will acquire a desire for independence and independence. In the second year of life, an adult becomes for a child not only a source of attention and goodwill, not only a “supplier” of the objects themselves, but also a model of human objective actions. Communication with adults is no longer limited to direct help or demonstration of objects. Now the complicity of an adult is necessary, doing the same thing. In the course of such cooperation, the child simultaneously receives the attention of an adult, his participation in the child’s actions, and, most importantly, new ways of acting with objects. The adult now not only gives objects to the child, but also gives them along with the object. mode of action with him. Communication with an adult occurs as if against the background of practical interaction with objects.

A new type of leading activity of the child arises. These are no longer just non-specific manipulations with things, but subject activities related to mastering cultural ways of acting with objects. Subject-based activity is leading because it ensures the development of all other aspects of a child’s life: attention, speech memory, visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking. All these important abilities at this age are best developed in the process of practical objective actions.

In addition, when acting with objects, the child feels self-sufficient, independent, and self-confident, which is very important for the development of his personality.

Obviously, such activities require special toys.

Toys that promote a child's cognitive development

Subject activity, in which the child’s mental and technical development occurs at an early age, has several lines of development, including:

    the formation of weapon actions;

    development of visual and effective thinking;

    development of cognitive activity;

    formation of purposefulness of the child’s actions.

Each of these areas requires special gaming materials and special characteristics of toys.

Gun actions. Early age is the period of the most intensive assimilation of ways of acting with objects. By the end of this period, the child basically knows how to use household objects and play with toys. Instrumental actions play a special role in mastering the objective world. They differ in that the child adjusts his hand to some kind of tool. Such items are the most common household things - spoons, cups, combs, brushes, pencils, etc. All of them require very specific actions that are not easy for a baby. To master instrumental actions, in addition to real everyday objects, we need toys that imply cultural methods of action. These are mainly scaled-down analogues of real objects:

    scoops, spatulas;

    panicles, rakes;

    nets for “catching” toys from the bath;

    fishing rods with a magnet for “catching fish”;

    toy phone, watch, handbag, etc.;

    doll utensils, dishes, clothes, combs, etc.

By digging with scoops or shovels, using toy brushes or combs, the baby not only trains his hand, but also masters cultural ways of using objects.

Visual-effective thinking. A young child learns about the world around him mainly with his hands, i.e. in a clear and effective way. To improve visual and effective thinking, toys are needed that involve actions with several homogeneous objects of different sizes or shapes. As the child grows older, their number should increase. This type includes traditional folk and autodidactic toys, i.e. themselves suggesting the way to play. This:

    pyramids, various in color, shape and material;

    earbuds different shapes and sizes for inserting and overlaying;

    nesting dolls 3-4-seater;

    "boxes of shapes", i.e. game aids for inserting geometric shapes and object images into cells;

    tables with holes, pegs, flowers for sticking;

    large puzzles and mosaics;

    large cubes plastic and wooden;

    lace and beads for stringing;

    folk toys with moving parts;

    groove and ball for rolling.

By acting with these (and similar) toys, the baby learns to correlate the individual parts of the toys according to their shape, size, and position in space. Thus, his perception is formed and ideas about the properties of objects are formed.

Cognitive activity. Cognitive activity at an early age is carried out and develops mainly in such specific activities as children's experimentation. To carry out this activity, toys and aids are needed that involve the search and independent discovery of new methods of action and a surprise moment. It can be:

    boxes with a secret;

    children's music centers;

    mechanical toys;

    keyboard toys;

    surprise toys that require you to establish a connection between your movement and the appearance of something new;

    materials for playing with water and sand: sprinklers, molds, scoops, etc.

Determination and perseverance. The formation of purposefulness and perseverance of a child of the third year of life is carried out in simple productive actions that presuppose an idea of ​​​​the final result. Result (goal) orientation contributes to the development of focus. The following toys are suitable for carrying out such actions:

    figured pyramids, which involve the creation of some object - a dog, a Christmas tree, a snowman, etc.;

    benefits providing compiling an image from several parts(cubes, cut-out pictures, etc.);

    composite toys- cars, houses, etc.;

    building kits, involving actions based on a visual model;

    beads for stringing;

    lacing and fastenings.

Toys that promote social and personal development

This direction at an early age is represented mainly by the development of speech as the main means of communication and procedural (objective) play, which prepares the emergence of role-playing.

Speech development. It is obvious that the development of a child’s speech occurs in live communication with an adult. Such communication presupposes a common understanding and designation of any objects and events. Accordingly, game aids that promote speech development should provide materials for recognizing, understanding and naming any objects, actions or plots. It can be:

    pictures of animals and people;

    story pictures depicting actions;

    sets of pictures with different spatial positions of the same characters;

    elementary types of children's dominoes and lotto;

    sequences of pictures depicting plots of children's fairy tales;

    sets of figures (wooden or cardboard) depicting characters from famous fairy tales;

    sound recording (slow and clear) of children's folk tales;


    toy phone.

Subject (procedural) game. A young child plays with realistic toys that simulate objects familiar to the child. This is first of all dolls, which may include:

    rag - flexible (height 30-40 cm);

    plastic - flexible;

    naked doll with a set of clothes;

    doll in clothes;

    little "babies" in different poses.

For playing with dolls to a small child You need doll utensils that match the size of the dolls:

    a set of doll dishes (stove, kettle, saucepans, etc.);

    furniture and equipment for dolls (crib, bath, high chair);

    “food products” - sets of vegetables, fruits;

    “hygiene items” for dolls - combs, brushes, soap, etc.;

    toy animals are small and medium-sized with expressive appearance.

Along with realistic toys, children's play requires objects of uncertain purpose that can become substitute objects. For example, balls, rings or blocks of different colors and sizes, pieces of fabric or foam rubber, etc.

Play aids that promote physical development

Balls (various sizes). Hoops. Sports equipment for children (swings, slides, rings, ladders, wall bars). Walking benches. Rugs with different surfaces.

Smirnova Elena Olegovna Doctor of Psychology, Professor MGPPU, "UMC Games and Toys"