Download the script Kuznetsk dinosaurs. Little dinosaurs. The scientific world is calling

Many boys and girls are interested in dinosaurs. And this is a great theme for a birthday! Children aged 5-9 will love going on an expedition to a lost world to find dinosaurs. How to entertain little guests and how to decorate a holiday, read the script for a themed Children's party.

Thematic design children's party.

Dinosaurs lived at a time when the planet had impenetrable jungles, so to decorate a children's party on the theme of prehistoric times, a green corner in the country or use large indoor flowers is a good choice. Trees, vines, monkeys and other jungle inhabitants can also become part of your themed children's party decor.

Tree cuts, branches, stones and a sandbox for excavations - all this fits well into the concept of the holiday. Draw intricate dinosaur tracks on paper that kids will love to follow as they search for the giant ancient animal.

Make an invitation to the children's party "Dinosaurs" from a kinder surprise egg, packing it in a themed box.

Every child can cook paper bag, stylized as an expedition member’s backpack. In the bag, put scoops for excavations, paper caps on your head with expedition symbols, and albums with dinosaur stickers.

Games and competitions for children 5-9 years old.

How to entertain little guests at a children's birthday party?

Piñata in the shape of a giant dinosaur egg.

We make a piñata from papier-mâché and hang it over the free space. We use feathers (from the pillow) and caramels as filling. Do not make your structure too heavy for the safety of children. The piñata is broken using a stick; in our case, you can use badminton rackets. Each child hits the piñata once until all the candies fall out. The order can be determined by asking riddles.


We invite children to follow the intricate footprints of a dinosaur in search of an ancient cave where a surprise awaits them. Among the dinosaur tracks there may be tracks of other animals. You can invite children to guess them.

Ancient cave.

Soap bubbles are hidden in the cave, which also become part of the game. Challenge the children to compete in blowing the largest dinosaur-sized soap bubble.


Bury the toy dinosaurs in the sandbox in advance. Let the children find them using archaeological tools. If there are a lot of children, then you can divide them into teams - who will find the largest number of dinosaurs faster. After playing, have the children wash their hands and sit down at the table.


During the time of the dinosaurs, volcanoes were common. Make a volcano eruption for the kids using simple way. Make a large volcano out of plasticine with your children. Then pour red food coloring, soda and vinegar into it. Children will be interested in watching such an experiment.

Photographers: and

If you are not a professional archaeologist, rest assured: your children know much more about dinosaurs than you do - from cartoons, comics, computer games. And dinosaurs will definitely delight them. You can dedicate anything to dinosaurs from a birthday to graduation. kindergarten. We have collected interesting Dino ideas that will help you organize a fun themed party for kids.

How to throw a party for kids: dino invitations

The holiday begins with invitations. They are the ones who create anticipation for the holiday. Download and print your dino party invitations here. Write the names of your guests in the boxes and have your child hand them out.

And these wonderful flying dinosaurs can greet guests. They are so cool and so different! All you need to do is glue paper paws and tails to the balloons.

Dinosaur flags, drink bottle stickers, and treat signs can also be made in a dino theme. Children will be interested in recognizing familiar characters and meeting new ones.

Kids party ideas: dino outfits

What's the most important thing about dinosaurs? Wings, Legs and Tail! Guests of your party will be happy to transform into dinosaurs if you offer them tails on their belts, paw slippers, caps with combs and wings. All this can easily be made from colored cardboard and cleaning sponges.

Dino treats: ideas for a children's party

At a dino party, the treats should also be dino-themed and bear the imprint of the eras. Bake cookies with dinosaur footprints, make “sugar seeds” - string marshmallows onto marshmallow straws, cover the “bones” with sugar icing and let them harden.

Another “dinosaur” delicacy is a cocktail made from mud lakes. Prepare chocolate pudding and decorate it with lizard figures. Large grapes can play the role of dinosaur eggs. Sandwiches, cookies, jellies and candies in the shape of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals are also suitable.

Dima was turning 7 years old. And for the first time we decided to give him big celebration with kids. At first I wanted to limit myself to just competitions, but then after reading on the Internet and considering that I am now sitting at home, which means I have a little more time and my creative potential is not being used to its full potential :)), I decided not to waste time on trifles, but to make a real costume party. I thought for a long time about what topic so that both Dima would be interested, and the invited boys and girls would like it. I decided about DINOSAURS - all modern children are fascinated by them.
It was not difficult to adapt the script and competitions to the dinosaurs. Maybe it worked out with some stretch, but I’m sure the children didn’t notice it at all. The most labor-intensive, or rather the longest, was to draw posters with dinosaurs (9 – according to the number of children invited). Dad doubted my idea a little, he hadn’t read the script and didn’t even know how and what would happen, besides, I finished writing everything on the last night. However, he honestly completed the part of the work assigned to him - he drew dinosaurs for us and made two costumes. But everything is in order - according to the script and with illustrations.

To organize the holiday, 9 posters with dinosaurs and 9 costumes of these dinosaurs were needed. Dad drew the posters, the costumes were bought, some were assembled from existing items, and some were made by hand. I didn’t skimp (just go for a walk) and specially went to Children’s World in Moscow to buy props, bought a lot of things, including various masks that were more or less suitable, horns, hats, etc. (As the story progresses I will dwell in more detail on the costumes).
The posters were hung in advance, on each of them there was a funny photo of Dima (in the beak of a pterodactyl, hugging a diplodocus, on the back of a gorilla, etc.) and a hint about the upcoming competition, on some they also had time to write information about the dinosaur depicted. I also wanted to cut out dinosaur footprints and lay them out and paste them from poster to poster, but I didn’t have time and abandoned the idea.
I decided not to bother with the treats, since my experience shows that adults appreciate the tricks, while children just want to grab something and run away. That's why I put it on the table first different fruits, then we had planned to order pizza, and cake at the end. To this were added pancakes, suddenly baked by dad at 6 am on impulse, and pies brought by my mother-in-law, who came to congratulate Dimka and sit with Timosha while we celebrated.

So, at 11.00 the children began to get ready. Dima met them, escorted them to the room, and looked at the gifts. When everyone had gathered, we began the celebration.
We had a bag with dinosaur emblems, everyone put their hand in there (blindly) and pulled out an emblem for themselves - which dinosaur they would be. They gave him a suit, helped him dress up, wrote his name on the emblem, hung the emblem around his neck (just in case for those who are slow-witted :)))) Dima chose a costume for himself in advance - a megalosaurus - and greeted guests in it. The mother of one child knows how to sew, so I instructed her to make a costume for her child herself, and she inspiredly made him a chic Pterodactyl costume. Two children could not come, so dad became the triceratops, and I became the gorilla King Kong.

And the megalosaurus and pterodactyl are already making hamsters :)))

Everyone dressed up. And I started the holiday something like this:
- Well, here you are all gathered. It's time to start our journey to the land of dinosaurs. Let's get acquainted. Name your dinosaur and what your name is. (Everyone names their dinosaur and name).
Let's check if you are real dinosaurs. Come on, growl!!! Click your teeth!!! Stomp your paws!!! Show how scary you are - make scary faces!!!
It's immediately obvious that they are real dinosaurs. Then we go on a journey.
On our way we will meet several clearings and caves where one of the dinosaurs lives. Each of them has a task for you. Whoever completes the tasks well will receive prizes. Are we leaving?

Dinosaur No. 1.

Dinosaur No. 3. Pterodactyl.

Is there a pterodactyl nest up there (on the child's bed, on the second floor)? Who is our pterodactyl?
- Sasha.
- Come on, pterodactyl Sasha, climb into your nest and look at the task.
Assignment: “Tell me, how are small dinosaurs born?”
Answer: from eggs.
While the dinosaurs have not yet hatched, they are very defenseless. Any other dinosaur could accidentally step on the egg. Now we will check how dexterous, neat and kind our dinosaurs are. This competition is held only once and for only one dinosaur. I propose to perform it for our birthday boy, Dima the megalosaurus.
Competition: ten raw eggs are laid out on the floor in the room. The task is to carefully walk blindfolded and not crush a single egg. And we all tell you where to go. Dima was blindfolded and spun around. We warn children not to give away the secret. At this time, remove the eggs. Dima is coming. We suggest everything. He tries not to step on it. It turns out funny. When he reached the end, the eggs were laid back for him: “Wow, Dima, what a clever dinosaur you are, you didn’t crush a single egg!”
Some children didn’t understand the humor :)))) Of course, it would be funnier if he crushed all the eggs right in the room and got into trouble :))))))

Props: poster, 10 raw eggs, scarf, prize: dinosaur egg with puzzles. The costume was made by the child's mother (well done, mom!)

And this is the Spinosaurus cave. Who is our Spinosaurus?
- Veronica
- Look what a powerful back this dinosaur has. Looks like a camel. Do you think it would be fun to ride on a back like that? Let's try now. And let's check which of the dinosaurs will be faster - who will be able to ride and who will not have time to jump on their back.
We arrange all the chairs (6 pieces): with their backs facing each other.
“Well, why not a spinosaurus?”
Competition: I turn on the music and the children run around the “spinosaurus”. As soon as the music stops, they must quickly jump on his back. Those who didn't have time get small prize and is eliminated. And so we wait to see who will be the fastest and most agile dinosaur.

Props: poster, computer with music, chairs, prizes: Alpenliebe candies, 3rd, 2nd and 1st place - “Drakosha” soap was added to the candies, toothpaste“Dragon”, toothbrush + “Dinosaur” stickers. Costume: made ourselves from corrugated cardboard– back and muzzle (it goes up on the head like a hat), + my yellow beach pareo, wrapped around the body.

Here is the diplodocus valley. Who is our Diplodocus?
- Olesya
- Despite their enormous size, Diplodocus were fairly peaceful dinosaurs. They were slow, calm and kind. They liked to wander through the fields, admire the trees, lazily nibble on their leaves, and enjoy the beauty of the world. And now we will have creative competition beautiful drawing. We will draw dinosaur cards for our main dinosaur - birthday boy Dima, whose birthday is today. He will keep your cards as a keepsake and for many years they will remind him of our holiday today.
I will give you magic leaves (so thin, translucent). If you attach them to a picture with a dinosaur, then you can copy this picture onto your postcard. Anyone who wants and knows how can draw a dinosaur himself, rather than copy it.
Color your drawings; if you can write, sign them. And give it to the birthday boy.

Props: poster, pictures of dinosaurs and magic paper (I tore apart the coloring book with dinosaurs), basket with pencils, prizes: Children's chewing gum "Orbit" - for everyone. Costume: donated a green bath towel for the skin, cut it out along the edges with a zigzag, the remaining (cut) “zigzag” went to the belt and long tail, on the head a ribbon from a dragonfly costume I had for a long time + a green mask with glasses.

Then the pizza finally arrived and I had a break

And dad went to meet Timofey from his walk, undress him and feed him from a bottle, and then there are almost no photos from competitions.

Dinosaur No. 6. Kentrosaurus.

(the poster was not photographed separately, look for it in the general photos, it hangs near the table, to the left of Dima)
- This is the lair of the centrosaurus. Who is our Kentrosaurus?
- Alyona
- Look at how ferocious the centrosaurus looks, what terrifying spikes on its body. What do you think would happen to our balloons, would they fall on such huge thorns? (They would burst!)
This is the kind of competition we will have. Let's check who is our most ferocious dinosaur.

We tie a balloon to each person's leg.

Competition: I turn on the music. The children's task is to try to burst another dinosaur's balloon and keep their own. You cannot pick up the balls with your hands. Whoever's balloon burst gets a small prize and is eliminated. And so we wait to see who will be the most ferocious dinosaur.
Oh, and it was crazy :))))

Props: poster, computer with music, Balloons(removing), threads, prizes. prizes: “Holls” candies, 3rd, 2nd and 1st place – “Drakosha” soap, “Drakosha” toothpaste, toothbrush + “Dinosaur” stickers were added to the candies. Centrosaurus costume: Veronica's light green robe and corrugated cardboard cones sewn onto it (yes, I had to tinker with it), yellow mask and glasses.

Dinosaur No. 7. A funny dinosaur of an unknown breed.

Here is King Kong's Gorilla Cave. Who is our Gorilla King Kong?
- Oh yes, it's me :)
- Gorilla King Kong is a very smart and cunning animal. Therefore, it is she who will help you find the dinosaur world map and SWEET TREASURE!!!
Read the Gorilla riddles and follow the directions.
This is where I screwed up the problem with the map. I drew a map on the computer:

She cut it into pieces, tied it on the backs, under the tails, in the mouths of numerous toy dinosaurs, and hid them around the house. The children opened the tasks on the poster. For example: Open the gate to the world of dinosaurs quickly and take the map from the dimetrodon (this dinosaur was behind the front door), A cold wind blows over a huge abyss There the modest Euplocephalos awaits you (this one stood on the balcony), The volcano strives to burn, hisses, seethes, boils A ferocious Tyrannosaurus is standing there with a note (this one is near the teapot), You visited a Triceratops today. You just didn’t take a piece of the map from him (under the Triceratops poster), The glacier is like in Antarctica. And the Pachycephalosaurus freezes there so that he can give the map to you (in the refrigerator), The Spinosaurus lives in a cave, and under his mountain a snake crawls and the map with it - rummage around with your hand (under the children’s bed), the ferocious Ankylosaurus went to the watering place A piece of the valuable map he I took it with me (in the bathroom). The map has been collected. And the last note on the poster: Fold the cards into shreds, think about it, follow the dinosaur trail alive and look for the sweet treasure! And eat quickly!
They glued the map together with tape, were stupid for a long time :)))), ran around in the wrong places, realized that the rock was a closet, etc. But in the end they found a cake.
Props: poster, notes, dinosaurs should be placed in place in advance. Cake! No prizes. Gorilla costume: hat (bought) + paw slippers (borrowed from grandma) + for the children there were also brown pants from Veronica’s wardrobe.

"Dinosaur" No. 9. Saber-toothed tiger.

Props: a mop stick :) (the strings sag under the prizes and are awkward to hold), prizes wrapped in paper, scissors, a scarf over the eyes. Tiger costume: lion mask (bought), fur collar from my coat, a belt from a striped terry robe as a tail.

Ugh. Here the official part is finally over.

I should note that, of course, there was a child who was shy and tried to avoid first the costume (they replaced it with another one he liked better), then the competitions (here the magic worked: “Oh, what a pity, then you won’t get any prizes”). There was a child who said, “I don’t eat pizza!” When the pizza arrived, he ate it.
Despite the skepticism of Veronica and dad, “What the hell, Lera won’t dress up!”, 13-year-old Lera dressed up faster than anyone else and had so much fun and ran along with the 7-year-olds, I even had to whisper to her once, “Let’s lose in this competition, okay If you win now, agree to 3rd place,” to which she reacted with understanding and humor.
Dima had to be clearly instructed before the holiday - it was his first time at such an event: not to be capricious, not to be sulky, not to be offended, to be polite, to greet all guests and not to bury yourself in gifts, to see everyone off and thank them, if you don’t like something, don’t show it, and if he “starts”, I will affectionately say to him “megalosaaaavr” and this will be a signal for him to pull himself together, in general the instructions were great... He did a great job, he behaved diligently (it was noticeable to me), in a frenzied the scolding didn’t go away, I held out well and I hope I still had fun :)
Unfortunately, I didn’t give Veronica any instructions and every now and then she broke into command and the usual indignant “Dimaaaaa! Mom, he…”, “forgetting” that Dima still had DR, constantly tried to take the lead and was eager to “let’s do more” when everyone was already exhausted and the journey was over. I had to slowly rein it in and slow it down from time to time. Next time I will need to instruct her too.
Overall I was very pleased. Everything went according to plan. It was possible to successfully alternate frantic competitions with calm ones, no one actively protested, on the contrary, everyone eagerly rushed to complete the task, no one seemed offended or capricious, everyone won a lot of prizes and went home with impressions.

We were sick in December. Not all, but half. First the boys, then me. Long-term illnesses, poor health, and then the holidays are one on one. We all tried to organize them, invite guests, there were plans for three home events - and all failed. The biggest disappointment for Rodion, because he was really looking forward to his birthday - 3 years old. And he chose the theme of the holiday - dinosaurs. But now I’ve been sick for 1.5 weeks, and there’s really no improvement. The holiday had to be cancelled. More precisely, guests, and I quickly prepared the holiday, because you can’t leave the baby without an adventure. Unfortunately, everything was done quickly, between treatments, with a foggy head, so there wasn’t much entertainment, and I made mistakes, but it still turned out to be fun, and most importantly, the birthday boy was happy! Today I decided to go back almost a month and finally tell you how it was.

From the very morning, the children followed me and asked: “When are we going to play? When is the holiday?” And I still didn’t have everything ready. The wet sand did not have time to dry completely, and the monolith for excavation was not completely dry. The posters are not hung. In general, I put it off all the time, and closer to lunch, I decided that it was useless to wait any longer - if I haven’t eaten enough, I won’t get enough, we’ll play with what we have and quickly arranged the places for the celebration. Ellinka was assigned important role- pterodactyl, the daughter prepared the costume herself and disappeared into the vestibule. The kids and I sat down in the hallway and had fun taking pictures next to the dinosaurs on the wall and the large dinosaur made of balloons that Rodion received as a gift.
And then the doorbell rang.... On the threshold is a Pterodactyl with a box.

The boys recognized the guest immediately. The flying lizard reported that the box contained a gift for Rodion's birthday, but instead of a gift there was a note...

A certain Sam T-Rex stole the gift and warned us not to follow the tracks. Of course, we immediately followed the tracks).

First, the tracks led us to two hungry dinosaurs - a predator and a herbivore. It was necessary to feed them by putting suitable food into their mouths. Food was scattered throughout the room in abundance - vegetables, fruits and meat-containing products.
The boys happily threw the necessary food into the dinosaurs' mouths.

And then, laughing, they themselves found themselves swallowed by dinosaurs. Even the herbivore happily ate the boys))).

And we ended up near a large coloring book with dinosaurs.

The task was to find and color all the lizards. With eight hands we set to work.

In addition, we found two absolutely identical dinosaurs. They looked for all the tyrannosaurs, stegosaurs, triceratops and other pterodactyls. They counted them. They found the biggest and the smallest. In general, there were enough tasks. The coloring book is printed on 8 A4 sheets. Can be printed in any format in its entirety. Download

During the excavations, dinosaur eggs were discovered, but not a single gift.

The path of dinosaur tracks led us to the next task. We pretended to be dinosaurs by drawing out cards with their appearance. It's time to fool around).

The children showed how this or that dinosaur ate, how it walked, hunted and slept. In general, everything about his life))).

And the tracks led us to an interesting place. It was clear from everything that we had to conduct archaeological excavations.

I received this stone with dinosaurs immured in it from cat litter. I spotted the idea on Yulia’s blog, Such a Big Little World. The recipe and features of the filler can be found in her post. I will only note that I overdid it))). I used too much filler. It didn't soak well with water, so I poured too much of it. Maybe it would have dried out, but he only had about 18 hours of time. In reality, much more is needed for such an amount. But I did not cancel the archaeological event. However, the children were very enthusiastic about hammering the rock and scratching out the dinosaurs.

But it was hard for me. Filler that has not dried is a very sticky thing; cleaning it, especially from small parts, is not an easy task. But I wasn’t looking for easy ways, drying out, and I didn’t wait here, I still cleaned out all the dinosaurs, and the hammers, and even the children))).
During the excavations, the gift was again not found. And now the tracks led us to a new place. The boys were invited to temporarily become dinosaurs and run around in their “paws.” The idea is not bad, but it was not fully thought out; the paws still needed to be secured more firmly and on the heel side too. However, the children ran around with pleasure, and they still take out these paws to play. I made them from fiberboard.

And finally the tracks led us to the last point of the journey....

And Rodion found his gift! Cake and a groovy dinosaur!

This is the cake. Rodioshka was delighted.

Scenario for a children's party: “dinosaur” party

How to throw a party for kids: a party with a very popular dinosaur theme.

Baby shower invitations

The easiest way to make an invitation card is to cut out a bone-shaped template from thick white paper or cardboard and write the invitation on it. If you want to make your invitation card more fun, try using plastic Kinder Surprise eggs in white or clear colors. Inside the egg you can put a small dinosaur figurine and a folded or folded invitation card with information about the “dinosaur” party. Another more complex one, but very interesting option. Mix baking soda in equal proportions, corn starch and water, cook this mass over medium heat until very thick, remove from heat and cool, spread the mass in an even layer around the egg, forming a ball. The layer should not be very thick, no more than 1 cm, otherwise it will not dry. Leave to dry for a couple of days. Now the finished egg balls can be distributed to guests with instructions on how to break them and find a dinosaur egg with an invitation inside.

Decorating a room for a party

Now you are faced with the task of turning the room where the holiday will take place into a prehistoric corner of nature. From large pieces of baking paper (or from bags Brown) cut long strips that imitate tree trunks and tree bark. Attach them to the wall. Cut long leaves from available green paper or cardboard, bend them slightly and attach them to the “tree trunks”. By using corrugated paper you can imitate climbing plants and vines. Hang dinosaur cutouts (from posters, magazines, or your own) on the walls. Cut out dinosaur footprints from thick felt fabric and attach them to the floor of the room.

Snacks and drinks for children's day birth

Place signs on the table as follows: on one side - food for “herbivores”, on the other side - food for “carnivores”. Herbivore foods may include garnished vegetable sticks with dressing, portioned vegetable salads, and crackers. Meat food for “predators” consists of chicken legs and wings, burgers or small canapé sandwiches. Make a hot toddy using raspberries, strawberries or other red berries to imitate hot lava. Decorate the birthday cake with melted chocolate and green fondant leaves and place small dinosaur figurines.

Games for children's parties

1. Play the dinosaur egg race. Fill plastic eggs small sweets and lollipops, and place a small dinosaur figurine in one egg. Hide the eggs indoors and invite the children to look for them. Whoever finds the dinosaur egg will win a prize.
2. Purchase safari hats for all participants from a specialty store and invite the children to decorate their hats, for example, with stickers, also purchased in advance. These can be stickers with letters, plants, trees and, of course, dinosaurs.
3. Play dinosaur paws. Give each child two small shoe boxes. Glue the lid of each box firmly to the box itself. Children can cut a hole in the lid for their foot, decorate the box with green, brown and gray paper, and glue paper claws to the front of the box. The dinosaur paws are ready. Now arrange a race-competition for the fastest dinosaur.

Gifts for guests at a children's party

Stores usually sell a huge amount of “dinosaur” products for children: books, inflatable toys, small plastic figures, dinosaur skeletons, keychains, etc. Select small sets of different toys in separate bags for each of your little guests and give them when the party comes to an end.

Marina Pavlova specially for http://site/