A teenage girl has severe mood swings. Sharp mood changes in a child: advice to parents

It is natural for people to be upset and depressed because of problems and difficulties, just as it is natural for people to be happy and experience positive emotions. But sometimes mood swings occur regardless of the situation, disrupt the usual flow of life, and create tension in relationships with family members, colleagues, and friends. If this happens frequently and without reason, the person may be suffering from some type of emotional disorder or physical illness.

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    Why does your mood change?

    Some people experience sudden mood swings several times throughout the day. A positive attitude can suddenly give way to irritation, anger, rage, or depression and apathy. This behavior negatively affects the person himself and the people nearby. The misunderstanding of others causes a feeling of guilt in the captive of emotions, and he himself does not understand why his feelings are like a roller coaster.

    Often people themselves are to blame for behavioral disorders. Suspiciousness, anxiety, suspicion, inability to build relationships and resolve conflict situations deprive a person of psychological stability. The following factors influence the emotional mood:

    1. 1. Condition constant anxiety. Instead of living in the present, a person returns to the past, remembering and analyzing failures, mistakes, mistakes. He sees the future as full of negative events, worries about himself and his loved ones, and is constantly in tension, expecting bad news.
    2. 2. Excessive demands on yourself and others. People with this attitude are never satisfied with life, realizing that they are unable to live up to the ideal they strive for. This causes a negative attitude towards oneself, neuroses, and unstable mood.
    3. 3. Emotional immaturity. People who do not know how to get out of conflict situations with dignity suffer from frequent mood swings under the influence of troubles at work, family troubles, instability, and changes in life.
    4. 4. Lack of love in the family. Children who grew up in families where they lacked attention and care, adult life often suffer from disorders emotional sphere accompanied by mood swings.
    5. 5. Being in any kind of addiction (alcohol, drugs, gaming, sexual, computer, etc.).

    A sudden change in mood does not necessarily indicate problems in the emotional sphere; there is often a physiological reason for this.

    Physical and psychological reasons

    If the alternation of euphoria and depression is accompanied by weight loss or gain, sleep and appetite disturbances, shortness of breath, menstrual cycle disruption in women, nausea, dizziness, and tremors of the extremities, a doctor’s consultation is necessary. Often the cause of emotional instability is illness.

    Organs that influence mood:

    1. 1. Thyroid gland. Increased production of thyroid hormone leads to irritability, short temper, and nervousness. A decrease in the concentration of the hormone slows down the metabolism in the body, making a person apathetic, weak, and depressed.
    2. 2. Cardiovascular system. Tachycardia and increased blood pressure contribute to the production of adrenaline, as a result of which a person feels bouts of fear and anxiety.
    3. 3. Diseases of the liver and gall bladder. Short-term outbursts of anger in this case are provoked by the release of norepinephrine caused by spasm of the bile ducts.
    4. 4. Diabetes mellitus. A diabetic's mood can fluctuate along with blood sugar levels, changing from fun and joy to withdrawal, irritation, anxiety, and fear.

    To identify internal pathology, an examination by a therapist, cardiologist, or endocrinologist is necessary. Without treatment for a disease that provokes frequent mood swings, advice from a psychologist, taking sedatives and antidepressants will not bring the expected result.

    In addition to the general factors that cause emotional disruptions, there are specific ones for women, men and children, due to the characteristics of the psyche, physiology, age-related changes body.

    In men

    Men are expected to have willpower, masculinity, perseverance, and the ability to endure difficulties with an unbending back, but a significant part strong half humanity does not live up to these expectations. They are susceptible to fear, anxiety, nervous tension, and stress. Fatigue, worries related to financial concerns for the family, misunderstanding of the wife, problems at work can cause mood swings, despondency, and a depressed state in a man.

    Other causes of emotional breakdowns - bad habits and midlife crisis. Addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling, and watching pornography negatively affects the male psyche. In such people, mood swings can be dangerous, as they lead to aggression towards family members.

    Among women

    In the fairer sex, frequent attacks of anger, tearfulness, and hysteria occur against the background of hormonal changes during menstruation, during the period of bearing and feeding a child, and during menopause. For many, such manifestations are caused by PMS (premenstrual syndrome), while others suffer from emotional disturbances after menstruation.

    Bad habits, dissatisfaction with appearance, unsatisfied desires, lack of personal life, constant stress, tense relationships in the family and at work leave an imprint on the psycho-emotional side of a woman’s personality, making her nervous, prone to unstable moods, and susceptible to depression.

    In children and adolescents

    In young children, mood swings are observed during periods of age-related crises. In a similar way, the child tries to capture the attention of adults, reacts to an unfavorable situation in the family, conflicts between parents. The costs of education also affect the child’s behavior. Excessive control, guardianship, unjustified prohibitions, and excessive demands provoke an emotional response in the child in the form of outbursts of aggression, uncontrollability, and stubbornness.

    During puberty, the psyche of children becomes especially vulnerable and susceptible to the influence of external factors. Against the background of a hormonal surge, any event can cause a storm of emotions in a teenager, positive or negative.

    U young guy a change in mood is caused by a reduced level of the sex hormone testosterone, which is responsible for timely puberty. For a girl, the impetus for the appearance of behavioral disorders can be dissatisfaction with her appearance, loss of attention of the opposite sex, difficulties in communicating with peers, the onset of a monthly cycle and the associated surge of hormones.

    Adolescent depression, which has become an epidemic in recent decades, is a source of serious concern. If you notice symptoms of extreme depression, gloominess, and reluctance to do your usual work, do what you love, or take care of yourself in your son or daughter, you need to consult a psychologist. It is dangerous to ignore the signs of depression in a teenager, since a child’s prolonged stay in this state threatens his life: depression is responsible for the majority of teenage suicides.

    Mental disorders

    The most common cause of mood swings are neuropsychiatric disorders, observed in people of both sexes, different ages and social groups. Mental imbalance can be temporary, depending on internal or external stimuli, but sometimes reaches critical levels in the form of severe depression and neurosis.

    Frequent and rapid changes in emotional reactions occur in the following conditions:

    • hysteria - a disorder with a violation of motor, autonomic, behavioral reactions, the individual’s desire to attract attention to himself with tears, screaming, unnatural laughter, inappropriate behavior;
    • cyclothymia, a feature of which is a rapid transition from euphoria to extreme depression and sadness;
    • bipolar disorder or manic-depressive psychosis;
    • dysthymia - mild stage of depression;
    • borderline state is a personality disorder characterized by inability to live in society and an inability to communicate with others;
    • panic attacks - attacks of inexplicable fear, panic, anxiety, accompanied by symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia;
    • depression.

    Mechanism that triggers temporary deviation mental health, there are stressful situations, circumstances requiring nervous tension (exams, an important meeting), for people with weather dependence - weather changes, moving to a different climate zone.

    Prevention and treatment

    Prevention of behavioral deviations is proper upbringing from infancy, attention to the emotional needs of the child, treating him as an individual, respecting his views and preferences. Consistency and coordinated actions of the parents are no less important (what the father forbade, the mother does not allow), otherwise the child will learn resourcefulness and opportunism from an early age, which will negatively affect his mental development.

    The age of puberty requires parents to special attention and effort. At this time, the child must be treated as an adult, respecting his right to choose friends, extracurricular activities, music, clothing, and entertainment. At the same time, it is necessary to stipulate prohibitions and restrictions, clearly explaining why they are necessary. This way, parents will be able to develop a trusting relationship with a teenager and go through a difficult age together, without traumatizing the immature psyche of the matured child.

    Simple, but effective means prevention and treatment of mood swings in adults and children are compliance with diet, sleep, work and rest, moderate physical activity, staying on fresh air. Automotive training techniques, meditation, and yoga will help normalize the psycho-emotional background and restore mental balance after experiencing stress, conflict, and troubles. Food, rich in vitamins and microelements, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, general state body.

    In cases of stable problems with emotional mood, they resort to the help of sedatives, nootropics, antidepressants, and tranquilizers. These medical supplies belong to the group of potent drugs, some are addictive, so it is unacceptable to use them yourself.

” №12/2007 24.08.12

Children react to the slightest change in the situation in the family, in kindergarten or in the yard. But, firstly, children cannot always explain what worries or worries them, and secondly, the child’s emotional reaction does not necessarily follow directly after the event. This is where “unreasonable” sadness or anger arises.

Features of children's emotional development

Neither the Hydrometeorological Center nor parents can predict a child’s mood. Mom and Dad are at a loss: why is he sad now if a quarter of an hour ago he was absolutely happy? No need to be nervous about this! This is more good than bad. Openly expressing your feelings is better than withdrawing into yourself and hiding your feelings. The stronger your son or daughter demonstrates emotions, the more accurate the signal you receive: I feel good (bad), I’m happy (irritated), I’m happy (sad).

If you have an emotional child

An emotional child is an open book for attentive parents. And for the baby himself, frequent mood changes are the best way to get rid of negativity. Violent expression of feelings is not at all a sign of imbalance. In this way, the baby transmits information to mom and dad. You are the most important people in the world for him, he needs your understanding. So learn to “read” the data transmitted by your baby!

Emotional development of children. What parents shouldn't do

Often parents want their child’s mood to be even, so they consciously or unconsciously suppress its natural manifestations. “Don’t shout!”, “No need to laugh so loud!”, “Control yourself!” Avoid phrases that prohibit your child from expressing emotions. He will not want to upset you again, so he would rather suppress his anger or resentment than allow it to break out. As a result, you will get a closed, detached person who, as he grows up, is unlikely to share his experiences with you. So why not allow him to give free rein to his feelings now?

Observe your child if he doesn’t say something, is constrained, or behaves unnaturally. Such behavior may indicate a lack of trust in you or the world in general.

“You can’t behave like that!” - your favorite saying? It is not surprising that a child is afraid of punishment, criticism and the strict opinions of others! IN best case scenario sooner or later there will be an explosion and pent-up feelings will spill out in an inadequate form. And in the worst case, unexpressed emotions will remain in the child’s subconscious and can further provoke a psychosomatic illness.

Correction of the emotional world of children. What parents should do

  • Make it a rule not to suppress your child’s negative experiences. After all, if they exist, then they are needed for some reason?
  • Everyone knows that preventing a disease is much easier than treating it. This wonderful medical principle applies to almost all areas of life, including raising unpredictable children.
  • Does your child have mood swings? Make sure there are more positive moments than negative ones.
  • Surprise your baby and have a party in the middle of the week. Take the child from kindergarten or from grandma a couple of hours earlier than usual. And go not home, but, for example, to the park. Have a picnic with funny sandwiches and juices in colorful glasses. Or purchase tickets in advance for a children's movie screening (entertainment center, theater, zoo). Go visit one of your little one's close friends.
  • And buy some nice little gifts first. In general, behave unconventionally - not the way you always have.
  • The baby's delight will know no bounds. You already know how routine can erase from memory what makes you happy! But often these are just pleasant little things... It is possible that behind the ever-changing mood of your son or daughter lies a thirst for adventure. Children need to know that there is always a place for celebration in life.
  • Entertain yourself with original activities from time to time. Do something unusual: rearrange the furniture in the nursery taking into account the wishes of its owner; paint each other with makeup. Or take a funny interview with your little one, recording it on video. In a few years, you will enjoy watching this landmark documentary short.
  • Do you know that of all the elements, bad mood is most afraid of water? Especially cool. Sign up for the pool! Or have a fun soak in the tub. Various sprinklers, funny toys and peaceful water pistols will make the process unforgettable.

A child is hysterical. What to do?

However, there are situations that require emergency solutions. If during a fun event your child suddenly bursts into tears, try to figure out the reasons together.

The material world is a great helper if you use it correctly. And children know how to do this. Simple, unpretentious things give them pleasure no less than expensive toys and clever games. Do you see how the baby’s face lights up when, digging in the sandbox, he finds a piece of colored glass? For him it is a jewel.

In times of crisis, it is good to have a few lightweight items on hand. This could be, for example, a device for creating soap bubbles. There is not a boy or girl in the world who would be indifferent to their iridescent surface...

Or Balloons. Who said they are only for birthdays?

Sparklers are real fireworks, just small ones. You don’t have to wait for the New Year at all, you can celebrate it right now. And may this year, which begins on any day of autumn or winter, become the Year of carelessness and fun!

A satin ribbon, a baby crib, a miniature car or a clay whistle - all this can easily fit into mom’s bag. And at the right moment it will become an excellent consolation prize for the baby whose last tear is drying on his cheek.

Children by nature are fickle and emotional. But still, a certain stability in the mental state must be present. And already in the early and preschool age such an indicator of the child’s condition as mood appears. And its excessive changeability should be a signal to adults that there are some problems. Mood swings in a child are quite common and the genesis of this condition is different. Of course, there is no need to panic and anything can happen - even a child’s life does not consist entirely of holidays, but if mood swings occur frequently and without immediately obvious reasons, then this is a reason to pay close attention to it.

Psychological causes of mood swings in a child

A known cause of mood problems is psychological characteristics. They can be due to age or serve as a sign of deep internal conflicts.

Age-related crises of childhood

– Crisis of three years. By age limits occurs at approximately 2.5-3 years. This crisis is caused by the awareness of one’s “I” and already at 1.5 years old it can begin to declare itself. Self-awareness gives rise to a child’s need for freedom and independence. Therefore, the orders of an adult are perceived with hostility. He wants to control himself and even those around him. This is where symptoms such as negativism and despotism arise.

– Crisis 7 years. It is customary to tie it to the beginning of school everyday life. However, today this crisis can begin in 5-6 years, since the requirements are already preparatory group significance is tightened. Go to active educational activities makes the child want to gain more independence, which is quite fair. The balance of rights and responsibilities must be balanced.

Pedagogical reasons for mood instability

Observing emotionally unstable relatives may well lead to mood swings. Children are extremely imitative. A child can react to any changes in the family. Quarrels, disagreements and even the coldness of loved ones are noticed intuitively by kids. And, of course, this leads to certain feelings, which they express in their own manner. In addition, when a child does not receive adequate attention, he may use negative behavior as a way to force adults to interact with him.

Physiological causes of mood variability

Sometimes mental instability indicates a disruption in the processes of regulation of nervous activity. A distortion of the balance between inhibition and excitation gives rise to frequent changes in mood in the corresponding direction. Also, chronic pain or physical discomfort can cause outbursts of anger, negativity and even aggression. Without understanding his feelings and not knowing the means to deal with them, a child may, during a painful attack, begin to become hysterical or show negative emotions instead of asking for help.

How to stabilize a child's mood?

How to solve the problem depends on the identified cause. As mentioned above, there are a number possible reasons mood variability. It is important to correctly diagnose. Therefore, first of all, you should consult a pediatrician to assess your general health and complaints. Possibly necessary drug treatment to stabilize work nervous system or getting rid of diseases.

Children in early age They radiate cheerfulness and joy, but sometimes even a minor event can make their mood bad. This may worry parents. Depression is not typical for young children, this is the opinion of scientists. However, if a child has experienced psychological trauma, he may become depressed. If your child has frequent mood swings, then behave as psychologists advise.

Children cannot live without parental attention. Parents often do not have enough time to communicate with their child. The reason for this is workload and the frantic pace of life. If you devote little time to your baby, then in the future you will have problems with him. You need to try to make your baby’s life varied and full of positive emotions. If your child suffers from anxiety and overactivity, then he needs to receive positive emotions and good impressions. Child psychologists believe that having a pet in the house will help restless children cope with mood swings. A kitten or dog helps relieve stress. You can find food and accessories for your pet on the website https://www.magazindoberman.ru/.

How to cope with stress in a child?

Before you put your child to bed, play with him or read to him. Remember the happy moments in life that bring positive energy and get rid of negative memories.

Fortunately, not many children suffer from stress, but there are still some. Try not to use the services of nannies, and do not burden your child with tasks that he cannot complete. You need to control yourself and not take your anger out on your children. Otherwise, the child may become stressed. A professional can tell you how to deal with your child's mood swings. The cause of bad behavior can be family scandals, hooligans at school, and also shouting.

Make sure your child eats well. Your baby's breakfast should be rich in proteins and vitamins. Don't neglect fresh fruits and healthy grains. If your baby attends kindergarten, then find out what kind of breaks there are between meals.

Many children are allergic to certain foods. Such products can be oats, wheat, barley. The allergy manifests itself as a runny nose and dark circles under the eyes. Using the method of elimination, find out which foods are not suitable for your child. You can consult a doctor - an allergist.

You can use nutritional supplements for your child. These supplements can be: fish oil, flax oil. Fish fat can also be purchased in capsules.

Alyona asks:

Good afternoon Please help me with advice, I don’t know how to behave anymore, my son is 2.4 years old, he has changed a lot in the last 3 months, he started fighting, screaming, not responding to comments and requests, maybe this is trivial, but I no longer know how to calm him down. At first I tried to calmly explain something to him, say that it’s not good, etc., but it didn’t help, then I could shout at him and slap him on the butt, putting him in the corner. This method doesn't work either. Here’s the situation today, we went outside, immediately ran to the swing, before I sat him down, I warned him that he couldn’t ride on it for a long time because it was cold, when I started telling him that he needed to get up, otherwise he’d freeze, he started getting hysterical, started kicking, screaming, etc. I tried to distract him with birds and children... as a result, I cried for 10-15 minutes. I just didn’t know what to do with myself and how to behave!

Hello, Alena!
The age of your child is especially significant for the formation of the child’s “I”. It must free itself from the support that the mother’s “I” provided it in order to separate from the mother and perceive itself not as a part of the mother, but as a separate person, a separate “I”. That is, your child’s independence is now being formed (if it is formed incorrectly, it will be passivity, infantilism). Therefore, you need to learn how to “let go” of the child, i.e. allow him a little more, but within reason. For example, with the same swing - he subconsciously defends his “I”, demanding the right to decide for himself how much he should ride, and your logical arguments are not yet clear to him, so do not fight with the child, but rather take something to lay down so that he is not cold . Do not hit the child under any circumstances, but learn to negotiate and still switch. If you can’t do it with birds and children, then come up with something more original - “let’s look for a better swing, I know where it is” or “I have something in my fist for you (some cookie or other little thing), but you have to take it yourself when you get up from the swing" - You, as a mother, know your child better than anyone and can come up with something special for him. And yet, you need to know that at this age an ambivalent attitude toward mom manifests itself - I love it very much, but aggression appears (to help separate his “I”) towards mom (may bite, hit, “scold”). You need to calmly explain to your child that we can all be angry, but we shouldn’t hurt a living person, and you can get angry by tearing up an old newspaper and beating an empty one. cardboard box etc. And by the way, don’t impose very strict rules regarding neatness (sit on the potty on time, don’t spill anything on yourself, etc.). There is a time for everything - give the child the right to “ripen” to such self-control. Let him know that he has the right to make mistakes.