Knit a year skirt with knitting needles. Knitted skirts: patterns for beginner handymen. Openwork warm skirt knitted in the circle: video master class

Knitted warm skirts back in fashion. Elegant, formal models just below the knee look great and are suitable for women of any age. Skirts made from warm woolen threads can be bought in the store. If you know how to knit a skirt with your own hands, you can create simple model, which will look no worse than the finished one.

In needlework magazines and on thematic Internet sites you will find models for women with detailed diagrams and descriptions. It will be useful for beginning needlewomen to watch video courses to learn how to knit clothes with a pattern according to the pattern. It is first recommended to master the technique that allows you to create skirts knitted without using a diagram, making the size calculations yourself. This is one of the lightest products that can be knitted using knitting needles. As a rule, it does not require sewing elements, not much yarn is used for skirts, and the work can be completed in one day.

Knitting skirts: what you need for work

Before you start, you need to purchase everything you need to create the chosen model. You will need:

  • Yarn, the number of skeins is determined based on the length of the thread and the dimensions of the product itself; in many diagrams the total volume of yarn for making the model is indicated;
  • Circular knitting needles, for a skirt, are usually cast on a large number of loops and knit two parts at once so as not to sew them together;
  • Markers, devices that mark the beginning of a row on circular knitting needles, the beginning of repeat or certain loops;
  • Hook, if the skirt is decorated with openwork edging;
  • A needle with a thick eye, if you need to sew parts.

Having prepared everything necessary for knitting the pattern, we begin the main work. Beginner needlewomen will first have to master the casting of loops, knitting with stockinette stitch, pattern garter stitch, rubber bands and how to complete the work. You can learn all this from videos that needlewomen post online. The knitting technique is explained very clearly; you can always press pause or watch the video again.

If you have already mastered the simplest technique of knitting with stockinette stitch, the question of how to knit a skirt for women comes down to creating a certain shape that will follow smooth lines from the waist to the hip, as well as determining the length of the product. The sequence of work is as follows:

  • First of all, we knit a sample from the yarn that was purchased for this model. For the sample, we cast on 30 loops, knit 20-25 rows and count how many loops and rows fit into a square whose size is 10x10 centimeters. You don't need to knit too tightly.
  • Having counted the number of loops per 10 centimeters, we write down this data on a piece of paper or make notes directly on the diagram. It is also necessary to measure the circumference of the waist and hips, as well as determine the length of the product. If you want to knit a short skirt, 50 centimeters is enough; for a pencil skirt we knit 70 cm.
  • We will convert the obtained data on the dimensions OT and OB into the “loop” unit of measurement. If for 10 centimeters you need to cast on, for example, 20 loops, then for a hip volume of 96 centimeters, you will need 192 loops.
  • Knitted skirts can be decorated simple pattern, a rapport scheme is used for this. It is necessary that the number of loops required to encircle the hips is a multiple of their number in the rapport. For beginning craftswomen, the best option for a pattern of alternating garter and pearl stitches is the repeat pattern is 10 centimeters, so it is better to cast on not 192, but 190 stitches (divided by 10).
  • Making rapport is not difficult; 3 stitches out of 10 are knitted in garter stitch, i.e. from the face and from the back with knit stitches, then one knit stitch follows, then we knit with a pearl pattern, in which 1 face loop and 1 back loop alternate with an offset, so that the pattern turns out to be in the form of a chessboard, close the repeat with one front loop.
  • Experienced needlewomen offer a special technique for creating patterns, in which knitting skirts with knitting needles does not require adding additional loops for expansion in the hip area. If you knit a product from the bottom up, it is recommended to knit the first 20 centimeters of a total length of 50 centimeters with knitting needles No. 2.5, then knit the next 5 centimeters with knitting needles No. 3, 5 centimeters with knitting needles No. 3.5 and 5 centimeters with knitting needles No. 4, then go back to the knitting needles No. 3.5 for the next 5 centimeters, another 5 centimeters with knitting needles No. 3 and the same amount with knitting needles No. 2.5.
  • Next, you need to make an elastic band at the waist, but first you still have to reduce the loops, this is done using the part with garter stitch, through one strip we knit three loops together, i.e. only 20 loops are decreased. We knit the elastic with knit and purl 1x1 and 2x2, alternating every 2 rows, the size of the elastic is 5-7 centimeters.

Which skirt model to choose

Winter, warm knitted skirts for women can be knitted according to patterns using various textured patterns that will look like a dense wool fabric. For this purpose, a herringbone pattern is used, it is also called tweed, since it resembles the pattern on this fabric. For creating modern model You can also use the most ordinary braids and alternate them with other relief patterns.

If you have already mastered the technique of knitting the simplest pattern and already know how to ensure that the number of loops in the repeat is maintained and the product has the desired shape, you can start using patterns and creating more complex knitted skirts with knitting needles. Such diagrams are very convenient to use; they calculate the number of loops for several sizes and provide a detailed description of the execution of the model.

For winter, warm skirts knitted with straight silhouette needles, which are also called “pencil”, are the easiest to make, but they are not suitable for any woman’s figure, given that they are tight-fitting knitted product makes you look fat Universal female model for all body types - this is an A-line or a-line skirt. Knitted skirts A-line knitting needles can be complemented with false and real folds or a pattern. A women's straight maxi skirt visually slims and lengthens the figure and also looks fashionable; the length can be mid-calf or ankle-length. Knitting this option is not difficult, the only thing is that you will have to spend a lot of yarn and your time on the product.

Today yarn manufacturers offer new original options to create bright or unusual products. A knitted skirt for women will look elegant if made from ribbon yarn. An excellent option would also be melange threads, especially if you use the diagonal stripes technique to create a bright women's model for the summer.

Thus, the skirt model should be chosen based on the characteristics of the figure, the season of wearing, the amount of yarn, the availability detailed diagram and personal preferences.

Straight model with diagonal pattern

A warm knitted skirt with knitting needles with a diagonal pattern looks stylish and original. For this model, you can choose any yarn, plain or melange, you can also knit in two threads of different colors. A diagonal pattern is obtained by repeating a simple rapport; it can be easily knitted without a pattern:

  • First we knit a 2x2 rib on circular knitting needles, start with knit stitches, use a marker to mark the beginning of the row. The elastic band measures approximately 4 cm.
  • Having knitted the elastic band, we begin the main pattern. 1st row - we start with one purl, then again we knit 2 knits, 2 purls in turn. Row 2 – repeat the pattern, starting with one purl stitch.
  • Row 3 – start with two purl stitches, row 4 – repeat the pattern.
  • Row 5 - start with one knit stitch, then in turn knit 2 purls, 2 knits, row 6 - repeat the pattern.
  • Row 7 – start with two knit stitches, row 8 – similar. This completes the rapport. Next, we repeat everything from the 1st row and so on until the desired length of the product.
  • Next we knit the top elastic, its size is approximately 7 cm, in the last row we decrease 1 purl in one step. Then close the product.

Summer models for beach holidays

Knitted skirts using intricate patterns look fashionable and feminine. Today, swimsuits and various beachwear made from yarn are at the peak of popularity, so this skirt is ideal for beach holiday. To wear such a product in the city, you will have to think about the lining, because... The openwork fabric is very see-through, but on vacation, a knitted skirt for women will look quite appropriate.

It’s not difficult to create such a model; you need to choose patterns with patterns that will look most impressive and fashionable; alternatively, you can use leaves, diamond-shaped figures, and zigzags. Most patterns are made by yarn over and knitting two stitches together. In the diagrams, yarn overs are depicted as circles, and two loops together are depicted as triangles.

Having chosen a pattern or several with patterns, you need to count how many loops are in each repeat and dial the number of loops, a multiple of which is divided by the resulting figure, having previously measured the OB and OT and knitted the sample. We carry out the work by analogy with the example discussed above using knitting needles of different widths. Knitting skirts with knitting needles in this way allows you to keep the number of loops in the pattern repeat unchanged.

Flared skirt with openwork pattern

Lush tulle models for women are now at the peak of popularity; an alternative to such options can be knitted from light yarn, using a light openwork pattern that will add airiness to the model. A knitted skirt for women, flared, with patterns, can be knitted in several ways.

  • Method No. 1 with partial rotary knitting
  • Skirts knitted in this way are shaped crosswise, i.e. the work starts neither from the top nor from the bottom of the product, but from the side, the number of loops for the length of the skirt is initially cast, so circular knitting needles are used, the length of which is 80 centimeters or a meter. You can calculate the total number of loops by knitting a small sample. The length is divided into two parts, one part is a yoke, it is knitted in regular stockinette stitch, the second part is an openwork flare. The principle of knitting the model is as follows:

  • We are recruiting required amount loops for the yoke, for the main part of the skirt and 24 loops for the lower most openwork and perforated part.
  • Remove the first loop, knit the yoke loops with knits, purl the loops of the main part, knit the first of 24 loops, then yarn over, knit two together, yarn over again, knit two together and so on a total of 12 times, the last loop, after the yarn over, purl.
  • We turn the knitting over, knit the second row up to the yoke, do not knit the yoke, turn the knitting over.
  • Third row - remove the first one, purl the loops of the main part, then knit one again, yarn over, two loops in one and so on until the end.
  • Turn the knitting over and knit again to the yoke.
  • We remove the edge, purl the entire volume of the main part, then knit 10, yarn over, two in one and so on until the end.
  • We remove the edge and then the front ones to the end, including the yoke.
  • Seventh row - remove the edge, knit the front yoke, the first loop of the main part of the front, then yarn over, two in one and so on until the end.
  • We knit with knit until the yoke, then another row with knit, the next one - we close off 5 loops, due to this, the edges of the skirt are jagged, beautifully decorated. Next, we knit the entire volume of the product with purl stitches. This completes one element. All others are created in exactly the same way until the yoke reaches the desired width.
  • The skirt is sewn together and an elastic band is inserted into the yoke.
  • This model is suitable for girls and young women, since its style resembles the outfit of a fairy-tale princess. This option can also be knitted for a child.

  • Method No. 2
  • The second option involves longitudinal knitting from the bottom up on circular knitting needles. Just as in the first example of a simple cut, we calculate the number of loops based on the sample data and the measurements of the waist and hips. We cast on the number of loops to fit around the hips + 40 additional loops to make the skirt flared. The number of loops should also be a multiple of their number in the repeat of the selected pattern, so if necessary, round the number.
  • Patterns for knitting the pattern can be found in fashion themed magazines for women or on specialized websites. To indicate the beginning of the row and pattern, do not forget to use a marker. Having knitted about 20 cm with the selected pattern, we move on to the stockinette stitch, dividing the skirt into wedges according to the number of repeats. The division into wedges is indicated by pairs of openwork holes.
  • After a short interval (7-10 centimeters), it is necessary to reduce the number of loops due to the first two loops of the wedges knitted into one, so that at hip level the number of loops corresponds to the calculated size value. Before moving on to the elastic, you also need to reduce the number of loops by about 20. Next, we knit an elastic band, the size of which is approximately 5 cm.

Models with corrugation (pleating)

Knitted skirts for women can be complemented with pleating. To create a model, the waist circumference is used to calculate the number of stitches to cast on. The sequence of work is as follows:

  • It is necessary to cast on the required number of loops on circular knitting needles so that it is divisible by 4 to create an elastic band. First, the base for the elastic is knitted, four rows are knitted with knit stitches, then a purl row and the same number of knit stitches, thus creating a neat crease for then stretching the elastic through.
  • We knit the next two rows with a simple 1x1 elastic band.
  • Next, you need to expand the knitting; to do this, after each front loop we make a yarn over “from” to “ourselves”, and after a purl we make a yarn over from ourselves.
  • Turning over to the other side, remove the first loop, knit two, purl one, then knit three, purl one and repeat until the marker. This creates pleating.
  • After knitting a few centimeters, you need to add one more loop to the front columns, the product must be gradually expanded. Skirts knitted with knitting needles with corrugation are best made middle length- to the knee. Next, close the last row in the standard way.

Ribbon skirt

Many craftswomen wonder how to knit a skirt with unusual texture. Today yarn manufacturers offer new interesting options bulky threads, among which ribbon skeins have gained popularity. Many women who do needlework knit boleros, scarves, handbags, accessories from ribbon threads, and decorate dresses and jackets with ruffled elements. You can also knit a skirt from this yarn. The model turns out to be voluminous, it looks elegant with a top that fits the figure and matches the color.

Knitting a skirt from ribbon yarn is not difficult, ready product it turns out quickly. For short skirt Two or three skeins of yarn will be enough. The knitting technique is as follows:

  • If you don’t know how to knit a skirt using ribbon yarn, it’s better to first watch the video on the thread manufacturer’s website.
  • During work, the upper parts of the ribbon with hooks are used. Using these hooks, 10 loops are cast on for the sample, clinging through one hook.
  • We take the second knitting needle, pull a loop through one hook into the first one on the knitting needle, then take the next hook of the ribbon and pull it through the second loop on the knitting needle, etc.
  • Gradually, frills are formed from the ribbons. Having thus knitted 7-8 rows, it is necessary to measure the size of the resulting sample.
  • Skirts for girls look more organic with small frills. In this case, a yoke is knitted from regular yarn, and ribbon yarn is used for the lower part. However, a knitted skirt for women can also be complemented with such frills, and you can create an unusual silhouette with asymmetrical edges, ruffled inserts or original side elements reminiscent of a peplum. It all depends on the imagination of the needlewoman, the ability to play with details and knowledge fashion trends. Knitting skirts allows you to diversify your wardrobe with non-standard models.

    Original things have long been a guarantee unique style every woman who loves herself. But sometimes you have to pay for the uniqueness of your favorite thing, and a considerable amount. This is especially true for knitted skirts. They are the gorgeous creations. self made, hanging in the windows of expensive boutiques, fascinate almost all representatives of the fair sex.

    But unfortunately, the magical effect ends exactly when the happy owner of a new thing comes out of the state of hypnosis and discovers that she bought something wrong. And the reason here lies not in poor quality or incorrect cut. Everything is quite banal. Knitted skirts are such an individual thing that each of its styles must correspond not only to the style, but also to the image of the owner. In addition, this wardrobe item is not suitable for everyone. Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of knitted skirts.

    Knitted skirts

    The main disadvantage of a knitted skirt is that with its help it is impossible to hide even the smallest flaws in the figure. But she will perfectly highlight all the shortcomings. But if the immense desire and love for skirts does not leave your wardrobe, we advise you to wear it with a tunic or an elongated blouse, and complement it with a jacket or a loose-fitting jacket.

    Knitted skirts will be an advantage for fashionistas. This season, stylists like to recommend them to many owners of an ideal figure. With its help, it is simply impossible not to stand out or go unnoticed. As for combining with other elements of clothing, an ensemble of knitted items looks just perfect, and it’s not short on practicality.

    Also, these skirts are often worn over skinny jeans in combination with a jacket. This youthful combination gives the style a certain lightness and uniqueness. For elegant ladies, blouses or shirts in soft tones, complemented with exquisite belts, will be just a godsend. Jackets combined with a knitted skirt are worth paying attention to Special attention, in any color and style they will always and everywhere be a harmonious set. And when paired with leather or fur clothes, knitted skirts will be a win-win option.

    Knitted skirt

    There will be no problems with accessories either. The examples above would be:

    • any beads;
    • jewelry with pearls;
    • brooches;
    • leather and decorative belts;
    • ethnic and classic bracelets;
    • small bags.

    As mentioned above, a knitted skirt is a practical and at the same time elegant part of a modern women's wardrobe. Knitting such a skirt with your own hands is not particularly difficult if you have certain skills. But besides knowing the knitting technique, there are several more nuances. Let's look at them.

    • Correct selection of yarn. For a knitted skirt the best material it will be acrylic. The fact is that it is acrylic threads that are least susceptible to deformation during the care process.
    • Creating a pattern and taking the necessary measurements (waist circumference, hip circumference). Here you can’t do without a pattern; it’s with its help that you can choose right size won't be difficult.
    • During the work process, it is necessary to take into account the density of the fabric. This will help you avoid mistakes when calculating decreases and additions. You need to decide on the type of knitting.
    • There is knitting with seams and seamless. When knitting seamlessly, use circular knitting needles and knit in the round. And when knitting with seams, the front and back parts are knitted separately.
    • If the style of the skirt is straight, then knitting begins from the bottom.
    White knitted straight skirt

    Next, the process of knitting a straight style will be considered using an example. A model was taken as a sample from the fall/winter 2015 collection of the famous fashion house Dior (the first publication was made by Vogue magazine). Of course, not every woman can afford to buy such an exquisite skirt from a famous designer. But if you choose similar material and tools, you can knit a chic skirt that will be in no way inferior to the original.

    Knitted skirt from Dior

    The description shows four sizes: XS–S–M-L. Translated by standards, in finished form, it looks something like this: waist: 68 cm – 74 cm – 84.5 cm – 94.5 cm; hips: 83 cm – 89.5 cm – 99.5 cm – 112 cm; product height: 58 cm. The following materials will be useful for work: straight knitting needles with a diameter of 4.5 (5) mm; CollageYarnfantasticc threads (color: dark gray “A”) 250 grams; CollageYarnfantasticc threads (color: lavender “B”) 200 grams; knitted pin or additional knitting needle; an elastic band one meter long and thirty mm wide.

    Additional types of loops

    Knitted skirt in light lilac color

    There are also additional types of loops in the work, in which it is necessary to take into account color transitions. It is important to remember that when changing colors, you need to weave the threads only on the wrong side of the product. This manipulation will help avoid the appearance of holes on the front side. It is also better to use different skeins. 8 - st R C - remove four loops on an additional knitting needle, move the knitting needle behind the working fabric, four knit stitches, four loops from an additional knitting needle. 8 - sl L C - - remove four loops on an additional knitting needle, move the knitting needle in front of the working fabric, four knit stitches, four loops from an additional knitting needle.

    First you need to knit the back piece. Cast on straight needles with 19 – 21 – 24 – 26 stitches, ColageYarn fantastic threads (color: dark gray “A”). Continue casting on with ColageYarnfantastic threads (color: lavender “B”) 200 grams, 33 – 35 – 37 – 41 stitches. And finish from the second skein of CollageYarnfantasticc thread (color: dark gray “A”) 250 grams, 18 - 20 - 23 - 25 loops. In the first row, all colored segments are knitted, alternating purl loops with facial loops (1*1). Next, continue knitting 1*1 to a height of 2.5 cm. Once this height is reached, begin knitting the “two-color braid” pattern.

    Braid pattern

    Knitted skirt with braids

    In the first row, knit ColageYarnfantasticc color: dark gray “A” with knit stitches 13 – 15 – 18 – 20 stitches. The next 12 stitches are knitted as “8 - st R C”. After CollageYarnfantasticc color: lavender “B” knit 21 – 23 – 25 – 29 stitches with knit stitches. Then knit 12 stitches as “8 - sl L C”. We finish the row with ColageYarnfantasticc threads (color: dark gray “A”) 250 grams, knit stitches. In the second row we knit with CollageYarnfantasticc threads (color: dark gray “A”) 13 – 15 – 18 – 20 purl stitches. After this, 12 stitches as “8 - st L C”. After this, knit with Colage Yarn fantastic threads (color: lavender “B”) 21 – 23 – 25 – 28 purl stitches. Then 12 stitches “8 - sl R C”, and purl stitches to the end of the row.

    Continue knitting as described until the 20th row. Repeat the pattern until the length of the product reaches 14 cm and complete the work with a purl row. Next, they begin to form the bevels of the knitted skirt. Continue knitting, increasing one loop on each side in the next row. After that, we add 4 times in every 16th row. The total should be 79 – 85 – 93 – 105 loops. Continue knitting to a length of 45 cm from the beginning of knitting. Finish knitting in a purl row.

    The upper part of the skirt is knitted like this. Decrease this loop on each side in the next row. After this, do the same decreases in the 4th row 5 more times. At the end there should be 67 - 73 - 81 - 89 stitches left on the knitting needles.

    Continue knitting a report of 20 rows 7 more times. The length of the product should be 58 cm.

    The second part of the product is symmetrically tied.

    The knitted skirt is almost ready, all that remains is to knit the belt. Using Collage Yarn fantastic thread (color: dark gray “A”), knit 3 centimeters in garter stitch. This is the final stage, all that remains is to assemble the knitted skirt.


    • You need to pin all the details of the knitted skirt to the pattern. To give details required sizes slightly moisten, then dry.
    • Now sew the side seams.
    • Place the belt on the wrong side and sew it on, not forgetting to leave a hole for inserting an elastic band.
    • Insert elastic, trim off excess and sew.

    That's all, the knitted skirt is ready. All that remains is to wish that this exquisite product was only the first creation.

    Original things have long been the key to the unique style of every woman who loves herself. But sometimes you have to pay for the uniqueness of your favorite thing, and a considerable amount. This is especially true for knitted skirts. It is they, the chic handmade creations hanging in the windows of expensive boutiques, that fascinate almost all representatives of the fair sex.

    But unfortunately, the magical effect ends exactly when the happy owner of a new thing comes out of the state of hypnosis and discovers that she bought something wrong. And the reason here lies not in poor quality or incorrect cut. Everything is quite banal. Knitted skirts are such an individual thing that each of its styles must correspond not only to the style, but also to the image of the owner. In addition, this wardrobe item is not suitable for everyone. Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of knitted skirts.

    Knitted skirts

    The main disadvantage of a knitted skirt is that with its help it is impossible to hide even the smallest flaws in the figure. But she will perfectly highlight all the shortcomings. But if the immense desire and love for skirts does not leave your wardrobe, we advise you to wear it with a tunic or an elongated blouse, and complement it with a jacket or a loose-fitting jacket.

    Knitted skirts will be an advantage for fashionistas. This season, stylists like to recommend them to many owners of an ideal figure. With its help, it is simply impossible not to stand out or go unnoticed. As for combining with other elements of clothing, an ensemble of knitted items looks just perfect, and it’s not short on practicality.

    Also, these skirts are often worn over skinny jeans in combination with a jacket. This youthful combination gives the style a certain lightness and uniqueness. For elegant ladies, blouses or shirts in soft tones, complemented with exquisite belts, will be just a godsend. Jackets combined with a knitted skirt should be given special attention; in any color and style they will always and everywhere be a harmonious set. And when paired with leather or fur clothes, knitted skirts will be a win-win option.

    Knitted skirt

    There will be no problems with accessories either. The examples above would be:

    • any beads;
    • jewelry with pearls;
    • brooches;
    • leather and decorative belts;
    • ethnic and classic bracelets;
    • small bags.

    As mentioned above, a knitted skirt is a practical and at the same time elegant part of a modern women's wardrobe. Knitting such a skirt with your own hands is not particularly difficult if you have certain skills. But besides knowing the knitting technique, there are several more nuances. Let's look at them.

    • Correct selection of yarn. For a knitted skirt, the best material is acrylic. The fact is that it is acrylic threads that are least susceptible to deformation during the care process.
    • Creating a pattern and taking the necessary measurements (waist circumference, hip circumference). Here you cannot do without a pattern; with its help, choosing the right size will not be difficult.
    • During the work process, it is necessary to take into account the density of the fabric. This will help you avoid mistakes when calculating decreases and additions. You need to decide on the type of knitting.
    • There is knitting with seams and seamless. When knitting seamlessly, use circular knitting needles and knit in the round. And when knitting with seams, the front and back parts are knitted separately.
    • If the style of the skirt is straight, then knitting begins from the bottom.
    White knitted straight skirt

    Next, the process of knitting a straight style will be considered using an example. A model was taken as a sample from the fall/winter 2015 collection of the famous fashion house Dior (the first publication was made by Vogue magazine). Of course, not every woman can afford to buy such an exquisite skirt from a famous designer. But if you choose similar material and tools, you can knit a chic skirt that will be in no way inferior to the original.

    Knitted skirt from Dior

    The description shows four sizes: XS–S–M-L. Translated by measurements, in finished form, it looks something like this: waist: 68 cm – 74 cm – 84.5 cm – 94.5 cm; hips: 83 cm – 89.5 cm – 99.5 cm – 112 cm; product height: 58 cm. The following materials will be useful for work: straight knitting needles with a diameter of 4.5 (5) mm; CollageYarnfantasticc threads (color: dark gray “A”) 250 grams; CollageYarnfantasticc threads (color: lavender “B”) 200 grams; knitted pin or additional knitting needle; an elastic band one meter long and thirty mm wide.

    Additional types of loops

    Knitted skirt in light lilac color

    There are also additional types of loops in the work, in which it is necessary to take into account color transitions. It is important to remember that when changing colors, you need to weave the threads only on the wrong side of the product. This manipulation will help avoid the appearance of holes on the front side. It is also better to use different skeins. 8 - st R C - remove four loops on an additional knitting needle, move the knitting needle behind the working fabric, four knit stitches, four loops from an additional knitting needle. 8 - sl L C - - remove four loops on an additional knitting needle, move the knitting needle in front of the working fabric, four knit stitches, four loops from an additional knitting needle.

    First you need to knit the back piece. Cast on straight needles with 19 – 21 – 24 – 26 stitches, ColageYarn fantastic threads (color: dark gray “A”). Continue casting on with ColageYarnfantastic threads (color: lavender “B”) 200 grams, 33 – 35 – 37 – 41 stitches. And finish from the second skein of CollageYarnfantasticc thread (color: dark gray “A”) 250 grams, 18 - 20 - 23 - 25 loops. In the first row, all colored segments are knitted, alternating purl loops with knit stitches (1*1). Next, continue knitting 1*1 to a height of 2.5 cm. Once this height is reached, begin knitting the “two-color braid” pattern.

    Braid pattern

    Knitted skirt with braids

    In the first row, knit ColageYarnfantasticc color: dark gray “A” with knit stitches 13 – 15 – 18 – 20 stitches. The next 12 stitches are knitted as “8 - st R C”. After CollageYarnfantasticc color: lavender “B” knit 21 – 23 – 25 – 29 stitches with knit stitches. Then knit 12 stitches as “8 - sl L C”. We finish the row with ColageYarnfantasticc threads (color: dark gray “A”) 250 grams, knit stitches. In the second row we knit with CollageYarnfantasticc threads (color: dark gray “A”) 13 – 15 – 18 – 20 purl stitches. After this, 12 stitches as “8 - st L C”. After this, knit with Colage Yarn fantastic threads (color: lavender “B”) 21 – 23 – 25 – 28 purl stitches. Then 12 stitches “8 - sl R C”, and purl stitches to the end of the row.

    Continue knitting as described until the 20th row. Repeat the pattern until the length of the product reaches 14 cm and complete the work with a purl row. Next, they begin to form the bevels of the knitted skirt. Continue knitting, increasing one loop on each side in the next row. After that, we add 4 times in every 16th row. The total should be 79 – 85 – 93 – 105 loops. Continue knitting to a length of 45 cm from the beginning of knitting. Finish knitting in a purl row.

    The upper part of the skirt is knitted like this. Decrease this loop on each side in the next row. After this, do the same decreases in the 4th row 5 more times. At the end there should be 67 - 73 - 81 - 89 stitches left on the knitting needles.

    Continue knitting a report of 20 rows 7 more times. The length of the product should be 58 cm.

    The second part of the product is symmetrically tied.

    The knitted skirt is almost ready, all that remains is to knit the belt. Using Collage Yarn fantastic thread (color: dark gray “A”), knit 3 centimeters in garter stitch. This is the final stage, all that remains is to assemble the knitted skirt.


    • You need to pin all the details of the knitted skirt to the pattern. To give the parts the desired size, slightly moisten, then dry.
    • Now sew the side seams.
    • Place the belt on the wrong side and sew it on, not forgetting to leave a hole for inserting an elastic band.
    • Insert elastic, trim off excess and sew.

    That's all, the knitted skirt is ready. All that remains is to wish that this exquisite product was only the first creation.

    Knitted skirts for women are made simply and quickly, but there are a great variety of models to suit every taste. Today we’ll look at knitting three skirts for women with step by step description and diagrams. They all differ in both style and knitting method, but are easy to perform even for beginner needlewomen.

    Skirt with pleats and houndstooth pattern

    A knitted skirt for women with pleats is knitted from two halves for size XS: waist circumference 61 cm, hip circumference 84 cm. The length of the product can be changed as desired.

    Forming folds can be difficult for beginning needlewomen, but with detailed description this task becomes easily accomplished.

    Materials prepared for work:

    • wool yarn;
    • knitting needles No. 3.5 and No. 4, also sock needles - 2 pcs.

    When everything is ready, let's get to work; the skirt for a woman is knitted from the bottom up.

    Video: Knitting using the pleisse technique

    Straight model with jacquard pattern

    A very simple women's skirt that is interesting for its jacquard pattern, which is knitted with a different thread color.

    With the descriptions and diagrams offered below, even for novice needlewomen, knitting such a skirt will not be difficult.

    For knitting you will need:

    • yarn (50% wool) of two contrasting colors, in in this case black and blue;
    • circular knitting needles No. 2.5;
    • rubber.

    Knitting is done in a circle, starting from the bottom.

    So let's get started.

    A skirt for women with a traditional Norwegian pattern is ready.

    Video: Knitting jacquard in a circle

    Wrap skirt

    Another skirt for women is knitted in one even piece from right to left. It's very easy even for beginner knitters. Wrap skirt size 42/44.

    For knitting you will need to prepare:

    • yarn printed wool with acrylic;
    • knitting needles No. 5;
    • suede braid – 120cm;
    • buckle.

    Knitting occurs as follows:

    The skirt for women is moistened, straightened and dried, now you can put on and enjoy the new product.

    Video: Knitting a pencil skirt

    Patterns describing knitting a skirt

    A knitted skirt for women has always been not only stylish and original element clothes. With the help of this simple working tool and a few skeins of yarn, you can make an original, convenient and practical product for both winter and summer! Today we will tell you how to tie fashionable skirts for women with their own hands in any technique, be it pleated, pencil, straight, romantic long or airy summer!

    Classic straight knitted skirt for women

    We will need:

    • threads (100% wool) – 350 grams;
    • cr. sp. No. 3.5;
    • elastic band 3 cm wide and length equal to OT.

    Diagrams and symbols


    Elastic band 1 x 1: across. 1 l. p. and 1 and. P..

    “Twigs”: knit in circles according to c. A, on which only odd numbers are indicated. cr. r., in even cr. R. we knit all the stitches according to the figure. We complement the knot. leaves according to cx. B or S.
    Leaflets B and C: respectively, according to cx. B or C, where only odd numbers are indicated. cr. r., in even cr. R. All stitches are knitted according to the figure, or as indicated.

    Cord-like edge: at the beginning of the last. cr. R. dial 3 p., *2 p. vm. l., 2 p. vm. l. cross., 3 sts are dropped back to the left sp.*. Slave. n. Pull it tight inside out. side, from * to *.

    Knitting density of this model: 21 p. x 29 cr. R. And. Ch. = 10 x 10 cm.


    We cast on 158 sts, then 1 x 1 elastic for a width of 4 cm (= 11 cr. r.). Now we make the fold line 1 cr. R. And. p., and after another 4 cm (= 11 cr. r.) l. ch., while in the last cr. R. we evenly increase 34 sts (= 192 sts) and, placing a mark at the beginning of the circle, knit the right side seam like this: 11 sts. Ch., * 2 p.l. ch., 22 p.i. ch., repeat 7 times from *, finish 2 p.l. Ch., 11 p. and.. Ch.. If necessary, you can transfer the work to knitting needles of a longer length, but of the same diameter.

    To widen the skirt for women, we make increases on both sides of the faces. paths in every 14th district. r., doing 5 times 1 and. cross., p. from broaches between sts and continue to knit them and. Ch. (= 272 p.).
    Upon reaching the height of the panel 25.5 cm (= 74 rubles) from the elastic band to the faces. along the paths we begin to knit branches with leaves according to the scheme proposed above for 74 kr. R. (= 25.5 cm), then close the loops using the “corded edge” method.


    We fold the elastic along the fold line inward and sew it to the base of the skirt, leaving a little space for a special elastic insert, thread it in and sew the short edges, closing the seam.

    How to knit a simple high-waisted skirt: video tutorial

    Long romantic skirt for women in boho style

    We will need:

    • threads (50% cotton, 50% viscose, 100 meters per 50 grams): 650 grams of beige color;
    • cr. sp. No. 4 and No. 4.5 and 80 cm long;
    • hook No. 3.5;
    • white elastic insert to fit your waist circumference, 5 cm wide.

    Diagrams and symbols


    Option A: knit according to sh., post. rep. rap. = 6 p. between arrows a and b.

    Option B: according to pattern A with braids * 2 x 6 sts between arrows a and b, 1 x 10 sts between arrows b and c, 2 x 6 sts between arrows c and d, from *. Repeat 1-8 pp..
    In even p., (they are not on the diagram), press all the stitches according to the figure, knit yarn overs. P..

    Aranas: according to diagram B. We start with 8 sts before arrow a, repeat rap. in 16 points between pages a and b, back. 8 p. after p. b. We knit 1 x pp. 1-24.
    At 11 and 15 p.m. perform crossover at the transition from one river to another, therefore on cx. they are shown displaced. To do this, we need to cross the last one. 2 items 10 and 14 cr. R. with the first 2 points 11 and 15 cr. r., last 2 items 11 and 15 cr. R. knit l. p.. In even rows, which are not on the diagram, we do all the stitches according to the figure, we knit the first yarn over on the wrong side, the second yarn over on the wrong side. crossed..

    Openwork border for crochet skirts: according to s.. We start from page a with 1 ss.. In 1st cr. R. knit 12 sts to p., repeat 9 x rap. = 24 p. between p. b and c, continue 12 p. after p. c and complete 1 ss.. Then proceed to 2-10 r..

    Knitting density of this model: 19 p. x 28 cr. R. pattern A = 10 x 10 cm; 21 p. x 28 cr. R. pattern B with a braid = 10 x 10 cm; 23 p. x 24 cr. R. aranov = 10 x 8 cm; 21 p. x 28 cr.. r. l. Ch. = 10 x 10 cm sp. No. 4.5.


    We dial No. 4.5 240 p., close them in a circle, put a marker.
    1 cr. R. l. p. and 8 cm (= 22 cr. r.) of pattern A. Then we make 2 cr. R. And. p., while in the 1st cr. R. we knit every 14 and 15 sts. And. = 224 p.

    Then you should knit 8 cm in arans (24 cr. r.). After – 2 cr. R. And. p., in the 1st cr. R. we knit every 10 and 11 sts. And. = 204 p. Thus, we should get a canvas of 17.5 cm.

    Next cr. r.: l. p. and 30 cm = 84 kr. R. knot B. Now 2 cr. R. And. p., in the 1st cr. R. we knit every 16 and 17 sts. And. = 192 p. Now 8 cm = 24 kr. R. aranami and 2 cr. R. And. p. We have already made 57.5 cm in the end.

    Let's continue l. Ch.. For the side bevel in the 29th cr. R. after last change of bonds stuck 31 and 32 p.m. l. = 186 p., in next. cr. R. across. we knit every 14 and 15 sts and every 15 and 16 sts. l. =174 p. After 5 cr. R. from last decrease or 16 cm = 45 kr. R. l. ch we knit for the belt l. Ch. sp. No. 4. After 5.5 cm = 17 cr. R. Prov. for fold line 1 cr. R. And. p. and another 16 kr. R. l. Ch. for hemming. Then we close all the...


    We embroider the holes in the aran strips 8 times using a daisy stitch, the stitch length is 1.5 cm.
    Daisy stitch: bring the needle to the knits. side, lay the thread in a loop, insert the needle into the point from which the thread came out on the faces. side, remove the needle inside the loop and insert it again next to the loop thread to secure it.

    We make an openwork border using a hook: start with ss. from 13 sts on the left and knit. in each paragraph 1 s. without n. – 1st cr. R. Then knit. from 2 to 10 cr. R. The width should end up being 13 cm. Fold the hem of the waistband to the wrong side. side and hem it with a seam “over the edge”, leaving 10 cm for threading the braid, then sew this place up.

    Skirt (42-44): video master class

    Summer airy knitted skirt for beginners

    We will need:

    • threads (100% cotton, 100 meters per 50 grams) 400, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600 grams;
    • cr. sp. No. 3 and No. 3.5 and 60-80 cm long;
    • elastic band 70-120 cm.

    Diagram and symbols

    Knitting density of this model: 21 p. x 28 r. = 10 x 10 cm in openwork knot. sp. No. 3.5.

    Size: S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL.


    We dial sp. No. 3 150, 168, 184, 204, 230, 256 p., connect them in a circle, and then - 2 r. l. P..
    This is followed by 1 p. And. p., go to cr. sp. No. 3.5 and l. n. in a circle to a height of 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5 cm, inc. equal 8, 6, 10, 6, 4, 4 p. along the next line. R. = 158, 174, 194, 210, 234, 260 p.
    At an altitude of 6, 6, 8, 8, 10, 10 we move to the edge. sp. No. 3 and knit 2 prongs of shawl stitch. knot., at the same time added. 10, 6, 10, 6, 6, 4 sts along the 1st row. pl. knot.. = 168, 180, 204, 216, 240, 264 p..

    We change sp again. at No. 3.5 and work according to cx. 1A, repeat 12 points of rapport cx. 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22 times wide. Having completed this cx, we begin cx. 1B, after which we get 196, 210, 238, 252, 280, 308 p..

    Let's start with cx. 1C.
    Sp. No. 3: 2 teeth handkerchief. knot., at the same time added. 27, 19, 15, 7, 9, 5 p. on the 1st row. = 223, 229, 253, 259, 289, 313 p.
    Sp. No. 3.5: 7 p. according to diagram. 2A, repeat 6 p. rap. cx. 2B 35, 36, 40, 41, 46, 50 times, finishing 6 sts. 2C. When we knit cx twice vertically. 2, change sp. on No. 3, 2 teeth handkerchief. knot, simultaneous added 29, 23, 23, 17, 11, 11 p. on the 1st row. = 252, 252, 276, 276, 300, 324 p..
    We change sp. on No. 3.5: cx. 3, rep. 12 p. rap. 21, 21, 23, 23, 25, 27 times wide = 273, 273, 299, 299, 325, 351 sts. Repeat. part X сх. 3 to a height of 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52 cm.
    Now we knit according to cx. 4 and close all the loops.


    We turn the belt inside out. side and hem it, insert the elastic and close the hole.

    Openwork warm skirt knitted in the circle: video master class

    Fashionable knitted skirts using the pleated technique for women

    We will need:

    • threads (about 500 grams);
    • cr. sp. No. 3.5.


    Women's skirts are knitted in the pleated pattern using stockinette stitch from two panels. Let's start from the bottom. The size and number of folds depend on your desire.

    We don’t make a drawing of a skirt with knitting needles; we take the semi-volume T as a basis. The outer fold of each fold. make the stitches elongated... and the inner one - purl. n. Each of the folds consists of a front, wider part, and a back part, which is approximately twice as narrow. We need to count the number of cells. along the T line in one panel.
    Each of the folds at the bottom should be 2-2.5 times wider than at the top, therefore, if the fold at the top consists of 12 sts, then at the bottom it consists of 24 sts. The wide plane is separated from the narrow face. and an elongated path (outer fold), the folds are separated from each other by a line of and. p. (inner fold).

    How to find out the number of stitches to cast on?

    The number of stitches of one fold is multiplied by the number of folds. and added. for outdoor corner number of points equal to the number of folds. For internal. fold added n., = number of folds – 1 and plus 2 folds. P..

    How to narrow a pleated skirt?

    To do this, we need to gradually reduce. p. in each part of the fold near the purl. paths so that the decrease is unnoticeable, the same for the edge stitches..

    To find out the number of decreases, you need to subtract the number of stitches that remain on the T line. Divide the length of the product by the number of decreases. and find out the distance between them. In the wide part of the street should be twice as much as in a narrow one: if the number of p. Below 24, and at T 12, then decrease. there will be 12 (24 – 12): 8 in the wide part and 4 in the narrow part. At 64 cm, where the first 4 cm are without decreases, in the wide part there is a decrease. go through 7.5 cm (60: 8), in a narrow one - through 15 cm (60: 4).

    We tie the panel to the top line, close all the stitches and iron the folds, do the second part in the same way, sew them on the sides, knit a belt and sew it along the top line.

    An example of knitting the pleated pattern

    We dial 52 p.
    1 rub.: 5 l. p., remove 1 p., 10 l. p., 1 i. P..
    2 rubles: 16 i. p., remove 1 p.
    3 p.: repeat. knot from 1st day..

    Length - 10 cm, the first 4 cm are written without reductions, the remaining 6 cm are abbreviated. n. of each part of the fold, before purl. I tied the path. 2 p.vm. l. behind the back walls, after purl. paths - 2 p.m. l. behind the front walls.

    Calculation of decreases for the pleated model

    Along the bottom line of the fold. Consists of 17 p., on T there should be 8 of them, accordingly, you need to reduce 9 p., in the wide part - 6, in the narrow part - 3. In the narrow part - decrease. after 2 cm (6: 3), in the wide - after 1 cm (6: 6).
    Kr. We count it as purl. paths, make a decrease near them.. We tie the fabric to T, close all the stitches, fold the folds and sew on the belt.


    this model: 17 p. x 26 r. = 10 x 10 cm spiral cut. and sp. No. 4.

    Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL.


    Sp. No. 4 dial 120, 132, 140, 148, 160, 172 p., p. close it in a ring and knit. round.
    First, the elastic band is 2 x 2. We continue to knit in a circle until the height reaches 5 cm.
    1st p.: go to sp. No. 4,5, 1 and. p.., *2 l. p., 2 i. p.*, from * to *, finish 2 l. p.., 1 i. P..
    2 r. and all even: according to fig. (i.e. we knit the l.p. like the l.p., i.p. like the i.p.).
    3 p.: shift the pattern cut. 1 p. to the left: *2 i. p.., 2 l. n.*, from * to * to the end of the r..
    5 p.: shift the pattern 1 p. to the left: 1 l. p., *2 i. p., 2 l. n.*, from * to *, order. 2 i. p., 1 l. P..
    7 p.: shift the pattern 1 p. to the left: * 2 p. p., 2 i. n.*, from * to * to the end of the r..
    These 7 rubles. = rap. pattern in height. We repeat it until the length is 43, 45, 47, 49, 49, 51 cm. We finish with even numbers. R. and go to sp. No. 4, 8 cm with a spiral elastic band (= across. 2 l.p., 2 i.p.) with a shift to the left.
    Upon reaching 51, 53, 55, 57, 57, 60 cm, close the stitch without tightening the lower edge of the canvas.


    We fasten the threads of the pencil skirt and steam the finished product.

    Skirt with bow pleats: video master class

    We hope our tutorial will be useful and help you knit a stylish and fashionable skirt to your taste!