Napkins for table setting step by step. Table decoration with napkins: new ideas (25 photos). Three ways to fold napkins

When setting a holiday table, many people underestimate the importance of napkins. With their help you can create unusual decor, place color accents, balance the combination of shades. Skillfully folding napkins for table setting is an art that can and should be mastered. Neatly executed textile figures look great among formal tableware, making the table even more attractive.

To decorate the festive table use paper and cloth napkins. They perform an aesthetic and practical function. The color, size and options for folding napkins during table setting are chosen depending on the degree of solemnity of the meal, as well as its type.

When setting, cloth napkins are placed on the table in only one way. Paper ones are usually placed in a common napkin holder, and are also placed under each guest’s plate on the right side.

For breakfast choose simple shapes. According to the rules of etiquette, it is recommended to fold fabric napkins for table setting into four, into a triangle, an envelope, or a tube. For lunch or dinner, it is customary to fold napkins in other ways, namely: with a cap, a crown, or a cap. When preparing for a banquet, more complex methods of folding napkins are used, for example, in the form of flowers, a herringbone, a fan, a butterfly.


Both linen and paper napkins are not the same in quality, color and size. Which products to choose depends on the specific case. A classic option for a formal formal dinner is white linen table linen. For an informal setting - cotton and satin products of any color that harmonizes with the tablecloth. Modern fabric napkins are made from mixed fabrics. They do not deform after drying, iron well, and do not shrink when washed.

Sometimes the use of paper napkins is allowed, but according to etiquette, fabric options are preferable.

The size of fabric napkins varies from 25 to 60 cm. Small square products with a side of 25, 30, 35 cm are suitable for decorating tea parties, buffets, coffee, and also dessert table. Large ones, with side lengths from 60 to 80 cm, are used to create complex shapes. Linen squares measuring 50 by 50 cm are universal. To create some shapes, you need rectangular napkins, but if there are none, then just fold the square in half.

To beautifully fold fabric napkins for table setting, they need to be starched. Slightly damp starched items are ironed, allowed to cool, and then immediately used for decoration.

Table textiles cannot be starched in advance. During storage, creases form on it, which are very difficult to smooth out.

Thin paper napkins are used during dinner with the family. Multi-layered colored or white items are laid out on the festive table. They are left whole or cut into triangles.




Paper napkins

Popular folding methods

The options for folding napkins when setting the table are very varied. Experienced craftsmen create complex designs from paper and linen squares. Those who are just beginning to master the art of decorating choose simpler shapes.


The figure is appropriate during New Year's feast or evening meal. Looks good in any color. Place “candles” on snack plates or in glasses. You can roll the fabric into a candle in the classic way, leaving its middle hollow, or in an original way, forming a “flame” or “wick” at the end.




To create fabric flowers, the size of the napkins matters. The side of each square should not be less than 50 cm. “Lotus” is rolled up from pastel-colored fabric and used for a wedding banquet or romantic dinner. Flowers in blue, pink, peach or lilac look especially beautiful.


This nice option Suitable for decorating a celebration of any level. “Tulip” is folded in two ways: on a leg, using 2 squares, or in the form of a cup - from one. Traditional shades for this figure are red, pink, yellow or orange - from pastel to bright, depending on the occasion.


For official banquets, this option is performed in white. For weddings and anniversaries - in gold or silver. Folded figures should be formed from squares with a side of 50–60 cm. This folding method looks impressive, but does not draw too much attention to itself. Ideal for table setting in honor of a man's birthday.


To create this simple figure, red textiles are usually used. “Heart” is suitable for decorating a romantic dinner and a wedding feast. This figure is often used for table setting on the occasion of Valentine's Day.


Looks equally good on a plate and in a glass. Depending on the chosen color, it will decorate any event. Subdued tones are used for a friendly party, bright colors are used for children's party. This is one of the most versatile options.


When serving use various options folding napkins in the form of this figure. The “butterfly” is created from colored fabric or fabric with a small pattern. Usually this figure is used for a men's holiday. If the hero of the occasion is a little boy, then you can take bright napkins; for a respectable gentleman, more austere colors are suitable.


Suitable for a family New Year's feast and festive banquet. The figure is made from textiles of any color that harmonizes with the dishes and tablecloth. An additional accent will be a shiny bead or wooden star on the top.

With space for a guest card

This method of folding fabric is used at official receptions where people who do not know each other are invited. Also suitable for a large-scale event (wedding or anniversary) with a large number of guests. It can be made in 2 versions: a simple bag or in the form of an envelope.

With napkin ring

One of the most beautiful ways to fold table textiles. A napkin decorated in this way is folded into the shape of a fan, flower, butterfly, and used at large feasts on the occasion of a wedding or High school prom, and at family celebrations. The option looks very original and elegant.

Under devices

The easiest way to fold woven products. Rectangular envelopes are made from textile squares, into which knives, spoons, and forks suitable for a given meal are placed. In addition to the envelope, there are other types of shapes for placing cutlery: a cone-shaped pocket, a hexagon.

How to lay it out beautifully

Setting the table with fabric napkins depends on the type of meal, the number of dishes and the type of linen figure. Etiquette allows for the following methods of placing table textiles:

  • parallel to the dessert cutlery, closer to the center of the table, if the napkin is rolled up;
  • in the center of the appetizer plate, if the table is set for a full dinner with a large number of plates, glasses and cutlery;
  • to the left of the hot plate (after the last fork), when the product is folded into a triangle, envelope or tube;
  • in the middle of a small dinner plate for hot dishes if there is no appetizer plate on it;
  • between spoons and forks, if already filled dishes are placed in front of the cutlery;
  • on the far edge of the serving plate, in the center of which there is a pair of teas;
  • in a glass (glass) to create a special atmosphere during a romantic dinner or a themed feast.

To make the linen figures look organic among other cutlery, they are placed on plates of small diameter, on average 20 cm. Wine glasses and glasses for this purpose are tall, with a volume of 300–500 ml. In the bowl of a glass, the options “candle”, “tulip”, “fan”, “bouquet”, “horn”, “tower” look especially impressive.

It is permissible to fold napkins directly on the tabletop in the form of a flat figure or tube. Complex tall versions of textile decorations are placed only on plates or in wine glasses.

Usage etiquette

Table napkins made of fabric protect clothes from possible drops from food and drinks. In addition, they are applied to slightly stained fingertips and lips after each sip from a glass or cup. Etiquette strictly prohibits wiping off sweat with a cloth. lipstick, very dirty hands. Do not use it as a handkerchief, or wipe cutlery, glasses, or telephone with textiles. There is a paper equivalent for this.

The cloth napkin is used in the following order:

  1. The rolled-up material is taken in a pinch and shaken, keeping your hand away from the dish. At a home dinner party, the hostess (or, in her absence, the host) of the house unwraps the napkin first. In a restaurant, the woman performs this action first. If there are only men at the table, then the inviting party takes the textile product first. This gesture is a signal for the start of the meal; now guests can unwrap the fabric figures. In a restaurant, the napkin is unrolled only after the first course is served. When they place an order and drink an aperitif, they do not touch it.
  2. Now you need to fold the napkin in half. In this form, it is placed on your knees with the open edge facing you.
  3. During the meal, fingers are wiped with the half lying on top, without removing the product from the knees. To blot the lips, the upper edge of the square is folded inward by 5–7 cm, the material is lifted to the mouth in an unfolded form, holding it by the fold, and then returned to the knees in its original position with the clean part down.
  4. When all the dishes have been eaten, the woven square is taken by the center and placed to the left of the plate on the table.

If you need to leave the table for a while, place the napkin on the chair. This is a signal that the guest has not finished eating yet and will return. If a textile item has slipped from your lap, they do not pick it up, but ask the hostess or waiter to bring a clean one.

If setting the table with fabric napkins is not intended, use paper counterparts. WITH big square perform the same actions as with a linen product. A small paper triangle is folded with the top to the base, and then in half, and placed under the edge of the plate. When necessary, take it out and wipe your hands and mouth. inside, then folded again and returned to its place.

According to etiquette, each time you need to take a clean paper triangle, and roll the used one and place it under the edge of the plate. After eating, dirty napkins are placed on the plate.

You should pay no less attention to folding napkins for table setting than to selecting tableware and decorative elements. Nicely folded textile products They will make even a modest feast more status.



Now there are many options for how to beautifully fold paper napkins into a napkin holder.

1. Rose

In order to make a rose, you will need a glass and paper blanks.

Place the pieces one by one on the neck of the glass. Cover all glass edges and make the structure more voluminous by adding additional layers.

Fold the edges that will become the core of the flower inside the glass. When all the parts are in place, turn the glass over and remove it. The flower is ready.

The entire process is shown in detail in the video.

2. Flower in a glass

The glass can also be used for simpler serving. Roll the product on your fingers and place the corner down in the glass. Thus, form a bottom row consisting of four pieces. If you took napkins of different colors, then alternate them.

Then bend the corners sticking up along the walls of the glass. After this, we form the second, third, fourth and, if desired, fifth row. Just don’t bend the corners anymore.

3. Bird

The glass in which it is located will look unusual paper bird.

Take products of three different shades and bend them so that you get a trapezoid shape - bend the corners lying opposite each other onto the square and fold them in half.

For the head and neck of the bird, take a separate piece, fold it into a tube and bend the tip to the side. Then secure the structure in the holder.

4. How to fan out napkins in a napkin holder

This option will do by candlelight or a standard lunch. Here you can use square products of any color.

Fold them with their corners facing each other to form triangles. Then the resulting products can be filled into the holder.

If you want to make the design more magnificent, form two such fans and fold them so that they face each other.

5. Crown

Here the name speaks for itself. The arrangement method not only looks stylish, but will also be very convenient for your guests.

Take the paper product and bend it diagonally to form a triangle. Depending on the width of the holder, fold the stack, then place the napkins on top of each other in a mirror image. On each side, complete the resulting structure with a central piece, which is placed in the napkin holder with its widest side.

6. Stack in a beautiful napkin holder

To be beautiful, it is not at all necessary to make complex designs out of paper.

Make a simple stack and place it in a napkin holder that will attract attention. This could be a carved wooden piece, a metal flower holder, or an enameled square holder.

Such an item on the table will give the table setting an elegant and interesting view.

There is no need to look for a reason to be beautiful. You can change the white tablecloths every day, eat from beautiful dishes and decorate the table with various decorative compositions. The dishes and other elements must be in harmony and fit well together to create a special atmosphere.

White color is an unchanging classic that will be a win-win option for any holiday. Wedding, Birthday, corporate party- if you choose white for these celebrations, you definitely won’t go wrong.

You can decorate it in green tones. In this case, red accessories can dilute the abundance of greenery. Complement them with golden decorations and garlands for a truly cozy and warm environment. Unusual black or bright orange elements are suitable for extraordinary events such as Halloween. Here you can show your imagination. Don't forget about themed decorations. You can add accessories of different colors to create a rainbow of them.

There is another win-win idea. So, for a holiday that is held in the fall, you can use elements to match the leaves; for a spring celebration, pastel colors are well suited; in the summer, use bright and monochromatic items; and in winter, change the shades to cold ones.

Preparing the dining area for the holiday

It is also important how the dining area will look. Try to approach the preparation of the event with full responsibility.

  • Consider in advance how many dishes you will need and where extra clean plates and cutlery will go.
  • Don’t forget that everything should be in harmony with each other and match in color and texture.
  • Glasses are perhaps the most important detail. They all must be designed in the same style.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment with decorative elements. Vases with garlands and flowers will fit well into any interior and fill it with unique family comfort and warmth.
  • Take care of the children too. Provide them with unbreakable dishes and replace metal cutlery with wooden ones.
  • When serving, it is important not only how to correctly fold napkins into a napkin holder, but also their location on the table. Guests should not have to reach for them through all the dishes. Therefore, think about the seating arrangement in advance, as well as the placement of all equipment in accessible places. Usually they follow this scheme: one napkin holder for four people.
  • Use paper and fabric accessories so that you can dry your hands with one and place others on your lap.
  • Keep the trays clean and refill them promptly.

On the eve of the holiday, the question always arises about the elegant design of the room, furniture and all accessories. A beautifully folded napkin on the plate of each guest at the table will add zest to the overall decoration of the room.

Today, when setting a banquet table, cloth and paper napkins are used.

The decoration of the room for the celebration depends on what specific holiday needs to be organized. Table settings and decorative items should be appropriate for the occasion.

In order to create festive mood and surprise guests from square napkins you can wrap and twist the most incredible shapes.

There are several nuances that will help when choosing napkins and how to fold them:

  • a gala banquet in a luxurious hall, for example a wedding, requires the presence of a variety of napkins, including expensive fabric ones, which can be made to order;
  • for an event with a large number of guests who do not know each other very well, for example, for a corporate event, it is worth laying out cards with names on napkins;
  • for seasonal holidays, you can choose themed napkins, for example, on New Year with images of Christmas trees, snow, etc., and for Halloween, look for options with pumpkins;
  • a win-win option for any banquet is to choose napkins to match the tablecloth;
  • It is very good to decorate a table using floral motifs. It always looks harmonious, especially when combined with napkins folded appropriately.

BY THE WAY! Interesting idea It could be the production of ordinary paper napkins with the logo of the company that is hosting the corporate event.

When the theme and materials themselves have been chosen, the question arises of how to beautifully and originally fold napkins for the festive table.

The fabric needs to be starched after washing - this way it holds its shape better.

Interesting ways to fold paper and cloth napkins

For festive events It is not enough to simply place the napkins on the table; you may need to fold them in a special way.

An elegant festive table setting would not be complete without napkins.

If the holiday is planned at home, of course, you can simply use a napkin holder. They come in a variety of shapes and designs, casual and dressy. You can put extra napkins in a napkin holder and decorate a place for each guest in a special way.

Napkins are needed not only to wipe your hands and mouth with them, but also for decoration and to add a special atmosphere.

There are many ways to beautifully fold napkins on a holiday table.

How to wrap with a “Candle”

Candle folding is very easy to do. Even a child can do this. You need to roll the napkin into a tube, fold it in half and place it vertically in an empty glass or glass. Beige, pink, orange colors of the material will further imitate a real candle.

It's quick, easy, and sophisticated, so your guests don't have to guess how to unwrap.

Fold in a herringbone pattern

Folding napkins in a herringbone pattern is an ideal solution for New Year's table. Best to choose green color matter, so the composition looks more natural. If you put dragees or other candies on the Christmas tree napkin, it will resemble a real Christmas tree even more. The result will be an original decorative object.

Christmas trees made from napkins will look beautiful on the table; they are not difficult to make.

BY THE WAY! For greater originality, you can choose a color that is not typical for the Christmas tree, but, for example, blue or red. This Christmas tree can surprise kids.

How to arrange napkins “Lotus”

Tender and beautiful flower lotus will look great if rolled up from pastel colored fabric. This is a wonderful decoration for a wedding table.

A serving napkin folded in this way will decorate any holiday.

ATTENTION! Complex multi-layer folding patterns are best made from fabric napkins. This way the composition will look more elegant and luxurious.

Method "Tulip"

Laying out napkins in the shape of tulips will be a good solution for a meeting in a women's group. White or pink the color will suit for a young lady’s birthday, and rich yellow for a corporate party for accounting employees.

Symbol of spring, beauty, perfect love.

“Rose” fold option

A classic flower that is appropriate for any event without exception, can be made from paper and fabric napkins. Absolutely any color is also suitable. The material is twisted in several layers and then turned inside out in the shape of a flower.

Napkins folded in the shape of roses will be a wonderful decoration for a wedding banquet, Valentine's Day, or any women's holiday.

How to fold it with “Lily”

Lily is a noble flower that combines several meanings. In different cultures it can symbolize life and death, purity and sinfulness. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the heroes of the occasion have no superstitions, or at least their monotonous interpretation, so that napkins in the shape of lilies do not upset anyone, but, on the contrary, inspire them with their sophisticated appearance.

Lily napkins would be appropriate on a holiday table.

IMPORTANT! Always worth paying attention color scheme. Each color has not only a decorative, but also a symbolic meaning.


Decorating the place of the birthday person with a festive crown is quite appropriate. This will emphasize the special status of the hero of the occasion on his birthday. At the same time, napkins for guests can be folded in some other way to add variety.

The folding method is close to the lily. Suitable for any event, just choose colors in the appropriate style.

How to beautifully roll with a “Heart”

Heart shaped folding can enhance any romantic dinner, whether it's a first date or a wedding anniversary. The traditional red color will show passion and depth of feelings, and pink will show all the tenderness of the partners towards each other.

Valentine's Day and just a way to say how you feel to your partner, mom or child.

Fan folding

A fan is a classic way to fold napkins. It can be seen in many restaurants and cafes. An unnoticeable but important detail for a business event, a friendly meeting or a family celebration, which brings its share of comfort.

Bright napkins are suitable for a warm dinner with friends or family, funny drawing can be posted on children's table, white ones will add solemnity to the moment.


A bow tie is an accessory that is worn at the most special events. A napkin folded in this way will emphasize the importance of an event in a person’s life.

IMPORTANT! To fold matter in the form of a butterfly, you will additionally need satin ribbon or a ring.


Folding a bunny out of a napkin is not so easy. But if you try and decorate a children’s holiday table with such figures, it will make the kids very happy. The bunny is also suitable for decoration Easter table according to Catholic tradition.

Perky rag bunnies will delight children and adults, suitable for Easter and Valentine's Day.

BY THE WAY! Japanese art origami teaches how to fold paper animal figures. Having mastered it, you can surprise your guests every holiday.

How else to decorate a holiday table with napkins

You don't always need to resort to folding complex shapes. If we limit ourselves only to a given general color palette and choose a laconic design style, then napkins can be used to place cutlery or cards with the names of guests.

Even a simple family dinner will turn into a holiday if you decorate the table with such elements.

BY THE WAY! Origami masters not only fold flowers or shapes out of paper, but also assemble large compositions, such as bouquets, fruits, or even various objects. This requires a lot of material and often requires scissors, glue or a stapler.

Decoration schemes with space for a guest card

Cards with the names of the guests can be laid out on napkins, folded in a special way, in the form of a bag:

  1. Fold the material into quarters.
  2. Fold two layers diagonally to form a pocket.
  3. Bend two opposite corners inward.
  4. Turn the composition over.

These options are good for business lunches and dinners: at some conferences, events where there are a lot of people unfamiliar with each other.

You can put a guest card in the resulting pocket or bag.

How to decorate with a napkin ring

A special napkin ring will help you fold a napkin beautifully and easily. They are varied in design, there are the most simple options, and there are rings made of precious metals and stones, real jewelry. For rich and luxurious events this is the most stylish option registration

Such stylish decor worthy of a wedding, an anniversary, a graduation, and even a summit.

Types of folding napkins for the “Bag” and “Envelope” cutlery

You can wrap cutlery in a neat paper napkin bag. Alternative option A rectangular envelope will serve, in which you can also wrap knives and forks. It is not difficult to roll it up using the appropriate diagram. In this case, the table setting will look much neater. This method of decoration is good for everyday lunches or dinners, as well as for a small celebration with the family.

Properly selected and folded paper napkins will ensure loyalty from your guests.

Napkins should be in harmony with the tablecloth and dishes in color and theme of the design.

How to arrange napkins for a festive table is only part of the work of organizing a feast. It is necessary to pay attention to the cozy atmosphere of the holiday:

  • arrange cutlery harmoniously and conveniently for each guest;
  • try to avoid overly pretentious and too simple decorative solutions;
  • choose dishes and materials that will not cause discomfort to anyone;
  • create a design that will suit the occasion.

For many schemes, you can use multi-colored products or just two products of different colors.

There are many reasons to celebrate. When organizing any event, there are many things to consider. To ensure that only pleasant emotions remain from the celebration, it is important to pay attention to even the smallest details. Such a seemingly insignificant detail, like a napkin, can serve as a wonderful decoration for any table if you fold it in an original way.

VIDEO: How to make bunnies from paper napkins.

50 options for folding napkins for the holiday table:

Many housewives, when setting the table, do not forget about serving it, because it is an integral part of any successful feast. Beautiful and properly arranged cutlery, unusually wrapped napkins, vases with flowers and bread bins - all this creates a special feeling of celebration and comfort, improves the appetite of guests and lifts their spirits.

Serving features

It is very important to arrange napkins correctly and harmoniously on the holiday table, because they are an essential aesthetic part of it. To do this correctly, be sure to pay attention to the serving features and some other important points:

  • Since napkins come in paper and fabric, you need to work with each type in its own way, taking into account the characteristics of each material. However, both of them can be laid out in the form of various figures.

  • It is very important to choose napkins to match the overall style of table decoration; their color and design should be in harmony with the overall picture.
  • There should be both fabric and paper napkins on one holiday table at the same time. This is due to the fact that fabric products are intended solely to prevent people from getting their clothes dirty; they do not wipe their hands with them, since this is considered bad manners. Paper options are disposable and guests can use them at their own discretion.

  • To beautifully arrange napkins and set the table, choose fabric napkins with synthetic additives. On the holiday table they will not look wrinkled and will take the shape that you give them.
  • If there are already plates on the table, then cloth napkins can be placed on them or placed between the fork and knife. There are a lot of design options. If you initially do not intend to have plates on the table, then be sure to place beautifully folded napkins instead.

  • Textile and paper products can be placed in special decorative wine glasses, glasses and napkin holders.
  • According to all the rules, it is forbidden to fold napkins and make various figures out of them with dirty or wet hands, otherwise you can completely ruin them appearance, and as a result, the guests will not be able to celebrate.

  • After washing, it is very important to starch fabric items. In the future, it will be easier for you to give them the desired shape. It is best to iron them slightly damp.

Decorating a holiday table with your own hands will not be difficult, especially if you follow all the basic recommendations.

How to fold beautifully with your own hands: step-by-step master classes

Napkins can be folded beautifully and in an original way in the form of various figures, animals and flowers.

Very unusual and at the same time the easy way is laying a paper napkin in the shape of a Christmas tree. This option is perfect for a festive New Year or Christmas table. For this you will need regular paper napkins. standard size, the color can be any, but the most colorful will look green or red options, which will instantly create festive atmosphere on the table.

Operating procedure:

  • The napkin should be placed with the corners down.
  • In order of priority, you should bend its lower corners upward. To begin with, you should take the top layer of the napkin and fold it upward, but not reaching the very end.
  • The next layer must also be folded up, but not reaching the previous one.
  • All layers of the napkin should be folded in this way.
  • Now the workpiece needs to be turned over onto its reverse side. To form that very Christmas tree, you should symmetrically bend both parts of it, as if into the middle.
  • Then you should turn the Christmas tree right side up and bend its top corner.
  • Next, each layer on the front side should be folded under the previous one.

You can serve this decoration from plain paper beautifully by placing it in the middle of the plate. Cones can be used as additional decorations for such a product.

The easiest and most original way may be creating a fan from paper napkins of several colors. Even inexperienced craftswomen who want to beautifully decorate the table can make it.

To create an original fan, you need to purchase paper napkins of different sizes and colors.

Operating procedure:

  • First fold each of the napkins in half.
  • On large napkin put a small one.
  • Then, from the selected edge, you need to start folding both napkins like an accordion. You need to make an accordion exactly to the middle.
  • Next, you need to turn the workpiece over to the reverse side and place it so that the folded accordion is on the right, and the free edge of the napkin is on the left.
  • The free edge should be folded down, and the tip that remains below should be turned back and also bent. This is done in order to create a kind of support-stand for our fan.
  • The final stage will be spreading the fan.

Such “fan” products are perfect for any holiday table, be it a feast in honor of a birthday or a Christmas dinner with the family.

Very easy to collect paper a napkin in the shape of a candle. For this, your best bet is to use large paper napkins. They can be plain or with small patterns:

  • Unfold the napkin and place it face down. Bend it diagonally to make a triangle.
  • At the bend, make a strip of no more than 2 centimeters.
  • Now you should twist the so-called tube, which should end up on the stand.
  • The remaining and protruding corner must be tucked inside the resulting candle.

To make the resulting product even more original, you can even put a real candle in it. However, it is best to do this only if to create this figure you did not use a paper napkin, but a fabric one.

You can also beautifully design a textile napkin in the shape of an envelope or a so-called sachet for cutlery:

  • Fold your chosen napkin into rectangular shape, always with the front side inward.
  • About a third of the top layer needs to be folded down, so you get the so-called central fold.
  • Next, you should unfold the napkin with the other side. Both edges need to be folded so that they meet in the center.
  • Repeat the same thing again.
  • Place the necessary cutlery in the resulting pocket.

Cutlery in an “envelope” made of burlap, decorated with a bow and decorative lace, looks very original. However, most often such envelopes are sewn.

You can also fold napkins yourself in the following form:

  • bunny;

  • flower (the simplest is a rose);

  • peacock;

  • bow;

  • pineapple and lotus (suitable for very festive tables).

It is not at all uncommon for housewives with skillful hands to bring beautiful figures to life using the origami technique. Decorating a table with such inventions is an art that will be appreciated by every guest.

Often, folding napkins is not difficult, but to avoid any difficulties, it is best to use ready-made diagrams that can be found on the Internet and in special magazines.

  • Creating a beautifully set table may require not only time, but also patience. If you have already chosen how to arrange the napkins, do not forget to also arrange the dishes, cutlery, glasses and glasses correctly. Table etiquette V in this case plays very important role. It cannot be ignored, otherwise all efforts with napkins will be in vain.

  • Don't be afraid to experiment. Feel free to embody your best unusual ideas in life. Try creating your own figures using different types textile and paper products. Use not only monochromatic options, but also with various designs and patterns.

  • If you want to please your guests and show them what a good hostess you are, purchase only high-quality cloth napkins, which will highlight all the sophistication of your holiday table. Products made from cotton and satin are considered the most profitable and practical. They are not only pleasant to the touch, but also retain their shape perfectly. Linen napkins are quite capricious during washing, but they are no less popular than all other types of fabrics.

The textile or paper products you choose should perfectly match the tablecloth, as well as other decorations on the table, such as vases of flowers.

Today, not a single holiday table is complete without napkins. They have both practical applications (to wipe off grease from lips or cheeks, to clean stains from an outfit) and serve for decoration. Beautifully folded paper napkins in a napkin holder will add originality to the table and attract attention. And multi-colored products with patterns will make it even more solemn. In order to properly arrange these attributes of the feast and maintain their shape, it is better to use special devices - napkin holders. They can be of different designs.

It doesn’t take much time or effort to figure out how to fold napkins into napkin holders. All these holiday accessories can be divided into products round shape, similar to a glass, and flat. Each has its own ways of laying out.


Paper ones in a napkin holder? For example, in the form of a “candle”. To do this, you need to take a paper napkin of any shade. First, you should unfold it in the form of a square, fold it diagonally to form a triangle. Then you need to roll the resulting triangle into a tube, starting from the wide edge, moving towards the top.

It should be bent approximately in the middle, after which the product can be inserted into the napkin holder. In the same way, you need to fold the remaining paper handkerchiefs and place them next to each other in one container. For this, it is best to use napkins of the same color. Otherwise, the result is not very festive: such a design is not at all pleasing to the eye.

Second option

How to fold napkins into napkin holders? Now let's look at another method. The napkin must be unfolded and folded diagonally. Then we bend the lower part as if folding a boat. Fold in half, then fold each side toward the middle like an accordion. All is ready. Now you can insert the resulting figure into the napkin holder.

Third way

How to beautifully fold napkins in a napkin holder? Now we'll tell you. The next composition will take a little more time to make, but the result will be very elegant. First, you should unfold a napkin, preferably a plain one, fold it like an accordion with a bend of about one and a half centimeters and bend it in the middle. Roll the fold tightly enough into a roll and insert it into a round napkin holder. You can also use a glass or wine glass for these purposes.

Multicolored extravaganza

In flat-shaped napkin holders, napkins are usually folded one on top of the other. With this method of serving, it is better not to take plain items, but to alternate different shades. They will add sophistication to the table and improve the mood of the guests. For classic table setting, it is better to take napkins of the same tone.


How to beautifully fold napkins into a napkin holder if it is vertical and flat? The ideal option is the following: all products must be bent in the form of a triangle and laid out in the shape of a fan.

In this case, paper handkerchiefs can be taken in two or three shades of the same color to make a transition from light to dark tone. You can also alternate different shades. Don't pack the napkins too tightly.


How to fold napkins into napkin holders? The next method can be roughly called the “sultan”. To do this, you will need to roll up one paper napkin and secure it in a vertical napkin holder. Then other paper handkerchiefs are laid out in the same way and placed inside each other. Don't worry if the resulting structure is very tall. You can divide the “sultan” into three separate parts and place them in a frame side by side. A flower with a lush inflorescence, such as a chrysanthemum, will look great on top.


How to beautifully fold paper napkins into a napkin holder? The following pattern is called the “cockscomb”.

First, the napkin is unfolded and folded into the shape of a book. Afterwards the workpiece is bent in half to the right. All four paper layers must be folded lengthwise. Having outlined a line in the middle, you need to lower the corners of the resulting triangle down, after which they are turned upside down. Then you need to fold the napkin in half. The four “combs” are pulled out separately. The structure is placed vertically on a napkin holder.


Let's figure out how to fold paper napkins into a swan-shaped napkin holder. To do this, take one product and place it in the form of a diamond in front of you. Two opposite angles are added towards each other. The napkin is folded in half lengthwise. For one napkin holder, about ten such blanks are made, which represent the body of the future swan. The long bird's neck is made from another napkin and twisted into a rope.

Along the edge, this figure is bent at an angle to create something like a head. If you wish, you can make the beak sharper and glue the eyes. But then the napkin will only serve as a decorative function. Again, you can use different colors of paper handkerchiefs.

Several will go well on the holiday table various types napkin holder Some containers are filled with napkins that you can use to wipe your hands. And others are intended for serving. It should be remembered that napkins are primarily a means of hygiene and only then serve for decoration. Any guest should be able to easily grab a paper towel and use it. Now you know how to fold napkins into napkin holders. This means you can prepare the table for the celebration.