Topas stone properties suitable for whom. Blue topaz and zodiac signs. Medicinal properties of blue topaz

Topaz is a semi-precious stone. It got its name from the place where it was first discovered: on the island of Zeberged, located in the Red Sea. The island was formerly called Topazion (Topazios). According to another version, the name of the gem comes from the word “tapaz” (Sanskrit), which means “warm”. In the old days, Ural miners called it “Heavyweight” due to the fact that, despite its small size, it weighs quite a lot (high specific gravity).

What does the description look like?

The chemical composition of the mineral is aluminum silicate with a high fluorine content. Is valuable jewelry stone, whose characteristics are second only to diamond.

The hardness of topaz on the Mohs scale is 8. The crystal has a high refractive index. Does not react to chemicals, temperature changes, high humidity and other negative influences.

Mined in Japan, Russia (Ural), Ukraine, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Northern and South America, in Madagascar, Australia. The most famous deposits of jewelry topaz:

Diamantina and Ouro Preto in Brazil. Famous for the fact that stones of almost all existing colors are found here. Even the rarest one is the red one, which the locals call the Brazilian ruby;

Ceylon, also known as Sri Lanka, is famous for its crystal deposits in the form of open deposits. Colorless gems predominate;

Schneckestein, valued for greenish-transparent stones. Due to their color they are also called Saxon peridots;

Volynskoe (Ukraine) deposit - brownish-yellow and transparent;

Ural placers on the Kamenka and Sanarka rivers with rich red and purple gems.

Modern chemistry makes it possible to create artificial topazes. Artistic value as material for jewelry they have no idea. Synthetic gems do not have the unique properties that are inherent in natural semi-precious stones.

Natural ones amaze with the variety of colors and shades. They can be brown, yellow, purple, green, red. There are blue, pink-smoky and multi-colored ones. There are transparent ones. They are called water topazes. The rarest are pink, red and double-layered, of any color, but covered with a light grayish coating (shirt).

Magic properties

The magic that this gem emits has been noticed since ancient times. Special properties are attributed to stones of different colors. It is believed that they are all capable of revealing any hidden secrets. Alchemists called the mineral the stone of revelation. In modern magical circles it is considered a stone of psychology.

Is a strong amulet. A different color is recommended for each zodiac sign. Protects from evil slander, aggravates mental capacity, helps young people and women. According to the eastern horoscope, topaz corresponds to two animals that patronize the years of the Pig and the Rooster.

Unique in that it can influence other signs. In the year of the Horse, representatives of this sign will be helped to curb their violent temper and hasty actions. In the year of the Tiger will save the owners common sense, will protect them from rash, risky actions.

Interestingly, the magical properties of topaz depend on its color. Each shade has its own characteristics according to the zodiac sign, healing and protective qualities.

Types of topaz stone

Various impurities give the stone many colors and shades. In nature there are minerals that have several colors and shades. The most common types are the following.

Blue Topaz

Magic properties blue crystal are unique. He has great strength. May help in the following situations:

Restoring peace, helps with quarrels between spouses, enmity in a team, calms suddenly flared rage;

Builds relationships, makes its owner more sociable, sociable and open;

Calm the elements and protect during hurricanes, rainstorms, thunderstorms, and other natural disasters;

It is a talisman against evil and envious people.

The healing properties are considered very powerful. Can cure many thyroid diseases. To do this, the stone should be worn as a necklace or in a pendant.

This color helps most with:

Nervous disorders;

Mental disorders;


Unexplained fears;

It is believed that a mineral of this color reduces the number of epileptic seizures and makes them much weaker.

Suitable for Scorpio zodiac sign. Calms their explosive nature and helps them find peace of mind. Recommended for people of mental work, teachers, writers, philologists, journalists.

Can be worn on any finger. On the neck like a necklace or pendant.

Yellow topaz

A stone of this color is considered the most valuable. Has strong magical properties. Can influence other people. Helps you easily discover any deception and scam.

Healing properties of yellow topaz:

Helps stabilize the gastrointestinal tract;

Heals stomach ulcers;

Treats gastritis and colitis;

Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Patronizes Gemini, Virgo and Leo. Helps solve problems and is a talisman for representatives of these zodiac signs.

Must be worn in a gold ring on the index finger of either hand.

White Topaz

Magic properties white stone affect the mind and intellect. It is believed that it improves analytical abilities and provides energy to the brain. Protects its owner from deception and slander. Ayurveda considers it a precious stone for lovers, since wearing it can ignite serious passion in a partner. It is considered a stone of psychologists, as it is able to expose any secret in favor of its owner.

The healing properties are actively used in lithotherapy. Wearing this gem helps strengthen the immune system. It is a preventative against colds and viral diseases. Develops mental abilities, protects against high blood pressure.

Patronizes Taurus and Capricorn. Suitable for such professions as psychologist and psychotherapist, lawyer, lawyer.

Can be worn as any decoration.

Pink Topaz

It is believed that pink topaz adds wisdom, calmness, and prudence to its owner. The magical properties of this gem are to maintain self-control and sober mind in any situation. In other words, the owner of the stone is not in danger of insanity.

The healing properties extend to the cardiovascular system. Therapy is recommended for people prone to obesity, with constantly rising blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, other diseases of the endocrine system.

Patronizes Aquarius and Sagittarius, protecting them from serious life shocks. Suitable for blue-collar workers, engineers, designers, physicists and other representatives of the exact sciences. Recommended for women as a pendant, ring or tiara. For men strictly as a ring on the right hand.

Green Topaz

Considered the gem of witches. Since ancient times, it has been used as a love stone to bring back a loved one, bewitch a betrothed, or cast a spell on a rival. Despite the contradictory magical characteristics, green topaz is considered a lucky stone. Brings good luck to its owner. Helps you get out of even hopeless situations.

As a healing agent, it is suitable for people suffering from vitamin deficiency, lack of calcium and other minerals in the body. The stone is believed to help stabilize metabolism. has a good effect on vision and can serve as a mild pain reliever for headaches and toothaches.

Suitable for all summer zodiac signs. But provided that these people are decent and honest. It will do a disservice to liars, thieves and robbers, despite the protection of the signs.

Smoky Topaz

The magical properties lie in the ability to summon otherworldly forces. Since ancient times it has been used in spiritualistic séances, helping the medium establish contact with dead people. Topaz of this color will relieve envy, pride, and suppress anger. Help me stop hating and forgive.

The healing properties of the gem are aimed at restoring the psyche. It is used to treat people prone to depression and suicide, erase obsessive thoughts, mental disorders, and eliminate manic behavior. They are used in rehabilitation centers for drug addicts, suggesting wearing the gem around the clock.

Owners of smoky-colored topaz are advised to occasionally cleanse the stone of accumulated negativity in brackish water, immersing it there for several hours. Suitable for all zodiac signs. It is recommended to wear with caution, keeping in mind dark side alchemist's stone.

More than others, it is suitable for holders of such professions as sailor, fisherman, pilot, military personnel and people associated with agriculture.

Angelically beautiful

Blue topaz is one of the most amazing precious stones. Sky blue, a surprisingly delicate shade. The stone has some kind of unearthly, angelic beauty. Contemplation of its divine palette evokes a feeling of harmony and peace. You can look at it endlessly, without taking your eyes off it, admiring its perfect cut and dazzlingly pure radiance. The soft, unobtrusive shade and elegant shine of blue topaz does not look provocative, so it is appropriate always and everywhere.

According to ancient legends, this gentle stone with the finest aura can calm the most terrible storm and any other element. The first sailors went to distant lands and made their great discoveries with a ring decorated with magical blue topaz, which led them out of impenetrable fogs and saved them during deadly storms. Medieval knights gave their ladies luxurious jewelry with blue topaz brought from long campaigns.

Despite its angelic beauty, topaz is distinguished by a certain insidiousness: it helps to achieve financial success, quickly make a career and build your own business. But at the same time, the energy of the stone is so powerful and crystal clear that it reveals lies and mercilessly tears off masks, destroying illusions and false relationships. This property both helps and hinders at the same time. The owner of such a crystal-"honest" stone needs to be prepared for the harsh and often unpleasant truth. Blue topaz brings to light unfaithful husbands, unscrupulous partners, reveals the intrigues of enemies, “attracts” true friends and reveals enemies. The owner of the stone receives a more realistic picture of life. It is worth thinking carefully about whether you are ready to see it, and even more so, to withstand it psychologically. It’s simply not possible to float limply with the flow with such a powerful energy conductor. This is a stone for strong, determined people with a philosophical mindset. It opens the owner to a world in which one must fight and act very carefully, but at the same time it is a strong catalyst for decay. This is the “cunning” of the stone - its powerful energy destroys weaker vibrations.

This does not mean at all that jewelry with this stone is contraindicated for people who are sensitive and not very confident. Not at all! You need to know how to use it correctly magical power stone and wear it only in cases where its crystalline quality is relevant and necessary. For example, when meeting new people for the first time, when signing contracts, concluding sales and purchase transactions, when it is important to reveal the malicious plans of the seller, if any.

Well, in general, blue topaz is simply irreplaceable for those who strive for enlightenment and spiritual growth - it is an ideal stone for meditation and spiritual practices.
In terms of color palette, this mineral is most suitable, of course, for blue-eyed and gray-eyed girls. Topaz has an absolutely amazing ability to highlight beauty. blue eyes! At the same time, the stone can decorate every woman. All blue topazes have incredible aesthetic appeal - thin graceful lines, charming color, crystal clear radiance!

Place of Birth
In medieval Europe, blue topazes were called nothing less than “Siberian diamonds,” since it was in the Russian Urals that active mining was carried out at that time. These crystals were called diamonds not only for their similar shade and transparency, but also for their high hardness, in which they were second only to natural diamonds and cut diamonds.

High-quality blue topazes are mined today in Germany, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Australia, and the USA. The leader in the supply of blue topazes to the world market is Brazil, which is why blue topazes are often called “Brazilian sapphires.”

Medicinal properties
Blue topaz has the best effect on the nervous system - it saves you from insomnia, drives away depression, and protects you from nightmares. Such a stone will become a reliable assistant for anyone who has problems with nerves. Contemplation of the heavenly beauty of the crystal balances and calms a weak and disturbed psyche. There is evidence that wearing jewelry with blue topaz reduces the frequency and severity of epilepsy attacks.

To prevent diseases and strengthen the thyroid gland, it is recommended to wear blue topazes around the neck as a necklace. Thanks to the high vibration frequency of the blue crystal, the regeneration of skin cells and tissues is accelerated, metabolism is normalized - this helps to launch the processes of rejuvenation of the body.

Blue topaz heals a wide variety of respiratory diseases - even such complex diseases as chronic tonsillitis and bronchial asthma. The stone strengthens the immune system and helps with anemia. Regular contemplation of its crystal purity relieves eye strain after prolonged work and helps reduce myopia.

In Medieval Europe, blue topaz was actively used as effective remedy against poisoning. According to information preserved in ancient books, in the presence of poison the stone changed its color. That is why expensive glasses and cups were decorated with topaz.

Magic properties
Blue topaz is an ideal stone for Scorpio. Blue topaz gives wisdom to Scorpio men, and charm to Scorpio women.

According to esotericists, blue topaz removes the evil eye and heals from obsession. At the same time, it helps to instill in others desirable thoughts and moods. The stone is capable of changing the character of its owner - making him softer, friendlier, more generous, more decent, more honest and loyal.

In Indian yoga, blue topaz is recognized as a stone that activates the highest chakra Sahasrara - the Crown, Sacral, Crown chakra, which is the center of human perfection. In Indian practice, blue topazes were actively used in meditation to achieve enlightenment, all-pervasive vision, and connect with the Higher Mind.
Read more: Chakras

According to the famous practice of Ayurveda, blue topaz gives a powerful impetus to development intellectual abilities, gives wisdom and intuition, eliminates far-fetched fears and ignites passion. According to experts, the stone has the most powerful effect on mature, experienced, fully developed individuals.

The stone inspires optimism, helps to achieve success in business and financial matters, and gives joy in life. Its prolonged contemplation allows you to feel serene peace, some kind of unearthly peace, and causes a fireworks display of positive emotions and pleasant associations. It is not for nothing that this mineral is recognized as a stone of enlightenment. It relieves anger, irritation, and hatred. The crystal purity of blue topaz refreshes the energy and allows you to feel bliss.

Blue topaz perfectly displays its magical properties in any form - in earrings and rings, in pendants and brooches, framed in gold and silver. Doesn't like the stone next to diamonds and rock crystal.

Who is the topaz stone suitable for, medicinal and magical properties, description and photo of the mineral, its color. Which zodiac signs can wear topaz, and to whom it is contraindicated. Using a gem as an amulet or talisman.

It is believed that the topaz gemstone gets its name from the Sanskrit word “tapaz”, which can be translated as “warm”. According to another version, the word “tapaz” means “fire”. This mineral was used to decorate the headdresses of rulers and noble ladies. As an example, among other decorative elements of Ivan the Terrible’s hat there are topazes.

The color of a mineral depends on how close it lies to the surface of the earth. Geologists encounter specimens of blue, golden, pink, orange, brown tint. Under the influence of sunlight, the gem gradually begins to lose its colors and becomes transparent.

This is interesting! Typically, a topaz stone has a large number of faces. This allows it to shimmer in different shades under the rays of daylight or artificial light. With a sharp increase in temperature or friction, the gem becomes electrified. The accumulated charge of static electricity can cause a slight tingling sensation.

Topaz stone - photo gallery

As already mentioned, there are several varieties of mineral in color. Each shade has special properties.

Blue topaz reconciles people, helps resolve scandals and quarrels. Such a gem can make its owner more sociable, and it also has a beneficial effect on others. A blue stone eliminates enmity and hatred in a team, reconciles spouses who are in a quarrel. It can be used as a natural one.

Yellow topaz is considered the most powerful in terms of magical properties. It activates a person’s intellectual sphere and allows them to achieve success in their plans. The gem enhances analytical abilities and helps uncover lies and deception. It will be very useful to representatives of such professions as mathematicians, programmers, accountants, bank employees, and investigators.

Pink topaz will make its owner a more reasonable, calm and balanced person. You will be able to maintain composure even in the most difficult situations. difficult situation, which will allow you to make correct, informed decisions. The pink gem will be useful for administrators and managers of any rank.

Green topaz has long been considered the stone of witches and sorcerers. Accordingly, it can be used to conduct witchcraft rituals, for example, when performing. The gem nourishes the energy of its owner and enhances the effect of the magical ceremony.

Brown topaz has a connection with the energy of the Earth. Accordingly, such a stone will benefit people engaged in physical labor - athletes, builders, representatives of blue-collar professions. Wearing a ring or other jewelry with a brown gem helps to restore strength faster. In addition, the risk of injury and sprains is reduced.

Medicinal properties

Healers medieval Europe tried to use the gem as a cure for the plague. Unfortunately, the mineral could not cope with this terrible scourge. However, it has a number of useful properties:

  • Normalizes biorhythms, helps get rid of insomnia
  • Eliminates headaches
  • Slows down the aging process
  • “Accelerates” metabolism, which helps get rid of excess weight
  • Leads to normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

TO beneficial properties Topaz stone is related to increasing a person's stress resistance. It is for this reason that the gem will be a suitable talisman for a leader, manager, or trade worker. The mineral relieves a person of excessive anxiety and a tendency to depression; contact with it helps to get rid of obsessive thoughts.

Magic properties

Topaz stone has not only healing, but also magical properties. First of all, it protects the soul of its owner from all evil - hatred, pride, greed. If an ill-wisher tries to cast a spell or evil eye on a person, the gem will take the blow. However, the stone has several other, no less interesting magical properties:

  • Wearing it makes women more seductive and men more sexually resilient.
  • The gem helps to uncover intrigues and conspiracies
  • The mineral strengthens psychological endurance

Topaz also suppresses undesirable character traits, such as intemperance, excessive aggressiveness, and the desire for sensual pleasures. It returns to its owner the ability to enjoy what is happening and enjoy life.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

Aries Topaz with a golden or lilac hue is optimal. Decorating with a mineral of this color will make your character more restrained, and will also give you pragmatism, the ability to more skillfully plan the future and manage finances.

Taurus can use stone of blue color as a talisman against the evil eye. Decoration will help protect yourself from ill-wishers various types: from the witch neighbor in the stairwell to envious colleagues trying to slander you.

Cancer Green or blue minerals are suitable. These stones make a person’s character stronger and emotionally stable. In addition, they increase analytical skills, which allows you to implement your plans.

Leos pink or red topaz should be used. This will allow you to establish strong and trusting relationships with loved ones. For single people, the gem will help them unlock their sensual potential, which will facilitate the search for a soul mate.

Virgo should wear jewelry with yellow or purple minerals. The use of such a talisman will allow you to find the optimal balance between emotions and rational perception. You will be able to make better decisions based on common sense.

Libra those who want to establish friendships or love relationships, blue will do mineral. This stone charges its owner with positive energy, attractive to other people.

Scorpio blue, violet or cyan topaz helps to cope with gloomy thoughts. It eliminates uncertainty and helps you quickly integrate into new team. The mineral smoothes out negative character traits, and it also acts as a light natural relaxant.

Sagittarius who wants to achieve his goals can use blue topaz. The gem helps to reveal the hidden potential of a person, and also gives the necessary strength to complete what has been started.

Capricorns green minerals are shown. Wearing such stones allows you to balance your energy. Jewelry with green topaz can be worn to a party - it will help you relax and feel more free.

Aquarius Pink topaz is optimal - a stone of romance. This talisman will assist in finding your soulmate. For married people, the gem helps maintain harmony and warm relationships in the family.

Fish can use blue topaz. The stone has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state, helps you feel calmer and more confident. It can be used as a protective amulet against diseases and dangerous incidents.

Topaz is called the stone of soul purification. It really has a positive effect on a person’s aura, giving wisdom, calmness and self-confidence. Many people like to wear jewelry with topaz, but not everyone can use it as a talisman. In order to understand how suitable this mineral is for a person, it is necessary to analyze personality traits and zodiac compatibility.

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      Stone color palette

      Many people know blue topaz, but not everyone knows that the mineral has a wide range of different colors. Each color of the mineral has its own properties.

      Blue topaz is one of the most common among topazes. It is to him that most magical and healing properties. The beautiful cold shade of this stone can calm the explosive and impulsive nature of a person. It can restore harmony and balance the emotional state of its owner.

      • Yellow topaz ranges in color from clear to golden. This stone is a kind of amulet for the truthful and honest people who do not know how to lie and deceive. It is these people who have the hardest time living in society, so they simply need protection. The mineral helps protect the energy of its owner and protects him from external influences. The gem also promotes calmness in family relationships, making them harmonious and sincere.

        Smoky shades of the mineral are contraindicated for those who are too absent-minded and dreamy. Such a stone is capable of putting the owner into a state of meditation. Some smoky topazes allow owners to see prophetic dreams.

        Various amulets and amulets are usually made from white minerals. The stone helps improve mental activity, strengthens the immune system and normalizes the emotional state of the owner.

        There are also topazes in blue, green, purple, pink, mixed and even red tones. The rarest are colorless and transparent topazes, similar in their appearance with diamonds.

        The magical properties of topaz

        Topaz is a mineral that has many magical properties. He is like a connecting link between the Universe and man. The stone helps you get to know yourself and the rest of the world. The mineral perfectly develops intuition and helps to identify in oneself psychic abilities. Yogis often use it during meditation.

        Minerals of different colors are used by magicians as amulets that help protect their owner from external negativity and otherworldly influences. The stone serves as a talisman against the influence of evil people. It brings the owner a feeling of calm and tranquility. In its owner, the mineral develops feelings such as devotion, frankness and generosity.

        The stone does not like deceivers and liars, so it helps its owner to expose dishonest and two-faced people. The gem has a beneficial effect on friendships and love relationships. It helps to maintain the spark of passion and love in the family, making the union strong and happy. In friendship the stone has special meaning- it will contribute to trusting relationships between friends.

        Yellow and red shades of the stone are suitable for strong personalities. Gems attract good luck and financial well-being to leaders.

        A blue stone will help its owner get rid of feelings of jealousy. IN family life a mineral of blue tones will help maintain well-being and protect against betrayal and betrayal.

        Topazes have long been loved and appreciated by wanderers and sailors. The mineral helps the first to find their way home, and the second - to pacify storms and storms.

        Rauchtopaz is the most powerful protector of its owner from damage and the evil eye. It is especially effective when wearing the stone in a bracelet or pendant.

        The healing properties of the mineral

        Topaz has a positive effect on the human body. With its help you can easily get rid of depression and feelings of fatigue. Wearing jewelry with topaz promotes longevity and energizes positive energy. The mineral helps men solve problems with potency, and heals women from infertility.

        Each mineral, depending on its color, has a number of medicinal properties:

    1. 1. Blue promotes fast healing damaged tissues. The stone serves as a kind of sedative and helps to cope with thyroid problems. It also relieves sleep problems and helps avoid neuropsychiatric diseases.
    2. 2. Golden helps cope with problems of the gallbladder, liver and spleen. Its owner will not be subject to various kinds of stress and energy exhaustion.
    3. 3. London protects against various types of viruses and bacteria. The mineral helps cure migraines and stop bleeding.

    Topaz London

    Topaz London is fake diamond, consisting of nanocrystals. It is quite difficult to distinguish it from a natural mineral; only specialists with experience in this field will be able to do this. Another name for the stone is London blue topaz. Esotericists and healers advise using this stone as a talisman, because it is one of the few minerals that does not lose its magical and healing properties after artificial processing.

    London topaz has a number of magical properties:

    • reduces owner aggression;
    • relieves nightmares;
    • protects against rash actions;
    • helps in making particularly important decisions;
    • gives women inner charm and makes them more attractive;
    • helps men become more responsible and decisive;
    • endows its owners with prudence and wisdom;
    • helps to gain self-confidence.

    Which zodiac signs is the stone suitable for?

    Wearing topaz as a talisman suits all twelve signs of the zodiac horoscope. But for each of them the most favorable shade of the mineral is most favorable, which can be found out from the table below:

    Zodiac sign Stone compatibility
    AriesTopazes in lilac and gold shades go well with the sign of Aries. Jewelry with inserts made from these gems will help the Aries woman gain wisdom and become more prudent
    TaurusFor Taurus, blue and blue topaz is a kind of amulet against the “evil eye”. He will protect his owner from slander and evil tongues. The mineral will help a Taurus man to know himself and understand his thoughts.
    TwinsGemini men are more suitable for yellow-colored gems. Blue topaz is recommended for women of this sign. It will help its owner cope with attacks of anger and become softer and more pliable.
    CancerCancers are recommended to wear stones in blue and green shades. An excellent combination with London Blue stone. Thanks to the gem, Cancer women will be able to think about their actions in advance and take into account their consequences
    a lionFor Leos, red or pink topaz is best suited. Leo woman decoration with such color palette will help you reveal your sensuality. A ring with a blue crystal insert will help improve relationships with loved ones
    VirgoPurple and yellow shades minerals will help the Virgo woman in making responsible decisions. Thanks to the stone, Virgo will rely on common sense, and not on her emotional state
    ScalesLibra in blue topaz can find their talisman, helping in love and friendships. The mineral nourishes women of the Libra sign with additional energy, helping them achieve success and independence.
    ScorpionTopaz is simply shown to Scorpios as a talisman. The most suitable colors are violet, blue and light blue. For Scorpio women, the stone will help them keep their negative thoughts under control. A mineral with a blue tint will make its owner more relaxed and relieve self-doubt
    SagittariusBlue topaz is perfect for Sagittarius. It will help you concentrate all your efforts on achieving your goal. For women of this sign, the gem will help them become bolder, more confident and independent.
    CapricornCapricorns will be helped to balance their turbulent energy by stones of green shades, as well as transparent minerals.
    AquariusAquarius will benefit from topaz in pink shades. It is this color of the mineral that will help Aquarius women attract faded love into their family. It is best to wear the stone in a pendant
    FishTopaz will help Pisces to tune in to the positive and normalize their psycho-emotional state. Blue topaz is an excellent amulet against diseases and dangerous incidents. Thanks to him, the Pisces woman will be able to feel calm and tranquility

    Topaz London suits almost all representatives of the zodiac constellations. There are only two signs for whom London Blue is contraindicated - Aquarius and Taurus.

    How to wear topaz correctly?

    In order for the properties of a stone to affect its owner correctly, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. Topaz is a home stone and therefore a long stay within the walls of the house will benefit it. But it is worth considering that a long stay outside the home will negatively affect the properties of topaz.

    People who are looking for their soulmate should not wear this stone as a talisman. For these purposes, it is better to choose other minerals that attract the energy of the opposite sex.

    Beautiful topaz does not tolerate proximity to other stone jewelry. The best setting for it is gold. This gemstone should not be framed in copper.

    Depending on the purpose of topaz, it should be worn as follows:

    1. 1. If the goal is to gain peace of mind, then the mineral should be worn in a pendant or pendant.
    2. 2. For career growth the owner needs to wear a ring with a stone on his little finger.
    3. 3. To achieve peace and prosperity in family life, the gem must be placed in a specially designated place in the house.

    Like any stone, topaz requires time to rest. Therefore, you should not wear it constantly.

    In any case, for topaz to have a positive effect on its owner, you must be a kind and open person with pure thoughts. The stone will bring only misfortunes and misfortunes to unfaithful and dishonest people.

    Topaz stone is a universal talisman because it suits almost all people. It is for this reason that jewelry with this mineral is a popular gift that pleases even the most capricious beauty connoisseurs. Such a gift means that the giver wishes goodness, good luck and happiness.

Blue Topaz– one of the most noble, refined and refined minerals. It ennobles any decoration, giving it a cold, noble shine. A little light is enough for this stone to sparkle with new, unsurpassed facets.

The properties and value of which are highly valued among jewelers, has many “pseudonyms” among professionals in this business. It is often called a “heavyweight” or “Ural diamond.” All this is due to its extraordinary hardness. Indeed, topaz is the second hardest stone, after diamond.

Cutting topaz is a long, complex and labor-intensive process, which, however, is worth the effort. Once cut, the stone acquires an incredible vitreous shine and shimmer that, truly, can only be matched by the diamond itself.

As for the mysterious properties of topaz, for a long time he is considered the lord of the element of water and the patron saint of sailors. When going on a long voyage, sailors would put a ring with blue topaz on their finger. This protected them from adversity and storms. It was believed that topaz was able to calm the raging sea.

Just like a storm at sea, topaz can calm the storm in the human soul. It is believed that the magical properties of the stone promote inner peace and ward off bad dreams. Jewelry with topaz is recommended for people who have problems with the nervous system.

It is also believed that blue topaz is capable of exposing any lie, therefore in ancient times such a stone was a mandatory attribute of any investigator or criminologist. But, the stone is capable of bringing people to clean water not only in criminal matters, but also in family ones. Therefore, jewelry with blue topaz is often worn by women who suspect their lover of infidelity and want to expose the deception.


History of blue topaz

There are many versions of how this mineral got its name. According to one version, the name “topaz” is directly related to the place of its original extraction, namely the island of Topazius, washed by the waters of the Red Sea.

However, scientists agree that a completely different mineral was mined on this island - and the island has nothing to do with topaz. According to another version, the name of the stone originates from the ancient language, Sanskrit, where "tapaz", is nothing more than fire.

During excavations at the site ancient people items made of topaz were found in the Urals. They served both as decorations and were used in everyday life. They were also used to make tools.

Refined and elaborate fashion during the Renaissance allowed the wearing of only a very few precious stones, which were distinguished by their luxury. Not surprisingly, blue topaz was also among them. Read about another type of topaz here.

Not only in Europe, but also in Rus', products made from topaz were highly valued. They served as a sign of luxury and rich fortune.

Blue topaz deposits

Topaz is mined in the following places on our planet:

  • Russia is considered the real source for topaz production, namely Ural Mountains. It’s not for nothing that blue topazes are called “Ural diamonds.” In the Ural deposits you can find stones weighing several tens of kilograms, which are distinguished by their quality and purity. Not only blue topazes are mined here, but also other completely different shades: red-violet, greenish, light brown, transparent.
  • It is famous for the presence of a large deposit of topaz. Ukrainian Volyn. One of the record-breaking stones, weighing 117 kilograms, was found here. Topazes found in Volyn are presented in the best jewelry collections and museums in the world.
  • Countries such as
    • Brazil (the world's largest topaz was found here, its weight is more than 238 kilograms);
    • Sri Lanka;
    • Afghanistan;
    • Pakistan.

Medicinal properties of blue topaz

The use of blue topaz as a medicine and preventive talisman against various diseases has its roots in ancient times.

It is believed that blue topaz can cope with many different diseases, including:

  • Disorders nervous system(nervous disorder, psychosis, difficulty falling asleep, insomnia or scary dreams, epilepsy, anxiety disorder);
  • Decreased immunity (topaz can not only increase immunity, but also improve the general well-being of its owner);
  • Diseases internal organs(such as the liver, stomach, spleen and other digestive organs);
  • Diseases of the visual organs (especially recommended for myopia);
  • Various inflammations (including inflammation of the throat, lungs, bronchial asthma);
  • Infertility (both male and female, as well as other diseases associated with the reproductive system.

The magical properties of blue topaz

Blue topaz has the following magical properties:

  • Brings lies to light. It is believed that blue topaz has one big negative property - it can break up a family. In fact, this is not so, and it is worth making one big amendment: the stone can bring to light deception in the family. Therefore, the stone is not advised to be worn by women who suspect their lover of cheating, but do not want to know the truth themselves. As a rule, such betrayal will soon be revealed.
  • Ability to manage people. Topaz can give this quality to its owner. It gives a person self-confidence, charisma, and a tendency to manipulate. A talisman with topaz is recommended to be worn by those who want to make new friends, become more relaxed, and learn to establish contacts with new people.
  • Coolness and common sense. Topaz is perfect for people who have poor control over their emotions, are impulsive, inconsistent and not thoughtful in their decision making. This crystal is able to give its owner sanity, composure and thoughtfulness in decision making.
  • Calm. For people suffering from nervous disorders, this stone will help them be more balanced, take troubles less seriously and approach life with ease.

Cost of blue topaz

Topaz is considered, from the point of view of professional jewelers, a semi-precious stone, however, the reverence with which many professionals treat it allows us to consider it an almost precious mineral.

The cost of topaz, like any precious and semi-precious stone, is determined by four criteria:

  • Color;
  • Purity;
  • Cut;
  • Weight.

As for color, blue topaz has several shades, so its cost may vary slightly:

  • London Blue Topaz- This is one of the most expensive topazes, and the most saturated in its blue hue. , whose properties are slightly superior compared to other blue topaz from 5 to 10 dollars per carat .
  • has more dark shade blue.
  • sky blue– topaz, with a more transparent shade of blue.

The cost of the last two varieties of blue topaz depends on the cost of cutting and refining and can vary significantly.

Who is blue topaz suitable for?

Blue Topaz can help people of many professions in their labor activity using its magical properties.

Among them:

  • Diplomats, managers, leaders. Simply put, everyone who, by the nature of their work, has to deal with people, especially if it is necessary to exert a certain influence on people. With the help of an amulet with blue topaz, success will be much easier to achieve.
  • Lawyers, investigators, judges. For people who have to expose lies and crimes, topaz will help them open their “third eye” and not allow themselves to be deceived.
  • Sailors. A ring with blue topaz will help you return from a long voyage safe and sound, avoiding a sea storm and raging waves.
  • People who need to make informed decisions. The composure and prudence that this mineral gives will allow you to make the right decision without succumbing to the heat of passions.

Blue topaz and zodiac signs

If we talk about those for whom the topaz stone suits their zodiac sign, then first of all they come to mind. This stone is able to pacify their hot-tempered nature, give them balance and prudence, and help them overcome the leadership of their minds over their feelings.

As for other zodiac signs, topaz can act differently on them.

There are only a limited group of signs for whom wearing such a stone is highly discouraged:

  • Calf;
  • Scales;
  • Fish.

From an astrological point of view, this is very simple to explain: these signs have a number of qualities that are completely opposite to those possessed by Scorpio.

Therefore, everything that is suitable for Scorpio is completely unsuitable for this three signs:

  • Cancer, Sagittarius: representatives of these signs, who are quite daring by nature, can be made softer and more compliant by topaz.
  • Aries: For representatives of the Aries sign, the stone will help them gain self-confidence, as well as establish interpersonal relationships, both friendly and more intimate. What others can be found here.

It is important not only who wears the stone, but also how to do it correctly. As for blue topaz, experts recommend wearing rings with a scattering of small topaz or with one large stone. It is recommended to wear such jewelry on the index finger, since it is the finger that has a direct connection with the brain and can influence the nature of thoughts.

Caring for Blue Topaz

In order for topaz jewelry to please the eye for as long as possible, it requires proper regular care:

  • You shouldn't hold topaz long time under direct sunlight. The stone is not suitable for continuous wear. The stone may slightly change its color, you need to be prepared for this, because this is a natural property of the stone.
  • It is necessary to allocate a separate box or drawer in the box for storing topaz jewelry.
  • If possible, you should prevent any chemicals, paint or cosmetics from coming into contact with the stone, as this could damage it.
  • The stone must be cleaned with a soap solution. It is enough to dip the stone in it for about 20 minutes, then wipe it soft cloth, without excess lint and any elements that could damage the stone.


Brief summary:

  • Blue topaz is one of the hardest stones, second in hardness after diamond. For this property, blue topaz is often called “heavyweight”.
  • The main deposits of blue topaz are located in the Ural Mountains, Volyn (Ukraine), on the island of Sri Lanka, Brazil, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
  • In addition to their physical properties, topaz, like any other mineral, has a number of healing properties.
  • Blue topaz can cure diseases of internal organs, the nervous system and nervous disorders, the reproductive system and the digestive system.
  • Since ancient times, people have believed in the magical power of blue topaz and used it as a talisman.
  • Topaz is a protective stone for sailors, as it can protect against bad weather in the world.
  • The stone is capable of exposing lies, so it is often attributed a negative property - the stone supposedly can break up a family, but in fact, it can simply expose betrayal and deception.
  • Blue topaz can help certain people in their work life.
  • It is recommended to wear jewelry with topaz for sailors, lawyers, investigators, judges, diplomats, managers, and executives.
  • As for zodiac signs, topaz is most suitable for Scorpios, however, other signs can also wear it.
  • The cost of blue topaz depends on its clarity, color, cut and weight.
  • Depending on the color, there are three types of topaz: London topaz, Swiss blue and Sky blue.
  • To prolong the life of topaz, you need to take proper care of it.
  • When choosing jewelry with topaz, you should pay attention to the ring, which must be worn on the index finger.