The process of adaptation of a child in kindergarten. Basic criteria for a child’s adaptation to preschool conditions. Time for a child to adapt to kindergarten

Lina Dmitrieva
Adaptation of a child to kindergarten

« Adaptation of a child to kindergarten»

Coming new life when small child goes out into the world for the first time. And a great life usually begins with kindergarten.

What's happened adaptation?

Entering a new environment and adapting to new conditions of social existence, to a new regime.

A set of processes and actions aimed at adapting to changing conditions of existence.

Levels adaptation



Psychological level adaptation(will take some getting used to)

To the absence of a significant adult (moms, dads)

A large number of new people and the need to interact with them

Having to deal with your problems alone

The need to defend your personal space

Physiological (need to get used to it)

To a new regime, rhythm of life, new loads (the need to sit, listen, follow commands)

Impossibility of privacy

The need for self-restraint

New food, new rooms, lighting, smells

Degrees adaptation

Depending on duration adaptive periods there are three degrees child's adaptation to kindergarten:

1 – 16 days - light adaptation

20-40 days – moderate adaptation

from 40 to 64 days – severe adaptation

Three degrees of severity adaptation period

Lightweight adaptation- by the 20th day of stay in the preschool educational institution, sleep returns to normal, child eats normally, does not refuse contacts with peers and adults, and makes contact himself. The incidence is no more than once for a period of no more than 10 days, without complications. Weight unchanged.

Average adaptation- behavioral reactions are restored by the 30th day of stay in the preschool educational institution. How much does neuropsychic development slow down? (slow speech activity). The incidence is no more than 2 times for a period of no more than 10 days, without complications. Weight unchanged or slightly decreased.

Heavy adaptation- characterized by a significant duration (from two to six months or longer) and the severity of all manifestations.

Factors that interfere baby's adaptation to daycare:

Too much addiction child from mother;

Excessive anxiety of parents;

Reluctance of adults to give greater independence to the baby;

Upbringing baby in the spirit of permissiveness;

Neurological symptoms in baby: asthenicity, hyperactivity, etc.;

Baby's pain;

Lack of an adequate daily routine for the baby in the house.

Typical situations that parents face when the child begins to go to kindergarten(Start adaptation period)

"DON'T WANT!" The baby is crying, is capricious every time it’s time to go to kindergarten. This allows to kid talk openly about what he doesn't like. Parents can sympathize with him, say that they are really sorry when he is sad, parting with them, but “that’s how the world works - moms and dads work, and children go to kindergartens and schools.” Child who openly protests against the kindergarten, most often does quite well adapts, if the parents do not scold him, do not shame him, but express sympathy, remaining confident that the kindergarten is a good choice for their baby.

AT HOME - WHIMS, IN THE GARDEN - SUCCESS. “Surprisingly, my son in kindergarten is completely different from at home. I’m even offended, because I try so hard at home, but he behaves much better there than with me. First of all, he EATS there. Moreover, the teacher says that she is trying to eat the first one and raises the plate to show off! And at home I run after him with a spoon! Secondly, he DRESSES himself! At home he can walk around in one sock for hours! It seems that all the fruits of my upbringing and my efforts are enjoyed by educators in kindergarten: I fight with him at home, and there - “What is your independent, developed child. The fact is that in kindergarten child often sees exactly the place where they are ready to perceive him as he SHOWS himself.

COMMON DISEASES. Child starts to hurt literally from the first days of visiting kindergarten: “a week in kindergarten - a week (and sometimes two) Houses". Many parents complain about kindergarten: they say they overlooked it, drafts, sick children are admitted, infection. Believing that the problem is in a particular kindergarten, parents transfer child to another, in the third, but the situation does not change radically. Why? Most often, it is not the kindergarten that is to blame, but the transition situation itself baby to an independent stay somewhere without parents. As is known, physical and mental development child are interconnected, and the body baby sometimes helps him cope with worries and worries. Most often, it is those children who get sick who are not very capricious and cry, without clearly expressing, in words and tears, their reluctance to go to kindergarten. This "obedient" children, they want moms and dads to be happy with their independence, and try not to upset them. But if adaptation is difficult for such a child, the body gives emotions "breath": child is sick, stays at home. Many parents notice that a few months after... the child went to kindergarten, he gets sick less and less often and becomes more active, talkative, and mature.

AT HOME - "GOOD", AT KINDERGARTEN - "HORRIBLE". “In my opinion, the teacher is biased towards my son. Every day she tells me how he behaves disgracefully, fights, takes toys from children, etc. But he can’t do this. be: He is a very obedient, polite boy! We always spent a lot of time with him, until I went to work, I always explained to him what was possible and what was not. He always asks my permission if he wants to take something! I just don’t understand, how can it be that I see one thing, but something completely different happens without me?”

This is quite possible. The fact is that if parents pay a lot of attention proper education, too controlling baby, protect from making wrong decisions, then three to four year old child, left in kindergarten without them, he simply gets lost. He seems to be left without his CONSCIENCE, as the proverb says - "without a king in my head", because his ability to self-control had not yet developed, and at home his conscience and control were his mother and father.

Left alone child trying to find an adult who could, like his mother, help him be "correct". This is why he behaves defiantly, this challenge speaks: “Please rein me in, show me my limits, STAND UP with me!” Most often, the kindness of surrounding adults helps in the near future. believe the child that in order to be good enough, constant adult supervision is not necessary.

Having calmed down about the lack of constant external control over oneself, child begins to feel more confident and communicate better with both adults and their peers.

Remember that when you start your visit children's In kindergarten, the child is temporarily deprived of physical contact with his mother. It is important for small children to continue to be held, hugged, and put to sleep. Therefore, try to pay more attention to your child at home, read, play, watch cartoons together, do homework.

Emphasize how big and skillful your baby has become, how he started kindergarten how strong, brave and smart he has become, how much he learns every day in kindergarten . Be gentle, patient and kind.

Tips for parents

Emotional mood largely depends on parents baby.

Never say phrases type: “If you behave badly, you will be punished in kindergarten”.

In the morning when you are going to kindergarten, try to create a calm, cheerful atmosphere, discuss the upcoming day with a positive attitude.

Then it will definitely be successful both for you and for baby!

1.2 Indicators and degrees of adaptation.

Adaptation is usually difficult with a lot of negative changes in children's body. These shifts occur at all levels, in all systems. Usually the surface of the iceberg is visible, and this is the child's behavior. But the behavior also confuses adults.

And if parents knew what was going on in the child’s body and soul when he first goes to kindergarten, they would hardly ever send him to this new children’s group. He is constantly in it, as if under a current of strong neuropsychic tension that does not stop for a minute. He is on the verge of stress or fully experiencing stress.

If it were possible to compare, using the same research method, all the stress felt by the baby during the period of adaptation to organized team, with the intensity of stress of an astronaut embarking on a flight, the results would be stunning. They would be simply identical.

If the child’s stress is minimal, you will soon forget about the negative changes in the adaptation process and what worries parents today. This will indicate easy or favorable adaptation. If the stress level is great, the child will obviously have a breakdown and will likely become ill. A breakdown, as a rule, is a witness to unfavorable or difficult adaptation in the baby. This means that adaptation can be easy or difficult. But these are extremes, and the extremes are connected by an intermediate option.

Adaptation manifests itself mainly at the psycho-emotional level in the child. In order to judge this level in more detail and as objectively as possible, scientists have specially developed and refined a number of necessary indicators that quite informatively characterize the behavioral characteristics and manifestation of emotions in a child adapting to a new organized team, and created emotional profile, or portrait (EP) of the child, first time entering a regular kindergarten. It includes the following indicators.

I. Negative emotions- as a rule, the most important component of EP, found mainly in every child adapting to a new organized team for the first time. Usually the manifestations are different: from barely perceptible to depression, reminiscent of captivity. With her, the baby is depressed, oppressed and indifferent to everything in the world. He is, and at the same time he is not. He sits as if petrified, completely absorbed in himself, looking like a deaf-mute or an alien from a planet unknown to us. Doesn't eat, doesn't drink, doesn't answer questions. It’s not worth talking about sleep at all... And suddenly, suddenly, the entire fossil disappears, and he madly rushes around the group, resembling a “squirrel in a wheel.” Like a whirlwind, it escapes from the hands of nannies or teachers and rushes to the exit, conflicting with everyone as it goes. There he freezes, and then, sobbing, he calls his mother, choking on his own tears. But suddenly he falls silent powerlessly, turning into a mannequin again. And so on several times a day. Quite often, children express their negative emotions with a palette of crying: from whining to constant crying. But the most informative is paroxysmal crying, indicating that, at least for a while, the baby’s negative emotions suddenly recede. last plan due to the fact that they are pushed aside by the positive ones. But, unfortunately, all this is only temporary. Most often during the indicative reaction, when the baby is at the mercy of novelty. The palette of crying also includes “crying for company,” with which a child, already almost adapted to kindergarten, supports “newcomers” who have come to the group, and makes up a “crying duet” or simply sings along in the choir. Usually, the longest-lasting negative emotion in a child is the so-called whining, with which he seeks to express protest when parting with his parents, who are running off to work.

II. Fear- a common companion of negative emotions, their “colleague”, “companion” and “friend”. It is unlikely that you will be able to meet a child who has not experienced it at least once during adaptation to kindergarten. After all, a child, coming to a children’s group for the first time, only sees in everything a hidden threat to his existence in the world. Therefore, he is afraid of many things, and fear literally follows him on his heels, nesting in him. The baby is afraid of an unknown situation and meeting unfamiliar children, the baby is afraid of new teachers, and most importantly, that you will forget about him when you leave the kindergarten for work.

The baby is afraid that his parents have betrayed him, that they will not come for him in the evening to take him home.. The baby is afraid.. Very often we ourselves unwittingly provoke his global fear. And this fear is a source of stress, and its attacks can be regarded as triggers of stress reactions.

III. Anger. Sometimes, against a background of stress, a child’s anger flares up and bursts out, literally written all over his face. At such a moment, the baby, like a little aggressor, is ready to jump on the offender like a panther, defending his innocence. During the adaptation period, the child is like an “Achilles heel” and is therefore so vulnerable that anything can serve as a reason for anger. Therefore, anger and the aggression it engenders can flare up even if there is no spark, as if there were a powder keg inside the child himself.

IV. Positive emotions- a counterbalance to all negative emotions and their main switch. They are comparable only to the dawn, which announces to us that the night has long since subsided and there will be a bright day that promises a lot to everyone. Usually in the first days of adaptation they do not appear at all or are slightly expressed in those moments when the baby seems to be “intoxicated” with an indicative reaction to the “charm of novelty.” The easier the child adapts, the earlier they appear, similar to the first swallows, announcing to everyone that your child’s adaptation process has been completed. Joy is especially favorable. In general, a smile and a cheerful laugh are, perhaps, the main “medicines” that cure most of the negative changes in the adaptation period.

V. Social contacts. Already at three years old, the child usually loves to contact people, choosing the reason for contact himself. A child’s sociability is a benefit for the successful outcome of the adaptation process. However, in the first days of being in a preschool institution, some children lose this property. Such children are withdrawn and unsociable, spending all their time only in “splendid isolation.” This “proud non-contact” is being replaced by “compromise contact”, meaning that your child suddenly began to take the initiative to come into contact with adults. However, this initiative is illusory. The child needs it only as a way out of the current situation and is not aimed at improving communication with people, especially with peers. At such a moment, the baby usually runs up to the teacher, crying, grabs her hand, tries to pull her to the front door and asks her to take him home. The kid is ready to compromise with the head or nanny, he even begs the nurse... even if not to go home, but just to be taken away from the group, to be taken away as soon as possible from these children who cannot behave. No, he does not want and cannot be friends with them. They are annoying, unbearable and “sting” harder than a swarm of bees. How much easier it was at home when he spent all his days alone.

As soon as the baby is able to finally establish the necessary contacts in the group, all changes in the adaptation period will begin to subside - and this will important step to the completion of the entire process of adaptation in the child.

VI. Cognitive activity- usually a faithful “friend” of all positive emotions. Like them, cognitive activity, as a rule, decreases and fades away against the background of stress reactions. At three years old, this activity is closely related to play. Therefore, when a child first comes to kindergarten, he is often not interested in toys and does not want to be interested in them. He doesn’t want to meet his peers or understand what’s happening around him. “Pochemuchka” seems to be in hibernation, and his cognitive activity is inhibited. However, as soon as he wakes up, or you eventually “wake up” him, the stress activity will become minimal and will soon disappear completely.

VII. Social skills. Under the pressure of stress, the baby usually changes so much that he can “lose” almost all the self-care skills that he has long learned and successfully used at home. All this causes frequent ridicule from children and dissatisfaction from teachers, who, as a rule, believe that the child is not at all prepared for kindergarten. He has to be spoon-fed and washed as if he were a baby. He “doesn’t know how” to dress, undress and use a handkerchief. Doesn't know when to say thank you. Well, in a word, a little savage.

However, as the child adapts to the conditions of an organized team, he “remembers” the skills he suddenly forgot, and in addition to them, easily learns new ones.

VIII. Features of speech. In some children, due to stress, their speech also changes, not progressing, but towards regression. The baby’s vocabulary becomes scarce, and he suddenly seems to go down several steps, only using infantile or simplified words when speaking. Almost no nouns at all. Almost no adjectives at all. There are only verbs. And the sentences went from polysyllabic to monosyllabic. Answers to questions are in “telegraphic style.” Such speech is the result of difficult adaptation. If it is mild, it either does not change at all, or the changes described affect it only slightly. However, at this time, in any case, the replenishment of his active vocabulary, necessary for the child’s age, is difficult.

IX. Physical activity. During the adaptation process, it is quite rarely maintained within normal limits. The child is severely inhibited or uncontrollably hyperactive. However, try not to confuse his activity, changed in connection with the adaptation process, with the activity inherent in the child’s temperament.

X. Dream. At first, there is no sleep at all, and in quiet hours the baby is like a “vanka-stand up.” Before you have time to put him to bed, he is already sitting, sobbing, on the bed. As the child gets used to kindergarten, he begins to fall asleep. But a dream can hardly be called a dream. He is restless, interrupted all the time by sobbing or sudden awakening. Sometimes it seems that the baby is haunted by nightmares. It’s as if he is watching his dream on TV, where he clearly sees what is happening to him. However, the film only has a scary beginning; the kid is afraid to watch the end. And in order not to really see him, in fear, crying, he interrupts his sleep. And only when the child adapts to the garden will he, in fact, be able to quietly spend his quiet time and sleep peacefully.

XI. Appetite. The less favorably the child adapts, the worse his appetite is, sometimes completely absent, as if the child is on a hunger strike. Much less often, your baby suddenly goes to the other extreme and eats no less than Gargantua, trying with his “wolfish” appetite to somehow satisfy his unsatisfied needs. Normalization of decreased or increased appetite, as a rule, signals that negative shifts in the adaptation process are not increasing, but are subsiding, and all other indicators of the emotional portrait we described above will soon normalize. Due to stress, a child may lose weight, but having adapted, he will easily and quickly not only restore his original weight, but will also begin to recover in the future.

It is also necessary to know that during the adaptation process a child may suddenly, without any apparent reason, experience a short-term increase in temperature. Usually in these cases the doctor talks about “adaptation suppositories”. Such “candles” once again emphasize the severity of the adaptation period.

Doctors and psychologists distinguish between 3 degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe.

Criteria for the severity of adaptation:

Ö - emotional state of the baby;

Ö - his relationship with peers;

Ö - relationships with adults;

Ö - sleep and appetite;

Ö - frequency and duration of acute diseases.

With easy adaptation: all indicators are usually normalized within 3-4 weeks. With an average degree of adaptation - by 5-6 weeks. With severe adaptation - from 2-6 months. and more.

Adaptation is determined by the following factors:

1).The state of health and level of development of the child. A healthy, physically developed baby has better adaptation capabilities. Children who are nervously and somatically weakened, get tired quickly, have poor sleep and appetite, cope worse with the difficulties of the adapted period, they experience stressful conditions and, as a result, they often get sick.

2).The child’s age at the time of admission to preschool education.

Separation - fear - stress - failure of adaptation - illness... But all this is usually characteristic of a child with severe or unfavorable adaptation to kindergarten. With this type of adaptation, the process, as a rule, drags on for a long time and the child adapts to an organized team for months, and sometimes cannot adapt at all. Therefore, it is advisable not to send children with severe adaptation, which was predicted for the child even in the children's clinic, to kindergarten at the age of three, but, if possible, a little later, as their adaptation mechanisms improve.

In addition, remember about the crisis of three years, which can be layered during the period of adaptation of the child. You need to know that at this time your baby first felt himself as a person and wants others to see this. But we others don’t see this, or at least we don’t want to see it; it’s easier for us for everything to be the same as before. Therefore, the baby is on edge, defending his personality to us, and his psyche becomes more vulnerable than before to the influence of various environmental circumstances.

And just at a time when a child, more than ever, needs his parents, their understanding, and most importantly, support, when it is necessary and necessary to spare his weakened nervous system, as if on purpose, in addition to the mental load of the crisis of three years , involuntarily another heavy burden falls on the baby’s shoulders - the burden of adaptation to kindergarten, not realizing that all this will “break” him. And some children actually “strain themselves”, as evidenced by visible changes in the child’s usual behavior.

It must be remembered that the possibility of unfavorable adaptation in a baby usually increases sharply when the child has a history of a number of unfavorable developmental factors, usually called “risk factors” by doctors. A child with difficult adaptation, in addition to parents and educators, can only be helped by a pediatrician or a specialist.

The polar type for severe adaptation is the type of easy adaptation of a child, when the baby adapts to a new environment, usually for several weeks, most often for half a month. There is almost no hassle with such a child, and the changes that are visible in his behavior are usually short-term and insignificant, so the child does not get sick.

In addition to the two polar types of adaptation, there is also an intermediate option, which resembles an isthmus that usually connects the “north” and “southern” poles of a child’s adaptation. In such cases, we are talking about the average severity of the period of various adaptive changes in the child’s body.

With this type of adaptation, on average, a child adapts to a new organized team for more than a month and sometimes falls ill during adaptation. Moreover, as a rule, the disease proceeds without any complications, which can serve as the main sign of the difference between this type of adaptation and an unfavorable option. With this type of adaptation, the child’s morbidity can be reduced by a doctor. The sooner he prescribes corrective measures for the child, the less likely it is that the baby will get sick, which means that his adaptation will be closer to favorable. And this, in turn, will help the child adapt in the future when he crosses the threshold of school. It has been proven that with difficult adaptation to kindergarten, the child adapts poorly to the conditions of primary school.

Children from 1 year to 3 years are especially vulnerable, since it is during this period that it is very difficult for the baby to “break away” from his mother. Attachment to mother - necessary condition normal mental development child - contributes to the formation of such important personality qualities as trust in the world, positive self-awareness, initiative, curiosity. Attachment to the mother begins to form already in the first half of the child’s life and by the end of the first year it takes shape in the form of stable emotional and personal ties with loved ones, especially the mother. At 7 months, the child regulates his mother’s care with distinct excitement, worry, and anxiety.

In the period from 7 months. up to 1.5 years of age, attachment to the mother is expressed most intensely. Sometimes the feeling of anxiety when separated from your mother becomes so traumatic that it remains for life as a fear of loneliness. At 8 months, the baby begins to be afraid of unfamiliar adults, clinging to his mother - fear of strangers lasts up to 1 year 2 months. In subsequent months, children perceive other people more calmly. It is at the age of 8 months to 1 year 2 months that the child’s two fears intensify and coincide - of his own mother and of unfamiliar adults. At this age, children have a particularly difficult time adapting to nurseries, and parents should take this into account. Children 2-3 years old experience fear of strangers and new communication situations. These fears are one of the reasons for the child’s difficulty adapting to the nursery. Often, fear of new people and situations leads to the child becoming more excitable, vulnerable, whiny, and getting sick more often. Boys 3-5 years old are more vulnerable in terms of adaptation than girls, since during this period they are more attached to their mother and react more painfully to separation from her.

So, a child’s adaptation to new environmental conditions is a difficult and painful process, accompanied by a number of negative changes in the child’s body, affecting all its levels.


"Minusinsk Pedagogical College named after"

Preschool education

PCC of Medical and Biological Disciplines


Studying methods of adaptation of children early age to the conditions of the preschool educational institution

Completed by a student

2 courses, 271 groups,

specialties 050144

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Basic criteria for a child’s adaptation to kindergarten conditions

The main adaptation criteria include:

Behavioral reactions;

Level of neuropsychic development;

Incidence and course of the disease;

Main anthropometric indicators physical development.

There are four degrees of severity of adaptation to kindergarten:

1) easy adaptation: the child is active, there are no external changes, changes in behavior are normalized within 1-2 weeks;

2) average adaptation: throughout the entire period, the mood may be unstable, there may be a lack of appetite, short duration, and restless sleep. This period lasts 20-40 days;

3) difficult adaptation: the child gets sick, loses weight, and pathological habits appear. Lasts from two to six months;

4) very difficult adaptation: about six months or more. The question arises: should the child stay in kindergarten? Perhaps he is a “non-kindergarten” child.

No matter how much we prepare a child for nursery, he is still in a state of stress, especially in the first days. This manifests itself in refusal of food, a negative emotional state, and deterioration in well-being. The baby sleeps restlessly or does not sleep at all, clings to adults or, conversely, refuses contact with them.

The child's temperament type influences adaptation. It has been noticed that sanguine and choleric people quickly and easily get used to new conditions. But phlegmatic and melancholic people have a hard time. They are slow and therefore cannot keep up with the pace of life in kindergarten: they cannot get dressed, eat, or complete tasks faster. They are often pushed, spurred on, not given the opportunity to be themselves.

The issue of organizing the adaptation period is also important. Thus, admitting children to a preschool educational institution in advance - in the spring - makes it possible to implement the assignment that parents received from a teacher-psychologist and thus bring home conditions closer to those of a kindergarten.

Properly structured work with parents also plays an important role, which will be discussed in the next chapter.

IN children's institution The teacher monitors each child, recording the results on adaptation sheets. During the adaptation period, comprehensive health and educational measures are also very important. The adaptation process is manageable and produces positive results.

Levels and criteria of adaptation

Traditionally, adaptation is understood as the process of a person entering a new environment and adapting to its conditions. Adaptation is an active process that leads either to positive (adaptability, that is, the totality of all useful changes in the body and psyche) results, or negative. At the same time, two main criteria for successful adaptation are identified: internal comfort and external adequacy of behavior.

In a comprehensive study conducted by scientists in different countries, three phases of the adaptation process were identified:

1) acute phase, which is accompanied by various fluctuations in the somatic state and mental status, which leads to weight loss, frequent respiratory diseases, sleep disturbances, decreased appetite, and regression in speech development;

2) the subacute phase is characterized by adequate behavior of the child, that is, all changes decrease and are recorded only in individual parameters against the background of a slower pace of development, especially mental, compared to average age norms;

3) the compensation phase is characterized by an acceleration of the pace of development, as a result, children by the end school year overcome the above-mentioned delay in the pace of development.

There are also a number of criteria by which one can judge how a child adapts to life in an organized children's team.

The most important component of adaptation is the coordination of the child’s self-esteem and aspirations with his capabilities and with the reality of the social environment.

Working with parents.

A necessary condition for successful adaptation is the coordination of the actions of parents and educators, the convergence of approaches to the individual characteristics of the child in the family and kindergarten.

Even before the child enters the group, educators should establish contact with the family. It’s difficult to find out all the habits and characteristics of a child right away, but in an introductory conversation with parents you can find out what their habits are. character traits his behavior, interests and inclinations.

It is advisable to recommend that parents bring their child only for walks in the first days, as this will make it easier for him to get to know the teachers and other children. Moreover, it is advisable to bring your baby not only for a morning walk, but also for an evening walk, when you can draw his attention to how mothers and fathers come for their children, how joyfully they meet. In the first days, it is worth bringing your child to the group later than eight o’clock, so that he does not witness the tears and negative emotions of other children when parting with his mother.

Parents, sending their child to kindergarten, are worried about his fate. Sensitively perceiving the state and mood of his loved ones, especially his mother, the child also becomes anxious.

Therefore, the teacher’s task is to reassure, first of all, the adults: invite them to look around the group rooms, show them the locker, bed, toys, tell them what the child will do, what to play, introduce them to the daily routine, and discuss together how to ease the adaptation period.

Also, parents must be sure that the teacher will fulfill their requests regarding the child’s food, sleep and clothing, and that all medical and hardening procedures will be carried out only with their consent.

In turn, parents should listen carefully to the advice of the teacher, take into account his consultations, observations and wishes. If a child sees a good, friendly relationship between his parents and educators, he will adapt much faster to the new environment. It is also very important for a child how he feels in the group, whether he likes it there. To do this, the teacher needs to create comfortable conditions for the child’s stay in kindergarten, which will be discussed in the following chapters.

Creating an emotionally favorable atmosphere in the group

It is necessary to form a positive attitude in the child and a desire to go to kindergarten. This depends, first of all, on the ability and efforts of the teachers to create an atmosphere of warmth, comfort and goodwill in the group. If a child feels this warmth from the first days, his worries and fears will disappear, and adaptation will be much easier.

At first, almost any child experiences discomfort from the size of the group room and bedroom - they are too big, not the same as at home. To make it pleasant for a child to come to kindergarten, you need to “domesticate” the group. Beautiful curtains on the windows and a border along the upper edge of the wall will visually make the room smaller and make it more comfortable.

It is better to place furniture in such a way that it forms small “rooms” in which children feel comfortable. It’s good if the group has a small “house” where the child can be alone, play or relax. You can make such a “house”, for example, from a crib by covering beautiful fabric and removing the bottom board from it.

It is advisable to place a living corner next to the “house”. Plants and in general green color have a beneficial effect on a person’s emotional state.

The group also needs a sports corner that would satisfy the need of two to three year old children for movement. The corner should be designed so that the child has a desire to study in it.

Babies do not yet speak enough to clearly express their feelings and emotions. And some, especially at first, are simply afraid or embarrassed to do it. Unexpressed emotions (especially negative ones) accumulate and, in the end, break out in tears, which from the outside look incomprehensible - no external reasons for this purpose no.

Psychologists and physiologists have found that artistic activity for a child is not only and not so much an artistic - aesthetic action, but an opportunity to throw out his feelings on paper. An art corner with free access for children to pencils and paper will help solve this problem at any time, as soon as the child has a need to express himself. Children especially enjoy drawing with felt-tip pens - markers that leave thick lines on a sheet of paper attached to the wall. The color chosen for the drawing will help an attentive teacher understand how to this moment the child’s soul is sad and anxious or, conversely, bright and joyful.

Playing with sand and water has a calming effect on children. Such games have great educational potential, but during the adaptation period the main thing is their calming and relaxing effect.

In summer, such games can be easily organized outdoors. In autumn - winter time It is advisable to have a corner of sand and water indoors. For varied and exciting games, unbreakable vessels of various configurations and volumes, spoons, sieves, and so on are used.

As observations show, as children get used to new conditions, their appetite is first restored, and sleep becomes more difficult to normalize.

Sleep problems are caused not only by internal stress, but also by an environment other than home. The child feels uncomfortable in a large room; the fussing of other children is distracting, preventing him from relaxing and falling asleep.

Such simple thing, like a bedside curtain, can solve a number of problems: create a feeling psychological comfort, security, give the bedroom a more comfortable look, and most importantly, this curtain, which the mother sewed and hung in front of the child, becomes a symbol and a part of home for him, like the favorite toy with which he goes to bed.

During the adaptation period, it is necessary to temporarily maintain the child’s usual parenting techniques, even if they contradict the rules established in kindergarten. Before bedtime, you can rock the baby if he is used to it, give him a toy, or sit next to him. Under no circumstances should you force feed or put to sleep, so as not to cause and consolidate for a long time a negative attitude towards the new environment.

It is necessary to satisfy in every possible way the extremely acute need of children for emotional contact with adults during the adaptation period.

Treating the child kindly and periodically holding the baby in your arms gives him a feeling of security and helps him adapt faster.

For parents who plan to send their baby to kindergarten, the issue of adaptation is very acute. In most cases, children do not tolerate the beginning of a “new kindergarten life” well; this reaction is especially typical for children 1.5 – 2 years old. Both pediatricians and psychologists deal with the problem of children’s adaptation to preschool institutions. After all, a child’s health directly depends on his emotional state.

Types of adaptation.
Each child adapts individually. Some kids get used to the new regime in just a couple of weeks, and at the same time they feel great, their appetite is maintained, and their mood is positive. Other babies have a hard time adapting, are depressed, have a poor appetite or may even have no appetite, and poor appetite preserved not only in the kindergarten, but also at home. Kids may even refuse their favorite foods. The sleep of such children is also disturbed.
After numerous observations conducted among children, it is customary to distinguish three degrees of severity in the child’s adaptation process to kindergarten. These are mild, moderate, and severe. To establish the degree of severity, we take into account how the baby sleeps, what kind of appetite he has, of course, his emotions, Special attention focuses on negative emotions, how the baby communicates with children in the group, whether he has speech problems, and more.

If normalization of all the above factors occurs after 10-20 days, this corresponds to a mild degree of severity. At the same time, neuropsychic development corresponds to age. If the establishment of contact and norms of behavior is delayed, and already lasts 20–40 days, such indicators correspond to a moderate degree. Speech development in such children slows down for about a couple of months. The extreme severity of adaptation is divided into two groups, for the first group “A” the adaptation lasts for about 2 months, if it is group “B” then the period can increase even more. Such children may have developmental delays for several quarters.

Easy degree of adaptation.
At this degree, changes in the child’s behavior occur within 20-30 days. At the same time, appetite does not change or decreases slightly, but gradually, over the course of a week, it returns to normal. At the same time, the volume daily norm food is age appropriate. Sleep at home is not disturbed, and in a kindergarten it is restored within a week. The child’s speech activity, his emotional state, and communication with children usually normalize within 15 to 20 days, but most often earlier. The relationship with adults is not impaired, the baby is active and in constant motion. Diseases during this period occur rarely, and if they do occur, they are mild, there is no protracted course, there are no relapses or complications.
An easy degree of adaptation is typical for healthy children. These are children who were born healthy, practically did not get sick during the first years of their lives, and had all their vaccinations according to the calendar. Also, these children are constantly hardened by their parents; they eat almost everything.

Moderate degree of adaptation.
This degree of severity is typical for children who have any health problems. For example, if there were complications during childbirth - asphyxia, or if the baby was born premature, or was often ill for the first time in his life. An unfavorable emotional situation in the family also affects the child’s health. With moderate severity of adaptation processes, disturbances are more pronounced and longer lasting. Normalization of sleep and appetite in the garden and at home occurs no earlier than after 20 - 30 days. Kids cannot yet establish contact with other children right away; this usually takes time, about 20 days. During this time the child is in the group, his emotional state is not stable.
Also, this degree of severity is characterized by a delay in motor activity, and recovery occurs only a month after the visit preschool. The incidence is most pronounced in the first months, and complications are possible.

Severe degree of adaptation.
A severe degree is characterized by a duration of two months to six months, in some cases even more. In addition, all manifestations are pronounced, children get sick very quickly during the first week, and the disease recurs 4 - 8 or more times during the year. A decrease in the intensity of diseases occurs only in the second year of stay in kindergarten. Only from the second year do children begin to regularly attend kindergarten.
In other children, inappropriate behavior persists for a longer period of time and borders on neurotic states. The toddler is a couple of blocks behind in speech and play development. This adaptation is most typical for children with developmental defects and those suffering from severe chronic diseases. This adaptation is also possible for allergy sufferers. In addition to the biological factors that influence the development of the baby, the social environment also has an impact.

"Non-kindergarten" children.
With the advent of the wonderful moment when the baby can walk independently and can take care of himself, mothers are increasingly thinking about going to work. The time has come to look for a kindergarten (or it’s time to get into one) for your child and weigh the pros and cons. Moms actively communicate with friends and acquaintances whose children already go to similar institutions. And they themselves understand that in a preschool institution a professional will work with her child, various classes will be held that will help the kids develop, the process of social adaptation has not yet been canceled, and in kindergarten she it will go faster. But besides the visible advantages, there is one “BUT”.
All mothers know that the child initially goes to kindergarten for a week and sits at home for two weeks. Most mothers associate such frequent illnesses with poor care for children in the institution. Because of large quantity children, educators cannot keep track of everyone, and it is their child who is not dressed, not wearing shoes, and every mother thinks that her child is being especially poorly looked after. but this is not always true...

Kids who sit at home and have little contact with other children live in a kind of halo of the same microorganisms. Each toddler has its own specific bacteria, which it receives exclusively from its family. As soon as baby is coming in kindergarten, there is close communication between children and, as a result, an exchange of microorganisms occurs. The other baby has his own bacteria, different ones. The child’s body perceives “foreign” microorganisms as a potential threat and develops a disease. The baby who was the source of these “foreign” microorganisms does not develop the disease, since these microorganisms are his, and he is constantly in contact with them. So the little ones in the kindergarten exchange their microbes until they get sick from all of them.
This picture is especially typical for children who go to kindergarten during the first few weeks. Babies have reduced immunity at this time, being a child without a mother is a stressful situation, and stress has a detrimental effect on the functioning of all systems, especially the immune system.

How does the child react to adaptation?
The process of adaptation of a child greatly influences the process of formation of immunity, this leads to more frequent diseases, especially with regard to ARVI. At the same time, the duration of the disease increases, which depends on the severity of the adaptation process. In mild cases, the duration of the disease does not exceed 10 days. If the baby has a moderate degree of adaptation, the duration is already more than 10 days, and relapses are also typical for this group.

In severe group “A” severity, the disease lasts more than 10 days with relapses and complications. Children who belong to group “B” endure illnesses for a long time, and develop pronounced reactions from the nervous system; such children are usually called “non-kindergarten children.”
Also, with a mild degree of severity of the adaptation process, the child’s body weight and height do not change, but with a moderate degree, temporary weight loss occurs within a month. With severe severity, growth rates slow down and, accordingly, weight gain.

How to make the adaptation period easier?
It is necessary to prepare your child for kindergarten long before he enters - ideally, he should be prepared for kindergarten from birth. To make adaptation easier, kindergarten employees can establish contacts with the family and the child themselves in advance. It is best to admit a child to kindergarten in the warm season; during these periods the adaptation processes proceed more calmly.

You cannot accept more than 2 children into a group at the same time. It is important for parents to know that the child should attend kindergarten gradually, in the first week the child is in the group for no more than 3 hours, gradually the time increases. This process is called stepwise adaptation. In addition, during the first two weeks the child should have his own routine that is familiar to him. At this time, the mother can be with the child and study with him in a group.

It is important that the child is comfortable in the group, especially regarding temperature conditions. When conducting physical exercise It is necessary to strictly monitor the child’s reaction; if the baby is tired, you cannot insist on doing the exercise. You also need to strictly monitor nutrition; if the baby refuses to eat, there is no need to insist; it’s better to let the baby eat more at home.

If the baby has not been fully vaccinated before entering kindergarten, it is better to postpone vaccination until complete adaptation. All traumatic manipulations during this period are strictly prohibited. In the kindergarten, the child is monitored, and all data is noted in a special card.

As soon as adequate behavior is established in the child, the baby’s sleep is deep and calm, appetite and speech activity are stabilized, the baby gains weight according to norms and the child has no illnesses for a month, this indicates the child’s complete adaptation to the preschool institution.

All preschool institutions conduct dynamic monitoring and record all data in adaptation diaries about all children who have recently been admitted. The work of a preschool institution is assessed based on the incidence of illness among children in the first month of their stay. Based on the results of these data, a consultation is held and it is decided how best to carry out adaptation measures for children, how the institution’s groups are filled, and more.

The danger of frequent illnesses.
Frequently ill children are not only medical, but also social problems. Parents of frequently ill children are often forced to take sick leave, and because of this, employers suffer losses. If the problems of employers fade into the background, then the vaccination schedule of children who are often ill is disrupted, and problems with adaptation are more serious for such children. This happens due to irregular visits to kindergarten; children become weaned from the group and from the children. As a rule, such children have problems not only with preschool institutions, but also with school. Due to frequent illnesses, children often miss classes and fall behind in the program.

Children who are often ill develop a vicious circle. Against the background of a weakened immune system, a child often gets sick with colds; these diseases further inhibit the work of the body’s immune defense, and against this background there is often an increased risk of developing various complications.

In addition, children who are often ill have large psychological problems, most of these children have many complexes, the main one is an inferiority complex, the child is not confident in himself. Such children cannot always live actively, and often avoid their peers, become withdrawn and irritable.

If you do not help the child’s immune system, then the diseases will continue in a constant sequence for a long time. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to choose the right, balanced diet, walks fresh air are required in conjunction with active games. These are the basic principles of prevention. But in each case, all measures must be selected individually.

Adaptation of a young child to the conditions of a preschool educational institution

Kindergarten is a new period in a child’s life. For him, this is, first of all, the first experience of collective communication. New environment strangers Not all children accept immediately and without problems. Most of them react to kindergarten by crying. Some easily enter the group, but cry at home in the evening, others agree to go to kindergarten in the morning, but before entering the group they begin to be capricious and cry.

From the moment a child enters kindergarten, he begins the process of adaptation to new conditions. What is adaptation? Adaptation is the process of a child entering a new environment for him and adapting to the conditions of this environment (social environment, daily routine, norms and rules of behavior, etc.)

Adaptation is a rather difficult period, both for the child and for his parents.During this period, children may have disturbances in their appetite, sleep, and emotional state. Some children experience a loss of established positive habits and skills. For example, at home he asked to use the potty, but in kindergarten he doesn’t do this; at home he ate on his own, but in kindergarten he refuses. Decreased appetite, sleep, and emotional state lead to decreased immunity, deterioration in physical development, weight loss, and sometimes illness.

There are 3 stages of the adaptation process:

    Acute phase - accompanied by various fluctuations in the somatic state and mental status (weight loss, illness, loss of appetite, poor sleep, regression in speech development, resentment towards parents...) - 1 month

    Subacute phase - characterized by adequate behavior of the child, all changes decrease, all mental and physical processes return to normal - 2-3 months.

    The compensation phase is characterized by an acceleration of the pace of development.

The adaptation period to new conditions proceeds differently for each child. On average, this period takes from 2 to 5 weeks. There are three degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe.

With easy adaptation The child's behavior returns to normal within two weeks. Appetite is restored by the end of the first week, and sleep improves after 1-2 weeks. The mood is cheerful, interested, combined with morning crying. Relationships with close adults are not disrupted, the child succumbs to farewell rituals, is quickly distracted, and is interested in other adults. The attitude towards children can be either indifferent or interested. Interest in the environment is restored within two weeks with the participation of an adult. Speech is inhibited, but the child can respond and follow the adult’s instructions. By the end of the first month, active speech is restored. The incidence is no more than once, for a period of no more than ten days, without complications. Weight unchanged. There are no signs of neurotic reactions or changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system.

Average degree of adaptation. Violations in general condition more pronounced and longer lasting. Sleep is restored only after 20 - 40 days, the quality of sleep also suffers. Appetite is restored after 20 - 40 days. Unstable mood for a month, tearfulness throughout the day. Behavioral reactions are restored by the 30th day of stay in the preschool educational institution. His attitude towards loved ones is emotionally excited (crying, screaming when parting and meeting). The attitude towards children is usually indifferent, but can also be interested. Speech is either not used or speech activity slows down. In the game, the child does not use the acquired skills; the game is situational. Attitude towards adults is selective. The incidence is up to two times, for a period of no more than ten days, without complications. Weight does not change or decreases slightly. Signs of neurotic reactions appear: selectivity in relationships with adults and children, communication only in certain conditions. Changes in the autonomic nervous system: pallor, sweating, shadows under the eyes, burning cheeks, peeling skin (diathesis) - for one and a half to two weeks.

Severe degree of adaptation. The child falls asleep poorly, sleeps short, screams, cries in his sleep, wakes up with tears; appetite decreases greatly and for a long time, persistent refusal to eat, neurotic vomiting, functional disorders of the stool, and uncontrolled stool may occur. The mood is indifferent, the child cries a lot and for a long time, behavioral reactions are normalized by the 60th day of stay in the preschool educational institution. The attitude towards loved ones is emotionally excited, devoid of practical interaction. Attitude towards children: avoids, withdraws or shows aggression. Refuses to participate in activities. Speech is not used or there is a delay speech development for 2 - 3 periods. The game is situational, short-term.

The duration of the adaptation period depends on the individual typological characteristics of each child. One is active, sociable, inquisitive. His adaptation period will pass quite easily and quickly. The other is slow, calm, loves to be alone with toys. Noise and loud conversations of peers irritate him. Even if he knows how to eat and dress himself, he does it slowly and lags behind everyone else. These difficulties leave their mark on relationships with others. Such a child needs more time to get used to the new environment.

Research by teachers and doctors shows that the nature of adaptation depends onthe following factors:

    child's age. It is more difficult for children under 2 years of age to adapt to new conditions. After 2 years, children can adapt to new living conditions much easier. This is explained by the fact that by this age they become more inquisitive, understand adult speech well, and have richer experience of behavior in different conditions.

    state of health and level of development of the child. Healthy, good developed child tolerates difficulties of social adaptation more easily.

    formation of objective activity. Such a child can be interested new toy, classes.

    individual characteristics. Children of the same age behave differently in the first days of kindergarten. Some children cry, refuse to eat or sleep, and react to every suggestion from an adult with violent protest. But several days pass, and the child’s behavior changes: appetite and sleep are restored, the child watches his friends’ play with interest. Others, on the contrary, are outwardly calm on the first day. They fulfill the teacher’s demands without objection, and in the following days they part with their parents crying, eat poorly, sleep poorly, and do not take part in games. This behavior may continue for several weeks.

    family living conditions. This is the creation of a daily routine in accordance with age and individual characteristics, formation of skills and abilities in children, as well as personal qualities(the ability to play with toys, communicate with adults and children, take care of oneself, etc.). If a child comes from a family where conditions for his proper development have not been created, then, naturally, it will be very difficult for him to get used to the conditions of a preschool institution.

    level of training of adaptation mechanisms, experience of communication with peers and adults. Training mechanisms does not happen on its own. It is necessary to create conditions that require new forms of behavior from the child. Children who, before entering kindergarten, were repeatedly exposed to different conditions (visiting relatives, acquaintances, going to the country, etc.) get used to preschool more easily. It is important that the child develops trusting relationships with adults in the family and has the ability to respond positively to the demands of adults.

Reasons for difficult adaptation to preschool conditions

When entering kindergarten, the child experiences stress. Any stress, especially long-term, leads to a decrease in the body’s immune reserves, increasing susceptibility to various diseases. It is also important that the child’s body in the children’s group encounters microflora that is alien to it; it has no immunity to most. This is precisely what is associated with the increase in cases of illness in the first year a child attends kindergarten. Used to enhance immunity medicines, consult your doctor.

The child also needs measures to prevent disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, primarily intestinal dysbiosis. Dysbacteriosis is qualitative and quantitative changes in the species composition of microorganisms that normally populate the intestines. Violation of the normal composition of the intestinal microflora leads not only to incomplete absorption of nutrients, but also to various disruptions in the normal functioning of the body. Prevention of dysbiosis in children must be carried out not only after acute intestinal infections, but also during sudden changes in living conditions, upon admission to kindergarten. Usually such drugs need to be given for a long time, and parents always want to give a magic pill, after which the child will never get sick. Such miracles do not happen. Every parent should remember that maintaining health at a good level is painstaking, intense and necessarily regular work.

It must be remembered that food in kindergarten may differ from the child’s preferences and he will also have to get used to this. It is better for parents to adjust their diet before their child enters kindergarten.

Tips to improve your child's health:

    adherence to a strict regime;

    healthy, balanced diet;

    stay outside for at least 2-3 hours daily;

    playing sports in accordance with the child’s age capabilities;

    a favorable microclimate in the family - the love of both parents.

First of all, the child needs to create a regime and living conditions at home that would be as close as possible to the regime and conditions of the kindergarten.

Approximate daily routine for children under 3 years old:

7.00 – 7.30 – rise, morning toilet.

until 8.00 – admission of children to kindergarten.

8.00 – 9.00 – morning exercises, washing, preparing for breakfast, breakfast.

9.00 – 9.20 – games, organization of educational activities.

9.45 – 11.00 – walk.

11.00 – 11.20 – return from a walk, game.

11.20 – 12.00 – lunch.

12.00 – 15.00 – afternoon nap.

15.00 – 15.25 – gradual rise, afternoon snack.

15.25 – 15.45 - independent play activity.

15.45 – 16.00 – organization of educational activities.

16.00 – 17.00 – walk.

17:00 – 17.20 – return from a walk, game.

17.20 – 17.50 – preparation for dinner, dinner.

17.50 – 19.30 – independent activity, going home.

19.00 – 20.00 – walk after kindergarten.

20.00 – 20.30 – return from a walk, hygiene procedures, quiet games.

20.30 – 7.00 – getting ready for bed, night sleep

If children in a family sleep, eat, and walk at different times, they have difficulty getting used to the daily routine in kindergarten. The discrepancy between the home regime and the preschool regime negatively affects the child’s condition; he becomes lethargic, capricious, and indifferent to what is happening.

When bringing your child to kindergarten for the first time, it is not recommended to leave him immediately for the whole day. The most gentle option is if the child stays in the group for 2-3 hours in the first days, and has lunch and sleep at home, in a familiar environment. It is better to coordinate the time with the teacher and come with the child during walking hours. Letting you gradually get used to it, you can leave your child for a nap during the day, picking him up immediately after waking up. When you see that your appetite and sleep have returned to normal, you can leave it for the whole day. But don’t force things, you need to go to work faster, you want your child to start going to kindergarten all day, you insist, but the child has not yet adapted, and psychosomatic illnesses begin. All children are individual and adjust to kindergarten differently.

On the first day of visiting kindergarten, do not immediately leave your child alone; it is best to come for a walk and spend it together, you will have the opportunity to get to know the teacher, observe the child’s behavior, and set the child up for a positive attitude towards the kindergarten. When you break up, leaving your child in kindergarten, part with your child easily and quickly. Of course, you are worried about how your child will be in kindergarten, but long goodbyes with a worried expression on his face will cause anxiety in the child, and he will not let you go for a long time.

Don't forget to reassure your child that you will definitely come back for him.
If a child has difficulty separating from his mother, let his father take him to kindergarten for the first few weeks.

Give your child his favorite toy in kindergarten, let the toy go with him every day and meet other children there, in the evening you can ask him what happened to the toy in kindergarten. This way you will find out how your baby manages to get used to kindergarten. Play with your child with homemade toys in kindergarten, where some of them will be the child himself. Observe what this toy does, what it says, help you and your child find friends for it and solve your child’s problems through it, focusing the game on a positive result.

Many children in the first days of kindergarten get very tired from new impressions, new friends, new activities, and a large number of people. If a child comes home tired and nervous, this does not mean that he is unable to get used to kindergarten. It is necessary to take such a child home earlier. During the adjustment period, eliminate unnecessary irritants - TV, loud music (at least, do not turn it on very loud), loud conversations, large crowds of people.

It is now important for the child to be with you as much as possible, to be sure that you love him. Practice quiet games at home, reading, looking at pictures, drawing, modeling, walking before bed. Do not go on holidays with him, as this creates additional stress on the nervous system. Don’t receive guests for now, you’ll make up for everything later when the child gets used to it. Be sure to tell your child that you love him and that you will definitely come for him. When you take your child home, talk to the teacher and find out how the child ate and slept. If necessary, compensate for malnutrition or lack of sleep at home.

Of no small importance during the period of a child’s adaptation to the conditions of preschool educational institution has the necessary cultural and hygienic skills and self-service skills. Often children, when they come to kindergarten, do not know how to feed themselves, do not ask to go to the potty, do not know how to dress and undress, or use a handkerchief. The child must be taught to: wash his hands, use a spoon, eat independently, eat soup with bread, chew food well, keep the table clean while eating, use a napkin, participate in undressing, remove clothes and shoes unbuttoned and untied by adults, take off tights, know your clothes, be able to ask an adult for help.

To develop these skills, appropriate conditions are necessary: ​​uniform, deliberate requirements for children from all adults in the family, consistency of requirements, specificity of rules and a gradual increase in their volume. When developing skills great importance have exercises in action, encouragement for the completed action in the form of praise, approval.

Sometimes, upon entering kindergarten, there is a temporary loss of already acquired skills and habits. To prevent this from happening, it is important not only to train children in using the skills they have developed, but also to monitor their implementation in different situations and explain their meaning. Children who have developed the necessary skills related to eating, washing, dressing, undressing, and lying down feel calmer and more confident in a group.

So, a child’s admission to kindergarten can be painless for him if he prepares the child for this in advance. To do this you need:

    timely expand his circle of communication with adults and peers and thereby contribute to the formation of the need for communication and development;

    build the entire system correctly family education so that the child has a positive communication experience and develops the skills and abilities necessary for this age;

    the child must be sure that he is loved by his parents, that he is sent to kindergarten not as a punishment, but because he has grown up and the parents are proud that their child has become big, can do a lot on his own and can go to kindergarten.

And no matter how good the kindergarten is, do not make an irreparable mistake - do not consider that it replaces the family!

Games during the child’s adaptation to kindergarten

To reduce stress, it is necessary to switch the child’s attention to activities that bring him pleasure. This is, first and foremost, a game.

Game “Pour, Pour, Compare”

Toys, foam sponges, tubes, and bottles with holes are lowered into a basin of water. You can fill a bowl of water with buttons, small cubes, etc. and play with them:

· take as many objects as possible in one hand and pour them into the other;

· collect, for example, beads with one hand and pebbles with the other;

· lift as many objects as possible on your palms.

After completing each task, the child relaxes his hands by holding them in the water. The duration of the exercise is about five minutes, until the water cools down. At the end of the game, the child’s hands should be rubbed with a towel for one minute.

Game "Sand Drawings"

Scatter the semolina on a tray. You can pour it in a slide or smooth it out. Bunnies will jump along the tray, elephants will stomp, and rain will fall. The sun's rays will warm it, and a pattern will appear on it. And what kind of drawing will be told to you by a child who will be happy to join this game. It is useful to perform movements with both hands.

Game "Conversation with a toy"

Place the glove toy on your hand. There is also a glove toy on the child’s hand. You touch it, you can stroke it and tickle it, while asking: “Why is my... sad, his eyes are wet; who he became friends with in kindergarten, what are the names of his friends, what games did they play,” etc. Talk to each other, say hello with your fingers. Using the image of a toy, transferring his experiences and moods onto it, the child will tell you what worries him and share what is difficult to express.