Creating conditions for the child’s psychological comfort. Continuity in the work of preschool educational institutions and schools in preserving the physical and mental health of preschool children within the framework of the State Educational Educational Institution. Creating psychological comfort in kindergarten groups Topics of self-education in education

MBDOU kindergarten No. 5, Vladimir, microdistrict Orgtrud

SEMINAR for educators

“Creating psychological comfort in groups kindergarten»


educational psychologist

Golovanova E.V.

February 2013


1. Introduce teachers to the components of psychological comfort and emotional well-being of children in a group.

2.Promote effective application educational and educational actions aimed at personality-oriented interaction with the child.

Plan of the seminar.

1. Information part.

1.1.The problem of psychological health at the present stage.

1.2.Creating psychological comfort in kindergarten to preserve and strengthen psychological health for the development of the child’s personality.

1.3. The influence of pedagogical communication styles on favorable psychological comfort in the group.

2. Practical part.

2.1.Diagnostic tools for assessment teachers psychological climate in the kindergarten group and the emotional well-being of the child.

2.2.Emotional well-being of the teacher as a condition for the positive emotional state of children. Techniques for relieving emotional stress among teachers.

3. Discussion, summing up.

1. Information part.

1.1.The problem of psychological health at the present stage.

Health is a combination of several components. The famous psychotherapist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross put forward the following idea: human health can be represented as a circle consisting of 4 quadrants: physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. Unfortunately, many of us begin to understand quite late the importance of not only physical, but also emotional health.

It's no secret that many children have neurotic disorders. There are many reasons for this, and I think there is no need to list them. Such children are difficult for parents, teachers, and society. On the other hand, sometimes parents and teachers turn quite psychologically healthy children into neurotics.

Why is it so important to preserve the mental and psychological health of children? Surely each of you can answer this question by determining the consequences of psychological discomfort for a child:

  • The appearance of phobias, fears, anxiety, increased aggressiveness;

  • The transition of psychological experiences into somatic disorders, when a child who has received psychological trauma becomes physically ill (a certain instinct of self-preservation of the body).

  • The manifestation of psychological trauma received in childhood in a more mature period in the form of psychological defense - a position of avoidance (isolation, drugs, suicidal tendencies), manifestations of aggressive behavioral reactions (running away from home, vandalism..)
Questions about psychological comfort and mental health should be addressed primarily to teachers, since most of the time children are in kindergarten. But many may argue that there are objective reasons why it is impossible to fully create psychological comfort in a kindergarten group:

  • Large groups;

  • One teacher per group

  • Unfavorable situation in the child's family.
Yes, that's the reality. But who will help us and our children if not ourselves? The preschool institution plays an important role, despite all the problems dictated by the modern state of society, arising from its contradictions. Namely: to what extent it is capable of creating a general positive and stable background for the child’s psychological state, ensuring the development of an active and cheerful personality with a sense of self-esteem.

1.2. Creating psychological comfort in kindergarten to preserve and strengthen the psychological health and development of the child’s personality.

A person who is competent in communication first of all establishes a certain atmosphere of communication that helps his partner feel free and comfortable. The expression “we have good contact” means “we understand each other.” We are interested in each other, we trust each other.”

A firmly established contact between people will provide an atmosphere of trust and acceptance during the communication process in which any problems can be discussed.

A certain atmosphere is not only present in the communication of two or three people, but characterizes the general situation in a permanent group of people (work team, family, class). A kindergarten group is no exception, and sensitive people can immediately, only after crossing the threshold, feel an atmosphere of looseness or closedness , calm concentration or anxious tension, sincere fun or gloomy wariness that is present in the group. The atmosphere (or climate) in a kindergarten group is determined by:

  1. Relationships between teacher and children.

  2. Relationships between the children themselves.
A good climate in a group occurs when all its members feel free, remain themselves, but at the same time respect the right of others to be themselves.

The teacher has a very significant influence on the quality of the group climate. In fact, it is the teacher (and not the children, as we usually think) who creates a certain climate in the group.

The first step that an educator interested in creating a favorable atmosphere in a group must take is to create and analyze the group situation. Considering the directions of humanization preschool education, the most important thing in the work of a teacher is to create conditions for the development of the child’s personality, “turn on” the child’s own mechanisms of self-development through the teacher’s organization of a developmental environment, personality-oriented communication with the child, giving him freedom to choose activities, helping in the development of his abilities, creating an atmosphere of psychological security, emotional comfort. Taking all this into account, teachers in the group need to create conditions for the emotional well-being of each child: a subject-development environment, the style of communication between the teacher and the child, the style of communication between teachers among themselves and with the assistant, the style of communication between the teacher and parents; observe how children communicate with each other.

The child’s well-being in the group is satisfaction with existing relationships in the group, the degree of participation in joint activities, security, inner peace, experiencing the feeling of “we”. All of this can be defined as emotional well-being. Emotional well-being is promoted normal development the child’s personality, the development of positive qualities, and a friendly attitude towards other people.

1.3. The influence of pedagogical communication styles on favorable psychological comfort in the group.

Now I would like to dwell on the styles of pedagogical communication.

They are required to listen carefully, observe, remember, carry out, and respond. The teacher does not notice that the children’s lack of independence and lack of initiative is a consequence of his author’s tendencies towards overprotection.

The authoritarian educator lacks respect and trust in the personality of the growing person. He lives by the principle “Trust, but verify!”, focuses on dominance, command in all communication situations, expects unquestioning obedience and obedience. The desire for children means little to him. The formal approach to education clearly prevails. When organizing work in a group, he does not take into account the relationships between children, does not like and does not know how to admit mistakes. It is almost impossible to hear from an authoritarian “sorry, I was wrong.”

In any case, he is trying to cover up his mistakes. When addressing children, one often hears: “Ivanov, don’t mess around!”, “Ivanov, how many times can you repeat this?” etc. A teacher of this type has a low assessment of the children’s capabilities and abilities, and his evaluative statements are dominated by remarks and censures. An authoritarian teacher directly and publicly points out to the child his mistakes and shortcomings in behavior. It is characterized by strict pedagogical guidelines.

Liberal (permissive) style. A liberal teacher moves away from direct leadership of the children's team, hence the lack of initiative, insufficiently developed responsibility, letting things take their course, such a teacher overestimates the children's capabilities, does not check the fulfillment of his requirements, is completely at the mercy of the children's desires, and therefore is often situational and inconsistent in decisions and actions taken. Not decisive enough in difficult situations. Takes into account relationships in the group. Not afraid to admit his mistakes. But he allows them very often. The amount of educational influence depends on the situation. Doesn't care about diversity.

The teacher is a liberal, a man of mood. If he's in good mood, his positive assessments predominate, if he is in a bad situation, negative assessments intensify. Does not pay attention to the need for indirect comments and reprimands.

Democratic style.

A democratic teacher takes into account the characteristics of the children’s age and optimally divides functions between himself and the children, shows maximum demands on children and maximum respect for them. Experiences a clear need for feedback from children on how they perceive certain forms of joint activities. He considers using knowledge about likes and dislikes between children to be an important condition for successful work. Able to admit mistakes made, despite the fact that it is difficult. In the assessment of such a teacher there are more positive than negative remarks. Prefers a more fruitful conversation with the child alone. An example of an indirect comment would be comments made with a glance. Pedagogical attitudes are dynamic in nature, that is, they change depending on circumstances.

From all of the above, we can conclude: the most effective and optimal is the democratic style of communication, it is the most favorable in its educational impact and fully serves the formation of conscious discipline in children and the people around them, a creative attitude to business and the formation of an active life position. It is the correctly chosen style of communication between the teacher and children that will help create favorable psychological comfort for the child in the group.

The socio-psychological culture of the teacher presupposes that he has certain pedagogical views and beliefs, an attitude towards an emotionally positive attitude towards the child, regardless of his personal qualities, and a whole range of communication skills and abilities necessary for the teacher for pedagogical communication.

This means that the teacher must have not only a system of professional knowledge, but also knowledge about the patterns of communication in the teaching staff and in the children's group, in working with parents. Preserving the psychological health of children largely depends on us, teachers, and for this we need to be very careful about our own psychological health. A huge role here belongs to the personality of the teacher, his cultural level, intellectual and personal potential.

So, personally oriented interaction with the child and a democratic style of communication come to the fore.

And for this, it is important for the teacher to have diagnostic tools for assessing the psychological climate in the kindergarten group and the emotional well-being of the child.

2. Practical part.

2.1. Diagnostic tools for educators to assess the psychological climate in a kindergarten group and the child’s emotional well-being.

1. Interpretation of the children’s drawing “I am in my kindergarten group”

Target: checking the psychological comfort of children in a kindergarten group.

We roughly divide the drawings into three groups:

1. The child draws only the building.

2. The child draws a building with elements of a playground.

3. The child depicts himself in the room or on the street.

The group teacher and psychologist examine the children’s drawings and give them an interpretation.

1. The group of drawings is the most alarming. If there is nothing in the picture except a building, then the child perceives the kindergarten as something alienated, faceless. This means that life in kindergarten does not evoke positive emotions in him and is not identified with the events taking place there.

If a child depicts himself in a picture, it means that the events taking place in kindergarten are personally significant for him.

You need to pay attention to other elements of the picture: are there children, a teacher, a playing field, toys in the picture. Their presence indicates that the child has depicted in his work many different connections and relationships to them. If a child in a drawing depicts flowers, the sun, birds, all these details indicate “peace” in the child’s soul.

If the picture shows a teacher, it means it is significant for the child. The turn of her face and back speaks of the degree of her presence and influence on the child’s life

The color scheme of the picture is also important.

A positive emotional mood is indicated by the child’s use of warm colors (yellow, pink, orange) and calm, cold colors (blue, cyan, green).

Deep purple, black, brown, which is used to paint the largest areas of the picture, indicate the tension that the child is experiencing. And the abundance of red means an overabundance of emotional stimuli. Bold lines and strikethroughs signal the child’s increased anxiety and emotional discomfort.

During testing drawing, the teacher should not comment on the children’s actions or tell them what elements need to be added. He only asks the child to tell who he drew, remember the sequence of drawing the characters and listen to the child’s comments. In order to have a true picture of the psychological state of the child in the group, it is necessary to repeat the drawing after a couple of weeks.

2.For a more in-depth study of the child’s emotional state in the group, you can conduct a color diagnostic “ Houses" by A.M. Etkind.

Target: determination of the emotional state reflecting the child’s attitude towards the preschool institution.

The child is asked to choose one of the houses of different colors: red, yellow, green, purple, brown, black, blue, gray. Then the child’s choice is recorded and, based on the data obtained, three types of children’s attitudes towards kindergarten can be distinguished:

1. Negative attitude. This type of attitude towards kindergarten is observed in children with a clear predominance of negative emotions (choice of black, gray, brown house)

2. Ambivalent (neutral) attitude. This category includes children who have an indifferent or anxious reaction to the proposed task. (choice: blue, green, purple house)

3.Positive attitude. This type of attitude towards preschool education is observed in children with a clear predominance of positive emotions during the completion of the task (choosing a red, yellow house.)

3.Test for emotional attitude.

Material: sheet of paper, colored pencils

Younger and middle children are given ready-made cards with 5 circles drawn. Older children are asked to draw 5 in a circle across the cell.


1. Fill in the first circle with the color of your mood when you leave kindergarten.

2.Fill in the second circle with the color that matches your mood when you are drawing.

3. Fill in the third circle with the color of your mood when you play.

4. Fill in the fourth circle with the color of your mood when you go home.

5. Fill in the third circle with the color of your mood when

You go to bed.

Color designation:

Red- excited, enthusiastic attitude

Orange - joyful, pleasant

Yellow - warm, friendly

Green - calm

Blue - sad, unsatisfactory

Purple, brown - alarming

Black - sadness, despondency

4.Analysis by the teacher “The atmosphere in my group.”

Teachers are invited to analyze the group situation using the following scheme:

Group situation:

1.What is the atmosphere in my group (general impressions)?

2.Why do I think this?

3.What aspects of the atmosphere in my group do I rate as positive?

4.What aspects of my group do I rate as negative?

The relationship between the teacher and the child.

1.Which of the children do I have good contact with?

2.What explains this?

3.Which of the children do I not have such a good relationship with?

4. How can this be explained?

Relationships between children?

1.Which children have good relationships?

2.What caused this?

3.What kind of children quarrel among themselves?

4.Why does this happen?

5.Which children are often bullied?

6.Why does this happen?

Thus, having familiarized yourself with practical developments in the field of studying the emotional states of preschoolers, you understand that creating emotional well-being and comfort has an impact on all areas of mental development. The results you receive also represent an assessment of your professional activities and the success of your educational and educational activities.

2.2.Emotional well-being of the teacher as a condition for the positive emotional state of children. Techniques for relieving emotional stress among teachers.

Everyone knows that children have a developed intuitive ability to grasp the emotional state of adults. Children very easily become infected with negative emotions, so the teacher needs to arrange a psychological shower for himself, which will help him relieve unnecessary emotional stress.

The psychologist conducts a set of exercises that help increase energy potential.

1. Standing, bring your shoulder blades together, smile, wink with your right eye, then with your left, repeat: “I’m very proud of myself, I’m good for a lot.”

2.Putting your palm on your chest: “I’m smarter than everyone else in the world.” Stretching his arms above his head: “I’m not afraid of anyone”; tense your buttocks: “It’s a miracle how good I am”; relax your buttocks: “Now I’ll live a hundred years.”

3.Bouncing on your right leg, then on your left leg, repeat: “I am cheerful and energetic, and things are going great!”

4. Rubbing your palm against your palm, repeat: “I attract good luck, every day I become richer.”

5. Standing on tiptoes, clasp your hands above your head in a ring, repeat: “I am warmed by a ray of sunshine, I deserve the best.”

6.Putting your left palm on your forehead, then your right, repeat: “I solve any problems, love and luck are always with me!”

7.Hands on hips. While bending your body back and forth, repeat: “Any situation is under my control, the world is beautiful and I am beautiful!”

8. Hands on the waist, tilting left and right, repeat: “I always take peace and a smile, and everyone will help me, and I will help.”

9. Clasping your hands, taking a deep breath: “The universe is smiling at me”; deep sigh: “And everything works out for me!”

10.Clenching your fists, making rotations with your arms: “There is no obstacle in my way, everything works out as it should”!

To create conditions for a child’s psychologically comfortable stay in kindergarten, it is necessary:

  • Accept every child as he is. Remember: there are no bad preschoolers. There are bad teachers and parents.

  • In professional activities, rely on the voluntary help of children, include them in organizational aspects of caring for the premises and area.

  • Be an entertainer and participant in children's games and fun.

  • In difficult situations for a child, focus on his age and individual characteristics: always be with him, and not do anything together.

  • Involve parents in the educational process and turn to them for support in cases of non-standard situations.
In your relationship with your child, try to remember that:

  • The child doesn't owe you anything. It is you who must help the child become more independent and responsible.

  • In each specific situation, you need to understand what the child is trying to achieve and why he is doing it. Encourage him to comply with social norms and rules, taking into account his condition and interests.

  • Imposing your rules and requirements should not be against the will of the children - this is violence, even if your intentions are good.

  • There should not be too many prohibitions and strict requirements. This leads to passivity and low self-esteem in students.

  • A quiet, shy child also needs your professional help, just like a notorious fighter.

  • A prosperous social development situation is best method transferring to children moral norms and rules of human society. Conversations about morality that are not supported by the protection of children from mental and physical violence are demagoguery and a dangerous practice.
Such forms of relationships in which the teacher, with the help of various arguments, convinces the child of the advantages of one or another action have a very good effect on the development of children. In this case, the choice is left to the child. This type of relationship requires an individual approach to the characteristics and current conditions of children. It is this kind of unobtrusive care that children most need and thank the adult for their sincere affection for him.

Psychological speech settings.

The purpose of speech settings is to create a positive emotional background, an atmosphere of goodwill and security in the group. The main purpose of speech settings is to set a good mood. They can be carried out in the morning, after exercise, the children and the teacher stand in a circle, holding hands. When pronouncing speech settings, the teacher’s voice must fully correspond to what he is talking about, that is, the voice and facial expressions must convey goodwill, the joy of meeting, etc.

You are offered approximate schemes of speech settings that can vary according to your wishes, but the essence should remain the same: they should show children that they are welcome, set them up for friendly relationships with adults and other children.

Show your imagination, give vent to your creative potential.

Today I am glad to see you in kindergarten, in our group! We will spend this day together. May this day bring joy. Let's try to please each other.

I am glad to see the children of our group healthy, cheerful, and in a good mood. I really want us all to maintain this mood until the evening. And for this we all must smile, not offend each other and not fight. Let's rejoice in each other.

Hello my dears! Today it is cloudy and damp outside. And in our group it is warm, light and cheerful. And we have fun from our smiles. After all, every smile is a little sun that makes you feel warm and good. Therefore, today we will smile at each other more often.

3. Discussion, summing up.


1.S.V. Terpigoreva Practical seminars for teachers. Psychological competence of educators. Issue 2.Volgorad.Teacher 2011.p.144

2. Aralova M.A. Formation of a preschool educational institution team: psychological support. M.sphere..2005 p.65

Creating psychological comfort in kindergarten groups

1. Problems of psychological health at the present stage.

Children's health is called one of the fundamental values ​​of education. Today it is argued that the main goal of psychological services is to ensure conditions for the psychological health of children of preschool and school age.

Recently, teachers have increasingly had to deal with very distorted behavior of preschoolers. On the one hand, there is extraordinary stiffness and underdevelopment of speech. On the other hand, strong aggressiveness and some kind of wild, off-scale demonstrativeness. Such a child cannot answer the simplest question, but at the same time he is not afraid to make faces in front of other adults or crawl under the table. In short, he behaves completely uncontrollably. Patterns of bad behavior attract like a magnet.

In Concept preschool education solving problems related to the protection and promotion of children's health is given a leading place. But it also says that “if care about physical health child is reflected in one form or another in all documents regulating the work of the teacher, then the requirement “ psychological well-being child" sounds like a meaningless phrase.

The definition of health given World Organization healthcare looks like this:

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Psychological health includes the ability to adequately respond to external and internal stimuli; general mental comfort, adequate behavior, the ability to manage one’s emotional states, overcome stress, this is mental activity, the need for self-development, to know oneself.

Quite a lot of children need psychocorrection and are characterized by serious psychological distress.

To provide a child with the conditions for a healthy and fulfilling life, an adult is needed. This is an axiom that does not require proof today. We can say that “what is actually human in a person” is always another person. Adults (normally!) provide the child with the presumption of humanity - the right and opportunity to stand on the human path of development.

However, for some children the shadow of “damage” falls at birth. We talk about them as “children with special needs.” To “disenchant” a child, to help him find the spirit of a full-fledged human life, a close Other is needed.

Experts are aware of a widely used, but usually extremely vague definition - “significant adult”. In the logic of our reasoning, it becomes necessary to fill it with specific psychological content. A significant adult is a family member and/or close person who has a significant, decisive influence on the conditions of development and lifestyle of the child: parent, guardian, teacher, mentor...

Therefore, the goal of practical psychological work with children in preschool educational institutions is the child’s mental health, and his mental and personal development is a condition, a means of achieving this health.

The term “psychological health” itself is ambiguous; it, first of all, seems to connect two sciences and two areas of practice – medical and psychological. This is based on the understanding that any somatic disorder is in one way or another associated with changes in the mental state.

WHO experts paid particular attention to the fact that it is in childhood that mental health problems have a more direct connection with the environment than in other age periods.

Distinguishing the terms “mental health” and “psychological health”.

If the term “mental health” refers primarily to individual mental processes and mechanisms, then the term “psychological health” refers to the personality as a whole.

If the norm for mental health is the absence of pathology, symptoms that interfere with a person’s adaptation in society, then to determine the norm of psychological health it is important to have certain personal characteristics. And if you care medical workers for the most part is getting rid of pathological factors, then the direction of action of teachers goes towards providing assistance in acquiring a child useful properties that contribute to successful adaptation.

Since psychological health presupposes the presence of a dynamic balance between the child’s personality and the environment, the child’s adaptation to society becomes the key criterion. In our practice, we identify several levels of a child’s psychological health; they are quite conventional, but we need them to organize practical work with children.

The first level includes children who do not need psychological assistance. They are steadily adapted to any environment, have a reserve for overcoming stressful situations and have an active creative relationship to reality. This ideal image of a child is rarely found in the practice of preschool educational institutions; it expresses the perfect degree of psychological health.

To the second adaptive level we include the majority of relatively “prosperous” children who are generally adapted to society, but based on the results of diagnostic studies, they show individual signs of maladaptation and have increased anxiety. Such children do not have a sufficient reserve of psychological health and need group classes with a preventive and developmental focus. This group is at relative risk, it is quite numerous and represents an average level of psychological health.

To the third low level of psychological health, children are either incapable of harmonious interaction, or show deep dependence on external factors, without mastering the defense mechanism, separating themselves from the traumatic influences of the environment. Dependence on the environment: they do not control the environment, but the environment controls them.

The identified levels allow us to differentiate psychological and pedagogical assistance to children. With children of the first group, it is enough to carry out only developmental work that provides a “zone” of immediate development.

Children of the second group need targeted, psychoprophylactic assistance, using group work.

Children who fall into the third group need serious individual correctional assistance.

By specific work to ensure psychological health we mean holistic, systematic organized activities, in the process of which socio-psychological and pedagogical conditions for the successful development of the child’s inner world.

In order to ensure the preservation and strengthening of a child’s mental health, we must know its characteristics. It is necessary to have a clear understanding of the level of its development, current and potential opportunities, and needs. To do this, the preschool educational institution systematically monitors the child’s psychological and pedagogical status and the dynamics of his mental development.

Secondly, it is necessary to build and modify the developmental environment in such a way that it is as favorable as possible for the mental development of each child, his inner worldview. We build the educational process according to flexible schemes for timely adjustment, change and transformation depending on the psychological characteristics of those children who entered our educational institution.

Thirdly, it is necessary to help everyone specific child in solving the problems that he himself had in connection with his environment.

2. Creating psychological comfort in kindergarten in order to preserve and strengthen the psychological health and development of the child’s personality.

In order for our children to grow up as healthy, full-fledged citizens, several conditions are necessary that we, adults, can provide for them. This: proper nutrition, daily routine, stay on fresh air, physical activity, hardening procedures and psychological comfort.

Let's consider the last factor - the importance of psychological comfort for the child's health.

Most psychologists believe that the psychological health or ill-health of a child is inextricably linked with the psychological atmosphere, or the climate of the family and the climate in the kindergarten group, and depends on the nature of relationships with adults.

The psychological climate within a group can be defined as a more or less stable emotional mood characteristic of a particular group, which is a consequence of communication with the child.

The psychological climate in a group is not something immutable, given once and for all. It is created by the members of each group, and their efforts determine whether it will be favorable or unfavorable.

The main condition for the normal psychosocial development of a child is a calm and friendly environment created through the constant presence of parents who are attentive to the emotional needs of the child, talk with him, maintain discipline, and provide necessary supervision. Why is it so important to maintain the emotional (mental, psychological) health of children?

Questions about psychological comfort and mental health should be addressed primarily to teachers, since most of the time children are in kindergarten. But many may argue that there are objective reasons why it is not possible to fully create psychological comfort in a kindergarten group:

Groups of different ages;

Workload of the teacher in the group;

Unfavorable family situation for the child;

Children with special educational needs.

Yes, that's the reality. But who will help our children if not ourselves?

It is known that as soon as you cross the threshold of a group, you can feel the atmosphere of relaxedness or closedness, calm concentration or anxious tension, sincere fun or gloomy wariness that is present in the group.

The atmosphere in a kindergarten group is determined by:

1) The relationship between the teacher and children;

2) Relationships between the children themselves;

3) Relationships between educators;

4) The relationship between educators and parents.

A good climate in a group occurs when all its members feel free, remain themselves, but at the same time respect the right of others to be themselves. The teacher has a very significant influence on the quality of the group climate. In fact, it is the teacher (and not the children, as we usually think) who creates a certain climate in the group.

The first step that an educator interested in creating a favorable atmosphere in a group must take is to create and analyze the group situation.

To create conditions for a psychologically comfortable stay of a child in kindergarten, it is necessary:

Accept every child for who they are.

Remember: there are no bad preschoolers.

In professional activities, rely on the voluntary help of children, include them in organizational aspects of caring for the premises and area.

Be an entertainer and participant in children's games and fun.

In difficult situations for a child, focus on his age and individual characteristics: always be with them, and not do something instead of him.

Involve parents in the educational process and turn to them for support in cases of non-standard situations.

Remember: the child does not owe us anything. It is we who must help the child become more independent and responsible.

Imposing your rules and demands against the will of children is violence, even if your intentions are good.

There should not be too many prohibitions and strict requirements. This leads to passivity and low self-esteem in students.

Quiet, shy child also needs your professional help, just like the aggressive one.

Such forms of relationships in which the teacher, with the help of various arguments, convinces the child of the advantages of one or another action have a very good effect on the development of children. In this case, the choice is left to the child. This type of relationship requires an individual approach to the characteristics and current conditions of children. It is this kind of unobtrusive care that children most need and thank the adult for their sincere affection for them.

Thus, the emotional well-being of the child is achieved by creating an atmosphere characterized by mutual trust and respect, open and supportive communication. The main emphasis is on overcoming negative emotional manifestations in children (fear, crying, hysteria, etc.) and resolving conflict situations.

Psychological comfort involves establishing trusting personal contact with each child, maintaining self-confidence in him, nurturing independence and initiative in the communication process. This promotes the unification of children and lays down traditions of interpersonal relationships in the children's team.

A large role in this educational system is given to the family. The family is the first institution in which the foundations of a future personality are laid. Parents and the teaching staff of preschool educational institutions must present uniform, reasonable and understandable requirements to the child. Thus, parents should be informed of the need to maintain a daily routine at home that is close to the kindergarten routine.

Creating emotional and psychological comfort for a child means providing the following conditions that contribute to its realization: individual program development:

Give the child the opportunity to be himself;

Correct the manifestation of negative emotions and negative behavioral motives without violating the characteristics of the personal structure, using methods for this purpose,

Accessible and interesting for the child himself;

Provide an opportunity to satisfy the child’s urgent needs for love, respect, play, and physical activity;

Teach your child to understand and accept their own feelings and emotions and those of other people;

To introduce ways of communicating with adults and peers for constructive communication in the “child-child” and “child-adult” systems.

To kid preschool age psychologically comfortable if he is healthy, not burdened with internal psychological problems, can be himself if he is surrounded by pleasant adults and children who accept him for who he is, if the child is engaged in an exciting activity.

3. Pedagogical communication styles as a favorable factor of psychological comfort in the group.

The educational and emotional functions depend on the style of the teacher’s relationship with the child. There are 4 relationship styles: from rejection to love, from lack of control to its presence.

Democratic style.

It is characterized by wide contact with pupils, manifestations of respect for them, the teacher strives to establish emotional contact with the child, and does not suppress with severity and punishment; Positive assessments predominate in interactions with children. Such a teacher feels the need for feedback from children on how they perceive certain forms of joint activity; knows how to admit mistakes made. In his work, such a teacher stimulates mental activity and motivation to achieve cognitive activity. In groups of educators whose communication is characterized by democratic tendencies, optimal conditions are created for the formation of children's relationships and a positive emotional climate of the group.

Relationships are cold. They give orders and expect them to be carried out exactly. Closed to constant communication with children; establish strict requirements and rules and do not allow their discussion; allow children to have only a small degree of independence from them. The child is “inside”, the teacher suppresses the child, controls his entire life. Moreover, teachers resort to authoritarian methods with the best intentions: they are convinced that by breaking children and achieving maximum results from them here and now, they can more quickly achieve their desired goals.

Liberal style

Characterized by lack of initiative, irresponsibility, inconsistency in decisions and actions, and indecisiveness in difficult situations. Such a teacher “forgets” about his previous demands and after a certain time is able to present completely opposite ones. Tends to let things take their course and overestimate the capabilities of children.

Indifferent style

They do not set any restrictions for children; indifferent to them.

Closed for communication; due to being burdened with one’s own problems, there is no energy left to raise children; show indifference to the child’s life.

In life, each of the named styles of pedagogical communication in its “pure” form is rarely encountered. In practice, it is often found that a teacher exhibits a so-called “mixed” style of interaction with children. A mixed style is characterized by the predominance of two styles: authoritarian and democratic or democratic and liberal. The features of authoritarian and liberal styles are rarely combined with each other.


It is very important to remember and realize that the attitude of adults towards a child affects not only the development of personality, but also the psychological health of children.

A child must grow and be educated in conditions of constant adherence to the principle of pedagogical ecology. The relationship of parents and teachers to a preschooler should be built on acceptance of the child, on pedagogical optimism and trust, on empathy, and respect for his personality.

Knowledge not only about the patterns of formation of a child’s personality, but also about the mental characteristics of children with a weakened psyche will allow teachers not only to properly organize the educational process, but will also help correct some painful mental characteristics, change incorrect attitudes and forms of behavior, and will also make it possible to provide parents with qualified answers to educational questions that interest them.

Consultation for educators

“Creating psychological comfort in kindergarten groups”

1. The problem of psychological health at the present stage.

As a result of a survey of kindergarten teachers and parents regarding their understanding of the term “health,” it turned out that the majority of respondents explain this concept in terms of stable physical well-being. But, in essence, health is a combination of several components.

The famous psychotherapist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross put forward the following idea: human health can be represented as a circle consisting of 4 squares: physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. Unfortunately, many of us begin to understand quite late the importance of not only physical, but also emotional health, both of ourselves and in relation to the child.

Why is it so important to maintain the emotional (mental, psychological) health of children?

Surely each of us can answer this question by determining the consequences of psychological discomfort for a child:

The appearance of phobias, fears, anxiety, increased aggressiveness;

The transition of psychological experiences into somatic disorders, when a child who has received psychological trauma becomes physically ill;

The manifestation of psychological trauma received in childhood in a more mature age period in the form of psychological defense - a position of avoidance (isolation, drugs, suicidal tendencies), the manifestation of aggressive behavioral reactions (running away from home, vandalism).

Questions about psychological comfort and mental health should be addressed primarily to teachers, since most of the time children are in kindergarten. But many may argue that there are objective reasons why it is possible to fully create psychological comfort in a kindergarten group: - large groups; - one teacher in the group; - unfavorable family situation. Yes, that's the reality. But who will help our children if not ourselves?

2. Creating psychological comfort in kindergarten to preserve and strengthen the psychological health and development of the child’s personality.

It is known that as soon as you cross the threshold of a group, you can feel the atmosphere of relaxedness or closedness, calm concentration or anxious tension, sincere fun or gloomy wariness that is present in the group.

The atmosphere in a kindergarten group is determined by:

1) The relationship between the teacher and children;

2) Relationships between the children themselves;

3) Relationships between educators;

4) The relationship between educators and parents.

A good climate in a group occurs when all its members feel free, remain themselves, but at the same time respect the right of others to be themselves. The teacher has a very significant influence on the quality of the group climate. In fact, it is the teacher (and not the children, as we usually think) who creates a certain climate in the group.

The first step that an educator interested in creating a favorable atmosphere in a group must take is to create and analyze the group situation.

3. Creating psychological comfort in kindergarten groups

The psychologist introduces teachers to methods for assessing the psychological climate and emotional well-being of a child in a kindergarten group.

Having become familiar with practical developments in the field of studying the emotional states of preschoolers, one can understand that creating emotional well-being and comfort has an impact on all areas of mental development. The results obtained represent an assessment of professional activity, the success of educational and educational actions.

Before moving on to recommendations for creating psychological comfort in kindergarten groups, I would like to highlight Special attention psychological comfort of teachers. Everyone knows that children have a developed intuitive ability to grasp the emotional state of adults. Children very easily become infected with negative emotions, so the teacher needs to arrange a psychological shower for himself, which will help him relieve unnecessary emotional stress.

To create conditions for a psychologically comfortable stay of a child in kindergarten, it is necessary:

Accept every child for who they are.

Remember: there are no bad preschoolers. There are bad teachers and parents.

In professional activities, rely on the voluntary help of children, include them in organizational aspects of caring for the premises and area.

Be an entertainer and participant in children's games and fun.

In difficult situations for a child, focus on his age and individual characteristics: always be with them, and not do something instead of him.

Involve parents in the educational process and turn to them for support in cases of non-standard situations.

Remember: the child does not owe us anything. It is we who must help the child become more independent and responsible.

Imposing your rules and demands against the will of children is violence, even if your intentions are good.

There should not be too many prohibitions and strict requirements. This leads to passivity and low self-esteem in students.

A quiet, shy child also needs your professional help, just like a notorious fighter.

Experience of creating psychological comfort in kindergarten

Such forms of relationships in which the teacher, with the help of various arguments, convinces the child of the advantages of one or another action have a very good effect on the development of children. In this case, the choice is left to the child. This type of relationship requires an individual approach to the characteristics and current conditions of children. It is this kind of unobtrusive care that children most need and thank the adult for their sincere affection for them.

Currently, scientists in the field of pedagogy and psychology, practicing teachers talk and write about the humanization of education, about an individual approach to children in the process of learning and upbringing, about attention to each child, about creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort in kindergarten.

What is “psychological comfort”? In Ozhegov’s dictionary, the word “comfort” is defined by household amenities, a dictionary of psychiatric terms. V.M. Bleikher, I.V. Kruk defines “comfort” as a complex of conditions of the external and internal environment that are most favorable for the subject, including psychological factors. That is, psychological comfort for a child in kindergarten is determined by the convenience of a developing space and a positive emotional background, the absence of tension in the mental and physiological functions of the body.

The general atmosphere and mood of the group are determined, despite the individual characteristics of the children, by the adults. We can highlight the criteria that make up the psychological comfort of a child in a preschool educational institution.

1. Calm emotional environment in the family

Emotional stability and the absence of psychological stress in a child in the family have a great influence on the psychological comfort in the dow. Confidence in the love, respect and understanding of loved ones sets the child up for open, friendly relationships with teachers and peers in kindergarten. The teacher’s task is to study the psychological situation in the family through questioning and monitoring; as well as taking into account the individual characteristics of each family.

2. Daily routine

It is important for a preschooler to have a stable routine. A child who is accustomed to a certain order is more balanced. He imagines the sequence of classes, the change of activities during the day and tunes in to them in advance. Situation peaceful life, lack of haste, reasonable balance of adult plans - the necessary conditions normal life and development of children. During the day, neither the teacher nor the children should feel tension from the fact that they do not have time to do something and are in a hurry to get somewhere.

For a small child, eating is an important activity. Never, in any situation, do adults have the right to force feed children or force them to eat anything.

Children have the right to their own tastes and preferences in food, the identification of which involves working with the family to determine the individual characteristics of each child. Children should still have the right not to eat anything they don’t like or don’t want. this moment. The only condition is an agreement with parents on the possibility of excluding some dishes. Many adults remember well how their childhood was darkened by the need to eat hated foam or chicken with skin. After all, as adults, people retain and allow themselves many food preferences, and no one blames them for this.

At going to bedChildren need affection, attention and care. Awakening should occur in a calm environment, without haste. It is mandatory that a teacher or assistant teacher be in the group during sleep.

Walk - the main condition for children's health. Conducting classes indoors by reducing walking time is strictly prohibited. The walk must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the preservation of all parts and activity of the teacher.

Children should have free access to clean drinking water and a toilet at all times.

3. Ensuring a comfortable subject-development environment:compliance with the age and current characteristics of the group; availability of toys, non-irritating color scheme of the interior, presence of plants with aroma that helps relieve stress (cinnamon, vanilla, mint), etc.

4. Teacher’s behavior style

Staying in a group of 20–25 peers for the whole day is a big burden on the child’s nervous system. How to create a calm environment?

First of all, the teacher himself must be calm and friendly. An even demeanor with children is required. The teacher needs to monitor his psychological state to prevent aggressive outbursts and apathetic fatigue. Inadmissibility of psychological pressure on children and rudeness with them. No progress in development will be beneficial if it is “involved” in fear of adults and suppression of the child’s personality. As the poet Boris Slutsky wrote: “What pokes, babbles, bugs me will not teach me anything...”

Try not to speak loudly or too quickly. Gesture gently and not too impulsively. Monitor the noise level in the group: children’s voices that are too loud and harsh intonations create a negative background for any activity. Soft, quiet, calm music, on the contrary, calms. Do not rush to evaluate anything: actions, works, statements of children - “keep a pause.”

There are several simple general rules that will help you establish good relationships with children and earn their trust and gratitude (Appendix 1).

A teacher’s ability to create situations of success for each child has a huge impact on the child’s emotional state and the formation of his personality. This is facilitated by the inclusion of the child in holidays and performances. Even the most insignificant role gives the child confidence in his own importance and increases self-esteem. A child’s trust in adults and personal stability are violated if the child is “left out” of a group public performance. This is the most important condition for a child’s trust in adults in kindergarten and a feeling of general psychological comfort.

5. Good traditions

A necessary condition for mental well-being is the child’s confidence that the teacher treats him as fairly and kindly as everyone else, that he is considered as valuable and necessary a member of the group as other children.

In everyday life, situations constantly arise when someone is given more comments, someone is praised more often, etc. This can make children feel that they are not treated equally by the teacher. In order to convey to each child that he is valued equally with everyone else, it is advisable to introduce some traditions into the life of the group and strictly adhere to firm principles in his own behavior.

A wonderful tradition to celebrate children's birthdays. It is necessary to prepare a single script that will be equally reproduced when honoring each birthday person (traditional round dance game– for example, “Loaf”; learn with children great songs for boys and girls).

You can introduce another custom - “Circle of Good Memories”. This is a mental return to the past day in order to note all the positive things that each child did. In the afternoon, for example, before a walk, the teacher invites all the children to sit around him to talk “about good things.” Then you need to briefly say something good about each child. These do not necessarily have to be some incredible feats or unthinkable virtues. Suffice it to say that Katya quickly got dressed today, Petya immediately fell asleep, etc. The most important thing is that every child will hear something positive about themselves, and the rest will understand that everyone has some merits. This gradually creates an atmosphere of mutual respect in the group and develops self-esteem in each child. This tradition can be introduced already from the second junior and middle (3 years - 4 years 6 months) groups.

At older ages, children have more cognitive activity, often we simply do not have time to answer all children’s questions, brushing them off.The tradition of the “Interrogative Place” is very good:a chair on which a question mark is pasted, the child sits on this chair, indicating that a question has arisen; the teacher’s task is to pay attention to the child who is in the “question place.”

Children love to do their own thing at the common table. Together with the children, you can move the tables and invite several children to sculpt and draw. Many more children immediately join them. Everyone will sculpt, draw, build something of their own, the way they want. But everyone will have a pleasant feeling of calmly working alongside others. In addition, children can borrow ideas or ways to implement them from each other and from the teacher. These moments of calm and conflict-free communication also help create a friendly atmosphere in the group.

We must not forget about working with parents; only through joint efforts can we create a favorable psychological climate for the child. Examples could be success diaries, boxes of good deeds, success daisies on the locker at the end of the day, etc.

The atmosphere of psychological comfort for the child is created by the psychological space of a safe environment, which is at the same time developmental, psychotherapeutic, and psychocorrectional, because in this atmosphere, barriers disappear, psychological defenses are removed, and energy is spent not on anxiety or struggle, but on educational activities, for creativity. The creation of psychological comfort is facilitated by:

Working with natural materials - clay, sand, water, paints, cereals; art therapy (treatment with art, creativity) - captivates children, distracts them from unpleasant emotions;

Music therapy - regular musical breaks, playing children's musical instruments. Mozart’s music (and Pushkin’s poems – the “golden ratio”) has a positive impact on the development of creativity and the stabilization of the emotional background;

Providing the child with the maximum possible independence and freedom at his age.

The emotional state of the teacher directly affects the emotional background of the group and the psychological comfort of each child (memo 2)

Annex 1

Memo 1

Rules for a good relationship with children:

use affectionate addresses and names more often in your speech;

Sing with and for children;

Appreciate the moments when together you can experience the joy of something you saw or heard;

Strive for children to have a variety of interesting experiences;

Make sure they are never bored and have something to do;

Do not force children to participate in any activities;

Maintain order and fairness, ensure equal compliance by everyone with the rules adopted in the group;

Encourage children's desire and attempts to do something without judging the results of their efforts;

Maintain the inner conviction that every child is smart and good in his own way;

Instill in children faith in their strengths, abilities and best spiritual qualities;

Do not try to ensure that all children learn the material at the same pace;

Find personal contact and an individual communication style with each child.

Create positive traditions in group life.

Appendix 2

Memo 2

Memo to the teacher:

Respect children! Protect them with love and truth.

Do no harm! Look for the good in children.

Notice and celebrate your child’s slightest success. Children become embittered from constant failures.

Don’t attribute success to yourself and blame the student.

If you make a mistake, apologize, but make mistakes less often. Be generous, know how to forgive.

Create a situation of success in class.

Do not shout or insult the child under any circumstances.

Praise in the presence of the team, but farewell in private.

Only by bringing a child closer to you can you influence the development of his spiritual world.

Do not look to your parents for a means of punishment for your own helplessness in communicating with your children.

Evaluate the action, not the person.

Let your child feel that you sympathize with him, believe in him, have a good opinion of him, despite his mistake.

Seminar for heads and senior teachers of preschool educational institutions.

Topic: “Creating conditions for the psychological comfort of a child. Continuity in work of the preschool educational institution and schools in preserving the physical and mental health of preschool children within the framework of the State Educational Standard for Education"

Prepared by:

Bogomol Natalya Nikolaevna, head of preschool educational institution No. 10;

Savitskaya Lyudmila Vasilievna, methodologist of the city education department;

Evgenia Valerievna Dorokhina, senior teacher of preschool educational institution No. 10;

Kozub Natalya Viktorovna, educational psychologist, MDOU No. 10.

Goal: to intensify the activities of management and teaching staff of preschool institutions in creating conditions for the psychological comfort of students, increasingpedagogical competence of teachersin the field of continuity of preschool educational institutions and schools.

Objectives of the seminar:

ABOUTto limit the main direction of activity of the city’s teaching staff to creating conditions for the psychological comfort of preschoolers, the formation of a new view of the child as a subject of education with his needs and experiences, as a partner in joint activities;

Pto acquaint the seminar participants with the experience of the team in preserving the physical and psychological health of preschool children, methods and techniques of interaction with the school, aimed at creating psychological comfort for the participants of the EVP;

WITHto contribute to increasing the pedagogical competence and professional self-esteem of management personnel of preschool educational institutions in the light of the implementation of innovative approaches to the physical and psychological health of children, improving the system of knowledge of those present about the components emotional development and well-being of children in the group based on modern educational standards.

The problem of psychological health at the present stage

Today, the problem of a child’s psychological health, his emotional well-being, and comfort is becoming very acute. And this is due to changes in socio-economic living conditions and other factors. And the main factor is the lack of a culture of communication and mutual understanding between people, kindness and attentiveness to each other.

For the staff of our kindergarten, the most important tasks seem to us to be among those set by the State Educational Standard, which are aimed at:

1) protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;

2) ensuring the continuity of goals, objectives and content of education implemented within the framework educational programs various


3) creation of favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world.

Our teaching staff focuses all its efforts on ensuring the physical, psycho-emotional and moral comfort of children. One of the most important areas in the work of teachers is creating a comfortable psychological climate for children. It is very important in what mood the child will cross the threshold of kindergarten. I would like to see every child going to kindergarten happy and not burdened with worries beyond their age.

Every adult, if he is loving, understanding and has not forgotten how to play, can help a child grow up happy, in harmony with the people around him, both in the family and in kindergarten.

A child in kindergarten experiences many stress factors:

Morning separation from parents;

A large number of children in the group;

A strictly regulated and busy daily routine (many classes and events, little free time for spontaneous interaction with peers);

The need to constantly obey the requirements and instructions of the teacher;

Low level of self-regulation and communication skills (due to age and little life experience).

Therefore, today we will talk more about the psychological health of preschoolers.

Modern children have a large number psychological problems. A preschool educational institution is designed to provide the child with harmonious interaction with the world, the correct direction of his emotional development, and awaken his good feelings, desire for cooperation and positive self-affirmation.

What associations do you have when you hear the word “comfort”? Looking at the screen, try to find your own association words.

K – beauty

O – organic

M - mom

F – fantasy

O – rest

R – joy

T – heat

What is “psychological comfort”? In Ozhegov’s dictionary, the word “comfort” is defined by household amenities. Dictionary of psychiatric terms. V.M. Bleikher, I.V. Kruk defines “comfort” as a complex of conditions of the external and internal environment that are most favorable for the subject, including psychological factors.

Psychological comfort for a child in kindergarten and school is determined by the convenience of a developing space and a positive emotional background, the absence of tension in the mental and physiological functions of the body.

According to D.B. Elkonin’s definition, preschool and junior school age- This is one era of human development called “childhood”. The problem of continuity can be successfully solved through close cooperation between kindergarten and school. Everyone will benefit from this, especially children. For their sake, you can find time, energy and means to create psychological comfort.

Only by implementing an integrated approach can we achieve solutions to the problems of strengthening the physical and mental health of children.

IN modern conditions transition to the State educational standard changes the status of the teacher, his educational functions, and the requirements for his professional and pedagogical competence change accordingly. Today, a creative teacher who knows how to mobilize his personal potential in the modern system of education and development of preschoolers is in demand. In connection with increasing requirements for the quality of preschool education, methodological work with personnel is also changing.

Modern methodological work in a preschool institution is based on

1) The principle of a systems approach - the perception of methodological work as an integral and developing system;

2) The principle of optimality - taking into account the real capabilities of all participants in methodological activities;

3) The principle of scientificity - the orientation of practical activities towards the use of scientific knowledge;

4) The principle of a person-centered approach - organization of advanced training, methodological support, taking into account the interests, needs and difficulties of teachers;

5) The principle of psychological comfort

I would like to especially highlight the principle of psychological comfort, which involves the removal of stress-forming factors, the creation in a preschool institution of a friendly atmosphere, focused on the implementation of the ideas of humanizing pedagogy. Based on this principle, the methodological service in our kindergarten works not only to improve the professional competence of teachers in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard, but also promotes the personal development of each teacher and the development of his emotional intelligence. After all, the success, health and mood of the students depends on the health, mood, and emotions with which the teacher enters the group.

P When you cross the threshold of a group, you can feel an atmosphere of relaxedness or closedness, calm concentration or anxious tension, sincere fun or gloomy alertness.

The atmosphere in a kindergarten group is determined by:

    The relationship between the teacher and children;

    Relationships between the children themselves;

    Relationships between educators;

    Relationships between teachers and parents.

A good emotional microclimate in a group occurs when all its members feel free, remain themselves, but at the same time respect the right of others to be themselves.

Everyone knows that children have a developed intuitive ability to grasp the emotional state of adults. Children are very easily infected with negative emotions, so the teacher needs tomonitor your psychological state to prevent aggressive outbursts and apathetic fatigue,arrange a psychological shower for himself, which will help him relieve unnecessary emotional stress.

The most ancient method of liberation from harmful emotional stress is the most natural way -movement (kinesthetic pumping of emotions). Therefore, we recommend to our teachers walks in the fresh air and massage. The next way isverbalization of emotions . Its range is wide from laughter to crying. Laugh, cry - natural ways ventilation of emotions. Therefore, in pedagogical classrooms we often resort to using humor to relieve excess tension; there are also situations when the teacher just needs to be listened to and given the opportunity to “cry into his vest.”

A special place in getting rid of emotional stress is occupied by real verbalization in the form of a cry. But not everywhere and not with everyone you can afford to shout. What about karaoke?! This is the place where we don’t have to limit ourselves!

Of course, we use less active and quieter methods of ventilating emotions and at the same time no less effective. We invite our teachers to transfer negative emotions to paper. Theywriteto a specific person EVERYTHING that was not said in real conditions, without constraining oneself in style and expressiveness. Task: to completely transfer your emotion onto paper. Having put an end to it, they certainly feel relieved. There are options when there is no complete splash on the paper; in this case, we suggest simply tearing, crumpling, and throwing away the sheet. Emotions can not only be written, but alsodraw . Breathing exercises They are also very effective in the process of relieving emotional stress; we teach them to teachers during trainings and recommend using them in any stressful situation, because they do not require additional equipment or time.

And now we want to offera set of exercises to increase energy potential

Standing, bring your shoulder blades together, smile, wink with your right eye, then with your left, repeat:

“I’m very proud of myself, I’m good for a lot.”

Place your left palm on your forehead, then your right, repeat:

“I solve any problems, love and luck are always with me”

Rubbing your palm against your palm, repeat:

“I attract luck, I become richer every day”

Standing on tiptoes, clasp your hands above your head in a ring, repeat:

“I am warmed by a ray of sunshine, I deserve the best”

Clenching your fists, making rotations with your arms:

“There are no obstacles in my way, everything will work out as it should!”

Hands on the waist, bending to the right and left, repeat:

“Any situation is under my control, the world is beautiful - and I am beautiful.”

Jumping on your right leg, then on your left leg, repeat:

“I’m cheerful and energetic and things are going great.”

Clasping your hands, taking a deep breath:“The universe smiles at me,” deep exhalation: “And everything works out for me.”

Search for innovativeeffective forms of work that help improve professional skillsin organizing events aimed at strengthening and preserving the psychophysical health of pupils, led us to the organization of the Methodological Council within the framework of the “Territory of Cooperation” project. The work of the Council is based on a system for identifying the opportunities and difficulties of teachers and identifying their problem areas.

Within the framework of the Council’s activities, a flexible system of methodological and psychological assistance has been developed through theoretical, educational and practical classes, such as: training “Development of communication skills of teachers”, teaching hour“Setting goals in your work and in life” methodical hour“Requirements for the quality of speech of teachers”, creative workshop “Developing with the help of art”, workshop “Art therapy as a means of preserving the health of teachers”, psychological seminar“Establishing positive relationships with parents”, consultation “Color therapy and aromatherapy in the educational process”, conference in the form of a round table on the topic “Emotional well-being of children as a condition for creating a social situation for the development of children of early and preschool age”, aimed at summarizing pedagogical experience in creating conditions promoting emotional well-being, where teachers spoke about forms of work in groups, presented didactic material prepared bywith your own hands together with the children, with the hands of the children’s parents.

The value of the work of the methodological council is that it provides feedback, a frank exchange of opinions, and forms positive relationships between employees. The core of this form of work with personnel is collective discussions, reasoning, argumentation of conclusions, competition of minds and talents. By organizing the methodological council, we achieve such important goals as:

1. Stimulating interest and motivation for self-education;

2.Increasing the level of activity and independence;

3.Development of skills in analyzing your activities;

4. Development of a desire for cooperation.

Our meetings at the Council found a response among teachers and contributed to improving their professional skills, and therefore improving the quality of the educational process in the field of psychophysicalhealth care in preschool educational institutions.

Attention to the psychological health of teachers not only improves the quality of their professional activities, but also has an impact on the psychological health of children, our students. Healthy teacher -healthy children.

Today's children are more different from previous generations than ever before. Thus, they are not affected by the tactics of suggestion and feelings of guilt, which are usually resorted to in the early stages in the family and public institutions. They almost do not react to coercion, notations, punishments, prohibitions and other generally accepted methods of instilling conscious discipline used by educators and parents. Modern children respond to being treated as reasonable individuals, respect for them and their problems, which are no less difficult for them than adult difficulties for their parents. They don't always behave correctly. There are difficult children among them. But each of them should be given the chance to receive from adults the advice and guidance that will encourage the best that is in these children. The best way get to know children - communicate with them. The problem of children’s communication is very important, their ability to understand each other, distinguish the mood of their friend, and come to the rescue.

Teachers of our institutionstrive to create all the necessary conditionsso that children grow up cheerful and active, independent and friendly, inquisitive, proactive and self-confident, open and empathetic. For this we consider it important:

    unconditional acceptance of each child by adults to develop his vital sense of security and self-confidence, in his own abilities;

    positive environment for children;

    equality in relations between adults and children, tactful communication with the child;

    providing children with the opportunity to move freely in the group space, in other rooms of the kindergarten, directly communicating with peers;

    close professional cooperation between a teacher-psychologist, educators and other kindergarten specialists in planning and organizing interaction with preschoolers;

    creating conditions for revealing the personal individuality of students;

    attentive attitude and sensitive response to emerging children's problems, anxieties and fears;

carrying out professional activities under the motto “Do no harm!”

To better understand the emotional state of children in the morning and throughout the day, we use specific methods. For example:

To provide timely support to a sad, upset child, educators use"mood screens" in which children display their mood using emotional pictures. Thanks to them, the teacher and parents can track the emotional state of each child during the day, and children learn to be aware of their emotional state.

To create a positive emotional background, an atmosphere of goodwill and security in the group, teachers use certainrituals:

- rituals of “entering the day.” Conducting a ritual helps to tune the group to working together, from the first minutes to create an optimistic mood in all participating children. As a rule, these are greeting games, games with names.

- farewell ritual is carried out with the aim of summing up the results, consolidating the positive experiences received during the day or in class, and uniting children. Usually this is a general fun game or relaxation exercises that help relieve tension and feel free.

Ritual"morning of joyful meetings" when it is customary to shake hands or greet each other by saying something pleasant;

- "reader's day" – one day a week when one of the children brings his favorite book and everyone reads it and discusses it together;

- "favorite toy day" – one day a week when you are allowed to bring your favorite toy from home and tell your peers about it.

- « Friday circle" The teacher invites the children to gather in a circle and talk. No one is forced. During the conversation, the teacher and children sit on the floor, as convenient as possible. The teacher discusses with the children what was interesting about the week, what they enjoyed and learned. It is communication in a circle that has become a necessary element of group life and contributes to the emergence of a family atmosphere.

- “box of good deeds” - during the week, the teacher, together with the children, fills the box with good deeds (one good deed - one heart) and at the end of the week gives each person a medal, highlighting his good deeds and deeds.

- « psychological speech settings". Children and the teacher stand in a circle, holding hands. When spokenspeech settings The teacher’s voice must fully correspond to what he says, that is, the voice and facial expressions must convey goodwill and the joy of meeting, etc.

Examples of psychological speech settings:

Today I am glad to see you in kindergarten, in our group! We will all spend this day together. May this day bring joy. Let's try to please each other.

Hello my dears! Today it is cloudy and damp outside. And in our group it is warm, light and cheerful. And we have fun from our smiles, because every smile is a little sun that makes you feel warm and good. Therefore, today we will smile at each other more often.

There are traditions in each group in our kindergarten. Exampletraditions can serve:

- "Birthday Day" - congratulate the birthday person with pleasant words and give him a gift prepared in advance.

- "Open Days for Parents"

- “making gifts for kids and parents for the holidays”

The main activity of preschoolers is play. We use educational board games to consolidate knowledge, but we direct them towards emotional development, the formation of communication and interaction skills. By using teaching aids children learn to live in harmony with themselves and the world around them.

Teachers understand that it is not enough to be in harmony with oneself, it is very important to be in harmony with nature.

Close contact with nature is important for emotional well-being. Nothing soothes and pleases like nature. Therefore, we supplement the group’s development environment with natural materials. In playing with natural materials, the child learns about the world around him with the help of his senses, perceives the variety of properties of natural objects: shape, size, sounds, shades, spatial arrangement. The development of sensations and perceptions creates the necessary prerequisites for the development of more complex cognitive processes (memory, imagination, thinking).

Speaking about the methods and techniques used by educators in their daily work, it is necessary to say about working with children with certain difficulties. These are aggressive, hyperactive and anxious children.

All children are different. But they all need our love, affection, and care. And they are all worthy of this reward: the quiet ones, the bullies, the bullies, and the naughty ones.

Made for children who often get into conflicts"Rugs for reconciliation" which help quarreling children make peace with each other in a funny way. After such reconciliation, children quarrel much less often.

To relieve negative emotions, overcome aggressive and hyperactive manifestations, teachers invite children to draw their mood, their favorite thing, using pencils, paints, crayons, and the drawing process is accompanied by music - bright, emotionally rich, quiet.

Games with sand, water, cereals improve mood, regulate muscle tone, develop large and fine motor skills, coordination of movements. For hyperactive children, such games with water and sand help painlessly and safely “relieve” excess psychomotor agitation

To teach aggressive children how to express anger in an acceptable form, the material selected by educators helps to cope with negative emotions, relieve tension, and throw out accumulated energy.

    "Aggressive rug" You need to stomp on the prickly rug and the anger will go away.

    "Scream Cups""Scream Bag". If a child is angry or offended at someone, he can express his resentment in a glass, shout into a bag, and he will feel better.

    “Whipping pillow”, if a child is angry with someone, then it will help throw out the negative manifestation.

The methodological service and administration in the preschool institution direct the activities of the psychological service. Works closely with her on issues of creating conditions for the mental health of students.

To determine whether the children are comfortable in the group, how the children emotionally perceive the group, what the atmosphere is in the group, and who the leaders and outsiders are in the group, we use certain diagnostic tools in kindergarten:test to check the psychological comfort of children staying in a kindergarten group.“I’m in my kindergarten group”, color diagnostics “Houses”,"Secret" test.

Diagnostics are carried out according to plan (diagnostic minimum), as well as at the request of teachers and parents. The results obtained represent an assessment of the success of educational and educational actions. Based on them, recommendations are subsequently given to educators aboutcreating conditions for a psychologically comfortable stay of a child in kindergarten, about which children especially need pedagogical help and support.

Based on the diagnostic results, it is carried out correctional work in the following directions:

1) Correction of the emotional-volitional sphere: aggressive behavior, fears, increased anxiety, low self-control, self-doubt, low self-esteem;

2) Correction of the communicative sphere: violations of relationships with peers, violations of well-being in the family;

3) Correction of the cognitive sphere: low level of development of cognitive processes (memory, attention, imagination, thinking, perception).

The SENSORY ROOM created in the preschool institution, which you will learn about a little later, helps in correctional and developmental work with children.

Preventative workis aimed at preserving, strengthening and developing the psychological health of children at all stages of preschool childhood. Psychological prevention presupposes responsibility for observing in kindergarten the psychological conditions necessary for the full psychological development and formation of the child’s personality at each age stage. Also, psychological prevention involves the timely identification of such characteristics of a child that can lead to certain difficulties, deviations in intellectual and emotional development, in his behavior and relationships.

Psychological education refers to the introduction of teachers and parents to psychological knowledge. Psychological knowledge is not sufficiently widespread in society; a psychological culture that presupposes interest in another person, respect for the characteristics of his personality, the ability and desire to understand his own relationships, experiences, and actions is not always expressed. In teaching teams, as well as in families, conflicts are possible, based on the psychological deafness of adults, the inability and unwillingness to listen to each other, understand, forgive, give in, etc. Therefore, it is important for us to increase the level of psychological culture of those people who work with children. Psychological education in our institution consists of introducing teachers and parents to the basic patterns and conditions for the favorable mental development of a child; explain the results of diagnostic tests; to create a need for psychological knowledge and a desire to use it in working with a child or in the interests of developing one’s own personality.

It is worth dwelling on how educators use group space to create psychological comfort.

Educators in groups have created a subject-development environment, conditionally divided into zones that have their own characteristics:

Psychological relief zone. This is a space organized in such a way that the child in it feels peace, comfort and safety. In such an area, teachers use upholstered furniture and toys, screens and tents that allow privacy, and photo albums with group and family photographs.

Socially Acceptable Behavior Training Zone . In this area, “beater” pillows and bags of cereal are placed to relieve tension and calm down. Here are desktop-printed didactic games of a training nature, which teach socially accepted models of social behavior: “What is good and what is bad,” “Let’s find the magic words,” “A gift for everyone.”

Self-regulation skills training area. Here we use: audio recordings for relaxation (for example, the sound of the sea, sounds of the forest); “kinetic plasticine and sand” (you can roll it, pinch it, crush it, which also helps to calm down); board games “Slide of sticks” (a slide of sticks is laid out in front of the child. It is proposed to take out one stick at a time so that the rest of the verbal games “Wanters”, “Yakalki” do not move) (the leader slowly draws in the air with the tip of a pencil something known to the children figure. Children are asked to guess it, but not to immediately shout out the correct answer, but to overcome their “I want to shout out”, wait for the leader’s command and whisper the answer)

Personal development zone. Its goal: increasing self-esteem, self-confidence, and relieving anxiety. In this zone there are: “throne”, “book of records”, birthday corner, “Our Achievements” stand, etc.

But when organizing the kindergarten environment, it is necessary to focus on creating not so much a subject-developmental environment as an emotional-developmental environment, i.e. one that promotes the versatile and full development of the child’s emotional and sensory sphere.

We identify several components that influence the emotional atmosphere in a preschool institution:

1. emotional-supporting component of the environment –

Establishing emotional contact with the child;

Involving him in the events happening around him: “Smile at me, ...,” “Come to me for a minute,” “Show the toy what it does,” etc.;

Creating a positive emotional mood; atmosphere of warmth and safety in the group;

Formation in the child of a positive image of his “I”;
- awakening in children joint emotional experiences (joy, surprise, etc.) in outdoor games and fun;
- development of the ability to pay attention and respond to facial expressions and gestures of adults and children, intonation of speech; use these communication components yourself;

Formation of desire and readiness for joint activities;

Etiquette training: address each other by name, say hello, say goodbye, show sympathy, sympathy;
- optimization assistance child-parent relationships, teach to maintain a good attitude towards mom, dad, loved ones, etc.

2.emotionally tuning component of the environment -external environment.Taking care that each child feels comfortable in the atmosphere of the kindergarten, the teacher thinks through the organization of the child’s life: the availability of toys, non-irritating color scheme of the interior, comfortable furniture, background music.

3. emotional-stabilizing component of the environment - routine moments that determine the process of a child’s stay in a kindergarten group. For a preschooler, it is important that the life routine is stable. A child who is accustomed to a certain order is more balanced. In this case, repeatability must be observed in form: presence regime moments- nutrition, sleep, walks, classes - but in content they should differ from each other in the intensity of the events that affect the emotional state of children.

4. emotionally activating component of the environment -variety of activities for children - games, activities, surprise moments.

These include:
games with children to accumulate emotions;
games for the child’s emotional communication with peers and adults;
games to overcome negative emotions;
games to relieve emotional stress and relaxation;
games to develop empathy in children and others.

5. emotional-training component of the environment - conducting psycho-gymnastic exercises with children.

By doing psycho-gymnastics, children study various emotions and learn to manage them. This is overcoming barriers to communication, developing a better understanding of oneself and others, relieving mental stress, and creating opportunities for self-expression.

Thus, thanks to proper organization subject-developmental environment, taking into account the emotional and developmental component, children have the opportunity, as necessary, to relieve an aggressive state, psycho-emotional stress, fatigue, calm down, and improve their mood.

The teaching staff of our kindergarten understands that in order to achieve the goals we have set, it is necessary to be like-minded with the parents of our students.

The modern rhythm of life requires parents to be more busy at work. In this regard, not everyone has enough time to play with their child, go for a walk, or take them to a club additional education. We can say that some parents see their children “on the run.” The consequence of this is their alienation from each other, emotional coldness in relationships and, as a result, a lack of a sense of community with their family.

There are various forms of working with parents: collective, individual, visual and informational. Our teaching staff is constantly looking for a creative, informal approach to the issue of organizing interaction with parents in order to maintain psycho-emotional contact in families. The non-traditional forms of working with parents that we use for this include:

Club young parent;

Questions and answers evenings;

Thematic exhibitions of literature, booklets, memos, albums related to the upbringing and education of children.

Exhibition of photo newspapers on the following topics: “Working together”, “Together on vacation”, “ Sport family“,” “My dad is the best,” “My mom is the best.”

Participation in the projects “How they chose my name”,« Our family tradition”, “Amazing mother”.

Publishing group newspapers with the participation of parents.

These forms of work help us to establish connections between children and parents, teachers and parents, parents and parents, and this contributes to the emotional well-being and comfort of children.

The teacher’s work with families begins with collecting data about the students’ parents and drawing up a social passport for the group. Families from the “risk group” are identified, namely single-parent families, families with children deprived of parental care, families with a stepmother or stepfather, single mothers, dysfunctional families. Each identified group is associated with the emergence or existence of already defined problems, so it should be in the field of view not only of the educator, but also of the educational psychologist.Most effective methods We believe in working with such families:

1) Design of visual campaigning for parents:

"Children's rights"

"We educate with kindness"

"Conversation about Morality"

2) Preparation of an information folder with telephone numbers and addresses of social services of the city of Kirovskoye for the protection of children’s rights.

3) Individual preventive conversations:

"Relationships in the family";

"The creative power of love";

“Personality and Family”;

"Verbal communication at home."

4) Active involvement in participation in the life of the kindergarten - holidays and entertainment, charity events, projects.

5) Use on parent meetings video recordings of public service announcements “Children see, children repeat”, “There is no cruelty in the world of children”.

By carrying out suchan integrated approach in the form of close cooperation between teachers, parents and educational psychologist in solving problems to strengthen the physical and mental health of children, it is necessary to say aboutensuring the most comfortable transition for children from the model of upbringing, education and development offered in a preschool institution to the educational, school model.

In the mechanism for implementing the continuity of State Educational Educational Institutions and State Educational Educational Institutions, in our opinion, the main thing is continuity in the forms and methods of working with children during the transition from kindergarten to school and taking into account the achievements that they were able to achieve at the stage of preschool education.

In our preschool institution, the succession mechanism looks like this:

at first school year teachers preschool and the school, a single joint plan is drawn up, the purpose of which is to specify the work in three main areas:
work with children;
interaction between teachers;
cooperation with parents.

The system organizes mutual attendance of teachers at classes in kindergarten and teachers at lessons at school. Positive results come from communication between the future 1st grade teacher and groups of preschoolers and their parents. It has become a tradition for teachers to attend and then hold the last meeting in the group of kindergarten graduates, where the school’s educational psychologist also takes part. Kindergarten teachers, in turn, do not forget about their students and constantly monitor their progress.

The psychological services of the kindergarten and school work in close tandem. Upon release from child care facility The teacher-psychologist gives a complete psychological profile for each child and recommendations to both the school’s teacher-psychologist and the future class teacher for further work. In turn, the school’s educational psychologist conducts the first stage of monitoring first-graders in September-October for adaptation to school life. The second stage of monitoring is February, which gives the final result of the difficult period of adaptation. These indicators (both in quantitative and percentage terms) provide the basis for creating a correction program. Based on the monitoring data, the educational psychologist draws up an analytical report with conclusions and recommendations for class teachers.

If the kindergarten ensures the emotional well-being of each child, the development of his positive sense of self, the school improves achievements preschool development throughout primary education; provides special assistance for the development of those formed in preschool childhood qualities To make this happen, we are introducing the following forms of cooperation between educators – teachers – parents: round tables, master classes, seminars, joint holding pedagogical councils with the participation of parents. We consider the most valuable form of work to be mutual visits, in which school teachers have the opportunity to see in practice the methods and techniques of working with older preschoolers and successfully apply them during lessons at the adaptation stage, modifying and supplementing them. The result of this form of interaction between kindergarten and school teachers was a selection of recreational minutes for older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren.

For the purpose of the physical and emotional development of future first-graders, to maintain their self-confidence, and ensure emotional comfort during the transition from kindergarten to school, we have established close communication between kindergarten graduates and first-graders in the form of excursions, joint holidays, sports entertainment, and creative exhibitions. The main proof of emotional comfort is children's smiles, and as you know, happy children learn better, adapt to new conditions faster, and adults have a much easier time with them.

Our seminar is coming to an end. What new things did you hear today that you would like to bring to the work of your preschool institution? Look at the screen. Tell us about it, based on the suggested beginnings of phrases, which will help you express your attitude to what you saw:

1. it was interesting...

2. it was difficult...

3. I completed tasks...

4. now I can...

5. I felt that...

6. I purchased...

7. I learned...

8. I did it...

9. I was able...

10. I'll try...

11. I was surprised...

12. I wanted...

13. and also -…

Thank you for your attention

Psychological workshop
Topic: “Creating psychological comfort in kindergarten groups”

Educational psychologist

preschool department No. 5,6

GBOU Lyceum No. 1568

Litvina T.A.
Target: Introduce educators to the components of psychological comfort and emotional well-being of children in a group. To promote the effective use of educational and educational actions aimed at personally oriented interaction with the child.
1. The problem of psychological health at the present stage.

Most often, teachers and parents, regarding their understanding of the term “health,” talk about the stability of physical well-being. But, in essence, health is a combination of several components.

The famous psychotherapist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross put forward the following idea: human health can be represented as a circle consisting of 4 squares: physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. Unfortunately, many of us begin to understand quite late the importance of not only physical, but also emotional health, both of ourselves and in relation to the child.
Why is it so important to maintain the emotional (mental, psychological) health of children?

Surely each of us can answer this question by determining the consequences of psychological discomfort for a child:

The appearance of phobias, fears, anxiety, increased aggressiveness;

The transition of psychological experiences into somatic disorders, when a child who has received psychological trauma becomes physically ill;

The manifestation of psychological trauma received in childhood in a more mature age period in the form of psychological defense - a position of avoidance, the manifestation of aggressive behavioral reactions.
Questions about psychological comfort and mental health should be addressed primarily to teachers, since most of the time children are in kindergarten. But many may argue that there are objective reasons why it is possible to fully create psychological comfort in a kindergarten group:

Large groups;

One teacher per group;

Unfavorable family situation.

Yes, that's the reality. But who will help our children if not ourselves?

2. Creating psychological comfort in kindergarten to preserve and strengthen the psychological health and development of the child’s personality.

It is known that as soon as you cross the threshold of a group, you can feel the atmosphere of relaxedness or closedness, calm concentration or anxious tension, sincere fun or gloomy wariness that is present in the group.

The atmosphere in a kindergarten group is determined by:

1) The relationship between the teacher and children;

2) Relationships between the children themselves;

3) Relationships between educators;

4) The relationship between educators and parents.